Gynecological diseases and their treatment. What are women's diseases in gynecology: list, diagnosis, symptoms and treatment

Diseases of the sexual system Or the so-called gynecological diseases are the most common among women. Depending on the type of pathogen, they can be inflammatory, venereal and tumor-shaped. Not all women immediately react to the emergence of minor symptoms of gynecological diseases, many long delegate a visit to the gynecologist and triggered the disease.

Meanwhile, the woman will appeal to the doctorMoreover, she has a chance to completely get rid of health problems. This is especially true in cases where the pathological process is malignant. For the timely detection of gynecological disease, each woman up to 30 years of age should visit the gynecologist at least once a year, and those who are older once every 6 months. In addition, to prevent serious health problems, it is necessary to have general ideas about the symptoms of gynecological diseases.

The most common symptoms of sexual diseases in women - This is pain at the bottom of the abdomen, discharge from the vagina, itching, burning and disruption of the menstrual cycle.

Let's look at each of them separately:
1. Lower abdominal pain. The pain at the bottom of the abdomen caused by inflammatory diseases, as a rule, are suitable, as for menstruation, and sharp and paroxy pains will signal about breaking the uterine tube, twisting cysts, ectopic pregnancy and serious problems with ovaries. Catching pains most often occur during the miscarriage or change in the state of the fibromatous node in the uterine cavity. The "rodes" pain during sleep can be a symptom of cervical cancer, endometriosis and progressive uterine. Most women have pain at the bottom of the abdomen arise during 1-3 days of menstruation, and they can vary by character from moderate to severe. Strong menstrual pains are usually observed in girls in adolescence, when cycles begin. And in women over 24 years old, heavy menstrual pains are usually a symptom of hormonal imbalance in the body.

2. Allocations from the vagina. In addition to the occurrence of menstruation, the reason for the appearance of women can be inflammatory, infectious and viral diseases of the genital organs, endometriosis, mioma of the uterus, cyst and the onset of menopause. The color of the discharge from the vagina can be white, red, brown-yellow, dark brown and gray. Normally no discharge from the vagina between menstruation, except for insignificant transparent white, women should not be. And the selection of white is a normal phenomenon, it is observed in each woman. Therefore, it is not necessary to get upset if you find yellowish spots from the selection on your underwear. It was blenced, they do not cause any discomfort and do not smell, and before ovulation their number, as a rule, increases. However, the unpleasant smell and blood discharge from the vagina between menstruation is an alarming symptom. If they are creamy and white and cause itching, burning in the field of vulva, then these are signs of thrush - the most common gynecological disease. But the same symptoms may be observed in vulvochoginate - inflammatory diseases of the genital organs.

Cause monthly bloody discharge Endometriosis and myoma of the uterus are most often between menstruation, but these diseases can leak and asymptomatic. Abnormal vaginal bleeding in women over 40 may mean the beginning of the perimenopause. With any changes in color, quantity, consistency and smell of highlights from the vagina, it is necessary to refer to the doctor a gynecologist, only it can determine their character and assign treatment.

3. Itching and burning outdoor genitals. These symptoms are most often occurring in infectious gynecological diseases transmitted by sexually. For example, in gonor, trichomoniasis, chlamydia and candidiasis (). But the diseases of viral etiology may also cause the disease and burning vulva, such as human papilloma virus, HIV and genital herpes. Sometimes discomfort and unpleasant sensations in the genital organs arise due to the development of purulent-inflammatory diseases, diabetes and the onset of menopause.

4. Disruption of menstrual cycles. Disturbance of the menstrual cycle includes amenorrhea or lack of menstruation, a decrease or increase in the duration of the cycle, scanty periodic and abundant bleeding. They can be caused by hormonal and endocrine changes in the body. And most often disorders of the menstrual cycle are observed in women in the period preceding menopause.

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Complex functions and structure make a sex system of representatives of weak gender more prone to pathologies than men's organs. According to statistics, gynecological diseases in women at least once in their lives arise at least half of the half, and this is without taking into account the problems associated with pregnancy. About 25% of girls have chronic inflammation and infections, as much as much as the menstrual disorders of the menstrual cycle, in 15% of childbearing patients are diagnosed with infertility.

Main types of women's diseases

List of gynecological diseases is extensive. Conditionally, they are divided into several groups:

Groups of disease Group characteristics List of diseases
Pathology of the structure and development of genital organs The group includes congenital anomalies, such as: incorrect form, lack of organs in whole or in part, the presence of partitions, doubling, underdevelopment. Iniquity, obstruction, narrowing can be both congenital and acquired, due to inflammation and injuries. Not all anomalies are found immediately after birth, many of them are manifested during the ripening period and with the beginning of sexual life. The most frequent symptoms: amenorrhea, pain associated with the accumulation of menstrual blood, infertility, unbearable. Treatment is mainly surgical. Curry, saddot uterus

Doubling the uterus, vagina

Aplasia (lack) uterus, vagina

Atresia (lumen infection) vagina, uterus, vagina, virgin splava

Bending uterus

Gyoplasia of the uterus

Genital infantilism

The obstruction of the uterine pipe

Omit, falling out of the uterus, vagina

Inflammation Inflammation is the most common gynecological diseases. Their cause is the damage to the mucous membranes of the external and internal genital organs by bacterial and viral pathogens, simplest, patrogen microorganisms (candids, intestinal wand). Against the background of weakened immunity, supercooling, chronic infections, hormonal imbalances, mechanical and chemical injuries, poor hygiene and other factors. Characterized by abundant pathological discharges, driving at the bottom of the abdomen, discomfort, burning with sexual intercourse, urination. Possible sharp pains, temperature, signs of intoxication. Inflammation caused by sexual infections is usually taken out in a separate group. Vulvit, vulvovaginitis (external genital)

Bartolinite (Bartolin Iron)

Colpit (vagina)

Cervicitis (cervical cervical)

Endocervicitis (cable channel)

Endometritis (mucosa)

Miometrite (walls of the uterus)

Salpingit (Fallopiev Pipes)

Ouoforit (ovaries)

Adnexitis (appendages)

STD The main way of occurrence is infection with sexual contact. More often, the infection is localized into the vagina, but in the launched cases and in the presence of provoking factors, any reproductive body may affect. Some diseases are difficult and caused by severe consequences. Chlamydia



Genital herpes



Thrush, heronellosis (do not belong to venereal diseases, but may be sexually transmitted)

Hormonal violations Failures in the work of endocrine organs - ovaries, pituitary glands, adrenal glands, thyroid gland - cause hormone-dependent diseases in women. Main provoking factors: infections, abortions, stress, poor nutrition, congenital pathologies, autoimmune processes, injuries, tumors. They lead to disorders of the menstrual cycle, infertility, masculinization, growth of neoplasms, including malignant. Amenorrhea

androgenital syndrome

dysfunctional uterine bleeding

hormoneproproduction tumors

polycystic ovarian




premenstrual syndrome

Tumor and hyperplastic neoplasms The pathological growth of tissues and the development of tumors of female genital organs is the most dangerous of all groups of gynecological diseases. Most of them are benign, but many neoplasms can be reborn into cancer. The factors of heredity, hormonal disorders, chronic inflammation, abortions, scraping, lifestyle are found. Myoma


Hyperplasia Endometrial


Cervical erosion

Leukoplakia cervixa

Cervical cancer, bodies of uterus, ovaries, vulva and vagina

How to figure out the diagnosis? As a rule, the names of gynecological diseases consist of the terminological name of the affected organ (or part of it) and indications of the nature of the pathology:

  • the end of the "-thom" speaks of the presence of a tumor (mioma);
  • sufifix "-", with a rare exception, indicates a chronic destructive process that is not associated with infection (endometriosis);
  • the diagnoses ending with the "Sit" are put in inflammation (endometritis), sometimes with the addition of the name of the pathogen (candidal vulvovaginitis);
  • inflammations caused by a specific flora have their own names (gonorrhea, chlamydia).

Infections provoke mainly acute gynecological diseases, but with erased symptoms often go to the launched chronic form. Endocrine and tumor pathologies develop for a long time, and may not show signs for a long time. That is why women are encouraged to pass inspection not only if complaints appear, but also in their absence - every six months.

Causes of Patalog

If you do not take into account congenital hormonal disorders and the abnormalities of the urogenital system, the causes of gynecological diseases in women are somehow related to external factors. Reproductive health can affect:

  • early sex life;
  • errors in intimate hygiene;
  • frequent change of partners;
  • unprotected sex;
  • the presence in the body of infectious foci;
  • strong stress, overwork;
  • uncontrolled antibiotics;
  • weakened immunity;
  • improper nutrition, disorders of food behavior (diet, excess or weight deficit);
  • illiterate selection of hormonal contraceptives;
  • abortions;
  • gynecological manipulations.

Depending on the cause and group of pathology, the symptoms of gynecological diseases are significantly different. Infections usually manifest themselves violently, and in most cases a woman itself can associate discomfort and discomfort with recent events in their lives: supercooling, contact with a new partner, using a lubricant or intimate hygiene.

With other diseases, everything is much more complicated. They can proceed asymptomatic either to issue themselves with signs that the patient is not able to compare with a violation of women's health. For example, the latency of menstruation of the girl is inclined to explain with stress without thinking about a possible hormonal failure. And the appearance of contact blood discharge - microtravenum of the vagina, and not a polype or ectopia of the cervix.

Symptoms and signs

In any case, it is necessary to sign up for a gynecologist when the following symptoms occur:

  1. Burning, itching of different intensity in the vagina, in the external genital organs.
  2. Pathological discharge from sex tract: more abundant than usual; Uncharacteristic colors (pink, yellow-green), consistency (curls, watery), odor (sour, fish).
  3. Discomfort during intercourse: pain, burning, dryness. Similar sensations may occur when urination.
  4. Changes in the nature of menstruation: delays, elongation, shortening cycle, long-term menstruation, abundant blood loss.
  5. Blood discharge from the vagina between menstruation: oscillations, contact, breakthrough.
  6. Yazovki, erosion, bubbles, rash, raid on the skin and mucous genitals.
  7. Pain at the bottom of the belly, gulling, driving character, from one or two sides. May be given to the lower back, pelvis, hips.
  8. Problems with conception - active attempts to be pregnant will not succeed throughout the year, other symptoms may be absent.
  9. Unbearable pregnancy: multiple miscarriages and fading.

After writing out the patient's complaints, the doctor conducts all the necessary diagnostic measures and appoints additional research:

  • visual inspection;
  • palpation;
  • inspection in mirrors;
  • vagina strokes, cervical canal on flora;
  • smear from cervix on atypical cells;
  • bacteriological sowing on the determination of the pathogen and sensitivity to antibiotics;
  • analyzes using PCR;
  • blood test for hormones;
  • colposcopy - inspection under the increase, the fence of the material on the biopsy;
  • x-ray for determining pipe patency, tumor presence;
  • laparoscopy.

Methods of therapy of gynecological diseases

Each group of gynecological pathologies has its own treatment regimen: from monotherapy with local means with light vaginites to surgical removal of patients and neoplasms. Among the main methods of treatment can be allocated:

Medicia treatment
  1. Non-immunity - for anesthesia and removal of the inflammatory process in infectious lesions. Tablets and candles based on ibuprofen, diclofenac, indomethacin are used.
  2. Means, directly destroying causative agents of diseases: antiseptics, antibiotics, antiviral, antifungal. Divided into drugs internal (tablets, capsules) and local action (creams, ointments, suppositories, sprays).
  3. Hormonal therapy is carried out with female endocrine disorders, infertility. Steroid drugs may be required with strong inflammations as a prophylactic adhesive agent with instrumental interventions.
  4. Vitamin and mineral supplements. As a rule, in the treatment of gynecological diseases, women are prescribed not conventional multivitamin complexes, but separate drugs in efficient dosages. For example, iron-containing drugs are necessary in abundant monthly and dysfunctional bleeding.

Physiotherapeutic methods have long been and successfully used in gynecology for the treatment of tubular infertility, adhesions in small pelvis, chronic inflammation of appendages, recovery after abortion, childbirth, preparation for ECO, operations:

  • magnetotherapy is an anti-inflammatory and anti-refective effect in the postoperative period;
  • electrotherapy - anesthetics, removes spasms, improves the blood supply to the small pelvis;
  • treatment with ullace - softens the spikes, increases the hormonal activity of the ovaries, enhances the microcirculation;
  • phototherapy - has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect during colpites, cervicitis;
  • resortherapy - helps to normalize hormonal background, treat spikes and chronic adnexitis, fights infertility.

Modern methods of hardware physiotherapy in many cases allow women to avoid surgical intervention:

  1. Cryodestruction - "freezing" of pathological tissues with liquid nitrogen is used in the ectopia of the cervix, cysts, pointed circularities, cervicitis.
  2. Chemical destruction - "ignition" of erosion, polyps and cervical cysts with special chemicals.
  3. Radio-wave treatment - destroys the changed tissue of the cervix from heating, allows you to get rid of erosion without blood and complications.
  4. Laser therapy - has a wide range of applications in gynecology.

Operational intervention is shown in cancer diseases, benign tumors, adhesive diseases, ovarian polycystic disease and other complex pathologies. Most operations today are conducted by a laparoscopic method - through the punctures of the abdomen and vagina.

Treatment of common gynecological diseases in women

Inflammatory gynecological diseases, including sexually transmitted, are found in 70% of patients who have applied to the female consultation, the erosion of the cervix - in 15%. Every year in Russia, more than 5.5 thousand cases of infections are diagnosed in Russia; 2.5 thousand cycle disorders; Over 1 thousand inflammation of appendages, up to 800 - infertility and almost 500 - endometriosis. Each fifth woman has a neoplasm of the uterus, ovaries and cervix. Consider the treatment chart of the most common gynecological pathologies.

Vaginites and STDs.

Disease Basic symptoms Diagnostics Treatment
Thrush Itching, thick white discharge resembling cottage cheese Inspection, bacteriological strokes on candida 1 - 2 fluconazole capsules 150 mg, candles - locally. Other antifungal drugs - with frequent recurrences, ineffective treatment.
Bacterial vaginosis White creamy selection, fish smell Inspection, Gardnerners in a smear on the flora Metronidazole tablets (500 mg twice per day) or clindamycin candles. Course - 3 - 5 days.
Trichomoniaz Abundant foam discharge Inspection, bacteriological smear, PCR Trichopol or TiBeral for 5 days in a dosage of 500 mg 2 times a day.
Gonorrhea Muddy selection or greenish-yellow Inspection, smear, PCR, additionally - PCR in chlamydia Crosphin injections internally, 1 - 2 days 1 g
Chlamydia Asymptomatic flow, more abundant herbs are possible PCR, blood on antibodies Sumamed in dosage 1 g per day at 1, 3, 7, 14 days
Genital herpes Bubbles with itching and swelling, erosion Inspection, PCR, blood on antibodies to herpes virus Antiviral drugs inside and locally (acyclovir, valtrex) before the elimination of symptoms

With colpitis and vulvovaginites, the vagina and external organs are treated with antiseptics, baths and douching from herbal informations:

  • bacterial inflammation is treated with chamomile, calendula, sage, cleanpiece, juniper, turn, mother-and-stepmother;
  • under candidias, the discomfort of nettle, elder, Badan, is quickly eliminated.
Inflammation of the appendens

Inflammation of the ovarian (ooforitis), uterine pipes (salpintingitis) and salpingo-phorite arise against the background of reduced immunity and hypothermia when entering pathogenic, conditionally pathogenic microorganisms into these organs. The infection can be both ascending (from the vagina) and migrating from the extragenital foci. The predisposing factors are gynecological instrumental interventions, complicated childbirth.

Clinical picture of acute adnexitis:

  • pain at the bottom of the abdomen;
  • purulent discharge;
  • itching in the vagina;
  • weakness;
  • temperature;
  • headaches.

Chronic inflammation has erased symptoms: pulling pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe lower back, when pressed on the appendages, before menstruation, a subfebrile temperature is possible.

Treatment is prescribed after determining the pathogen and its sensitivity to antibacterial drugs: antibiotics, antifungal and anti-inflammatory means. Acute SalpingoForit requires the hospitalization of the patient.

Additionally shown:

  • vitaminotherapy (E, A, C, Group B);
  • physiotherapy (magnetic field, UHF, UFO, iodine electrophoresis, magnesium, copper on the area of \u200b\u200bappendages; barocamera, gynecological irrigation, mud appliqués);
  • resortherapy - with chronic inflammation from the remission.

Folk remedies

  1. Insist 50 g of Badan root on a glass of boiling water for 8 hours. Bring the volume to 2 liters with warm water, used for douching in the morning and in the evening. This means can be taken inside - 1 h. before eating. Course - 3 days.
  2. Boil the bulb in a liter of water, strain, cool to a comfortable temperature. 3 times a day do douching.
  3. Grinding garlic pour warm water, leave for a couple of hours. Garlic medicine moisten a gauze tampon and introduce into the vagina. The time of procedure is up to 2 hours, the course is before recovery.
Myoma uterus

Gynecological diseases of the uterus are most often manifested by benign tumors: Misa, fibromy, fibromy. Nodes in the fallopian walls are found in a third of women older than 30 years, in more mature age - in 80%. The predisposing factors to the growth of muscle tumors are:

  • inflammation;
  • hormonal oscillations;
  • abortions;
  • scraping;
  • endometriosis;
  • long absence of childbirth and breastfeeding.

Myomatous nodes are well visible on the ultrasound, even if the patient does not suspect their existence. Symptoms appear with rising Moma:

  • abundant menstruation;
  • bleeding out of menstruation;
  • pain;
  • pressure on the bladder, intestines;
  • miscarriages.

Small nodes (up to 2.5 cm) are treated with hormonal contraceptives - monophase pills or intrauterine spiral of peaceful. Suppressing natural cyclic processes, they prevent further growth of Moma.

If the tumor reached large sizes, squeezes vessels and neighboring organs, creates difficulties with pregnancy, growing rapidly, dynamic observation is inappropriate. If possible, gynecologists choose methods that allow preserved childbearing organs:

  • medical therapy aimed at reducing progesterone influence on the uterus (Mithferibon, Zoladex);
  • embolization of the uterine arteries - overlapping of vessels that feed the node;
  • conservative Miomectomy - gentle excision of the tumor.

In extreme cases, make amputation of the entire organ.

Folk recipes that help reduce the level of female hormones are auxiliary means in the treatment of Mioma:

  1. 2 tbsp. l. Linen seed boil in half liters of water. Take a decoction of ½ cup to breakfast, lunch and dinner for two weeks.
  2. Squeeze the juice from potatoes, drink half a cup in the morning, on an empty stomach. The course is daily, 3 months, then a break for 4 months.

Endometriosis is a hormone-dependent pathology characterized by the growth of endometrial tissue outside the uterus. Foci can be localized in the muscular walls, the cervix, on the ovaries, in the pipes, the abdominal cavity. There they behave the same way as mucous meter: obey cyclic changes, swell, bleeding, causing chronic inflammation, spikes, scars, cysts.

Among the symptoms of endometriosis - abundant periods, pain and increasing the affected bodies in the premenstrual period, infertility. The causes of the disease were not fully understood, it is presumably associated with hormonal disorders, inflammation, gynecological interventions, casting menstrual blood from the uterine cavity to the abdominal cavity through phallopyes pipes.

The main method of treatment is hormonal therapy for suppressing the ovarian functions. In advanced cases, surgical intervention is required for the purpose of "cavity" of large foci of endometriosis. Patients with such a diagnosis are recommended hirudotherapy, constant reception of Nasty Nasty, Hypericum, Borovy Uterka - before eating 3 times a day.

Cervical erosion

The erosion of the uterine neck is found in every third woman with a gynecological examination. For diagnosis, the method of colposcopy is used - the study of the surface of the mucosa under magnification. Ectopia looks like a wound, redness, uneven epithelium. The main danger of this disease is the risk of malignant rebirth.

Erosion often proceeds asymptomatic, but there may be more abundant mucous allocations, contact bleeding - in these cases the doctor offers "cavity" with acids (solingin), laser, liquid nitrogen, radio waves. A more obsolete and traumatic method is a circular excision with a further study of the epithelium on atypius.

In erosion, gynecologists do not advise to be carried away by folk methods so as not to provoke a deterioration. You can use candles and tampons with sea buckthorn oil - they restore the damaged epithelium.

Prevention of gynecological diseases

Medical statistics argue that despite all the modern achievements, the frequency of gynecological pathologies is not reduced. On the contrary, the year by year their number is growing, many diagnoses of "youth" and take the character of "epidemics". Doctors bind it with an early start of sexual life, a lot of partners and disorderly connections, inadequate contraception, abortion, self-medication. For 5 years, the incidence of infections increased by 10%, endometriosis - by 26, NMC - by 60%, the total number of gynecological pathologies in girls 15 - 17 years increased 50 times.

Prevention of female diseases lies in a healthy lifestyle, balanced nutrition without "hungry" diets and overeating, physical activity, maintaining stable weight, strengthening immunity, avoiding supercooling. The main rules that each woman must observe:

  1. visit the gynecologist twice a year;
  2. contact the doctor when complaints appear, do not engage in self-medication;
  3. use condoms;
  4. monitor intimate hygiene;
  5. adhere to the culture of sexual life;
  6. in time to treat infections, adjust the hormonal imbalance;
  7. pick together with a specialist optimal protection method.

Men can be carriers of infections itself without suspect. In women, signs of the presence of infection are manifested faster, but many ladies for a long time do not attach much to change the color and smell of secretions, and turn to the gynecologist only when the infection is already moving to the running step. Typically, infection occurs in sexual path. Consider causative agents of infections, as well as symptoms and methods of treatment in more detail.

What are gynecological infections?

Gynecological infection arises against the background of penetration of alien microorganism, that is, the causative agent of the disease.
In gynecology there are such infections:

The pathogen is NEISSERIA GONORRHOEAE - Gonokokk. The transfer path is sex. In very and very rare cases, infection occurs in a residential way. The fact is that this pathogen loses its vitality outside the human body.

After infection, the neck of the uterus is affected, the urethra, the rectum. Features of symptoms - purulent discharge of a yellowish or greenish shade from the urinary tract, itching and burning in the urethra after sexual intercourse and during urination (especially in the morning after sleep). But often there are no signs at all. If there is no gonoron in a timely manner, various develops. It is also possible infertility against the background of the formation of adhesions in and inflammation of the tissues of the uterus.

The causative agent is Chlamydia trachomatis - chlamydia. The transmission method is sexual (infection occurs during an anal interchange). Just as in the previous case, domestic infection is unlikely. Chlamydia is striking, urethra, rectum. Symptomatics is sluggish, so many do not even suspect the course of the disease. Among complications include inflammatory processes in the urinary organs. This is not only acute or chronic cystitis or urethritis, but also salpingitis, endometriosis and other diseases leading to infertility.

Pathways - Mycoplasma Genitalium and Mycoplasma Hominis - Mycoplasm. Transmitted in gender. For these microbacterias, the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, urinary organs, larynx is considered a favorable medium. Signs are absent, so pathology is found randomly after diagnosing PCR. Complications - pyelonephritis, vagodine bacterial form, inflammatory processes in the uterus and appendages.

Pathways - Ureaplasma Urealyticum and Ureaplasma Parvum - Ureaplasm. The transfer path is sex. Microbacteriums dwell in the mucous membranes of the genitals. The course of the disease is asymptomatic. In the absence of adequate treatment, complications arise in the form of inflammatory processes, infertility. Especially dangerous infection during pregnancy, as it is possible to miscarriage or infection of the fetus.

5. Trichomoniasis.

The pathogen - Trichomonas Vaginalis - Trichomonada. Transmitted only in gender. However, there is a risk of infection with oral and anal sex, through wet items. Bacteria prefers a wet environment, so it can stay on a towel several hours.

Features of symptoms: Pain with sexual contact and during urination, irritation and redness of the genital organs. Isolation of yellow and green, foam structure, with an unpleasant smell. The disease is dangerous during pregnancy, since most often leads to premature birth. Among the complications can be noted erosion defeat.

6. Gerpes genital.

The pathogen is a variety of herpes 2 type virus. On the lips can not cause rashes on the genitals. The path of transmitting genital herpes - sexual, anal. Distinctive symptoms - on the skin of the genitals, bubbles with liquid are formed. In the future, they are bursting, forming ulcers.

The disease is completely incurable, a relapse is possible, which manifests itself not so acute, as with primary infection. The most dangerous effects of the disease occur during primary infection with genital herpes during pregnancy.

7. Vaginos Bacterial (Other Name of Pathology - Gardnerellosis).

The causative agent is Gardnerella Vaginalis. Infection is excluded in sexual path, because this disease occurs against the background of the disturbed microflora in the vagina. If we speak with simple words, when the number of useful bacteria is reduced in the vagina, then Gardnerella begin to actively multiply.

Factors for the development of the disease:
  • sexual partner;
  • frequent dying;
  • reception of antibiotics;
  • use some contraceptives.
Pathology is manifested in the form of white or gray discharge, unpleasant odor. Complications - inflammatory processes leading to infertility or fetal death.

8. Candidiasis (another name of the disease is thrush).

The causative agent is a candida fungus. Pathology arises against the background of imminent immunity. Most often, this is due to the admission of antibacterial drugs, pregnancy, frequent colds, etc. The thrush is transmitted during sexual contact. Features of manifestations: Warmingness of white discharge from the vagina, itching and burning in the genitals, painful syndrome when urine. It does not lead to dangerous complications.

The causative agent is cytomegalovirus. Infection occurs through sexual contact, kissing. But it is possible to infect and the household method, mainly through the saliva. For example, while eating from one spoon. Symptoms are weakly pronounced or absent at all.

The pathogens: more than 100 strains, but in gynecology only number 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 35. The course of the disease is almost asymptomatic, therefore, pathology is detected extremely rarely. Diseases: Pointed Condyloma, oncological neoplasms in the cervix, vagina, anal hole, skin.

Methods for infection and types of infections

So, the pathogens can be transmitted in such ways:
  • through any sexual contact;
  • through blood (during blood transfusion, injections, dental procedures, manicure with non-compliance with sterility);
  • transmissively - through insect bites;
  • orally fecal or vaginal-fecal - through anal sex and / or neglect of personal hygiene rules;
  • airborne droplet;
  • through water;
  • contact (handshake, etc.);
  • through household items.
Gynecological infections are divided into such views:
  • The venereal form is characterized by diseases of the genital organs, which are transmitted mainly through sexual contact. These are pathologies such as syphilis, gonorrhea, chancre, lymphogranulomatosis. Infection occurs exclusively from man.
  • , that is, sexually transmitted diseases. But this does not mean that it is impossible to become infected in other ways. Infection can occur by blood. Diseases:, AIDS, Hepatitis V.
  • Diseases arising against the background of infection with bacteria that are in other internal organs. The transmission method of any: penetration into genitals from other organs (respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, etc.), sexual path, dirty hands, etc. Diseases: Endometritis, Colpit.


General symptoms:
  • discharge from vagina or penis;
  • pain at the bottom of the abdomen, crotch, genitals;
  • spare specificity;
  • change of the structure of the selection;
  • formation of bubbles;
  • burning and itching;
  • discomfort with sexual intercourse;

At the very first symptoms, be sure to consult a gynecologist, as many diseases lead to dangerous complications.

Possible complications and consequences

Complications and consequences of each disease are different, but there are generals:

  • psycho-emotional background disorders;
  • lowering the quality of intimate life;
  • development of chronic diseases;
  • miscarriages, the death of the fetus;
  • erosion and ulcers;
  • transition of infection to other internal systems;
  • development of cancers.
This video describes the possible consequences of gynecological infections, if not engaged in their treatment, and also described how and why they can lead to infertility.


Mandatory diagnostic measures:
  • Bacterioscopic examination implies a fence of the smear on the flora. Makes it a gynecologist. This type of diagnosis allows to determine the level of leukocytes, and it is always increased with inflammatory processes.
  • Extended study includes scraping, sowing bacterial and PCR. Sowing determines the sensitivity to antibiotics, scraping, IFA and PCR detect the pathogen. Cancer cells are detected using papanicolane dough.
  • In some cases, biopsy is carried out - take samples of tissues from the vagina or cervix.
  • Blood tests are needed to determine the pathogen and the status of immunity at the time of the disease.

Analyzes for laboratory studies of the patient must pass during exacerbation, not remission. The survey is subjected to the member of the family who has symptoms, but the treatment is appointed both sexual partners.

Treatment with traditional methods

In gynecological infection, the basic treatment regimen is always used - antibacterial, that is, antibiotics are used, overwhelming the pathogen. The doctor necessarily prescribes auxiliary drugs that neutralize the negative impact of antibiotics, prevent the development of complications, eliminate symptoms and support the body.

Medicines are accepted inward in the form of tablets, injected and used externally. External means and suppositor candles are directed only to relieve pain, itching, burning and other manifestations.

What looks like medical therapy:

  • Antibiotics are prescribed depending on the disease and the type of pathogen. If bacterial vaginosis is revealed, antibiotics with metronidazole or clindamycin are used. It can be klococin or flagil. Candidiasis uses antifungal therapy: Diflucan, monistate, sporanox and fluconazole. If yeast infection, then preference is given to the drug Clotrimazole. Nustanese drugs (microstatin), as well as Viferon, Macmiror, Terezhin, Nystatin, Genferon, Polizinaks, Acyclovir, Betadine, Iodoxide can be appointed. Universal is considered hexicone. For each pathogen, there is a certain drug, the appointment of which is engaged exclusively attending the doctor.
  • Against the background of antibiotics, often the vaginal dysbiosis occurs. In this case, appropriate means are used.
  • If there is an inflammatory process, anti-inflammatory therapy is assigned.
  • Strengthen the immune system allow immunomodulators and vitamin premixes.
  • If necessary, a hormone background is corrected.
The minimum course of therapy is 3 days, the maximum is 15-20 days. If there are relapses, the doctor will appoint additional treatment with vaginal candles, which lasts 5-6 months.

It is impossible to use alcoholic beverages during the treatment period, there are sweets, since these products create a favorable environment for almost all pathogens.

Folk remedies

Additionally, you can use the recipes of traditional medicine:
  • Propolis is used as an antibiotic. At home, you can make a tincture. Grind 50 grams of the product, pour propolis with clean water in a volume of 50-70 ml and put on a slow fire. The water temperature should not exceed 80 degrees, so the tincture should languish. Cooking time - 60 minutes. After cooling, strain the liquid and break into the bottle. Leave for 3 days and then again moving the precipitate. Take a daily dosage appointed by the doctor.
  • With vaginosis, make a lemon decoction. Clean the lemon from the zest, which will be used for the means. Grind lemon peel and pour into thermos. Add there 20 grams of dry yarrow. Separately make a decoction from the rosehip according to the standard recipe. Boiling decoction to fill in the thermos and leave for several hours. Take daily at half a glass.
  • It is useful to do sharpening a decoction of milk and garlic. By 0.5 liters of milk prepare a small head of the vegetable - purified and crushed. Put on the fire and cook for 7 minutes. When the liquid cools, you can drag.
  • It is useful to be used by the usual manual soap (brown) and soda mortar.
  • When infected, you need to use garlic every day.
  • Garlic candles can be made. Clean garlic and grind very finely, wrap the resulting mass in the gauze, forming a tampon. Insert into the vagina for 2 hours.
  • Do scrape the calendula and pharmacy chamomile.

Prevention measures

Preventive actions:
  • Do not change the genital partners often.
  • Observe hygiene measures.
  • Refuse hygiene products containing fragrances for aromatization.
  • Use only sterile gaskets and tampons.
  • If you do not have problems with gynecological bodies, you do not need to raise again. The fact is that it leads to the washing of beneficial bacteria from the vagina, which distorts the microflora. But many bacteria begin to multiply in such conditions.
  • Do not wear underwear on yourself, which you just bought. Be sure to care carefully.
  • When using intimate toys, watch their disinfection.
  • The wet swimsuit is also harmful, since there are bacteria for which the wet habitat is the main one.
You learned about the most common gynecological infections, methods of diagnosis and treatment, their consequences. Therefore, it is better to adhere to preventive rules than then get rid of complications. After the appearance of any sign, immediately go to the gynecologist. Only early diagnosis will avoid infertility.

Next article.

It is no secret that the state of health girls is a guarantee of its family and maternal happiness, as well as a full sex life. For this reason, in the current gynecology, an important role is played by the prevention of diseases of the female sexual sphere, solving problems of contraception and family planning. Preventive study at the gynecologist 1-2 times a year should be the norm of behavior for any girl. What are the women's diseases on gynecology? List of most common below. But first of all, it is necessary to diagnose the disease itself.


Beautiful half of humanity is subject to various pathologies, it may be simple inflammation and female diseases on gynecology more serious. All of them require treatment and preliminary examination. There are many types of medical diagnostics. These are most often used:

  1. Gynecological examination. The first stage of studying the status of a woman: a dialogue with a doctor and inspection. The doctor will carefully listen to complaints, will be anamnesis and fill the map. Gynecological examination, which is carried out during the inspection period in a special chair, makes it possible to verily to evaluate the position of the girl, the state of its genital organs, the presence of signs of inflammatory processes or pathologies.
  2. Colposcopy is a survey of the vagina and cervix with a special device - a video conclusion. The display displays approximately 40 times the image on which abnormally modified zones are clearly visible.
  3. Hysteroscopy is a productive technology required for inspection of the uterus. Through the cervix, the doctor introduces an optical probe that gives to carry out manipulation. The process is completely not dangerous and does not cause unpleasant or painful sensations, as it is carried out under general or local anesthesia.
  4. Ultrasound of a small pelvic organs is the most popular diagnostic method used to identify the pathologies of ovaries, uterine pipes and the uterus itself. In addition, the ultrasound is appointed during pregnancy in order to observe the development of the child.

Vaginal candidiasis

Vulvivaginal candidiasis, or as it is still simple, called the people - thrush, is inflammation in the vagina, which is formed as a result of the damage to the fungus. The name of the thrush, the disease received due to the fact that it provokes the mucous allocations, something resembling milk-based products.

This disease itself is many women tolerate several times in life, especially in childbearing age. The fungus is in the body of each woman. In some of them, the thrush appears several times, while others are not even familiar with such a problem.

Around 25 years old, almost every woman transfers this disease, often not even one time. The main problem is that a considerable number of adult women who have suffered such a disease, it will further develop into a chronic form, and they have at least two, and even four times a year to deal with inflammation. Treatment of female disease on gynecology, which is not attached for ethical considerations, is appointed by a doctor.


Colpit is one of the most common diseases that are exposed exclusively women. Amazes colpit vagina. According to statistics, an average of 60% of female representatives suffers from this disease.

Vaginitis is the second name of this disease, it can be attributed to the category of the most common in the gynecology. The inner part of the woman's vagina is a cavity and is constantly in a moistened state. Based on this, we can conclude that there is the most suitable environment for reproduction of various microbes. However, the vagina has protection against pathogenic microorganisms, this is a "friendly microflora", which belong to the type of lactobacilli. They, in considerable quantities, are in the vagina of a woman and do not have any negative effects on its body.


SalpingoForit is a female disease in gynecology. Inflammation occurs in the pipes and the uterus. It may be triggered by the infection of the uterus in the following ways:

  • from the vagina;
  • from the rectum;
  • from the abdominal cavity;
  • through blood.

Not a latter role in the formation of the disease plays down immunity. Pathology can develop due to various factors: strongly supercooling the body, due to excessive physical exertion, as a result of stresses and for other reasons.

If the organs are constantly in a response state, for example, in close clothes, it can also entail the formation of inflammatory processes in the appendages.

The disease has two forms:

  • nonspecific, caused by flora;
  • specific, formed due to genital infections.

By character, the disease can be divided into the following forms:


This disease is observed in women in childbearing. When it is presented, the endometrous fabric is located in places where it should not be, for example, not in the uterus. If this happened, it has a negative impact, hitting the organs and forming a thigh on them, which provoke sharp pains, may even entail infertility and other serious diseases.

The most favorable place for the development of the disease:

  • abdominal cavity;
  • ovaries;
  • region of the uterus;
  • vagina;
  • guts;
  • pelvic cavity.

The manifestation of this disease can be seen on the scars formed after the operation on the genitals. By themselves, these growths do not relate to malignant, this cloth is quite normal.

The exception is that the fabrics damaged by the growth cannot be naturally leaving the body. This may entail the formation of internal bleeding, fatting fabrics from the growths. But this can already lead to the formation of the inflammatory process and scars.

Ovarian cyst

The ovarian cyst is a disease that is characterized by the presence in the genital organs of a woman of benign education, which looks like a cavity completely filled with liquid. This disease is not referred to by the number of tumors, and it is formed as a result of when in the follicle (the place of the egg formation), excessive accumulation of fluid is formed.

The cyst does not apply to any particular age category of women, it may form in any period and does not matter how much the patient is the exception not even newborns. But still, women who are in childbearing age are most often faced with such a problem.

It should be said to the joy of illness that the bulk of the cyst passes independently and does not require any treatment. It can pass as after the first menstruation, and a little later. But this does not mean that it is possible to pull everything on a sampling, during this period a woman should be under the supervision of a qualified physician, in order to avoid complication of the disease. If the cyst did not come out after three months, then you need to move to its treatment.

Matter dysplasia

The cervical dysplasia is a state in which the organ is covered with epithelium, the components of the layers and the structure of the cells are changed from which it consists.

This type of disease belongs to the categories of diseases that may entail the formation of cancer cells in the genitals. Dysplasia is considered one of the most dangerous complications and one of the most frequent diseases before cancer. When it is formed, the mucosa of the uterus changes its structure. It can appear with absolutely diverse ways, but the most important thing is that it characterizes that together with it the normal structure of the cells of the epithelium is disturbed. In addition to the upper layer, it can penetrate the body much deeper.

Often, this type of disease is called erosion, but it is not quite accurate. The main difference is that erosion appears after mechanical damage to the genital organs, and dysplasia as a result of a tissue cell disorder.


Vulvit is a female disease in gynecology, itching and inflammation in which are the main signs. Most often, the inflammatory process causes pathogenic microorganisms, damaging vulva tissues. The immune system directs cells to develop cells that can produce prostaglandins and interleukins. Symptoms of female disease in gynecology:

  • selection;
  • increased blood flow;
  • in the mucous membrane, the cells are rapidly and in a large volume begin to produce mucus;
  • fabrics swell;
  • because of inflammation and edema there is a pain.

If the inflammatory process is rejected by infections, then there is an accumulation of toxins, which inxication of the entire body contribute to the blood flow.

The disease can be sharp, subacute and chronic. For each stage of the flow, their symptomatic manifestations are characteristic. The process of recovery is the most difficult in the chronic form of the disease, so you should never postpone treatment.


Infertility is called the absence of a pair of ability (at a suitable age) to the conception of the baby, while they both actively try to do it.

The pair is considered to be fruitless if for the year the woman never managed to get pregnant. This conclusion is suitable only for those who have regular sex (to regularly attributed acts that occur at least two times within seven days) and the pair completely excluded any ways of contraception.

Forms of infertility

According to general statistics, which is conducted by the organization of health, a little less than 10% of couples are familiar with the problem of conception of the child. Anyone is characterized by two varieties of infertility:

  1. Absolute form of infertility. This form is characterized by full and non-treating diseases of the sexual system. It may occur by both men and women. Causes of diseases: medical removal of sex glands, deviations in development, had any injury and some other cases.
  2. Relative form of infertility. This diagnosis is not critical, and from it you can get rid of the supervision of experienced specialists.

Apoplex ovarian

The apoplexy of the ovary is called harsh tissue breaks in the ovaries, it is impossible to foresee, and in the consequence such gaps cause hemorrhages in the abdominal organs. This type of deviations in the ovaries contributes to the manifestation of strong pain.

Quite often, deviations occur in the yellow body of the ovary, its integrity is disturbed, such a deviation can also be formed in a yellow body cyst. Most often, the cause of such deviations are pathologies in vessels, the formation of any inflammatory processes in the body.

In the largest number of women, such ruptures may occur at the moments of ovulation, as well as when the yellow body is vasculored. Most often are the diseases of young girls and young women. The disease has several forms:

Ectopic pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancy is such a type of pregnancy that belong to complicated. With it, the fertilized egg is attached outside the borders of the uterus. Almost in all cases of ectopic pregnancy, the child cannot grow and develop. In addition, such a pregnancy creates a greater threat to the life of a woman, as there is an internal bleeding. Immediately after the ruling of the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy, a woman needs urgent qualified medical care, otherwise she can just die.

When pregnancy occurred without deviations, the egg cell, with which the sperm connected, passes into the uterine tube and is fertilized there. After that, the zygote moves to the uterus, where ideal conditions are created for the development of the future kid. But in cases where the pregnancy is ectoped, the zygote does not move to the uterus, but will be connected to the pipe or returns back to the ovary. Horionic VILLINs fall into fabrics, they are damaged because of this, and the woman opens inner bleeding.

Cervical erosion

Erosion of the cervix (there are other names: ectopia, pseudo-erosion), is a deviation in the structure of the mucous part of the vagina or a violation of its integrity. Erosion may form for any woman, regardless of age. Noticing such a disease, it is necessary to immediately move towards its treatment, after a mandatory, full and thorough examination.

If it does not start to treat such a disease on time, in the future it may entail the formation of cancer cells. It is especially dangerous for those women who have a papilloma virus, as it leads to an increased risk of tumor formation. And it is also dangerous for those who have herpes virus, with it the likelihood of malignant tumors is much higher.

During the inspection, erosion is reflected in the mirror, like a small portion of red, surrounding the outer zev. Its size ranges from two millimeters to two centimeters. Erosion is held in the body for several months and even years.


As previously said, the current gynecology gives ample opportunities to cure diseases of the urogenital system, including serious pathologies that have a great influence on the general condition sick. The base component of each therapy is considered to be the appointment of medicines, but in additives to them, the patient may recommend to pass physiotherapy or make an operation.

There are three directions of therapy:

  • Medical. Pharmaceutical substances in gynecology are prescribed in the form of tablets and capsules, suppositories, injections, ointments and other medical forms. In connection with the nature of the problem, the doctor will supply the patient the following categories of medicines: Nonteroid, antibiotics, antifungal, hormonal, vitamins. For each disease, they will be different, therefore, it is strictly not recommended to take them without appointing a doctor.
  • Surgical. It is not necessary to fear surgical interference with gynecological diseases: most of the manipulations on the genitals are carried out laparoscopically - through puncture in the front abdominal wall and the wall of the vagina. This kind of approach will not require a long reducing stage and does not leave rude aesthetic flaws on the body of the patient.
  • Physiotherapy. The use of hardware physiotherapy occupies a significant place in the arsenal of any authoritative gynecological hospital. In some cases, these methods make it possible to avoid surgical treatment of certain genital diseases in girls. Such methods include chemical and cryodestructures, laser and radio wave therapy.

Gynecological diseases are diseases of female genital organs. The most common diseases are caused by such reasons as infections, injuries and hormonal disorders. These diseases include pelvic pain, inflammation of uterus, uterine pipes, vagina or vulva, benign uterine neoplasms, such as fibromomy.

Quite often, gynecological diseases are associated with menstruation - for example, premenstrual syndrome and pain during menstruation (Dysmenorria). Although some disorders may be light and pass without special treatment, others, such as infectious inflammations, are hazardous to health and require qualified assistance.


The area of \u200b\u200bthe small pelvis, in which the uterus is located, the uterine pipes, ovaries, the vagina, the bladder and the rectum, is the lowest body; It is located below the abdominal cavity and is formed by sedlicate and pubic bones, a sacrum and a smoking. Women are often pain in this area. These pains vary by type and intensity, their cause is sometimes difficult to install.

The pain in the field of small pelvis is often, but not always related to diseases of the genital organs. The causes of pain may also be caused by the diseases of the intestine or urinary tract. Mental factors often subjectively enhance the feeling of pain or even provoke it in the absence of an organic disease.


When a woman suddenly appear strong pains in the lower abdomen or in the field of small pelvis, the doctor must quickly decide which the patient's condition is urgent, that is, requiring an emergency operation. Examples of urgent states - acute appendicitis, perforation (bodybag) of the stomach ulcers, twisted the ovary cysts, ectopic pregnancy and breaking the uterine tube.

The doctor often can determine the cause of pain on the basis of such signs as the character of pain (for example, an acute or novaya), under what circumstances and how suddenly it appeared, as long as long, where it is localized. Additional symptoms, such as an increase in body temperature, nausea or vomiting, can help the doctor to determine the diagnosis. Information about the time of the appearance of pain and its connection with food, sleep, sexual act, movements, urination and defecation can also be very useful.

In the presence of pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe pelvis, an internal gynecological study is always carried out. It allows the doctor to determine which authorities are amazed and there is an infection. Laboratory tests, such as overall blood test, urine analysis and pregnancy test, detect internal bleeding, infectious inflammation or ectopic pregnancy. Ultrasound examination (ultrasound), computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance tomography (MRI) of internal organs may be needed. Sometimes to establish the cause of pain, perform an operation, called diagnostic laparoscopy, at which a fiber optic system is used for inspection and study of the abdominal cavity and a small pelvic organs.

What are the causes of pelvic pain


  • Pain in the middle of the menstrual cycle caused by ovulation
  • Large cysts ovarian or their gap
  • Ectopic pregnancy
  • Inflammatory diseases of small pelvis
  • Twisted the cysts of the ovary
  • Pumping pipe break
  • Vascular stagnation in the organs of a small pelvis (varicose veins of the veins pelvis)
  • Fibromyoma uterus
  • Endometriosis

Not related to sexual organs

  • Appendicitis
  • Mesenter lymphadenitis (inflammation of lymph nodes in the mesentery connecting the organs with the abdominal wall)
  • Inflammatory bowel diseases
  • Gastroenteritis (inflammation of the stomach and intestines)
  • Diverticulitis (inflammation of one or more diverticulus, which are small pathological protrusion in the colon)
  • Ileit (inflammation of part of the small intestine)
  • Renal colic - pain in the side, usually caused by obstruction (partial blockage) in the urinary tract
  • Cystitis (bladder inflammation)

Diagnosis and treatment

The doctor can usually be diagnosed during a gynecological examination. The diagnosis is confirmed by an ultrasound study (ultrasound). The endometrium biopsy (taking the tissue of the mucous membrane of the uterus for the study under the microscope), hysteroscopy (the study of the uterine cavity using a fiber-optic system) and sample papanicolau to eliminate the presence of a malignant tumor of the uterus.

Most patients with fibromic uterus do not need treatment, but is considered to be obligatory observation, control and examination every 6-12 months. Surgical removal of fibromyoma is shown in the increase in this tumor in size or the appearance of heavy symptoms. A woman can be appointed hormonal drugs a few months before surgery to reduce the magnitude of the fibromomy. During pregnancy, surgical intervention is usually not carried out, since it can lead to spontaneous abortion and significant blood loss. Removal (extirpation) of the entire fibrous-modified uterus is performed with abundant and long-term menstrual bleeding and the development of such heavy symptoms, as an acute strong pain, the rapid growth of the tumor, twist the nodes, dysfunction and necrosis of fibromomy.

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