Watch what is a "young scientist" in other dictionaries. Watch what is a "young scientist" in other dictionaries Magazine Young Scientist Publishing

Young, young, minor, green, early. Young, newlyweds, newly convergent, novozhen, newlyweds, young man. She died in color of years. Lerm. In tender youth. Molokosos, gusty .. cf. . On the younger pisels ... .. Dictionary ... ... Synonym dictionary

Like many Heroes of DC Comics, the green lamp appeared not only in the comic series of the same name and in series within the Universe DC Universe, but also in a variety of television series, films and video games and other mentions in the media. Content 1 Television 1.1 ... ... Wikipedia

Green light ... Wikipedia

Green lightness genre lyrical comedy ... Wikipedia

For the term "green" see other values. Green Color Coordinates HEX # 008000 RGB¹ (R, G, B) (0, 128, 0) ... Wikipedia

Sir Gawain and The Green Knight ... Wikipedia

"Green Belt of Glory" - Green glory belt. Green Belt Glory Big Blocked Ring 1. Kirovsky Tree 2. Immortion of the Soldier 3. Pulkovsky Frontier 4. Militchens 5. Memorial Complex in honor of the heroes of the Avrorrowsers 6. Unregistered 7. Sturm 8. Izhora Taran 9. Monument in ... ... Encyclopedic Directory "St. Petersburg"

Green Sea Yozh Scientific Classification ... Wikipedia

Other films with the same or similar name: See Green Van. Green van ... Wikipedia


  • Niesel Day, Zabirko Vitaly Sergeevich. Young scientist, Sergey Koropov, engaged in learning anomalous phenomena, receives an invitation to celebrate the day of the aliel in the Russian outback. Despite teasing colleagues, he is still ...
  • The day of the aliens, Zabirko V.S. Young scientist, Sergey Koropov, engaged in learning anomalous phenomena, receives an invitation to celebrate the day of the aliel in the Russian outback. Despite teasing colleagues, he is still ...
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I published an article in the journal "Young Scientist". Will I get a certificate?

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No, just just report payment (by email or by phone). But still do not throw away the receipt - if suddenly your payment is lost, it will be required to find it.

Are there any age restrictions for publication in the magazine "Young Scientist"?

No, there are no restrictions on age for authors.

How is the number of pages for payment for publication?

This refers to the number of pages that occupies the article, executed according to our requirements. At the same time, the number of pages in the journal occupied by the article may differ significantly. It depends on the set of factors: the format of the strip, the width of the fields, the height of the footer, the kebla, interlinje, etc.

In the online version of the magazine, I discovered a layout error. Can I fix it before printing?

After publishing an electronic version, the authors are given two days to detect the layout errors. It is important to distinguish the layout errors from copyright typos. Author's typos after publishing are not corrected. It is believed that when sending the article, the author sends a ready-made, not a rough version. The errors of the layout (just - the layouts) are considered to be serious shortcomings made by the cameracher (the degree of (position) of the author, the table is shifted, the table disappeared, the text of another author appeared, the text is absent at all, etc.). Everything else is not considered a mistake.
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Is it possible to publish an article in English?

Yes, the working languages \u200b\u200bof all our publications are Russian and English.

Is it possible to pay the publication on behalf of the organization?

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What ways can you pay the publication from abroad?

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How many articles of one author can be published in the same issue of the magazine "Young scientist"?

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