Injection of lidase in the scar. How to breed lidase for intramuscular injections

Preparations with proteolytic activity are used to treat various diseases. Their therapeutic efficacy is associated with the ability of the medication to influence collagen cartilage, split necrotic tissue, to disperse a viscous secret, exudate and blood clots. It should also be noted that such medicines are actively used in sclerodermia, hematomas, ankylosing spondylitrite, etc. In addition, the measures mentioned improve the absorption of injection solutions, local anesthetics and radiocontrase substances.

The most striking representative of such drugs is "Lidase". Reviews of the effectiveness of this medication will be described in the end of the article. Also, in it, you will find information about what form you produce a mentioned medicine, whether he has contraindications, etc.

Composition and form of medicinal

The medicine under consideration is manufactured using cattle seeds (large). This drug includes enzyme hyaluronidase, as well as additional substances.

Currently, this tool is produced in several forms:

  • powder designed for outdoor use;
  • solution of "lidase", or rather the lyophilisate for its preparation; It can be used for both injections and local application;
  • the lyophilisate designed to prepare a solution (for local and outdoor use).

It is impossible not to say that some doctors are prescribed to their patients and candles with "Lidase." However, it should be borne in mind that such suppositories are not produced on an industrial scale. They can be ordered in a pharmacy according to a special medical recipe.


All listed forms of medication in Moscow pharmacies can be purchased without a medical recipe (with the exception of candles). But before you buy such a drug, you should understand what is prescribed from it and how it acts.

According to the instructions, it is an enzyme medicine isolated from cattle seeds (large). It is able to split such an element of intermediate tissue intermediate, as hyaluronic acid. By the way, the latter is a mucopolysaccharide. It consists of glucuronic acid and acetylglucosamine. These components are cementing tissue substances. The medication under consideration is able to reduce its viscosity, increase the vascular and tissue permeability, as well as facilitate the movement of the fluid in the interstitial spaces. In addition, the injections of "Lidase" reduce the edema of the tissues, soften and scars flatten, increase the volume articular movementsReduce the contracture and prevent their formation.

The duration of this drug with intradermal administration is 2 days.

Indications for the use of drug

The drug "Lidase" can be used to treat a variety of diseases, as well as eliminating specific symptomatics. According to the instructions, this medication is assigned at:

  • tuging joints;
  • scars of various origin (postoperative, traumatic or burns);
  • osteoarthritis;
  • prolonged ulcers;
  • chronic tendovaging;
  • skin diseases, including sclerodermia;
  • the contractures of the joints that arose after inflammation or injuries;
  • hydrocephaliya;
  • ankylosing spondyloarthritis;
  • diseases that affect lumbar departments spine;
  • retinopathy;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • hyphem;
  • inflammation of respiratory upper pathswhich is accompanied by obstruction;
  • nevetubit, plexitis;
  • gematomoma of soft tissues (on the surface);
  • hemophthalm.


After purchasing a medicine in Moscow pharmacies or other cities of Russia, it is necessary to familiarize themselves with the instructions. According to it, the enzyme preparation is not recommended for:

  • inflammatory I. infectious diseases acute character;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the ingredients;
  • preceding hemorrhage;
  • in a minor age.
  • acute character.

To carry out inhalation procedures "Lidase" contraindicated patients with:

  • malignant tumor;
  • regular heaming;
  • incessant bleeding;
  • respiratory failure;
  • tuberculosis of any form;
  • pulmonary bleeding;
  • hemorrhage B.

Mode of application

How should I enter the "Lidase" medicine? The consumer will not answer the answer to the question. You need to contact the doctor.

The medicine is administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly. In the first case, the injection is done directly under the rubber, and in the second - as close as possible to the affected area.

The dosage of this medicine is 1 ml of once a day for 20 days.

With ophthalmic diseases, treatment is carried out by electrophoresis, as well as by instilcing a 0.1 percent solution into the eyes. In this case, "Lidaz" combined with an antibiotic.

With tuberculosis and respiratory diseases, medication is recommended to be used in the form of injections or inhalations.

In the gynecological practice of "lidase" is used in the form of candles and injections. Suppositories (1 piece) are introduced into the vagina once a day every 2 days. Course therapy - 10 administrations.

If necessary, use the dressings using a special solution of "lidase". How to breed this medication? It is diluted with boiled water, as well as 10 ml of 9 percent sterile sodium chloride solution. These components are mixed in the tank where the bandage is placed hereinafter. After that, it is imposed on the affected area, and on top are placed and fixed by a bandage.


Can cause side effects drug "Lidase"? Consumer feedback Quite often contains information that the medication under consideration is moved well, including with a high sensitivity of the patient and the complex form of the disease.

In very rare cases, this tool may contribute to the development of an allergic reaction, which manifests itself in the form of skin lesions.

on one bottle

Lidases - 725 me.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Other hematological means. Enzymes. PBX code:B06AA03.

pharmachologic effect

The drug contains hyaluronidase as an active substance. A specific substrate of hyaluronidase is hyaluronic acid. The latter is a mucopolysaccharide, which includes acetylglucosamine and glucroy acid. Hyaluronic acid has a high viscosity; Its biological significance is mainly in the fact that it is a "cementing" substance of connective tissue. Hyaluronizada causes a decay of hyaluronic acid to glucosamine and glucuronic acid (the enzyme causes a rupture of bonds between C1 acetylglucosamine and C4 glucuronic acid). Due to which the viscosity of hyaluronic acid decreases. This leads to an increase in tissue permeability and facilitates the diffusion of liquids in the interstitial space; Reduces the edema of the tissue, softens and seals the scars, increases the volume of movements - in the joints. The effect of hyaluronizes is reversible - with a decrease in its concentration, the viscosity of hyaluronic acid is restored.

Indications for use

Lidase is used as an aid: to increase the absorption and distribution of other drugs with an injection path of administration (with the exception of intravenous injections); To improve the suction of the fluid during its subcutaneous infusion; As a supplement to improve the resorption of radiocontrase agents during their subcutaneous administration.

Method of application and dosing mode

Application in Tzodlayers, children and elderly patients

To improve suctionbones in its subcutaneous infusion: 725 ME Hyaluronidase dissolved in 1 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution or in 1 ml of 0.5% novocaine solution is administered under the skin before subcutaneous infusion of fluid into the same area, or administered during subcutaneous infusion to the latex section of the infusion system (injection unit ). 725 ME Hyaluronidase is enough to introduce 250-500 ml of most liquids.

Subcutaneous or intramuscular injections: 725 ME hyaluronidases are dissolved directly in the solution for injection.

To increase the suction and distribution of local anesthetics: 725 ME hyaluronidases are mixed with a solution of local anesthetic.

Hyaluronidase powder is dissolved immediately before use. It is recommended to check the compatibility of the solutions of the main drug and hyaluronidase. As in all cases parenteral infusion therapy, permanent monitoring of the patient's condition, compliance necessary measures Precautions for restoring water and electrolyte balance, as in intravenous infusions. Dose, infusion speed and type of solution ( saline, glucose, Ringer's solution, etc.) should be carefully adjusted with regard to a particular patient. With subcutaneous administration of solutions devoid of inorganic electrolytes, hypovolemia may develop. Its development can be prevented by solutions containing a sufficient amount of inorganic electrolytes, as well as by proper control of the volume and the rate of fluid administration.

In elderly patients, the speed and volume of administration should not exceed the volume and the rate of administration of solutions introduced intravenously.

In patients with S. traumatic lesions Plexes and peripheral nerves (shoulder plexitis after injury, traumatic mononeurite and others) The drug is administered subcutaneously into the area of \u200b\u200bthe affected nerve (725 ME hyaluridase in 1 ml of 0.5% novocaine solution) every other day. The course of treatment consists of 12-15 injections. If necessary, it is possible to repeat the course of treatment.

To improve the resorption of radiocontrase drugs in their subcutaneous administration:in the position of lying the patient is introduced hyaluronidase (725 me in 1 ml of 0.5% novocaine solution) to each shovel with subsequent introduction contrast substance In the same areas.

With electrophoresis 725 ME hyaluronidases are dissolved in 30 ml of distilled water, 4-5 drops of 0.1% solution of hydrochloric acid are added.

Side effect

In the hypodermoclideration may occur swelling. There are rare messages about the occurrence of allergic reactions, including heavy, including anaphylaxis. Rarely: irritation at the place of administration, infection, bleeding of bruises.

In case of occurrence adverse Reactions, including those not specified in this manual, you need to consult a doctor.


Hypersensitivity, malignant neoplasms, acute inflammatory and infectious diseases, pulmonary bleeding and hemoplary, pulmonary tuberculosis with respiratory failure, fresh hemorrhages in vitreous body. Not applied to intravenous injections.


Overdose cases were observed.

Precautionary measures

Before starting treatment, it is advisable to carry out a skin test for sensitivity to hyaluronidase. Skin test It is produced by intradermal injection in a dose of 0.02 ml of the solution of the preparation (during dilution in 1 ml of sodium solution chloride or 1 ml of 0.5% novocaine solution). A positive reaction is manifested in the form of a blister formation with pseudopods for 5 minutes, is maintained for from 20 to 30 minutes and is accompanied by a localized itch. Transient expansion blood vessels At the injection site (erythema) is not a positive reaction.

Do not be introduced into the zones of infectious inflammation and tumor. Caution is prescribed in combination with other drugs (possibly unproked the amplification of adsorption and an increase in system action).

It is necessary to stop injections of lidase in the development of sensitization. Hyaluronidase should not be used to increase the suction of dopamine and / or alpha adrenergic agonists. Hyaluronidase should not be administered to the hearth or in close proximity to the focus of infection or acute inflammation Due to the danger of the spread of localized infection. Haluronidase should not be used to reduce edema during insect bite. Haluronidase should not be applied directly to the cornea. Hyaluronidase should not be administered intravenously, as it is quickly inactivated.

With the introduction of any other drug with lidase, it is necessary to take into account the appropriate precautions. For example, for joint administration Adrenaline with lidase should take into account the possible side effects of adrenaline in patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases, diseases thyroid gland, diabetes, with impaired innervation of fingers, ischemia of fingers and legs, etc.

Application during beverment and lactation

During pregnancy and during lactation, the drug is used only in cases where the intended benefit for the mother exceeds possible risk For a fetus or baby.

Influence on the ability to control vehicles and otherpotentially dangerous mechanisms

Manufacturer: RUE "BelMEDPreparats" Republic of Belarus

PBX code: B06AA03

Farm Group:

Release form: Liquid medicinal forms. Injection.

General characteristics. Structure:

Active ingredient: enzyme hyaluronidase (64 ya in 1 vial).

Pharmacological properties:

Pharmacolinamics. The drug contains hyaluronidase as an active substance. A specific hyaluronidase substrate is hyaluronic acid: the enzyme causes a break between C1 acetylglucosamine and C4 glucuronic acid.

The drug reduces the viscosity of hyaluronic acid. Increases the permeability of tissues, improves their trophic, increases the elasticity of scarged sections, contributes to the resorption by the hematoma, eliminate, increases the mobility of the joints. Facilits diffusion of liquids in the interstitial space ("distribution factor").

The action of hyaluronidase is reversible: with a decrease in its concentration, the viscosity of hyaluronic acid is restored. With intradermal administration, the duration of the preparation is 48 hours.

Indications for use:

The main indications of the use of lidase are contractures of joints, scars after and operations, ankylosing spondylitrite, traumatic damage to plexus and peripheral nerves (plexitis,), severe lumbar diseases.

In the eye practice, lidase is used for a more subtle scarring of the affected areas of the cornea. They are also injected under the skin of the temple during retinopathies, under the conjunctiva, retrobulberno, in the vitreous body with hemorrhages with patients with tuberculosis of the lungs with the productive character of inflammation are prescribed to lidase in the form of injections and inhalations in complex therapy To increase the concentration of antibacterial substances in lesion foci.

Lidase is prescribed to accelerate suction medicinal substancesintroduced under the skin and intramuscularly (local anesthetics, muscle relaxants, isotonic solutions, etc.).

Important! Get acquainted with treatment

Method of use and dose:

Lidase is a specially purified preparation, suitable for parenteral (subcutaneous, intramuscular) and inhalation. For injection, the contents of the vial are dissolved in 1 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution or 1 ml of 0.5% novocaine solution, for inhalation - in 5 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution.

When used with the aim of therapy in contractures of joints, scars, ankylosing spondylitrite, tendovagint, hematoma, etc. The lidase solution (64 yes in 1 ml) is introduced near the place of lesion under the skin or under the hand-changed tissue. Injections are produced daily or every other day; The course of treatment consists of 6-10-15 and more injections. Therapeutic effect It is manifested by the softening of scars, advent of mobility in the joints, eliminating or decreasing contractures, resorption by hematoma; The effect is more pronounced in initial stages pathological process.

In patients with traumatic lesions of plexuses and peripheral nerves (shoulder plexitis, traumatic mononeurite, etc.), the drug is administered subcutaneously into the area of \u200b\u200baffected nerve (64 ya in the novocaina solution) every other day; On the course of the injection. The course of treatment is repeated if necessary.

Patients with a tuberculosis of the lungs with the productive character of inflammation of the lidase are prescribed in the form of inhalations, which are carried out daily, once a day, applying 5 ml of solution (64 ya). The course of treatment consists of 20-25 inhalations. If necessary, conduct repeated courses with intervals of 1.5-2 months. In addition, this group of patients are prescribed to lidase in the form of injections. For injections, 1 ml of solution (64 ya) is administered under the skin or intramuscularly daily or every other day. Course treatment - 10-20 injections.

Features of application:

Before using the drug, it is necessary to test the sensitivity test to hyaluronidase (intracutaneously 0.02 ml of the drug should be introduced). Should not be administered to the lidase in the infection zone, acute inflammation, tumors; Caution is prescribed in combination with other drugs (possibly unproked the amplification of adsorption and an increase in system action). It is not recommended to combine with estrogen. During pregnancy I. breastfeeding Used only in case of extreme need.

Side effects:

The drug is usually well tolerated. In some cases, allergic reactions may occur, pain and infiltrates are possible at the injection site. Very rarely, when applying the drug may occur.

Interaction with other drugs:

Lidase improves the absorption of drugs administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly, accelerates anesthesia when introducing local anesthetics.


The use of lidase is contraindicated with an increased individual sensitivity to the drug, malignant neoplasms, acute inflammatory and infectious diseases, pulmonary bleeding and hemoptysis, pulmonary tuberculosis with respiratory failure, fresh hemorrhages in the vitreous body.


Symptoms:, and hypotension, local edema, erythema.

Treatment: administration of adrenaline, glucocorticoids; The use of antihistamine drugs.

Leave terms:

Without recipe


The powder is lyophilized for the preparation of a solution for injection 64ow in bottles in packing No. 5.

Injections of the drug Lidasa are in demand in modern therapy For treatment wide spectrum diseases, especially tuberculosis. The medicine is particularly specific, so requires careful following the recommendations and appointments of the doctor.

According to the instructions, the injections are appointed only by a specialist, strictly for medical reasons. The pharmacies are issued without a recipe (except for Longidase candles). What is this drug, and at what ailion it is used how?

Description of medication

Ampoules with lidase.

The medication is produced in the form of a lyophilisate from which a solution for injection and other use, powder and suppositories is prepared. All species of forms are performed only according to the direction of the doctor. The main substance is hyaluronidase, the rest includes only auxiliary elements.

The medication is manufactured mainly from the enzymes extracted from bovine seed glands.

pharmachologic effect

The medicine affects the body as follows:

  • Splitting and decreased by the viscosity of hyaluronic acid - the prevailing element in connecting tissueshaving a binding effect;
  • increasing the conductivity of the body tissues;
  • providing free liquid movement in emerkane cavities;
  • reduction of tissue swelling;
  • softening and placing scars;
  • creates an opportunity for greater freedom of the articular movement;
  • reducing contractures and blocking their appearance.

What diagnosis is the lidase apply?

The drug has an extensive effect, and therefore can be used for healing and relief symptomatic manifestations A number of diseases:

  • Scars from burns, various injuries, operations;
  • non-over time ulcers;
  • contractures Dupyutrena, articular;
  • reduced articular mobility;
  • various diseases of the vertebrates in the lumbar department;
  • tendovaginitis in chronic form;
  • sclerodermia;
  • hematomic formations on tissues;
  • preparatory stage Before surgical removal scar skin formations (also deposition);
  • chakhotka (with atypical bronchial changes);
  • inflammation in the organs of the respiratory system, bronchi with the occurrence of obstruction;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • injuries of nerve knots, peripheral nerves;
  • an increase in the absorption of introducing medicines;
  • eliminate supeaches of uterine pipes;
  • retinopathy of different types and many others.


  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • diseases of infectious and / or inflammatory nature;
  • feeding with breast milk;
  • bleeding occurring in the near past;
  • inhalation therapy, the use of a drug with significant respiratory failure is not allowed;
  • hemorrhages in the lungs ,;
  • intercurrent diseases in the acute phase;
  • ill-quality formations;
  • breaking the capillary in the eye that happened recently;
  • active course of receiving hormone estrogen.

Concerning side Effects, they, as studies show, are rarely manifested in patients. As a rule, it is allergic reactions and local irritation.

The drug increases the absorption of other medicines administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly, and also increases the efficiency of local anesthetics.

Medicinal use options

Sick people tend to have questions about the instructions for use of injections: how to breed when and how much to prick.

With intramuscular use, the medical agent is bred in 0.9% salt solution (and with inhalation therapy) or 0.5% prin.

For the treatment of scar formations, a medicine should be administered in the amount of 64 conventional units (1 ml) under the skin (under the scars) or inside the muscle (next to the affected place) every day or a little less often. The course is 10-20 receptions.

With injured nerve nodes, dissolved in ledase (64 conditional units) is administered subcutaneously into the area of \u200b\u200bdamaged nerve in a day (12-15 injections). If there is a testimony, the course is repeated.

For the treatment of eye diseases: a subconjunctive method - 0.3 ml, a parabulbar method is 0.5 m. Electrophoresis is also used.

For patients with tuberculosis in productive form, pluralistic treatment is intended, including injections and / or inhalation procedures. The drug increases the content of antibacterial medicines in sources of infection. Inhalation should be carried out daily, once. Medical It is used in a volume of 5 ml (320 conventional units). A full-fledged course should be from 20 inhalations. If there is indications, therapy is repeated with intervals in a month and a half.

Medical preparation is also used as impregnation for dressings. The mixture is made like this: 64 conventional units are mixed in 10 milliliters of 0.9% sodium chloride or boiled water, the temperature of which should be about 20-25 o. Next, the cooked impregnation is applied to the bandage, folded in several layers. It is applied to the affected area, superimposed paper with a joint and fasten with a soft bandage. The required dose is calculated as follows: 20-60 me / sq. Mc. Averaged value of 300 international units per dressing. It is applied daily to 15-18 hours. The course lasts 15-60 days. Every 2 weeks need a pause with a duration of 3-4 days.

The composition for electro and phosporesis: 300 meters are mixed with 60 ml of distilled water and two-three drops of 0.1% chloride acid. The resulting mixture is carried out to the desired section through the anode. The session is 20-30 minutes, and the course is 15-20 procedures.

Caution! A solution for therapy can not be kept more than a day.

Candles of Longidase (the means contains the same active substancesAs in the lidase) are used for the medication elimination of uterine adhesions. Therapy, the duration of the course and dose appoints the attending physician.

Before applying the medical process, it is recommended to pass the test for the reaction of hyaluronidase - for this, 20 μg of the component is administered under the skin under the skin and the body's reaction is evaluated.

The solution is not carried out through the catheter used for cation-containing means. The medication operates about 48 hours at subcutaneous administration. Lidase is not introduced into infectious infection and neoplasia.

Alternative options

Preparations containing similar active substanceAs Lidase: Lydase M, Ronidase, Longidase, Haluronidase.

Important! Before applying analogs, you should come to a consultation to the doctor and make sure that there are no allergies to the components of medicines.

Using medication for the treatment of tuberculosis

The combination of lidase and special allows you to quickly reduce the manifestation of intoxication; dissipates pathogenic changes and tuberculosis tuberculos, fibrosis (partially); Heals fresh organ damage.

The basis for the use of the drug is the development of primary tuberculosis, without explicit caseous lesion of lymph nodes chest, and processes with developing pneumophybrosis. The greatest efficiency is observed in the early beginning of the drug intake. Nevertheless, the chronic form of tuberculosis and metatuberculosis pneumosclerosis successfully succumbed to the action of the drug, fibroimments are significantly reduced in size.

Look at an interesting movie about tuberculosis.

Patients with a diagnosis of hovercular or atypical bronchial scars. It is recommended to use lidase in the form of an aerosol or endobronchial, 2-3 times a week in the amount of 32 units. With the active period of the disease, the medication is prescribed after 3-4 months from the start of specialized treatment without pronounced inflammatory processes and other contraindications (for example, further development tuberculosis, infiltrative pulmonary changes, hemopying, other infectious diseases, diabetes In severe, ulcers, neoplasms and some other diseases of somatic nature, contributing to the decrease in the function of the immune system).

The lidase effect is that the active component favors more efficient passage of antibiotics in the affected areas and, thereby, prevents the growth and occurrence of fibrous formations.

Following the recommendations of the instructions for the drug Lidase - injections are introduced inside the muscles. Endobronchial and inhalation methods of using medication are also used. Dose up to 7 years 16-21 units, up to 12 years old - 32 units, over 12 - 64 units. The treatment consists of courses: the initial includes thirty injections (daily), all others are fifteen (at the beginning every other day, then twice a week). Pause between courses - one year and a half.

It is time for the skin and urticaria as side effects. Very rarely aggravating the flow of tuberculosis or the occurrence of heaming. With this development of events, it is necessary to immediately exclude lidase from the course of therapy.

Instructions for use:

Lidase - drug Treatment Keloidolithic action. Remains the cloth scarring and increases the permeability of capillaries.

Release form and composition

Lidase is produced in the form of lyophilisate for the preparation of the solution for injections and local application, which is powder or compacted in a tablet porous weight white or almost white color with beige, yellowish, brownish, pinkish or cream tint [64 ya in glass ampoules or bottles with a capacity of 5 ml, in a cardboard pack of 10 ampoules or vials; 5 ampoules in contour cellular packs, in a cardboard pack 2 packs (if necessary, an ampumen knife or scarifier is placed in a cardboard pack); In the form of a set: 5 ampoules with a preparation of 5 ampoules with a solvent, in a cardboard pack of 5 sets and an ampumen knife or a scarifier if necessary].

In one ampoule or one bottle of lidase contains 64 ya (conditional units) of hyaluronidase.

Solvent (package in the form of a set): 0.9% solution of sodium chloride (2 ml) or novocaine solution 5 mg / ml (5 ml).

Indications for use

  • long non-healing ulcers (including ulcers after radiation therapy);
  • traumatic, burn and postoperative scars;
  • osteoarthritis, joint contractures (after injuries, inflammatory processes), severe diseases of lumbar discs, joint joints, ankylosing spondyloarthritis;
  • contracture Dupuitren;
  • skin manifestations of sclerodermia;
  • chronic tendovaginitis;
  • hematomas of soft surfaces of the surface location;
  • preparation for skin-plastic operational interventions Regarding scar blinds;
  • traumatic lesions of peripheral nerves and nerve plexuses (neuritis, plexitis);
  • obstructive phenomena inflammatory processes in bronchi and upper respiratory tract;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis with nonspecific bronchial lesions;
  • hemophthalm eyes, hemorrhage in the eyes, retinopathy of various origins.



  • recent hemorrhages;
  • infectious inflammatory diseases in the acute phase;
  • pulmonary bleeding, pulmonary tuberculosis with severe insufficiency of respiratory function, hemoptal (for inhalation);
  • fresh hemorrhage in the vitreous body (for inhalation);
  • malignant tumors (for inhalation);
  • simultaneous use of estrogen;
  • children's and teenage age up to 18 years;
  • increased individual sensitivity to hyaluronidase.

Relative (Lidase applied with caution):

  • pregnancy period;
  • breastfeeding period.

Method of application and dosage

Lidase is used in the form of subcutaneous or intramuscular injections, subconjunctivative, parabulbarno, inhalation, method of electrophoresis and locally by imposing bandages moistened in a solution of the drug.

To prepare for injection solutions, a 0.9% sodium chloride solution is used or a 0.5% novocaine solution (plin), for inhalation use - 0.9% sodium chloride solution, and for administration by electrophoresis - distilled water.

With scar lesions, the lidase is introduced intramuscularly (next to the place of lesion) or subcutaneously (for catholic tissue) 1 ml (64 ya) once a day daily or every other day. The course of treatment is 10-20 injections.

In neurites and plexits, the drug is administered subcutaneously to the area of \u200b\u200baffected nerve. The one-time dose is 64 ya in a solution. Injections are performed once a day in a day. One course of treatment requires 12-15 injections. If necessary, prescribe a re-course.

In patients with tuberculosis of light lungs, apply in complex treatment In order to increase concentration antibacterial drugs In the foci of defeat. The method of administration is in the form of inhalation and / or injections. To carry out one inhalation, the contents of one vial are dissolved in 5 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution. Inhalations spend once a day daily. On one course of treatment requires 20-25 inhalations. Repeated course is carried out if necessary, but not earlier than 1.5-2 months.

When used in ophthalmic practice, the contents of one bottle with lidase are dissolved in 20 ml of water for injection (0.1% solution). The preparation is then injected with parabulbarly at 0.5 ml, subconjunctivally 0.3 ml or electrophoresis.

To use by electrophoresis, the contents of one vial are dissolved in distilled water (60 ml), add a 0.1% solution of hydrochloric acid (2-3 drops) and administered from the anode to the affected area. The duration of the procedure is 20-30 minutes. For one treatment rate, 15-20 sessions are required. The prepared solution should be used within 24 hours.

Outwardly, the lidase is used in the form of a dressings moistened with a solution of the preparation. Each 64 ya (1 bottle) is dissolved in 10 ml of boiled water, cooled to room temperature, or 0.9% sterile sodium chloride solution. The resulting solution is wetted with a bandage, folded in 4 or 5 layers, and then impose it on the affected area and covered with waxed paper. For fixing appliqués use soft dressing. The duration of one procedure is 15-18 hours. The course of treatment is 15-60 days. For therapy for a long time every 2 weeks should take a break for 3-4 days. Application application of the lidase can be alternate with the method of electrophoresis.

Side effects

Allergic reactions are possible, and when long use Lidase can have a marnure effect.

special instructions

The lidase solution should not be administered through the catheter used earlier for the introduction of cation-containing solutions.

Before the use of the drug, it is advisable to test the sensitivity test. For this, 20 μl of hyaluronidase is introduced to the patient.

The drug cannot be administered in the tumor zone and infectious inflammation.

Lidase does not affect the patient's ability to manage vehicles and engage in other potentially dangerous workrequiring a rapid response and high concentration of attention.

Medicinal interaction

Lidase enhances the effects of drugs for local anesthesia. With the simultaneous use with drugs introduced intramuscularly or subcutaneously, improves their absorption.

Terms and conditions of storage

Store in a dark place at a temperature of no more than 15 ° C. Take care of children.

Shelf life - 2 years.

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