Sulfadimetoxin: Indications for use. Sulfadimetoxin - Instructions for the use of sulfadimetoxin at pneumonia

Antibacterial drugs They are used in most cases caused by microorganisms. Increasingly, the attending doctors prescribe a tool "sulfadimetoxin". Many specialists and patients are confident in its effectiveness. What you need to know about the preparation "sulfadimimetoxy"? Drug price, indications for its use, possible side effects. Some are interested in the presence of analogs. Another interesting is another about the preparation "sulfadimetoxin": is it an antibiotic or not? All these details will be discussed below.

Form release

There is a single dosage form in which Sulfadimetoxin is produced. Reviews show that buyers are especially appreciated by the fact that it is incredibly convenient for use. The drug is a tablet (yellowish-cream or white color). The treatment under consideration does not have a pronounced characteristic odor. Shape pills round.

Medical properties

Sulfadimetoxin means is an antibiotic or not? The instruction reports that yes. The preparation under consideration refers to the group of antibacterial agents of a long pronounced action. Many prefer all other drugs of this group that Sulfadimimetoxin Antibiotic. Reviews confirm that he invariably proves its effectiveness against a variety of microorganisms, both gram-positive and gram-negative. These include Shigella, Staphylococci, Salmonella, Klebsiella, Streptococci, toxoplasm, as well as some types of chlamydia.

The suction of the active substance in the gastrointestinal tract is carried out for a relatively long time. But in blood medicine Already falls after half an hour. And its maximum concentration is achieved only after eight or twelve hours. Adults are recommended to abide by the drug concentration in the amount of from one to two grams after the first day of treatment and in the number of semi-migrama-one gram in the next time of treatment. The bioavailability of the substance under consideration ranges from seventy to one hundred percent. While the half-life of this drug is at least forty hours. In part, the substance is derived from the patient's body with kidney, and partly - along with bile. This is the action of "sulfadimetoxin".

Indications for use

It is important to understand how to use the drug. What in this regard should be aware of the preparation "sulfadimetoxyn"? Reviews report that in the question of indications for use, it is important to carefully follow the instructions. So, use the drug under consideration appropriate only in the following cases: with dysentery, inflammation of biliary tract, trachom, inflammation urinary tract, otitis, roe, wound infection, pyodermia, tonsillitis, gonorrhea, hyamorite, besty, malaria, pneumonia, toxoplasmosis, cholecystitis.

How much will you have to spend on "sulfadimetoxyn"? The price of the drug under consideration is more than democratic. Thus, for the tablets for two hundred milligrams it will be necessary to pay up to forty rubles, for pills for five hundred milligrams - up to fifty five rubles.

How to take "sulfadimetoxyn"?

This drug is used daily (one or two grams on the first day and from half grams to one gram earlier). Dose for a child is a quarter adult dosage. The duration of therapy should be adjusted by a specialist. It is necessary to simultaneously take probiotics that will help restore the patient's natural intestinal microflora.

Contraindications to the use of the drug under consideration are considered:

  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • individual sensitivity to the individual components of the drug components;
  • hepatitis;
  • porphyria;
  • heavy dermatitis;
  • medical hot chuck;
  • serious disorders of the functioning of the kidneys or liver.

There were no cases of overdose. However, one should not be able to change the amount of medication appointed by the doctor.

Sulfadimetoxin: Analogs

Among the drugs that could be replaced by the drug in question, are allocated as follows:

  • "Bactrim".
  • "Agegdin".
  • "Bactrim Forte".
  • "Dapson Fatol".
  • "Argosulfan".
  • "Grosptol".
  • "Berlocide".
  • Duo Septol.
  • Sulgin.
  • "Biseptol".
  • "Phthalazole".
  • "Briffideptol".
  • "Inhalipt".
  • "Lidaprim".
  • "Trimezzol".
  • "Etazol".
  • "Dermazin".
  • "Kotrifarm."
  • "Septrine".
  • "Dvsenptol".
  • "Streptocid".
  • "Synesul".
  • "Soluble streptocid".
  • "Cyplin".
  • "Streptonitol".
  • "Orifim".
  • "Ko-Trimoxazole".
  • "Pollyptol".
  • Sulgin.
  • "Metosulfabol".
  • Sulfalen.
  • "Albucid".
  • "Sulling".
  • "Ftalilsulfatiazole".
  • Sulfadimesin.
  • Sulfargin.
  • Sulfasalazine.
  • Sulfamethoxazole.
  • Sulfanimide.
  • Sulfacetamide.

Two other popular analogue will look at more. One of them is "Arganin". It is usually used to combat breakdowns, ulcers, infectious skin lesions. The following states are also indications for its use:

  • deep pollution of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
  • skin transplantation;
  • infected burns;
  • surface wounds with weak exudation.

This medicinal remedy is used once or twice a day. In particularly acute cases, it is recommended to use the drug four times a day.

The duration of the course should be adjusted by the attending physician, but can not exceed two months.

Another analogue is "Levosin". Its main components are sulfadimetoxin, dioxomethyltetrahydropymidine, chloramphenicol and trimecain. The tool is an ointment in an aluminum tube.

What is his advantages? Higher efficiency than when using tablets. Released from pharmacies without prescription. Apply locally, directly on the affected skin.

However, there are some drawbacks. For example, the medicine is intended exclusively for outdoor use. As you use the effectiveness of exposure medication Reduced.

Did these drugs can effectively replace "sulfadimetoxyn"? Analogs of this medication are actively used by experts. They are worth paying them some attention.

Side effects

What kind adverse reactions Possible when using the Drug Sulfadimetoxin? Reviews warn about the possibility of some unpleasant manifestations. Among the side effects, the swelling of the tongue, urticule, hyperemia, bronchospas, the edema of the upper lip, Stephen's Syndrome - Jones, nausea, swelling of Quinke, Photodermatosis, Layella syndrome, anaphylactic shock, vomiting, diarrhea, psychosis, myocarditis, cholestatic hepatitis, fever, anaphylactic shock , thrombocytopenia, hypotrombanemia, dark yellow urine, dyspepsia, pancreatitis, jaundice, optical neuropathy, hypothyroidism, agranulocytosis, dry mouth, tubular necrosis, insomnia, fainting, hemolytic anemia, fever, aseptic meningitis, hypoglycemia, headache, depression, leukopenia, hepatic encephalopathy, fibrosing alveolite, diarrhea, and an increase in intracranial pressure.

Interaction with other drugs

The patient must be carefully studied before starting to take on use. Tablets significantly reduce the effectiveness of some other bactericidal antibiotics. We are talking only about those drugs whose action is applied solely on dividing microorganisms (for example, penicillins and cephalosporins).

In cases where the drug is taken simultaneously with any barbituatural preparations, this kind of combination significantly increases its activity, while at the same time a combination with salicylate provokes an increase in the toxic properties of the substance. The same effect is caused by the interaction of the drug under consideration with diphenin and methotrexate. No adjustments of the treatment regimen with parallel use of monomocrium, streptomycin and canamicine will not be required.

It is forbidden to use the drug under consideration simultaneously with such substances such as urotropin, diphenin, antidiabetic drugs, neodymary and other anticoagulants.

Conditions and shelf life

In order for the drug under consideration, did not lose its beneficial featuresIt is important to keep it in suitable conditions that would not allow him to spoil. Keep the medicine is needed in place where there is no access to children. It is possible to store the tool in question no more than five years. After that, it is not recommended to take it. It may even be somewhat dangerous for the patient. Therefore, when buying, pay attention to the date of the preparation of the drug that can be found on the package. Compliance with this simple rule will help make treatment more efficient.

It is important to comply with the conditions of application that prescribes for the drug tablets must be used solely in such a way, how recommends this to make the doctor. In this case, therapy will be as efficient as possible.

Sulfadimetoxin is used in infectious-inflammatory diseases caused by microorganisms sensitive to it. It is prescribed for the treatment of angina, otitis, dysentery, grinding inflammation, trachoms, sinusitis. The medicine is used, inflammatory diseases of the urinary and biliary tract, wound infections. Other indications for the appointment of Sulfadimetoxin are: purulent infections, sepsis, infectious diseases intestines (enterocolitis, dysentery, etc.), purulent diseases of biliary tract.

It is also used in infectious eczema, the infections of the urinary tract (gonorrhea, etc.), skin diseases (furunculosis, erysipelas skin, piedermic, inflammation song hardware), inflammatory lesions of the central nervous system, trachoma, malaria (combined with antimalarial means). Analogues of Sulfadimetoxin are: Sulfalen, Sulfapyridazin, Sulfalen-Meglumin.

How to apply Sulfadimetoxin

Sulfadimimetoxin on the first day of therapy adults should take 1 g, the drugs are given at the rate of 25 mg per 1 kg of weight. Over the next days, these doses are reduced by 2 times. Medicine drink 1 time per day. With severe forms of the disease, "erythromycin", "penicillin" and some others are prescribed with Sulfadimimetoxy. Means effectively with duration of treatment from 7 to 10 days. After the body temperature is normalized, the maintenance doses are taken for another three days.

With infectious eczema, furunculosis, the inflammation of the sebaceous glands takes 0.5-1.0 g per day. The course of treatment is from 7 to 30 days. For the treatment of trachomas, the first day is taken inside 1-2 g of Sulfadimimetoxin, and then 1 time per day drink 0.5 g for 10 days. At the same time, a 10% solution of the preparation of 2-3 drops 3-4 times a day.

It should be borne in mind that with simultaneous use of Sulfadimetoxin reduces therapeutic effect Bactericidal antibiotics. The antimicrobial effect of Sulfadimetoxin reduces: para-amalicylic acid, barbiturates, "pronel", "benzocaine", "Tetrakain". In the process of therapy, regular blood tests are needed.

Contraindications, side effects of Sulfadimetoxin

Sulfadimimetoxin is contraindicated in porphyters, inhibition of bone marrowing, chronic heart failure, hepatic and renal failure, Azotemia, in periods of pregnancy and lactation, deficiency of glucose-6-phosphatehydrogenase, hypersensitivity to the components of the means. The drug can cause unwanted side effects: headache, cholestatic hepatitis, discomfort in the abdomen, diarrhea, constipation, vomiting, nausea, drug fever, skin rashes, leukopenia, agranulocytosis.

Sulfadimetoxin is an antimicrobial preparation of a group of sulfonamides. Different with a long action. Exhibits competitive antagonism to para-aminobenzoic acid (the growth factor of many microorganisms), the suppression of the activity of the enzyme dihydropteroatetsease, the result of which is the violation of the process of formation of the tetrahydro folic acidinvolved in the synthesis of purin and pyrimidine bases. The sensitivity to the drug is shown staphylococci, streptococci (including pneumococci), Klebsiella, intestinal sticks, Shigella, chlamydia. After receiving PER OS penetrates blood for half an hour. Plasma peak concentration is achieved within 8-12 hours. To achieve the therapeutic concentration, the drug is adopted at a dose of 1-2 g on the first day and in half a reduced dose in the following days. It involves interacting with plasma proteins, which ensures its accumulation in the bloodstream. It has good penetrating ability (with the exception of the hemat andtheal barrier). It is shown in infections, the pathogens of which are sensitive to the drug organisms: acute inflammation The components of the lymphatic pharyngeal ring (mainly palatal almonds), the inflammation of the maxillary (gaimor) putty sickness nose, inflammatory processes in the middle ear, bronchi, dysentery, inflammation of the elements of the urogenital and biliary tract, the face of inflammation, infections in random or operating wounds, chlamydial infection Eye, characterized by defeat conjunctiva and cornea. Multiplicity of reception - once a day after eating. The duration of the medication course is 7-10 days. Possible unwanted adverse reactions: cefalgia, dyspeptic phenomena, a painful feeling in the opposite region, chest, oral cavity and a sip, precedes vomit, actually vomiting, cholestatic syndrome, rash on the skin, increase body temperature without participation of allergy (medicinal fever), leukopenia , Agranulocytosis.

The drug is not used in the individual intolerance of the derivatives of sulfonilamide, suppressing the blood formation in the bone marrow, the insufficiency of the liver function and / or kidney, decompensated violation of the function of the myocardial myocardial character, genetically deterministic pathology associated with the glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency, porphyry, increased content In the blood of nitrogenous products of the exchange, excreted by the kidneys, as well as during pregnancy. During the drug course with the use of sulfadimetoxin, it is necessary to increase the consumption of fluid (mainly with an alkaline reaction), ensure regular control over the pattern of peripheral blood and the functional performance of the kidneys. Sulfadimimetoxin weakens the effect of existing bactericity (causing death of microorganisms) antibiotics, which act exclusively on dividing bacteria, including penicillins (benzylpenicillin sodium salt, bicillin-1, bicillin-5, ampicillin, amoxicillin, etc.), cephalosporins (cefassoline, cephaleosporins, Cefotaxim, etc.). Local anesthetics, such as novocaine, benzocaine and tetrakain, suppress the activity of the drug. Parasinosalcyl acid and barbituric acid derivatives (phenobarbital), on the contrary, stimulate the antibacterial activity of the drug. Derivatives salicylic acid, Methotrexate and phenytoin contribute to the manifestation of the toxic properties of sulfadimetoxin. NSAID Tioacetazone, chloramphenicol in combination with sulfadimetoxin increase the risk of leukopenia, agranulocytosis. The drug potentiates effects indirect anticoagulantov, sulfanimamides that reduce blood glucose levels. Sulfadimetoxin suppresses the action of tableted contraceptives. The drug stimulates metabolic biotransformation of cyclosporine.


Antibacterial agent, sulfonilamide derivative. Renders long action When taking inside. The mechanism of action is associated with competitive antagonism with PABK and competitive oppression of dihydropteroatencetase, which leads to a violation of the synthesis of tetrahydrofoliic acid necessary for the synthesis of purines and pyrimidines.

Active in relation to gram-positive bacteria: Staphylococcus SPP., Streptococcus SPP. (including Streptococcus Pneumoniae); Gram-negative bacteria: Klebsiella Pneumoniae, Escherichia Coli, Shigella SPP.

Active in relation to chlamydia trachomatis.


After receiving inside after 30 minutes, it is found in the blood, C MAX is achieved for 8-12 hours. He penetrates poorly through the BGB. The therapeutic concentration in adults is noted when receiving 1-2 g on the first day and 0.5-1 g - in the following days. Unlike other sulfanimamides, preferential metabolism is carried out along the path of microsomal glucooner associated with the CYP450 and NAPFN-dependent isoenzymes.

Form release

10 pieces. - Packaging bale-free contour.
10 pieces. - Packaging cell contour.
10 pieces. - Polymeric banks.
15 pcs. - Polyethylene foals.


Adults in the 1st day of treatment - 1 g, in the following days - 500 mg / day. With a severe course of the disease, the dose can be increased. Children in the 1st day of treatment - 25 mg / kg, in the following days - 12.5 mg / kg / day.

Take inside 1 time / day after eating. The duration of the course of treatment is 7-10 days.


Sulfadimetoxin reduces the effectiveness of bactericidal antibiotics operating only on dividing microorganisms (including penicillins, cephalosporins).

Side effects

From the CNS: Headache is possible.

From side digestive system: Dyspeptic symptoms, nausea, vomiting, cholestatic hepatitis.

Allergic reactions: skin rashes, medicinal fever.

From the system of blood formation: rarely leukopenia, agranulocytosis.


Infectious inflammatory diseases caused by microorganisms sensitive to sulphadimetoxin, incl. Angina, sinusitis, otitis, bronchitis, dysentery, inflammatory diseases of biliary and urinary tract, grinding inflammation, wound infections, trachoma.


Increased sensitivity to sulfanimamides, inhibition of bone marrowing, renal and / or liver failure, chronic heart failure, congenital glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficit, porphyria, azotemia, pregnancy.

Features of application

Application in pregnancy and breastfeeding

Sulfadimetoxin is contraindicated to use during pregnancy.

Application with violations of liver function

Contraindicated in renal failure.

Application with violations of the kidney function

Contraindicated in hepatic insufficiency.

special instructions

It is used externally in the composition of combined drugs.

When recalculating the mass fractions of dry matter, 1 tablet contains 500 grams of the main biologically active component. Additionally, there are:

  • potato starch ;
  • povidone (full name - low molecular weight medical);
  • anhydrous silica (colloidal form);
  • calcium stearate .

Form release

The drug is produced in two variations:

  • Powder (one-time dose contains 0.2 grams of the main component).
  • Tableted sulfadimetoxin - 10 tablets in the contour cellular packaging (in the box - 10 cellular plates).

Pharmacological action

Sulfadimimetoxin, as a typical representative sulfanimide drugsIt has a bacteriostatic effect on pathological microorganisms. The mechanism of action discloses organic chemistry, the main biological component of the drug is a structural analogue para-aminbenzoic acid He competitively inhibits in the education process (key growth factor and most microorganisms).

Thus, the synthesis of nucleic acids is suppressed (both purin and pyrimidine bases for existence necessary dihydrofolytic acid ), which is manifested in the braking of growth and reproduction of foreign, microscopic organisms. The human cell only consumes and utilizes the product of metabolism, because its livelihoods do not threaten the drug.

Sulfadimetoxin is active in respect of a large number of gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. So, the drug is abolished with pneumococci , different species strepto and Staphilococci , dysentery Shigelloy , intestinal stick and freedlander's wand (). The effect is somewhat worse against trachomas and protea .

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The preparation half-life is 24-48 hours, depending on the individual characteristics of the body. Sulfadimimetoxin is well absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract. In systemic bloodstream binds to plasma proteins, after which it is evenly distributed over all tissues and organs. The drug is capable of penetrating through hematostefalic barrier and placet . The favorite accumulation site is serous cavities Body .

The drug is metabolized in the liver, by acetylation. The solubility of products after the chemical transformation is significantly deteriorated and depends on the acidity of the primary urine. Sulfadimetoxin is released mainly by the kidneys, sometimes it can lead to the formation of crystals ( crystalluria ).

Indications for the use of sulfadimetoxin

Here is a small list, from which sulfadimetoxin effectively helps in a relatively short time interval:

  • pneumonia ;
  • Upper respiratory tract;
  • with confirmed microbial etiology;
  • sinusitis ;
  • inflammatory lesions of the central nervous system ();
  • pathology of urinary and urinary systems with a positive cocked pathogen.

Sulfadimetoxin can be used in complex therapyWhen in the scheme conservative treatment Multiple drugs are included for a more complete spectrum. medical action. In this case, the testimony is expanded by the following diseases:

  • persistent forms;
  • wound infection ;
  • pODERMIA purulent inflammation skin Pokrov due to kokkkak invasion;
  • rygin (or erysipelas ) - infectious diseases with characteristic erythexy and bulls on the upper and lower limbs.


From receiving sulfadimetoxin should be refused if there is increased sensitivity or intolerance to individual components of the drug, hereditary or acquired shortage glucose-6-dehydrogenase , azotemia Various etiology.

Under the careful observation of qualified medical personnel The drug should be used, if a history is present absorbing the hematopoietic system or decompensated forms heart failure .

Side effects

A conservative course of treatment is usually well tolerated if the treatment is carried out in stationary conditions. Otherwise, such unwanted reactions are possible as:

  • Headache and.
  • (dry B. oral cavity, nausea, vomiting, ).
  • - A sharp rise in the temperature curve immediately after receiving the drug.
  • Skin, jesting rashes.
  • Lakeing - Reducing the level of free leukocytes in systemic bloodstream, and as a result, a decrease in the resistance of the body.
  • Cholestatic hepatitis inflammatory disease Liver with bile stake in output ducts.
  • Allergic reactions - , or other.

Separately, it is worth noting that sulfadymmetoxin forms specific crystals in the urine, from which the tablets change its color to saturated yellow-brown at a certain acidity due to the formation of specific crystals.

Instructions for the use of sulfadimetoxin (method and dosage)

First of all, it is necessary to test the sensitivity of pathogenic microorganisms that caused the disease, because not all strains cockkking infection They respond to the treatment with sulfanilamide drugs.

Tablets should be taken orally with an interval of 24 hours. The course of treatment is from 7 to 14 days, depending on the pathophysiology of the disease. How to take tablets in each particular case will prescribe a doctor, however, the general scheme for adults is 2 grams on the first day of hospitalization and 1 GG to maintain a stable level of the biologically active component in the systemic blood flow.

The sulfadimetoxin instruction is somewhat different in pediatric practice . In the first day, 25 mg / kg are prescribed, and then 12.5 mg / kg in subsequent young children. If a child over 12 years old, the initial dose is 1 grams, and supporting - 0.5 gr.


The state of the organism of the body is clinically manifested in intensive thirst , strong dry mouth Small number is saturated, pain in the right hypochondrium (restoration projection) and lower back (renal location). Biochemical analysis will identify a significant increase in such enzymes as AST. , Alt. and acid phosphatase .

Therapeutic overdose measures:

  • Reflexogenic initiation of vomiting.
  • Washing the stomach or high cleansing enema.
  • Binding and adsorbing drugs orally.
  • Salt laxatives.
  • If the drug managed to completely suck out from the gastrointestinal tract.


Sulfadimimetoxy can not be combined with:

  • Preparations inhibit blood formation (for example, or).
  • Oral sugar with decreasing means (derivatives sulfonyl urea ).
  • Para-amin benzoic acid derivatives (local anesthetics of the group).

The effect of pharmacological preparations will be intensified if in addition to the main component of the therapeutic course apply:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory funds;
  • antithrombotic drugs;
  • barbiturates;
  • antagonists vitamin K. .

The effects of sulfadimetoxin are reduced against the background of use folic acid , oral contraceptives and bactericidal bethalactam antibiotics (, carbapenes , cephalosporins etc).

Medicinal toxicity increases:

  • derivatives pyrazolone ;
  • salicylate ;

Terms of sale

Sulfadimimetoxin is released only on a medical receptor forms, since pharmaceutical preparation This is B. drug list B (potent substances).

Storage conditions

To save the tablet in a dry, unavailable place at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees Celsius. Be sure to follow the presence of original packaging tablets.

Shelf life

The minimum shelf life of the drug is 5 years.

Analogs of sulfadimetoxin

Coincidences on the ATX 4 level code:

Sulfamonetoxin , Sulfamethoxypirazin (), Sulfamethoxazole. .


Madribon (most common, as it is the patented name of sulfadimetoxy), Madroxin , Duposul , Fuxal , Supersulfa .


The drug is prescribed only from three years.

During pregnancy and lactation

Sulfadimetoxin is strictly contraindicated at, during milk ripening periods or .

On this page posted detailed instructions For use Sulfadimetoxin. Listed available medicinal forms drug (200 mg and 500 mg tablets), as well as its analogues. Information on side effects, which can cause sulfadimetoxin, on interaction with other drugs are presented. In addition to information about diseases, for the treatment and prevention of which the drug is prescribed (angina, otitis, sinusitis and others infectious diseases), the reception algorithms are described in detail, possible dosages For adults, in children, the possibility of applying during pregnancy and breastfeeding is clarified. Annotation to sulfadimetoxin is supplemented with recalls of patients and doctors. Composition of the drug.

Instructions for use and dosage

Adults in the 1st day of treatment - 1 g, in the following days - 500 mg per day. With a severe course of the disease, the dose can be increased. Children in the 1st day of treatment - 25 mg / kg, in the following days - 12.5 mg / kg per day.

Take inside 1 time per day after eating. The duration of the course of treatment is 7-10 days.


Sulfadimetoxin + excipients.

Forms of release

Tablets 200 mg and 500 mg.

Sulfadimetoxin - antibacterial agent, Sulfanimide derivative. It has a long action when taking inside. The mechanism of action is associated with competitive antagonism with PABK and competitive oppression of dihydropteroatencetase, which leads to a violation of the synthesis of tetrahydrofoliic acid necessary for the synthesis of purines and pyrimidines.

Active in relation to gram-positive bacteria: Staphylococcus SPP. (Staphilococcus), Streptococcus SPP. (including Streptococcus Pneumoniae) (streptococcus); Gram-negative bacteria: Klebsiella Pneumoniae, Escherichia Coli (intestinal chopstick), Shigella SPP. (Shigella).

Active in relation to chlamydia trachomatis (chlamydia).


After taking inside after 30 minutes, it is found in the blood. Poor penetrates through the hematorencephalic barrier (GEB). The therapeutic concentration in adults is noted when receiving 1-2 g on the first day and 0.5-1 g - in the following days. Unlike other sulfanimamides, preferential metabolism is carried out along the path of microsomal glucooner associated with the CYP450 and NAPFN-dependent isoenzymes.


Infectious-inflammatory diseases caused by sulpha phase sensitive microorganisms:

  • angina;
  • hymorite;
  • otitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • dysentery;
  • inflammatory diseases of biliary and urinary tract;
  • erysipelas;
  • wound infections;
  • trachoma.


  • increased sensitivity to sulfanimamides;
  • oppression of bone marrowing;
  • renal and / or liver failure;
  • chronic heart failure;
  • congenital deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase;
  • porphyria;
  • azotemia;
  • pregnancy.

special instructions

It is used externally in the composition of combined drugs.

Side effect

  • headache;
  • dyspeptic symptoms;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • cholestatic hepatitis;
  • skin rashes;
  • drug Fever;
  • leukopenia, agranulocytosis.

Medicinal interaction

Sulfadimetoxin reduces the effectiveness of bactericidal antibiotics operating only on dividing microorganisms (including penicillins, cephalosporins).

Analogs medicinal preparation Sulfadimetoxin

Structural analogs of PA active substance Medicine sulfadimetoxin has no.

Analogs of PO pharmacological group (sulfonamides):

  • Arganin;
  • Argosulfan;
  • Bactrim;
  • Bactrim Forte;
  • Berlocide;
  • Biseptol;
  • Briffideptol;
  • Grosptol;
  • Dapson Fatol;
  • Twispetol;
  • Dermazine;
  • Duo Septol;
  • Inhalipt;
  • Co-trimoxazole;
  • Kotrifarm;
  • Lidaprim;
  • Metosulfabol;
  • Orifim;
  • Halfcptol;
  • Septrine;
  • Syneursul;
  • Streptonitol;
  • Streptocid;
  • Streptocide soluble;
  • Strepticid ointment 10%;
  • Sulling;
  • Sulgin;
  • Sulfadimezin;
  • Sulfalent;
  • Sulfamethoxazole;
  • Sulfanimide;
  • Sulfargin;
  • Sulfasalazine;
  • Sulfacetamide;
  • Sodium sulphacyl (albucid);
  • Trimepsol;
  • Phthalazole;
  • Phthallsulfatiazole;
  • Cyplin;
  • Stases.

Application in pregnancy and breastfeeding

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