The sacred meaning of the lasso is death. The meaning and interpretation of the tarot card death in divination and its layouts


The talisman of this lasso Dead's Head is a skull. This talisman gives the ability to neutralize various types of energy. Another talisman depicts a braid with a golden triangle in the middle. This talisman allows you to conduct the energy of the Arcana at a distance.

Description of the meaning of Arcana
This energy brings Death. The organism to which the flow of this energy is directed dies. This energy neutralizes the Vital energy of objects and breaks their Silver Thread. This energy is irresistible. This energy is relentless. This energy strikes "to death".

Description of the Angel Arcana
The angel of this Arcana is Death. She sits on a white horse in the form of a skeleton with a scythe, dressed in black armor. In his right hand, Death holds a Scythe with a wide, sharp, shiny blade turned down. The horse is covered with a mourning blanket and a red saddle. Behind Death is a black cloak with golden stars.

The effect of the Arcana on the body
This energy nullifies all organs and systems in the body. All vital systems are de-energized. This energy acts on all types and classes of living organisms. With the help of this energy, it is possible to kill tumors and foci of infection that have entered the body. This energy is observed in the aura of living organisms as a black or gray aura, sometimes it looks like smoke, consisting of small black particles. Penetrating into the aura of organisms, this energy destroys its luminosity and extinguishes the aura.

The effect of the Arcana on the Situation
This energy is able to freeze and kill any situation. All objects lose their dynamics. People lose interest in this situation. All participants in the process are covered by depression. The situation is stopped and neutralized. This energy kills the development of situations.

Ritual Arcana
Death gallops towards you on his horse and hands you his Scythe without letting go of it. You mount a horse behind Death, holding a scythe in your hands. Death is three times your height, and her horse is just gigantic. The power of death is in your hands. Her black cloak with golden painted stars covers you, and you feel the Greatness of the Cosmic Forces in comparison with which any life is just a tiny spark of light. Death is the worker of the Entropy process. It makes room for the old and the obsolete for the new. You feel like a worker of evolution. Death is in your hands.

Siddha Arcana
The highest ability of this Arcana is the ability to kill with consciousness. When you channel the energy of this Arcana, the cosmic cold passes through you and can extinguish the spark of someone's life. The same energy can extinguish the flame of any situation.

Application of the energy of this Arcana
The energy of this Arcana is used to nullify any external energies. With the help of this energy, you can end the life of both your own and someone else's.


13th lasso ("Destruction") - death energy. The energies of death are energy zero in the primordial sense. The energies of death nullify any energies.

Door to other worlds
How is this lasso arranged? The 13th lasso is borderline, it is a door to other worlds, taking us beyond the physical world, a kind of hood.
This lasso works like a vacuum pump. Man is tied to the physical plane with a silver thread. The silver thread is what keeps us here. When the energies of the silver thread are exhausted, the person leaves. The 13th lasso gives possible options for existence after death in a particular area. It's like an invitation abroad, a kind of magnet.
The energies of the 13th lasso give a person the opportunity to make a choice that is difficult to resist: "We will make you an offer, and you will not be able to refuse it." When working with mediums, they are taken out of the physical body, and then the problem arises to return the medium back. Because the state he is facing is more comfortable than his usual state: he feels free.
Together with the body, all worries go away, the shackles of the laws of physics fall off.
A person is free, and it is difficult to return him to captivity. So, the 13th lasso is an offer of freedom. Roughly speaking, it is an almost irresistible temptation to run away. When the energy of the 13th lasso appears, it is as if a powerful magnet turns on, which attracts you to itself with its prospects. Therefore, your silver thread, with which you are tied by the leg to the physical parade ground, does not withstand and breaks. It also happens that a person has many sins and they do not let him in, that is, the silver thread is thick and the 13th lasso cannot captivate him.
So, the 13th lasso works like a powerful hood. When you start to get involved in these energies, the entrances to absolutely amazing worlds open before you like a fan. You are drawn there like a magnet. Remember, in Homer's Iliad, the sirens lured sailors to the rocks with their singing? Here we are dealing, as it were, with an attracting song of sirens. This is the energy that attracts to itself.
This is what breaks the connection - the silver thread.
A person who conducts the energies of the 13th lasso is able to de-energize anything. The siddha of the 13th arcana is the ability to suppress life, wherever it is. People who conduct the energies of the 13th lasso are deadly. Around them, everyone begins to die, and nothing bad happens to them themselves. It's like a vacuum cleaner that doesn't suck itself in, but sucks in everything else. Andersen has such a character - Ole Lukoye. He owned an amazing umbrella that had very beautiful designs on it. His brother Death had an even more amazing umbrella.
Ole Lukoye showed dreams, and his brother Death - that which takes a person not only into sleep, but out of life in general. Paganini had such a piece of music called "Devil's Trill". This is the music that conducts the energies of the 13th lasso. Listening to her, people lost their senses. She sucked the man so much that it was impossible to stay on his feet. When working with the 13th lasso, special safety precautions are required, a certain position of the Assemblage Point is necessary. With this we will work further.

Working with objects of the 13th lasso
The 13th lasso is complex, and we will work with it in stages. First, try the energies of the 13th lasso in the Taoist version. You must simply bring the flow of energy through you.
The plane on which the horse rides. This plane is a three-dimensional physical world. Try at the level of the Vishuddha Chakra in the reverse circle mode to tune in to this plane as to a three-dimensional physical world. The horse itself, as you remember, stands in a different plane. We look at the physical world as if from the side or from above, from the side. Try to work in reverse circle mode at the Vishuddha Chakra level and feel this quality.

Horse- this is an aspect of love, a kind of good force that passes outside the physical world.
I repeat: this is a reasonable, kind, liberating force. Try to conduct this energy in a reverse circle.
Death itself is something inanimate, it is a device, a kind of mechanism that sits on a horse or is attached to it. Just try to feel this mechanism. He is completely impersonal, passive. Death is neither good nor evil - it is none. She's like a TV.
What is a Death Scythe? This is a rhythmically opening curtain, behind which visions of absolutely amazing worlds arise. It is like a window that opens and closes rhythmically. Death itself is the mechanism for opening and closing the curtain. Try looking out the window. What you see in it is absolutely amazing. The most unusual thing is that the worlds there are constantly changing, as in a kaleidoscope.
Tune in to the horse. She goes and chooses who to approach her, who can already be released.
Next is the ticking mechanism. All this is outside the 3D physical world. The energy coming from there creates the attraction of a magnet, which literally pulls all living things out of the physical plane into this big world.
Some ask how you can recover. To do this, you should stand up and twist, say, the 19th lasso in the Taoist circle. Energy will be pumped through you: the negative that has accumulated when working with the 13th lasso will go away.
The exit to those worlds is very difficult. First you need to get out of the Tree of Sephiroth, and this is not available to ordinary mortals. And yet they are lured by the prospect. This is similar to the situation when you work as a clerk, I offer you: "Come to our bank, you will be a director, but in 10 years."
© Boris Monosov

The Divine World is an eternal creative movement, destruction and restoration.
mental plan. Principle of Immortality. The principle of energy conversion. Love is Destruction.
Astral plane. Death-Rebirth. Continuity is transmutation. Death is reincarnation. The path of incarnation. Consciousness of one's own mortality. Preparing for a change of plan.
Physical plan. Energy transformations. Synthesis of physical teachings about the transformation of energy. Change of forces. Laws of transformation and conservation of energy. Nature, eternally reborn in new forms.

Arcanum XIII is depicted as a skeleton, knocking heads down in a meadow, where people's arms and legs protrude from all sides, as the scythe does its job. This is the emblem of the destruction of the eternal rebirth of all forms of existence in the realm of time.

“Remember, son of the Earth, that earthly things are fragile, do not last long, and that the most powerful states are cut down like field grass. The decomposition of your external (visible) organs will come earlier than you think; but don't let that scare you, for death is only a rebirth to another life. The universe constantly absorbs everything that has arisen within it, but has not turned into air. Meanwhile, liberation from material instincts through the free and voluntary agreement of our soul with the laws of universal movement establishes in us the creation of a second man, a heavenly man, and serves as the beginning of our immortality.
Arcanum XIII is the lowest analogue of Arcanum III.


THIRTEEN- profanity, purge, nihilism, hell, black teacher.

It is not possible to establish true harmony in the dense plan at the level of a dozen. Thirteen (= 12+1) symbolizes the sides of dense materiality of the fourth level that are not illuminated by a dozen and the process of their accentuation - black teaching.
One of the main methods of cleansing, which symbolizes thirteen, is the profanation of the harmonious influences of the subtle plane, in particular, the ideals and unearthly purity of the dozen. At the same time, all the contradictions hidden in it are exposed and skepticism, which was not explicit until then, comes out, rationalizing in a nihilistic position, the meaning of which is: there is no subtle plan, and what is attributed to its influence is illusory and quite explicable by the internal laws of this (dense) plan. The extreme degree of this nihilism is the denial of evolution (that is, the process of enlightenment, refinement of all plans) or even the assertion of an involutionary direction of development that condenses matter.
The purpose of thirteen is the destruction of the illusions of cosmic harmony, in the sense of separating the tares from the seeds of true spirituality, that is, stable existential channels into the subtle plane - those that really support the life and harmony of the dense plane in its conditions of existence.
In a person's life, the influence of thirteen can manifest itself in two ways: either he is influenced by a black teacher (person or situation), or he himself becomes one. At the same time, both can occur at various levels, from gross temptation to the most subtle analysis of almost imperceptible weaknesses. Black teachers are just as necessary to evolution as white ones, and their work is no less responsible; it is only important that a person work out situations controlled by thirteen without slipping down from his spiritual level, which is sometimes very difficult. Another important circumstance is that the black teaching of thirteen, as it were "materialistic", that is, within the limits of this plan, it was not formalized externally, actually occurs under the control of the subtle plan, because 13 is the number of the fourth level and means a direct connection with him; speaking metaphorically, hell as the dwelling place of the devil is a fragment of paradise, namely, purgatory before entering it.
13=10+2+1 - the devil is a man (10) with horns (2) and a tail (1). The horns symbolize antagonism, polarization, the tail is a channel into the subtle plane.
13=10+3 - the road to hell is paved with good (harmonious) intentions.
Thirteen comes in two main forms: elegant and emphatically dirty; possessing an undoubted power, lowers a person down, temporarily depriving him of the spiritual principle and tempting him to live without him in the joy of carnal life or "truly material" knowledge. An attempt to fight thirteen on a horizontal level quickly leads to spiritual devastation, since this number is very false and hiding it, it actually possesses the knowledge and energy of a subtle plane, therefore it is insidious, clever and dodgy.

© © Absalom Underwater

13 - the number of Ophiuchus

At the moment the Sun entered the possession of the hidden, 13th sign of the Zodiac, from ancient times it was celebrated with special rituals. For example, in ancient Egypt, a special ceremony for the new acquisition of Osiris was carried out. As the author of the book “Kings and Gods of Egypt” A. More writes, “when all the pieces of the divine body are collected, the gloomy rites of the feast of the dead turn into rites of rejoicing. This happened on the third day after Osiris was found and resurrected.
On the night of the 19th day of Athira (November 15), the priests go to the seashore and carry the sacred ark with a golden vessel enclosed in it, with which they scoop up fresh water. Then all those present utter loud cries, saying that Osiris has been found.
Sometimes at this moment a priest in the costume of Anubis would bring a little boy: it was Osiris. In order to testify to the resurrection, the priests performed, in addition, such a rite: they soaked a little black earth in fresh water and mixed it with incense, with grains of barley and cereals; from this mass they molded a figurine in the form of a crescent moon, dressed it and decorated it.
This figurine, explain the Egyptian texts, was buried, and when the grains sprouted in the spring, Osiris was clearly resurrected "...
As T. M. Globa writes, “the principle of planets is in the Kremlin towers: 7 towers with stars, like 7 septener planets. 13 towers without stars correspond to 13 signs of the Zodiac, the 13th unmanifested sign is Ophiuchus. It corresponds to the Kutafya tower. She, like Ophiuchus (which, as it were, is outside the Zodiac, but is connected with it), stands outside the Kremlin, but is connected to it by a bridge, has a round shape - the main entrance for the people. Just like the “entrance” of Ophiuchus, where souls “enter” and “exit” ...
The sacramental number 13 is associated in this numerological system with the sign of Gemini and symbolizes the power of accidents that unite death and immortality. Sometimes the number of Gemini is called “death for death”, because in the zodiac circle Gemini is the 8th sign from the sign of Scorpio, and the 8th sign in the solar Zodiac is a phase of trials leading to catharsis and access to a higher development plan or to death, that is, in any case - to the destruction of the existing structure.
In this sense, the eighth sign for the eighth sign is the destruction of death as such and at the same time it is also death. Death of death. Hence - the symbolism of the relationship of death and immortality, inherent in the zodiac sign of Gemini.
The number of Ophiuchus 26, read as “twice 13”, indicates the possibility of transformation of both their higher and their lower natures by everyone who is involved in the mystery of Ophiuchus. This is a sign of transmutations, switching of energy flows at two levels.
The number of Ophiuchus, read as “thirteen twos”, indicates that this soul (two, source of vibrations) has undergone a transformation that surpasses the harmony within which humanity is located - the harmony of the solar Zodiac, divided into 12 parts.


13 - all the time - business, and no fun.

In numerology, the number 13 is written 13/4, because by adding 1 and 3, you get the converted number 4. It speaks of hard work, and a person with this number will be tested by discipline, honesty and hard work. Perhaps the debt that is brought from the past is laziness, shifting one's work to others, preferring frivolity and superficiality to serious efforts, abusing the power of words.

Since the number 13 is usually associated with bad luck, if it is a number of karmic debt, then we are not talking about luck. Instead, expect hard work in every area of ​​your life.
The task and purpose of this vibration is to bring spiritual consciousness into material phenomena and develop discipline. For example, when you "tell it like it is," you have to learn how to do it without offending people with your claims. Another part of duty 13 is discipline in practical matters: for example, not to talk about a commitment to reduce your weight.

The number 13 shows that you are developing spiritual consciousness and are beginning to understand that everything is interconnected. With 13 in any of your main or birthday numbers, there are obstacles waiting to be overcome over and over until the lesson is fully learned and the debt paid off.
Usually people with the number 13 show negative traits 4:
- Rigidity;
- The need to control;
- Dogmatism;
- Accusations of others in excessive feelings.

Since ancient times, people have considered the number 13 unlucky. It comes immediately after the number 12, which was considered a perfect number, a symbol of divine harmony: the year is divided into 12 months and 12 signs of the Zodiac, day and night last for 12 hours, etc. The number 13 starts a new cycle and, as it were, upsets the balance achieved in the previous one. Therefore, 13 is also considered the number of death.
Even Hesiod warned the peasants not to start sowing on the 13th. In the Babylonian lunisolar calendar, an extra 13th month was added in the leap year called "the raven of misfortune".

The number 13 in European culture is considered unlucky, the fear of the number 13 is called triskaidekaphobia. In this regard, in some buildings, floors are numbered so as not to unnerve triskaidekaphobes: after the 12th floor, the 14th floor may immediately follow, the building may have floors 12A and 12B, or the 13th floor may be called “12+1 ". Sometimes this also applies to house and room numbers. There are no seats with this number in opera houses in Italy, and on almost all ships, after the 12th cabin, the 14th immediately goes. Also, the 13th row is absent in aircraft (after the 12th row, the 14th immediately follows). Due to the superstition of many pilots, the US has never had an F-13 fighter. Also, the number 13 is not used in car racing, 12 goes immediately after 14.
In Russia, the number 13 is also considered unlucky, and they call it the "devil's dozen."
In England, too, they believe that the number 13 brings misfortune, but it is called not a damn one, but a "baker's dozen." The history of turning the number 13 into the "baker's dozen" in England began with the introduction of severe fines for underweight pound loaves of bread. Bread inevitably shrinks; to avoid fines, all the peddlers and shopkeepers who took bread from the bakers added one extra to every dozen loaves. It was called unbread (not bread) and was cut into appendages for all loaves that did not reach a pound or two pounds.
At the same time, this number is considered favorable among the Maya Indians. The Mayans and Aztecs considered 13 a sacred number and were not associated with the concept of death. In their mythology, the sky was divided into 13 levels, each of which had its own god. The Mayan and Aztec calendars had 13-day "weeks".

In Christianity, during the evening services of the last week of Great Lent, thirteen candles are extinguished one after the other, which symbolizes the darkness that has come on earth after the death of Christ.
There was a superstition (possibly related to the Last Supper): if 13 people gathered at the same table, then one of them would die within a year. There was even a profession of the "fourteenth guest", who was invited to a meeting in order to avoid an unlucky number. In the United States, the "Club of Thirteen" was created to combat this superstition.

13 - The number of divine feminine unity; easily transforms into secondary masculine concepts through any masculine element; or unity that springs from love.

12 disciples represent 12 levels of knowledge, and the Teacher symbolizes the number 13, or the purity of the merger of twelve into a single whole.

12 Etruscan kings and the head of the union.
Etruria arose in the 1st millennium BC. and located in the north-west of the Apennine Peninsula, one of the few civilizations that flared up brightly, like a star in the sky, and just as quickly died out. In the 7th century BC. in Etruria, 12 fortress cities were erected, protected by massive walls. After some time, they became city-states, each of which had its own king. Every year in March, representatives of all 12 cities gathered at the temple of Voltumn, a deity depicted as an androgynous creature, and elected the head of their union and the praetor, who, if necessary, led the Etruscan army. These days, sports games dedicated to the gods were held. At the end of the solemn ceremony of choosing a praetor, the kings of all 12 cities handed him 12 axes and bundles of rods. Bundles of rods with axes stuck in them meant that the elected ruler had the right to punish his subjects and even execute them. The praetor solemnly drove a wooden nail into the wall of the temple, as if putting an end to the past year - from March to March. An iron nail was not suitable for this, since, according to legend, good spirits were afraid of cold metal.
- 12 apostles and Jesus Christ.
- The Persians had twelve disciples of the god Mithras.
- The Dalai Lama and the twelve members of his council.
- 12 knights of the "Round Table" and King Arthur - the thirteenth.
- The ancient Egyptian god Osiris commanded twelve kings and was also the thirteenth.
- The Aztec god Quetzcoatl had 12 followers.
- 12 constellations of the Zodiac and the 13th

Death + Jester (XIII + 0)
Numbness. Stop.
Doesn't know what to do. Maybe after the death of a loved one.
Take care of your head.
Circumstances will make you smarter.

Death + Mage (XIII + I)
Something you started doing. Try something the opposite of what you started.
A barely noticeable way out of the crisis.

Death + High Priestess (XIII + II)
You should no longer trust your secrets to someone who used to be dumb as a fish.
Prophetic dream.
Go only forward.
Changes in the material side of your affairs.

Death + Empress (XIII + III)
There is no more old economy. The attitude of the hostess to life has changed dramatically.
Difficult change.
But after a harsh winter comes summer.

Death + Emperor (XIII + IV)
There is no longer the former owner, leader, manager. Something dramatically changed his attitude to life.
Difficult change.
Changes at home or at work.
Lifestyle changes.
The king is dead, long live the king.

Death + Hierophant (XIII + V)
Inability to continue education or work.
Change of teacher, mentor. Change of leadership.
Family changes.
Difficult changes await you, but you will be helped.

Death + Lovers (XIII + VI)
Relationship changes.
Dead end. You need to start all over again.
The death of old relationships and the birth of new ones.

Death + Chariot (XIII + VII)
You won't reach your goal.
Revisit your aspirations.
Premonitions that cause anxiety.
The desire to change something in yourself.

Death + Strength (XIII + VIII)
Getting out of the situation will require maximum rigidity. If you want to survive, prepare to die.
Pull yourself together in the face of a crisis.
Something will appear or you have a new one.

Death + Hermit (XIII + IX)
Inevitable loneliness.
Radical change.
Slow process.

Death + Wheel of Fortune (XIII + X)
In a favorable situation, expect trouble, and serious ones. And vice versa, if your affairs are worse than ever, life will give you a pleasant surprise.
Strengthening change.
What has already begun cannot be stopped.

Death + Justice (XIII + XI)
In this situation, there is no time for rules or the law. Of course, if you want to survive.
Seeking protection in the face of impending events.
It is necessary to look for another way to solve the problem.
The denouement will be very painful.

Death + Hanged Man (XIII + XII)
The desire to change something.
The inevitable punishment.
Resistance to change.
A very difficult way out.

Death + Temperance (XIII + XIV)
Time heals. And this wound will heal.
Adaptation after loss.
Troubles will pass quickly.
Chance to recover from failure.
Took care of himself.
Rapid changes.

Death + Devil (XIII + XV)
In this situation, you are not playing, but you are being played.
Set up.
Serious karmic problems.
Consider in detail.
Strong torment that will bring pain.

Death + Tower (XIII + XVI)
“Yes, man is mortal, but that would be half the trouble. The bad thing is that he sometimes suddenly dies, that's the trick! (c) M. Bulgakov
Sudden collapse of hope.
The blow could be to death.
Mortal danger, death threat.
Death will touch you.

Death + Star (XIII + XVII)
Hope that whatever happens is for the best.
Give up one and get another.
A turn for the better.
Change in profession.

Death + Moon (XIII + XVIII)
If you do not return to reality, if you do not give up ghostly fantasies and fears, then the ending can be deplorable.
The problem with alcohol is hereditary.
It may end badly.
Can not sleep!
Learned the secret in the occult sciences.
magical influence.
Discovery in medicine.
Danger, the end of something.

Death + Sun (XIII + XIX)
You will have to seriously change, no matter how much you want it.
New opportunity.
Died. Resurrection
New stage.
The operation is successful.
A new phase has begun in your life.

Death + Judgment (XIII + XX)
Closing Karma.
Change of world view. There are many things you need to reevaluate in your life.
Strong personality transformation.
Image change.
Lengthy litigation.

Death + Peace (XIII + XXI)
You knew what you were after.
Summing up.
If a person is sick, he can die.
Rebirth for everything else.
Can change country.

With the card "Ace of Wands" - transform the idea; clear the road.
With the card "Two of Wands" - cling to the obsolete.
With the Three of Wands card - accept change.
With the Four of Wands card - changes in the house.
With the Five of Wands card - put an end to the conflict.
With the card "Six of Wands" - the need to change the approach; change team.
With the Seven of Wands card - futile attempts to interfere.
With the "Eight of Wands" card - fleeting changes.
With the card "Nine of Wands" - beware of changes.
With the card "Ten of Wands" - break; resign; dump.
With the Page of Wands card - lose interest.
With the card "Knight of Wands" - lose pace.
With the card "Queen of Wands" - adjust to the influence of time.
With the "King of Wands" card - a change in status.

According to other sources:
V. Sklyarova "The Great Book of Combinations".

Death in an upright position with the Major Arcana

Magician - A new outlook, a new outlook on life
Magician (per) - Demotion, demotion
Priestess - Waiting for an Opportunity
Priestess (per) - Stop in business
Empress - Successes in fine arts
The Empress (lane) - Losses
Emperor - Waiting for protection
Emperor (per) - Promiscuous connections and desires
Priest - Parting with her husband
Priest (trans) - Lack of moral principles
Lovers - New Union
Lovers (lane) - Wandering in the dark. Lie. Gynecology. Paired female organ
Chariot - Defeat in battle
Chariot (lane) - Change of partners
Justice - Enmity
Justice (per) - Unfair path to the goal
Hermit - Silence / imprudence, often fatal
Hermit (trans) - Termination of Spiritual Freedom
Wheel of Fortune - Unexpected happiness
Wheel of Fortune (per) - Time to scatter stones
Strength - Sudden Passion
Strength (lane) - Lack of energy. The lion is "oppressed"
The Hanged Man - The search for a way out dragged on
Hanged Man (per) - Rut
Moderation - Changes in health
Temperance (lane) - Restless time. Prank
Devil - Kiss of Judas
Devil (per) - Playing with fire in earnest
Tower - Anarchy
Tower (lane) - Collapse, collapse, agony. World oncology
Star - Dog star Sirius, star of "Lucifer"
Star (trans) - Death by asphyxiation, gas poisoning, etc., asthma
Moon - Sympathetic magic i.e. the magic of suggestion
Moon (lane) - Probability of drowning
Sun - Aura change, light
Sun (trans) - Instant death, most often in a dream. myocardial infarction
Judgment - Release from the captivity of fears
Judgment (per) - Eternal guilt
World - Time for change for the better
Mir (trans) - Failed Partnership
Jester - Antichrist, jester and clown of the underworld
Jester (per) - "Inner Child"

Death in an upright position with the Minor Arcana

2 of Wands - Trying to end everything at once. Suicide attempt
2 of Wands (trans) - Dependence on circumstances and environment
2 of Cups - Love game
2 of Cups (per) - Excess in love
2 of Swords - Divorce
2 of Swords (lane) - False Evidence
2 of Pentacles - Confusion in deeds and thoughts
2 of Pentacles (per) - Failures in the material field

3 of Wands - Receiving a new appointment
3 of Wands (lane) - Protracted failures
3 of Cups - Healing with non-traditional methods
3 of Cups (lane) - Exaggeration of danger
3 of Swords - Hesitation and instability
3 of Swords (per) - Madness
3 of Pentacles - Choosing business over love
3 of Pentacles (per) - Death of a child

4 of Wands - Disturbance
4 of Wands (lane) - Does not change meaning when reversed
4 of Cups - Addiction to drinking
4 Cups (lane) - Failed attempts
4 of Swords - Coffin, grave. Funeral services. Funeral-related hassle
4 of Swords (lane) - Mismatch
4 of Pentacles - Unsuccessful treatment, victim
4 of Pentacles (per) - Death in exile

5 of Wands - Attempts to make a career, but more effort is needed
5 of Wands (per) - Discord
5 of Cups - Will not in your favor
5 of Cups (per) - Metamorphoses in love affairs
5 of Swords - Damage. The case won't work
5 of Swords (lane) - Senseless Losses
5 of Pentacles - Material losses, negatives from karma
5 of Pentacles (trans) - Divorce

6 of Wands - Darkened joy
6 of Wands (trans) - Fear. ghosts
6 of Cups - Need amulets from evil spirits
6 Cups (lane) - Herbalism. Holy herb "Angelica"
6 of Swords - Funeral road, funeral
6 of Swords (lane) - Self-Sacrifice
6 of Pentacles - Instant retribution for wrong done to someone
6 of Pentacles (lane) - Mortal danger

7 of Wands - Completion of what has been started
7 of Wands (trans) - Inability to accept what comes into the hands
7 of Cups - Trampling in one place
7 of Cups (per) - Soldaphonism
7 of Swords - Deliberate change
7 of Swords (trans) - Waiting for briefing
7 of Pentacles - Rejected lover
7 of Pentacles (per) - Dishonest Leaders

8 of Wands - Fatal denouement
8 of Wands (lane) - Remorse
8 of Cups - Parting with a mistress
8 of Cups (lane) - Oversized Distance
8 of Swords - Crisis
8 of Swords (lan) - Fatality
8 of Pentacles - Change of activity
8 of Pentacles (per) - Unjustified stupidity

9 of Wands - Slow down with change
9 of Wands (lane) - Delay. Unnecessary pregnancy
9 of Cups - Intuitive correct step
9 of Cups (lane) - Naivety. Ostrich hiding its head in the sand
9 of Swords - Loss, celibacy, rite of passage
9 of Swords (lane) - Death of a loved one
9 of Pentacles - Defector
9 of Pentacles (trans) - "Black" teacher, false guru

10 of Wands - Catastrophe
10 of Wands (lane) - Unforeseen loss
10 Cups - Holy water
10 of Cups - Luck built on other people's misfortunes
10 of Swords - Death in the house
10 of Swords (lane) - Misfortune with someone close, very rarely - profit, inheritance in your favor
10 of Pentacles - Material problem
10 of Pentacles (per) - Lack of help

Ace of Wands - Eternal Jew Ahasuerus; crystallization
Ace of Wands (per) - Loss of the meaning of life
Ace of Cups - Wake
Ace of Cups (per) - Darkened Party
Ace of Swords - Inevitability of the end, death
Ace of Swords (lane) - Challenge. conquest
Ace of Pentacles - End of Prosperity
Ace of Pentacles (lane) - Loss of capital abroad

King of Wands - Danger to older relative, serious illness
King of Wands (per) - Death of an Elder Kin
King of Cups - Bravado, theatrical activities
King of Cups (per) - Losses due to a woman
King of Swords - Killer "under pressure" of base feelings
King of Swords (pen) - Poverty of the soul. Unbelief
King of Pentacles - Progress in Science, Professor
King of Pentacles (per) - Barren Cornfield

Queen of Wands - Means that some of the older relatives are in danger of misfortune or a serious illness
Queen of Wands (trans.) - The worst aftermath of an abortion
Queen of Cups - Loss of Sanity
Queen of Cups (per) - Debauchery
Queen of Swords - Wrecking for Power (Lady Macbeth)
Queen of Swords
Queen of Pentacles - Loss of wealth
Queen of Pentacles (per) - Doubtful Connection

Knight of Wands - Loss of property, real estate
Knight of Wands (per) - Don't expect changes!
Knight of Cups - Profitable offer
Knight of Cups (per) - Slick trickster
Knight of Swords - Enemy, enemy
Knight of Swords (per) - Crazy courage. Ram
Knight of Pentacles - Player
Knight of Pentacles (per) - Reluctant Spender

Page of Wands - Regular Admirer
Page of Wands (lane) - coming troubles
Page of Cups - An explanation with the enemy, a disappointing diagnosis
Page of Cups (trans) - An opponent who will line the charge against you
Page of Swords - Torturer
Page of Swords (trans.) - "Was there a boy?" rejection
Page of Pentacles - Sexual deviations
Page of Pentacles (per) - Seduction

Death in an inverted position with the Major Arcana

Mage - Stagnation in business. Venous insufficiency
Magician (per) - Trials. Job. Black magic, illness, stagnation, bad luck in business / trials
Priestess - Magic circle. Protection
Priestess (per) - False prophets. Python
Empress - Decline in creative affairs
Empress (trans.) - Negatives. Analysis
Emperor - Unpredictability of the situation
Emperor (per) - Lack of Hope
Priest - Loss of a man (partner, teacher, husband, brother, uncle, etc.)
Priest (per) - Difficulties with study. Failing Exams
Lovers - Difficulties along the way
Lovers (per) - Useless Expectations
Chariot - A rash impulse, a jerk
Chariot (per) - Reassessing one's own influence
Justice - Freedom from the past, rupture of relations
Justice (per) - Actions outside of logic and common sense
Hermit - Reckless actions. Lady of Shalott
Hermit (lane) - Lack of inner core. Bone marrow
Wheel of Fortune - That separation, which is good for both sides
Wheel of Fortune (lane) - Slowdown. Dystonia. Nihilism
Strength - Violence, criminal case
Strength (trans) - No time for change
Hanged Man - Fatigue. Antidepressants
The Hanged Man (per) - Indifference
Moderation - Change for the worse
Temperance (per) - Careerism
Devil - Concealment of dark tendencies
Devil (per) - Hangman's Bravado
Tower - Shock, Discharge, Cardiology
Tower (lane) - Destructive change. drug den
Star - Predicament
Star (lane) - Black sky. Pluto - Proserpine
Moon - Dismissal. Imbalance. Urology
Moon (per) - Gloomy Predictions
Sun - Shadow. Stagnation. Forced work. Bile
Sun (per) - Difficulties in achieving success
Judgment - Chains
Judgment (per) - Internal chains, shackles of the spirit
World - Discomfort
Peace (per) - "There is no peace under the olives." Nobel. Literature
Jester - New tramples at the door. Fear of change
Jester (trans.) - The unpredictability of stupidity

Death in an inverted position with the Minor Arcana

3 of Wands (lane) - Losing Streak

Transition. Ending. Transformation. And this is where we should stop. Once again - Transition. Ending. Transformation. This is the answer. The main meaning of the card is that the natural end of the existing situation is near. And there is nothing wrong with that. Death is the healing beginning of life.

The prophetic interpretations of this Arcana have always been more positive than negative: favorable changes and perpetual motion, transformation and getting rid of the unnecessary. However, it is not for nothing that there is an old Chinese curse: “May you live in times of change!” Life is now entering such a "time of change", and it is still completely unclear when existence will again take complete and stable forms. A person who has fallen to Death will have to change his former life and almost nothing can stop it. With Death, processes end, cycles come to an end, projects enter the end phase, the existing is destroyed. Death does not bring success, but clears the way for new efforts and a new round.

There is a strong spirit of renunciation and renunciation in Death. Since layouts are usually done in cases where the questioner has hopes for something, the fall of this card with its pathos of a clear “no” is not very encouraging. After Death, things break down, we abandon our goals and consign our projects to oblivion.

At the same time, Death opens the gates to a new life. At funerals, this is not always obvious, however, it is. Is always. Inevitably. And what this new life might turn out to be, other cards will tell. Relatively rarely, Death really shows mourning, grief, mourning the loss. Sometimes, especially if the question or situation really implies something like this, Death tells you to accept and prepare for the inevitable.

It may be difficult to let go of something that was once so precious, but it must be recognized that it is time to say goodbye to it. Nothing makes the experience of Death easy, but the beginning of a new age often has a touch of unsettling joy. In a certain sense, the Thirteenth Arcana is a good card if the need for change and deep, radical transformation is not scary. Its meaning can also be associated with the victory of man over himself.

Just as the Tower marks what will inevitably be transformed due to the accumulated voltage, Death marks those places where the voltage has gone completely, like current from the network. Maybe the questioner does not experience anything but relief that something that has exhausted itself has finally “fell off by itself”, or maybe it is tormented by the bitterness of loss, but in any case, it’s time to forgive and let go. Death “marks” with its appearance mostly damaged, non-viable things, clinging to which is useless. Moreover, it also has such a quality as inevitability.

Death is natural and at the same time severe. She advises in a good way (that is, consciously) to abandon the familiar, but outdated, to say "Finally it's over!" and allow something new to emerge over time. The changes it brings are very deep and irreversible. Death is never wrong. If she reports that it is time to say goodbye to something, then at the moment it is necessary for further movement.

The main meaning of the card is that the end of the existing situation is near. A break with the past, the end of the current state of affairs, the end of the questioner's life as it is. The card says that something in life is coming to its logical, overdue end. This is some kind of turning point that may relate to lifestyle, work, relationships. The most important thing in interpreting is to be able to sensibly connect the card with the question.

It is time to write a treatise "On the frailty of everything that exists and the essence of everything mortal." After Death, we do not leave the feeling that some part of our life has come to an end, and nothing can be done about it. A time to hug and a time to evade, a time to scatter stones and a time to gather. This feeling can be associated with an empty house, from which dear people left, with an empty wallet due to losses, with the need to change jobs, with health, forcing to draw a line under the old way of life. Death often falls to people who have reached a certain age limit, when there is a transformation of personality, a transition to a new quality.

Falling out in a personal alignment, Death says: another stage of your life is nearing completion, a completely new personality is ripening in you, the way of thinking, beliefs, feelings and reactions is changing. You can become a different person, but at the same time remain yourself, but in a completely transformed state. You will have new hobbies, a new value system, new friends and acquaintances. Only that part of you, which is called the soul, will not undergo change.

In essence, only she is the creative force that can really create something new and discard the old, since only she has enough strength to carry out the transformation and make us develop spiritually. This is the only and immortal thing in us that passes from one incarnation to another.

Sometimes Death falls to a person suffering from the fear of life. He may seek solace in illusions or withdraw into his own shell (“How terrible it is to live!”). Death can describe a person who is ready to leave - from work, from relationships, and sometimes from life. It brings severity and bitterness, depression and the seal of loss, the spirit of separation and detachment.

According to Death, we feel that the end of some stage is not far off, we often reflect on the thread of events, the past and the future (and we see the first much better than the second; it is precisely because of this circumstance that sometimes there are attempts to breathe new life into where life is can no longer).

Death often describes a person, as they say, heavy, capable of making noticeable and often rather bleak changes in the lives of others. At the same time, he can be well-mannered, elegantly dressed and not inclined to make a fuss around him (this is not the Tower). At the same time, he is quite a radical person in his decisions.

All these “So don’t get you to anyone!”, “I’m dying, but I don’t give up” and the firm intention to take enemies with me to the grave (or, for example, carefully destroy your files on your work computer in case of dismissal) are extreme manifestations, but a similar spirit can be felt in small things, which does not make life together more pleasant. A distinctive feature of the man-Death is joylessness. This does not mean eternal despondency and a tendency to wistfully complain to others, no.

He can hold quite adequately, give the impression of a man of strong character and great insight, sometimes even outstanding beauty ... but something is missing. That something is the ability to enjoy life. The person described by the thirteenth Arcana is a master of leaving, refusing, destroying and saying no. His profession can be directly related to life and death and be, as they say, dangerous - for himself and for other people. The Death Man is usually aloof and very "on his own". He is not merged with anything, he does not owe anything.

In any environment, it is like a foreign body. However, like death, he is rarely an “accidental guest”, and if he has already been carried somewhere, then he is most likely in his place there, even if no one around him thinks so.

The person described by the Thirteenth Arkn is often insightful, he has a special gift of insight in relation to himself and others, the ability to see deep motives or the inevitable end of events.

We enter Life through the gates of Death. This is a wonderful card. Death brings rebirth to true life. Those who have been on the verge of death know this very well from personal experience. It dissolves everything that is not real. She is the Great Transformer, releasing energy from depleted forms for new paths. Death does not kill, but resurrects.

It is not for nothing that the symbolism of the Arcana contains the Mystical Rose of Life on the rider's banner, and the Sun of Immortality shining on the horizon. He who died for empty temptations and fears in his spirit is born free. Pierre goes through this death in the novel "War and Peace", being a prisoner and realizing that he CANNOT be taken prisoner.

The absurdity and conventionality of all this is so obvious to him that he laughs uncontrollably. And this is an absolutely reliable sign that he has become an Initiate, because the first thing a person does, whose level of consciousness has really changed to a fundamentally higher level, is to start laughing at what he saw before.

Nothing is closer to life than death. Nothing makes you feel and appreciate life as sharply as the proximity of death. This two codes soldered into each other, yin and yang, a double helix. Death is a fruit that ripens in us all our lives. Realizing this, we do not perceive life and death as something opposite. Everything new appears only because of the transience of the old.

The theme of Death is part of the ritual initiations of all mystical cults. In order to be reborn in a higher hypostasis, one has to go through the experience of purification by the limit and say goodbye to something irrevocably. The ability to "die" is the secret of the initiates. The traditional Sufi saying "Die before you die" calls us to understand that we cannot live life to the fullest as long as the fear of "descent" speaks in us. Any clinging prevents us from being in the natural flow of Life.

Awareness of the finiteness of being is the most important condition for life and the main way to remain truly alive. Death and immortality have always been the object of desire almost equally. Mortals revered assimilation to the immortal gods for the highest destiny, and the immortal gods became mortal in order to understand what it means to live. The experience of Death perfectly helps to understand that you are just a person who is able to feel grief and weakness, pain and fear.

However, Death is only the middle of the road in the chain of the Major Arcana Tarot. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger. Death brings the transition from one mode of existence to another in a natural way - one thing has completely exhausted itself, “died”, became unviable, it is replaced by a different form of existence. You have to say goodbye to the former. This change may seem abrupt, but in fact it is natural and, unlike the Ten of Swords, does not depend on the questioner. However, this is not something to be afraid of - in fact, a person who walks the spiritual path worked for this!

This is a stage in spiritual development when the time has come for a complete break with the past, the transition from decline and "sitting in the shadow of death" to rebirth and reincarnation into another person. Death says: forget what you were before, the old life is over. A complete metamorphosis awaits you, a restructuring, a different way of being, a different lifestyle. In the upright position, the card means that the worldview is expanding, we are abandoning restrictions. Death speaks of the end of the existing situation, which involves profound changes in the psyche and outlook on the world.

Its impulse is to destroy our sense of self, which most often happens when we face grief, depression, loss. The trouble seems crazy, something abnormal, and we feel like wandering through the underworld on quicksand, which only yesterday seemed to be the solid foundation of life.

However, later we will most likely remember this difficult period as one of the most valuable and significant for our growth. We do what we thought was impossible, we experience what seemed impossible to survive. Because of this, we feel like a phoenix rising from our own ashes. Having gone through the experience of destruction and impotence, we comprehend the full vitality of the human spirit. Death is parting, farewell, the end. Thus, it turns out to be a forerunner of the new, the future, although at first glance you can’t tell this from the map itself.

Nevertheless, the card is rather good, because this end is natural, we have been waiting for it for a long time, because this is liberation, although accompanied by pain. In contrast to the Ten of Swords, which means the end is violent, that is, premature, this card symbolizes the natural end, indicating that the time has come to part with someone or something.

So it is completely in vain to associate it with grief alone. Or, on the contrary, they consider it only the beginning of something new, not understanding the meaning of the symbolism of Death as the beginning and the end at the same time, as the bitterness of parting and the joy of waiting. "We have separated life from death, and filled the gap between them with fear," wrote Krishnamurti, "but there is no life without death."

The medieval allegorical image of Death warned against pride - do not think too much about yourself, you are dust and you will return to dust. Memento mori! This is the medieval "Dance of Death", a favorite allegory that adorns many temples: a round dance led by Death, from participation in which neither the rich nor the poor could evade. The skeleton and scythe are important attributes of Saturn, the planet that represents the fundamental structure of our being. The scythe (or sickle) is also associated with the defective Moon, and through it with Hekate, the dark deity of death, from whom time itself (Saturn) took away the blessing of having children.

In the Tarot, Death represents the abandonment of one's former self, which a person can decide upon when he has gone through the experience of the Hanged Man, realized the futility of clinging to control, the inscrutable ways, the insignificance of ego claims and the power of the flow of being. Having reached the Thirteenth Arcana, the Fool can let his mask finally fall off and die.

On many maps, Death clears the area around him. Her energy serves as a destructive force, weakening any shackles. The completed past is removed from the present and future by the inevitable sweep of her scythe. The number 13 may have come to be considered dangerous and "unlucky" largely due to the position of the Arcana Death in the series of cards. The fear of change often obscures the prospect and clouds the opportunities that a person gets who is able to change the course of his life.

But the moment has come, the fetters have weakened, it's time to change this very course of your life. In the territory cleared by the Death Scythe, rebirth and regeneration begin almost immediately. “Red-red blood in an hour is already just earth, after two there are flowers and grass on it, after three it is alive again ...” The number 13 symbolizes transformation and rebirth (the connection between what is and what will be). The card symbolizes a positive transformation in spiritual development, but most likely through suffering. The idea of ​​a radical Plutonic transformation, clearing the way for new efforts.

Although, for example, Guggenheim attributed a very inspiring meaning to Death - "this is a card of rebirth and creation, renewal and rest, change for the better." Banzhaf notes that the rider-Death on the Arcana keeps his way to the right, to the sunrise, and the faces of the people are turned to the left, to the sunset. Death is the end that brings a new beginning, and people tend to see only the end. Thirteen is a number that falls out of the natural sequence of twelve (months, hours, signs of the Zodiac...). It simultaneously means the "end of time" and the transcendence of this conditioning.

The most positive meaning of the card is Lughnasadh, harvest time. The seed has been sown, sprouted, it's time to harvest the fruit. This is the aspect of God playing the role of a caring father who is killed to feed the people. A time of abundance, but also a time of death and sacrifice. At this time, a person reaps what he has learned, separates the wheat from the chaff and moves to another level of existence. Banzhaf and Akron write: “To live is to constantly part. Somewhere in the depths of our souls we know that nothing is wasted.

Therefore, we should not cling to anything, especially something that has already lost its meaning. From this point of view, the very idea of ​​rebirth is meaningless, since it indicates an ego desperately clinging to life, rather than a wise understanding of the eternal cycle of transformation.

The thirteenth card of the Major Arcana depicts a skeleton in armor - a symbol of the mortal shell of a person. Sometimes he literally mows down the heads, arms and legs rising from the ground, like previously sown seeds. In the course of these labors, he apparently cuts off one of his legs. Not all decks have this detail, but it certainly points to the truth that imbalance and destruction are synonymous. The skeleton is the emblem of the first and supreme Deity, since It is the basis of the body, just as the Absolute is the basis of Creation.

The skeleton exoterically means decay, and esoterically, the irresistible impulse of Nature, which every being acquires towards the final transition into the divine state, in which it was before the creation of the illusory Universe. The skeleton symbolizes the material shell of a person and at the same time is associated with the “rider on a pale horse” from the Apocalypse. The flower woven on the banner of the mysterious rider is the Mystic Rose, the symbol of eternal life in the esoteric iconography of the Rosicrucians. The sun rising between the towers is also a symbol of immortality and rebirth. The bend of the river, which we see on the classic Arcana, is an image of the coming metamorphosis. The river separates our world from the world of shadows.

Pharaoh's boat moves along the river to the east, striving for the beginning of a new day - to the same place as Death. The blade of the scythe of Death is represented in the form of a sickle of the Moon, with its resplendent power. In some decks, Death is depicted dressed in armor on a snow-white horse, trampling both young and old with its hoof. A bishop, a child, and a young maiden humbly fell down before her, and only the child perceives her directly, without fear and prayer. Nearby is the body of the defeated king, whose scepter and crown - symbols of earthly power - are lying on the ground.

All are subject to death, and earthly power is nothing to it. Ancient man did not realize that he was mortal: for him, death was only the death of a family, and the soul was thought to be transmitted from grandfather to grandson. At the same time, it was obvious to him that nothing ends with the onset of death - an example of this was the change in the phases of the moon, and the change of seasons, and the birth of new members of the tribe. The concept of one's own death arises when a person realizes his "I", his individuality, although ancient myths insist that he is conceived as an immortal creation.

Life, drawing its energy from death, conquers death, and being is an eternal cycle of death and rebirth. In fact, there is no death: it is fragmented into flickering frames according to the scenario that is played many times, while life, being the core of Being, abides forever. Therefore, the Egyptian god of the underworld, Anubis, was always depicted as walking, and the Virgin (Life) with an ear in her hand, standing, symbolizing that death is transient and life is eternal.

"Nothing is destroyed, everything is replaced and moved, and when beings change, obeying the eternal order, then among people this is called dying." If in order to continue moving forward, it is necessary to be reborn and appear in a completely new incarnation, then there is no point in resisting these changes, especially since they will happen anyway. There are thresholds we are never ready to cross, and yet we cross them anyway.

Death opens the doors of true light and, serving as the transformation of the old in the name of the birth of the new, is astrologically associated with the sign of Scorpio. The motto of the Thirteenth Arcana is "Die and be reborn, rise and pass."

Light and shadow (advice and caution)

Tip: let go. Let something end. Throw out the garbage from yourself and from your life. Preferably - all, even if the result is quite a bit ("skin and bones", "bare walls"). Abandon old ideals and previous actions.

The trap: insisting on unviable options at all costs ("even if you die").

In general, death is good when the question concerns the end of some not very pleasant and sluggish situations, the way out of the crisis. If the questioner was interested in the prospects of a business venture, but the project runs the risk of ending before it starts. There are stillborn ideas and unviable plans - Death "marks" them very clearly, as far as one can judge from practical observations.

Even if efforts are made to promote the project, the resources expended are incommensurable with the result - it rather resembles the existence in the "artificial respiration" mode and incessant financial injections, moreover, natural development does not occur, all this only keeps the business in a state of "as if afloat" it is not clear why.

Death marks steps that have no future and roads that lead nowhere.

She loves finishing projects and throwing them into oblivion. How timely, painlessly, or vice versa, painfully this happens, other cards can tell. The action of Death, as a rule, is natural. Often a person, even without a scenario, is able to foresee the logical end of the situation, about which Death falls. Arkan only puts an end to and. Termination of labor relations, leaving a certain position, parting with business partners, dismissal, change of job, and sometimes farewell to the profession.

After Death, one must prepare to save at least something, or at least survive difficult times. On the other hand, it is quite possible that what will replace the former will be much better!

What else marks death? Impossibility to turn around in the current situation. A morally exhausted project. Global changes in the workplace (for example, bankruptcy, change of ownership). The card often falls before layoffs, leaving the job. The collapse of plans, failure. Relatively rarely, some aggressive events, threats, major destructive conflicts pass through it.

Death may give advice to close the firm, if it is relatively small, and open a new one somewhere else; if the firm is large, then rename (re-register).

Restorers and gravediggers, surgeons and killers walk along Death. She marks people whose profession somehow stands on the border between life and death, and sometimes takes a step to the other side (for example, a police officer can fall into this category).

Loss of job, sources of income (very typical). Global change in financial position. This can be either the end of a difficult period or a decrease in income, other cards of the layout can give a hint. Old investments, ways of earning and using money, most likely, are no longer promising, and new ones must be sought.

Destruction, disintegration, the end - all these meanings of the thirteenth Arcana are usually quite clearly manifested if the question concerns love. Often, the card says that it's time to leave, to find a replacement for a relationship that has exhausted itself.

Death usually marks their natural end. According to this Arcana, there is a chance to part with friends, especially if other cards do not contradict this. This is also a typical divorce card in cases where the relationship has gradually lost viability. Death gives freedom - maybe unwanted, but don't look a gift horse in the mouth (and especially this horse...).

In any case, this is the end of some life period. If the period corresponded in spirit to the Hanged Man (impotence, crisis, despair), then Death brings great news - all this will finally be behind. If the questioner was tormented, not knowing how to achieve a divorce, then the fallen Death makes it clear that now it will be possible to leave the failed marriage behind, start all over again and build a new life.

Death can reflect both dead feelings and the fear of losing relationships that are still important (it makes sense to pay close attention to the cards of Cups if they are present in the layout). Death marks "form without content" - for example, marriage, which is still considered to exist, but has essentially lost its emotional content. The partner described by the Death card made a clear decision to part and let go. “The wind remains between me and you” (by the way, the video for the song containing the mentioned words is strictly in the style and energy of the Thirteenth Arcana).

Occasionally, in love, it can indicate Shakespearean variants, the inextricable link between love and death (with the corresponding other Arcana). We must not forget that Scorpio, corresponding to the Thirteenth Arcanum, is associated with sex and the reproductive organs. The inseparable connection "Love - Death" is also widely represented in medieval allegories. For love, it was always possible to get a dagger in the back, and die in childbirth.

This card is unfavorable in terms of health. Spirit of Death - decay and destruction. Tooth extractions and surgeries for tumors, all kinds of amputations and “…ectomies”, designed to rid the viable of the unviable, pass through this map.

After Death, quite serious health disorders can pass, such as operations, heart attacks, and the like, as well as chronic and incurable diseases. In extremely rare cases - coma, clinical death. Contrary to the name, Death rarely means the actual physical death of the questioner or someone close to him.

She brings pain, but no relief. Change is partial or too slow. All sorts of freezes, stagnation, immobility, temporary inactivity. In an inverted position, the card symbolizes fear of change, stagnation in business, lingering changes in life and the inconvenience and trouble associated with this. If there are good cards nearby, then this is a slow progress towards good changes.

Inverted Death brings weakness, passivity, soreness. The state of inertia, the evil eye, damage, "sleep on the go", as well as games with otherworldly forces, no matter what they are expressed.

There is an opinion that an inverted Death can indicate a miraculously avoided situation of danger.

In addition, it can also serve as a warning that a person is trying to “cut off” something that is not right.

"Death is the best invention of life. It is the cause of change. It cleanses the old to make way for the new. The memory that I will die soon is the most important tool that helps me make decisions. Because everything else is someone else's opinion, everything this pride, all this fear of embarrassment or failure - all these things fall in the face of death, leaving only what is really important. The memory of death is the best way to avoid thinking that you have something to lose. You are already naked. You have no more reasons don't follow your heart." (Stanford Lecture by Steve Jobs)


Saturn in 8th house. Planet of the Limit, separation and farewell, dying and rebirth.

Direct position:

DEATH does not mean a physical end, but it speaks of the end of an existing situation, it speaks of profound changes in your worldview. There was a chance to be in an unknown situation. The nature of the changes can be judged by neighboring maps. In general, this is the end of the old life and the losses associated with it: friendship, income, love. But a new era begins.

Reverse position:

An inverted card means: the gift of insight in relation to oneself and others. It also means stagnation, inertia and related misunderstandings.

13 Death (upright position)

General meaning:

The arrival of a new, sometimes unexpected. Often - small, seemingly insignificant. Map of everyday life, vanity, everyday life. Striving for new experiences.


1. Vanity. Lots of boring stuff. Small problems. Tired of what's going on.

Acquaintances that may or may not justify themselves.

Does not mean collapse or ruin.

It can mean running around in search of work (a lot of choice, does not know what to decide on). Frequent job changes. session with students.

2. Changeable, unstable state. Death means only surrounded by many negative cards. Pay attention to age: for a young person, there is much less chance that this card speaks of death specifically than for an elderly or seriously ill person.

3. Unstable. Depressing state, nervousness. Something always interferes.

4. Striving for something new. It's easy to break with the past. Curious. Similar to the people of the Empress, because. Mercury rules Gemini. Scientist, traveler, reporter. Sometimes they suffer from kleptomania over trifles. People of the 13th and 16th arcana are prone to suicide: they are looking for a way out of oppressive situations in death.

5. Tip: do what you do.

Warning: A lot of things, meetings, worries - to the point of exhaustion. But which of them will be important, significant is unknown.

6. Doesn't give a clear answer. Circumstances are so uncertain that the situation can turn in any direction. It is necessary to consider not the situation, but the solutions, or to formulate the question more precisely.

Perhaps the information is closed (should not be known to the questioner)

13 Death (Reversed)

General meaning:

position stability (whatever it is)


1. Things will go on as they did. If you're looking for a job, you won't find it. If it already works, then it will work there. The work is routine, but feasible.

2. Often occurs when a person has already recovered, recovered from a crisis or avoided danger.

3. Stability. Partners miss each other.

5. Do what you do. Be conservative. Finish old things first.

Stagnation period warning. You need to wait, shake.

6. The answer is always “yes” to confirmation (the question is asked correctly, the answer is accurate, nothing more needs to be specified). period unchanged.

General meaning:

Death is parting, farewell, the end. Thus, it turns out to be a forerunner of the new, the future, although at first glance you can’t tell this from the map itself. Nevertheless, the card is rather good, because this end is natural, we have been waiting for it for a long time, because this is liberation, although accompanied by grief and pain. In contrast to the Ten of Swords, which means the end is violent, that is, premature, this card symbolizes the natural end, indicating that the time has come to part with someone or something. So it is completely in vain to associate it with grief alone. Or, on the contrary, they consider it only the beginning of something new, not understanding the meaning of the symbolism of Death as the beginning and the end at the same time, as the bitterness of parting and the joy of waiting. "We have separated life from death, and filled the gap between them with fear," wrote Krishnamurti. “However, there is no life without death.”


Here Death most often means the end of our present activity. She recommends finally saying goodbye to the job or position to which we are so accustomed, internally freeing ourselves from them in order to prepare for the new that awaits us ahead. However, we should not rush things: this card advises giving ourselves time to rest in order to take stock and ask ourselves if we have completed everything that we had to. Only by making sure that we don't owe anything to anyone else can we take the next step.


The completion of the next stage in development, it's time to part with the old ideas about the world around us or about ourselves. Most often, these are certain psychological attitudes that we did not develop in ourselves, but adopted from parents, teachers or other people whom we did not know how to treat critically. However, it could also be our own patterns of behavior or masks, which now have to be discarded so that our true "I" can come to light. In a deep sense, this card may mean that we have developed a new understanding of death - perhaps in the same sense as C. G. Jung said about it: "Death, if you approach it psychologically correctly, is not the end, but goal, and therefore a person, having crossed the peak of life, begins to live for the sake of death.

Personal relationships:

The end of the next stage in the development of these relations, which in most cases means parting with the former partner. Even if it is painful, it is impossible to avoid it. Therefore, you should neither delay this parting, nor, on the contrary, sharply break all the old bonds, because when you break, you also break. It is better to thank your partner for everything that he managed to give you during this time, and wish him good luck on the next stage of the road.

In love relationships

This card indicates the final stage of the relationship, in which the partners or lovers received from each other everything they could get. If the relationship is not broken, then it goes into the stage of the dead, in which spouses prevent each other from developing their own souls.

Death in a relationship scenario can have a threefold interpretation, which on an emotional level will be equally unpleasant. Firstly, it can mean the literal death of relationships, especially if the card falls into the center of the Gebo layout. At the same time, one must understand that relations have become obsolete, and the question of their violent break or the expectation of their natural collapse should be raised depending on the situation. A similar verdict can be made especially in the case of nearby destructive cards: Jester, Hanged Man, Devil and Tower. The court on either side will indicate his attempt to resuscitate relations. Secondly, Death may mean the death of the old style of relationship, which was built on romantic illusions and a biased attitude towards a partner, but now requires a more sober approach. This can be judged when death falls in a good environment, has a Star or Lovers card standing next to it, or compatible cards standing on both sides of the Gebo layout (for example, Emperor and Empress). However, in this case, it must be remembered that both partners must change, otherwise the situation will cause suffering, because there will be hopes and warm feelings and, at the same time, stagnation in the development of relations. Therefore, the dying of relationships will be long and painful. In this case, a visit to a psychologist may be required to get out of the relationship crisis. The appearance of the Mage and the Priestess can be a similar clue from the cards. In some cases, Death may involve the transformation of relationships through the birth of a child. And, thirdly, the card that fell out on one side of the Gebo layout will mean that on the part of the person about whom this card speaks, there has been a significant cooling of feelings and a change in attitude towards his partner (mistress, fiance or bride). If a relative of this person has recently died, and because of his grieving state, the card can not be considered in the categories mentioned above, but the layout can be done later. Also, the Death card, dropped by a partner or partner, may mean that your half is a depressive and melancholic person, prone to an apocalyptic worldview and fatalistic views.

XIII. Death combined with other tarot cards

With the card "Jester" - contrasts.

With the card "Magician" - a barely noticeable way out of the crisis.

With the card "High Priestess" - a prophetic dream.

With the Empress card - figuratively speaking, summer comes after a harsh winter; The king is dead, long live the king.

With the "Emperor" card - changes in the house or at work.

With the Hierophant card - changes in the family; leadership change.

With the card "Lovers" - changes in relationships.

With the "Chariot" card - a revision of your aspirations.

With the card "Strength" - pull yourself together in the face of a crisis.

With the card "The Hermit" - inevitable loneliness.

With the "Wheel of Fortune" card - strengthening of change.

With the card "Justice" - the search for protection in the face of impending events.

With the Hanged Man card - an inevitable punishment; resistance to change.

With the Temperance card - adaptation after loss.

With the card "Devil" - a setup.

With the Tower card - cataclysms.

With the Star card - the hope that everything that is done is for the better.

With the card "Moon" - a disease; destruction due to deceit.

With the card "Sun" - rebirth.

With the card "Court" - the closure of karma.

With the map "World" - summing up.


With the card "Ace of Wands" - transform the idea; clear the road.

With the card "Two of Wands" - cling to the obsolete.

With the Three of Wands card - accept change.

With the Four of Wands card - changes in the house.

With the Five of Wands card - put an end to the conflict.

With the card "Six of Wands" - the need to change the approach; change team.

With the Seven of Wands card - futile attempts to interfere.

With the "Eight of Wands" card - fleeting changes.

With the card "Nine of Wands" - beware of changes.

With the card "Ten of Wands" - break; resign; dump.

With the Page of Wands card - lose interest.

With the card "Knight of Wands" - lose pace.

With the card "Queen of Wands" - adjust to the influence of time.

With the "King of Wands" card - a change in status.

Direct position

The card indicates that in life something has come to a logical conclusion (died, outlived). But do not despair, because after the completion of one business, the beginning of new business, the birth of new ideas and projects will definitely follow. This can be related to both personal relationships and work. Also, the card may indicate that a person will have to part or say goodbye to his affairs forever, perhaps he himself will refuse something.

Arkan brings changes to a person’s life, the beginning of some new deeds and events that will be the most promising and optimistic. A person just wants to change his life. Unexpected and dramatic changes in life can occur. You may have to rethink your life priorities and goals.
Reversed position

The card indicates fears of life or serves as a warning. It is not easy for a person to let go of something that already, in principle, has no meaning and meaning. A person himself does not allow to end those things that should already end. The card also indicates that a person in vain hopes and believes in something. It was time for apathy and stagnation. Under the influence of the card, a person himself does not notice how he attracts even more problems. And these problems are very difficult for him to solve, and especially to complete them.

The card does not give relief, it is characterized by torment. Life changes happen too slowly or partially. A person is afraid of change and stagnation in business. A person under the influence of the Death card may experience weakness and malaise, a painful and passive state. Also, the card can indicate a situation of danger when a person miraculously avoids it.

Death: Meaning in love and relationships

Direct position

The lasso symbolizes the beginning of significant changes, which may be associated with a relationship or parting with a loved one and the emergence of a new relationship with another person. Do not be afraid of new relationships, but you should not rush them either. The main thing is that the relationship with the former chosen one remains calm and balanced, this is very important.

The card means a natural parting. As a rule, people part on friendly terms. If a person has been thinking about divorce for a long time and tormented himself with different thoughts on this topic, then when a death card falls out, you can count on a divorce. The card helps a person leave a failed marriage behind him and start building a new life.

Reversed position

In relationships, there is a vain calculation. A person can hope and believe in something better, but in reality, he will receive disappointments, extinguished feelings. You should not even hope for their revival - there is no love, no feelings. Relations have reached an impasse, and require renewal.

A person is afraid of parting, he is simply not ready for it, therefore he is painfully experiencing this situation. He is also not ready to take action in order to get out of this current crisis. It is possible that a person will be forced to remain completely alone when the partner leaves him all alone.

Death: Meaning in Situation and Question

Direct position

A map in a situation may indicate a change in career goals, the cessation of any activity, and even retirement. The card speaks of the end of activity, advises to say goodbye to a position or job that a person is already used to. But before parting, you need to internally prepare yourself for this: get rid of the past so that you can expect new changes from the fate. There is no need to rush things either, you need time for this.

The lasso indicates an unstable condition, the disease may progress. If a person is seriously ill, then with the appearance of this card in divination, it means the onset of an imminent crisis. Specifically, nothing is said about death, since a card can portend death only in combination with other cards.
Reversed position

An inverted lasso carries a negative value, as it indicates the destruction of plans, forced inaction, and slow development of the project. It is also possible that a person will resist the ongoing changes.

Unfortunate situations may arise or negotiations may break off suddenly. Perhaps someone at work will change leadership, which obviously everyone will remain dissatisfied with, or there will be problems associated with deception. Even if a person has excellent health, he feels great, a state of depression is not excluded, which can bring a person to a breakdown.

Death: Card Meaning of the Day

On this day, for a person, what is happening will become a passed stage (past). For some, this will be good news that this has finally happened and everything is over, but for some, it will not want to leave, because this time meant so much to him. But nothing can be done here, you need to come to terms with the circumstances, and prepare to part with the past.

There is no point in trying to keep what was, try to let it go. This is the only way to truly feel happy and free, although the concept will come a little later. The person will experience relief and liberation.

You need to prepare yourself for the changes that will take place in your life. With their appearance, a person’s outlook on life completely changes, he himself, in principle, becomes a completely different person. The lasso indicates that a person simply needs to go through this stage in his life: to survive it and be cleansed of all the past.

Life is so arranged: something passes and ends, loses its former meaning, but something new appears that we let into our destiny. After all, if a person does not part with the unnecessary and the old, then in his life there will be no place for something new. Even giving up bad and bad habits, a person will do more good than harm. And this act can also be called a step towards new challenges.

Death: Combination with other cards

Major Arcana Wands cups swords Pentacles


Ace of Wands


Ace of Cups

Bad news

Ace of swords

Ace of Pentacles

Loss of money

Slow exit from the crisis

King of Wands

Status upgrade

King of Cups

King of swords

King of Pentacles

Success at work


Queen of Wands

A compromise must be found

Queen of Cups

lack of well-being

queen of swords

Lust for power

Queen of Pentacles

Loss of money


White and black stripe in life, change of mood

Knight of Wands

Need to slow down

Knight of Cups

Making a profitable deal

Knight of Swords

Knight of Pentacles

gambling addiction


Changes in the workplace

Page of Wands

Loss of interest

Page of Cups

Health Improvement

Page of swords

Page of Pentacles

Change of leadership

Two of Wands

Trying to grab onto something

Two of Cups

Two of Swords

Two of Pentacles



Relationships will start to change

Three of Wands

Three of Cups

Alternative medicine

Three of Swords

Three of Pentacles

Cold calculation


Rethink your value system

Four of Wands

Family changes

Four of Cups


Four of Swords

Four of Pentacles

Bad feeling

Pull yourself together

Five of Wands

Completion of a quarrel

Five of Cups

You will not inherit anything

Five of Swords

Five of Pentacles

Loss of money



Six of Wands

Team should be disbanded

Six of Cups

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