Ways to dry rosehip berries at home. A simple and convenient way to dry rose hips - in the oven What mode to dry rose hips in the oven

The medicinal properties of rose hips have been known for a long time, it is difficult to overestimate them. A plant is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals that a person needs constantly, at any time of the year, and in winter the need for them increases significantly. The wild rose can be found everywhere in our climatic zone; picking berries is not difficult. But not everyone knows at what time they need to be collected, which species to give preference to, and how to properly preserve them for a long time. Today we will tell and show in the photo how to dry the berries (leaves, roots) of a rose hip step by step at home, so that as many useful substances as possible are preserved in them.

Where and what kind of rosehip to collect

All fruits have the ability to absorb substances, both useful and harmful, from the habitat. In city parks, alleys or yard plantings, there is a danger to plants in the form of atmospheric gas pollution from the work of many Vehicle, therefore, it is recommended to pick wild rose berries in remote places: in a forest belt remote from the city, on glades and slopes in groves, in village front gardens.

The weather during berry picking should be moderately humid, you can not pick fruits if it rains, excess moisture delays the drying process, this can affect the quality of the harvest.

The wild rose has two varieties:

  • with increased content vitamins and microelements - in such bushes, the edges of the cup of the fruit are tightly pressed against the berry, if you pluck it, then a round hole will remain at the place of the break;
  • with a low content of nutrients (dog rose) - it is distinguished by a cup, in which the edges are bent down, when taken off, a hole in the form of a pentagon remains on the berries.

From all of the above, we draw conclusions:

  1. You need to collect it in an ecologically clean area.
  2. It is necessary to choose the first type of rose hips.

We have passed the first stage, now we will study the methods of drying and storing the fruits of our wild rose.

Several ways to stage-by-stage rosehip drying

Preparation of berries for drying, in principle, is the same for all methods, it is necessary:

  • carefully sort out the berries, removing damaged fruits;
  • wash them under running water;
  • put on a clean towel in one layer, blot on top with napkins;
  • let it dry completely within an hour.

Attention! Wash the berries carefully so as not to accidentally remove the cup of the fruit, which may leak juice and pulp.

After the berries have dried, you can proceed further, and we will begin by describing the simplest and most reliable method that our grandmothers still used.

Outdoor or indoor

  1. Spread the rose hips in one layer on thick paper, linen, or cardboard.
  2. Place them in a well-ventilated area: attic, shed, veranda. The main thing is that they are protected from sunlight, which destroys important trace elements.
  3. Shake or stir gently daily to dry evenly.
  4. The readiness for storage is determined as moisture evaporates from the fruits, their size should decrease by almost 2 times, and the peel should become hard, almost petrified.
  5. Store dried berries in a dry container covered with gauze in 4 layers, or in fabric bags.

This method takes 1 to 2 weeks. In our high-speed age, people have gone far from such a pace, there are simpler and faster methods.

Drying rose hips in the oven

  1. Set the oven timer to 45 degrees.
  2. Spread the berries evenly on a dry baking sheet.
  3. Do not close the oven door tightly so that the fruits do not wither, but dry out.
  4. Within 8-10 hours, gradually bring the temperature to 60-70 degrees, stir the berries periodically.
  5. One hour before the end of drying, begin to gradually reduce the temperature to the original level.
  6. Remove the baking sheet from the oven and let the berries cool completely.
  7. Transfer to containers for later storage.

Advice. In the process of drying, the cups of the fruits themselves will fall off the berries, but if they remain, you need to remove them manually so that their husks do not clog the workpieces.

Electric dryer application

You will spend even less time using special electric dryers. The berries will be ready in 7-8 hours. The instructions attached by manufacturers to such devices describe in detail the entire method of drying not only rosehip berries, but also many other vegetables and fruits. Having carefully studied them, and precisely following the recommendations, you will cope with this matter on your own.

Can I use a microwave to dry berries

Microwaves are now available in almost every family, they are convenient and practical, but only for short-term use: reheat something, cook a dish in 30 minutes, defrost food from the freezer.

The drying process takes a significant amount of time, it makes no sense to do it in the microwave, you will not keep it turned on for 7-8 hours due to the high consumption of electricity. By reducing the drying time, the berries will not dry out completely, remaining soft and moist inside.

Microwave radiation, on which the operation of ovens is built, kills all useful substances if products are subjected to long-term processing, therefore it is not recommended to use it for drying.

Shelf life of dried rose hips

Properly dried and packaged berries can be stored for up to 3 years by constantly checking and removing moldy fruits. Choose a small storage container so that no more than 100 grams of dried product can be placed.

If mold does appear, do not risk it, dispose of all the berries, it means that something went wrong. Next time, be more careful, then you will constantly have this high quality product and enjoy all its beneficial properties.

How to dry rose hips in the oven: video

Dried rose hips are practically not inferior to their fresh counterparts in usefulness and taste, so modern housewives often harvest them for the winter. There are many methods of exposure, but, before drying the rose hips using the chosen approach, the product must be properly assembled and prepared. In this case, drinks, which are usually prepared from such semi-finished products, will saturate the body with vitamins, increase immunity, and simply delight with a pleasant taste.

Despite the fact that today electric dryers are increasingly used at home for these purposes, if necessary, it is quite possible to cope with the task without special devices.

Rules for preparing berries for subsequent processing

Collect healthy berries recommended by yourself, because only in this case you can count on the really desired result. At the same time, drying rose hips grown in the immediate vicinity of highways is strongly discouraged. Of course, useful components are present in it, but along with them, the pulp can be saturated with carcinogens and other harmful components, which cannot be detected and neutralized at home.

In the process of assembling and preparing fruits, you need to remember the following points:

  1. You need to start harvesting not earlier than the end of August. The season can last until the first frost. It is not recommended to store the product at home for a long time; it is better to start processing as soon as possible.
  2. Many people mistakenly try to collect and dry an already mature product for the winter, but there are not many useful components in it. Preference should be given to red or bright orange fruits that are slightly immature and juicy. They taste slightly sour and knit the tongue.
  3. We take only large berries with massive sepals.
  4. When assembling, we tear off the berries along with the stalks. They contain vitamins and minerals, which saturate the pulp during the drying process.

After the main component is ready, you need to decide how it will be processed. This can be done outdoors or at home. In the latter case, the procedure is carried out in an oven or electric dryer.

At what temperature is it best to dry rose hips in an electric dryer and an oven?

To properly dry rose hips, you need to clearly understand what temperature should be used in which case. Then the fruits will really dry out to such an extent that they will not be subject to spoilage, but at the same time they will retain the entire list of therapeutically important components. The following temperatures are considered optimal in this area:

  • When drying in the oven, fluctuations in the range from 45 to 60 ° C are permissible.
  • When using an electric dryer, the boundaries are slightly wider - from 40 to 70 ° C.

Tip: If a household appliance does not allow you to accurately track at what temperature the fruit is dried, and there is no suitable thermometer at hand, it is better to slightly dry the ingredient. By underexposing a product, we increase the risk of harmful microorganisms multiplying in it, which is much more serious than consuming a tasty, albeit almost useless food additive.

Rosehip for the winter can be dried at home. This option does not reduce the quality of the finished product, it only takes much more time.

How to dry rose hips in the oven to maximize the benefits of the product?

Drying rose hips in the oven is easiest, but only on condition that the temperature in the chamber can be controlled. Harvesting berries for the winter consists of several stages:

  • Once again we sort out the fruits, throw away the bad ones or too dry. At the same time, they will not sell mine! It will already be perfectly processed when high temperatures... Well, you need to be afraid of poisoning.
  • Put the fruits on a clean and dry baking sheet in one even layer. Preheat the oven to 45 ° C, after which we place the rosehip. We leave the door slightly ajar so that moisture evaporating from the berries does not accumulate in the chamber.
  • We gradually increase the exposure temperature to the permissible maximum, regularly shake the baking sheet, but try not to touch the berries with our hands or tools.

Drying rose hips in the oven on average lasts at least 7-8 hours. The finished product will not change its original color, but it will noticeably wrinkle. If the fruits (all or some) have darkened, this indicates that the recommended temperature or exposure time has been exceeded. You don't need to throw away such blanks! Although they have lost some of the components, they still have benefits.

How to properly dry rose hips in an electric dryer?

The presence of a dehydrator at home (a special electronic dryer) can simplify an already elementary process. The berries must be prepared in the standard way, and then put on a grid or a tray of the device. Next, we set the desired temperature and observe the process of changing the berries. It is noteworthy that when the product is dried at minimum temperatures, the fruits will contain more useful components than when using the maximum indicators.

In the first case, the procedure will last at least 9-12 hours, in the second - no more than 6-8 hours. The finished rosehip will easily break with your fingers, but it should not be crumbled in your hands (this indicates that the berries have been overexposed).

How should rose hips be stored after processing?

It is strictly forbidden to store rose hips in glass, metal or plastic jars under sealed lids. The product will simply dry up, but in this case it will have lost all its benefits. The best option at home is to use canvas bags that you can sew yourself. As a last resort, they can be replaced with glass jars covered with natural cloth and tied with rope. However, in the latter case, there is no guarantee of long-term preservation of the product.

Rosehip, harvested for the winter by one of the above methods, can be brewed in boiling water, added to tea, used to make compotes, jam or preserves. It is clear that the less it is processed, the more useful components the body will receive as a result.

With the advent of cold weather, many of us begin to take hard multivitamin complexes, purchased in pharmacies at very expensive prices, or drink tea with lemon, trying to strengthen the immune system with shock doses of vitamin C.

However, nature has a much more powerful source ascorbic acid, which is many times superior in these indicators to lemons or currants, where, as we used to think, vitamins are traditionally found in high concentration.

Wild rose hips - the record holder for the presence of ascorbic acid, as well as other vitamins and minerals. The fruits of this plant are especially rich in them, which have excellent immunomodulatory and bactericidal properties.

When and how to collect?

So that the berries do not lose their useful qualities, generously sharing their useful substances with us, you need to know when and how to harvest them.

Rosehip is a common plant throughout Russia, it is especially often found in the middle zone, growing along the banks of rivers, lakes, in forest clearings or clearings, next to ravines, as well as on the edges of the forest.

The wild rose blooms - this is also the name of the wild rose, already from May, and its fruits ripen by October. It is no coincidence that on October 1, our ancestors in Russia celebrated the Day of Arina the Rosehip, this day served as a signal that it was time to start harvesting the berries and store them for future use. In the southern latitudes, wild rose ripens by the end of summer - closer to September, and in the northern part of Russia its collection can be shifted by a whole month and begin from October or even closer to November.

The time at which the berries are picked is very important for its medicinal and taste properties.

If the berries are allowed to remain on the branches for a long time, then their concentration of ascorbic acid will decrease day by day, and the amount of polysaccharides will increase, the taste of such fruits will become more and more sweet. Therefore, you need to determine for yourself for what purpose the rosehip will be collected - for treatment or for preparing delicious products from it.

The composition and taste of wild rose fruits are influenced by the ambient temperature. Berries harvested after freezing contain less vitamin C than berries harvested during warm days.

After frost, the rosehip becomes very sweet, but it will be suitable only for making treats from it.

Ripe and whole berries are harvested from the plant, they are plucked from the bush with stalks and sepals, since this method of collection helps to preserve all valuable substances in the fruit. For blanks, you need to choose places far from highways and industrial enterprises.

The richest in vitamin C is considered the variety of the May rosehip, or, as it is also called, cinnamon. You can distinguish it from other varieties by the brown bark of the twigs. The collection is carried out in dry weather, because wet berries will be harder and longer to dry.

Preparatory stage

The berries brought home must be sorted out immediately, it makes no sense to postpone this activity, because they tend to quickly deteriorate, mold.

The fruits are examined, choosing the most ripe whole berries, and the damaged specimens are set aside, they are unsuitable for drying. Then the berries are washed under running water and thrown onto a sieve so that the water is properly glass. When drying berries at home, they can be cut in half, removing the needles and seeds, so that later it would be more convenient to use them for brewing.

You need to wash the berries carefully so as not to damage the stalks with sepals, otherwise valuable juice will drain through them.

The washed raw materials are dried for about an hour on a cloth at room temperature. From above, you can blot them with paper towels to absorb excess moisture. There are different opinions about washing berries - someone thinks that washing the berries before drying is impractical, it is best to do this before brewing already dry raw materials. Others, on the contrary, believe that washed fruits should be dried.

Drying methods

To dry the berries correctly, you need to know some subtleties, because their medicinal value will depend on this.

For example, wild rose fruits cannot be dried in the sun, because direct ultraviolet rays destroy all useful components in them and, as a result, raw materials for compote or tea will be obtained, which will have only pleasant taste, but not medicinal qualities.

You can dry rose hips without the use of special devices at natural air temperature by placing it in a darkened place where there is good air circulation, for example, in the attic or attic.

The preservation of vitamins in the finished product depends on how dark the room will be.

The technology of natural drying is quite simple: the fruits must be evenly scattered on a paper backing or special flat boards with sides. When the night air temperature reaches minus values, it is required to keep the pallets with berries in the house until the morning, and in the morning again transfer them to the attic or attic.

After two weeks, the drying process is usually completed - the fruit can be easily crumbled by hand. After that, all the fruits need to be transferred to a clean cardboard box for 2-3 days - this is necessary in order for the berries to release the remaining moisture.

Similar method natural drying is not suitable when cold and rainy weather has already established - the berries will begin to mold or rot. Then other drying recipes are used to preserve the harvested crop.

You can quickly dry berries in a gas or electric oven... This will significantly reduce the drying time and save you from rotting raw materials.

The berries are spread in a thin layer on a tray, which is placed in the oven, where they will gradually heat up to 50 degrees Celsius. During the process, it is necessary to ensure that the temperature does not rise more than 60 degrees, otherwise the vitamins in the fruits will begin to break down. In addition, the oven must be slightly opened to allow moisture to evaporate freely. Average drying time is about 9 hours, but it directly depends on how large and fleshy the berries will be dried.

The berries on the pallet must be mixed regularly so that they do not burn and warm up evenly. When drying, the fruits of a wild rose should not darken, if this happened, it means that the drying temperature was above 60 degrees and the useful vitamins, alas, were destroyed.

When drying fruits in an electric dryer, pre-prepared wild rose berries are placed on a baking sheet, after which a temperature of 55-60 degrees is set on the device. The drying interval can take 8-10 hours or as long as it takes to completely dry. From time to time, the berries on a baking sheet must be mixed, the main thing is not to overdry them to such a state that they crumble like dust.

You can dry rose hips in a slow cooker either whole or in halves.

The selected washed rosehip is placed on the bottom of the multicooker bowl, setting the temperature to 50 degrees. The cooking time is selected for 1 hour, after which the rose hips must be mixed inside the multicooker, and then set the bowl heating program again for 1 hour. This should be done until the skin of the fruit begins to spring - this will mean that the berries are dried.

In addition to fruits, rose hips have useful medicinal properties other parts of it also have - petals, roots, young shoots, they are also harvested for future use by drying.

Rosehip petals are collected for blanks in May, they are laid out on paper, placed in a dark, ventilated place. The finished raw materials are added to the tea for aroma, based on a 1: 1 ratio for the tea brew. However, if the spring was rainy, it is believed that the scent of the petals will be negligible.

Young shoots with leaves are dried according to the same principle. The roots are dried differently - they are washed, dried and crushed, after which they are dried in an oven at a temperature of 60 degrees.

Alternative methods

Harvesting a wild rose with its fruits can be carried out in other ways besides drying.

So that you always have fresh berries in the winter season, they can be frozen using your home refrigerator's freezer. It is believed that this method of preservation is the best, since all vitamins with useful substances are not destroyed at the same time. However, you must not forget that you need to defrost the berries at normal room temperature.

It is worth freezing large fleshy fruits, which are quite difficult to dry.- they can be cut in half by removing the needles and seeds, or they can be kept whole. Decoctions, infusions, compote and even jam are prepared from thawed berries - they are nothing worse than freshly picked ones.

You can make rosehip vitamin puree and then freeze it. To do this, the washed berries are cut and thoroughly cleaned of sepals, seeds, needles. Then the fruits are poured with water, keeping for three days, while the water is replaced with fresh water every day. During this time, the berries are saturated with moisture, so they will be well kneaded with a blender.

After crushing to a puree state, the finished product is laid out in ice molds and frozen. Formed cubes can be stored in a container or bag, adding to ready-made dishes - cereals, jelly, compotes.

Wild rose petals can be preserved for the winter if syrup is obtained from them. To do this, sprinkle freshly picked petals with sugar and refrigerate until they give up their juice. The resulting syrup must be drained into a separate container, and the petals must be sprinkled with granulated sugar again in order to put them back in the refrigerator to get a new portion of the syrup. The finished product is stored in a cool place, added to tea or other drinks.

And if you grind the petals, mix them with syrup, and then bring to a boil over low heat, you get an excellent petal jam, which is stored in sterilized containers with a lid.

Jam is made from rosehip berries, for this, the selected fruits are pierced in several places with a needle so that they better give off juice, or, if it is a large-fruited variety, cut in half, peeling off the seeds.

Next, sugar syrup is prepared and added to the berries. The whole mass is brought to a boil, and then immediately removed from the heat. The jam is allowed to brew for about 5-6 hours, then it is brought back to the boil and again removed from the heat so that it is infused. This is done until the berries are boiled, but at the same time they are not boiled.

Such jam can be stored in a tightly closed container, protecting it from sunlight.

Rosehip, harvested by any of the proposed methods, is unique natural medicine. It is taken with vitamin deficiency, to stimulate immunity, with anemia, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, with vascular diseases, as well as with heart disease.

The wild rose is used as an independent medicine, and combining it with others medicinal plants... For the treatment of each specific case or disease, you need to consult a doctor to choose exact dosage, the frequency of admission and the duration of the course of therapy.

Drying the berries is only half the battle. Now they need to be prepared for storage. Dried rose hips are taken in hands, gently rubbing between the palms so that the sepals with stalks fall off. Then the rose hips are transferred to a cloth bag, cardboard or wooden box.

It is too early to close or tie the storage container at this stage - you need to leave it open so that the moisture level stabilizes evenly. This takes approximately 2-3 days.

This method allows you to preserve berries, petals, rhizomes or dry shoots without loss in the form of mold or decay. The container can now be closed and placed in a cool, dark room. Alternatively, the berries are stored in glass jars, which, instead of a lid, are covered with gauze for free air exchange.

It is important that there are no products or materials that emit a strong odor next to the container where the rose hips are stored. With this method, you can store raw materials at home or in an apartment for at least three years.

Rosehip or wild rose is widespread throughout Russia. The healing qualities of the plant have been known for a long time. It has a calming, antibacterial, diuretic, hemostatic properties. An infusion of fruits, leaves, roots or flowers is used for gastrointestinal diseases. To prepare useful broth, the collection and drying of berries is carried out in ecologically clean places from mid-August to the first frost.

Collecting rose hips

The amount of nutrients in the culture depends on the harvest time. The ripe berry is bright red and has a soft texture. Such fruits are not used for drying.

For long-term storage, unripe rose hips are suitable. The berries should have a firm skin with a shiny or matte surface. For drying, choose large fruits with protruding sepals. If they are tightly pressed against the walls, then the collection has begun too early, and the berry has not had time to accumulate a sufficient amount of vitamins and microelements.

Whole fruits with stalks are plucked from the bush. They will fall off easily after drying.

The collection is carried out only in ecologically clean areas, away from the road and industrial establishments. The best place is forest edges, clearings and slopes. The weather should be dry, as when it rains, the berries accumulate a lot of moisture and become soft.

Harvesting is done from mid-August until the first frost. Low temperatures destroy vitamin C and some trace elements.

  • with a high content of vitamins and nutrients - the edges of the calyx are tightly pressed against the wall of the fetus, with a break, a round hole remains;
  • with a low content (dog rose) - the edges of the calyx are bent down, when it breaks off, a pentagonal hole remains.

Fruit preparation

Preparation is an important stage that requires perseverance and attention. The procedure is carried out immediately after collection, since the rose hips tend to deteriorate quickly. The harvest is sorted out, getting rid of rotten and dented fruits. The selected berries are washed gently under running water, taking care not to break off the tails on the sepals.

The washed fruits are laid out on a towel and left to dry for an hour. To speed up the process, they are impregnated with a napkin.

Drying fruits at home

Prepared berries for long-term storage must be dried, otherwise they will become moldy and unusable. You can dry rose hips:

  • outdoors or indoors;
  • in the oven;
  • using an electric dryer.

Drying in the oven - step by step instructions

In the old days, rose hips were dried in ovens, after having covered the place with a clean towel. Nowadays, an electric and gas stove with an oven is suitable for this purpose.

Photo Cooking method
The berry is carefully sorted out and washed

Cover the baking sheet with paper and lay out the fruits in one layer

The oven is turned on at the minimum temperature, the baking sheet is set in the middle, the door is not closed. After 2-3 hours, the temperature is raised to 60 degrees, and at the end of drying it is returned to 40. Dried for 6-8 hours

Shake the berries every 2 hours so that they do not burn on top. After turning off the oven, leave to cool

Dried berry has a firm texture, dark red, retains its smell and taste

During the drying process, the cups should separate from the fruit on their own, but if this does not happen, then they are removed by hand.

If the oven is with convection, then you need to think about lowering the temperature and shortening the time. The fan accelerates the hot air with great force, the berry begins to vigorously release juice, which leads to a loss useful properties... When drying, the temperature regime should not rise to the minimum mark, and the cooking time is reduced to 5 hours.

In an electric dryer and aero grill

The technology for drying fruits in an electric dryer is simple and does not require much time. The main thing is that the temperature is not lower than +50 and not higher than 70 degrees. The berries begin to dry at the maximum temperature in order to quickly evaporate the juice and harden the skin. After 2 hours, the temperature level is reduced to a minimum.

If the electric dryer is full, you need to know that the lower tier dries up much faster than the upper one. A few hours before the end of cooking, the temperature is raised to the maximum.

In an electric dryer, the fruits dry out in 7-8 hours.

A microwave will not work as the process takes a long time and microwave waves kill all nutrients.

If the decision is made to dry in an airfryer, then the berries are sorted out, washed, dried and divided into portions. The raw materials are placed in nets and installed in the device. Drying should take place with the lid not tightly closed. This will provide air access, and excess moisture will quickly evaporate. Dried on maximum speed blowing at a temperature of 55-65 degrees. The whole process takes 3-4 hours. Finished fruits do not stick to the hands and take on a wrinkled appearance.

Outdoor and indoor

The fruit can be dried in a well-ventilated area or outdoors. The main thing is that the sun's rays do not fall on the berries, since ultraviolet light destroys vitamins and trace elements.

Rosehip is sorted out and laid out in one layer on cardboard, a thick rag and put into a well-ventilated room to evaporate moisture. For even drying, the fruits are gently shaken 3 times a day.

Readiness is determined by appearance... The fruits decrease in size and acquire a tough, almost petrified rind. This method takes 1 to 2 weeks.

Terms and methods of storage

Properly dried berries retain all their nutritional properties for 3 years. For long-term storage, it is necessary to check and remove rotten fruits every six months.

Before sending for storage, the stalks are removed; for this, the berries are gently rubbed in the hands, leaving their integrity. Then the product is poured into clean containers. The capacity should be small so that no more than 100 grams can be placed. If there is no suitable container, then the rose hips can be packaged in linen bags or in glass jars. Three-layer gauze is used as lids.

Also, dried berries can be ground in a food processor. In powder form, it will not lose its taste, smell and nutritional properties. Mint, citrus zest, ginger or cinnamon are added to it.

Dried rose hips are stored in a dark, well-ventilated area. Immediately after drying, the fruits are not recommended to be consumed; after heat treatment, they should rest for 2-3 days.

How to brew dried rose hips

The fruits contain a large number of vitamin C, tannins, organic acids, vitamins E, P, K, B2. The berry is used to increase immunity, in the treatment of cough and relieve inflammatory processes in the respiratory organs. Wild rose removes salts from the body, prevents kidney stones, improves work genitourinary system, relieves swelling and increases appetite. Rosehip helps fight vitamin deficiency, removes toxins and toxins, improves metabolism and normalizes blood pressure.

V folk medicine dried berries are used for decoction. If there is allergic reaction for citruses, then for the recipe you need to take a smaller portion of the fruit.

The method of preparing a decoction at home: 700 ml of boiling water is poured into a teapot and 5 dried fruits are added. Cover the kettle with a towel and leave to infuse for 5-10 minutes. To enhance the taste, you can add fruits, berries or herbs.

Despite the fact that rose hips have many positive qualities, it also has contraindications. It should not be used for thrombophlebitis, peptic ulcer and gastritis.

Rosehip broth should not be drunk often in undiluted form.

By choosing the most suitable drying method, you can provide yourself and your family with vitamins for the whole winter. Dried fruits are used not only for the preparation of medicinal infusions, they are ideal for compotes and fruit drinks.

Rosehip is considered useful product in any of its manifestations. In winter, when the body most of all needs to maintain immunity, it is these berries that help to strengthen it. There are several ways to dry fruit that can be stored long time without loss of properties. Consider the methods of harvesting rose hips in order.

Suitable varieties for drying

  1. There are about 270 varieties of rosehip varieties from decorative to medicinal. For this procedure, you will need a European brown rosehip (berry size about 4 cm).
  2. The largest accumulation of nutrients was determined in it. High-vitamin rosehip plants are distinguished by the fact that at the end of the fruit the sepal sticks out straight, in other berries it fits the walls.

How to collect rose hips

  1. Harvesting directly depends on the weather, as well as the type of plant. Such manipulations are carried out from late summer to mid-autumn. For drying, try to pick dense, slightly unripe berries with a pronounced shine.
  2. When collecting rose hips, cut the fruits on a small stem, keeping the original appearance. Thus, all nutrients and vitamins will be preserved. After harvesting, try to start drying as soon as possible, since fresh fruits are stored for about 3 days.

Preparing berries for drying

  1. First of all, sort out the harvested crop, remove rotten specimens and accidentally fallen branches, leaves. Next, shorten the legs of the rose hips to the 1-1.5 cm mark. Rinse the berries in a basin with cold water.
  2. Lay them out on a cotton cloth, let dry. Do not leave the rose hips under the hot sun, ultraviolet light has a bad effect on the fruits, destroying most of the vitamin C and other beneficial trace elements.

Types of drying rose hips

  1. Most often, drying manipulation is carried out at home using an oven, an electric dryer, as well as the sun and natural conditions.
  2. Please note that when drying in a microwave most of useful microelements dies.
  3. To preserve the maximum amount of vitamins, rose hips are often dried in an electric dryer or oven.
  4. Ready-made fruits can be kept frozen for a long time, the choice of drying method depends on the personal preferences of the hostess.

Method number 1. Natural drying

  1. After collecting the rose hips, hold it for a while in a thick paper box. This is done so that the remaining moisture is gone. Next, pack the berries into small cotton bags and tie them up.
  2. Bring in a dry place out of the sun. You can also store in a glass container without closing the lid (cover with a cloth and secure with an elastic band) to prevent the product from rotting.

How to brew rose hips

  1. When brewing the rosehip infusion, it is recommended to grind the berries, in this form they better convey the taste and useful properties.
  2. Rinse the fruits, pass them through a blender, pour boiling water in a proportion of 250 ml. filtered water for 20 gr. dried composition. Heat treatment is carried out by means of a water bath, the duration of the procedure is a quarter of an hour. Let the broth brew for a day.
  3. You can also use more in a simple way... Pour in 80 gr. ground rose hips in a liter thermos. Fill with hot water, close the lid tightly, leave for 10 hours. Then strain the cake through cheesecloth, add honey to taste.

Rosehip fruits have a beneficial effect on human health. In some cases, the product serves as a prophylaxis serious diseases... The berries can be eaten fresh and dried. The last method is convenient in that such a rosehip can be taken all year round, while strengthening the immune system. Consider microwave, oven, sun, or attic drying methods.

Video: how to dry rose hips in the oven

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