Nezozol - instructions for use for children. Nezozol - instructions for the application of the condition and storage time

The effectiveness of the drug is largely due to its relatively high bioavailability - up to 30% (according to this indicator it is a "record holder" among other antiforms). The reception of neosole in conjunction with fatty food increases the speed and completeness of suction, as well as the value of the maximum concentration of the active substance in the blood is 5 times. Disturbance of the kidney function does not affect the elimination of albandazole and its metabolites. Patients S. hepatic insufficiency The bioavailability of the drug increases and the half-life increases, which must be taken into account when determining the therapeutic dose.

Neason is produced in three dosage forms: Tablets for intake, tablets for resorption and suspension for intake. According to general recommendations for nematodosa, adults and children from 2 years are prescribed a different 400 mg or 20 ml of suspension. The drug should be taken during meals. The treatment must be undergoing all members of the patient's family to avoid reinvasia. With neurocystserical, the reception of neosole should be supplemented with glucocorticosteroids and anticonvulsants. During treatment, the picture is controlled. With a decrease in the number of leukocytes, therapy should be suspended.


Antihelmintic drug. The main mechanism of action is associated with the inhibitory effect on the polymerization of beta-tubulin, which leads to the destruction of cytoplasmic microchannels of the cells of the intestinal Helminti tract; Changes the flow of biochemical processes (suppresses glucose utilization), blocks the movement of secretory granules and other organelles in muscle cells of round worms, caused by their death. The most active in relation to the larval forms of cestode - Echinococcus Granulosus and Taenia Solium, nematode - Strongyloides Stercolatis.


Suction and distribution

After taking inside, it is poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, unchanged form is not determined in the blood plasma. Bioavailability when taking low, about 30%. Reception simultaneously with fatty foods increases the absorption and value of C Max in the blood plasma 5 times.

Metabolism and elimination

Albendazole is quickly biotransformed in the liver into the primary metabolite - albendazole sulfoxide, which also has antiform activity. C max Albendazole Sulfoxide in the blood plasma is achieved in the range from 2 to 5 hours, binding to plasma proteins is 70%. Albendazole sulfoxide is almost completely distributed in the body; It is found in the urine, bile, liver, in the wall of cysts and cystic fluid, spinal fluid.

Albendazole Sulfoxide in the liver turns into albendazole sulfon (secondary metabolite) and other oxidized products. T 1/2 albendazole sulfoxide - 8-12 hours. Is derived in the form of various metabolites with urine.

Pharmacokinetics in special clinical cases

The removal of albendazole and its main metabolite does not change when the kidney function is violated.

In patients with impaired liver function, bioavailability increases, C MAX albendazole sulfoxide in the blood plasma increases by 2 times, T 1/2 is extended. Albendazole is the inductor of the microsomal enzymes of the cytochrome R450 system; Accelerates the metabolism of many drugs.

Form release

Chewing tablets from white to almost white color, oval, capsule, double-screwed, with risky on one side.

Auxiliary substances: starch corn, sodium lauryl sulfate, povedone-30, methylparaben, propylparaben, citric acid, gelatin, talc peeled, sodium starch glycolat, silicon colloidal dioxide, magnesium stearate, aspartame, pineapple flavoring, mint aroma.

1 PC. - Blister (1) - packs cardboard.


Average therapeutic dose In the treatment of nematodoses for adults and children over 2 years old is 400 mg or 20 ml of suspension inside once.

The drug is accepted during meals. It is recommended to carry out the simultaneous treatment of all family members.

With neurocystserical and echinococcosis patients with a body weight of 60 kg and more drug are prescribed 400 mg 2 times / day; With a mass of body less than 60 kg, the dose is set at the rate of 15 mg / kg / day in 2 reception. Maximum daily dose - 800 mg (400 mg 2 times / day). Neurocysticosis treatment rate - 8-30 days; With echinococcosis - 3 cycles for 28 days with a 14-day interval between cycles.

For giardiasis, the drug is prescribed at the rate of 10-15 mg / kg 1 time / day for 5-7 days.

In case of toxocamism, adults and children over 14 years old with a body weight of more than 60 kg are prescribed 400 mg 2 times / day; with a body weight less than 60 kg - 200 mg 2 times / day; For children under 14 years old, the dose is set at the rate of 10 mg / kg 2 times / day. Duration of therapy 7-14 days.


Treatment: stomach wash, activated carbon. If necessary, spend symptomatic therapy.


When co-use with albandazole, dexamethasone and cimetidine increase the concentration of albandazole sulfoxide in the blood.

Side effects

From side digestive system: Violation of the liver function with a change in functional hepatic tests (weak or moderate increase in transaminase activity), pain in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting.

From the side of the blood formation system: leukopenia, granulocytopenia, agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia, pancytopenia.

From the CNS: headache, dizziness, meningeal symptoms.

Dermatological reactions: reversible alopecia, skin rash, itching.

Other: temperature rise, increase hell, acute renal failureAllergic reactions.


  • nematodose (ascariasis, enterobiosis, ankylosomidosis, intercators, tricocephalosis);
  • mixed glider invasions;
  • strondhyloidosis;
  • neurocystirocosis caused by the larval form of Taenia Solium;
  • echinococcosis of the liver, lungs, peritoneum caused by the larva shape of Echinococcus Granulosus;
  • giardiasis;
  • toxocamia;
  • as auxiliary means surgical treatment Echinococomic cyst.


  • retina damage;
  • pregnancy;
  • increased sensitivity to components of the drug and other benzimidazole derivatives.

Caution is used in violation of blood formation, disorders of the liver function (before and during treatment should be regularly monitored by the function of the liver), during breastfeeding period.

Features of application

Application in pregnancy and breastfeeding

The drug is contraindicated to use during pregnancy. If it is necessary to appoint the drug during the lactation period, it is necessary to resolve the issue of cessation of breastfeeding.

Before the appointment of the drug should be carried out test for pregnancy in women of childbearing age. During the period of therapy, you should use reliable methods of contraception.

Application with violations of liver function

Caution is used in violations of the liver function (before and during treatment should be regularly monitored by the liver function).

Application in children

It is possible to use according to indications and in doses that take into account the age of patients.

special instructions

In neurocysticosis, appropriate GCS and anticonvulsant drugs should be carried out. GCS for intake or in / in administration is used to prevent hypertensive attack in the first week of antibistrate therapy.

Control laboratory indicators

Blood tests must be carried out at the beginning of each 28-day cycle every 2 weeks during the period of therapy by albendazole. Continue treatment with albendazole is possible if the reduction in the total content of leukocytes and neutrophilic leukocytes is moderate and does not progress.

Tablets Neasonal In p / o contain 0.4 g albendazole. , corn starch, povedone-30, peeled talc, sodium lauryl sulfate, gelatin, silicon dioxide (in colloidal form), sodium starch glycol, methyl and propylparaben, magnesium stearate. Composition P / O: titanium dioxide, hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, propylene glycol; Methylene chloride and isopropanol (evaporated when drying).

Chewing tablets nemsol contain 0.4 g albendazole. , corn starch, povedone-30, peeled talc, sodium lauryl sulfate, silicon dioxide (in colloidal form), gelatin, citric acid, methyl and propylparaben, sodium starch glycale, aspartame, magnesium stearate, flavors (pineapple / mint).

Part suspension Neasonal Albendazole. Included in a concentration of 20 mg / ml. Auxiliary components: MCC, sodium carboxymethyl cellulose, solution, benzoic and sorbic acid, glycerin (glycerol), potassium hydrochloride, polysorbate-80, flavors (ice cream / mixed fruit aroma essences), purified water.

Form release

  • tablets 0.4 g (chewing and p / o);
  • oral suspension 100 mg / 5 ml.

Tablets are packaged into contour cellular packaging on one, in each pack on one pack. The suspension is available in 20 ml bottles.

pharmachologic effect

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The main mechanism of the action of the substance is associated with its ability to suppress the polymerization of the beta tubulin protein.

Most effective in relation to larvae of ribbon worms (pork chain and echinococcus), as well as on round worms Strongyloides Stercolatis (intestinal controversy).


Of digestive tract The substance is absorbed badly, the plasma is unchanged unchanged. It is characterized by low bioavailability (approximately 30%).

The increase in absorption and the value of Cmax (5 times) contributes to the drug at the same time with fatty food.

The substance is rapidly subjected to biotransformation in the liver. Primary metabolite (M1) is albandazole sulfoxide, which also has anthelmint activity .

TCmax M1 varies from 2 to 5 hours. There are about 70% of albendazole sulfoxide in associated with plasma proteins. The substance is almost fully distributed in the body; Determined in the liver, bile, urine, in the cystic liquid and the wall of the cyst, cerebrospinal fluid.

In the liver M1 turns into albendazole sulfon (m2) and other oxidized products. T1 / 2 M1 - from 8 to 12 hours. Excreted by the kidneys in the form different products Metabolism.

If the kidney function is broken albendazole. And M1 does not change.

With impaired liver function, the bioavailability of the substance and Cmax M1 increase (2 times), and T1 / 2 is also extended.

Albendazole. contributes to an increase in the activity of CYP microsomal enzymes; Accelerates the metabolism of many drugs.

Indications for use

The drug is used for treatment:

  • nemthodosis ( , askaridoza , trichocephalza , beatorosa , );
  • stronggiloidosis ;
  • toxocarone ;
  • lamblerosis ;
  • neurocystserkoza , whose causative agent is the larvae of an armed (swine) chain;
  • peritoneum , lungs and liver, whose pathogen is larvae echinococcus chain;
  • mixed wool invasions.

Also, the drug is advisable to use as an addition to the main treatment at surgical interventions Upon removal of echinococcal cyst.


The use of nemonsal is contraindicated with retinal lesions, hypersensitivity to any of the tablets / suspension components during pregnancy.

Relative contraindications:

  • hemopoix disorders;
  • liver dysfunction (before and during treatment requires regular control functional state organ);
  • lactation.

Side effects

The side effects of the drug can manifest themselves in the form:

  • violations of the liver function under which there is an increase (weak / moderately pronounced)
  • transaminaz activity ;
  • nausea / vomiting;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • oppression of bone marrowing (, lakeing , pancitopenia , granulocyptopenia , thrombocytopenia );
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • clinical signs of irritation of brain shells ( meningeal symptoms ).
  • (reversible);
  • skin rash;
  • itching;
  • hyperthermia;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • hypersensitivity reactions;
  • acute renal failure .

Instructions for the use of nemons (method and dosage)

Suspension Neason, instructions for use

The medicine is taken inside while eating. To increase bioavailability albendazole. It should be taken with fatty food.

Nezolol for children 12-24 months during ascariasis, ankylostomosis, enterobiosis, non-barnosis shows a one-time reception of 1 dessert spoon of suspension (10 ml).

  • when anconsomy , Trichinelles , enterobiosis , beetorosa - A child once is given 20 ml of the drug (taking non-slip from the worms is recommended at the same time to all those living together).
  • For teniosis and strondhyloidoz Suspension for children gives 1 r. / day of 20 ml for 3 days.
  • For toxocroquers e is shown to receive 20 ml of suspension 1 r. / day for 10 days.
  • For Polygelmintozakh caused by infection of the body Clonorchis Sinensis (Chinese double-wing) and Opisthorchis viverrini. (VIVERRY SOULER), Patients are recommended for 3 days twice a day to give 20 ml of suspension.

Terms of sale

On prescription.

Storage conditions

Regardless of the form of release, the drug should be stored at temperatures up to 25 ° C in moisture protected from moisture and light.

Shelf life

Three years.

special instructions

During the treatment period, it is necessary to monitor changes in the cell composition of blood (level leukocyte Check before the start of treatment and then every 2 weeks of the cycle) and the activity of liver enzymes.

If, as a result of the use of nemonsal, the patient has arisen lakeing The treatment must be suspended. You can continue the course only if the degree of decrease in the concentration neutrophils and leukocyte insignificant, A. lakeing does not progress.

If the indicators of the activity of hepatic enzymes exceed the upper limit of the norm more than twice, the use of nemons is stopped prior to their complete normalization.

For neurocystserkosis the drug is prescribed in combination with anticonvulsants and GKS. Oral and parenteral forms of GCS in the first week of nemons are used to prevent the attack Hypertension .

Nexolane analogs

Coincidences on the ATX 4 level code:

Structural analogs of nemonsole: Gelmodol-vm , Albendazole. .

Nezolol or Vermoks - what is better?

Vermoks most effective at Trichocephalose and enterobiosis . Nezolol exhibits the greatest activity in relation to the larvae of the pork chain and echinococca as well as in relation to intestinal Unevy .

Vermoks It can be applied from a biennium, while suspension nemsol is prescribed to children from the year.

What is better: decaris or nezol?

  • AncyLostoma duodenale;
  • Ascaris LumbroCoides.;
  • Necator Americanus..

The drug is allowed to use in patients older than three years.

Nezozol for children

Suspension in pediatric practice is applied from 12 months, tablets - from 3 years.

Nezonol and alcohol

Nezolol and alcohol are incompatible.

During pregnancy

During pregnancy / lactation Application albendazole. contraindicated. If necessary, prescribe a drug with nursing women, breast-feeding must be discontinued.

To prevent the use of neosole on early timing Pregnancy for women of childbearing treatment should be started only after the exception of the fact of pregnancy.

During the application of suspension / tablets, reliable contraception should be provided.

The medication includes the main active substance, as well as auxiliary elements.

Means neosol are released in two types:

  • in liquid form (suspension) are prescribed for use inside. They are released in a glass bottle, the volume is 20 ml, package to the cardboard box.
  • in tablets covered with a shell film. Package tablets B. carton boxes, in one pack one blister.
  • chewing tablet 1 pcs 400 mg;
  • two tablets of 200 mg;
  • one tablet of 400 mg.

Indications for use

Nezrozol is treated with diseases such as:

    • nematodose (,);
    • mixed glider invasions when several types of worms are found in children or adults;
    • lungs, peritoneum, liver;
    • neurocysticosis;

The results of treatment show that the means of nemsol is very effective with giardiasis.

Albenendozol is widely used in surgery to remove echinococcal cysts.

Adult Application Instructions

It is important to know that it is prohibited to grind and chew in the means - this usually leads to a failure of the surface shell, as well as the suction of the substance long before entering the "destination" in the intestine.

Based on the type of gelminithosis, the optimal dosage according to the instructions in the tablets is assigned:

The drug nemosal children is released in the form of a suspension and prescribed once.

For children under two years old, no more than 10 ml of suspension are prescribed, which must include approximately 200 mg of this drug.

There are cases when the dosage must definitely calculate the doctor, given the weight of the child.

Also, the doctor also prescribes the drug once.

At the end of the treatment of a patient with the drug, all family members living on one territory with the patient, are recommended to pass into prevention.

At the beginning drink one tablet. And after three days, therapy begins with the participation of non-plasp.

Be sure to wash often hands, thoroughly rinse vegetables and fruits, in no case can not drink water from the crane or reservoirs.

Avoid moving with street animals, resting on clean beaches and swim only in proven reservoirs.

Nezozol - very effective tool For therapy and prevention of various numerous species ().

Hospital treatment Conducted when the disease is running when long-term therapy is required. The doctor does the doctor, since the tool is considered toxic.

Side effects

In the digestive system:

      • colics and abdominal pain, vomiting reflex (nausea);
      • violation of liver function with a change in functional hepatic tests (weak or moderate increase in transaminase activity).

IN blood system organism (blood formation):

      • leukopenia;
      • granulocyptopenia;
      • agranulocyto;
      • thrombocytopenia;
      • panciton.

In the central nervous system:

        • headache;
        • dizziness,
        • meningheal symptoms.

In the dermatological system:

        • reversible alopecia;
        • skin rash;


        • temperature increase;
        • enhance arterial pressure
        • acute renal failure;
        • allergic reactions.


  • affected retina;
  • pregnancy;
  • high sensitivity to the medium and to all the analogues of benzimidazole.

Special care is prescribed with violations of blood formation, liver failures (liver functions are observed both during the treatment period and before treatment).


The price of non-massol has an average price category. The cost of the drug in ordinary or chewing tablets in the region of 200-300 rubles (70-80 UAH).

Not much more expensive than the cost of the drug in the suspension.

Nexolane analogs

It happens for any reason, it is necessary to change for treatment this drug on a similar medicine.

IN modern world In the pharmaceutical market there are many drugs that are wonderful non-plated substitutes:

        • Sanoksal
        • Gelmodol-vm.

What kind of drug drug can be safely replaced by nemonas?

All the above drugs have the same active substance, as well as the drug Neason.

A similar result of the impact on the patient's body in physical therapy, as well as eliminating symptoms, may be obtained from the use of such medical preparations as:

        • Vermoks
        • Medamin.

What kind of tool is better: nembol or decaris?

Means literally a couple of hours after entering the body begins its work.

The disadvantage of the drug is that it acts not on all kinds of worms.

Usually such a course is carried out 2-3 times.

Which of the drugs is better nemonol or vermoks?

Nezozol or Vermoks, what drug to choose to correctly choose for the therapy of an adult, as well as a child? To unambiguously assert what means, we can not effectively.

Both drugs qualitatively fulfill their prescriptions, despite the fact that they have a completely different actant.

With nursing breasts and pregnant women are not suitable for these drugs, so it is recommended to find more gentle drugs.

What kind of medicinal tool is better for nezolol or vermokus prophylaxis?

These drugs are a huge spectrum of action, and they perfect their functions well.

Before treatment with drugs, it is necessary to obtain advice from a doctor, as well as carefully read annotation

It is important to know what to do self-medication is dangerous, despite such a delicate question!

Pyrantel or Neason

These two drugs have about the same properties, so it is difficult to solve which one to give preference. Both means are effective in treatment different species Helmintes (worms).

In therapy, any of these drugs is visible after the first drug intake.

The drug has almost completely absent contraindications, in comparison with non-frozen, the tool is allowed to take pregnant and nursing women.

When it is used very rarely arise side effects.

This article allows you to familiarize yourself with the instructions for use. medicinal preparation Neasonal. Presented reviews of site visitors - consumers this medicine, as well as the opinions of the doctors of specialists in the use of non-earth in their practice. A big request to more actively add your reviews about the preparation: helped or did not help the medicine to get rid of the disease, which complications were observed and side effects, possibly not stated by the manufacturer in annotations. Analogs of non-plane in the presence of available structural analogues. Use for the treatment of worms (ascariasis, giardiasis) in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Neasonal- Antihelmintic drug. The main mechanism of action is associated with the inhibitory effect on the polymerization of beta-tubulin, which leads to the destruction of cytoplasmic microchannels of the cells of the intestinal Helminti tract; Changes the flow of biochemical processes (suppresses glucose utilization), blocks the movement of secretory granules and other organelles in muscle cells of round worms, caused by their death. The most active in relation to the larval forms of cestode - Echinococcus Granulosus and Taenia Solium, nematode - Strongyloides Stercolatis.


Albendazole + excipients.


After taking inside, it is poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, unchanged form is not determined in the blood plasma. Bioavailability when taking low, about 30%. Reception simultaneously with fatty food increases absorption 5 times. Albendazole is quickly biotransformed in the liver into the primary metabolite - albendazole sulfoxide, which also has antiform activity. Albendazole sulfoxide is almost completely distributed in the body; It is found in the urine, bile, liver, in the wall of cysts and cystic fluid, the spinal fluid. Displays in the form of various metabolites with urine.


  • nematodose (ascariasis, enterobiosis, ankylosomidosis, intercators, tricocephalosis);
  • mixed glider invasions;
  • strondhyloidosis;
  • neurocystirocosis caused by the larval form of Taenia Solium;
  • echinococcosis of the liver, lungs, peritoneum caused by the larva shape of Echinococcus Granulosus;
  • giardiasis;
  • toxocamia;
  • as an auxiliary means in the surgical treatment of echinococomic cysts.

Forms of release

Tablets covered with a shell of 200 mg and 400 mg.

Chewable pills 400 mg.

Suspension for intake.

Instructions for use and reception scheme

The average therapeutic dose in the treatment of nematodoses for adults and children over 2 years old is 400 mg or 20 ml of suspension inside one.

The drug is accepted during meals. It is recommended to carry out the simultaneous treatment of all family members.

With neurocysticosis and echinococcosis patients with a body weight of 60 kg and more drug are prescribed 400 mg 2 times a day; With a mass of body less than 60 kg, the dose is set at the rate of 15 mg / kg per day in 2 reception. Maximum daily dose - 800 mg (400 mg 2 times a day). Neurocysticosis treatment rate - 8-30 days; With echinococcosis - 3 cycles for 28 days with a 14-day interval between cycles.

When giardiasis, children are prescribed at the rate of 10-15 mg / kg 1 time per day for 5-7 days.

In case of toxocamism, adults and children over 14 years old with a body weight of more than 60 kg are prescribed 400 mg 2 times a day; with a body weight less than 60 kg - 200 mg 2 times a day; For children under 14 years old, the dose is set at the rate of 10 mg / kg 2 times a day. Duration of therapy 7-14 days.

Side effect

  • violation of the liver function with a change in functional hepatic tests (weak or moderate increase in transaminase activity);
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • leukopenia, granulocytopenia, agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia, pancytopenia;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • meningeal symptoms;
  • reversible alopecia;
  • skin rash;
  • temperature increase;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • acute renal failure;
  • allergic reactions.


  • retina damage;
  • pregnancy;
  • increased sensitivity to components of the drug and other benzimidazole derivatives.

Application in pregnancy and breastfeeding

The drug is contraindicated to use during pregnancy. If it is necessary to appoint the drug during the lactation period, it is necessary to resolve the issue of cessation of breastfeeding.

Before the appointment of the drug should be carried out test for pregnancy in women of childbearing age. During the period of therapy, you should use reliable methods of contraception.

Application in children

It is possible to use according to indications and in doses that take into account the age of patients.

special instructions

With neurocysticosis, appropriate therapy with glucocorticosteroids (GKS) and anticonvulsant drugs should be carried out. GKS for receiving inside or intravenous administration Used to prevent a hypertensive attack in the first week of antibistful therapy.

Blood tests must be carried out at the beginning of each 28-day cycle every 2 weeks during the period of non-plane therapy. It is possible to continue the treatment of non-plaster if the reduction of the total content of leukocytes and neutrophilic leukocytes is moderate and does not progress.

Medicinal interaction

When co-use with albandazole, dexamethasone and cimetidine increase the concentration of albandazole sulfoxide in the blood.

Analogs of the drug Neason

Structural analogues for the acting substance:

  • Gelmodol-vm;
  • Sanoksal.

In the absence of analogues of drugs on the active substance, you can follow the links below on the disease, which helps the appropriate drug, and see the analogues on therapeutic effects.

0040 Antiches

  • MNN

    Albendazole *

  • Tablets covered with film shell 1 tab.
    active substance:
    albendazole. 200 mg
    400 mg
    excipients: corn starch; Lauril sulfate sodium; Povidone 30; methylparaben; Propilparab; gelatin; Talc peeled; Starch Glycolt Sodium; colloidal silicon dioxide; Magnesium Stearat
    sheath film
    tablets 200 mg: Methyl alcohol *; hydroxypropylmethylcellulose; methylene chloride *; titanium dioxide; Talc peeled; sodium laurel sulfate; Polyethylene glycol 400.
    tablets 400 mg: isopropyl alcohol *; hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, methylene chloride *; titanium dioxide; Propylene glycol
    * Organic solvents evaporate during drying.
    Chewing tablets 1 tab.
    active substance:
    albendazole. 400 mg
    excipients: corn starch; Lauril sulfate sodium; Povidone 30; methylparaben; Propilparab; citric acid; gelatin; Talc peeled; sodium glycolis starch; colloidal silicon dioxide; magnesium stearate; aspartame; pineapple flavoring; Mount fragrance
    Suspension 5 ml
    active substance:
    albendazole. 100 mg
    excipients: MKC; sodium carboxymethylcellulose; glycerol; Benzoic acid; potassium hydrochloride; sorbic acid; polysorbate 80; sorbitol solution; Essence mixed fruit fragrance; Esssence of ice cream; purified water

    Tablets 200 mg: in PVC blisters / foil aluminum 2 pcs.; In a packet of cardboard 1 blister.

    400 mg tablets: PVC blisters / aluminum foil 1 pcs.; In a packet of cardboard 1 blister.

    Chewable tablets: in PVC blisters / aluminum foil 1 pcs.; In a packet of cardboard 1 blister.

    Suspension for intake: in plastic vials with aluminum pump screws with pads from PVC and rings of the first opening, 20 ml; In a pack of cardboard 1 bottle.

  • Tablets covered with film shell: Two-screw round shapes coated with a film shell of white or almost white.

    Chewing tablets: Two-cone, oval, capsule shape, white or almost white, with risky on one side.

    Suspension for reception inside: White suspension.

    Dexamethasone and cimetidine increase the concentration of albandazole sulfoxide in the blood.

    It is poorly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, unchanged is not determined in the blood plasma, because Quickly turns into a liver into the primary metabolite - albendazole sulfoxide, which also has anthelmintic activity. Bioavailability when taking low - about 30%. Fat food intake increases the absorption and C Max (5 times). T Max - 2-5 h, 70% is associated with plasma proteins and is almost entirely distributed by the body; It is found in the urine, bile, liver, the wall of cysts and cystic fluid, the spinal fluid.

    Albendazole Sulfoxide in the liver turns into albendazole sulfon (secondary metabolite) and other oxidized products. T 1/2 albendazole sulfoxide - 8-12 hours. Is derived in the form of various metabolites with urine.

    The renal removal of albendazole and its main albandazole sulfoxide metabolite is minor, the clearance does not change in patients with a disturbed kidney function.

    Against the background of the liver damage, the bioavailability of the drug increases, C max albendazole sulfoxide increases by 2 times, T 1/2 is extended. Albendazole is an inducer of the microsomal enzymes of the cytochrome R 450 system; Accelerates the metabolism of many drugs.

    The main mechanism of the action of albendazole is its inhibitory effect on the polymerization of β-tubulin, which leads to the destruction of cytoplasmic microchannels of the cells of the intestinal Helminti tract; Changes the flow of biochemical processes (suppressing glucose utilization), blocks the movement of secretory granules and other organelles in muscle cells of round worms, causing their death. Most effectively affects the larvae forms of cestode - Echinococcus granulosus and Taenia Solium, nematode - Strongyloides Stercolatis.

    nematodose (including ascaridosis, enterobiosis, ankylosomidosis, intercaterosis, tricocephalosis);

    mixed glider invasions;


    neurocystserocosis caused by the larva shape of the pork chain (Taenia Solium);

    echinococcosis of the liver, lungs, peritoneum caused by the larva shape of a dog ribbon worm Echinococcus granulosus, as auxiliary agent in the surgical treatment of echinococcal cyst;



    individual intolerance, incl. to other benzimidazole derivatives;

    damage to the mesh eye shell;


    Carefully: In case of bleasting, the liver function (before and during treatment regularly control its function), breastfeeding.

    In women of childbearing age, before starting treatment, a test for a lack of pregnancy is carried out. During therapy, reliable contraception is required.

    Patients with neurocysticercosis should receive appropriate therapy with steroids and anticonvulsant drugs. Oral or / in COP are used to prevent a hypertensive attack at the 1st week of antibistful therapy.

    Blood tests must be carried out at the beginning of each 28-day cycle and every 2 weeks during the period of therapy by albendazole. Continue treatment with albendazole is possible if the reduction in the total content of leukocytes and neurotrofyl leukocytes is moderate and does not progress.


    Standard dosage in the treatment of invasion Round worms for adults and children over 2 years old - 400 mg or 20 ml of suspension inwards once; Neurocystserocosis and echinococcosis: patients with a mass of body 60 kg and more - 400 mg 2 times a day, less than 60 kg - 15 mg / kg per day in 2 receptions; Maximum daily dose - 800 mg * (2 Table. 400 mg). Course treatment: with neurocysticosis - 8-30 days, echinococcosis - 3 cycles for 28 days with a 14-day break between cycles. When giardiasis in children - 10-15 mg / kg 1 time per day for 5-7 days. With toxocarbon - adults and children over 14 years old with weight of more than 60 kg - 400 mg 2 times a day, 7-14 days, less than 60 kg - 200 mg 2 times a day 7-14 days. Children - 10 mg / kg 2 times a day 7-14 days.

    * Dosage tablets 200 mg - no more than 2 per day.

    Violation of the liver function with a change in functional hepatic tests (weak or moderate increase in transaminase activity), inhibition of bone marrowing (leukopenia, granulocyptopenia, agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia, wheelchain), temperature increase, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, headache, dizziness, Meningheal symptoms, an increase in blood pressure, acute renal failure, reversible alopecia, skin rash, itching and other allergic reactions.

    Treatment: symptomatic; Washing the stomach, activated coal.

    In a dry, light-protected place, at temperatures below 25 ° C

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