And get rid of periodontal disease yourself. Apply mouthwash

Among the multifaceted problems with the oral cavity, periodontal disease is one of the most common diseases, covering all age groups of the population. Slowly progressive pathology is characterized by primary dystrophic disorders of the periodontal tissues, exposure of the necks of the units of the dentition, and increased pain. Absent inflammation at the onset of the disease complicates its diagnosis. The majority of the victims are elderly people. Knowing how to treat periodontal disease at home, you can always avoid deterioration of the condition of the teeth, their removal and subsequent prosthetics, which is a long and expensive service.

Periodontal disease is referred to as unpleasant dental problems, the main insidiousness of which is the late manifestation of unpleasant sensations caused by the destructive process of bone tissue against the background of serious problems with the gums and teeth. As a result, it is impossible to prevent its development. Timely treatment of periodontal disease at home avoids the sad consequences.

Among the main reasons for the occurrence of an insidious disease are:

  • untimely hygienic care of the oral cavity, rare use of dental floss, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial mouth rinses;
  • the presence of plaque and calculus;
  • rare visit to the dentist;
  • lack of vitamins A and P;
  • violation of the blood supply to the periodontal tissues;
  • decrease in the protective functions of the body;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • problems with work internal organs.

After identifying the main causes of periodontal disease, treatment folk remedies will prevent it further development and stop the destructive process of bone tissue.

Video: Treatment periodontal disease

Stages of the disease and their symptoms

Stages of a common disease oral cavity determined by the state of the altered hard and soft tissues of the alveolar edge. They depend on the size of the intervals between the units of the dentition, the identification of new symptoms, depending on the severity of the course of the disease. Knowing how to cure periodontal disease at home, you can avoid unpleasant problems and prevent the further development of pathology. In accordance with the classification of the famous Russian dentist Evdokimov A.E., there are several stages of the disease.

These include:

  • the initial stage, which is diagnosed on the basis of itching and swelling of the gums, their slight bleeding when eating solid food, hyperesthesia in the neck of the units of the dentition;
  • the first stage, which is characterized by insignificant mobility of teeth with exposed necks, thickening of hyperemic gums, strongly noticeable tartar;
  • the second stage, accompanied by the exposure of the root parts of the tooth, the formation of a high periodontal pocket, the accumulation of pus and blood in it, good mobility of the teeth, a bluish tinge and slight bleeding of the gingival mucosa;
  • the third stage, which is characterized by a noticeable exposure of the roots of the units of the dentition with hard deposits, a deep gingival pocket up to 5 mm, the appearance of purulent discharge when pressing the edge of the gums, strong mobility of the teeth;
  • the fourth stage, when diagnosed, complete atrophy of the bone support, strong exposure of dental roots with deposits, discharge of pus from the periodontal pocket is confirmed.

Timely treatment of periodontal disease with folk remedies, the most effective of which are available to all segments of the population, will stop the development of the disease by initial stage with poor symptoms and no inconvenience to sick people.

How to get rid of periodontal disease at home

When solving the problem of slowly progressive diseases of the oral cavity, the treatment of periodontal disease by folk methods is of particular interest. The state of the oral cavity determines the ways to eliminate pathology. After visiting the dentist, removing tartar, identifying the cause of the disease and clarifying all the information on how to treat periodontal disease at home , you can start the procedures.

The main ones include:

  • the use of toothpastes, rinses and mouth balms with therapeutic action against gum disease and bleeding;
  • the use of antibacterial and antimicrobial aerosols;
  • carrying out an auto-massage after brushing your teeth;
  • taking homeopathic medicines, vitamins, mineral supplements;
  • the use of traditional medicine recipes.

Brushes for cleaning teeth should be soft, and no abrasive particles are allowed in toothpastes.

In addition to procedures aimed at improving the oral cavity, it is necessary to change the diet, giving up sweets in any form and increasing the amount of sour milk products consumed. Outdoor walks are also a must. An integrated approach to solving the problem of oral pathology and the practical application of knowledge on how to treat periodontal disease at home , are the key to obtaining a positive result.

Video: Prevention and treatment of periodontal disease

Effective folk remedies for periodontal disease of teeth

Traditional medicine recipes have many advantages, among which it should be noted that there is no harm to human body, confirmation of their effectiveness by long-term practice of application, ease of use and preparation, as well as availability to all segments of the population. Decoctions, tinctures, baths, lotions, rinses from medicinal herbs are effective against periodontal disease.

To effective folk ways, eliminating the disease of the oral cavity, include:

  1. Rinsing with furacilin solution (one tablet dissolves in a glass of water), decoction of chamomile, oak bark, sage, St. John's wort, burnet. It is recommended to repeat the procedure every two hours.
  1. Application of applications from cotton swabs dipped in an alcohol solution of calendula or rotocan.
  1. Rinse with infusions of calamus and propolis roots for 14 days. They are prepared separately, infused in vodka, volume 500 cm³, 30 g of each ingredient, and then mixed in equal quantities for the procedure.
  1. Teeth cleaning with powder with the addition of crushed calamus roots.
  1. The use of a pharmacy alcoholic tincture of propolis for rinsing the mouth. 20 drops of the drug are stirred in a glass of water and used for the procedure.
  1. Chewing plantain leaves, at least three times a day.
  1. Rinse the mouth several times during the day with sauerkraut brine.
  1. The use of sea salt, iodized salt as a tooth powder or for the preparation of a rinse solution, which has a strong antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt in a glass of water and perform the procedure at least 3 times a day.
  1. Rubbing the gums with honey and salt. To prepare the mixture, take two parts of the beekeeping product and one part of the salt.
  1. Using hydrogen peroxide to rinse and massage the gums.
  1. Massaging the gums with sea buckthorn and fir oil.

Video: Treatment of periodontal disease at home

Applying the right information on how to treat periodontal disease at home , you can always stop its manifestation at the initial stage. Simple and affordable ingredients that make up the recipes can effectively get rid of oral diseases.

by The Wild Mistress's Notes

One of the most annoying dental problems and the enemy of an open, beautiful smile is. His main cunning lies in the fact that at the initial stage he practically does not reveal himself in any way. Usually, discomfort comes much later, when the destructive process of bone tissue has already started, problems with the gums or teeth have appeared. As a result, valuable time was missed, which could be used for good, to prevent the development of periodontal disease and eliminate its consequences. In addition, periodontal disease can be treated very effectively and independently, the main thing is to make the correct diagnosis. So how to treat periodontal disease at home, which methods are most effective?

Elimination of the causes of periodontal disease

The first step in the fight against periodontal disease is to eliminate the causes of its occurrence. The following factors can provoke the development of this dental disease:

  • poor oral hygiene (toothpaste, tooth powder, floss, mouthwash, or at least chewing gum after meals are required);
  • plaque, tartar (you need to get rid of them regularly);
  • ignoring dental problems (an appointment with a dentist once every six months is an immutable rule!);
  • decreased immunity;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • diseases of internal organs.

Of course, not everything can be fixed, but what is within the power must be done.

Treatment of periodontal disease at home

Parodontosis can be treated at home on your own in the following ways:

  • treatment with traditional medicines.
  • use of a rich arsenal of traditional medicine methods.
  • homeopathic remedies.
  • vitamin and mineral supplements.

Medicines to combat periodontal disease at home

  • Toothpaste for periodontal disease, which includes natural herbal components (chamomile, nettle, sage, St. John's wort, etc.) and medical components: to combat tartar - potassium tetrapyrophosphate; to reduce the sensitivity threshold of teeth - sodium citrate, potassium nitrate, strontium chloride.
  • Ointments, gels and balms based on heparin, lidocaine, propolis and others active substanceswith anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antiseptic and antimicrobial properties: "Holisal", "Metrogyl Denta", "Kamistad", "Asepta".
  • Aerosol "Hexoral". Its antimicrobial effect is excellent not only for treating throat diseases, but also for periodontitis.
  • Mouthwash "Forest Balsam", "Green Pharmacy", "Colgate", etc.
  • Hydroperite. Rinse your mouth with a solution (1 tablet in 1 glass of water - dissolve).

Treatment of periodontal disease with folk remedies

Traditional medicine offers a huge selection of drugs and methods for treating periodontal disease, so choosing the best recipes for yourself will not be difficult. Here are just a few of the most popular and effective ones.

  • Sauerkraut. It is necessary to chew the cabbage slowly and for a long time, and rinse the teeth with the juice.
  • Salt (common kitchen or sea salt). Massage the gums with fine or strong salt saline... Can be combined with baking soda.
  • Calamus infusion: 0.5 cups of dried calamus roots plus 0.5 liters of vodka to insist and rinse your mouth.
  • Infusion of propolis: 20 g of propolis plus 0.5 l of vodka to insist and rinse your mouth.
  • Plantain. In the summer, you need to chew freshly picked plantain leaves two to three times a day.
  • Decoctions of herbs for rinsing: chamomile, oak bark, burnet, calendula, St. John's wort, etc.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. Rinse your teeth and massage your gums.

Homeopathy remedies in the fight against periodontal disease

Additional treatment in the fight against periodontal disease. Homeopathy works to eliminate such unpleasant symptoms of periodontal disease as:

  • loose teeth;
  • bleeding or looseness of the gums;
  • increased salivation;
  • bad breath.

Homeopathic medicines are selected individually, but there are several types that you can freely buy (without a doctor's prescription) at the pharmacy:

  • "Acidum nitrikum 6";
  • "Phosphorus 6";
  • "Iodium 6";
  • "Natrium carbonicum 6";
  • "Silicea 6".

Vitamins for periodontal disease

You can use any vitamin and mineral complex, but it is desirable that the following components are present there:

  • vitamin B1, B6, B12, C, A, E;
  • folic acid;
  • beta carotene;
  • quercetin;
  • zinc, calcium, selenium.

Prevention of periodontal disease

Periodontal disease is a disease that is easier to prevent than to cure. Therefore, it is worth adhering to a few simple rules, especially since these measures will help to avoid other dental problems.

  • Toothbrush. There are special brushes to combat the problem of periodontal disease, which are also designed to massage the gums. The correct brush must be soft bristled. By the way, the brush needs to be changed every 3-6 months.
  • Toothpaste. Choose a special paste that contains natural ingredients, without abrasive particles.
  • Gum massage - improves blood circulation. You can use special gels or oils (essential, vegetable, for example, sea buckthorn or fir). The massage can be done with your fingers or with an irrigator (device for cleaning gingival pockets and interdental spaces).

Rinsing the mouth. You can buy ready-made tinctures or make your own, and rinse your teeth after each meal or even a simple snack.

Diet. Plays an important role. If possible, avoid sweets and sodas. With periodontal disease, fermented milk products are very helpful, because they contain a lot of calcium. It is worth chewing more solid food, fresh vegetables, fruits, biting off small pieces and chewing them thoroughly (great gum massage and natural dental plaque cleaner!).

Dentist appointment

For any changes in teeth or discomfort in the oral cavity, it is worth consulting a dentist or periodontist. You cannot diagnose yourself on your own, let alone self-medicate. Only the doctor, after the examination, will make the final verdict and help determine the methods of treatment at home.

In addition, it is advisable to visit the dentist to correct treatment procedures and observations: are there any positive shifts, whether to continue the procedures further, whether to introduce new drugs, etc.

Periodontal disease is a lesion of the periodontium, that is, the periodontal tissue. The disease should be treated already when the first symptoms appear, otherwise serious negative consequences may occur.

Unlike periodontitis, with periodontal disease there is no inflammatory process, no bleeding, but patients are worried about itching of the gums. But at the later stages of the development of the pathological process, symptoms characteristic of periodontitis appear.

Big role in the formation of the pathological process on the part of the periodontal tissue, a genetic predisposition and diet play a role. Moreover, chronic diseases internal organs, diabetes, violations by work thyroid gland - all this can provoke the development of the disease.

Can periodontal disease be treated at home? Yes, and such treatment is quite simple, but it requires a systematic approach to the matter.

How does home treatment begin?

To treat periodontal disease at home is necessary using both medicationsand folk recipes.

Still, do not forget that, despite the safety of folk remedies, they should be used correctly with accurate dosages, so it is better if the treatment of the disease at home is carried out under the close supervision of a specialist.

In addition, before treating the disease, it is necessary to conduct a diagnostic examination to make the correct diagnosis.

The first step to help cure periodontal disease at home is daily oral hygiene. The teeth should be brushed at least in the morning and in the evening for five minutes. In addition, floss, mouthwash, and other hygiene products should be used.

The technique of brushing your teeth is also important. To avoid pressing food debris into the space between the teeth, brush the top row of teeth starting from top to bottom, and the bottom row from bottom to top. After that, you can already perform circular and horizontal brushing movements.

In addition, do not forget about cleaning the tongue, which accumulates a large number of microorganisms.

Consider the various options for treating the disease with folk remedies that are time-tested.

Hydrogen peroxide against periodontal disease

Recently, many people are increasingly seeking folk remedies for treatment various diseases... Someone is disappointed in the methods of doctors, others are more inclined to use safe and natural recipes of traditional healers. Hydrogen peroxide is one of the traditional medicines that is often used in the treatment of diseases, including periodontal disease.

If you adhere to basic safety rules and precautions, then such treatment at home will be safe and reliable, and also will not cause any side effects.

Hydrogen peroxide is used in different ways, namely:

  • used internally;
  • used to rub the gums;
  • used as a solution for rinsing the mouth;
  • used as an auxiliary element for toothpaste.

Let's talk about some of these methods in more detail.

Hydrogen peroxide for oral administration

In no case medicine not used internally in pure form. There are only three drops per glass of plain water, and then we are talking about a three percent solution.

The remedy is taken either one hour before a meal, or two hours after a meal.

In the first few days, nausea and distress may appear digestive tract; if these symptoms persist, treatment should be discontinued.

Thirty drops is the maximum daily allowance. The course of treatment is ten days, after which it is necessary to take a three-day break.

Rubbing gums with hydrogen peroxide

Use a cotton swab to do this. Garlic can be an alternative to peroxide. Both products help strengthen the gums and improve blood circulation. In addition, they neutralize infectious foci in the oral cavity.

Traditional methods

Rinsing the mouth with periodontal disease

The most simple and effective remedywhich helps to cure the disease at home is an herbal rinse.

Mouth rinses should be carried out after brushing your teeth and at least every three to four hours.

Most often, with periodontal disease, the following medicinal plants are used as rinses:

  • lingonberry (leaves);
  • agrimony;
  • calendula (flowers);
  • oak bark;
  • tricolor violet (flowers).

Deal with clinical picture diseases will help the following infusions:

  • decoction of oak bark. This remedy helps to eliminate bad breath, stop inflammation and bleeding gums. For one teaspoon of raw materials, there is a glass of water. We must let it brew. With the resulting product in a warm form, you need to rinse the mouth;
  • sage can also be used for gargling. The medicinal plant has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects;
  • chamomile and sage. The dried raw materials are poured with boiling water and allowed to brew for fifteen minutes. It is important to remember that the cooled infusion loses its healing properties.

Salt against periodontal disease

As a treatment, you can use common table or sea salt. One teaspoon of salt goes to one glass of warm water. The solution must be stirred until the main ingredient is completely dissolved.

After each meal, you must dip toothbrush into the prepared solution and brush your teeth and gums. You can also put salt on your fingers and rub it into your teeth and gums.

Plantain against periodontal disease

Plantain will have a good effect at the initial stage of the pathological process. This herb helps to strengthen the gums and eliminate bleeding.
Plantain leaves should be chewed thoroughly three times a day.


Mix honey with a little table salt and rub the mixture into your gums.

Nutrition for periodontal disease

Correctly treating the disease is necessary in a complex, and it includes monitoring the diet. The patient must control what he eats and in what form.

Coffee, black tea, soda, sugary drinks - all this cannot be in the diet of a person who has periodontal disease.

You need to enrich your diet with vegetables and fruits. In addition, it is important to consume more dairy and lactic acid products. They contain a large amount of calcium, so they will help to strengthen the teeth.

More on how to treat periodontal disease with medications, can be found here.


Reviews of patients who have tried various recipes of traditional medicine on themselves can say a lot about their effectiveness.

Alina, 33 years old. I began to notice that my teeth became more sensitive, and then bleeding occurred. I decided not to start the disease, but immediately went to the doctor. I was diagnosed with periodontal disease.

I am an adherent of folk recipes, because in traditional medicine has long been disappointed. I consulted a doctor if I could use hydrogen peroxide. He explained to me that the product must be diluted. For fifty grams of water, I took just one drop of peroxide and used the resulting product as a gargle. In addition, I remembered that my friend had the same disease, so she used sea salt and rubbed it into her teeth and gums.

The treatment lasted a little over a week, but at the second examination the doctor told me that the pathological process had become much smaller.

Constantine, 47 years old. The doctor diagnosed me with periodontal disease. I was prescribed treatment, but I decided to supplement it with folk methods. I prepared a normal saline solution. I took one teaspoon of table salt and dissolved it in a glass of warm water. Received medicinal solution I used to rinse the mouth. Alternatively, I took calendula flowers and lingonberry leaves, and with this medicinal broth I rinsed my mouth.

I also remembered the tool that my grandmother used. She took a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, moistened a cotton swab with it and rubbed it into her gums.

An integrated approach to treatment helped me quickly cure periodontal disease and forget about it like a nightmare.

So, periodontal disease is serious illness, which is associated with the appearance of unpleasant clinical symptoms... Folk recipes are a good way out in this situation. Before using non-traditional methods, consult your doctor and find out how to use them correctly.

Treatment at the dentist

First, you need to visit the dentist in order to determine the stage of the disease, and how much the periodontal tissues are affected. Modern medicine has various effective ways to combat periodontal disease. Treatment with drugs for periodontal disease is divided into general and local.

General drug treatment contains antibiotics, the introduction of a medicinal product into the gums against inflammation, hormonal and immunity-enhancing agents.

The most effective remedies for periodontal disease are:

  • lidase;
  • biogenic stimulants;
  • antitoxic sera;
  • methyluracil;
  • aloe extract, etc.

Topical treatment mainly consists of rinsing and treating the gums with anti-inflammatories.

The best remedy for periodontal disease is physiotherapy. It relieves oxygen starvation of the periodontal tissue, helps to improve blood circulation and general state gums. Physiotherapy involves the use of various methods: laser treatment, darsonvalization, vacuum therapy, ionized air treatment, electrophoresis with calcium gluconate.

Surgical intervention is performed only when medications and physical therapy no longer help. Surgically plastic is performed, it helps to raise the gum and remove the formed periodontal pockets.

At home

Many patients are pondering how to treat periodontal disease at home. To begin with, you need to thoroughly process your mouth daily using special means for hygiene. Not hard toothbrushes are used, preferably with rubber inserts that massage the gums, dental floss, special toothpastes that accelerate the treatment of periodontal disease at home. Taking care of the oral cavity in this way will reduce the appearance of dental deposits that lead to periodontal disease.

For dental hygiene, preference should be given to a toothpaste based medicinal herbs, in the early stages it will help save gums from bleeding.

Self-massage also helps to treat periodontal disease of the gums at home. To begin with, wrap your finger with cotton wool, dip it in petroleum jelly and make circular or vertical movements from the neck of the tooth.

Prevention of periodontal disease at home is quite simple, you must:

  • the presence of rather hard fruits in the diet, which will massage the gums during meals.
  • Visit a dentist 1-2 times a year for examination.
  • so that there is no additional load on healthy teeth, it is worth replacing the affected teeth with prostheses.
  • Enrich the body with vitamins to maintain immunity.

Folk remedies

It should be borne in mind that the treatment of periodontal disease with folk remedies cannot replace drug treatment and is prescribed as an adjunct. To treat periodontal disease with folk remedies must be strictly under the supervision of a doctor. There are a lot of methods of treatment with folk methods for periodontal disease of teeth, we will consider the most effective.

Sauerkraut will help get rid of the disease. You just need to chew it as long as possible, and also rinse your mouth with cabbage juice. Rubbing will strengthen the gums. It is necessary to wrap your finger with cotton wool and dip in cabbage juice and wipe your gums. This should be done with smooth movements so as not to injure the gums.

The root of the erect cinquefoil will help relieve inflammation. The root should be chopped and boiled in 1 liter. water for about 10 minutes. Cool and rinse 3 times a day.

In the fight against periodontal disease, propolis helps. About 50 grams of crushed propolis is poured into a glass of vodka, and crushed leaves of St. John's wort -80 grams are added. Mix everything and leave for 2 weeks. The strained infusion is diluted with boiled water before use. 40 drops of infusion are poured into 1 glass of water. Rinse your teeth and gums 4-5 times during the day.

You can make a honey compress paste. 1 tablespoon of honey is mixed with a teaspoon of sea salt. The resulting mass is applied to the teeth through gauze for 15-20 minutes, 2 times a day.

Hydrogen peroxide is considered an effective folk method in the fight against periodontal disease. One use case is rubbing the gums. You need to take a piece of cotton wool, you can use a cotton pad dipped in a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, and then wipe your gums. You can also use crushed garlic with peroxide. This rubbing will allow you to forget about bleeding gums, improve blood circulation and help to disinfect the resulting foci of infections. A hydrogen peroxide rinse will also help decontaminate your mouth and gums. 4 tablets of hydroperite are dissolved in 1 glass of warm boiled water. It is necessary to rinse the gums 4 times a day; after rinsing, do not eat or drink for at least 30 minutes. In addition, hydrogen peroxide enhances the effect of special toothpastes against periodontal disease. To do this, you just need to add a couple of drops of a 3% peroxide solution to toothpaste.

Garlic helps to get rid of periodontal disease as well as other remedies. It can be rubbed into the gums and can be used to make a rinse infusion. Pour boiling water over chopped garlic - 250 ml. and let it brew. After cooling down, rinse your mouth. Another option for infusion of garlic with the addition of black tea. Mix the components in a 1: 1 ratio, pour boiling water and let it brew.

Relieve inflammation and pain chamomile, calendula and tricolor violet will help. You need 3 teaspoons of the selected leaves, pour water (250 ml.) And boil. Let it brew. Rinse your mouth with warm broth 4 times during the day.

Aloe leaves will help cure the initial periodontal disease. It is necessary to apply on the gums, along the cut aloe leaves for several hours.

You can make your own toothpaste for periodontal disease .

  • Option 1. It is necessary to mix half a teaspoon of soda, quenched with lemon juice (10 drops, it is better to take freshly squeezed), 20 drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide. Mix all. After brushing your teeth, leave the resulting mass on your teeth for 10 minutes and do not rinse your mouth. Refrain from eating for 30 minutes.
  • Option 2. Mix 1 teaspoon of salt, 0.5 tablespoon of baking soda and 1 tablespoon of birch ash. A little water is added to obtain a homogeneous mass.
  • Option 3. Mix sea salt - 2 tbsp, ground dried banana skins - 2 tsp, olive oil - to obtain a homogeneous mass.

The teeth will stop bleeding and the gums will strengthen if you chew plantain leaves 3 times a day or apply a mixture of crushed leaves on the gums for 5-10 minutes.

Fortify bone tissue Comfrey will help. A tablespoon of grated comfrey is poured into 250 ml. boiling water. It is infused for 12-15 hours. Promotes the flushing of painful tooth tissue cells from the oral cavity and the growth of new ones. The infusion is used for gargling and compresses.

A decoction made from oak bark will help get rid of bleeding gums. Add a couple of tablespoons of ground oak bark to 1 glass of water and boil for 5 minutes. After cooling down, rinse your mouth 4 times during the day.

A tincture made from celandine will help strengthen the gums. You need to take a liter jar and fill it halfway with celandine and pour vodka to the edges of the jar and close the lid. You need to insist 2 weeks, shaking the jar daily. Then the infusion is diluted with boiled water 1: 1. You need to rinse your mouth for 10 days.

The saline solution will also heal and strengthen the gums. 1 teaspoon of salt dissolves in 250 ml of boiled water. Preference should be given to sea salt, fortified with iodine. It is worth rinsing your mouth after eating. You can also brush your teeth with a brush soaked in saline to remove plaque and food debris. Rubbing sea salt into the gums will help relieve inflammation and bleeding.

Launched periodontal disease may not be treated with folk remedies, therefore, treatment of periodontal disease at home is not effective and you should visit a dentist.


Prevention is a very responsible business. Preventive measures include:

  • daily cleaning of teeth and gums;
  • balanced diet;
  • reducing the use of sweets;
  • using dental floss and preferably an electric toothbrush;
  • regular visits to the dentist;
  • rinsing teeth and gums after eating;
  • gymnastics and self-massage;
  • eating hard fruits and vegetables to massage the gums.

Periodontal disease, home treatment for periodontal disease, today we will talk about it. So what is periodontal disease? Periodontal disease is a change in the dental apparatus, alveolus and root, most often accompanied by inflammation of the gums with the formation of dental-gingival "pockets". Periodontal disease is most often accompanied by loosening of the teeth, suppuration, this process is chronic and develops rather slowly. When running process The gums become inflamed, loosened and teeth may even fall out. Despite the fact that periodontal disease manifests itself in the oral cavity, its true causes lie in the body itself. Periodontal disease develops in people who have diseases of internal organs, most often periodontal disease occurs against the background of diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver, endocrine system.

The reasons for the development of periodontal disease.

  • Insufficient amount of fresh vegetables and fruits in food.
  • Lack of vitamins, macro and micro elements in the body.
  • Tartar formation.
  • Improper oral care.
  • Diabetes mellitus and chronic diseases of internal organs.
  • Decreased immunity. (How to strengthen immunity).

Symptoms of periodontal disease.

Treatment of periodontal disease should begin with finding out the reasons why it has arisen and eliminating these reasons. And dental treatment includes the treatment of caries, removal of tartar, oral hygiene and gums using gels and pastes, vitamin therapy, and you must also take care of immunity. You can read about how to raise immunity in my article "How to quickly raise immunity with folk remedies". Periodontal disease is curable if you take care of your health in time.

Treatment of periodontal disease at home should be comprehensive. Of course, the first thing to do is change your diet, and it would also be nice to cleanse the intestines and free the body from toxins. Include in your diet more vegetables and fruits, as well as fish, cottage cheese, kefir. Try to have your last meal no later than 7 pm. Drink vitamin infusions made from rose hips, cranberries, drink freshly squeezed juices from carrots, apples, oranges.

To rinse the mouth, you can use tinctures: elecampane, calendula, propolis, calamus. These tinctures are available over the counter. Dilute it like this one teaspoon of tincture in half a glass of boiled water, rinse the mouth. You can make a tincture at home on vodka, for this take 50 grams of one of the herbs (calendula, elecampane, calamus root), pour 0.5 liters of vodka and insist in a dark place for 14 days, periodically shaking the tincture, then strain the tincture.

You can massage your gums using essential oils. Mint, eucalyptus, lemon, orange oil. To do this, it is good to wash your hands, wipe them, put a few drops of essential oil on your index finger and massage the gums. in a circular motion near each tooth. Massage the upper gums and lower jaw, it will help disperse the blood plus essential oil will have a healing effect on the gums.

When bleeding gums, rinsing with a warm broth of oak bark helps well, take a few teaspoons of oak bark, pour a glass of water, boil over a fire for several minutes, leave for about 10 minutes, strain and rinse your mouth with warm broth.

If the gums are bleeding, rub them with fresh juice from the yarrow herb.

Periodontal disease is still treated with pure fir oil, for this the bandage is moistened with fir oil and applied to the gums for 5-10 minutes, such procedures must be done at least 15-20. You can also moisten a piece of bandage sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn oil and apply to the gums.

With periodontal disease, you can rinse your mouth with an alcohol solution of propolis, for one glass of boiled water 20 drops alcohol solution propolis.

When bleeding gums, rinse the mouth with a decoction made from pine needles, one spoon in a glass of water, boil over shallow heat for about 5 minutes, leave for 10 minutes, strain and rinse warm.

Garlic is also used to strengthen the gums, the gums are rubbed with half a clove of garlic, the procedure is done every day for a week.

With periodontal disease, rinse the mouth with a warm decoction of calendula, tricolor violets, chamomile, these decoctions perfectly relieve gum inflammation and pain. The broth is prepared as follows: a spoonful of herbs in a glass of water, simmer for about 5 minutes, insist, filter and rinse the mouth. (Each herb is a separate decoction).

With bleeding, an infusion of St. John's wort helps; you can cook it in a thermos. For half a liter of boiling water, you need to take two tablespoons of St. John's wort and insist in a thermos for about 2 hours, then filter and rinse the mouth with warm infusion 5-6 times a day.

With loose gums, a tincture made from dry leaves helps walnut, for this we take one tablespoon of chopped walnut leaves, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 1 hour, then strain the tincture and rinse the mouth with this tincture 5-6 times a day.

Mix the toothpaste with which you brush your teeth with fine sea salt and brush your teeth for at least 5 minutes, or you can mix fine sea salt with olive oil and rub into the gums with massage movements.

For gum applications, use honey and salt. To do this, you need to take twenty grams of natural honey and mix it with salt, you need to take 5 grams of salt, apply this mixture to a piece of bandage or gauze and apply it to the gums for 10 minutes.

If the gums bleed a lot, then you need to prepare a decoction of nettle, it must be taken orally. Take a tablespoon of chopped nettle leaves and pour a glass of boiling water, boil for several minutes over low heat, then leave for 15 minutes and strain, take the broth three times a day, half a glass.

Lingonberry and red rowan juice, vitaminizes the body, strengthens the gums and relieves inflammation. Juices can be drunk in small portions, or you can rinse your mouth with them.

Of course, to cure periodontal disease it is necessary complex treatment, remove inflammation from the gums, strengthen them, and also treat chronic diseases, which are often the cause of periodontal disease. Now, the pharmacy also sells a large number of toothpastes that can be used to clean teeth with periodontal disease. At the first suspicion of periodontal disease, you need to see a doctor for the doctor to make the correct diagnosis. And before using traditional medicine, you should also consult your doctor. If you have periodontal disease, you know how to treat periodontal disease at home. Be healthy.

What is the disease

It is far from always that insufficient or erroneous care of the oral cavity can lead to periodontal disease, so even the owners of snow-white teeth at one moment can feel the signs of the disease. And the disease can develop rapidly, in leaps and bounds, such is its characteristic feature... Therefore, you need to pay attention not only to preventive measures, but also regularly visit a doctor for a routine examination.

Is it possible to self-treatmentand how to treat periodontal disease at home? Thus, the treatment of periodontal disease at home using improvised means is only an addition to the plan of measures prescribed by the doctor. The use of potent drugs without a prescription and the appointment of a doctor is strictly prohibited. Not only allergies can occur, but more serious complications are quite possible. And temporary improvements can turn into difficulties in the future. Mutation of microorganisms can follow the incorrect calculation of the dose. And if microorganisms become resistant to medications, treatment can take a significant amount of time.

Signs of the disease are bad breath, bleeding. Even with minor injuries, simple touches, the gums begin to bleed heavily. Already when fixing such symptoms, it is worth contacting a specialist.

Individuals suffering from the following diseases are also at risk:

  • psoriasis;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • arthritis;
  • ailments of the thyroid gland.

Hereditary predisposition is also not excluded.

Diet and nutritional changes

With periodontal disease, the danger, at least the main one, is that the disease affects the bone tissue. Therefore, the treatment of periodontal disease at home should be directed, focused primarily on strengthening the teeth and gums. All methods that are used as therapeutic ones can be used for prevention.

Principles proper nutrition must be thoroughly learned and put into practice. Sweet, at least for a while, and preferably forever, should be excluded from the diet. Avoid chocolate and biscuits, caramel, candy, and sodas. Eating these foods creates a suitable environment in the mouth for disease-causing bacteria to grow. And it is not always possible to brush your teeth immediately after leaving the table. And a full rinse is not always possible.

If you really want sweet food, it is better to choose low-calorie dishes, marshmallow or marshmallow, and after eating it, rinse your mouth thoroughly for a long time.

You need to include fresh vegetables, seasonal fruits in the diet. However, it should be borne in mind that fruits also contain a large amount of sugar. And especially strong apples, pears can damage the gums. It is better to give preference to natural foods containing fiber... Protein can be obtained from dairy products, cottage cheese, sour cream. It is also worth preparing dishes from fish, seafood, which are rich in trace elements, phosphorus. It is best to avoid meat because its fibers can get stuck in the teeth quite tightly. Drink sufficient and necessary amount of water or tea every day. Thus, you can achieve the formation of beneficial microflora in the oral cavity.

Changing the rules of care

You need to do simple exercises to strengthen your teeth that are available at home. For example, you can take small branches of trees of not too hard species, preferably from oak or spruce, other conifers. It needs to be thoroughly cleaned to make a stick. Then it must be placed in the mouth and nibbled periodically.... After a few days, the exercise needs to be complicated, alternately moving the jaws, clamping the stick with your front teeth. Of course, all this must be done very carefully, the stick should not be large, no more than 2.5 cm, have sharp edges, and should not be actively moved in the mouth. Such exercises strengthen the muscular system, improve blood flow, and these tree species produce substances that can show a disinfecting and restorative effect.

You should purchase a toothbrush with reasonably soft bristles. Hard injures the gums additionally, which must be avoided. You need to brush your teeth carefully so as not to damage the tissues, use special pastes, some of them additionally contain various medications... Care products should not contain coarse abrasive substances, they must necessarily consist of natural ingredients.

Finger massage can be done. It is an effective procedure that improves blood flow. It should be done only with clean hands, observing all the rules of caution. The use of additional substances in the form of gels or oils also has a beneficial effect on the gums. Irrigator massage simple enough, while guaranteeing the absence of injuries. It is shown to everyone, but it is especially useful for those people who have dental devices installed.

The local darsonvalization device allows physiotherapy at home. There are several attachments for different effects. But it can be used only after the plaque has been completely removed. Sessions should be regular in order to have the proper effect from using the device. It is better to carry out treatment courses.

The massage can also be performed with a special toothbrush. Thus, treatment of periodontal disease at home is available to all patients, there is no need to purchase additional expensive means.

Medicines and gargles

Rinsing is necessary to cleanse the cavity from pathogens, remove food debris. Special means for rinsing are sold in stores, but you can also prepare herbal infusions, propolis solution on your own. The number of rinsing sessions is not limited.

Baths are also used to treat periodontal disease at home. The difference from rinsing is in the technique and duration of the procedure. You don't need to make any movements, just keep the infusion in your mouth for at least ten minutes. The herbs are used the same as for rinsing.

The patient should take into account that periodontal disease is a serious disease. With a complication of the disease, tooth loss is possible. Even at the first signs, you need to see a doctor urgently. All prescribed remedies must be consumed regularly and in exactly the order indicated by the doctor. All described procedures are safe and can be used independently. But additional consultation with the attending physician will not hurt, it is better to prevent possible difficulties than to try to cope with them later.

Signs of periodontal disease

This is explained by the fact that a person does not experience much discomfort for a sufficiently long period, since the development of the disease is not accompanied by an inflammatory process, bleeding of the gums.

But there are several signs that should be checked by a periodontist when identified - this particular doctor will be able to accurately diagnose the disease and tell you how to cure periodontal disease.

The main manifestations of periodontal disease are the presence hypersensitivity to temperature or food irritants, the appearance of a kind of itching of the gums.

As the disease progresses, the signs are accompanied by a gradual subsidence of soft tissues, exposure of the cervical region on all teeth, wedge-shaped defects, loosening and changing the position of the teeth.

To prevent such consequences and get rid of the problem, you can strengthen traditional therapy with alternative methods of treatment. Below we will talk about the most effective ways treatment of periodontal disease at home. The recipes are aimed not only at combating the disease, but also serve as a good prophylaxis, allowing to stop the development of degenerative processes in the periodontal tissues.

The main rule: before treating periodontal disease with folk remedies, you need to visit a doctor for professional oral hygiene. Such a procedure will significantly improve healing effect, providing better penetration of funds into the periodontium.

So what does it offer us ethnosciencehow to treat periodontal disease at home?

Propolis and honey for periodontal disease

Beekeeping products help to restore damaged tissues, have an antibacterial effect, preventing the development of inflammatory processes. Regularly using folk remedies for periodontal disease based on honey or propolis, it is possible to eliminate existing irritations in the mouth and improve local blood circulation, which is especially important for periodontal disease.

Proven recipes:

  • rinsing the mouth after meals with a solution based on propolis tincture. You will need a 10% tincture, 20 drops of which must be dissolved in 200 ml of chilled boiling water. Treatment should be carried out in courses - 2 weeks of regular mouthwash, and then a month break. During the rest period, it is desirable to maintain the condition with other folk remedies;
  • compresses with propolis tincture 4% - moisten clean gauze or cotton pads in liquid, apply in the morning and before bedtime to the gums for a few minutes;
  • after consulting a doctor, you can carry out and internal treatment tincture of propolis 10%. A solution for internal use is prepared simply: drink 20 drops of the product, or simply combine them with water and take;
  • knead fresh propolis, shaping it into a thin strip. The resulting product is recommended to be applied to the gum area, along the entire length. It is advisable to leave the raw materials for the whole night, but this method requires vigilance, since during deep sleep the strip can come off and end up in the respiratory organs;
  • combine natural bee honey and cinnamon in equal proportions - rub the resulting gruel into the gum tissue in a circular motion before going to bed for a week;
  • a combination of alcoholic tinctures of propolis and calamus roots for rinsing the mouth with periodontal disease. 1 tbsp Combine means with calamus with 1 tsp. tincture of propolis, rinse your mouth before going to bed for a week.

Is it possible to cure periodontal disease on your own, or is it better not to use folk methods treatment and see a specialist? Both methods of treating periodontal disease have the right to life, but a visit to a periodontist has always been and will be much more effective.

Homemade herbal ointment for periodontal disease

Home treatment of periodontal disease with this folk remedy takes enough long time, but the final effect is quite justified.

Ingredients of an ointment that allows you to treat periodontal disease at home:

  • dried burdock roots;
  • succession (leaves);
  • celandine (leaf);
  • inflorescences of sandy immortelle;
  • chaga is a birch mushroom;
  • herbs St. John's wort, bloody hawthorn, jaundice, yarrow, lemon balm;
  • whole grains of buckwheat, oats, barley, wheat, millet are needed from cereals.

Here's how to treat periodontal disease. All components must be taken in equal proportions.

Preparation of the ointment:

  • grind all the ingredients well with a coffee grinder or blender;
  • combine chopped ingredients;
  • prepare clean bottles;
  • fill the container one quarter with medicated powder;
  • add unrefined sunflower oil to the top of the bottle;
  • put the medicine in a dark place for insisting for two months;
  • vials need to be shaken every day.

When the specified period has expired, it is necessary to place the product from all containers in a large container and put on a small fire to heat up to 60 degrees Celsius. Warm contents should be placed in bottles and infused for a month. You need to lubricate the gums with the finished ointment, but you cannot swallow the product. The home course of treatment is carried out in episodes - 10 days of rubbing, a 20-day break, then repeat the cycle 3 more times.

Cabbage and salt for periodontal disease

This recipe for treating periodontal disease at home has a quick effect:

  • you will need 1/3 cup table salt;
  • warm water - 2 tablespoons;
  • combine salt with water;
  • the resulting gruel to cleanse the gums with smooth massage movements;
  • at the end of the procedure, you need to rinse your mouth with a solution of 200 ml of water and 1 tablet of hydroperite;
  • home treatment takes only 3 days.

Regular use of sauerkraut will be a good preventive measure against periodontal disease. Only it needs to be difficult to eat in the usual way, but to chew for a long time. For rinsing the mouth, it is recommended to use the juice that sauerkraut secretes. After rinsing, it is useful to hold the juice in your mouth for at least 2 minutes.

Sea salt treatment

Sea salt can successfully cure periodontal disease at home, fights bleeding gums, helps to strengthen them:

  • olive oil (1 tsp) mixed with finely ground sea salt (1 tbsp). With this paste, you need to gently massage not only the gums, but also the teeth, then they will noticeably whiten. Only 14 days are given for treatment;
  • indian paste for rubbing into the gums - you need dried banana peel, sea salt, olive oil. Dry peel must be crushed into powder, add sea salt (3 tbsp) and olive oil (2 tsp). Keep the product on the gum surface for at least 10 minutes, then spit it out and rinse the cavity with water or herbal decoctions;
  • recipe for another healing paste: bee honey (1 tbsp) and sea or iodized salt (1 tsp). Mix the ingredients vigorously and then wrap in a piece of gauze. Apply as a compress to teeth and gums.

Herbal Recipes

To cure periodontal disease with folk remedies without herbs is quite problematic. On their basis, medicinal broths are prepared for rinsing. Therefore, it is worth taking note of the listed recipes:

  • add calamus powder to ordinary tooth powder at the tip of a knife, brush your teeth in the usual way;
  • to prevent inflammation in the gingival pockets, an erect cinquefoil (root) is used. A decoction for rinsing is prepared from the grass at the rate of 40 grams of raw materials per 1 liter of water;
  • bearberry for rinsing and internal use. For 0.5 liters of boiling water, you need 3 tablespoons. herbs. 1 glass of broth should be drunk in 2 doses, and the remaining volume should be used for rinsing the mouth after meals;
  • 2 tbsp. l. St. John's wort, perforated by 0.5 liters. boiling water is a very simple and effective folk remedy for periodontal disease;
  • ordinary fresh plantain leaves have a good antibacterial and wound-healing effect, they need to be washed well and just chewed for 5 minutes, and then spit out;
  • an intensive bone-strengthening agent - comfrey herb. In order to treat periodontal disease at home, any methods based on this medicinal plant are suitable - lotions, decoctions, compresses;
  • it is recommended to include in your daily diet green tea, a drink based on kombucha that nourishes the body ascorbic acidand also improves blood flow to periodontal tissues.

For the preparation of rinsing solutions for periodontal disease, many other herbs are suitable: lingonberry, cinquefoil, burnet, horsetail, celandine, oak bark, sage, black elderberry.

A few more recipes

Effective folk remedies for the treatment of periodontal disease:

  1. Garlic. It is useful to use it inside, not only for the prevention of colds. Garlic allows you to effectively treat periodontal disease at home. To do this, cut a clove of garlic, you need to massage the gums, trying to rub in the juice as carefully as possible. In addition, it provides positive effect and an aqueous infusion based on garlic cloves. Peel three heads of garlic, pour one liter of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes. Rinse the mouth after completing traditional hygiene procedures. If a specific smell confuses, then it can be eliminated with mint tea or lemon, it is enough to chew a few slices directly with the peel;
  2. The common Kalanchoe plant, which almost every person has on the windowsill, will quickly relieve itching of soft tissues. You need to choose the thickest sheet and squeeze juice out of it. Pour the resulting product into a glass bottle, refrigerate for 5 days. Now this folk medicine you can use it as an independent remedy, or enhance the effect of herbal decoctions for rinsing. Only 1 tsp should be added to a glass of water or broth. infused Kalanchoe juice;
  3. Aloe has an excellent effect on the gums, and in this case you do not need to cook anything. It is enough to cut off the juicy leaf, divide it into two parts and apply the pulp to the gum for at least 30 minutes;
  4. Grate 200 grams of fresh horseradish root, place in a container of 0.5 liters, pour hot boiled water, close tightly. The folk remedy is intended for rinsing and bathing. Nothing terrible will happen if the infusion is accidentally swallowed, then it will also benefit the vessels, cleaning them.

If you are determined to get rid of the problem at home with folk remedies, you should not expect that periodontal disease will disappear with lightning speed. Especially if the disease has reached a significant loss of bone tissue.

Watch the video from personal experience treatment of periodontal disease at home:

Maybe, folk treatment will help to suspend development, provided that non-traditional methods of treating periodontal disease are used in the initial stages of the disease. It is worth emphasizing that it is imperative to carry out traditional therapy prescribed by a periodontist.

Periodontal disease is a lesion of the periodontium, that is, the periodontal tissue. The disease should be treated already when the first symptoms appear, otherwise serious negative consequences may occur.

Unlike periodontitis, with periodontal disease there is no inflammation or bleeding, but patients are worried about itching of the gums. But at the later stages of the development of the pathological process, symptoms appear characteristic of periodontitis.

Genetic predisposition and diet play an important role in the formation of the pathological process on the part of the periodontal tissue. In addition, chronic diseases of internal organs, diabetes mellitus, thyroid disorders - all this can provoke the development of the disease.

Can periodontal disease be treated at home? Yes, and such treatment is quite simple, but it requires a systematic approach to the matter.

How does home treatment begin?

It is necessary to treat periodontal disease at home using both medications and folk recipes.

Still, do not forget that, despite the safety of folk remedies, they should be used correctly with accurate dosages, so it is better if the treatment of the disease at home is carried out under the close supervision of a specialist.

In addition, before treating the disease, it is necessary to conduct a diagnostic examination to make the correct diagnosis.

The first step to help cure periodontal disease at home is daily oral hygiene. The teeth should be brushed at least in the morning and in the evening for five minutes. In addition, floss, mouthwash, and other hygiene products should be used.

The technique of brushing your teeth is also important. To avoid pressing food debris into the space between the teeth, brush the top row of teeth starting from top to bottom, and the bottom row from bottom to top. After that, you can already perform circular and horizontal brushing movements.

In addition, do not forget about cleaning the tongue, which accumulates a large number of microorganisms.

Untreated periodontal disease can lead to tooth loss

Consider the various options for treating the disease with folk remedies that are time-tested.

Hydrogen peroxide against periodontal disease

Recently, many people are increasingly turning to folk remedies for the treatment of various diseases. Someone is disappointed in the methods of doctors, others are more inclined to use safe and natural recipes of traditional healers. Hydrogen peroxide is one of the traditional medicines that is often used in the treatment of diseases, including periodontal disease.

If you follow the basic safety rules and precautions, then such home treatment will be safe and reliable, and will not cause any side effects.

Hydrogen peroxide will help with periodontal disease

Hydrogen peroxide is used in different ways, namely:

  • used internally;
  • used to rub the gums;
  • used as a solution for rinsing the mouth;
  • used as an auxiliary element for toothpaste.

Let's talk about some of these methods in more detail.

Hydrogen peroxide for oral administration

In no case is the drug used internally in pure form. There are only three drops per glass of plain water, and then we are talking about a three percent solution.

The remedy is taken either one hour before a meal, or two hours after a meal.

In the first few days, nausea and disorders of the digestive tract may appear; if these symptoms persist, treatment should be discontinued.

Thirty drops is the maximum daily allowance. The course of treatment is ten days, after which it is necessary to take a three-day break.

Rubbing gums with hydrogen peroxide

Use a cotton swab to do this. Garlic can be an alternative to peroxide. Both products help strengthen the gums and improve blood circulation. In addition, they neutralize infectious foci in the oral cavity.

Rubbing the gums with hydrogen peroxide is an effective remedy against periodontal disease

Traditional methods

Rinsing the mouth with periodontal disease

The simplest and most effective remedy that helps to cure the disease at home is a herbal rinse.

Mouth rinses should be carried out after brushing your teeth and at least every three to four hours.

Most often, with periodontal disease, the following medicinal plants are used as rinses:

  • lingonberry (leaves);
  • agrimony;
  • calendula (flowers);
  • oak bark;
  • tricolor violet (flowers).

The following infusions will help to cope with the clinical picture of the disease:

  • decoction of oak bark. This remedy helps to eliminate bad breath, stop inflammation and bleeding gums. For one teaspoon of raw materials, there is a glass of water. We must let it brew. With the resulting product in a warm form, you need to rinse the mouth;
  • sage can also be used for gargling. The medicinal plant has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects;
  • chamomile and sage. The dried raw materials are poured with boiling water and allowed to brew for fifteen minutes. It is important to remember that the cooled infusion loses its healing properties.

Salt against periodontal disease

As a treatment, you can use common table or sea salt. One teaspoon of salt goes to one glass of warm water. The solution must be stirred until the main ingredient is completely dissolved.

After each meal, dip the toothbrush in the prepared solution and brush your teeth and gums. You can also put salt on your fingers and rub it into your teeth and gums.

You can treat periodontal disease with ordinary saline.

Plantain against periodontal disease

Plantain will have a good effect at the initial stage of the pathological process. This herb helps to strengthen the gums and eliminate bleeding.
Plantain leaves should be chewed thoroughly three times a day.

Mix honey with a little table salt and rub the mixture into your gums.

Honey will help eliminate unpleasant symptoms of periodontal disease

Nutrition for periodontal disease

Correctly treating the disease is necessary in a complex, and it includes monitoring the diet. The patient must control what he eats and in what form.

Coffee, black tea, soda, sugary drinks - all this cannot be in the diet of a person who has periodontal disease.

You need to enrich your diet with vegetables and fruits. In addition, it is important to consume more dairy and lactic acid products. They contain a large amount of calcium, so they will help to strengthen the teeth.

With periodontal disease, the gums are damaged, due to which the dental cells gradually atrophy, provoking loosening and loss of teeth. This disease does not have a pronounced symptomatology, therefore, it is very problematic to independently determine and promptly start treatment of periodontal disease with folk remedies.

This is explained by the fact that a person does not experience much discomfort for a sufficiently long period, since the development of the disease is not accompanied by an inflammatory process, bleeding of the gums.

But there are several signs that should be checked by a periodontist when identified - this particular doctor will be able to accurately diagnose the disease and tell you how to cure periodontal disease.

The main manifestations of periodontal disease are the presence of hypersensitivity to temperature or food irritants, the appearance of a kind of itching of the gums.

As the disease progresses, the signs are accompanied by a gradual subsidence of soft tissues, exposure of the cervical region on all teeth, wedge-shaped defects, loosening and changing the position of the teeth.

To prevent such consequences and get rid of the problem, you can strengthen traditional therapy with alternative methods of treatment. Below we will talk about the most effective ways to treat periodontal disease at home. The recipes are aimed not only at combating the disease, but also serve as a good prophylaxis, allowing to stop the development of degenerative processes in the periodontal tissues.

Oksana Shyka

Dentist therapist

The main rule: before treating periodontal disease with folk remedies, you need to visit a doctor for professional oral hygiene. Such a procedure will significantly improve the therapeutic effect, ensuring better penetration of funds into the periodontium.

So, what does traditional medicine offer us, how to treat periodontal disease at home?

Propolis and honey for periodontal disease

Beekeeping products help to restore damaged tissues, have an antibacterial effect, preventing the development of inflammatory processes. Regularly using folk remedies for periodontal disease based on honey or propolis, you can eliminate existing ones and improve local blood circulation, which is especially important for periodontal disease.

Proven recipes:

  • rinsing the mouth after meals with a solution based on propolis tincture. You will need a 10% tincture, 20 drops of which must be dissolved in 200 ml of chilled boiling water. Treatment should be carried out in courses - 2 weeks of regular mouthwash, and then a month break. During the rest period, it is desirable to maintain the condition with other folk remedies;
  • compresses with propolis tincture 4% - moisten clean gauze or cotton pads in liquid, apply in the morning and before bedtime to the gums for a few minutes;
  • after consulting a doctor, you can also carry out internal treatment with 10% propolis tincture. A solution for internal use is prepared simply: drink 20 drops of the product, or simply combine them with water and take;
  • knead fresh propolis, shaping it into a thin strip. The resulting product is recommended to be applied to the gum area, along the entire length. It is advisable to leave the raw materials for the whole night, but this method requires vigilance, since during deep sleep the strip can come off and end up in the respiratory organs;
  • combine natural bee honey and cinnamon in equal proportions - rub the resulting gruel into the gum tissue in a circular motion before going to bed for a week;
  • a combination of alcoholic tinctures of propolis and calamus roots for rinsing the mouth with periodontal disease. 1 tbsp Combine means with calamus with 1 tsp. tincture of propolis, rinse your mouth before going to bed for a week.

Oksana Shyka

Dentist therapist

Is it possible to cure periodontal disease on your own, or is it better not to use traditional methods of treatment and consult a specialist? Both methods of treating periodontal disease have the right to life, but a visit to a periodontist has always been and will be much more effective.

Homemade herbal ointment for periodontal disease

Home treatment of periodontal disease with this folk remedy takes quite a long time, but the final effect is quite justified.

Ingredients of an ointment that allows you to treat periodontal disease at home:

  • dried burdock roots;
  • succession (leaves);
  • celandine (leaf);
  • inflorescences of sandy immortelle;
  • chaga is a birch mushroom;
  • herbs St. John's wort, bloody hawthorn, jaundice, yarrow, lemon balm;
  • whole grains of buckwheat, oats, barley, wheat, millet are needed from cereals.

Here's how to treat periodontal disease. All components must be taken in equal proportions.

Preparation of the ointment:

  • grind all the ingredients well with a coffee grinder or blender;
  • combine chopped ingredients;
  • prepare clean bottles;
  • fill the container one quarter with medicated powder;
  • add unrefined sunflower oil to the top of the bottle;
  • put the medicine in a dark place for insisting for two months;
  • vials need to be shaken every day.

When the specified period has expired, it is necessary to place the product from all containers in a large container and put on a small fire to heat up to 60 degrees Celsius. Warm contents should be placed in bottles and infused for a month. You need to lubricate the gums with the finished ointment, but you cannot swallow the product. The home course of treatment is carried out in episodes - 10 days of rubbing, a 20-day break, then repeat the cycle 3 more times.

Cabbage and salt for periodontal disease

This recipe for treating periodontal disease at home has a quick effect:

  • you will need 1/3 cup table salt;
  • warm water - 2 tablespoons;
  • combine salt with water;
  • the resulting gruel to cleanse the gums with smooth massage movements;
  • at the end of the procedure, you need to rinse your mouth with a solution of 200 ml of water and 1 tablet of hydroperite;
  • home treatment takes only 3 days.

The advanced stage of the disease.

Regular use of sauerkraut will be a good preventive measure against periodontal disease. Only it needs to be difficult to eat in the usual way, but to chew for a long time. For rinsing the mouth, it is recommended to use the juice that sauerkraut secretes. After rinsing, it is useful to hold the juice in your mouth for at least 2 minutes.

Sea salt treatment

Sea salt can successfully cure periodontal disease at home, fights bleeding gums, helps to strengthen them:

  • olive oil (1 tsp) mixed with finely ground sea salt (1 tbsp). With this paste, you need to gently massage not only the gums, but also the teeth, then they will noticeably whiten. Only 14 days are given for treatment;
  • indian paste for rubbing into the gums - you need dried banana peel, sea salt, olive oil. Dry peel must be crushed into powder, add sea salt (3 tbsp) and olive oil (2 tsp). Keep the product on the gum surface for at least 10 minutes, then spit it out and rinse the cavity with water or herbal decoctions;
  • recipe for another healing paste: bee honey (1 tbsp) and sea or iodized salt (1 tsp). Mix the ingredients vigorously and then wrap in a piece of gauze. Apply as a compress to teeth and gums.

Herbal Recipes

To cure periodontal disease with folk remedies without herbs is quite problematic. On their basis, medicinal broths are prepared for rinsing. Therefore, it is worth taking note of the listed recipes:

  • add calamus powder to ordinary tooth powder at the tip of a knife, brush your teeth in the usual way;
  • to prevent inflammation in the gingival pockets, an erect cinquefoil (root) is used. A decoction for rinsing is prepared from the grass at the rate of 40 grams of raw materials per 1 liter of water;
  • bearberry for rinsing and internal use. For 0.5 liters of boiling water, you need 3 tablespoons. herbs. 1 glass of broth should be drunk in 2 doses, and the remaining volume should be used for rinsing the mouth after meals;
  • 2 tbsp. l. St. John's wort, perforated by 0.5 liters. boiling water is a very simple and effective folk remedy for periodontal disease;
  • ordinary fresh plantain leaves have a good antibacterial and wound-healing effect, they need to be washed well and just chewed for 5 minutes, and then spit out;
  • an intensive bone-strengthening agent - comfrey herb. In order to treat periodontal disease at home, any methods based on this medicinal plant are suitable - lotions, decoctions, compresses;
  • it is recommended to include in your daily diet green tea, a drink based on kombucha, which saturates the body with ascorbic acid, and also improves blood flow to the periodontal tissues.

For the preparation of rinsing solutions for periodontal disease, many other herbs are suitable: lingonberry, cinquefoil, burnet, horsetail, celandine, oak bark, sage, black elderberry.

Differences between periodontitis and periodontal disease.

A few more recipes

Effective folk remedies for the treatment of periodontal disease:

  1. Garlic. It is useful to use it inside, not only for the prevention of colds. Garlic allows you to effectively treat periodontal disease at home. To do this, cut a clove of garlic, you need to massage the gums, trying to rub in the juice as carefully as possible. In addition, an aqueous infusion based on garlic cloves has a positive effect. Peel three heads of garlic, pour one liter of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes. Rinse the mouth after completing traditional hygiene procedures. If a specific smell confuses, then it can be eliminated with mint tea or lemon, it is enough to chew a few slices directly with the peel;
  2. The common Kalanchoe plant, which almost every person has on the windowsill, will quickly relieve itching of soft tissues. You need to choose the thickest sheet and squeeze juice out of it. Pour the resulting product into a glass bottle, refrigerate for 5 days. Now this folk remedy can be used both as an independent remedy and to enhance the effect of herbal decoctions for rinsing. Only 1 tsp should be added to a glass of water or broth. infused Kalanchoe juice;
  3. Aloe has an excellent effect on the gums, and in this case you do not need to cook anything. It is enough to cut off the juicy leaf, divide it into two parts and apply the pulp to the gum for at least 30 minutes;
  4. Grate 200 grams of fresh horseradish root, place in a container of 0.5 liters, pour hot boiled water, close tightly. The folk remedy is intended for rinsing and bathing. Nothing terrible will happen if the infusion is accidentally swallowed, then it will also benefit the vessels, cleaning them.

If you are determined to get rid of the problem at home with folk remedies, you should not expect that periodontal disease will disappear with lightning speed. Especially if the disease has reached a significant loss of bone tissue.

Watch a video with personal experience in treating periodontal disease at home:

Perhaps alternative treatment will help to stop the development, provided that non-traditional methods of treating periodontal disease will be used in the initial stages of the disease. It is worth emphasizing that it is imperative to carry out traditional therapy prescribed by a periodontist.

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