Diet for patients with psoriasis menu every day. Diet - Proper Nutrition for Psoriasis

Products, daily consumed by a person, play an important role in its livelihoods and have an impact, both positive and negative, for health. That is why the issue of proper nutrition is quite relevant, it particularly concerns chronic diseases, such as the aggravation of which is directly related to the diet of the patient. As a rule, patients are interested in which it is impossible to eat in psoriasis, and that, on the contrary, it is necessary to introduce into a daily diet, as well as the reception of which products it is better to limit.

Table products

The article presents information about what can be eaten with psoriasis and it is impossiblewhat rules must be adhered to normalize the malfunctions of exchange processes in the body and thus reduce and achieve remission.

Important! Under the compliance with the psoriasis, followed by a certain rules, the purpose of which is to limit the consumption of patients with a certain range of products. Although psoriasis refers to the category of chronic diseases, compliance with the diet leads to improved health status after 7 days.

Psoriase meals: Basic Rules

When drawing up a daily diet to people suffering from psoriasis, it is necessary to follow the following rules:

  1. if the patient was previously did not use low-fat fermented milk products, which must necessarily be present in its diet, to introduce them;
  2. eliminate products with high-caligenic qualities from food, it is strictly forbidden to eat chocolate and citrus in psoriasis;
  3. introduce cereals in a diet, in particular buckwheat;
  4. fully abandoning alcohol, as well as other bad habits that have a negative impact on the human body as a whole. Smoking and drinking with psoriasis contraindicated;
  5. eat raw vegetables. Raw vegetables contain a fiber needed to improve the condition of the patient with psoriasis;
  6. it should be often and gradually, on average the number of food meals should not be less than 5 times a day;
  7. eliminate products, which contain preservatives and various kinds of emulsifiers;
  8. it is impossible to eat foods subjected to smoke, all sorts of sweets, sauces and marinades;
  9. limit salinity consumption, as well as other products with an excessive amount of salt.

According to the theory, the patient's condition in psoriasis is directly related to its acid-alkaline balance. To keep the development of the disease, the number of alkaline-forming products used in food daily should 4 times exceed the amount of acid-forming.

Additional Information! It should be noted that this method, prohibiting the combination of undesirable products and the use of grated vegetables, has found its use and has gained considerable popularity among patients suffering from psoriasis. Moreover, he fully justified himself in practice.

What is the method of Pegano, the fundamental principles

  1. Daily presence in the diet of vegetables, fruits and berries. The exception is the Brussels cabbage, plum, prunes, legumes, and some berries, in particular cranberries, blueberries, blueberries and currants. It is possible to use a forbidden product, but in limited quantities;
  2. Maximum reduce the use of sugar and products with a high level of its content;
  3. Another forbidden product is a vinegar, its consumption of the need to minimize;
  4. Apples, melons and bananas need to eat separately from other types of food;
  5. Adhere to separate use of citrus, including juices of them, and dairy or whole grain products;
  6. Avoid combining starch with sweets, meat and oily food. Moreover, greasy food is better to exclude in general from the diet;
  7. Refuse the use of potatoes, pepper and eggplant. Psoriasis tomatoes should also be excluded from the diet. More preferably there are carrots, beets, parsley, celery, onions and spinach;
  8. Fruit juices, alkaline mineral water, in particular "Borjomi" have a beneficial effect on the patient's condition.
  9. Refuse smoking and alcoholic beverages.

What can and what you can not eat with psoriasis

Psoriasis - This is a chronic disease that pursues the patient throughout his life. In addition to physical discomfort, pronounced by constant itching, psychological problems occur in patients with psoriasis, such as depressed, increased anxiety and isolation from society. Scale spots (plaques) and guns can form not only on or other parts of the body, but also on the head, which leads to skin rejection, and often causes sociophobia.

It is impossible to fully get rid of the disease, the only option to improve the state of health and keep the development of the disease is to limit or even exclude prohibited products from the diet and introduce useful. Is it possible to keep the disease with a diet and how to do it, read further.

What can be sick psoriasis

  • vegetables, in particular carrots and beets, cabbage, radish;
  • fish;
  • grape, orange, grapefruit, pears, orange, pineapple juices, morse;
  • non-fat varieties of cottage cheese;
  • dairy products;
  • pumpkin, watermelons;
  • nuts;
  • rosehip, sea buckthorn;
  • chestnuts;
  • rowan;
  • grass cultures, wheat bran.

Psoriase products (8 photos)

In the priority of food of plant origin, products with minimal sugar content, salt, without preservatives, dyes, rippers, emulsifiers and other food additives.

Howling what products should be reduced:

  • peas;
  • mushrooms;
  • corn;
  • plum;
  • avocado;
  • prunes;
  • almond;
  • hazelnut;
  • rhubarb;
  • forbidden product - alcohol. The exception is red wine, the permitted dose should not exceed 100 grams per meal.

What products are better to refuse:

  • products containing a lot of fats, proteins and sugar;
  • food additives;
  • sauces, marinades, vinegar;
  • potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants and other vegetables for families;
  • smoked and fatty dishes;
  • mollusks;
  • alcoholic beverages, the only resulting type of alcohol - red wine (amount limited);
  • spices and sharp spices.

Recommendations for cooking methods

Information about what can be eaten in psoriasis is a fundamental in the study of this issue, but the method of preparation is of great importance.

  1. more vitamins are preserved in vegetables and fruits after steam processing. If there is no possibility to use this method, it is better to eat the product raw;
  2. fish is recommended to bake in the oven, without griring, or cook for a pair. You can eat boiled fish and it is impossible to eat pickled and smoked fish;
  3. the chicken egg does not need to cook for a long time so that it is sick;
  4. from all types of meat should be preferred lamb. Maranina is a source of protein required for psoriasis. If you compare pork meat with a ram meat, then the first is almost three times fat;
  5. do not use yeast during cooking.

Is it possible to use fasting with psoriasis

A prerequisite for the correct diet with psoriasis is cleaning the body. Fasting is considered the most effective way of cleaning. The maximum number of hours a week, during which you can not eat food, is 30 - 40 hours. If the fasting duration exceeds the established norm, this may lead to a violation of metabolic processes and health problems.

Additional Information! Nutrition at psoriasis for a woman is no different from male. Representatives of both sexes should be revised not only their daily diet, but also a lifestyle.

The correct approach to the treatment of the disease and following the above rules will maximize the symptoms of the disease.

Psoriase video

D Neta is a medicine. It seems we all know all this. But how often do we think about it? And how often do we hear about this from doctors? Meanwhile, the diet in psoriasis can indeed heal the disease and many other diseases of modernity and lead to genuine health and full-fledged life.

Therefore, we compare the effectiveness of various diets and choose the best of them. Let us consider in detail the useful options and give the product table. Fiction on the theme of modern food. And since the diet is a long-term method of curing psoriasis, it will inevitably affect the entire body. Therefore, we also compare diet on the effect on overall health. It turns out that not all of them are equally useful, and some in the long run can bring significant harm.

The choice of food is a medical question, and a diet change will affect your health.

We practically never think about the quality of our food until there is a disease with any disease. However, it is the nutrition that is of paramount importance for our health. What we eat becomes part of our body and makes a significant contribution to health.

In the perfect version of food provides the body with the necessary substances and thereby supports our health. In reality, the eating is more often forms a disadvantage or excess of nutrient elements and leads to the development of diseases.

Although psoriasis occurs not only because of the wrong nutrition, it is one of the main reasons for its development.

This was convinced by John Pegano - an American doctor who cured many patients and followers from the disease. Its unique method is based on an extensive understanding of what psoriasis is. And it is the diet Pegano considered the most important factor of cure.

Reviews of the patients themselves also confirm that the diet is one of the most efficient and important methods for the treatment of psoriasis. According to them, a healthy diet helps to reduce the exacerbation of the disease and prevent recurrence. And it can also lead to lifelong remission, that is, in fact, to complete recovery.

Therefore, patients with psoriasis is so important to pay attention to its diet and move to a healthy diet, deprived of everything that the body is not required or directly damages harm, and at the same time saturated with the necessary nutrients. What diet is truly healthy and brings long-term benefits, we consider further.

With information about diet have problems

Imagine: scientists announced a new "magic tablet". It has been scientifically proven that it guarantees the prevention of 95% of cancer cases, almost 100% of heart attacks and strokes, the treatment of severe heart disease and diabetes mellitus. She also has side effects: the perfect weight without risk and almost without effort; elimination of migraine, acne, cold, influenza, chronic diseases and intestinal disorders; Improved vision and hearing, erectile dysfunction. Such a tool really exists. And this is not a brilliant vaccine, surgical instrument or high-tech operation, and ordinary food! But alas: doctors and government agencies argue that the nutrition does not play a special role. A rare doctor recognizes that it will protect it better from diseases than pills.

Victor Timofeev, from the preface to the "Chinese study in practice"

John Pegano claimed that most of his patients were ready to follow the power regimen if he knew about him. However, with access to information about the diet in Psoriasis there are problems.

  • Dermatologists for the most part of the significance of the diet do not speak. And on a visit to the doctor a healthy diet is rarely subject to discussion. The fact is that the medical community almost does not study the effect of food on the development of psoriasis. And the treatment mainly consists in eliminating only symptoms of the disease with drugs.
  • Issues of medical nutrition during psoriasis remain little-known and for the patients themselves. The information found in different sources is often controversial. As a result, the question arises, to whom to trust and for whom to follow.

At the same time, the patients with psoriasis are ready to change the diet and follow the diet. After all, these changes they perceive as natural and safe for health.

Advantages of diet

Colin Campbell, "Chinese Study"

Diet is a natural method of impact on the body. Therefore, in comparison with drugs, the treatment of psoriasis by nutrition has many advantages and disadvantaged, although it implies some difficulties.

Consider the benefits of proper nutrition.

  • The diet turns to the causes of the disease, while drugs affect only the symptoms, leaving the reason untouched. In particular, the useful diet:
    • He plays the digestive system and solves the problem of the "leaky" intestine - one of the causes of psoriasis;
    • Reduces weight that adversely affects the state of psoriasis and the effectiveness of its treatment.
  • Compliance with diet leads to a stable and long effect. Some patients thanks to the diet managed to fully cure psoriasis so that he did not return to them anymore.
  • There are no side effects in the diet, which are observed when taking drugs, especially on the basis of hormones.
  • There is no effect of addiction, as in drugs, when with time they cease to work.
  • No need to spend money, as in the case of drugs.
  • The whole organism is recovered. Useful diet acts as a medicine from serious diseases that many modern people suffer. It reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes, etc.

A healthy diet also has additional advantages of the impact on the body as a whole.

Possible difficulties

At the same time, it will be fair to say about the possible difficulties in the follower.

The results are not visible the day after the start

Only drugs can give lightning results, however, they eliminate the reasons for psoriasis, but only the symptoms. Therefore, after the discharge of the drug, the disease is usually returned to the previous state or even aggravate.

As a rule, the results of the diet can be seen after 2-3 weeks, but sometimes in 2-3 months. It depends on the severity and limitation of the disease and on how long the body suffered from improper power.

Therefore, in compliance with the diet it is important to show patience and durability and not to expect rapid results.

Let them mostly be unexpected joy for you.

Strict diet first

In the first months of treatment, until the rash disappears, the diet should be strict. Next, you can try to include some products in the diet one by one and watch the body's response. If there is a relapse - immediately eliminate the product from use and return to a strict diet. Some products will have to abandon all your life.

Pay attention to the individual reaction

In the diet at Psoriasis there are general recommendations and restrictions on which patients react equally. However, individual reactions may appear on certain types of products. Therefore, the best option is to comply with general recommendations and at the same time look at your reaction. Notice that you better help and what should be avoided under any circumstances. Try and be sensitive to the reactions of your body.

Below in the article we will look at specific diets that help with psoriasis. But first it is important to understand what the problem of modern food is. To do this, let's look at what is our usual diet.

Our food harms us

Food is not only and in fact not so much the source of pleasure, as we used to count. This is what nourishes us. Food serves as a source of energy and substances necessary for the vital activity of the body and our activity.

Full food ensures the health of the body. Deviations from healthy nutrition are stress for the body, and systematically improper food inevitably leads to the development of various diseases. We all want to be healthy, but we do not think about the fact that food directly affects our health.

The benefits and harm from food play a key role and mostly affect the condition of your health than the benefits and harm from other activities.

Colin Campbell, "Chinese Study"

Over the past decades, our food habits have changed significantly: we have rejected significantly from a healthy diet. Let's see what specifically it was manifested.

Artificial health additives do not add

Many modern foods contain artificial additives: preservatives, dyes, emulsifiers, antibiotics, etc. Especially there are many of them in fast food, semi-finished products and finished products: baking and sweets, chips and crackers, mayonnaise and sauces, sausage and gas compositions. According to scientists, if they eat mostly semi-finished products and finished products, a person will eat about 2.5-3 kg for the year for the body for the body of substances.

But they all just improve the taste, color, aroma and increase the shelf life of products.

At the same time, many nutritional supplements adversely affect the body, leading to various diseases.

Including they provoke cancer, diseases of the digestive system and cause allergic reactions.

Perhaps this food seems to us delicious, but our body shows how far it is far from our true needs.

Harmful food is one of the main food stimuli, worsening the state of psoriasis. Therefore, Dr. Pegano said that it is important for sick psoriasis to abandon all harmful products, especially containing artificial additives and preservatives.

Calories a lot, and the benefit of little

Food serves for us with a source of nutrients: proteins, fats and carbohydrates (macronutrients), as well as vitamins and minerals (micronutrients). These substances perform the most important functions in the body:

  • Proteins, fats and carbohydrates are a source of energy (calories) and building material;
  • Vitamins and trace elements are needed for all chemical reactions in the body.

With the lack of calories there are no problems. However, with obtaining the required number of micronutrients there are big questions. Let's see why this happens.

Rafine food - empty calories and obesity cause

We eat a lot of refined food. Refined is the process of processing the product in which it is removed by one or another part. The opposite refined are whole products.

For example, refined food includes white sugar and all products with its content (candy, sweets, sweet drinks, etc.), white bread and pastries, crackers and chips, fast food, peeled cereals (white rice, manka), refined oil and etc.

Refined products seem to be tastier and more attractive to us, besides, they can be stored longer.

However, refining leads to the fact that products become agricultural.

The use of extra calories leads to excess weight and obesity. And obesity, in turn, adversely affects the state of patients with psoriasis, and also leads to the occurrence of diabetes mellitus, heart disease and cancer. And now there are only more people with overweight.

Together with the growth of calories, refining deprives them of their benefits.

Refined food contains a very slight amount of vitamins, trace elements and other beneficial substances that are so necessary for our body. Sometimes manufacturers are added to refined synthetic vitamins and minerals. However, they are worse assimilated and otherwise act on the body, and sometimes cause an allergic reaction.

The most effective diet with psoriasis suggest refusal to refined products and the transition to natural one-piece plants.

Why vitamins and minerals are small

Main sources of vitamins and minerals serve solid vegetables and fruits. However, in our diet of these products is usually too small.

Another problem is that the fruits that we use contain the insufficient number of micronutrients. To this lead:

  • Premature harvesting,
  • The depletion of the soil on which plants are grown,
  • long periods of transportation and storage of fruit,
  • Temperature treatment of vegetables and fruits.

Fiber Little

The fiber is contained only in vegetable food. However, since we eat few vegetables, fruits and whole grain products, it is not enough in our food. At the same time, the fiber is necessary to our body, because it performs important functions:

  • Helps food moving around the intestines;
  • collects and removes harmful chemicals from the intestines that can be carcinogenic;
  • Speakers the nutrient medium for useful bacteria in the intestine;
  • Because of its very low calorics, the fiber helps to "dilute" the caloric content of other products and thus avoid the consumption of unnecessary calories;
  • It gives a feeling of satiety and helps to reduce appetite.

Consumption of fiber provides timely cleansing of the intestine, which otherwise serves as one of the reasons for the development of psoriasis. Also, the fiber solves the question with constipation, which can lead to colon cancer and other intestinal diseases. In addition to this, the abundant use of fiber reduces cholesterol levels in the blood.

Meat and milk a lot

Thanks to the technologies used in factories to grow livestock and the production of milk, meat and dairy products have become an integral part of our daily diet. However, our food contains too many meat and dairy products. Even our grandparents did not have such access to these products.

At the same time, the latest scientific evidence shows that animal proteins and animal fats lead to the development of many diseases of modernity.

Animal food provokes infarction, stroke, cancer, osteoporosis, obesity, diabetes mellitus and other autoimmune diseases.

And the more animal food we eat, the higher the risk of developing these diseases.

Including how we will see below, milk and meat are one of the provoking products, worsening the state of psoriasis. And the most effective patients with psoriasis marked diet significantly reduce or completely eliminating meat and milk consumption.

Meat and milk - source of hormones and antibiotics

Modern methods of growing livestock include the use of hormones and antibiotics. These funds are used to accelerate animal growth and resistance to various infectious diseases. However, together with meat and milk such animals, we inevitably use and the hormones and antibiotics contained in them. And, as you know, antibiotics can provoke the development or exacerbation of psoriasis.

Conclusions: food turned into poison

Thus, in our food there was too many artificial and harmful and left too little natural, nutritious and useful. As large-scale studies show, the farther we are from natural nutrition, the further we are from nature, the greater the likelihood of various diseases.

Our food, designed to be a medicine, turned into poison from the medication. Many modern diseases are formed under the influence of incorrect nutrition.

Including the use of such an unhealthy meal, supplemented by other provoking factors, leads to the development and exacerbation of psoriasis.

People should be known for the reasons why they are sick, although it could be prevented, and why many dying so early, despite billions of dollars spent on research. The irony lies in the fact that there is a simple and inexpensive solution. The answer to the problems of the health care system - the food, which each of us chooses daily. That's so simple.

Colin Campbell, "Chinese Study"

Therefore, the treatment of psoriasis must necessarily be based on nutrition. This is a key component and a deposit of success in healing. Only on the basis of a diet can be achieved sustainable remission and getting rid of the disease. The transition to a healthy diet will help to return to food its former value and the role of the main healer.

Overweight, psoriasis and low-calorie diet

Psoriasis and overweight are closely connected with each other. Foreign studies prove that

The decrease in the weight on the low-calorie diet leads to a significant improvement in the state of patients with psoriasis and improving the quality of life. Therefore, getting rid of excess weight is an important stage in the treatment of the disease.

In addition, overweight deprives us of many joys of life. It can greatly impede physical mobility and work, adversely affect our psychological state and self-esteem.

However, in recent times in Russia, the problem of excess body weight becomes more and more pressing. So, according to WHO, in 2002, 11% of Russians suffered from obesity, and in 2015 it was already 24%. Overweight as a whole (obesity along with the foreseen) is now observed by more than half of the population - among 58% of Russians.

And in patients with psoriasis, overweight occurs even more often. In one of the research it was shown that they suffer from obesity 1.7 times more often than others.

How to determine whether there is extra weight

Determine if you have extra weight, it is possible by calculating the body mass index (BMI). The BMI is calculated by the formula: weight (in kilograms) is divided into a square of growth (in meters).
That is, M / H 2, where m is the body weight (kg), H is an increase (M).

The weight loss is based on the fact that a person gets less calorie with food than spending.

To reduce the weight in this case, there is no need to think about some special low-calorie diet. All diet below are low-calorie.

Almost all of them are predominantly or completely vegetable and contribute to weight loss if it goes beyond the boundaries of the norm. Compliance with any of them will reduce the weight without additional measures and restrictions.

Patients told what diet and products helped with psoriasis

Research on the influence of a diet on psoriasis is very and very little. We managed to find results perhaps the only large-scale survey of patients with psoriasis. The study was conducted in the United States in 2014-2015 with the participation of 1206 people suffering from psoriasis. The survey was devoted to the study of the effectiveness of the diet and the influence of specific products on the course of the disease.

The benefit from the diet borders with a miracle. And you will be surprised by the ease with which these positive results are achieved as soon as you change the habits in nutrition.

Colin Campbell, "Chinese Study"

According to the observations of the participants in the study, most often to improve the condition of the skin, up to complete cleansing, led to a refusal of alcohol (54% of respondents responded), from gluten (53%), grated (52%), harmful food (50%) and products with white flour (50%).

The results of the survey: the refusal of which products helped the patients with psoriasis.

And at the same time, patients noted an improvement in the condition when adding fish oil or omega-3 (45% of respondents), vegetables (43%), vitamin D (41%), probiotics (41%), organic meal (38%) and fruit (35%). Thus, vegetables and fruits should be an important part of the diet in psoriasis.

The results of the survey: the use of what products and additives helped patients with psoriasis.

From diets, patients noted the most beneficial effects of the Pegano diet: (72%), vegan (70%) and paleodietes (69%).

Poll Results: What diets helped the suffering psoriasis.

At the same time, the majority (69%) observing any of these diets noted the weight loss.

Patients with heavy psoriasis also noted the improvement after refusing coffee and caffeine products. And among those who also suffer from celiac disease, noted a noticeable improvement after the refusal of white flour.

It is noteworthy that the most common motivation for diet observing was the desire to solve other health problems - 42% of patients answered. A third (32%) is followed by proper nutrition, since they consider it a natural method. And every fourth (27%) decided to follow the diet due to the ineffectiveness of the previous treatment.

Why is it important to choose a diet seriously

If people had better dealt with nutrition issues, and prevention and natural treatment methods were more widely recognized in the medical community, we would not bash themselves with such a number of toxic, potentially dangerous drugs in the later stages of diseases. We would not be in a feverish search for a new medicine, which facilitates the symptoms, but does not help eliminate the main causes of our diseases.

Colin Campbell, "Chinese Study"

We all want to live the time to go happily and have good health. But, unfortunately, our usual modern food leaves no chance. Therefore, the question of the diet is one of the urgent issues of every person who wants to live a long and full life.

The cure of psoriasis is a long-term goal. To become an effective treatment, the diet must be respected long enough. It will not help in the role of only short-term measure.

At the same time, our organism is a single system. And the change in the diet for a long time will inevitably affect many processes in the body and can bring both benefits and harm. Therefore, to choose a diet should be taken away with all seriousness.

As scientific studies are convinced, it is the nutrition that is one of the main causes of the development of cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis and other serious diseases. Therefore, the diet is not just a preventive measure, but acts just a medicine from them.

Thus, with the help of a diet, it is possible not only to facilitate the state and even ultimately achieve a psoriasis with a stealing remission, but also eliminate the causes of many serious civilization diseases. Or, on the contrary, a unhealthy diet provoke their appearance and aggravate the current.

Patients celebrated different diets that helped them.

Therefore, before choosing a diet, it is extremely important to estimate the balance of each of them. And also to understand what impact they will be on health not only in short, but also in the long run. And on this basis, choose the one of them that will help to cope with psoriasis and at the same time protect against many other modern ailments.

Such an approach is confirmed by the responses of the survey participants. The most common motivation for the observance of the diet was the desire to solve other health issues.

In this context, it may be useful to remember which diseases are the most frequent causes of the death of Russians.

What diseases of modernity should be feared first

The number one killer is cardiovascular diseases: their share accounts for almost half (47%) of all deaths in 2017. The neoplasms caused death for 16% of the deceased, diseases of the digestive organs - for 5%.

Thus, cardiovascular diseases and cancer are alone of the main risks of mortality. At the same time, it is scientifically proven that it is a diet that is an effective method of treating these ailments. Therefore, the prevention of these and other diseases can perform additional and weighty motivation to comply with the diet.

Let's look at the options for rations that help with psoriasis. And including we estimate them from the point of view of influence on the overall health and preventing the most common causes of death - heart disease and cancer.

Review diet at psoriasis

What you eat changes your health very much. Breakfast, lunch and dinner - real medicines.

Let's start with a general overview of diets, which are recommended for patients with psoriasis. Next, consider each of them in more detail. And in the completion of the article, we compare the proposed diet and summarize. Choose diet most effective in the fight against psoriasis and at the same time the most useful for health as a whole.

To begin with, comparable diets on the table (click to enlarge).

Table: Comparison Diet with psoriasis according to the composition of products

Now compare diet for two parameters:

  • As far as it is healthy in terms of scientific evidence,
  • How much will require changes in the diet when moving from normal food.

Choose the right diet - and everything can turn into your favor. And what "right"? Whole vegetable diet. Know what is the optimal diet and what we want to achieve it is extremely important. If we do not know what to choose - low-carb food or gluten, we can change anything, but I will not get a special effect (except for a time).

Thomas Campbell, "Chinese Study In practice"

So, compare these diet.

  • Pegano diet is the most popular among patients. It is the most soft, or moderate, from the point of view of changes that will be needed to transition to it. It does not require full failure of meat and milk, although it implies a tangible limitation of these products.
    Of course, compared to our usual food, it will help to cope with psoriasis and benefit health. However, it is worth recognizing that in the long run, it is not optimal for the health of the body. And below, we will look at why specifically.
  • Fire diet is almost identical to John Pegano's recommendations. Therefore, it has a similar effect.

  • Vegan diet is the second in effectiveness, which sounded in the responses of patients. It is such a diet with proper approach - nutrition is mainly solid plants - and is optimal for health as a whole.
    Since such a diet implies a refusal of meat and dairy food, the transition to it will require more will of the will. However, the results in terms of impact on psoriasis and overall health are definitely worth it!
  • Vegan raw food is a view of a vegan diet. It provides for only crude food, predominantly fruits and vegetables. In this nutrition, a person completely refuses from products of animal origin, and from cooked food. Therefore, we can say that this diet is the most radical option from the considered. However, it is proved that full-fledged vegan raw foods is a healthy type of diet, preventing many diseases.
  • Paleodyte - in third place in efficiency. Its diet includes meat and vegetables with fruit and implies a refusal of all recycled products to which we are accustomed. Paleodyte can bring limited short-term benefits. But what is much more important is the harm that in the long run can be based on such food. Therefore, we do not recommend moving to this kind of diet.
  • The gluten-free diet is relevant only in the case of celiac disease or gluten intolerance. If you have grounds for these restrictions, include them in your basic diet.
  • Low carb and high-flow diets - patients appreciated not so high. Those who felt the improvement after it are already 20% less compared to Pegano and Vegan's diet. Therefore, it is worth thinking if not such an effective diet in the fight against psoriasis? But also there is an arc substantial minus: it is proved that in the long run such types of food significantly worsen health.

  • The Mediterranean diet is the penultimate in the ranking, the improvement of the state noted a little less than half of the triggered. The Mediterranean diet will advantages compared to the usual, but remains not the most healthy, giving way to a healthy vegetable diet.
  • Vegetarian - final in the list, received a third less positive feedback compared to Pegano and Vegan's diet. And there are many questions to vegetarianism. Due to the failure of meat, his followers are often fond of dairy products and eat a lot of recycled food. As a result, it does not prevent diseases, as a healthy diet should do.

As we saw a brief review, not all diets are equally useful. And some can apply tangible harm. Therefore, if you decide to comply with a diet to facilitate the flow of psoriasis, it is better to switch to a healthy type of food. It will solve not only problems with psoriasis, but also prevent many other serious illnesses.

Do not consider calories, stop afraid of carbohydrates and do not roll in the stone age. Just eat useful products, Say to love every piece, and health will come. It will be a habit of life.

Thomas Campbell, "Chinese Study In practice"

Now consider in more detail each diet that patients called as effective.

1. Diet Pegano

Among the psoriasis suffering the diet Pegano enjoys the most popular and noted as the most effective. The set she helped to achieve a significant improvement, and some - complete recovery.

John Pegano believed that in patients with psoriasis due to the abundance of toxins in the body, the acid-alkaline balance was broken. Therefore, the main emphasis in the diet he did to restore equilibrium by using a large amount of alkaline food.

Scheme: ratio of products in the diet Pegano

The diet Pegano is mainly her plant. 70-80% of the daily diet should be alkaline food to which all fruits and vegetables belong. The exception is only individual fruits (a list of prohibited products in psoriasis we give below).

The remaining 20-30% of food must be acid-forming. These include meat and dairy products, fish, poultry, eggs, grain and legume crops. In this case, there are not all necessary, but only certain species, in limited quantities and only sometimes.

Pegano insisted on the refusal to use all the harmful food and beverages with the content of artificial additives and dyes. Also on the use of all oily and fried, salt and sharp, flour and sweet.

Extremely important Pegano considered it to stop using any alcohol and abandon smoking.

And every day drinking enough clean water: 1.5-2 liters in addition to other liquids.

Than Pegano diet is useful

Diet Pegano will benefit you: remove the exacerbation of psoriasis, significantly improves the condition of the skin and may even lead to complete recovery. This is spoken by both numerous reviews of patients and survey results. Pegano diet considers almost three quarters of respondents (72%).

Also compared to our usual nutrition in general, it will be useful for the body. After all, it contains a large number of vegetables and fruits, and it does not have harmful and useless food.

Now let's look at the Pegano diet from the point of view of optimal health to which each of us seeks. Perhaps this is not the perfect diet for patients with psoriasis.

Than diet pegano is harmful

Although John Pegano proposes to significantly reduce animal food, it allows it in limited quantities. However, the abandonment of animal food improves the condition of patients.

Thus, the diet pegano contains some amount of dairy products, the refusal of which gave a positive reaction in 48% of the survey participants. It also includes mutton, and 30% of patients experienced relief after the abandon from red meat.

And from the point of view of general health now proved that

even low content in the diet of animal food leads to the development of heart disease, cancer, diabetes and other diseases of civilization. Let and not so fast.

That is, the use of meat "total" twice a week and eggs 4-5 times a week leads to the progression of diseases. Thus, the decrease in fat content in food is a baked chicken instead of fried steaks or six servings of vegetable salads instead of four - will insignificantly reduce the risk of cancer.

Thus, health deteriorates with moderate vegetable diets to which the diet is pegano. Although, of course, it happens more slowly than with ordinary nutrition.

Therefore, if you want to choose the most healthy type of diet, which will help not only cope with psoriasis, but prevent many diseases, we suggest going further than the Pegano diet. Fully abandon all animal food (maybe, with the exception of fish) and go to the floral diet.

It is proved that it is whole plants that are optimal food for a person: they best meet all the needs of the body, maintain health and prevent diseases. We will look at this diet just below.

Prohibition Pegano: What you can not eat with psoriasis

Since then we consider diet, not specific to psoriasis, it is important to know which products are not recommended specifically in this disease. John Pegano developed a diet specifically for patients with psoriasis. Therefore, let's see what restrictions it installed.

These products are important to know and exclude from any diet that you will follow.

Separate products that can not be with Psoriasis:

  • Parenic vegetables:
    • Potatoes,
    • Tomatoes and any products with their content, including tomato juice, paste, sauces and ketchups,
    • Eggplant,
    • Peppers (with the exception of black)
    • Red pepper - paprika,
    • Tobacco - give up smoking,

  • Alcohol - any kind,
  • Pork, beef and veal,
  • Any foods with meat, including sausage, sausages, hamburgers, etc.,
  • Sub-products (inside),
  • Oily bird, bird leather, red poultry meat,
  • All seafood (including shrimp, squid, scallops, mussels, etc.),
  • Fat, salt or sweet dairy products,
    • All dairy products if you have their intolerance
  • White bread and all white flour products,
  • Yeast and products on yeast,
  • Sugar and products with it, as well as artificial sweeteners,
  • Chocolate, candy,
  • Coffee,
  • Strawberry and strawberries,
  • With psoriatic arthritis - citrus and their juices,
  • White rice,
  • Vegetable oil - coconut and palm,
  • Vinegar (wine or grain).

Forbidden foods:

  • Products with preservatives, artificial additives, dyes, etc.:
    • Semi-finished products and fast food,
    • Unnatural drinks, primarily carbonated.
  • All harmful food, including chips and pizza,
  • All fried
  • Salty
  • Bold
  • Roast,
  • Marinated
  • Smoked
  • Canned
  • Acute spices and sauces.

2. Diet Firework

Svetlana Ogneva is a dermatologist who has passed the path of treating psoriasis on his own experience. As a result of cure, it created the author's technique based on the treatment of the disease with the help of medicinal nutrition and phytotherapy.

Diet Svetlana Firep is very similar to the diet of John Pegano.

Following Pegano, Svetlana Ogneva also considers the key point in nutrition to restore the acid-alkaline balance. Alkali-forming products must be 80% of food, acid-forming - 20%.

Vegan diet is effective, but it is important to choose a healthy option.

Vegan diet is the second in efficiency in the fight against psoriasis.

Vegans refuse all food of animal origin:

  • meat
  • fish,
  • eggs
  • milk.

Eating vegans vegetable food:

  • vegetables,
  • fruit,
  • bean
  • cereals,
  • Nuts and seeds.

It is the veganism in the exclusion of prohibited products, most likely, is an ideal diet for psoriasis. After all, in contrast to the diet Pegano, it completely eliminates dairy products and red meat, the refusal of which improves the patient's condition. And at the same time, the veganism implies the maximum number of vegetables and fruits. And from all the food it is precisely vegetables and fruits positively influenced the disease of the survey participants.

It has been scientifically proven that a balanced vegan diet is a type of healthy nutrition. It opposes the development of cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

Also Vegans are much less likely to suffer from increased pressure (less often by 75%) and diabetes (80%), and their body weight turns out to be closer to the ideal.

However, the problem with a vegan diet can be that it often turns out to be unbalanced. Refusing animal food, vegans often include too large fatty fat in their diet: nuts and seeds, avocado and vegetable oils. Because of this, their diet becomes almost worse than normal nutrition and can cause harm to the body.

Another question is what Vegan products use. Are these products recycled and depleted or solid? It is extremely important. After all, if the animals are replaced by highly traveled meat and cheese substitutes, recycled cereals, sugar, butter, then a vegan diet will be extremely harmful. Now thanks to the wonders of the food industry, more likely that vegans will eat fruits and vegetables less than thinking about the health of the meat.

Therefore, it is very important that vegan nutrition is balanced.

Healthy veganism is a solid vegetable diet consisting of the richest sources of nutrients. It is based on fruits, vegetables, whole cereals and legumes. A healthy diet should be three-quarters (75%) to consist of solid plants and only a quarter (25%) from the treated.

What about the protein? ..

Our traditional food contains a lot of meat and recycled plants and a minimum amount of solid vegetables and fruits. At the same time, many describe their diet as balanced.

The diet of those who feeds mainly by plants (vegans and vegetarians) are often perceived as defective. There are many questions: where do they take protein, iron, calcium and the like? At best, people think that maybe there are some plants and normally, but it is better to take care, because there is a risk of not to get any nutrients.

In fact, if you adhere to a one-piece plant diet and follow the right content of nutrients in it, their deficiency is not threatened with you, but fans of the traditional menu. Very often it is the traditional diet that contains insufficient fiber, vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, which can be obtained just from whole vegetables and fruits. And at the same time, ordinary food contains empty calories and artificial additives, as well as excess protein, fats, cholesterol, and the like.

Compare nutrients in different products

To make sure what kind of food is useful for us, let's look at the nutrient content in different groups of products. Compare whole plants, animal food and refined (recycled) plants. For an experiment, 500 calories of different products took from each such group. Comparative results are presented in the table.

Nutrients Wholeplants * Animal food ** Refined plants ***
Protein, G. 27 39 6
Fats, G. 5 33 23
Carbohydrates, G. 99 8 70
Fiber, g 23 0 2
Calcium, mg. 470 240 20
Iron, MG. 9 2,6 1,7
Potassium, mg. 2 500 700 300
Vitamin C, mg 610 3 2
Folic acid, mg 610 3 2
Vitamin B12, μg 0 4 0
Vitamin A, me 35 000 700 20
Cholesterol, mg. 0 370 0

* Mixture of solid plants: 100 calories from mango, pea, broccoli, cabbage feces and oats.
** Animal mixture products: 100 calories from solid milk, chicken, beef and salmon.
*** A mixture of processed plants: 100 calories from potato chips, spaghetti, colas, donuts and Italian sauce.


Wholeplants are useful

Consider whole plants as a source of nutrients.

  • Proteins. Wholeplants are an excellent source of proteins. For a person, it is enough to receive 12.5 g of protein for every 500 calories. And plants on average contain it in two more times more than the recommended minimum.
  • Fats. Plants contain a sufficient amount of fats: in vegetables, cereals and legumes there are natural fat. From fats with vegetable food, we get about 10% of calories - and this is quite enough.
  • Carbohydrates. Whole plants contain useful carbohydrates, since rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals. Such carbohydrates we are simply necessary for health.
  • Cellulose. Only one-piece plants are rich in fiber - an important part of the food, which we talked above.
  • Trace elements. Wholeplants, as a rule, the best source of useful minerals compared to animal food.
    • For example, iron content in solid plants exceeds its content in animal products more than three times!
  • Vitamins. It is rich in solid plants and vitamins, these are real natural factories. Some vitamins in them are thousands of times more than in other groups of products.
    • Antioxidants that protect us from many diseases are also kept mainly in plants.
    • The only presence in plants vitamin - B12. Therefore, those who adhere to a strict green diet are recommended to receive B12 as an additive to food.
  • Cholesterol. In plants there is no cholesterol, an undesirable element in food. Its in the necessary quantities can synthesize our body.

Animal food is harmful

Now look at the nutrient content in the animal food: meat, milk, bird and fish.

  • Proteins and fats. It contains animal proteins and fats. These specific types of nutrients, obtained from animal food, are unpleasant for a person. They provoke the development of cancer, heart disease and vessels, diabetes, etc.
  • Carbohydrates. Animal products contain little carbohydrates - a vital energy source.
  • Cellulose. Animal food does not contain fiber, which is necessary for normal intestinal operation.
  • Trace elements. She is not so rich in microelements like whole plants.
    • The only two substances that are in animal food more, - sodium (and it is bad) and selenium.
  • Vitamins. In the animal food is little vitamins, and some in general in short supply.
  • Cholesterol. Animal food contains a lot of cholesterol. And its excess provokes the diseases of the circulatory system.

Refined plants are harmful

And now consider the nutrient content in the treated plants.

  • Proteins. Contain an insufficient amount of protein.
  • Fats. Fat from refined food - empty. They contain only calories, but there are no nutritional elements necessary for the body.
  • Carbohydrates. Although in refined food and many carbohydrates, but these are "bad" carbohydrates, which we need. They are poor fiber and nutrients. Therefore, they serve as a source of only empty calories, do not give the body sufficiently necessary elements and violate the exchange of sugar.
  • Cellulose. Refined food practically does not contain fiber that needs the body.
  • Microelements and vitamins. Recycled plants are poor with vitamins and minerals.

Conclusion: whole plants - a healthy choice

Wholeplants are the only full source of useful nutrients.

The animal food contains some vitamins and trace elements, and some of them in general in short supply. And at the same time, there are many animal fats, proteins and cholesterol in this food. And they all provoke many diseases, including heart disease, cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, etc.

Recycled food serves only a source of empty calories, too fat, does not contain fiber, extremely poor vitamins and microelements and therefore is not healthy power.

3. Healthy veganism option - Herbal diet Campbell

The positive effects of the plant diet are much more diverse and impressive than from the use of any medicine or surgical intervention used in medicine.

Colin Campbell, "Chinese Study"

The vegetable diet of Campbell is as close as possible to the Vegan - the second in effectiveness in the fight against psoriasis, which was called the survey participants. If from its diet to completely eliminate the fish that Campbell and so offers to minimize, such food will be vegan.

The author of this vegetable diet, Colin Campbell, is a doctor of science and a magnificent scientist. Based on 40 years of research in the field of medicine and biology, Campbell turned the views of millions of people on proper nutrition and his interconnection with health. The results of their extensive research, he outlined in the book "Chinese study".

For most people, a complete rejection of all animal products, including beef, chicken, fish, cheese, milk and eggs, seems impossible. You can ask you to stop breathing with the same success. The idea itself seems to be strange, fanatical or fantastic.
This is the main obstacle to the plant diet: most people who hear about it do not consider this opportunity seriously, despite their tremendous health benefit.

Colin Campbell, "Chinese Study"

What are the advantages of a plant diet Campbell

It has been scientifically proven that a vegetable diet is a healthy type of ration, which eliminates a person from a variety of diseases and improves the quality of life. In particular, the use of solo plants allows you to control the work of genes: "turn off" bad, cancer genes and "include" good, therapeutic.

Vegetable food and a healthy lifestyle prevent cardiovascular diseases, most types of cancer, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, osteoporosis, bile disease, ulcers, kidney stones, cataract, ulcerative colitis, crown disease, obesity, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes and other autoimmune Diseases.

And some of these diseases makes it possible to reverse and even fully cure!

The essence of the plant diet is very simple: Eat solid vegetable products and minimize the consumption of refined food, additional salt and fats.

At its base, Campbell's diet is consonant with a diet Pegano - focus on fresh vegetables and fruits. However, in relation to animal food, Campbell goes on: instead of a significant reduction, like Pegano, he offers completely to refuse it.

And for this, Campbell has good reasons. It has been proven that reducing animal food in the diet even from 10% to 0% will benefit health. The optimal proportion of animal products in the human diet should be zero.

Vegetable diet: what is

That's how it specifically offers to eat Colin Campbell.

You can eat:

  • fruits and berries,
  • vegetables:
    • inflorescences (for example, broccoli),
    • Stems and leaves (spinach, salad latice, celery, arugula, greens, etc.),
    • roots,
    • legumes (green trunk beans, peas, beans, etc.),
    • mushrooms
    • nuts
  • Whole cereals, including in the composition of bread, macaroni, etc.

Reduce to a minimum

  • Refined carbohydrates:
    • Products made of white flour, for example, pasta, bread, cookies,
    • sugar and products with its content,
  • vegetable oils (corn, olive, peanut, etc.),
  • fish.

It is impossible:

  • meat and all meat products
  • milk products,
  • bird,
  • eggs.

Eliminating from the vegetable diet Campbell those few vegetables and fruits that do not recommend pegano with psoriasis, you will not only successfully cope with psoriasis, but also come to a healthy type of nutrition and come out from many diseases of modernity.

A detailed table of products of the vegetable diet Campbell, adapted for patients with psoriasis, which is and what can not with the disease, see at the end of the article.

When choosing concrete products, Thomas Campbell, Son Colin Campbell and co-author of the book, advises to ask in two questions:

One-piece products are any untreated fruits, vegetables and whole cereals. What they are more in the diet, the better.

Neuble, refined products are sugar, sweeteners, products with white flour and oil. Their Campbell consumption calls for significantly reduce.

Campbell resolves sometimes there is a fish or occasionally add a little lean meat to taste. And also for convenience, it is sometimes proposed to use some treated plant products. For example, tofu, vegetable milk, natural sweeteners (maple syrup, fruit juice). Thanks to these additions, such a diet will be able to each.

One of the main obstacles in this diet may be difficult to adapt psychologically. After all, we used to assume that without meat food is not food. But trying vegetable nutrition, you will overcome this prejudice and see that it can be held with great pleasure! Over time, your taste will be thinned, and you will discover the taste palette of many vegetables and fruits.

If so far you do not really imagine what specific dishes and recipes can be prepared from whole plants, contact books, and you will not be disappointed. For example, we recommend "Chinese study in practice", "Recipes" Chinese research ". Healthy recipes from the best chefs and specialists, "" forks instead of knives. "

4. Vegan raw food

Don Bennett, "Sreet and other healthy habits"

Vegan raw food is another type of vegetable food, one of the most useful and healthy diets. In this case, only raw vegetable products are used in food - mostly vegetables and fruits. Sourouotes do not consume the cooked food processing - both heating (above 43 degrees) and freezing.

This diet was not considered in a survey of separately and scientific data confirming the effectiveness of raw food in Psoriase, no: medicine has not yet examined. but

the experience of patients who tested it says that raw foods significantly improves the state of psoriasis up to its complete disappearance.

The choice of such a diet has a logical substantiation. The main arguments of raw foods:

  • Preservation of food value products. Since the temperature processing damages in vitamin products, trace elements, polyunsaturated fats and proteins, and also leads to the formation of carcinogens.
  • Precious food for a person as a primater is mostly fruits, berries, vegetables, and in small quantities of cereal, nuts, seeds and tubers. It is this diet that is necessary and useful from an evolutionary point of view. And all deviations from species are treated as harm health.

What are eating raw foods

Vegan raw food is the most common type of raw food. With it, raw vegetable food is used and any animal products are excluded.

Sourced food includes:

  • fruit;
  • berries;
  • vegetables;
  • Sheet greens;
  • Greens (dill, parsley, kinza);
  • raw nuts and seeds;
  • Raw cereals and legumes, germinated or clouded. Good grains and legumes for germination are:
    • lentil;
    • beans;
    • peas;
    • nute;
    • millet;
    • Green buckwheat;
  • dried fruits;
  • vegetable milk;
  • raw cold spin oil;
  • fermented products such as kimchi and sauerkraut;
  • seaweed.

It is very important that the raw food is balanced by nutrients and contained a sufficient amount of calories.

Since often raw foods fall into extremes: one lacks calories, while others consume too much fat food (for example, avocado, nuts and seeds, raw oil, etc.). As a result, their diet becomes as unhealthy as the ration of an ordinary person.

If you decide to switch to raw foods, you can gradually add more and more fresh fruits into the diet. And even if in the end you will not be able to completely switch to raw foods, but you will use more raw fruits and vegetables - your body will also get substantial benefit from this.

At the beginning of the way, it is important to make sure that you get enough calories. Most people who have tried raw foods refuse him precisely because of the lack of calories. Consuming little calories, they feel tired and come to the conclusion that this type of food does not fit them.

With a unbalanced approach, raw foods may lead to negative consequences. For example, defective food can lead to a lack of vitamins and minerals. Therefore, it is important to make sure that you satisfy the need of the body not only in calories, but also in nutrients. To do this, add a good multivitamin complex to the diet.

Before switching to this type of food, carefully examine high-quality literature on this topic. For example, we advise the books of Don Bennett "Raw foods and other healthy habits. Answers to questions "," Vegan raw foods and a healthy lifestyle. Selected articles. "

5. Paleodyte - not an option

Paleodette turned out to be in third place in the list of diets at psoriasis. However, let's look at it closer.

Paleodyte is based on an estimated diet of people during Paleolithic.

It is focused on animal food:

  • meat
  • fish
  • bird
  • eggs.

With these products, a person must receive more than half of the calories.

Also in the diet includes:

  • vegetables,
  • fruit,
  • Seeds and nuts.

Excluded in Paleodet:

  • grain
  • bean
  • milk products,
  • sugar,
  • Processed oils.

Why Paleodyte is harmful

According to the British dietary association, Paleodyte - the worst diet of 2015, which was approved by celebrities.

The Association recognized this type of food unbalanced and in a sure way to obtain a lack of nutrients.

Paleodette can bring limited short-term benefits, because it calls on to refuse all recycled food and contains many vegetables and fruits. Thus, some studies show that Paleodyte contributes to a small weight loss, the normalization of blood pressure and blood sugar levels. However, scientists say that there is no evidence, nor scientific logic, indicating that Paleodette brings long-term health benefits.

On the one hand, it is not for sure that people 500 thousand years ago eaten. On the other, now there is no special difference than they fed. Modern studies unequivocally confirm the use of more vegetable food and less animal food. And in Paleodet from meat, it is supposed to receive more than half of all calories.

One study showed that the more people eat meat, the more weight gain, even with equal calorie consumption. And obesity is the road to many other diseases. Also, the more people eat meat, the higher his risk of diabetes. In addition to this, a large content in the food of the animal protein provokes cancer, renal failure and biliary disease.

At the same time, legumes that are prohibited in paleodette, in patients with diabetes improve blood sugar. And the consumption is also prohibited in the Paleeodet of whole cereals reduces the risk of developing diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular ailments and cancer.

Thus, Paleodyte is based only on hypotheses, and its long-term effect is practically not studied. It can be short-term use, especially compared to traditional nutrition.

However, Paleodyte ignores modern research on what food is the most useful for our health throughout life. And it is also known that in the long run, the abundance of meat food brings tangible harm to health.

6. Sleelen diet

Psoriasis is associated with an increased risk of developing some autoimmune diseases. Including patients with psoriasis more than 2 times more often sick celiac disease.

Celiac disease is a chronic disease of the small intestine associated with congenital intolerance to gluten (gluten). Sources of gluten - some cereals. A reliable method of diagnosing celiac disease is the biopsy of the small intestine.

As the main form of treatment, patients with celiac diet are observed. The gluten-free diet involves the refusal to use the following cereals:

  • wheat,
  • rye
  • barley
  • oats (although Oat itself does not contain gluten, it may contain traces of wheat, rye or barley).
  • as well as any products with listed cereals.

Gluten intolerance without celiac disease

Some people may have a sensitivity to gluten without celiac disease. In this case, blood test will be positive, while the result of the biopsy of the small intestine will be negative.

In patients with intolerance to gluten, a gluten-free diet also leads to a significant improvement in the state of psoriasis. Moreover, it brings their fruits regardless of biopsy results. And the return to the usual nutrition again the state worsens. Therefore, the psoriasis with sensitivity to gluten is also recommended to support a gluten-free diet and include these restrictions in its main diet.

  • There is a close relative, sick celiac disease,
  • Or there are pronounced gastrointestinal symptoms.

Symptoms of celiac disease or intolerance of gluten include abdominal pain, diarrhea, flatulence, constipation, chronic fatigue, depression, anemia.

If you feel acute need, you can try to give up gluten for a month. There is no need for health in it, so this method of checking is safe. And the trial is a gluten-free diet will help you understand whether your well-being will improve and whether there is a need for its continuation.

On patients without celiac disease or sensitivity to gluten, a gluten-free diet does not have its positive effect. In this case, it does not make sense. In addition, the gluten is not so easy to exclude from the diet.

Thus, a gluten-free diet is shown and will benefit only in the case of celiac disease or gluten intolerance.

At the same time, patients with psoriasis without celiac disease or sensitivity to gluten do not need a gluten-free diet.

7. Mediterranean diet - Is it really useful? It depends on what you compare it to…

According to psoriasis suffering from psoriasis, the Mediterranean diet was in the penultimate place among effective diets. And it received a lot less positive feedback - by 24% less than Pegano diet.

The Mediterranean diet is much closer to Vegetarian, than standard Western: it is much smaller than meat and less dairy. It is known as an option of useful.

The diet of the Mediterranean diet includes:

  • a large number of vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds,
  • Grain products (pasta, bread, etc.),
  • fruit,
  • Olive oil - provides a third of all calories obtained,
  • dairy products (mainly yogurt and cheese),
  • Eggs - no more than 4 per week,
  • Fish and bird are used in moderate quantities,
  • Meat is used in small quantities.

Thus, the Mediterranean diet is predominantly vegetable, since it implies a small amount of animal food. However, it contains a large amount of olive oil.

Let's deal with how much such a diet is useful.

What is useful and what the Mediterranean diet is harmful

Studies have shown that the Mediterranean diet is more useful than the usual type of diet. It reduces the risk of heart disease (by 33%), cancer (24%), diabetes and Alzheimer's disease. Also, its followers are less likely to suffer from overweight.

However, studies also show that

with such moderate nutrition, including consumption of sometimes meat, eggs and oils, heart disease still continue to develop, although it happens not as fast as on a diet, poor fruit and vegetables.

A large role in the Mediterranean diet is given to vegetable oil, its share accounts for a third of all calories. But the fact is that all products containing oil and clean fats are not permanent. Unlike plants from which oil is mined, vegetable oils no longer contain nutrients (proteins, fiber, vitamins and minerals), they are lost in the production process. And at the same time oil exclusively calories: these are the richest energy products.

Therefore, oil is a source of very large and at the same time empty calories, with which we do not get any nutrients except fats. Thus, adding oil into a salad, we significantly increase its calorie content. However, these calories are contained in very poor nutrients refined product.

At the same time it is important to understand that we are not just not needed refined fats, but they can harm. It is proved that it is the food where even a drop of oil is eliminated, as well as fish, meat and dairy products, is the most healthy in heart disease, allowing you to reverse them.

Adding butter, even vegetable, harm the cardiovascular system.

Therefore, the Mediterranean diet is likely to bring relative benefits not due to oil, as many believe, but despite him. And the most important thing in it is an emphasis on whole plants and reducing the content of animal food.

Thus, compared with traditional nutrition, the Mediterranean diet is better. However, it is clearly worse than other diets consisting mainly of plants without adding oil.

Therefore, the best possible options is to adhere to whole plant food.

8 and 9. Low carb and high-flow diets - a threat to health

Low carb diets are now very popular. These include the diet of Atkins and Ketodite. They suggest a large consumption of protein coming mainly from animal food, and do not limit fat and dairy products.

Also, high-headed diets include high-protected diets - Dukhana and Kremlin. They focus on protein, but limit the number of fats.

And both types of power supply - and low-carb, and high-protein - radically limit carbohydrates. Therefore, they contain very few vegetables and fruits.

In the short term, low-carb diets can positively influence some risk factors. Also with their help can be briefly reset. However, no one has proven that they give long-term advantages.

What are harmful to low carbon and high-flow diets

The problem is that in these diets do not take into account scientific data confirming the benefit of the high-carbonic floral diet.

Nutritionists are seriously afraid of the long-term health of the cardiovascular system of people practicing a low-carb diet.

Also, according to the results of a large-scale study, it turned out that the highest risk of diabetes was precisely those who used the least carbohydrates.

The power mode, poor carbohydrates and a rich protected is associated with an increased risk of death, including cancer. Moreover,

the high-protein diet is the most dangerous for the development of cancer, since the growth of the tumor at an early stage can be initiated and suppressed by changing the protein content in food.

It was proved that a diet consisting of a protein by 5%, "turns off" the growth of cancer at an early stage, and 20% of the protein in the diet stimulate it.

In fairness, we note that there is a reasonable start in low-carbon diet. To do this, you need to remember that carbohydrates are "good" and "bad." "Bad" or treated carbohydrates that do not contain fiber, we get with refined foods - including with flour and sweet. Refusal of such carbohydrates will benefit health.

However, in the heat of the struggle for low-carb food, sometimes forget about the difference between "good" and "bad" carbohydrates. Unfortunately, these diets do not provide for the use and "good" carbohydrates - from whole plants. And the refusal of such carbohydrates leads to a variety of health problems.

Eating, as expected in low-carb diets, instead of harmful carbohydrates of meat and eggs, snacks with meat rolls, ham and turkey and abundant use of dairy products will not lead to anything good. High content in the diet of animal food provokes the development of stroke, heart attack, cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis and other diseases.

10. Vegetarianism - Hidden Dangers

The latter in the list of effective diets, called the participants of the survey, goes a vegetarian diet.

Vegetarianism implies a refusal of meat food (meat, birds, fish and seafood), but most often provides for the consumption of dairy products and eggs (izolktariance).

However, the question of the balance of this diet is once again arising, since vegetarianism is primarily determined as a refusal of meat food, but does not clearly guesses how to make a diet to healthy.

As a result, most vegetarians consume very many dairy products. But on the maintenance of nutrients, dairy products are very similar to meat.

Dairy products contain a large amount of animal protein, animal fat and cholesterol. At the same time, in them minimum carbohydrates and no fiber. Therefore, in general, milk can be considered liquid meat - between them more similarities than differences.

Why vegetarianism is not the best option

In one major study, the consumption of nutrients in vegetarians was surprisingly similar to the indicators of the people who ate meat. The content of fats, vitamins and minerals was approximately the same and some differences were found in proteins and carbohydrates. Thus, vegetarians, richly consuming dairy products, oil, flour and sugar, are not very different from caring for their health of meats.

In addition, there may be even more fat in vegetarian dishes than in meat.

In general, with a balanced diet, the incidence of cancer, diabetes and heart disease among vegetarians is lower than among nonsensers. Therefore, a vegetarian diet is more useful than the usual diet containing meat.

However, Colin Campbell works confirm that it is the animal protein that contains in the dairy products, provokes the development of cancer. It is also proven that animal food consumption leads to osteoporosis, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, etc.

Therefore, although a vegetarian diet is more useful than usual food, it cannot be called the most useful and healthy.

Give up alcohol - it really matters

The relationship between alcohol consumption and psoriasis is scientifically confirmed.

Alcohol is one of the main provocateurs leading to the emergence and progression of the disease.

And at the same time, patients with psoriasis abuse them more often. It is also proven: the more patient drinks alcoholic beverages, the hardest disease flows, and the effectiveness of treatment is reduced.

Therefore, it is extremely important to abandon the use of alcohol. And abandon all his species, including beer.

John Pegano strictly forbade his patients using alcoholic beverages. And if patients were not ready to abandon alcohol, he refused to treat such patients.

Pegano only occasionally allowed a glass of a glass (no more than 50-100 g) of dry red or white wine.

Drink more water

For psoriasis suffering, it is very important enough to drink.

The most useful drinking water is water purified from all malicious impurities.

It is also important to pay attention to the signs of thirst. But since for some it can be difficult, it is better to drink water shortly before each meal - approximately 20-30 minutes.

Vitamins, trace elements and additives

Scientific research on the influence of vitamins for psoriasis was carried out very little. However, the available data say that the use can bring fish oil. The data of another study confirm the effectiveness of the use of vitamin D. and some results are talking about a certain benefits of selenium and vitamin B12.

Also, as we saw above, now with any type of food and even in vegetable we cannot be sure that we get enough vitamins and minerals from food. Therefore, it is recommended to take good multivitamin complexes.

It is important to choose those polivitamins that you will not be allergies. The ideal option is to find natural or crushed multivitamins, that is, obtained from plant food, and not synthesized artificially.

Diet and healthy lifestyle

Our body is the most complex system, so it is important for a full result of a diet to supplement other components of a healthy lifestyle.

It is especially important to pay attention to sufficient physical activity (perfect - in the fresh air).

It is she, according to the results of research, in combination with a diet leads to the most positive results.

Other important consideration of a healthy lifestyle - full sleep and sufficient holiday, lack of stress and freedom from negative thoughts.

Only in the complex all these factors will have their maximum positive impact.

Let's think about the moment of important moments that will help you at the beginning of the power change.

Make your motivation positive

One of the most important steps before the start of the diet is to clearly realize, why do you need it. Positive attachment motivates more and better than negative, born of fears or suffering.

Positive motivation refers to the positive result you want to achieve. For example, you keep a diet from love to yourself and close. Because striving for a healthy and happy life and want the useful diet to help you in this. Such motivation is positive, it is much stronger and more stable.

Therefore, you can remember that:

  • Want to free yourself from psoriasis;
  • Diet allows you to recover from psoriasis or achieve sustainable remission;
  • Diet is a natural treatment method deprived of adverse effects;
  • The correct diet will have a general healing effect on your body.

Let all this inspires you to follow the mode and brings to the achievement of the target.

Show the softness

When moving to a new type of diet, do not register yourself if from the first day they will not become perfect. Excessive rigor to herself can cause a lot of experiences about the diet that could be avoided. Be to yourself kinder.

Look at power changes and lifestyle as an experiment. Think rather about short-term purposes. For example, try to follow the diet for a month, and do not rush to take the decision "for the rest of my life. This approach scares less.

It is better to conquer new frontiers gradually, then you will begin to understand that you are moving in the right direction. And nothing motivates us more than the moment when we notice the first positive results.

Find support among loved ones

Support for loved ones is an important success factor in the following diet. After all, this will allow you to feel emotional comfort and, perhaps, will help in practical, if the relatives will share with you knowledge and skills. Therefore, try to enlist them with understanding, and at best and promotion.

Explain your relatives, why did you decide to keep a diet, why for you it is so important and what is your motivation. Ask them to support you or even participate in your project.

Conclusion: Be vigilant when choosing a diet

We saw that diet is one of the most important methods for the treatment of psoriasis. Proper nutrition allows you to work with the causes of the disease, therefore compliance with the diet leads many patients to long-term remission and even complete cure.
In this case, the diet allows solving problems not only with psoriasis, but also with health as a whole. Changing the diet can be a medicine from many modern diseases and causes of death: cardiovascular, cancer, diseases of the digestive organs, diseases Alzheimer and Parkinson, diabetes and other autoimmune diseases.

Therefore, we take away the choice of diet seriously. Take care of topics that will provide health in the long run.

Compare various diets

To summarize, we compared diet with psoriasis for three key parameters:

  • The effectiveness of influence on psoriasis,
  • benefit for general health,
  • Simplicity.

Each diet received its final rating: the higher it is, the more recommended and the desired diet is. The results of the comparison are presented in the table (click to enlarge).

Table: Comparison Diet with Psoriase on efficiency and health benefits

Conclusions: The best diet with psoriasis

  • Effective in the treatment of psoriasis and at the same time the most useful and full-fledged diets are healthy variants of a vegan diet. These include the vegetable diet Colin Campbell and the vegan diet.
    • Do not forget to exclude the products that have forbidden Pegano.
  • If so far you are striving, but not yet ready to completely abandon animal food, follow the diet Pegano. It will help solve the problem of psoriasis and will be exactly more useful than ordinary modern food.
  • In any case, in nutrition in psoriasis, as many vegetables and fruits can be as possible and as little animal food as possible. This recommendation will help cope with the disease.
  • The remaining diet with psoriasis, which, according to the reviews of the survey participants, also benefit: Paleodietu, low-carb and high-flow diets, as well as vegetarian - we do not recommend. They are less effective in the fight against psoriasis. And in the long run can cause your health harm.
  • If there is a gluten intolerance or celiac disease, although it occurs infrequently, refuses also from products with gluten.
  • Remember the sensitivity to your individual reactions and eliminate those products to which your body reacts exacerbation.
  • Every day, drink enough pure water - 1.5-2 liters.
  • Refuse alcohol - the main food provocateur of exacerbations.
  • Take good natural multivitamins.
  • Try to lead a healthy lifestyle, first of all adding physical activity.

Give yourself health!

Product Table - Herbal Diet Campbell at Psoriasis

(To view the table in a full scale, press it with the right button and save on the computer)

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Psoriasis - dermatological non-infectious disease, rapidly turning into a chronic form. During the exacerbation of the psoriasis, peeling appears, protruding over the surface of the skin of rash, delivering a lot of inconvenience. Typical areas of damage to psoriasis - knees, elbows, hairproof head. The dissemination of the disease is throughout the body. The diet with psoriasis is able to alleviate the course of the disease. Statistics say that 70% of the sick - young people who have not achieved 20 years, but are subject to psoriasis of absolutely all age categories.

Psoriasis power rules

Diet with psoriasis - therapeutic nutrition, which is recommended to adhere to to avoid relapses in the patient. The patients with psoriasis should be followed by its emotional state, check the operation of the stomach and the entire gastrointestinal tract, to eat small doses (at least five times a day), exclude allergens, increase the volume of the fluid consumed. Daily chair is an unshakable rule for psoriasis patients. Stagnation in the body contributes to the exacerbation of psoriasis.

To support the right water balance in psoriasis, it is necessary:

  • Daily drink 1.7-2l purified water with the addition of a small amount of lemon juice.
  • Reduce the consumption of black, green teas. Increase the number of herbal infusions, especially chamomile, decoction from flax seeds.
  • Include in the diet. Fresh juices (carrots, spinach, celery, apples, parsley, beets).

Basic Cooking Rules for Psoriasis:

  • Exclude fried food and oily from the menu. A special place is occupied by boiled dishes cooked for a couple or baked in the food sleeve.
  • Reduce the amount of salt.
  • Increase the consumption of fermented dairy products, preferably home cooking.
  • Limit the quantity of seasonings to dishes. With the benefit of health, they replace lemon juice or specially cooked sauce (yogurt + greens + garlic + mustard).

What is possible, and what can not be sick psoriasis?

Psoriasis diet implies full control and compliance with the basic rules of healthy nutrition. Few capable of limiting themselves, abandon their favorite dishes, but during the exacerbation of psoriasis, it is a tough necessity. The disease is not treated completely. Its current cannot be changed by using only drugs and without adhering to the treatment of the diet. Knowledge which foods are allowed to use which it is necessary to completely exclude during the exacerbation of psoriasis, can alleviate the health of the patient, reduce the main symptoms.

List of allowed and prohibited products

With psoriasis, you need to adhere to such rules in nutrition:

  • Consume more than greenery (lettuce, parsley, dill, green onion), fresh fruit, vegetables. They contain a whole storeroom vitamins.
  • It is more likely boiled or steam dishes from fish fatty varieties (salmon, salmon).
  • Esteid porridge - buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, wheat or any other.
  • Add vegetable oil containing PPGK.
  • Sat the diet with berries lingonberries or blueberries. These small balls have long been considered leaders among berries facilitating the symptoms of psoriasis.

People having such a disease should be categorically excluded from the diet or reduce:

  • Consumption of coffee, strong teas.
  • The amount of oily meat.
  • The volume of alcohol consumed.
  • Consumption of sharp or salty seasonings, vinegar.
  • The number of honey eaten, sugar, drift.
  • The proportion of strong meat broths, food sauces.
  • Eating any smoked products.

Approximate menu for a week

Making a diet menu for a week (5 days), it is easier to see which products need to be purchased, and avoid emergency snacks prohibited during psoriasis dishes. Diet in the treatment of psoriasis is necessary. Her non-compliance exacerbates the course of the disease. Do not forget in the intervals between feeding food to drink 1 cup (or more) of purified cool water. Dinner must be no later than three hours before sleep.


  • Breakfast - buckwheat porridge + small piece of oil + dried fruits. Sustained tea with solid cheese sliced.
  • 2nd breakfast (after 2 hours) - Apple, banana or other fresh fruit, not causing allergies.
  • 3rd breakfast (after 2 hours) - cottage cheese, fastened low-fat sour cream + fruit.
  • Lunch - Salad (fresh vegetables + spoon of olive oil), vegetable soup, side dish with a non-fat boiled piece of meat, bread.
  • Afternooner - fruit.
  • Dinner - porridge with stew vegetables + bread. After 1.5 hours, low-fat kefir + cookies.
  • Breakfast is oatmeal with raisins and a piece of oil, bread, 1 cup of a beverage made of rosehip.
  • 2nd breakfast - low-fat kefir.
  • 3rd breakfast - Fresh fruit.
  • Lunch - salad (fresh vegetables, refueling from olive oil and lemon juice). Soup on the second chicken broth. Mashed puree with a piece of fish cooked for a couple. Bread.
  • Afternoon person - cottage cheese with fresh fruit, seasoned with yogurt.
  • Dinner - porridge buckwheat with butter without meat + vegetables for a couple.
  • Breakfast is an omelet of two eggs. Cocoa, Sandwich with butter and solid cheese.
  • 2nd breakfast - fresh fruit.
  • 3rd breakfast is a glass of kefir.
  • Lunch - Salad with fresh vegetables + Salad refueling (greens, mustard, lemon juice, olive oil, garlic). Borsch on the beef broth. Rice porridge with steam cutlet. Bread.
  • Ancender - a few baked apples.
  • Dinner - vegetable stew. A piece of rye bread.
  • Breakfast is low-fat cottage cheese, refilled by sour cream + raisins. A glass of fresh juice.
  • 2nd breakfast - fresh fruit. Compote on dried fruits.
  • 3rd breakfast - 1 boiled egg.
  • Lunch - ear. Steam chicken cutlets + Vinaigrette. Bread. Herbal chamomile tea
  • Afternoon - compote on dried fruits. Marshmallow without chocolate.
  • Dinner - a piece of salmon cooked for a couple + oatmeal with a piece of oil. Bread. Fasten green tea.
  • Breakfast is a dairy pumpkin porridge with the addition of Kuragi, Izyuma. Bread. Compote on dried fruits.
  • 2nd breakfast - fresh juice + omelet of 2 eggs.
  • Lunch - squash soup. Not fried pilaf. Bread. A decoction of rose hips.
  • Hyddnik - a glass of yogurt (ion or kefir) + two baked apples.
  • Dinner - cottage cheese casserole. Compote or chamomile tea.

Diet Recipes

Cottage cheese casserole

Prepare 1 kg of low-fat cottage cheese + 4 eggs + 1 glass of mankey + stall of gasy raisin + 5 tbsp. Sugar + along the pinch of salt and vanilla. Cottage cheese thoroughly wipe through the sieve, introduce whipped with sugar eggs, mix. Pour to the curd mass of the semolina, salt, vanilla. To mix with a spoon or mixer, give to stand half an hour. On the shape, lubricated fat, lay out the resulting mass. Bake with a closed lid or without (about half an hour at an average temperature). Before use, give to cool. Useful dessert for diet is ready.

Milk Pumpkin Porridge With Raisins - Useful Sweet Dish for Patient Psoriasis

It will take: half akylogram of pumpkin, 2/3 of a glass of rice, half-liter milk, a raisin half a cup, salt, sugar, vanillin to taste. Pumpkin cleanse from seeds, peel. Finely cut into cubes or straw. Pour water to half. When she becomes soft, it is good to smoke it, pour milk. Add prepared rice (soak in advance for 2 hours, rinse), salt, sugar. 15 minutes before turning off, pour washed raisins, vanilla. Add a piece of oil already ready to add a piece of oil. Put for 15 minutes in the oven - the dish will be fragrant, more tender.

Cuccoic soup with hard cheese

To prepare a gentle spring soup, you will need:

  • 1 l of purified water;
  • 2 zucchini (up to 20 cm long);
  • 5 pieces of potatoes;
  • 1 tsp. grated on a fine grain of the root of ginger;
  • solid cheese (1 tbsp. per each portion);
  • 1 tbsp. olive oil;
  • fresh or dry greens (parsley, dill, celery);
  • salt to taste;
  • spices (bay leaf, cardamom).

Pour chopped potatoes, zucchini into boiling water. Coriander sophisticated into a mortar, squeezed ginger disappear 30 seconds. Lay out to finished vegetables, negotiate 1 minute, turn off the fire. Drain excess fluid into separate dishes. Boiled vegetables crush the blender, gradually pouring vegetable decoction before obtaining the desired consistency. Add salt, greens. Bring to a boil, turn off. Puree soup, spread into portion plates, sprinkle with a coolest solid cheese. The first dish for the patient's diet is ready.

Oatmeal with dried fruit

Useful, rapid dish for a patient with psoriasis - oatmeal. It is necessary to take, half a cup of oatmeal. Pour them into boiling water (1 cup), add raisins, kuragu or other dried fruits (any fresh or frozen fruits), salt, sugar to taste. Turn off the fire. Put a piece of butter. Let break for 15 minutes. Dietary breakfast or dinner is ready.

The principles of therapeutic nutrition by different methods

Common diet for the treatment of people's diseased psoriasis - powered by the method of pegano and fire. Two specialist nutritionists agree that, in order to avoid relapses and deterioration, the patients with psoriasis should be supported by the acid-alkaline balance of the organism in the ratios of 20% to 70% or 30% to 80% and follow the basics of proper nutrition. Consider both diet.

By the Pegano method

Dr. John Pegano developed a diet for patients with psoriasis, in which vegetables and fruits broke into groups for the convenience of regulating the acid-alkaline balance. He believes that raw apples, bananas, melon better use small doses, separately from other batteries. Small portions should eat currants, plums, avocado, beans, cranberries, dried beans, mushrooms, prunes, lentils, rhubarb, almonds, hazelnut. Preferably five days a week to take 1 tbsp. lecithin (granulated). After meals, there must be a lung feeling of hunger.

In his healing nutrition in psoriasis up to 80% of food consumed include:

  • purified water (up to 8 mugs per day), as an addition to other liquids;
  • fruits, vegetables, not only canned. Especially useful for patients with psoriasis baked apples, dates, apricots, figs, raisins, kiwi, mango, pears. Vegetables - asparagus, carrots, cabbage, beets, celery, onions, olives, pumpkin, zucchini. This is the basis of dietary nutrition during psoriasis.

Approximately one third of the diet of the patient with psoriasis should be:

  • cereals in the form of a porridge - buckwheat, twenty, oatmeal, barley, rye;
  • bread whole grain, cut, loaf, seedlings;
  • fish dishes (at least four times a week): tuna, cod, flounder, perch, oster, trout;
  • bird - up to three times a week (without skin);
  • meat (exclusively non-fat lamb) - up to two times a week;
  • safety milk, fermented milk products, butter, cheese, cottage cheese;
  • eggs (only screwed or cooked sick) - up to four times a week;
  • chamomile beams, watermelon seeds, cowboat.

Treatment of a patient with psoriasis diet according to the method of Pegano eliminates the union:

  • whole grain products with citrus fruits (not only fresh, but also dried, stewed) and juices;
  • dairy products with citrus fruits, juices;
  • all sorts of fruit with white flour products;
  • in one portion of the food of a large number of acid-forming products.

According to the method of fire

In the treatment of psoriasis, Fiezeva's diet combines food with champions of Altai, Far Eastern herbs. According to her method, the diet completely eliminates all citrus fruits (except for grapefruit), strawberries, beans, raspberries, avocado, strawberries, grenades, lentils, peas. Grapes are allowed (in small quantities), cabbage (any portions). Pulk beans, zucchini, carrots, broccoli, garlic, onions, spinach, cucumbers, pumpkin is recommended to use with small breaks. Separately from other food eating bananas, melon, raw apples. Daily drink mineral water (Borjomi, Essentuki-4).

Psoriasis diet plays an important role, as it allows us to normalize the malfunctions of the exchange process in the patient's body. In addition, it helps to reduce the symptoms of the disease during exacerbation.

The patient should be aware that the Medical Diet in Psoriase limits the reception in food of many foods. Despite the fact that psoriasis is impossible to cure finally, while complying with proper nutrition, positive results are observed, after 1 week, the diet is observed.

PSORIAZ Power Principles

Psoriasis power is performed in accordance with the following principles:

  • first of all, a hypoallergenic diet is assigned, eliminating the use of high-caliped products, especially citrus and chocolate products into food;
  • each patient must refuse bad habits;
  • food should be taken fractional (at least 5 times a day);
  • it is necessary to exclude smoked, sweets, marinades;
  • with the development of psoriasis and eczema, it is required to reduce salt consumption;
  • need to abandon food with the addition of emulsifiers and preservatives;
  • with psoriasis and eczema, there should be more fiber that is present in raw vegetables;
  • the advantage should be given to cereals (especially Greece);
  • reception of low-fat dairy products is required.

In addition, olive (vegetable) oil must be present in the diet.

Advantages of a diet with the development of psoriasis symptoms

The advantages of proper nutrition in psoriasis and eczema can be attributed:

  • speed and efficiency of impact;
  • normalization in the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • fast loss of excess body weight;
  • normalization of skin condition.

In addition, the use of a large number of fruits and vegetables in food enriches the body with vitamins, and water displays toxic substances and slags.

It is important to remember that the diet to get rid of psoriasis should continue throughout the period of the disease in order to avoid possible recurrences.

Cardiac, vascular and nervous diseases are contraindicated to the purpose of the diet, which is explained by the exception of the dietary menu of food components that have a direct impact on the vascular system. In the event that these patients have the need to neutralize the acute attack of psoriasis using nutrition, the diet is adjusted in accordance with the individual characteristics of the patient.

Fundamentals diet Pegano and Fire

Most often to neutralize psoriatic manifestations, a diet from psoriatic manifestations in the fire and on Pegano is used.

Both author believe that when aggravating the menu psoriasis should provide the required acid-alkaline exchange in the body that has a direct impact on the psycho-emotional component of the patient. Therefore, the menu should include at least 70% of food forming alkali, and the rest must be acids.

On the question of which diet is the most optimal, Pegano and Ognev offer their own lists of products. There are significant contradictions between them. For example, the diet on Pegano provides for the inclusion in the citrus diet. In contrast, the healing nutrition in the psoriasis, which offers fires, completely eliminates citrus, with the exception of grapefruit.

Diet with psoriasis on Pegano includes:

  • eating a large number of cereals (barley, wheat, millet, buckwheat, bran, etc.);
  • in the diet in the development of psoriasis on Pegano, adding seeds of flax, sunflower, sesame and pumpkins are recommended;

  • the inclusion in nutrition (at least 2 times a week) fish prepared without adding oil.

In accordance with this diet, such products are produced in the body necessary acid. Diet with the development of psoriasis from Dr. Firemaya argues that such nutrition leads to excess education in the body of alkali.

Balanced nutrition with eczema and psoriatic manifestations, which is recommended by fire, should be combined with herbal and folk recipes. Positive feedback received proper nutrition in psoriasis among women, providing for the use of buckwheat, since ogneva and pegano note the beneficial effect of this cereals on the processes of digestion.

Diet with manifestations of the nail form of psoriasis also takes into account the principles of compliance with acid-alkaline equilibrium. This requires consumption of 3 p. More acid-forming food.

Diet with psoriasis of the scalp does not recommend food, annoyingly acting on the liver and digestive organs. The menu during psoriatic manifestations and eczema on the head, as a rule, is practically no different from the power of other forms of psoriasis.

Diet with the appearance of psoriasis and eczema in children, in addition to complying with the general principles of treatment, requires the restoration of the immune system, which is not yet sufficiently formed at this age. In this case, the power cannot be ignored, as it belongs to one of the main roles.

Table of prohibited and allowed products in psoriasis

Pasta (preferably dark grades)Coffee, strong tea
Boiled eggs (no more than 1 per day)Fatty meat varieties
psoriase and eczema recommended the use of greenery (salad, parsley, dill, onions)It is categorically impossible to drink alcohol.
Fresh vegetables and fruits, almonds, cedar nutWhite Bakery Products Flour
Porridge (buckwheat, oat, wheat)Manna and rice porridge, legumes
Vegetable oilsVinegar, sharp seasonings, pickles and marinades
Fresh fish (boiled or pair)Fish, canned food, smoked fish varieties
It is recommended to include in food on the handstry of blueberry berries or lingonberries per day (these berries facilitate psoriatic symptoms)Solid and melted cheeses with high fatness, butter, margarine
Fruit Jelly and CompoteHoney, sugar, pastry, chocolate
Degreased dairy productsPotatoes, Tomatoes, Paprika, Pepper, Eggplant
Dietary meat (chicken, turkey, rabbit).Concentrated meat broths and sauces, pork, fatty beef, lamb, offal.

To make a diet to get rid of psoriasis, the failures of the disease, with the development of the disease from the day diet, it is necessary to eliminate the prohibited products that eliminate the power supply.

Vitamins and Minerals

With comprehensive psoriasis therapy, vitaminotherapy is necessary. Therefore, a diet to get rid of psoriasis provides for the inclusion of food with an increased presence of trace elements. Power table provides:

Vitamin C. This substance is necessary to maintain the protective forces of the body and is contained in fruits and vegetables (Kiwi, Bulgarian pepper, rosehip).

Vitamin E. Contained in sunflower seeds, so it is recommended to eat a small handful of sunflower seeds per day. Vitamin is beneficial effect on the state of the skin, contributing to the relief of the outer psoriatic symptoms. Especially important such nutrition for psoriasis for a woman.

Vitamin B. The disadvantage of this vitamin violates the exchanged process in the body, which is adversely affected by the skin. Therefore, the psoriatic patients should necessarily be attended by buckwheat and bread from the hurrying flour.

Zinc. A diet to get rid of psoriasis should be rich in zinc, on which the protein synthesis is dependent for the accelerated healing of the wound surface. A large amount of zinc contain pumpkin, sesame, seafood.

Calcium. Calcium desensitize the body, performs a regenerating function, that is, speeds up the healing of psoriatic formations on the skin. Therefore, it is recommended to add products with calcium (ipuhenka, kefir, cottage cheese) at least 2-3 times a week.

Detailed menu for every day

Drawing up a power menu for a week makes it possible to understand which types of products are most needed. In addition, it is impossible to forget about the observance of the water regime.

Proper nutrition in psoriasis provides the following menu:

Days of the weekBreakfastDinnerAfternoon personDinner
Monday Buckwheat porridge with the addition of butter of creamy and dried fruits; 50 gr. Solid varieties cheese; Green tea without sugarVegetable salad with the addition of olive oil (1 tsp); Vegetable soup on a lean broth; 150 gr. boiled lean meat + garnish; whole grain bread (30 gr.); dried fruits compoteGreen apple (banana, kiwi) + 100 gr. Degreased cottage cheeseVegetables stew (200 gr.); black bread; Prostokvash (1 Art.)
Tuesday Hercules porridge with oil (200 gr.); Bread made of sprinkled flour (50 gr.); 200 gr. green tea without sugarVegetable salad; Borsch, cooked on the secondary broth (180 gr.); Boiled fish (170 gr.); crackers (30 gr. per day); Failure teaApple, Natural YogurtGrech on the water (180 gr.); Kefir (1 Art.)
Wednesday Omelet from 1 eggs; Solid cheese (50 gr.); bread (30 gr.); Weak tea (1 tbsp.)Vegetable salad + oil from olives and lemon juice; Beetter on weak broth; Swashing porridge (150 gr.) + Fish cutlet for a couple (70 gr.); bread; Compote from s / f. (1 tbsp.)2 green apples baked in the oven200 gr. stew from vegetables; bread (40 gr.); Degreased ripper (1 tbsp.)
Thursday Degreased cottage cheese (150 gr.) + Raisins (20 gr.); 200 gr. Freshly squeezed juice from green applesFresh fish ear (180 gr.); Vinaigrette (120 gr.) + Chicken cutlet for a couple (80 gr.); 40 gr. black bread; Decoration from Rosehip (200 ml.)1 boiled egg; Compote from C / FCasserole from fresh cottage cheese (200 gr.) With raisins; tea with chamomile (200 gr.)
Friday Porridge from pumpkin on milk (180 gr.) + Raisins and dried; bread (30 gr.); Compote from C / F (1 Art.)Soup from young zucchini (200 gr.); boiled buck (180 gr.) With the addition of butter of creamy (15 gr.); bread; Compote from C / F200 gr. yogurt (ipaine, kefir); 2 baked apples120 gr. boiled (steam) salmon; Oatmeal porridge (120 gr.); Green tea without sugar
Saturday Pumpkin porridge on milk (200 gr.); decoction from s / f (1 tbsp.)Borsch on the lean broth (180 gr.); chicken steam cutlet (80 gr.); Fresh vegetables salad with lemon juice; bread; Morse from fresh berries Lamberry (200 ml.)1 tbsp. Failure + 1 CookiesZucchini stuffed with chicken (200 gr.); fresh fruits; Green tea (200 ml.)
Sunday Oatmeal porridge with adding 3-4 pcs. almond; Green tea (1 tbsp.)200 ml. chicken broth with rye crackers (20 gr.); buckwheat porridge (180 gr.); Morse Fresh BerriesGreen appleLettuce leaves; meat cutlet for a couple (70 gr.) from chicken; Decoration of chamomile (1 tbsp.)

It is important to remember that a diet with the development of psoriasis provides for the need to use at least 2 liters of liquid per day.

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