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Crash Bandicoot.

* Level guide.

Acute first.

Here, on the first of the three islands, the dangerous journey of Kragia begins. You have to get comfortable with the control system, learn how to calculate the jumps of cragia, etc. Here you can earn the first three gems (Gems) and have to defeat the first boss - dad dad. Levels are not difficult here, however, in order to pass them with a "excellent" estimate (Perfect), you need to work hard. On the second and third islands you will need to get colored stones, and then return to achieve an even better result.

N Sanity Beach.
At this level, one checkpoint (checkpoint). You need to find several masks of the doctor-wizard, and then your way will be easier. For example, you will not need to crash in the turtles (you will have temporary invulnerability). Collect as much as possible Womba fruit - they will then need. After breaking near a large pocket box, you are the dispensing boxes through the pit, and as a premium, get the opportunity to jump on these boxes containing a lot of useful.

Jungle Rollers.
One checkpoint; prize circle - "Town"; For excellent assessment, green stone is needed. First, collect the fruit of Wamba from jumper boxes, jumping on the "Arrow" box. Then take the mask to become invulnerable. You at this stage you need to slip past round stones several times. At first it will be one disk, and it is not difficult to slip (see above). Then there will be a pair of disks; Shifting to the left (or right) to the edge, you need to wait for a long-range disk, and then slip. Finally, you will meet the disk system; We must wait for the moment when they meet in the middle, and then slip into the resulting hole. Having a green stone, you need to jump on it, and from it - on drawers\u003e, and then you will achieve three extra lives.

The Great Gate.
One checkpoint; prize circle - "Town"; An excellent assessment requires a yellow stone. A doctor's mask here can be reached by drawers as along the steps. When the steel box will pop up from the "Arrow" box, jump up so that you do not bother. Beware of spikes. At the end of the stage, it is necessary to jump and with the rotation to hit three jerseys with marks to turn them into temporary platforms. Possessing a yellow stone, take up with it on teleport, and then further to an additional territory.

One checkpoint. At the very beginning, collect everything you can: Everything is useful! Be especially attentive, overcoming the chain of the abuses, do not hurry with jumps. Generally, here is the main thing - calcality. At the end of the stage, follow the wooden pillars along the chain of apples - it will lead you to an extra life.

Two control points; prize circle - "Town"; An excellent assessment requires a yellow stone. You need attention to achieving success in this waterfront: do not skip apples and other useful items, carefully guide yourself with fish and muffin traps. Having a yellow stone, smoke Ilpi Rotate it under the bridge, and you will be able to get an extra life. Yellow stone will also be a conductor for you, which will lead you to a new conveyor.

Rolling Stones.
Three checkpoints; prize circle - "N. Clo"; For excellent assessment, blue stone is needed. At the beginning of the stage in front of you - Fruit boxes, but do not abuse the rotations, and then lose them. Having met with the system of stone disks, carefully examine the pattern of their rolling before slipping. Near the "TNT" boxes, we remind you, it is necessary to jump very carefully, but it is impossible to rotate at all! At the end of the stage, round moving platforms, crouched grass, are very useful. Jumping onto the blue stone, you will fall into the underground cave, where you will find additional life.

Hog Wild.
Two control points. At the beginning of the stage - the scary tree with spikes, but it is easy to jump out enough. And in general, this stage is not difficult if you follow the instructions previously.

Native Fortress.
Five checkpoints; prize circle - "Town"; For excellent assessment, a red stone is necessary. As soon as the collapse jumps over the fire, it turns out to be on the box "Check Point". After that, you need to jump or rotate on Venus Fly Trap. Jumping then on the box "Arrow", you will not only take up the top, but on the way there will be some more fruit. Remember that when bonfires are not burning, they can be used as a springboard for bouncing. The most difficult area of \u200b\u200bthe stage - when you need to crash with the rotation in the box, which is above the "TNT" box. After that, you need to quickly jump and break up the upper boxes, and then bounce on the decent distance, safe when the explosion. Behind the red stone you need to follow the clouds - you will reach a variety of valuable boxes.

Island second.

This stage is still low, but difficult times are approaching. Two levels belong to the number of the most famous in the game: Lost City and Sunset Vista. You will meet with two bosses - RU and Konoga Kong. You will have the opportunity to earn the first of six colored precious stones and the first of the two keys of Cortex (Cortex Keys).

Up the Creek.
Two control points; Prize Circle - Tauna. Having encountered the leaves floating on the crumb, wait until they boil to you before jumping on them. Note that if you stop on them for a long time, they will start sinking, and because the crash can not swim. Monkey pass the jump on top or rotation.

Four control points; Premium circles - "Town" and "N. Clo"; Award for excellent rating - green stone. Do not break the first "Arrow" box that you met, otherwise you will not be able to return to this level. On your way - a giant bat, one of the first moving platforms and vertical walls, which should be brought very quickly.

Temple Ruins.
Three checkpoints. At the beginning, having passed dangerous spears, take the mask, and then jump to the left to the platform. Having met the platform moving up and down, wait for the moment when you find yourself a little higher than the next platform before jumping to it. By passing a bonfire, jump first on a round moving platform nearest to it, and then on the middle platform. Further, your guidelines will be lying on the platform fruit.

Road That Nowhere.
Four control points; prize circle - "Town"; For excellent assessment, a red stone is necessary. We break the box\u003e, which is between two TNT boxes, then quickly run away. On the bridge with rope railings, light strips are reliable, the darker breaks, if they stay on them, and the reddish fell down as soon as they become. Some planks are covered with ice or snow; It is better to jump on them, not to go. At this level (as, however, in the whole game) it is very important to rely well jumping when you have to jump several times without stopping. With the help of a red stone, you get into the secret space, where they should jump into the box\u003e to detect an invisible box. Jumping forward to the red stone, be bold - before your landing part of the bridge will come together, and the jump will end safely.

Boulder Dash.
Two control points. For excellent assessment, a magenta is needed. The main task is to closely monitor dangerous boulders. Wooden stakenik is best overcome by fast short jumps. Bypassing wooden poles on the way, do not forget to collect fruits. Jumping on the purple stone, you will fall into another underground room. Here you will find from half a dozen of additional lives that you will be very useful.

Sunset Vista.
Seven control points; Prize Circle - Town / Cortex. Meeting at the beginning of the level of the stoves are very cunning: only the average is on the spot, the rest fall when they are coming. Next, you must pass by moving walls, which are still drawn into the back wall; You need to approach each as close as possible and slip when they depart back. To overcome the "holey floor" needs continuous jumps, because each next flooring goes to the surface as soon as the previous one fails.

The island is the third.

This is the final stage; Beloved Town and the evil Cortex are already close! Here you will find the rest of colored stones, and, of course, the rest of the bosses - Pinstrapa Clear, N. Clo and the most importantly, Satambood, Dr. Neo Cortex. You will find the second key, as well as a level-branch, through which you can go to the "excellent" completion of the game. Here are the two most difficult levels - Jaws of Darkness and Slippery Climb. Passing this island (easy to say, but it's hard to do!), Get ready for travel back to the first two islands to earn great ratings.

Heavy Machinery.
One checkpoint; Prize Circle - "Town, N. Barn". At the beginning of the right - a moving ball; Wait until it goes away, and when it starts to rise - slipk. Also overcome and bowl with spikes. The source beats from the wall, too, with certain intervals; You need to wait for a break to pass it. Finally, the red platform operates like a spring, throwing you high up - this time behind Womba fruit.

Cortex Power.
Two control points; For excellent assessment, blue stone is needed. At this level, accurate choice of time points is also especially important. Energy vololates are flying out of red and blue pipes, and it is necessary to wait for the moments of interruptions. When to move forward, you need to jump into the interval between the pipes - do not refer to the power grid. Stumbled upon the shooting assistant of the Pinstrapa, you need to hide until it stops fire, and then get closer and destroy it. At the end of the stage, hitting a movable platform hanging over the green liquid, you need not bag, but very precisely jump from it past the ball with spikes on a fixed platform. Following the blue stones, you will fall on the easiest way to exit.

Generator Room.
Two control points; prize circle - "Town"; Award for excellent rating - orange stone. At the beginning of the stage, jumping from a small square platform, you need to wait for the metal balls over your heads. Next, you need to split the box, and then examine the bridge in the upper right corner of the screen, where there are a lot of boxes. But a large platform with drawers will shine at some point, and if you continue to stand on it, it will fall, so you need to act quickly.

Toxic Waste.
Two control points; prize circle - "Town"; Award for excellent rating - blue stone. At the beginning of the level you need to move forward on platforms, jumping to the right and left; These platforms help shy away from jumping barrels. Fucking a bear, wait until he leaves a barrel in you, rewind through it and snap into a bear with a rotation. Additional lives are waiting for you, but beware of dynamite!

The High Road.
Four control points; The prize circle is "Tauna". The level is very similar to the Road. That Nowhere. You need to carefully count jumps. After how to jump over the steel boxes, you need to deal with the turtle. You will also need to jump on the turtle on the bridge in order to overcome the behind Her abyss.

Slippery Climb.
One checkpoint; Pripus circle - "N. Clo" "; Award for excellent rating - a red stone. Passing massive stones with spikes, wait until every one of them is as close as possible to the next, and not you have to fall out! Birds found on the path You can be used for good, just look, do not jump on the wings. Lifting up the stairs stairs, do not break, because the steps can turn into a slippery inclined plane. Another staircase, at the end of the stage, all the time hides in the wall adjacent to it, so What you need to accurately take the moment to jump on it.

Lights out.
Five checkpoints. Reward for excellent assessment -purning stone; An excellent assessment requires a yellow stone. At the beginning of the level, the metal plate in front of you falls down in a second one after touch, so do not break. Another platform, although not fails, goes back and forth all the time; Wait for the approach, and then jump. Hung on a rope sharp metal surface swings back and forth, like a round stone disk. To have more time to slip by a sharp surface, it is best to stand on the left or right of it. Yellow stone will raise you up, past several portraits of our heroes and villains, to the conveyor leading to additional boxes.

Jaws of Darkness.
Two control points; prize circle - "Town, Cortex"; For excellent assessment, blue stone is needed. Jumping on round stone platforms moving around the central platform requires you to maximize the comprehensivity. From stone walls at different height, the point will fly off spears, and the passage here also requires an accurate time selection. Reaching deadlock, know that in fact it is not a dead end: the back wall goes back and forth. At the end of the level, the calculation is required to combat falling spiders: the spider fell - jump on it and immediately repel. The road from stones will lead you to additional lives, fruits Wamba and many boxes.

Castle Machinery.
Two control points; For excellent rating, you need a green stone. And here you need to jump very carefully, so as not to burn on the hot red pipes and do not fall on the platform steps. In one place, hot tubes can only be overcome to the robot. At the end of the level, you can jump on the boxes, mining a lot of valuable things: first Fruit Wamba, and then an extra life. And having a green stone, you can jump on it and discover the inconspicuous treasure - almost 30 additional lives!

The Lab.
One checkpoint; prize circle - "Town"; Prize for excellent rating - yellow stone. At the beginning of the level, disobey the box to activate the doors and the floor. Then the door will be overcome, avoiding the electrical network. And faced with the minions of the doctor, wait until they play out with their electric discharges, and only then destroy them with rotation, otherwise you will get the electric shock.


Throughout the game, you can find exactly two keys opening the way to hidden levels. You need to go through both prize circles "Cortex". The first is located on the second island at the Sunset Vista level; Having passed it, you fall on the hidden level of the Whole Hog (later this key is shown at the Boulder level, because this level is associated with the Whole Hog). The second key is on the third island. After passing Jaws of Darkness, you will fall on the second hidden level of Fumbling in The Dark.
When a boar or an aggressive woman comes up again, you can recommend the following reception to fight them: Left, Down, Down, Left, Up, Left, Right, jump on a boar or through a woman, down, right.
At the Whole Hog level, the abyss becomes much wider. And behind one RVA lies a dangerous tree with spikes. Do not miss any drawer, without breaking it.
At the FUMBLING IN THE DARK level, consider the light platforms after a couple of seconds fail. When approaching the orange platform, wait for it when it is suitable close enough. Scripping the giant swinging razors, wait until they are on the same level, and then do not break. Use falling spiders to jump on them and pushing out, fall on the next platform or path.

Completion of the game.

Normal ending occurs in the standard case (go through the whole game without losing a single life, one of the first time can hardly succeed). You destroy evil represented by Dr. Neo Cortex, surprised with a tauna on the doctor's aircraft - and the game ends.
But there is a special ending. Completion of the game is determined by how the way you got to the final level of The Grand Hallway. The new ending occurs in the event that all precious stones were found in the previous steps. Ahead of you will be waiting for the conveyor who will save you from a meeting with the doctor. If in the big hall you will go on the blue stones, then you will find your beloved Town, and you will fly to a giant bird towards the setting sun!

Crash Bandicoot 1 Passage 1 Passage Crash Bandicoot 1 with comments

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Plot games
Somewhere in Australia, scientist Dr. Neo Cortex
Conducts in his laboratory experiences over the caught animal, Cresha. He does this in order to fulfill his dream - create an army and enslave the whole world. It aims on the unfortunate gangster, called Evolvo Ray, capable of legend, give animals human abilities, but at some coincidence, the gun does not have time to complete its process and the main character runs away. Apparently, instead of Krash headed the Army of Dr. Cortex and pondered the clock over the tactics of holding his dream of life, the poor fellow, the opposite deprives his latest brains and loses the gift of speech. However, the doctor turns out to be not so stupid to not take into account the plan B. He kidnaps the girl of Krush, Tawna. As a result, the krash jumps out the window and turns out to be on the shore of N.Sanity and then the beginning of the game is tied. In the salvation of his beloved throughout the game, Krush will help a certain spirit, sharpened in the face of the mask - Aku Aku. The game is rich in different kind of humor: even the death of the main character look funny.
Crash Bandicoot is the main hero of the game.
Aku Aku - a mask, which can be found in the boxes. Helps Crash throughout the game. Makes it possible to make one slip.
Tawna - Krash girl stolen by Cortex. It is found on bonus levels with the collection of vampafrutes and lives.

Descriptions about Zlodeev
Dr. Neo Cortex - Crazy Scientist, trying to capture the world. It is the main antagonist. Last boss.
DOCTOR NITRUS BRIO - Chemist. Evolvo Ray inventor. Penultimate boss.
Papu Papu is the leader of the Aborigines. First boss.
Ripper Roo - Kangaroo, whom all [who?] Are constantly taken for the blue dog. Second boss.
Koala Kong - Koala Shakhtar. Third boss.
Pinstripe Potoroo - Gangster Potor. Fourth boss.

Passage of Crash Bandicoot 1 With comments My channel Join the product of contact (plot games) somewhere in the territory of Australia, scientist DR. Neo Cortex holds experiments on his animal caught by the Crash in its laboratory. He does this in order to fulfill his dream - create an army and enslave the whole world. It aims on the unfortunate gangster, called Evolvo Ray, capable of legend, give animals human abilities, but at some coincidence, the gun does not have time to complete its process and the main character runs away. Apparently, instead of Krash headed the Army of Dr. Cortex and pondered the clock over the tactics of holding his dream of life, the poor fellow, the opposite deprives his latest brains and loses the gift of speech. However, the doctor turns out to be not so stupid to not take into account the plan B. He kidnaps the girl of Krush, Tawna. As a result, the krash jumps out the window and turns out to be on the shore of N.Sanity and then the beginning of the game is tied. In the salvation of his beloved throughout the game, Krush will help a certain spirit, sharpened in the face of the mask - Aku Aku. The game is rich in different kind of humor: even the death of the main character look funny. Crash Bandicoot is the main hero of the game. Aku Aku - a mask, which can be found in the boxes. Helps Crash throughout the game. Makes it possible to make one slip. Tawna - Krash girl stolen by Cortex. It is found on bonus levels with the collection of vampafrutes and lives. (Descriptions about villains) Dr. Neo Cortex - Crazy Scientist, trying to capture the world. It is the main antagonist. Last boss. DOCTOR NITRUS BRIO - Chemist. Evolvo Ray inventor. Penultimate boss. Papu Papu is the leader of the Aborigines. First boss. Ripper Roo - Kangaroo, whom all [who?] Are constantly taken for the blue dog. Second boss. Koala Kong - Koala Shakhtar. Third boss. Pinstripe Potoroo - Gangster Potor. Fourth boss.

Crash Bandicoot.

* Additional fruits.
Need to go to the map screen and simultaneously press Up. and four top buttons ( R1 + R2 + L1 + L2). Then repeat it again, but instead a diagonal direction Down / Left..

* Super password.
This password opens access to all levels and gives all useful items. Enter it on the Password (Password) screen: Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, X, Square, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, O (Circle), Square, Triangle, X, X, X, X

* Passwords of all levels.
Level 2. O (Circle), Square, O (Circle), Square, O (Circle), O (Circle), Triangle, Square

Level 4. O (Circle), x, Square, Triangle, O (Circle), Square, Square, Triangle

First Boss, Papu Rari Square, Square, X, Square, Square, Triangle, X, Triangle

Level 6. X, square, x, o (circle), x, square, triangle, x

Level 8. Square, square, triangle, x, o (circle), o (circle), x, triangle

Second Boss, Ripper Roo O (circle), square, square, o (circle), o (circle), x, x, x

Level 11. X, O (Circle), X, O (Circle), O (Circle), x, Square, O (Circle)

Level 13. Square, X, Triangle, Triangle, X Square, X, Triangle

Third Boss, Koala Kong X, O (Circle), O (Circle), O (Circle), X, Square, X, Square

Level 15. Square, Square, X, Triangle, X, Square, O (Circle), X

Fourth Boss, Pinstripe Triangle, Triangle, O (Circle), X, X, Square, Square, O (Circle), Square, Triangle, Triangle, X, X, O (Circle),
O (Circle), Square, O (Circle), Square, Triangle, Square, X, X, X, O (Circle)

Final Boss, Dr Neo Cortex Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, X, Square, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, X, Square, Triangle, O (Circle), Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, O (Circle), Square, Triangle, x, x, x, x

* Passwords levels.
Castle Machinery: O (Circle), X, X, O (Circle), Square, O (Circle), Square, Square
Slippery Climb.: O (Circle), Square, Square, X, Triangle, Square, Square, Triangolnik
Boulder Dash: Square, X, Triangle, Triangle, X, Square, X, Triangle

* Additional fruits. (Alternative)
At the beginning of any level, free the baskets from the fruit, put the game by pause and click SELECT to call the card. Now press X, and you will again be at the beginning of a level with full baskets. Repeat this trick as much as you like!

Tactical tips.

How to handle drawers.
Of course, the most important thing in this game is to beware of sudden death. But still it is usually very helpful to jump on the box that fell on the way and open it. They can find a lot of interesting things ... but sometimes dangerous. In total, the game is eight types of boxes.
Boxes with a question mark (?). What is hidden in them - you can not guess for anything. We just need to wait and watch.
Boxes with an exclamation mark (!). Approximately the same as with a questionnaire, but in this case you are waiting for some changes in the playing field.
Jumper boxes. Jumping on this wooden thing, you can get a bunch of sponce fruit from it (Wumba Fruits). Just do not need to rotate on this box, but you will lose all its contents.
Boxes with an arrow. They are located in places where there are premium boxes that are out of reach. Take over the box with an arrow - and wave high upwards, reward!
Boxes - checkpoints (C). These are important drawers, quite often found at all levels. Jumping on such a box, you will make it its original point in case of sudden death.
Boxes with face paint. They are not so much. Seeing such a box, immediately grab it - this is an extra life.
Drawers with Trinitrotolololol (TNT). Beware of these boxes! If you rotate near them, then lose life. If coming up, you will get three seconds to get away.
Drawers from a doctor-wizard. If you do not consider additional lives, then such a box is the most successful find in the game. And in some respects, and in general the most successful. There are only four such masks. The first gives you protection at one attack or skirmis. The second mask is added to the first and makes it red. When the third mask is selected, the crash becomes temporarily invulnerable for small damage (although, of course, if you fall into the bottomless pit, then still dad). And the fourth ... it meets only on two levels - Lights Out and Fumbling In The Dark. This is a white mask creating a temporary light source; But before he goes out, your shaggy hero should get to the next mask.
How to facilitate your life.
The easiest and safest way to get an extra life you can use at the very beginning of the game. And no need to introduce special codes, nor seek secret objects. The solution to this task is literally before your nose - you just need to know where to watch.
Start the game at the first level and collect all the fruits of Wamba from two jumper boxes and one box\u003e. After that, click Start, and then Select - and go beyond the map. Now go back to the first level and bring fruit again from these three boxes.
Remember that for every 100 Womba fruit you get an extra life. Of course, it takes time, I want to start the game as soon as possible. But the right, it is better to collect more lives than to die without passing the level. And then, because it is without any risk!
More about masks.
We have already spoken about the masks of the doctor-wizard. In some early levels, you can meet a mask at the very beginning of the stage. Start the level, take a mask and exit from the level, then log in and take the second mask again; If you want, take the third. Now you can go much further.
And more about fruits.
At each level you need to collect all the fruits of Wamba. They will not only bring you to an extra life; If you do not die at this stage, they will allow you using gems (Gems) to gain access to the secret territories of other levels. But to collect fruits from jumpers from the first right. If you need two or three jumps, then some fruit you lose. As in the rest of the game, the time saving is encouraged here.
Additional help.
At some levels, the crash come across long rods (for example, in Heavy Machinery), and sometimes rope bridges (Road then Nowhere). With their help, you can avoid falling in the abyss, elude the enemies and solve other problems. At the Road level, now you can jump on the rope railing of the destroyed bridge and go safely for them; But do not jump too high - you can make a squirrel from the bridge and ... God knows where you land! At first, you, of course, lose a couple of lives, but having mastered jumping with jumps, get rid of problems.
Jump on the enemy.
Jumping on top of some of the enemies (for example, on the turtle), you will be able to bounce much higher than usual. Thus, you can overcome dangerous abyss and get to inaccessible prizes. This refers to one degree or another to all beings, although the turtles are the most suitable.
In many early levels there are rolled stone discs moving from side to side. Here the most important thing is to make a moment. The surest way is not crushed as a piece of dough, - jump at the moment when the disk passes by you. Again, the training will help you.
Despite the abundance of enemies, go through this level is quite easy: it is only necessary to run quickly. Reaching the low wooden fence, jump over it, and then overcome the pits in several identical jumps. And most importantly - do not stop and do not look back.
Additional Fruit Wamba can be collected if you crash into an enemy with a rotation, especially when another enemy stands right behind it. You will not only earn fruit, but also kill one rotation of two, three, and sometimes four enemies - isn't it bad?
Premium stages.
About their appearance you can not guess. But it is known that by collecting three heads (Tauna, Dr. Nitrus Virio or Dr. Neo Cortex). You are postponed to the premium stage. There is your gangster there can be plenty of drawers. If you go through the premium stage, you will get the opportunity to save the game - do not miss this opportunity!
How to deal with bosses.
Pope dad - apparently the easiest of bosses. You just need to jump onto his throne. When he throws his long blubber in you, confrete it. And then jump on his back. Then go back to the throne and do it all again. This scoundrel will not stand for a long time.
Ripper Ru. There are many ways to use nine platforms and TNT boxes against it, but the easiest way to deal as follows. Wait until he jumps onto the left lower platform to jump into the middle, and from there to the left middle platform. Let your enemy jump into the middle, then to the bottom right, then again on the middle, then to the lower left platform. When it turns out to be on the middle platform, jump onto the TNT box. Follow him to the middle, and from there - on the right middle platform. When the rascal is once again in the middle, the first explosion will occur. Now jump like this: the upper right, the upper average, the upper left and, finally, the left average. Wait for the appearance of ru on the right medium platform, jump onto the TN1 box next to you, from it back to the middle left - and the second explosion will occur. Now jump over to the left top, wait for the enemy to jump from the bottom middle to the bottom left, jump on TNT and return to the upper left. Let the RU supply from the middle left to the upper middle, then jump over the middle left and - away, escaping from the third explosion.
Pinstrap Poto-ru. Unlike Ripper Ru, he is not only a psychopath, but also very aggressive and is able to release many bullets in your rat-like hero. In addition, he runs all the time jumping and even tumbling around the room, continuing to fill out of his machine gun and hello to laugh. It is possible to hide from the bullets only in the right or left corner of the screen. For nothing to attack the pinstrapa when it is in a far wall (only if his machine gun suddenly stalls): You will not have time to finish the attack. You need to wait for a break in shooting when it is in a closer point (from time to time it happens), make a jump on it, and then quickly return to a safe place. Sometimes you can have time to apply two or three blows at once, but you need to feel exactly the moment when he starts shooting again, recovering from shock. All this needs to be repeated until it dies.
Koala Kong. And there are many ways to fight; We offer only the best of them. First stay in the left corner of the screen. When Kong will throw a stone in you, bounce right, then go back to the left. Do it as many times as necessary. When such a stone is flying in you, how you yourself can take advantage (usually this is the fourth), we will raise the moment when Kong remains untouched, and send a heavy stone directly into the stomach. Do it several times - and the problem will be solved.
Dr. Nitrus VRIO. This abnormal - great imagined, but it is easier to cope with it than it seems at first glance. Help from it is also needed in the right or left corner. When he throws in you green test tubes, we manage to pass. When a green blossom starts to sail on the screen, wait until she drops to the floor, and jump on her from above to destroy it. Then the red test tubes will go into the course. In them, explosive, so you need to especially clearly bounce against them to the right and left. Street until the doctor turns into a huge ugly monster. The stone slabs will begin to descend from above; Having pushed from one of them, you will find yourself at the right height to get to the head of the doctor. Take it until you kill the monster.
Dr. Neo Cortex. The leader of all this strange hay is very impolite and thinks only about how to burn a beautiful fur of your hero with energy volley. But if you know his weak points, then there will be no problems with him. It is necessary to simply dilute from the red and blue volleys and the rotation screwed into the green. To green to get easily; From the reds you just need to run away; And from the blue you need to shy left-left, remembering that they are moving on the diagonal.

* Tips.

* - Time is not limited, so have patience and always be careful when you are going to jump. Obstacles hide a lot of pit, and some platforms remain durable only for a second.
* - Collect three prizes Tiki-Mask, and you will be invulnerable for a short time.
* - Find a secret passage at the top of the Native Fortress level, and it will allow you to avoid many enemies.
* - When you break the boxes on small platforms using the attack by swirl, make sure you first be steady, otherwise you can slip from the edge.
* - At the Cortex Power level, jump right and replicate from the wall to avoid robots with types.
* - break all the boxes and do not lose life - get a congratulatory screen and diamond.
* - Additional prizes are found in a variety usually near the end of the level.
* - When you run away from boulders, try to run as long as possible without turning. Follow the chains of fruits that will help avoid obstacles.
* - At the ROLLING STONES level, collect three heads of Doctor Neo Cortex "a. One is in the box at the beginning of the level, one more - among the boxes with dynamite in the middle of the level, and the last one is around the exit from the level. Collect all three, and get on a difficult Prize level, where boxes are dynamite.
* - Do not use the attack by swirl against Boss Rari Rari. Jump him on the head when he misses, trying to hit you with his club.
* - To defeat the Ripper Roo boss, first confrete him, running between three front cubes. When he approaches behind, activate the nearest mine and run away.

* Passwords levels.

Castle Machinery. CIR, X, X, CIR, SQ, CIR, SQ, SQ
Slippery Climb. CIR, SQ, SQ, X, TRI, SQ, SQ, Tri
Boulder Dash SQ, X, TRI, TRI, X, SQ, X, TRI

* Additional fruits.
You need to go to the map screen and simultaneously press Up and four upper buttons (R1 + R2 + L1 + L2). Then repeat it again, but instead of UP, press the direction diagonally down / left.

Gaming process itself Crash Bandicoot 3. Difficult not call. However, overcome the game with the maximum status is not very easy. This is especially true of the passage of absolutely all stages "for a while" (Time Trial mode). Remuneration for a good result serve Anchi."- These are such cross. For, conditionally, the third place you will get - sapphire; for the second - golden; And for the first place, personifying almost a gig-mega-super record - platinum "ANCH".

In addition to them, each level carries an even number of boxes in itself, your task is to work as a janitor and clear all the stages from them, in the end of which after successful work you will earn diamond.

There are also some pink crystals. In principle, everything is tied to them. All negative characters are very expensive and continuously in the video in the video destroying and hint that the crash will not receive. But, despite their threats, they are located in the most prominent places, and it is impossible to slip by simply (there will be some racing levels, where the crystals are issued at first place).

After receiving this pink item, you can start to undergo the level "for a while" by entering Level re-and taking there that have appeared yellow hours - they launch the timer.

One more thing in the game - platformTransferring you to where the paws of the gangster did not go. Usually they are in the contour "sleeping" mode, and the keys from them (" flat colored stones") Reliably hidden in other worlds.

Without changing tradition, each found item will add to you another 1%. And all of them 105% ! Yes, yes, you did not hear. I myself did not lose my jaw, because I thought that there could be no more than a hundred here, because I delated everything along and across myself, I visited almost every pit and did not find anything but awareness that I lost another life. But it is - there are two more hidden levels and you can get into them from levels No. 11 and №14.

Now it will be about a hundred fifth percent. Immediately warn: it is easier to eat cactus. To earn it, you need not enough patience. Wearly have only golden or platinum "Ankhi", the sapphires should not be at all (!). My sufferings in this regard were very long, accompanying this action of the word I was afraid. But if they scored, go to the sister of Coco, standing near the "sail", and she under the root of salute will give you the last diamond / percentage.

Passage and secrets

World 1

1. Toad Village (Middle Ages)
Everything is simple and unobtrusively. But, whether there will be ...

2. Under Pressure (Underwater)
For someone, this first immersion with scuba will be full of deadly surprises.

3. Orient Express (Chinese Wall)
The fragile sister of Krush Coco on all tiger speeds rushes towards the wind and diamonds.

4. Bone Yard (Cave)
One diamond you get gathering all drawers on the way, but the other you will find where the red platform will take you, run which can be used with a red pebble hidden at the level 12 .

5. Makin 'Waves (Water scooter)
The second coming of Coco, this time in the seas, by waves ...

Boss - Tiny Tiger
The victory of his crash will receive strength to roll the boxes with a metal edging.

World 2.

6. GEE WIZ. (Middle Ages)
When the Bazooka appears, specifically go here and palter on wizards. It will be fun!

7. Hang'em High (Agrab)
Poor Aladdin will die of envy.

8. Hog Ride. (Race)
Useful information: If you start on the third signal on the third signal, then the motorcycle is torn off the scenes on the pillas and much faster than usual.

9. TOMB TIME. (Pyramids)
To collect all the diamonds, you will have to run pretty. Somewhere on 1/3 level there is a fork. To the right - the standard path, but even if you reach the end, you will find that many boxes are skipped. The left path blows the wall with the image of a burgundy diamond, which will open only if you mined this shorter diamond at the stage 13 . To begin with, get to the right to the right and collect drawers reaching the second button. Then return to the top of the fork, go to the left, pass the boxes. Here you will find one of the diamonds. Then, when the paths are connected, return the right right, collecting the balances of the boxes. Well, now you can safely continue the passage of the stage.

10. Midnight Run. (Chinese Wall)
Full China is beautiful and dangerous.

Boss - Dingodile.
By undermining the thunderstorms of all penguins - evil Dingodil, you can make a double jump.

World 3.

11. Dino Might! (Cave)
Again, you will have to sink from a dinosaur, in such a corter not at all to the boxes, and here you can earn as many as two diamonds. I want to please you: everything that breaks this harsh, you goes to the offset. But, one big but: so that you need to collect everything, so that the yellow platform worked, and the diamond, its inclusive, is officially on 7 Level (at least take it through another world). If the yellow diamond is found, to achieve the place where the platform will take you, and then, when it throws back (and much further further than the place where you climbed), go back and assemble all the missed boxes. Then keep your way. Now you can scream from joy! The first hidden level is here! Hurray, comrades! Drink here. The path there is such. Close to the platform and get to the place where the dinosaur is thrown on you on the script. Now quiet. As soon as you beat him, start counting the pterodactles. No, I did not fuck, you just need to grasp for the second flying lizard. I will deliver you to the hidden level (№ 32 ).

12. Deep Trouble (Underwater)
Red stone get a few wisen. You probably have noticed the development in the middle of the level, where one of the passes is littered with impenetrable steel blocks. So it is possible to get there, you only need to get to the end to the end, stuck in the box with an exclamation mark and, in no case swimming in the resulting portal, return to the fork. There will be explosives, decisive all your former problems. But as soon as you pass the defeated obstacle, you will have a significant problem due to the abundance of the "Nitro" boxes. Be careful.

13. NIGH TIME (Agrab)
In the center of the stage there is a platform that will take you to a place where you can find a red flat stone, but the fact is that sometimes you reach it, but there is no such a feet. And sometimes it is .. There were rumors that, most likely, it is impossible to kill some particular enemy, but in fact (this is a big mystery) is all easier. You just need to go well to her, without having lost any life like this!

14. Road Crash. (Race)
Here is the second secret level (No. 31 ) to get into which you need to knock down the road sign with the image of an aliens. It is difficult not to notice on the left side immediately after two obstacles pierce it.

15. Double Header. (Middle Ages)
Here your way will obey two-headed units-giant. Their dumina can (in the literal) smear you on the screen. You can only soak them with a blow to the head, more precisely on the heads, as it should not seem to be high. You can simply get around them from the edge (sometimes possible) it is especially valuable when you run for a while when each share of seconds on the account.

Boss - N. Tropy
The watchmaker is scattered and in anger is terrible. You can eliminate the ability to spin with a wolf even longer than before.

World 4.

16. Sphynxinator. (Pyramids)
At the very beginning of the level, do not forget to turn back, there are six boxes there. The first diamond gets without any problems just reach the end, without missing a single box. Want to get the second? To begin with, activate the platform by taking the blue diamond at the level 20 . If with this about "kei, you will be brought into a terrible place where everything is polished by the tar, which will add the difficulties to our bandituet: on the way, solid pits and crowds of wild monkeys. But at the end of the diamond.

17. BYE BYE BLIMPS (Airplane)
It is necessary to disable seven airships. In order for the enemy bullets to be less than you, try to change the direction of flight more often and spinning more.

18. Tell No Tales (Water scooter)
Reaching the scooter to the portal, you will find that several boxes have not collected, although it seems to be absolutely all. Dont be upset. You just won them, which is not surprising. It was necessary to warm one of the ships on the right side. It's not too late to return.

19. Future Frenzy (Future)
Want to collect all the diamonds here? How much is looking for, it will not work. Take a better at the stage with the same name, but at number 29 .

20. Tomb Water. (Pyramids)
Above Egypt, despite the forecasts of the hydrometeo center, storm rains were held. Therefore, the pyramids are in a flooded state. The water level jumps, you need to constantly be alert, otherwise inevitable death. Here the platform will work, if, again, it does not be killed. The conveyor will take you closer to Blue Stone. To earn a simple diamond, you need, without climbing the platform by collecting all drawers, get to the end.

Boss - N. Gin
Having hanged this cool transformer, controlled by some kind of embarrassment of a pig with a pig with an aviation bomb in the head, from the battlefield you will carry the apple bazuk with an endless ammunition.

World 5.

21. Gone Tomorrow. (Future)
So that everything went smoothly, you must have a green flat stone in stock, you can get it in 23 Stage. If you have already found it, run ahead, and when you meet the first "exclamation" box, hit it and return to several escalators back - there were four drawers there. A little further, you will see on both sides of the escalator on a solid distance a couple of "exclamation" boxes. Pluping on them from Bazuki, you "show" four more boxes. If you were attentive, I probably noticed that another box was very high, it was impossible to do anything with it. Run further, go through the bonus and immediately climb on the green platform. There you will find the first diamond and, having having a "exclamation" box, jump on the conveyor - he will take you exactly where the lonely hung an unmanifestable box. Now it remains calmly to dig up and, most importantly, get to the end, get the second diamond, to get out of this world and on joys to go to dance.

22. Orange Asphalt. (Race)
Diamond get, having gathered all the boxes.

23. Flaming Passion. (Agrab)
The green stone can be found by passing the locality where the platform will throw you with the image of the "Merry Roger" / it will appear if it does not die before it.

24. Mad Bomberrs. (Airplane)
The goal is to bother five two-dimensional heavy bombers.

25. Bug Lite. (Pyramids)
Here the stage is better to go for two receptions. The first diamond takes, as usual, but the second ... There are all flat stones, which is in the game. Since the diamond will have to get on platforms of different colors, and if at least one of them is activated, then you know.

Boss - n.cortex
Dr. Cortex and an evil demon UGA-UAA. I will only say that you will get "sneakers-booms". With them, the levels for a while will be much easier.

Bonus steps

26. SKI CRAZED. (Water scooter)
The name speaks for itself.

27. Hang'em High (Agrab)
To enter it, you will need 10 "Ankhov". Yellow diamond is taken here. He waits at the end of the portal.

28. Area 51? (Race)
For the entrance you need to have in stock 15 "Ankhov". One diamond is given for all the collected boxes, and the other in the first place, oh, and you have nimble!

29. Future Frenzy (Future)
The portal will open at 20 "Ankhah". Passing to the end, you will find a precious diamond, then you will be transferred to the level 19 But not at the beginning, so come back and assemble all the boxes right before the starting site. It will not be easy, but quite real, I'm telling you. Then it remains as if you started the stage at first, to finish it. There you will be handed over the second diamond.

30. Rings of Power (Airplane)
25 "Ankhov" and go ahead! You need to fly across thirty rings. Teach all drawers on the way - diamond. Take the first place - diamond. If the fluttering ring, you will be twisted, then the speed will increase significantly. Keep in mind that at such a speed, maneuverability decreases significantly, and to get into the next ring will be somewhat difficult to get into the next ring. Try to turn not accelerate.

Secret steps

31. Hot Coco. (Water scooter)
Another madness on the scooter. This time the portal is very close, but the path to it blocks "Nitro". It is necessary, gas along the right line of floats, find a springboard with a green box with an exclamation mark. Aota will come back again, if you play for a while, or continue to collect boxes.

32. Eggipus Rex. (Lost World)
This is perhaps the most relaxing stage. Not only will you get to the endificate place where, when taking hours, apples do not disappear (and life is fruited as rabbits), but also all the way to spend on dinosaurics Rex.

Journal "Great Dragon", 1999.


Press up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, square on the title screen.

99 lives
During the game, press L1, R1, cross, circle, circle, triangle, square, R1, L1.

Get a mask
During the game, click the Cross, a circle, a square, a triangle. It works only in PAL version and only once for life.

Want to collect all the colored jewels in? In our guide, we will tell you everything you need to make all the jewels in all three Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy Collection Games.

First, in the game there are only six of them, while in the second and third part of their five pieces. In total, it turns out not so much. But, nevertheless, the collection of all gems in Crash Bandicoot is a real feat. And today in our guide Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy, we will tell you what you need to do in the game to collect all colored pebbles.

How to collect all non-ferrous gems

As we have already written above, collecting all the gems in the reissue of Crash Bandicoot will not be easy. In many respects, there are a lot of tasks in the game that you must execute.

Getting all gems in the first Crash Bandicoot. It is the easiest way, since you do not have to perform any unique tasks. Instead, you will need to find and destroy all boxes, not dying. Below is a list of levels where it will be necessary to do it.

Crash Bandicoot - Precious Stones

  • Green gem - located in a lost city. Stone can be found on the island 2.
  • Orange gem - generator room. The stone can be found on the island 3.
  • Blue precious stone - toxic waste. The stone will lie on the island 3.
  • Red gem - slippery lifting. Stone will find on the island 3.
  • Purple gem - Lights out. The stone is located on 3 island.
  • Yellow gem - laboratory. The stone is located on 3 island.
If you destroy all drawers at the levels listed above, you will get all the colored gemstones from Crash Bandicoot.

Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back - Gemstones

If in the first game everything was extremely simple, then in Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back, the collection of precious stones will make you sweat a little:
  • Blue gem - Do not break the box on the bugs.
  • Red Stone - Complete the secret route using the secret portal from Air Crash on Snow Go.
  • Green gem - during a transaction with an eel, complete the secret route on a separate, secret wall of the level.
  • Yellow pearls - enter the end of vegetable food before the timer is over.
  • Purple Gemstone - the final color stone can be obtained by entering the secret route from Nitro.

CRASH BANDICOOT 3: WARPED - precious stones

As in the second game in CRASH BANDICOOT 3: WARPED Players will need to fulfill certain tasks to get all the color jewels. In more detail about the tasks that you need to decide read below:
  • Blue Stone - To get the first color pearl in the third game, the player needs to complete the death route in the tomb of Vader. Look for an elevator marked by a skull and paint. Remember, you will not be able to access death routes if you die.
  • Red Stone - During the game Deep Troubles, find the field with an exclamation mark at the end of the level.
  • Green stone - a green colored stone can be obtained during the "flaming passion". Deliver the elevator to the death route to continue.
  • Yellow stone - this gem can be found on Hang EM. Look for the secret area that opens in another room in which you can collect 10 relics. Collect all the relics to get a yellow pearl.
  • Purple stone - the last stone can be obtained by passing the path of death right now
If you have fulfilled the above tasks and collected all the stones in Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy. Praise yourself on your back.

Other guides Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy.

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