As in German it will be a dog. Category Archives: German

DOG, female (and in the south and west of the general genus) dog, gatehouse, campfire sevlyaga, · ofensk. hot zap. (grumbling) visled olon. abusive bark, amka: domestic animal Canis domesticus; in extensive dog is a generic name, dog, wolf, fox, checker and ... ... Dictionary Dahl

dog - Dog (dog), mongrel, mongrel, pug, puppy. ... to live like a cat and a dog, like uncut dogs ... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian dictionaries, 1999. dog, dog (dog), mongrel, mongrel, ... ... Synonym dictionary

DOG - DOG, dogs, wives. 1. only plural. Genus predatory mammals (zool.). Dogs include wolves, jackals, foxes, etc. 2. A tamed or domesticated four-legged animal that emits characteristic sounds (barking) and serves a person at home, mainly ... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Dog Tse Tse - Genres thrash metal, hardcore, grindcore, industrial, electronic Years 1989 1995 ... Wikipedia

DOG - DOG, and, wives. 1. Domestic animal of this. canines. Service dogs... Indoor dogs. Yard with. Hunting village Watchdog s. You won't find anyone with dogs. (it is difficult to find who N .; colloquial). A dog's death a dog (a message about who, having lived an unworthy ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

dog - DOG, and, well. 1. Iron. joke. swear. Oh, you are a terrible dog. Dog is your name. 2. Castle. 3. Sausage, hot dog. I ate a dead American dog (ate), now it's disgusting, as if I slept with a dead black man. 2. Wed y. "Dog" lock, ring, ... ... Dictionary of Russian argo

Dog! - (noun.) a man is evil, strict, abusive, biting (like a dog) bad. Wed "For the beard is an apostle, but for the teeth a dog." Wed A dog's temper (inosk.) For someone who loves to dog, swear abusively. Wed His wife is from the Russians so ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

dog - strong-toothed (Sergeev Tsenskiy) Epithets of literary Russian speech. M: Supplier to the court of His Majesty, the partnership of the Quick Press A. A. Levenson. A. L. Zelenetsky. 1913. appearance, physical condition, pedigree dog. Outbred, ... ... Dictionary of epithets

Dog - ■ Designed to save the life of its owner. ■ An ideal friend of man, for a dog is his devoted slave ... Lexicon of common truths

dog - DOG, watchdog, dog, book. Cerberus, colloquial. ava, colloquial bobby, colloquial wolfhound, colloquial. bug, inf. pug, colloquial. polkan, colloquial, neglected. mongrel, colloquial ball, colloquial reduced, neg. kabyzdoh and razg. reduced, neg. kabysdokh, colloquial decrease dog, raz ... Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms for Russian speech

DOG - domestic, mammal of the genus of wolves. One of the oldest domestic animals (domesticated, obviously, 15-10 thousand years ago). About 400 breeds, which are divided into 4 groups: hunting (huskies, setters, etc.), service (shepherd dogs, airedale, etc.), ... ... Modern encyclopedia


  • Dog, Ivan Turgenev. The carefully designed introduction, the colorful language of the heroes of the story, the characterization of the participants in the “evening at Mr. Finoplentov's” made in the Gogol traditions, bring the Dog closer to the Notes ... Buy for 59 rubles audiobook

Physical education in German lessons

Physical education in German lessons
Studying something for 40-45 minutes is quite stressful, especially for younger and middle school students. Diseases of the organs of vision, digestion, and the musculoskeletal system may increase. Foreign language is one of the most interesting and at the same time intense lessons among students. The younger the student, the more physical activity his body requires. To relieve fatigue, as well as nervous and physical stress, it is necessary to do according to the Federal State Educational Standard in the middle of the physical education lesson, which is necessary to preserve health in the lesson. In addition to preserving the health of students, physical exercises cheer up, relieve the atmosphere and help to consolidate vocabulary on the topics covered. I bring to your attention physical education minutes in German.
Rhyme for physical education on the topic of Body Parts:
Die Arme, die Hände
die Füße und Bein
wir müssen sie üben
um kräftig zu sein.

Mit den Händen klapp, klapp, klapp
Mit den Füßen trapp, trapp, trapp.
Mit dem Kopfe nick, nick, nick
Mit dem Finger tick, tick, tick
Einmal hin, einmal her
Rundherum ist nicht so schwer.
Rhyme for physical education on the topic Numbers, School and Grades:
1,2,3,4 - alle, alle turnen wir.
Alle, alle turnen wir
und bekommen "5" und "4".
1,2,3,4 - in die Schule gehen wir.
In die Schule gehen wir
und bekommen "5" und "4".
1,2,3,4 - in die Klasse kommen wir.
In die Klasse kommen wir
und bekommen "5" und "4".
1,2,3,4 - in der Klasse lernen wir.
In der Klasse lernen wir
und bekommen "5" und "4".
Rhyme for physical education on the topic Mode of transport:
Kling, klang Gloribus
wir fahren mit dem Autobus
Kling, klang Glorian
wir fahren mit der
Kling, klang Glorio
wir fahren mit der Metro.
Rhyme for physical education on the topic Season, Winter and Numbers:
Schön ist der Winter
für Große und Kinder.
Eins, zwei, drei, vier,
Schlittschuh laufen alle wir.
Fünf, sechs, sieben, acht
wir machen eine Schneeballschlacht.
Eins, zwei, drei - juchei,
Wir spielen alle Eishockey.
Eins, zwei, drei, vier
alle, alle rodeln wir
Hurra, ihr Leut
wir fahren Schlitten heut '.
Wir (fahren) laufen Schi, wie fein ist das
Auch Rodeln macht uns großen Spaß.
Hurra, es ist soweit!
Heute nacht hat es geschneit!
Schnell einen Ball gemacht,
und auf, zur Schneeballschlacht.
He - juchhe -
im ersten, weichen Schnel.
Rhyme for physical education on the topic Season and Spring:
Welche Freude, welche Wonne!
Wieder scheint die liebe Sonne!
Wir lieben die Sonne,
die Blumen, den Wind,
und wollen das alle
so froh, wie wird sind.
Rhyme for physical education on the topic Season, Summer and Numbers:
Heute ist das Wetter warm,
heute kann's nicht schaden
Schnell herunter an der See,
heute gehen wir baden.
Eins, zwei, drei, vier,
alle, alle, baden wir,
schwimmen wir,
tauchen wir,
in der Sonne liegen wir.
Kommt, wir wollen Blumen
pflücken, unser Zimmer
damit schmücken.
Rhyme for physical education on the topic Animals:
Hopp, hopp, hopp
Pferdchen, lauf Galopp!
Uber Stock und über Steine,
aber brich nicht deine Beine!
Immer im Galopp! Hopp, hopp, hopp!
Rhyme for physical education on the subject of Sports, Numbers and Seasons:
Wasser, Sonne, Luft und Wind
Uns`re besten Freunde sind.
Alle Kinder, groß und klein
wollen gute Sportler sein
Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und
Winter - Sport ist gut für alle Kinder.
Eins, zwei, drei, vier, fünf, sechs, sieben,
Sport und Spiel wird groß geschieben.
Rhyme for physical education on the topic of Sports and Numbers:
Eins, zwei, drei, vier.
Alle, alle turnen wir.
Eins, zwei, drei, vier.
Alle, alle stehen wir.
Eins, zwei, drei, vier
Alle, alle sitzen wir.
Eins, zwei, drei, vier.
Alle, alle springen wir.
Rhyme for physical education on the topic Time, Household cleaning:
Klaus steht um sechs Uhr auf,
macht Gymnastik,
duscht sich auch,
putzt die Zähne,
macht das Bett -
so eine Morgentoilette!
Er macht sauber sein Zimmer,
saugt den Fußboden,
spült Geschirr ab.
Klaus ist ein toller Kerl,
hilft der Mutter er sehr gern!

Each rhyme for physical education in German lessons can be accompanied by those movements that the teacher and students themselves can come up with. During physical education in German lessons, it is necessary to clearly pronounce the rhyme on a particular topic. Physical education can be carried out in lessons in which no more than one outdoor game is held per lesson.

Translation of words containing DOG, from Russian into German

Transfer DOG from Russian into different languages

Russian-English dictionary under the general guidance of prof. A.I. Smirnitsky




yard dog - watchdog

hunting dog - gun dog; ( beagle) hound

bloodhound dog - sleuth-hound, bloodhound, policedog

service dog - guard / patrol dog

dogfish zool. - sea-dog, dogfish

a dog in the manger

be dog-tired

he ate the dog on it colloquial - he knows his onions, he knows the ropes

that's where the dog is buried! - so that "s the crux of the matter !, that" s where the problem lies !, that "s where the shoe pinches

dog death talk. - a cur "s death for a cur

Russian-latin dictionary



Canis, -is m, f;

Hunting dog - canis venaticus; canis venator;

Chain dog - canis catenarius;

Caution: angry dog \u200b\u200b- CAVE CANEM;

The dog that was forced to lie down with a kick of the foot - canis admonitus calce, ut cubaret;

The dogs saw a deer - cerva visa est catulis;

Russian-Belarusian Dictionary 1



wives straight. , transfer. sabaka, -kі husband.

pedigree dog - parodzisty sabak

hunting dog - palyaunichy sabaka

that's where the dog is buried - eight dze sabaka buried

you won't find with dogs - sabakam not znoidzesh

and dogs can't drive - і sabakamі is not driven

eat a dog on something - sabaku z "esci na chim-nebudz"

hang dogs on someone - sabak hang on kago-nebudz

chasing dogs - sabak ganyats

like a cat with a dog - yak cat z sabakam

a dog's death talk. - sabaku - sabachay death

needed (needed, needed) like a dog's fifth leg - patraben (patrabna) yak sabaku fifth naga

Russian-modern Greek dictionary



dogs || a

f ὁ σκύλος, τό σκυλί, ὁ κύων:

sentry \\ ~ τό μαντρόσκυλο · hunting \\ ~ τό κυνηγόσκυλο, τό λαγωνικό · ◊ \\ ~ on the hay οὐτε δικό μου, ὁϋτε δικό σου · tired like \\ ~ ψόφτηα πόσου νά ποῦ εἶναι ὁ κόμπος! · On this \\ ~ he ate the rant ἔχει μεγάλη πείρα σ "αύτή τή δουλειά · \\ ~ barks \\ ~ the wind carries say. τά σικυλιά γαυγί-ζκαυεν, τό

Russian-Kazakh dictionary



it; - hunting dog aңsy it; - yard dog Kora kuzetin it; - dog bloodhound ізші it; - beagle dog tazy it; - that's where dog buried me, gәp ayda zhatyr; - dog eat on anything colloquial birdemege денbden zhattyғyp alu; - from dogs you will not find colloquial it ertip izdesek de, taba almaysyk; - get tired like dog simple. smoke құryp sharshau, ittey sharshau; - (as) dog on the hay shөp қoryғan, ittey, itarshy; - like dogs who cannot be distinguished disapproved өte kөp, shekten thousand, they say dogs broadcast on someone that sөgu, ұrsu, pәle toad

Russian-Kyrgyz dictionary



hunting dog aңchy it;

yard dog short it;

that's where the dog is buried! colloquial cap myna went to the pole zhatkan eken yes!;

eat the dog on smth. colloquial kandaidir bir isti koyon zhatagyna cheyin bilүү, abdan zhakshy bilүү;

you will not find him with the dogs. any mashke zhoylotup izdeң yes, taba albays;

get tired like a dog is simple. ittey charchoo, ayabai charchoo.

Comprehensive Russian-French Dictionary



chien m; toutou m ( in children's language)

yard dog - chien de cour

guard dog - chien de garde, mâtin m

hunting dog - chien de chasse

bloodhound dog - limier m

he ate the dog on it. - c "est son fort; il est ferré sur cette matière

that's where the dog is buried! colloquial - voilà où git le lièvre!

dog in the mange - n "en mange pas et n" en donne pas

dog death talk to the dog. - telle vie, telle mort

the dog barks, the wind carries talk. - le chien aboie et la caravane passe

Concise Russian-Spanish Dictionary




1) perro m

yard dog - perro de corral

hunting dog - perro de caza, perro braco (perdiguero)

guard dog - perro mastín, mastín m

bloodhound dog - perro bucero (rastrero, sabueso)

indoor dog - perro faldero

sled dog - perro esquimal (siberiano, de Alaska)

pedigree dog - perro de casta (con pedigrí)

police dog - perro de policía

connected dog - perro estafeta

lead a cat and dog life colloquial - vivir como perros y gatos

2) transfer bran. perro m

3) inform. arroba f

(like) a dog in the manger - (como) el perro del hortelano (que ni come la berza ni la deja comer al amo)

the bullshit dog does not bite talk. - perro ladrador poco mordedor

quit like a dog - dejar como a un perro

to hang dogs on someone - colgar el San Benito a otro; cargar con el muerto a otro

that's where the dog is buried - ahí está el quid de la cuestión

two dogs are fighting, the third don't bother talk. - entre dos muelas cordales nunca pongas tus pulgares

every dog simple. - cada quisque, cada cual

like uncut dogs colloquial disapproved - a porrillo, de sobra, hasta los topes; en montón

like a dog - muchísimo, tremendamente

like a dog's fifth leg simple. disapproved - no servir (valer) para nada; como a un santo un par de pistolas; como los perros en misa

no dog simple. - ni piante ni mamante, ni los perros

treat anyone like a dog - tratar a alguien como a un perro

he ate a dog on it - es perro viejo en la materia

hungry like a dog - tengo hambre canina

you will not find with dogs - ni con perros lo encuentras

dog barks - the wind carries talk. - el perro ladra y la caravana pasa

dog death talk. - a tal vida tal muerte

die like a dog - morir como un perro

tired as a dog - estoy molido (derrengado)

black Dog, white dog - all one dog - los mismos perros, con diferentes collares

Russian-Chuvash dictionary



noun wives yytā; hunting dog sunar yytty; put the dog on the chain yytta kasmӑka lart ♦ how tired the dog is yigtӑ pek yvanna; he ate a bit of a dog in an atom ku ӗҫe pītӗ ӑsta plet; that's where the dog is buried akӑ mӗnre yytӳ tupsӑmӗ

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