The most powerful natural energy and immunostimulator. Immunomodulators (immunostimulants)

Modern immunostimulating drugs are classified in accordance with the origin on such groups:

  • Plant products are extracts or tinctures of Echinacea, Eleutherococcus, lemongrass, immunal, etc. These tools are characterized by soft adaptogenic and immunostimulating effects and are prescribed to patients with immunodeficiency. In prophylactic admission, such funds significantly reduce the risks of the disease with flu or respiratory infections, warn radiation pathology and reduce the harm from cytostatics;
  • Microbial preparations - IMUDON, IRS-19, etc. Preparations affect directly on macrophages and monocytes, which, after activation, intensively produce cytokines that start immune responses that contribute to the removal of microbes;
  • Interferon means - Anaferon, Viferon. Preparations protect the organism from various types of antigenic attacks of bacterial, viral and other origin;
  • Synthetic preparations - amixin, trekcan, etc. increase the corporate resistance to negative external influence and stimulate immune responses;
  • Endogenous means - Timogen, Timalin. These are drugs based on placental or bone marginal cells or thymus. They restore the normal number of blood cells cause enhanced interferon products and immune activity.

Preparations with adaptogenic or immunomodulatory activity are categorically not recommended to be taken independently, the need to determine the immunologist in their reception.

Popular drugs

Trekcan (250 p *)

The adaptogenic immunomodulator tracting stimulates interferon production, adjusts and increases the patient's immune status. As a result of the use of medication:

  • The body's endurance increases with mental exercise;
  • The toxic effect of various medicines and chemicals is reduced;
  • The body acquires special resistance to the deficiency of oxygen, temperature differences and other aggressive factors.

Due to similar effects, Trekurban is successfully used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes in respiratory infections, flu or colds. In the presence of stressful effects (for example, the lack of oxygen, supercooling or overheating) it helps to improve the health and resistance of the body.

This immunomodulator is prescribed with a complex treatment of alcohol abstinence or with elevated metals. The means is contraindicated in pregnancy, children up to 12 years old and pregnant women, with lactose intolerance.

Immunal, Echinacea (300 p *)

In the composition of immunal there are components of plant origin (Echinacea juice). The drug provokes an increase in non-specific immunity. Due to the activation of phagocytosis and increasing leukocytes, the drug oppresses the reproduction and growth of pathogenic microorganisms. In addition, immunal has antiviral activity against herpes or flu. Echinacea and Immunal preparations are analogues having the same active substance (extractor of echinacea grass), so they have a similar effect.

Both drugs apply:

  1. In the event of initial signs of influenza or colds, as well as to prevent these pathologies;
  2. In order to increase the immune status in the process of long-term treatment with antibiotics;
  3. In the treatment of recurrences of urinary and respiratory pathologies.

Echinacea is contraindicated in autoimmune pathologies, immunodeficiency (HIV), AIDS, multiple sclerosis, hypersensitivity to the plant and its components, children up to the age of 12, in the presence of systemic pathologies like leukemia, tuberculosis, etc. Do not recommend it without any particular need and pregnant Because there are no final results of research on the effect of the drug on the fruit and the course of pregnancy.

Immunal in the form of a solution is contraindicated to children under the year, and in pills to children under 4 years old. It is impossible to take the drug at autoimmune and systemic pathologies like AUDA or HIV, sclerosis of multiple-type and leukemia, tuberculosis, etc. It is impossible to take immunal to persons having hypersensitivity or intolerance to Echinacey and other components of the drug. Unlike Echinacea, immunal can be tagged and pregnant, but only from the appointment of a doctor.

Immunomax (800 p *)

An effective immunostimulator, under the influence of which a three-year increase in the activity of cellular structures of the immune system occurs. Immunomax increases the stability of the body to viruses like herpes or plague, papillomavirus or parvovirus. In addition, the drug protects the body from bacterial microorganisms like chlamydia, staphylococci, intestinal sticks, salmonella or mycoplasma, ureaplasma, etc.

Contraindications of immunomax:

  • Up to 12 years of age;
  • Breastfeeding and pregnancy;
  • Hypersensitivity to medicine or its separate components.

Adverse Reactions The drug does not cause. And in exceptional cases, it can be assigned during pregnancy.

Galavit (tablets 300 p *, injections 600 p *)

Modern immunomodulator, which is produced in the form of candles, tablets and powder for injection mortar. The medication has an additional anti-inflammatory effect. Galavit refers to synthetic immunostimulants and at the moment there is no analogues. The drug is endowed with a wide effect:

  1. It enhances the development of the necessary antibodies;
  2. Enhances the production of macrophages, which differ in the ability to eliminate pathogenic pathogens;
  3. Increases the production of interferons that promote resilience to various infections;
  4. Has an antioxidant effect;
  5. It is characterized by hepatoprotective activity, i.e. protects the liver.

Galavit is contraindicated to receiving patients under 6 years of age, nursing, pregnant or people with intolerance to this medicine.

Arbidol (250 p *)

Antiviral remedy with moderate immunomodulatory activity. The drug is shown for diseases like:

  • ORVI, severe cases of respiratory diseases complicated by pneumonic or bronchial processes, types of influenza A and B;
  • Pneumonic lesions, comprehensive treatment of chronic inflammation of bronchi, recurrent herpes, pneumonia;
  • Restoration and improving immune status, preventive reception of the drug after surgery;
  • In the complex treatment of acute intestinal lesions of rotavirus origin in childhood patients (over 3 years old).

The drug practically does not have contraindications and side effects. It is not prescribed to children to three years, as well as hyper-sensitive to the drug to patients. Among possible adverse reactions are very rarely observed allergic manifestations.

Isoproprosin (600 p *)

Tableted drug antiviral and immunostimulating action. A means of synthetic origin, a derivative of purine, is used for diseases like:

  1. Papillomavirus, including with lesions of genital organs and larynx;
  2. Various forms of ORVI and influenza;
  3. Shingle and windmills;
  4. Cytomegalovirus;
  5. Various modifications of the herpesvarus of all types, as well as herpes keratitis, genital herpetic lesions, etc.;
  6. Contagious mollusk;
  7. Measles;
  8. Mononucleosis of infectious origin, etc.

Among the disadvantages of the drug, patients note the presence of adverse reactions in the form of nausea-vomiting syndrome and epigastric pain, itching sensations on the skin, articular pain and dizziness, sleep disorders and headaches, exacerbations of gout or intestinal disorder. Since the drug causes an increase in the blood of urea, it is contraindicated in urolithiasis, gout, insufficient activities of kidney and arrhythmia. In addition, the isoprosis is contraindicated to children weighing less than 20 kg and under 3 years of age.

Imunofane (500 p *)

Medication of Imunofane refers to the drugs of immunomodulatory action with hepatoprotective, disintellation, antioxidant and immunostimulating activity. In addition, the drug prevents the occurrence of cellular resistance to antitumor action preparations.

The drug is produced in the form of injections, rectal suppositories or spray for the nose. Imunofane is effective in treating:

  • HIV infection;
  • All sorts of immunodeficiency states;
  • Papillomavirus;
  • Cytomegalovirus;
  • Virus hepatitis of different types;
  • Herpes;
  • In complex antitumor therapy, etc.

The drug is not used in the treatment of children under 2 years of age and pregnant women who have a blood cut conflict with a fruit.

Tiloron (600 p *)

Drugstores Lavomax, amixin and Tiloram are analogues, have the same active ingredient (tiloron) and refer to the group of drugs - inductors of interferon synthesis with immunomodulating and antiviral action. Preparations are manufactured in tablet form.

  1. Lavomax provokes an increase in antibody formation, stimulates bone production stem cell structures, reduces immunosuppressive activity. It is used for herpetic and cytomegalovirus infections, viral hepatitis, respiratory and influenza infections in adult patients. Contraindicated pregnant, children and teenagers to 18 and nursing.
  2. Amixin has a similar effect and is able to stop viral reproduction. It can be used in pediatrics from 7 years of age, however, contraindicated in feeding and pregnancy.
  3. Tiloras, like Loveomax, contraindicated patients under 18, pregnant and nursing breasts to patients. Among the adverse reactions sometimes there are allergic rashes, a slight chill and dyspepsia (disorder of digestive activities).

Timalin (500 r *)

The drug is produced in the form of lyophilisate for the preparation of injection solutions. The active substance of the medication is the extract of tismus, which is obtained by extracting from animal boards.

The drug is effective if you need to restore immune activity. In addition, against the background of timaline intake in patients, cellular replacement processes occurs, blood formation is restored and regeneration is accelerated.

Timalin is shown:

  • With reduced immune status against the background of a different kind of soft and bone purulent-inflammatory pathologies;
  • With infectious damage to bacterial or viral origin;
  • In the oppression of bleeding and immune functions against the background of chemotherapeutic or radial treatment of tumor and oncological processes, as well as with long antibiotic therapy, etc.

The drug has no contraindications and is not prescribed only to people with hypersensitivity to it. In rare cases, the use of thimaline is accompanied by side allergic reactions.

There is an analogue on the basis of the same substance - a stable.


Refers to metabolic regulators, has antiarrhythmic and antihypoxic activity. As a result of the drug intake, the blood circulation of the coronary network is normalized, the energy balance of the heart increases. Active substance - Inosine. The drug is applied only in adult patients in the treatment of myocardium and arrhythmias, provoked by the reception of cardiac glycosides.


A multi-component drug containing inosine, succinic acid, vitamins B₂ and PP. Citooflavin refers to metabolic preparations that improve tissue nutrition and cellular breathing, blood circulation. It has anti-chemical and neuroprotective activity. It is produced in tablets and injections, applied in the treatment of patients of any age. It is undesirable to use in pregnant and nursing patients.

Is it possible to take pregnant women

Doctors do not have an unequivocal opinion regarding the admission of immunomodulators in pregnant women, however, the majority is inclined to take them all the same. Most of the products of this group exist in the pharmaceutical market relatively long, so long-term side effects from their reception are still unknown.

To increase the immunity, pregnant women better correct meals, enriching it with vegetables, greens and fruits, rationally organize mode, longer walk in the fresh air, etc.

In childhood

In the treatment of children, the use of immunomodulators and adaptogens is justified in cases:

  • Frequent ORVI, cold and influenza;
  • In the absence of hyperthermic symptoms during respiratory infections and influenza;
  • In case of sleep, severe weakness, frequent headaches;
  • With food allergies;
  • With a noticeable increase in lymph nodes.

Up to 1.5 years of age, immunomodulators apply only in exceptional cases. An older children are strictly according to medical readings, immunomodulators of the interferon group can be given. To give specific names of such means meaningless, because only a pediatrician should be prescribed. As immunostimulants and adaptogens, children are better to use natural tools like honey, rosehip, garlic or bow, eucalyptus, etc.

General principles of action

The drugs of immunomodulatory action are designed to balance the level of cellular structures of the immune system in the presence of pathologies of an autoimmune. These drugs balance the activities of all immune components, if necessary, suppress their activities or activating it. The effect of adaptogens is aimed at increasing the resistance of organic structures to infectious, viral and other varieties of external influence.

Immunomodulatory drugs are prescribed to patients who have serious health problems. There are a number of pathologies, against which the body is not able to withstand even the simplest infectious defeats. The most famous such pathology is the human immunodeficiency virus. To avoid constant cold and influenza with any minor supercooling, immunomodulators are prescribed to such patients.

Also in immunomodulatory therapy need premature children, especially when they begin to attend pre-school educational institutions. In such a situation, children fall into a completely new environment having their bacteria and microorganisms, so sometimes adaptogens are appointed for children, which:

  1. Slightly affect nervosystem structures;
  2. Restore endocrine activity;
  3. Accelerate reaction reactions;
  4. Form the organism resistance to adverse external influence;
  5. Contribute to improving the performance, tolerance of excessive loads, etc.

At the same time, adaptogenic drugs do not violate the processes of the normal activity of the body. They are encouraged to accept workers of harmful industries and hard work, athletes and people in a state of stressful or depressive disorder. If you take adaptogens with increased mental exercise, then the drugs will accelerate the body's fitness without harm to brain and muscle activity.

The bulk of people believe that natural immunomodulators are much safer to human health than synthetic drugs, therefore there is no need to buy ready-made drugs for the immune system, but you need to use the plants that nature gave us. Indeed, for thousands of years, humanity used a variety of plants for the treatment. In deep antiquity, traditional antiquities are rooted. In her rich pantry - hundreds of herbs names, thousands of recipes from various diseases. Many people applied today, methods of popular treatment are far from official medicine, but they received the approval of the life itself, hundreds of recovered people. Natural immunomodulators have always been used in folk medicine widely and successfully. Plants with immunostimulating effect on the body are known pretty well and are widely used in our time. In addition, vegetable immunomodulators Universal, therefore, can help with a variety of diseases - from the most ordinary cold to Grozny oncology. Herbal immunomodulators help support the immune forces of the body, strengthen the immune system. Preventive reception of plant immunomodulators can help prevent many diseases. In addition, regular reception of such grass contributes to the rejuvenation of the body and struggles with premature old age. But natural immunomodulators, like all other drugs, require a careful and attentive attitude to themselves, as most of them also have side effects with their improper use. In addition, some vegetable immunomodulators are pretty toxic plants that can provoke serious health problems. If you decide to use plant immunomodulators for your health, first take care of finding out how to apply them correctly, as long as much. Of course, only a specialist can give answers to these questions, and not a neighbor aunt Masha, who once took, so he considers himself a big specialist in this matter.

Herbs immunomodulators

Natural immunomodulators Vegetable origin is most famous plants:
- Birch;
- carnation;
- Walnuts and cedar nuts.
- nine;
- damnie;
- St. John's wort;
- ginseng;
- Cranberries;
- clover;
- nettle;
- lemongrass;
- raspberry;
- sea buckthorn;
- Rhodiola pink;
- Pine;
- Chabret;
- Celest;
- Rosehip;
- Echinacea;
Many natural immunomodulators of plant origin We became known when dietary supplements appeared on our market. Thanks to Badam, we met immunomodulatory plants that grow in South America, Africa, Southeast Asia and other countries. From the most famous can be called: a cat claw, Ganoderma, Noni, Astragal and others.
The main indications of the use of immunomodulators of plant origin are signs of immunodeficiency, which are characterized by frequent relapses of bacterial, viral and fungal infections that are not amenable to traditional treatment. Natural immunomodulators of plant origin will be more effective if simultaneously take preparations that contain vitamins, antioxidants and trace elements. Herbs immunomodulators, slowly (in comparison with synthetic analogues), but more securely affect the human body, restoring the operation of the protective system and does not have a pathological influence on its functions.

Vegetable immunomodulators Recipes

Here are some recipes for the use of organs of immunomodulators that can be used:

1. Rosehip fruits have an immunostimulating effect. To get a decoction, the fruits of Rosehip first need to soak for eight hours, then bring to a boil and pour into the thermos. After a few hours, the drink is imagined and will be ready for use. It can be repaid that he slowly gives his active substances.

2. The lemongrass is a very strong plant and take it carefully and dosed, especially those who have problems with heart or worrying hypertension. Lemongrass is contraindicated during pregnancy, it is also impossible to drink it. Tea from the twigs of the lemongrass can replace the morning coffee, because it is not worse.

3. Echinacea is a real record holder to improve immunity. This immunomodulator is used for colds, flu and other infectious diseases. As a medicinal product, flowers, leaves and even stems are taken. They are harvested in summer, dried in the shade and crushed. Vitamin tea is prepared in proportion - 1 tablespoon of dry mixture of Echinacea per gradder of boiling water.

4. Tea from the leaves of raspberries, if used daily, supplies the body with a number of active substances affecting the metabolic processes in the body and strengthening immunity. Malina is absolutely safe during pregnancy, moreover, phytotherapists recommend tea from raspberry to strengthen the uterus and facilitate childbirth. 1 tbsp. A spoon of young raspberries on 1 cup of boiling water, boil one minute, insist one hour.

5. Bereza has a number of unique healing properties, for which the people are well deserved. Not only the leaves and kidneys of the plant, but also branches, bark, and bark juice have immunostimulating properties. The infusion of leaves, in addition to this, is rich in ascorbic acid, and acts as a general fascination. The infusion of young leaves is prepared as follows: 10 tablespoons of crushed fresh raw materials are poured with 0.5 liters of boiled water of room temperature and insist two hours. Before use, filter and accept as a drink.

Herbal immunomodulators are not comprehensive!

The use of plant immunomodulators such as Echinacea, garlic, cat claw, cardiecycles, Noni, Chinese lemongrass, ginseng, luncture in small quantities, almost safe. But, firstly, these natural immunomodulators Not quite effective, and secondly, they are able to give a general strengthening of the existing immune system or its individual links, but, in principle, it is not able to make adjustments to it, correct errors in the program of its work! It means against autoimmune diseases, allergic, viral and cancer processes they are powerless! But despite this, herbs immunomodulators can be very useful to modern man. Many of them can be taken instead of the morning tea, giving the body a charge of energy and cheerful for the whole day. Natural immunomodulators Vegetable origin can be harvested and at the same time be calm for the quality and purity of raw materials. The main thing is to observe the measure and remember that the saying "good is not a lot" does not always reflect the truth, especially if we talk about the use of the herbs of immunomodulators. But this saying can with confidence to apply the transfer factor to the immune drug. Scientists say that significant doses of the factors transfer can have a terrific effect on the human body, especially with severe diseases. Transfer factor is a special preparation, an immunomodulator, which is no analogues in the world. Transfer factor was developed by the American company 4Life Research, which for more than fifteen years has been engaged in research in the field of action by transfer factor. It is infinite to feed immunity with various immunostimulants and immunomodulators, and how is the case with information, intelligence of the immune system? It turns out that there are small signaling molecules that can transmit information to the immune system, adjust it to the correct operation. These molecules were named transfers factors - factors of immune information transfer from one organism to another. For millions of years, there was this chain of the transfer of immune information from the mother to a child - through the primary colostrum, in the eggs - through the yolk eggs. In humans, this chain in the twentieth century was converted. The feature of the use of drugs Transfer factor that is very thin immune system regulators, so increase the possibilities of the immune system, which actually its work is often becoming the main, decisive factor in the treatment of many diseases, especially those in which pathogenetic treatment, in fact, never before did not have! You have the opportunity to make sure of it! Buy the transfer factor for your health and health of your family.

Immunity is the natural protection of our body from malicious microbes, viruses and diseases, which is why its strengthening and increase must be involved in permanent. The best period for this purpose is summer, because it is the most rich in fresh vegetables and fruits, and, consequently, vitamins and useful substances.

Immune protection of our body works constantly, so avoiding the attack of alien cells will not be able to avoid. But this is some other conditions (including the use of too fatty food, long course of treatment with antibiotics, negative impact of surrounding factors (radiation, industrial waste, exhaust gases, etc.)), stress and age suppress immunity, weakening it. Constant fatigue, frequent cases of insomnia, drowsiness, fast fatigue, increase in cases of colds, lubrication in joints and muscles, can be considered the main signs of weakened immunity.

Recipes of folk remedies for improving immunity.Now, with the approach of winter, consuming honey as a secreting agent as never relevant. It can be drunk with tea, especially efficiently combined with green tea varieties and freshly squeezed lemon juice or her slicker. Drink at half a glass twice a day. The strengthening course includes three weeks of therapy.

Healing decoction of berries and herbs is an excellent vitaminizing and toning agent for lifting immunity. For its preparation, it is necessary to prepare herbal mixture, which is included in a hundred mint grams, chestnut flowers, Ivan tea, Melissa. Everyone is pretty crumbling, take five tablespoons of the resulting mixture, pour out in the dishes with a thick bottom, pour a liter of boiling water. After that, the saucepan needs to put on a small fire and keep (after boiling) for five minutes. Next, the decoction should be removed from the fire, carefully bite and leave for insteading for a couple of hours. After the specified time, the decoction to strain and add two liters of a compote cooked from berries (fresh, frozen, dried) cherries, currants, strawberries, viburnum. Compote cooking without adding sugar. Such a fragrant drink should be taken at half a liter per day. Drink half an hour before meals.

But another is not only useful, but also a very tasty way to increase immunity, according to popular recipes. Crouching through the meat grinder, the cranberries, a glass of purified walnuts, four large green apples (pre-clean from the core). The resulting mixture is pouring 100 ml of water, add a sugar shelter. Mix to put on a slow fire and stirring constantly, bring to a boil. The mixture is shifted into clean dishes with a lid. Use on a tablespoon during the day, you can drink tea without sugar.

To strengthen the immunity, you can also skip through the meat grinder of the shelter, raisins, prunes, walnuts. Add the same amount of honey to the mixture, all thoroughly stirring, shock in the dishes with a lid, stored in the refrigerator. Use on an empty stomach on a tablespoon, half an hour before breakfast. This recipe can be changed a little by adding two lemon lemon instead of prunes (turn through the meat grinder).

Perfectly increases the body's protective forces next recipe. 250 g Luka Grind (can be in a blender), add 200 g of sugar sand, pour into the resulting mixture 500 ml of water and put on a slow fire for an hour and a half. Next to the mixture add two tablespoons of honey, mix and cool. After that, it is important to measure the means to strain and pour into clean dishes. Take such a decoction is necessary on a tablespoon from three to five times within a day, for fifteen minutes before meals.

With elevated mental and physical exertion, as well as at the weakening of the body's protective forces, the ideal is ideal (suitable for children and schoolchildren): 100 g of purified hazelnut should be slightly fasten on a dry frying pan. After cooling, placing in a coffee grinder and grind. Then add a pinch of vanillina. Pleep the mixture into another dishes and add half liters of oily milk (natural, rustic - perfect option). At the end add two tablespoons of honey. With the intolerance of honey, it can be replaced with sugar. The tool after that still needs to be insisted about twenty minutes, after which you can drink. Take small amounts for the day. The next day to prepare a new portion.

Perfectly strengthens the immunity, a composition prepared from lemon juice (four large fetus), half of the glass of aloe juice, 300 g of liquid honey and sheltered chopped walnuts. The mixture is pretty stirring and add 200 ml of vodka into it. Insist the remedy in a cool and dark place (as always) during the day. Take therapeutic composition on the tablespoon three times during the day half an hour before meals.

Very good during flu epidemics and other colds to maintain immunity with such a mixture: to combine freshly squeezed carrots and radish juices taken in 100 ml, adding lemon, cranberry juice through a tablespoon. To the finished mixture add another tablespoon of liquid honey. Drink during the day. Daily make a new portion.

Fishe fat, not loved by the children of the Soviet period, oddly enough, and in our time finds its application. It is recommended to drink a teaspoon per day. Sea fish and other seafood have a beneficial effect on immunity, so it is useful to include them more often in the diet.

The decoction of the needles of spruce also possesses the sootfactory properties. To make it cooking, fir needles should be taken, rinse it well with cold water (you need two tablespoons). Place your chest in a saucepan, add 200 ml of boiling water, close the lid tightly and put on a slow fire for twenty minutes. Then the resulting decoction to insist for half an hour and strain. In the finished liquid, introduce honey to taste. Take 200 ml three times a day.

But a very effective recipe for stimulating the immune system: mix and grind over 150 g of nettle and lemongrass, add 50 g of Sage. Now the teaspoon of collecting grass brew in thermos 200 ml of boiling water. It is insisted such a means of at least two hours, then strain and connect with a teaspoon of liquid honey. Such a means to use in the morning after meals.

An excellent toning, a common effect is rendered fresh juices. Drink autumn and spring courses of three weeks Red juices (pomegranate, grapes, cranberries, strawberries, blackberry, cherry, beet (dilute by half water). During the first week, the juice should drink 100 ml three times a day, the second week - as much, Only twice a day, the third week is the same amount, but already once a day. There should be a break between the courses in ten days.

Ginger is also famous for excellent regenerating, tonic and common properties. To increase the immune protection of the body, it is necessary to prepare such a tool: clean and grind 200 g of ginger root, then add to cut thinly half of the lemon and add 300 g of any berries (raspberry, viburnum, sea buckthorn, etc.). It is insisted with a mixture for forty-eight hours, then strain and squeeze. Take on a tablespoon, diluting water or with tea.

Infusion of grasses to increase immunity: mix and grind 100 g of dyeing, lime color, souls, hop cones, valerians, melissa, dryers, coriander seeds. Every time you need to prepare fresh infusion. So, take a tablespoon of a mixture of herbs, pour out a porcelain teapot, add boiling water (half-liter). Insist the mixture is necessary two hours. To drink is recommended in two or three right, before eating half an hour.

The mummy is also a very well-known means of traditional medicine, which possesses a well-fastest and anti-inflammatory action. In order to strengthen the immunity, the mummy should be applied as follows: take seven grams and mix with a small amount of water so that a homogeneous cashier-like mass is obtained. In this mass pour the shelf of liquid honey and stir well. Take a remedy on one tablespoon before meals three times during the day. Keep refrigerated.

Also, the mummy can be mixed with the healing aloe juice and lemon juice. Five grams of mumina - 100 gr. Aloe and three lemons juice. The resulting mass remains only to insist for twenty-four hours in a dark and cool place. Eat three times a day before the main meals.

For the same purposes to effectively use lemon in combination with honey. Two large lemons along with the zest to turn through the meat grinder, removing the bone pre-bone, add a honey kilogram. All mix and take three times a day on a tablespoon.

Two tablespoons of dry and crushed walnut leaves to brew 500 ml of boiling water (it is better to do in the thermos), the mixture was insisted for ten o'clock. After that, fluid strain. Take a quarter of a glass in the morning and lunch periods of time shortly before meals. The effect will be noticeable after three days of daily reception. The course of strengthening immunity in this way is two weeks.

Methods for strengthening immunity.To date, to strengthen your own immune defense in many ways. Strong immunity provides, first of all, the refusal of bad habits. Alcohol, smoking, unhealthy food (including fast food), hypodynamia, stress and overwork - all this must be excluded from his life, as a result it will be your first step towards strong immunity. It is clear that instead of sausages, sausages and other heavy and "useless" food (canned food, smoked, etc.) you need more than greenery, fruits, vegetables, including useful dairy products and cereals in the diet. In addition, imminent and emotional state is important for immunity, so emotions should be extremely positive, it is always important to observe sleep and recreation regime, regularly perform in the fresh air and, taking into account the health of health, loaded itself by physical exertion. Among products that have favorably affect the strength of our immunity, strengthening it, it should be noted, first of all, strawberries and kiwi, then carrots, zucchini, broccoli, patissons, citrus, pumpkin, nuts (especially cedar), sea fish (especially salmon) And other seafood (they have many most important unsaturated fatty acids for the body), vegetable oil (better olive).

Nowadays, special medicinal preparations are specially developed for the strengthening of the immune system of the body (or immunity). These are basically immunotropic means. Immediately make a reservation, to take them uncontrollably, that is, appointing them to yourself, it is impossible. This can provoke the development of serious negative consequences. They are appointed only by the doctor according to the results of the clinical picture of the patient.

Vaccination also helps to support immunity, in particular the most popular vaccinations are considered hepatitis and influenza. This procedure stimulates the body to independent antibody production.

Nowadays, there are a wide variety of vitamin complexes, which can also be taken to increase the protective properties of the body. In this embodiment, it is recommended that it is recommended for courses in autumn and spring (as a rule, the course is a month). However, remember that only the doctor will be able to appoint a complex that is suitable for you. It is very important that the organism obtained the necessary dose of ascorbic acid or vitamin C vitamin C. But here too, there may be their limitations, for example, some diseases.

Homeopathy is considered today a rather popular way of strengthening and improving the body, including children's. I also note that the preparations of this kind are appointed only by a specialist doctor (homeopath) and only after diagnosis. Preparations of this group are able to heal allergies, get rid of colds and strengthen the immune system.

Do not forget about the usual hardening of the body and exercise sports, because they are effective ways to increase human immunity. The contrasting souls, dusted with cold water (it is necessary to start with moderately cool, gradually lowering the temperature), swimming - all this plays an indispensable role in the struggle for strengthening immunity. There are no ages for hardening. However, the process should be permanent, gradual, and the individual capabilities and features of the body and the climatic conditions of the region of residence should be taken into account. It should be noted that the hardening procedures are contraindicated after night without sleep, with physical and emotional overvoltage, in case of illness, as well as after eating. In addition to hardening, in order to strengthen immunity, yoga, aerobics, jogging in the morning, fitness are recommended. All this should also be carried out systematically and gradual increase in loads.

A healthy intestine is one of the main components of strong immunity. This is due to the fact that cells of the immune system are located in one of its parts. Therefore, it is very useful to use products with lactobacteriums and bifidobacteriums, as well as probiotics.

Each of these methods is desirable to apply in the complex, then the result will not wait long for a long time.

Folk medicine can in strengthening the protective forces of the body is no less effective than, let's say, therapeutic drugs. Some plants and medicinal herbs can really increase the body's protective forces. Plants with such properties are also called immunostimulants. Among them can be celebrated Echinacea, St. John's wort, ginseng, garlic, licorice, clover Red, Aloe, Celandine, Limondure Chinese, Yarrow and many others. However, it should be noted that in the abuse of similar plants there may be exhausted the body, which is caused by excessive consumption of enzymes. In addition, some herbs can cause a constant dependence or addiction.

An excellent biostimulating action has a flower pollen, its composition is rich in vitamins, useful substances, amino acids, etc., due to which it increases the body's resistance to infectious diseases.

Immunomodulators are a group of pharmacological preparations that activate the immunological protection of the body on a cellular or humoral level. These drugs stimulate immunity and increase the nonspecific resistance of the body.

the main organs of the human immune system

Immunity is a unique human body system capable of destroying alien substances and in need of proper correction. Normally, immunocompetent cells are developed in response to the introduction of pathogenic biological agents - viruses, microbes and other infection pathogens into the body. Immunodeficiency states are characterized by a reduced production of these cells and the frequent morbidity is manifested. Immunomodulators - special preparations combined by the general name and similar mechanism of action used to prevent various ailments and strengthening the immune system.

Currently, the pharmacological industry produces a huge amount of means that have an immunostimulating, immunomodulatory, immunochargent and immunosuppressive effect. They are freely sold in the pharmacy network. Most of them possess side effects and have a negative impact on the body. Before purchasing such medicines, you should consult with your attending physician.

  • Immunostimulators Strengthens human immunity, ensure more efficient operation of the immune system and provoke the production of protective cellular links. Immunostimulants are harmless to persons who do not have violations of the immune system and exacerbations of chronic pathologies.
  • Immunomodulators The balance of immunocompetent cells in autoimmune diseases also adjust and balance the entire components of the immune system, suppressing or increasing their activity.
  • Immunocormers Impact only on certain structures of the immune system, normalizing their activities.
  • Immununopressants Inhibit the products of immunity units in cases where its hyperactivity damages the human body.

Self-treatment and inadequate reception of drugs can lead to the development of autoimmune pathology, with its own cells the organism begins to perceive as other people and fight them. Immunostimulants should be taken on strict indications and to the appointment of the attending physician. This is especially true of children, because their immune system is fully formed only by 14 years.

But in some cases, without receiving drugs of this group, it is easy not to do. In severe diseases with a high risk of developing serious complications, the reception of immunostimulants is justified even in kids and pregnant women. Most immunomodulators are low-toxic and fairly effective.

Application of immunostimulators

Preliminary immunocorrection is aimed at eliminating the main pathology without the use of basic therapy preparations. It is prescribed to persons with diseases of the kidneys, digestive system, rheumatism, when preparing for surgical interventions.

Diseases under which immunostimulators are used:

  1. Congenital immunodeficiency
  2. Malignant neoplasms,
  3. Inflammation of viral and bacterial etiology,
  4. Mycoses and protozoes,
  5. Helmintosis
  6. Renal and liver pathology,
  7. Endocrinopathology - diabetes mellitus and other metabolic disorders,
  8. Immunosuppression against the background of receiving some medicines - cytostatics, gluchicorticosteroids, NSAIDs, antibiotics, antidepressants, anticoagulants,
  9. Immunodeficiency due to ionizing irradiation, excessive intake of alcohol, strong stress,
  10. Allergy,
  11. Status after transplantation,
  12. Secondary post-traumatic and post-cell immunodeficiency states.

The presence of signs of immune failure is an absolute indication for the use of immunostimulants in children. The best immunomodulator for children can only pick up a pediatrician.

Persons who most often prescribe immunomodulators:

  • Children with faster immunity
  • Older people with a depleted immune system,
  • People with a tense rhythm of life.

Treatment with immunomodulators should be under the control of the doctor and immunological research.


The list of modern immunomodulators today is very large. Depending on the origin, immunostimulants are distinguished:

Independent use of immunostimulants is rarely justified. Usually they are used as a supplement to the main treatment of pathology. The choice of drug is determined by the peculiarities of immunological disorders in the patient's body. The effectiveness of drugs is considered to be maximum during the exacerbation of pathology. The duration of therapy is usually varied from 1 to 9 months. The use of adequate doses of medication and proper compliance with the treatment regimen allows immunostimulants to fully realize their therapeutic effects.

Immunomodulatory action also have some probiotics, cytostatics, hormones, vitamins, antibacterial drugs, immunoglobulins.

Synthetic immunostimulators

Synthetic adaptogens have an immunostimulating effect on the body and increase its resistance to adverse factors. The main representatives of this group are "Dibazole" and "Bhemitil". Due to the pronounced immunostimulating activity, drugs have an anti-asthenic effect and help the body quickly recover after a long stay in extreme conditions.

With frequent and protracted infections with the prophylactic and therapeutic purposes, the reception of Dibazole with Levamizol or Decamisoma is combined.

Endogenous immunostimulators

This group includes thymus preparations, red bone marrow and placenta.

Timic peptides are produced by thymus cells and regulate the operation of the immune system. They change the functions of T-lymphocytes and restore the balance of their subpopulations. After applying endogenous immunostimulants, the number of cells in the blood is normalized, which indicates their expressed immunomodulating effect. Endogenous immunostimulants enhance interferon products and increase the activity of immunocompetent cells.

  • "Timalin" It has an immunomodulatory effect, regenerative and repair processes activates. It stimulates cell immunity and phagocytosis, normalizes the number of lymphocytes, increases the secretion of interferon, restores immunological reactivity. This drug is used to treat immunodeficiency states developed against the background of acute and chronic infections, destructive processes.
  • "Imunofane" - The drug widely used in cases where the human immune system cannot independently resist the disease and requires pharmacological support. It stimulates immunity, removes toxins and free radicals from the body, has a hepatoprotective effect.


Interferons increase the nonspecific resistance of the human body and protect it from viral, bacterial or other antigenic attacks. The most effective drugs that have such an impact are "Cycloferon", "Viferon", "Anaferon", "Arbidol". They contain synthesized proteins, pushing the body to develop their own interferons.

Treatments of natural origin treats leiccitarian human interferon.

The long-term use of drugs of this group minimizes their effectiveness, oppresses its own human immunity, which ceases to actively function. Inadequate and too long, their use has a negative impact on the immunity of adults and children.

In combination with other drugs, interferons are prescribed patients with viral infections, papillomatomosis of larynx, onco-scabers. They are used intranasally, orally, intramuscularly and intravenously.

Preparations of microbial origin

Drugs of this group have a direct impact on the monocytic-macrophage system. Activated blood cells begin to produce cytokines that launch reactions of congenital and acquired immunity. The main task of these drugs is the removal of pathogenic microbes from the body.

Vegetable adaptogens

Plant adaptogens include Echinacea extracts, Eleutherococcus, ginseng, lemongrass. These are "soft" immunostimulants, widely used in clinical practice. Preparations from this group are prescribed to patients with immunodeficiency without a preliminary immunological examination. Adaptogens launch the operation of enzyme systems and biosynthetic processes, activate the nonspecific stability of the body.

The use of plant adaptagents with a prophylactic goal reduces the incidence of ARVI and, opposes the development of radiation disease, weakens the toxic effect of cytostatics.

For the prevention of a number of diseases, as well as for a speedy recovery of patients, it is recommended to drink ginger tea or cinnamon tea daily, take black pepper peas.

Video: About Immunity - School of Dr. Komarovsky

According to statistics, immunomodulators are among the best-selling drugs in the pharmaceutical market. It is understandable - everyone wants to drink a magic tablet and do not hurt. In addition, manufacturers argue that these funds will protect against viruses and strengthen health. However, the doctors themselves are quite complex attitude towards drugs that are designed to simulate human immunity.

For our immunity, the so-called T-killer cells are responsible.

When the virus enters the body, they attack it.

Therefore, the lobs in the body appear.

If the disease is delayed, this means that T-killers are tired, if we say simple words, and cannot perform your function.

Immunomodulators are substances that give an impetus to the immune system to regulate the body's protective forces. Such substances are obtained from plant tissues or animals by methods of genetic engineering and synthesis of chemical compounds.

Indications in which diseases are prescribed

Immunomodulators are divided into 2 groups. In the first group - potent drugs that have a lot of serious side effects, therefore recommend them not to everyone. They are prescribed at:

  • primary deficiency of immunity;
  • hIV-related immunodeficiency
  • colds;
  • at.

In the second group - funds, easily acquired without a recipe, and which suppress the symptoms of the disease:

  • reduce;
  • stop runzkch.

They are often advised to acquire for prevention and in the first days of the treatment of the disease.


By origin, immunomodulators are divided into:

  • synthetic;
  • natural.

According to the impact on the immune system, they are classified as:

  • immunostimulating;
  • immunosuppressive (immunosuppressants).

Immunostimulating drugs include:

  • interferons;
  • medical vaccines;
  • timus preparations;
  • active peptides;
  • interleukins;
  • mushroom polysaccharides.

Immunosuppressants are groups of the following means:

  • cytostatics;
  • anti-rhesus and antilimphocytic immunoglobulins;
  • hormonal drugs;
  • monoclonal antibodies.

Immunostimulants, affecting cellular metabolism, activate the cells of the immune system. Immunosuppressants are used in the treatment of autoimmune diseases, suppressing the activity of lymphocytes in the case or.

Classification and indications for the use of immunomodulators:

Rating of popular drugs

The list of these medicines today is quite wide, starting with an inexpensive price. They are offered in any pharmacy, even if a person does not ill, especially with the onset of cold weather and in anticipation of flu epidemic.

For adults

For children

For the treatment of children, separate forms of immunostimulators release are provided that only a doctor should be assigned. An amateur intervention in the work of the child's immune system can cause allergies, autoimmune disorders, and other pathologies.

Immunomodulators are drugs that help the body fight bacteria and viruses by strengthening the body's protective forces. To take such medicines to adults and children is allowed only by appointing a doctor. Immunopreparations have a mass of adverse reactions in non-compliance with the dosage and improper selection of the drug.

In order not to harm the body, you need to competently approach the choice of immunomodulators.

Description and Classification of Immunomodulators

What is immunomodulating drugs in general terms are clear, now it is worth dealing with what they happen. Immunomodulatory products have certain properties affecting human immunity.

Eliminate such types:

  1. Immunostimulators - These are peculiar immunoping drugs that help the body to develop or strengthen the existing immunity to one or another infection.
  2. Immununopressants - Inhibit the activity of immunity if the body begins to fight with itself.

All immunomodulators perform various functions to some extent (sometimes even a few), therefore also allocate:

  • immunofactory;
  • immuno-containing funds;
  • antiviral immunostimulating drugs;
  • antitumor immunostimulating agents.

Which drug is the best of all groups, it does not make sense to choose, as they are on the same level and help with different pathologies. They are incomparable.

Their action in the human body will be aimed at immunity, and what they will do, it is already entirely depends on the class of the chosen drug, and the difference in choosing is very large.

The immunomodulator may be in nature:

  • natural (homeopathic drugs);
  • synthetic.

Also, the immunomodulatory drug may be different in the type of synthesis of substances:

  • endogenous - substances are synthesized already in the human body;
  • exogenous - substances enter the body outside, but have natural origins of plant origin (herbs and other plants);
  • synthetic - all substances are artificially grown.

The effect of the preparation from any group is strong enough, therefore it is also worth mentioning than those drugs are dangerous. If immunomodulators will be used in a long time uncontrollably, then when they are canceled, the real immunity of a person will be zero and fighting infections without these drugs will not be any possibility.

If the drugs are discharged for children, but the dosage for some reason is not true, it can contribute to the fact that the body of a growing child will not be able to independently strengthen its protective forces and subsequently the baby will often hurt (you need to choose special children's medicines). In adults, such a reaction can also be marked by the initial weakness of immunity.

Video: Tips of Dr. Komarovsky

What are you prescribed for?

Immune drugs are prescribed to those people who have immune status significantly below the norm, and therefore their body is unable to deal with various infections. The appointment of immunomodulators is appropriate when the disease is so strong that even a healthy person with a good immunity will not be able to overcome it. Most of these drugs have antiviral action, and therefore are appointed in a complex with other medicines for the treatment of many diseases.

Modern immunomodulators are used in such cases:

  • with allergies to restore the body's forces;
  • at herpes of any type to eliminate the virus and restoration of immunity;
  • with influenza and ARVI to eliminate the symptoms of the disease, getting rid of the causative agent of the disease and maintain the body in the rehabilitation period so that other infections in the body do not have time;
  • with a cold for speedy recovery, so as not to use antibiotics, but to help the body independently recover;
  • in gynecology, an immunostimulating drug is used to treat some viral diseases to help it cope with it;
  • HIV is also treated with immunomodulators of various groups in a complex with other drugs (various stimulants, medicines that have antiviral action and many others).

For a certain disease, even several types of immunomodulators can be used, but they all should be spelled out by a doctor, as the independent purpose of such strong drugs can only worsen the state of human health.

Features in appointment

Immunomodulators should be appointed by a doctor so that it can choose the individual dosage of the drug according to the age of the patient and its illness. These drugs are different in their form of release, and the patient can register one of the most convenient forms for reception:

  • pills;
  • capsules;
  • injections;
  • candles;
  • injection in ampoules.

What better to choose the patient, but coordinating your decision with your doctor. Another plus is what is sold inexpensive, but effective immunomodulators, and therefore the problem with the price will not arise in the direction of elimination of the disease.

Many immunomodulators have natural plant components in their composition, others on the contrary contain only synthetic components, and therefore it will not be difficult to choose a group of drugs that will be better suited in one way or another.

It should be borne in mind that the reception of such drugs must be cautious to assign people from certain groups, namely:

  • for those who are preparing for pregnancy;
  • for pregnant and nursing breasted women;
  • children up to a year better not to prescribe such drugs without extreme need;
  • children from 2 years old are prescribed strictly under the control of the doctor;
  • to old people;
  • people with endocrine diseases;
  • with severe chronic diseases.

The most common immunomodulators

There are many effective immunomodulators in pharmacies. They will differ in their qualities and price, but with the competent selection of the drug, the human body in the fight against viruses and infections will help. Consider the most common list of drugs of this group, the list of which is listed in the table.

Pictures of drugs:







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