Lenorman. Card meaning: Ship


Peak ten
Designation: various types of travel, new routes, change, success, financial well-being, profit, import and export.
If the “ship” card fell out, it means that you will succeed in all your endeavors, the emergence of new prospects and plans, opportunities. Safe travels are also possible, the emergence of new sensations, which will subsequently bring significant changes to your life.
The ship is the senior positive card responsible for work, negotiations.

Description of the card: it depicts the sea, which symbolizes purity and at the same time danger. The main active object in this composition is the ship. In the Middle Ages, the ship acted as a vehicle, and also helped sailors to discover new, previously unexplored lands, develop the economy, strengthen the country's defense, and establish commerce. The wind inflates the sails, rapidly increasing the speed of the ship.
The sailor on the ship's match is actively looking for land on which to anchor, or in search of possible risks. In addition to the sailor, there are other crew members, who, in turn, are located below deck.
The ram of the ship is made in the form of a sea nymph. Just like the heads of dragons on Viking ships, the nymph protected and protected the inhabitants of the ship from the dangers.
The ship is accompanied by a whale swimming nearby, helping the sailors find the right path.
The map shows a Romanesque window. The heads of lions are depicted on the capitals.
Meaning: If there is a definite direction in a situation, then this card acts as a reliable sign of movement.
Maps located nearby specify the sailing route and destination.
The theme of this card is departures, moving, holidays, trips, transfers and travel.
An abundant amount of water on the chart indicates the need for careful behavior of a person who is going on a trip or dealing with business.
In astrology, water has a completely different interpretation. It means longing, dreams, both about the trip and about what is far away.
It is possible to receive an inheritance, material success in business. It is a sign that a person needs to bring someone closer to himself, or something is already approaching him.
The physical component is the gallbladder and liver. Travel is about water. There is an opportunity to change the current situation, a symbol of an active male libido appears.
The map indicates travel associated with the excursion, as well as such types of travel that cannot be carried out by land routes.
Regarding psychology, this card means an irresistible desire for growth and development.
In some cases, this can be perceived as a spiritual journey or meditation.
Possibly profiting from trading as well as through business.
Pay attention to the cards located in the immediate surroundings of the questioner's card. In combination with difficult cards such as "cross", "coffin", "clouds", the meaning is determined by trouble and danger.
Many nations with the help of the ship moved the bodies of the dead to another world, called the other world, which once again shows the connection of this symbol with spiritual travel.
The labor sphere is the basis of this map. It promises success in promotion, sets you up for rapid movement, without deviating from the chosen path, encourages you to deal with the difficulties that have arisen.
Character: courageous, materialistic, optimistic, stubborn, cunning, not greedy, agile, without any prejudice, sociable.
Qualities: open to other cultures, free, does not put himself in a box.
The execution time is a maximum of three months.

The meaning of the card Lenormand "Ship".

positive card.

Playing cards.

Ten of spades. (misfortune, wasted time)

Planet patron.

Jupiter (Journey).

Zodiac sign.

Pisces is the element of water.

The month of the ship is March (3rd month of the year).

Numerological value.

Number 3. The number 3 means talent, cheerfulness, striving for new goals, as well as spirituality.

Key concepts.

New Horizons. Travel and travel. Various changes in life. Wealth and good luck in business. Trade.

Description of the map.

On the map we see a ship that is under sail.

Time frame.

Not soon. Big time frames. From 6 months.

Appearance of a person.

A slender and well-groomed man of average height. It can often refer to a foreigner. Maybe both northern and southern external type.


The person is optimistic and cheerful. Always moving forward towards his goal. Dreamer and philosopher. He loves to learn and open new horizons. Traveler.

Body parts.

Spleen, gallbladder, liver, pancreas.

Love relationship.

This card can talk about an easy relationship or a "holiday romance" or an acquaintance on a trip.

If the relationship has already begun, then we can say that they will rise to a new level, there will be a breakthrough.

The card also speaks of business trips or people are not together now. Relationships at a distance.

Relationships can be stormy and passionate.

Work, career and finance.

At work, you may be expected to travel abroad or communicate with foreign partners. At work, it can be dreary and boring.

Successful financial transactions. Successful trade.

The arrival of finance through business connections. Funding is on the way.


Work related to transport - driver, sailor, conductor, stewardess, logistics.

Work related to tourism - travel business, travel agent.

Trade-related work.


Change, but which all depends on the nearest cards. The illness may be chronic.

Damage and negativity.

In this case, much depends on the cards that are nearby.

It can mean a trip to the healer or magician.


You need to choose a path and direction in life and work. You need to travel and visit different countries.

Reversed card.

Crash. The collapse of plans and hopes. Bad sign.

The position of the card in the layout.

The present.

If this card falls in the position of the present, then you can safely plan a trip or your business.

You have to travel or the course of your life will change.

You have lost opportunity and time. Maybe there was a trip in the past.


Combination with other cards.

  1. Ship + Rider - A short trip. Drive. Conversations on the way. Messages from afar. Travel news.
  2. Ship + Clover - The trip will bring good luck. Short trip. Joyful meeting.
  3. Ship + House - Emigration or a long trip. Changes in the house. property abroad. Moving.
  4. Ship + Tree - Picnic in nature. Health changes. New opportunities.
  5. Ship + Clouds - Bad news. Changes that will cause serious problems in life.
  6. Ship + Snake - Meeting with a dangerous person on the road. Danger from a man from afar. Departure of a wise woman.
  7. Ship + Coffin - Message of death. Dangerous trip. Car accident. Deterioration of affairs.
  8. Ship + Bouquet - Parcel. Receiving a gift from afar. Respect in society.
  9. Ship + Scythe - Breakdown of communications. What is planned can be dangerous. Abrupt changes in life.
  10. Ship + Broom - Annoyance from the trip. Travel dispute. Gossip and conflict.
  11. Ship + Owls - Meditation. Reflection and discussion of the trip. Flight. Calls from abroad.
  12. Ship + Child - Message about the child. A new trip or the start of a trip. New plans and changes. Child from abroad.
  13. Ship + Fox - Tricks. A cunning plan. Travel fraud. Spreading false information.
  14. Ship + Bear - Help from afar. Foreign exchange and investments. Long trip. Travel to parents.
  15. Ship + Stars - Long trip. Searching for happiness in distant lands. Protection of higher powers. Development.
  16. Ship + Stork - Flight. Changing of the living place. Birth of children.
  17. Ship + Dog - A trip to a friend or the arrival of a friend from far away. Organization of a business trip. Establishment of business contacts.
  18. Ship + Tower - Foreign missions. Large corporations. Help from higher powers. vehicle protection.
  19. Ship + Garden - Traveling or leaving with a company. Congress or forum. Getting support and professional rise.
  20. Ship + Mountain - Trouble with travel or departure. Problems and stagnation with affairs. A trip to the mountains. There is no opportunity for rest.
  21. Ship + Fork - Choice of direction. Choice of where to go. Temptation in business. secret escape from problems.
  22. Ship + Rats - Theft on a trip. Communication with dark forces or witchcraft. Trouble. Losses associated with trade, cargo, business.
  23. Ship + Heart - New feelings. A trip to a loved one. Honeymoon. Quick marriage.
  24. Ship +
The card represents a middle-aged person who is optimistic, self-confident and assertive. The person under the SHIP card loves to travel and study. Not afraid to take risks, often fond of extreme sports, easy-going. Usually knows one or even several foreign languages. Likes foreign cultures, cosmopolitan. Such a person expands his horizons both in the literal sense and in the allegorical sense - constantly learning, being carried away by philosophy, religion, esotericism, he does not stop his spiritual search for a minute. Initiative and striving for self-expression, can captivate and lead people. Possessing incredible attractiveness and friendliness, they know how to win people over, regardless of social status, age, gender, etc. such a person has a very developed intuition, he is guided by the situation literally like a fish in water. The business sense is aggravated, he literally feels where the profitable business is and what is worth doing at the moment, what will be in demand, and what has already gone into circulation. He does not cling to the old, makes radical turning decisions easily and with pleasure. They tend to make broad gestures to the public, often engage in patronage and charity. Much in his life also depends on the help of influential people, under whose patronage he himself can be. Usually these are people who sponsor his projects, invest in a business he has opened, or pay an advance on a new book.
In love, such a person is impulsive, impulsive and can use all his strength to achieve location. Women have a masculine character. And do not hope that such a partner will belong entirely to you and only you. This is an independent and self-sufficient person, it is much better to build partnerships in business with such a person, leaving room for competition and rivalry. W then the person under the SHIP card will show all his strongest sides in the best light. But if you are ready to accept his excessive independence and the fact that he will never become a house cat or kitty, then you will get a very interesting partner who will tirelessly feed you with positive energy.

A dreamer, immersed in himself, breaking away from reality, builds large, but unrealizable projects. Excessively excitable thinking and impressionability can lead to dependence on mysticism.
In a different incarnation - a swindler and a person who, with his desire for risk and disturbance of the peace, can lead to a monastery. You can't rely on him at all. Courage and courage given to such a person at birth can turn into recklessness and audacity, arrogance and rudeness.
He is also characterized by inflated conceit, ambition, extravagance. A person is prone to exaggeration, deceit and living at the expense of others.

A ship is a trip, a journey, a move, as well as any purposeful movement. This card may indicate the vehicle in which you will be traveling. The Ship is also a symbol of spiritual growth or meditation. The surrounding divination cards of Lenormand can show the direction of travel, as well as the time of year (cards Bouquet - spring, Sun - summer, Scythe - autumn, Lily - winter). A ship is a movement card that motivates the cards around it. It can also mean longing, strong desire or longing for love.

The main meaning in divination: Travel, motivation, navigation, craving.

Keywords: foreign countries, farsightedness, moving, remoteness, foreign countries, emigration, international, any vehicle, transfer, transition, trip, separation, departure, arrival, vacation, direction, adventure, sea or ocean, salt water, beach, walk, exchange, trade, research, foreign culture, lands abroad, melancholy, tolerance.

People. Sailor, traveler, wanderer, traveling salesman, merchant, vacationer, translator, travel agent, immigrant, emigrant, importer, exporter, merchant.

Love. Eternal lover, love longing, holiday romance.

Job. Traveling sales representatives and agents, international trade, import and export.

Finance and business. Foreign transactions and transfers, import and export, foreign trade, shipping by sea.

well-being. Life on wheels, disruption of the usual way of life.

Comparison. Horseman (9 worms) - some things will come to you; Stork (Lady of Hearts) - changes and moving; Razvilka (Lady of a tambourine) - go on the road; while the Ship will take you anywhere.

Playing card. 10 peak - running on the waves. The number of points is 10.

Connection with myths and legends. In all the works from The Odyssey to The Tale of the Old Sailor, a ship is a ship on which the hero goes to distant lands in search of adventure.

The meaning of the Ship in combination with other Lenormand cards:

= last journey, end of journey, burial at sea.

Spring break; nice trip, maybe east.

Autumn vacation; short trip, possibly west.

Cycling, foreign languages, translation services.

Spacecraft, aircraft, flight.

Relocation, foreign or cultural exchange.

This is the third card of the spread, it corresponds to the ten of spades. Freshness, wind and moisture emanates from it, it depicts water and a ship sailing on it.

His sails are inflated, he moves, but there is no answer whether he is sailing or sailing away. On different Lenormands, the ship is drawn in different ways, on some it sails to the shore and people meet it, on others it can be seen that it is leaving the pier and only its feed is visible, people are waving their handkerchiefs to it.

All this is a mistake of artists, the map does not say where he is sailing, it only symbolizes movement. The map also doesn't answer the question of whether we're leaving on a ship or staying on land.

This card is generally difficult to understand, it is recommended to interpret it as part of a pair or triad. Maps depicting water are not simple, they are complex and deep, because water is depth.

It symbolizes movement over long distances, moving, business trip, travel, emigration.

In addition to the classical one, it has other meanings, it cannot be considered either positive or negative, it is neutral.

Some say that this is a very positive card, symbolizing movement and achieving a goal, but it can also mean slowing down and can give everything a very long character.

It will slow down all other cards of the layout and deepen them, the fortune-telling itself will be postponed for a while. This divination can indicate a very long period, sometimes up to 20 years. This must be taken into account if done in order to find out the future.

If the card fell out in a character layout, it means that a person has a well-developed intuition, they are sensitive, they want to learn new things, they love to travel, these are creative and emotional natures.

She can talk about new opportunities, she can bring good luck in business and mean a new stage in a person's life. She is usually the first one in charge of the future.

The ship in the relationship

In love, she will bring remoteness and passivity, for love this is not the best card, if she fell to the spouses, then they probably parted and parted.

  • The ship is love at a distance. It can show that the couple met on the Internet and live at a distance.
  • She can talk about the physical or emotional distance of partners, often it is both.
  • She may also indicate that one of the partners has gone on a long business trip and lives in another country - this is sluggish love.
  • Even with this card, love can be strong and lasting, but it needs to open up and be sincere with a partner.

If the Ship fell out with the Storks, then the person will definitely have a long trip or move.

The ship can show parting with some friends, as they can move, friendship can be strong, long, but not stable.

In general, if you showed this card, there is nothing good in it.

Lenormand Ship in the layout for money

In financial terms, she often points to merchants. She says that he will have the money expected by a person, but they will have to wait, and possibly for a long time.

As for the professional level, it may indicate that the work of a person is related to the transport field, often this work in airlines, travel agencies and transport agencies.

  • Often this card indicates that a person is on a long vacation, it can also be a decree. Usually such people have a job, but they do not do it.
  • The ship can be a symbol of stagnation in the profession, that is, a person is literally tied to his place and work, this is a sluggish job, but there will be changes in it, though later.
  • It can show a person that he wants to change the type of activity, you need to think about it carefully and choose the right path.
  • In the financial sector, the card can mean unexpected success, windfall income, inheritance.
  • If a person treats chronic diseases with disdain, they can turn into a more acute form.

In terms of health, she can show depression and various mental disorders. Perhaps, to heal from the disease, you need to use water.

The ship often falls to people who do not like criticism and do not listen to their inner voice.

Such people can be hasty, reckless in making decisions, like to take risks and often quarrel with partners. They don't always have a good reputation.

They always want to stay afloat, but often run away from problems. On the other hand, it can warn of exciting love and new opportunities.

The card is very unfavorable if it is adjacent in the scenario to the Coffin, Cloud, Cross, Oblique, this indicates a difficult period in life. Together with Pisces, Clover and Tree, he brings a lot of money, benefits.

If at the same time a Coffin, House or Scythe appears in the triad, a person can receive an inheritance. The ship always promises a trip, but depending on the other cards of the layout, it can be different.

If heavy cards fell out with him, it will not be successful; when planning such trips, you need to be careful, and be as careful as possible on the way. The ship intensifies the other cards in the spread.

If you do not know exactly the meaning of the cards in the layout, then you can try if they are conducted by a specialist, they are very accurate and useful.

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