Espumisan dosage. Espumisan for children: instructions for use

Instructions for use:

Espumisan is a medicine to reduce flatulence.

Composition and release form of the drug Espumisan

Espumisan is available in the following dosage forms:

  • Soft gelatin capsules yellow color, each of which contains an active ingredient - simethicone (40 mg). Additional components: glycerin, methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate. In blisters of 25 capsules.
  • Oral emulsion, 5 ml of which contains 40 mg of simethicone. Additional components: sodium cyclamate, purified water, saccharin sodium salt, hydrochloric acid, polysorbate 80, sodium carboxymethylcellulose, methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate, banana flavor, colloidal silicon dioxide. In bottles of 100 ml.

The following drugs are analogues of Espumisan: Kuplaton, Disflatil, Metsil Forte, Sub Simplex.

Pharmacological action of Espumisan

According to the instructions, Espumisan helps to reduce gas formation in the intestines. Simethicone, the main component of the drug, is a surfactant that helps to reduce the surface tension of gas bubbles in the gastrointestinal tract, which subsequently disintegrate. In this case, the released gases can be removed from the body due to intestinal motility, or be absorbed by its walls.

The use of Espumisan before diagnostic and surgical operations promotes a clearer image, as it removes gas bubbles, and also helps to more thoroughly irrigate the mucous membrane of the colon with a contrast agent, preventing the contrast film from bursting even in the case of intestinal distention.

Indications for the use of Espumisan

According to the instructions, Espumisan is indicated in the following cases:

  • Flatulence (bloating caused by the accumulation of a large amount of gas inside), including in patients in the postoperative period;
  • Before performing diagnostic or surgical procedures abdominal cavity;
  • Dyspepsia;
  • Airbrushing;
  • Remheld's syndrome.

Use the drug or analogues of Espumisan as a "defoamer" in case of poisoning with detergents, and also as an additive to the suspension of contrast agents in order to obtain a double contrast image.

According to reviews, Espumisan is effective for colic and flatulence in infants.

Dosing and Administration of Espumisan

For flatulence in adults, the dosage is 80 mg (two teaspoons of the emulsion or two capsules) three to five times a day.

Children between the ages of six and fourteen are usually prescribed the drug at a dose of 40-80 mg three to five times a day.

For children from birth to six years of age, Espumisan is allowed only in the form of an emulsion. The dosage is 40 mg (one teaspoon or 25 drops) three to five times per duck. For infants, the emulsion should be given with a bottle of food or immediately after a meal.

In case of poisoning with detergents, the drug is given in an amount of 50-100 ml for adults or 10-50 ml for children, depending on the severity of the poisoning.

To obtain a double contrast image, a drug in the form of an emulsion or an analogue of Espumisan is used at the rate of 20-40 ml per one liter of contrast suspension.

Before performing diagnostic or surgical operations, patients take 80 mg of the drug (two teaspoons or two capsules) three times a day one day before the operation, and 80 mg in the morning on an empty stomach on the day of the operation.

Contraindications Espumisan

The drug is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the main or additional components.

Side effect

According to reviews, Espumisan is well tolerated by patients. Minor allergic reactions can sometimes occur.

special instructions

If necessary, Espumisan may be taken for a long period of time.

Since the emulsion contains no sugar, it can be used by patients diabetes mellitus, as well as patients with digestive problems.

Storage conditions

The drug is stored in a dry place at room temperature for no longer than 36 months.

Children's intestinal colic can have many causes: from the immaturity of the digestive system and nervous system before allergic inflammation of the intestinal mucosa.

But pain, bloating, and rumbling with colic are most often the result of excess gas in the intestines. Therefore, regardless of the nature of each case, the treatment of all colic episodes includes antifoam agents.

These are drugs that remove accumulations of gas bubbles. The fact is that gases move through the intestines in the form of a thick, fine-bubble foam covered with mucus. Defoamers, like surfactants, reduce the surface tension at the liquid-gas interface, and the foam turns into a liquid and free gas, which is rapidly absorbed by the intestinal wall or exits through the rectum.

But not everyone medicinal product suitable for a small child!
Kids put forward their own, very special requirements. This is the highest level of safety, simplicity and ease of use (after all, you cannot offer an "adult" tablet or bitter powder to a newborn!), Low allergy, etc., etc.

Therefore, when choosing a drug for the treatment of infant colic, many mothers prefer Espumisan.

Espumisan ® is not absorbed in the intestine, acts only on gas bubbles in the intestinal lumen and is excreted unchanged along with feces. This means that by removing the accumulation of gas bubbles in the intestine, it has no effect on the body as a whole, i.e. has a high safety profile even for an immature baby's body.

Espumisan ® for children is available in two forms: Espumisan ® L and Espumisan ® baby 30 and 50 ml.

Espumisan ® baby is specially created for babies when it is important to minimize the number of drops of the drug per dose. After all, Espumisan ® baby - 5 drops per appointment * to help cope with colic in the baby. It contains the highest concentration of active ingredient among the pediatric forms of simethicone.

When the child grows up and it is not so important to minimize the number of drops per appointment, you can use the drug Espumisan ® L. Espumisan ® L - the same as Espumisan ® baby, only a little more drops are needed per appointment and it is more affordable **

From the composition of Espumisan - in any form - such auxiliary components of many drugs as lactose and sugar are completely excluded. Therefore, Espumisan ® can be used by both children with lactase deficiency and babies with diabetes.

Espumisan® baby and Espumisan® L help remove gas accumulations in the intestines and relieve babies from excruciating pain, thereby returning joy and comfort to the family.

It should be noted that getting rid of colic and bloating is not the only property of Espumisan. A thick foam of small gas bubbles completely covers the intestinal mucosa and prevents the absorption of food and drugs. By removing this foam, Espumisan ® helps to "open access" to the intestinal mucosa for other drugs. Therefore, perhaps, before starting to fight the cause that caused colic, it is necessary, with the help of Espumisan, to clear the intestines of gases. And in this case, other drugs will be absorbed and have their healing effect.

“Spreading over the surface of the intestinal mucus gas bubbles, Espumisan ® reduces the surface tension of the gas bubbles in the intestinal contents, leading to their rupture. The released gas is easily removed from the intestines. At the same time, due to the defoaming that has occurred, the processes of digestion and assimilation by the body are normalized nutrients... Since Espumisan ® is completely not absorbed in the intestines and excreted from the body unchanged, it can be used in children infancy and pregnant women "

Excipients: gelatin - 22.47 mg, glycerol 85% - 9.67 mg, methyl parahydroxybenzoate - 0.28 mg, quinoline yellow dye (E104) - 0.1 mg, sunset yellow dye (E110) - 0.0024 mg.

25 pcs. - blisters (1) - cardboard packs.
25 pcs. - blisters (2) - cardboard packs.
25 pcs. - blisters (4) - cardboard packs.

pharmachologic effect

Carminative. Active substance - simethicone has surface activity and the ability to reduce surface tension at the liquid / gas interface. In this case, gas bubbles merge and the foam breaks down, as a result of which the released gas is able to be absorbed or excreted naturally under the influence of intestinal peristalsis.

The use of the drug Espumisan for preparation for diagnostic studies prevents the occurrence of image defects caused by gas bubbles.


Simethicone is chemically inert, after oral administration is not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and acts only in its lumen.

Does not affect enzymes and microorganisms present in the digestive tract.

It is displayed unchanged.


- excessive formation and accumulation of gases in the gastrointestinal tract (flatulence, Remkheld syndrome, aerophagia, increased gas production in the postoperative period);

- preparation for diagnostic examinations of the abdominal cavity and small pelvis organs (including ultrasound,);

- symptoms of excessive gas formation caused by functional dyspepsia;

acute poisoning detergents containing foaming agents (as an antifoam agent).


intestinal obstruction;

- children under 6 years old;

- hypersensitivity to drug components.


When complaints related to excessive gas productionadults and children over 6 years old appoint 2 caps. 3-5 times / day, it is possible with a small amount of liquid, after each meal and, if necessary, before bedtime.

The duration of treatment depends on the presence of symptoms increased gassing... If necessary, the drug Espumisan can be used for a long period of time.

When preparation for diagnostic tests appoint 2 caps. 3 times / day the day before the study and in the morning of the study day 2 capsules without drinking water.

As an antifoam agent for detergents containing foaming agentssingle dose for adults is 10-20 caps., for children over 6 years old - 3-10 caps. in one go; the dose depends on the severity of the intoxication.

Side effects

There were no side effects when taking Espumisan.

Development possible allergic reactions on the auxiliary components of the drug.


An overdose of the drug Espumisan is unlikely due to the chemical and physiological inertness of the drug.

Drug interactions

Clinically significant interaction of the drug Espumisan with other drugs has not been established.

Espumisan is a drug that helps to reduce the phenomena of flatulence.

Release form and composition of Espumisan

Espumisan is available in the form of a white emulsion with a banana odor and in the form of yellow gelatin capsules, the main active ingredient of which is simethicone.

Excipients are:

  • emulsion: purified water, hyprolose, sodium cyclamate, sorbic acid, sodium saccharinate, banana flavor;
  • capsules: glycerol, gelatin, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, quinoline yellow dye, sunset yellow dye.

Pharmacological action of Espumisan

The drug has a carminative effect. Simethicone, which is its main active ingredient, is able to reduce the surface tension at the gas-liquid interface. As a result, gas bubbles merge, the foam is destroyed, and the released gas is absorbed or naturally excreted under the action of intestinal peristalsis.

The use of Espumisan in preparation for diagnostic studies prevents the appearance of image defects caused by gas bubbles.

After oral administration, simethicone is chemically inert, it is not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, it acts only in its lumen.

Espumisan does not interact with enzymes and microorganisms, does not affect the digestive processes and is excreted from the body unchanged.

Indications for the use of Espumisan

According to the instructions, Espumisan is used for:

  • accumulation and excessive formation of gases in the gastrointestinal tract (Remheld syndrome, flatulence, dyspepsia, advanced education gases in the postoperative period);
  • intestinal colic in infants;
  • preparation for diagnostic examinations conducted on the pelvic organs and abdominal cavity (X-ray, ultrasound, etc.), as an addition to contrast media when receiving an image with double contrast;
  • symptoms of excess gas formation, which is caused by functional dyspepsia;
  • poisoning with detergents containing foaming agents (as an antifoam agent).


According to the instructions, Espumisan cannot be prescribed when:

  • hypersensitivity to its constituent components;
  • intestinal obstruction;

and also in childhood up to 6 years (capsules).

Method of application and dosage of Espumisan

The drug is administered orally.

Espumisan capsules are taken after meals and at night (if necessary). They can be taken with water.

Emulsion Espumisan is taken during or after meals and at night (if necessary).

The bottle with the emulsion for dispensing drops should be held vertically with the opening down. Shake the bottle before use.

Dosage of the Espumisan emulsion:

With symptoms of flatulence:

  • children over 14 years old and adults - 3-5 times a day, 50 drops (2 ml);
  • children 6-14 years old - 3-5 times a day, 25-50 drops (1-2 ml);
  • children 1-6 years old - 3-5 times a day, 25 drops (1 ml);
  • for infants - the emulsion is added to a bottle with food in 25 drops (1 ml) or given to the child with a spoon before or after breastfeeding.

The duration of drug use is determined by the severity of the symptoms of flatulence. If necessary, the Espumisan emulsion is taken for a long time.

In preparation for ultrasound and X-ray of the abdominal cavity - the day before the procedure, 50 drops (2 ml) 3 times a day, on the day of the study in the morning - 50 drops (2 ml). Pin case of poisoning with detergents:

  • adults 1 / 3-2 / 3 bottle (10-20 ml);
  • children - 1/3 bottle (2.5-10 ml or 65 drops).

Dosage of Espumisan capsules:

  • With symptoms of excessive gas formation, children over 6 years old and adults - 3-5 times a day, 2 capsules. The duration of drug use is determined by the severity of the symptoms of flatulence. If necessary, Espumisan capsules are taken for a long time.
  • In preparation for diagnostic procedures - 3 times a day, 2 capsules the day before the study and on the day of the study in the morning - 2 capsules (do not drink water);
  • In case of poisoning with detergents: adults - 10-20 capsules once;children over 6 years old - 3-10 capsules once.

Side effects of Espumisan

According to reviews, Espumisan practically does not cause side effects.

Only allergic reactions to the excipients that make up the drug are possible.

Overdose with Espumisan

According to reviews of Espumisan, no cases of drug overdose were recorded.

An overdose of this agent is unlikely due to its physiological and chemical inertness.

Application during pregnancy and lactation

It is possible to use the drug during periods of pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Interaction with other drugs

Clinically significant interaction of Espumisan with any medicinal products has not been established.

special instructions

Espumisan can be taken in the postoperative period.

Since the drug does not contain sugar, it can be used in patients with diabetes mellitus.

People who have increased sensitivity to the components of Espumisan, hypersensitivity reactions of delayed and immediate types may occur.

If allergic reactions occur, you must immediately stop taking the drug and inform your doctor about it.

Taking the drug does not affect the speed of psychomotor reactions and the level of concentration.

Espumisan's analogs

The analogues of Espumisan are drugs such as Simethicone, Simikol, Disflatil, Antiflat Lannacher, Meteospazmil, Bobotik, Sab simplex.

Storage conditions Espumisan

Espumisan capsules and emulsion are stored at a temperature not exceeding 30 ° C.

P N012338 / 01 of 23.09.2011

Trade name of the drug

Espumisan® 40

International non-proprietary name


Dosage form Espumisan® 40

oral emulsion

Composition of Espumisan® 40

100 ml of emulsion contains:

Active substance:

simethicone - 0.800 g


methyl parahydroxybenzoate - 0.150 g, sodium carmellose - 2.100 g, polysorbate - 80 - 0.100 g, sodium cyclamate - 0.040 g, colloidal silicon dioxide - 0.024 g, sodium saccharinate - 0.006 g, banana flavoring - 0.200 g, hydrochloric acid 1M - 0 - 0.239 g, purified water - 97.361 g.

Description Espumisan® 40

A colorless or almost colorless cloudy liquid with an almost uniformly distributed suspended component, with a fruity odor.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: carminative

ATX code

Pharmacological properties

Espumisan® 40 - a drug that reduces the amount of gas in the intestines. The active ingredient, simethicone, has surfactant properties and the ability to reduce surface tension at the liquid-gas interface. In this case, gas bubbles merge and the foam breaks down, as a result of which the released gas is able to be absorbed or excreted naturally under the influence of intestinal peristalsis. The use of the drug Espumisana® 40 - in preparation for diagnostic studies, prevents the occurrence of image defects caused by gas bubbles.

Simethicone after oral administration is chemically inert, is not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) and acts only in its lumen. Does not interact with microorganisms and enzymes, and does not affect the digestion processes. It is displayed unchanged.

Indications for use Espumisan® 40

    excessive formation and accumulation of gases in the gastrointestinal tract: symptoms of flatulence (a feeling of fullness and overflow in the epigastric region, intestinal distention), aerophagia, dyspepsia;

    intestinal colic in newborns and infants;

    increased gas formation after operations;

    preparation for diagnostic examinations of the abdominal cavity and small pelvis organs (ultrasound, radiography, etc.), incl. as an additive to suspensions of contrast agents for obtaining images by the double contrast method;

    poisoning with tensides (including surfactants that are part of detergents) as an antifoam agent.

Contraindications Espumisan® 40

Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, intestinal obstruction.

Use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation

There is no need to be afraid of using the drug Espumisan® 40 during pregnancy and lactation.

Method of administration and dosage Espumisan® 40

Shake the bottle with the emulsion before use. For ease of dosing, a measuring spoon is attached to the package. A full scoop holds 5 ml (40 mg) of Espumisan® 40 emulsion.

The drug is taken orally during meals or after meals, if necessary, also at bedtime.

Espumisan® 40 can be added to a bottle of baby food / drink or given directly from a spoon before or after breastfeeding.

The duration of use depends on the severity of the symptoms. If necessary, Espumisan® 40 can be used for a long time.

With flatulence and colic:

To prepare for X-rays and ultrasound abdominal organs:

Assign 2 scoops 3 times a day the day before the study and 2 scoops in the morning on the day of the study.

As an additive to contrast medium suspensions:

To obtain an image by means of double contrast, add 4-8 scoops of the Espumisan® 40 emulsion per 1 liter of contrast mixture.

In case of poisoning with detergents the means are prescribed for adults in 10-20 measuring spoons (50-100 ml), for children - 2-10 measuring spoons (10-50 ml) of the Espumisan® 40 emulsion, depending on the severity of the poisoning.

Espumisan® 40 does not contain sugar and can be used by patients with diabetes mellitus.

Side effect

In some cases - individual intolerance to the components of the drug.


Overdose cases are not known.

Interaction with other medicinal products

No clinically significant interaction of Espumisan® 40 with other drugs has been established.

The effect of the drug on the ability to drive vehicles and control mechanisms

Espumisan® 40 does not affect the ability to drive vehicle and work requiring increased concentration of attention.

Release form

100 ml in a dark glass bottle with a screw cap.

1 bottle in a cardboard box with a measuring spoon and instructions for medical use drug.

Storage conditions

Store at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C. Do not freeze! Medicine Keep out of the reach of children!

Shelf life

Do not use after the expiry date indicated on the packaging!

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

Without recipe.

Manufacturer's name and address:

Berlin - Chemie AG Berlin - Chemie AG

Glienicker weg 125 Gliniker Veg 125

12489, Berlin, Germany 12489, Berlin, Germany

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