Large service dog. Best Service Dogs

Service dog breeding has a long history, both in our country and throughout the world. The impetus for its development was the immediate need for animals that could take on certain work functions.

They not only had to help a person to perform hard physical work, but also to carry out more complex activities that require endurance, strength, innate courage and devotion, as well as quick wits, that is, qualities that are in abundance inherent in dogs. This is how service dogs appeared.

In ancient times, large dogs were even used as fighting animals or, but nowadays their service is usually peaceful. On the contrary, the need for “specialists” in traditional professions is not decreasing, but rather growing: shepherds, watchmen, guide dogs. Dogs work on the scent trail, help in the search for ore and gas. The dying canine professions are being replaced by new ones, such as drug discovery or the search for earthquake victims under the rubble of buildings.

And although the work of service dogs is sometimes simply invaluable in many spheres of human activity, they are more and more often taken at home as companions, bearing in mind that the main dog's "profession" is man's friend.

The owner of such a dog must be aware of the full responsibility for the maintenance of the animal. Any large dog (and without exception, all representatives of service breeds are such), especially those living within the city, should be well educated. Otherwise, its owner is constantly exposed to various troubles, and the life of others is in danger. Almost all service dogs need a certain job, which is increasingly being replaced by a general one, and then

In addition, every owner should be aware that a service dog cannot obtain a breeding class without a certificate of passing at least one training course. To maintain good physical shape, a large and strong dog needs regular long walks, the ability to frolic without a leash in an open space. A very important role in growing and keeping is played by a properly balanced complete diet (read), which requires significant material costs. Precisely because it needs the most time-consuming care, the service dog is the least suitable for the role of a fashion toy.

Now in the domestic cynology have become fashionable, collies have long been popular. Before buying such a dog, think about how you were guided when choosing, whether you weighed everything. After all, when bringing a puppy to a small apartment, the owners often do not think about the fact that in just a few months it will grow so much that it will be difficult to find such a corner at home where the dog does not interfere, taking up too much space.

A young healthy animal, mobile and inquisitive, will not lie on its bed for a long time. To form close contact with the dog, the owner must choose a friend of a suitable temperament, otherwise mutual understanding will not be achieved. A calm, dignified St. Bernard or Newfoundland will annoy an overly energetic person, and it is difficult for a phlegmatic person to spend even several hours in a row in the company of a lively and cheerful collie or a cheerful Airedale.

So the choice is made. You need a dog with which you can safely take late walks, calmly entrust your child to her and be sure of the safety of household property. But which breed is yours?

In Russia, ten breeds are used directly for work. These are five shepherd dogs - German, Scottish, Caucasian, Central Asian and South Russian - black terrier, Moscow watchdog, Airedale, Giant Schnauzer and Rottweiler. The rest, whose service with us is impossible due to climatic conditions or simply due to the lack of appropriate traditions, are used in European countries. In Russia, it is customary to call them sports and service, and they are usually divorced by amateurs.

The most famous service dogs are shepherds

They were bred for herding sheep, which is reflected in the name. However, these dogs have already successfully mastered many other specialties. It is a universal and most popular breed all over the world. She lends itself to any special training and can perform any service.

These are beautiful dogs of classic appearance: black and tan, with a large, proudly set head, erect ears and a long saber tail. The dense, short, close-fitting coat makes the dog suitable for open housing.

Undoubtedly, the outward resemblance to the wolf has given rise to the widespread belief that the breed originated directly from these forest predators. The height of the German Shepherd at the withers is 56-66 cm. For a long time, only one type of breed was bred in our country - the East European, whose representatives are somewhat larger and lighter in color. This dog can be safely recommended for any application, it will always meet your expectations.

Recently, three domestic shepherds have become especially popular - the Caucasian, South Russian and Central Asian. These dogs are also of great interest abroad, and therefore are actively exported from Russia as a rare living souvenir. The most widely known is the Caucasian Shepherd Dog. This dog, bred in the mountains of Georgia as a shepherd, turned out to be indispensable for guard duty.

In cities, a huge, unusually strong, fluffy shepherd dog is given as a reliable watchman. If she lets uninvited guests into the apartment, she will never let them go back. But in no case should a Caucasian be taken to a person who has never had a dog before. By nature, this animal is quite spiteful, with a very closed character, and you need to be able to achieve its obedience. If you managed to establish the right relationship, and your pet has understood forever who is the indisputable authority for him, you will never have to complain about this loyal and reliable companion.

The South Russian Shepherd Dog is not just a lump of white curly hair, but a strict and independent creature. An appearance that promises a good-natured phlegmatic is in this case deceiving. The dog is distrustful of strangers, very attentive and vigilant, it is not for nothing that the flocks of the Crimean khans trusted her. He is a wonderful watchman and a good friend.

Central Asian Shepherd Dogs are of two types - smooth-haired and long-haired. These sedentary dogs tolerate heat well, but when kept open, it is still necessary to provide them with protection from direct sunlight. Two or three such dogs can guard a huge herd, one - several premises, so it only at first glance seems that the dog is lazy and pays no attention to anything. The path to the heart of this breed is not easy, it recognizes the owner and obeys only those who truly love it, which, however, does not exclude reasonable coercion.

- also herding dog... It originated in the south of England. She has a wonderful disposition - light, cheerful, affectionate. This is a dog with a very subtle mental organization: you cannot shout at it, it easily takes offense at the injustice of its owner, it is well versed in all the nuances of relationships between family members.

Collie demands that she be given attention not only during feeding and walking, but also just talk to her and caress her. In order for a luxurious coat to have a rich and attractive look, it must be brushed regularly. Collie is an excellent watchman, a kind nanny for children, an intelligent guide of the blind, that is, she can learn almost any dog \u200b\u200bspecialty, which is helped by her rare ingenuity and versatile natural talent.

Among the approximately four hundred breeds currently known to dog handlers, two were bred in the Soviet Union and recently received breed status. This is a black terrier and a Moscow watchdog.

The Black Terrier is a large dog with a thick, slightly curly coat. This hardy, physically strong dog was obtained by crossing an Airedale Terrier, Giant Schnauzer and Rottweiler. The breed combines such qualities as courage, reasonable viciousness, outstanding intelligence. The owner of the Black Terrier must be an experienced canine handler who does not allow the dog to take over and is able to provide it with proper training. Unsurpassed as a watchman, the black terrier is also suitable for other jobs that require delicate flair, strength and courage.

Moscow Watchdog is a successful cross between St. Bernards and Caucasian Shepherd Dogs. The dog inherited its appearance from good-natured rescuers, and its stern and unyielding character from Caucasians, which allows it to successfully carry out the service declared by the name of the breed.

Doberman Pinscher and Giant Schnauzer belong to the breeds descended from ancient jackal dogs and have a common ancestor - the German Pinscher, practically unknown outside of their homeland and resembling a Doberman in miniature.

- an excellent working dog with well-developed muscles; can, with appropriate training, which is allowed to begin only in adulthood, take fairly high obstacles. Character - impetuous and quick-tempered, but not aggressive. It is slim or chocolatey with a beautiful streamlined shape. The Doberman is not particularly peaceful with his own kind, and dog fights often occur precisely with his "filing". As a watchman he knows no equal, but he can successfully master other areas of activity.

- a dog for the whole family. He will willingly carry a light bag with purchases, he will have fun with the children, and in the absence of the owners he will work as a watchman, so that later he will meet them with joyful barking - "report" that everything is in order. This sociable, benevolent dog loves playing ball on the green lawn, willingly takes part in your country walks, usually without much hassle learns to ride in a car.

The harsh coat of the dog does not need any other care, except for the trimming carried out every six months - plucking out the dead guard hair. The dog is naturally obedient, but still it is not a toy, and you need to approach the issue of education accordingly, only then the rizen will become a worthy companion of your family.

Among the terriers, there are only two service dogs, which are unconditionally classified as service dogs. This is a black terrier and airedale terrier. The Airedale Terrier is close in origin to the Giant Schnauzer and Doberman; his later ancestors include the English Terrier, which is the common progenitor of all terriers in general. - perfect dog for keeping in the apartment.

Relatively small size, perky "terrier" temper, docile character, innate ingenuity - the combination of these qualities make the Airedale a wonderful friend. A person who has once had a dog of this breed becomes attached to it for life. The coat of the Airedale and Riesen requires the same care. This terrier bred in England is characterized by purely British judgment and famous English humor. A reliable watchman, a search dog, a guide for the blind, a nanny - that's far from complete list possible professions of the airedale.

Modern masculine dogs descended directly from war dogs that took part in the legendary battles of ancient times. Each of the six breeds described below is completely individual, and it is sometimes difficult to believe that, for example, the Boxer and the Newfoundland have a common ancestor.

- one of the largest dogs on earth. Smooth wool can be dyed in different ways: the standard allows several options. These proud and majestic animals are very sensitive to the climate, catch colds easily, they need to be protected from drafts and sudden changes in temperature. The dog is selflessly devoted to the owners. He guards the apartment well. Light, non-capricious (although there are no rules without exception) character makes a slender handsome man an ideal friend of every person who loves animals. Dog independently establishes contact with each member of the family and builds relationships on an honest, uncompromising basis, since he cannot stand lies and falsehood.

- the dog is rather spiteful, phlegmatic, but with a good reaction. At home, in Germany, at one time she was used as a powerful heavy truck. But remarkable intelligence, reckless courage and rare flair soon predetermined another application of the Rottweiler. Now it is mainly a search or guard dog, which, due to its brilliant qualities, deserves a wider distribution. The prejudice existing against Rottweilers is completely unfounded - they just do not like familiarity and unconditionally obey only the owner.

Filled with a special charm that is unique to him. An expressive muzzle can depict all shades of mood, and the movements of a short-docked tail also help it, which always looks especially touching. The Boxer retains its puppy character longer than any other breed, but already in the earliest childhood. This red-haired dog with a white chest in a black velvet "mask" is a reliable protector and the most devoted friend you can wish for.

- a charming giant who is suitable for everyone who does not look for an ardent temperament in a dog. This massive red & white dog will follow its owner into fire and water and, of course, on any walk, although long hikes tire him. The famous profession of St. Bernard is a lifeguard in the snowy mountains. In this service, he is successfully used to this day. The shaggy "fur coat" reliably protects the dog from the cold, and love for people and an almost fantastic instinct allow you to find those in trouble even under a deep layer of snow.

Newfoundland is also a lifeguard, only a water one. This giant swims and dives perfectly. Luxurious coat, completely black or white with black spots (Landseer), and a kind disposition make this breed one of the most attractive. It is not for nothing that even in places far from natural reservoirs, Newf are born more and more often. One should never forget about the natural inclinations of the animal, and therefore it is advisable for a Newf to find an opportunity to swim at least several times a year. These dogs are very fond of children, passive in nature, but optimistic.

- a breed that is becoming more and more popular in Russia every day. Labradors are closely related to Newfoundlands. They used to help fishermen pull nets ashore, but now they have mastered a whole range of professions. It is a beautiful black dog with a semi-long adherent coat. The “intelligent”, even character of the Labrador makes him capable of performing the most varied service, and most importantly, turns him into a pleasant and dignified companion.

Service dog breeds include strong, hardy, large dogs with pronounced guard qualities. A large number of breeds belonging to service dogs were previously used as herding dogs... The main requirement for service breeds is suitability for the search service, that is, protection and search on the trail. TO characteristic features service dogs can be attributed to distrust of strangers, sensitivity, wickedness, courage, loyalty to the owner and the ability to train.

Service breeds can be divided into several subgroups, most of which are shepherd... Initially, shepherd dogs were bred to guard and graze herds. Many countries have their own shepherd breeds, and they differ sharply in both origin and qualities.

Those wishing to have a Central Asian, Caucasian or South Russian Shepherd Dog in a city apartment would like to warn about the difficulty of keeping these service breeds in an apartment. Firstly, we must not forget that these are large and vicious dogs, and secondly, they require a lot of space.

The group of service dog breeds includes schnauzers, renowned as excellent watchmen, which got their name from the mustache and beard on the face. The exact origin of the schnauzers is not known, but these breeds were finally formed in Germany.

Dog breeds pinschers they also belong to the service group and are considered close to schnauzers, although more ancient. Pinschers are short-haired dogs, very different from each other in color, size and purpose. The ancestor of the Pinschers is the German Pinscher, the breed of which was bred in the middle of the nineteenth century by the Swiss Dobermann, whose name remained behind the breed.

Schnauzers and Pinschers are active, curious and very temperamental dogs. They are not as easy to train as other service dogs. But when these dogs are trained, they become the best companions and great friends.

When all the abilities and properties of the service breeds became known, these dogs were widely spread throughout the earth and there are a great many canine professions from this group. Service dogs are in demand and are actively used for various purposes - in the protection of state borders, in the patrol and guard service, in the protection of military and national economic facilities, in the search and rescue service, when drugs and explosives are found, the detention of criminals, etc. ... And these canine professions are becoming more and more every year.

Many lovers of service breeds breed these dogs for sporting interest, train, participate in competitions, tests and exhibitions. The sporting aspect of breeding service breeds today contributes to their popularity and distribution.

Service dog breeds, except for Shepherd Dogs, Pinschers and Schnauzers, include Rottweilers, Boxers and Airedale Terriers. The latter serve excellently in the army of the United Kingdom of Great Britain.

A distinctive feature of the service breeds is their appearance and the constitution... The dog's exterior is used to determine the degree of compliance with its breed standard. The constitution of a dog characterizes the adaptability of a given dog to the conditions of existence and service, as well as the degree of its endurance.

For promotion performance of service breeds and maintaining health, it is necessary to create optimal conditions for keeping the dog. If the pet is kept in an apartment, then it becomes pampered and sensitive to a drop in temperature. Most service breeds, such as Caucasian, German, Central Asian, Scottish Shepherd Dogs, are quite resistant to weather changes and quickly acclimatize to new conditions.

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Service dogs This is a separate group of domestic breeds of various origins, used for shepherd, sledding (harness), guard, search and other types of service. These dogs have a well-developed instinct to protect the owner of his belongings at home. The vast majority of service dogs are spiteful, distrustful of strangers, well trained.

Herding dogs were used mainly in livestock farms for grazing and protecting herds of sheep, cattle, pigs, reindeer and sika deer from predators. Sled dogs, of which sleds are made up, serve as one of the vehicle in the regions of the Far North (average load on a dog is 40-50 kg, the speed of the team is up to 15 km / h). Sentry and search dogs are used to guard state borders, military, industrial and economic facilities, search for criminals, search for minerals (as part of geological exploration expeditions), as well as for special (sanitary, liaison, ministry, etc.) services in the army.

Service dogs are excellent guides and helpers for blind people. We all know perfectly well that the dog played an important role in the exploration of outer space. It was these animals that first flew into space. Everyone knows such dog nameslike Belka and Strelka. And there is even a monument to the dog-cosmonaut Zvezdochka in the city of Izhevsk. Service dogs are often used in all kinds of scientific experiments. It was thanks to the dogs that conditioned and unconditioned reflexes were discovered. The famous scientist I.P. Pavlov, who studied reflexes, even initiated a monument to a dog in the academic town of Koltushi.

Service dog history

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Service dog breeding appeared in our country many decades ago. However, before the revolution, animals of this type performed rather primitive functions and their training was poorly organized. Dogs in the northern regions helped to move and carried weights, and also guarded herds of tamed deer. Service dog breeding began to develop rapidly only after when in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century. breeds such as German and Scottish Shepherds were introduced. After that, this type of dog began to be used for sanitary service and communications in the army, as well as when searching for criminals.

After the October Revolution, service dogs were used in many areas. A large number of kennels arose where dogs were raised, as well as schools in which animals were prepared and trained. This became the foundation for further development service dog breeding on a scientific basis. Defense society clubs and amateur dog breeders played a significant role in the spread and development of this useful endeavor.

Service dog owner must be aware of the full responsibility for the animal. Any large dog, and all representatives of these breeds without exception, are such, especially those living within the city, should be well educated. Otherwise, its owner is constantly exposed to various troubles, and the life of others is in danger. Almost all such animals need a certain job, which is increasingly being replaced by general and then service training. In addition, every owner should be aware that a service dog cannot obtain a breeding class without a certificate of passing at least one training course.

To maintain good physical shape, a large and strong dog needs regular long walks, the ability to frolic without a leash in an open space. A very important role in growing and keeping is played by a properly balanced complete feeding, which requires significant material costs. Precisely because it needs the most time-consuming care, the service dog is the least suitable for the role of a fashion toy.

Service dog breeds

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Sheepdogs (photo left) - pretty large group dogs. Let's take a quick look at some of them. German Shepherd- a breed of dog, originally used as a shepherd and search dog. The German Shepherd Dog was obtained as a result of selection and crossing of several varieties of herd dogs in Central and Southern Germany. Distinguish between smooth-haired and long-haired varieties. This is a service dog with a balanced, mobile type of behavior, an exceptional clever person, capable of various training.

The German Shepherd is most successful if it has one owner, but at the same time its strength (as a service dog) is that it very easily changes owners and is interested in working with new ones. For example, a Rottweiler or Giant Schnauzer badly perceive the change of owners, refuse to obey the new, yearn for the old, but this does not apply to the "Germans". During the patrol service, dogs often, sometimes every day, change companions, and here the German Shepherd is beyond competition. She is able to unquestioningly carry out the commands of any police officer with whom she goes on patrol today.

It is curious that this strength of the "Germans" who are in the service turns out to be a weak one when it comes to domestic pupils. Many owners of German shepherd dogs are very sensitive to the fact that their pets on the dog playground willingly play with the owners of other dogs, perform the retrieval and are even ready to leave their owner without any problems and leave the site with anyone who will regularly throw sticks or balls at them.

Australian shepherd not bred in the hills of Australia or New Zealand, but in America. The Pyrenean Shepherd Dogs brought here were interbred with various types of Collie Sheepdogs, as a result a service breed was created, which was named the Australian Shepherd. Among the most likely ancestors of the Australian Shepherd are the Border Collie, Collie and Smithfield Collie. The Australian Shepherd has become a common working dog on American farms and ranches. Despite its relatively small size, the long-haired Australian Shepherd is able to control a huge flock of sheep or a herd of bulls, biting naughty animals by the hind legs.

Scottish shepherd, collie - also used as a herding dog. It originated in the south of England. She has a wonderful disposition - light, cheerful, affectionate. This is a service dog with a very fine mental organization: you cannot shout at it, it easily takes offense at the injustice of its owner, it is well versed in all the nuances of relationships between family members.

Collie demands that she be given attention not only during feeding and walking, but also just talk to her and caress her. This is a long-haired breed and in order for its luxurious coat to have a rich and attractive appearance, it must be brushed regularly. Collie is an excellent watchman, a kind nanny for children, an intelligent guide of the blind, that is, she can learn almost any dog \u200b\u200bspecialty, which is helped by her rare ingenuity and versatile natural talent.

Boxer dog (top photo) is often loved for her character, intelligence and dedication. They are quite affectionate and will gladly join you if you are lying on the sofa, preferring to be close to their owners whenever possible. They are often distrustful of strangers, unless they were socialized in early childhood. Otherwise, boxers will bark very loudly at visitors to your home.

Boxers remain emotionally immature for a long time, although their physical development usually stops at 18 months. This means that early training may seem like talking to a deaf person when it really isn't. At one point, your service dog suddenly understands everything that you have tried to teach him for a long time. While they get along well with other animals in the house they were raised with, they tend to chase cats and other small animals that are not part of their family.

German dog - a breed of service dogs of gigantic size. The breed is recognized by FCI, CKC, AKC, ANKC, NKC, NZKC, APRI, UKC, ACR. It is one of the largest in size. large breeds dogs. The types of wool colors of this breed are different: fawn, brindle, marble, raincoat, black, blue. The coat of the Great Dane is short and dense, smooth and shiny. Moderate molting. The growth of Great Danes at the withers: males at least 80 cm, females at least 72 cm, and weight can be up to 90 kg. The character of the Great Dane can be called calm; as a rule, there are no problems in communicating with people. The only thing worth remembering is that these dogs, not realizing their physical size relative to a person, can easily knock him to the ground, playing with him, you should not consider this as aggression from the animal.

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(photo on the left) is an excellent service dog. Harmonious, balanced and powerful. Everything about this dog speaks of determination and courage. The perfect rottweiler medium to large size, strong and powerful dog. Its compact, robust build indicates great strength and endurance. Calm, balanced, self-confident, brave dog. Keeps independently and aloof, distrustful of strangers. The dog is smart, tough, but manageable. She is aggressive, belligerent towards other dogs. Higher type nervous activity - strong, balanced, calm.

The coat is straight, coarse, dense, of medium length, tight-fitting. On the head, ears, legs - the hair is shorter. Forms not long feathers on the thighs. The undercoat is soft, short. Especially pronounced on the neck and thighs. The color is gray, red or black. Black and tan, sharply defined, with pronounced reddish brown markings. Tan covers up to 10% of the body surface. Placement of tan: above the eyes, on the cheeks, in stripes on both sides of the muzzle, but not on the bridge of the nose. On the underside of the neck, in the form of two triangles on the chest, on the front legs to the wrist, on the inside of the legs to knee joint, under the tail, there are black stripes on the fingers.

According to a beautiful Welsh legend, baby corgi were cabbie dogs for fairies and elves. And the saddle-shaped speck that can be seen on the back of the dogs is proof of this. Don't believe in fairy tales, even if they are beautiful? Then keep real story breeds. The Welsh Corgi has the blood of the Swedish Walhnuds. The Vikings brought the stocky men to the British Isles. According to the classification of the International Cynological Federation, dogs belong to the 1st group (herding and cattle dogs), the 1st section (shepherd dogs). Needless to say, from the 10th century onwards they played the role of nimble and wise shepherds.

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Formidable and brave staffs are English by origin. The breed appeared in the 19th century, in Staffordshire. To breed this variety, a bulldog was crossed with a terrier. The dog turned out to be quite large and aggressive. They began to use it in dog fights. But at the beginning of the 20th century, bloody four-legged skirmishes were banned in America. At this time, 2 breeds of American Staffordshire Terrier and appeared. The first one was bred as a show breed.

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The Shetland Sheepdog is an elegant breed for those who have long dreamed of a collie, but cannot afford one big dog... A miniature shepherd breed appeared in the Shetland Islands. The longtime ancestors of the Sheltie are the border collie. The history of the breed is as follows: shepherds crossed collies with a shepherd's breed, as a result of which a small copy of the collie was obtained. In the 19th century, the Shetland Sheepdogs were threatened with extinction: the livestock economy became larger, and the crumbs could not cope with the huge herds of animals.

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The German Shepherd breed has gained discouraging popularity in a relatively short time. Back in 1899, a representative of this variety was first presented at a national dog show in Germany, and today the pets are known all over the world. And they don't just know, but they give birth to German shepherds as helpers and companions.

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The history of the American Pit Bull Terrier breed is not fully known. The ancestors of the pit are believed to have originated in the 14th century in England or Ireland. According to the history of origin, the blood of bulldogs and terriers flows in them. But unlike these breeds, the Pit Bull breed is not recognized by the International Kennel Federation. This is because since the 19th century they have been fighting dogs that have taken part in forbidden battles. They were called death machines and were avoided.

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Kind and soft at heart, but formidable in appearance. For what purpose were Newfoundlands bred? The history of the breed takes us to the island of the same name. There are several versions of the origin of tetrapods. According to the most common Newfah, it is the result of crossing a black wolf with a mastiff. Diver dogs were faithful helpers fishermen: they helped to get objects out of the water, they could even grab a fish that fell off the hook. With their help, fishing nets were placed and assembled. But the biggest advantage of the Newfoundlands was considered that they could save a drowning person.

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The history of the origin of the Caucasian breed is ambiguous. The version that this is the bedrock of the Caucasus is recognized. It was bred about 2 thousand years ago. And even then she had excellent security instincts. She accompanied travelers and guarded mountain settlements. The Caucasian is recognized by the International Kennel Federation: belongs to the 2nd group (Pinschers and Schnauzers), the 2nd section (Molossians).

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The driving breed was registered by the Americans - it happened in the 30s. From that moment on, the popularity of dogs began to grow exponentially. And if earlier dogs were used to move around snowy terrain, today they are in the center of attention - participants in popular videos and shows, favorites of children and adults. Take a look at the photo: funny energizers will conquer anyone. The breed is recognized by the International Kennel Federation. Pets belong to the 5th group (Spitz and primitive breeds), the 1st section (northern sled dogs). The ICF has set breed standards:

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The English Bulldog breed is the national pride of the inhabitants of Foggy Albion. The noble tetrapods, included in the 2nd group of the ICF (molossians and mastiffs), have the habits of true gentlemen. The history of the breed goes back to the 19th century, and the progenitors of the Bulldogs are the representatives of the pickling breed and the Old English Bulldogs. Although initially these four-legged did not do a gentleman's job.

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A dog is more surprising than a German short-haired pointer. Why? She combines best qualities Pointers and Retrievers: easily rushes into the water for prey, and if necessary, instantly stands up. Yes, this is a hunting breed. But these four-legged ones make not only first-class cops, but also excellent service dogs... Is there something to watch out for? As easy as pie! Need to be in the role of a cab - for example, ride the children on a sled? Easy!

  • They are bold in nature;
  • have extra stamina;
  • boast amazing hearing and the same instinct;
  • well trained;
  • show distrust of strangers;
  • they have a well-developed instinct to protect the owner and his property;
  • in certain cases, they tend to behave aggressively.

Loyal animals, capable of learning, with a wide chest, muscular body and strong legs, powerful neck - by these signs you can recognize a service dog. However, the appearance and character of tetrapods depends on the tasks they perform. Exist .

The four-legged serve man for as long as they exist on this planet. Even in ancient times, service dogs helped to hunt, were loyal companions in battles with opponents and even acted as spies. Today the scope of application of dogs of service breeds has expanded significantly. Let's take a look at what types of service dogs are:

  • cattle four-legged... They play the role of guards and observers at the same time, they are the right hand of farmers. Collie is considered to be the best shepherd dog. Owners of thick and long hair are not afraid of bad weather. are distinguished by high intelligence, friendliness and disarming devotion. Bobtails are also popular in this area - four-legged shepherds have a rather loud and rough bark;
  • search dogs... People's assistants are looking for traces of the criminal, corpses, drugsas well as weapons and explosives. Sniffer dogs must have a high olfactory sensitivity and astonishing intelligence. Shepherd dogs are endowed with these qualities. And the most common applicants for this position are exactly. They are famous for their high learning ability, lightning-fast reaction and good memory;
  • guard dogs... The main responsibilities of pets include protecting the territory, property, or even a person. For guarding, four-legged friends require special loyalty to the owner, friendliness and at the same time the willingness to attack when the boundaries are violated, which is important for a guard pet. The Giant Schnauzers, as well as other breeds of the Schnauzer group, have established themselves as worthy guards. If we talk about personal protection, the Dobermans, or rather, the Doberman Pinschers, are considered first-class bodyguard dogs. Courageous, balanced and intelligent guard pets are unmatched in this business;
  • sled dogs... Animals act as traction power on snow / ice, are used to transport people and goods, and also to tow boats. Power, endurance and resistance to low temperatures are the distinguishing qualities of mounts. For these purposes, as a rule, huskies, malamutes and samoyeds are used. Pets are able to overcome obstacles from 40 to 60 km per day. They don't need grazing;
  • rescue dogs... Pets extend a paw of help to everyone who is in trouble: found himself under a layer of snow in the mountains / forest, or went to the bottom, being in the water. Newfoundlands are not afraid of frost and feel great in icy water. They are endowed with the strongest instinct to save people. And they are often used to search for people covered with snow - animals of this breed have a stunningly sharp scent;
  • guide dogs... These include animals that provide assistance to visually impaired or blind people. Thanks to four-legged friends such people can move freely outdoors. The Labrador Retrievers, which are sporting dog breeds, are called exemplary guides. Bring the necessary thing or medicine to the owner, turn on / off the light - all this is within the power of Labradors.

They perform vital tasks, and their contribution to many areas of human activity is invaluable. But the most important profession of a dog is to be a true friend of man!

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