Confused mother and wife in bed story. I had sex with my husband's friend - what should I do now? Meeting with husband's friend after sex

Once my mother came to me, my wife either caught a cold, or something else, but she couldn’t. Of course, I would not have sent my mother to the store for vodka for anything in my life, but this time, even without me, there was someone to cover for a hundred. One guy was visited by his wife, a mid-level official in the Kiev City Council, and that day they were just celebrating their husband's birthday. What was not there!

Familiar with our orders, she simply gave a bribe to our owner and then ordered the guards to help the woman, transfer the contents of her spacious Mercedes trunk to the visiting room, it is clear that there was no question of even a superficial search.

Mom had already fallen asleep, tired from the road, and I had no choice but to go and get acquainted with the neighbors for the next three days. I didn’t have time to go into the kitchen when I bumped into a chicly set table at which three ladies were busy, different ages and different looks. I immediately liked the youngest, small, not that beautiful, but very sweet, a girl who only lacked bows. The men on the sidelines smoked, glancing gratefully at their other halves.

And where is yours? - greeted one of my acquaintances with whom we somehow already encountered several times on a date.
-Bro, don't go far, it's my birthday today, so now we're already sitting at the table. -Rejections are not accepted, you don't want to offend me, do you?

I had no such blasphemy in my thoughts, and therefore I was soon sitting at one in this noisy, cheerful company. The toasts sounded one after another, the glasses turned over even faster, and by nightfall everyone was already ready. Someone dragged a two-cassette recorder, dancing began to the sad Butyrka, and the gentlemen hung themselves on their ladies in unison and swam in drunken pas around the kitchen. The husband of a small, pretty girl seemed to be an ardent opponent or simply never danced, and therefore continued to look at the dancers with a cloudy, dull look, propping his heavy head on his fist. Maybe invite this charming creature to dance, I thought then, but immediately changed my mind, others may misinterpret and then not avoid the traditional Russian fight. Now, if this drunken miracle went to lie down in his room, and fell asleep, I continued to indulge in seditious thoughts ...

Well, maybe let's have a drink, - the miracle suggested, and without waiting for our answer, it began to be poured into glasses.
The man himself suggested the entrance to me and on the second I poured it myself, to my friends in full, to myself at the bottom. After the third glass, his head collapsed exhaustedly right on the table into a piece of chicken leg which he was trying to eat.

We are taking the body away, spoiling the picture of the holiday, I suggested to a neighbor and we immediately transferred the man to his room.

Now God himself ordered to diversify the life of this lovely lady. Yes, she herself was not opposed, after sitting most feasts near a drunk spouse. Lyudochka danced beautifully, but besides that she was a wonderful, chatty merry girl with whom I didn’t even notice how everyone dispersed or rather crawled around the rooms.

So maybe we will change the situation to a more calm one, ”I suggested, noting that the girl herself was already ill on her feet.
-And where to? My drunken muzzle fell apart, I probably already spit everything there, - the girl suddenly remembered her husband, whom she foolishly managed to marry in spite of her boyfriend who took a very long time to decide.

Only the room of the caretaker remained free, who went to the zone for the night. The lock there is nonsense, even a child could open it, especially with the genes of a burglar dad, a second and we were already in his household. I looked into her eyes, put my hand behind her back and turned the latch, Luda did not look away, she did not mind. I gently pulled her to me and kissed her girlish, plump lips with a kiss ... In a moment we were already lying on a shell bed, tearing off each other's clothes. What a body she had, as if it had been soaked in milk before a date. Lyudka reacted to every touch with a muffled moan and gave herself as if she wanted to enjoy the next years of family life.

It was necessary to part with this magical, sweet girl as soon as possible, otherwise the husband would wake up and start looking for something good. Having kissed Lyuda for the last time on her alluring lips, I began to look for my panties, and she lay there, dreamily closing her eyes, then suddenly turned around, grabbed my neck, pulled me to her and began kissing me furiously. A minute later, as if coming to her senses, she turned away and began hastily dressing herself.

It happened when we celebrated my wife's birthday, says Pavel. - The date was significant, I even drew a large poster “45 - woman berry again!”. The company gathered a lot, the fun lasted for two days. Maybe we would have walked further, if not for this stupid incident.

Many guests did not go home and stayed at our dacha. Our house is large, and there was enough space, when someone got tired of the fun, they themselves wandered around the rooms and went to bed. So did I. I felt that I had no more strength, and went into my room with my wife. He came, undressed and darted into bed, had not yet had time to get settled properly, the door opens, his wife comes in, undresses and lies down next to him. I reached out to cuddle her. At that moment, the door opened again, and my wife entered again, only, as it turned out later, she was real, and how she screamed. And then her sister (who was lying next to me, and I mistook her for my wife) also jumped up and started yelling. In a word, Sveta and her sister shouted for a long time, beat me, and only after the husband of Svetka's sister came running, the situation cleared up. It turned out that my sister's husband had arranged with his wife to collapse into this room, not suspecting that I had already gone to bed there. Svetka's sister did just that, and the wife, seeing how first I and then her sister went to the same room, suspected us of treason.


The situation was complicated by the fact that the wife felt her sister as a rival. There is often rivalry between siblings, so such a “betrayal” is more difficult to forgive. Now you should be the most attentive husband: let your wife understand that she is the most beautiful and desirable for you and wins a lot compared to her sister. Time is on your side. Two months is still too short a time for jealousy to subside.

My wife and I have been together for twenty years, we have two children, common friends and, as I thought, common interests, - says Viktor Pavlovich. - But recently I realized that I don’t know anything about Nina. The wife began to change about a year ago, when her sister brought her some book. Nina read it and for a long time walked around on her own. There was serenity and serenity in her. Later, Nina told me that she began to study positive thinking, that that book helped her understand and realize a lot, and now she wants to study such literature, wants to go to some seminars and suggested that I do the same. I didn't really understand any of her explanations. He joked that somehow I would definitely read her books.

Literally in six months, Nina acquired not only a lot of new books and new friends - even her appearance became completely different. His eyes sparkled, as in the period of our love. Then I suspected that Nina had taken a lover. I understand that I was very wrong then, I began to behave like a tyrant, forbade her to meet new acquaintances, did not let like-minded people to meetings, shouted that she had fallen into a sect, and even burned all these books indicatively. Fool, I thought that I would achieve something by such behavior. I was afraid to lose her, and she moved away more and more.

I didn't scare my wife. On the contrary, Nina looked at me with pity and tried to explain that love should not put pressure on people, that a person cannot be someone's property ... My wife explained a lot to me. I began to understand her, but outwardly resisted and remained rude and cruel. What have I achieved? She filed for divorce. She says she loves me but doesn't want to live under my pressure. To my statements that she was not at the age to change her life, Nina replied: “You yourself want to live in a muddy consciousness and you are pulling me into your swamp.”

It turns out that for twenty years everything suited her, and suddenly some new beliefs, a bunch of always smiling people replaced her family. Does this mean that learning some new way of thinking is more precious to her than I am?


Apparently, it seemed to you that your wife was happy all these years. And in the meantime, you treated her like property, burned her books, etc. Discord was brewing in the family, and the wife tried to eliminate it by reading books and communicating with “positive” people. But you didn't go to her. Your wife did not put forward any unnatural demands, she only wanted you not to put pressure on her and respect her. True, she should have raised this issue 20 years ago, when you were just starting to live together.

Get off your son!

A few years ago, Valentina Ivanovna dissuaded her son from marrying. And he turned out to be single. Now the old woman feels that she will not wait for her grandchildren.

My aunt raised her son in the same way, and now my cousin, at forty, is not only single, he has also become unsociable. I think this is a disease of a whole generation, and one can only hope that the next generation will not be with the same broken psyche.

Yulia Romanovna Sizova. Moscow.

Get off your son! Give him a breath of freedom and the opportunity to live at least part of his life without your supervision.

Tatyana Proshina. Kupavna.

Look for love even in a public toilet

Ekaterina Petrovna could not find her love for a long time. But one day I went to a neighbor and saw Him. As a result, he is tormented by doubts and remorse.

What difference does it make where you found your loved one? Yes, even in a public toilet, as long as you feel good together.

Zhanna Bryantseva. Moscow.

And what did you want the neighbor to thank you for taking her man away from her? Maybe he will run away from you to another neighbor, for example, from the top floor.

Svetlana Kuznetsova.

If you are hooked by these stories or there is a situation that you want to discuss with the readers of our newspaper, write. We are waiting for your letters (preferably with a photo) by mail marked: "Moscow issue", to the "Keyhole". Or to an email address: [email protected]. Or calls by phone 8-926-225-97-84.

Hi all! Somehow a couple of years ago I stumbled upon this site, but I could never have imagined that I would write here myself. And my story, very similar to the sitcom, happened a year ago. But first things first.

I am 28 years old, my husband is 31, we have been in a relationship for 7 years, of which 4 years have been married. We are both from complete families and both have higher education, I am writing this in order to reveal my psychological image a little. I was brought up in a family where respect and love for my husband were always cultivated, not to mention a strong negative attitude towards relationships on the side. So I tasted it from childhood, one might say, with mother's milk.

By the way, I have always been the object of increased attention of men. Today, I can’t even count how many guys I had, but it never came to sex with anyone, because I didn’t want to trade for a frivolous fuck. So, only festivities and kisses. And I must say, the tactics I chose very quickly revealed which of the guys was in the mood for a serious relationship, and who needed only sex. Therefore, I firmly decided for myself at one time that I would lose my virginity, albeit not necessarily with my husband, but definitely with a loved one with serious intentions.

Actually, it all happened: my husband became my first man. I will add that I have always loved and love my husband. Trust in each other has always been the foundation of our relationship. I never cheated on him, I couldn’t even allow these thoughts in my head, I myself condemn cheaters, but sometimes fate throws us very difficult puzzles, one of which I had to solve.

And now for my story. In the 4th year of marriage, our sex life required the introduction of any innovations, we wanted something new, some kind of sharpness, inspiration. And since my husband and I have no secrets from each other, we openly discussed these issues together. Having reasoned like this once again, we agreed to try sex in some unusual and unusual place for both of us, and to do it as spontaneously as possible and as little as possible in advance agreeing on it.

He sat with the back of his head to me, and I, putting my hand on his shoulder, turned to him with the words: “Imagine ...”. He turned to me, but, to my sudden amazement, it was no longer my husband, but another person who was dressed almost like my husband, and also resembled him in many other ways: hair, complexion, etc. I abruptly recoiled from him, only grunting: “I'm sorry,” but he, apparently very happy that the situation turned out in his favor and gave him the opportunity to continue the dialogue with me, replied that he would be happy to talk with me, and made a compliment, saying that I am very beautiful. I did not answer him and, turning to Vika, gave her a sign to go with me to our common table.

We moved away from the bar, but our table was empty, apparently everyone was on the dance floor. Vika went to dance, and for some time I just sat alone and looked at the surroundings and the interiors of the club. In the meantime, I was already tipsy and in a relaxing atmosphere with friends I was very cheerful, I wanted to light up (do not think too much - dance and have fun), but first I decided to call my husband to discuss with him what time we need to go home. However, his phone did not answer, I thought that, most likely, he did not hear him and did not feel the vibration of the call on the dance floor.

I decided to visit the ladies' room, upon arrival from which I would again try to find a husband. Having reached the women's toilet, I opened the door and, entering the room, I felt my husband's hand, which I recognized by the sleeve of my shirt, unexpectedly grabbed my waist, and his lips fell to my neck. I didn't hear him come in. At that moment, a conversation about sex in an unusual place popped up in my memory. I was madly spurred on by the thought that now we will do this in the women's room, where people can go at any moment.

The alcohol and intense sexual arousal almost gave me a kick, and I rolled my eyes, enjoying the way he covered my neck with kisses and stroked my ass with his hand. At some point, I felt like a loose and dirty woman, but I took it as a game and just gave myself to my passion. I discovered completely new facets of my married life with my husband. Suddenly, he took me by the neck and, leaning against the wall, without saying a word, pulled up my skirt and abruptly entered me. And then there was just enchanting sex, fueled by the fear of being taken by surprise, everything happened in a fog ... I was almost unaware of what was happening, but only enjoyed it, and waves of orgasm covered me over and over again.

Despite the alcohol-clouded consciousness, I still caught myself thinking that the rhythm and pace of movements were somewhat different from the pace of my husband, but I was so excited that the subconscious treacherously found an explanation for this in the form that the husband, wanting to experiment himself, I also decided to make a maximum of changes in the tactics of sex. Then he came out of me and, squatting me in front of him, forced me to please him orally, which I obediently did, and he held me by the back of my head. I must say that my husband had never done this before, so I wondered why he had so much agility, because by nature he was always calm and in bed he was always more gentle and affectionate than aggressive. But I decided to postpone the analysis of the situation for subsequent discussions with my husband, and now I just wanted to enjoy.

I decided to look at the contented face of my husband, but suddenly I was illuminated by a lamp on the ceiling, shining light directly into my eyes. I closed my eyes sharply and did not try to open them again until the very end of the process. And when it was all over, I finally got up on shaky legs to look at my husband’s face and say that it was great, but suddenly I was dumbfounded when I saw in front of me the same guy with whom I confused my husband for about an hour back.

This situation, like a bolt from the blue, like lightning, pierced me all the way from the inside. I was just speechless, and this freak just said something like “what a cool baby you are.” After that, pulling on the trousers and seeing, probably, my condition, he threw it, already leaving the door, so that I would not be upset, if anything, because I also liked it. He left, and I stood humiliated and crushed, the joy of the experience was replaced by wild and burning bitterness ... I remembered my husband ... I realized that I had cheated on him, and, moreover, in the most stupid way. I just wanted to sink into the ground, die...

For a while, I was still in shock, but I thought that a lot of time must have passed and I must have been missed. I tried to put myself in order and wash, after which I returned to the table. There I found my husband and told him that I didn’t feel well, we abruptly began to say goodbye and got ready to go home. While we were riding in a taxi, I with great difficulty hid tears from my eyes from my husband.

In general, I will not describe all my experiences, but I will only say that after a week I came to my senses a little and decided firmly that I would tell my husband everything, I would be honest with him to the end. I also understood that, most likely, he would take everything that I was telling for a stupid excuse like “I didn’t see it” and, in general, he would be right. Getting ready for a divorce. I told everything and added that if he wants to get a divorce, I can understand him, that it's only my fault.

It hurt me to see how he was going through, he left home for a week, and I didn’t know how to explain to him that it was an absurd accident, and whether it was possible to explain this. When he returned, I was waiting for him to say about filing for divorce, but he sat down and we started talking. He said that he analyzed everything and that our marriage was saved by the fact that he learned this from me, and not from other sources. Appreciated my honesty. He believed me, I was very happy and appreciated my husband in a new way. I see in him the strongest of men, because I understand that it is unrealistic to forgive such a thing. And he was able to explain everything to himself, and, most importantly, he believes me.

Some time has passed, our marriage continues to recover, like a patient after a serious illness. We have turned this page and try to live in a new way. Although I understand that this will never be forgotten. In conclusion, I want to say: girls, be vigilant - both with alcohol and with men. A stupid mistake can ruin your whole life! Take care of yourself and appreciate your husbands, do not deceive them.

It happened when we celebrated my wife's birthday, says Pavel. - The date was significant, I even drew a large poster “45 - woman berry again!”. The company gathered a lot, the fun lasted for two days. Maybe we would have walked further, if not for this stupid incident.

Many guests did not go home and stayed at our dacha. Our house is large, and there was enough space, when someone got tired of the fun, they themselves wandered around the rooms and went to bed. So did I. I felt that I had no more strength, and went into my room with my wife. He came, undressed and darted into bed, had not yet had time to get settled properly, the door opens, his wife comes in, undresses and lies down next to him. I reached out to cuddle her. At that moment, the door opened again, and my wife entered again, only, as it turned out later, she was real, and how she screamed. And then her sister (who was lying next to me, and I mistook her for my wife) also jumped up and started yelling. In a word, Sveta and her sister shouted for a long time, beat me, and only after the husband of Svetka's sister came running, the situation cleared up. It turned out that my sister's husband had arranged with his wife to collapse into this room, not suspecting that I had already gone to bed there. Svetka's sister did just that, and the wife, seeing how first I and then her sister went to the same room, suspected us of treason.


The situation was complicated by the fact that the wife felt her sister as a rival. There is often rivalry between siblings, so such a “betrayal” is more difficult to forgive. Now you should be the most attentive husband: let your wife understand that she is the most beautiful and desirable for you and wins a lot compared to her sister. Time is on your side. Two months is still too short a time for jealousy to subside.

My wife and I have been together for twenty years, we have two children, common friends and, as I thought, common interests, - says Viktor Pavlovich. - But recently I realized that I don’t know anything about Nina. The wife began to change about a year ago, when her sister brought her some book. Nina read it and for a long time walked around on her own. There was serenity and serenity in her. Later, Nina told me that she began to study positive thinking, that that book helped her understand and realize a lot, and now she wants to study such literature, wants to go to some seminars and suggested that I do the same. I didn't really understand any of her explanations. He joked that somehow I would definitely read her books.

In just six months, Nina acquired not only a lot of new books and new friends - even her appearance became completely different. His eyes sparkled, as in the period of our love. Then I suspected that Nina had taken a lover. I understand that I was very wrong then, I began to behave like a tyrant, forbade her to meet new acquaintances, did not let like-minded people to meetings, shouted that she had fallen into a sect, and even burned all these books indicatively. Fool, I thought that I would achieve something by such behavior. I was afraid to lose her, and she moved away more and more.

I didn't scare my wife. On the contrary, Nina looked at me with pity and tried to explain that love should not put pressure on people, that a person cannot be someone's property ... My wife explained a lot to me. I began to understand her, but outwardly resisted and remained rude and cruel. What have I achieved? She filed for divorce. She says she loves me but doesn't want to live under my pressure. To my statements that she was not at the age to change her life, Nina replied: “You yourself want to live in a muddy consciousness and you are pulling me into your swamp.”

It turns out that for twenty years everything suited her, and suddenly some new beliefs, a bunch of always smiling people replaced her family. Does this mean that learning some new way of thinking is more precious to her than I am?


Apparently, it seemed to you that your wife was happy all these years. And in the meantime, you treated her like property, burned her books, etc. Discord was brewing in the family, and the wife tried to eliminate it by reading books and communicating with “positive” people. But you didn't go to her. Your wife did not put forward any unnatural demands, she only wanted you not to put pressure on her and respect her. True, she should have raised this issue 20 years ago, when you were just starting to live together.

Get off your son!

A few years ago, Valentina Ivanovna dissuaded her son from marrying. And he turned out to be single. Now the old woman feels that she will not wait for her grandchildren.

My aunt raised her son in the same way, and now my cousin, at forty, is not only single, he has also become unsociable. I think this is a disease of a whole generation, and one can only hope that the next generation will not be with the same broken psyche.

Yulia Romanovna Sizova. Moscow.

Get off your son! Give him a breath of freedom and the opportunity to live at least part of his life without your supervision.

Tatyana Proshina. Kupavna.

Look for love even in a public toilet

Ekaterina Petrovna could not find her love for a long time. But one day I went to a neighbor and saw Him. As a result, he is tormented by doubts and remorse.

What difference does it make where you found your loved one? Yes, even in a public toilet, as long as you feel good together.

Zhanna Bryantseva. Moscow.

And what did you want the neighbor to thank you for taking her man away from her? Maybe he will run away from you to another neighbor, for example, from the top floor.

Svetlana Kuznetsova.

If you are hooked by these stories or there is a situation that you want to discuss with the readers of our newspaper, write. We are waiting for your letters (preferably with a photo) by mail marked: "Moscow issue", to the "Keyhole". Or to an email address: [email protected]. Or calls by phone 8-926-225-97-84.

I confused my wife with a robber the other day. How she screamed, how she resisted when I threw her out the window.
- Duc is that ... I just confused the robber with his wife, you should have seen how he screamed and resisted.

1 year ago

[best of the day] [top of the week] [best of the month] [random joke]

Two drunks in front of the narcologist's office, both have traces of mental anguish on their faces:
- Che, encoded, bro?
- Yes...
- ?
- Yes, zae ... this vodka is in kind! I am bl. . here recently got drunk, pinned home at night, and count, it got so jammed that he mistook his wife for a robber.
God, how she resisted, how she screamed...
- Yes, brother, and I have the same x ... nya. He returned drunk at night, and mistook the robber for his wife ... Bl ... HOW he resisted ... HOW he screamed ...

Why didn't you save your wife when she was drowning?
- Did I know that she was drowning? Screaming as usual...

As a child, she believed, like all children, in Santa Claus. Once my mother forgot to put a gift under the Christmas tree, I get up, I see there is no gift, I wake my mother and then my mother takes out a gift from the chest of drawers and argues like this: "Daughter, Santa Claus got drunk and mixed up"

At the court.
- Tell the court why you did not save your wife?
- I didn't know she was drowning. Screaming as always.

The husband confused his wife with his mistress. He gave his wife flowers and sweets, brought his entire salary to his mistress. Both were happy.

Proctologist to the patient:
- Undress, bend down.
Spreading the buttocks:
- Are you gay?
- How did you find out?
- Through the window I saw how you were driving here along the side of the road.

A bank robbery and the robber's mask slips off his face in a fuss.
The robber approaches the cashier.
- You saw me?
- Yes I saw.
Shot, body.
Who else has seen my face?
From the back of the room:

Bank robbery. The robber's mask slips off his face in a fuss. The robber approaches the cashier.
- You saw me?
- Yes I saw!
Shot, body.
Who else has seen my face?
From the depths of the hall a voice is heard:
- My mother-in-law, but she is at home now.

I recently drank tea with my wife, so I accidentally confused sugar with salt and poured sugar into her tea.

She danced on the table
And Leningrad screamed at the top
This girl is for me
I just missed her

My wife asked me to give her a tube of lipstick, but I mixed it up and gave a tube of superglue.
She still doesn't talk to me.

When you feel stupid for missing your stop, just remember, there is an information board at Salzburg airport for those who have mistaken Austria for Australia.

Petrovich, how are you and your wife in bed?
- Well, almost like in the forest!
- And how is it?
- Either she is a log, or I am a firewood ...

The husband brought his wife to the maternity hospital, they took her to the ward, and they told him:
- When the contractions start, we'll call you...
- How, and that's all??
- What else do you want?
- Like what? When I put a wheelbarrow for service, they give me another one for the time of repair.

Grandfather confused Corvalol with Viagra. The heart has risen.

Yesterday, for the first time, I went to the store with my wife and mother-in-law, so she called me a miser and an alcoholic ...
- Why?
- Well, at first I refused the package at the checkout and carried everything in my hands, and then I ran into the wine department and bought whiskey.
Listen, but...
- How about?! Does she know that in order to buy this bottle of whiskey, I have not bought bags for 3 months?!

Congratulations! Reconciled with your wife? I saw yesterday how you sawed firewood together.
- Hey, old man, we shared the furniture!

Doctor, why do I feel so good?
- Sorry, I mixed up the dropper.

Confused antiperspirant and antidepressant again. The mood is depressed, but I smell good.

One day a man decided to paint a toilet seat while his wife was away. After finishing work, he went to the bar to drink beer. At this time, the wife returns from work, and, of course, goes to do her business.
Not noticing that the seat has just been painted, she sits on it and, of course, sticks. The husband returns from the bar and sees this sad picture. Well, they decide to go to the doctor. It is clear that no trousers or skirt fit on the wife, then she simply throws a coat on top, and in this form they go to the doctor. Entering the doctor’s office, the husband turns his wife around with her back to the doctor, pulls up her coat and asks:
- Doctor, have you ever seen THIS before?? Doctor:
- Well, in general, yes, many times... But in a frame!!!

How do you determine to what state you got drunk yesterday at a party?
- I ask my wife what I called her yesterday. If he says that perfect wife It means he was drunk to the point of losing his mind.

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