Preparations from the coke virus. Coksaki virus - what it is, symptoms, treatment in children and adults, photos and prevention

Koksaki virus in children - how proceeds

Coxaki virus is one of the many representatives of enterovirus infections. It is characterized by the fact that there has tropism (the property is elected to reproduction) to the muscles, heart, the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, the nervous system, lymphatic nodes. Therefore, the coking virus can proceed very diverse: from high temperature with catarrhal phenomena, nausea, vomiting and sprinkles on the skin before the inflammation of the brain shells (meningitis) and paralysis. Children from 3 to 10 years old are most often ill.

From the article you will learn:

Incubation period Coxica virus in children

The coke virus is represented by two types A and B, which, in turn, are divided into groups. Coksaki A contains 24 varieties of the virus, and the type B is only 6 groups. The presence of a large number of types and groups of this virus and causes a very diverse clinical picture.

The incubation period is from 1 to 11 days. The duration of the period depends on the group and the type of cokes virus, as well as from the state of the immunity of the child. The virus enters the body by air-droplet through the nasal mucosa and the rotogling (sneezing, cough or simply communication with the patient) and the fecal-oral pathway, through the gastrointestinal tract (unwashed hands, vegetables, fruits, etc.).

Coksaki virus - how many days the child is inflated

After complete recovery, the child ceases to be contagious. However, there is a concept as a virus monitor. The virus carrier is a man whose body breeds viruses and he highlights them to the environment, but there are no signs of the disease. The danger lies in the fact that a person (child) feared asymptomatic. He did not have any manifestations of the disease, but he is contagious, allocates viruses and infects other children. Such a child can be contagable for a long time - up to 2 - 3 months.

The course of this virus is very diverse. Due to the High Virus Tropism to different organs, the symptoms of the disease in some cases can be very different.

Frequently encountered Forms of Coxica Virus:

Serous Meningitis. It is mostly found in the children aged 5 - 10 years. It is manifested by acute start, an increase in temperature to 39-40 degrees Celsius, lack of appetite, strong headaches, hallucinations, seizures. There is a one-time vomiting. Face and throat red. From the very beginning of the disease, positive meningeal symptoms appear. There may be asymmetry of the face. In the presence of such manifestations of the disease, it is necessary to immediately cause an ambulance for hospitalization. When the temperature decreases, the signs of meningitis and the damage to the central nervous system (the central nervous system) disappear. This form meets often.

Broncholic fever (Epidemic Malgia or Perevrodinia), begins with a sharp increase in temperature 38 - 40 ° C. Characteristic for this form are severe pain in the muscles (hands, legs, back, abdomen). Pains occur in the form of attacks for 15 to 30 minutes. Pain enhancement occurs when moving, breathing. Often abdominal pain imitate appendicitis. At the same time there are catarrhal phenomena (redness of the throat and mucosa, tear from the eyes, etc.).

Paralytic form (polio-like). Temperature of the body is normal or increased to subfebrile numbers (up to 37.5 ° C). It manifests itself mainly by the defeat of the nervous system in the form of paralysis, weaknesses in the legs or arms. Drafting a walking of a child from a child due to weakness in the legs. Violations are rapidly restored, there are no residual violations. More often in children 4 - 8 years old.

Herpety angina (Vesiculse pharyngitis). The coke virus characteristic of this form is the presence of the spots, and then bubbles on the almonds, the tongue, the sky, which over time beep and form ulcers that cause severe pain when swallowing. The throat pain is accompanied by general intoxication and catarrhal phenomena: high temperatures of 39 - 40 ° C, increased and painful cervical and submandibular lymph nodes, nausea, may be one-time vomiting.

Boston disease (Enterovirus Exanthema). It is characteristic of a sharp beginning, moderate catarrhal phenomena (sore throat, headaches, mucous separation, low temperature - up to 38 ° C). At the beginning, it is manifested as a light cold, but immediately after a decrease in temperature, and this happens on 2 - 3 days, rashes appear on the body of the child. It is simultaneously on the head, the torso and limbs appear frident-papular rashes, which disappear without a trace after 2 - 5 days. Sometimes rashes can cause a child a light discomfort in the form of itching.

This form can manifest itself with a rash on the mucous membrane, palms and footsteps in the form of spots and bubbles, which, too, in a few days disappear. This form is called "Hand - Leg - Mouth".

Summer influenza (respiratory and catarrhaling). It is found primarily in the summer and flows as a cold. Accompanied by low temperatures, about 38 degrees. Occasion in the throat, moderate pain in the head, discharge from the nose and its constitution, which can be on the background of light nausea. Symptoms of the disease pass without a trace after 3 - 4 days.

Intestinal form (Enterovirus diarrhea). It is characterized by the damage to the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, as a result of which the temperature of up to 38 degrees Celsius increases, nausea arises, multiple vomiting and diarrhea. There are also redness of the throat, weakness and headaches. This form is dangerous in that it develops in small children, up to 5 years, and when untreated treatment can lead to dehydration of the child.

Encephalomiocarditis and myocarditis of newborns. It is found in children who were infected with intrauterine or from the mother. The course of this form is heavy, since the sharp beginning, high temperature, diarrhea vomiting, shortness of breath, the defeat of the heart and liver, cramps and a very small age (newborn children are more ill)) often end with a fatal outcome.

Enterovirus fever (Small disease). A frequent form of the disease for which the easiest course is characterized. Temperature, as a rule, keeps about 2-3 days and does not exceed 38 degrees. It is accompanied by redness of the throat, moderate headache, an increase in lymph nodes, nausea, mucous discharge from the nose. There may be spotted rashes on the body. For a favorable.

How to treat cokes virus in children

In the treatment, it is necessary to observe the bed and diet. The diet should include only easily digestible food and do not contain allergy products.

Specific treatment that could affect the virus does not exist. Treatment is purely symptomatic and depends on the form of manifestation of the cokes virus.

At temperatures use NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents), which have antipyretic and painkillers. For children, ibuprofen (nooofen) and paracetamol (Panadol) are used.

Summarizing drops, various sucking lollipops and sprays for the irrigation of the throat.

The treatment of aniline dyes of rash (fuccin or liquid of Castellani, diamond green - green) to prevent the attachment of a bacterial infection.

Dehydration funds. In vomiting and diarrhea, funds are used that fill the loss of fluid (trisol, disol, regider, etc.)

Disinfecting therapy. Used in stationary treatment. Intravenous solutions that stop the action of toxins (Reosorbilact, Ringer Lactate, Reopolyglyukin, etc.).

Antibotes are used only with secondary bacterial infection.

With severe flow, hormonal drugs are used - dexamethasone, prednisolone, etc.

There are no specific (special) prevention measures against this virus. It must be remembered that about 10 years most of the kids are already converging in this group of viruses. To prevent complications, it is necessary to see the doctor in a timely manner, since early diagnosis and timely hospitalization prevent the development of complications. In the foci of infection with children, it is possible to appoint interferon 5 drops 3 times a day for 14 days. Those who have contacted patients are isolated for the entire incubation period of the virus (10 - 14 days). It is necessary to adhere to the rules of personal hygiene. Teach the kids to wash your hands correctly, do not eat dirty vegetables and fruits and every time you wash your hands before eating.

In case of infection, called the coke virus, the rashes are localized according to the principle: the hands-legs model. This expression is otherwise called the specified infection. Children are heavier than 1-2 years old.

A group of enteroviruses that perfectly survive in the stomach and intestines are called the coke virus. The first time the infection was found on the territory of the United States in the small town of Koksaki, where the name of the disease came from. Enterovirus Coksaki quickly spread throughout the world and today is striking the gastrointestinal tract, it is especially rapid in the children's body.

The infection is usually manifested in children under the age of 5 years and very rare in adults. The disease leaves after itself a persistent immunity, and it is impossible to infected the cokes. The virus is divided into several types, among which A, C and into particles. In total, there are about 29 varieties of infection. It is transmitted very quickly and easily from a sick person to healthy: through blood, food, or in most cases airborne droplets.

Many cases of virus spread are registered in children's preschool institutions. It is important to monitor the hygiene of the hands of kids and wash them after coming out of the kindergarten, from a walk. The disease is especially dangerous for children under the age of two years due to severe flow. The exact diagnosis will be able to confirm only the doctor after inspection and testing.

Virus type A is striking skin cover and mucous membranes, causes an angina and meningitis. Many patients have conjunctivitis with swelling and redness of the eyes. The upper respiratory tract is affected, there may be vesicular stomatitis, accompanied by

Another type of virus is even more dangerous. The infection penetrates the pleura, the heart, the liver, causes inflammation of the heart muscle, heartbag or pericarditis, inflammatory liver process, pancreas. Pureralgia may occur when pain in the chest area appears.

Symptoms of viral disease

Usually the diagnosis of the disease in children is somewhat more complicated. It is independently impossible to know the symptoms of the coke virus, as they resemble other common manifestations. Children up to 3 months rarely sick, because the immunity is transmitted from the mother to the child, the more babies protect the maternal milk. After the age of 10 years, cases of illness are also infrequently recorded.

The second name of the virus is the "hand-leg-mouth", since small red blisters appear in these places. The rashes at the very beginning of the disease are located on the palms and feet of the children, between the fingers of the hands and feet, in the mouth on the mucous membrane and around the lips.

Points on the body have a small size and appear on 2 or 3 days of fever, and can also be accompanied by a strong itch. In addition to legs and hands, acne is localized on buttocks, genitals, back and stomach. All these first signs are held to the fact that the child becomes restless, capricious, refuses to drink and eat, sleeps badly.

The following symptoms are developing in the future:

  • body temperature sharply rises to high rates, about 40 °;
  • children are quickly tired;
  • general intoxication and fever;
  • strong sore throat;
  • head and muscular pain;
  • stool violation.

In young children, sometimes a rumbling in the stomach, vomiting appears. Although the child often refuses food, you need to eat it as much as possible, and giving the chest, because immunoglobulins are present in the maternal milk. All symptoms in childhood are in 2 or 3 days. A strong itching and ulcers in the mouth need urgent treatment, as well as an increase in temperature during the attack of the virus.

As far as the disease is a disease

The virus is very contagious and is transmitted in almost 100% of cases of close contact with the patient or his personal belongings. In adults, bright symptoms of the disease are extremely rare. The younger child, those heavier to transfer infection due to the weak protection of the immune system. The virus can live on the subjects of the life or clothes of the sick child about a week at normal temperature. If the infection fell into a children's team, then with a probability of up to 80%, many kids will get sick.

The duration of the incubation period from 4 to 6 days. Since a wet environment is suitable for the virus, more cases of the disease is registered in autumn and spring. Even after the child passed sharp symptoms of the disease, the virus stands out with the feces and saliva two more months, because the surrounding need to be careful.

The disease is less common among adults, but cases of infection, of course, are. In addition, the virus can be transferred to the intrauterine from the mother to the child mainly in the last third trimester. Even if the newborn will have signs of illness, they will quickly pass without any consequences for a small organism. Pregnant women need to follow their hygiene even more carefully and wash his hands after visiting public places.

Features of Enterovirus Coxaki

Signs of illness in the initial stages are easy to confuse with ARVI, but then the characteristic symptoms of enterovirus appear. It does not act on the causative agent, it does not die at an external temperature. Eliminate the virus with ultraviolet radiation, 3% solution of formalin and exposure to high temperature. The virus does not react to the acidic medium of the stomach and for a solution of chlorine acid.

It actively multiplies in the intestine of a sick person, which is why there may be vomiting and nausea in children and adults when defeating the coking virus. An important point is that the maternal milk is adversely acting on enterovirus, because cases of the disease in infants are less common. If infecting the infection has happened, the symptoms of the disease are much weaker than in children on artificial feeding or older.

How viral disease occurs

Enterovirus infection of the cokes have not one form, and its symptoms depends on the way of entering the pathogen into the body. The course of the infectious process is also different from other species of viral lesion of the body. The disease has four forms in children.

Influense form

The lighter view of the coke virus itself becomes the pathogen that causes the disease of the flu-like shape. The infectious process passes on average after 3 days. Immediately increases the body temperature in a child up to 38-39 °, hurts the throat and then the rash is joined. This type of illness does not have difficult consequences and goes through the faster than everyone else.

Intestinal infection

Viral particles of type A and B become the cause of the intestinal form of the disease. In this case, the temperature rises, the head and muscle pain appears, the child becomes sluggish. Eastern disorders appear immediately, among which diarrhea is up to 7 times a day and vomiting. In young children, except for diarrhea, there is redness of the throat, cough, runny nose. Often the disease is confused with poisoning or cold. The organism of school-age children will cope with the virus in a few days, while the baby up to 2-3 years old will need no less than a week.

Boston syndrome

If the toddles have a lot of red blisters, most likely, the coke virus is expressed in the form of a Boston disease. Children under 5 years old are very vulnerable to such a virus. The infection is in the body about 5 days. For the disease, it is characterized by an increase in temperature to 40 °.

Broncholma disease

The fourth form of the cokes virus leads to bronchilla disease or pleurodinia. In such cases, children have a high temperature for 3 days, soreness in muscles, pain and spasms in the sternum area, acne around the navel. The attack of spasm continues until 20 minutes, the child is heavier to transfer it in motion. True, this type of disease occurs very rarely.

Modern treatment

Children and adults are mainly the symptomatic therapy. Signs of illness are manifested in the first days of the disease, the doctor immediately appoints a course of treatment.

Decreased temperature in children

The first thing is to reduce high temperature rates in kids, for this purpose the nutritional syrup nurofen, PANADOL, CEFECON Candles with paracetamol in the composition. Ibuprofen is suitable for children from 3 months and weighing more than five kilograms. The antipyretic agent should be given to the kids no more than 4 times a day.

Reducing itching

The disease in young children is accompanied by a strong itching, therefore without drugs that will be removed, not to do. Adults are prescribed Supratin and other antihistamines, for children's skin fits the gel phenyatil, suprastin in the form of tablets or solutions. The delicate skin of infants is recommended to be treated with special means, for example, Vitaon Bebi, which includes natural vegetable oils, vitamins and biologically active components that have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect.

Reducing pain in the mouth

The mucous membranes in the oral cavity are constantly damaged, allocated in a large number of saliva. In this case, the baby's head is better to turn to the right or left side so that it does not choose saliva. When defeating the mouth will be very difficult to eat, therefore it is necessary to give the baby more cool drink and lubricate ulcers with special means.

Antacids Relzer, Maalox and others are suitable for eliminating painful sensations in the oral cavity. For a baby, a gel is optimal for painting pain in teething, which is in the first-aid kit of any mom. It can be applied to each risk or yazelka. For rinsing, the oldest guys fits the decoction of chamomile, a solution of furaciline, saline solution. If the symptoms of general intoxication joins the inflammation of the throat, then the lollipops are used for resorption and special sprays.

So that bacterial infection does not join the rashes, the wounds are lubricated with antiseptic greencase or fuccin solution. Enterovirus beats the child's immune system, therefore it is necessary to give the body vitamin and mineral complexes to support his strength. Nootropic drugs are prescribed to restore the disturbed metabolic processes in the patient's body.

In severe cases, interferon preparations are shown, among which immunomodulators: visiferon, cycloferon.

Children are less likely there are intestinal disorders in the form of diarrhea or vomiting, but if the child goes to the toilet 6-7 times a day and it is nauseous, it is necessary to give solutions to rehydration, for example, a regider. Antibiotics are not prescribed because they will not be able to overcome the virus. If children develop different complications, only then the doctor can recommend antibacterial therapy.

In an adult, a viral infection takes place in three days and it can return to work. The younger child, the longer there will be a treatment period. The rash passes for 10 days, and the remaining symptoms are determined by the individual characteristics of the body.

The manifestation of symptoms depends on the state of human health, competent treatment and timely visits to a specialist. If on the third day the condition of the patient, despite the designated treatment, the signs of meningitis or paralysis deteriorated and appeared, need to immediately seek help.

Enterovirus Coksaki is dangerous in that it looks like other intestinal infections or an ordinary cold, because it is often correct not immediately diagnosed. The faster the disease can be determined and start the therapy, the less the risk of complications for the liver, the heart in children.

When the family appeared in a sick virus, it is necessary to give it separate dishes and bed linen, maintain cleanliness and order in the house. Observing uncomplicated rules, turning to the doctor on time, you can prevent the complications of the disease and significantly alleviate its current.

In mid-August, a message appeared on the Rosturism website that he was not safe to relax in Turkey because of the Coxaki Virus epidemic. According to the group of companies, due to information about the outbreak of infection, the number of people willing to go to Turkish resorts significantly decreased - by about 20%. Now in social networks already speak About the coke epidemic in Moscow: the virus was allegedly brought with them families who risked relax in the Turkish coast. Like any enterovirus, the cokes occurrence with very high temperatures, and the incubation period is about two weeks.

Coxaki virus (eng. CoxSackievirus) is a few infectious enteroviruses that are well multiplied in the stomach and intestines. The infection of the virus was first discovered in the small town of Koksaki in the United States. Doctors are known to 30 varieties of cokes viruses that belong to three groups of human enteroviruses: A, B and C. The coke virus provokes one of the main causes of aseptic meningitis.

Symptoms and signs of cokes virus in children and adults, treatment and prevention, as well as the consequences of the disease per person

Infectious diseases of the oral cavity, hands and feet, which proceed and are called one coke viruses. The coking virus was called due to small sores, which develop on the limbs, as well as in the mouth of a person.

Children are the usual phenomenon that has not yet turned 10 years old, although adults also sick the coke virus. Below you will learn more about the degrees of infectiousness infection, symptoms and complications, prevention and methods of treating the cokes virus.

How can a man pick up the coke virus?

The virus is very infectious and can be easily transmitted from man to man: when coughing or due to contact with urine, saliva or blood. The most contagious period will be the first days when you get acquainted with the first symptoms of the cokes, so it is difficult to avoid infection.

Often the coke virus appears in kindergartens, so the child's hygiene plays an important role in the prevention of the disease. To avoid the spread of infection, more often you need to wash your hands with soap, especially after walking in public places.

Symptoms of Coxica virus in children

The first symptoms of infection with the coke virus appear after 6-10 days of the incubation period in the form of small, small supervisors, like ulcers, in the mouth of the baby, and also somewhat can be noticed on their hands and legs. Possible distribution of infections across the entire field of legs, as well as on genitals. Infectious membranes in the oral cavity will cause terrible discomfort, such as poor well-being, temperature, pain in the throat may also be sick and probably will appear for two or three days, which will only aggravate things with food. In children, a viral symptom of cokes appear in two to three days.

Coksaki virus in children

Surely parents do not burn with the desire to call the doctor at the first signs of the virus, although he will not be able to do a lot. Treat the coke virus in children cannot be antibiotics, since it is an infectious disease.

But the attending physician will examine the child and confirm is exactly the disease or not. Also advise how and what to recover from infection and will give advice to care for the pleasant children. Take the child to the virus, if you do not know how to treat cokes. At a temperature of 38 degrees for Celsius and age, up to three months should go to the doctor if the heat is not reduced over two days.

The doctor may need a re-test for the presence of coking viruses in the body. It rarely takes place, but sometimes children in children are additionally inflated. Signs of infectious infection are dehydration in which the child refuses to swallow due to sore throat. If the newborn rejects food or water, then moisturize the nipples more ordinary and call the doctor.

How to care for children with coking virus?

Children need from three to five days, in order to better feel after infection with the cokes virus, and approximately a week, all stains will disappear to one. At the same time there are things that can take and help the child feel comfortable.

Children's paracetamol and ibuprofen will help reduce pain and reduce heat when virus. Give medications if the child is more than two months. Ibuprofen can be given from three months and weight more than 5 kg. Check the instructions of the drug on the package or ask for a doctor or pharmacist assistance to determine the doses of coking drugs. The gel from the teething of the teeth will facilitate pain in the mouth. Apply a little gel on the gum, language and on the inner mucous sides of the cheek, wherever notice ulcers. Do not give the baby adult preparations for the care of the oral cavity.

How contagious is the coke virus?

The answer to the question: Yes, anyone can easily pick up the virus.

Coxica virus during pregnancy

In adults, there is often immunity to the virus, and even if they pick up the infection, the disease passes without complications. However, if the woman is pregnant there is a small risk of bad luck, which is infected with cokes.

If a pregnant woman pose a coking virus in the third semester, that is, the likelihood that give the fetus infection. But you should not worry, because even if the child is born with symptoms, the infectious disease should be easily and fast. Pregnant people should avoid people with the slightest signs of the virus. If the woman was in contact with infected, then you need to carefully disinfect all areas of the body (especially the hands).

Coxica virus in adults

The virus is most often found in children and manifests itself in the form of a rash and peeling of the skin. However, the risk of caking infection is not excluded in adulthood and can entail many other problems. Symptoms of infection in adults are different and this can be explained by several reasons.

There are about 29 different species that belong to the Koksaki class. If a person has a type of virus a - it is most likely to manifest only a rash and redness of the skin, but if you face the type in - everything can be much more serious. The disease of the hands, legs and the oral cavity is manifested in the most varying degrees and below we only give a few examples from a very long list.

Symptoms of virus

The coke virus is most often accompanied by fever. The asymptomatic manifestation of infectious disease is also possible, and its frequency is 9 cases out of 10. Less frequently, the virus can pour out in heavier forms of diseases, like meningitis, encephalitis, paralysis, myocarditis, pericarditis, diabetes, infectious mononucleosis, rash or peeling on the body with skin damage Pokrov, etc.

Coxica virus in Turkey 2017

Recently, it is often possible to hear that by arrival on holiday in Turkey, the children pick up the cokes infection. And the most unpleasant is that parents do not have the opportunity to prove in practice that the child upon arrival in someone else's country was not infected with the virus.

Prevention of cokes virus at Turkey resorts

Special attention to:

  • Drinking water (as well as in the pool, where the baby floating can swallow);
  • Food (severe heat does not contribute to long-term storage of food);
  • Take care of children from solar and thermal blows.

IMPORTANT: Do not confuse the symptoms of the intestinal virus (rotavirus) with signs of colds.

Diseases that may be caused due to coking virus infection:

Serous or viral meningitis

  • Inflammation of brain shells.
  • Symptoms: fever, chills, headache, nausea and vomiting, pain in the neck, photosensitivity, convulsions, etc.


  • Brain inflammation
  • Unusual manifestations of cox viral infection
  • Symptoms: meningitis and other neurological diseases.


Rarely, coking viral infection can lead to paralysis. But, as a rule, must pass with time.


  • Inflammation Bag covering the heart
  • Symptoms: sharp pain in the chest, shortness of breath, fever, weakness, swelling in the legs, etc.


  • Inflammation of the heart muscle.
  • May lead to heart failure and even death.
  • Symptoms: shortness of breath, chest pain, bad stamina during physical exertion, fever, swelling in the legs, etc.

Type I diabetes

In case of disease, the coke virus is believed to provoke the occurrence of type I diabetes (insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, most often applies to small children). The cells damage that produce insulin into the pancreas, which leads to diabetes.

Skin rash and irritation

More often manifests itself in the younger age category, but it is also possible that adults may face a similar virus. Syptoms of Coxica: Disease of the throat, fever, rash with vesicular damage to legs and hands, which can then lead even to bleeding.

Most often, children from the age of 3-10 years are sick with herpetic angina. Very rarely found in adults. Symptoms: Diseases of the throat, pain when swallowing, ulcers in the oral cavity and pharynx, fever, headache.


Inflammation of the breast muscles, which leads to sudden pain in the chest and the top of the abdomen.

  1. Inflammation of the eye shell.
  2. Symptoms: Pain and eyelid edema, eye redness, headache.
  1. Liver inflammation.
  2. Symptoms: fever, anorexia, malaise, jaundice, nausea and vomiting, weakness, etc.

Coxica infectious virus and immunosuppression

The symptoms of the coke virus occur due to the dysfunction of the immune system. In addition, the heavy treatment process lasts longer than people who do not have problems with immunity. The dysfunction of the immune system can occur due to diabetes mellitus, organ transplants, chemotherapy during AIDS, fighting cancer, etc.

How and what to treat coking virus in adults

The treatment of the virus passes mainly symptomatic and supportive. There will be no specific preparations and funds in the pharmacy against cokes, but if you diagnose the problem comprehensively, you can easily choose a number of efficient drugs. First of all, do not forget about the rules of personal hygiene (washing hands with soap after the toilet, street, pets and even a computer, especially before meal) to minimize the chances of spreading infection to other people.

With dehydration, the water rate should be drunk in which the human body needs. In this case, and more, and less can only harm. Treat the coke virus in other ways, which depend on the diagnosis of symptoms (painful painters for pain, salt rinsing with warm water during angina, antibiotics or antipyretic, such as acetaminophen, if you have fever, etc.).

Prevention of cokes virus in an adult and transmission of infection

It is easiest to grab the virus if a person is eating something nestable, poorly washed. There is also an option to get cokesaw air-droplets. So, above mentioned, maintaining personal hygiene is of paramount importance. Hands need to be washed often both healthy and already sick people.

If someone in the family still infected the cokes virus, be sure to highlight the individual personal hygiene items, which will reduce the chance of transmission of infection with healthy people. Do not forget about careful support for cleanliness in the house. Personal hygiene products such as: gaskets, diapers, napkins, etc., should be disposed of immediately after use.

According to our data, there are no more sick tourists, all of our competent and happy come back. How did the coking virus appeared this year, it is difficult to say exactly. However, it is known that the outbreaks of this virus occur regularly, just not at such a scale. The virus is transmitted by air-droplet, while children who float in the pool are more likely. The best prevention is not to drink any water, except bottled, more often wash your hands. The main peak on the abandonment of tours has already been passed. Now we warn all new tourists before booking a tour. There are those who refuse Turkey in favor of other destinations, but most of their plans do not change and ask to book a tour.

Maria Chupina

head of the Sales Department of the service ""

It is very important to clarify the epidemic situation to be prepared for what kind of causative agent could cause symptoms. These suspicions can be confirmed by analyzes. Most often, during the course, the infection manifests itself with a headache, diarrhea, runny nose, nausea, are possible appearance of rashes. In order to protect yourself, you need to know more information about the virus: as transmitted, patients of what age groups of cokes are infected with a virus, how much time is infected with the patient.

In this article you will learn:

How much time is infected with the patient

The virus is contagious for children, and for adults. It begins to spread to the environment since the first day of the disease when it passes.

The most dangerous period is 2-3 days of the disease. Usually the virus in the body remains about 10-21 days. But it is important to remember that even after recovery, a person remains contagious for a long time, sometimes even a few years.

Biological fluids with coke virus make a person dangerous to others. Breast children have immunity from the mother, which protects them from the disease. And there are no long children who are breastfeeding, receiving immunoglobulins with mother's milk.

In children's teams, in which the sick child was discovered, it is necessary to carry out health procedures, declare quarantine at least 14 days if several children were infected. The sick child is isolated from the rest for a period corresponding to the diagnosis and course flow.

How the coking viral infection is transmitted

All organism biological fluids can be contagable. As already mentioned, even overwhelmed people can distribute the pathogen for a long time. It is important to know how much the child is infected after the cokes virus to understand how easy it is to get.

The infection of this type can fall on the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, oral cavity.

Man inhales her when talking, kisses. It is possible to infect the contact path, if you use the objects that the virus carrier concerned with the unwashed hands. It is in the largest quantities in feasible masses, so often children who have no hygienic habits have easily distribute infection in kindergartens.

And also do not forget about snot, saliva. It is necessary to explain the baby that it is impossible to eat with someone with one device or bite one apple, and you need to wash your hands. It is impossible to determine how infection was passed, you need to be ready that it can happen anywhere: at home, in kindergarten, school, on the street, in a cafe, in public transport. Therefore, you need to be prepared and know how it can show yourself and how to treat it.

How infection proceeds

The beginning of the disease in the virus of cokes is characterized by general symptoms, for which it is very difficult to determine their cause:

  • Headache;
  • Lubrication in muscles;
  • An increase in body temperature;
  • Abdominal pain and diarrhea;

Sometimes it can manifest itself with the appearance of rash, in such cases it can be easily confused with a chickenpox. Catarial symptoms are often arising: redness of the eye conjunctivities, runny nose, redness and throat. It can also force parents to assume that the baby is allergic or AVVI. Usually a poor, which manifests itself in this way, lasts about a week. Of course, it is individually and often the process can be delayed.

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