Find out which dentistry on registration. Attachment to an adult dental clinic

Moscow residents can attach to the dental clinic online. The service is available to adult portal users who have an OMC policy of the Moscow region and a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. An application for attachment to the urban dental clinic can be submitted not more than once a year.
How to fill out an application for attachment to the clinic: To attach to the clinic, the user must be specified on the page receiving the service and the OMS policy number (the policy must be registered in Moscow), date of birth, passport details and address. Then choose a clinic from the list of recommended, depending on the specified address, or search for polyclinics yourself. The attachment notice will come within 3 working days.

Who can apply for the service

List of necessary documents

  • The number of the policy of the OMS registered in Moscow
  • Personality Document Information

Restrictions to use:

  • The place of actual accommodation must be in Moscow;
  • Polis of OMS (compulsory medical insurance) must be registered in Moscow (inspection service of the CHA);
  • Changing attachments more often than once a year is possible in case of changing the place of residence of the insured person, with personal access to the selected polyclinic.
  • The application is filed independently via the Internet (without trusted persons);
  • Only users can get the service who have SNILS in the Personal Account.
  • When attaching to the clinic, it is not possible to call a doctor to a house from this clinic it will be impossible. In this case, it is necessary to call a doctor from the polyclinic at the place of actual accommodation (location). With a list, the polyclinic can be found in.

Dentistry is a relatively young industry, which studies the characteristics of the structure of the teeth, and is also diagnosed, the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity and the development of effective prophylactic methods.

Before turning into independent medical science, the dentistry passed the long way.

Formation and development of dentistry

Diseases oral cavity Interested in ancient Greece, in Rome and Egypt. The first adaptations of the dental - tongs - appear in the 4th century BC. For the first time to transplant the tooth was trying in the 10th century. There is a version that already in the XVI century it was a french drug A. PARE. It is assumed that he removed the patient tooth princesses, and he transplanted healthy in his place, taken from one of the maids. The prosthetics procedure was known at the time. In the Middle Ages, dentures were made by jewelers.

Before the dentistry became an independent medical science, lovers were engaged in the practice of dentistry - artisans, marigons. They were applied only with one goal - to remove the sovereed tooth. In the XVIII-XIX centuries. Dentistry got a strong impetus to development largely due to P. Foshar - famous doctor of France. During this period, gold crowns, seals, and nerve endings in teeth affected by caries, began to be blocked using a mixture of mercury and silver. In 1820, a mechanical device was used for teeth treatment for the first time.

In Russia, dental science spread due to Peter I.which visited Europe and brought from there many technical tools for dentistry. First qualified specialists In this area appeared by 1883. These were graduates dentist school in St. Petersburg.

By 20th. The XX century dentistry has already firmly stood on their feet due to research on foreign and domestic specialists. Various medicines and more efficient devices began to be used. After the second global industry began to develop an accelerated pace: institutions and dentistry centers appeared, technological equipment was created. This led to the fact that the dentistry today became one of the most advanced sectors of medicine.

Main directions

Today, dentistry solves the physiological and cosmetic problems of teeth and gums. Depending on the problem, the patient addresses to a particular dentist: dental technique, dentist surgeon, prosthetic orthopedic.

Therapeutic dentistry

It deals directly with diseases of teeth, gums and tissues of the oral cavity. Its main tasks are: the development of preventive methods of diseases of teeth, methods of their treatment, as well as the diagnosis of diseases of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity.

Therapeutic dentistry Deliver to such subsections:
  • odontology (diagnosis of diseases and teeth treatment);
  • endodontics (development of methods for the treatment of diseases of dental channels - pulp);
  • paradontology (study of the inflammation of the gums and mucous membranes of the mouth).

Surgical dentistry

This section includes surgical intervention In injuries of jaws, damage to the oral cavity, the formation of various tumors and other deformations. Recently in surgical dentistry Apply a new, gaining popularity, type of operations - implantology. The main purpose of implantology is the study and development of methods for impairment of artificial roots in the jaw. With their help, it is easy to change damaged teeth, as well as set prostheses, while there is no feeling of inconvenience, even on the contrary - there are comfortable sensations.

Orthopedic stomatology

The task of this section is to explore the functions and structure of the tooth, and based on the data obtained and set prostheses.

Prosthetics happens:

  • removable;
  • non-removable;
  • using implants;
  • combined.

One of the directions of orthopedic dentistry is orthodontics. Orthodontics controls the correct growth of the teeth and the development of the jaw system in children, and also studies and corrects various congenital defects (for example, the wrong bite).

Cosmetic stomatology

This section uses dental instruments and means for improving the beauty of smile, restoration and correction of the tooth row. With the help of modern devices, you can decorate the teeth with precious stones, professionally whitening them or carry out ultrasound cleaning.

Features of modern dentistry

Modern dental cabinets are equipped with equipment that allows you to make a diagnosis and assign the correct treatment.

At the disposal of dentists the following methods:
  • Odontoscopy. This is a visual study of the state of the teeth, the features of their development.
  • Odontometry. Using the caliper, the main tooth parameters (height, diameter) are measured.
  • Radiological methods. Allow detailed pictures of the upper and lower jaw toothbrows.
  • Ceid modelography. It is a study of blood flow in the tooth tissues with special lasers and fixing devices.
  • Transylllumination. This method is based on translucent tooth with powerful small lamps, with the help of which small cracks are found in enamels, dentities, etc.

To date, the treatment of teeth has become a comfortable and painless process. Strong seals do not deliver any discomfort to the patient, high-quality prostheses are completely repeated appearance remote tooth. Today, dentistry has reached the level of development when the tooth is liquidated only as a last resort.

Once a year it is recommended to visit the dentist for preventive inspection. But you need to remember that the health of the teeth depends not only on the dentist, but also from ourselves. It is necessary to clean the teeth regularly, follow the use of sweets. This will help a person for a long time to avoid problems with teeth.

There are several specialized directions in dentistry. Each doctor solves specific problems of the dental system. Therefore, it is necessary to know who is engaged in certain diseases, including which dentist treats caries and puts seals.

What dentist treats caries?

In the dental practice, 3 specialists can immediately fill the teeth:

  • dentist;
  • therapist;
  • children's dentist.

IN job description The first professional includes a wide range of responsibilities. He chooses the tactics of therapy, introduces anesthesia, conducts diagnostics, prevention and treatment of caries. However, this specialization does not require long-term training in higher educational institutions.

Important! Today, the profession of the dental doctor is considered obsolete. With their main responsibilities cope with the younger medical personnel. And therapists are engaged in diagnosis and treatment.

The dentist-therapist is a wide profile specialist.

Children's doctor can also put seals. However, its focus is to eliminate the diseases of the oral cavity in the child.

Additional Information! With all manipulation by the sign of any specialization. Therefore, it is not always fundamentally that a doctor puts seals. The procedure may be needed when performing the work of another orientation: prosthetics, orthodontic treatment and other manipulations.

Duties of a dentist-therapist

The therapist dentist is a specialist with higher medical education. He is obliged:

Additional Information! In addition to the main services, the therapist is obliged to monitor the condition of the equipment, to accept and store drugs, teach patients hygiene. An important point is a continuous advanced training, improvement of professional skills, the introduction of new treatments.

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