How to call a child, boy and a girl - interesting names, meaning and interpretation. How to name a child: the most beautiful and consonant names for brothers and sisters the meaning of the child

Even before the birth of the baby, parents begin to think about how to call the child. The name is given to a person once for life, so it is important to approach his choice consciously. Your name for a girl or a boy is largely determined by the character and even the fate of the son or daughter. On our site you will learn how to name the child on the sign of the zodiac, how different names are combined with Russian surnames and patronymic names, which advantages and disadvantages have one or another name for a girl or boy, you will find interesting detailed descriptions of various male and female names.

How to call a child by date of birth

Even the carriers of the same name may have completely different characters and fate, since they are also largely affected by the day, month and year of the birth of a child. Summer Alexandra differ significantly from the winter, and the birth of Anastasia born in the year is absolutely not as their sheep tested.

After all, any parents would certainly want their children to be happy, harmonious, lucky and successful. That is why many of us begin to think about how to better call their child.

The influence of the date of birth on the fate of a person was conceived from ancient times. Today, the science that occupies the numbers and their meaning in our lives has achieved widespread and popularity. Numerologists offer to call a child by date of his birth, determining the most successful name for it.

In addition, there is an astrological calendar that studies a combination of different names with the signs of the zodiac. Consider, at what time of year and what year a child was born. For example, the nature of the spring child needs to be supported by a solid, decisive name, and the autumn is more suitable, romantic.

How to call a child in the church calendar

Another simple and very convenient way to call a child, depending on the date of birth, is the choice of the name according to church sacraticles. For each day in the year, the church calendar offers several names, the supports of which celebrate their Angel's Day on this day. It is believed that the saints whose day falls on the same date will protect a person called in his honor, and this is important.

If you do not like the name offered at a specific date, you can choose one of those whose names fall on any of the closest days, but not previously preceding it. And let your baby protect heavenly forces!

For many men, the birth of the Son is the most important event in life. The boy will become the successor of the family, will be the name of the Father. Since ancient times, the name for the boy was approached with special attention. After all, he had to grow a bold, clever man who could protect his family. Therefore, the name should help form positive character traits.

First of all, choosing a name for a boy, you need to remember that someday he himself will become his father. Consequently, it is necessary to choose this, which is formed beautiful and simple for the pronunciation. Some parents prefer to give children rare or atypical names for our nationality. Before applying your fantasy in this area, it is worth thinking about future grandchildren - how difficult it will be to choose the name of the boy by patrols: Johnich, Vetrovich, Angelovna or Carlosovna?

How to choose a name for a boy by patronymic

Before giving a name to your child, think about how it will be combined with patronymic. Question: "How to call the boy by patronymic?" - It is important, as it can also influence the character of the child.

Do not call a child in honor of any date or event, as well as unreal names, for example, google or quark. Caution should also be taken, calling the child with the names of close relatives. A child can inherit the character and fate of this person. And it can cause the cause of the degeneration of your kind.

Many psychologists do not recommend calling the boys by the names of fathers. First, it is not always harder and easy for pronunciation. For example, Alexander Alexandrovich is often called San Sanych. Nikolai Nikolayevich can nick Kohl Kolya, which, it is quite possible, will not please the carrier name. Psychologists also argue that the boys who bear the name of the Father often grow unbalanced, capricious, nervous and irritable. However, it is not fundamentally. After all, what a child will grow, only a very small degree on behalf of. As they say, no name is painting a person, but a person is a name.

It is not recommended to call the boy a female-male name in case the feature of the surname does not allow you to determine the sexuality. For example, the combination of the name and surname Sasha black does not cause doubts that it belongs to a man. The same applies to the variants of the type of Valya Ivanov, Zhenya Nekrasov, Valera Rochev. But in combination with the unclear last names, like, for example, Sasha Mitchell, Valya Katz, Zhenya Markevich - sexuality is not expressed. Boys often confuse this and, becoming adults, they often change the name or, marrying, take the surname of the spouse.

It is worth remembering that the boys often give each other nicknames, often quite hurt. Even if the team in which the child will be brought up and learn will be very friendly and cohesive, the appearance of nickname is quite possible, especially if the boy's name will be located. Parents need to make sure that the various diminutive-lascate variants of the name they liked themselves do not carry a negative value and will not be understood as ambiguous.

It is worth familiar with the etymology and the name of the name. It may have this meaning about which we do not even guess, and the origin of the name can be very surprised. So, for example, many believe that the name Bogdan is Christian, as literally means "the God given." But there is also the opinion that Bogdan is a pagan name, and God, imprinted in the name, has nothing to do with Jesus. Also, many are confident that such traditional names for Russians like Maria and Ivan are invalid Russians, and in fact, these are names with Jewish roots.

Thinking how to choose the right to choose the name of the boy, it is worth a preference to the option at which it is possible to use both an adult - formal - shape and soft - nursery. Psychologists recommend calling a rough and harsh boy only with dimensional names. This will make it softer. For example, Maxim can be Maksik, Masik, masks, maxi. Alexey - Leesha, Leschka, Lönchka. If the child, on the contrary, is too crushing, shy, soft and weak, it is better to use a more rigid, courageous form of the name. Maxim in this case should be called Max, and Alexey - Lyoch or just Alexei.

The competent selection of the name for the boy will allow you to develop certain qualities in the child. Solid, hard men's names contribute to the formation of a strong and stubborn boy. Examples of such names: Dmitry, Igor, Grigory, Egor, Gleb, Bogdan, Georgy. In these names, voiced paired consonants prevail often in combination with the sound "P".

People with soft names are distinguished calm and prime character - among them Mikhail, Alexey, Ilya, Vitaly, Miroslav, Veniamin, and the like. In such names, vowels and sonorny "P, L, M, N, Y" are dominated, especially "l". Neutral names wear people balanced and moderately persistent. Such can be considered those names that can not be unambiguously attributed to the solid, nor mild. For example, Roman, Andrei, Paul, Arkady.

Perhaps the phonetic structure of the word is of great importance, but many psychologists recommend paying attention to the set of associations, which carries the name of the boy. It does not deny that the name can influence the development of the child's personality, but it becomes possible not due to the name of the name, but at the expense of the associations that it causes.

If you ask anyone to make a psychological portrait of a completely unfamiliar person only on the basis of his name, then you can not doubt - the task will be performed. And this means that with each of the names we have some kind of association, often not even conscious.

So, the Russians the name Alexander is associated with great people, so the mass of positive qualities is often attributed to them (Alexandram). Vladimir is estimated by the majority as a masterful, cunning, thoughtful, solid and strong. It is possible that it is caused by the easily read meaning of the name "owning the world". Mikhail has many associated with a bear, so it is attributed to the appropriate qualities - immobility, clumsiness, conservatism, simplicity, hardworking.

It is the associative perception of the name, according to psychologists, as a result he has an impact on character and fate - because from how the person himself perceives himself and how many people see him, the development of his personality depends. Thus, parents can ask for loved ones and acquaintances to draw a verbal psychological portrait of a person with one or another name. If, in general, the portrait will be very pretty, then the desired name for the boy is found! And when at the same time, the heart suggests, you can no longer go through options.

How to name the boy in the sacnesses

If you are interested in how to name the boy in the sacnesses, look at the birthday of the child. On each day of the church year, as a rule, the memory of several saints is celebrated. It is permissible to choose the name and among those who are mentioned on the eighth day from birth, since it was on this day in ancient times they gave the name, because the number eight symbolizes eternity. If you did not come up with the names from the church calendar on the first and eighth day, then look at the 40th day from birth. It is on this day that the Church is brought to the temple to commit the sacrament of Saint Baptism, and the mother reads the cleansing prayer, after which she can return to church life again, proceed to confession and communion.

Nowadays, the child's name usually choose parents and very rarely change it when baptized. For example, the boy helium received when baptized the canonical name Herman. However, the revival of the Church, attention to it, the recognition of the religious holidays, the appeal of people to the domestic history, the history of their family has restored interest in church names. I want to know not only when you need to celebrate the name day, but in honor of which holy we called, so that you can contact him in a difficult moment.

How to call a boy in numerology

You can learn how to call the boy by date of birth. According to this science, each number carries a certain meaning and can influence the fate of a person. So, the number "one" symbolizes the ability to go to the target and aggression, the twice - equilibrium, the troika - the connection between the past and the future, the Four - stability and prudence, "five" - \u200b\u200buncertainty, inconstancy, but at the same time the ability to feel the completeness of being , "Six" is stability, "seven" - mystical nature, "eight" - the success and material well-being, "nine" - wealth and glory.

To find out how to correctly call the boy by date of birth with the help of numerology science, you need to calculate the figure that will correspond to the child's birthday. And after that, it is necessary to see what number corresponds to the selected name for the baby - after all, the ratio of the birthday numbers and the name has a great influence on the fate of a person. If suddenly it turns out that the number of the name is more than the number of birthday, then the child can grow ambitious, and if on the contrary - it will become for his weaknesses and inclinations. When the number of birthday corresponds to the number of name, then the fate of the child will be lightweight, and the character is -harmonic. Such a situation equally may mitigate an adverse or adverse effect of the name of the child on his fate. But some numerome scientists are inclined to believe that the character of a person in this case will not be too bright, so the choice of the child name is not such a simple task as it may seem at first glance.

How to name a boy in 2013-2014

Evgeny, Konstantin, Gleb, Yuri, Vasily, Matvey, Yaroslav, Arseny, Fedor, Alexander, Nikita, Daniel, Dmitry, Maxim, Ivan, Roman, Andrei, Artem, Egor, Ilya, Mikhail, Anton, Victor, Igor, Vladislav, Oleg, Stepan, Vladimir, Nikolai, Grigory, Timofey, Georgy, Herman, Stanislav, Efim, Athanasius, Artemy, Leonid, Ruslan, Zakhar, Anatoly, Eduard, Vyacheslav, Eric, Makar, Pavel, Arthur, Sergey, Valentin, Valery, Vsevolod, Philipp, David, Arkady, Tikhon, Savva, Gennady, Vadim, Vitaly, Boris, Semen, Lev, Mark, Peter, Timur, Denis, Alexey, Kirill.

The meaning of the month of the year can change significantly. For example, the "December" Alexey is stronger than health than "summer" and "spring". Alexey "Summer" has less severe will than "winter" or "autumn". Alexey, born in the spring, is capable of deep feelings, but not solved to express them. "Autumn" Alexey is more confident.

Our proposals, how to name the boy at the time of the year:


How to name the boy in September:

Andrei, Timofey, Fades, Athanasius, Arseny, Grigory, Peter, Ivan, Savva, Alexander, Daniel, Valery, Ilya, Leonte, Nikolay, Stepan, Victor, Kondrat, Veniamin, Georgy, Arkhip, Arkady.

People born in September are unusually moving and temperament. They will never get bored in their company. Absolutely non-conflict, but they can be easily injured, because they are very trusting.

How to name the boy in October:

Konstantin, David, Trofim, Fedor, Mikhail, Oleg, Andrei, Dmitry, Peter, Anton, Ivan, Maka, Vladislav, Stepan, Sergey, Ignatius, Mark, Alexander, Vyacheslav, Khariton, Grigory, Roman, Denis, Vladimir, Yerofey, Pavel, Alexey, Matvey, Philip, Thomas.

Such men are very excite. At any cost, try to try everything that lifts themselves life, but rarely brought the work started to the end. But still it is impossible to say that these people are boring.

How to name the boy in November:

Ivan, Artem, Yakov, Alexander, Anton, Irakli, Denis, Konstantin, Ignatius, Athanasius, Dmitry, Andrei, Mark, Maxim, Stepan, Kuzma, Georgy, Egor, Yuri, Grigory, Arseny, Herman, Pavel, Valery, Eugene, Kirill, Fedor, Fedot.

These are dreamers and romance, because of what money is easily spent. About such people they say they are not born in their era. They are often not understood by others. As a rule, they have only one devotee friend.


How to name the boy in December:

Roman, Plato, Anatoly, Grigory, Ivan, Valery, Mikhail, Maksim, Alexander Alexey, Makar, Fedor, Peter, Yakov, Georgy, Egor, Yuri, Innokenty, Vsevolod, Gabriel, Vasily, Stepan, Andrei, Naum, Athanasius, Savva , Gennady, Zakhar, Nikolay, Anton, Lev, Paul, Cyril, Thoma, Daniel, Semen.

These people they are very mysterious and mysterious. It looks indifferent and cold, but somewhere deep inside passionate. In relation to other incredulous. To earn the confidence of these people, you need to work a lot. But they will always quickly come to help in a difficult moment.

How to name the boy in January:

Gregory, Ilya, Timofey, Daniel, Ivan, Ignat, Athanasius, Cyril, Nikita, Anton, Maxim, Pavel, Mikhail, Sergey, Philip, Peter, Georgy, Yuri, Egor, Nikolay, Efim, Konstantin, Stepan, Fedor, Mark, Vasily, Naum, Artem, Semyon, Trofim, Valentin, Savva, Veniamin, Prokhor. You can recall the vintage: Burner, Elizar, Sevastyan.

It was noted that the boys born in January may have difficulties with the adoption of important decisions, but rarely ask for help from others, preferring their problems to solve themselves. May be good and devoted friends, but as a rule, go their own way.

How to name the boy in February:

Veniamin, Fedor, Alexey, Anton, Nikolay, Kirill, Konstantin, Stepan, Peter, Gennady, Innokenty, Semen, Ivan, Dmitry, Maxim, Grigory, Efim, Timofey, Nikita, Alexander, Arseny, Victor, Leonte, Gerasim, Vitaly, Felix, Philip, Lavrenty, Roman, Vasily, Ippolit, Zakhar, Pankrat, Pavel, Prokhor, Vsevolod, Ignatius, Julian, Hermann, Nikifor. From the vintage: Savva, Akim, Valerian, Feoktist, Luka, Porfiry.

In the measure of delicate, sensual, but not deprived of masculby. They are easy to hurt. Very good advisers and parents. Best coped with work that requires scrupulsiness and accuracy.


How to call the boy in March:

Daniel, Danila, Ilya, Pavel, Julian, Fedor, Kuzma, Lev, Eugene, Makar, Maksim, Fedot, Georgy, Athanasius, Arkady, Kirill, Anton, Leonte, Leonid, Mark, Victor, Denis, Stepan, Semen, Nikifor, Rostislav, Mikhail.

Rainbow people look at the world optimistic. It can easily cheer any company thanks to your unique sense of humor. They are not frightened by defeats, on the contrary - encourage actions.

How to name the boy in April:

Innokenty, Sergey, Ivan, Kirill, Yakov, Thomas, Vasily, Artem, Zakhar, Peter, Stepan, Mark, Veniamin, Efim, Maka, Nikita, Leonid, Georgy, Semen, Anton, Daniel, Vadim, Alexander, Savva, Trofim, Mstislav, Gabriel, Andrey, Egor, Yuri, Plato, Maxim, Khariton, Victor, Aristarkh, Kondrat.

Energetic-dynamic, they cannot be lit in one place. They own thirst for change. But this does not mean that they are inconsistently in feelings. And if they meet their "half", then they will be endlessly true and devotees.

How to call the boy in May:

Anton, Victor, Ivan, Kuzma, George, Nikifor, Alexander, Grigory, Fedor, Denis, Vsevolod, Vitaly, Gabriel, Anatoly, Alexey, Leonte, Savva, Thoma, Mark, Vasily, Stepan, Semen, Kirill, Maxim, Yakov, Nikita, Ignat, Boris, Gleb, Roman, Peter, David, Konstantin, Athanasius, Timofey, Joseph, Pat.

Pretty carefree, but responsible. Due to its energy and optimism, any intense setting can "discharge".


How to name the boy in June:

Ignatius, Ivan, Sergey, Alexander, Alexey, Konstantin, Mikhail, Fedor, Vladimir, Leonte, Nikita, Semen, Stepan, Georgy, Egor, Yuri, Makar, Christians, Valery, Denis, Khariton, Pavel, Dmitry, Nazar, Igor, Leonid, Anton, Carp.

They usually accompany the luck. Enjoy a great success with the opposite sex, and authority at work. They still have excellent health. Almost the only lack of their disadvantage is a scattering, which is associated with their huge deposit to the unexplored.

How to name the boy in July:

Leonthy, Ivan, Gleb, Julius, Julian, Peter, Anton, Artem, Herman, Svyatoslav, Alexey, Roman, Mikhail, Yakov, David, Denis, Pavel, Sergey, Andrei, Valentin, Vasily, Konstantin, Mark, Philip, Matvey, Maksim. Of the relatively rare, vintage names, you can choose: Samson, Demyan, Sophon, Nicodematic, Demid.

The main qualities of such people are organized and dedication. As a rule, they make a quick and clear choice. And never regret what has already been done. But alone with me, it happens to relax.

How to name the boy in August:

Roman, Ilya, Semen, Savva, Trofim, Boris, Gleb, David, Makristofor, Herman, Clement, Naum, Nikolay, Konstantin, Mikhail, Maxim, Alexander, Anton, Leonte, Vasily, Stepan, Kuzma, Denis, Grigory, Leonid, Alexey, Dmitry, Matvey, Ivan, Peter, Yakov, Miron, Fedor, Tikhon, Arkady, Paul, Philip, Georgy, Egor.

Alien mystery for them is holy. And even their best friend, they will never reveal someone's secret. They have the principles that they never violate. Are the embodiment of loyalty and constancy.

How to call a child, future parents think still long before his appearance. Decide with it - a responsible step, because with this name a person has to live for many years. In many ways, the fate of a person is determined. Before parents, there is a difficult task to agree among themselves, do not forget about the provisions of the name, its combination with the patronymic and surname. The choice of families of the child can affect the tradition of families, and fashion trends, and national, religious roots. Not rare, today, is the decision to call the child a double or even triple name. After the birth of the baby, you will have a month to make a final decision.

How to call a child by date of birth

The time of year, in which the child is born, has a great influence on his character.

If the child was born in winter

Winter is the birth time of talented and targeted people. The character of people born in winter is complex, they are prone to conflict, problems may arise in communication.

  • December - the birth of hot-tempered and emotional children. Persistence will be an integral part of their nature;
  • January - patient, balance and love for independent work will be the basis of the nature of children born this month;
  • February is a month of birth of people with a complex and unpredictable character. They are inherent courage and determination. Name the baby born in winter should be soft name. It will smooth out the severity laid by nature.

If the child was born in spring

In the spring, windy, sometimes indecisive, but in many undertakings talented children are born. How to call a child born in spring?

  • March - a month in which impressionable people are born;
  • April - this month people are born persistent, with courage and hardness of character;
  • May - the birth time of power and demanding people, principled and not wanting to compromise.

Children born in spring, show flexibility in various situations, but do not have fighting qualities. This can be corrected more "hard" name. This will give them confidence in themselves and will be protected from life adversity.

If the child was born in the summer

How to call a child born in summer? Such children are impressionable and love risk. They have a soft character and because of this, it is easy to external influence.

  • June - this month is born cautious and wounded, but brave children in action;
  • July is the birthday of impatient, independent people;
  • August - a child, born this month, persistent and goes to his goal.

For children born in summer, absolutely any names are suitable. They are moderately proud, brave and purposeful.

If the child was born in autumn

Children born in the fall will become an easy character. Will be able to quickly grab everything new and will be able to learn and on their own mistakes. It will be inherent seriousness and prudence. How to call a child for this season?

  • September - the birth time of hot-tempered, but purposeful people;
  • October - for a child born this month will be characterized by wit and practicality;
  • November - the affairs of a man who born this month will always go successful, in all endeavors he will be assisted by purposefulness.

The name of the child born in the fall should not be landed. Children born in autumn, realists. Romantic name will help him in life.

How to call a child according to numerology

Numerology will also help you correctly call the child. According to its theories, each number carries information. With numerology, you can calculate the name that will correspond to the birth date of the child. For example, the number 29 in numerology can be represented as 2 + 9 \u003d 11 and 1 + 1 \u003d 2, therefore, the date corresponds to the number 2.

Numerology bets the following values:

  • 1 - means the ability to go to the goal, aggression;
  • 2 - equilibrium;
  • 3 - communication between past and future;
  • 4 - stability, rationality;
  • 5 - uncertainty, impermanence and at the same time the ability to feel the completeness of being;
  • 6 - stability;
  • 7 - mystical nature;
  • 8 - success and material well-being;
  • 9 - wealth and glory.

A huge impact on the fate of the child will give the ratio of the name and number of birth. The number of names that is determined by the addition of the numbers of letters in the alphabet should not be less than the birth number. The equality of these two numbers implies a light fate of the child. If the number of name is more than a birth number, the child will acquire ambition.

How to call a child in the church calendar

Many parents return to the Old Russian tradition to call a child in the sacnesses. The baby gives a name in honor of the saint, the day of the memory of which falls on his or the next date of birth. They believe that the child named by the sacnes will receive a strong and reliable guardian angel who will protect a person throughout his life. However, it is not necessary to call a child with the name suitable for the church calendar. Some parents call the child with the name that is absent in the sacrats, but when baptized, the baby receives the second name, which is known only to the closest people. In the fact that the son or daughter will have two names, there is nothing terrible, many believe that it is even good, helps to protect from damage and evil eye. If parents want to give a child the name of the sacraticles, then they should be purchased by a church calendar. However, you should not forget that many names are outdated, and the child may not feel comfortable with them. When choosing a name for a child, the interests of the baby should be in the first place.

How to call a boy

For many men, the birth of a son is the most important event in life. The boy will be a successor of the genus, will always be the surname of the Father. Since ancient times, the name for the boy was approached with particular importance. After all, he had to grow a bold, clever man who could protect his family. The name should lay positive features of the character that should pass to its carrier. Do not forget that someday your boy's name will be the patronymic for your grandchildren, so think in advance the harmfulness of this option.

According to the advice of psychologists, call the child in honor of the Father is a bad idea. It can cause complexes from a child, a constant desire to prove that it is not worse than the dad. Not always this combination of name and patronymic is easily pronounced. Often parents call the Son in honor of the Father due to the lack of imagination and fantasy.

Female-male names are also an unwanted group of names for boys, especially in cases where in the surname it is definitely impossible to determine the floor of the child. Such people, in adulthood, often change the name or surname.

Everyone knows that children love to give each other funny, sometimes offensive nicknames. It should not be allowed that the name of the boy or his combination with the surname and patronymic has a nickname.

His name must assume an adult, a serious handling option and a soft shape. This will help adjust its character. If a son has a rude, bold and hot-tempered to call a child stands up with a soft form name. For an indecisive boy, an adult, a serious form of appeal.

How to call a girl

How many options occur in the head when it comes to female names. Undoubtedly, the choice is great and worth considering responsibility to define with it. The easiest option will be the popular and common name to date. It will sound usual, beautiful. No one will express her doubts about his occasion. However, the well-chosen name, may emphasize the individuality of your daughter. If you decide to stop at an unusual and non-standard name, then it is worth thinking if a girl can wear him with pride, will the children's team be held from ridicule over an atypical name? The name, albeit unique and unique should be frantic and familiar in composition.

Many parents want to call their child in honor of the heroine popular films at the moment, books. Should not be doing that. The popularity of the novel or the series can pass, and the name will become incomprehensible and irrelevant. In addition, it is not always a daughter will be able to correspond to that heroine, whose name gave her parents.

Daughter and mother should not be airtists, it is believed that they can hardly find a common language. Parents should learn about the meaning of the name, be confident that they want to transfer associations on behalf of the child.

According to psychologists, the name affects the formation of character. Solid names contribute to the formation of a strong, persistent nature, the letter "P" should be included. At the owner of the soft, singers of names containing vowels and sonorous sounds, a soft and flexible character will be formed.

The name of the future woman should cause positive associations, combine the name and patronymic and, of course, to like parents, because the loving heart is rarely mistaken.

The child has not yet been born, and in the family, the disputes will be flared up: how to call a child? In honor of the dad? How did Grandma wanted? Or maybe in memory of the first love of the grandfather?

The child has not yet been born, and in the family, the disputes will be flared up: how to call a child?

In honor of the dad?

How did Grandma wanted?

Or maybe in memory of the first love of the grandfather?

Disputes around the question "How to call a baby?"

Usually disputes about the name of the child arise between parents of the newborn and senior family members (grandparents grandparents) reflect the conflicts existing in the family.

Grandpa's grandmothers, fighting for their option, unconsciously try to approve power over a young family. Like, you will live in our opinion, under our supervision and control. The stronger the senses of senior, the more violent resistance, the louder disputes. It happens that someone from the participants in the hot discussion even puts ultimatum: "Or you call the baby of Olesya, or I do not come to her on a cannon shot."

How to call a child - by tradition?

In previous times, the question "how to name the child" was much easier: the children were called in accordance with the Christian tradition, on the shocks. The supporters of other denominations also existed their strict rules on this subject: for example, the first son in a particular family should have always had to wear a certain name, the same and the girls also concerned.

It never occurred to anyone: the tradition is a tradition. Europeans also saved the manner of giving multiple names to children, and each family member could choose for himself that he was more in taste.

But now in our country a traditional approach is used infrequently. Yes, and there is space for disputes: for some days of the Orthodox calendar there are several names at once. So the one who wants to find a reason for the conflict will find him without difficulty, even when the young and senior family members agree to choose the name for the kid in the shocks.

It is useful to realize and feel that the child is not a reason for conflicts. Think, is it true that you are so disgusting the name of the name of parents, mother-in-law, testing? Or is it more important to insist on your own? Heavy and weighted awareness of their true motives will help you feel more confident.

Take your decision: this is your child, you fully have the right to name it as you want. Just refrain from the scandal and fateful statements in the Spirit: "We will live according to our laws!".

For aggressive attacks and threats to the gap react restrained. Do not trust ultimatums too trust. Even if the grandmother lies for a while, she, for sure, will not be able to resist the charm of the baby. Especially when you ignore her demonstrative removal from affairs, continue to call, communicate.

And if you call the child with an unusual name?

What should I think if you really want to call the baby with an unusual name? About combination with the surname and patronymic. And also whether the name of the child himself will be nice. Will it be a reason for ridicule in school and negative influence in adulthood?

Indeed, some names (for example, Venus Ivanovna or Albertina Conshekina) sound comical. And it is unlikely that you can slip such a "present".

You will not have time to look like, as a child will grow and gives you everything that thinks about it. And ridicule from the peers will have to suffer a lot. Who knows, perhaps it will harde his character. What if - on the contrary? Yes, and it is possible to tempt character in a more humane way that will not injure the child.

I know one girl who "suffers" with the name Vitaly. It would seem that here is special? And it is unpleasant to her when it is confused in lists with a boy. She constantly has to "justify" for choosing parents.

There are other stories: to record a newborn girl in the registry office walked grandmother. And so she did not like the name Mary, who chose parents for the baby, that she, at his own fear and risk, recorded the granddaughter of Marina. The girl has long grown long ago, but the Marina happens when it is necessary to execute documents, and "in life" all is called Her Masha. Some friends do not even know that she has a different name for her passport.

Think about why show business figures so often use pseudonyms? Because they are easy to fall on the rumor.

For example, no one wanted to hear about Lazar Weisbane, but with the name Leonid Rockov, the singer went to the mountain. Try to follow the Etipa principle of consonance.

And how do you like the unusual name Dibil in honor of Dima Bilan?

In general, give preference to unusual names, think that makes you take such a decision. Often thus parents simply fill their need for attention. Like, here I have everything completely unusual. And even children are Caesar and Cleopatra. Do not forget about common sense. And to demonstrate its uniqueness and unusualness, you can find another way.

Unusual names: how to be parents?

The child is not a tool to get rid of your complexes. It is not obliged to carry a burden of responsibility for everything that you failed to achieve due to character or life circumstances.

And the unusual name, which will give him, will not mean its mandatory success and originality in the future.

It can even add it to the complexity, because from a person with such a name and expectations can be appropriate: for example, it seems to everyone that the girl with the name of the Evangeline should be an extraordinary beauty, and the boy who is Socrates, must have a philosophical mindset. So before giving the child a rare name, think well.

Call children should be based on traditions?

It is sometimes very helpful to rely on the will of the higher forces: a modern man is so accustomed to control everything independently, that the decent care from providence will not hurt him.

If there are no renewal options, if you do not want to go to the conflict with relatives, look into the shit. Maybe this is exactly what you dreamed about.

The child was born, and the chosen name is not suitable for him

Another phenomenon is known: you know a person for many years, and you still can not remember it by name and barrier to call differently. It does not suit a man "native" name.

The answer to the question of why the name of the chosen name is not suitable for a particular child, it is possible even in the area of \u200b\u200bstudying the properties of sound oscillations and frequencies.

Musical therapists know that different-frequency sounds affect the human body in different ways. The names consist of sounds, each of them has its own characteristics, as well as a certain sound combination.

There are also such names that do not fit with a specific person with its energy and psychophysiology.

If you consider names from the point of view of psychology, then it is necessary to consider that in the psyche of each person the sustainable images affecting our life and our choice.

So, the name Mary is popular all over the world, including because people connect with him an idea of \u200b\u200ba clean, ledgeous maiden. And from a person named Arthur waiting for exploits, like a medieval hero.

How to call a child? Common myths

Name from someone else's shoulder

It often happens that the child was born, and his invented name is absolutely not suitable for him. This happens, and quite often. The young mother tells: "I still decided that I would call the future Son Ilya or Kirill. But when I saw my son, suddenly realized that he was not suitable for him. And the real name came by itself: I go down the street with a carriage, I look at him sleeping. And suddenly I understand that he, of course, will be Vanyusha. It's good that Dad agreed. "

No matter how much the rumor has long harvested name, whatever sophisticated or sweet, listen carefully to yourself and your feelings when you first see your baby, try the chosen name "taste". And if there are doubts that this wonderful name is suitable for this wonderful baby, happiness, think more. Do not hurry. Look at the child, try to tune in to his wave. Pick the name for him, and not to surprise the girlfriends, please my mother or show that you know the latest trends.

A person repeats the fate of who is named after

There is an ancient belief: to call babies in honor of the specific people is fraught with the fact that children will be inherited not only by names, but also the fate of those whose name will be worn. Psychologists join this opinion. They know that there are families in which a certain name is repeated from generation to generation. And sometimes, fortunately, and more often, unfortunately, you can trace a lot of coincidences in the characters and destinies of relatives "TESK".

How to be with the fate that is inherited. Any Orthodox father (or a priest of another confession) will say that the main thing is: to give peace of the ancestor, in honor of which the baby is called, that is, to commit all the rituals provided for by the Church.

And psychologically, it is absolutely correct: you need to "let go of this person", find a place in my soul and realize that his fate remained with him, and the fate of a new person is a completely different story. How to be parents? If you call the baby with the name of the deceased grandfather, you make you a sense of duty, and fear moves in the soul, whether he will not inherit his fate, then it is better to name the child somehow differently. And express your reverence of ancestor to the ancestor's memory.

Name determines in nature

Or maybe it determines the attitude of others, and through it already affects human destiny? But here are options. The same name (for example, Elena) has several diminutive options: Alena, Lena, Lenochka, Lenok, Lelia ...

And the woman, which, until old age, names of Lelle, of course, in character is very different from the one who is used to call Lena or even Elena.

The name can be selected anything, but it is necessary to refer to the child in accordance with the situation in which it is: a home version, like "Lyalya", "Tusya", "Cote" to use at home, among loved ones, and in certain Serious moments, and with strangers to contact the full name or generally accepted diminutive. Represent your baby Sasha, and not at home - alkom.

Brother and sister must wear consonant names

The whole question is what to understand under the consonance? Looking like a sound? If Anna, then be sure to Anton or Andrei? Or is Ivan? In our minds live and stable couples, even names of names, say one thing, immediately there is another to mind: if Oleg, then Igor, and after him certainly - Olga: Also such couples like Ivan da Marya, Romeo and Juliet, Abram and Sarah, Cyril and Methodius ...

And if the children are absolutely not like, calling their invalid names does not work? Here you need to be guided by the main principle: look at the child, on what he is. Try to feel it with all your heart. And the question is, the names of the brother and sisters are combined with some subjective way, not important.

Call the child with a common name

In my childhood, the class accounted for three lamen, at least two oli, a couple of sores and the countless number of Sash. True was both Varya and Alice. Now in kindergartens through one - Danilles and Nikita, Dasha and Nastya.

What is the reason for those or other names? There are no truly scientific research on this topic, but if you try to look at the question from the point of view of psychology, you can assume the following. We are observing a clear tendency of interest in adequate names that for many of us are associated with ideal ideas about the patriarchal life, about more than measured life.

Perhaps this is good and bright, which we all lack everything, what we, let and unconsciously, still wish our children.

When the first one thinks parents, it should be called it. Some call the first one that comes to mind, others try to come up with something interesting, and the third are moresed with church holidays. Today we will talk about what value is the name for why it is so important not to follow the fashion, and whether attention should be paid to the patronymic and surname.

Influence of the name on the fate of the child

Almost all parents come up with the name for the child before his birth, either immediately after it, but this does not allow to call the baby so that his nickname suggests him. Since there is a belief that until a certain age, disclose the name of the newborn is dangerous, then you can use it a bit. If the baby has no nickname, then it is impossible to join it, no matter how strange it sounds.

After a while, the character of Chad will manifest itself, on the basis of which you can come up with a suitable nickname, which it is exactly for him.

Separately, it is worth saying about fashion that puts stigma on children. For example, you like the sensational series, and you decided to call your daeenis daughter in honor of the main character. And now think how to call it in the school peers and teachers, what the name will be in the abbreviated version and how it will be combined with the patronymic and the surname. In a decade about the series, everyone will forget, and the nickname is not going anywhere, so before you call your daughter or son in honor of Kinheroya, try it on yourself.

Important! Remember that the Father and Son or Mother and Daughter should not wear one name.

Call a child by date of birth

There are couples who want to give a baby name, corresponding to a certain time of the year, so let's talk about how to call the child born in summer, in winter, in the fall, or in spring.

Winter. Children born in winter are distinguished by persistent character and purposefulness, but they suffer from problems associated with searching for the second half. Soft options (Ilya, Svetlana) are suitable for winter children.

Spring. Spring children are quite selfish, and their main problem is indecision. They do not differ hardness and perseverance, so they require a solid nickname to harmonize the inner world. These include Diana, Igor, Dmitry, Daria.

Summer. Summer children are distinguished by purposefulness and active position. They are always in harmony with the inner world, so they can be called any nickname.

Fall. Autumn children are stingy on emotions, they are practical and prone to rapid decision-making. To add softness to character, you should use long romantic names, such as Vladislav ,.

Separately, it is worth saying that many parents are worried about whether children call children in honor of the months of the year. Similarly practiced during the USSR, but at the moment such nicknames completely disappeared, so if you call the girl September or a boy by August, it will lead to ridicule and unnecessary attention.

Did you know? The longest name consists of 1478 letters, representing one huge word, in which the names of historical places, famous personalities are concluded, as well as scientists. To read it, you need to spend at least 10 minutes.

Church Calendar Name

Many mothers are interested in which the names of children can be used to call a child who was born in a particular church holiday. This practice is not something new, but it is worth understanding that most names are Old Slavonic, so infrequently used.

To pick up a church name for the baby, you should look at the collection of sacratrans. Daily church celebrates several saints memory, so you can choose from several options. However, it happens that the child is born during a big holiday, for example, on Andrei the First Called, then it is better to give preference to this particular name, especially since it is common.

Important! Even if the baby is born before or later the holiday, the name of the saint can be used.

It is worth remembering that the church name should not conflict with the above principles of choice, that is, it is impossible for the Son and Father to have the same name, otherwise they will constantly swear.

Name for a child with respect to the horoscope

Astrologers believe that the correct name that corresponds to the sign of the zodiac is capable of protecting a person, give him strength to overcome obstacles. However, the problem is that most of the proposed options are Old Slavonic, respectively, outdated. For example, if you have been born a girl who is a horoscope is a shooter, then inappropriate options will be offered, such as: Aza, Alevtina, Louise, Serafima, etc.

Also, many popular names are repeated in many signs of the zodiac. For example, Victoria can be used for girls who were born under the sign of the Zodiac Virgin, weights, or scorpion. It turns out that the most common names are simply universal, so there are many children and adults.

Separately, it is worth saying that similar names of the names, compiled according to the horoscope, a huge amount. Everyone can write a private unique list that will not be supported. For this reason, it is not necessary to think that a strange nickname that the zodiac sign will really be able to help the baby to achieve success in life.

Now you know why it is impossible to call a child with strange names, as well as nicknames of people who have some popularity in our time. Remember that the name can break the life of a person, so send your creative to another channel. Do not forget that in complex names often make mistakes, so your son or daughters may have problems with documents in the future. Listen to common sense, and not the words of acquaintances and friends.

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