Chronicles presentation to the lesson on reading (grade 4) on the topic. Nestor Chronicler

Scientific creativity, and the life itself, A.A.Shakhmatova, is the rare example of genius in historical and philological science. Today, when our society tries to find further landmarks in his past, appeal to the heritage of the scientist and reprinting his work in a timely and relevant. Creativity A.A.Shakhmatova is an example of how the Russian scientist should work and should work. This publication is not an academic, the purpose of it is to give a wide range of researchers in a single publication all the works of A.A.Shakhmatov in Russian chronicles, which is being made for the first time. The chronological principle is observed both in the preparation of all volumes and in the formation of each volume separately. In the first volume, all studies of the scientist dedicated to Nerontar Chronicle and the history of the early Russian Chronicles of the XI - XII centuries were collected. Chessov, A. A. History of Russian Chronicles [Text] / A. A. Chematov. - M.: Science, p. ill. T. 1. Tale of the time years and the most ancient Russian chronicle arches. Book 2. Early Russian chronicles XI - XII centuries with. : Ill.

The stories of Russian chronicles of the XII-XIV centuries. [Text] / [Cost., Preport., Per. and belt. T. N. Michelson; Fig. T. Mavrina]. - M.: Children's literature, - 254, C.: Il. - (School library). The book includes selected stories from Russian chronicles, telling about the events of the XII-XIV centuries: about the death of Vladimir Monomakh, about the princely strain and struggle for the Kiev table, about life in Novgorod and Vladimir, about Prince Alexander Nevsky, about the Mongol-Tatar invasion, Victory Dmitry Donskoy over Ordo.

Vernadsky, G. V. Kievskaya Rus [Text] / G. V. Vernadsky; Per. from English: E. P. Berenstein, B. L. Gubman, O. V. Stroganova. - M.: Agraf; Tver: Lean, - 445 p. - (Russian history). Kievan Rus is the second book of the history of Russia G. V. Vernadsky, devoted to the period from the arrival of Varyagov to the Mongol-Tatar invasion. On the basis of a huge number of sources, the author attempted to display all directions of the life of the early Russian state. The book is intended for a wide audience.

In Kievan Rus, as in all countries, after the appearance and dissemination of writing, at the pronunciation courtyards, the monasteries begin to record the events that took place. For the convenience of reading all these records were distributed over the years. So the first historical books - the chronicles were born.

Stories of the Primary Russian Chronicles [Text] / Scientific. Ed., Sost. and aut. Surveals. D. S. Likhachev; Per.s ancient Russian. and belt. T. N. Michelson. - M.: Children's literature, - 148, S.: Ill. "The initial Russian chronicle" - it is so accepted to call the "Tale of Bygone Years", compiled by the monk Kiev-Pechersk Monastery Nestor at the beginning of the XII century on the basis of many preceding chronicles and other sources. In this publishing, of course, "Tale of Bygone Years" was not fully entered. The book includes those stories that became an indispensable element of the knowledge of each educated person who entered Russian literature, serving the basis for historical and dramatic works, operas and paintings. The book contains many stories translated from the ancient Russian T. N. Michelson, telling about historical milestones in the creation of the Russian state, about the path from the Varyag to the Greeks, about Rurik, Oleg, Vladimir, Yaroslav and many others who glorified Russian land.

Trust the type of chronicles could not be at all. There was no simple correspondence, who owned a diploma. To write the chronicle arch, the most talented scribes of their time took. It came to us the name of one of the very first Russian chroniclers - Nestor. Rev. Nestor Chronicler - Father of the History of Kievan Rus Nestor Chronicler Vasnetsov V.M.

Embanks, M. D. Nestor Chronicler [Text] / M.D. Priecelkov. - M.: Russian world, p. The story of Rev. Nestorou Chronicles Pechersk, prepared specifically for young readers Martinovich Alexander Andreevich. Children will have to learn about the Holy Assumption Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, about its inquins, and most importantly, about the first Russian historian - Nestor, the Chronicler, about his earthly life and ministry.

Mikheev, S. M. Who wrote the "Tale of Bygone Years"? [Text] - M.: Indrik, - 280 S.- (Slavic-German studies; T.6) The book is devoted to the history of the text of the "Tale of Bygone Years", to determine what part of it when and by whom they were written. The author builds the reconstruction of the history of the existence of manuscripts "Tale of Bygone Years" in connection with the history of the chronicle of the XII-XIV centuries. In the text of the initial chronicle, the author allocates several groups of lexical, syntactic and other features that suggests the style of various authors to markers; Based on this, an attempt is made in detail in detail the text of the "Tale of Bygone Years" and reconstruct the history of initial chronicle. For specialists in ancient Russia, sourdough, textologists.

The main source of our knowledge about the ancient Russia of the Middle Ages of the Chronicle. In the archives, libraries and museums, there are several hundred people, but essentially this book that hundreds of authors wrote their work in the XI century. And graduating from seven centuries later. To extract its original kernel from the late chronicle, as when, and for what purpose, these initial texts were subjected to alterations, sometimes reduce their accuracy, the task of modern historians, an armed method, which is improved in each new research. The book M. X. Aleshkovsky introduces the reader to the creative laboratory of the historian, exploring the earliest Russian chronicle of the Tales of Time, standing at the college of the Otchestznaya History and Patriotic literary literary. Aleshkovsky, M.Kh. Tale of temporary years [Text]: The fate of the literary work in ancient Russia. - M.: Science, - 234 p. : Ill. Active

Voskoboinikov, M. V. First Abode: (Nestor Chronicler and Pechersk Elders) [Text] / Valery Vervoynikov; Art. V. Alekseev. - St. Petersburg: Lyceum, - 31 s.: Ill. Prince Izyaslav ordered to build a stone church in Kiev in honor of the Holy Martyr Dimitri, because when baptism was named after Baptism. Once at the entrance to the cave, a seventeen-year-old young man appeared. With tears in his eyes, he began to begging Feodosia to take him to the abode called his Nestor. Over the years, another chronicler has been added to his name ...

Irtenina, N. V. Nestor-chronicle [Text] / Natalia Valerevna Irtysenina. - m.; Vese, with. - (worldwide story in novels) in the early 1070s. In the Pechersk Monastery near Kiev, the future famous laurel, settled young, well-educated novice. Neither the worldly name, nor how he lived until 17, we do not know. But much of what is now known about the ancient Russia of the IX-XI centuries, preserved the pen of this particular person of Rev. Nestor-chronicle. Nestor's youth fell out for the years of "triumvirata" by the princes of Yaroslavich's sons Yaroslav Wise. This is the time of the first collisions of Russia with the new wave of steppes-aggressors of the Polovtsy; The time when the pagan "opposition was highly raised in the baptized Russian land and flew in the country, headed by wrappers; The time when many traditions of Holy Rus were laid in the Pechersk Monastery; Finally, the time when the princely "triumvirate" gave a big fracture and the suicide covenant Yaroslav Wise "Living in Love" was almost forgotten

Prayer Reverend Nerontar Chronicle of Reverend Father, the wisdom of the mentor and Bogolyazna Mobolic Nestor's chronicles! The forelocking of the throne is the forever, do not forget us sinful and unworthy, the storms of the passions of aggravated, and the petition of your incessant to protect our country, you are barefots, and your gathering from all sorts of angry and sorrow. Related by our hearts in the Orthodox faith, the fatherland has their teachi love and in bridewands strong stay. We will imagine us on the path of salvation, yes with your prayers, our intercession, we subside into the eternal kingdom of glory, praising the Lord and glorifying your intercession forever. Amen Rev. Nestor Chronicler Pechersky Icon XIX Century

Yak Aid Vineying Loge, Pleep Mow. Hospitally notastly half of Buryan. Clear Wіd Slosi Won High Buda. Vіrno і's not so hard to serve you, I want to live any life. Maxim Rilcy On November 9, the believers of the Orthodox Church celebrate the day of memory of the St. Nestor of the Churchrist, in the near caves to be revealed on his day. On this day, every year Ukraine celebrates the day of Ukrainian writing and language in honor of the chronicler of Rev. Nestor

"The Tale of Bygone Years" was drawn up for about 1113 by the monk of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery Nestor. In the science of the chronicle is called chronicle crops, as each author in his narrative joined the same annulary, lead, live and various documents and their own entries by the time. The basis of his work Nestor put the initial arch (), which, in turn, was preceded by earlier chronicle crops. This text Nestor recycled significantly and supplemented, using the transfer of the Byzantine Chronicles of George Amita. In addition, he turned on in the "Tale" of the contracts of Russian princes with Byzantium, a number of people's legends, their own stories about the events of the end of the XI - the beginning of the XII century / "Tale of Bygone Years" Miniatures

"I will chase Pozhelikh Lit" - not just L_TOPIS, PAM "Yatka Ukrainian Pisemostі xі-hp art., And a bi-hі-hp book, His Hisdna Krestttomatіya, Zbіrnik Epіchnyh Pissen, legend that Perekazіv; Tset Persh, foundavnіsh, Istorіya Ukrainian people, written on Zamennya Vіchnostі . Вона є Новермара и и и иціотики и и идідодіві, glyibokiy patrioticchnychnychnychnyy, prying the people of Karіz Tsychittya ), NINII ZIYSNEYSNYY YOHO TRETє VIDANYAN ON THE EDITORIE І Z PISLYAMOVOE VASYL Yarevka, such as the editor of the doctor of the doctor's own sciences Volodimir Ricchik. Then the Minutes Lit: Litopisnі Opovіdі [Text] / Perekaznі Vladunya; Artist Georgi Yakutovich. - K.: Messel With active

Exchange: Tale of Ancient Rus [Text] / Sost. And approx.: L. A. Dmitrieva, N. V. Ponimko; hitch Art.: D. S. Likhachev. - M.: Fiction, - 446 p. - (classics and contemporaries). "Izboron" includes the best examples of written monuments of ancient Russia from the "age of the time years" (XI century) to the first secular stories of the XVIII century. These works reflected the heroic and tragic pages of the domestic history ("Word about Igor's regiment", "Zadonchina"), attempts to capture the ideas about the world around the world ("walking in the three seas" Athanasius Nikitina), the desire to bring to descendants of contemporaries, embodying characters moral purity and strength ("Tale of the Life of Alexander Nevsky"). The book also includes excerpts from the "Life of the Avvakum Protopopa", highly appreciated by many classics of Russian literature.

The image of a nonzero chronicler in cultural monuments The image of Nestor's chronicler, the wise keeper of the treasury of domestic history, inspired and continues to inspire artists and writers to create new cultural monuments. Rev. Nestor-chief painted. Icon. Nach XX century.

Nikogorskaya, O.A. Pictures of the history of Russia [Text] / Olga Anatolyevna Nikologorskaya. - Kazan: ideal press, - 312 s.; Ill.: 255 ill. The book is devoted to the picturesque canvas of Russian artists facing the history of Russia. The book presents the web Repin, Surikov, Viktor Vasnetsova, Serov, Roerich, Beno'a, Kustodiev, and artists of a later time. There is a material about the work of the sculptor M.M. Anticolish "Nestor-Chronicler". The task of the book is to interest the reader and give him an impetus for independent, deeper dating with Russian history and culture.

V. M. Vasnetsov G. G. Preserved His words about the benefits of book wisdom: "The Great is the benefit of the teaching of the book, he said," the books ... teach us ... because from book words, we gain wisdom and abstinence. In the books printed the depth, they are comforting In the sadness, they are an abstinence udes. If you diligently look for wisdom, you will acquire great benefits for your soul. For the one who reads books is talking to God or Holy Mudes. " Antokolsky MM Nestor Chronicler 1890. Marble In the image of Nestor, the sculptor sought to portray a person who was detached from the worldly bustle that went into his inner enlightened sincere world. The chronicler is captured by sitting at a simple table. Naturally and relaxed his posture, a spin slid slightly, tilted head. Focusing and thoughtful eyes of sad eyes. Impeccable marble possession, a rich game of light and shadow on his face and clothes give a statue special vitality. The light reflects from a smooth surface of a wooden web and illuminates the face, hands. Where the sculptor cutter reproduces the folds of the frozen skin of the face of non-proof, the light is absorbed by the matte surface of the marble, is interrupted by shadows of the depression.

Monument to Nestor Chronicler Monument in honor of the author of the "Tale of Bygone Years" of Nestor. Installed in 1988 in a small square on the corner of Mazepa's streets and Citades, not far from the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. Authors SC. F. Soyan, Arch. M. sour. Total height of 2.75 m.

In early 1885, Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov receives from A.V. Prahova Invitation to take part in the painting just built by the Vladimir Cathedral in Kievumaga, watercolor in the icons Vasnetsov found an expression of heart heat ("Prokopii Ustyugi", "Sergiy Radonezh"), spiritual wisdom ("Nestor Chronicler", "Alpirate icon painter"), courage and Resistance ("Andrei Bogolyubsky", "Princess Olga"), qualities characteristic of Russian saints. Nestor Chronicler Victor Vasnetsov,

No wonder for many years witness, the Lord put me and entered the book art; Somedo the monk hardworking will find my hard work, unnamed, he will light up, like me, his lamp - and, the dust of the centuries from the chartine, the truthful saying will turn back, and the descendants of the Orthodox lands are made by the Last fate of A.S. Pushkin. An excerpt from the poem "Boris Godunov" in the near caves of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra among the saints of the remains of St. Fathers is kept by the holy and unpretentious power of the chronicler. Everyone approached the tomb with the relics of Rev. Nestor sees a silver plate with an inscription engraved in the XIX century, where the words of gratitude "Father of Russian History" are captured from all Russian history and antiquities. Here, in the silence of the ancient monastic caves, holiness and native history were uniovoding.

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Brief biography Chronicler Nestor Presentation The student of the 4th grade of Titova Daria Kl.ruk. Prokhorenko N.Yu.

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The most invaluable contribution to the history of the Russian Earth has made the greatest writer of that time, historiogram, Nestor. Thanks to his work, people learned how their ancestors lived, as Rus appeared, what kind of morals and customs existed many years ago. We can learn about the life of Rev. Nestor, only a small part thanks to his works. There are no accurate data on year birth. It is believed that the chronicler was born in 1064 in Kiev. Apparently, the chronicler was from a wealthy family, because at that time a good education was not available to ordinary people. There are no facts about his relatives and loved ones. Having reached the age of 17, Nestor became a novice of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery. After some time, the young man took a victor. There were many venerable monks in the monastery. Northwood they became a good role model. He stubbornly studied, engaged in spiritual self-development. The main duty, Nestor was the compilation of chronicles. Many monks were engaged in the chronicle, as they were competent, but for Nestor, it became a business of life. Constantly while in the teachings and prayer, Nestor has experienced an irresistible desire for the knowledge of history.

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The main labor of the Great Writer is the work of the Tale of Bygone Years. It began to write her Nestor in 1112. This piece of dynamine is a huge historical value. Nestor in detail and accurately brought information about the formation of Russia. He was a big specialist in this area, what he knew himself, and told the world. In addition to the "Tale of Bygone Years", the writer created no less important works, such as the "Life of Boris and Gleb", the history of the life of the first saints on the Russian Earth, as well as the "Life of St. Feodosius Pechora", the moral of the Nestor himself. Nestor lived in difficult times, the enemies were constantly attacked on Rus, ruler. The monastery, in which the great writer lived and worked, was raised by nomads, after this defeat, Nestor arrived in sadness, despite the trouble, the chronicler did not lower his arms and continued to work.

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According to some reports, the Rev. Nestor lived to 58 years old, and in other, later, up to 65 years old, was buried by the Holy in the caves of the monastery, where his entire life path passed. The relics of Nestor are implanted and miraculous. Many people pay for help to the reverend Neront, they honor and worship the relics of the wise elder.

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Chronicles 4th grade

In ancient Russia, as in many other countries, after the appearance and dissemination of writing, with the princely courtyards and large book libraries, there are records of events that occurred. For the convenience of reading all these records were distributed over the years. So the first historical books - chronicles appeared.

Books do not speak, and the truth is affected. One book thousands of people teaches.

Trust the formulation of the chronicle by anything not everyone. There was no simple correspondence, who owned a diploma. For the writing of the chronicle, the most experienced, the most talented scribes of their time was selected. The name came to us, and we know the works of one of the very first Russian chronicleners - Nestor.

The young nestor, according to his own words, entered the Pechersk Monastery at the age of 17, he perfectly mastered the book art and from the simple correspondence was one of the first Old Russian writers.

The chronicler is the chronicles compiler. Logging - compilation of the chronicle. Chronicle - weather record of historical events produced by the contemporary.

For - because the tribute is the fee, what gives the conquerors of the hryvnia - a monetary unit in ancient Russia - about 400 g. The oath of the oath - the oath of Perun is the pagan deity of thunder and zipper Veles - the pagan deity of the Eastern Slavs - the patron saint of livestock, wealth and trade. Pickles, pattern -

Prince Oleg - Prince of Kievan Rus. In the chronicle tradition, the founder of the Ryric dynasty before death appointed his relative (wife's brother) Oleg Ruler with his young son Igor. For three years, the prince of Kiev Oleg remained in Novgorod, and then with a friend headed south. Deception capturing and killing the last prince from the dynasty of Kyiv. Askold, he stopped in Kiev. Submitting all the neighboring tribes, and only the disiences who lived in the Dniester retained full independence.

In 907, Oleg takes a campaign on Byzantium. The chronicler says this way: "Due to the year 915, the prince of Kiev Oleg went into the Greeks, leaving Igor in Kiev; I took the same many Varyagov, the Slavs, and Cuchi, and Krivich, and Mere, and Drevlyan, and Radmich, and Polyan, Both northerners and novels, and Croats, and dlebov, and tivers, known as Tolmachi; these all called the Greeks "Great Scythy".

Prince Oleg in Tsargrad takes tribute

As Magi predicted, the prince of Kiev Oleg died "from his horse", when he came on his skull, from which the snake crawled and was fatally stood in his leg. It was in 912. MONARHIY / TAG /% D5% F3% E4% EE% E6% ED% E8% EA% E8 Used resources:

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