Ersefuril - instructions for use. Ersefuril - read the instructions for use "between the lines Ersefuril instructions for use suspension

An intestinal antiseptic, antidiarrheal medicine is Ersefuril. The instructions for use explain that suspension or syrup 4%, capsules or tablets 200 mg have bacteriostatic and bactericidal action.

Release form and composition

Ersefuril hard gelatin capsules with the powder contained inside are produced yellow color... 1 capsule contains 200 mg of nifuroxazide and auxiliary components: magnesium stearate (1.8 mg), sucrose (72 mg), corn starch (88 mg).

They also produce a suspension for oral administration of 4%, which is sometimes called a syrup or solution.

pharmachologic effect

Ersefuril is an intestinal antiseptic used to combat diarrhea. the main thing active substance drug - nifuroxazide, blocks some redox enzyme reactions in the cells of microorganisms. When used in therapeutic doses, it has a bacteriostatic effect, in high doses - bactericidal.

The drug is highly active against Campylobacter jejuni, Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp., Shigella spp .; Clostridium perfringens, Vibrio cholerae, pathogenic Vibrions and Vibrio parahaemolytique, Staphylococcus spp. Weakly sensitive to nifuroxazide: Citrobacter spp., Enterobacter cloacae and Proteus indologenes. Resistant to nifuroxazide: Klebsiella spp., Proteus mirabilis, Providencia spp., Pseudomonas spp. Ersefuril does not affect the saprophytic flora and does not cause dysbiosis. From the side of microorganisms, resistance to the drug is not observed.

Indications for use

What helps Ersefuril? Tablets or syrup are indicated for acute bacterial diarrhea, which is not accompanied by a general deterioration in the patient's condition, fever and intoxication.

Instructions for use

Ersefuril suspension

Inside, with acute diarrhea:

  • adults - 200 mg 4 times a day;
  • children (preferably in the form of a suspension) from 1 month to 2.5 years - 220-660 mg (1-3 scoops of suspension) in 2-3 doses;
  • over 2.5 years old - 1 measuring spoon 3 times a day.

The course is no more than 7 days.


The drug is intended only for oral administration by adults or children over the age of 6 years. Adults: 4 capsules (800 mg) per day, divided into 2-4 doses. Children over 6 years old: 3-4 capsules (600-800 mg) per day, divided into 2-4 doses. Duration of treatment: no more than 7 days.

See also: how to take an analogue for diarrhea.


Hypersensitivity to nitrofuran derivatives, children under 6 years of age. The use of the drug during pregnancy is possible if there are indications for Ersefuril - if the expected benefit from taking the drug outweighs the risk for the full development of the fetus.

The use of Ersefuril during lactation is not prohibited. Due to the presence of sucrose in Ersefuril, the drug is not recommended for persons suffering from glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome, fructose intolerance or sucrase-isomaltase deficiency.

Side effects

In reviews of Ersefuril it is reported that when taking medication, there may be allergic reactions from the body, such as urticaria, skin rash, Quincke's edema, rarely - anaphylactic shock.

Children, during pregnancy and breastfeeding

It is not recommended to take nifuroxazide during pregnancy as a precautionary measure (insufficient clinical experience with pregnancy). During the lactation period, it is possible to continue breastfeeding in the case of a short course of drug treatment.

Application in children

Capsules are contraindicated in children under 6 years of age.

special instructions

The composition of the drug contains sucrose, which must be taken into account when carrying out therapy in patients suffering from diabetes mellitus... When therapy with medication Ersefuril needs rehydration procedures.

The emergence of additional negative clinical manifestations in the form of a deterioration in the condition of the body, high temperature, symptoms of intoxication or other effects necessitates seeking advice from a treating specialist, a change in the tactics of therapy or the use of antibacterial agents systemic exposure.

The appearance of allergic reactions requires immediate discontinuation of the drug. During therapy with Ersefuril medication, the use of alcoholic beverages is unacceptable.

The drug does not have any effect on the ability of individuals to control mechanisms and devices (including vehicles) that require intensive use of the patient's cognitive abilities, and high level the speed of reactions of the psychomotor series.

Analogues of the drug Ersefuril

Analogs are determined by structure:

  1. Enterofuril.
  2. Nifuroxazide.
  3. Ekofuril.

Vacation conditions and price

The average cost of Ersefuril (200 mg capsules, 14 pieces) in Moscow is 427 rubles. Dispensing of the drug from pharmacies is carried out over the counter.

The medication remains usable for 5 years from the date of its release. Storage temperature - room temperature. The instruction prescribes to keep the drug Ersefuril in a dry place, inaccessible to children and protected from direct sunlight.

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Problem intestinal infection relevant for children of any age, but especially for preschoolers.In such a situation, many nuances arise:

  • medicine must be effective enough to cause clinical symptoms infectious disease disappeared quickly;
  • an equally important role is played by the safety of the drug in terms of the risk of developing systemic side effects and negative effects on the natural intestinal microflora;
  • for the parents of a small patient, a convenient form of drug release is important so that the child does not refuse to take the required dose.

Almost all these requirements are met by the drug "Ersefuril", the active ingredient of which is nifuroxazide. The instructions for use contain a detailed description of the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of this drug, but for parents the practical aspects and features of the action of this drug are more interesting.

When a remedy is prescribed and its mechanism of action

The active ingredient, nifuroxazide, is a representative of the nitrofuran group, which is also called intestinal antiseptics. In medium therapeutic concentrations, it has a bacteriostatic effect, in higher, close to borderline concentrations, it has a bactericidal effect. The mechanism of its action is to disrupt the processes of tissue respiration of the microbial cell and its subsequent death.

The active ingredient of the drug "Ersefuril" is quite aggressive towards most pathogens of gram-positive and gram-negative intestinal infections, such as staphylococcus aureus, salmonella, shigella, pseudomonas, klebsiella, that is, precisely those that most often cause the development of diarrhea in childhood... To a lesser extent, the drug "Ersefuril" is effective against pseudomonas and proteus, however, these microbial agents cause a rather severe course of intestinal infection, which requires the appointment of systemic antimicrobial agents.

An important advantage of Ersefuril is its metabolic neutrality. Nifuroxazide is practically not absorbed through the intestinal mucosa, but acts only inside its cavity, where the largest number of microbial cells is located. A significant part of the drug is excreted in the feces unchanged, bypassing the liver and others. internal organs... The rest of the metabolites of the drug "Ersefuril" are inactive and are excreted in the urine. These features allow the use of this medication in children with chronic diseases kidney and liver.

Reviews of the active ingredient of the drug "Ersefuril" on numerous Internet resources are quite contradictory. A fairly large number of mothers who use nifuroxazide as an effective and safe remedy for any intestinal infection in a child of any age. On the other hand, a considerable number of parents speak out negatively about the results of treating the symptoms of intestinal infection with this drug.

Children's doctor Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky is also quite skeptical about the active substance of the drug "Ersefuril". In his books, he writes about the lack of proven effectiveness of the active substance nifuroxazide, as well as about the limitation of its use in children's practice in many Western countries. However, Dr. Komarovsky does not deny the possibility effective application the drug "Ersefuril" for a number of intestinal infections.


The indication for the appointment of the drug "Ersefuril" is almost any intestinal infection. It is this remedy that is quite neutral in relation to tissues and organs human body, can be used as a first-line drug when the exact pathogen is not known.Among the indications, the most significant:

  • diarrhea of \u200b\u200binfectious genesis in children of any age;
  • chronic colitis and enterocolitis;
  • complex treatment of intestinal dysbiosis.

Like any other antimicrobial agent, before taking the drug "Ersefuril" there, you need to consult a doctor and get a prescription.


They are quite traditional and few in number. These include:

  • hypersensitivity to nitrofurans and other drug components;
  • the presence of allergic reactions in the child's history to any nitrofurans.

The limited list of contraindications makes it possible to use Ersefuril with confidence in most children of any age.

Release form

The pharmaceutical company producing the drug "Ersefuril" produces two forms of it: capsules and suspension. Gelatin capsules reliably preserve the active substance from the damaging effect of gastric juice, thus, the drug begins to act where it is needed - in the intestinal lumen.

A suspension with a pleasant banana flavor is more suitable for babies who cannot swallow a large enough capsule.


The minimum course of treatment with Ersefuril is 5-7 days. The dosage is determined by the age of the little patient. The capsule contains 200 mg of the active substance, daily throughout the course of treatment, a single dose of this drug is taken in the morning and evening.

The measuring spoon attached to contains contains 5 ml of liquid form, equivalent to 220 mg of active ingredient.

Side effects

It is unlikely and rather few in number. These include:

  • moderate abdominal pain, nausea, provocation of diarrhea;
  • allergic reactions (in the form of a skin rash and itching, extremely rarely - an attack of suffocation).

Do not use the drug "Ersefuril" in children with lactase deficiency, as this drug contains lactose.


An analogue is all means with the active ingredient "nifuroxazide". The most common are:

  • Stopdiar
  • Ekofuril
  • Enterofuril

In favor of the drug "Ersefuril" is a solid reputation of the French pharmaceutical company - the manufacturer, which confirms the quality of the drug.

How to store the product

There are no particularly complex requirements. It is necessary to store the drug "Ersefuril" (any form of release) in a dry place at room temperature.

Good day!Today my review is about effective means with diarrhea of \u200b\u200bbacterial genesis - about

I have been familiar with this drug for several years. I first learned about it five years ago, when our family was completely mowed down by an intestinal virus, including my six-month-old son. The state of all was worse than ever. Vomiting, diarrhea, high fever. Moreover, the diarrhea was unbridled. The main thing was not to run, but to convey. Ersefuril came to the rescue. This 200mg nifuroxazide based drug has helped all of us within a few days. I felt a tangible effect on myself after taking the first capsule. Since then, Ersefuril has always been in our home medicine cabinet, because there is no immunity to rotavirus infections, and you can get infected with it again and again, especially if your family has children. True, the intestinal virus should flow in subsequent times already in more easy form... But nevertheless, one cannot do without Ersefuril.

Basic information

Name - Ercefuryl

Active substance - Nifuroxazide (Nifuroxazidum)

A07AX03 Nifuroxazide (ATX)

Analogs According to the active substance, Ersefuril is Nifuroxazide, Stopdiar and Enterofuril.Maybe there are some more. So far I am only familiar with these means.

You can read a detailed comparison of Ersefuril and Enterofuril.

Manufacturer - Sanofi aventis (Sanofi Aventis), France

6 Boulevard de l'Europ, 21800, Ketigny, France.

The barcode information confirms that Ersefuril is manufactured in France. The first three digits 358 in the barcode indicate exactly this European country.

Release form

Ersefuril in production only as capsules in one single dosage of 200 mg.

The capsules are packed in a blister of 14 pieces.

Depending on the number of plates included in the package, Ersefuril is sold in packs of 14 or 28 capsules. I usually take the top-of-the-range packaging right away.

The blister is made of PVC and aluminum foil.

Contains number 1 yellow gelatin capsules, consisting of two parts.

The capsules are impressive in size, but I had no problem swallowing them.

Inside the capsule - the smallest powder of bright yellow color.

The cost

The purchase includes detailed instructions to the drug and the stated number of capsules.

Recently, due to the growth of the euro rate, the price of Ersefuril in pharmacies has jumped significantly. So a pack of 14 capsules as of October 2015 in online pharmacies is in the area 500 rubles, from 28 - around 800 rubles.
As mentioned above, I try to always buy Ersefuril in the amount of 28 capsules. It is also economically beneficial in terms of the cost of one capsule and you do not need to run to the pharmacy all the time.


The composition of Ersefuril is the quantitative ratio of nifuroxazide and excipients. The dosage of this or that component is given in the instructions in milligrams.

Pharmacological properties and metabolism

Ersefuril is an antimicrobial agent.

Indications for use

Acute bacterial diarrhea without worsening general condition, increased body temperature, intoxication (in addition to the adequate severity of diarrhea, rehydration by ingestion of fluids and electrolytes by mouth or, if necessary, their on / in the introduction).

I resort to Ersefuril's help every time I understand that the work of my gastrointestinal tract is disturbed by the action of pathogenic microbes:
  • with diarrhea - only if it is unbridled or accompanied by an increase in temperature,
  • with vomiting - in any, even a single case.

By the way, a characteristic phenomenon in rotavirus infection, in addition to disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, is even a slight reddening of the throat. After all, it is transmitted by airborne droplets.This is its main difference from banal poisoning.

In case of usual poisoning or diarrhea on a nervous basis, Imodium or Loperamide will help restore the correct functioning of the intestines.


  • hypersensitivity to nitrofuran derivatives or any excipients of the drug;
  • pregnancy;
  • fructose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome or sucrase and isomaltase deficiency (due to the presence of sucrose in the preparation);
  • children under 6 years of age.

For children with similar symptoms usually Enterofuril is prescribed in the form of a suspension. This medicine is also always present in our medicine cabinet.

Method of administration and dosage

Usually, the doctor prescribes Ersefuril for adults according to the following scheme:
  • 4 tablets daily for 5 days.

To be honest, I take Ersefuril differently, 4 or 3 tablets a day before the first successful trip to the toilet, i.e. no more than 2-3 days. But all organisms are different, and it is better to drink this intestinal antibiotic for the prescribed amount of time in order to consolidate the result, especially if rotavirus infection accompanied by high temperature and vomiting.

Side effects and overdose

Allergic reactions such as skin rashes, urticaria, Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock.

For how many years I have been using this drug, it has never caused any side effects in me.

Application during pregnancy and during breastfeeding

special instructions

Shelf life and storage conditions

The shelf life of Ersefuril, in my opinion, is very long. It is as much as 5 years!During this time, it will not be difficult to use the tool.

The expiration date is indicated on the packaging of the medicinal product.

Diarrhea can be treated in two ways: by acting on the intestinal walls and sphincter muscles to retain feces, or by suppressing the influence of microbes and bacteria that disrupt microflora and peristalsis. Ersefuril is a drug with a second effect that helps to quickly and effectively stop diarrhea, reduce pain and ease the patient's condition.

Clinical and pharmacological group

Ersefuril is an antidiarrheal drug that belongs to the group of intestinal antiseptics. That is, it does not affect the muscles, but inhibits the vital activity of harmful bacteria.

Composition and form of release

Ersefuril capsules are available in blister packs of 14 pieces. The gelatinous shell of the capsule, like the powder inside, is yellow. One tablet contains:

  • nifuroxazide - 200 mg;
  • magnesium stearate - 1.8 mg;
  • sucrose - 72 mg;
  • corn starch - 88 mg.

This composition provides the capsule with a quick passage through digestive tractabsorbed in the small and large intestine. According to the instructions for use, the Ersefuril tablet begins to act in 2-3 hours.

pharmachologic effect

The active substance Ersefuril acts on pathogenic bacteria in the intestines, inhibiting their activity and removing them along with feces. Due to the bactericidal action of the drug, mucus and intestinal microflora are normalized, peristalsis is stabilized.

At the same time, the tablets do not affect the beneficial bacteria in the intestine, therefore Ersefuril does not require concurrent intake of probiotics or therapeutic recovery of the body after treatment.

Indications for use

To make the treatment of gastrointestinal tract disorders and subsequent diarrhea safe and effective, the doctor takes into account the indications for their use when prescribing drugs. Ersefuril is prescribed in case of bacterial diarrhea, which is characterized by acute stage leakage.

Most often Ersefuril is part of complex treatmentalthough it is sometimes prescribed separately from other drugs. Only a doctor can determine the nature and scope of methods for eliminating diarrhea. Patient reviews cannot be an argument for the appointment of treatment or influence it.

Dosage and duration of treatment

The daily norm of the drug Ersefuril for treatment acute diarrhea in an adult should be 800 mg. That is, you need to take capsules 1 pc. 4 times a day.

For a child from 6 to 12 years old, the norm is 600 mg of nifuroxazide, so you need to give him 1 capsule 3 times a day.

The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor, based on the characteristics of the disease and test results, but according to the instructions, it should not be longer than 7 days.

Mode of application

Ersefuril capsules are intended for oral use. It should be swallowed whole with plenty of water. In this case, the drug is drunk regardless of meals.

The pharmacological effect of Ersefuril occurs within two days. If the patient does not feel better, and the diarrhea continues in the same volume, you should consult a doctor and adjust the treatment.

Pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy and lactation, the use of Ersefuril is contraindicated. In exceptional cases, when the expected effect is more important than the possible consequences for the mother and fetus, capsules can be taken under medical supervision.

special instructions

To maintain the water and electrolyte balance in the body during the treatment of diarrhea with Ersefuril capsules, it is worth increasing the amount of fluid consumed.

Information about Ersefuril's interactions with others medicines no, but to maintain the effectiveness of treatment, it is important to maintain a sufficient time interval between pills.

Ersefuril does not affect concentration and driving ability.


Taking into account the contraindications before prescribing Ersefuril will protect the patient from possible side effects or negative consequences of treatment. Capsules are not prescribed in such cases:

  • child's age up to 6 years;
  • intolerance to fructose;
  • hypersensitivity of the body to the components of the drug.

In the presence of any of them, treatment of acute diarrhea should be carried out with drugs that do not contain nifuroxazide.

Side effects

Among possible consequences treatment with Ersefuril, minor allergic reactions may occur, expressed in nausea and skin rash. If their degree exceeds the tolerable limits, it is important to inform the doctor about it and to reconsider the features of treatment.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

Ersefuril is approved for free sale in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription.

Storage conditions and periods

You can store Ersefuril capsules for no more than 5 years in a dry and dark place out of the reach of children. The air temperature should not exceed 30 degrees.

When using the drug Ersefuril for the treatment of children, the instructions for use must be followed, since this antimicrobial, antidiarrheal medication has a number of contraindications and possible side reactions.

Intestinal infection symptoms

It is possible to use Ersefuril for children only if children's diarrhea has an infectious etiology, caused by gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria:

  • Staphylococcus (Latin Staphylococcus);
  • Salmonella (lat. Salmonella);
  • Pseudomonas (lat.Pseudomonas);
  • Shigella (lat. Shigella);
  • Streptococcus (lat.Streptococcus)

The indications for the use of Ersefuril for the treatment of children are as follows: intestinal infection, provoking diarrhea, possibly fever, vomiting, nausea. In addition, symptoms such as fever, migraine, and abdominal pain may appear.

Description of the drug

Ersefuril is not an antibiotic, it is an antimicrobial drug, the result of its use is the prevention and treatment of diarrhea.


Ersefuril has an antibacterial effect, it acts with active substances on the harmful intestinal microflora, which causes disturbances. The drug stops the destructive action of bacteria, blocking their oxidative reactions and the possibility of development, reproduction in the intestinal cavity. By neutralizing bacteria, the antiseptic preparation does not adversely affect the normal intestinal microflora and the body as a whole.


The main active substance the drug is Nifuroxazide, which is part of the nitrofuran group. These are preparations of the group of intestinal antiseptics.

The medication belongs to the group of antimicrobials, it is offered on sale in the form of hard gelatin capsules, inside of which there is a yellow powder.

Active substance: 1 capsule of Ersefuril contains Nifuroxazide 200 mg.

Excipients: corn starch, sucrose, cellulose, magnesium stearate.

Indications for the appointment of Ersefuril to children

The child most often has weak immune system, therefore, intestinal disorders, gastrointestinal tract infections proceed quite difficult, accompanied by various complications. The drug will be effective only in the treatment of infectious diarrhea, colic, constipation and any other disorders of the gastrointestinal tract Ersefuril is not effective for children.

The advantage of using Ersefuril is its wide range action, lack of addiction to the drug. For the baby, it does not cause any complications, due to the fact that it is practically not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and does not penetrate into organs and tissues, more than 99% of the taken drug remains in the intestine, creating a high concentration and effective effect on bacteria. Ersefuril is excreted from the baby's body with feces.

Instructions for use

The drug is prescribed for children, but it must be used very carefully, since the active active ingredient can harm the body of a small patient. When taking Ersefuril, the instruction must be followed, taking into account the recommendations of the attending physician.

Ersefuril is available only in capsule form, and in this dosage form it is used in children over 6 years of age. For the treatment of children under 6 years of age, a suspension is prescribed. However, Ersefuril suspension is not produced by the manufacturer, there is an analogue that is absolutely identical in composition, pharmacological properties, and even similar in name - Enterofuril. Only the manufacturer, the form of release and the cost, which is much lower, differ.

You can make Ersefuril suspension for children at home. To do this, you need to dilute the powder from the capsule in warm boiled water, it is allowed to add a little sugar, such a solution will be drunk with great pleasure by children!

Dosage and methods of administration

Children are prescribed to take the remedy throughout the day, evenly distributing the daily dosage. The course of taking the drug should be no more than 7 days. Healing effect achieved after the first hours of use. Take orally, regardless of food intake.

The dosage directly depends on the age of the baby and the severity of the disease.

Ersefuril for children, instructions:

  • From 6 years to 14 years - 3-4 caps / day (600-800 mg), divided into 2-4 doses;
  • From 14 years old - 200 mg 4 times a day.

With bacterial diarrhea, concomitant rehydration is necessary to prevent dehydration in the child.


The remedy is quite safe, but it has a few contraindications for use:

  • Individual intolerance to nitrofurans;
  • Allergic reaction to drug components.

Due to the minimum list of contraindications, doctors often prescribe Ersefuril. Before taking the medicine, you will need to conduct a quantitative analysis of enzymes, in case of deficiency - Ersefuril is not recommended for children.

Side effect

Emergence side effects almost impossible, but in rare cases, the following symptoms may appear:

  • Rash and itching on the skin;
  • Nausea;
  • Abdominal pain.


Ersefuril medication for the treatment of children with symptoms of intestinal infection has the following analogues:

  • Enterofuril - the composition and mechanism of action completely coincide. Commercially available as a suspension with added banana flavor;
  • Nifuroxazide Richter;
  • Stopdiar;
  • Ekofuril.

All analogues are medicines of the nifuroxazide group, they have a common active ingredient and pharmaceutical characteristics, the difference is only in price and manufacturer.

A significant advantage in choosing Ersefuril for children is the reliability and safety provided by the reputation of the French manufacturer.

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