Significant events of August 13, 1958.

04.01.1958. The First Soviet AES (00002/1957 Alpha 2) ceased to exist, having entered the dense layers of the atmosphere.

01/30/1958. Baikonur Cosmodrome. The next test launch of the ballistic missile "R-7" No. M1-11. The rocket delivered the warhead to the area of \u200b\u200bthe test site on the Kamchatka Peninsula, however, there was no separation of the warhead and the rocket.

02/14/1958. Sergei Pavlovich Korolev was awarded the K.E. Tsiolkovsky Gold Medal of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

03/20/1958. the Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR was issued on the development of a lunar station and a three-stage rocket based on the R-7 rocket in order to achieve a second space speed and deliver the lunar station to the moon (first option) or fly around the moon (second option).

03/29/1958. Baikonur Cosmodrome. The next test launch of the ballistic missile "R-7" No. M1-10. The launch was generally successful, and the missile head reached the Earth's surface in the area of \u200b\u200bthe test site on the Kamchatka Peninsula.

04/03/1958. A branch of OKB-1 was organized at the Progress plant (Kuibyshev) for the manufacture of R-7 missiles, headed by DI Kozlov, Deputy Chief Designer of OKB-1.

04.04.1958. Baikonur Cosmodrome. The next test launch of the ballistic missile "R-7" No. M1-12. The head of the rocket reached the surface of the Earth in the area of \u200b\u200bthe test site on the Kamchatka Peninsula.

04.1958. The R-11M missile was adopted by the USSR Armed Forces.

04/27/1958. Baikonur Cosmodrome, Launch Complex No. 1. The launch of the R-7 carrier rocket, which was supposed to put a scientific satellite of the Object-D type (1958 0401F) into near-earth orbit. As a result of the launch vehicle accident, the satellite was lost.

05/15/1958. Time - 08:00. Baikonur Cosmodrome, Launch Complex No. 1. The launch of the Sputnik 8A91 carrier rocket, which placed the Third Soviet AES (00008/1958 Delta2) into low-earth orbit. The spacecraft was launched into orbit with the following parameters: orbital inclination - 65.2 degrees; circulation period - 105.95 minutes; minimum distance from the Earth's surface (at perigee) - 226 kilometers; the maximum distance from the Earth's surface (at its apogee) is 1881 kilometers. The world's first satellite for scientific research.

05.24.1958. Baikonur Cosmodrome. Another test launch of the R-7 ballistic missile. The head of the rocket reached the Earth's surface in the area of \u200b\u200bthe test site on the Kamchatka Peninsula.

06/30/1958. The Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR "On the creation of missiles with an engine based on the use of nuclear energy" was issued.

03/12/1958. The Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR on the creation of the R-7A rocket was issued.

07/10/1958. Baikonur Cosmodrome. Another test launch of the R-7 ballistic missile. The head of the rocket reached the Earth's surface in the area of \u200b\u200bthe test site on the Kamchatka Peninsula.

09/15/1958. The report “Materials from the preliminary study on the creation of a satellite of the Earth with a man on board” was sent to policymakers and major related organizations.

September 1958. Start of launches of space launch vehicles based on the R-7 rocket of the third stage. In total, up to November 1959, seven launches of automatic stations were carried out.

09/23/1958. Baikonur Cosmodrome, Launch Complex No. 1. The launch of the Vostok-L 8K72 carrier rocket, which was supposed to bring the automatic interplanetary station Luna-1A (1958 0923F) to the flight path to the Moon. The first attempt in the USSR to launch an automatic station towards the Moon. The station was supposed to reach the lunar surface. Due to the accident of the launch vehicle, the AMS "Luna-1A" was lost. The reason for the LV accident is the occurrence of increasing longitudinal vibrations.

10/04/1958. The first launch of the R-11A rocket.

10/12/1958. Baikonur Cosmodrome, Launch Complex No. 1. The launch of the Vostok-L 8K72 carrier rocket, which was supposed to bring the automatic interplanetary station Luna-1V (1958 1012F) to the flight path to the Moon. Launch vehicle crash.

12/04/1958. Baikonur cosmodrome, launch complex No. 1. Launch of the Vostok-L 8K72 carrier rocket, which was supposed to bring the automatic interplanetary station Luna-1C (1958 1204F) to the flight path to the Moon. The station was supposed to reach the lunar surface. Launch vehicle crash. The cause of the accident was a defect in the multiplier of the hydrogen peroxide pump.

Much is happening this year in the USSR for the first time. Increase prices for wine and vodka and abolish tuition fees. They are raising virgin lands, conducting shock construction projects, celebrating the Day of Soviet Youth for the first time, celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Komsomol and introducing a new sign of the Komsomol. The whole world congratulates the Soviet Union on the launch of the second and third artificial earth satellites. The world community finally comes to its senses after the war and organizes an international exhibition in Brussels, where the Soviet pavilion with mock satellites outshines everything.
For the first time in Moscow, the International Competition for Violinists and Pianists named after V.I. P. I. Tchaikovsky. After him, the name of Van Cliburn becomes known to the whole world. During the entire existence of the Cannes Film Festival, the Palme d'Or goes to the Soviet film The Cranes Are Flying for the first time. The Bolshoi Theatre for the first time goes on long tours abroad, and exhibitions from the collection of the Dresden Gallery are held in Moscow and Leningrad.
There are also enough dramatic events: local people beat young virgin lands, but the newspapers are silent about this. But they take an active part in the persecution of Boris Pasternak. He was also expelled from the Writers' Union and was forced to refuse the Nobel Prize for Doctor Zhivago.

Vasily Ivanovich and John Lennon are going to the Kremlin to look for the truth. And to meet them Muhammad Ali. - Who is this black? - Vasily Ivanovich asks ... Vasily Ivanovich and John Lennon are going to the Kremlin to look for the truth. And to meet them Muhammad Ali. - Who is this black? - asks Vasily Ivanovich. - ABOUT! This is Solzhenitsyn, ”Lennon replies respectfully. - Well, you must, so denigrate a person, - sighs Vasily Ivanovich. Type: Sadistic Rhymes

One girl lived in Moscow. And then one day she was going to go to a disco, she put on new jeans and all the gold jewelry that she had. Mom ... One girl lived in Moscow. And then one day she was about to go to a disco, she put on new jeans and all the gold jewelry that she had. Mom did not want to let the girl in. She was afraid that something might happen to her daughter. But the girl still went and said that she would come at eleven. Mom waited for her. At eleven, the girl did not return. When it was midnight, Mom became worried. But at one o'clock the girl didn’t come either, didn’t come at two or three. Suddenly at four o'clock the bell rang. When my mother opened the door, she saw that the cut-off half of her daughter in jeans was standing in front of her. And there is no top with all the decorations.

ratings: 0
Type: Young Avengers Underground Organization

On July 1, 1958, the title of Hero of the Soviet Union was conferred on members of the Obolsk underground Komsomol-youth organization "Young Avengers" Efrosinya Savelyevna ZENKOVA (head of the organization) and Zinaida Martynovna PORTNOVA. The last one - posthumously.
The organization arose in the Shumilinsky district of the Vitebsk region of Belarus in the winter of 1941 and included young men and women from the villages of Ushaly, Zuya, Mostishche, Ferma and Obol station - students of the 7-10th grades of the local school. Members of the organization: Zenkova Efrosinya Savelyevna (Fruza Zenkova), Dementyeva Maria, Ezavitov Vladimir, Ezavitov Ilya, Ezavitov Eugene, Luzgina Maria, Portnova Zinaida Martynovna (Zina Portnova), Azolina Nina Adolfovna, Shashkova Valentina, Alekseev Arkadov, Nina Barbash Slyshankov Fedor, Luzgina Antonina, Khrebtenko Maria, Khrebtenko Dmitry, Antonik Nina, Dementieva Nadezhda ...
They kept in touch with the Sirotinsky underground district committees of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) and the Komsomol and the Voroshilov partisan detachment, to which they sent weapons, medicines and intelligence obtained from the Germans, in return receiving reports from the Soviet Information Bureau and explosives. Members of the organization were enrolled in a partisan detachment, in which they took an oath of allegiance to the Motherland. On the instructions of the partisans, the underground workers got a job in German institutions: Nina Azolina entered the commandant's office, Zina Portnova and Nina Davydova - in the officers' mess, young men - in the peat, brick and linen factories.
The organization began its activities by posting leaflets, then moved on to more active action - underground members committed 21 acts of sabotage. In the summer of 1942, the Komsomol members burned several bridges on the Obol-Uboyno road. At the same time, Nikolai Alekseev, a switchman from the Obol station, joined the organization, who supplied the partisans with information about German transport; thanks to him, in particular, the aviation caused by the partisans destroyed the train with tanks. After that, Alekseev began to plant magnetic mines and, in particular, blew up three trains with ammunition.
In the summer of 1943, underground workers blew up the station's pumping station with a mine disguised as a piece of coal and carried by Nina Azolina; since it was the only surviving pumping station in the district, its destruction created serious obstacles to the railway traffic. A power plant, a brick factory, a railway warehouse and a locomotive at a peat factory were also blown up, a flax factory with 2 thousand tons of flax, prepared for shipment to Germany, was burned. German punitive officer Karl Bormann was killed (exploded on a mine planted by Volodya Ezavitov). Zina Portnova poisoned the visitors of the officers' mess (more than a hundred officers died). During the proceedings, wanting to prove her innocence to the Germans, she tasted the poisoned soup. Miraculously survived.
On August 26, 1943, on the denunciation of a traitor, the Germans arrested all members of the organization, except for Efrosinya Zenkova, Zina Portnova and Arkady Barbashov. Those arrested were tortured and shot in Polotsk in early October. In December, also as a result of betrayal, Zina Portnova, who was returning from intelligence service, was arrested (executed on January 10, 1944). In the photo: an obelisk in g. Obol, Shumilinsky district, dedicated to the memory of the underground workers.

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