How to quickly increase breasts at home. How to increase breast glands at home fast? most effective massage technician

Each girl wants to have perfect breasts. However, not everyone boasts a large size of the bust.

To achieve excellent parameters, you can use efficient homemade products - oils, decoctions, cream. No less efficient way is to perform special exercises. So how to increase the chest at home?

Balance Gormonov

Many girls probably noticed that during pregnancy there is a significant increase in the chest. This is due to the unique balance of hormones. The following is influenced by the following:

  • Estrogen - rightfully considered the main female hormone. Its development begins during puberty. This substance affects the hips, waist, bust. With a shortage of this hormone, a small breast size may be observed
  • Xenoestrogen is the so-called false hormone, the formula of which resembles estrogen. Finding into the female organism, it blocks the functioning of the real hormone. Such substances are usually produced after contact with household chemicals, plastic and so on
  • Testosterone is a male hormone that negatively affects the development of the mammary glands. Many factors lead to an increase in this substance. One of them is considered to consume sugar

  • Progesterone is the so-called pregnancy hormone. Although progesterone and estrogen work together, they are opponents. So, the increased content of one leads to a decrease in the second level
  • Prolactin - an increase in the content of this hormone also occurs during pregnancy and is required to generate milk. During the rest of the time it is not produced, but the synthesis of this substance can be stimulated. Help in this herbs, oil, massage

Thus, the recovery of the balance of hormones will help achieve breast augmentation. However, this does not mean that such drugs can be used without medical advice.

Products for breast enlargement

Many girls wonder how to enlarge breasts at home using food. To quickly achieve the desired effect, the following should be included in the diet:

  • Cabbage. This product is considered to be the most effective during the development of the bust. The older woman, the less pronounced result

  • Honey and nuts. To prepare the composition to increase the chest, you need to grind nuts, add honey and remove for a week to refrigerator. Take one's day
  • Green apples. This product is simply necessary to regularly use. It is important to choose tough varieties.
  • Milk products. There must be dairy products in the menu - cottage cheese, yogurt, sour cream
  • A fish. This diet product not only helps save forms, but also increases the size of the bust
  • Red wine. The use of this drink in moderate quantity provides an increase in the mammary glands. However, wine must be natural

Folk remedies

To quickly achieve an increase in informs, you can use the useful domestic products. Correquency bust helps such recipes:

  • Mask from sour cream

For its manufacture, you need to take 100 g sour cream, a couple of flaps of olive oil and an egg. All components mix thoroughly. Clean bust to handle ready-made composition. At the same time, the nipples cannot affect. After 20 minutes, wash off warm water.

  • Tightening cream

To make a useful cream, you need to grind a couple of bunting and add boiling water. Leave in a closed capacity by a quarter of an hour. The resulting mixture is taken by a blender to achieve a homogeneous texture. Prepared cream rubbing into bust. After half an hour, the composition can be washed away.

  • Soy cream

To get such a cream, you will need in equal parts of honey and cream - on a teaspoon. There should also be a couple of large spoons of soybean oil. Such a cream is recommended to go into bust, performing massage movements. After a quarter of an hour, take a shower - preferably cool.

  • Tea with milk and strawberry

For the manufacture of a useful composition, which will help increase the size of the mammary glands, it is enough to brew the leaves of this plant and leave for a while it is not enough. Then add milk.

  • Hop cones

A large spoonful of raw materials should be placed in the container and bring to a boil with a steam bath. The resulting decoction is suitable for internal use. However, it is a strong hormonal means, therefore, in addition to increasing the chest glands, there is a risk of menstruation.

  • Cocoa Oil Mask

This is useful to the tool contributes to the rejuvenation of cells, provides bust with vitamins and has a pull-up effect. Systematic oil use helps to increase the size of the informs twice. To get the desired effect, the product is applied between the glands, slightly lower and in the armpit area.

  • Mask with potatoes
  • Almond oil

Excellent results can be achieved by mixing almond oil with small geranium and ylang-ylang - 10 drops. This composition wipe bust after the shower.

Fundamental rules

  • Be sure to wear a bra. It will help protect breasts from stretch marks and mechanical damage.
  • After the soul rinse the chest with cool water. Thanks to this, the skin will remain elastic for a long time. It is also very useful to wipe it with ice cubes with frozen herbal decoction. Once a week you can apply a nutrient cream or mask
  • It is very important to control your posture. While walking, the head should be raised high, and to keep back straight. Thanks to this, you can prevent breast timetable. It will help visually increase its size.
  • Best exercise to increase breast is swimming. Of course, a week to get the right result will not be possible. However, regular classes will help strengthen the muscles and increase the size.

Now you know how to enlarge the chest at home. Whatever way you choose, remember that they need to use regularly. Only in this case you will be able to quickly get the desired results. However, even under such conditions should not count on the increase in breasts per week.

Many women do not suit the existing bust size. But they are not ready to go under the knife of a plastic surgeon to become more attractive for the opposite sex. In fact, there are effective means that you can really increase the breasts into several sizes.

The device of a female breast explains for what reason it is impossible to pump up this part of the body and make it more elastic and volumetric. Inside each breast, there are ducts, ferrous and adipose tissue. Muscles are almost completely absent.

Based on the physiological characteristics of this part of the body, a woman can come to the conclusion that it can change in the volume of bust after the birth of a child, when the slices of iron tissue are filled with milk, or after weight gain.

What affects the size and growth of the chest

The dairy glands begin to change from the period of puberty, which falls for 13-14 years. After 18 years, the breast size is no longer changing. In the future, the volume of the bust depends on the natural level of the estrogen hormone in the blood, due to which the tissues of the mammary glands swell at the time of ovulation and become less elastic if the pregnancy does not occur.

Miscellaneous methods help to transform bust if he was still not great. The 25th anniversary is considered to be suitable age when it is better to adjust the mammary glands surgically. But you need to know what else, in addition to the operation, you need to do to increase the size of the chest.

Visual correction methods

Women are important to learn about small subtleties, helping a safe way to increase breasts:

  • The presence of the waist, regardless of the complexation and parameters of the figure, the bust is noticeably emphasized.
  • Proud posture allows you to focus on the chest, which seems more.
  • Free clothes with drape in the bust area makes it a lot of visual. The same effect have the items of wardrobe in bright colors and with large drawings on the chest.
  • Bras with foam cups, anatomical inserts or Push-Up style products raise the mammary glands, creating the visibility of a larger size.

These correction methods will always be charged with an insufficient bust.

Exercise system

Despite the fact that the composition of the mammary glands is very little muscle tissue, it is available in the surrounding sites. Therefore, you can do exercises to raise your chest, from which it will seem more. The change in the size is achieved by elapping the muscles to workouts and eliminate excess adhesive tissue in the chest area.

There is a complex of effective exercises, thanks to which the result will appear after 7 days:

  • Mahi. Stand straight, legs to sick. Alternately raise your arms, setting them as much as possible. Make 5 repetitions.
  • Cotton. Raise straight hands above your head, dilute them to the sides and return to its original position, slamming the palms at the top point. Repeat 10 times.
  • Swallow. To lie down the stomach on the floor, hands and legs pull in one line. Range the spine and raise your hands, fix the position for a few seconds. Perform 10 approaches. If it is difficult to do so, then you can rely on the stomach on a small bench.
  • Hand breeding in the position lying on the back. Take dumbbells, raise your hands over the face, dilute on the sides, return to the original position, start straight crossed hands behind the head. Perform 15 repetitions.
  • Lotus. Sit in the pose of the lotus, fold hands, as in prayer, strongly press the palms of each other 10 seconds. Repeat 10-12 times. This exercise guarantees the elaboration of breast muscles.

The best way to increase breasts - exercise. The growth of breast muscles leads to a change in the volume of the bust.

Massage of the mammary glands

Make chest more elastic after childbirth, you can carry out special care for the delicate skin of this part of the body. Massaging the mammary glands, improve their blood supply and tone. After delivery, you can return the previous breast shape and make it more thanks to the following manipulations:

  • Strokes in a circle from the nipple towards the base of the chest.
  • Light patches with finger tips.

With the help of massage with the addition of essential oils, you can increase the size of the chest, paying attention to the area under the milk glands and sides. Doctors do not recommend applying cosmetics during lactation.

Power supply for breast growth

Dairy glands, like buttocks, can be increased without implants due to the diet rich in useful substances. The list of products that affect the growth of the bust includes:

  • walnuts with honey and lemon juice;
  • cabbage, useful in valuable vitamins;
  • milk and its derivatives;
  • fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • fish and meat chicken.

To increase the bust, drink a decoction with dill seeds. This infusion improves the blood supply to this part of the body, stimulates the growth of tissues.


Change the size of the mammary glands at home can be used by hormonal tablets that increase breasts by changing the balance of substances in the female body. These means stimulate the production of hormones - estrogen and prolactin, which are responsible for the growth of the bust.

Among pharmacy drugs that increase breasts are distinguished:

  • Oral contraceptives, or Kok. The composition of contraceptive tablets includes phytoestrogens, having similarities with female sex hormones. These means combined with folic acid reception contribute to tissue growth.
  • Compresses with heparin ointment improve the passability of vessels of the mammary glands.
  • Massage using Vaseline stimulates blood circulation and changes in the size of the bust.

Chest can be increased with iodine. To do this, the daily wand draw on the surface of the mammary gland. This method is not suitable for problems with thyroid gland and sensitive skin. The use of various drugs must be coordinated with the doctor.

Funds of traditional medicine

At home, it is possible to increase the bust by folk remedies with the help of creams with natural composition and various bravery:

  • Several drops of linseed oil are added to the compresses. Also use dill seed oil.
  • A mixture of honey, crushed walnuts and lemon stimulates breast growth.
  • Massage with aromatic oils gives skin elasticity.
  • Consume tea from seeds Helba to improve breast circulation.
  • Among herbs, useful for the mammary glands, allocate Malva. The decoction of the roots of this plant increases the volume of the bust. 1 tbsp. l. Dry preparation is combined with 1 glass of water, boiled a few minutes, cool, filter. Three times during the day they drink a sip of the means before meals. Ready infusion is stored in the refrigerator.
  • Compress with soda accelerates blood circulation in lactic glands.
  • Beer yeast is diluted with simple water in a volume of 1 cup by 2 tsp. The tool contains phytoestrogens, useful for growth of tissues.

Folk preparations may cause an allergic reaction. It is necessary to apply them with caution.

Masks, gels and creams to increase the mammary glands

Cosmetics are capable of increasing breasts at 1 size per week, if used regularly. Creams and gels are two types:

  • hormonal more efficient, but the dairy glands will return to the previous volume after the end of the course;
  • natural creams take care of the skin of the bust and neckline, but slightly affect the increase in breast.

You can stimulate tissue growth with masks:

  • Potato - soften boiled potatoes are connected with 50 ml of cream and vegetable oil, 1 tsp. Honey, applied to the mammary glands, wash off after 20 minutes.
  • With blue clay - a ready-made preparation to consistency is thick sour cream. Hold on the chest before drying.

All tools may have side effects. If an allergic reaction manifested, the use of cream, gel or mask should be stopped.

Surgical intervention

If the volume of the bust is too small or the skin stretched after childbirth, the increase in the chest is carried out by installing implants. Thanks to modern technologies, the seams in the sections are practically not noticeable, the chest looks like real.

The effect of operational intervention is visible immediately after manipulation. This method helps to increase breasts to those who have already tried other methods to no avail.

Hardware techniques

You can safely change the size of the mammary glands using devices that create a vacuum medium. Silicone cap is placed on the chest, from which air is pumped out. The time of procedure is 15-20 minutes every day.

Results after applying the device will be noticeable immediately. Fat fabrics begin to actively grow after such stimulation. However, the method is not suitable for all, there are contraindications.

Ships for bust

Increase breasts using hyaluronic acid injections. The drug is introduced under the skin with a syringe with a needle. This method changes the dairy gland about one and a half size.

Injections of hyaluronic acid are carried out after inspecting the doctor. The procedure is repeated as the effect disappears.


Dispositive breast increases are contraindicated with individual intolerance tools, high tissue sensitivity. If desired, change the mammary glands by installing implants plastic surgeons recommend paying attention to the following points:

  • Do not advise to operate your chest before pregnancy.
  • The increase is carried out no less than a month before the summer season.
  • In fibrous-cystic mastopathy, the operation can provoke the appearance of malignant tumors.

Girls under 18 complement the list of those who cannot be increased by chest with any ways. At this age, the dairy glands are still formed. From the use of external means and tablets should be abstained during pregnancy and lactation period. When mastopathy is possible to perform various exercises, but the hardware technique is contraindicated. First of all, it is important to take care of the preservation of women's health.

Turning and myths about breast increasing

Some girls are contraindicated by changing appearance surgically due to religious beliefs, for example, in Islam or for health. These obstacles served as a favorable soil for a variety of delusions:

  • Using baby food, you can not change the size of the bust. This method is harmless, but the result will not bring.
  • The use of mustard compresses is harmful for tender skin of the chest. This tool often causes burns.
  • Existing mantras, conspiracies, prayers and witch secrets to increase the mammary glands apply due to self-sustaining, but really do not change the size of the breast.
  • Breast milk added to various drinks can enrich their useful substances, but will not affect the volume of bust.

There are many ways to change the size of the mammary glands: from the correct selection of clothing, tablets and creams to devices or operation. When choosing an effective option, it is important to know about the presence of contraindications. Folk remedies should not be used when adding allergies.

Elastic and rounded female breast - the dream of any man and the subject of the envy of the girlfriends. But nature is not equally favorable. And 2-3 the size of the bust often becomes only a cherished dream. Do not build up complexes and reduce self-esteem, it is better to try to increase breasts available in ways. Plastic definitely gives a guaranteed result, but it is difficult to solve the operation, it costs expensive. In addition, there are many contraindications. Therefore, it is better to use non-operative means, such as massage, special diet, exercise and cream.

How to increase breast without operations

The bust of women consists of breasts surrounded by a fatty tissue. The thoracic muscle comes from the lower jaw to the ribs, it supports the milk gland. Skin condition also affects tone. It is impossible to increase the size of the breast, so efforts should be aimed at improving skin elasticity, muscle strengthening.

Naturally, breasts increase in the amount during pregnancy, lactation and a week before menstruation. However, after birth, the condition of the chest is even worsening. The former elasticity goes, the volume becomes less. Therefore, tips on breast enlarge will be useful to all women.

How to increase breasts by folk remedies

Our grandmothers used proven natural recipes to increase bust. Herbs with a high content of estrogen and essential oils insisted, then the tinctures were taken within 2-3 months.

Another popular popular way to increase bust sizes are compresses.

The action of compresses is based on the strengthening of blood flow in the tissues, they cause lymph influx. As a result of the filling, the volume of the bust increases. However, the compresses should be applied daily.

Increase in boobs iodom

The iodine causes reinforced blood flow, resulting in the volume of the bust will increase. The effect of this procedure is very individual, it all depends on the reaction of a specific organism on iodine. One has a lack of iodine, it will simply be absorbed into the skin. Others have enough and there will be a desired result.

Apply the liquid is needed with a cotton wand, drawing parallel lines. If you draw the grid or apply to the entire surface of the skin, you can get a strong burn. Apply this drug is needed regularly at least a month. Some girls mark breast augmentation by 0.5-1 size.

Do not forget that iodine is a strong drug, and it can cause allergies, burns, an increase in body temperature. It is not recommended to use this method in the presence of predispositions for cancer diseases, mastopathy. In addition, pregnant and lactating women should also abandon the use of iodine to increase the bust.

Breast enlargement exercises

For charging, you will need dumbbells weighing 0.5-1 kg either with water filled with small plastic bottles. Each exercise must be repeated 15-20 times.

  1. The fingers of the hands raised to the chest level are connected to the castle. On 5 bills you need to try to disconnect your hands in different directions. In the exercise involved shoulder and chest muscles.
  2. Palms are connected at the level of the middle of the chest, the elbows are bred in different directions. On 5 palm accounts pressed each other. Exercise also contributes to an increase in breast tone.
  3. The initial position is lying on the stomach, the brushes are at the level of shoulders. Then I raise my head upstairs, and pulling the top shoulder belt to upstairs. The exercise imitates feline sipping, has a tonic effect on the whole organism.
  4. Source position - lying on the stomach, hands are divorced, supporting on the palm. Floor pressing is performed. Beginners can be made of support not at foot, but on bent knees. Pushings give the maximum load on the chest muscle.
  5. Empitches a stretching exercise - a classic bridge. Advanced athletes perform it standing on the heels.

How to enlarge breasts per week

If a very important event is planned or you want to fight a new guy in bed, then in a week of applying vacuum massage, you can achieve a real increase in breast. Massagers should prefer professional.

Do not save, visit the beauty salon. Trained employee using a special apparatus performs a vacuum massage. For this, peculiar bowls are placed on the chest, inside which the vacuum creates a pressure that causes a strong blood flow.

The bust is really increasing in size for 7-10 procedures, however, the effect keeps long.

Impairment of breast at home: reviews

Alina, 21, Moscow: "From nature I have a first-size chest. Its shape and elasticity are far from ideal. She took the tincture of hops for 3 months, the taste is a bit bitter, but it is pleasant to drink. It was amazed effect, the bust increased by 3 cm. I had to buy new underwear. "

Marina, 32, Krasnodar: "After pregnancy and feeding, my little chest completely saved. I decided to make special exercises and a cool shower massage. Improvements are obvious, the chest raised, the skin became more elastic, and even the posture became better. "

Alla, 24, Saratov: "Mazala chest with iodine 3 weeks. In the first days I felt a little tickling, then passed. I did not notice a big magnitude, but the chest is a little swollen. "


How to enlarge breasts girl at home: training photo, video, exercises

When women's discontent with their breasts becomes a real complex, you should think about how to change the situation. We are not talking about plastic, other aggressive measures - they may not bring the desired result and even harm. It is good that such operations are very expensive - it eliminates many women from the wrong step. However, you can do everything possible without surgery, and at home.

Causes of small mammary glands

If after 18 years the chest is still small and does not want to grow, you need to consult a doctor - a gynecologist. Perhaps there are good reasons for this that should be revealed, and the normal development of the body will come in full swing.

Main reasons:

  • Congenital female features. If in its family this body is small or small in all representatives of the beautiful gender, it means that genetics is to blame;
  • The size of the mammary glands is associated with the amount of hormone estrogen - than its smaller, the more modest the magnitude of the gland;
  • Insufficient development of the secretion of the thyroid gland;
  • Hormonal imbalance - any violations of hormone production are reflected in size;
  • Huddoba, weight lack excludes lush forms.
  • Upon normal development, the body of the girl is forming already by the age of 16, and the organ reaches the optimal size. In some cases, the body grows up to 20-24 years, excluding the condition of pregnancy.
  • Based on these facts, only the violation of the body or heredity leads to the fact that the body is small.

This is another reason will turn to the doctor. And to do it already for 14 years, if there are no signs of development.

Methods for increasing the chest glands

When asked how to enlarge the breasts to the girl at home, many advise not to suffer, but to make plastic under general anesthesia. But there are several ways to increase without resorting to the plastic surgery. This applies to those cases when there is no hereditary factor impeding its development.

The following techniques exist:

  • Milk glands increase in size due to carefully balanced nutrition;
  • The increase occurs during professional massage, stimulation of blood circulation;
  • The problem is solved by performing special exercise;
  • Effectively use of hormones when there is instability, impairing them in the body.

Plastic surgery can be used, it happens justified by the following pathologies:

  1. Pronounced asymmetry;
  2. Discovery when weight loss or after childbirth.

However, operations of this kind have some contraindications:

  • Acute infectious diseases;
  • Feeding a child with maternal milk;
  • Age of the patient under 18 years old;
  • Acquired or congenital insufficient blood flowing;
  • Metabolic disorder, diabetes;
  • Diffuse diseases of connective tissues.

All these pathologies can become an obstacle to the correction by the operational way.

Diet nutrition

The method is quite popular, but it should only use it after the authority is fully formed, that is, from 14 to 18 years. If he has already acquired its maximum sizes, the new diet will be useless. If there is a question how to enlarge your breasts to the girl at home, you can safely choose this particular technique.

The emphasis is placed on cereals, bean plants containing a lot of protein. Among other products causing intensive growth:

  • Milk, lactic acid products - cottage cheese, sour cream, yogurt, kefir;
  • Fish products containing polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • Natural honey;
  • White cabbage;
  • Walnuts;
  • Apples, especially greens.

It is not worth waiting for a big effect, but to grow up thanks to such a food, the chest can still. Women with a fully arranged figure, such an approach will help hardly.

Massage to improve blood circulation

Girls are often wondering how to increase bust at home. You can do it with a massage. Stimulation of the normal supply of breast blood supply is made using the creams intended for this. The principle of the procedure is extremely simple - blood sticks to the muscles, providing a visible result.

Unfortunately, the method is good for short-term success. There are enough one session no more than 2 days. This fact makes thinking about regular procedures that can constantly maintain a good form of pairing organs.

In addition to manual massage, a vacuum is used, but the result is the same as the usual.

This method is used exclusively when a woman needs to look good. You can carry out sessions yourself, without the participation of a qualified specialist or visiting a cabinet with a vacuum installation. To do this, it is enough to see the educational video showing the correct position of the hands, the reception.

The method has its drawbacks - with a tendency to manifest allergic reactions, it does not fit. When the procedure is carried out too often, the case sometimes ends with a skin burn.

Special exercises

Physical culture, and even spent daily, helps with such a problem quite effectively.

Exercises should be chosen correctly that the load on the breast muscles is uniformly distributed. They are precisely they, and growing, to give shape, pomp with milk glands. The process is characterized by a duration - charging will have to do about 6 months. But the sustainable result will surely please the woman.

Special exercises are not difficult, but require regularity:

  • Pressing from the floor should be done standing on the knees. First, you should limit the two-three repetitions, gradually should increase their number.
  • Compressing with one hand another to the feeling of breast tension. Exercise is done up to 10 times or more.

The unpleasant news is that if you quit, everything will come back into circles - the muscles will decrease and, accordingly, a beautiful bust.

Hormonal therapy

Treatment with steroid drugs is appointed by a doctor with a lack of own hormones that do not ensure the needs of the female organism. If a girl comes with a question, whether it is possible to increase the chest, it will have to preliminarily undergo a medical examination, which determines the shortage of one or another hormone, its level. Only after that the necessary medicine is discharged, its dosage correctly corrects.

Typically, a gynecologist for restoring a normal balance recommends a receipt of several hormonal means:

  • The main substance responsible for the development of female forms is estrogen, product secretion of adrenal glands, ovaries. When the body suffers from his deficit, the appearance of the girl is transformed, it becomes more like a man. Not only the lack of this component is harmful, but its oversupply. The result may be an excess of subcutaneous fatty fiber;
  • A no less important hormone is testosterone, the oversupply of which is capable of making a female body with a husband. The substance increases due to the uncontrolled use of sweets. Sometimes it is enough to revise your daily diet to solve the problem;
  • The high concentration of xenoestrogen causes the adverse effects of the external environment, poor-quality cosmetics, chemicals that make up detergents. It suppresses the action of estrogen and causes an endocrine system disorder. Reducing its amount, one can achieve a positive effect;
  • Rendering the corrective assistance of the mammary glands can prolactin capable of causeing their rapid growth. The bust increases by one and a half times in a natural way.

The balanced level of all available hormones will help achieve changes for the better for the whole figure of the girl.

If the question arose how to view the chest visually, the answer to it is easier than it seems. For this you can:

  • Pick up contrast linen;
  • To buy high-quality, favorably distinguishing seductive bulbs;
  • Apply cosmetics - just see photos, what a striking effect can produce ordinary tone cream and bronzer;
  • To do, finally referring to your posture.

And most importantly, it is not necessary to follow the generally accepted stereotypes that the bust must be large, the waist is narrow, and the growth is high. The more the woman will be aware of themselves as an individual, which created her mother-nature, the faster its undoubted advantages will appreciate the surrounding people. No wonder they say that, until you love yourself, it is unlikely to love anyone else.

The chest begins to grow during puberty, its size may vary throughout life. As a rule, the chest begins to grow aged 8-13 years, but its growth can continue and aged 20-25 years. In addition, the breast changes the shape and size with age, the occurrence of pregnancy and a change in body weight. The chest can be formed from 18 months to 9 years. In many ways, breast size is due to genetically, but the weight, muscle mass, age and other factors also affect the size. Although it is better not to rush time and wait for the breast itself naturally, you can still try methods that help speed up the growth of the chest. An important role is played by exercise and proper nutrition.



    Eat useful fats. Women's chest mainly consists of adipose tissue, so the main way to increase its size is a weight gain. An increase in fat will lead to the fact that its part will go into the chest, and it will become more. Monounsaturated fats are the best choice to increase breast size. Useful fats include olive oil, nuts, cheese, avocado, yogurt and muesli.

    Eat estrogenes rich foods. Estrogen - female sex hormone, which can affect breast augmentation. Use food such as pumpkin, garlic, red beans, beans, peas, eggplants, flax seeds and squash.

    Avoid the products rich in testosterone. Testosterone is a male sex hormone, which adversely affects the growth of the chest. Avoid carbohydrate products such as chips, crackers, white rice and bakery products to minimize testosterone production in the body.

    The effect of anabolic steroids on breast growth is similar to testosterone.

    Eat protein. If you want to speed up chest growth, eat protein food. Include in your diet milk, eggs, peanut butter, low-fat fish, chicken and nuts. In any case, your diet must be balanced, regardless of whether you are trying to accelerate breast growth or not.

    Eat more fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables balance the testosterone level in the body, while anthocyans and antioxidants help restore damaged tissues and neutralize the harmful effects of free radicals. Make sure you get a minimum of four portions of fruits and vegetables per day.

    Drink a mixture of papaya juice and milk daily. Studies have shown that one of the best ways to accelerate breast growth is a mixture of papaya and milk juice. The nutrients and vitamins contained in these two ingredients will accelerate breast growth, provided that you will take this drink regularly.

    • Alternatively, you can eat papaya instead of drinking juice.

Physical exercises

  1. Engage yoga or pilates. Such classes will strengthen your spine, which is favorable on the volume of the chest. If you want to enlarge your breasts, make exercises to strengthen your chest muscles. For example, the pose of Chaturanga in classic yoga affects the shape and size of the chest.

    In each hand, take the dumbbells of 2 kg. Lie on your back and pull your arms in front of yourself. You can also use the support to perform this exercise.

    • Bend your knees and strain the abdominal muscles.
    • Take dumbbells in hand. Raise hands up perpendicular shoulders. Palm should look at each other in the initial position.
    • Lower the hands slowly until the elbows touch the floor.
    • Slowly raise your hands at home. Repeat this exercise 12 times. Make three approaches 12 times with a 30-second interval.
    • Change the direction of movements: Lower your arms along the body so that they touch your feet. For this exercise, you can take the dumbbells of the stensel, for example weighing 4.5 kg.
  2. Exercises for chest elasticity. Put your feet on the width of the shoulders. Take the usual towel and stretch it with two hands in front of yourself. Hands stretched forward. Try the towel in the opposite directions, as if you play the rope dragging. Close for 30-60 seconds. Repeat three times.

    • Each day to increase the time.
  3. Exercises for the development of the chest. Find a special bench to which you might lie. Solid chair is suitable. Take the dumbbells in each hand 2 kg. Lie on the back.

    • Pull your hands in parallel shoulders. Palm Tilt to the torso - they should not look at each other.
    • Lift and lower your hands. When lowering the dumbbells should touch your chest. Slowly raise hands.
    • Make three approaches 12 times.
  4. Make a lift from the chair. This exercise will help strengthen the muscles of the hands, chest, shoulders and forearms, as well as increase breast volume.

    • Take a steady chair. Sit, the legs are bent in the knees, the hands are resting on the chair seat.
    • Lower the torso slowly, the hands should be bent in elbows at 90 degrees. Then return to the starting position.
    • Make 10 repetitions, then take a break and two more approaches 10 repetitions.
  5. Do push. Push ups will help strengthen the breast muscles, so that your chest becomes more elastic. Pushings are also very useful for health as a whole.

    • Located a rug for exercises. Lie on the belly on the rug.
    • Take the starting position: keep your body on the elongated hands. Feet should rest in something, it is more convenient.
    • If you find it difficult to push off on straight legs, you can rely on your knees.
    • Flexing elbows, lower and lift the body. Do not touch the floor of the breast.
    • Return to the starting position. For each movement, we assure 2-3 seconds.
    • Make two approaches 10 times. Each week increase the number of pushups.
  6. Make the following exercise for strengthening your chest muscles. This is a simple exercise that can be done at any time. Connect the palms of hand together and press them with each other, considering yes five. Then relax your hands. Make 10 repetitions.

Alternative methods

    Make a breast massage. Although it is not scientifically confirmed, the daily breast massage helps to stimulate blood flow to the chest and allows hormones to reach the breast fabric faster. Thanks to this, it is believed to be breasts should start growing faster.

    Stop wearing a bra. Studies of French University showed that the bra suspended breast growth. The rejection of the bra can contribute to improved chest elasticity.

    Use herbs. Consult with a nutritionist or naturopat about the use of additives and herbs. They can increase your chest. Use only natural agents.

    • Altea's root, for example, affects breast growth. Be sure to consult your doctor before using this herb. Learn about the compatibility of this herb with other drugs that you take.
    • Remember that scientific evidence that whatever grass affect breast growth is not.
  1. Talk to the doctor about contraceptive pills. Contraceptive tablets contain estrogen hormone, which affects the size of the chest. However, consider this option as the last tool.

    Select a bra who will make your breast visually more. If you want your chest more, get a bra that visually increase your breasts. At the same time, your breasts will seem more, but in fact it will remain former sizes.

    • Go straight, straightening your shoulders so that the chest seemed even more.
  2. Be patient. If you have not yet reached puberty, your chest will grow naturally, but a little later.

  • Learn to love your body as it is. Perhaps it is not quite such as you would like, but it is yours. Instead of focusing on how you look, try to focus on your health and happiness!
  • Remember that the correct breast size does not exist. Breasts can be of different shapes and sizes, and such a thing as the chest "right" or "wrong" form simply does not exist.
  • Sleep on the back so as not to compress your chest while sleeping. Also, drink a glass of warm milk before bedtime to avoid chest pain.
  • Eat more milk and protein products.
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