Chicken ass wart: reasons, to which doctor to contact, methods of treatment. Is a chicken wart dangerous? Another way to use onions looks like this

Painful sensations when walking are a great inconvenience. Due to the discomfort caused by the appearance of a callus, the usual process of movement becomes agony. The pressure on this formation and even the light touch of the shoe, leads to pain. Particularly unpleasant symptoms develop if a person has a specific hen's callus. This skin growth cannot be ignored as it almost always appears on the plantar side of the foot. Each step becomes painful for a person, which turns out to be a reason for contacting a specialist. Read the article to the end for information and useful recommendations on how to treat chicken callus.

Chicken beetle - corn or wart

The appearance of the chicken zholik occurs gradually. At first, education can be confused with an ordinary corn. According to doctors, such an outgrowth belongs to benign tumors of the skin. Chicken corn is a neoplasm that is one of the types of warts. This pathology has a viral etiology. In this it differs from corns, which are formed only as a result of physical impact. The wart forms in the deep layer of the skin - the dermis, so it is difficult to get rid of it.

The fact that chicken zholka is classified as a variety of corns cannot be considered a mistake. Indeed, under the influence of physical factors, the pathological process is aggravated. The development and growth of the roots of the neoplasm occurs, which leads to an increase in the sensation of pain. Despite the viral cause of the disease, not all infected people develop chicken beetle. This problem is common among people who wear uncomfortable shoes. The progression of pathology and the transformation of the wart into a chicken growth occurs due to the calcification of the formation.

To cure such a disease, surgical and folk methods are used. Similar healing methods are also used to get rid of corns.

Symptoms and diagnosis of pathology

To decide how to remove a callus on your leg, you should consult a surgeon. This formation is not just an accumulation of keratinized epithelium. Corn roots are located in a deep layer - the dermis.

The process of forming a chicken beetle consists of 3 stages:

  1. The appearance of a seal on the plantar side of the foot;
  2. Callousness of this formation;
  3. The formation of growths and pigmentation.

In the medical literature, you can see photos of chicken corns at various stages of education. At first, the growth is a small bump on the leg. It can appear anywhere on the sole. Most often, a callus occurs in the heel and big toe. The seal does not differ in color from normal fabric. Due to the fact that the corn is located in a place subject to constant pressure, it increases in size and is damaged. The color of the neoplasm changes: it becomes grayish-yellow. The defect is rounded. The wart is raised above the level of the skin by a few millimeters.

The calcification period can last for a long time. The progression of pathology leads to the formation of growths in the center of the defect. The surface of the chicken beetle becomes rough, the edges may be sharp. The growths are colored black. Only after the completion of the formation of this formation, it is possible to judge how a chicken corn looks like. Before growths occur, the defect can be confused with other skin conditions.

The main symptom of this pathology is severe pain when pressing on the wart. Discomfort when walking is constantly observed. It intensifies as the roots of the callus deepen into the layers of the dermis. The pain syndrome does not go away on its own, but only progresses. Such dynamics of pathology is explained by the fact that a mechanical effect is constantly exerted on the corn - pressure on the leg when walking.

The signs of a chicken zholka include:

  • Roughness of the skin at the site of the growth;
  • Progression of pain;
  • "Crater" surface of the build-up;
  • Hyperpigmentation of the wart.

The method of primary diagnosis of the disease is an examination of the pathological formation. An experienced specialist can distinguish a chicken zholok by its characteristic appearance. To make sure that the diagnosis is correct, special studies are carried out. These include dermoscopy and HPV (human papillomavirus) testing. When examining the upper layer of the build-up, clogged capillaries are revealed. This symptom is characteristic of warts, in contrast to common corns. The diagnosis is confirmed by the presence of a high titer of antibodies to HPV.

Reasons for the formation of a chicken zholka

The etiological factor in the development of chicken beetle is the human papillomavirus. Studies of this pathogen are carried out almost all over the world. Some types of HPV are so dangerous that they can cause cancer. Other varieties of the virus are considered harmless, or not fully understood. Plantar warts occur in people infected with HPV types 1, 2, and 4.

The causative agent of the pathology is widespread. More than 50% of the world's population is infected with the papilloma virus. However, the diseases caused by it occur in only a small proportion of infected people. HPV is believed to be the direct cause of the development of the chicken beetle. However, other factors also affect the formation of a neoplasm. These include:

  • The presence of cracks on the surface of the sole;
  • Chronic pathologies of the vascular system, in particular - diabetes mellitus;
  • Wearing uncomfortable shoes;
  • Decreased immune defenses.

Lesions on the surface of the epidermis are the gateway for viral agents. Common skin disorders include ulcerative defects (with diabetes mellitus, phlebitis, arteritis) and cracks. The human papillomavirus leads to the appearance of warts in cases where a person has a weakened immune system.

Calluses on the foot are formed due to the friction of the skin on rough and tight shoes. Damage to the tissue can lead to the penetration of infectious agents, in particular - HPV 1,2 or 4 types. If the disease has already begun to develop, the corn only aggravates the course of the pathological process. It leads to an expansion of the affected area and coarsening of the skin at the site of the defect. A specialist will tell you how to cure a chicken callus on the leg. To do this, you should consult a surgeon.

Complications of the disease

Treatment of neoplasms should be started as early as possible. The sooner you remove the chicken, the less chance of complications. This disease does not belong to dangerous pathologies, but it increases the risk of infection. The overgrown callus not only does not look aesthetically pleasing, but also brings an indescribable feeling of discomfort. The danger of pathology arises with the development of a deep defect. The longer a person suffers pain and does not seek help, the stronger the damage to the dermis. In such cases, the treatment of chicken callus with folk remedies and drugs is ineffective. Surgical removal of a large deep wart is a health hazard. Massive surgical treatment can lead to infection of the body and deformity of the foot.

If the callus is not removed in time and the pain is tolerated, a change in gait occurs. The patient begins to spare the injured leg and does not step on it completely. As a result, lameness can also be observed after removal of the formation.

Chicken zholka treatment methods

After conducting examinations and examining the foot, the surgeon decides by what methods to treat the callus of a chicken zholka. Methods for removing neoplasms include:

  1. Removal of the wart;
  2. Drug therapy;
  3. Traditional methods.

Surgical removal

Surgical intervention will help completely remove the chicken beetle. However, it has several disadvantages. Among them: the risk of infection of the body, the formation of cicatricial changes on the sole. Surgical treatment is carried out only in cases where the neoplasm reaches a large size and it is impossible to remove it in another way. The operation is performed in stationary (less often outpatient) conditions under local anesthesia. Traditional surgery is performed with a scalpel. After excision of the skin and determining the depth at which the roots of the corn are located, the formation is completely excised. This is accompanied by suturing or coagulation of the bleeding vessels. The wound surface is washed with disinfectant solutions. Dressings are performed for several days after the operation.

Laser removal

Select: how to treat chicken callus, the surgeon should. It depends on the depth of the wart and its size. An effective way to remove chicken heads -. With the help of a coagulator, a layer-by-layer radiation effect is carried out on the cells of the pathological formation. Thanks to the laser, a layer-by-layer destruction of the wart can be caused. The advantage of this method is the simultaneous coagulation of bleeding vessels.


Removing calluses using liquid nitrogen is called. This method is widely used in practice in the presence of "fresh" neoplasms. The advantage of the procedure is that liquid nitrogen not only destroys the corn cells, but also destroys viral particles. After cryodestruction, a bladder filled with serous contents remains on the skin surface, which cannot be opened due to the risk of infection. The site of the defect is treated with salicylic alcohol for several days.


The electrocoagulation method is characterized by the destructive effect of current on the corn tissue. This method resembles surgical treatment, since a scalpel is used as a tool. The difference is that destruction occurs due to the effect of an electric current at certain points. The high temperature of the blade allows the vessels to coagulate.

Therapeutic treatments

Before resorting to the removal of the formation, the treatment of chicken callus at home is prescribed. For this, plasters and ointments are used. These medications are impregnated with salicytic acid, which has keratolytic properties (destroys the callus skin). Some plasters also contain other substances, such as propolis solution. They soften dead skin and reduce pain. These medicines include the Salipod plaster.

Calluses can be removed with ointments. They are based on salicylic, lactic or nitric acid. Their mechanism of action is the same as that of patches. 3% oxolinic and 2% salicylic ointment are used.

The therapeutic methods include those methods that have been used by the people for a long time. Celandine juice, table vinegar, lemon zest, etc. are used. You need to know the rules of how to treat chicken callus with folk remedies. In order not to damage healthy skin, the area around the wart is pasted over with adhesive tape. Apple cider vinegar or celandine juice drips onto the surface of the build-up for 5-7 days. This leads to a softening of calcification and a decrease in the intensity of the pain syndrome. The corn is "burned out" from the inside, as it were.

Treatment of chicken zholka in children should be carried out only by a specialist! A remedy such as salicylic acid is contraindicated at an early age. You should not resort to folk recipes, as you can damage baby skin.

Prevention of the disease

Primary prevention should be aimed at preventing papillomavirus infection. If the infection has already occurred, you should strengthen the immune system and avoid damage to the skin of the leg. Prevention measures include:

  • Treatment of scratches and cracks in the skin with antiseptics;
  • Lubrication of feet with cream;
  • Wearing shoes made from quality materials;
  • Proper nutrition;
  • The use of vitamin complexes;
  • Walks in the open air;
  • Physical activity.

To cure the callus of a chicken beetle requires not only the removal of the growth on the skin, but also the observance of a healthy lifestyle. This is the only way to maintain the titer of antibodies to HPV at an acceptable level. Weakening of the immune defense leads to the multiplication of viruses and a relapse of the disease.

Some people develop a wart on their skin, the most common of which is chicken butt. This type of education is safe for human health and causes only aesthetic discomfort. Most often it occurs on the feet, similar in appearance to a corn, but sometimes it is localized on the hands.

A chicken butt wart is a harmless phenomenon on the feet or hands that causes visual discomfort.

Structure and appearance

Chicken butt corn has the following appearance:

  • Gray with a touch of yellow.
  • At first, warts have a smooth surface, but become rough as they grow.
  • In the center of the formation is a papilla, from which a paw grows over time. In most cases, there are more than one such overgrowth, making the outgrowth look like a cauliflower.
  • The leg of the chicken ass is missing. The formation rises above the skin by no more than 2 millimeters.
  • When the build-up is steamed and its top layer is cleaned off, black dots become visible, which are capillaries that have been clogged.

Many people confuse a chicken butt with a corn, especially when it sits on the sole. But the wart has a significant difference, because its upper part is a small area of \u200b\u200bthe entire growth. The roots of the formation exceed its size several times and go deep into the layers of the epidermis. Therefore, a chicken bottom wart, unlike a corn, is much more difficult to get rid of and takes more time.

Reasons for the appearance of a chicken butt

The provocateur of the chicken ass wart is the papilloma virus.

The chicken butt wart occurs, like other types of warts, due to the human papillomavirus. It is transmitted through household contact with the wearer. The likelihood of contracting the virus in warm and humid environments is increased as they are an acceptable habitat for infection. You can catch HPV in the bath, swimming pool, sauna and solarium. It turns out that this type of virus in the patient's body through small wounds on the skin. The likelihood of infection increases if a person uses other people's hygiene items, walks barefoot in public places and tries on someone else's shoes and clothes.

If a person has strong immunity, he will cope with the virus on his own and the formation will not appear on the skin. But there are a number of reasons that contribute to the emergence of a chicken butt:

  • violation of the immune system;
  • increased sweating of the feet;
  • dry soles;
  • flat feet;
  • wearing low-quality and small shoes;
  • injury to the skin on the arm and on the foot;
  • some diseases of chronic and acute forms.


Pain due to a chicken butt wart is likely only in places of constant contact with shoes or clothes.

It is possible to determine that a person's finger or sole has just a chicken ass due to the following symptoms:

  • Initially, the growth is smooth and small, but over time it increases in size and becomes dense, rough.
  • The size of the formation does not exceed 2 centimeters, its edges are clear.
  • If the wart is located on the sole, it begins to hurt, because it constantly comes into contact with the shoes.
  • Has a round or oval shape. If the virus progresses, then the formations begin to grow and a large number of them appear.

Is there a danger?

The main danger posed by a chicken ass is the transformation of the growth from benign to malignant. This happens, for example, when a growth is injured, an infection enters it, an inflammatory process and suppuration begins. Sometimes it is this that becomes the fault of the transformation of the wart. Therefore, if such an outgrowth occurs on the skin, doctors recommend not to take independent measures, not to try to remove and speak the chicken ass at home. If a wart occurs, you should consult a doctor who will diagnose and prescribe the required treatment, whether it be conservative therapy using an ointment, or hardware treatment of chicken callus with a laser.

Diagnostic procedures

Initially, the doctor conducts a visual examination of the wart. The absence of a skin pattern and the presence of black dots when the top layer of the build-up is removed helps to determine that in front of him is a chicken ass, and not a corn or corns. After examination, the doctor prescribes a study. The first is dermoscopy, which is the collection of cells of formation for subsequent analysis. Then the patient is sent for a blood test, which shows the presence of human papillomavirus in the blood.

How to remove a wart?

Drug therapy

Treatment for a chicken butt wart will include taking antiviral drugs.

When a patient suffering from a chicken butt turns to a medical facility at the initial stage of the development of a wart, doctors resort to conservative treatment, which involves the use of drugs and a local effect on the growth. Antiviral agents are prescribed to the patient, which provoke the production of cytokines that affect the human papillomavirus and stop its development. Often prescribed "Isoprinosine", the main component of which is interferon.

During local treatment, ointment, creams and solutions are used, which contain salicylic, nitric and lactic acids. The following medicines are used: Ferezol, Superchistotel, Solkoderm. However, sometimes antiviral medicines and local effects are not enough, so doctors prescribe drugs that increase immunity: Panavir, Viferon.

Hardware and surgical removal

You can remove a chicken butt using the following methods:

Laser therapyRemoval of the wart is carried out with a laser beam. The procedure is painless and leaves no scars.
Radio waveIn the process of manipulation, the likelihood of blood infection is practically excluded
CryodestructionThe wart is exposed to cold liquid nitrogen, during which the growth dies off and falls off. In rare cases, small scars remain on the skin
ElectrocoagulationElectric current is applied. The procedure is used if the wart is shallow and small
Surgical interventionDuring the procedure, the surgeon removes the build-up with a scalpel. It is used when the wart is large and deeply located. After manipulations, noticeable scars remain

How to treat with folk remedies?

Birch bark

Treatment with folk remedies for chicken warts is effective, but longer.

Health workers do not recommend treating chicken ass with folk remedies. However, traditional medicine methods are acceptable after consulting a doctor and consulting with him. The birch bark, which contains salicylic acid, will help get rid of the wart. In addition, the bark contains another important component - betulin, which helps fight viruses. You need to use the bark as follows:

  1. moisten the bark;
  2. put on the wart, secure with adhesive plaster or bandage;
  3. leave for a day;
  4. change the birch bark to a new one and do the same manipulations;
  5. use 2 times a week until the wart disappears.

A wart that appears on the body becomes a cause not only aesthetic, but also medical. This is due to the frequent unintentional injury of neoplasms. In addition to an unsightly appearance, such growths can be hazardous to health.

Plantar growths or thorns are popularly called the chicken ass. This is one of the most common types of neoplasms of viral etymology. Chicken butt on the leg belongs to benign formations with a low risk of malignancy. However, rubbing with shoes can lead to the transformation of the growth cells into an oncological neoplasm.


Most often, wart growths appear on the lower extremities: on the toes, between them, on the sole or heel. Initially, a yellowish smooth spot appears on the foot, which eventually becomes covered with scales and becomes brown. Often, a chicken butt between the toes is mistaken for a dry corn. This is due to the keratinized top layer covering the wart. It consists of dead cells of the upper layer of the epithelium - the dermis. The chicken ass has no “legs”, its roots grow in depth, so it is rather difficult to remove such a growth.

If you carefully steam the foot and remove the keratinized top layer of the wart with a pumice stone or a foot file, dark blotches become noticeable. These are clotted small vessels - capillaries.

A chicken wart resembles an iceberg. The part located on the surface is a small fraction of the entire neoplasm. Most - the roots grow in depth and can exceed the size of the "top" several times.

Causes of occurrence

The main cause of any wart is infection with papillomavirus (HPV). The main route of infection is household contact. HPV infection can occur:

  • With close contact with its carrier;
  • Due to violation of hygiene rules (wearing someone else's shoes, trying on without a sock, using someone else's bath accessories, visiting the pool without rubber slates).

Increase the risk of infection:

  • Sweating of the feet;
  • Dry cracked skin of the feet;
  • Lack of foot hygiene;
  • Deformation of the foot (the appearance of a bone, curvature of the fingers, especially the little toe, flat feet);
  • Wearing tight, small or uncomfortable shoes
  • Wounds or microcracks on the skin of the foot;
  • Concomitant chronic diseases (diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, varicose veins).

A distinctive feature of HPV is its long incubation period. As long as the human body is able to give an immune response to the attack of the virus, HPV is dormant. Its activation is facilitated by the weakening of the immune defense or its switch to another "enemy".

Therefore, the appearance of chicken growths is a wake-up call! This is a signal of a weakened immune system.


The formation of a chicken ass goes through a number of stages:

Discomfort, and then pain syndrome, is associated with the site of localization and the deep roots of chicken growths. Growing, the roots of the wart squeeze the nerve endings. This leads to painful sensations when walking. Over time, the pain syndrome intensifies, turning a person into a disabled person, unable to move independently.

How to make a diagnosis

The appearance of a neoplasm on any part of the body requires a mandatory visit to a specialist. Contacting a medical institution is a guarantee of an accurate diagnosis, timely correct prescription, as well as a prerequisite for quick and effective treatment.

Diagnosis of wart neoplasms includes:

  • Visual inspection of the wart;
  • Dermoscopy (scraping the top layer of the build-up);
  • Blood test for the presence of papillomavirus.

Danger of chicken wart on the leg

Strains of the papillomavirus that cause the appearance of plantar outgrowths are not oncogenic. However, the risk of malignancy of the neoplasm remains. The transformation of a growth from benign to oncological can occur due to:

  • Constant rubbing of corn with shoes;
  • An unsuccessful attempt to get rid of the education by cutting it off with a knife;
  • Unintentional injury to the wart.

To prevent the process of degeneration of the neoplasm into a cancerous tumor, the wart should be removed as soon as possible.

How to cure a chicken callus

Therapy for chicken wart, like other types of neoplasms caused by papillomavirus, is a complex measure. It includes getting rid of growth, taking antiviral drugs and strengthening immunity.

It is best for a doctor to prescribe a treatment regimen. He will confirm the diagnosis, prescribe the most suitable drugs, taking into account the course of the disease, the history of chronic diseases, allergic reactions and other physiological characteristics of the patient.

You can try to cure a chicken ass on your own using pharmacy preparations or folk remedies. But you should be patient, such treatment is usually long and less effective than radical methods of traditional medicine. Do not do home-based treatment for warts in children or people suffering from chronic diseases such as diabetes. Atherosclerosis or varicose veins.

Specialized Clinics

The easiest way to cure a chicken wart is by going to a medical center. Qualified doctors can quickly and painlessly remove unwanted growth using one of the radical techniques:

  • Laser destruction... One of the most effective methods of getting rid of chicken growths. The laser beam, acting on a neoplasm, evaporates its tissue layer by layer. The remaining small depression is tightened independently for seven to ten days;
  • Radio wave removal... The latest non-contact method of influencing the growth, using radio waves of various frequencies. The advantage of the method is to prevent the spread of HPV, thanks to the coagulation of capillaries, and the lack of risk of secondary infection;
  • Cryodestruction... Chicken corn can be treated not only by cauterization, but also by freezing its tissues. Liquid nitrogen, cooled to minimum temperatures, leads to necrosis of the wart tissue. The skin first whitens, then reddens. At the site of the removed growth, a bubble is formed, which dissolves on its own within a week. The disadvantage of this method is the impossibility of assessing the depth of exposure to nitrogen. Therefore, to achieve the result, several procedures may be required;
  • Electrocoagulation... Burning out the neoplasm with a high-frequency current, closed in a loop. Gore and lymph form a natural dressing over the wound, protecting it from the entry of pathogens. Not suitable for deep-rooted old formations;
  • Surgery... The surgeon removes the build-up with a scalpel. The technique is recommended only for large neoplasms or in case of suspected malignancy. The most traumatic procedure requiring the use of local anesthesia. A scar remains at the site of the cut out growth.

What method of wart removal to choose, the doctor will advise, taking into account the characteristics of the body, wishes and financial capabilities of the patient.

Drug therapy

For adherents of conservative treatment, pharmaceutical companies offer a wide range of medications. You can buy them at any pharmacy without a prescription. However, given that such preparations contain aggressive alkalis or acids, it is better to consult a doctor before using.

Principles of using medications:

  • Comprehensive treatment is the key to success. A therapy that combines the removal of a build-up with the intake of antiviral and immunostimulating drugs is the fastest way to get rid of them forever;
  • Strict adherence to the instructions drawn up by the manufacturer will save you from unwanted consequences;
  • A greasy cream or adhesive plaster will help protect healthy skin around the wart from chemical burns.

The basis of drug therapy are antiviral drugs: Acyclovir, Imiquimod. The destruction of HPV at the cellular level in most cases leads to the disappearance of warts.

If growths remain, you can remove them at home with the help of medicines. They come in the form of an ointment, solution, cream, or patch. The most effective are:

  • Verrukacid;
  • Supercleaner;
  • Feresol;
  • Lapis pencil;
  • Salipod.

To enhance the effect before using these drugs, it is recommended to steam the damaged skin in a hot bath with sea salt and soda. So the active substance quickly gets into the source of infection, removes not only the surface layer, but also the root of the chicken ass.

Immunomodulators - Imiquimod, Viferon promote the production of their own interferon. This substance is produced by the body of a healthy person in response to a viral attack. They accelerate the destruction of papillomavirus cells and strengthen the body's defenses, reducing the risk of relapse of neoplasms.

Folk remedies

You can remove a chicken ass using recipes from healers from the people. Perhaps some of them will not inspire confidence in you, but their effectiveness is confirmed by the reviews of patients who have tried the treatment on themselves. Harmlessness, affordability, the ability to carry out treatment without leaving home are the main advantages of therapy using folk remedies.


The cauterizing properties of this plant gave it a second, popular name - warthog. Juice from the stalk of a torn celandine is an excellent way to get rid of chicken ass. But such treatment will be effective only during the flowering period of the plant: from early May to late June. In another period, you can buy in the pharmacy Mountain celandine, containing an extract of medicinal herbs.

With a small amount of juice or celandine extract, the neoplasm is treated two to three times a day until it disappears completely. The average course of treatment is three to four weeks.


If you get the flu or cold, eat more garlic. If garlic fights these viral infections, you can use it against HPV as well.

To do this, a peeled clove of garlic is crushed using a garlic press, grater or knife. The resulting gruel is spread on cling film or parchment. The pre-steamed affected area of \u200b\u200bthe skin is wrapped with the obtained compress, fixed with a bandage or plaster. Leave until morning. The manipulation is repeated for two to three weeks, until the growth completely disappears.


Such a household product as vinegar can be found in the kitchen of any housewife. To remove plantar growths, you only need a few drops of regular table vinegar. Gently apply vinegar to the neoplasm, avoiding contact with healthy skin. Repeat three times a day for two to three weeks.


Take a small piece of propolis and knead. Cover the wart with the resulting mass. Fix with adhesive plaster. The propolis compress should be worn without removing for two weeks. After taking a bath, replace it with a new one. After two weeks, remove the propolis cake, clean the top layer of the neoplasm and apply a new compress.

Usually, it will take three to four procedures to completely get rid of a chicken ass. A course of treatment will take from one to two months.

Relapse prevention

It will not be possible to completely cure papillomavirus, but you can avoid the repeated appearance of defects on the skin.

To do this, you need:

  • Monitor foot hygiene;
  • Do not use other people's hygiene products;
  • Try on shoes in a sock;
  • Wear leather comfortable shoes;
  • Moisturize the skin of the feet with a nourishing cream.

These simple measures will protect your legs from repeated manifestations of the papillomavirus, and chicken warts will forever remain in the past.

Topic video

Many diseases have a name that was given to them by the people, one of them is "chicken ass". This is a wart that is viral in nature and occurs on the finger or on any other part of the body. In a short period of time, the disease affects a large area of \u200b\u200bthe body and hurts.

The wart got its name for its remarkable appearance, which can be seen in the photo. The color of the wart is yellow, with a papilla located in the center, it is from it that the vertical growth occurs. If you look at this not with the eye of a specialist, then the wart resembles a chicken ass or sprouted wheat. It is these growths that cause pain when touching them.

Why arises

The culprit is the human papillomavirus, which is easy to catch in any public place. The virus in the body lives and develops in the presence of certain factors. So, development occurs when:

  • a weakened immune system;
  • excessive sweating;
  • dry skin of feet, fingers;
  • wearing tight and uncomfortable shoes;
  • deformation of the feet, fingers;
  • damage to the skin on the feet, fingers;
  • diseases in which the normal nutrition of the tissues of the feet is disturbed (diabetes mellitus, varicose veins, atherosclerosis).
  • laser;
  • electrocoagulation or burnout;
  • use of radio waves;
  • surgeon's scalpel;
  • antiviral drugs.


It is possible to remove not only the wart itself, but also the cause - the viruses inside. To achieve the full effect, several procedures may be required. The method allows you to output everything quickly and efficiently, because the beam is sent exactly to the epicenter of the wart. After the procedure, a small spot remains, which disappears within 2 weeks.


The technique allows you to derive a cosmetic defect by means of complete burning using high frequency currents. To prevent the virus from causing harm again, nearby tissues are also removed, this is how disinfection occurs.

The dying cells form a dense to the touch, a scab that is rejected as new skin grows. The technique is not always justified for removing the wart in the area of \u200b\u200bthe sole, and it is shown with the surface location of the "chicken ass". As a result of manipulation, not always, but a scar may remain.


The technique helps to remove everything with liquid nitrogen, the wart simply dies and subsequently falls off. It is necessary to process education competently, because if it is not done deeply, it will grow again, and if you overdo it, a scar will form.

After the operation, a blister remains on the surface, which will heal within a week; it is categorically not recommended to injure it.

Council. The result of using the technique directly depends on the experience that a specialist has.

Radio waves

The technique allows using a radio knife to cauterize the vessels, which prevents viruses from the wart from entering through the bloodstream to other areas. As a result, the wart loses its blood supply and dies off on its own.


Using the surgeon's scalpel, you can bring out the "chicken ass", but only if it has reached a large size.

Antiviral agents

There are many tools that allow you to remove the "chicken ass" of any localization. Their action is aimed at viruses in the wart, which die, as a result, the remaining areas of the skin are not infected and everything passes on its own.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine has several recipes to get the wart out. The maximum effect is achieved if you use the advice of traditional healers at the initial stage, when there is no discomfort.

Council. Before using folk remedies for the purpose of consulting a doctor is required. Prescriptions in no way replace traditional treatment for warts, but only supplement them.

Prevention measures

There are a few simple rules to avoid getting infected with the papilloma virus. You need to start with the fact that:

  1. In the pool, public shower or bathhouse, do not wear someone else's shoes and do not walk on them with bare feet. It is this preventive measure that often allows you not to get a "chicken ass" as a "gift".
  2. Constant care in the form of peeling and manicure will keep the skin of the feet clean.
  3. In the presence of deformation of the foot, the use of orthoses, special insoles, allowing to unload the foot, is shown.
  4. In case of dry skin, special moisturizers and baths are used.
  5. In case of excessive sweating, so as not to form warts, preference should be given to shoes made only from natural materials.

Everyone has a chance to get sick with "chicken ass", because the virus is so insidious that it makes itself felt at every opportunity. But if you follow the precautions and timely deal with the wart, serious consequences can be avoided.

Well, if the problem could not be avoided, then there are ways to quickly and effectively solve a cosmetic defect of this kind. You should always remember that any disease is still better, and most importantly, it is cheaper to prevent than to fight it later, this undoubtedly applies to the "chicken ass".

Spines and plantar growths are popularly called "chicken ass". Today it is one of the most common neoplasms of viral origin. It refers to benign, but a small risk of malignancy still exists. This applies to the greatest extent to warts that appear on the legs as a result of rubbing them during movement.

Classification unit

This neoplasm is often called a corn. However, this approach is not entirely correct, since external factors are the reasons for their occurrence. Warts are caused by conditions within the body. Therefore, "chicken ass" should be one of them.


The most commonly formed "chicken ass" on the leg. They can appear on:

  • heel;
  • the sole;
  • fingers;
  • between them.

The chicken butt between the toes looks like dry corn. This is due to the fact that from above it is covered with a keratinized layer consisting of dead cells of the dermis. The wart has no "legs", and its roots go deep inside, so it is quite difficult to remove it.

With careful steaming of the foot and removal of the stratum corneum, dark blotches can be seen, which are clotted capillaries. Above is a small portion of the chicken ass. Basically, its mass is made up of roots, which can be several times larger than the “top”.

A distinctive feature, in comparison with other types of warts, is that this neoplasm has black dots on the surface. In addition, it has the shape of a circle, which is slightly raised above the surface of the skin.

The reasons

The main cause of this trouble is human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. The main way of its penetration into the body is contact-household. The following conditions contribute to infection:

  • violation of hygiene rules (going to the pool without rubber slates, trying on shoes without socks, using someone else's bath accessories, wearing shoes belonging to other people);
  • close contact with the carrier of the virus.

The following reasons for "chicken ass" are concomitant:

  • existing chronic diseases (varicose veins, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus);
  • microcracks and wounds on the epidermis;
  • wearing uncomfortable and tight shoes;
  • deformation of the foot, resulting in flat feet, curvature of the toes, protrusion of the bone;
  • poor limb hygiene;
  • the epidermis is dry and cracking;
  • sweating of the limbs.

HPV does not manifest itself for a long period, which is called incubation. It remains dormant until the person's immune system is weakened.


A wart "chicken ass" is not formed immediately, but over a period of time in several stages:

  • a smooth spot appears;
  • scales form on it;
  • a dense node is formed, which has a spherical shape, with a keratinized surface and clear boundaries;
  • the growth grows further, up to a diameter of about 2 cm.

In the presence of a "chicken ass" on the leg, after its formation painful sensations appear when the lower limbs move. As the neoplasm grows, the roots begin to squeeze the nerve endings, which leads to painful syndromes when walking. If you do not take any action, then the pain will constantly intensify, which will make a disabled person out of a full-fledged person who cannot move on his own.


After such a neoplasm appears on the body or hands, it is necessary to consult a specialist. What doctor should I go to in case of a "chicken ass"? Since this is a skin ailment, you need to visit, first of all, a dermatologist. He will schedule special tests:

  • blood test for HPV;
  • dermatoscopy (scraping that is performed from the top layer of the wart and examined under a microscope using special reagents).

In addition, the doctor will examine the neoplasm visually.

Danger of warts

As noted above, occasionally it can turn into a malignant neoplasm. This is facilitated by the following factors:

  • her injury;
  • an attempt to cut with a knife;
  • constant rubbing with shoes.

To prevent this process, it is necessary to identify and cure this problem in time.

Treatment methods

Any neoplasms caused by HPV require complex measures. This provides for the passage of special procedures, the intake of antiviral drugs in order to get rid of the build-up, strengthening the immune system.

The neoplasm can be removed using surgery, which is performed in the following ways.

Depending on the capabilities of the clinic, the patient, the state of the latter's body, the doctor will suggest choosing one or another method for removing the wart. It should be borne in mind that laser and cryoscopy promote cauterization of adjacent tissues, which helps to prevent their suppuration and inflammation.

Drug therapy

The drugs used to treat HPV contain aggressive acids and alkalis, therefore, to prevent chemical burns, an adhesive plaster is glued around the wart or a greasy layer of cream is applied.

The main means to kill the infection at the cellular level are the following:

  • "Acyclovir";
  • Imiquimod.

In addition, creams, solutions, ointments, plasters are used to remove growths:

  • Salipod;
  • "Lapis pencil";
  • Ferezol;
  • "Supercleaner";
  • "Verrucacid."

Special plasters or salicylic acid-based ointments can also be used, which makes it possible to eliminate the external manifestations of the wart.

For faster penetration of the active substance and destruction of the root, before using any drug, it is better to steam the damaged area of \u200b\u200bthe epidermis in a hot bath, to which soda and sea salt are added.

To produce interferons, immunomodulators are used. With their help, the risk of recurrence is reduced.

The most used remedy in the fight against HPV is celandine. Its name is borrowed from the name of the chemical product mentioned earlier, but it is not a part of celandine.

Treatment of "chicken ass" with folk remedies with the help of this representative of the flora (otherwise called warthog) is effective when used in the flowering phase (early May - late June). If this period is missed, you will have to purchase the plant extract in pharmacies. A wart is treated with juice or a small amount of extract 2-3 times a day until it disappears completely. On average, the duration of the course is 3-4 weeks.

Also, in the fight against HPV, crushed garlic can be used. To do this, the clove is cleaned, chopped with a knife or on a grater (you can use garlic press). The product is placed on parchment or cling film and applied to the damaged area of \u200b\u200bthe skin - it must be pre-steamed. For best action, leave the compress until morning, so it is fixed with a plaster or bandage. The full course lasts 2-3 weeks, after which the wart disappears.

In addition, table vinegar can be applied to the damaged area in the amount of a few drops, avoiding its contact with healthy epidermal areas. The course lasts for 2-3 weeks when applied three times a day.

They also cure this ailment with the help of propolis, for which it is thoroughly kneaded and the neoplasm is covered. They are fixed with an adhesive plaster and worn without removing for two weeks. If a bath is taken, then this piece should be replaced with a new one. After two weeks, the cake is removed, the top layer of the wart is cleaned, and a piece of propolis is again applied for another two weeks. The full course of treatment is 1-2 months.

You can also use a decoction of spruce branches. In this case, they are pre-cut into pieces about 15 cm long, poured with water, boiled for 5 minutes and cooled. Every other day, using this broth, make baths. After a week, the pain will begin to disappear, but a complete cure is possible only after 1.5-2 months.

Used and infusion of lemon peel. For its preparation, the peel, removed from two lemons, is insisted in 0.5 glass of 70% vinegar essence. Infusion occurs within a week with periodic shaking. The resulting infusion is smeared with neoplasms 2-3 times a day until they are completely destroyed.

Warts can be lubricated with dandelion juice, milkweed. It is applied to neoplasms 4-5 times a day. You can also apply pulp from the leaves of Kalanchoe, with a daily change of dressings for a week.

Another recipe: the onion is placed in a glass with vinegar, kept for 2 hours, after which it is applied to the wart and fixed for the night. In addition, apply greasing or applying compresses made from infusion or a decoction of bitter wormwood. You can also use rubbing the neoplasm with sour apple varieties 3-4 times a day.


Like any other virus that enters the human body, it will not be possible to completely get rid of HPV. However, it is quite possible to avoid defects on the epidermis. It's easier than thinking later than getting a "chicken ass".

To do this, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • the skin needs to be moisturized with nourishing creams;
  • shoes should be purchased and worn only suitable for a specific person;
  • try it on in any outlet only in socks;
  • do not use other people's hygiene products;
  • maintain hygiene of the whole body, especially limbs.


"Chicken Butt" is the popular name for a wart, a characteristic feature of which is raised above the skin, with dark inclusions. It is benign in nature, but with constant rubbing with uncomfortable shoes (when located on the foot), it can degenerate into a malignant one. Therefore, you need to consult a doctor in a timely manner to eliminate the ailment. There are surgical, conservative and traditional methods of treatment. The surgical method performed with a scalpel has recently been used quite rarely.

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