Geographical location of the Black Sea. Map, coordinates, photos

Black Sea - the inner sea of \u200b\u200bthe pool of the Atlantic Ocean. The Bosphorus Strait is connected to the marble sea, further, through the Strait of Dardanelles - with the Aegean and Mediterranean seas. The Kerch Strait is connected to the Azov Sea. From the north in the sea, the Crimean Peninsula is deeply crashed. On the surface of the Black Sea, the water border between Europe and Malaya Asia passes.

Area 422,000 km². The outlines of the Black Sea remind an oval with the largest axis of about 1 150 km. The greatest length of the sea from north to south is 580 km. The greatest depth is 2 210 m, the average - 1 240 m. The sea ishes the coast of Russia, Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey and Georgia. On the northeast coast of the Black Sea is unrecognized public education Abkhazia. The coast of the Black Sea is cut little and, mostly, in the northern part of it. The only major peninsula is Crimean. The bays are small. Islands in the Black Sea little. Several largest rivers flow into the sea: Danube, Dnipro, Dniester.

Ancient Greek Name of the Sea - Pont Aksinsky ("Negood Sea"). In the "geography" of Strabo, it is assumed that such a name of the sea received due to difficulties with navigation, as well as wild hostile tribes that inhabited his shore. Later, after the successful mastering of the shores by the Greek colonists, the sea began to be called Putt Evksinsky ("hospitable sea"). However, Storabo has mention that the Black Sea is called in antiquity and simply the "sea."

In the ancient Russia, the X-XVI centuries in the chronicles met the name "Russian Sea", in some sources the sea is called "Scythian". The modern name "Black Sea" found its corresponding display in most languages. There are a number of hypotheses regarding the causes of such a name. According to a number of researchers, there may be the fact that during storms water in the sea heavily darkens. However, storms in the Black Sea are not too frequent, but the water darkens during the storms in all the seas of the Earth. Another hypothesis of the origin of the name is based on the fact that metal items (for example, anchors), lowered by the sea deeper 150 m for a long time, covered with black beam due to the action of hydrogen sulfide. Another hypothesis is associated with the "color" designation of the parties adopted in a number of Asian countries, where the "black" indicated the north, respectively, the Black Sea - the North Sea.


The history of the study of the Black Sea began in antique times, together with the swimming of the Greeks, founding their settlements on the seashore. Already in the 4th century BC, the first closets of the sea were compiled. More serious studies of the Black Sea belong to the end of the XVIII-XIX centuries. At this time, Russian scientists academicians Peter Petlas and Middendorf studied the properties of the waters and the fauna of the Black Sea. In 1816, a description of the Black Sea coast, made by F.F. Bellylshausen, in 1817 the first Black Sea map was released, in 1842 - the first atlas, in 1851 - the closuit of the Black Sea.

Relief DNA

One of the hypotheses of the Black Sea appearance says that 7500 years ago it was the deepest freshwater lake on Earth, the level was below the modern one hundred and more than a hundred meters. At the end of the ice age, the World Ocean level rose and the Bosphorus Identis was broken.

The Black Sea Wpadin consists of two parts - western and eastern, separated by a lift, which is a natural continuation of the Crimean Peninsula. The western part with a wide shelf strip, and the eastern is coolest and is raised by a whole range of canyons and depressions. Here, south of Yalta, the sea reaches the maximum depth (2 210 m). As part of rocks, folding bottom of the sea, pebbles, gravel, sand predominate in the coastal zone. With the removal from the coast they are replaced by fine-grained sands and aleurites. In the northwestern part of the Black Sea, the shells are widespread. Among the main minerals, the deposits of which are available at the bottom of the sea, oil and natural gas on the North-West shelf and coastal placers of titanomagnetite sands.

Climate and hydrological regime

The climate of the Black Sea is mostly continental. The Black Sea Coast of the Caucasus and the South Coast of the Crimea are protected by mountains from cold northern winds and therefore have a soft Mediterranean climate, and to the southeast of Tuapse - a wet subtropical climate. A significant impact on the weather over the Black Sea has the Atlantic Ocean, over which the most of the cyclones bringing bad weather and storms are born. For most of the sea, a warm wet winter is characterized (average temperatures -3 ..- 1 ° C) and hot dry summer (+23 .. + 25 ° C). The greatest amount of precipitation in the Black Sea region falls on the Caucasus coast (up to 1,500 mm per year).

The water of the Black Sea is not subject to freezing. But in very severe and long winter, the northern part can form coastal ice - digest. The water of the Black Sea is unique. Its exclusivity is that 87% of the volume occupy water saturated with hydrogen sulfide. This zone begins at a depth of about 100 meters, and the border over the years is gradually rising.

Flora and fauna

Biological resources are quite poor, compared with other seas of these latitudes. Among the main reasons: a wide range of water saline, moderately cold water, the presence of hydrogen sulfide at large depths. The vegetation world of the sea includes 270 species of multicellular green, brown, red bottom algae. 2.5 thousand animal species live in the Black Sea.

At the bottom of the sea, mussels, oysters, pecten, as well as a mollusk predator Rapana, brought with ships from the Far East. In the crevices of coastal rocks and among the stones live numerous crabs, there are shrimps, there are various types of jellyfish, acti, sponge. Among the fish in the Black Sea: Various types of Bulls, Azov Hamsa, Black Sea Hamsa (Anchovy), Akula-Katran, Kambala Gloss, Kefal Five species, Lufar, Merlusa (Heck), Marine Yersh, Barabul, Piksha, Mackerel, Stavrid , Chernomorsk-Azov herring, Black Sea-Azov Tulka, etc. There are sturgeon. Among the dangerous fish of the Black Sea - the sea dragon (the most dangerous - poisonous spine barrels and gill lids), Black Sea and noticeable Speren, Skat-tail (sea cat) with poisonous spikes on the tail.

Economic significance

According to the Black Sea, numerous transportation of various goods and transportation of passengers are carried out. The ports that take the vessel as the Russian state and other countries are well developed on the Black Sea coast. This contributes to the development of trade relations. On the Black Sea coast there are a large number of resort towns and towns. There is a large number of different institutions whose activities are aimed at treating people.

Fishery in the Black Sea have fish: sprat (sprat), kefal, anchov (Hamsa), mackerel, stavride, pike perch, bream, herring. Main fishing ports: Sevastopol, Kerch, Novorossiysk, etc. Here, along with fisheries, mining of mollusks and algae are developed.


The ecology of the Black Sea causes much to be desired. Big problems are associated with the release of waste. More waste to the sea come with the waters of the Dnieper, Danube and Prut, from utility services of large cities and resorts, industrial enterprises are wastewater flows. Increased concentration of petroleum products leads to extinction of many types of fauna, the catch are reduced. Oil pollution occurs for the most part due to catastrophes with marine courts, as well as emergency emissions of industrial enterprises. The most commonly pollution by the oil film is observed along the Caucasian coast and near the Crimean Peninsula.

With the waters of rivers in the sea, not only heavy metals and pesticides, but also nitrogen and phosphorus from the fields are coming. Phytoplankton, obtaining excess nutrients from fertilizers, brewing violently, water "blooms". The bottom of the coastal zones and the coast are contaminated with a huge number of domestic garbage. It comes from ships, noomers organized along rivers and washed floods, from the shores of the resorts. In saline water, such garbage decomposes decades, and plastic - century.

In recent years, the XX - early XXI century, fisheries have significantly decreased due to the fan of fish and deterioration of the ecological state of the sea. A significant problem is also presented forbidden poaching, especially with respect to sturgeon.

The geographical position of the Black Sea is perhaps known to every resident of our country. Why? The thing is that almost all of us at least once in life, but have been on its coast, well, or plan to go there in your nearest vacation.

The Black Sea map of Russia shows that our country divides it with Ukraine, Georgia, Turkey, Bulgaria and Romania.

About the location, history, climate and the characteristic features of this section of the World Ocean and will be discussed in this article.

Section 1. General Information

If you look at the Black Sea on the world map, you can make sure it belongs to the atlantic ocean pool and refers to the inner type of seas. Its area is approximately 422.0 thousand square meters. km (for other information - 436.4 thousand square meters).

Spearly, the sea resembles the form of oval with the highest axis of 1150 km. The maximum length from north to south is 580 km. The average depth is 1240 m, and the greatest - 2210 m.

The ports of the Black Sea have a number of advantages, as the water of this section of the World Ocean is connected to the marble through the Bosphorus Strait, hereinafter, through the Strait of Dardanelles (Gellespont) - with the Mediterranean and Aegean, and the Kerch Strait with the Azov Sea.

On his water area, the line of the border between Europe and the Crimean Peninsula is deeply located in the northern part of the sea.

Its water is washed by the territory of several states at once: Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, Romania, Turkey and Bulgaria. In the north-east of the coast, there is a partially recognized state of Abkhazia.

The sea pool has a rare property. Its bottom layers are filled with hydrogen sulfide, which is why life (with the exception of certain types of bacteria) is completely absent at a depth of over 150 m.

The geographical position of the Black Sea is very successful. Why? The thing is that it has the most important economic and transport, strategic and military importance, and also relates to the largest recreational zones of Eurasia. The main military bases of the Black Sea Fleet of Russia are concentrated in the ports of Sevastopol and Novorossiysk.

Section 2. History of the Black Sea

Photo of the Black Sea, as a rule, attract attention, bribing with beauty and some infinity. But what do we actually know about him?

First of all, it is impossible not to mention that this is a relatively young sea that has a unformed ecosystem, which continues its development: the water level changes, new representatives of the flora and fauna appear, and some disappear.

In the past, and this is about 8 thousand years ago, this sea was at all the lake. Its biosystem is strongly susceptible to external influences - the influence of climate or man. Despite the fact that it is much less than the ocean and life is less diverse in it, the Black Sea coast and its ecology are of interest to scientists.

Section 3. What is the element climate?

The Chernomyland climate is due to the middle-continental location and mainly refers to the continental type. For this region is characterized by a warm wet winter and a dry summer. And the Caucasian coast is protected from the winds of the mountains, so that the Mediterranean subtropical climate is here.

The geographical position of the Black Sea is such that the weather conditions have a significant influence of the cyclones of the Atlantic, which bring a storm and cooling. The wind of the south-western direction usually bring wet Mediterranean air masses.

In January, the average temperature of up to + 2 ° C is held in the north, but it happens to -5 ° C, it periodically falls out. Much warmer on the southern and Caucasus. It is rarely below + 5 ° C.

The July air temperature in the north of the sea is +25 - + 27 ° C. Due to the sea, the air temperature usually does not rise above 37 ° C.

The warmest corner of the Black Sea is the Caucasian coast, where an average of + 17 ° C per year. The Caucasian coast accounts for a greater amount of precipitation (1500 mm per year), the least of them in the north-west (up to 300 mm per year).

The Black Sea is not subject to freezing, water does not cool below +8 ° C.

Section 4. Local Flora and Fauna

Have you ever thought about what organisms inhabit the Black Sea? Characteristic shows that the Black Sea flora consists of more than 260 species of green, red bottom and brown algae: a foster, ulva, cystosira, zoster, etc.

The phytoplankton of the sea includes about 600 species, among which there are diatoms of algae and representatives of dinoflagellates (Dinofizis, Alexandrium, Protoperidinium).

Fauna is less diverse compared to, for example, Mediterranean. In the waters of this sea, 2500 species of animals are living, including 160 species of mammals and fish, up to 500 simple single-cellular, 500 crustaceans, 200 mollusks, as well as other invertebrates. In the Mediterranean today, about 9,000 species live.

At the bottom of the sea, there was a refuge of oysters and mussels, mollusks of Rapane. Among the coastal rocks and stones can be found crabs, there are jellyfish, shrimp, acti and sponge.

The saline of the animal world affects salinity and water temperature, as well as formation at the depths of hydrogen sulfide. Nevertheless, the water of the sea is suitable for the existence of unpretentious species for which depths are not required.

SECTION 5. What kind of resorts are located on the Black Sea?

Russian resorts are in the Krasnodar Territory. The most popular of them are Sochi, Anapa, Gelendzhik and Tuapse. The best sanatoriums and boarding houses are built here.

Resorts are located on the Crimean Peninsula: Evpatoria, Alushta, Yalta, Sudak, Feodosia, Chernomorskoe and Sokolina. A paradise recreation corner are the health resort of Abkhazia. The major tourist centers of Ukraine refers Odessa, which has become a real pearl of the sea in recent years.


Decided to go to the Black Sea? Traveler reviews unanimously declare that you really can not be here, and the prerequisites are really a lot for this.

First of all, we note that Sochi is the most southern and warm resort of Russia. And it is here, on the coast, dozens of pensions and sanatoriums are located.

The beach season in Sochi lasts from May to mid-October. Solar weather holds 300 days a year. Favorable mineral springs and dirt have a health-medicinal action per person. Sanatoriums take those who wish throughout the year.

The nature of this region is unique and unique: mountain gorges with stormy rivers, waterfalls and caves, cold lakes, impassable forests and alpine ski slopes. These places attract fans of outdoor activities and extreme.

Sochi is famous not only by beach recreation, but also by cultural attractions. There are many museums, theaters, entertainment centers, restaurants and nightclubs.


One of the most famous resort towns of Crimea is Yalta. In addition, he is one of the most beautiful cities in the world.

This is a modern resort of an amazing place called the Black Sea. The map shows that the beaches are actually huge, 72 km long.

The city is considered the capital of all Crimean resorts and an important administrative, cultural and tourist center on the southern coast of Crimea.

An abundance of sun and vegetation, warm sea and sand, clean air, mountains and a huge number of attractions create favorable conditions for recreation and recovery.


In fact, it seems that God himself created these sites for a person's rest. The beach season lasts from May to October and 220 days a year you can enjoy the sun.

Sea water is distinguished by low salt, transparency and perfect for swimming. Tourist Abkhazia is a hospitable people, luxurious nature and many historical monuments.

Guests are waiting for excursions to waterfalls, mineral sources and rice lake, Karst Caves and the ruins of the ancient city. The famous resorts of the edge - Pitsunda, Gagra, Sukhum and Gudauta.

The tourist industry of Abkhazia is developing at a rapid pace: old boarding houses are repaired and new comfortable hotels were built, there are many restaurants and entertainment centers on the streets. One of the popular resorts is the city of Pitsunda, surrounded by pine forests, which create a special microclimate with a healing coniferous aroma.

Here, even in hot weather, fresh and cool. All guesthouses are located in a picturesque bay near the sea.

Section 6. Water movement in the Black Sea

It is believed that the ports of the Black Sea have a lot of advantages. Explain why. Usually this section of the world's ocean is quiet and calm. Waves appear during windy weather, most often in winter. They can reach 15 m, which is dangerous only for small ships. Flips and flows do not exceed 10 cm and almost invisible.

In general, there are two types of flows in the sea - superficial and double. The first are caused by the cyclone type of winds, and the second are formed in the Bosphorus and Kerch Strait and are caused by a difference in water density in two pools.

Surface type flows form two closed rings. The West Ring is narrowed to the south and makes up the width opposite the Danube delta about 100 km. The speed of this flow is almost 0.5 km / h. The Eastern Ring reaches 50-100 km and has a speed of up to 1 km / h.

The dual flow in the bosphorus occurs due to water exchange between the black and marble seas. The lightest and less salted water of the Black Sea enters the marble at a speed of up to 2 km, and in return, it receives the lower stream of the larger water of the marble sea.

Another double flow is formed between the Black and Azov seas. At the same time, the desired water of the Azov Sea falls the upper flow in the Black Sea, getting more salty water in return.

In addition to horizontal flows, there are vertical, limited by the upper layers of water (up to 80 m).

Section 7. Threats of the sea: wind and fog

The geographical position of the Black Sea explicitly indicates that the fogs arise over the coast or coastal mainly in the cold season. At the invasion of the cold sea air, the fog is formed above the sea near the coast.

On the coast, it usually appears in the spring. The greatest nebula is celebrated in winter, especially in the Bosphorus Strait (up to 80 days a year). However, there are prolonged fogs. For example, in winter in Odessa they last up to 10 days. Photo of the Black Sea, made in this weather, differ in special romanticism and mystery.

The strength and speed of wind on the sea is more than on the coast. When cyclones appear over the sea, the wet air becomes vertically unstable, forming vortex winds and tornadoes, dangerous for small vessels. Wind speed in winter reaches from 3 to 40 m / s. Sometimes there are a storm. Night winds bring to the coast of coolness.

Section 8. What is dangerous Black Sea currents

However, the Black Sea, the characteristic of this section of the World Ocean clearly indicates the existence of this section of the world ocean, clearly indicates the existence of a volatile current aimed at the entire perimeter counterclockwise.

The flow forms two rings, called "Knipovich's glasses" (in honor of the hydrologist describing this phenomenon). The speed depends on the rotation of the Earth. Also, the strength affects the strength and sometimes in coastal zones there are vortices directed against the main flow (anticyclonic cyphans).

The movement of the upper times is changeable and determined by the wind. One of these flows is called the crash formed during the storm. Waves running ashore retreat with powerful streams of rushed on the sandy day. Such streams are very dangerous for people and can carry away from the coast. To get out of them, you need to sail to the shore not in a straight line, but diagonally.

Section 9. Why does the sea be restful? Ancient legend

Black Sea on the world map, even on the most ancient, visible quite well. That is why, apparently, they know about it quite a long time, folding myths and retelling epics. And here is one of them.

In ancient times, one brave warrior lived, whose courage was made by legends. Once the old magician decided to give him a magic arrow, whose magic force depended on human intents. Once in the hands of the villain, she could bring a lot of misfortunes on Earth. Bogatyr never used her without need and for mercenary purposes. Together, he began to look for a person who could be entrusted to the arrow. But only her secret could be revealed to the worthy owner.

Then the bogatyr decided to hide the weapon in the Black Sea and asked her sons to take her to his middle him. He knew that they were not fulfilled from the first time, and sent them again. The sons performed the will of the Father and lowered the arrow to the bottom of the sea. It enjoyed the sea, it began to make noise and to this day tries to throw an arrow on the shore.

Section 10. Black Sea warms?

Can you tell exactly where is the Black Sea? The map shows that it is quite worth it to be considered the most southern marine border of our state. And, of course, it is also the warmest. However, it is the opinion that the temperature in it gradually increases. Is it really?

The Black Sea (Krasnodar Territory is taken as the basis of the study) is filled with hydrogen sulfide, and therefore, only coastal and surface layers of water are suitable for life. By the way, because of this, it refers to one of the most infidelized seas of the world.

Also on the ecosystem of the sea negatively affects worldwide warming, which led to an increase in air temperature in winter and incomplete cooling of the upper layers of the sea. And this in turn makes it difficult to the process of vertical rotation of the upper layers of water to the depth to maintain the boundaries of the hydrogen sulfide.

Warming led to the fact that the hydrogen sulfide zone rose to the surface of the sea by almost 12 meters and these waters became lifeless. The volume of water enriched with oxygen continues to decrease, which causes concerns of ecologists. So, the Black Sea, the coordinates of which 43 ° 17'49 "s. sh. 34 ° 01'46 "in. d., most likely, it will be labeled further.

Our Russia is washed from all sides by the seas and oceans, it has seventeen exits to the big water, which makes it just a unique world power. Some seas are located in the southern part of the country and belong to the resort area, and the northern Russian waters are replete with fish and other fishing species of marine inhabitants. Most often, our compatriots attend the Black Sea and the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov, whose comparison we will spend today.

Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov: Quick description

The Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov is located in the southern part of Russia, it is a semi-plated view of the sea and is related to the atlantic ocean pool. With the ocean of the sea connected with chain of straits and various seas. The salinity of water is ensured by the influx of water masses from the Black Sea, but in most of them they are diluted with river runoff. In recent years, a person has been active on the coast of the sea, so the influx of freshwater has decreased significantly. This fact affected the population of marine inhabitants.

Black Sea: Briefly about the main

The Black Sea is an inland sea of \u200b\u200bthe Atlantic Ocean, it is associated with the Mediterranean and Aegean Sea with various straits. The water area has long been lodged with people, now to the waters of the Black Sea there is a way out of Russia, Turkey, Georgia and Bulgaria.

One of the peculiarities of the water area is the impossibility of living in large depths. This is due to the release of hydrogen sulfide at a depth of more than one hundred and fifty meters, moreover, this feature does not allow different layers of water to be mixed with each other. Therefore, in the Black Sea, large temperature differences are observed at minor depths.

Where did the Azov Sea come from

In the ancient times of the Azov Sea did not exist, this territory had a swampy character. Scientists believe that the water area formed approximately five thousand six hundred and era as a result of the Black Sea Flood. This version was expressed by antique philosophers and maintained by modern hydrologists and oceanologists.

During its existence, the Azov Sea changed many times its name. On them, you can even trace the history of the development of the reservoir itself, because the ancient Greeks attributed it to the lakes, and the Romans to the swamps. Although already Scythians in their name of the water area used the word "sea".

Scientists counted more than fifty different names. Each people, who chose the shores of the Azov Sea sought to give him a new name. Only in the eighteenth century in Russian, the word "Azov" was consolidated to us. Although in the first century of our era, some Greek scientists mentioned the name close to the sound with a modern pronunciation.

The history of the emergence of the Black Sea

Hydrologists believe that a fresh lake has always existed on the site of today's Black Sea. It is worth noting that at that time it was the largest in the world, the filling of the waterwater waters occurred as a result of the same Black Sea Flood, thanks to which the Azov Sea was formed. The large stream of salt water caused the mass death of freshwater inhabitants of the lake, which became the source of sulfide emissions from sea depths.

I would like to note that the Black Sea almost always had the names close to today. It is believed that the Scythian tribes that dwell on the coast called the Sea "Dark". The Greeks, in turn, reincarnated the name and began to call the Wockery of the "Negospense Sea". It is associated with frequent storms and the difficulties of the passage passage. Some hydrologists put forward a hypothesis, according to which sailors from ancient times noticed that anchoring when picked up with depths acquire a deep black color. This was the prerequisites for the name of the sea.

Where the Black and Azov Sea are located: coordinates and sizes

The Black Sea has an area of \u200b\u200bmore than four hundred thousand square kilometers, the length of the surface between the two remote points is approximately five hundred eighty kilometers. The volume of water in the water area is equal to five hundred and fifty cubic kilometers. The coordinates of the Black Sea lie between forty-six degrees thirty-three minutes and forty degrees with fifty-six minutes of northern latitude and between twenty seven degrees twenty-seven minutes and forty one degree forty two minutes of Eastern longitude.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe Azov Sea is thirty-seven square kilometers, the length between the remote points is equal to the tremstas eighty kilometers. The coordinates of the sea lie between 45 ° 12'30 "and 47 ° 17'30" northern latitude and between 33 ° 38 'and 39 ° 18' of East longitude.


The Black Sea and the Azov Sea differ significantly among themselves. First of all, the usual person is striking the differences in depths. The fact is that the depth of the Azov Sea is constantly changing. Scientists are seriously concerned about the trend towards the annulling of Azaz. At the moment, the sea refers to the smallest in the world, and the process of crosses is gaining momentum every year and becomes more and more active. According to the latest data, the average depth of the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov is only seven meters, the deepest place in the entire water area is marked thirteen and a half meters.

The Black Sea is characterized by inhomogeneous bottom terrain. Therefore, the depth on different sites is seriously different. The maximum depth reaches two thousand meters. In the Yalta area, the average depth is five hundred meters, and this mark is already achieved a few kilometers from the coast.

It's amazing how in our world everything is interconnected. This also applies to the seas. Each schoolchild is known that the Black Sea and the Azov Sea are connected to each other, it represents a narrow strip of water, not exceeding four kilometers in width. The depth of the strait on average is five meters.

Those who in Soviet times often visited the Black Sea and the Azov Sea, know that there is an absolutely unique place in which you can see the contact of the two seas. If you arrive on Tuslov Spit, then on the one hand you will have the Azov Sea, and on the other - black. Tourists argue that this braid is an unusually successful place to relax. There are practically no people here, and the ability to swim immediately in both seas can not but please inhateled holidaymakers.

It is worth noting that in comparison with the Azov Sea of \u200b\u200bthe Black Sea, they look more light. What it is connected scientists make it difficult to say.

What does the coast of the seas look like

The coast of the Black and Azov Sea differ significantly among themselves. Azov is represented by flat beaches with little rugged terrain. In most, the beaches are covered with sand, the Russian part is two hundred fifty kilometers of the coastal strip. The feature of the coast of the Azov Sea is scaming braids, they are usually deeply issued to the water area and do not exceed five kilometers wide.

The length of the Russian part of the Black Sea coast is four hundred fifty-seven kilometers. The coastal band is slightly cut and presented in the main pebble beaches, which in some places have a width of more than three hundred meters. The Black Sea is characterized by a large number of islands, chaotically scattered throughout the water area.

Transparency and color of water masses

The Black Sea and the Azov Sea have a different composition of water, which affects them. If you look at the Black Sea on a sunny day, you will see how the water acquires a deep cobalt shade. This is due to the absorption of the sun's red and orange spectrum. The Black Sea does not apply to the most transparent, but nevertheless, visibility in the dwell day here reaches more than seventy meters.

The water of the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov in the windless weather has a greenish color, and the slightest wind immediately turns the water into a dirty yellow substance. This is due to the large number of phytoplankton who flooded the water waters. The fact is that a shallow water with a warm water is perfect for development, which corresponds to the indicators of the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov. It is small depths that affect the transparency of water, it is almost always muddy with low visibility.

Sea Flora and Fauna

Hydrologists and oceanologists often compare the Black Sea and the Azov Sea from the point of view of the wealth of flora and fauna. This indicator reveals significant differences between two water areas.

At one time, the Azov Sea did not have competitors in the number of fish, several large companies were engaged in catching. In recent years, the population of marine species has declined significantly. According to oceanologists, more than one hundred three species of fish lives in the Azov Sea. Almost all of them are commercial:

  • herring;
  • stellate sturgeon;
  • tulka;
  • kambala and so on.

The Black Sea is considered relatively poor in terms of marine inhabitants, because at a depth, due to the emissions of hydrogen sulfide, life is simply impossible. About one hundred sixty species of fish and five hundred crustaceans live in the sea. But phytoplankton is represented by six dozen species in counterweight two types in the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov.

Despite the fact that the Black Sea and the Azov Sea are located near and even have a common border, they differ significantly among themselves. Some of these differences can only be identified by scientists, and the part is excellent noticeable even by simple vacationers, which often prefer the coast of these seas with foreign resorts.

Black Sea Square 422,000 km² (according to other data - 436,400 km²). The outlines of the Black Sea remind an oval with the largest axis about 1150 km. The greatest length of the sea from north to south is 580 km. The greatest depth is 2210 m, the average - 1240 m.

The sea ishes the coast of Russia, Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey and Georgia. On the northeast coast of the Black Sea is unrecognized public education Abkhazia.

The characteristic feature of the Black Sea is complete (with the exception of a number of anaerobic bacteria) the lack of life at depths of over 150-200 m due to the saturation of the deep layers of water with hydrogen sulfide. The Black Sea is an important area of \u200b\u200btransportation, as well as one of the largest resort regions of Eurasia.

In addition, the Black Sea retains important strategic and military importance. In Sevastopol and Novorossiysk are the main military bases of the Russian Black Sea Fleet.

The ancient Greek Name of the Sea - Pont Aksinsky (Greek. Όόντος ἄξενος, "non-microgenic sea"). In the "geography" of Strabo, it is assumed that such a name of the sea received due to difficulties with navigation, as well as wild hostile tribes, inhabiting his shore. Later, after the successful development of the shores by the Greek colonists, the sea began to be called Putom Evksinsky (Greek. Όόντος εὔξενος, "hospitable sea"). However, Storabo (1.2.10) has references to the fact that the Black Sea is called the Black Sea and simply the "sea" (Pontos).

In the ancient Russia, the X-XVI centuries in the chronicles met the name "Russian Sea", in some sources the sea is called "Scythian". The modern name "Black Sea" found its corresponding display in most languages: Greek. Μαύρη θάλασσα, Bulgarian. Black sea, cargo. შავი ზღვა, Rum. Marea Neagră, English. Black Sea, tour. Karadeniz, Ukr. Chorna Sea and others. The earliest sources mentioning this name belong to the XIII century, but there are certain signs that it has been used before. There are a number of hypotheses regarding the causes of such a name:

Turks and other conquerors who have tried to conquer the population of the coast of the sea, met furious rebuff from Circassians, Adygov and other tribes, for which the sea called the Caradgiz - black, non-microgenic.

Another reason, according to a number of researchers, may be the fact that during the storms water in the sea heavily darkens. However, storms in the Black Sea are not too frequent, but the water darkens during the storms in all the seas of the Earth. Another hypothesis of the origin of the name is based on the fact that metal items (for example, anchors), lowered by the sea deeper 150 m for a long time, covered with black beam due to the action of hydrogen sulfide.

Another hypothesis is associated with the "color" designation of the parties adopted in a number of Asian countries, where the "black" indicated the north, respectively, the Black Sea - the North Sea.

One of the most common hypotheses is the assumption that the name is associated with memories of the breakthrough of the Bosphorus 7500-5000 years ago, the consequence of the catastrophic rise in the sea level of almost 100 meters, which in turn led to the flooding of the extensive shelf zone and the formation of the Azov Sea .

There is a Turkish legend, according to which the Bogatyr sword is resting in the waters of the Black Sea, which was thrown back at the request of the Wizard Ali. Because of this, the sea is worried, trying to throw deadly weapons from their bunches, and stains in black.

The coast of the Black Sea is cut little and, mostly, in the northern part of it. The only major peninsula is Crimean. The largest bays: Yagullytsky, Tenndrovsky, Jarylgach, Carcinite, Kamitsky and Feodosian in Ukraine, Varna and Burgas in Bulgaria, Sinopsky and Samsunsky - at the southern shores of the sea, in Turkey. In the north and northwest, the limans bloom in the fall of rivers. The total length of the coastline is 3400 km.

A number of seats of the coast of the sea have their own names: the southern coast of the Crimea in Ukraine, the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus in Russia, the Rougelian coast and Anatolian coast in Turkey. In the West and the North-West, the coast of the lowlands, there are obscure places; In the Crimea - mostly lowlands, with the exception of the southern mountainous banks. On the eastern and southern shores to the sea, the fathers of the Caucasian and Pontic Mountains approach.

Islands in the Black Sea little. The largest - Berezan and Serpentine (both are less than 1 km²).

The following largest rivers flow into the Black Sea: Danube, Dnipro, Dniester, as well as smaller Mzymt, Bzybe, Rioni, Kodor (Code), Inguri (in the east of the sea), Chorokh, Kyzyl Irmaak, Ashley Irmak, Sakarya (in the south ), South Bug (in the north). The Black Sea fills in an isolated depression located between Southeast Europe and the Peninsula Small Asia. This vpadina was formed in the Miocene era, in the process of active mining, dividing the ancient ocean thetyis into several separate water bodies (from which the Azov, Aral and Caspian Sea) were formed.

One of the hypotheses of the Black Sea (in particular, the conclusions of the participants of the International Oceanographic Expedition on the Scientific Court "Aquava" in 1993) says that 7500 years ago it was the deepest freshwater lake from himself, the level was lower than the modern one hundred and more than a hundred . At the end of the ice age, the World Ocean level rose and the Bosphorus Identis was broken. A total of 100 thousand km² were flooded (fertile lands already cultivated by people). The flooding of these extensive lands may have become the prototype of the myth about the World Flood. The emergence of the Black Sea according to this hypothesis was supposed to be accompanied by the massive death of the entire freshwater living world of the lake, the product of the decomposition of which is hydrogen sulfide - reaches high concentrations at the bottom of the sea.

The Black Sea Wpadin consists of two parts - western and eastern, separated by a lift, which is a natural continuation of the Crimean Peninsula. The northwestern part of the sea is characterized by a relatively wide shelf strip (up to 190 km). The southern coast (owned by Turkey) and Eastern (Georgia) is coolest, the shelf strip does not exceed 20 km and is cut by a whole number of canyons and pridins. The depths of the coast of the Crimea and the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus increase extremely quickly, reaching marks over 500 m is already a few kilometers from the coastal line. Maximum depth (2210 m) The sea reaches in the central part, south of Yalta.

As part of rocks, folding the bottom of the sea, threatening sediments prevail in the coastal zone: pebbles, gravel, sand. With the removal from the coast they are replaced by fine-grained sands and aleurites. In the northwestern part of the Black Sea, shells are widespread; For the slope and the bodies of the sea depression are ordinary pelitic ils.

Among the main minerals, the deposits of which are available at the bottom of the sea: oil and natural gas on the northwestern shelf; Coastal placers of titaniumagnetite sands (Taman Peninsula, Caucasus Coast). The Black Sea is the world's largest meromictic (with non-dry water levels) with water. The upper layer of water (mixolimnion), which flows to a depth of 150 m, the cooler, less dense and less salted, saturated with oxygen, is separated from the lower, more warm, salt and dense, saturated hydrogen sulfide layer (monimolimnion) chemoclin (borderline layer between aerobic and anaerobic zones). There is no single generally accepted explanation of the origin of hydrogen sulfide in the Black Sea. It is believed that hydrogen sulfide in the Black Sea is formed mainly as a result of the vital activity of sulfate-generation bacteria, sharply expressed water stratification and weak vertical exchange. There is also a theory that hydrogen sulfide was formed as a result of the decomposition of freshwater animals who died during the penetration of salty Mediterranean waters during the formation of Bosphorus and Dardalandell.

Some studies of recent years allow us to talk about the Black Sea as a giant reservoir not only hydrogen sulfide, but also methane, allocated, most likely, also in the process of microganisms, as well as from the bottom of the sea.

The water balance of the Black Sea consists of the following components:

  • atmospheric precipitation (230 km³ per year);
  • mainland stock (310 km³ per year);
  • flow of water from the Azov Sea (30 km³ per year);
  • evaporation of water from the sea surface (-360 km³ per year);
  • takeaway of water through the Bosphorus Strait (-210 km³ per year).

The magnitude of precipitation, receipts from the Azov Sea and the River Flock exceeds the magnitude of evaporation from the surface, as a result of which the level of the Black Sea exceeds the level of marble. Due to this, the upper flow directed from the Black Sea through the Bosphorus Strait is formed. The lower flow observed in lower water layers is expressed less strongly and is directed through the Bosphorus in the opposite direction. The interaction of these flows additionally supports vertical stratification of the sea, and is also used by fish for migrations between the seas.

It should be noted that due to the difficult exchange of water with the Atlantic Ocean in the Black Sea, there are practically no tides and tides. The cycling of water in the sea covers only the surface layer of water. This water layer has salting about 18 ppm (in the Mediterranean - 37 ppm) and is saturated with oxygen and other elements necessary for the activities of living organisms. These layers in the Black Sea are subject to circular circulation in the anticyclonic orientation throughout the perimeter of the reservoir. At the same time, in the western and eastern parts of the sea, there are water circulation in the cyclonic direction. The temperature of the surface layers of water, depending on the time of year, fluctuates from 8 to 30 ° C.

The lower layer, due to the saturation of the hydrogen sulfide, does not contain living organisms, with the exception of a number of anaerobic sulfur bacteria (the product of the livelihoods of which is hydrogen sulfide). Saltivity here increases to 22-22.5 ppm, the average temperature is ~ 8.5 ° C.

The climate of the Black Sea, due to its middle-continental position, is mainly continental. Only the southern coast of the Crimea and the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus are protected by mountains from cold northern winds and as a result of this have a soft Mediterranean climate.

A significant impact on the weather over the Black Sea has the Atlantic Ocean, over which the most of the cyclones bringing bad weather and storms are born. On the north-east coast of the sea, especially in the area of \u200b\u200bNovorossiysk, the low mountains are not an obstacle for the cold northern air masses, which, turning over them, determine the strong cold wind (boron), the locals call it Nord-Ost. Southeast winds usually, the Black Sea region is brought warm and fairly wet Mediterranean air masses. As a result, for most areas of the sea, a warm wet winter and a hot dry summer is characterized.

The average January temperature in the northern part of the Black Sea -3 ° C, but may be descended to -30 ° C. In the territories adjacent to the southern coast of the Crimea and the coast of the Caucasus, winter is much softer: the temperature is rarely lowered below 0 ° C. Snow, however, periodically falls out in all parts of the sea. The average temperature of July in the north of the sea - 22-23 ° C. Maximum temperatures are not so high due to the mitigating effect of the aqueous tank and usually do not exceed 35 ° C.

The greatest amount of precipitation in the Black Sea region falls on the Caucasus coast (up to 1500 mm per year), the smallest - in the northwestern part of the sea (about 300 mm per year). Cloudy for the year on average is 60% with maximum winter and minimum summer.

The water of the Black Sea is usually not susceptible to freezing, with the exception of the coastal part in the north of the reservoir. Coastal waters in these places freeze up to month and more; Limans and garla rivers - up to 2-3 months.

The plant world of the sea includes 270 species of multicellular green, brown, red bottom algae (cystosyra, phillorophore, zoster, alert, ulva, enteromorph, etc.). As part of the phytoplankton of the Black Sea - at least six hundred species. Among them, Dinoflagellats are the shell burns (Prorocentrum Micans, Ceratium Furca, Little Scriptsiella Trochoidea, etc.), dinoflates (dinofizis, protoperidinium, alexandrium), various diatomic algae, etc. The Fauna of the Black Sea is noticeably poorer than the Mediterranean. 2,5 thousand species of animals live in the Black Sea (of which 500 species of single-celled, 160 species of vertebrate - fish and mammals, 500 species of crustaceans, 200 types of mollusks, the rest are invertebrates), for comparison, in the Mediterranean - about 9 thousand . species. Among the main causes of the relative poverty of the animal world of the sea: a wide range of water salts, moderately cold water, the presence of hydrogen sulfide at large depths.

In this regard, the Black Sea is suitable for habitat enough unpretentious species, at all stages of the development of which are not required in high depths.

At the bottom of the Black Sea, mussels, oysters, pecten, as well as a mollusk predator Rapana, brought with ships from the Far East. In the crevices of coastal cliffs and among the stones live numerous crabs, there are shrimp, there are various types of jellyfish (the most common corenotes and auras), acti, sponges.

Among the fish, watering in the Black Sea: Various types of bulls (bull-head-head, bull-whip, bull-round, bull-martovik, bull-rhotan), Azov Hamsa, Chernomorskaya Hamsa (Anchovus), Akula-Katran, Kambala-Gloss, Ceffal five species, Lufar, Merlusa (Heck), Sea Yersh, Barabul (Ordinary Black Sea Sultanka), Piksha, Mackerel, Stavrid, Black Sea-Azov Herring, Black Sea-Azov Tulka, etc. There are sturgeon (Beluga, Severity, Black Sea-Azovsky ( Russian) and Atlantic sturgeon).

Among the dangerous fish of the Black Sea - the sea dragon (the most dangerous - poisonous spine barrels and gill lids), Black Sea and noticeable Speren, Skat-tail (sea cat) with poisonous spikes on the tail.

Seagulls, petrels, ducks, ducks, cormorants and a number of other species are common from birds. Mammals are presented in the Black Sea with two types of dolphins (Dolphin-Belobochka and Athlegal), Azov-Black Sea Ordinary Marine Pig (often called Azov Dolphin), as well as a bobrachim seal.

Some species that do not live in the Black Sea are often entered into it through the Bosphorus Straits and Dardanelles or sail on their own.

The history of the study of the Black Sea began in antique times, together with the swimming of the Greeks, founding their settlements on the seashore. Already in the 4th century BC was made up Peripli - the ancient locations of the sea. In the future, there are excerct information about the swimming of merchants from Novgorod and Kiev to Constantinople.

Another milestone on the way of studying the Black Sea is the swimming of the ship "Fortress" from Azov to Constantinople in 1696. Peter I, the equipment ship in swimming, gave the order to produce on the path of his movement mapping work. As a result, a "direct drawing of the Black Sea from Kerch to King Grad" was drawn up, the depths were measured.

More serious studies of the Black Sea belong to the end of the XVIII-XIX centuries. In particular, at the turn of these centuries, Russian scientists academicians Peter Pallas and Middendorf studied the properties of the waters and the fauna of the Black Sea. In 1816, a description of the Black Sea coast was appeared, made by F. F. Bellinshausen, in 1817 the first map of the Black Sea was released, in 1842 - the first atlas, in 1851 - the closuit of the Black Sea.

The beginning of the systematic scientific research of the Black Sea was laid two events of the late XIX century - the study of the Bosphorus currents (1881-1882) and the holding of two oceanographic depths of expeditions (1890-1891).

From 1871 in Sevastopol there is a biological station (now the Institute of Southern Seas Biology), which has been engaged in systematic studies of the living world of the Black Sea. At the end of the XIX century, the expedition under the leadership of I. B. Spindler opened the saturation of the deep layers of the sea in hydrogen sulfide; Later, the expedition participant is the famous Russian chemist N. D. Zelinsky gave an explanation to this phenomenon.

The study of the Black Sea continued after the October Revolution of 1917. In 1919, the ichthyological station is organized in Kerch (later transformed into the Azov-Black Sea Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography, now the Southern Research Institute of Sea Fisheries and Oceanography (Yugniro)). In 1929, a marine hydrophysical station opens in the Crimea (now a branch of the Sevastopol Sea Hydrophysical Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine).

In Russia, the main scientific and research organization leading the study of the Black Sea is the Southern Department of the Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Gelendzhik, Blue Bay) and a number of others.

Great transportation of the Black Sea for the economy of states washed by this reservoir. A significant amount of shipping is the flights of tankers that provide exports of oil and petroleum products from the ports of Russia (primarily of Novorossiysk and Tuapse) and ports of Georgia (Batumi). However, the volume of hydrocarbon exportation is significantly restrained by the limited throughput capacity of Bosphorus and Dardanelles. In Ilyichevsk, the largest oil refiner was created on the reception of oil under the Odessa oil pipeline - Brody. There is also a project for the construction of the Burgas-Alexandroupolis oil pipeline bypassing the Black Sea Straits. Novorossiysk Nefterminals are able to take supertankers. In addition to oil and products of its processing, from the Russian and Ukrainian ports of the Black Sea, metals, mineral fertilizers, machinery and equipment, forest, sawn timber, grain, etc. The main volume of importation in the Black Sea ports of Russia and Ukraine comes to consumer goods, food, row Commodity products, etc. Container transportation are widely developed in the Black Sea basin, container terminals are widely developed. Transportation with lighters; Railway ferry crossing Ilyichevsk (Ukraine) - Varna (Bulgaria) and Ilyichevsk (Ukraine) - Batumi (Georgia). Developed in the Black Sea and sea passenger transportation (however, after the collapse of the USSR, they significantly decreased by them). A International Transport Corridor Europe - Caucasus - Asia, Europe - Caucasus - Asia is held through the Black Sea (Transport Corridor Europe - Caucasus - Asia). Black Sea ports are finite points of a number of pan-European transport corridors. The largest city ports on the Black Sea: Novorossiysk, Sochi, Tuapse (Russia); Burgas, Varna (Bulgaria); Batumi, Sukhumi, Poti (Georgia); Constanta (Romania); Samsun, Trabzon (Turkey); Odessa, Ilyichevsk, South, Kerch, Sevastopol, Yalta (Ukraine). On the Don River, which flows into the Azov Sea, passes a river waterway connecting the Black Sea with the Caspian Sea (through the Volga-Don shipping channel and the Volga), with the Baltic Sea and the White Sea (through the Volga-Baltic Waterway and the Belomorsko-Baltic Channel) . The Danube River through the channel system is connected to the North Sea. For the bottom of the Black Sea, a unique deep-water gas pipeline "Blue Stream", connecting Russia and Turkey, is laid. The length of the underwater part of the gas pipeline running between the village of Archo-Osipovka on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus and the Turkish coast is 60 km from the city of Samsun, 396 km. There are plans to expand the capacity of the gas pipeline by laying the additional branch of the pipe.

Fishery in the Black Sea have the following types of fish: Kefal, Anchovy (Hamsa), mackerel, stavride, pike perch, bream, sturgeon, herring. Main fishing ports: Odessa, Kerch, Novorossiysk, etc.

In recent years, the XX - early XXI century, fisheries have significantly decreased due to the re-fish and deterioration of the ecological status of the sea. A significant problem is also presented by prohibited bottom trawling and poaching, especially with regard to sturgeon. Thus, only in the second half of 2005, the specialists of the Black Sea State Basin Office for the Protection of Water Living Resources of Ukraine ("Chernomorrybvod"), 1909 violations of fisherous legislation were disclosed, 33 tons of fish, caught by illegal fish guns or in prohibited places.

Favorable climatic conditions in the Black Sea region determine its development as an important resort region. The largest resort areas on the Black Sea include: South Coast of Crimea (Yalta, Alushta, Sudak, Koktebel, Feodosia) in Ukraine, Black Sea Coast of the Caucasus (Anapa, Gelendzhik, Sochi) in Russia, Pitsunda, Gagra and Batumi in Georgia, Golden Sands and Sunny Beach in Bulgaria, Mamaya, Eporie in Romania.

The Black Sea Coast of the Caucasus is the main resort region of the Russian Federation. In 2005, it was visited by about 9 million tourists; In 2006, according to the forecasts of officials of the Krasnodar Territory, this region should have visited at least 11-11.5 million holidaymakers. On the Russian coast of the Black Sea, there are over 1000 pension, sanatoriums and hotels, and their number is constantly growing. The natural continuation of the Russian Black Sea coast is the coast of Abkhazia, the most important resorts of which Gagra and Pitsunda were popular in Soviet times. The development of the resort industry in the Black Sea Coast of the Caucasus is constrained relatively short (for example, compared to the Mediterranean Sea) season, environmental, transport problems, and in Abkhazia - also the uncertainty of its status and the threat of a new outbreak of military conflict with Georgia.

The Black Sea coast and the river pool flowing into it are areas with a high anthropogenic effect, tightly populated by a person since ancient times. The ecological state of the Black Sea is generally unfavorable.

Among the main factors that violate the equilibrium in the environmental system should be allocated:

Strong pollution of rivers flowing into the sea, especially runoffs with fields containing mineral fertilizers, especially nitrates and phosphates. This entails the movement (eutrophication) of the water of the sea, and, as a result, the rapid growth of phytoplankton ("blooming" of the sea - the intensive development of blue-green algae), a decrease in the transparency of water, the death of multicellular algae.

Water pollution with oil and petroleum products (the most polluted areas are the western part of the sea, which accounts for the greatest volume of tanker transport, as well as ports of ports). As a result, this leads to the death of marine animals that have fallen into oil spots, as well as contamination of the atmosphere due to evaporation of oil and oil products from the water surface.

Pollution of the sea by waste of human livelihoods is the burden of crude or insufficiently purified wastewater, etc.

Mass catch fish.

Forbidden, but universally used bottom trawling, destroying bottom biocenoses.

The change in the composition, a decrease in the number of individuals and mutation of the water world under the influence of anthropogenic factors (including replacing the indigenous species of the natural world by exotic, emerging as a result of human impact). So, for example, according to experts from the Odessa branch of Yugnairo, only in one decade (from 1976 to 1987), the livestock of the Black Sea Afultine decreased from 56 thousand to seven thousand individuals.

According to a number of specialists, the ecological state of the Black Sea over the past decade worsened despite the decline in economic activity in a number of Black Sea countries.

President of the Crimean Academy of Sciences Viktor Tarasenko expressed the opinion that the Black Sea is the most dirtiest sea in the world.

To protect the environment In the Black Sea area in 1998, ACCOBAMS Agreement was adopted ("Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans of the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Contiguous Atlantik Area"), where one of the main questions is worth protecting dolphins and whales. The main international document regulating the issues of the protection of the Black Sea is the Convention on the Protection of the Black Sea from pollution, signed by six Black Sea countries - Bulgaria, Georgia, Russia, Romania, Turkey and Ukraine in 1992 in Bucharest (Bucharest Convention). Also in June 1994, representatives of Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Moldova, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine and the European Union in Sofia, the Convention on Cooperation on Protection and Sustainable Development of the Danube River was signed. As a result of these agreements, the Black Sea Commission (Istanbul), and the International Commission on the Protection of the Danube River (Vienna) were established. These bodies fulfill the coordination of environmental programs implemented under the conventions. Every year on October 31, the International Black Sea Day is celebrated in all countries of the Black Sea region.

- The deepest and harsh climatic and ice conditions are part of the ocean. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe marine waters of Russia is the largest in the world and is approx. 8.6 million km 2 (2.4% of the Ocean Square), OK. 3.9 million km 2 is shelf, 4.7 million km 2 - deep-water areas. In the Arctic, in the Russian sector, there is the most extensive shelf width to 1,300 km. The length of the coastline of the Russian seas is 63,485 km, including the coast of the seas of the Northern Ocean - 39 940, the Pacific Ocean - 17,740, the Baltic Sea - 660, Azov and Black - 3685, the Caspian Sea - 1460. Diverse the geological structure of the seas . The outskirts of the seas in the north of the country are located mainly within the platform areas on the shelf, the outskirts of the Far Eastern seas occupy the transition zone from the continent to the ocean, their basins are between the underwater paintings and island arcs.

In the Arctic belt there are central Arctic pool and almost all Russian seas of the Arctic Ocean, with the exception of the south-western part of Barents and the White Seas, which belong to the subarctic belt. The Arctic seas are distinguished by the severity of the climate and the abundance of powerful ice cover. In a temperate belt, the Baltic and Azov seas and the northwestern part of the Black Sea are located, the rest of the Black Sea belongs to the subtropical belt. At the border of moderate and subtropical belts there is the Caspian Sea, for the climate of most of which is characteristic of a high degree of aridity. Russian seas have enormous resource potential. Great stocks of biological resources, especially in the Barents and the Okhotsk seas (for details, see Articles Animal world , RESOURCE OF ANIMAL MIRAINE and Plant resources). In con. 20 V. In the shelves of the Arctic, Far Eastern seas and in the north of the Caspian Sea, significant reserves of hydrocarbon raw materials were found, new deposits of hardest minerals were explored in the Arctic. Energy resources are huge, such as tide energy, unrest, wind, thermal energy. For climatic conditions, see the article Climate .

Arctic Ocean

Central Arctic Basin - the deepe-water part of the Arctic Ocean (up to 5527 m, on the territory adjacent to Russia to 5180 m).

The rank of the pool consists of a row of Kotlovin and ridges. Basins: Nansen, Amundsen, submariners and Makarova. Gakkel ridge (part of the planetary system of the mid-ocean ridges) is stretched from Greenland towards the mouth of the Lena River; In parallel, he, north of the Novosibirsk Islands, is the Lomonosov Ridge; Next, closer to the Canadian Both, - the Mendeleev Ridge. All these facilities, except for the bottom of the submariners, are only partially located in the Russian sector of the Arctic Basin.

In winter (approx. 6 months), during the polar night, there is an intensive heating of air and ice. In summer, the water temperature rises to the values \u200b\u200bclose to 0 ° C, a partial melting of ice occurs, the salinity of surface water decreases to 30.0-32.0 ‰ against ordinary 33.5-34.0. Water exchanges with the Atlantic Ocean are carried out sufficiently freely, the warm atlantic waters of high saline form an intermediate aqueous mass in the Arctic Ocean and are very important for the formation of its thermal conditions. Water and heat exchange with the quiet ocean is limited by a boring strait and is carried out only in surface layers. The speed of surface flows is weak, amount to 2-4 km / day (the speed of drifting ice), towards Eastern Greenland passes the transitiac flow. Drifting, mostly perennial, packs of 3-4 m thick and more cover almost the entire water area, 10-12 m tested the lengthy zones of torosa.

Sea of \u200b\u200bthe Arctic Ocean Possess many common characteristics. All the seas are shallow water, from the south are limited to a natural border - the coast of Eurasia and two narrow straits, in the north they are freely reported with the ocean and are separated from it with conventional lines passing along the outskirts of the shelf (the depth of approx. 500 m), among themselves are divided into the main islands that limit Water exchange, and conventional lines, and are connected by straits (Kar's gate, Wilkitsky, Dmitry Laptev, Long, etc.). Large rivers flow into the sea: Pechora, Ob, Yenisei, Lena.

White Sea - The most separate, the inner sea of \u200b\u200bthe Arctic Ocean, the only one almost entirely located south of the Northern Polar Circle, is associated with the Barents Sea of \u200b\u200bthe Strait wearing the name of the throat (the narrowest part) and the funnel (the outer part). Numerous lips (bays), the largest: Dvinskaya, Mezenskaya, Onega. The most significant islands: Solovetsky, Morzhac, Mudyugsky. Rivers flow: Northern Dvina, Onega, Mezen, etc.

The shores are diverse, most of them have traces of glacial treatment. The TEXCHACE is predominantly accumulative, Kandalaksha, Karelian and a significant part of Pomeranian-fjord-scholar type, most of the Onega, summer and winter - refers to the abrasion-accumulative type of flue coast, Abramovsky and Kopushinsky shores of the Mezen lip are actively blurring abrasion. Along the Kopushinsky shore, wide or color and sandy-orst dryers (lides) are stretched.

The relief of the White Sea is complex. Its Wpadina is located within the outskirts of the Baltic Shield, the Russian platform and the northern continuation of the Timan grocery. The greatest depth of 350 m. Many small depressions alternating with shallow sectors. The deepest areas are the central part (pool) and the Kandalaksha Bay, the northern part of the shallow water, the depths of OK. 50 m, many cans. The entire sedimental material is loaming, the accumulation of the sewer is found only in some sections of shallow edges. In areas with considerable speeds of the bottom currents and in shallow water, pebbles, sand, stones, in the pool and in the Dvinsky Lip - fine-grained clay il, in the throat and other parts of the White Sea found iron orders.

Water temperature on the surface in winter from -0.5 to -0.7 ° C in the bays, up to -1.3 ° C in the pool and up to -1.9 ° C in the throat and in the northern part of the sea. In summer, the thickness of the heated layer of water reaches 30-40 m, and the temperature of surface waters varies from 14-15 ° C in the Kandalaxian bay to 7-8 ° C in the throat and funnel. River stock into the White Sea on average 215 km 3 per year. More than 3/4 of all the runoff falls on the share of rivers flowing into Onega, Dvina and Mezen lips. The salty of the White Sea is below the average oceanic and increases from the tops of the bays to the central part of the sea and with depth. Saltness in the bottom and deep layers of 30-30.5. In the surface layer in winter, salty is higher than in the summer, it is 27.5-28 in the pool, in the throat and funnel increases to 29-30. Surface flows are directed as a whole counterclockwise, weak cyclonic cyclonic circulation are created before the outlet of the water from the bays to the pool. Anticyclonal water movements arise between these cyphans. The speed of flows on average 10-15 cm / c. Tidal flows in the throat and Mezensky lip reaches 250 cm / s. Podiums have a correct half-quality character. The largest tides are observed in the mesensky lip (up to 10 m). The strongest excitement is celebrated in October - November in the northern part of the sea (the wave height is up to 5 m). The ice station begins at the end of October, by the end of May the sea is freed from the ice. Ice for 90% floating.

The largest port of the White Sea - Arkhangelsk.

Barents, Karsky, Laptev, East Siberian, Chukotka Sea Refer to the type of continigious outlook seas, closely related to each other. Modern outlines of the sea purchased after the glacial period.

The relict forms of the bottom of various genesis - glacial, river, coastal-maritime are well traced. The most difficult terrain relief in the Barents and Kara Sea. In the central part of the Barents Sea, two extensive hills - central and perseus - with small depths (up to 63-64 m). There is a deep part of the sea between the central elevation and the Scandinavian peninsula (the depth of St. 300 m), which connects the western yellow and central depression, stretching in the meridional direction east of elevation. Such a nature of the relief favors the penetration of warm atlantic waters into the southern and eastern parts of the Barents Sea. In the southern sea, the Relief of the bottom is aligned during glaciation. The modern outlines of the Kara Sea were formed in post declarations. A characteristic feature of the relief is the deep-water gutter - St. Anne (depth up to 620 m) and Voronin (up to 450 m) in the northern part of the sea. There is a central karsa elevation between them (depth to 50 m). The south-eastern part of the sea shallow with a lot of islands. The main part of the Laptev Sea is within the shelf, St. 50% of the sea area has a depth of 50 m; OK. 20% of the area of \u200b\u200bGullary Sadko - the depths of St. 1000 m. The southern shallow area is a plain with underwater continuations of river beds, hills and gutters. As a maritime water area, it took shape as a result of the post-year transgression. For the relief of the bottom of the East Siberian and Chukotka seas, alternation is characteristic, well-visible river paleoruslas, ancient coastal lines represented by a complex of relict coastal-marine relief forms.

An important factor in the formation of a hydrological regime of the seas, especially Siberian, is a large river stock. The largest amount of freshwater (km 3 per year) receives the Kara Sea - approx. 1300, Sea Laptev - St. 700, East Siberian Sea - 250, Barents Sea - 163, Chukotka Sea - 84. The main mass of freshwater from the mainland (up to 80% of the annual flow) enters the sea in the spring and for short summer. From the north in the sea, the water of the Northern Ocean is coming. Cold surface waters of the Central Arctic Basin are distributed on the northern outskirts of all seas. As a result of the mixing of river waters with waters coming from the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, surface arctic waters are formed with large annual temperature amplitudes (up to 10 ° C) and saline (up to 20 ‰), which prevail in most of the Siberian seas. The deep water is formed in winter, so their temperature is only a few tenth of degrees above the freezing temperature, the saline is more homogeneous and changes mainly in the range of 32-34. Mixing the salted atlantic waters in the Arctic seas with cold deep waters leads to the formation of saline and relatively cold bottom waters of the Arctic seas. Their saline is close to 35 ‰, and the temperature is negative. For the Siberian Arctic seas, a cyclonic cycle of surface waters from west to east along the mainland coast and in the opposite direction in their northern districts is generally characteristic. Around the islands, flows sent clockwise appear markedly. Ice are yearly present in all the Arctic seas. In the eastern part of the sea Laptev and in the western part of the East Siberian Sea around Novosibirsk islands, one thousand kilometers is common coastal duties. This is a special "duty" area. The characteristic feature of the Arctic seas is education on their northern outskirts. Recruit worn. With its origin, they are obliged to constantly carry out young ice from the edge solder to the north under the action of a savory winds, which breathe from sushi and supporting water open even in brutal frosts. The presence of feeding hollows softens the climate of the adjacent areas. When the formation of young ice in the wormwings, heat is released into the atmosphere, cooling and cooation of surface waters. The convective stirring of water caused by this conversion ensures the enrichment of the bottom layers of oxygen, which favorably affects the bottom fauna.

The ice of the Arctic seas are of great importance for the climatic system of the Earth, they reflect the sun's rays, do not give the planet overheat and play a large role in water circulation systems in the oceans. The total mass of the Arctic ice in the beginning. 2000s. Compared to the level of the 1980s. decreased by 70%. In September 2012, according to the Hydrometeorological Center, the Ice Cap Square has reached its minimum over the entire observation time, reaching 3346.2 thousand km². The lowest indicators are fixed in the sea of \u200b\u200bLaptev, East Siberian, Chukotka seas - 65% of the norm. Also dropped the density of ice. In 2013-14, the melting of ice took place much slower: the minimum achieved - 5000-5100 thousand km². Common ice losses for 2003-13 amounted to 4.9%.

In the western sector of the seas of the Northern Ice Ocean to the beginning. 21 c. 11 hydrocarbon fields were opened: Prirazlomnoye and Varanches - Oil, North-Glyaevskoye - Oil and gas condensate, Pomorskoye, Shtokman, Ice, Rusanovskoye, Leningrad - Gas-condensate, Murmansk, North-Kilda and Ludlovskoye - Gas. In general, the predicted hydrocarbon resources are estimated by more than 100 billion tons in the oil equivalent. From the point of view of the oil and gas potion, the sea of \u200b\u200bthe eastern sector - Laptev, East Siberian and Chukotka, their development is difficult due to harsh natural conditions. The first in the shelf of the Arctic began production of Gazprom Neft: oil was obtained in December 2013 on the subjequison field in the People's Sea (south-eastern part of the Barents Sea). Mining is conducted from the platform "Prirazlomnaya" specially designed to work in the Arctic. The first Arctic oil was named Arctic Oil (Arco) and was shipped for the first time from the PRIAJL in April 2014.

Along the coast of the Arctic seas of Russia, transport artery is held - Northern Sea Path .

Sea of \u200b\u200bAtlantic Ocean

Baltic Seadeep embedded to the northwestern part of Eurasia. This is the intramaterial sea, connecting with the Northern Sea of \u200b\u200bthe Atlantic Ocean of the strait system. Russia belongs to small water areas in the southeastern part, including Kaliningrad Bay and part Kurisha Gulf adjacent to the territory of the Kaliningrad region and the eastern outskirts of the Finnish bay in the Leningrad region.

The shores belong mainly to the abrasion-accumulative (mainly aligned) and accumulative (often lagoon) types.

The relief of the Baltic Sea of \u200b\u200bthe Baltic Sea dissected, with a large number of depressions, underwater thresholds between them, narrow gutters and straits, sandy and stony cans, a lot of islands. Depths at the entrance to the Finnish Bay OK. 100 m, in the Nevsky Lip - 5-7 m. Sand sediments are common in coastal areas. In some areas, ribbon clays and glacial sediments (mainly sea loam) come to the surface of the bottom. In winter, the average water temperature on the surfaces of the coast below 0 ° C, in the summer - to 18 ° C. The saline of the upper layer of water in Finnish bay 2. In the bottom waters, saline increases to 15-20. The circulation of the waters of the Baltic Sea has a cyclonic character. Flips are almost invisible. A lot of importance is acquired by accident-honeymills, especially in the Nevsky Lip (up to 1.5 m), causing catastrophic floods in St. Petersburg; To protect against them, the dam (2011) is built, crossing the Finnish bay through Kotlin Island (length approx. 25.4 km).

The sea has a great transport value. The largest ports of Russia: St. Petersburg, Kaliningrad, Ust-Luga, Vyborg, Vysotsk, Primorsk.

On the bottom of the Baltic Sea between Russia and Germany, a gas pipeline was laid (2 threads, a diameter of 1220 mm each) "Northern Stream" ("Nord Stream"), it passes from the port of the port village near Vyborg (Leningrad region) to Lubmina near Greifswald (Germany, Federal Earth Mecklenburg-Front Pomerania); Length 1224 km (the longest underwater gas pipeline in the world). The capacity (power) of the gas pipeline is 55 billion m³ of gas per year. The maximum depth of the sea in places of passage of the pipe is 210 m. In construction, 148 maritime courts were involved. The first thread of the gas pipeline was commissioned on November 8, 2011, the second - October 8, 2012. In September 2015, an agreement was signed by shareholders for the implementation of the project of a new export gas pipeline from Russia to Europe through the Baltic Sea, called "Northern Stream - 2". The decision to create a gas pipeline "Northern Stream - 2" is based on the successful experience of the construction and operation of the Nord Stream gas pipeline. The new gas pipeline, as well as the acting directly links Gazprom and European consumers and will ensure high reliability of Russian gas supplies to Europe. This is especially important in conditions of falling gas production in Europe and the growth of demand for its imports. Unlike the first "Northern Flow", which was focused on the Shtokman field and began on the northern coast of the Baltic Sea, the port of Ust-Luga was chosen as the initial point of the new gas pipeline on the southern shore of the Gulf of Finland.

Black and Azov Sea -intramatic, interconnected Kerch Strait Both Bosphorus and Dardanelles with the Mediterranean Sea of \u200b\u200bthe Atlantic Ocean. Through the Kerch Strait, a transport transition was built for the implementation of automotive and rail traffic. Construction began in February 2016. The bridge passed through Tuzla Island. Bridge and automotive approaches to it became part of the Kerch motorway - Novorossiysk, automotive movement openly 16.5.2018. Running the railway part of the bridge- At the end of December 2019.

A lot of rivers fall into the Black Sea, most of them outside Russia. Two large rivers flow into the Azov Sea - Don and Kuban, total flow 40 km 3 per year. The Black Sea is stretched out of latitude and separates Eastern Europe from Asia Minor. The Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov is its big bay.

Russia belongs to the water area of \u200b\u200bthe Black Sea along the coast of the border with Abkhazia in the Sochi area to the Kerch Strait (Krasnodar Territory) and along the coast of the Crimean Peninsula (Republic of Crimea) from the Kerch Strait to the border with Ukraine and the Azov Sea from Kerch Strait to the border with Ukraine near the fun Ascension (Krasnodar Territory and Rostov region) and along the northeast coast of the Crimean Peninsula (Republic of Crimea).

Black Sea coast predominantly abrasion, almost everywhere have simple outlines; Limans and lagunons in the northern part of the sea are flooded mouths of rivers, placed from the sea by piping; The Crimean Peninsula of the Beach is strongly cut, the Tarkhankut Peninsula stands out in the West, limited from the north Carcinite Bay , from the south of the Kamitsky bay; in the east - Kerch Peninsula . In the Azov Sea, the speed of abrasion of clay coast reaches 4 m per year. Eastern (Russian) Sea coast is a smooth number of estates.

For the bottom of the Black Sea, a combination of relatively deep-water and extensive depressions with a steep mainland slope, dissected by numerous canyons and underwater landslides, the shelf is very narrow and steep. The bottom sediments of the shelf are represented by rocus and yals, mixed precipitation of underwater landslides predominate on the mainland slope and indigenous yields, the deepwater part of the sea is occupied by limestone and clay. The relief of the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov Single, the coastal slope, relatively steep near the shore, goes into a flat smooth bottom, the depths of 8-12 m dominated.

Through the shed Bosphorus Salted (36) water of the marble sea in the lower layer penetrates the Black Sea, and the desalinated water comes out with a surfactant. The average saline of the surface layer of water in the central part of the Black Sea is 16-18. At depths of over 150-200 m, salting increases to 21-22.5. Surface water in the summer is heated to 25 ºC (off the coast up to 28 ° C). In winter, in the open sea, they are cooled to 6-8 ° C. The Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov is covered with ice in winter. The deep waters all year round have a temperature of 8-9 ° C. The difference between the surface and deep water of the Black Sea by density makes it difficult to mix them. Only the upper 50-meter layer is saturated with oxygen; Then the oxygen content decreases and hydrogen sulfide appears at a depth of 150-200 m, the amount of which in the bottom layers can reach 8-10 mg / l. The circulation of surface water of the Black Sea is characterized by a cyclonic orientation. Inside this course, two cyclonic cycles with a flow rates of up to 10 cm / s central and up to 25 cm in the peripheral areas are traced.

Of great importance is the recreational use of the coast. Favorable climatic conditions in the Black Sea region determine its development as an important resort region. The largest resort areas in Russia include the south coast of Crimea (Yalta, Alushta, Sudak, Koktebel, Feodosia, etc.), Black Sea Coast of Caucasus (Anapa, Gelendzhik, Sochi, etc.). Through the Black and Azov Sea, important transport highways of freight and passenger transportation are held. For the bottom of the Black Sea, a deep-water gas pipeline "Blue Stream", connecting Russia and Turkey. The length of the underwater part of the gas pipeline running between the village of Archo-Osipovka on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus and the Turkish coast is 60 km from the city of Samsun, 396 km. Ports on the territory of Russia - Azov, Yeisk, Rostov-on-Don, Taganrog, Temryuk, Anapa, Gelendzhik, Caucasus, Novorossiysk, Sochi, Taman, Tuapse, Kerch, Sevastopol, Feodosia, Yalta, Evpatoria.

Caspian Sea

Caspian Sea Lake -the world's largest in the world, its level is 28.4 m below the world's ocean level (2019), the sea area is approx. 371 thousand km 2, the volume is approx. 78 thousand km 3, the maximum depth of 1025 m. According to its geographical location, closets and originality of the water, the Caspian Sea refers to the type "Sea-Lake". Russia belongs to the water area from the mouth of the Volga region (Astrakhan region) on the border with Kazakhstan in the north to the border of Dagestan with Azerbaijan in the West. A characteristic feature of the Caspian Sea in the 20th century. There were sharp inter-annual fluctuations in the average annual level. Over the past 3000 years, the amount of water level changes reached 15 m. In archaeological data and written sources, the high level of the Caspian Sea was recorded in the beginning. 14th century Instrumental measurements of the sea level and systematic observations of its oscillations are conducted from 1837, during this time the highest water level is registered in 1882 (-25.2 m). With nach 20 V. In the level fluctuations, there was a steady tendency to a decrease, for 75 years the level decreased by 3.2 m and in 1977 reached the lowest situation over the past 500 years - 29.0 m, the sea surface area decreased by more than 40 thousand km 2, which exceeds the area of \u200b\u200bthe Azov Sea. Since 1978, the water level quickly increased and in 1995 reached a mark -26.7 m, since 1996 there was a tendency to decrease (-27 m) again. In 2001, the sea level began to rise again and reached -26.3 m, and then went down and below the world's ocean level at -28.4 m (2019). Causes of changes in the water level of the Caspian Sea, scientists are associated with climatic, geological and anthropogenic factors.

More than 130 rivers fall into the Caspian Sea, they bring fresh water with the volume of approx. 290 km 3 per year. The largest (88% of the entire river flow) of the river fall into the Northern Caspian, including Volga, Terek in Russia. The shores are quite diverse, was formed under conditions of periodic oscillations of the sea level. Significant areas of the coast are presented by the shores of modern passive flooding, accumulative and abrasion shores are also widely developed.

The main feature of the relief of the bottom of the Caspian Sea is an extensive shallow water in the north, in the territory of the Russian Federation (depth 6-9 m). In the composition of bottom sediments in the northern part, shell dedrites and terrigenous sediments are dominated by the Volga.

The water temperature of the surface layer of the Caspian Sea in Russia in August is approx. 24-26 ° C, in January - February is close to the freezing temperature, approx. -0.3 ° C; The average saline of water is 1.0-2.0. Ice formation in the northern part begins in December, ice is preserved for 2-3 months.

In the depths under the Caspian Sea are large stocks of hydrocarbon raw materials; In the Dagestan shelf, they are estimated at 132 million tons of oil and 78 billion m 3 gas, on the shelf of the Northern Caspian Sea - 1 billion tons of oil. In the Russian sector of the Caspian Sea, it is mining at oil and gas condensate deposits - named after Yuri Korchagin (from 2010) and the name of Vladimir Filanovsky (from Con. 2016).

Ports on the territory of Russia - Astrakhan, Makhachkala, Olya.

Sea of \u200b\u200bPacific

Beringovo, Okhotsk and Japanese seasit is largely similar among themselves by origin, some geomorphological and climatic features and hydrological regime. All of them belong to the type of the seasons of the transition zone from the continent to the ocean. The basins of these seas are located between the underwater outskirts of the mainland and island arcs. The seas stretched along the Asian mainland from the north to south by 30º, are characterized by high bioproductivity, there are sv. 300 species of fish, including approx. 50 commercials are found squid, crabs, shrimp. The species composition of algae resources in these seas is most diverse, and biomass achieves maximum values \u200b\u200b(140 kg / m 2) among the domestic seas. The productivity of the West Kamchatka shelf is the highest in the world. The total reserves of only laminary algae (thousand tons of dry mass) off the coast of Eastern Kamchatka are estimated at 310, in the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk (not counting the Kuril Islands) - St. 1000, in Primorye - 350. Far Eastern Seas - the main region of the development of mariculture in Russia. A sharp drop in the catch of salmon fish in the beginning. 20 V. gave impetus to their artificial breeding, which is most developed on Sakhalin and Kuril Islands . In some bay of Primorye, industrial breeding scallop is produced. In the bowels of the Far Eastern Seas, large stocks of hydrocarbon raw materials were found.

Bering Sea.The northern sea border passes through the northern periphery Bering Strait , from the Pacific Ocean it is separated Aleutian Islands and Commander Islands . The total river stock is on average approx. 400 km 3 per year, Anadyr River brings 50 km 3. On the territory of Russia, Beringo Sea is washes the shores of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug and Kamchatka region.

The coast of the Bering Sea is quite diverse, bay shores are widely developed - fjord and abrasion-accumulative. Among the aligned - abrasion, accumulative (lagoon and liman-lagoon).

The relief of the Bering Sea DNA is peculiar: areas occupied by the shelf and deep-water hammer, about the same (46% and 37%, respectively). The width of the shelf in the northeast of the sea is OK. 750 km, this is one of the widest shelves in the world (after the Russian Arctic). The prevailing depths of 50-80 m. During glaciation, the shelf periodically dragged, a land bridge between Asia and North America arose. The main slope is steep, almost all over the entire break goes into a deep-sea bed with ripples. The deep-water part is divided into the submarine ridge of Shirshov, stretching from the Cape of Olyutorsky, on the Aleutian and Commander Basins. The bottom sediments of the shelf are presented in the main sands. At the edge of the sand shelf, the sands are replaced by aleurities, and the deep-water bed is covered with diatomaces.

The river stock is approx. 400 km 3 per year, and more than 85% of the runa accounts for spring-summer time. Compared to the volume of the sea, the magnitude of the fresh drain is small, but the river waters come mainly in the northern areas of the sea, leading in the summer to a noticeable debris of the surface layer. Over 12% of the runoff gives Anadyr River (50 km 3).

The circulation of the water of the Bering Sea has a cyclonic character. Separate jets form several cyclonic circulation. Along the shore of Alaska, the jet relative to warm waters penetrates the Chukotka Sea, and the cold current goes along the Asian shore to the south. In the Bering Sea, four aquatic masses are distinguished: the surface, subsurface-surface with a minimum temperature, intermediate Pacific with a maximum temperature and picoolean deep. In the north of the sea in winter, the temperature of the surface waters is close to the freezing point, in the southern part it remains above zero. In summer, the temperature rises to 4-8 ºC in the northern regions and 9-11 ºC in the southern half of the sea. Saltivity in the surface layer in southern and southwestern parts 33.0-33.5. Near the settlements of large rivers salting decreases. Until eight months a year, from October to May, the sea is covered with ice. By the nature of the ice setting, the northern part of the sea is similar to the Arctic seas. Riding in the Bering Sea is incorrect semi-sufficient, irregular daily and regular daily daily. The maximum speed tidal flows are achieved in the straits - 100-200 cm / s. In winter, prolonged storms often happen. In some cases, the wave height can reach 12-14 m.

A section of the northern sea route passes through the sea. The main ports of Russia - Anadyr, Providence.

Okhotsk Seamore closed than Beringovo, from the ocean is separated by the Kamchatka peninsula and the Kuril Islands. Hokkaido and Sakhalin islands separate it from the Japanese Sea. There is a lot of broad and deep (up to 2,200 m) straits between the individual islands of the Kuril arc. The main importance for water exchange has the Strait of Bussol and Cruise Strait . Laperose Strait, Nevelsky Strait. and Tatar Strait. connecting the Okhotsk and Japanese seas, relatively shallow water, and the water exchange through them is small. Russia belongs to almost the entire water area, with the exception of a small part in the south adjacent to the shores of Japan.

From the side of Western Kamchatka, East Sakhalin and in the north-west coast formed by coastal lowlands having aligned accumulative shores. The dismemberment of the coastline of the northern part of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk is created by alternating the peninsulas with abrasion-denudation shores and bays with a variety of accumulative forms (t. N. Paddle dismemberment). The south-western part of the coast in the nature of the coastal line is close to riceal shores.

The terrain of the Sea of \u200b\u200bthe Sea is divided into three main morphological types: mainland and island shallows, the bottom of the central part of the sea and the bottom of the southern deep-water basin. The shelf takes more than 40% of the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, in the northern part refers to the immersed shelf. The weakly pronounced outer edge of the mainland bells is located here at the depths of approx. 350 m. The bottom of the central part of the sea is a system of several lifts and nippers with sharply changing depths. The Kuril Cup, located on the inside of the Kuril Islands, is the area of \u200b\u200bthe greatest depths (more than 3000 m). The bottom of the basin is an abissual plain. In the coastal areas of the bottom of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, covered with curly-pebble-gravel and sandy sediments. In the deepest parts, irregular precipitates are common - from alaverite to clay. Characterized siliceous diatoms. Near the Kuril Islands in the bottom sediments, the pyroclastic material plays a prominent role.

River stock in the Okhotsk Sea is 600 km 3 per year (65% of the Amur River). The precipitation (500-1000 mm / year in different parts of the sea) and the river flow exceed the evaporation, which causes the collapse of the surface layer of sea water. The surface waters of the Sea of \u200b\u200bthe Sea are characterized by temperatures from -1.8 to 2 ºC in winter and from 10 to 18 ºC in summer. The saline of water is approx. 33-34. In summer, water warms up to depths of 30-75 m. At the depths of approx. 150 m remains a cold intermediate layer with a negative temperature (up to -1.6 ºC). Below this layer there are more warm Pacific waters with a temperature of 2-2.5 ºC at depths of 750-1500 m. Donta water in the area of \u200b\u200bmaximum depths have the temperature approx. 1.8 ºC and saline approx. 34.5. For 6-7 months, 75% of the water area of \u200b\u200bthe Sea of \u200b\u200bthe Sea is covered with ice. Throughout the thickness of water, a cyclonic flow system prevails due to the circulation of the atmosphere over the sea and the adjacent part of the Pacific Ocean. In addition to extensive cyclonic circulation in the central part of the sea, as well as to the east and northeast of Sakhalin Island, there are several anti-cyclonic vortices systems, in particular to the west of the Kamchatka Peninsula, over a Kuril's hollow, over some elevations. Tidal phenomena, accompanied by strong currents, are essential for the dynamics of the Water of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk Sea. The tides are associated with the entrance of the tidal wave of the Pacific Ocean and are mixed with the predominance of the daily component. The magnitude of the tides ranges from 0.8 to 7 m. The greatest value of the tide (13.2 m) is characteristic of Penzhinsky lips.

The predictive resources of the hydrocarbons of the Okhotsk Sea are estimated at 6.56 billion tons in the oil equivalent, explored reserves - sv. 4 billion tons. The largest deposits on the shelves of Sakhalin Island, Magadan region and the Khabarovsk Territory. The most studied coastal deposits of Sakhalin, search engines began in the 1970s; to con. 1990s. 7 large deposits (6 oil and gas condensate and 1 gas condensate) were discovered on the shelf of northeastern Sakhalin and a small gas field in the Tatar Strait. General gas reserves on the Sakhalin shelf are estimated at 3.5 trillion. m 3.

The main port of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk - Magadan, other ports - Korsakov, Moskalvo, Nikolaevsk-on-Amur, Okhotsk, Poronaysk.

Japanese Seait is located between Asia Coast, the Japanese Islands and the Sakhalin Island, the northern border of the sea passes 51 ° 45 ° C. Sh., South - from Kyushu Island to Gotho Islands and further to the island of Jedjudo and to the caution on the Korea coast. On the territory of Russia, the Japanese Sea is washes the shores of the Primorsky and Khabarovsk Kraleva and the Sakhalin region.

The shores of the Japanese Sea are distinguished by a high variety. For Primorye, in general, the predominance of abrasion, abrasion-bangs and abrasion-deanitative coasts. South of Primorye is a classic example of the Ricas coast. In the bays of Primorye many complex on the morphology and the genesis of accumulative forms. Sakhalin coast of the sea is almost all over the abrasion. There are only a few large accumulative forms.

Wpadina of the Japanese Sea is a closed brand. In the northern part of the bottom smooth. The shelf is very narrow, its brocci is located at a depth of 140 m, the mainland slope goes to a depth of 2000 m. All sheds of the Japanese Sea shallow. Donate deposits are well differentiated in size - pebbles and gravel predominate in coastal areas, with depths they are replaced by sands and yals. In the central areas of the sea, bottom sediments are represented by small oriental yals.

River stock in the Japanese sea is small - approx. 210 km 3 per year. Together with rainfall, the river stock exceeds evaporation from the sea surface, but freshwater flow is not enough compared to water exchange through the straits. Some desalination of surface waters occurs only in the northwestern part of it. The circulation of the sea is determined by the intake of Pacific waters through the straits and atmospheric circulation over the sea itself. Warm currents of the eastern part of the sea and cold flows passing along the western shores, form two cyclonic cycle in the northern and southern parts of the sea. Water masses are divided into surface, intermediate and deep. For surface mass, the largest fluctuations in temperature and saline in time and space are noted. In the north-western part of the sea, the summer temperature is 13-15 ºC, and in winter in all layer of convection 0.2-0.4 ºC. Surface water salinity in summer in the south is 33.0-33.4, in the north approx. 32.5. In winter, in the north-western part of the sea, saline increases to 34.0-34.1. The intermediate aqueous mass has a high temperature and saline. The deep aqueous aqueous mass is exclusively uniform temperatures (0-0.5 ºС) and saline (34.0-34.1 ‰). Tidal fluctuations in the level of the Japanese Sea are small, off the coast of the Primorsky Territory 0.4-0.5 m and only in Korean and Tatar straits over 2 m. The rates of tidal flows in the Korean Strait and the Laperose Strait can reach 140 cm / s. Ims are formed only in the northern part of the sea. From November to April, the Tatar Strait freezes, from December to March - bays in the south of Primorye. Open sea ice is not covered.

Of great importance is the Japanese sea for Russia as an exit to the Pacific Ocean. Features of the structure of the coast, small architectivity contributed to the creation of large ports here - Alexandrovsk-Sakhalin, Vanino, Vladivostok, East, De-Castries, Zarubino, Nakhodka, Nevelsk, Olga, Soviet Harbor, Holmsk, Shakhtarsk.

Ecological situation

Maritime nature is guarded in Russia in 9 reserves (including the Far Eastern Marine Reserve - the only one in Russia, founded in 1978 as an exceptionally marine) and 2 reserves of the Far Eastern seas; In 2 Arctic reserves, in 2 reserves and 1 reserve on the Barents and White seas and in 2 reserves in the Caspian Sea.

The Russians of Russia are mostly under powerful anthropogenic effects, its most pronounced negative consequences are manifested in the ecosystems of the seas, the shores of the European part of Russia and the Japanese Sea. Especially injured the Black and Caspian Seas - Over the past decades, their ecosystems have almost completely changed under the influence of natural factors and man; In the seas of the Northern Ice Ocean, in general, the situation is more favorable.

Poorly adjustable fishing, poaching and excessive exploitation of marine biological resources lead to their exhaustion. The environmental situation in the Russian seas is characterized by two peculiarities: the rapid increase in the concentrations of pollutants in coastal zones, bays, bays, water areas near the mouth of rivers as a consequence of oil and gas production on the shelf and intensive shipping, as well as the chronic effects of low concentrations of pollutants in the open areas of the seas Divided from direct sources of pollution.

The most characteristic consequence of pollution of the seas is the eutrophication of bays, bays, fjords and coastal areas of the seas, causing mass "bloom" of algae and, as a result, the lapse of oxygen and death of hydrobionts (Azov, Black, Baltic, Caspian, White, Laptev, Japanese, Okhotsk, Barents Sea). Increased concentrations of radionuclides and the effects of radiation on living organisms are particularly strongly manifested in some areas of Karos and Barents Seas. Reducing species diversity, depletion of the structure of marine communities, intensive reproduction of single-cell algae - perid, leading to the death of fish, are observed in the Black Sea, the mass development of diatom algae - in the Japanese Sea. The decrease in the size of the hydrobionts is noted in the coastal areas of the Caspian, Black, Baltic, Barents, Laptev, White, Okhotsk, Japanese seas. There is a replacement of valuable bottom fauna on species resistant to pollution, the death of the bottom fauna. Environmental condition is stable only in some areas of the White, East Siberian, Chukotka, Bering Seas, in most of the Kara Sea, as well as in the waters of the Barents, Okhotsk, Japanese and Caspian seas remote from the banks.

To prevent the threats related to human impact, it is necessary to develop sustainable fisheries that does not deplete maritime resources, the creation of a national network of specialized marine natural territories (reserves, reserves, parks) and conducting a strategic environmental assessment of oil and gas production projects on the shelf.

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