How much to cook pork ear until tender. How to cook pork ears deliciously: culinary methods and tricks

Only those who have never tasted skillfully cooked pork ears before can disgustingly wrinkle their nose and argue that it is simply impossible to eat them. But in many countries they are considered a real delicacy, on their basis all kinds of snacks and salads are prepared, dishes from pork ears are served in the best Asian restaurants. And in Europe they know a lot about them. Gourmets from Lithuania, Czech Republic, Ukraine, Germany or France can cook dozens of mouth-watering dishes from pork ears.

Ears baked, smoked, fried, pressed, stuffed, marinated in honey or soy sauce - this is not a complete list of pork ears delicacies, which, among other things, are considered by many connoisseurs to be one of the best snacks for beer.

We will now talk in more detail about the simplest way to cook them - how to cook ears.

Before you start preparing them, you will also need to buy ears, which is not always so easy to do. Often, butchers sell whole pork heads, but you need to find a place where they are sold as separate "spare parts". Ideally, the ears should be well finished so that you don't have to shave the stubble on them at home and singe them over the gas stove. When the ears are acquired, it is time to prepare them.

How to cook pork ears

  • The first step is to prepare your ears for cooking. They must be singed if necessary, then scrubbed clean with a knife, washed and soaked overnight in cold water. If you are short on time, then a few hours will be enough.
  • After soaking, we finally scrape out the ears and rinse them. They should be smooth and white and pink.
  • We put the ears in a saucepan, fill it with water and put it on the stove. When the water boils, turn down the heat and cook the ears with a barely noticeable boil.
  • After an hour, add some salt to the broth to taste, an hour before the end of cooking, you can add a few peppercorns, onions and carrots to it.
  • As for how much to cook the ears, the opinions of experts differ somewhat. Some say that two and a half hours will be enough, while others argue that no less than four. Our advice is to check the readiness with a fork, then cut off a piece and try, if it seems that it’s ready, then it’s the way it is.

Even more interesting

How much to cook pork ears step by step video recipe

We have also prepared a video for you to fully understand the step-by-step cooking process.

The pig is a unique pet: almost all parts of its carcass are suitable for cooking some kind of food. There are more popular pieces, there are little-used ones, and there are - for everybody. The latter include pig ears. Their taste is peculiar, besides, the abundance of cartilages is not to everyone's liking. However, we note that most of the peoples in whom pork is not prohibited have invented their own recipe for how to cook pork ears. Moreover, it is often not a “poor man's” dish, but quite an exquisite one, which is not neglected by both rich and noble people.

Korean recipe

In our country, the most popular method for preparing this part of the pork carcass, "developed" in Korea. Maybe because it is quite simple to perform, or maybe because the result is soft (but not sprawling!) And rather spicy. Probably all spicy lovers know how to cook ears in Korean. And for those who are not yet in the know, we will now tell you everything. Honestly, a completely inexperienced chef can handle this.

Before that, they must be thoroughly cleaned and rinsed. Yet these are not the cleanest organs. To make them edible, you first need to grease all the stubble, if it still remains on the ears. Then, under a strong jet of water, the entire tan is cleaned off. Particular attention is paid to the ear canals.

The next step will be boiling. The ears are placed in water, placed on the stove and boiled for about an hour. At the end of the allotted time, an onion is placed in the water (for 2 ears - one onion, and whole, not chopped), a clove of garlic and spices: allspice peas, laurel leaf, coriander, ground peppers (in assortment) and salt - all according to your choice taste. With all the spices, the ears are boiled for another hour. During this time, it is necessary to make a marinade from soy sauce, sunflower oil and vinegar (two tablespoons of tablespoons each), Korean seasoning for carrots (the whole package), a head of crushed garlic, a large spoonful of coriander and a teaspoon of salt and sugar. While the ears are boiling, the sugar and salt will have time to dissolve.

Since cooking ears according to the Korean recipe means pickling them, the cooled ears are cut into strips and poured with marinade sauce. Before putting the pan in the refrigerator, its contents must be thoroughly mixed so that the straw does not stick together. A day later, the Korean dish is ready to eat.

Chinese recipe

It is he who is in second place in popularity. Moreover, the ears here are not in the form of a snack, but as part of a salad. We have already told how to cook pork ears so that they can be put into any dish, and we will not repeat ourselves, we will turn to the recipe itself. For him, you first need to marinate them raw in vinegar. It should be 6%; 3 tbsp is enough for two ears. spoons. After an hour and a half, the vinegar is decanted, and the ears are boiled for 2 hours in slightly salted water. Then they, cooled, are cut (again into strips), 1 cucumber and 1 carrot are grated, 3 cloves of garlic are finely chopped (it is better not to use a crusher), everything is poured with olive oil heated to a boil and sprinkled with soy sauce. Both are taken in 4 tablespoons. Ready! Serve and feel like a Chinese.

French recipe

This part of the pork carcass has not been ignored by the recognized favorites of cooking. They have their own idea of ​​how to prepare the ears correctly. Products are calculated for 6 ears. For them, 2 onions, 90 g of flour, an incomplete glass of milk, 50 g of butter, 100 g of cheese (necessarily hard) and seasonings favorite by the French are taken - root parsley and celery.

Cooking again begins with boiling. The ears are placed in cold water, celery, parsley and onions immediately go there. After boiling water, the pan is kept on low heat for two hours. Then the ears are removed and cut into strips when cooled down. A baking sheet is coated with oil, the resulting straw is laid out on it, and the remaining onion cut into rings is on top.

Oil is heated in a separate pot, flour is sown into it and fried until blush. Milk is poured in - gradually and with constant whipping. Warm sauce is poured over the ears with onions, cheese is rubbed on top - and the dish is baked at 180 degrees for twenty minutes. And then - if you want, make a side dish for them, if you want - taste like this.

Snack ears

Fans of a foamy drink have found their own approach to the question of whether the recipe is extremely simple: for him, on all the same two ears, the husk removed from four onions, a head of garlic, pepper and salt will come in handy - as you like with beer. The main ingredient is cooked for forty minutes with the husk, again cooled and cut - in this case, not necessarily into strips, you can also use squares (but strips are prettier). Then the ears are salted and pepper, poured with the broth in which they were cooking, and mixed with crushed garlic. It remains to insist overnight in the refrigerator - and the next morning a beer snack can be consumed.

Additional note: onion skins stain the enamel quite strongly, so boil the ears in a container that is not a pity.

Completely independent dish

There is a way how to cook pork ears deliciously so that they can be eaten for a second. Before cooking, they should soak in cold water overnight. Then they are boiled for two hours; before the end, add a little lavrushka, salt, peppercorns and a head of garlic cut in half to the water. The welded and cooled ears are cut into strips. The medium carrot is rubbed coarsely, the onion is cut into rings, which are then chopped into quarters. Vegetables are stewed in vegetable oil; when the onions begin to shine through, the ears are added and fried until soft. Garlic is squeezed into a pan, pepper and salt are added.

The sauce is made: 150 g of fat sour cream is whipped with a tablespoon of flour, half a glass of water is poured in - and whipped again. Sauce is poured into a frying pan, which is on a very small fire, while stirring in the thinnest stream. Do not remove the dishes from the heat until the mass thickens. This dish goes well with potatoes.

Smoked ears

They can be made at home as well. Take a kilogram of ears, onion, carrot, peppercorns, two tablespoons of salt and - the apotheosis of taste - juniper berries. To get smoked ears, you first need to boil them in 3 liters of water, boiled with spices. Before putting the ears into it, boil the onions and carrots in water for 10 minutes. The ears themselves then stay on the plate for 2 hours - it depends on their size. They will smoke for about half an hour on the grill, and it is enough to put it on the grill, a smokehouse is not required. They are cut before serving.

Enjoy your experiments!

Pig ears are made up of cartilage between layers of skin, which, after cooking, becomes jelly and very tasty. The boiled product can be eaten just like that, fried or marinated. Cooking is easy, and the ears are affordable. Calorie content - 211 kcal per 100 gr.

How to prepare a product for consumption

In Asian countries, they like to eat pork ears as a snack for beer or main courses. Pork ears in Korean, in Chinese - a delicious dish with a spicy aroma and interesting taste. You can cook them in a frying pan or in the oven at home. It is enough to have 3-4 hours of free time and the desire to taste delicious meat. Ears can not only be fried and boiled, but also smoked.

What can be cooked with the product

After boiling, the taste of pork ears becomes tender, with a soft, enveloping, jelly-like jelly taste and a slight crunch of pork cartilage. You need to cook meat until 1-1,5 hours.

Our step-by-step recipes for cooking pork ears on the site with a photo contain tips on how to cook:

  • Pressed meat in a spicy sauce.
  • Rolls from ears.
  • Salads and julienne with crispy ears.
  • Soups and cereals with gravy.

Serve your ears as they do in the East - with spicy seasoning or chili sauce. The combination of 2 spices will be an interesting highlight of this unusual treat.

Boiled pork ears are a first-class dish that can serve as a stand-alone snack or as an ingredient in jellied meat, as well as a component of soups and salads.


The energy value of the boiled product is 210.9 kilocalories per 100 g. Boiled pork ears contain 21 grams of protein, 14.1 grams of fat and absolutely do not contain carbohydrates.

As we can see, boiled pork ears are not only tasty, but also healthy, since the product is an excellent source of protein that has a beneficial effect on the body. In addition, the finished dish contains such useful elements as:

  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • collagen;
  • zinc.

The use of this product can improve the general condition of hair, skin, nails. The product is able to have a beneficial effect on the joints. This dish will be especially useful for people with connective tissue problems. With extreme caution, you should approach the use of this dish for people who have problems with the cardiovascular system.

To make a dish tasty and healthy, it must be cooked correctly.

Cooking rules

In a saucepan

If you have such simple kitchen utensils as a saucepan and a gas or electric stove at your disposal, then the following recipe for cooking this dish will suit you. If pork ears are frozen, thaw them first. After that, rinse the product well. Then pork ears should be placed in a saucepan, filled with cold water and left for a couple of hours. After that, rinse the pork ears again. After completing all the above procedures, place the product in cold water again, so that they float freely in it. Then add salt, some sugar, and black pepper and bay leaves. In general, you can add any seasonings to the dish, it all depends on your taste preferences.

Do not forget that peeled onions and carrots should be added to the broth an hour before the end of cooking.

In a pressure cooker

In order to boil pork ears in a pressure cooker, you will also need to defrost them beforehand. Then they should be soaked and then rinsed. Once you have done all of the above manipulations, you can place the product in the bowl of the pressure cooker. Then salt the dish, add all the necessary spices. Then close the cover. The next step will be directly cooking for 45 minutes.

After cooking, you can cut the resulting product into thin long pieces, and season with fresh herbs, season with soy sauce.


The boiled product can be additionally baked in the microwave. To do this, place the cooked pork ears on a plate, add seasonings and soy sauce. Then place your ears in the microwave for five minutes at high power (about 800 watts). Then cut the ears into strips.

Pork ears work well as an ingredient in a salad. Cut the already cooked product into thin slices. Then slice the cucumbers very thinly. After that, slice the peppers as well. Stir all the ingredients with the soy sauce, vinegar and minced garlic. Sprinkle sesame seeds over the dish just before serving.

  • Pork ears absorb salt well enough, so it is important not to pour too much into the pan during cooking.
  • If you bought unpeeled pig ears, they should be carefully singed. Then scrape off the burnt layer and rinse the product well under running water.
  • During cooking, you can add a few sour apples to the dish, which will add a slight sourness to the finished dish.
  • To make the dish slightly unusual, add a tablespoon of soy sauce to the broth. This will give the dish a shade of red.
  • The product will become noticeably softer if allowed to steep for about an hour after cooking.

For information on how to cook pork ears, see the video below.

The pig is a unique pet: almost all parts of its carcass are suitable for cooking some kind of food. There are more popular pieces, there are little-used ones, and there are - for everybody. The latter include pig ears. Their taste is peculiar, besides, the abundance of cartilages is not to everyone's liking. However, we note that most of the peoples in whom pork is not prohibited have invented their own recipe for how to cook pork ears. Moreover, it is often not a “poor man's” dish, but quite an exquisite one, which is not neglected by both rich and noble people.

Korean recipe

In our country, the most popular method for preparing this part of the pork carcass, "developed" in Korea. Maybe because it is quite simple to perform, or maybe because the result is soft (but not sprawling!) And rather spicy. Probably all spicy lovers know how to cook ears in Korean. And for those who are not yet in the know, we will now tell you everything. Honestly, a completely inexperienced chef can handle this.

Before that, they must be thoroughly cleaned and rinsed. Yet these are not the cleanest organs. To make them edible, you first need to grease all the stubble, if it still remains on the ears. Then, under a strong jet of water, the entire tan is cleaned off. Particular attention is paid to the ear canals.

The next step will be boiling. The ears are placed in water, placed on the stove and boiled for about an hour. At the end of the allotted time, an onion is placed in the water (for 2 ears - one onion, and whole, not chopped), a clove of garlic and spices: allspice peas, laurel leaf, coriander, ground peppers (in assortment) and salt - all according to your choice taste. With all the spices, the ears are boiled for another hour. During this time, it is necessary to make a marinade from soy sauce, sunflower oil and vinegar (two tablespoons of tablespoons each), Korean seasoning for carrots (the whole package), a head of crushed garlic, a large spoonful of coriander and a teaspoon of salt and sugar. While the ears are boiling, the sugar and salt will have time to dissolve.

Since cooking ears according to the Korean recipe means pickling them, the cooled ears are cut into strips and poured with marinade sauce. Before putting the pan in the refrigerator, its contents must be thoroughly mixed so that the straw does not stick together. A day later, the Korean dish is ready to eat.

Chinese recipe

It is he who is in second place in popularity. Moreover, the ears here are not in the form of a snack, but as part of a salad. We have already told how to cook pork ears so that they can be put into any dish, and we will not repeat ourselves, we will turn to the recipe itself. For him, you first need to marinate them raw in vinegar. It should be 6%; 3 tbsp is enough for two ears. spoons. After an hour and a half, the vinegar is decanted, and the ears are boiled for 2 hours in slightly salted water. Then they, cooled, are cut (again into strips), 1 cucumber and 1 carrot are grated, 3 cloves of garlic are finely chopped (it is better not to use a crusher), everything is poured with olive oil heated to a boil and sprinkled with soy sauce. Both are taken in 4 tablespoons. Ready! Serve and feel like a Chinese.

French recipe

This part of the pork carcass has not been ignored by the recognized favorites of cooking. They have their own idea of ​​how to prepare the ears correctly. Products are calculated for 6 ears. For them, 2 onions, 90 g of flour, an incomplete glass of milk, 50 g of butter, 100 g of cheese (necessarily hard) and seasonings favorite by the French are taken - root parsley and celery.

Cooking again begins with boiling. The ears are placed in cold water, celery, parsley and onions immediately go there. After boiling water, the pan is kept on low heat for two hours. Then the ears are removed and cut into strips when cooled down. A baking sheet is coated with oil, the resulting straw is laid out on it, and the remaining onion cut into rings is on top.

Oil is heated in a separate pot, flour is sown into it and fried until blush. Milk is poured in - gradually and with constant whipping. Warm sauce is poured over the ears with onions, cheese is rubbed on top - and the dish is baked at 180 degrees for twenty minutes. And then - if you want, make a side dish for them, if you want - taste like this.

Snack ears

Fans of a foamy drink have found their own approach to the question of whether the recipe is extremely simple: for him, on all the same two ears, the husk removed from four onions, a head of garlic, pepper and salt will come in handy - as you like with beer. The main ingredient is cooked for forty minutes with the husk, again cooled and cut - in this case, not necessarily into strips, you can also use squares (but strips are prettier). Then the ears are salted and pepper, poured with the broth in which they were cooking, and mixed with crushed garlic. It remains to insist overnight in the refrigerator - and the next morning a beer snack can be consumed.

Additional note: onion skins stain the enamel quite strongly, so boil the ears in a container that is not a pity.

Completely independent dish

There is a way how to cook pork ears deliciously so that they can be eaten for a second. Before cooking, they should soak in cold water overnight. Then they are boiled for two hours; before the end, add a little lavrushka, salt, peppercorns and a head of garlic cut in half to the water. The welded and cooled ears are cut into strips. The medium carrot is rubbed coarsely, the onion is cut into rings, which are then chopped into quarters. Vegetables are stewed in vegetable oil; when the onions begin to shine through, the ears are added and fried until soft. Garlic is squeezed into a pan, pepper and salt are added.

The sauce is made: 150 g of fat sour cream is whipped with a tablespoon of flour, half a glass of water is poured in - and whipped again. Sauce is poured into a frying pan, which is on a very small fire, while stirring in the thinnest stream. Do not remove the dishes from the heat until the mass thickens. This dish goes well with potatoes.

Smoked ears

They can be made at home as well. Take a kilogram of ears, onion, carrot, peppercorns, two tablespoons of salt and - the apotheosis of taste - juniper berries. To get smoked ears, you first need to boil them in 3 liters of water, boiled with spices. Before putting the ears into it, boil the onions and carrots in water for 10 minutes. The ears themselves then stay on the plate for 2 hours - it depends on their size. They will smoke for about half an hour on the grill, and it is enough to put it on the grill, a smokehouse is not required. They are cut before serving.

Enjoy your experiments!

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