With bowel disease, what can you do. Diet for the intestines - gentle nutrition for a quick recovery and prevention of complications

Sometimes, by balancing the diet, you can do without surgical treatment at all, since by receiving digestible food, the body itself begins to cope with its functions.

Causes of bowel problems

The intestines resemble water pipes with greasy, sticky dirt adhering to the walls. A lot of food debris can hide between the villi and then slowly rot and decompose, poisoning the body. Especially a lot of slag lies in the bends of the intestine. If food does not linger on flat areas and therefore undigested particles are more or less removed from the body, then in bends they can lie for a long time. And if the slags are not removed in time, they will gradually thicken, harden and turn into fecal stones. They will slowly poison your blood, and this will affect your well-being. In addition to proper nutrition for bowel disease, even an ordinary enema, with which, by the way, Buddhist monks begin every morning, is a very effective way of cleaning.

In diseases of the endocrine glands (thyroid gland, adrenal glands), constipation may occur due to an increase or decrease in the hormonal effect on bowel movements. Circulatory disorders in the intestinal vessels in atherosclerosis and other vascular diseases also cause constipation. As well as insufficient physical activity, which inhibits the motor function of the intestine, especially in the elderly.

In addition, there are other causes of bowel problems, for example, long-term use of medications. To the greatest extent, this occurs when taking atropine, various narcotic drugs, some anticonvulsants (for example, diphenin), calcium bicarbonate (baking soda). Psychotropic drugs (tranquilizers, antidepressants), some diuretics, iron preparations, aluminum hydroxide (almagel) can cause similar problems.

Proper dietary nutrition for intestinal diseases

Compliance with certain requirements for the preparation of a diet for intestinal problems plays a huge role in its treatment. Every person suffering from constipation should know which nutrients promote bowel movement and which delay its emptying.

How to eat with bowel problems to help empty it? Black bread, raw vegetables and fruits, dried fruits, bread containing a significant amount of bran, buckwheat, barley and oatmeal, meat with a lot of connective tissue, pickles, marinades, herring, canned snacks, soft drinks (mineral water, lemonade , juices), beer, kvass, sour cream, cream, sweet dishes, kissels, fermented milk products (yogurt, one-day kefir, white grape wines).

Adhering to the principles of dietary nutrition for intestinal diseases, exclude foods containing tannin and delaying its emptying. These include: dried blueberries, strong black tea, cocoa, natural red wines, pureed food, viscous substances (slimy soups and pureed cereals, especially semolina and rice).

When compiling a diet for intestinal diseases and constipation, the content of dietary fiber in products should be taken into account. With a large amount of coarse fiber in the diet, people with complaints of bloating release on average 2 times more gases than with a diet with a moderate content of them, and almost 5 times more than with a liquid, chemically homogeneous diet without dietary fiber. Patients with complaints of bloating are limited or even excluded from the diet of foods rich in dietary fiber. Also, therapeutic nutrition for intestinal diseases excludes dishes from beans, cabbage, sorrel, spinach and others that cause increased gas formation. Of fruit juices, apple and grape juices are not recommended.

How to eat to cleanse the intestines

In diseases of the intestines, accompanied by severe peristalsis, especially in the presence of spastic pain in the abdomen, a diet rich in dietary fiber can cause increased pain. In such cases, a diet low in dietary fiber is used first. To reduce and subsequently eliminate intestinal spasms, anti-spastic drugs are prescribed, then foods containing fiber of a delicate, and subsequently coarser consistency are gradually added to food. Since plums contain organic acids that promote bowel movements, despite their relatively low fiber content (0.5 g per 100 g), patients with constipation are recommended prunes in any form, including infusion, dried fruit puree.

There is one more tip on how to eat to cleanse the intestines: regularly eat the Panicle salad.

Salad recipe "Metelka" for bowel cleansing. Grate cabbage, raw beets, apples and carrots in equal proportions on a coarse grater. Mix the chopped vegetables and knead with your hands until the juice is released. Then add a little lemon juice, any vegetable oil, finely chopped and pre-soaked prunes. You can't salt the salad! It is very good to arrange fasting days with this salad. But if you find it hard to endure them, then eat this salad instead of dinner.

Inflammation of the intestine - important to know

In diseases of the intestine, the final diagnosis is determined by the gastroenterologist. For diagnosis, the doctor uses an endoscopic type of procedure with which he can assess the condition of the small and large intestines. Endoscopy also allows the specialist to see the tumors that the rectum also contains.

The method of visual-instrumental diagnostics (endoscopy) helps to detect any neoplasms of the gastrointestinal tract and esophagus. For example, if there are polyps on the walls of the large or small intestine, the doctor determines them using the “polypectomy” procedure.

Regardless of the cause of the inflammation, diet therapy plays an important role in the treatment of the intestines. Recipes of dishes and the menu of clinical nutrition in general should contribute to the recovery of the intestines.

How to make a good diet plan

Is there a special diet for bowel disease? There is no clear description and nutrition plan. The dietary ration is made by the doctor and for each patient it is individual. However, general recommendations are aimed at maintaining a balanced diet (diet No. 46 and 4c). Diet for pain in the intestines No. 46 restricts the use of certain foods, but necessarily contains all the nutrients:

  • Carbohydrates.
  • Fats.
  • Squirrels.
  • Vitamins.
  • Macro- and microelements.

Only if you follow a balanced diet for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, nutritional deficiencies in the body will be prevented.

In the active phase of poisoning or diarrhea, the body becomes weak and dehydrated. And if the inflammatory bowel diet does not provide the body with enough nutrients, it will aggravate the symptoms.

Healthy eating habits should become a way of life for people with sensitive guts. Inappropriate nutrition is the main causative agent of symptoms.

A diet for bowel diseases should contain foods of the main groups:

  • Cereal crops.
  • Fruits and vegetables.
  • Lean poultry and fish.
  • Vegetable oils (linseed, olive).
  • Dairy products (excluded in case of lactase deficiency or contraindications).

It is important to remember about the drinking regimen, especially at the time of severe poisoning. With prolonged vomiting or diarrhea, the body's water-salt balance is disturbed and the risk of dehydration increases. Inflammation of the intestines with constipation is often due to a lack of water in the body. To prevent this, you need to drink 2 liters of purified water daily. The consumption of tea and other drinks is not taken into account. If voiding attempts do not improve, in this case, a diet for intestinal atony is recommended.

To some extent, a diet for treating the intestines is compiled by the doctor and the patient by trial and error. Depending on the characteristics of the disease, some foods, despite the fact that they have a beneficial effect on bowel function, cause food intolerance in the patient. Therefore, they are excluded from the diet. Over time, the doctor may make adjustments to the diet.

Prohibited foods for bowel disease

During the period of poisoning, with abdominal cramps and constipation, it is necessary to stay away from food, which can exacerbate intestinal inflammation and worsen well-being.

“When the intestines hurt, the diet simply needs to be followed. And the first thing you need to focus on is the rejection of certain foods and the right combination of foods recommended for the diet. Sometimes it may seem to us that our menu is just perfect, because it consists of only the right products. But due to the fact that we do not know how to correctly combine them in one dish, abdominal cramps, constipation and vomiting continue to bother us. For example, if we eat lean fish at the same time, eating it with whole grain bread, we must understand that the problem of constipation will never be solved. It is important not only to give up certain foods, but it is also advisable to make a menu of the food that is recommended for the diet. And of course, do not forget to control portion sizes. In nutrition with bowel disease, stick to moderation. Weak, lifeless intestines need rest. In a state of illness, he cannot take a huge amount of food and properly digest it.

Carbohydrates and proteins should not be consumed in the same meal. This combination puts a lot of stress on the digestive system. It is necessary to combine carbohydrate and protein foods with plant foods high in fiber. It is useful to consume fats and carbohydrate foods from morning to 15.00. The food that enters the body during this time is converted into energy. It provides a person with a source of strength vital for the performance of any labor and physical activity. After 15.00, you should switch to protein foods and vegetables. By evening, our body does not need energy, but rest and muscle recovery. Proteins just perform these functions.

  • Alcohol (any kind of alcoholic beverages).

Alcohol intoxication is considered one of the most common causes of intestinal inflammation. Toxins that contain alcoholic beverages pass through the stomach and enter the bloodstream, after which the digestive tract begins to react to toxic substances. From here, the main symptoms of poisoning appear - vomiting and headache.

  • Carbonated drinks.
  • Coffee.
  • Chocolate.
  • Corn.
  • Legumes (green peas, beans, lentils).

Fizzy drinks, gas-producing foods, and all foods that contain caffeine cause flatulence in the intestines. If bloating, belching and passing gases through the anus are observed for a long time, the doctor prescribes a diet for intestinal pneumatosis.

  • Butter, margarine.
  • Sausages and smoked meats.
  • Canned food.
  • Marinades and winter preparations.
  • Sauces (especially mayonnaise and ketchup).
  • Fruits and vegetables with a high content of natural acids (citruses, plums, blue grapes, tomatoes, onions, white cabbage).
  • Dried and fried meat.
  • Fried, spicy and spicy dishes.

Fatty, spicy and too salty foods are harmful to the important organs of the digestive tract - the stomach and pancreas, which are responsible for the proper absorption of food. Abuse of spicy and fatty foods can cause pancreatic disease - pancreatitis.

  • Dairy products (kefir, sour cream).

Gastrointestinal dysfunction can cause lactose intolerance, the inability to digest the sugar found in milk. Milk derivatives such as sour cream, kefir and cottage cheese contain acid, the excess of which can lead to stomach irritation. There are no special contraindications to the use of dairy products, but if symptoms worsen after taking them, they must be excluded from the menu.

Useful foods for bowel disease

With bowel disease, it is important not only to follow a diet, but also to adhere to a proper diet. This will help not only eliminate symptoms, but also maintain a healthy weight. On average, you should get at least 1500-2000 calories daily from your diet. If you are engaged in physical activity, the daily calorie intake increases to 2500. It is recommended to eat small meals every 2-3 hours. Regular meals in small quantities reduce the burden on the digestive system. Thus, food is digested more easily and digested faster.

The most stringent dietary rules include a diet for gastrointestinal bleeding (GIB). Food is allowed 1-2 days after gastrointestinal bleeding. Then the patient switches to liquid food and gradually introduces solid foods into the diet.

What food will speed up the recovery of the intestine? Here are some options:

  • Oatmeal.

This cereal is known for its high fiber content. However, some foods, such as raw vegetables and fruits, have insoluble dietary fiber. It is not recommended to use them for inflammation, because they absorb water into the colon, stimulating diarrhea. Luckily, oatmeal contains soluble fiber that absorbs water. Therefore, food passes through the intestines without side effects.

Today, different types of rice are offered. Some of them do not contain enough nutrients. However, it is lean rice that serves as a panacea for food poisoning, diarrhea and helps maintain the calorie content of the diet.

  • Chicken eggs.

A hard-boiled egg is an inexpensive source of protein that is easily absorbed by the body.

  • Vegetables.

Pumpkin, potatoes, carrots and beets can be steamed. These foods do not cause stomach irritation and are quickly digested in the body.

  • Fish.

Low-fat fish that contains protein and Omega-3 acids improves the functioning of the digestive tract.

  • Bananas.

Unlike other fruits, bananas do not contain high levels of natural acids. If the budget allows, you can add papaya and mangoes to the diet, which are rich in nutrients and are quickly absorbed by the body.

  • Lean meat.

Turkey, chicken, and beef are other great sources of protein and vitamin B12.

  • Almond.

In order to reduce the load on the intestines, hard vegetables should be steamed, stewed or pan-fried without oil. After heat treatment, these products are more easily absorbed by the body. It is not recommended to eat boiled vegetables, as the high temperature of the water extracts almost all the vitamins and nutrients from them.

The universal nutrition system for the stomach and intestines is "diet 4". It is a varied diet with which you can maintain a healthy weight and eliminate inflammation.

In chronic bowel diseases, the doctor prescribes diet 4b. It also provides a tasty and nutritious diet during symptom flare-ups. Diet 4b limits the intake of fats and carbohydrates, but does not completely exclude them from the menu.

The intestine plays an important role in the process of digestion. There are situations when, under the influence of various factors, pathological processes occur in this organ. Acute or chronic enteritis (diseases of the large intestine), or colitis (diseases of the small intestine) are interconnected, most often occur together and have a common name - enterocolitis.

With enterocolitis, the functionality of the intestine is disturbed, absorption and absorption of nutrients worsens. If competent treatment is not started in time, then such a condition can lead to vitamin, mineral or protein deficiency, metabolic disorders and exhaustion. Proper nutrition in case of intestinal diseases can help the body restore normal metabolism, restore the lost functions of adequate digestion to the intestines.

Since the functions of the small and large intestines differ from each other (the small intestine is responsible for the absorption of nutrients into the blood, the large intestine is responsible for the production of vitamins, fiber processing, the formation of feces and their timely excretion), the symptoms will differ depending on the localization of the disease.

Symptoms of diseases of the colon:

  • Pain syndrome. Pain is more often observed in the lateral parts of the abdomen, less often in the epigastric region or above the navel. The pains are of a dull arching character, which, after emptying the intestines or passing gases, subside.
  • The stool is frequent, has a pungent smell, sometimes it can be with mucus, blood, or have stripes resembling swamp mud.
  • Rumbling, bloating, accumulation of gases. These symptoms are aggravated by the second half of the day, and weaken by night.
  • If discomfort arose as a result of infection, then the body temperature rises, headaches and dizziness appear.

Signs of inflammatory and neoplastic diseases of the colon are serious metabolic disorders. As a result, the patient feels weakness, exhaustion, the functions of the genital organs, gas and fecal incontinence are disturbed.

Symptoms of diseases of the small intestine

  1. Pain in the umbilical region.
  2. Loose, light-coloured stools with a sour, offensive odour. Sometimes parts of undigested foods are observed in the consistency of feces.
  3. Bloating, feeling of fullness.
  4. Temperature increase. Thermometer readings vary depending on the number of microbes and the degree of intoxication of the body.

With prolonged manifestations of such symptoms, pathologies of other organs and systems may develop (the skin becomes thin and dry, the nails become brittle, the joints swell and ache).

Tasks and principles of nutrition in a diseased intestine

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract occur due to malnutrition.

Scientists have found that the occurrence of most diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is associated with a regular violation of the diet.

Therefore, it is important to adhere to certain norms and rules of nutrition that will help restore the intestines to their previous functions.

When compiling a diet for a sick person, it is important to be guided not only by generally accepted norms, but also take into account the individual needs of the body. With the help of a properly selected diet, you can solve such problems:

  1. bring the bowels back to normal;
  2. stimulate recovery processes in the mucous membranes of the intestines;
  3. eliminate intolerance to certain dishes;
  4. replenish the body with missing vitamins and minerals;
  5. eliminate metabolic disorders;
  6. normalize the composition of the microflora.

In case of intestinal diseases, the diet should be based on the following principles:

  • nutrition should help in the treatment of the disease and prevent further complications;
  • nutrition should take into account the individual characteristics of the patient (taste preferences,
  • concomitant ailments, peculiarities of digestion).

Nutrition for bowel diseases should meet the following rules:

  • food should be consumed in small portions 5-6 times a day;
  • avoid eating dry food;
  • try not to overeat;
  • foods should be balanced, rich in proteins, fats, carbohydrates and fiber;
  • the diet needs to be diversified, the body should not lack any elements;
  • foods must be steamed, oven baked or boiled only.

When compiling a diet for a person with a diseased intestine, it is important to consider the effect of products on intestinal motility. Thus, it is possible to normalize the consistency of the stool and the frequency of defecation. According to these parameters, products are divided into 3 groups:

  • Those that increase motor skills
  • Products that reduce motility
  • Neutral products (do not affect motor skills)

Nutrition during the manifestation of diarrhea syndrome

Rice broth will help with diarrhea.

Diarrhea is a symptom of an intestinal disorder that is accompanied by frequent loose stools.

With diarrhea, intestinal motility increases, it ceases to absorb fluid normally. Therefore, you need to eat foods that can reduce intestinal motility and resume its function to absorb fluid.

In the early days of diarrhea, attention should be paid to fluids. Drink plenty of warm water to help restore the body's water balance. Among healthy drinks, one can single out such as strong tea with lemon, apple juices, alkaline non-carbonated drinks, decoctions of raisins, blueberries.

On the second day, it is allowed to use crackers without aromatic additives and powders. You need to eat every hour in a small portion and drink plenty of fluids. On the third day, you can gradually introduce products that reduce intestinal motility and are most useful for diarrhea, namely:

  • Rice broths and liquid porridges. Rice does not contain fiber (which acts as a laxative) and has binding properties. It is recommended to eat every 2 hours one cup of rice water or porridge.
  • Bananas. Replenish the body with potassium, which is washed out of the body during diarrhea. To do this, use 2 bananas every 4 hours.
  • Weak meat and chicken broths.
  • Porridges that envelop the gastric mucosa (semolina, oatmeal, buckwheat).
  • White bread crackers.
  • Baked or boiled apples (contain elements that bind toxins and restore beneficial intestinal microflora).
  • Lean fish and lean meat (without skin, bones and fat).
  • Boiled carrots and puree from it. Enriched with vitamin A, which improves the condition of the weakened intestinal mucosa and has adsorbing properties.
  • Fine-grained low-fat cottage cheese, boiled eggs or steamed scrambled eggs will replenish the body with proteins.
  • Vegetable soups and purees.
  • Kissels and veins from fruits and berries rich in vitamins.

Nutrition for constipation

Dried fruits help with constipation.

Constipation is the absence or difficulty of defecation. There are products, the use of which can increase intestinal motility, promote the rapid digestion of products, and its release in the form of feces.

The diet should include foods that activate the work of the intestines and saturate the body with all the trace elements necessary for normal life.

As a rule, you need to eat more fiber and drink plenty of fluids, eliminate foods that are difficult to digest and provoke gas formation. List of products recommended for constipation:

  1. Whole wheat or rye bread
  2. Vegetable rich soups, beetroot will be more useful
  3. Fresh vegetables, herbs
  4. Dried fruits
  5. Fresh fruits (apples, kiwi, plums). Bananas and pears should be discarded.
  6. Low-fat varieties of fish and meat boiled or steamed as cutlets.
  7. Kashi: buckwheat, pearl barley, oatmeal, wheat, corn.
  8. Dairy products (kefir, curdled milk, sour cream, yogurt).

Nutrition for chronic intestinal obstruction (paresis) has some nuances. In this case, you need to eat often in small portions. The optimum food temperature for easy digestion should be 38-40 degrees.

Food suitable for consumption is only crushed, which will facilitate digestion and reduce the density of the stool.

Prohibited foods for intestinal diseases

With bowel disease, it is forbidden to consume dairy products.

The daily menu for a sick intestine should not include those foods that cause rotting and fermentation, and contribute to gas formation.

Legumes and coarse vegetable fiber should be excluded. Vegetable fats are also not recommended, as they interfere with the absorption of nutrients.

Spices irritate the digestive tract. Products that are prohibited:

  1. Fatty meats and fish;
  2. legumes;
  3. Dairy products;
  4. Nuts;
  5. spices;
  6. Fried eggs;
  7. Very salty foods;
  8. Fried and smoked dishes;
  9. canned food;
  10. Sweet dishes;
  11. Mushrooms;
  12. Coffee;
  13. Caviar;
  14. Alcoholic and carbonated drinks;
  15. Fast foods.

Colon cleansing as a disease prevention

Grapefruit is a product that removes salts and toxins from the body.

Bowel cleansing has long been considered the best means of prevention for various diseases, not only the gastrointestinal tract.

Waste substances regularly remain in the intestines, which, normally, he himself must bring out.

However, with improper nutrition, or the influence of other factors, the functionality of the intestines can be disturbed, which over time, this can lead to such serious consequences as diabetes, intestinal oncology, hemorrhoids, myocardial infarction.

To prevent unpleasant manifestations, you need to include in the diet products that cleanse the intestines of toxins. There are special programs for cleansing the intestines, which allow you to individually select products for each person.

However, for any program there is one general requirement - to observe a plentiful drinking regimen (at least 8 glasses of water per day). Every day of cleansing should begin with a glass of room temperature water drunk on an empty stomach. Foods that can cleanse the intestines:

  • Grapefruit. Removes salts and toxins from the body, increases appetite, cleanses the intestines. Grapefruit juice contains more nutrients than any other 100% fruit juice.
  • Prebiotics and prebiotics. Effectively cleanse the intestines and increase healthy microflora.
  • This includes all dairy products, bananas, sauerkraut, onions, garlic.
  • Whole grain cereals. In the case of their proper preparation, they effectively cleanse the intestines.
  • Buckwheat, millet, oatmeal, barley will be useful.
  • Products containing fatty acids. Vegetable oils, oily fish, seeds, seafood, as it were, lubricate the intestines from the inside, thus contributing to the elimination of toxins.
  • Beets and carrots. Beets are best consumed boiled, carrots can be eaten raw.
  • Edible algae and sea vegetables. These foods are low in calories and rich in minerals and vitamins. They normalize bowel function, many bind toxins and remove them from the body.

Laxatives such as castor oil, hay grass, salt water, and magnesia are also suitable for a quick bowel cleansing. It is important to know that with serious bowel diseases, digestion of food can be very difficult. Therefore, nutrition should be sufficiently balanced and high-calorie. However, you should not eat foods that increase the load on the digestive organs.

About irritable bowel syndrome - in a detailed video:

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A diet for pain in the intestines is needed to alleviate the patient's condition.

It is easiest to influence any organ of the gastrointestinal tract by making adjustments to the diet. Diet plays an important role in bowel healing and during recovery from illness.

Tasks of the treatment menu

With the help of a diet, many clinical problems can be solved:

  • normalize intestinal motility;
  • neutralize intolerance to certain foods;
  • replenish the deficiency of minerals and vitamins;
  • normalize the composition of the microflora in dysbacteriosis.

For any bowel disease, the principles of therapeutic nutrition remain unchanged:

  • nutrition should treat and prevent complications;
  • nutrition should take into account individual characteristics and the current state of health: concomitant diseases, digestive characteristics, taste preferences.

Medical nutrition for diseases of the digestive tract must meet the following requirements:

  • you need to eat in small portions, but often - 5-6 times a day;
  • the menu should be varied - the body should not be deficient in any elements or compounds;
  • the diet must be balanced in terms of calories, protein, fat, fast and slow carbohydrates. In diseases of the intestine, it is especially important to balance the diet in terms of fiber content;
  • products can be processed only in ways permitted for this disease.

Therapeutic nutrition is especially effective in combination with other methods: drug therapy, physiotherapy, exercise therapy. An extremely important role is given to the diet after operations on the stomach or intestines.

When developing a diet for a person with pain in the intestines or stomach, always take into account the effect of food on colonic motility.

According to this criterion, all products can be divided into three groups:

  • enhancing motility - contain fiber and organic acids. These are raw vegetables and herbs, fruits, dried fruits, bran flour, unpolished cereals, legumes. Peristalsis is enhanced by: sinewy meat, sweet, salty and spicy foods, carbonated drinks, sour-milk and fatty foods;
  • those that reduce motility are rice, oatmeal, starch, drinks and foods containing tannin (red wine, bird cherry, black tea), cocoa;
  • not affecting motor skills - lean meat and fish, unleavened cheese, cottage cheese, eggs, dried wheat bread.

Including this or that dish in the diet, be sure to take into account its effect on motor skills. Thus, with the help of clinical nutrition, it is possible to regulate the time of defecation and the consistency of the stool.

Diet for defecation disorders

Pain in the intestines and stomach is often accompanied by stool disorders: diarrhea or constipation. Diet will help to cope with any of these disorders.

Diarrhea or diarrhea is frequent bowel movements with liquid or mushy stools. During diarrhea, the feces contain up to 90% water, while normally water should be no more than 50%.

Chronic diseases of the stomach and intestines are accompanied by prolonged diarrhea, which leads to gradual dehydration and exhaustion of the body.

In the case of an acute infection, pain and diarrhea can last up to three weeks.

Medical nutrition for diarrhea should consist of dishes that weaken motor skills or are neutral. The main task of the diet for diarrhea will be to reduce the motor activity of the intestinal walls.

To do this, the food must be soft, puree, thermally well processed. It should not contain solid fragments that can irritate the intestinal walls and provoke their contraction.

Dishes and drinks are consumed only in a warm form, since cold foods, especially cold water, are evacuated from the intestines as quickly as possible.

With severe dyspepsia and severe pain, a zero diet is prescribed for 1-2 days, that is, complete starvation. In the future, the menu is made up mainly of mucous and tannin-rich products.

These requirements are met by the treatment table No. 4 and No. 4-a. After a week of following such a diet, they switch to a physiologically complete diet No. 4-b, which can be followed for years.

With another violation of defecation - constipation - you need to make a menu of foods containing a lot of dietary fiber.

Constipation is a functional disorder in the bowel, when defecation is accompanied by pain, and its frequency decreases to three times a week.

Certain activities can contribute to more frequent bowel movements.

It is considered ideal when the intestines are emptied daily at the same time - in this case, we can say that the menu has the correct ratio of products that enhance and weaken intestinal motility.

Their lower content in the diet leads to constipation and associated pain in the intestines. The risk of colon cancer, obesity, varicose veins, and thrombosis increases.

Diet for excess gas

Pain can occur even in perfectly healthy intestines and stomach. In this case, the cause of pain will be intestinal colic, which began due to the fact that the intestines were filled with gases.

The cause of increased gas formation in a healthy intestine is intolerance to certain foods or the wrong combination of them.

From time to time, flatulence occurs in anyone, but daily pain indicates certain pathologies in the stomach or intestines.

It can be:

  • dysbacteriosis;
  • inflammation in the stomach and intestines;
  • insufficient digestion of food in the stomach and small intestine due to enzyme deficiency.

Medical nutrition will help reduce pain. The diet should be directed primarily to the treatment of diseases that cause flatulence.

In the diet, foods that cause fermentation of food in the stomach and intestines are limited: fatty milk, legumes, cruciferous vegetables, onions, grapes, potatoes, sugar, honey.

Do not eat black bread and drink carbonated drinks.

Gas formation in the intestines is of two types:

  • fermentative dyspepsia;
  • putrefactive dyspepsia.

Symptoms of fermentation dyspepsia: light feces, non-malodorous gases. Pain in the stomach and intestines with fermentative dyspepsia is not very disturbing.

In the case of fermentative dyspepsia, nutrition should consist mainly of protein foods.

Carbohydrates in the menu should, on the contrary, be limited, since they cause fermentation in the stomach and intestines.

The daily diet should include no more than 200 g of carbohydrates. Sometimes nutrition has to be limited even more - up to 150 g of carbohydrates per day.

The treatment of dyspepsia is not limited to one diet - it is necessary to take medications to restore the correct balance of intestinal microflora.

Putrefactive dyspepsia begins when anaerobic microorganisms begin to predominate in the intestinal microflora. Symptoms of putrefactive dyspepsia: headache, weakness.

Gases with this pathology will stand out a little, but they are very fetid. The stool is dark in color and contains pieces of undigested food.

In this case, for treatment, you will need to follow a diet for pain in the intestines with a low protein content.

The daily intake of protein can be reduced to a minimum - up to 30 g, and this protein should be in the composition of fermented milk products.

The diet is observed until the pain in the intestines stops (usually 3-5 days). Then the amount of protein can be increased to 50 g per day.

With putrefactive dyspepsia, switching to a vegetarian diet 1-2 times a week helps a lot.

Pain in the intestines are symptoms of a variety of pathologies.. Spasms lead to discomfort.

Under the influence of harmful factors or toxic substances, the smooth muscles of the intestinal walls contract. This causes an accumulation of lactic acid in the cells. It is she who provokes irritation of the nerve endings and leads to discomfort.

So, the intestines hurt - what to do at home?

Causes of pain

The main causes of pain in the intestines are the following factors:

Before treating a pathology, it is necessary to determine the causes of its occurrence. Pain in the intestines is usually not associated with food intake. An exception is the lesion of the transverse colon.

Pain in the intestines can be of the following nature:

  1. Colic- in this case, there are cramping pains in the form of spasms associated with a sharp contraction of smooth muscles. The symptom is characteristic of poisoning, colitis, enteritis, enterobiasis.
  2. Nagging pain- can occur when changing the position of the body, as a result of physical exertion or emptying the intestines. This symptom usually accompanies adhesions in the intestine.
  3. It's a dull pain- can be permanent and increases with coughing, sneezing or sharp exhalations. The symptom is characteristic of inflammation, intestinal obstruction, flatulence, tumor formations.

Depending on the area of ​​localization of the pain syndrome, the following disorders can be suspected:

  • with the development of enterocolitis, the pain syndrome is diffuse in nature, spreading throughout the abdomen;
  • enteritis is characterized by discomfort in the navel area;
  • with sigmoiditis, there is pain in the intestines in the lower abdomen on the left;
  • with appendicitis, nausea and acute pain appears on the right.

Also, the diagnosis can be made by the nature of pain:

  • nonspecific ulcerative colitis and appendicitis are characterized by acute pain of varying severity;
  • with chronic inflammation in the intestines, a dull aching pain appears;
  • with spasms of the intestines, mechanical lesions, the action of toxic substances, the pain has a cramping character.

The duration of the presence of symptoms also varies:

  • with irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis and dysbiosis, the pain syndrome is present for quite a long time;
  • with infection in the intestines, poisoning, appendicitis, the pain syndrome is present for a short time and is acute;
  • with a lack of digestive enzymes, pain appears after eating.

Medical methods of treatment

Many people are interested in what to take for pain in the intestines. To choose an effective drug, it is very important to take into account the diagnosis.


To cope with intestinal dysbiosis, which develops as a result of an infection or after the use of antibiotics, you need to take probiotics. These drugs include beneficial bacteria that are part of the microflora of a healthy person.

Thanks to the use of such funds, the necessary microorganisms colonize the intestinal walls and begin to actively multiply. This leads to the inhibition of pathogenic microflora and the gradual restoration of the balance of bacteria.

With the help of the vital products of the necessary microorganisms, it is possible to restore the digestion process.

If the development of dysbacteriosis is due to dyskinesia and decreased intestinal motility, prebiotics should be used. These funds normalize peristalsis and indirectly activate the development of healthy microflora.

Intestinal candidiasis

This term is understood as a neglected form of dysbacteriosis, which is accompanied by the active reproduction of fungal microorganisms of the genus Candida.

This condition is typical for people with a weak immune system. In this situation, a long course of antifungal agents in combination with drugs for the treatment of dysbacteriosis will be required.

irritable bowel syndrome

To treat this disease, you need to use various drugs. An effective medicine for pain in the intestines is selected depending on the dominant symptom of the pathology..

Most often, people with this diagnosis experience pain and stool disorders in the form of constipation. In such a situation, antispasmodics and fiber are indicated.

If diarrhea occurs, you need to use means to reduce intestinal motility. With flatulence, prebiotics, sorbents, probiotics are indicated.

Colitis and enteritis

Such diseases should be treated with astringents and enveloping preparations..

If a person is diagnosed with nonspecific colitis caused by a malfunction of the immune system, he is prescribed hormones and immunosuppressants.

Adhesions in the intestines

How to relieve pain in this case? Adhesions are associated with a pronounced inflammatory process or a history of surgical interventions.

In such a situation, it will not be possible to cope with the pathology with medications. If there is severe discomfort, an operation is prescribed..

Folk remedies

To cope with pain in the intestines, you can use effective folk remedies:

  1. A decoction of chamomile, yarrow and sage. Herbs should be taken in equal parts. To cope with discomfort, you need to take half or a quarter cup before each meal. The tool stops the inflammatory process and normalizes motor skills. Also, with its help, it is possible to restore the microflora.
  2. potato juice. To do this, you need to use red varieties of potatoes. To get juice, you can use a juicer or a manual extraction method. This remedy must be taken 250 ml 30 minutes before breakfast. The drink has an enveloping and healing effect on the intestinal walls.
  3. Tincture of garlic. To get the remedy, you need to take 200 g of garlic, chop, add 1 liter of vodka and remove for 2 weeks in a warm place. Take 20 drops before each meal. Thanks to this tool, you can cope with pathogenic microbes, eliminate putrefactive processes and dysbacteriosis. It is also useful to eat garlic in its pure form - 1 clove each. To increase efficiency, it is washed down with kefir or yogurt.
  4. A decoction of yarrow, nettle and buckthorn bark. The drug has a laxative effect. Therefore, it is taken for constipation. The drink is recommended to drink half a glass three times a day before meals.
  5. Decoction of oak bark. The tool helps to cope with diarrhea. To do this, take half a glass 2 times a day.
  6. A decoction of St. John's wort, mint, yarrow, marshmallow root, chamomile and calendula flowers, plantain leaves, cumin and alder fruits. Take 1 large spoonful of the collection, add 200 ml of water and put in a steam bath for a quarter of an hour. Take the cooled remedy in half a glass before meals. Thanks to the use of the drug, it is possible to cope with colitis and irritable bowel syndrome. This is due to the analgesic and healing effect of the decoction.
  7. oatmeal jelly. The tool helps to cope with dysbacteriosis and candidiasis. To get jelly, you need to place oatmeal in a 3-liter jar, add drinking water and a glass of kefir. Cover with gauze and put in a warm place for 3 days. Separate the liquid and leave for a day. The upper transparent layer must be drained, and the lower white concentrate mixed with water and put on a small fire for 5 minutes. Take in the morning before meals.

Nutrition Features

Many people are interested in what you can eat in this case. Diet for pain in the intestines is built on the following rules:

  1. Avoid junk food. Experts advise to give up fried and fatty foods, smoked meats, coffee, carbonated drinks, pastries. As a result of eating such food, the processes of decay and fermentation develop in the intestines.
  2. Choose to steam food.
  3. Eat small meals 4-5 times a day. It is especially important to avoid overeating before bed. At night, intestinal motility slows down.
  4. Eat lots of vegetables, fruits and greens. These products contain fiber, which is required for normal peristalsis.
  5. Observe the drinking regime. At least 1.5 liters of pure water should be consumed per day. It is not recommended to combine fluid intake with food.

To achieve good results, diet therapy must be long-term. It is best to adhere to the principles of a healthy diet and after eliminating the unpleasant manifestations of pathology.

Pain in the intestines can be a symptom of a variety of diseases. To cope with unpleasant manifestations, it is very important to identify the provoking factor in a timely manner and take measures to eliminate it.

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If the patient has acute spasms, aching pains localized in the lower, upper abdomen, leaving in the right or left hypochondrium, then this condition must be treated.

First of all, you need to consult a doctor who will make a diagnosis, tell you about therapeutic proper nutrition and prescribe a course of necessary procedures to eliminate pain.

The basis of such treatment will be a balanced, proper diet that will not irritate the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines.

Causes of abdominal pain

Discomfort and pain in the abdomen may occur due to poisoning with alcoholic beverages and foods. Salts of heavy metals or other harmful substances. Often it hurts under the ribs with appendicitis, especially if it is accompanied by peritonitis.

These unpleasant sensations also cause diseases of the internal organs, for example, gastritis, pancreatitis in the acute stage, colic in the kidneys, inflammation of the bladder.

In women, pain is often caused by malfunctions in the genital area, for example, inflammatory processes in the appendages.

But no less often does the stomach hurt due to hepatitis or an intestinal infection.

In what case to the doctor?

  • Discomfort does not go away within a few days
  • Increased gas production lasts more than 2 days
  • Stool and urination disorders begin
  • Increased temperature
  • Abdominal pain radiates to chest, shoulder
  • If the patient is pregnant, an urgent need to go to the hospital with pain in the abdomen
  • Vomiting with pain
  • The patient stopped eating
  • Increased sweating, pale skin, and increased heart rate
  • The patient is feverish
  • The abdomen is very tense


food poisoning

The purpose of such nutrition is to restore electrolyte balance, accelerate the regeneration of mucous membranes, eliminate the inflammatory process, and provide the body with minerals. In medical institutions, such a diet is called "table No 1a".

Daily calorie content is not more than 2 thousand calories.


  • Fractional meals (6-7 times a day)
  • Drinking regimen (2 liters of water per day). A single dose of no more than 200 ml, so as not to provoke vomiting.
  • Steaming, boiling, grated or pureed food, double-rolling meat.
  • Meals are served warm
  • Restriction of salt to 6-8 g per day
  • Ban on alcoholic beverages
  • The duration of such a meal is from 4 days to a week.
  • Unsaturated fish, meat, chicken broths
  • Soup with the addition of cereals, cream
  • Meat (twisted or boiled. The skin is previously removed). You can eat chicken fillet, rabbit, lean veal.
  • Meatballs, meatballs, fish cooked in a double boiler
  • Pureed porridge from cereals
  • Steamed eggs or scrambled eggs
  • Curd rubbed through a sieve
  • Low fat milk
  • Biscuits, crackers
  • Mousse, fruit compote
  • Bread and sweets
  • Fatty broths and meat
  • Conservation
  • Mushrooms
  • Any vegetables
  • Dairy products and cheeses
  • Barley, corn porridge
  • Legumes in any form
  • smoked dishes
  • Spicy condiments and sauces
  • Fresh fruits and berries, especially those with high acidity

What you can and can not drink

  • Natural juices diluted with water
  • Tea with milk
  • Water with lemon juice
  • Decoction based on wild rose
  • Compote of prunes and dried apricots
  • Dill decoction
  • regular juices
  • Strongly brewed tea
  • Hot chocolate
  • Sweet soda
  • Sample menu for 1 day

Sample menu for 1 day

  1. First meal. A decoction based on rice with liquid semolina porridge without oil.
  2. Second meal. Oven baked apples, mashed.
  3. Third meal. Soup: chicken broth. Second dish: liquid mashed potatoes without milk and butter. Kissel from berries.
  4. Fourth meal. Salad made from boiled carrots, grated on a fine grater.
  5. Fifth meal. Finely chopped (wiped) boiled fillet, rice.

Other treatments

  • Admission of sorbents (Activated carbon, Enterosgel, Polysorb)
  • Treatment with electrolyte solutions (Hydrovit, Regidron)
  • A course of antibiotics (Ceftriaxone, Vancomycin)
  • Taking funds for pain relief (No-shpa, Nimesil, Indomethacin)

It depends on the substances, means or products that caused the poisoning.

A gastroenterologist, toxicologist, infectious disease specialist can help.

Stomach ulcer

The basic principles of therapeutic nutrition are the elimination from the diet of foods that enhance the juice effect, the maximum provision of rest for the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. Products that can mechanically harm the mucosa are removed from the menu. Preference is given to mashed dishes. The patient should eat frequently, but little by little, every 4 hours. At the same time, too hot or cold food is not served to the table.

With a small amount of food, it should be saturated with useful substances and minerals, vitamins C, A, B.

Prohibited and permitted products

  • Dairy products (milk, cream, cottage cheese)
  • Boiled porridge
  • Vegetables mashed
  • Pureed cereal dishes
  • Soups on the water without the addition of cabbage
  • boiled eggs
  • Omelets
  • Meat (fish) boiled fillet
  • Bouillons boiled with meat, fish or mushrooms
  • Meat (fish), fried (stewed) in its juice
  • Smoked products
  • Pickles
  • Hot herbs and spices
  • Vegetables and fruits with coarse fiber (radishes, turnips, cabbage, peaches)

What you can and can not drink

  • Not too brewed tea
  • Mineral water without gas
  • Soda
  • Strong tea
  • Alcohol

Sample menu for 1 day

  1. First meal. Steamed omelet flavored with butter. Milk (250 grams).
  2. Second meal. 250 grams of milk.
  3. Third meal. Soup based on rice water, chicken soufflé (steamed). Meat dish (optional) can be poured with vegetable oil. Kissel from fruits.
  4. Fourth take. Boiled egg with a glass of milk
  5. Fifth meal. Semolina porridge with milk and lemon juice jelly.
  6. End the day with a glass of milk before bed.

Other treatments

  • Elimination of the causative agent of the disease with antibiotics (Metronidazole, Amoxicillin)
  • Treatment with Omeprazole, Rabeprazole.
  • For the regeneration of the mucous membrane, it is recommended to use aloe extract, Solcoseryl.
  • The course of vitamins
  • To heal the ulcer itself, you need to take Almagel, De-nol. They form a protective film on the gastric mucosa, preventing the tissues from being irritated by the acid.
  • In case of complications, surgical intervention is possible to eliminate them. An ulcer can provoke stomach cancer, stenosis, and internal bleeding often begins because of it.

Which doctor should be contacted

A gastroenterologist and a surgeon will help with peptic ulcer.


Often, the disease becomes chronic, and properly selected nutrition reduces this likelihood.

Nutrition principles:

  • Fractional meals 5-6 times a day
  • You can't overeat
  • The basis of the menu is mashed products that minimally irritate the stomach
  • The amount of fats and proteins decreases. More protein should be present.
  • Refusal of fried and smoked meats
  • Eat every 3 hours
  • You can not drink
  • Needs to be chewed thoroughly

Prohibited and permitted products

  • Salads, vegetable puree from beans, zucchini. Potatoes, carrots and beets
  • Dishes with vegetable broth
  • Boiled low-fat oil
  • Reduced fat dairy products
  • Oatmeal and buckwheat with milk
  • Egg whites
  • Not sour apples
  • yesterday's bread
  • Rich meat-based broths
  • Fatty meats (duck, pork, liver, offal)
  • Sausages
  • Marinade, preservation
  • oily fish
  • fried foods
  • Hard boiled eggs
  • Sauces and spices
  • Peas, beans
  • radish, radish
  • Mushrooms
  • Onion and garlic
  • Sorrel
  • Dates, cranberries, grapes, pomegranate
  • Desserts with sugar
  • Sweet products, any pastries, bread

What you can and can not drink

  • Weak tea
  • Compote of dried fruits and berries
  • Sweet soda
  • Hot chocolate

Sample menu for 1 day

  1. First meal. Cottage cheese with rosehip broth
  2. Second meal. Buckwheat porridge, tea.
  3. Third meal. Grated boiled beets.
  4. Fourth meal. Rice with lean fish (such as cod).
  5. Fifth meal. Kissel from berries, a few baked potatoes.
  6. Sixth meal. Egg white omelet and yogurt.

Other treatments

  • Rest for the patient during exacerbations
  • Taking drugs to relieve pain, enzymes, drugs to normalize the acid-base balance.
  • The course of vitamins
  • If all of the above treatments fail, surgery is recommended.
  • Spa treatment.

Which doctor should be contacted

In case of acute pain, the surgeon will provide first aid, after which the treatment is transferred to a gastroenterologist or pancreatologist.

kidney disease

After the diagnosis is established, doctors recommend that patients adhere to a special diet. The most effective diet, built on a reduced amount of protein.

Restriction of salt is mandatory so that the fluid in the kidneys does not linger, and stones do not form.

Basic principles:

  • Small portions
  • Timeline
  • Water balance. The patient should drink at least one and a half liters of fluid every day.
  • Salt food only on a plate, and not completely the entire cooked dish.
  • You can not put garlic in food, flavor with spices and spices
  • Increase the amount of fruits and vegetables in your diet
  • Can't eat fatty

Prohibited and permitted products

  • Cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice)
  • Potato
  • lean meat
  • Milk
  • Varieties of fish that are found in rivers and lakes
  • Soups with vegetable broths
  • Fruits
  • Any mushrooms
  • Spices
  • Onion and garlic
  • Peas, soybeans, beans
  • Chocolate
  • Fatty dairy products such as cheese
  • Marine varieties of fish
  • Kissels and compotes
  • Alcoholic drinks
  • Cocoa

Sample menu for 1 day

  1. First meal. Rice porridge boiled in milk
  2. Second meal. Soup based on vegetable broth, boiled chicken breast.
  3. Third meal. Boiled lean meat.
  4. Fourth meal. Fish cakes cooked in a double boiler, noodles.
  5. You can supplement your diet with fruits. After eating, you should drink low-fat yogurt or tea with honey.

Other treatments

  1. The patient is shown a sparing regimen, during the period of exacerbations, bed rest is possible
  2. Treatment with drugs that improve kidney function
  3. Phytotherapy
  4. Folk recipes (herbal decoction)
  5. To relieve spasms and normalize urination, you should drink Papaverine.
  6. With sand and stones, Cyston is recommended.

Which doctor should be contacted

For the treatment of kidney disease, you should consult a nephrologist.

Other reasons

For various reasons that provoke soreness and discomfort in the abdomen, you should adhere to a sparing diet in order to accelerate the normalization of the functions of the gastrointestinal tract.

Nutrition Basics:

  • A clear meal plan
  • Fractional portions
  • Reducing the amount of food
  • Separation of solid and liquid food
  • The food should be warm, not hot or cold.

Prohibited and permitted products

  • Crackers, yesterday's bread or biscuit
  • Potato puree
  • Low fat soups
  • Steamed meat dishes (cutlets, meatballs, meatballs)
  • Low fat dairy products
  • Vegetables (beets, potatoes, cabbage)
  • Zephyr
  • Freshly baked bread, muffin
  • Fatty meats
  • Citrus fruits (lemon, orange, tangerines)
  • Smoked products
  • pickled pickles

What you can and can not drink

  • Herbal teas such as chamomile
  • Weak tea with cinnamon
  • Fruit decoctions
  • Kissel
  • Alcohol
  • soda

Sample menu for 1 day

  1. First meal. Rice porridge with tea and a boiled egg. You can add some milk to tea.
  2. Second meal. "Lazy" dumplings and chamomile tea.
  3. Third meal. Soup in vegetable broth, chicken cutlets baked in the oven. Mousse from non-sour apples.
  4. Fourth meal. A glass of skimmed milk with breadcrumbs.
  5. Fifth meal. A piece of fish fillet with noodles. Tea with milk.

Other treatments

  • Dill water helps with flatulence
  • For pain after overeating, it is recommended to take "Mezima"
  • If, after eating, heaviness in the stomach and nausea began, then Motillium will cope well with the task.
  • When spasms appear, it is recommended to take "No-shpa".

Which doctor should be contacted

It is best to contact a therapist, if necessary, he will do the necessary tests and send the patient to more highly specialized specialists.

Further prevention of the condition

  1. Set a clear eating schedule
  2. Try to eat 4-5 times a day
  3. Reduce portions to avoid overeating
  4. Try to eat fewer foods that irritate the stomach and intestines (marinades, fatty or spicy dishes and sauces).
  5. Don't eat too sour food
  6. Make sure that the food in the refrigerator is always fresh
  7. Do not starve, the produced gastric juice begins to irritate the walls of the stomach, which can provoke gastritis or an ulcer.


With any disease of the gastrointestinal tract, internal organs (liver, kidneys), nutrition is an important aspect. It will help relieve irritation of the stomach, speed up the process of regeneration after inflammation, and improve intestinal motility. The diet is prescribed by a doctor and depends entirely on the type and stage of the disease. You should not go on a diet on your own, but you can use the basic principles of nutrition in everyday life.

They will help to stay healthy, because everything that our body cannot absorb turns into extra pounds or destroys the gastrointestinal tract from the inside.

The presence of symptoms such as:

  • Stomach ache
  • smell from the mouth
  • heartburn
  • diarrhea
  • constipation
  • belching
  • increased gas production (flatulence)

If you have at least 2 of these symptoms, then this indicates a developing

gastritis or ulcer. These diseases are dangerous for the development of serious complications (penetration, gastric bleeding, etc.), many of which can lead to


exodus. Treatment needs to start now.

Read the article about how a woman got rid of these symptoms by defeating their root cause in a natural way. Read the material ...

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In recent years, domestic and foreign gastroenterologists have paid special attention to intestinal diseases.

This is largely due not only to an increase in the number of patients with functional or organic lesions of the intestine, but also to the constant improvement of diagnostic methods and complex treatment.

Many causes of the pathology of the small and large intestine lie in the lifestyle of a modern person: irrational and unbalanced nutrition with a lack or priority of any substances, physical inactivity, stress, unfavorable environmental conditions, worsening socio-economic conditions.

The intestine in the human body plays a key role in the process of digestion. In the small intestine, by cavitary and parietal membrane digestion, hydrolysis of the main nutrients occurs, followed by absorption.

Food proteins are cleaved under the influence of enterokinase-activated pancreatic proteases to oligopeptides, which, in turn, are hydrolyzed by intestinal peptidases to form amino acids that undergo further absorption.

Food triglycerides emulsified in the cavity of the small intestine are exposed to pancreatic lipase and broken down to mono- and diglycerides, which are hydrolyzed inside the intestinal cells, turning into chylomyrons, and transported into the lymph.

Ingested carbohydrates under the influence of pancreatic amylase break down to oligosaccharides in the cavity of the small intestine with further transformation under the action of intestinal disaccharidases into monosaccharides. The large intestine serves as a reservoir for feces, plays an important role in the absorption of fluids, substances that are not absorbed in the small intestine, as well as in residual digestion.

Therapeutic nutrition of patients with intestinal pathology plays an important role in the complex of therapeutic measures. Universal diets are not rose hips or 1.5 kg of peeled apples in the form of mashed potatoes (apples contain a large amount of pectin, which has an antidiarrheal effect) (Table 26.1). The patient is recommended a diet corresponding to the previously adopted number table 4 (4a).

Brief description: a diet with a normal amount of protein, restriction of fats and carbohydrates to the lower limit of the norm. The purpose of this diet is to reduce inflammatory changes in the intestinal mucosa by maximum mechanical and chemical sparing.

All dishes are boiled or steamed and wiped. Reduce the content of salt to 6-8 g, exclude foods and dishes that enhance the processes of fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines, in particular, milk, sweets, legumes, coarse fiber (fresh vegetables, herbs, fruits and berries), all dishes that stimulate bile secretion , secretion of the stomach and pancreas (sauces, spices, snacks). Fractional diet - 5-6 times a day.

Chemical composition: proteins - 100 g, fats - 70 g, carbohydrates - 250 g, energy value - 2100 kcal.

Soups - on defatted meat or fish broth with the addition of slimy decoctions (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, flour), meat or fish dumplings steamed or boiled in water, meatballs, egg flakes, boiled and mashed meat, which is added along with slimy decoctions.

Porridges - mashed from rice, oatmeal, buckwheat, semolina and other cereals are cooked in water or fat-free meat broth.

Fresh (preferably calcined) cottage cheese is allowed in a pureed form. Butter, fresh, added to dishes.

From bakery products, crackers of the highest quality from white wheat bread are shown, not toasted, thinly sliced.

Table 26.1. An approximate one-day diet menu for a pronounced exacerbation of intestinal diseases accompanied by diarrhea (diet No. 4, 4a)

This diet option is physiologically defective and monotonous, so it is prescribed for 2-5 days.

Then, as the severity of dyspeptic and pain syndromes decreases, they switch to a physiologically complete diet 4b (a variant of the diet with mechanical and chemical sparing) for a period of 1-2 months to several years - until the stool is completely normalized.

A brief description of: the diet is physiologically complete with a moderate limitation of mechanical and chemical irritants of the gastrointestinal tract. All dishes - boiled or steamed, pureed, slimy, served warm. Fractional nutrition - 5-6 times a day. Use foods rich in tannin (blueberries, strong black tea, cocoa, natural red wines) containing simple carbohydrates to delay bowel movements.

Chemical composition: proteins - 100-120 g, fats - 100-120 g, carbohydrates - 400 g, calories - 3000-3500 kcal.

As sources of simple carbohydrates, yesterday’s wheat bread, dry biscuit and cookies of the “Maria” type are recommended, 2 times a week they allow a pie with boiled meat, apples and cheesecakes with cottage cheese (total bakery products no more than 200 g / day).

Mucous soups are prepared on low-fat meat or fish broth, or on vegetable broth with well-boiled cereals, noodles, noodles, finely chopped vegetables.

Low-fat varieties of meat and fish are allowed (beef, veal, rabbit, chicken, pike perch, bream, cod, perch) in the form of boiled cutlets, dumplings, souffle, with good tolerance in the form of a whole piece.

Porridges (except for wheat and pearl barley) are prepared on water with the addition of 1/3 of milk or cream of 10% fat content.

Vegetables are given in the form of mashed vegetable purees or casseroles made from potatoes, carrots, and zucchini. With good tolerance, ripe tomatoes are allowed (up to 100 g / day).

It is possible to use soft-boiled eggs (up to 2 eggs per day) or as supplements to dishes, egg white omelettes, meringues, snowballs.

Kissels, jellies, mousses, pureed compotes from sweet berries and fruits (except melons, watermelons, apricots and plums), baked apples, raw berries (strawberries, raspberries up to 100 g), pureed peeled ripe sweet apples are used as sources of vitamins. and pears. Fruit juices diluted 1:1 with water are allowed. Their intake begins with 50 ml, gradually increasing to 100-150 ml per day.

Cranberry, pomegranate, blueberry, raspberry juices have a bactericidal effect, due to the presence of organic acids. Tannins in a significant amount and pectins are found in blueberry, quince, apple juice with pulp and cherry juice.

Unleavened milk is used only in dishes, calcined cottage cheese is allowed in the form of pudding, casseroles, and an independent dish.

The nature of the recommended diet depends on the disease, the state of intestinal motor function, the nature of intestinal dyspepsia, the presence or absence of food intolerance, age, professional activity and individual taste preferences of the patient.

Eating should be carried out at the same hours to restore the endogenous biorhythm of digestion. Meals, if possible, should be as varied as possible.

The patient is strongly advised to keep a food diary with fixation of the time of eating, its quantity and type. A carefully compiled food diary allows you to identify a particular food intolerance and the relationship of clinical manifestations with the consumption of certain foods.

With the help of a properly formulated diet, the attending physician can achieve the following tasks: normalization of intestinal motor activity, prevention of food intolerance, replenishment of nutrient, vitamin, mineral deficiencies, combating excessive gas formation, influence on the composition of intestinal microflora.

Diet modification due to bowel disease

Certain adjustments in therapeutic nutrition are required, taking into account the characteristics of the diagnosed bowel disease.

The radical treatment of intestinal carcinoid tumors should certainly be their complete removal, however, unfortunately, in most cases, the disease is diagnosed late after the appearance of metastases.

Taking into account the ability of carcinoid formations to enhance protein catabolism and produce a number of hormonally active peptides (serotonin, histamine, etc.), such patients are recommended a diet similar to diet No. 4, but with a high protein content and with a restriction of foods containing a lot of serotonin (walnuts , pineapples, kiwi, plums, tomatoes, eggplants, bananas) and its predecessor, 5-hydroxytryptophan (meat).

Abundant meat food in such patients can provoke the “tide” syndrome (reddening of the skin, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, shortness of breath, tachycardia, changes in blood pressure).

In ischemic bowel disease, products that cause flatulence are excluded. In order to reduce spasm of the mesenteric vessels after eating, the patient is recommended to lie down for 2-3 hours with a warm heating pad on his stomach.

In inflammatory bowel diseases (Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis), Whipple's disease marked protein loss through the damaged intestinal mucosa, as well as due to intoxication and increased protein catabolism while taking glucocorticoids. Such patients should increase the daily protein quota to 1.5-2 g/kg of body weight and sharply limit fiber.

In the case of a severe course of the disease, it is advisable to supplement nutrition with depolymerized enteral mixtures or provide parenteral support. In addition, with ulcerative colitis and hypersensitivity to milk proteins, it is recommended to exclude dairy products in the acute phase of the disease.

In the case of amyloidosis of the small intestine, food protein is a plastic material for the formation of glycoprotein - amyloid, as a result, patients need to reduce the amount of protein in the diet to 60-80 g / day. Limit the intake of foods rich in casein (milk, cheese). It is recommended to increase foods containing starch (

More details - indications for use: Chronic colitis and enterocolitis during a sharp exacerbation of the disease. The purpose of the diet– mechanical and chemical sparing of the intestines, reduction of fermentation processes

In the intestine.

General characteristics of the diet for intestinal diseases: a sharp restriction of mechanical and chemical irritants of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract; with the exception of foods and dishes that enhance the processes of fermentation in the intestines. Diet number 4 is prescribed for a period of no more than 4-5 days.
Culinary processing of products for intestinal diseases: all dishes are boiled or steamed, rubbed (chopped).
The diet for intestinal diseases is fractional (5-6 times a day).

Recommended foods and dishes for intestinal diseases

Bread and bakery products are allowed by the diet 4. Crackers from wheat bread of the highest grades.
Soups. On a low fat-free meat broth with the addition of steamed or boiled in water meat quenelles, meatballs, egg flakes, boiled and mashed meat, semolina, mashed rice.
Meat and poultry dishes. Steam or water-boiled cutlets, dumplings, meatballs, boiled meat or chicken soufflé. Lean meat (beef, veal, chicken, turkey, rabbit). Minced meat is passed 3 times through a meat grinder with a fine grate.
When preparing cutlets and dumplings, rice is added to minced meat instead of bread.
Fish dishes. Low-fat types of fish - cod, pike perch, perch, carp, in natural and chopped form, boiled or steamed.
Dishes and side dishes from vegetables and mushrooms - Excluded in diet 4.


  • Dishes and side dishes from cereals and pasta.
  • Pureed cereals in water or low-fat meat broth.
  • Kashi. Rice, oatmeal, semolina, buckwheat - they are cooked mainly on water (not on milk).
  • Small vermicelli - allowed in limited quantities.
  • You can steam puddings.

All Legumes – Eliminated on Diet 4.

Egg dishes are allowed Diet 4. Diet soft-boiled eggs or steam omelettes are allowed (no more than 2 eggs per day), provided they are well tolerated. Eggs in limited quantities (no more than 1 pc. per day) are allowed to be added to culinary products.
Fruits, berries, sweet dishes, sweets. Sugar is limited (up to 30-40 g per day).
You can kissel, blueberry jelly, bird cherry, ripe pears, other berries and fruits containing tannins.
Sweets - Excluded on diet 4.
Fresh fruits - Excluded on diet 4.

Allowed (in limited quantities):

  • natural juices from fruits and berries, a decoction of dried blackcurrant, blueberries.
  • Milk, dairy products, dishes from them.
  • freshly prepared cottage cheese, with the help of calcium salts (calcium chloride, calcium lactate or a weak solution of table vinegar).
  • Fresh cottage cheese, natural in pureed form, as well as in the form of a steam soufflé.
  • Kefir and acidophilus in a limited amount (subject to good tolerance).
  • All other dairy products, as well as whole milk, are excluded.

Sauces and spices - Excluded on diet 4.

Diet drinks 4
Natural tea, black coffee (subject to good tolerance), decoctions of wild rose, bird cherry, blueberries.
Fats. Butter in limited quantities - 20-30 g per day. Oil - not for frying, but for adding to ready-made dishes, 5 g per serving, for example, in cereals.
Vegetable oil taken on an empty stomach has a laxative effect. But if you use it together with other food - porridge, various purees, this effect is significantly reduced.
This should be borne in mind when deciding how much vegetable oil can be included in the diet while following this diet, taking into account the individual tolerance of this product and the functional state of the intestine.

Sample diet menu for intestinal diseases

  • First breakfast: Steamed meat cutlets, mashed rice porridge cooked in water, tea.
  • Second breakfast: calcined cottage cheese 100 g.
  • Lunch: meat soup, steam scrambled eggs, rosehip broth.
  • Snack: wheat bread croutons, tea.
  • Dinner: meatballs without garnish, semolina porridge, rosehip broth.
  • For the whole day: wheat bread croutons - 100 g.
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