Readings on the history of the ancient world Borukhovich Kuzishchin. Reader on the history of the ancient world: [studies

Reader on the history of the ancient world P o l R E.Da to C and E.I. and V. V. S T R U in the State NEF A G O G I C E C O E HOD AISTERSHIM EXTENSIME EXACTED RSFSR Ancient East utensils.r.zh.da E.On the Ministry of Education R.S.F.S.R . Mo about with K in a and 195 0 am I. S. Katsnelson and D. G. Raerere. The preface than the historian researcher, the historian of the researcher, threatened from our days into the depths of centuries and the millennium. If at the disposal of a scientist for studying the recent past there are thousands, and sometimes tens of thousands of a wide variety of documents, on the imposition of which from the point of view of philology does not cause Nick's doubts, then the historical historical person has to restore the past disappeared peoples and outstanding civilizations on jerk and scattered , accidentally surviving sources. The history of some countries, like, for example, Greece, Rome, China, is something better. Fully tradition has never broken here , Documents have been preserved enough, including quite a lot of very meaningful. Nevertheless, individual periods of their history, especially early, are still unclear. So, for example, we are very poorly aware of Greece of the VIII-VII centuries. BC e. Or about the time of the reign of the kings in Rome. The past of other countries has just recently the property of science thanks to the joint efforts of several generations of archaeologists. They removed the valine disappeared cities and temples, from the burial and residential buildings of the archives, victory inscriptions, letters and contracts, frescoes and reliefs, with the help of which we are now able to with more or less completeness to present the main events and facts of the history of the peoples of antiquity, in including the peoples of the near city, as well as to fill our knowledge of the oldest periods of ancient countries. However, the scientist is often in the power of the case. While the history of some peoples or periods, we are almost unknown thanks to the absence of sources, about other states of M Epochs, we are aware better. Track; Take to take into account other circumstances: "A relatively limited number of written monuments, their fragmen Tarity, one-sidedness of the content, the difficulty of understanding, due to the insufficient knowledge of the ancient language (many words and turnover, still do not yet, are solved or submitted), so and ambiguity and incompleteness is a stress. If in the bourgeois historiography of the new and the latest history, where it would seem, the documents are less than the personal kind of curvatologist and falsifications, we usually meet with a conscious distortion of historical realities, with the trendy interpretation of sources and subtasses of the facts, then with the greater Freedom are treated by bourgeois scientists with sources of ancient "history, in particular, with texts. Excerpture and incompleteness of the latter, the ambiguity and difficulty of the language of the road provide ample opportunities for the most arbitrary and contrived interpretations in the coating of a biased point of view of a bourgeois researcher, seeking to significantly or unconsciously fulfill the social order of their owners. These circumstances are largely and explained why modern Anglo-American sociologists, historians, economists, philosophers, etc., with such a hunt, are agreed by the distant past. They borrow from there material for all kinds of dubious comparisons and comparisons in the goal of excuses of the capitalist system, for the propaganda of the personal human-nurseful racial theories. No wonder, for example, the American Senator Theodore Bilbo in his book, published in 1947 under the sensational title: "Choose between isolation and transformation into bastards", seeks the dock to fill, using all the methods of fascist racism, which is the Aryan Civilizations of Egypt, India, Phenicia, Carthage, Greece and Rome died as a result of the fact that the ruling classes belonged to the Caucasian race made a mixture, sinking with non-anarchy races. From here, they are concluded about the threat of the death of the civilization of a white man, about the threat of the country itself as a result of mixing the blood of a white person with pre-orders of other races, primarily with the blacks 1. It is not by chance, of course, the most common in the modern bourgeois science in various Versions and modifications The concept of the development of society - the notorious "cyclic" TEO E. Meira - was founded mainly on the Mate Rial of the monuments of antiquity, for they provided him and his students and followers wide possibilities of free and tendency interpretation due to the specified features inherent in them . Only with the help of the only scientific method, the method of dialectical and historical materialism established by the laws of social development and the basic stages of it, it is possible to determine the main features of the first class formation - the slave-owned, inherent in the ancient peace. Only when scientists approached the study of sources from the standpoint of Mar Ksyist-Leninist theory, they were able to find out what was the coupling 1 D. N. m. С С и и и и о и о и в г е and Mpeitalism a. "GRS of the OSS of FP KN" OFIA ", 1948. No. 2. P. 272. Claus the emergence, existence and death of the first class of owls, slave-owned states, regardless of whether the last one of the varieties of wood waste despoty or ancient polish - cities represented - State. This is the main merit of Soviet science. And here it is especially necessary to emphasize the principal need to work on the primary sources, for solely by a thorough analysis, a deeply thoughtful interpretation of each word, of each term, of each position, as a result of the exact definition of the general text of the text, you can come to a reasonable and scientific, corresponding to the objective truth of conclusions sources. Not only brilliantly confirmed the bone of the exercise on the development of the company of Marx - Engels - Lenin - Stalin, but, in turn, reinforced it with a specific material, thus, given the new proof of the genius of the founders of scientific socialism. Of course, the successes of Soviet historical science were not immediately reached. It was necessary to overcome and cosiness and traditions inherited from bourgeois science, and inherent in some specialists a worslet of the West scientists inherent in the continuity of the authority of KoriyeEv, and the conscious desire to inherently submit a distorted picture of the development of society. It is still unclear, some problems still serve the subject of non-disafferences and disputes, but the main thing is the nature of the slave-ownership society and the basic laws of its development, in particular, the ancient eastern, no doubt excites. Summing up reached by the Marxist historiography, enriched by Lenin and Stalin, we can come to the following conclusions on some of the most important issues. The first class societies arose where the geographic Skye Wednesday favored the acceleration of the development of productive forces and social relations and contributed to the transition from the community-generic building to the slave to the delicious, because the geographical environment "... is undoubtedly one of the permanent and necessary conditions Of course, it affects the development of society - it accelerates or slows down the course of the development of society "1. At the same time, of course, it must be remembered that" ... its influence is not a decisive influence, since the changes and development of society There are incomparably faster than\u003e changes and times the development of a geographic environment "2. The tribes of nomadic hunters and cattle breeders, who inhabited thousands of central Asia, Ara Vii and Africa, inhabited at the lowest and middle steps of barbarism 1 with t a l and and and , Questions 2 There are a, ed. 11th, 1945, p. 548. "Only staying in a small number, they could continue to be barbarians. There were shepherd tribes, hunters and warriors; Their method of production required the extensive space of the Earth for each individual individual, as it also has a hundred still today at the Indian tribes of North America. When they increasing among them, then the production area was reduced to each other. Therefore, the excessive population was forced to go to those great fabulous wanders, which marked the beginning of the formation of peoples in ancient and new Europe "1. So these tribes got into the valleys of the Nile, Tiger and Euphrat, Indea and Ganges, Juanhe, where the first class societies originate, the basis of the farm of which was agriculture, for it was here, in the valleys of great rivers, the conditions for its development were most favorable. "The state arose on the basis of the split of society on the nepper classes, arose to keep the most in the ultrasound most in the interests of the exploient minority," says Comrade Stalin. "Two main functions characterize the activities of the state: the internal (heads of NAI) is to keep the exodular majority in the ultrasound and external (not the main) - to expand its territory of its dominant class through the territory of other states, or to protect the territory of its state from attacks from others. states "2. The primitive-community system that has not been influenced by a more developed society, could not afford in its development of a slave-owned production method. He became a slave owner, A.Ne feudal. This is one of the main positions of Marxism related to public formations. Since the class society of the countries of the Ancient East has developed at the dawn of civilization originally, without the impact of other class societies, then all kinds of attempts to evof the existence of the elements of the semi-feudal system in them lead objects to the audit of the most important laws of the Marxist-Leninist teaching on the development of society. In ancient times, there was a double form of exploration relative to two different social groups of PAM. The first of these, the right to obtain rent-tax from ruralism - "agricultural population", goes back to deep antiquity, to the exploitation of the generic to know his fellow tribesmen, to relations still semi-attic. For example, this renovenalog was paid in the era of the decomposition of the generic system free Greek peasants of the Homerovsky period to their Basilev. Pharaoh Egypt could transmit to its approximate one or more rural communities to hold Marks and Es. Op., t. IX, p. 278- 279. 2 s t a l and n, of the Ros of the dew of Lenism, ed. 11th, 1945, p. 604. Taxes similar to those who were made by rural boughs in Basilevs. It is necessary to emphasize that in no case should not be compared to the newly named service imposed on the rural communities in the conditions of an ancient designer despotia, or Homerskaya Greece, or the royal period of Rome, with a member of feudal, as did the bourgeois historical tests, and after Nimes and some Soviet scientists. Rent Nag, "Dan", charged from free communities, is the ground-based, created in the context of a declared patriarch of a challenge. The second form of exploitation, inherent in ancient times, according to the statements of Marx, - the exploitation of the slave owner, the exploitation of kings, priests, to know, and then the most prosperous layers of the free "non-targered population" - slaves. Compared to the first form, it is more progressive. For if the exploitation of "agricultural population" dates back to semi-paliarichny affairs, the exploration of slaves was created in the conditions of class society and was growing, first of all, in working on the creation of gigantic with arms, primarily irrigation. The presence of these two forms of exploitation - patriarchal and slave-owner-and creates a peculiarity of the first class society that has developed in ancient times in Asia and in Egypt. From here you can conduct a clear and clear definition of an ancient sectoral society, as p about l u r a b o v l Е-p about l u p a t. R and a r x and l B II o g o. The leading, progressive in the East was then, naturally, the exploitation of the slave-owned. Therefore, we have the right to call these early-grade societies that existed in Asia and in Egypt in antiquity, in the epoch preceding the ancient world, also pp and m and t and in n o-p a b o v l a d el with to and m and. Thus, the ancient priests were the centers, with the help of which the dominant class (Tsar, Sweat, to know, commercially, the trade and roving layer is sometimes a military caste, etc.) exercise communities of Nikov and slaves. Numerous wars, ordinary for states of the Ancient East, were carried out in the interests of the dominant class with the aim of seizing slaves, wealth and territories of neighboring countries. For bourgeois science, usually the desire to oppose or separate the past countries and peoples of the Middle East from the oldest periods of the history of India and China. The first will consider it as predecessors of ancient, and, consequently, the European culture, which was fixed at the end of the XIX century. Franc the Central Union of the city of Maspero in the term "classic east", which especially abruptly emphasized the difference between the ancient civilizations of the Mediterranean and the area adjacent to it and the countries of the Far East. The first paid special attention to the construction of the World History. Meanwhile, for India and China, which made their share in the treasury, there was a vehicle culture in the era of the origin and the existence of TAIM, the same social and eco-nomic relations are characterized, the same general laws of development as for the countries of the Front East. All of them represent a single integer - one formation. This is confirmed not only by the last data of the archaeological excavations, but also an impartial study of written sources. Errorery, however, unconditionally identifying all countries of the Ancient East, without distinguishing the features of the development of individual states, as not, for example, to erase the differences in the history of attic, Sparta, Gheriya, Macedonia. Specific conditions should be taken into account that determined the distinctive features of the history of the existence of every nation. If Egypt and Babylon can be characterized as agricultural slave despoty, and in the first of them the unlimited power of the king reached apogee, the Phoenician state cities serve as an example of a typical trade and slave-selling society, in which the power of the king was limited to the most rich kartov. Similarly, Assyria is a sample of the predatory, a military-robber state that founded its well-being on ruthless exploitation and robbery of conquered countries. The history of primitive-slave despicity of the Ancient East is closely connected with the ancient world. Greece and Rome qualitatively, not fundamentally allocated among other ancient societies. They represent only the highest stage of development of the workshop. In the Novovavilon kingdom of the VII- VI centuries. BC e. We face such forms of slave exploitation as, for example, peculiarities, which are forced to recall the imperial Rome, and Sparta with its collective slave can be compared in this respect with the cities of Sumer's head of the beginning of the III Millennium. The examples have just been not identified. However, it is impossible to pass by some features that have primitive-slave-owned societies that distinguish them from ancient. These features: are primarily in the storage of the remnants of the primitive-communal system and the elements of patriarchal relations, in the long existence of the community and slow, congestive forms of its development, explained to a large extent that the basis of the economy of the leading eastern peoples is Irri Gated, artificial irrigation. "Agriculture here is built mainly on artificial irrigation, and this irrigation is already a matter of community, regions or central power" 1. From here, as a result, the extreme durability of the community-based 1 "P ISMO E Ngeels Marx", Coop, Op., T. XXI, p. 494. Forms of ownership of land. "In the Asian (at least the prevailing) form, there is no property of a separate person, but there is only its possession; Valid, the present owner is a community. .."one. It is connected with this and the Patriarch of Halny homemade slavery, so characteristic of most countries of the Ancient East. Further, for primitive-slave societies, a very typical unrelated unity of the city and the village. The cities are usually only as administrative, religious or shopping centers, and a significant part of their population are busy in agriculture. Craft and farming are still combined. The need to cohesive the efforts of individual communities for the sorah of the irrigation system creates at a certain level-development of the productive forces of the prerequisite for the formation of a political superstructure in the form of an eastern despoty, reached its most perfect incarnation in the unlimited power of the Egyptian pharaoh, like to God. They, as well as the Central East of the Central East, was carried out "... Connected Unity, implemented in the despote ..." 2, which blinked in a single whole rural community. It was they "... ... a solid basis for a stagnant Asian despotism" 3. The development of private property associated with the development of ze stranded, not irrigated by the community system of irrigation, so called high fields, and with the exploitation of slaves, leads to more or less rapid Depending on the specific conditions for the development of each country, the bundle of the rural community. There are persons deprived of means of production, forced to go to Kabalu to the rich. Over time, the latter will enslave them. Debt slavery and a heavy oppression, which was subjected to mass of ordinary communities in oriental desproys, prevent the use of slaves-wide slaves in a large number of labor. The number of service chambers was compliously small, and their work was not penetrated to such an extent in re messenger and agriculture, to oust him from there free drivers, as it took place in Greece and Rome. Direct Manufacturer in the countries of the Ancient East, along with a slave, a community remained, who, if he worked during the whole year not for himself, held the position of the slave. In other cases, when the community preserved enough forces for resistance to the oppression of the dominant class, uprisings were broken up, similar to the coup in the lagasha under Urukgine or in Egypt at the end of the Middle Kingdom ^ subtracting the foundations of the RA RAE and accelerating his death. However, this resistance of the communists was ultimately suppressed, 1 m and r to s, forms, p p unbeat eating P in Yu Sh and E Cap Italist Ichch Sku p r about years and rk aya roar Olya ", 1939, № 3, p. 158. 2 T A M F E, p. 152. I am Marx and E N G E L C, Coll. Op., t. XXI, p. 501. Pogging. and the oppression continued to be straightened; And since "the nickname communities replenished the rows of troops, then the ruin and the hardening of them was usually given to the weakening of the military potential of the state. Often it occurred therefore under the yoke of another, stronger in this time of the state, and then the mass of the worker population was tested by a double oppression until the conquerors themselves became mining of new benefits. The history of the Ancient Development of Egypt, Bavilo Research Institute, Assyria, Persia, as well as the later Hellenistic monarchies, gives that many examples. They included different tribes and peoples associated with only the strength of the winner. They were not united by neither political, nor eco nominal, nor national interests, since nations then did not exist. They could decay and disintegrated as a result of exacerbation of internal contradictions, as a result of strikes from\u003e out. "It was not a nation, but random and little related conglomerates of groups, disintegrating and united depending on the success or defeat of one or another for the soldier" *. Modern bourgeois science is striving to dimin or bypass the importance of the contribution made by the "non-anarchic" peoples of the Ancient Culture of the Culture, and in every way exols the "creative genius" of the trees of Ellinov and Romans, although those and others themselves pointed to Egyptians and Babylonians His teachers. Indeed, the better we get acquainted with the history and history of the culture of the countries of the Ancient East, the more we are convinced that it is here that the beginning of many sciences should be found here (although they are still neoty Lima from religion) - astronomy, mathematics, medicine. Here the first alphabet arise, and the first written literary works. Here are created the greatest monuments from basic art and literature. In Greece and Rome, science, literature and the art of slave-owned society reaches their heyday and for the first time in history are trying to free themselves from the shackles of religious worldview. Together with the cultural loss of Greece and Rome, humanity received both the cultural aid of the Great Civilizations of the Ancient East. Until the decryption of critical letters is not completed, it is impossible to give an accurate characteristic of the socio-economic structure of ancient Crete. However, the more fully, thanks to the success of archeology, our knowledge of it is, the more definite it can be argued that the currently established on this island at the beginning of the II of the BC. e. The state should be liked to other modern advisory-slave states in the waste Mediterranean. The Cretan Sea Power, submitted a part of the islands of the Aegean Sea, which was managed by 1 Stalin, cit., Vol. 2, ctd. '293. The king-despot and who was in the lively trade links with the surrounding countries, reminds the Phoenician Rod, although the political land, apparently, was distinguished from the latter's polling. The prosperity of the island largely contributed to its favorable position in the center of the world's trade routes. For a number of indirect signs, it is possible to establish the existence of a slavery to it, because only slaves could be used as rowers of PA of numerous courts of Cree Tyan who combined trade with a discrepancy; Only slaves along with under the involuntary local population could build huge, the cats of Festa and Knossos grew, put the road or work in workshops who produced goods for sales. Naturally, it is necessary that the enhancement of the exploitation and the ruin of the wide masses of the population ultimately led to the weakening of the Cretan der Jelli and facilitated the conquest of it in the XIV century. Mycean State, which united the peloponnese, islands, adjacent to him, and some areas of Central and Northern Greece. Socially-on-library system of the Mycke State in many ways reminded the organization of the Cretan Society. It is possible to think that the aristocracy of the childbirth, the well-being of which was based on the eligible economy, the exploitation of the agricultural population, in the obvious countries of conquered countries, in the robber wars and raids, used here in great influence, they limited the despotic power of the king. Crete combined Asian countries, Africa and Europe. Especially by the importance of its culture, bright, distinctive, but still testing the impact of the culture of other peoples (for example, Egypt and Hettov), \u200b\u200bwhich he in turn had had a significant impact. The origins of Greek mythology, religion and art and even legislation (for example, Gountpan laws) must be sought on this island, which was a link between the ancient therapy and ancient world. The stadial society of Gomerskaya Greece (XII-VIII century BC) is more primitive than the Cretan Sea Power or Mi Kensky State, since it was a society to the modesthell, revised. However, the path of its development was different, different from the path of development of the countries of the Ancient East, the latter can be attributed to that. The poems of Homer "Iliad" and "Odyssey" - our main sources - indicate that it is bypa "full bloom of the highest level of barbarism .." 1; Each adult man in the tribe was a warrior, not the foundation of the dally from the people of the public authority, which could be opposed to him. "The primitive democracy on it was eating in full bloom ..." 2. Classical for clarity 1 m and r to s and e n g e l b, sob. Op., t. XVI, part 1. "PR about and with x about f and e family, private with a municipality and ultimate a", p. 13. 2 t and m. GTR 84 l Deep analysis of the characteristic of the Homeric Society will give F. Engels in the conclusion of the IV chapter ("Greek Rod") of his devil's death "The origin of the family, private property and the state": "We see, thus, in the Greek generally, a strict heroic era is still in full The ancient generic organization is strength, but, at the same time, the beginning of its destroy: paternal law with the inheritance of property by children, which favors the accumulation of riches in the family and strengthens Semo in counterweights; The influence of property differences on the public system by forming the first launches of the inheritance nobility and monarchy; slavery, first of alone prisoners of war, but already prepare the ability to enslave their own tribesmen and even relatives; Making already degeneration of the past war between tribes in the sissy robbery system on land<и на море в целях захвата скота, рабов и сокровищ, превращение ее в регулярный промысел; од­ ним словом, восхваление и почитание богатстза как высшего блага и злоупотребление древними родовыми учреждениями для оправдания насильственного грабежа богатств» К Постоянные войны, которые способствовали объединению об­ щин, были основным средством добывания рабов. Однако раб­ ство носило тогда патриархальный, домашний характер. Труд рабов использовался преимущественно для домашних услуг или в хозяйствах родовой знати, которая стремится к закабалению своих соплеменников. Таким образом, в недрах родового обще­ ства формируются классы. «Недоставало только одного: учре­ ждения, которое обеспечивало бы вновь приобретенные богат­ ства отдельных лиц не только от коммунистических традиций ро­ дового строя, которое пе только сделало бы прежде столь мало ценившуюся частную собственность священной и это освящение объявило бы высшей целью всякого человеческого общества, но и приложило бы печать всеобщего общественного признания к развивающимся одна за другой новым формам приобретения соб­ ственности, следовательно и к непрерывно ускоряющемуся на­ коплению богатства; нехватало учреждения, которое увековечи­ вало бы не только начинающееся разделение общества на классы, но и право имущего класса на эксплоатацию неимущих и господство первого над последними. И такое учреждение появилось. Было изобретено г о с у д а р ­ ство » 2. Но было бы неверно отождествлять все греческие государ­ ства. Каждое из них шло своим неповторимым путем развития. И наиболее типичны в этом отношении два - Спарта и Афины, сыгравшие ведущую роль в истории Эллады. | Маркс и Э н г е л ь с, Собр. соч., т. XVI, ч. семьи, частном событием мости и г о су д а р с тв а », стр. 86. 2 Т а м ж е, стр 8 6 - 87. 1, «Происхождение Государство в Спарте возникло раньше, в результате пере­ населения Пелопоннеса после проникновения туда дорийцев, стремившихся силой овладеть плодородными землями и порабо­ тить окружающие племена. На основании свидетельств античных авторов закабаление илотов должно быть объяснено завоева­ нием, а не «экономическими условиями», как пытаются доказать буржуазные ученые и в частности Э. Мейер. Этот способ эксплоа­ тации, напоминающий по форме крепостнический, явился след­ ствием завоевания и был более примитивным, чем эксплоатация рабов «Чтобы извлекать из пего (раба. - Ре д.) пользу, необ­ ходимо заранее приготовить, во-первых, материалы и орудия труда, во-вторых, средства для скудного пропитания раба»2. Спартиатам этого не требовалось. Они силой оружия покорили илотов и заставили их платить дань. Различие между рабами и илотами сводилось в основном лишь к тому, что в первом случае победители отрывали побе­ жденных от средств производства и уводили их к себе для ра­ боты в своем собственном хозяйстве или продавали, а во вто­ ром случае они оставляли покоренных па земле и принуждали выполнять различного рода повинности. Для устрашения илотов и удержания их в покорности применялись такие средства тер­ рора, как криптии. Согласно Плутарху, эфоры ежегодно объяв­ ляли илотам войну, чтобы предоставить спартиатам право безнаказиого истребления их Столь жестокое обращение могло иметь место в античном обществе лишь по отношению к потомкам покоренных силой оружия членов враждебных общин или племен, а не по отноше­ нию к обедневшим членам своей общины. Илоты поэтому обычно всегда противопоставлялись лакедемонянам, членам господ­ ствующей городской обшипы, и другим представителям класса свободных, например, периекам Эксплоатация илотов (а также близких к ним по положению пенестов, кларотов и т. д.) харак­ терна именно для наиболее отсталых обществ, например, Спарты, Фессалии. Крита, древнейшей Ассирии и т. д. По сравнению с ними даже примитивно-раго"вллдельческие государства архаиче­ ского Шумера или Египта несомненно более прогрессивны. Иными были, причины р.о"зиикновенпя и пути развития клас­ сового общества в Аттике, которое «...является в высшей степени типгчпы.м примером образования государства, потому что оно, с одной стороны, происходит в чистом виде, без всякого вмеша­ тельства внешнего или внутреннего насилия, - захват власти Пизистратом не оставил никаких следов своего короткого суще­ ствования.- с другО"П стороны, потому, что в данном случае очень развитая форма государства, демократическая республика, воз1 VIII, 2 3 Ф у к и д и д I, 5, "1; 11 я р. с. Маркс и П л у г а р х, 101; Л р и с т о т е л Политика 1, б, 2; С т р а б о н, л п и и, II!, 20 и т. д. Э и г о л!) с, Соб р. соч., т. XIV, «А н ти-Дю р и нг», стр. 163. Л и к у р г, 28. пикает непосредственно из родового общества, и, наконец, по­ тому, что мы в достаточной степени знаем все существенные по­ дробности образования этого государства» К Развитие производительных сил общин, объединившихся по­ степенно вокруг Афин, социальное расслоение внутри них, выде­ ление земледельческой аристократии, жестоко эксплоатировавшей своих соплеменников, концентрация земель, увеличение ко­ личества рабов, ростовщичество, расширение торговли и, как следствие, - рост денежного хозяйства, проникавшего «...точно разъедающая кислота, в основанный на натуральном хозяйстве исконный образ жизни сельских общин» 2. Все это «взрывало» прежние социальные установления и экономические связи. «Одним словом, родовой строй приходил к концу. Общество с каждым днем все более вырастало из его рамок; даже худшие отрицательные явления, которые возникали у всех на глазах, он не мог ни ослабить, ни устранить. А тем временем незаметно раз­ вилось государство» 3. Реформы Солона, проведенные в интересах частных земле­ владельцев и торговцев, устанавливали отчуждение и дробление земельных участков. Этим была отменена общинная собствен­ ность и разрушены основы общинно-родового строя. «Так как ро­ довой строй не мог оказывать эксплоатируемому народу ника­ кой помощи, то оставалось только возникающее государство. И оно действительно оказало помощь, введя конституцию Солона и в то же время снова усилившись за счет старого строя. Солон... открыл ряд так называемых политических революций, и притом с вторжением в отношения собственности. Все происходившие до сих пор революции были революциями для защиты одного вида собственности против другого вида собственности... в рево­ люции, произведенной Солоном, должна была пострадать соб­ ственность кредиторов в интересах собственности должников. Долги были попросту объявлены недействительными» 4. Вот по­ чему Афины, как и другие греческие полисы, не знали кабаль­ ного рабства. Последние остатки родового строя были уничто­ жены законодательством Клисфена. «В какой степени сложив­ шееся в главных своих чертах государство оказалось приспо­ собленным к новому общественному положению афинян, свиде­ тельствует быстрый расцвет богатства, торговли и промышленно­ сти. Классовый антагонизм, на котором покоились теперь обще­ ственные и политические учреждения, был уже не антагонизм между аристократией и простым народом, а между рабами и 1 С л ед у ет т в е р д о помнить, что крепостные отнош ения ф ео д а л ь н о й ф о р м а ­ не в р езу л ь т а те прямого зав оев а ни я, а в след ст в ие с л о ж н е й ш и х эк ономических условий. М а р к с и Энгельс, Собр. соч., т. XVJ, ч. I, ц и и с о зд а л и с ь стр 98. Та м 3 Та м 4 Т а м 2 ж е, стр. 90. ж е, стр. 93. ж е, стр 93. свободными, между неполноправными жителями и гражда­ нами» Огромное значение для Греции имели связи с Северным Причерноморьем, на которые следует обратить особое внима­ ние при изучении истории этой страны. Через Геллеспонт во время «великой колонизации» VII в. туда устремляются пред­ приимчивые торговцы в поисках нажпвы, политические изгнан­ ники, разоренные крестьяне и ремесленники в надежде на луч­ шую жизнь в далеких, неведомых краях. В устьях рек, впадаю­ щих в Черное п Азовское моря, в Крыму были основаны десятки колоний, которые вели оживленную торговлю с могущественной скифской державой. Трудно представить Афины, Коринф, Милет и другие полисы Эллады без скифского хлеба, сушеной рыбы, шерсти, мехов и рабов. В частности, снабжение Афин хлебом всегда было одним из основных моментов, определявших внеш­ нюю и внутреннюю политику различных политических партий. Дешевый привозной хлеб способствует интенсификации сель­ ского хозяйства торговых полисов. Благосостояние многих ре­ месленников и торговцев основывалось на обмене с Северным Причерноморьем. Не меньше было его значение > And in the Roman era, when you are from here products, raw materials and slaves have become even more intensive and spread beyond the Balkan Peninsula on the Western provinces of the Roman Empire. The penetration of the GRU North had an impact not only on the Scythians, perceiving the individual features of the Ellinian culture, and the neighboring peoples with them, but imposed a noticeable imprint to Greek to LONONS, who focused on the coast of the Black and Azov seas; In their art, craft and everyday life affects the existence of the Scythians. The Roman culture of a noticeable track, as is known, in the regions of the Northern Black Sea region did not leave. One of the main problems of the history of Rome is the question about the separation of the plebs - in many ways still remains unclear due to the sources. However, there is no doubt that, like Ilotochi in Sparta, the plebeians appeared as a result of conquest, and not after the socio-economic bundle of society. "Meanwhile, the population of the city of Rome and the Roman region, expanded due to the conquest, increased; This growth took place at the expense of new settlers, in part at the expense of the population of the continued, most advantage of Latin, districts. All these new citizens ... stood outside the old birth, "Kurma and the tribes and, following, were not part of the Populus Romanus, actually Rome of the Skogo People." 2. Reforms Servia Tully played in the history of Rome The same role as the reforms of Solon and Clisquep In the history of Athens. This is 1 Marx and Engels, 2 tons, pp. 10g. Cathedral cit., t. XVI, h. I, p. 97. There was a substantially revolution, which put the end of the Community-Rodo building and marked the transition to the state; "... The reason for her was rooted in the struggle between Plumbs and Populus" to a new one, the class owl society was determined by territorial, and not by generic bonds, the main importance in establishing political rights was the property situation, and not the origin. "It was so destroyed in Rome, even before the cancellation of the so-called Tsarist government, an ancient social system, resting on personal blood bonds, and instead it created a new, valid state device, which was the basis of the polo territorial division and property differences. The participation of the government focused here in the hands of citizens, obliged to serve military service, and was directed not only against slaves, but also against the so-called proletarians, not allowed to military service and deprived weapons. "2. Subsequent centuries of the existence of the Roman Republic are saturated with acute political The struggle between patricians and plebeans for expanding the rights of the latter, for the land, for the restoration of the arbitrariness of the Roshovshchikov. It is complicated, especially in the II-I centuries. BC e., the mass movement of the oppressed class of slaves, to which the poor is joined. "Rich and poor, exploators and exploited, flooring and dysfunction, the brutal class struggle between them is the picture of the slave-owned building" 3. First protest slaves, as, for example, it was in Greece in the V-IV centuries. BC er, wearing a passive character usually. Slaves spoiled tools and tools, ran away from their Lords, which is especially commonly case during wars, when the forces of the slaveholding state were distracted by an external danger. Sometimes slaves switched to the side of the enemy. So, during the Peloponnesian war more than twenty thousand slaves after the defeat of the Athenians during Decalee in 413 BC. e. They moved to the Spartans. Subsequently, the slave delicate policies were negotiated by the diplomatic way to protect the interests of the dominant class. The extension means of intimidation, and the specially delivered wanted service of runaway slaves were served. However, even passive forms of struggle undermined the foundations of the economy of the RA of the Bowholder Cities - States, and sometimes, especially during the war, threatened their political independence. An even more dangerous for the exploitrafts were open forms about the tester of slaves. They began in Greece in V c. BC e. And most often broke out on Peloponnese and in Sicily, where the number of rags was especially great. Essentially, the political system of Spartans and their administrative structure pursued one 1 m and r to s and e n g s l s, sob. Op., t. XVI, h. I, p. 107. 2 t a m., pp 108. 3 s t a l and n, in the request of Linism, ed. 11th, 1945, p. 555. The goal is to keep in the obedience of Ilotov and to prevent the kiev to anyone attempt to resist on their part. And the slaves were usually restrained in Sparta, because Ilota in the messenger belonged to one nation and it was easier for them to be easy against oppressors. Such were uprisings in 464 and 425. BC e. The first of them lasted over 10 years. Often the poor joined the slaves. An even more characteristic of Rome's slaves is still characterized, where the slave ownership has reached its highest development and, afterwards, class contradictions inherent in the ancient society were especially sharp. Dozens and hundreds of thousands of slaves who used in cities and latifundias as a result of victorious wars, cruel forms of exploitation, unbearably heavy gnnet, to which they were subjected to, concentration of land and wealth, detecting of the peasantry, which can not compete with the de Shevim labor - all created Prerequisites for protest in open and sharp shape. No wonder for stretching II and I centuries. BC e. In Sicily, in Malaya Asia, finally, slaves and free poor are repeatedly raised in Sav Rome. They are trying to achieve force from slave owners of what they can not get from them peaceful way: freedom and opportunity of secure existence. The uprising of slaves and lumpenproletariat, civil wars of the late Roman Republic fell out the foundations of the existing socio-economic system and ultimately led him to death. The slave owners were forced to preserve their domination to go to a new, more advanced organization - the principal - the hidden form of the monarchy, and then to the open-dominate. In the exacerbation of the contradictions of a slave-ownership society and, the challenge of its development is a progressive, world-historical importance of the risks of slaves and poor. At this stage, however, they did not lead to a change of one formation of another, more progressive, since they were not carriers of the new Society of protection, new production relations. That is why it is wrong to talk about the revolution of slaves in the II-I centuries. BC e. "The slaves, as we know, restrained, organized the riots, opened civil wars, but never could create a conscious majority of guiding struggle of parties, could not clearly, to what purpose go, and even in the most revolutionary moments of history have always been pawns in the hands of the state of the Utsny classes "!. Only when the development of the productive forces of ancient society prepared the ground for the emergence of new social relations, when the prerequisites of feudalism in the form of coluntism began to develop a slave-owned state, only then the slaves and collens were the class of revolutionary 'Lenin, Op., T. XXIV, p. 375, with the state *. Low, sweeping on its path, albeit under the slogan of return to the community-generic rank, the foundations of the slave-based slaughter formation. It was the revolution of slaves and colons "... Liqua drew slave owners and abolished the slave-owned form of the working manners" to it also facilitated the barbaric tribes to conquer Rome - "... all the" barbarians ", united the spooking of the common enemy and overturned Rome with thunder . Thus, this revolution contributed to the establishment of more progres to society at the time of society - the feudal society. These introductory comments give only a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe patterns of development of a slave-affiliate society and stere mate to facilitate familiarization with its main contradictions. Of course, they are far from being exhausted by the problems of the history of the first class formation, to deal with the documents placed in this book on the reader. This readstaturation is anew and substantially from pursuing from released in 1936 under my editors "Ready in ancient history". It not only exceeds the last volume, but is completely different in the composition of the texts that have entered into it and according to the principles based on their selection, and by the method of paperwork. The Reader is intended primarily for students of historical faculties of higher educational institutions and for preventors of history in high school. Students of the Reader should give material for seminars and samples, supplement and deepen the courses through the ancient history. We teach to the televisions, she seeks to facilitate the selection of texts and visual when measures for use on classroom and extracurricular activities. With it, it was decided to limit the documents reflecting only the socio-economic and political history of the countries and the peoples of the ancient world. Attracting cultural historical monuments would have made with a relatively limited amount of interests, significantly reduce some texts and abandon the premises of others, even very valuable. Therefore, sources on the history of culture are supposed to be included in a special collection, which compilers hope soon to release into light. Literary works were attracted only to the extent that they satisfied just the specified principle. A significant number of documents attracted for the first time appears in Russian. Many texts are translated again, the rest are most of the leaders with the originals. Before 1 s t a l and n, in the OP R O L E N and N and Z M A, 2 T A M I \u200b\u200bE, p. 432. Ed. 11th, p. 412. The translators were delivered to the task not only as soon as possible to transfer the content of the monument, but also to reproduce, as it is possible, its style and features of the language, in order to give to feel the originality of the era and every people, and it goes without saying that They sought to carry out this without disagreeing the Russian language (but in other cases consciously when running to archaisms). As for their own names and geogramal names, in the overwhelming majority of cases, generally accepted transcription is left. Special attention in all three volumes has been drawn to monuments that help link the history of the ancient world with the historian past of our Motherland (Urartu, Scythians and Kimmerians, Central Asia, the Bosporian Kingdom, the Caucasus in the Greek-Roman era). When placing documents, the basis of geographic and chronological principles are prescribed. New sections have been introduced in accordance with high school programs and historical facilities of higher educational institutions: antique historiography, Criton-Mikugenskoe society, Northern Black Sea Corrosion with the X century. BC e. According to IV. n. e. Entered introductory articles on documents. They contain basic information and is given a brief assessment and characteristics. Supplements and explanations to difficult and incomprehensible places of Cike will find in comments and notes placed after each text. All sections are accompanied by crawling methods, intended for high school teachers. They are located in the order corresponding to the presentation of the school textbook. However, the Reader cannot replace the textbook. It only complements the material contained in it and allows the teacher and the student with the help of the knowledge of the ancient history contained in it. Acad. V. V. ST Rove. From the compilers of the first volume, the first Tom of Krestomatia includes documents on the socioeconomic history of the countries of the Ancient East, namely: Egypt, two-frequencies, Syria, Phenicia, Malaya Asia, Urartu, Iran, India and China. It contains a large number of texts that first appear in Russian. For example, documents on the history of Hittites and China are almost entirely specifically translated for this publication. Monuments on the history of culture are attracted only to the insight, since they reflected the facts of political and social history. Further than in previous editions, the "In Diya" and "China" sections are presented, for the lack of sources on the history of these countries available to the mass reader is particularly tangible. Chronological dates, especially on the history of the two-frequencies, are given in accordance with the discoveries of recent years, forcing Wimy to revise and correct chronology III and II millennia BC. e. The Reader is intended for the seminar classes of stu of the historical faculties of universities and teachers of the history of high school. Methodical administrations that anticipate from the delometry chapters of the Crescents are intended to facilitate the teaching the body's use of a number of documents in school teaching. Egypt and well, bil and zh e n and with t o r i and e g and p t a z a t r u d n e n about the fact that d o s e d sh i d o n a s d o c u m n t s - p and p and r u s s n and d and s and with t e n a x x r and m about in, r about b n иц M e n y x p l and t a x etc., p. d a l n o n o n o n o r n o o c in ei and u t r a z l and h n s The sides of the living and -\u003e of that station. PR and I and ZH EN AND AND AND AND STRIA EN AND P T A, K A K and S T O R I D R O R Y H S T R A N D R E V N E G O Breeding Oka, in the city of n and i h i t e l i d o l i t e l d o l l n s b lying in o p r o s s s s About C and a l n o - e to about n about m and ch e s k o y y zn and - etih with t r a n. P about l o zh e n e t r u d i u and x with me mass - w and zna bov, about b u n n and k about in, g about r about d with k and x E M E C L N N I K O V I E K S P L O A T A T A C N I N A R YOE V L A C T S YU, C Vending Cote and X R A M O oh zn and g s o, f and k t l and s s o v o v o r b b s i s o p r o t i l n i i u n e t e n and Yu - all these m o m n t s d o l zh n o n o z m and alive and z l o f n s at r about k a x . K from about a l e n and at that in the r e m i k a k o r o m n o e k o l and ch e s t in about r e l and g and o z e to t about in (in chasters t and, z o p o k o n y x) s o x r and l o s b, the number and with t about h n and C O C P A LE P O - "- OK A LE AND O M P C O S K O S I P O L I T S I C O R A HISTOR SP About NE Veliko. P o e t o m d l i in o s s t a n o v e n i n e n o t o p y x and with t about r and h c and x C O B y T and X and X and Rakteristiki P about lies EXIOLATIRMIERS M and with with We are not r e d k o b r and u and i with me to p a m i t n and k a m \u200b\u200bx d o zh e s t e n o y l and t e n n o l and t e r i tours in n asto paceted documents that may be with ol b about in a n s d l i l l l u s t r a c and and b about l and n with t in and uro to o in, p about with in y and n n y x and With T Ori and Egypt. N and in in about d n about m z and n i t and, g de x and r a k t e r and z u t s i p r and r about d and with t p A n s l e d u t o b r a t i t s i k o t p и к и з с о с и о с и и о с E about r and f and with t r a b o n a (l ° 1). Accounting and t e l d o l n n n n e r e s k a and t i with in about and m and with l about in a m and at the same time n o k a and t A R T E T E C N L A L A, D E L S T U, K R A S N O M O P O R E (A R A V I S C C I Y Z A L I C), Me e r and d about in about Oz Ero. N and d about s p r about s and t k any, at the same time, and a n and e n and p t a b l o s o s r e d o t o ch e n about almost and with k l u h and t e l n o b e r e g a m n and l a, why a n e l b s l o o b r a b a t s in a t З З ЕЛ и и и и и е Е в и и о и о и и и и и и о с и и и о т о с и о т т о B of them in n and m and e at the rifle of the terrain and the highest of the chains, about to and y m l i y y and x n and l s k u to l and n y. G about in about r about p l o d o r o d and and ry and p t a, s l e d u e t a r e m i o b r a t l in n and m and n And on the n e r and in n o e rn o e r and s p decoys and. O С o b e n o n y zh n o p o d h e rk and in a t m o g u u u s t in about zh u t o v z a b r a v and w and x with eb e l u h and e z e m l and d l i n o z with n e n i etc about z a h and t l s t a t i s t and and e d and n y ei from d a r s t n n o y r a m o t y r a m s И с и ив (№ 29), where in n o m n u t s Not t o l k about r and z m e r y x p and m o in x oops with t and y, but also the number of ra born, z and n i t y in them, and t and to The contributions of the temple subjects, not and thereby, of their Earth, and is full of them dependent on them from the arrangement of the risks. To rum e g of a closer, Ze M L, received from f and he and a to the military leaders to indicate that it is in AV Tobiographer II chief of rowers I x m with sa (L, I 6). To find out about the Egyptian HD OK and the role of the Egyptian HD OK RAT and the role of the parata, p ok oh eopes and si eihipetsky in spruce Maju (No. 6) and X U C F X O R A (No. 7). Ekotors of the places of them Sli U. PR O Read in the classroom and the volume of the thread, for example, EP and Z O D with Sitney Anna and I eat four n and Calnikov (and s-inscriptions), P Recranny Har and uch and th arrived in triga, or poetic description on how well against the Bedouya new, in which the Naja is alone and the Zbi Yeni and o r r a b l e n and oh r a b l i e m Ask their region. About with about b about e a matter of nautical arms to the mention of the prisoners and put the Poord of Chen Qami question: why were these prisoners? N and d about to bring them to the idea that the conquering of the wars were ei z b to the workers of the countries of the country, n y d and in the village of d and rov . It is worth mentioning about the main award, obtained from the f and r and o n a, the onset of the coffin, and clarify that, from the point of Zrena, Togd A Shn and X Egyptians, p o d o b hi d There was a Mash Koi, because it was known to the X and God of Ati X L Y D E th, there was a matter of death for the death of death to prepare a member of death O rf. And the inscriptions of x-ek about r a c l e d u t read p ЕР ЕН Енелен и и о и и на на и р а на на на и и рость at the same time about this country. Will a question: what did it spend a f and r and about n rum, collected from the Egyptians themselves and bought from from Sedn N and x Pherni\u003e N? - And instead of answering, read the description of the construction of the pyramid (LG ° 5). ПРЕ Л Ж and in the disciples ourselves to calculate how much cf is a phe in his hell about and l about Hekui sv for the post of Ryuka z d and the examination of Avy Ate what kind of economy of Egypt ech ech ech echo br and zna m and ck o d o v a n and y about the absenteee of the force (m o g o instructed the students to calculate the PR ILL P Udd D n It is built by her P IR and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for 30 L E T). With ATD, about the first of the masses, at the expense of whose NA, he, His in Elm Co., and Officials. Oh ukh b n o lee clerk actteri from «По и и и иатора и и о на у а и и и и и и она больное terk oh (No. 11), a t and to the scene from a story with "to the raspberry of the army of the peasant" (LA 12), where about p and the ogu r a b l e and e and zb and e and e Neither r than no obey worker. Tov, the poor Yak and the complete used ESP R ABOV led to a major uprising in 17c0. D about N. e. D l in order to N and GL I DN O and ZOB AZH is a rebellion, tie to read in the class excerpts from "Rhine and P of Primary A" (No. 13). At ETSM, it is necessary to explain who was and P UVSR, and p p of the pupin, that it is critically critical. In -per, it is poetic, it is poetic, and in it not d and n about the sytic system and p OSRESHNY CSO and EHR and I have events; SHE E D E T ON TRA ATTENTION TO THE RAMERY ROF, P On the template of the template, is repeated and those In the attacks of Tsania, poetic anti-balance, for example: "See, the one who did not have a new property, became owner of wealth; The owners of wealth became poor. " Secondly, it's under stress AV Torah addiction. L u h Ш e just, if the students themselves sd eating this conclusion. D l I would be able to skillfully put & EPROSS ". How and Louvugo is worn to the uprising described by him? Soca will it fall to the rebel? P o d b and r a n o d x about d ich and e passages, n e o b about d and m about give students to understand that both PAUTSR, CGG Typical r ab o in l a d ate Any attempt on the private with BST in YNN about the bruise crime and r a with a painted star as a refractive for the elastic corrugationality of Lu DSK (his zh and x Ser D, Missing Brother Liu Bvi and D R y b s). It is then to also belong to the disciples that at all times and Zkep Loat Ayu rch in the artist and d v and zh, I called the depressed to M and Loserith and humanity, and emphasize IC EMI of all these appeals. When it becomes clear Classes of Aya Waverk A "P of the Rhinestroi of Ipouver", m about zh about calling one of the students, instruct him to read the st roft of stubborn, "and establish what we m about believing is that is a clear exaggeration f For example, f p and for "Neil Pottil to R OAI"), G D E is also felt with the taskless events or misfortune. N and d about setpiered social composition in about with I became (the cr of the Kyrgyz Republic, he who did not have the order of the kiss of bulls, that is, d o l ЕН ЕН Е Е ЕЛ ЕН ЕН Е ЕЛ ; it is necessary to clarify that it was the very tough t r at e). In M Eat e with the fact that the question of the social groups against which It was directed about the uprising (courtiers and princes, officials, the IT of the IC of IC and, for example, the gold, and t. d.). In a zh n o o b b b b b a b a (otvka from payment of the PPDATE, then an open uprising, the AM and ENI of the Exploators, UN ICH Tov in Gosud and Rossi x u h u hh r h rzhni and i x; n ado explain that on the edge of these d about kaytera's officials, whether the collection of Ned OI IOC, and show the drawing to the educational IKE "P unrelated nogov "). Very much in a g n o n render to the disciples that religion is always with l y and t of the support of the joint venture of the class and about the C o b e n o this is manifested during wide n and native d in and f and y and y. And the relatives Rel Igiizen (N and D Oh read the places where it is about with about Ben N about strongly h uv. He d e t of salvation from God and r a. His specialist is noticed by the r and n o d u sh and e l y d e y to religion, about with k in d e n and e chramov, n oz oh oh n o st b to perform all n red . N i g n o p to provide the connection of state authorities and the ferech in Egypt and explain that p ae n and e a thoritet of f and r and she (acting about p isan and e Deorza) d o l n o r o ligiosis is married, Som Nen and e at a century of eats, eats in gods (and b about himself f Aran was considered to be his son but) . On the question of p tattah, the disciples themselves, of course, with the help of p p ezod, and in a t eery, reading the places where they say about the oppressed, which and the ST AN acted in l and d hel b a m and, about miscarius, z and x in a and talls x is a richer of the private ownership of Enl Aststi from about x hands in d r y giye, that it is not an attempt to change frequently with the BST in ENN about the student and a slave. Student d o l f e n understand that the uprising It was a spontaneous and did not know in the NE EU, but on the new beginnings, but I r and the SM and T HL and I played the power of P about Lo F, ate The mouth of the r and boas hell ah of a building, although the rebels themselves are not created by Ali. In connection with the social shocks and H ADO, it is also studying and externally understood. N and w eats in the Gixos to Egypt, I had about the success of EX in the meaning of the degree in the rvel of the poor Yak Ov and R A Bev, about Sl A b and in S E E about the country. ON PO and C A Research Institute of this, the second of the struggle, the teacher is used by the use of ianefon (No. 14), p about the State Duma and Yu inscription f AR A He and to Amos (No. 15) and and in that B and the rivant f and y Velm, I could innocent (JVG 16), the retells of them in their own words. N and D about the attention of the attention of students on R A Zh Egypt. Gixos U T in E R Y D AYU TS I D E L S T E, and South Soon, about about and in Aet Xia Independence. D l I press the gixos of the Code uses the River Fleet, PR OISHO D I T Combined Fights on SuC E and Water (No. 16). GIXOSOS, P O P A D A Y Y Y Y E C POLY, ON PRICE AS ESSE (A number of approx EP В № 16). Dr. go to the head of the OEV and those flax politics f and r about n about in the new kingdom. N E OBCH O D and M O PON ACCESSITY OF PUBLINES WITH DIFFERENT TYPES OF NOTES, X AK TERCH AND COUNCH POLICIES; with annals f and r and oh (j4 ^] 6): n about the shades of the Stago official Ha Racter, the system atly set off and the move of the military action, and with a tale oh, with the u j, S l y f and t r ea l n i with about the description, the description of which is glittered about poetic fictions (№ '20). Sun Etime We need to pay attention to the question about the causes of wars, their goals and meaning, indicate that Egypt SK IE Letopian sang and according to -\u003e: h I don't think how to hide the robber x Ak Terke and in Ho to the famous * f and r and Onov. In a well to emphasize that any r a b about in e is eating in the new r in the new r abah and it is a d e l a e t n e and Z b e n o y and gressing vn uu ex nudeu politics. N and d about clearly and impudently clarifying to whom such politics was beneficial. P poisonous peasant and crafts, enrolled in arms and shedding blood into the glory of F AR A, she won anything from p decompositions of the Sing of United States in Asu Ya and N at Bay. This is clearly seen from school feasures (No. 3 0), which Ylata elated to read in the class entirely, and to remind the time that by pressing I, I, and I am a part of the military prey p fall in the hands of Va, the military "IKO (examples from number 16), the highest officials. With l echo on the map of the Military Day, to outline the boundaries of the Hett kingdom, which became in the XV - XIII centuries. The main enemy of Egypt, Kohl's questions of the military equipment, IS olzulya Ille Ratz II from the textbook or AT Las (b about the chariot, assault to the rosity), and t a k b Sewards you are injured and I'm from the huns of TMOS III, x A R A K T E R I IS Y Y Y Y Y I EN YOU YEY OF WAR (NE PI EPO, O S A D MEG ILDO). H ADO show that R Aboven Agelo is a state after a series of row pouring Wars are ready to come to the agreement when nm u r o zh and u t in the nutrone of the enemies - n s nni. It is very indicative in this respect D Or R A M C E C A II with Hat Tska C ARM X-AGTUCH ILEM (№ 2 7). And it is a cerial And zn about read about the place, which speaks of a mutual assistance with p about d and in the rising. RF Er A W n and e enemies are becoming a d r at the z and, when this, oh oh, I am called advantageous, and together according to the joint efforts. Very much in a g n about the OST AN OVI on the OR GAN and ZAS, G about Su d and r with TV en o g about the apparatus in Egypt. Abundant material for this D A T P P of Essentials in EP Ho B N O O С and NOW (№ 2 1). In this, there is a very river of Efn N about B and Co., Egypt. In C E Note, Fal Lena and Su d and CX, in the hands of OD but g about the Sa Mebornik, to Ohzor Oh D about in E R Y E T f ar. Osn Ovny for D A C A M and G OSUS A RS TV YN But G about up Parata Jaws I am about rk a b l i e a r o yes (o t tall about climbing the dates for her) and the OR GAN and ZAI IRRIGATION SI STI (N A B L YOU D E N E E EMO (N A B L YOU D E N E NO ON THE EQUIPMENT OF CHANNES AND PLENTINS, EXTENS etc.) in d o p o l n and e to the third function, with which the students were acquainted with pp ei dt and e donta (o g r a b l e n o EV Ann s p. D l I have a kon's turn to the terrace of OP ISAN and E E E C C P E DICE X ATCH EP SUT C D A LEKE PO SUT (now. With Omal and) and listed The ozi, who were brought from this country to Egypt, arrive on the fact that it was almost and sch and teln about p p em of luxury, n y f e for a queen About B and Nozni (No. 17). In order for ki n o n, Iikov, h\u003e That Mr o city eats in about Egypt and his PR OCV Ethany was the Wed of Avnitel Lo Ned Olgim and fragile. The end of the mestes of the IPET IPETSKI FIR AR NO OI M NOZH NO O PR ON PO PO "PRESS NUTESH YESTE YUM". This d ok at the Internet for us is that he was about b. (V. S. g of deer Schchev) and is kept in Moscow ( In G O Court A R ST Venn about M M u Z E E E E E of the arts of art). P o d r o b n e s o d e r zh a n and ei n a d o p e r o e d o p ore and compare the situation, with l about w and in the village of Asia In the XI century (I am with about with t and on the basis of d and n about g o d o k u m ya) with o b clar ovka oh at the beginning of the XV century. (Time T U T M O SA). It is a question of the question of them to answer the question why M is the discharge of the Egyptian der W and about the lifestyle. R and Zva l a large rk Akvl Adek Oku Kurzhev wanted the veil of external enemies (Libyans, Nubi residents, Assyrians, n EP with c). As p RIM EP A M O J N Owards to bring excerpts from the colorful and P ORD ON on the inscription P Jahanhi - Nubian Tsar, P Ooo P and VS His Ypet in the VIII century. d about n. e. (№ 3 4). It is especially necessary to underline the number of Egypt during this period, the presence in K and a d o m r o d o n oo n ezav ix m about go king (in the inscription pianha T r a n o n o with complete about tallest). R A C P A D Egypt to the Department of Low Mal Mr of Thesscency and Obsc and Masc Coon of Circularities and L C O R A B and L Oh WH About J, the head of the OEV ATERS. No. 1. NIL and its spills (Strabo, geographer, XVII, 1, 3- 5.) S t r a b about n - o d in the vowesta of the NAST EGRO. R is the same in the city of Amasia (m and I am As I) in the 60s. d about n. er, mind EP in 24 g. e. In 24 BC e. In the retinue of the Roman governor of Egypt, Egypt Galla visited this countries in and pokyhali from Al Ekand R and and D about the border H bending and. To the question, he said, he visited the earthly from Armen II D about Sardinia and from H Epo N Og about Ethiopia. On the countries in which Strabo did not have, he is for and m in about the W-Wahh x Pisate Fir. 0 including u d n o g o from you d and uch and x and yki a l ekand r and ysk about the school e r and Tosfa Ena from Kyrena (2 75 - 195 d about n. E.) , the author of many compounds according to M and T e matics, f and losof and, chronology, etc., N A and B O L E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E D H AD - "Geographer" in 3 Books in which he is on lies to the Establishment of the study of this science. She often called Sia Strabo. He himself with T R A B, he wrote TP U D, T A to the name of the name "Geogr AF", in 17 books, where OP IZAL is all Iznnya E in the country. The ebook of an essay is an important historical source, since the number of F of Ak Ticqueous material is an important historical source. ... 3. It must, however, to say more and first about Egypt to move from the more famous to more. And this country is [Egypt], and adjacent to it, and at her country of Ethiopians get some common properties from the Nile, for during the rise of the water of the river, making them inhabited by only the part of them, which is covered [water] during The flood, lying above and farther from the flow left on both sides of the non-deprivable and desert due to anhydrous. However, Nile proceeds not through all Ethiopia, and he proceeds not alone, and not in a straight line, and on earth is not well inhabited enough: according to Egypt, it flows one through the whole country and in direct Linsh, ranging from a small threshold for Siena 1 and Elefantina 2, which are the border of Egypt and Ethiopia, to the fall in the sea. And indeed, Ethiopia live mostly like nomads3, poor because of the scarcity of the country and non-life of Kli Mata and remoteness from us; The Egyptians also fell out the opposite, because they live from the very beginning of the state and cultural life and settled in famous places, so that they are known. The Egyptians enjoy a good reputation, as it is believed that they are a decent way to enjoy the whims of their country due to the reasonable separation of her and care about it. Choosing the king, they divided the mass of the people and the name of some warriors, other - farmers, the third - priests; The care of priests is subject to sacred affairs, and the rest of the rest are human; Among the last one was involved in the affairs of the military, the other in the same peaceful - agriculture and re kneols, they were precisely the Captation of King. The priests were engaged in philosophy and astronomy and were the royal companion. The country was originally divided into Nomen 4, and ten nomes had a phivaida5, ten - the area in the delta and sixteen - the area lying in the middle; Some say that all Nomov was as much as the courtyards in Maze 6, and these latter were [not] less than thirty [six]; Noomas again had other units, for the majority were divided into toparchy, which in turn were divided into parts, the smallest of the same units were separate fields. It was necessary for the exact and small division due to the constant mixing of the boundaries, which produces the Nile at flooding, reducing and increasing the individual parts by changing their shapes and destroying all sorts of signs in which others differ from their own; Therefore, new measurements were required. It is said that hence the geometry arose, just like Phoneyan, the art of the account and arithmetic arose thanks to the trade. As all of the population and all the people in each number were divided into three parts, and the country was divided into three equal parts. The work of Pa River is so diverse as much as you need to win the nature of the battle. At the very nature of the country, the country brings many fruits, and due to irrigation, even more; Naturally. A greater rise of the river irrigates more land, but a hundredth sometimes replenished what nature refused, so with a smaller climax of water, the same land was irrigated as the larger thanks to the channels and dams; So, in times to Pocronia7, the greatest fertility and the rise of water were then when Neal rose to fourteen elbows, to Gda, for eight [elbow], hunger was hunger; When he [Petronia] managed the country and the height of Nile reached the twelve of the civy, the fertility was the greatest, and even when the water height of water reached just eight [elbow], no one felt hunger. 4. Nile flows from the boundaries of Ethiopia in a straight line to the north to the so-called Delta terrain. Then he, divided by the Verkhovyev, as Platon8 says, turns this terrain as it were to the top of the triangle. The sides of the triangle form the sleeves dividing in two directions, descending to the sea, on the right side towards the peluoiy9, with the left to the cauldron 10 and the neighboring so-called herakleyu11, it serves as the bank between Pelusius and Herakleon. Thus, the flow of two sleeves and the sea is cut off, which is called Delta for the similarity of the form; However, the area of \u200b\u200bthe top is the same as the top of the mentioned figure, and the village located there is also called Delta. So, at the Nile [there is] two of these mouths, of which one is called Peliansky, the other is NPO and GERACLEY; between them [there are] five other mouths worthy of mentioning less - even more, because many sleeves branching from the very beginning all over the island have formed many streams and islands, so that the whole island has become shipping, because in a large number of rods channels For which they are swimming with such an easyness that some uses with clay boats. So, the whole island has about three thousand stages in a circle, called it along with the opposite river area of \u200b\u200bthe Delta of the lower country; It is all hiding at the spills of the Nile and, with the exception of housing, becomes sea; The latter are erected on natural hills or mounds, so that significant cities and de jealous have made a view of the islands. More than forty days, water is kept in the summer at the height until it starts to subscribe; The same is the same when lifting [water]; For sixty days, the plain is finally exposed and dries; The faster the drying occurs, the most likely the package and sowing are made, and most likely where hotter is. In the same way, the earth above Delta is irrigated; In addition, the river approximately for four thousand stages flows in the forward direction in the same way, except if any island get somewhere, of which the most significant one that makes the heraklasky, or if somewhere The river flow is deflected by the channel to any large lake or the area that it can irrigate, as, [for example], is the case with [Ka Naly], the irrigating Arsinoskin and Merido Lake 12, and [ka by pitch], pouring out in Mareotide 13 . Talking briefly, Oroshai my region is only the part of Egypt, which lies on both sides of the Nile, starting from the borders of Ethiopia and reaching the top of the delta, and the continuous stretch of the dwelling of my land is only somewhere reaching three hundred stages. Thus, with the exception of significant deviations, the river is similar to the extended belt. This form of the river valley, which I say about, and the whole country give the mountains, descending on both sides from the surroundings of the Siena to the Egyptian Sea 14: as they are erased and for what distance they are removed from each other, the river itself is so narrowed and and different "so zom changes the shape of the dwelling ground; around the corner the country is mostly uninhabited. 5. Ancient writers mostly on the basis of guesses (who lived later as eyewitnesses) argued that the Nile was navigated from summer rains, which go to the upper Ethiopia and Property In the extreme mountains, and that, as it stops, it stops gradually and flood. This is an obvious to those who swim in the Arabian bay to the Kinpontone Country 15, and for those who are sent to the hunt for elephants ... So, ancient It was called Egypt only that part of the country that is inhabited and irrigated by the Nil, - starting from the surroundings of Siena to the sea; later writers added to our time To the east, almost all of the space between the Arabian Bay 16 and the Nile, from the Western regions, the country to Avaseev and on the coast from the canopian mouth to Catabatma 17 and the region of Kirenz 18. P. O. V. K U D R in C: in a. 1 S and E N A - GRUCH E ENGIPT SK OI SPORTAY AND SUAN, R A SP O L O Y Y Y Y Y Y Y V EP OSO NO OGA - Contemporary H L N A SS UA N. 2 Elephant Inina - "Island on N and L E OK OKO of the first threshold against Siena and R A JV about the Mountains of the Mountains. Egypt SK OE H Azaviya - "A bu" - "ilon", since the ch e r occurs from the city of Egypt from the Ts Yen Trika al oh oh Af Rica with a new bone. 3 N o m a d - p a st essh ESK IE nomadic phem eh a. 4N Ohm - Grech Esch Azv Ani E about Bl Asty, for which I am Egypt. According to Egyptian d, there is their n and n and t s in a l o s b 42. 5 f and in a and d A - GREF CHUE N AZNA ON L ASTI in Yu N about M Egypt, adjacent to About the genus at the volatile. L and B and P and NT Ohm Greeks P R PS and CO O P U H Y Y Y Y F A R A N O M XII Dynasty Amen EMHET III (1 8 4 9 - 1801 D about N. e.) x r and m in f and u m soundt, about a zi, r and s p about l o n n n n n n n a n and d from the valley of the Nile. 7 PE E T R O N I Y - "Roman Vicer of Egypt Yry and Mr. A August E in the 20s. D about n. E. 8 Plato - famous Greek f and l about c o f - and d e a l and with t (4 2 7 - 3 4 7, d o n. e.). 9 p e l u s and y - uk repflaska y y about r about d -thest n oh Grand Prix Egyptl. 10 K and N about p - th r o d u mouth for p a d n about g about the hands of Ava Nile. 11 G E R A K L E O N - C Ord in Egypt BL from Kangop. 12 N Ohm and Lakes O, N and Kh about d and Ya, in the Fa and Yu M Skim, O. 13 m Areota Ida - about the sir of Egypt, near Al Exandr and and, about the bonds of the AOPSK of them P bye. 14 Egypt Society M O R E - S R E D and Z E M N O E Sea. 15K and n and m o n o n o n o n o n o n o n i d в и о о за о и он о она Олуоское Олооостростроветроветор, with a yen time. 16 A r and in and y with to and y z a l and in - to r and with n about the sea. 17 Catabatma - Fortress and Port on with R. and Zer N about M Sea. The west of Egypt is the most Western Point of EEE EEV at the Yu Epoch. Conferentially - and to Ab oh-and with him. 18 W and T E L and Greek colony of Kynen on sowing Er n o and f r ik and. No. 2. Nature of Nubia (Strabo, Geogr AF, 1, 2, 25.) ... Ethiopia lies in a straight line directly for Egypt Tom, in the same respect it is to the Nile, but has other terrain nature. For it is also narrow and long and are prone to flood. The ones outside the limits of the flooded [part] and desert and anhydrously and is capable of insignificant settlement both towards the east and towards the west. P. O. V. K U D R in C E in a. № 3. From the ancient Egyptian annals, Dr. Egypt, Egypt, they were drawn on so n Aza, "P A L E R M S K O M e "(p o m u z it in the city of the city, in Italy, where he is XP and I). N A D P and SM is very trial and for understanding due to a r ha and obstacles of the language and letters and the F R Agm Naentar Noste. It is carved with Diorites of the plate from Diorites, from which the Uz Hell was minor about l OK OK - 43,5 SMU; 2 5 cm. Starting from the second row, each rectangle, to which the row row, with About d e r and t A brief record of the main events, the teaching at this time. In the p r o meh u t k ae e g d u stroes and, n and faith u to a g d about r about a number, stood the name of the king. The names of D about D in Ast and Chesky X Tsar (Upper RA D) and the I-II dynasties were inscribed on non-Stel. In the rest, ending with V dynasty, were on the BR at the BR. Like an asshole of the Aza, the text, the text is very f p and M Mentaren, and only with the legs of the place of the place P OD AYU T XIA with in a nasal ya. The excerpts in which the events of the rule of the board are observed in the rendering of the rule of the rule of the rule of the Board with the III st and i), sh ep sesca a f а (p about s l n e g o f a r a o n and iv d) and in the energie to af (per in oo f and r ao n a VD and N and Vihi), rules in the first quarter of the 3rd Millenniums: Straulov Sous D about B and Temples, P about W Er T in Wan Iia Hr Amaam, tired of the holidays, p occasion and t. P. P E P E C O D C C C CH A FER, EIN B R UC HSTU CK A LT A G Y P T IS C H E R A N N ALEN. A b h a n d lu n g e n der k o n ig lic h e n p r e u s s i s c h e n a k a d e m ie der w i s s E N SC H AFTEN. R ^ Erlin, 1902. N and C A L O ON LOM Oh: N E X in A T AE List of Events 10 or P Years. Year x +1. [Birth] of both children king Lower Egypt1. Year x + 2. Building from a vessel tree to a hundred elbow "Casement of both lands" and 60 sixteen [elbow?] Tsarist Baroque. The ruin of the country of Nekhsey 2. Delivered 7000. Claimed, men and women, 200,000 heads of large and small cattle 3. Building the walls of the South and Northern country [called]: Fortresses (?) Snowfra. Delivery of 40 ships with (?) Cedar de roar. Nile lifting: 2 elbows, 2 fingers. The construction of 35 fortresses ............ Building the vessel "Worship of both lands" from cedar wood and two vessels in a hundred elbow from a tree -M EP. Number 7th time 4. Lifting the Nile: 5 elbows, 1 palm, 1 pallets. Year x + 4. Building [buildings?] "Highly Corona Snofer on South Gates" and "High Corona Snofra on CE faithful gates." Making doors for the Tsarscohn Palace of Palace Cedar Tree. Note 8 times 5. Lifting the Nile: 2 elbows, 2 palms, 23/4 fingers. (D A LE E E R A SZ U EN.) Pharaoh Year 1. ShepsBef. The phenomenon of King Upper Egypt. The phenomenon of the king of Lower Egypt. The compound of both lands. Bypassing [around] walls. Holiday - Seshed 6. Birth of both UPUs7. The king worships the gods that united both lands ... election of the place for the pyramid "Sky Schinsshecka 8". (Duty, except for the Criminal Procedure, in the first century, only N izh n ies viorals were only.) Pharaoh dusty. Year x +2. The king of the Upper and Nizhny Egypt Usurkaf sacrificed the shaft (literally: did) as his monument for: Heliepol spirits 9 20 sacrificial rations10 in each ... Holiday, arable land 36 printed (Aruir) P ... in ... Land Usurkafa. The gods (the sanctuary of the God of the Sun ...) of the Sep-Ra Pakhtote of Naoya 24 medium inspected ... 2 bulls and 2 geese daily. [God] of the RA - arable land 44 medium faith (goddess) huts - arable land 44 printed in the north. The gods of the "House Mountain" Jeb cheer (?) Arable land 54 will pronounce. The construction of the chapel of his (Mountain) in the church of Buto in the Kesoisky number 12. Sena 15 - arable land 2 media. The construction of his temple. [Goddends] NEKSBT 14 in the "Sacred Palace" of the South1510 sacrificial rations daily. 1B the gods of the "Sacred Palace" of Nega 48 sacrificial rations daily. 3rd times for livestock. Rise Nile: 4 elbow, 2! / 2 fingers. Translate / /. S. to Schish Nelso on. 1 These b o zh e s t in and y η ryu in the texts of P and RA M ID. It is obvious about Rel Igiodian holidays. 2 in EP o x in Dru-Evpego Kingdom under "n EXI" n-ор ор и и и и и и и реченненны, о b and tavors about y and n about binities of Egypt, in pp about ti in opo "AA M U" - and s and and there. Afterwards, Nekhsey N Aza and Yu Zh and the countries, including negros. 3 Figures, in LEG ON N O, exaggerated. A n o d r and z u m in a u t with I am of the IT IT Ango Taxa. These numerations are usually usually ka d y two years old. About ts d and m about the conclusion, as a lacking for letters, oh tning them to the first 10-11 g oh yes m N and e about the declaration and torment and the two years n threed. 6 d about cl c o: bandages. 7 d o s l o v o: Distributors of the path. P about one from the tales, they "p about b e d o nosno having an atyl and about b e earth", Bud at Chi p olk ooderci Ami about si ris in his boss with his brother - with pen nickname Seth. And s o b r a w a l and s b in about b r a z e wolf. 8 t o - there is a place where the d e t stay is the diece of the king along with the gods. Summer Yes, Selo, that f and r ao n s r a z y that the dusty of joining the throne began to build a cerial of ICU. 9 g op o d in the world part of the works, Okul about m. One of the village of Egypt is Egypt. Ts Yen Tro Ma Ra. 10 d o s l o v o: hl eba, beer, cookies. 11 Unit and ZM Er Yena P Bancho Hell of 2735 square meters. meters. 12 One of the Dr. Her Sh and X G about the genus of Egypt, the center of the cult of God Mountain. N and X oh died in the 6th e n and f about Egypt. 13 V o z m o zh o, sv nnobs of Ansk Isa, the God of the dead. H Goddess Patrone Palician BL ITSA in E R X H E Egypt about Egypt, p otinkiya seama in a b. 15 The goddess of the Pokrov ITEL BN Ithes N and J N E G O Egypt, after reading the snakes. 16 N A N and E A D N O N O N E D N O G O R N E N E N EGO O Egypt, N and Ho Di in the W. № 4. From the autobiography of the method of auto Bi OGR A F and N and not only as one of the first documents Mr. in p o to BN Og about the kind, we will receive their sh Irokoe r asp r about A n e and e to the end of the center of VA, but also as a historical source, save from the first centuries of the opinion of the Anya, I am Egypt Written memories of nicknames. Momet of EN and lived at the end of the rule of the III dynasty - the beginning of the Board of the IV Dynasty (approx. 2900 D about N. E.). In Jerle of the Iphic inscription, carved in his tomb, r a s c k a s in a l s i'm about his career and the lane disappears on the moolem that I can't clarify the structures of the ASU of the Dar of the Article. It is characteristic that the main source of the B L A G is about the state of this Velm of the coolant and, you should eat it from the Silense of Ovia, there were a p and oh l o n a, O D AR and C E E about him more than their estates. N E P E C O D SD AH AN FOR ENGINE: K. S ETH E, U RK U N D EN D ES LEIPZIG, 1903. U RK U N D EN DCS A G Y P TI S C H E N A ILE R T U M M S. ABT. IV. The inheritance received by Alten Reiches, the method was given to him the property of his father's injeum, judges and scribes: there was no (no) grain, (nor) of all home, there were people and small cattle. [Ka Rye Methen.] He was made by the first scribe of food warehouses (?), He was made by the head of the property of food warehouses (?), He was made ... (He) was the nomarch of bullish 1 after (was) the judge of bovine. .. He was made by the head of the whole royal flax, he was made by the ruler of Pershed Pershed 2 ... He was made by Narhchi Dep 3, the ruler of the great strengthening of Perm 2 and Percep, the nomarch of Sapa 4 ... The property accumulated by the method was acquired by him. (i.e. by the method). 200 Aruur fields with numerous royal people: the day of the day sacrifice (for) the sanctuary of 100 breads from the temple of the soul, the royal mother enmaathap;. A house in a length of 200 elbows and a width of 200 elbows, built, equipped with: planted trees, pre-red, made in it a huge pond, planted figs and grapes. It is written here as on the royal document; Their names are here as on the royal document. The trees and the vineyard are huge, they make a lot of wine there. He made a vineyard in two thousand aruir inside the walls; Shed trees. P Spe ev. And M. L U river. 1 b-n n and zh eg about Egypt (to the Soca). 2 n and z and n and e terrain. 3 p o z d n E E entered the computers of AB in Egypt about Egypt; At these times, I was an independent 4 5th n and f about Egypt (with Ai with SC and Y). N L1\u003e 5. Construction of the pyramids (I "e r about d about t. History, II, 124- 125.) Mr. 4N4 G. D about N. E. in Gal IR AR NASS (M Ala I and I), mind. OK * 425 G. BC. E. Airrop P e r in about g about historical OG about labor, named "Father of History". Ger A number of distant travels: he visited E and W E T (approx. 445 BC), where he rose downstream Nile D about Ele - Pantins, was in a dash, Syria, PA and Festing N E, Sea Yer Noah Arabia, in A V and L O N E N EN, P OUTIM, in OK, Sousse, and M O and M T, and in Eh Kbatan; Traveled by Sea Eron Ber Ega Mont Ta and Kolkhide , Frakia, M of Aquedonia, etc., "and Story" Herodotus Sost UI T from 9 books, called the names of V. Yati Muses (D E L E N E N E), and includes Isan and E almost all and Esteg about the then d Rezni world. N e zn octasy languages, g. ЕН но и и и и на на на на и от и ка за за на маненная и мучи и в в и в обелков, conductor, Greek kopean tsam, d avav and m Always correct about dust. Eggs Piece and Vav Ilon's Rivers, who were monopolized about a b l and t e l I M and the knowledge of the time, with an alie general and I am with "in the arvars", which for them there were ingenians. P about a m u a r o d o t v y y was to use the rosk azami, folk and devoted to the siemi, walking and anocdot Ami, etc. This and the volume of It is numerous, in particular, the full Iz is the historical perspective to the Tori E is the character of the historical perspective for his Trot. In M, it eats it, he d o opi, he was given all l Ichn about in Eden Nim, constantly links on the OSM, the monuments, and C and t and R y some kind of inscriptions. In the "East AI" with X R A N and L and S. T and to the E passages from the Sochi of the DI R. Ubi, the path of marks and historians, d about us not d about the students of them. Such a bp and zo, with a critical attitude to the t of d from d from the Gero, from a, at the same comparison of it with genuine and dock Mr. and and the AR Honey OI , from it, M o zh about extracting the Extremely Valuable SV ENZH, which and p oving t joints "and the work of Jau" N Ezenim Menima M and I have a source for history countries of the East. N and w Ep P and in the enemy's excerpt - P. Op Isan and E Pyram ID. In the m e s t e with that, he p o d t in e r d a e t that even e in V c. d about n. e., Nesmot, for two and a half thousand years of the anniversary, proceeding from the time of the board of Heops, in the people's memory of PR Odol and L and XP Animaty, Ianna, about the people and disasters, in which this f and r a o n Turning Mr. Egypt, forcing the whole country to work on with about his tomb. About P Isan and E P R Otzesza Coon of Identity, as n rendeable, Bl Ostroeshesky Assistant. 124. It was said that Di Tsar Rampsinit 1 in Egypt was Blaise in all respects laws, and Egypt was very flourished; Heops, who reigned over them [by the Egyptians], relieves the country into all possible troubles, for he first locked all the sanctuary and played them [the Egyptians] to bring victims, after he forced all the Egyptians to work on him. One thing was, as they say, the right from the Kamenolomen in the Arabian mountains to carry stones to the Nile; After how the stones were transported across the river on the courts, another he ordered to take them and drag to the ridge, calling Moma Libyan. They worked continuously every three months a hundred thousand people. The time passed, as they say, ten years, until the people languished over the road, in which the stones were taped, work only a little easier to build a fare of Ramida, as it seems to me (for her length is five stages2, Shi Rina is ten orgies3, height where it is only above - eight orgies, and it is made of polished stone with the living beings of living beings in it); And so on the construction of this road and underground premises in that hill, on which the pyramids cost, went ten years; These premises, he [Heops] made himself a tomb on the island, spending the channel from the Nile. The structure of the Pyramid itself went as a saying, twenty years; Each of her side has eight pletters 4, the ppn herself is quadrangular, and the same height; She is from a ground stone, which is best pregnant to each other; None of the stones are not less than thirty feet 5. 125. The pyramid itself is made as follows: with the help of ledges that some are called teeth, other altar. When it was done first, the remaining stones began to lift the cars made of short-circuits of the wood; The stone raised from the ground to the first series of ledges; When the stone fell into his place, he was put on the second car, which was standing on the first row of ledges; From here to the second row, the stone was raised using another car; For how many series of ledges were, so many cars were, or there was one and the same car, easily moving from one row to another when they wanted to raise a stone; So, we told about both ways, just as they say. At first, the upper pieces of the pyramid were finished, after the parts carrying them, the last and the lowest, which lie on the ground were finished. In the Egyptian inscription, drawn on the pyramid, is indicated how much is spent on radish, onions and garlic for workers; And as I remember well, the translator, who reading writing, told me that it was spent a thousand six hundred talents of the ebe 6. If this is the same, so how much could it be Istracted to iron, which worked, and food and clothing for workers? If the time said went to these works, then, as I think, there was a considerable time as well, and in the fact that they broke the stones and dragged them and arranged a subcoptee underground. Translate O. V. K U D R in C E in a. 1 P A M C E C IV (according to p № n. H omnation III) - f AR A XX XX dynasty (1 2 0 4 - 1180 years. D about n. E.). Hero oh d o t a n i n e d o c t a first I was the sign of OM ST Wa with the history of Egypt D about with and with and with a and c with a og oh, Heopsy (Egyptsk. X UV y) - Pharaoh IV Dynast AI (approx. 2800 G. D about n. Er) - successor R A M C E C A IV 2 S T A D and Y \u003d 184.97 meters. 3 orgies \u003d 1.85 meters. 4 Pletter \u003d 3 0 8 3 meters. 5 p about the concentrated and zm erections The value of femors of Ida Hoeopsee was: the length of the dynamic. . . . 233 meters in s o t a ........................................ 146.5 meters o b k y ....... ................... 2 5 2 1 0 0 0 cubic meters. meters. In H Ast, it is somewhat decreased by these races of ETs, after the actions of natural factors and the voids of EN and Y, who caused by people on the proximation of people and and you are people. P and RA M ENT A PRIEN FL ET ON V ON THE GE ON SHONE, D O B S N E M O G O N O N O S T N ON STAY, AND WAS ON BL AND O WA N A White stone, D Leaving and msya from Kamen Oloma Mokattam and RA Tour, who were on the East B E E Er at Neil, Youth from the time of Cairo. 6 n applied on the inscriptions on the Par AM I did not have. It's about ni e p p about in about niki or translators probably considered lists of the victims, d left Javsh and xya for p about DD EP w and nor i'm a cult mind of their f in ar and it In and their loved ones, for product lists, "Izr Ahlo d ov nn and on with about the workers. No. 6. The life-in-law of Velmazbi Uman and EP Ogl and F IICH and I am an inscription on the stove, H Ayden in A B and D O C E V E R H H E Egypt and X R An Art Ich her time in to AIR SK Ohm M Izka. B IO GR ASI D A E T A POINT OF THE MINIST OF THE MINISTER OF THE MILITABLE, MILITARY AND PR CDA in OSO Life and Builder BHN OSTERN ASSES F AR O N O at the end of D R E V E G O C A R ST B A (F A R AO VI VI Dynasty of Aunt, Popi I and M E R E N R A). O P Isa N and E P O B E D O N O S N O G O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O R M E MIR SONG. LUK ET E E E ED END EN D ES A LTEN R EICH ES, L E IP Z IG, 1903, p. 9 3-10. Introduction [Prince, Head of Upper Egypt] In the Palace of Guardian Nehene \\ Chapter Nheeba2, the only friend of [Pharaoh], honored by Osiris, standing at the head of the dead, Unna (says): The beginning of the fighter activities [I was a young man], having a belt [maturity] with a test of aunti3, and my position It was the head of the house of Shna 4. I was a caretaker of the Palace H E N T and Y - W E 5. ... Elder of the Palace at Majesty Popi 6. His Majesty ended me in the San friend and the caretaker of the priests of the city with his pyramid. Appointment of judges when my position was ..., His [Majesty appointed me! The judge and mouth are nehene 7, as he relied on me more than any other servant. I led the interrogation with the main judge - the Supreme Sanovnik in the event of any tune ... On behalf of the king, the royal female house and 6 right forensic presences, since His Majesty relied on me more than any other dignitarily, more than on any other one noble, more than any of his servants. The equipment of the tomb is Una Pharaoh, I asked the Majesty of my Mr. so that I would give a limestone coffin from [Memphis Camera] Ra-Au8. His Majesty ordered himself, so that [the dignitorn] of the treasurer of God9 was transferred through [Neil] with the parties of the workers' captain to Rabel (?), His assistant (?) To deliver this coffin from Ra-ah. He (the coffin) arrived with him to the residence on the large cargo of the ship together with [his] cover, a turtle plate with no neck, roots and), two G E M E X 11 and one SATS, 2. It has never been done by a similar (another) servant, since I used to be the arrangement of His Majesty, since I was pleasing to His Majesty, since His Majesty relied on me. The appointment of the head of the palace x Hen, and the lips of His Majesty didn't mean me the only friend and the head of the Palace Hhentiu-She. I removed 4 chiefs of Palace Hhentih, formerly there. I acted so that I caused the approval of him, by organizing security, having prepared the path of the king and organizing the parking lot. I did everything so that His Majesty praised me for that extremely. PR O C E S C P R O T S I E N Y C A R I R E T H E T E C (?) Did the royal female house be held in the royal female house against the wife of Tsar Urechetes (?) In secret. His Majesty told me to go down (?) To lead one interrogation, and there was not a single head of the supreme sovereign, not one [another] Sanov Nick, besides me alone, since I used the location and was pleased with His Majesty and Since his majesty relied on me. This, I led a record alone with one judge and mouth not Hena, and my position was [only] the head of the head of the Henti-She. Never before the man of my position did not listen to the secret case of the royal female house, but His Majesty told me to listen, since I used the location of His Majesty more than the other of his dignitarily, more than any other noble, more than any other servant. Preparations for war with Bedouins and His Majesty reflected Asian Bedouins. His Majesty took the army of many tens of thousands in all of the Upper Egypt, from Elefantina in the south to the Afternoopol region at the CE Faith 13, in Nizhny Egypt, in the Western and Eastern Half Delta, in the fortress (? ), in the fortresses, Yu Baytsev Igitch, Nubians, Nubi, Nubi residents, Nubians Wauat, Nubians Kaau and in the Libyans Country. You deposit in a hiking under the authorities of His Majesty sent me at the head of this troops; King of the King of Upper Egypt, the only friends of the Palace, the heads and the city holders of the Upper and Nizhny Egypt, friends, the heads of translators, the heads of the priests of the Upper and Lower Egypt and the heads of [administrations] of the GES -P EP stood at the head of the detachments of the supervisory and Livegile villages and villages and Nubians these countries. I started it over them, and my position was [only] the beginning of Nick Palace Khentiu, in view of ... my position, so that none of them hurt another, so that none of them took the bread and sandals The traveler, so none of them selected clothes in any village, so none of them from biral a single goat in no person. I brought them to the North Island, in the gate of Ichotepa and the district [Mount], consisted in this position ... I was reported by the number (Lii) of these detachments, - (it) never reported to any other servant. Returning of victorious troops This army returned safely, reversing the country of Bedouins. This army returned safely, raving the country of Bedouins. This army returned safely, having demolished her fortress. This army returned safely by having chucking her fig tree and grapes. This army returned safely, burn fire in all her ... This army returned safely, having interrupted squads among many tens of thousands. This army returned safely, [capturing] in it the prisoners of the premium [detachments]. His Majesty praised me for this extremely rebellion of His Majesty sent me five times to drive [this] army and packed the country of Bedouins, every time they rebelled, with the help of (?) These detachments. I acted so that [his] the honor was told me [for that]. The hike by the sea and the land of the country into the country of Bedouins "Gazelius in South But Palestine, they reported that Buntari ... Among these alien on the Gazelle nose, 3. I crossed on ships with these detachments and stuck in the high spurs of the mountain north of the country of Bedouins, and the whole half of this troops [went] to land. I came and enough for them all. All Buntari were interrupted among them. Appointment by the head of the Upper Egypt When I was the palace ach16i the carrier of sandals [Pharaoh], the king of the Upper and Lower Egypt of Merinera 17, my master, who lives forever, appointed me by a local prince and the beginning of the Upper Egypt from Elephantyna in the south to the AfroDolopol region in the north Since I used the location of His Majesty, since I was pleasing to His Majesty, since His Majesty relied on me. When I was an acciece and a carrier of sandals, His Majesty Hwa lied me for vigilance and for the protection, organized by me at the site of the parking lot, more than any other sovereign, more than any one no one, more than any other His servant. Never before this position was not given to a single servant. I was the head of the Upper Egypt to joy, so no one in him caused the evil of others. I made all the work; I hosted everything to be imposed in favor of the residence, here in Upper Egypt, twice and all the obligation to be imposed in favor of the residence, here in Upper Egypt, twice. I performed the dignity of the sovereign here, in Upper Egypt. Never before was done here, in Upper Egypt. I did everything so that his majesty praised me for that. The expedition in the Quarry Nubian and E L E F A N T and N S Y Y YU GI MAGE I sent me to Ibhat18 to deliver Sarko FAG "Liver's chest" along with his lid and a precious and luxurious top for the pyramid : "Is and merciful Mardra", Mrs.. His Majesty sent me to Elefantina to deliver grapetic slab with a niche along with her satts and granite doors and roots, and deliver granite doors and the Sats of the Upper People of Foreign Museum "is and merciful Merinera", Mrs. They floated with me down the Nile to the pyramid "Is and gracious Merenra" on 6 freight and 3 shipping ships 8 meters (?) And 3 ... during one expedition. Never at any time attended Ibhat and Elefantine for one expedition. And whatever it was ordered by His Majesty, I fulfilled everything, according to everything that His Majesty commanded about that (?). Expedition to Alebastrovy Kam Enol or with Redun Egypt Hatnub (His Majesty sent me to Hatnub 19 deliver a large sacrificial slab from Hatpubsky Alebastra. I descended this stove for him, broken in the halter) for just 17 days 20. I sent it Down the Nile on this cargo ship - I built him a cargo ship from acacia in 60 elbows long and 30 elbows wide, and the construction took only 17 days - in the 3rd year month, despite the fact that the water is not on the width [more ] Shames. I moored safely at the pyramid "is and merciful Merpera." Everything was carried out, according to the order given to the Majesty of My Mr. The second ek s p e d and c i k n i k o l c k and m p o r o g a m in the south e g and p t a and in n u b and y for s t p about and This Ma and M Ma and M Ma and the Maidity sent me to break through 5 channels in Upper Egypt and build 3 cargo and 4 shipping vessel from Anya Wauat. At the same time, the rulers of the charts and member supplied a tree for them. I performed everything in one year. They were launched and loaded to the denial of granite [way] to the pyramid "is and merciful Merenra". I did, further, ... for the palace for all these 5 channels, since the power of the king of the Upper and Lower Egypt of Me Renra, which yes lives forever, magnicity, ... and impressively more than all the gods, since all It is carried out with a public order given to them. I was truly a truly person, my favorite father and praised my mother, ... I use the location of my brothers, the local prince, the serviceable head of Upper Egypt, honored by Osiris, un. 1 D R E V N EY W A CAY OF THE CARS IN THE ESP HE ON EGYPT; N Ah about di l and smo at the places of p about zh a n p o l. 2 D R E V N E Y S W A CAPITAL CAPITALLY ON EGIPT, CONSIDE ELI A B. It is in the opposite of it on the opposite of the NI, the NIL. 3 f AR AON TECHI II (ATTI) - the first f and r AO N Vi Dynast AI (S E R E D. XXVI century. BC. Er) i in o z m o g o, workshops or barns (SK L and d). g 'in o z m o zh o, arda datar, si d Шеш и и роски Their Earth La X. 6 f Aran Popi I - the third f and r AO N Vi dynasty. 7 judges SK Aya Position. 8 To Amen Olom neither OK OLC M. F ISA, IS. Turra. 9 d o l w n o s t b dove. 10 N E P E C O D I M O E S L O O - Some part of the door. II T A K W is some part of the door, in about the zm oh n o, sash or shoals. 12 parts of the burial plate - niche. 13 22nd in the eg of Egypt about Egypt, which was at a member of Cairo. Mr. cauldron is exactly exactly the same, and not n SK OR of it all of them are Odi L ourselves on the eastern border of affairs, about si nasa pl ol. 15 vesnuly, the edge of the hortuary about XP fuck a to AWP EHF-V O E V E R N O Palestine. , r\u003e pp and d in about r n aya d o l zh about st b. Zn and E and e of this title is easily known. 17 F A A A A VI VI Dynasty M EN R A I - Popi II Father - Rules OK. The end of the XXVI in. d about n. e. 18 meters, not established. And b x and t in n kili alone above the second threshold. In the eg o d d u in a n e r o, the arms of the Egyptians did not have penetrated. 19 K Am Yen, no, where d about b s in a l and a l ebaster in the mountains of Okol about the capital of Ehnaton - Ahet and T about on (since. T el l - e l - a m and r n A - S E V E R N E E M A N F A L S T A). 20 P o d r and z u m in a e t with me - from the mountains, where N are Arumney, to the B e, the Nile. № 7. Avtobiography Buli E LEF ANT and NSK about noma a r x a x y f x o r a - contemporary f Aonov Vi Dynast AI M EN R A I and POISI II (ok. 2500 g O n. er), drawn on his tomb, carved into the SC Alah OK OLCO P. EP of the threshold - one of the end of the end of the end of the end of the e-c. GR Obnap was discovered in 1891. X EF HO R P Obsolete about the three p Tweed of the procession, the schuch of them, according to the p p of the NSA, and it leads to ENIA A copy of the letter, H is the armedist to him on behalf of POII II, which is one of the Dr. ENH and X and S I E Egyptian D o to the mind of EN TOV. Biography x in EFI x about r and not only x and r a k t t egypt Egypt Egypt and clarit the list of di in l i in sh and x smiling from there n in rodules, but ZN Achitel d o p o l n i e and expanding the idea about n at bi and and with

Reader on the history of the ancient world (part 2. Antiquity history)

for students of the I course of the historic faculty

correspondence department

Voronezh 2011.

Readings on the history of the ancient world. (Part 2. Antiquity History) - Voronezh: Publishing House of Voronezh State University, 2007. - p.

Compilers - Cand. East. Sciences, Associate Professor VGPU O.V. Karmazina

cand. East. Sciences, Associate Professor VGPU L.A. Sakhnenko



State of Lake Demonia, 5-7; 8-10.

... Removing the order in the Spartans, in which they, like all other Greeks, have lunch each in their home, Likurg saw in this circumstance the cause of quite many frivolous actions. Likurg made publicly their friendly lunches in the calculation that, thanks to this, the opportunity will most likely disappear. He allowed to consume citizens in such a quantity so that they were not excessively pleased, but also did not tolerate the lack; However, it is often served, in the form of adding, game, and rich people sometimes bring wheat bread; Thus, while Spartans live together on the tents, they never suffer from eating dishes, nor excessive expensive. Also relative to drinking: stopping an unnecessary break, relaxing the body, relaxing mind, Likurgus allowed everyone, to drink only to satisfy thirst, believing that drinking under such conditions will be all harmful and everything is more pleasant. During general lunch, could anyone cause serious damage to their own economy of sophistication or drunkenness? In all other states, peers are, for the most part, together and the least shy each other; Likurg in Sparta combined the ages so that young people are brought up mainly under the leadership of the experience of the elders. On the fiditis, it is customary to talk about the affairs committed by someone in the state; Therefore, there is not almost a place of arrogance, drunk outcomes, indecent act, foul language. And now, what good side is the device of lunches outside the house: Returning home, Fidithev members must walk and beware that they should not stumble in drunken, they should be known that they can not stay there, where they have dinner that they need to go in the dark As afternoon, since the torch is not allowed to walk to the one who is still serving a garrison service. Further, noting that the most food that reports a good complexion and the health of the worker, gives the ugly completeness and sickness of the idle, Likurg is not neglected and this ... because it is difficult to find people healthier, more hardy physically than Spartans, Since they are equally exercised and legs, and hands, and neck.

In contrast, most of the Greeks, found a likurg necessary and the following. In the rest of the states each disposes of their children, slaves and property; And Likurg, wanting to arrange so that citizens do not harm each other, but brought benefit, provided everyone equally

to dispose of both your children and strangers: after all, if everyone knows that there are fathers of those children in front of him, it will inevitably manage them to dispose of the way he would like to treat his own children. If a boy, beaten by somehow, complains of his father, is considered shameful if the father does not beat his son again. So the Spartans are confident that none of them orders the boys nothing shameful. Licharg also dialed, if necessary, to use other people's slaves, also established the general use of hunting dogs; Therefore, not having their dogs are invited to the hunt of others; And who has no time to go to hunt, he willingly gives dogs to others. Also use the horses: who will get sick or who will need a wagon, or who wants to go somewhere as soon as possible, "he takes the first horse, and according to the passage of need to put it back. But also the custom, not accepted by the rest of the Greeks, but introduced by Likurg. In case, if people are lit on the hunt and, without capturing stocks, they will need them, Likurg installed, so that the reserves leave them, and the needy-could open constipation, take how much you need, and the remaining again locked. Thus, due to the fact that the Spartans are so sharing with each other, they even have people poor if they need something, they have a share in all the riches of the country.

Also, in contrast to the rest of the Greeks, Likurg installed in Sparta and the following orders. In the rest of the states, everyone as far as possible is a condition: one is engaged in agriculture, another shipowner, the third-merchant, and some feed the crafts; In Sparta, Likurga, forbade free to deal with whatever, associated with progress, the software was established to recognize the classes suitable for them, which provide the state freedom. And indeed, what's the point of striving for wealth where with its establishments about equal contributions for dinners, about the same for all lifestyle, the legislator of the presets will acquire money for the sake of pleasant profit? No need to save wealth and clothes, as in Sparta decoration is not a luxury dress, but body health. And for spending on the comrades, it is also not to save money, as Likurgus inspired that more fame would be more fame with comrades with personal labor than money, he considered the case of the soul, the second only of wealth. Unfair to enrich the Likurg forbade such orders. First of all, he set such a coin that; Her to the house is just ten minutes, it would not hide from the Lord, nor from home slaves, because it would take a lot of space and a whole cart for transportation. For gold and silver watch, and if anyone has him, the owner will be traded fine. So why was it to strive for enrichment where the possession gives more chagrins than spending a pleasure?

In Sparta, it is especially strictly obsessing the laws ... However, I don't think that Likurg began to introduce this wonderful order, without having received the preliminary agreement of the influential persons in the state ... Once, on the recognition of influential people, the overcome of the greatest benefit in the city and In the army, and in the house, the same people naturally attached strength and etho power: the stronger the power, in their opinion, it should more encourage citizens to obedience. EFOs have the right to subjected to anyone with punishment, have the power to recover immediately, have the power and retain from office before the expiration of the term and put in prison of officials, excite the process against them, threatening death ...

In Sparta, it is especially strictly obsessing the laws ... However, I don't think that Likurg began to introduce this wonderful order, without having received the preliminary agreement of the influential persons in the state ... Once, on the recognition of influential people, the overcome of the greatest benefit in the city and In the army, and in the house, the same people naturally attached strength and etho power: the stronger the power, in their opinion, it should more encourage citizens to obedience. Ehhorities have the right to subjected to anyone with punishment, have the power to recover immediately, have the power and retain from office before the expiration of the term and to put in prison of officials, excite the process against them, who threatens death.

"Readings on the history of the ancient world," under. V. V. Struve, t. II. M., Stockedgiz, 1951, No. 49.

PAsania, description Eldla, 111,20 (6)

... near the sea was the town of Gelos ... Subsequently, Dranyn took him as siege. The inhabitants of this city became the first public slaves of Lactedamia and the first were named with ilota, i.e. "Captured", which they were actually. The name of the Ilotov then spread to the slaves acquired later, although, for example, Messenians were Dorians ...

Lebania, speech, 25, 63

Lactedamesee gave themselves against, Ilotov, complete freedom to kill them and about them critical says that there is the most complete slavery in Lacedaemon. Of the most complete freedom of others. "After all, because of what another," says Krism himself, "as not because of the mistrust of this very Ilotam, Spartyat takes the shield handle at home at home? After all, he does not do this in war, because there often needs to be highly distilted. He always walks the spear in his hands to turn out to be stronger than Ilota, if he draws up, being armed with one shield alone. They also invented themselves constipation, with the help of which they believe to overcome the goats of Ilotov. "

It would be the same (criticizing the lebanese of critting) that live together with someone, experiencing fear and without daring to rest from the expectation of dangers. And how can those whom and during breakfast, and in a dream, and when sending any other need, arms the fear of slaves, as people can ... enjoy real, freedom.? .. Just as the kings of They were not free, due to the fact that the etho had the power to knit and execute the king, and all the spargists were deprived of their freedom, living in conditions of hatred until slaves.

"Readings on the history of the ancient world," under. V. V. Struve, t. II. M., Stockedgiz, 1951, No. 54.


S.I. translation Sobolevsky, translation processing for the present reissue S.S. Averintsev, notes M.L. Gasparova.

2. The pericles was ... both from the paternal and from the motherboard from the house and the family who occupied the first place. Xanfipp, the winner of the barbaric commander during Mikale, married Agarist from the genus Klisfen, who expelled the Pisistatids, courageously launched a tyranny, gave the attention of the laws and established the state system, mixing various elements in it is quite appropriate for the consent and well-being of citizens. Arugarie dreamed that she gave birth to a lion, and a few days later she gave birth to pericles. He did not have bodily flaws; Only the head was oblong and disproportionally big. That is why it is depicted almost all statues with a helmet on the head, is obvious, because the sculptors did not want to represent him in a shameful form ...

The closest pericla of a person who breathed in him the majestic image of thoughts, towering him over the level of an ordinary people of the people, and generally gave his character high dignity, was Anaxahor from the clasome, which contemporaries called "mind" - because they were surprised by his great, unusual The mind manifested in the study of nature, or because he first put out the principle of the device of the universe is not a case or necessity, but the mind, clean, unmasled, which in all other objects mixed, distinguishes homogeneous particles.

5. Patusing extraordinary respect for this person, penetrating his teachings about heavenly and atmospheric phenomena, the pericles, as they say, not only learned himself a high image of thoughts and elevation of speech, free from flat, bad physical, - but also a serious facial expression, inaccessible laughter , calm gait, modesty in the manner wearing clothes, not violated with any affect during speech, smooth voice and the likeness of the pericla properties made an amazingly strong impression ... Poet Ion claims that the occugement of the pericla with people was rather arrogant and that A lot of arrogance and contempt for others have been mixed up for their giving up.

7. In his youth, the pericles were very afraid of the people: he seemed like the Tirana of Pissistrate; His pleasant voice, the ease and speed of the language in the conversation of these similarities were preventing fear in very old people. And since he owned wealth, he took place from a noble family, had influential friends, he was afraid of Ostracism and therefore did not deal with public affairs, but he was brave and looking for dangers. When the Aristide died, the feminocles was in exile, and Kimon hiking was held for the most part outside of Ellala, then the pericles with the heat began for political activities. He became on the side of democracy and the poor, and not on the side of the rich and aristocrats - contrary to its natural inclinations, completely unreasonable. Apparently, he was afraid, no matter how suspected in the desire for tyranny, and also saw that Kimon stands on the side of the aristocrats and extremely love them. Therefore, he enlisted the location of the people to secure security and gain strength to combat Kimon.

Now after that, the pericles changed and all his lifestyle. In the city he was seen walking only on one road - to the square and to the council. He refused invitations for lunches and from all of this kind of friendly, short relationship ... Pericles also behaved in relation to the people: so as not to delight him with his permanent presence, he appeared among the people only at times, did not speak any case And he did not always performed at the People's Assembly, but I ranked myself ... for important cases, and everything else did through my friends and the other speakers seized them. One of them, they say was an esfalit that crushed the power of the aropag ...

8. Pericles, configuring his speech as a musical instrument ... Far out of all speakers. For this reason, they say, he was given his famous nickname. However, some think that he was nusted by the Olympian for the buildings that the city was decorated, others - what advances in state activities and in the command of the army; And there is nothing incredible that his glory contributed to the combination of many qualities, to him inherent. However, from the comedies of that time-, the authors of which often remember his name, both seriously and with laughter, it is clear that this nickname was given to him mainly for his gift of the word: as they say, he thundered and metal lightning when he spoke to the people And I wore a terrible Perun in the language ...

9. Fuchidide depicts the state system during the pericale as an aristocratic, which was only a democratic name, and in fact was the domination of one primary person. According to the testimony of many other authors, the pericles taught the people to Cleargiam-, receiving money to spectacles, receiving remuneration; As a result of this bad habit, the people from the modest and working under the influence of the then political measures became wasteful and timely. Consider the reason for such changes based on the facts.

Initially, as mentioned above, the pericles in the fight against Govoy Kimon tried to acquire the location of the people; He was inferior to kimon in wealth and funds that he attracted the poor. Kimon invited every day of needing citizens to dine, put the elderly, removed the fence from his estates to, who wants, enjoyed their fruits. The pericles, feeling defeated by such demagogic techniques, on the Council of Damonid from Hey, turned to the public money section, as the Aristotle testifies. Distribution of money on the spectacle, the remuneration plate for the execution of judicial and other duties and various intercosions of the pericles bribed the mastery and began to use it to combat the areaopag, whose member he was not ... So, the pericles with his adherents, acquiring more influence from the people, Challented Areopag: Most of the court cases were taken away from Him with the help of Efialt, Kimon was expelled through Ostrakism as a supporter of Spartans and the enemy of democracy, although in richness and origin he did not inferlude to anyone else, although she won such glorious victories over the barbarians and enriched the fatherland with a lot of Money and military prey, as described in his life position. So great was the power of the pericla of the people!

10. Exile through the Ostracism of the persons who were subjected to him was limited to the law a certain period of ten years ...

11 .... Then then especially weakened the Uzda to the people and began to be guided in his policy a desire to please him: he was constantly satisfied with some solemn spectacles, or feasts, or processions, held residents for noble entertainment, every year she sent sixty triger for sixty On which there were a lot of citizens in eight months and received a salary, at the same time acquiring skills and knowledge in the naval. In addition, a thousand man Cleruukhov he sent to Chersonesos, in Naxos five hundred, in Andros half of this number, in a thousand thousand for settlement among the bisalts, others in Italy, with the resumption of Sibaris, who now began to call the funi. Conducting these events, he headed the desire to free the city from nothing and as a result of the feast of a restless crowd and at the same time help poor people, as well as keep allies under the fear and observation to prevent their attempts to the uprising of the settlement of Athenian citizens.

12. But that gave residents of only more pleasure and served the city with a decoration, which brought all the light into amazement, which, finally, is the only proof that the glorified power of Eldlats and its former wealth is not a false rumor, is the construction of majestic buildings. But for this, more than in the rest of the political activity of the pericles, the enemies condemned him and ink in the People's Assembly. "The people disgrace themselves, they shouted, - there is bad glory for him for the fact that the pericles suffered a common Hellenian treasury to himself from Delos; The most faithful pretext that the people can justify from this reproach, the one that the fear of the barbarian is made him take a common treasury and keep it in a safe place; But this excuse took the pericles from the people. Hellenes understand that they suffer terrible violence and are exposed to open tyranny, seeing that money-made money, intended for war, we are gold and dressing the city, accurately a woman-sggie, having enhanced his expensive marble, statues of gods and temples standing by thousands Talents. "

In view of this, the pericles pointed out the people: "Athenians are not obliged to give allies a report in money, because they lead the war in defense and restrain the barbarians, while the allies do not supply anything - neither a horse, nor ship, nor Goplita, but only pay money; And the money belongs not to the one who gives them, and to the one who gets if he delivers what he gets. But if the state is sufficiently supplied with the subjects necessary for the war, it is necessary to spend its wealth on such works, which after the end of them will be delivered by the state eternal glory, and during the execution will be the immediate source of well-being, due to the fact that all sorts of work and Different needs that all sorts of crafts are giving a classes to all hands, take earnings almost to the whole state, so it decorates yourself to your account, and feeds. " Indeed, people are young and strong gave earnings from the public sums of hiking; And the pericles wanted the working mass, not carrying military service, was not deceived, but at the same time that she did not receive money in the inaction and idleness.

Therefore, the pericles presented to the people a lot of grand projects of structures and work plans that required the use of different crafts and designed for a long time, so that the population remaining in the city has the right to use public sums of at least no less citizens in the fleet, in garrisons, in hikes ....

14. Fukidide and speakers of his party raised a cry that the pericles squandals money and deprives the state of revenues. Then the pericles in the meeting suggested the question of the question, whether he finds what was constructed a lot. The answer was that a lot. "In this case," said the pericles, "let these costs be not on your account, but for mine, and on the buildings I will write my name." After these words, the pericles, the people admiring the greatness of his spirit, or not wanting to give him the glory of such buildings, shouted all the costs to relate to the public account and spent, not spare anything. Finally, he joined the fight against Fucidide, risking himself to expose to urastricism. He achieved the expulsion of Fukidid and broke the opposite party.

15. When the discord was completely eliminated and in the state, there was complete unity and agreement in the state, the pericles focused on both the Athens themselves and all cases depended from Athenians - the contributions of allies, the army, the fleet, the islands, the sea, the Great Power, the source of which served both Ellina and Varvara, and the Supreme Lord, fenced by the conquered peoples, friendship with the kings and the union with small rules.

But the pericles were no longer the same, - not, as before, the obedient weapon of the people, easily inferior and the worldly passions of the crowds, as if the blows of the wind; Instead of the same weak, sometimes somewhat compliant demagogue, like pleasant, tender music, he tightened a song on the aristocratic and monarchical way and held this policy in accordance with the state blessing straight and adamant. For the most part, he conducted the people with conviction and instruction, so the people himself wanted the same. However, there were cases when the people expressed discontent; Then the pericles pulled the entrance and, directing him to his own good, forced him to obey his will ...

The people, which have so strong power, arise naturally all sorts of passion. The pericles one knew how to skillfully manage them, acting on the people mainly with the hope and fear, as two steering wheels: he kept his bold self-confidence, then with the decline of the Spirit encouraged and consoled him. He proved it that eloquence, saying the words of Plato, there is an art to control the souls and that the main task is in the ability to properly approach different characters and passions, as if to some tones and the sounds of the soul, to extract which the touch or blow is needed very skillful hands. However, the reason for this was not just the power of the word, but, as Fukidide says, the glory of his life and confidence in him: everyone saw his unfortunately and integrity. Although he made the city from the great greatest and richest, although he looked at many kings and tyrants, of which other contracts concluded with him, mandatory even for their sons, he did not increase his condition against the one who left him the father.

16. And in the meantime he was impressed; This fucidide speaks directly; The indirect proof of this is the evil tricks of comedians who call his friends with new piscistids, and from him the most demanding an oath that he will not be tyrant, since his outstanding provision is not in appearance with democracy and too agile. And teleclide indicates that the Athenians provided him

All tribute from cities; He could be the city of any city to leave free,

And it is strong to stop it and the walls again destroy.

In his hands, everything: and alliances, and power, and power, and peace, and wealth.

Such a position of the pericles was not a happy chance, there was no highest point of some fleeting brilliant state activity or the grace of the people for her, - no, he firsthanded the forty years among the Efials, Leoprats, Mironides, Kimonov, Tolmids and Fukidide, and after Fukidid's fall and Exile by His Ostrakism, he at least fifteen years old possessed a continuous, sole power, although the position of the strategist is given for one year. With such power, he remained incorruptible, despite the fact that the money did not relate to cash.

When the pericles ... was at the top of his political power ..., he made a proposal that only those whose father and mother were considered at the Athenian citizens. When the Egyptian king sent to the people of forty thousands of wheat medimans as a gift, and it was necessary to share it among themselves, then on the basis of this law, many litigation arose against illegitibly, about the origin of which until then or did not know, or looked at it through their fingers; Many were also given to the victim of false denunciations. On this basis, they were found guilty and sold into slavery without a small five thousand people; And the number of people who retained the right of citizenship and recognized by these Athenians turned out to be equal to fourteen thousand and two hundred forty ...

When the pericles was already in death, the best citizens were sitting around him and their friends who remained alive. They argued about his high qualities and political power, listed his exploits and the number of trophies: he erected nine trophies in memory of the victories overwhelmed under his leadership in the glory of the Fatherland. So they said between themselves, thinking that he had already lost consciousness and does not understand them. But the pericles listened carefully all this and, interrupted their conversation, said that he was surprised how they glorify and recall such merits, in which equal share belongs to and happiness and which were already among many commander, but they do not speak about the glorious and important service : "None of the Athens citizen, he added, - because of me did not put a black raincoat."

As for the pericla, the events made the Athenians feel what he was for them, and regret it. The people who hurt him with his life, because it overtowed them, now, as it did not become, having experienced the power of other speakers and leaders, they realized that there was never a man who was better to connect modesty with a sense of dignity and magnifier with meekness. And the power of him who excited envy and which was called one-owned and tyranny, as they understood, was a saving stronghold of the state system: the destructive misfortunes were collapsed and the deep corruption of the morals, which he, relaxing and humming it, did not give the opportunity to manifest themselves and turning into Inseciented ailment.

The text is given by publication: Aristotle. "Politics. Athens Politia". Series: "From the classic heritage." M, thought, 1997, p. 271 - 343.


X. Development of democracy

26. As affected by the Council of Areopagitis, the right of supervision was taken away. And after that, the state system began to increasingly lose its strict order due to the fault of people defined by demagogic purposes ...

(2) Although in everything in general, the management of the Athenians is not so strictly, as before, the laws adhered to, however, the order of election of nine archons did not change; Only for the sixth year after the death of Efialt, the preliminary elections of candidates were solved for the further draw in the Nine Archon Archon Commission, and for the first time from their number, the archon was Meresifide. And before that time, everyone was from riders and pentakosiomedimnov, the zezhgitis usually performed ordinary positions, unless some deviations were allowed from the prescriptions of laws. (3) for the fifth year after that, during the archon Lisicrath, thirty judges were again instituted, the so-called "on demamas", and on the third year after it, with an antidote, due to the excessively large number of citizens at the pericla offer, they could not have Civil rights are the one who does not happen from both citizens.

27. After that, the pericles acted as a demagogue ... then the state system became even more democratic. The pericles took away some rights in astopagitis and especially strongly insisted on the development of the naval force from the state. Thanks to her, the easiest people felt their power and tried all the political rights to focus in their hands.
(2) Then at the 49th year after the Battle of Salamine, during the Archon Pypodore, the war began with Peloponnes, during which the people were locked in the city and accustomed to the military service to receive a salary, partly consciously, partly, as needed to show more decisiveness, To manage the state itself.
(3) Also, the salary in the courts introduced for the first time the peroles, using a demagogic reception in contrast to the wealth of Kimon. The fact is that kimon, having a purely royal state, firstly performed only public liturgy, then began to give the content to many of his demot. So, anyone who wanted from Lakadadov could come to him every day and get a modest content. In addition, his estates were all non-fallen, so that you could have been able to use the fruits every way. (4) The pericles, without having such a state, to compete with him in generosity, took advantage of the Damonid Council from Hey (this Damonide was considered in many cases the pericla adviser, therefore subjected it to urastricism). This Council was that if the pericles did not possess the same personal means as Kimon, then it is necessary to give the people his own funds. Of these considerations, the pericles entered the salary for judges. On this basis, some consider it a culprit of moral decomposition, as not so much decent people how many random are on election. (5) Began after this and bribery, and the first to file an example of this anith, after he was a strategist in a hike under Plios. Being brought by some to the court for the loss of Pilos, he bribed the court and achieved justification.

28. While the pericles stood at the head of the people, the state affairs were relatively well; When he died, they went much worse ...


IV. Archonts

55 ... As for the so-called nine archons ... Currently, they are filled with the lot of six fefesfettes and secretaries to them, in addition, Archont, Basiles and Paulmarm - one of each fille in turn. (2) they are subjected to Dockimation primarily in the Council of five hundred - everything except the secretary, and this last - only in court, like other officials (all elected and drawing and raising hands, take office only after Docociasia), nine Archonts - both in the Council, and secondary in court. At the same time, at the same time, the one who rejected the Council to Dockimia, could no longer be entitled, now it is allowed to appeal to the court, and this latter belongs to the decisive voice in Docokimia ...

56 ... (2) Archont now, at the entry into office, the first thing announters through the he who heltered that everyone is granted to own property, which each had before entering his office, and maintain it until the end of his management. (3) Then he appoints fergs to represent the tragedies of the three richest of all Athenians ... (4) under its leading are the procession: first, the one that is arranged in honor of the asclepia ... He also suits and compete on Dionisia and Fargelia. Here are the festivities about which he has a care.
(6) In addition, he is filed by complaints on public and private affairs. He considers them and sends to court. This includes cases of bad severity with parents, about the bad handling of orphans, about the bad handling of the heiress, about the damage to the orphan property, about the breathtaking, when someone accuses the other in the fact that he survived from the mind, harvested his condition ... . At the same time, he has the right to impose disciplinary recovery on the guilty or attract to the court. Further, he leases the property of orphans and heiress to the time until the woman becomes 14 years old and takes the provision from tenants. Finally, he also charges content from guardians if they do not give it to children.

57 ... Basilev seeks primarily by mysteries ... then Dionysias ... It suits all the contests with torch; Also, by step-by-step sacrifices, he will be able to say everyone.
(2) He is filed with written complaints about dishes, as well as in cases where someone challenges from another right to priesthood. Then, he disassembles all disputes between childbirth and priests on worship. Finally, he is initiated by all processes of murder, and in his duty it is to declare the criminal deprived of the patronage of laws.
(3) the processes about the murder and applying the Russian Academy of Sciences, if anyone will surely kill or pouches the other, disassembled in the areaopag; Also cases about poisoning, if anyone causes death, gave poison, and things about arson. This is an exclusively case circle, which judges the Council of the Areopague ... The judges are sitting in a holy place in the open sky, and Basilevs takes off the wreath during the court. The person, on whom such an accusation, is not allowed all this time to sacred places, and even the square is not supposed to go; But at that moment he enters the sacred place and speaks there in his justification ...

58. Polemarh makes sacrifice to Artemis-Hunting and Eniylia ... (2) He also initiates private lawsuits concerning meters, equidalized and proxecons ... (3) He self-explanatory leads in court about violation of duties towards the former owner and the lack of prostate , on the inheritance and heirs from the meters, and in general, Paulochi seeks all the things at the meters, which the citizens disassemble the archon.

59. Feemophoths have powers primarily to appoint which judicial commissions and which days should do the court, then transfer the leadership of these commissions to officials; These latter act in accordance with how fef weather. (2) Then, they report to the people who received emergency statements, pose a case on the displacement of officials by checking the voting, all kinds of sentences of preliminary sentences, complaints of anti-inflicting and a statement that the proposed law is unsuitable, also on the actions of the progenres and Epistats and statements of strategists ...


II, 4. That the property equation has its meaning in the state dormitory, it seems to be clearly aware of some of the ancient lawmakers. So, for example, Solon established the law, which also acting in other states, on which the acquisition of land is prohibited in any amount of quantity ..

II, 9, 2. SOLON Some consider a good legislator. He, as they say, the oligarchy, who was excessive at that time, delivered the people from slavery and established a democracy "in the covenants of fathers", successfully installing a mixed stroke: it is, the areaopag is a oligarchic institution, the replacement of posts for elections - aristocratic, jury court Democratic. Solon, apparently, did not abolish existing first institutions - the Council of the Areopag and the election of officials, but established democracy, thereby, which did the courts of jury from the entire composition of citizens. That's why some are accused of: he, they say, abolished and first, when I gave the government over all the power, since the court is recruited by lot. It was when the court acquired strength, then the people as Tiran began to please and finally turned politics into modern democracy.

III, 2, 10 ... That's what, for example, in Athens made Clisphen after the expulsion of tyrants: he included many foreigners and slaves living there. With regard to their controversial is not the one who is a citizen, but as he has become illegally or right.

VI, 2, 9-11, 6-27. To establish this kind of democracy and strengthen the people, its leaders are usually trying to take as many people as possible and make citizens not only legitimate, but also illegal and even such that only one of the parents has civil rights - father or mother. The fact is that all these elements emphasize such democracy ... Further, for such democracy, such techniques that took advantage of Cleisfen in Athens, when he wanted to strengthen democracy, and those figures that were trying to establish a democratic system in Kyrene. It is necessary to organize new philes and phratria and, moreover in a large number; Private cults must be combined into a small amount and make them public; In a word, it is necessary to invent all the means so that everyone as many as possible between themselves, and at the same time so that the previous associations are broken.

Aristotle. Athenian Politium. Applications. M.-L., Socsekgiz, 1936, p.119-152.

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Voronezh 2011.

Readings on the history of the ancient world. (Part 2. Antiquity History) - Voronezh: Publishing House of Voronezh State University, 2007. - p.

Compilers - Cand. East. Sciences, Associate Professor VGPU

cand. East. Sciences, Associate Professor VGPU


Topic 1. Society and state of Sparta

1. Specifications.

2. The emergence of the Spartan state.

3. The dependent population of the ancient Sparta.

4. "Community equal":

1) its organization, the role of regulation;

2) the main classes, life;

3) family relationships;

4) The upbringing and education of spartists.

5. State system of ancient Sparta.

Sources and literature

Workshop on the history of the ancient world. Vol. 2. Ancient Greece and Rome / Ed. . M. 1981. Topic 2.

Aristotle. Politics, II, VI // Aristotle. Cit. In 4 t. T.4. M., 1984. P.428-434.

Plutarch. Likurg // Comparative life position. M., 1961. T.1. S.53-77.

The problem of "Likurgov legislation" // Problems of antique statehood. L., 1952. P. 33-59.

Andreev "Riders" // Lady. 1969. №4. P.24-36.

Andreev as a type of policy // Antique Greece. T.1. The formation and development of the policy. M., 1983. C.194-216.

Andreev Sparta: culture and politics // VDI. 1987. №4. P. 70-86.

Andreev gynecocracy // Woman in the ancient world. M., 1995. P.44-62.

Dyakonov, Ilota and serfs in early antiquity // VDI. 1973. №4. FROM.

Zhurakovsky on the history of antique pedagogy. M., 1963.

From new works on Ilotia and similar forms of dependence // Lady. 1961. №2. P.138-142.

Kolobova Sparta (X - VI centuries. BC). L., 1957.

Sparta is printed: the period of archaic and classics. SPb.: Humanitarian Academy. 2001. - 600C. (http: // Centant. ***** / Centrum / Publik / Books / Pechatnova / 001.htm)

Strogtsky conflict of Ephorat and the royal power in Sparta // Antique Policy. L., 1979. P.42-57.

Text is provided by publication: Plutarch. Comparative lives in two volumes, M.: Publishing House "Science", 1994. Edition Second, corrected and supplemented. T. I.
Translation, translation processing for a real reissue, notes.

1. On the LIKURGE legister, it is impossible to inform anything strictly reliable: and about its origin, and on travels, and about the death, but also about his laws, and about the device that he gave the state, there are the most dispensable stories. But most of all the information about how he lived ...

2. From the ancestors of Likurga, the greatest fame went to Soy, whose rule of the Spartans enslaved Ilotov and took away a lot of land from Arcadian ... Evriponte was the first to weaken the uniqueness of the royal power, imprisoning before the crowd and catering her. As a result of these delinted, the people of Ospell, and the kings who ruined after Eurripont, or steep measures, caused the hatred of subjects, or, looking for their favor or on their own powerlessness, were inclined to be in front of them, so the lawlessness and tribulation were sold to Sparta for a long time. They were able to die and the king, Father Likurga ...

4. Having left the way, Likurg first visited Crete. He studied the state device, became closest with the most famous of the critany and some local laws approved and learned, to then put on his homeland ... The Egyptians claim that Likurga visited them and, hotly praising the sewing warriors from all other populations, He suffered this order to Sparta, separated artisans and masters and created a sample of the state, truly beautiful and clean ...

5. Lactedamena wandered on Likurg and repeatedly invited him to return, saying that the only difference in their current kings from the people is the title and honors, which they turn out to be, whereas it is visible by the nature of the head and mentor, a certain force that allows him to behave of people. The kings themselves, too, were looking forward to His return, hoping that in his presence a crowd would relate to them more respectfully. In this arrangement of the Spirit, the Spartans were when Likurg arrived back and immediately began to change and convert all the state device. He was convinced that individual laws would not bring any benefit if, as if the doctor had a sick body, suffering from all sorts of illness, with the help of cleaning facilities, not destroy the evil mixing of juices and not appoint a new, completely different way of life. With this thought, he first went to Delphi. By bringing the victims to God and a question of Oracle, he returned, where the famous saying, in which Pythia called him "Bogolyus", rather by God, rather than a person; At the request of good laws, the answer was received that the Deity promises to give the Spartans of the order, incomparably the best than in other states. His arrangement of Oracle, Likurg decided to attract the best citizens to the fulfillment of his plan and led the secret negotiations first with friends, gradually grappling the wider circle and splitting all the things for his conceived ...

Of the numerous innovations of Likurg, the first and most important is the Council of Elders. In conjunction with the ... tsarist government, possessing equal to the right of voting in solving the most important cases, this Council has become the key to well-being and prudence. The state that rushed from side to the side, leaning towards tyranny, when the kings tried the victory, then to complete democracy, when the crowd took the crowd, putting in the middle, exactly ballast in the vessel's hold, the power of elders, gained equilibrium, sustainability and order: twenty eight Elders now constantly supported the kings, providing resistance to democracy, but at the same time helped the people to keep the fatherland from tyranny. The named number of Aristotle explains that before Likurg had thirty supporters, but two, frightened, moved away from participation in the case. The sphere says that they have been twenty-eight from the very beginning ...

6. LIKURG attached so much the value of the authority of the Council, which brought a special progress from Delph to this account, which is called "Retro". It says: "Erend the temple of Zeus Syllaian and Athens Sillanian. Divided into films and conversion. Establish thirty elders with the leaders is cumulatively. From time to time to convene a collection between Bubic and Knakion, and there to offer and dissolve, but the domination and power Yes belong to the people. " The order "divided" refers to the people, and films and the origin of parts and groups that should be divided into. Under the "leaders" mean kings. ... Aristotle argues that Knakion is a river, and Bubika is a bridge. Between them and there were meetings, although there was no portication in that place, not any other shelter: according to Likurga, nothing like the judgment of judgments, on the contrary - causes one of the only harm, occupying the mind of the gathered trifles and nonsense, dispel their attention For they, instead of doing things, look at the statues, paintings, theater, or council ceiling, is too lush. No one from ordinary citizens was not allowed to submit their judgment, and the people, concerning, only argued or rejected what the elders and the kings are offered. But later, the crowd of various kinds of seizures and additions began to distort and dismiss the claimed decisions, and then the kings Pillador and the FEOPOMP did such a prescription to Retre: "If the people decide to dissolve the elders and kings," that is, the decision is not considered, and leave and dissolve People on the grounds that he perverts and reincarn the best and most useful. 7. So, Likurg gave the state-to-government mixed character, but the successors of His, seeing that the oligarchy is still too strong .., they pounce on it, like a Uzda, the power of eloor-workers - about one hundred and thirty years later after Likurga, with the Tsar Feopome. The first Euphoras were Elat and his comrades.

8. The second and most bold of the transformations of Likurg - redistribute land. Since terrible inequality dominated, the crowds of the poor and needy burdened the city, and all wealth moved into the hands of a few, Likurg, in order to expel the arrogance, envy, anger, luxury and even older, even more terrible states of state - wealth and poverty, persuaded Spartans to unite all Earth, and then divide them to continue to store property equality, superiority to seek in valve, because there is no other difference, other championship, than what is established by the renewal of the shameful and praise. Turning away from words to business, he divided the laconium between the pericles, or, in other words, residents of the surrounding places, for thirty thousand plots, and land belonging to the city itself Sparta - nine thousand, by the number of Spartian families ... Everyone was such a magnitude To bring along seventy Medmen barley per man and for twelve to a woman and a commensurate amount of liquid products. Likurg believed that this would be sufficient for such a lifestyle, which will retain his fellow citizens of power and health, including other needs of them should not be ...

9. Then he took up the section and movable property in order to completely destroy all kinds of inequality, but, realizing that the open seizure of the property would cause a sharp discontent, defeated the greed and korestolubie by indirect means. First, he brought all the gold and silver coin from use, leaving only iron in circulation, and that with a huge weight and sizes appointed an insignificant cost, so for storing the amount equal to ten mines, a large warehouse was required, and for transportation - Farmhouse. As the new coin spread, many types of crimes in Lacceedaene disappeared. To whom, in fact, could have fallen hunting to steal, take bribes or rob, since it was unclean, it was unclean and hid it was unthinkable, and nothing enviable did not imagine anything, and even broken into pieces did not receive any use? After all, Likurgi, as reported, ordered to temper the iron, dipped it into vinegar, and this deprived the metal of the fortress, he became fragile and no longer on anything, because no further processing was already amenable to.

Then the Likurg was expelled from Sparta useless and extra crafts. However, most of them, and without that would be deleted after the generally accepted coin, not finding sales for their products. It was meaningless to carry the rail money to other Greek cities, "they did not have the slightest value there, and they only walked over them," so the Spartans could not buy anything from alien trifles, and indeed merchant goods stopped coming in their harbor. Within the limits of Laconia, neither a skillful speaker, nor a stray charlatan-predictor, nor a pimp, nor golden or silver business master - after all there were no more coins there! But because of this, the luxury, little by little, which was deprived of everything that was supported and fed, faded himself and disappeared. Wealthy citizens lost all their advantages, since wealth was closed to people, and it was hiding without any business locked through the houses. For the same reason, ordinary and unavailable utensils - a bed, chairs, tables - was manufactured in Spartans as anywhere, and Lacon Coton was considered, according to criste, irreplaceable in the campaigns: if you had to drink water, unsightly in appearance, he hid his color liquid, And since the torment was delayed inside, defending on the inner side of the convex walls, the water reached the lips a few more purified. And here the merit belongs to the legislator, because artisans, forced to abandon the production of useless items, began to invest all their skills in the essentials.

10. To put luxury and passion to wealth, a more decisive blow, Likurg spent the third and most beautiful transformation - established common meals: Citizens collected together and all ate alone and the same eats, deliberately installed for these meals ... This is, of course, extremely important But even more importantly, thanks to the joint nutrition and its simplicity, wealth, as Feofrast says, ceased to be enviable, ceased to be wealth. It was impossible to use a luxurious decoration, nor enjoy them, nor even put it on the show and at least felt their vanity, since the rich was going to one meal with the poor ... it was impossible to appear on a common dinner, pre-touched at home: everyone watched each other. Beyond the other and, if a person was found, who does not eat and do not drink with the others, they cried it, calling unnecessary and ramp.

12. Common meals are called "Andriy", and Lactedamia "Fidilations" - Because the friendship and benevolence reigned on them or because they were taught to simplicity and leaning. It is equally similar to us to assume, following the example of some that the first sound here is the attachment and that the word "Editia" should be made from the word "nutrition" or "food".

There was a fifteen person on the meals, sometimes a little less than or more. Each fellowship brought a monthly medimon of barley flour, eight cheeves of wine, five mines of cheese, two and a half Myster Frozv and, finally, a completely minor amount of money for buying meat and fish. If any of them committed a sacrifice or hunted, a part of the sacrificial animal or production came for a common table, but not everything, because he mounted on the hunt or due to the sacrifice could have lunch at home, while the rest should have been present. The custom of co-trapez Spartans strictly observed until late times. When the king Agid, breaking the Athenian, returned from the campaign and, wanting to dinner with his wife, sent for his part, the hemerar refused to give her. The next day the king in anger did not bring the victim's established victim, and the hemerar was penalized.

There were children for meals. They were given there for sure to school of common sense, where they listened to talking about state affairs, witnessed fun, worthy of a free man, were chased to joke and laugh without vulgar and meet jokes without resentment. Quiet to endure ridicule was considered one of the main advantages of the Spartan. Who became unbearable, he could ask for mercy, and the mockery immediately silent. Each of the members of the elder at the table spoke, pointing to the door: "Speeches for the threshold do not go out." They say that who wanted to become a member of the meal, was subjected to what test. Each of the sotraznikov took a piece of breadfish and, like a vote pebbles, threw silently into a vessel who brought, holding his head, servant. In the approval of the lump, they just lowered, and who wanted to express his disagreement, he preliminarily squeezed the bowel in his fist. And if at least one such lump corresponding to the drilled pebble, the seeker in the reception was refused, wanting to all sit at the table, to find pleasure in each other's society ... From Spartan eating the most famous - black chowder. The old men even refused their shares of meat and inferior to her young, and they themselves were eaten by chowed. There is a story that one of the Pontic kings was the only sake of this chowder bought himself a cook-laky, but, having tried, turned away with disgust, and then the cook told him: "The king, to eat this chowder, you must first swim in Evrote." Then, moderately driving dinner, the Spartans walked around the houses, without lighting the lamps: it was forbidden to walk with fire as in this case, and in general, so that they were taught confidently and fearlessly moving around in the night darkness. Such was the device of common trapez.

13. I did not record your laws of Likurg, and this is what is said about this in one of the so-called retros ... So, one of the retro, as already mentioned, I said that the written laws are not needed. Another, again, directed against luxury, demanded that in every roofing house it was done using only an ax, and the doors - the saws alone, without using at least one more tool ... No person is so tasteless and reckless to house , worked simply and rudely, to make a bed on silver legs, purple bedspreads, gold cups and a companion of all this - luxury. Will-unillires have to adapt and adapt to the house of the bed, to the lodge - bed, to bed - other conditions and utensils ...

14. Starting upbringing in which he saw the most important and finest business of the legislator, from afar, Licharg first addressed the issues of marriage and birth of children. ... He strengthened and harden the girls with exercises in running, wrestling, throwing a disc and a spear, so that the embryo in a healthy body from the very beginning developed healthy, and the women themselves, burning, simply and easily cope with the flour. Forcing girls to forget about the lotion, pampering and all female pleasures, he taught them no worse than the young men, to take part in solemn processions, dance and sing in the performance of some sacred rites in front of young people. It happened to them and let me go, a member of the rooty of the provinces, and praise the praise in the songs worthy, awakening jealous ambition in the young man. Whoever received praise for the valor and acquired fame among the girls, was removed, snoozy, and the knuckles, even joking and witty, Zhalili is no less pain than strict suggestion: after all, the kings and elders came to look at this sight and elders. At the same time, the nudity of the girls did not bring anything wrong with himself, for they kept shame and did not know the promiscuity, on the contrary, she talked to simplicity, to the concerns about the health and body of the body, and the women assimilated the noble image of thought, knowing that they were able to join Valor and honorable ...

15. All this in itself was and a means of motivating to marriage - I mean the marchs of girls, the exposure of the body, competition in the presence of young people ... At the same time, Likurg has established a kind of shameful punishment for bachelors: they were not allowed to Gymnopedia, in winter, by order of the authorities, they had to go around the square, the sawing song, who became represented by him (in the song it was said that they suffer a fair retribution for disobedience to laws), and finally they were deprived of those honors and respect, What young people had an elder .. Brides were taken by an injury, but not too young, unresponsive marriage, but blooming and matured. ... Making such a procedure, such a specitude and restraint, Likurgus with a few success and restraint, the loyal sense of jealousity was expelled: he considered intelligent and correct, to, cleanse the marriage of every dismissal, the Spartans provided the right to every worthy citizen to communicate with women the works of the offspring, and taught the fellow citizens to laugh at those who amteful for such actions by murder and war, seeing property in marriage, not tolerant or complicity ... These orders established in harmony with the nature and needs of the state were so far from The so-called "accessibility" that subsequently prevailed among Spartan women that the adultery seemed inconceivable at all ...

16. The Father was not in the right to dispose of the child's upbringing - he attributed a newborn in a place called "Leshoye", where the oldest seids were sitting on fillets. They examined the child and, if they found him strong and okay folded, ordered to raise, immediately appointing him one of nine thousand puts. If the child was punched and ugly, he was sent to the apophietam (so called a loss on the taign), believing that his life was not needed to himself, neither the state, since him from the very beginning was denied health and strength. For the same reason, women were wrapped in newborns not with water, but wine, experiencing their qualities: they say that patients of Paduch and generally the birth from the non-shaped wines die, and healthy harnesses and become even stronger. The breadlides were caring and skillful, children were not pelenali to give freedom to members of the body, they raised them unpretentious and non-educated in food that were not afraid of darkness or loneliness, which does not know what is a matterful and crying. Therefore, sometimes even strangers bought a bombing from Laconia ... Meanwhile, the Spartan children of Likurg forbade the teachers bought for money or hired for the fee, and his father could not bring up his son as he pleased.

As soon as the boys reached a seven-year-old age, Likurg chose them from her parents and smashed down the detachments so that they lived together and fir, would be looking around to play and work near each other. At the head of the detachment, he put someone who was superior to other ingenuity and was the brave of all in fights. The rest were equal to him, they performed his orders and silently suffered punishment, so the main consequence of such an image of life was to obey. Behind the games of children often looked after the old men and constantly quarreled them, trying to cause a fight, and then carefully watched, which of each of the nature of the quality - whether the boy was leaning and was brazed in the fights. Dimensions they studied only to the extent that it was impossible to do without it, the rest of the upbringing was reduced to the requirements unquestionedly obey, steadfastly tolerate deprivation and defeat the opponent. With the age, the requirements were made all tougher: the children briefly string, they ran barefoot, chased to play nagi. At twelve years, they have already been packed without Hiton, getting once a year by Himia, dirty, launched; Baths and detiments were unfamiliar - for the whole year only a few days they used this blessing. They slept together, on the sludge and detachments, on the bedding, who were prepared for themselves, breaking the barefoot bastards on the shore of eurot ...

17 ... stores ... attend gymnasiums, are present during competitions and verbal skins, and this is not fun for the sake, for anyone considers himself to some extent by the father, the educator and the head of any of adolescents, so it has always been, who is to enjoy and punish the guilty. Nevertheless, a Pedon is also appointed from the number of decent husbands - supervising children, and at the head of each detachment, adolescents themselves put one of the so-called Irenes - always the most sensible and brave. (Irenami is called those who have been matured for the second year, with mellirenes - the highest boys.) Irene who has reached twenty years, commands his subordinates in fights and disposes of them when it comes to take care of dinner. He gives a big enough to bring firewood, babies - vegetables. Everything is extreme as theft: Some go to the gardens, others with the greatest caution, putting all their tricks in the course of all their cunning, make their way to the general meals of husbands. If the boy came across, he was brutally beaten with a lamb for a negligible and awkward steam. Kralya they and all sorts of other provisions, which only came across at hand, learning to deftly attack the sleeping or glory guard. The punishment came were not only beatings, but also hunger: the children were fed very poorly, to carry the deprivation, they themselves, the willy-noilies, pontorules in audacity and tricks ...

18. Warning, children observed the greatest caution; One of them, as they tell, hiding the fox, hid him under a cloak, and although the animal ripped him with claws and teeth of the stomach, the boy to hide his act, was attached until he died. You can judge the accuracy of this story: I myself saw how not one of them died under blows at the Altar of Orfia ... Often Irene punished the boys in the presence of old people and the authorities, so that they were convinced of how reason to be and fairly his actions are. During the punishment, he was not stopped, but when the children diverged, he kept the answer if Kara was stricter or, on the contrary, softer than it followed.

19. Children were taught to speak so that in their words the caustic acuity mixed with the grace so that brief speeches cause extensive reflections ...

21. Singing and music was taught with a few care, rather than the clarity and purity of speech, but also in the songs a kind of sting was concluded, who excited the courage and the soul of the soul enthusiastically gust to action. Their words were simple and idle, the subject is magnifier and moral. We were mainly the glorification of the lucky focus of the fallen to Sparta and Ukoles, doomed to keep life in the insignificance, promises to prove their bravery or - depending on the age of singers - the praise her ...

24. The upbringing of the Spartan lasted in mature years. No one was allowed to live in the way he wants: exactly in a military camp, everything in the city was obeyed strictly established orders and did it from the affairs useful for the state, which they were appointed. Considering yourself who belongs to themselves, but the Fatherland, Spartans, if they did not have other orders, or watched the children and taught them anything useful, or they themselves studied in the old people themselves. After all, one of the goods and advantages that Likurg's fellow citizens had been an abundance of leisure. It was forbidden to engage in the craft for them, and in pursuit of progress, requiring endless work and trouble, there was no need, since wealth has lost all its value and attractive force. The earth cultivated them to the land, introducing the appointed file. One Spartan, being in Athens and having heard that someone was condemned for the idleness and convictedly returned to the deep despondency, accompanied by friends, also saddened and distressed, asked others to show him who freedom was delivered to the crime. That's how low and slave, they considered any handmade work, all sorts of worries, conjugate with progress! As it should be expected, along with the coin disappeared and litigation; And the need and excessive abundance left Sparta, their place was taken by equality of wealth and serenity of the full ease of morals. All-free from military service Time Spartans dedicated dances, femors and festivities, hunting, gymnasiums and forests.

25. Those who were younger than thirty years did not go to the market at all and did the necessary purchases through relatives ... However, and for older people were considered to be continuously pushed at the market, and not to spend most of the day in gymnasiums and forests. Going there, they chinno talked, neither the word is not mentioning either about the profit, nor about trade - the clock flowed in praise worthy actions and censures bad, praise, connected with jokes and ridicule, who were promoted and corrected ... in a word, he killed fellow citizens to To ensure that they do not want and do not know how to live apart, but, like the bees, were in a unprofitable connection with society, everyone was closely united around their head and were fully belonged to Fatherland, almost forgetting themselves in a rustling of enthusiasm and love for glory ...

26. As already mentioned, the first elders of Likurg appointed from among those who participated in his intent. He then ruled in return to the dead every time choosing from citizens who have reached the sixty years, who will be recognized as the most valiant. There was probably in the world of contesting the greatest and victory more desirable! And right, because it was not about who among the most agile favorable or among the strong is the strongest, but about who among good and wisely wise and the best, who in the award for virtue will receive up to the end of their days of the Verkhovna, - if here Applicable this word, - power in the state, will be Mr. Over life, honor, in short, above all the highest benefits. This solution was submitted as follows. When the people converged, special elected closed in the house in the neighborhood, so that no one saw them, and they themselves did not see what was happening outside, but only heard the voices of the gathered. The people and in this case, as in all others, solved the case. Applicants were administered not all at once, but in turn, according to the lot, and they were silent through the meeting. In those who were sitting locked up, there were signs on which they marked the strength of a cry, not knowing who shout, but only concluding that the first, second, third, in general the next applicant. Selected was declared the one who shouted more and louder than others ...

27. The laws relating to the burial were equally wonderful. First, having appointed with a whole superstition, Likurg did not interfere to bury the dead in the city itself and put the tombstones near the temples, so that young people are accustomed to their mind, they were not afraid of death and did not consider themselves dedicated, touching the dead body or crossing the grave. Then he forbade the buried anything together with the dead: The body should have betrayed the earth wrapped in a purple cloak and the olive greenery seized. Inscribing on the grave stone the name of the deceased raised; The elimination of Likurg did only for the fallen in the war and for the priestess ...

For the same reason, he was not allowed to leave the country and travel, fearing, no matter how they were taken in Lacceeda melt, did not imitate someone else's, disordered life and the other image of the board. Moreover, he expelled those in Sparta without any need or a certain goal - not because according to Fukidid, that he was afraid, no matter how they adopted the service established by him and did not get acquired valor, but rather, fear as These people themselves did not turn into vice teachers. After all, together with strangers, other people's speeches are also encountered, and new speeches lead new judgments, of which many feelings and desires are inevitably born, as opposed to the existing public system, how wrong sounds are a well-coordinated song. Therefore, LIKURG considered it necessary to take care of the city from evil morals than from the contagion that can be left.

28. In all this there is no trace of injustice, in which others blame the laws of Likurg, believing as if they are quite sufficiently instructed in courage, but too little - in justice. And only the so-called Cryptium, if only she, according to Aristotle, - Likurgogovo innovation, could inspire some, including Platon, such a judgment about the Spartan state and its legislator. This is how Cryptia happened. From time to time, the authorities sent to wander around the neighborhoods of young people who were considered the most intelligent, providing them with only the short swords and the most necessary food margin. In the afternoon, they rested, hiding at secluded corners, and at night, having left their asylum, they killed all Ilotov, which they were captured on the roads. Often they went around the fields, killing the strongest and strong Ilotov. Fuchdide in the "Peloponnes War" says that the Spartans chose those who distinguished the hard courage of Ilotov, and those with wreaths on the head, as if preparing to get freedom, visited the temple for the temple, but a little later everything disappeared, - and there were more than two thousand them, - and Neither then nor subsequently could say how they died. Aristotle especially stops on the fact that eforms, taking power, the first thing was announced by the ILOTO war, in order to legalize the murder of the latter. And in general, the Spartans treated them rudely and cruel. They forced the Ilotov to drink a non-shaped wine, and then they brought them to common meals to show young people what kind of intoxication. They were ordered to sing tray songs and dance ridiculous dances, forbilling entertainment, like a free person ... So, the one who says that in Lacedaemon free to the end is free, and the slave to the end is enslaved, quite correctly determined the current state of affairs. But, in my opinion, all these rigors appeared in Spartans only subsequently, namely, after a large earthquake, when, as told, Ilota, speaking together with the messengers, was scary in relation to the whole of Laconia and almost destroyed the state.


State of Lake Demonia, 5-7; 8-10.

... Removing the order in the Spartans, in which they, like all other Greeks, have lunch each in their home, Likurg saw in this circumstance the cause of quite many frivolous actions. Likurg made publicly their friendly lunches in the calculation that, thanks to this, the opportunity will most likely disappear. He allowed to consume citizens in such a quantity so that they were not excessively pleased, but also did not tolerate the lack; However, it is often served, in the form of adding, game, and rich people sometimes bring wheat bread; Thus, while Spartans live together on the tents, they never suffer from eating dishes, nor excessive expensive. Also relative to drinking: stopping an unnecessary break, relaxing the body, relaxing mind, Likurgus allowed everyone, to drink only to satisfy thirst, believing that drinking under such conditions will be all harmful and everything is more pleasant. During general lunch, could anyone cause serious damage to their own economy of sophistication or drunkenness? In all other states, peers are, for the most part, together and the least shy each other; Likurg in Sparta combined the ages so that young people are brought up mainly under the leadership of the experience of the elders. On the fiditis, it is customary to talk about the affairs committed by someone in the state; Therefore, there is not almost a place of arrogance, drunk outcomes, indecent act, foul language. And now, what good side is the device of lunches outside the house: Returning home, Fidithev members must walk and beware that they should not stumble in drunken, they should be known that they can not stay there, where they have dinner that they need to go in the dark As afternoon, since the torch is not allowed to walk to the one who is still serving a garrison service. Further, noting that the most food that reports a good complexion and the health of the worker, gives the ugly completeness and sickness of the idle, Likurg is not neglected and this ... because it is difficult to find people healthier, more hardy physically than Spartans, Since they are equally exercised and legs, and hands, and neck.

In contrast, most of the Greeks, found a likurg necessary and the following. In the rest of the states each disposes of their children, slaves and property; And Likurg, wanting to arrange so that citizens do not harm each other, but brought benefit, provided everyone equally

to dispose of both your children and strangers: after all, if everyone knows that there are fathers of those children in front of him, it will inevitably manage them to dispose of the way he would like to treat his own children. If a boy, beaten by somehow, complains of his father, is considered shameful if the father does not beat his son again. So the Spartans are confident that none of them orders the boys nothing shameful. Licharg also dialed, if necessary, to use other people's slaves, also established the general use of hunting dogs; Therefore, not having their dogs are invited to the hunt of others; And who has no time to go to hunt, he willingly gives dogs to others. Also use the horses: who will get sick or who will need a wagon, or who wants to go somewhere as soon as possible, "he takes the first horse, and according to the passage of need to put it back. But also the custom, not accepted by the rest of the Greeks, but introduced by Likurg. In case, if people are lit on the hunt and, without capturing stocks, they will need them, Likurg installed, so that the reserves leave them, and the needy-could open constipation, take how much you need, and the remaining again locked. Thus, due to the fact that the Spartans are so sharing with each other, they even have people poor if they need something, they have a share in all the riches of the country.

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