Bogdan Khmelnitsky's liberation war. Causes, empty

First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the causes of the Liberation War, to reveal the socio-economic and political position of Ukraine in the composition of the Commonwealth, the social-economic system of which, despite the rise in the T.N. Golden rest, hid all the signs of a deep crisis. Its reason was the irresistible worsening of the position of all the layers of the then society and above all the peasantry, which suffered from expanding serfdom and the barbecue, an attempt to the Polish Magnatheria and the gentry to lay the Ukrainian population, to implanse and Catholicism. The provision of the Cossacks of both Zaporizhia and the registry, which threatened elimination as a separate state as a whole threatened significantly. It should be noted that the strengthening of the serf and national oppression in Ukraine was accompanied by an unprecedented in other powers of Europe, the growth of feudal anarchy, noble arbitrariness.

Students need to be familiar with B. Khmelnitsky's biographical data, which headed the liberation struggle of the Ukrainian people. At the same time, it is necessary to avoid stereotypical views of Soviet historiography on him as a leader who sought to attach Ukraine to Russia, allegedly was the original dream of the Ukrainian people. In this regard, it should be found with the state flow of Ukrainian historiography (V. Lipinsky, D. Doroshenko, etc.)., What sees a consistent builder of the Ukrainian Cossack state in it. It is important to comprehensively reveal the greatness of Bogdan Khmelnitsky as one of the outstanding figures of Ukrainian history, which is by chance contemporaries, and the descendants were compared with Oliver Cromwell and Albrecht Walleshtein.

It should be sequentially considered the course of the main events of the Liberation War, students should know the most important battles of the peasant-Cossack Army - under yellow waters, ash, Pilyavtsy, Lviv, Zbarazh and Zbor, Berestchik, whip, a zhvantz and more. Inhabitant to pay attention to the main content of the most important contracts were concluded by the army of Zaporizhzhya with Poland - Zborovsky (1649), Belotserkovsky (1651), Moskovsky State - Pereyaslavsky (1654), their influence on the internal and international position of Ukraine.

It is necessary to realize the enormous importance of social and economic shifts as a result of the Liberation War. The most important was the elimination of the rocking of the shopping land tenure in the significant territory of Ukraine. Due to the part of the population, the number of free producers has increased, the process of improving the peasantry has actually stopped. At the expropriated by the Cossack state, the lands of the peasants were attributed to the so-called. Military villages and served a service only for the benefit of the Cossack state. The peasant -castian small land ownership became the main type of land ownership in the Cossack state. Syrian traveler XVII century. Pavel Aleppsky noted: "Cossacks, carved power, divide the land among themselves, cut off the forests, burn roots and sow the earth with bread." As a result, feudal - serfdom in Ukraine was significantly undermined.

Students need to be aware of the emergency complexity of the situation in which Ukraine turned out to be after long hostilities against Poland. At the end of 1653 it became clear that it was not possible to free themselves from Polish yoke on its own Ukraine. The young Ukrainian Cossack Power, which had a few more than a million inhabitants, could not apply a decisive blow to Poland with its six million people and the inscanative military potential of the uncertainty of the situation contributed to the insidious tactics of the Ally of Ukraine of Crimean Khan, who was not interested in strengthening and every time actually Her military victories has reduced. The way out of the situation was to obtain a reliable militarian assistance in Ukraine, which could provide Ukraine with a fracture in hostilities and the final gap with Poland. Such force, according to Khmelnitsky, was to be a Moscow state.

After the Council of All States in Pereyaslav on January 8, 1654, as well as two-week negotiations of Cossack representatives in Moscow with the Russian government were accepted by the so-called. "Articles of Bogdan Khmelnitsky" (March 21, 1654), as well as the royal diplomas of the troops of the Zaporizhia, Ukrainian gentle and clergy. These documents should regulate the relationship between Ukraine with the Russian state. In the Cossies, the right of the elections of the hetman was preserved with the subsequent approval of the king. The number of Cossack registry was established in 60 thousand people. Hetman had the right to interconnect with the enterprise governments (the Polish King and Turkish Sultan with the consent of the king). Taxes must be collected by local officials and transmitted to the royal authorities. Among these funds were to be paid to Starshine posts, artillery, etc. Cities significantly retained self-government. In Kiev, there must be a Russian voivode, which belonged mainly representative functions. In the spring, the king was supposed to start hostilities against Poland.

Thus, Ukraine as a state organism retained the right of free elections of the head of state (hetman), its administration, army, finance, diplomacy, the rights and privileges of individual estates. A huge part of the Ukrainian peasantry, as well as the meshness, continued to consider itself to be the Cossacks, that is, free from feudal dependence, which made it difficult for the Cossack of the elder and Ukrainian gentry to implement their class privileges. Suffice it to say that during the life of the Khmelnitsky registry and was not compilation. When Slap Kikin, who arrived in Ukraine after the death of Khmelnitsky, tried to figure out the number of Cossacks, then he received the answer from the head: "And where Kozakov in the Zaporizhia army and now there are from three hundred thousand." The royal government was forced to reckon with the real existence of Ukrainian statehood and the social shifts that occurred in Ukraine in connection with the massiveness of the peasantry.

Students need to understand that the establishment of the close military-political union of Ukraine with Moscow led to the regrouping of the forces of warring parties. Crimean Khanate reached Poland and from an ally turned into a dangerous enemy Zaporizhia troops. In February 1654 battles began on the territory of the Bratlashchin, the population of which had a stubborn resistance to the Polish troops. In the summer of 1654, wide offensive operations of Russian and Cossack troops on the territory of Lithuania and Belarus were launched. In the autumn of the same year, the whole territory of the latter was in the hands of the allies. The southern part of Belarus, where the Cossack Corps of Zolotarenko was particularly active, controlling the administration. In January 1655, brutal battles began under the Okhotov Kiev between the main forces of the Cossack Army, headed by the Khmelnitsky, the Allied Army of Sheremeteyev and Polish-Tatar troops. After the fracture in the military actions in the spring and summer, 1655 Khmelnitsky, at the head of the Ukrainian and Russian troops, slowly moved through Podolia to Gloria. Poland was in an extremely difficult situation. In the spring of 1655, Sweden joined the war with it, which captured most of the Greater Poland lands. In September 1655, after the defeat of Polish troops near the town (near Lviv), Khmelnitsky, taking in the siege of Lviv, sent a number of parts for Holmshchina I. Lublinsk region of Likvydovati Rosryzneni group of broken gentle troops. Poland has become almost defenseless in front of three strong opponents, fundamental changes in the international situation in the east of Europe. This situation was as time to use Khmelnitsky to strengthen the political situation of Ukraine. Before the possible section of the speech by compulcpens to the close union with the Cossack state, the traditional opponent of Poland is striving - Sweden, Semigrad Prince Yuri Ii Rakhati, Kurfürst Brandenburg Friedrich Wilhelm, Great Hetman Lithuanian Yanush Radzivill. Ukraine was in the center of complex diplomatic combinations.

khmelnitsky rebellion of Cossack

He headed the People's uprising Chigirinsky Sotnik Bogdan (Zinovy) Khmelnitsky, who felt the arbitrariness of the Polish gentry and the difficulty of the dysfunctional position. He finds justice, he with a small detachment of like-minded people went to Sch, where in 1648 he was elected hetman troops of Zaporizhia. Becoming hetman, B. Khmelnitsky in his universal asked the people to the uprising.

The beginning of the war. Martialctions in 1648-1649. The first victories of the rebels received in battles in the yellow waters on May 5-6, 1648 and under the Corsune on May 16, 1648. During the summer of 1648, the uprising has covered the territory of Kyiv region, Podelia, Volyn and Left-Bank Ukraine.

At the beginning of the war, Bogdan Khmelnitsky and Cossack Starin were striving only to restore the lost rights and liberty, the provision of equal rights of the Orthodox and Catholic Church, and therefore peace negotiations with the Poles began after the first victories. But the latter did not take concessions, but only pulled the time to collect an army for the further fight against the rebels.

  • On September 13, 1648, the Cossack army won the Poles in the battle under the pilas. In October - November 1648, a long siege of Lviv. Cossacks, having received a ransom, left the city and headed further to the Polish fortress the horseship and reached the city of Vistula, but, having learned about the election of the new Polish king, B. Khmelnitsky agreed to a truce with him and returned the Cossack army to Ukraine.
  • On December 23, 1648, the Cossacks solemnly entered Kiev. Here, according to historians, B. Khmelnitsky had a fracture in views on the main goal of the struggle. Until now, he did not rise above the interests of his state - the Cossacks. Now he realized his duties against the entire people. During the negotiations with the Poles, he declared his intention to free all Ukraine and the Ukrainian people from Polish power. Hetman rethought the lessons of last year's struggle, for the first time in the history of Ukrainian socio-political thought, the basic principles of the national state idea formulated. During this time, there were serious changes in the self-awareness of Ukrainians: the development of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Motherland, its unity and independence, feelings of a common goal and national identity.

Polish authorities were not able to make a compromise, and the continuation of the war was inevitable. On August 5-6, 1649 B. Khmelnitsky, with the help of the Crimean Khan, won a convincing victory over the Poles in the battle under Zarov. During July and August of this year, the siege of the Zbarazhsk fortress continued, but Han Islam-Garyu III did not allow to complete the defeat of the Polish army. He decided to pursue the "equilibrium forces" policies, which would lead to the mutual exhaustion of Ukraine and Poland and would provide the opportunity for Crimea to play a leading role in Southeast Europe.

Zborovsky peace treaty. On August 8, 1649 B. Khmelnitsky and Polish King Yang Casimir signed the Zborovsky Peace Treaty. Its content actually meant that the Polish government first recognized the autonomy (self-government) of the Ukrainian Cossack state within the surroundings of a compulculated in the territory of the three voivodes - Kiev, Bratslav and Chernigovsky.

On the liberated lands began to develop a new military administrative and political system, the Ukrainian national state was formed - Hetmanschina. The traditional military and public attitude of the Cossacks was transferred to the liberated territory. The National Cossacks of Cossack Storn came to power. It was quite influential part of the Orthodox Ukrainian gentry.

According to the terms of the contract, the number of Cossacks of Troops Zaporizhzhya was limited to the registry of 40,000 people. All those who did not get into the Cossack registry should have come back. The amnesty was proclaimed with all participants in the national liberation war under the leadership of B. Khmelnitsky, Orthodox and Catholic gears who joined the Cossacks and fought against Polish government forces. The Orthodox Kiev Metropolis was restored in his rights, and Kiev Metropolitan was to enter the Senate of the Commonwealth. The issue of Unia was transferred to the Seimas.

The signed peace treaty did not satisfy neither the Cossacks nor the Government of the Commonwealth. Both sides began preparations for a new stage of war.

Political and socio-economic changes in the Ukrainian lands. Under the onslaught of folk uprisings and hostilities Polish magnates and gentlemen, the Catholic clergy was forced to leave their estates and run. As a result, feudal land tenure was significantly limited, and the serfdom was destroyed. Bogdan Khmelnitsky some time constrained the growth of major land tenure. Land, left by the gentlemen, seized the Cossacks and the peasants: part of the land went to the ownership of the military treasury. Cossacks and peasants became free small landowners. The townspeople got the opportunity to freely and freely engage in crafts, crafts and trade. Cossacks finally imposed on a separate estate of society. Reducing the size of shavers and contesions contributed to the growth of economic opportunities of peasant farms. The cities opened new opportunities for the manifestation of the entrepreneurial initiative of artisans and merchants. The positions of the Orthodox clergy strengthened. Orthodoxy became universal teaching, which united the national forces of Ukraine in the fight against foreign domination.

Events 1651-1653. The defeat in the battle under Berertechka (June 1651) negatively affected the combat spirit of the army. Although fighting under the White Church in September 1651 showed that the Polish army is not able to overcome the Cossacks, but B. Khmelnitsky had little forces for the offensive, and was also not confident in the reliability of the Crimean Khan, who could stand on Poland. All this forced both sides to move to negotiations, which ended with the conclusion on September 18, 1651, unprofitable for Ukraine of the Belotserkovsky Agreement.

On May 22-23, 1652 B. Khmelnitsky in the battle under the tight of the head crushed 30 thousandth Polish army. In fact, the action of the Zborovsky treaty was resumed. The struggle continued in Moldovan campaigns and the battle under the zhvantz (Zhvanetsky siege in October-December 1653).

However, the longer the war lasted, especially B. Khmelnitsky and the foreman were convinced that we could not overcome Poland without the help of the outside of Ukraine. One of the possible allies of Ukraine was Turkish Sultan. But the real help of Sultan was limited only by the orders of the Crimean Khan join the operations of Troops Zaporizhia. The Tatars were unreliable allies, and their robbers were annoyed by the Ukrainian population. B. Khmelnitsky was increasingly inclined to be convinced that only the Russian "single" king could be a reliable ally.

Rapid with Russia. Pereyaslavskaya Rada. A new attempt to achieve liberation and association of all Ukrainian lands within the national state was made with an attempt to rely on the help of Russia. On October 1, 1653, the Zemsky Cathedral in Moscow decided to take the army of Zaporizhia "under a high sovereign hand." For the legalization of this act to Ukraine, the embassy of V. Buturlin has left. January 8, 1654. In Pereyaslav, the Starinsky Council was held first, and later General Military Council. It was decided that the hetmanschi will go under the Protectorate of Russia while maintaining the basic rights and liberties of Troops Zaporizhia. Oral agreements in Pereyaslav were approved in March of the same year in Moscow, the documents formed a system of the norms of relations between the hetmans and Russia, known in the literature as Pereyaslav Treaty 1654.

The increasing contradictions between Hetman and Russia. In the spring of 1654, the Russian army began military actions against the Polish army in Belarus. She was helped by a 20 thousand Cossack Corpus I. Zolotarenko. The Allies received Smolensk, Minsk, Vilna, I. Zolotarenko captured South Belarus. But his measures to introduce in Belarus Cossacks called the first conflict with Moscow governors, which all the land received by the Cossacks considered "royal."

In the autumn of 1654, the Poles, having enlisted with the support of the Crimean Khan, went hiking to Ukraine. In January 1655, B. Khmelnitsky with Cossack and Moscow army spoke against them. The decisive battle, which took place near Ochmatov (in the Kiev region) in the last days of January, cost big losses to both parties, but did not bring any success. This significantly weakened the hopes of Ukrainian to help the king, which, besides, in every way tried through his governor to conquer Ukraine with his will, and the Cossacks to use for the conquest of Lithuania and Belarus.

The desire of B. Khmelnitsky to complete the liberation and association of Ukrainian lands. From 1655 B. Khmelnitsky developed active diplomatic activities, trying to provide other foreign policy efforts to ensure the independence of the Ukrainian state. In particular, allied relations with Sweden were established. In the spring of 1655, the Swedish king of Karl X Gustav began a war against Poland. Using this, B. Khmelnitsky with the Ukrainian army and the corps F. Bournerina in the fall in the fall in Galicia, defeated the Polish army by Podgorodkom and began the siege of Lviv. Since F. Buturlin, on behalf of the king, demanded that all the received cities belonged to the king, then B. Khmelnitsky did not storm Lviv, but limited himself to the ransom.

The Ukrainian-Moscow army captured Lublin, and in front of the hetman, prospects were opened to combine all Ukrainian lands under their Maula. But here Khan again spoke to the rescue Poland. This forced B. Khmelnitsky to retreat from Lviv. On November 20, 1655, the Ukrainian-Moscow camp attacked in the Lake Tatars, and everything ended with negotiations and the loss of campaign achievements of 1655

From the end of 1655, Russia, scared by the success of Sweden in the Baltic States, went on rapprochement with the response to the Commonwealth to join the fight against Sweden. The Russian-Swedish war began. And in wine, an agreement on the truce between Russia and Poland (1656) was signed. The Ukrainian delegation was not allowed to the Polish-Russian negotiations. In Ukraine, it was perceived as a betrayal.

The main concern of Bogdan Khmelnitsky in the last year of his life was the completion of the liberation of Ukrainian lands. In order to create an antipol coalition, he concluded agreements with the Swedish king Karl X Gustav, and Semigrad Prince Yuri Racci II. In early 1657, Ukraine and Semigradia (Transylvania) began military operations against Poland. Cossack troops mastered the Volyn, Town-Pinchin and Berestarechina.

Swedes captured most of Poland. But soon there were failures, and the antipolsk coalition broke up. These events were the last blow for the sick hetman, and on July 27, 1657 he died in Chigirin. His death has significantly complicated the case of the liberation of Ukraine: the internal contradictions of the Ukrainian society broke out; The contradictions between the elder, which sought to obtain feudal privileges, and ordinary Cossacks; The struggle of the Starinsky groups for power, which led to the collapse was launched.

After the death of Bogdan, Khmelnitsky, Ivan Yangovsky, elected hetman, met a strong opposition in the face of the left-bank Cossacks, as a result of which the civil war was broken - Ruin. In 1658, Hetman concluded with the speech of the compulcient T. N. Gadyachi articles. According to them, the territory, subject to Troops Zaporizhia, should have been included in the Commonwealth of Commonwealth as the Grand Duch of Russian as an equal basis with the Kingdom of the Polish and Grand Durability of the Lithuanian part. However, a strong opposition forced the yagovsky to remove the powers of the hetman, and the son of Bogdan Khmelnitsky, Yuri, was elected to his place. After the defeat under the Slobodishche, Khmelnitsky was forced to capitulate and moved to the side of the commitor speech, but was supported by not all the Cossacks. On the left bank did not recognize the signed by Khmelnitsky Slobodishchesky treatise, and elected hetman Pereyaslav Colonel Yakima Samko. The split between the supporters and opponents of Pereyaslav's Rada eventually led in 1660 to the section of the Troops of Zaporizhzhya on the left bank (subordinate to Russia) and the Right Bank (as part of the Commonwealth).

In January 1663, after Yuri Khmelnitsky folded the powers of the hetman, the first and only one was proclaimed the "Koshest Hetman", which Ivan Bryukhovetsky became proclaimed.

After several unsuccessful attempts to the association undertaken by both parties, in 1667 the Andrusovsky truce was concluded, which consolidated the section of Ukraine on the Dnieper.

Since that time, the right-bank Ukraine becomes the isna of the fight against the Commonwealth, the Ottoman Empire and the individual Cossack detachments among themselves. In this struggle, the title of hetman is widely used, which alternately carry the owners of the warring parties. Under these conditions, there is a significant weakening of the Gentman authorities at the Right-Bank Ukraine.

I. Maazpa became hetman in an extremely difficult time for Ukraine. Ukrainian lands were dissected. "Kolomatak articles" in 1687

Colomatskiy articles 1687 - Agreement concluded on July 25, 1687 on r. Kolomak (now Kharkiv region), between the newly elected hetman of Ukraine I. Mazepa and the Cossack Stashina, on the one hand, and the Moscow kings Ivan, Peter and the Queen of Sofia, on the other. The contract consisted of 22 points (articles). In the heart of Kolomatsk articles lay previous Ukrainian-Moscow contracts, approved by Cossack Rada, when electing the hetmans, D. Meni-Raman and I. Samamilovich. Colomatvic articles repeated with some changes the text of the Glukhov articles of 1669 and contained several new items. Articles confirmed Cossack rights and privileges, retained the 30-thousand registry Cossack army and the company's regiments.

However, Hetman had no right without the royal decree to deprive the German senior positions, and the foreman - to shift the hetman. Cossack Starin undertook to monitor and convey to the hetman to the Tsarist government. It was significantly limited to the right of hetman to dispose of military lands. The Hetman government was forbidden to maintain diplomatic relations with foreign states. Hetman undertook to send the Cossack army to the war with Crimean Khanate and Turkey; In the Hetman capital - Baturin - the regiment of the Moscow Archerters was located. In art. 19 of the contract before hetman and the elder, the question of the need to close the state association of Ukraine with the Moscow State and the elimination of the national identity of the Ukrainian people were established. Thus, the colomatak articles have become another step towards further restriction of the autonomous rights of Ukraine.

Hetman's power strengthened his politician I. Maazpa, contributed to the economic and cultural development of Ukraine. Hetman's authority broke out active patient activities - 12 churches were built on his funds and restored 20 churches, the Kiev-Mogilyan collegium received the status of the Academy.

However, the social policy of the hetman was not flexible. He made the main bid on the Cossack foreman and the gentry, striving. Enraged their V. Parky privileged class. A strengthening of all forms of operation of peasants, Cossacks and burghers, the pointing of social contradictions in the Ukrainian society took place.

In 1704, the left-bank hetman Ivan Mazepa, taking advantage of the reaches of the Commonwealth and the invasion of the Swedish troops in Poland, took the right bank.

On the left banking Ukraine, the gradual limitation of the authority of the hetman began almost immediately after separation. Here the hetmans were tested at once from two sides: on the one hand, their power steadily reduced the Russian government; On the other hand, Cossack Easternist also did not want to strengthen them. As a result, the hetmans, forced to steal, often walked for concessions, gradually losing power.

After the separation of Ukraine, Chigirin remained the residence of the Right-Bank Getman, and the city of Gadyach, Glukhov, Baturin, were consistently in the left bank.

The transition of Mazepa to the side of the Swedes in the Northern War significantly accelerated the process of weakening the power of the hetmans. Since 1709, a special Russian official who controlled it was held at the hetman (Ivan Scoropad). In1720, the general military office was founded, and in 1722, the Malorosiysk college, to which, after the death of Hetman, Ivan Scoropadsky actually moved the hetman authority. Elder was directly forbidden to elect a new hetman, and some of the olders who dared to disagree on this issue with the king were concluded.

On April 5, 1710, supporters of the newly deceased Mazepa were elected Hetman Philip Orlik. He wore this title until his death in emigration in 1742.

The national liberation war of the Ukrainian people under the leadership of Bogdan Khmelnitsky against the domination of Poland in Ukraine continued for six years. During the war, the power of the Polish-Lithuanian state of the Commonwealth was overthrown, the Ukrainian hetman state was formed led by Bogdan Khmelnitsky. But Poland was trying to return Ukraine by all means.

Back in 1648, starting war B. Khmelnitsky allies. The first to whom he addressed was the Crimean Khan (although it showed time, he turned out to be a bad ally), through him Bogdan Khmelnitsky tried to get the support of Turkey, tried to establish close contacts and with Vassal of Sultan - Moldova, Hoshkolina, Semigrad.

Naturally, the desire to establish an alliance with a one-day Moscow, which has repeatedly led, although not successful of the war with Plone.

In 1651, due to violations by the Poles of the Zborovsky Treaty, Ukraine continued - the Polish War, and at the same time the Moscow - Polish relations began to deteriorate. In Moscow, in February 1651, the Zemstvo Assembly was held, on which the clergy with the Patriarch and Boyars gave their consent to take Hetman Zaporizhia under the Tsarist Protectorate. But some real steps did not have.

Unsuccessful for the Cossacks The Brest battle of 1651 due to the incorrect ally of the Crimean Khan, led to the conclusion of the Belotserkovsky Agreement, which significantly reduced the agreements previously achieved in Zborove in 1649.

And military actions continued. The depletion of the Ukrainian people reached the limits. Cities were destroyed and there was no help from outside. On May 22, 1653, new ambassadors from Bogdan Khmelnitsky arrived in Moscow - Kondrat Bully and the Silia of Menilovsky. They again repeated the request of the Cossack hetman to speak on the defense of Ukraine, to accept her "high hand" and send troops to the rescue.

However, the king first tried to negotiate with the spectacles. The king sent ambassadors to Warsaw with the demands on the king, take measurement with the Cossacks, to return them to the privileges they received according to the Zborov Agreement, cancel the Brest Church of 1596. Poles responded with decisive refusal.

On October 1, 1653, the Royal Government convened the Zemstvo Assembly, where representatives of the nobility, clergy, royal officials, representatives of cities, merchants, and peasants were present in except Boyar. Meeting participants expressed their decision: "Hetman Bogdan Khmelnitsky and all the army Zaporizhia with cities and lands accept."

On October 9, 1953, in fulfillment of the decision of the Zemsky meeting, the Moscow government sends an emergency diplomatic mission to Ukraine.

On October 23, 1653, King Alexey Mikhailovich in Moscow in the Uspensky Cathedral of the Kremlin ordered "to declare the army to go war on the enemy of the Russian and Faith of the Orthodox - the King of Commonwealth and Lithuania - Yana - Kozimir.

On November 1, the embassy arrived in Putuvel and in this border city was about 2 months. Waiting for the return of Bogdan Khmelnitsky with hostilities. It was necessary to find out what place it would be elected to meet and conduct all official ceremonies and negotiations, oaths, awarding the royal diplomas, regalia for the hetman of the Zaporizhia troops, gifts. Moscow wanted that these ceremonies would take place as solemn as possible, so I proposed that the ceremony would be held in Kiev. And Bogdan Khmelnitsky sought to business negotiations and therefore refused Kiev to avoid imminent solemnity. Bogdan Khmelnitsky chose Pereyaslov, the city behind the Dnipro is the center of the Pereyaslovsky regiment, with a large population and developed trade.

December 31, the Moscow Embassy arrived in Pereyaslov. Bogdan Khmelnitsky was still in Chernigov. He was engaged in the funeral of the son of Timosh, and then could not get to Pereyaslov in time because of unreliable ice on the Dnieper. On January 6, he was already in Pereyaslov in the evening. The first meeting of the hetman took place, at this meeting they set the order of the ceremonial and the official meeting. On the morning of January 8, they will hold a secret council from Bogdan Khmelnitsky with Cossack General Easterns and Commandments, then the ambassadors will proclaim the royal diploma, after which the Council of Starishins will be held and at the end - the final Pereyaslav action - oath in the church of Hetman Bogdan Khmelnitsky with Germans. And then crawls and nobles will pass on Ukrainian cities and will take oath from the Ukrainian people.

However, the Starshinsky Council, which approved the adoption of royal protection, made adjustments that were based on the democratic conditions and customs of the Cossacks and its historical experience. It was decided to collect people to the Council. After the First Starshinsky Council on January 8, at two o'clock in the afternoon, unexpectedly for ambassadors, a call to the General Council was not attended by the ambassadors on this council.

At the meeting in Pereyaslov, Bogdan Khmelnitsky appeared surrounded by general seniors and colonels. In his speech, having drawn the extremely difficult position of Ukraine, in which she was in the investigation of a long war, to continue to be threatened by Poland, he said that the only salvation for Ukraine was to defend a strong state. In order to receive military aid from her. - Turkey of Crimean Khan or the Christian Orthodox king. He graduated from her speech by Hetman with such words: "And you are not at the expense of it, it's not at now, Kudi want a road." All those gathered agreed with the opinion of Bogdan Khmelnitsky. After the collection of elders, Bogdan Khmelnitsky and one of the general foremen held an official audience with ambassadors, on which they were presented to the royal diploma and they read it there. In the literacy it was said that the king: "he ordered to take his Hetman Bogdan Khmelnitsky and all the army of Zaporizhia with cities and lands and will assist them against their enemies." Then the oath was to take place. But in the Assumption Cathedral, where it was supposed to take place unexpected difficulties. Bogdan Khmelnitsky asked the ambassadors on behalf of the king to give the oath. That he will not give them to the Poles and will not betray. The royal ambassadors categorically refused to swear for the king, with the words that only the subjects can smear the king, and for the king is enough "the royal gracious word. And the king and from their enemies of their defense and stupid will keep, and they will not swell them, and they own them than HTO owns, they will comply with them to own the straggle. "

Bogdan Khmelnitsky and Cossack elders first felt, which means - the absolute totalitarian royal state, but they pinned high hopes for Moscow in the war with Pdoor and in order to not disrupt the negotiations were forced to stop the discussion and agree to one-sided oath. In the church, the Gentman, General Germans, Colonels, Centuries and a few more dozen delegates from various regiments were torn over the Gospel.

Bogdan Khmelnitsky and Starin were not satisfied with the tsarist word, demanded from ambassadors of written guarantees. And the question was raised about the preparation of a written state agreement with Moscow. And the main thing in that situation was that Bogdan Khmelnitsky sought to protect the independence and autonomy of Ukraine by an interstate contract. And of course, they were very disturbed by the fact that the authorized Moscow ambassadors in Pereyaslov refused to draw up such a contract.

Based on this, there were no Pereyaslovsky agreements in nature, not a contract of 1654. In 1654, a small council took place, which was declarative. He did not have any legal and legal strength. There was also a one-sided oath of hetman, part of the foreman, Cossacks and Meshchean. In the prime, the Ukrainian Assembly did not receive a non-one official documentary act, which would define the conditions for the unification of two states, not a single written guarantee of the fulfillment of the royal government of the oral assurances of Moscow ambassadors.

Therefore, it becomes clear why Bogdan Khmelnitsky showed such an initiative and perseverance in compiling a contract with Moscow. He sought to legalize the sovereignty of the Ukrainian Hetman state, to force the royal government to commit itself, which guaranteed the independence of Ukraine and the fulfillment of the equal, primarily military union with Moscow.

March 11, Ukrainian ambassadors arrived in Moscow. March 13, a solemn audience at the king took place. In the period from March 13 to March 26, discussions and acceptance of the contract were held. On March 26, the king issued a decree on the departure of Ukrainian ambassadors and on March 27, they solemnly presented the text of the contract, which contained 11 articles. Ukrainian ambassadors departed from Moscow.

Initially, the contractual conditions concerned with joint hostilities were carried out. But despite this, from the side of Moscow, small steps were made in Strona full incorporation of Ukraine. The Moscow king began to refer to himself to refer to the "Great and Small Rossi Autrogery", a new stamp is made on which an attempt is made to at least yet and in words to join Ukraine to Russia as Russian possessions. But all the same, the king did not dare to make some open steps towards the conquest of Ukraine, Bogdan Khmelnitsky's authority was very great, who firmly and consistently opposed the onslaught of tsarism and defended Ukraine's right.

After the death of Bogdan Khmelnitsky, there was a tragic time for Ukraine. Its further history is the gradual seizure of Moscow autocracy, and then the Russian Empire, which in 1764 canceled the Ukrainian hetman state. And despite this, the desperate attempts of Ukrainians break out of this dependence.

Now you can confidently say that the idea of \u200b\u200bthe independence of Ukraine entered the consciousness of our people. Ukraine passing through the century of suffering and humiliation, finally became independent, independent state.


inia - Bogdan Khmelnitsky was born according to documentary data for about 1595. Bogdan Khmelnitsky, like many of his peers, was preparing to become a Cossack, but unlike his one year old he didn't just learn to be the Cossack. That is, he studied to ride, fencing, shoot, but also learned by a diploma in the Kiev school, then he was sent to Galicia to Jesuits. But it is impossible to forget that Bogdan Khmelnitsky grew surrounded by the Cossacks, absorbed with the Mother of Mother of the Cossacks and this would certainly affect the nature of the future hetman, and an increase in life experience.

young Khmelnitsky not only watched the oppression, humiliation and suffering of his people, but he himself experienced him. In October 1620, the code he fought with his father in Moldova to capture them. Bogdan himself then said that: "Lyuti Nevili two Rocky Zassava, while in Constantinople - on one of the Galer of the Turkish fleet. Bondan Khmelnitsky redepeced by Zaporozhets, Bogdan Khmelnitsky returned home by studying the Turkish and Tatar language and overflowing with hatred of aggressors.

However, not a personal insult pushed Bogdan Khmelnitsky to raise uprising against the Polish gentry. The liberation struggle of the Ukrainian people has become a matter of life for him in the distant years of youth.

From 1594, an uprising took place on the enslaved Ukraine. Bogdan Khmelnitsky in 1645, together with several elders, began preparations for the large popular uprising, which occurred in 1648. This large uprising of the Ukrainian people laid the beginning of the liberation war against the power of Poland.

Bogdan Khmelnitsky was the Creator of the Armed Forces of the Rest of the Ukrainian People. The merit of Bogdan Khmelnitsky is that during the first year of the war with the help of experienced Cossack elders from the scattered peasants and the Cossack detachments, which arose in Ukraine during the uprising, managed to organize the North-Limit army. He redid the peasant detachments into the disciplined shelves.

In the liberation war, 1648 -1657 Bogdan Khmelnitsky continued to create the main directions of the strategy and tactics of Cossack - peasant uprisings, and developed the main features of the Zaporizhia Military art, which he learned well when he entered Zaporizhia troops and was located on Zaporizhia Snash.

The success of the military, political and state activities of Bogdan Khmelnitsky, in addition to other factors, was also decided on the fact that Hetman managed to collect around himself the constellation of talented out of the Cossacks, the peasantry and the meshmen of the most experienced military, chained in previous uprisings against Poland.

Heading the process of formation of the Ukrainian hetman state, Bogdan Khmelnitsky led active and wide state and political activities. On the liberated territory of Ukraine there was a new state office, which developed during the Liberation War, was used in diplomatic relations with many states.

External relations, the diplomacy of Khmelnitsky also contributed to the statement of the Ukrainian hetman state.

1654 was signed by the agreement of Ukraine and Russia. Although the assessment of the contract has changed over time, but at the beginning he was military. Subsequently, we saw how the royal government interpreted this treaty and not only it. Over time, the true meaning of this contract has been lost, because of the desire of various politicians to interpret it in his own way, and it was not already mentioned about military alliance, but about the reunification of Ukraine with Russia.

Bogdan Khmelnitsky had a thought to completely move away from Moscow. He was looking for new allies, other political combinations. Of great importance for him were relations with Sweden, which for a long time led war with Ploon. Back in 1650, Bogdan Khmelnitsky began to establish diplomatic relations with Sweden, offered this country the Union against the Commonwealth. However, then the Shvetskaya Queen of Christ did not want to fight. But later, when Karl changed her on the throne - Gustav X, he decided to continue the war. Together with Prince Semigrad (transplancing and Ugorshchina), he organized the Union of Protestant States against the Catholic Country - Poland and Austria. And this king of Karl - Gustav X suggested Bogdan Khmelnitsky to join this union for the joint struggle. The Swedish king tried to influence Bogdan Khmelnitsky for the fact that he would immediately break his relationship with Moscow, proving that the royal government because of his autocracy: "Do not tolerate in a particular people." However, Bogdan Khmelnitsky then intended to make Ukraine a neutral country under the protectorate and Moscow and Sweden.

At the same time, Polish politicians adopted the project of nomination of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich to the Polish throne after the death of Jan - Casimir, for which he will have to protect them from Sweden, and the king goes to it. In 1656, he declares War of Sweden. And in three months, in August, Moscow's negotiations with Ploda began in the city, but without the participation of the Ukrainian delegation. It became known that in the negotiations raised the issue of the transfer of Ukraine again to Poland's power. A police officer was signed between Poland and Moscow.

Hetman through his ambassador to the tetra, whom he sent in 1657 to Moscow, said that he did not accept the Wilnen Agreement. When he began to reproach in alliance with Sweden, he replied: "NiColi is not to preize in the Swedish king, Zakima Mai friendship is twisted by Schi-Rokv. Swedie - People Truthfuli, Vamiut Vikonuvati to be angry with the obstance. And the Grand Sovereign of Bunov Bulo on the DIMNO of the same over Viysky constipation of the Multi-Poisy, stamped by the Poles, Bajaychi brought the II to our depression. " And in confirmation of their words, he strengthens diplomatic relations with Sweden, SMEMBRAD, Brandenburg, Moldova, Volgolate and Lithuania. This coalition was directed against Poland and the Crimea, as well as to some extent against Moscow.

However, after some triumphal victories of this coalition and the triumph of the Ukrainian Hetman state, the coalition cases were very bad. Political and military successes of the Ukrainian hetman and its allies aroused the alarm of neighboring states, diplomatic obstacles began. Over time, Denmark declared War of Sweden, and Austria sent to the aid of Yana - Casimiro Corpus forces. A little later arrived at the Poles and Crimean Khan.

Other difficulties arose in Cossack shelves. The royal government without having achieved from Bogdan Khmelnitsky refusal of the Union with the Swedes, sent the Cossacks of its agents to the troops, who raised the troops to the rebellion, led the campaign speech against the hetman, discrediting its political actions. Cossacks under the influence of these speeches and because of their dissatisfaction with the actions of the Rakovich, who acted without any plan, did not want to fight more and moved home to Ukraine.

All these events were very stunned by Bogdan Khmelnitsky's health and paralysis broke it.

Bogdan Khmelnitsky made a big mistake signing the contract with the king. Over time, he understood this and wanted to free himself from Moscow, refuse the contract, but did not have time.

However, probably, in the most terrible dream, he could not foresee, in which the abyss of misfortunes, misfortunes, suffering, humiliation, slavery was, throwing the Ukrainian people because of this agreement for many centuries.

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  • The struggle of the Russian people against the Polish and Swedish invaders in the early 17th century
  • Economic and political development of the country in the 17th century. Peoples of Russia in the 17th century
  • Internal and foreign policy of Russia in the first half of the 17th century
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  • Patriotic War of 1812. The passage of the Russian Army (1813 - 1814)
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  • Culture of Russia in the first half of the 19th century: the national basis, European wags for the culture of Russia
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  • The main directions and results of Russia's foreign policy in the second half of the 19th century. Russian-Turkish War 1877 - 1878
  • Conservative, liberal and radical flow in the public movement of Russia in the second half of the 19th century
  • Economic and socio-political development of Russia at the beginning of the 20th century
  • Revolution in 1905 - 1907: Causes, Stages, Revolution
  • Russia's participation in the First World War. The role of the Eastern Front, the consequences
  • 1917 in Russia (main events, their character and meaning)
  • Civil War in Russia (1918 - 1920): reasons, participants, stages and results of civil war
  • New Economic Policy: Events, Results. Evaluation of the essence and value of the NEP
  • Folding the administrative command system in the USSR in 20-30 years
  • Conducting industrialization in the USSR: methods, results, price
  • Collectivization in the USSR: Causes, Methods for conducting, Collectivization results
  • USSR at the end of the 30s. The internal development of the USSR. Foreign policy of the USSR
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  • The root fracture during the Great Patriotic War (Great Patriotic War) and World War II
  • The final stage of the Great Patriotic War (BBIA) and World War II. The value of the victory of the countries of the Antihytler Coalition
  • Soviet country in the first half of the decade (main directions of internal and foreign policy)
  • Socio-economic reforms in the USSR in the middle of 50 - 60
  • Public and political development of the USSR in the mid-60s, half of the 80s
  • USSR in the system of international relations in the mid-60s and mid-80s
  • Perestroika in the USSR: attempts to reform the economy and updating the political system
  • The collapse of the USSR: the formation of a new Russian statehood
  • Socio-economic and political development of Russia in the 1990s: achievements and problems
  • Liberation war under the leadership of Khmelnitsky

    Beginning of the uprising. 1646 - 1647 - B. Khmelnitsky subjected to repression, in 1647, freed from the arrest, in the lower reaches of the Dnieper created a detachment and in 1648 he expelled the government garrison from the juice, was elected hetman and appealed to the Cossacks with a call to the uprising. May 1648 is the first victory of Khmelnitsky in a yarn of yellow waters and Corsun over the corona hetman Pototsky. Khmelnitsky concludes a union with Crimean Khan.

    The rebellion develops into the liberation war in the summer of 1648. September 1648 - Victory at the Pilyava. August 1649 - victory over the royal troops from Zborov.

    Search B. Khmelnitsky ally in the face of Russia. Throughout the liberation war, Khmelnitsky turned many times to Russia with a request to adopt Ukraine to Russian citizenship. The war joined the stage, when she could not be a waning without expected. June 1651 - Khan changed the hetman under the Berestchka, as a result of which the Cossacks were defeated and the Belotserkovsky Treaty was concluded (September 1651). According to him, the registry Cossacks were limited to 20 thousand people.

    Entry into war of Russia. On October 1, 1653 - Zemsky Cathedral decided to adopt Ukraine to Russian citizenship. The Embassy of Bohrin Busurlinin is sent to Ukraine. January 8, 1654 - Pereyaslavskaya Rada spoke in favor of the entry of Ukraine into Russia. According to the articles B. Khmelnitsky, Kazan retained the election administration led by Hetman, and Russia took 60 thousand Cossacks in the registry. In Ukraine, it continued to spread its right: autonomy continued in the legislation. 1654 - Russia took possession of Smolensk and 33 cities of Belarus. At the same time, Sweden in the summer of 1655 captured Warsaw. On October 24, 1656, a truce concluded with a response speech. January 30, 1667 - Conclusion of Andrusovsky truce for 13 years. On him, Russia returned Smolensk, all the land east of the Dnieper, but Belarus remained in Poland. Russia acquired only Kiev on the right bank, and even two years. 1686 - The Eternal Peace with Poland secured the terms of the Andrus truce, and also consolidated Kiev for Russia for eternal times. It was a major foreign policy success of Russia in the XVII century.

    Peasant War under the leadership of Stepan Razin

    Aggravation of class struggle. 50s XVII century. - The financial situation of Russia has become tense due to a lack of funds for warfare. To replenish the treasury, they began to produce copper money.

    Copper riot. By order, they were consumed along with silver. Copper money on the market has released more than need. The result - prices increased. July 1662 - the Moscow rebellion of the "copper riot", as a result of which they refused to issue a copper money. The copper riot is another evidence of the country's crisis.

    The brewing of the peasant war. Mass people rushed to Don. Granted a new uprising. 1666 - the movement of the runaway peasants from Don to the central regions of Russia, headed by Ataman Vasilya mustache. His detachment reached to Tula, turned to Don. May 1667 - at the head of the detachment of a thousand Cossacks, the house of the Cossack of the village of Zimovoy Stepan Razin went to the Volga, then, taking the Yaitsky town (on the Ural River), went to the "Hiking of Zipunov" in possession of Iranian Shaha. September 4, 1669 - a triumphal meeting of Razin on Don. 1670 - Transformation of the campaign to the peasant war.

    The peasant war and its move. On April 13, 1670, the 7-thousand detachment of the ruin took Tsaritsyn and won the Archers who were sown from Moscow and from Astrakhan. June 22, 1670 - Taking Astrakhan, providing his rear. Moving up the Volga, the ruins reached Simbirsk and the September 4 besieged him. On August 28, 1670 - the 60-thousand tsarist army comes to the Middle Volga region and October 3 comes to Simbirsk. Defeat rain and its care for the Don. Issuing it to the government. June 6, 1674 - the execution of Razin in Moscow.

    After the defeat of the uprising of the sharpness in 1638, the government of the Commonwealth began an offensive on the rights of Cossacks and peasants. The registry was reduced, and the Polish Commissioners became the head of him.

    Increased the operation of peasants by landowners and tenants of the Jews. The Polish administration provided violence over the brass and petty Ukrainian gentry. The Orthodox Church, although it was recognized, he was oppressed (robbery of property, violence against priests).

    In conditions of universal discontent, the slightest reason could cause massive resistance movement.

    The injustice caused by the centurion Bogdan Khmelnitsky became such a reason. Chigirinsky Substarce D. Chaplinsky in 1647 captured his farmers of Sabitov, kicked out the Khmelnitsky family and severely beat his son. Return the farm owner, the royal authorities were not able to return.

    However, it is naively to reduce the speech of Khmelnitsky at the head of the Ukrainian people to revenge for a personal insult. Researchers (V. Smoli, V. Stepankov) lead the facts of negotiations in 1646 Polish king Vladislav IV with Khmelnitsky about the organization of the sea voyage against Turkey.

    To do this, it was necessary to build seagulls and establish connections with the Zaporizhia Cossacks; For this Cossacks, they hoped to achieve an increase in the registry up to 12 thousand people and provide a special status to the Cossack region. When the Polish authorities abandoned the idea of \u200b\u200ba campaign, Khmelnitsky did not stop relations with Zaporizhia. In 1647, the range of opposition to the speech of the prospidered sentence has already developed around the hetman:

    • M. Krivonos;
    • I. Ganzha;
    • F. Dzhadzhaly;
    • K. Bully;
    • F. Weeshnyaki;
    • D. Necha.

    After discussions, it was decided to enlist the help of the Crimean Hana. However, due to the issuance of the plan, Esaul, Pest Khmelnitsky, was arrested in Chigirin. Only thanks to the guarantry of the foreman he managed to free himself. After that, in early January, 1648 Khmelnitsky, together with like-minded people, went to Sch.

    The interests of the sash and the defeat of the Polish collateral were the first victories of the rebels - the beginning of the liberation war. After that, in mid-February, 1648 Khmelnitsky was elected the Cossack Council of Hetman Troops Zaporizhia.

    The liberation war of the Ukrainian people under the leadership of Bogdan Khmelnitsky is divided into three main stages:

    1. 1648-1649 - The initial period of the war - from the first battles under yellow waters and as kissing to the signing of the Zborovsky Agreement;
    2. 1649-1651 - the period of deployment of the mass anti-refortion movement - before the defeat under the Bererticle and the signing of the Belotserkovsky Agreement;
    3. 1651-1654 - The period of defeat the noble strength and the search for the Khmelnitsky external allies - before signing the Agreement in Pereyaslav with Russia.

    The war began with the speeches of the Zaporizhia Cossacks. On May 5, 1648 Under the yellow waters, the rebels won the first victory over the six thousand avant-garde of Polish troops. The son of the Crown Hetman N. Pototsky Stephen, who commanded the Polish avant-garde, died of RAS. Registered Cossacks, who served in the Polish army, moved to the side of the rebels; Their elders who supported the Commonwealth issue (I. Barabash, I. Karaimovich) were executed.

    On May 26, 1648, a new victory was mined under the corsime - above the main forces (12 thousand) of Polish troops under the leadership of Hetmans N. Pototsky and M. Kalinovsky.

    This victory was mined thanks to B. Khmelnitsky military tricks applied: he decided to force Pototsky to play and apply a decisive blow to the enemy on the march. Cossack S. Zherryny was exiled to the Polish camp, who was repeated a message about the thousands of Cossack-Tatar troops. The Poles began the retreat and were headed in a tract. Walnut Dibrova, which was repaired in advance and damaged. As a result, the Polish camp of the mirror and was unable to withstand a long shelling and the subsequent assault. After a 4-hour battle, the Polish army was crushed. Both Polish hetman fell into Tatar captivity.

    After that, mass peasant performances began under the influence of victories. The rebels independently organized squads, exterminating or running a local gentry. Cossack rebellion has grown into a nationwide war.

    On September 23, 1648, huge, but poorly organized noble militia (40 thousand shutters and 50 thousand servants) were defeated. This was facilitated by the disinformation of the enemy on the approach of the thirty thousandth Tatar Horde. Due to the sudden nightstorming in the Polish camp, panic began. Hangs in a hurry left the battlefield. After that, Khmelnitsky took the right bank and Western Ukraine, and at the beginning of 1649 through the decline of the army's strength returned to Kiev.

    In the summer of 1649, the fighting resumed.

    Under zbor, where the King Yang Casimir himself was headed by the Polish army, the Army of Commonwealth was compulculated in siege. But at this critical moment, the king went to negotiations with Crimean Khan. As a result, Khmelnitsky was forced to stop the offensive.

    On August 18, 1649, a peaceful agreement was signed under Zborov, which for a year and a half ceased warp. She envisaged:

    • cossack autonomy of three voivodes - Kiev, Chernigov, Bratzlava;
    • public positions in three voivodships occupied only Orthodox;
    • an increase in registry up to 40 thousand;
    • amnesty to all rebels;
    • the capital of Hetman became Chigirin.

    The compromise of the Zborovsky Agreement did not satisfy any of the opponents. To prepare for the New War, Khmelnitsky began to look for allies, conducting negotiations with Moldova, Turkey, Hungary. At this time, the first negotiations with Russia were recorded (then the Moscow State).

    In 1651 battles resumed. Ukrainian and Polish troops in June of this year met under the Bererticle. In the general battle for the escape of the Crimean Hana Cossacks suffered a brutal defeat. As a result, Khmelnitsky was forced to sign a new peace agreement - Belotserkovskoe, which significantly limited the rights of Ukrainian society:

    • autonomy is now limited to the Kiev Voivodship;
    • the registry was reduced to 20 thousand.

    Polish gentball began to return to their estates and restore feudal orders. It caused the confrontation of the peasants and entailed the continuation of the liberation struggle.

    After the Belotserkovsky Agreement, Khmelnitsky began to look more actively looking for external allies. In particular, his son Timofey went twice by campaigns in Moldova - however, the help of Ukraine did not wait. At the same time, fighting continued - under the whip in 1652, a new Polish army was completely defeated.

    Under conditions, when Ukraine was exhausted by a long war, the only opportunity to preserve the conquest of the Liberation War could be a union with a strong state that would guarantee security from new complaints of the Commonwealth. This ally became the Moscow State.

    On January 8, 1654, the General Council was held in Pereyaslav, on which representatives of regiments and states arrived.

    It made it decided about the Union with the Russian state. Most regiments and cities took the oath to the loyalty to the Russian king, although some of the senior and clergy refused it.

    March 26, 1654 "March Articles" were approved. They provided the following main items:

    • hetman was elected by the army, which the king was only reported;
    • Ukraine retained the right to free interchange with other states (except Poland and Turkey);
    • cossack registry was 60 thousand;
    • the rights of all classes have retained, electoral management in cities.

    In fact, the "March articles" preserved the position of Ukraine as an independent state. However, quickly individual items were violated: the appointment of Russian governors to Kiev and other cities, accommodation in Russian garrisons in Ukraine.

    With a period of liberation war under the leadership of Bogdan Khmelnitsky, a new stage of development of Ukrainian statehood is connected. Already at the beginning of 1649, Khmelnitsky proclaimed a number of provisions regarding Ukrainian statehood: independence from the Commonwealth, the association within its limits of all Ukrainian lands on the borders of the former Kievan Russia. The form of government in the future state was to approach the monarchy, since Khmelnitsky began to consider the position of the hetman not as elected, but as autocratic.

    However, Zborovskoe (1649) and Belotserkovsky (1651) agreements were proclaimed only by the autonomy of Ukraine. According to them, Ukrainian hetman should be subject to the authorities of Polish corona hetmans.

    But since June 1652, after the conquest of Ukraine of independence, the centralization of power is growing.

    Hetman appointed colonels, and Colonels - Sotnikov. Hetman could cancel the decisions of the officer councils; He could betray the death of any resident of the state for failure to comply with his orders. Before his death in 1657, the transmission of Hetman Bulava Son Khmelnitsky - Yury was officially recognized. However, in fact, the power in the state took the guardian of Yuri - the clerk Ivan Yevgovsky. This became possible thanks to the positions of the foreman, which in the mass rejected the monarchy and defended the statements of the republican-oligarchic form of the Board. It was this line that eventually won - and it became one of the main factors of the future ruins.

    In the new state, a new administrative-territorial structure was also formed: the whole territory was now shared on the shelves and hundreds, which were also military and administrative units. Ukraine was a unitary state; The attempt of Zaporozhye in 1650 to get out of the power of the hetman was suppressed - from that time on the juicy and foreman did not elected, but were appointed hetman.

    Hetman focuses in his hands the highest legislative, executive and judicial power. In solving the main issues of political life, also the leading role was also played by Starinsky (and not the general general general) is glad, which consisted of general senior and colonels. The central place in the internal management of the state was held by the General Chancellory, and in proceedings - the General Court. Similar authorities acted in shelves and hundreds. Their decisions were obligatory not only for the Cossacks, but also for citizens and peasants.

    So, during the Liberation War, 1648-1654. There was a Ukrainian Cossack Power. She had a number of features compared to Western Europe. The main ones were:

    • the more significant role of the layer of small landowners-warriors (Cossacks), which lived at the expense of their work;
    • openness of the Cossacks with its privileges for the entry of representatives of other classes;
    • the fear of contradictions in the struggle for power in the ruling top - the elders - due to the fact that the process of its formation has not yet ended;
    • the special role of the military factor in the development of the state: the military occupied all senior positions, since it was necessary to continue the fighting to preserve independence; This negatively affected the further social and political development. Ukraine.
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