An elongated neck of the uterus than threatens. Changing the length of the cervix during pregnancy

The uterus is the main body needed to carry pregnancy. It consists of the bottom, body and cervical. The latter has a view of a certain tube connecting the uterus with the vagina. The successful course of pregnancy and natural genera directly depends on its state. The cervix in front of childbirth changes significantly, although for the woman itself these changes are practically not noticeable, since this process is not accompanied by any special symptoms. What is happening in the prenatal period and why does the neck focus on special attention?

How the maturity cervical matte is estimated

Starting from the period of pregnancy at 38 weeks at the inspection of the gynecologist of the female consultation or in the maternity hospital, the doctor conducts a vaginal research to assess the cervix state. Mandatory is the inspection of the cervix before childbirth, as well as in the process of generic activity. It is necessary to understand how quickly the process of its maturation occurs.

There are four main parameters, estimating which an obstetrician-gynecologist can conclude a cervical readiness for childbirth. Its maturity is determined by a special Bishop scale according to which each of the parameters is estimated on a three-point system (from 0 to 2 points). If the score 5 is set on this scale, then we can talk about readiness for natural breeds.

What happens to the neck of the uterus before childbirth

The cervix begins to prepare for the birth of a child with 32 - 34 weeks of pregnancy. At first, its edges are softened, leaving a dense portion of the fabric in the course of the cervical canal. Closer to the childbirth, the uterus often comes into the tone, due to which it softens and becomes thinner its lower segment. The upper myometrium, on the contrary, becomes more dense.

Due to this, the fruit begins to gradually go down and put pressure on the neck, provoking its further disclosure.

The disclosure of the cervix before childbirth is not equally occurring in women who give birth for the first time, and in repeated. In the first, it begins with the disclosure of the inner mouth.

In the second, the process of opening the internal and outer sewing occurs simultaneously, because by the end of pregnancy they have an outer zev usually passes 1 finger. Revealing, the neck thus becomes shorter. A couple of days before the start of the genera themselves, the process of its maturation is significantly accelerated. Gradually, it is completely smoothed and calmly skipping 2 fingers and more.

Based on the above Bishop scales, on the eve of the generation of the cervix must comply with certain parameters.

Ideal for childbirth is a soft neck. About her softenedness says the fact that she fluently skips 2 and more fingers of the doctor. During this period, a woman may notice the discharge of the mucosa. This is one of the harbingers of the nearest birth, indicating the imminent beginning of the fights. As for the length of the neck, during pregnancy, the length of 3 cm is considered normal for it. At the same time, both ends of the cervical canal should be closed. Closer to childbirth she is shortened. The length of the cervix before childbirth should not exceed 1 cm, gradually smoothing completely.

As for its location, it is rejected all the pregnancy back. This additionally helps hold the fruit inside. Gradually, due to the softening of the lower segment of the uterus, it begins to turn forward. When the time of birth comes, it should settle down exactly in the center of a small pelvis.

If the neck is not ready for childbirth

Soft, shortened neck of the uterus, which is located in the center and opened testifies to the approach of childbirth. However, it happens that the term of childbirth has already approached, and the maturity of the uterus has never come.

The immature neck can lead to complications in the process of generic activity, so if it does not ripen to the intended date of birth, the doctor may decide on stimulation.

Pregnancy after 40 weeks is transferred and dangerous for the child. By this point, the placenta ceases to fully fulfill its functions. Therefore, if the cervix does not ripen, then its stimulation is mandatory.

In addition to the migration of pregnancy, the testimony for stimulation are:

  • The presence of the mother of the disease in which the further pregnancy threatens her health.
  • The development of hypoxia in the fetus.
  • Large fruit or multiple pregnancy.
  • Termination or weakening of bouts in the process of generic activity.
  • Premature placental detachment.

In all other cases, the question of the need to stimulate is solved individually. There are various methods to prepare the cervix to childbirth.

Medical methods include the following:

There are also others - non-medical methods allowing to prepare an organism for natural labor. Unlike the first, they can be used at home, but under the condition of dover pregnancy, the satisfactory state of the health of women and the baby, and only after consulting with the doctor. Otherwise, such stimulation can be dangerous. Not medical stimulation methods include:

If the neck opens ahead of time

There is also an inverse situation when the neck begins to open and prepare for childbirth ahead of time. This is usually due to the pathology of the cervical canal, referred to as the Eastic Cervical Insufficiency. It lies in the insolvency of the neck, how to keep the fruit in itself. It occurs its shortening and opening on the early term, which often leads to a spontaneous interruption of pregnancy.

The presence of this pathology is evidenced by the length of the cervical canal in the period of 20 - 30 weeks less than 25 mm.

Eastic-cervical insufficiency can develop due to injuries of the cervix, hormonal disorders or excessive neck load during pregnancy.
In this situation, events should be made to maximize pregnancy prolongation:

In addition, treatment is carried out, contributing to the rapid ripening of light fetus in case the childbirth will begin ahead of time. The cervix in front of childbirth changes so much that it allows the baby to be unhindered to light.

The gradual disclosure of the cervix before childbirth passes almost imperceptibly for the woman itself.

Therefore, a visit to the gynecologist in the third trimester must be regular and accompanied by a vaginal inspection, which allows to assess the degree of readiness of the body to childbirth. This is especially true of those women who already feel other harbingers. If the duration of childbirth has already approached, and the maturity of the neck did not come, then it is not necessary to be afraid of stimulation. Sometimes a delay can cost the lives of both the mother and the child.

The cervix connects with the vagina and looks like a ring of muscles. Throughout the entire period of tooling the length and structure are modified. The long neck of the uterus during pregnancy is diagnosed only in the presence of disorders or after the occurrence of certain symptoms. Pathology does not affect the formation of the fetus or subsequent development.

Causes of the formation of a long cervix

The cervix during the nesting period holds the fruit in the cavity due to the dense muscular ring. Only in the process of generic activity, when the child was formed and ready to develop independently, Zev begins to reveal. There are two varieties - a short and elongated neck of the uterus during pregnancy.

The long neck of the uterus during pregnancy is a rare pathology that does not threaten the life of a child, but it can become a risk factor for the development of complications in labor, so it is important to estimate the length on time.

The main reason for the development of the elongated neck becomes congenital anomalies of the reproductive system. Not rarely, such a defect is combined with the diagnosis of the body of the organ.

Among other reasons, the loss of elasticity is distinguished:

  • inflammatory and infectious processes (endometritis, cervicitis, adnexitis);
  • in large mothers as a result of stretching;
  • injury due to previous birth, abortion or operational intervention in the testimony.
With genetic characteristics, such pathology prevents conception. The spermatozoa is not able to go through all the distance, so the implantation of the embryo does not occur.

An abnormal process proceeds without symptoms, it means that the diagnosis is hampered. Only after conception can be determined by the umbilic distance by ultrasound.

Can the cervix lengthen during pregnancy

The neck is indeed lengthened as pregnancy develops. The size, in its closed part, after 36 weeks should be at least three centimeters. If, by the middle of the third trimester, the indicator is less than 3 cm, then in the course of additional studies, the diagnosis of erection-cervical insufficiency may be diagnosed. Pathology threatens the early delivery, as the baby will start falling closer to the vagina.

Maybe the cervix can lengthen during pregnancy, often the question arises in women carrying fruit. During the entire 9 month period, the reproductive body is gradually modified. Initially, the neck holds the embryo inside the cavity, when the fruit is formed and the generic activity occurs, the zev softens and reveals, the length is reduced to 1 centimeter.

Length does not threaten the flow of pregnancy, but may complicate childbirth, if they do not independently be shortened in 1-2 weeks before the estimated birth of the child. The yis of the elongated dense organ is revealed during the fights with difficulty, therefore auxiliary measures are required for stimulating and smoothing the uterine muscles. In the absence of a reaction to the introduction of drugs, a decision is made to conduct cesarean section.

How to lengthen or reduce the cervix in pregnancy

When appointing therapy in order to lengthen or reduce the length of the cervix, doctors take into account the physiological state of a woman, the existing size and identified diseases during diagnostic measures. If the pathological process began as a result of hormonal restructuring, then glucocorticoids are used (microfallines, tourist, dexamethasone).

If the size changes are insignificant and caused by the concern of a woman, then a dropper of magnesia or guinipral is appointed, which reduces the tone of the organ. Easy sedatives are also used on a vegetable basis and a complex of vitamins in order to relax the smooth muscles of the uterine authority. In difficult situations, a surgical operation can be assigned or a special ring (pessary) can be appointed.

To prepare a reproductive system to the birth of a child, in the last weeks of nailing it is recommended to lead an active sex life. Hormone (Prostaglandin), which is contained in male sperm, contributes to the softening of the organ.

Prostaglandin is also generated under the influence of fatty acid fatty acids. Before use, consult with a gynecologist, after which it is possible to use 1-2 capsule per day.

In order to reduce the length of the cervix the uterus, it is necessary to mitigate the yv by adjusting the daily diet, to include fatty fish and salads fastened with vegetable oil into the diet.

The neck of the uterus plays an important role in having pregnancy. With a long neck of the uterus, pregnancy proceeds safely. Women with a short neck of a pregnancy stand in a risk group for non-chicken pregnancy.

Rarely meet a short cervix, as an anatomical feature of the structure, more often the cervix becomes shorter after mechanical damage. Abortions and any gynecological interventions contribute to the expansion of the cervix and lead to its shortening. In addition, scars are formed, which deform the neck, as a result of which it is shortened.

Therefore, at the stage of pregnancy planning, an examination of a gynecologist has a survey to identify this pathology, as well as a regular visit to the doctor throughout the pregnancy.

The cervix is \u200b\u200ba dense muscular ring, which is located at the end of the uterus and connects it with the vagina. The cervix in a non-heated woman has a length of about 30 mm and closed zev. Throughout the pregnancy, the length of the cervix, its consistency and the discovery value of the language changes.

How the cervix changes during pregnancy

Changes in the cervix occur precisely during pregnancy. During pregnancy, uterine blood flow increases, and the full-scale is manifested by the appearance of a cyanotic (blue) shade of the cervix. Endocerevical epithelium grows and produces a thick mucus, which prevents the penetration of pathogenic microflora.

The cervical epithelium is sensitive to changes in estrogen level during pregnancy. Estrogens cause hyperrophy of the muscular layer of the uterus, so the volume and length of the cervix increases during pregnancy.
An increase in the diameter of the cervix entails the turning of the endocervical epithelium into the cavity of the vagina. Turning the cervix during pregnancy is called ectopia, but during pregnancy it is considered an option for the norm.

As evidenced by changing the length of the cervix in pregnancy

The length of the cervix during pregnancy is controlled by a doctor throughout the term, since the success of the fetal tool depends on this indicator. The length of the cervix during pregnancy is periodically measured on the ultrasound, in order to prevent the threat of miscarriage.

If you take early pregnancy, then the cervix is \u200b\u200bstill dense and inelastic, and in the period between 12-37 weeks the length should be 35 - 45 mm. The cervix is \u200b\u200bshortened only by 38 weeks of pregnancy. And only before the births themselves, the length of the cervix is \u200b\u200breduced to 15-10 mm, by this time it is located in the center of the small pelvis.

A short cervix during pregnancy testifies to the threat of premature birth. If the cervix is \u200b\u200bshortened to 30 mm, a special observation is required for pregnant.

The small (short) neck of the uterus during pregnancy is observed against the background of hormonal disorders, and most often it happens on a period of 16 weeks. If there are a short (20 mm) neck of the uterus during pregnancy, the diagnosis is made - erection-cervical insufficiency, which is subject to surgical correction.

The risk of premature birth shows not only the length, but also the diameter of the cervical cervical. If the diameter is over 6 mm, then this indicates the beginning of the disclosure and premature birth. In the early period of pregnancy, the expansion of the internal zea of \u200b\u200bthe cervix is \u200b\u200bthe threat of miscarriage.

The neck of the uterus during pregnancy changes the consistency - it softens, even in the early period of pregnancy, a significant softening of the cervis is determined in early pregnancy during the inspection of the cervix. Therefore, it is observed with a slight displacement in any direction and the beggar of the stop.

Closer to the end of the pregnancy there is a complete "maturation" of the cervix - it means readiness for childbirth.

The opening of the cervical cervix on 5 - 10 mm and grapple-shaped pain meant the beginning of the generic activity. The disclosure of the neck during the birth themselves reaches 10 cm in diameter - it allows the fetus to go through the generic paths.

Thus, the maturity of the cervix and the readiness for childbirth is determined by its length, the consistency and disclosure of the cervical canal.

Tactics of doctors during the diagnosis of "short cervix" in a woman during pregnancy

Women with a small neck of the uterus during pregnancy must constantly be under the supervision of a doctor. It is necessary to complete peace, careful attitude towards yourself and monitor changes in well-being.

If Eastic - cervical failure is caused by hormonal disorders, it is corrected by drugs. In some cases, with a short cervix, surgical intervention during pregnancy is offered.

Surgical intervention is carried out cervical reinforcement - superimposed seams on the cervix, which hold it in a closed state, which prevents premature disclosure, breaking the fetal shells and premature birth.

A promising method of correction of cervical insufficiency, which is used during its progression, is non-surgical source - this is the use of supporting obstetric pessaries of various designs that dress on the cervix. All these treatments help a woman to endure pregnancy and give birth to a doner child.

Not every pregnancy passes flawlessly, so most women sooner or later can hear from their doctor about the threat of miscarriage. Basically, this diagnosis is made in shortening the cervix. What does the diagnosis of the "short cervix" during pregnancy, why does its shortening and what is the danger of this pathology? These are common questions that occur in pregnant women when the narrow cervix is \u200b\u200bdetected and requiring detailed explanations.

The length of the cervix during pregnancy: what does it affect and what depends on?

At different women, the length of the cervix is \u200b\u200bdifferent, and it depends to a greater extent of the individual characteristics of the structure of the female organism or other factors:

  • operations;
  • abortion;
  • hormonal failures in the body;
  • some diseases;
  • taking medicinal preparations, including contraceptives.

However, after conception and attaching the embryo, it is lengthened and by the end of pregnancy becomes shorter. What does it affect?

With normal pregnancy, the fruit is fixed and develops in the uterine cavity. The protective barrier from the penetration of infection is a cervix formed by a muscle tissue with a narrow cervical canal inside. In it, during pregnancy under the influence of hormones, a mucosal plug is formed, which prevents microorganisms inwards into and infecting the fetus. Usually, the presence of a short cervix does not deliver a woman of any inconvenience and does not have pronounced symptoms, so many do not even suspect the presence of pathology.

The problem becomes essential when a new life originates inside the female organism. The main task of the neck, at the same time, it becomes not only the barrier protective function, it is preserved pregnancy, that is, the retention of the fetus inside the uterus to the birth. When the child is increasing in size, it puts pressure on the walls and the cervix, which, in turn, can lead to its decrease and disclosure. This may cause spontaneous abortion in the early deadlines or premature births in later.

How is the length of the neck and what should it be normally?

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Each organism is individual, and the neck of the neck will differ in women, but during pregnancy under the influence of certain hormones, most of the pregnant women become almost the same. In this regard, experts take averaged indicators for orientation and control of its condition, so any deviations from the norm is considered by pathology.

If a woman has a short cervix or too long, it will not feel it in any way, since there are usually no symptoms with such pathology. However, during pregnancy, each future mother is necessarily a survey, as a result of which the doctor can determine that she has a shortened cervix.

The doctor may pay attention to the fact that the woman has a short neck, with vaginal inspection. However, the final diagnosis will be delivered only in the presence of ultrasound examination data, which is pregnant for the entire period takes place at least 3 times. It is Uz-diagnostics that allows you to identify pathology.

With ultrasound examination, the doctor looks at the size of the neck, starting from 12 weeks. Up to 20 weeks, its norm is 40-45 mm. In the second trimester, the fruit begins to grow intensively and add in weight. The pressure on the neck increases, and it is slightly shortening - up to 30-40 mm. From 30-32 weeks the norm is the size of the length of 30-35 mm. Closer to childbirth, it can shorten, and at 38 weeks reaches 2 cm.

If at these terms, its length and size is different from the norm, it means that it will be appropriate to talk about the presence of pathology. When promoting the organ, pregnant should be under constant control. Perhaps the diagnosis of ICN (Eastic-cervical insufficiency).

Can the indicator increase or decrease?

The question of whether the neck can decrease, and then increase, and what it depends on, especially relevant for those who have a small cervix. Pregnancy - time full of surprises, so there are no cases when a woman has a shortened neck can quickly lengthen and vice versa.

It depends mainly on the state of health pregnant, from the image of her life and individual characteristics. If a woman is healthy, a neck can be short due to heavy physical exertion, and after a good rest again lengthen. If ICN is prevented, it is not possible to extend it yourself (we recommend reading :). Such women are usually hospitalized and carried out under observation.

Is there a way to lengthen the cervix?

If a pregnant woman is shortened by the cervix, she must understand what it threatens, and it is responsible to approach the problem that has arisen, since it is not only her health, but also the life of a not yet born baby. She needs to fulfill all the prescriptions of the doctor who will prescribe treatment. With minor shortening to increase the neck, there may be sedatives, antispasmodics for removing the tone of the uterus, magnesium preparations, a complex of vitamins. A woman with a short neck needs to relax more, taking a comfortable position lying.

If a pregnant cervix has significantly shortened, and there are signs of spontaneous abortion or premature birth (contractions, pulling back pain and lower abdomen, masses or bleeding), it urgently needs to be hospitalized. With timely handling, doctors usually manage to increase the neck and save the child.

Features of the course of pregnancy with shortened neck

What to do pregnant women who have a little neck? Significant deviation can be dangerous. If there is an indication for hospitalization means, treatment will have to go in the hospital.

Most of the most future mothers have a neck becomes short due to the insufficient developing the body of progesterone. In case of eretic-cervical insufficiency and significant shortening of the cervix, hormonal therapy is appointed. One of the common preparations, well-proven itself, is a urban (see also :). However, it must be taken only on the appointment and a certain scheme appointed by the doctor.

This tool can be applied throughout the pregnancy and is canceled gradually by 36 weeks. A sharp cessation of the drug can significantly reduce the level of progesterone and provoke signs of ICN. This condition is very dangerous and can lead to shortening and full cervical disclosure. When a woman feels ailment when taking this tool, you need to consult with a doctor who will adjust the dosage.

In addition to hormone therapy in the hospital introduced intravenously magnesia and hynipral, which helps to remove the tone and increase the neck (more in the article :). If it was possible to restore it, a pregnant can be sewed by a zev of the uterus or install pessary on her (we recommend reading :).

Surgical treatment effectively spend from 13 to 27 week. The testimony for intervention can be the pathology of the cervical, its disclosure, threat of premature genera or spontaneous abortion.

Such an operation is aimed at the mechanical narrowing of the zea and the walls of the cervix and the overlay of the seams, which helps it overcome the load and do not disclose. However, this procedure also has contraindications. Operational intervention is contraindicated:

  • pregnant women with mental illness or genetic deviations;
  • in the presence of intrauterine defects in the fetus;
  • during bleeding;
  • with elevated excitability of the mother;
  • with diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver or kidney disease.

Women with the pathological structure of the uterus organs must comply with precautions to help preserve pregnancy. When a pregnant problem is detected, you should follow certain rules:

  • eating properly, using healthy food, rich in vitamins and microelements;
  • avoid heavy physical exertion;
  • on the prescription to observe the bed regime;
  • relax in the lying position up to 5-6 times a day;
  • take evening walks;
  • reduce sexual activity, and with obvious contraindications to abandon intimate life before the birth of the baby (see also :);
  • observe the mode of visits established by the attending physician to control the state, fulfill all its recommendations and with the slightest affects to seek help.

Shortening of the cervix before childbirth

Before childbirth, the cervix undergoes significant changes, and his readiness of the doctor can judge several parameters:

  1. Density. This parameter is determined when examining pregnant and tackling. When readiness for childbirth, it should be soft. The density and hardness of the inspected organ speak about its unpreparedness to childbirth.
  2. Length. The effect of hormones before childbirth allows you to shorten the neck to 10-20 mm. The excess of this indicator points to the unaware of the delivery.
  3. Location. When readiness for childbirth, it deflects forward.
  4. Patency. This indicator is determined by the size of the cervical canal (how many fingers occurred the disclosure of the oz).

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