How to understand for what reason money runs away. How to get rid of lack of money? Programming for a comfortable life

Surely everyone is familiar - no matter how much you try to earn more, the money does not become more. Literally, they slip through their fingers. It would seem that only yesterday there was a salary - and you are already calculating whether you will be enough to hold out until the next one.
An even more incomprehensible moment is that the salary has increased, you think: That's it! I'll live now!
But no! The money is again sorely lacking, and for some reason the costs have increased.
There are also options when your income is sorely lacking for comfortable living conditions - there are already other problems and we will deal with this separately.

Now let's consider what reasons can be that even increasing earnings do not save money from "leakage"?

  1. You have blockages in your head, manifestations of the "poverty mindset." Subconsciously, you are sure that big money brings some problems, so hurry up to get rid of them as soon as possible.
  2. You turned out to be NOT READY for such earnings (in case of an increase) and again, subconsciously strive to return to the same level as it was - that is, to survive from paycheck to paycheck. Your subconscious mind will itself look for ways to quickly get rid of the extra "load".
  3. You are not keeping the law of money energy, the law of tithing. This money will still be "taken away" from you, only by unplanned expenses.
  4. You have a hard time parting with money, you take every waste very painfully.
  5. All the money is spent on paying off debts and loans, and you do not know how to stop it.
  6. You find it difficult to set your goals.
  7. Negative thoughts and phrases about money that you can use without even noticing it.
So, now let's analyze each point:
  • To unblock negative attitudes - practice at a deep level of consciousness. Accustom yourself to the fact that everything in the Universe is enough for everyone, and you also deserve it.
  • Unpreparedness for big money overtakes you when, instead of specific goals, you are focused on money. It is then that chaotic spending begins, the purchase of things you do not need. So the subconscious is trying to get rid of all the "superfluous".
Output:always prioritize goals. Money is not the goal! And this is the very common mistake of many who try to put money at the head of their goals. Even if you ask the Universe for specific amounts, always clearly indicate what you need them for.
  • About the law of tithing - do not rest on the tenth part, the main thing is to start, even if very small.
  • Money loves movement. React to any expenses and unplanned expenses with just one phrase: I easily give and receive money. Do not be thoughtless and disorderly about money, if there is a surplus - put it in a bank at interest, invest in your own business, invest in interesting projects, training and development.
  • The main thing you need to know about debt is to shift your attention away from it. As soon as you stop getting hung up on them and worrying about them, they themselves will begin to disappear from your life.
  • Always set goals! Learn to think with the thinking of the rich: not how to get something from this world, but how to GIVE something to it. When you are passionately engaged in your work or any other activity, when you are focused on the process, the results will not be long in coming.
  • As soon as you caught yourself thinking negatively about money, you immediately replaced it with a positive one. To do this, you need to write down in advance in a column all your negative phrases that you notice behind yourself, and opposite them replacements.
For example:there is always not enough money - money comes easily to me, and so on.
All this requires some work on yourself and your thoughts, but believe me - the results will exceed your expectations.

7 reasons leading to poverty

This article is for those who often ask themselves the question: "Why does money leave me?" Are you making every effort to strengthen your family's well-being, but you are failing? Maybe you are doing something wrong?

1) Pity me, have pity

We always want to be understood and pitied, we like to blame someone for all our troubles. Full - everyone looks askance and does not want to hire. Unmarried is bad, married is also bad, you are over 40 - what are the prospects here ... Losers and whiners are doomed to low-paying jobs and a miserable existence.

Recipe: Stop complaining and take action. Each person is the master of his own destiny. Stop shedding tears, get to work! I don't like your figure - sign up for fitness or take up dancing. Not satisfied with the current job - master a new profession.

2) The miser pays twice

This is not about sound frugality, but about pathological stinginess. This is a search for discounts, unwillingness to pay for quality education of children, savings on good nutrition and, ultimately, on their own health.

Truly wealthy people are ready to pay for the necessary things at their real cost. Think, weigh your possibilities and do not save where it makes no sense.

3) All at once

The thirst for immediate benefits is the path to the financial abyss. People who think according to the principle "All at once" are not able to understand that by getting a job with an average salary in a reputable company, you can get a lot in a few years. Such people often neglect education and give preference to let them neglect education and give preference to even unskilled, but better paid work.

Recipe: To reap the harvest, you need to sow it, but if you count on generous fruits, you will have to cultivate them - work for the future and spare no effort on persistent work and education.

4) Time is money

A loser does not value both his own time and the time of others. Because of this, minutes, hours and days pass by him imperceptibly, like sand, seeping through his fingers. Such a person is more likely to spend time than money.

Recipe: Try to write down in minutes what you spend your time on during a normal working day. Perhaps the results of your research will surprise you very much, and you will understand what the main currency of your life is spent on - invaluable time.

5) I don't like it, but I do it

There are many things that we don't like. Some people don't like washing the dishes or getting up at dawn every morning. But the rejection in question is more general. Such a person goes to an unloved job or hates his own business. There can be no talk of any progress here - because then even more unpleasant things will have to be done.

Recipe: If your business does not bring you pleasure, reconsider your outlook on life and do not what you need, but what you like to do. Look for yourself!

6) And the neighbor ...

Bad feeling. It complicates communication with others and pushesperson but to actions that do not meet his financial capabilities. A friend has a car, but I don't? Why am I worse?

And, without weighing her capabilities, the envious takes the goods on credit, which she then cannot pay.

For such a person, the main thing right now is to flaunt a car, a chic outfit, diamonds and other luxury goods.

Recipe: Envy ... yourself!

Look in the mirror. Well, aren't you beautiful, aren't you clever? You shine like a star even without diamonds!

7) If you want to make enemies - borrow money

By borrowing money, you expect to buy yourself a good name, a good attitude, the glory of a generous person, a clear conscience and a sense of self-worth. And everything turns out exactly the opposite. Your condition is permanently melting, no one erects a monument to you during your lifetime, and the fact of your existence is a great burden for your debtors.

Recipe: We'll have to learn to say "no", if not in all, then at least in some situations. By the way, this skill is included in the "must-have package" of a real businessman.

All these rules are simple and have been known for a long time. Learn to apply them in practice - and soon you will forget that once you lacked money.

In the last article we talked about what kind of prohibitions are and determined in which area of \u200b\u200blife they can manifest themselves. If you periodically have a question: “Why do not money and luck love me?”, Then perhaps this speaks of a negative message of the clan.

How do you know that there is a clan prohibition in the area of \u200b\u200b"Money and Wealth"? This can be easily understood in the stories you read in this article.

The first step to solving any problem always lies in finding its true cause.

"Live giving everything"

The prohibition on wealth can be formed in different ways.

Several years ago I was in the city of Saratov with a good friend. And she told me that the money simply leaves the family - her husband plays slot machines. He is a very handsome young man of about thirty-five who works in the north on a watch. But a gamer.

When he comes home from his watch, he gives his wife all the money he earned, but starts asking for them every evening for the machines. He could not help himself, he cried and repented, promised to improve, but could not help himself.

Gambling addiction is a sign that a person can live only by giving everything that he has.

Money is something that is very easily given away. I think each of us has experience when we were robbed. We all give or lose money at some point, we forget.

This experience is not given to us in vain, it says that the balance of “take and give” is upset. But when a person is addicted, then the motto that he receives from the clan is: "you can live only by giving everything."

Weaving of the generic system

Another striking case. I had a client - a young woman photographer. She was scared to say how much her services cost. She was ashamed to take money for it. She wanted to earn money, but could not take money.

And when she came to me for a consultation, it turned out that during the years of the revolution, her ancestors participated in the expropriation, that is, they took everything from the rich. And they had no sense of guilt to take away what people have earned for years, fair or not - it doesn't matter.

Each generic system has its own values \u200b\u200band rules. And now this woman, who lives after several generations, cannot take the money that she earns. She's ashamed. That feeling of guilt that her ancestors did not feel, she experiences for them.

This is the weave of the system. They throw us out of our lives, and we are not experiencing our feelings.

Message from the genus

Can you remember if you have inadequate states with money? For example, if after receiving money there is a desire to immediately distribute the amounts for gifts, clothing, utilities, after which calm comes.

This definitely suggests that negative experiences are associated with money.

There is also a story. A client talked about her grandfather who lived in a gold mine with a large family. They earned good money, but all family members quarreled very much over income. As a result, one son killed the other.

So the ban remained, as a reminder, of the kind: "either money or good relations."

Because in this family, money and good relationships could not exist together. This was especially aggravated by death. It is especially difficult if the murder happened within the family. It's even harder if they don't talk about it.

All the most difficult situations that happened in the family are important to pronounce.

Money and shame

Some are ashamed to say how much they earn. This shame suggests that in the past, the clan had a lot of shame associated with money (with receiving money, for example).

Another story from my practice that deeply impressed me. One young, intelligent and talented woman wanted to earn money, she was sure that she would succeed, but she constantly had difficulties.

It turned out that her parents had left for Siberia to work. When they arrived at their destination, it turned out that the mother was pregnant, but she later lost the child. And this shock was so intertwined with the circumstances of what happened that the idea that money was deadly was entrenched in the family.

There are so many examples and stories, and they all say that money is bad, dangerous, embarrassing ... And therefore, a person subconsciously begins to avoid them. We all want to get a million, but subconsciously each of us has our own prohibitions.

Children don't make money

Why else is money bypassing someone? There are situations when a person simply did not grow up, subconsciously remained a child.

I have one client who for several years came to consultations as a client, but each time in her case the same situation was repeated.

She still looks not at her life, but at her grievances against her parents. If you have grievances against your parents, if you still have not dealt with these grievances, then money will flow away, like into a black hole.

Therefore, it is so important when you start to engage in personal growth, your self-esteem, tell your parents that you love them. Forgive them for some mistakes and situations, and let go of the state of pain and resentment.

The money sphere is closed, if we do not grow up, we remain small and dependent. It seems to us that they gave us little inheritance, attention, little calls, etc. That they are not treating us fairly!

If you find that money and luck don't like you and pass you by, find out what kind of experience in the field of money exists in your family. Ask your parents and grandparents.

To be continued...

An expert in family relations.
Author of the books "Secrets happy relationship"," How to love yourself. "

To keep the money flowing and not leaving ...

Many peoples have exactly the same traditions and customs associated with attracting money and maintaining the well-being of the home and family. It is believed that if every Wednesday you light three candles of the traditionally monetary - green - color or do the same on Thursday using yellow or orange candles, then you will never be in danger of ruin. The customs of placing three red carnations in the northern part of the house and keeping an ordinary broom with a broom upside down are devoted to the same. But piggy banks with copper money can bring trouble, especially if they are next to the head of your bed. If you decide to collect money, keep it white. Probably, many people know that borrowing money should be on the growing moon, when there is a natural flow of astral forces and influences, and to give it when the energy of the moon decreases. At the same time, it is better to take money with the left, and give it with the right hand. This will help create the right relationship between you and the money and, if it doesn’t bring much benefit, it will certainly save you from wasting and wasting.


There are many rules related to how to borrow and lend money. First of all, try to borrow more often to others, and take less often. Because when you lend money, you are as if asking them to return back and in larger quantities. An exception is this method of attracting money: borrow any amount of money for a young month, and return it for an old one, and with money of little value. However, do not borrow money on Tuesday - "you will be in debt all your life", and do not lend yourself on Monday and do not pay for large purchases. You should not borrow or give money in the evening, otherwise they will simply cease to be found with you. And when you give money, you should do it only with your right hand, and borrow with your left hand.
As for folk signs and monetary rituals, as you probably know, you can't whistle in the house, as well as sweep crumbs from the table with your hand. It is undesirable to lend salt and bread, for example, when your neighbor on the floor asks you - the money will almost certainly leave the house. Also, you cannot keep empty bottles on the table, sit on the table, put keys and hats on the table. These actions also portend a decline in welfare.
There is a belief that in order to lure money into the house, you need to tidy up your nails only on certain days (Tuesday and Friday). Leave the broom with the handle down, and never clean the house with two brooms at the same time. At dawn, when you hear a cuckoo, jingle money in your pocket, "so they can be found." If you notice bubbles on the surface of the tea, then try to catch them and drink - this is to receive money or, as they used to say, "to gifts." You can also make an amulet from three slotted coins by pulling a red silk ribbon through them and carry it in your wallet.

The best ways to raise money
We recommend that you draw your attention to such magical ways to attract money.
It is worth donating at least small sums of money to the church and the beggars on the porch at Christmas. Before you do this, say: "To whom the church is not a mother, to that I am not a father." There is a lot of evidence that after this ritual money came to people from nowhere and in ways that they did not expect.
Make it a rule to observe the movement of the moon. On the night of the full moon, as well as the night before and after the full moon, leave your empty wallet open on the windowsill so that it is illuminated by the moon. And, conversely, after the appearance of a young month, keep your wallet on the windowsill for three nights in a row, but already with money.
You can also drag on a fraction of someone else's monetary luck. When visiting wealthy friends, break off a twig of a plant that propagates by shoots. At home, with the words: "You brought wealth to such and such, and bring me wealth," - put it in the water. And when the time comes to transplant the shoot, then tell him: "Develop and grow, bring me, such and such, good luck!" When the plant is accepted, your financial well-being will begin to improve.
However, the most effective way to raise money is considered to be this.
Take an earthen pot and put it in a secluded place without telling anyone about it. For seven days in a row, put one yellow coin in it, saying: "What's in the pot is in the wallet." On the evening of the seventh day, place a thick green candle on the table and place the coins from the pot around it. Light a candle and for 15 minutes carefully imagine that green light flows from coins to the flame and back, which forms a seven-sided pyramid, the top of which concentrates the energy of money. After 16 minutes, leave the room and let the candle burn out alone. Then collect the coins, wrap them in green silk and store them where no one will know about them. This ritual, like no other, helps to attract money.

Who doesn't want his wallet to be "thick, not empty"? In order for this to happen, you should know at least a little about the magical energy of money.
There are also many ways to lure money. Let's talk about some.
For example, if you decide to purchase a new wallet, you should keep the following in mind. A cheap one is not good at all - it will attract poverty to you, because like is drawn to like (this is one of the main laws of magic). Therefore, you need a solid wallet, with many compartments for coins and bills. Of course, not necessarily a super-expensive, but also not a cheap wallet (do not be afraid to spend money, the money will quickly return to you a hundredfold).
Now pay attention to the material from which the wallet should be made.
Let's make a reservation right away: polyethylene, like other synthetics, will not work. Artificial fabrics are cold and are not conductors of material energies, that is, do not let them through. Best of all - wallets made of leather or suede, somewhat worse - cloth.
The third problem is color. What color should the wallet be to hold money? Optimum colors: metal or earth, from black to golden yellow, even with an orange tint.
Now let's move on, so to speak, to the magic inside the wallet. In order for the money to always go to you, you need to keep an unchangeable coin in denominations of one, two or five rubles in one of the wallet branches. It will work like a money magnet: protect and save your money, serve as a conductor of money energy. And the disposition to you of special monetary energy will always work to fill your wallet.
There is another popular belief among the people: to attract money, you need to put either a sprig of heather or a small root of horseradish in a secluded pocket or compartment of your wallet.
Some designations of magical runes attract and hold money very well, namely, two of them. Gotta cut out small pieces skin two squares or two circles and draw runes on them: on one - the "Fehu" rune, and on the other - the "Otila" rune. If the first of these runes attracts and increases wealth, then the second protects it. Drawings are applied to the skin either with gold paint or with a regular marker. When the images are dry, insert them into the transparent insert so they are visible.
And, finally, let's talk about a common custom - to put photos of your children and loved ones into transparent wallets. This should not be done, unless you want to make of them individuals obsessed with one passion - the thirst for money. The fact is that a feedback can arise between money and photographs - money will have an impact on those shown in the photo, and the latter have a chance to become too calculating and materialistic.
In general, if you really want to always have images of your loved ones with you, then only wallets are suitable for this. They carry the necessary documents: passport, driver's license, credit cards, and so on. It is there that there is a place for photos of our dear and loved ones, and not "in the close embrace of bills" ...

Probably, each of us had a moment in life when it seemed to us that everything was so bad and life was not at all as beautiful as we would like it to be!

The reasons for this pessimistic mood can be many, and one of the main ones is often financial difficulties in the family. Not many people can recognize and understand the cause of their failures, even fewer people can independently cope with the surging wave of failures and attract luck! Now we will try to figure out why people leave money and how to make sure that financial issues never overshadow your happiness!

And so, money is a material benefit that one gets with great difficulty, while others get it practically without putting any effort into it! Why is that. You ask? Yes, everything is extremely simple, and the root of this problem lies directly in your home. Yes, yes, in the house! What does this mean ?! This means that the atmosphere in your apartment, the “mood” set in your family, have an amazing ability to attract, or, on the contrary, repel money. If your apartment is cluttered with what they say "to the eyeballs" and you belong to the category of people-buns - it is unlikely that fabulous capital will stick to you. It is paradoxical but true that money goes to people who live in open, maximally airy rooms and do not collect unnecessary things at home that distort the pure aura of the apartment.

If you want to test this judgment in practice, do not regret parting with the unnecessary trash that has accumulated in your home over the years! Try to collect all unnecessary things in a pile (meaning not only clothes and old household appliances, but also interior items) and throw it in the trash, never remembering or regretting what was done. This is very difficult, you say, especially if the "accumulated back-breaking labor" came from your grandmothers and great-grandmothers and makes family heirlooms. But if you want the aura of your apartment to be as favorable as possible for the arrival of money, get rid of unnecessary things once and for all and you will see for yourself that the effect will not be long in coming !!!

But then another problem arises - you wanted to get rid of unnecessary things, but where did you not think of them? Our company will help you solve this problem! By ordering the services of our company, you will receive a quick and high-quality execution of the main task - cleaning the apartment from unnecessary things. If a favorable environment reigns in your home, money will linger in your home for a long time! To overcome your tight-fistedness and find a common language with your own wallet, you need to start small - try to put all the things that you do not use for more than half a year and look at an updated, lighter and cleaner apartment. You like? Move on! Collect all the furnishings that you have ever been given and given away, and that seem too bulky and irrelevant to you. The last step will be the collection of small unnecessary interior items and old furniture. After that we will come and take everything to the dump, leaving behind a clean, tidy apartment, where, first of all, it will be more pleasant for you to be!

Money loves order and account, so create an appropriate atmosphere in your home, apartment or office. And you will see that the resulting effect will pleasantly surprise you!

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Old signs, "so that money is kept and not transferred"

Give alms to those in need at the same time, one must say to oneself: "May the hand of the giver not fail."

Feed the birds. Buy bread or seeds and treat them to pigeons, ducks, sparrows ... This activity opens the flow of material wealth into our lives.

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Feed people.It is not for nothing that in Russia they have always considered it their duty to feed a visiting traveler. Therefore, always treat and share with your friends.

Some money needs to be kept under the tablecloth on the table. The sign is becoming more and more ancient, now it is rare to find a table covered with a tablecloth, if only for the holidays.

To always have money in the house, the broom must be upside down.

When you collect debt, take money with your right hand and keep a fig in your pocket with your left.

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If you are "marked" by a bird, you should be rich

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In order for a young family to have prosperity at the wedding of the newlyweds, it is necessary to shower with grain and small coins.

Modern signs

On the day of receipt of moneythey, safe and sound, must be carried home without spending a single ruble. The sum, up to a penny, should spend the night at home. Although most of the time we first run to the store to shop)

Maintain order in your wallet at all times: bills should be laid out separately from coins and sorted according to their value. It is impossible to fold money, it should be kept in a straightened form "facing" you.

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When you pass or drive under a railway bridge, on which a freight train goes, you need to hold onto a bill of great denomination.

Wallet color to attract money

Firstly, I must say that it is advised to choose natural materials for wallets - leather, suede, fabric. Secondly, the most successful shape is a horizontal rectangle with a compartment for small items.

What color should the wallet be for money to be kept in it? The most successful wallets for attracting money are considered to be black and brown wallets, the colors of the Earth symbolizing reliability and constancy. Yellow, gold and silver - Metal colors are also suitable for enrichment.

In addition, you can buy a wallet in red, pink and orange, which are also characterized by magnetic properties. But note that red can drain a timid and soft person, so it is better for such people to choose shades of gray and bronze that have similar properties.

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What else can you attract money to your wallet? Aromas))

The most monetary are the aromas of mint, cinnamon, ginger, lavender and patchouli.

I would also like to draw your attention to patchouli oil to attract success and money.

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Patchouli for attracting money on this list is the most powerful magnet for money energy. You can just drop a few drops of patchouli into your wallet, banknotes or credit card.

You can put a patchouli aroma lamp in the hallway or office.

Since the scent of patchouli is so "strong" that it attracts money not only on banknotes, so, as an option, take a bath with patchouli essential oil, dripping it on bath salt in the amount of 5 drops.

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Amulet to attract money

Can serve as an amulet chinese coins with holes, small non-exchangeable coins of different countries: cent, penny. Just before putting it in your wallet, you need to soak it for three days in a strong salt solution. Its color will change, but the coin will be cleansed of negative energy.

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Alternatively, you can put "plant" amulets: bean, cinnamon and horseradish.

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Beans act as a guardian of money, cinnamon attracts them with its aroma, horseradish "pulls" material energy, but one must remember that it cannot be bought on the market. Horseradish must be dug up and dried with your own hands, then it will work in full force.

So that money can be found, folk signs associated with order and comfort in the house

It is impossible for the water in the house to flow unnecessarily. So fix the taps on time.

Money goes where it is clean. It is especially necessary to keep the windows clean.

Free your apartment from unnecessary things and junk, get rid of cracked dishes, withered plants, empty jars and boxes.

Get rid of clothes that have been sewn more than 3 times.

Keep one bright red item in each room of the apartment.

To increase your capital, plant fast-growing beans or a solid money tree - a fat woman, which is a symbol of financial well-being on the windowsill.

In general, to attract money, it is good to grow any indoor plants in the apartment in the form of a tree.

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It is curious if the money tree dies, a sign that should not be feared. Withering and death of this plant means that the flower at a subtle energy level has already taken over your probable problem, taking it away from you. Therefore, part with the plant mentally thanking him for all the good.

Money bans

Probably the most famous a ban on whistling in the house, because to whistle in the house is to click poverty.

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You can not lend money in the evening because it is believed that along with the passing day, savings will leave the house. So borrow money in the morning.

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So that the money does not become less of them do not count at sunset.

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It is not worth lending on Monday because of this all the money will "go away" from home.

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Never put money or wallet on the dining table, according to the signs, this leads to the loss of money.

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By the way, it is believed that if you leave keys on the table, especially at night, property can be lost.

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Money should not be passed from hand to hand, it is better to put it on a table, for example, a coffee table.

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The same applies to in-store purchases, don't give money to the seller, put them on the counter. And also take the change and the check from the plate for calculation. This is because in this way you can take on other people's financial difficulties.

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It is also not necessary to raise the lost money or wallet, you will lose much more. This is especially true of the little things that lie at the crossroads, because many diseases are "reduced" to trifles and then they are left at the crossroads.

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Make sure that the wallet is never empty, it should contain at least the smallest money.

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Money does not like it when they keep banknotes in the wallet different countries.

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Never do not count small change right in your wallet, get it out of there.

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And these signs are not directly related to money, but non-observance also leads to a lack of money.

You can't sit on the table - this is poverty. In general, judging by the signs, the dining table deserves special treatment.

You can shake off the crumbs from the table only with a sponge or cloth, but not with your hand.

To prevent less money, do not take garbage out of the house in the evening and do not sweep the floors.

It is advisable that there is one broom at home, and not several, since sweeping in an apartment with several brooms is to disperse wealth in the corners.

You cannot stand on the threshold, and also transmit anything through the threshold.

After the guests have left, shake the tablecloth out onto the street, this also means that the money will flow.

If you are saving money, then remember that you often cannot look into the piggy bank.

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And finally, a sign for the new moon to attract money, a Chinese ritual

Fill a dish (cup, plate) with rice and place it in the hallway. From the first day of the new moon, within 27 days, throw money into it while saying: "Like rice, apparently invisibly, cannot be counted, forever people cannot eat, not collect, so my income will increase!"

On the 27th day, get money, half of which give to the needy (beggars, homeless people, begging for alms), and for the rest buy a small thing that you always keep with you.

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Honestly, I don’t know if these signs work for sure, but I try not to forget about them, for sure they all have an energy basis. Maybe you have ever been convinced of their power or, conversely, inaction, share!

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More on the topic "How to attract money":

Everyone knows how money can ruin your life. And that's what is insulting - money sticks to some people, while others shy away like the devil from incense! Two sellers standing next to each other offer the same product - one of them is trading, the other is not. Of two people with the same abilities, education and character, one is regularly promoted, gets a raise in salary, starts his own business, and the other is “in the wings” all his life. What is the mystery here? The reason for this inequality lies in the different state of their monetary egregors. The energy field of each person has channels (egregors) connecting him with higher forces. How full our life will be depends on the full-fledged work of this or that egregor. The money channel regulates material well-being and is considered the most vulnerable.

Why doesn't money come

The first and most common reason for the lack of money is the presence of a generic poverty program. These are "karmic beggars". Such people come to this world with a weakened money egregor because their ancestors were poor, ruined nobles, dispossessed peasants, landowners robbed by the Bolsheviks, and so on. It is very difficult to live in the world without the support of the ancestral money channel. You have to accumulate energy yourself to recharge this egregor, and the life of such people is always full of daily worries about food, paying for housing and other material values. What is easy for others, these people achieve with "sweat and blood", spending incomparably more strength and energy to get money. If at the beginning of their life they can have as much money as they want, and they will go bankrupt anyway. There are plenty of examples when millionaires became poor, and beggars, on the contrary, became rich in history. Thus, what is “written in the nature” is fulfilled. "Karmic beggars" in the process of life, as a rule, degrade, turning from full members of society into beggars and homeless people. Their aura is gray with red splashes.

The second reason for the lack of money is damage. If earlier you easily found a high-paying job, made good deals, won the lottery, and now you have to work a hundred times more for a much lower reward, this means that money has stopped loving you. That is, you have a "failure" of the monetary egregor, and most likely not without outside interference. In such people, not the entire aura becomes gray, but only the neck chakra, around which a cloudy energy ball is formed. Damage can be aimed at poverty, ruin, can be directed in a specific way - for example, so that a person drank and spent all the money on alcohol. Alas, the material channel is very vulnerable, and it is "blocked" by any damage, even directed at completely different areas - health, luck, personal life. By the way, women who want to take a rich man away from a rival with the help of witchcraft, keep in mind that an elementary love spell can cause unexpected impoverishment. And instead of "rich buratin" you can get a grump and a loser. Unfortunately, for every successful businessman, there are a dozen ladies who dream of getting this "money bag" at any cost - psychics now and then have to listen to requests on the topic of "suckers". Specialists who value their reputation and relationship with higher powers refuse such requests, the rest perform a ritual, while not informing the customer about the terrible consequences. The third reason is the evil eye. A person earns a lot of money, has an expensive car, suits, beautiful women and other attributes of a sweet life, which naturally arouses the envy of neighbors and acquaintances. To avoid material problems, loss of property, theft, accidents, fires and other troubles, entrepreneurs are advised to visit a psychic at least once a quarter to install energy "protection".

The fourth reason is the negative influence of the partner. It happens that healthy normal people do not fit together so much that in the process of living together, their energy channels begin to collapse. This can happen to both or to one of the most vulnerable of the pair. For such people, the only way out is to part as soon as possible and crawl to their corners to lick their wounds.

You have to love money.

In the practice of the healer Natalya Bobina, there were a huge number of such cases, so she insists on a respectful and attentive attitude towards the monetary egregor. Here are some guidelines to follow when dealing with money.

  1. It is not necessary to make a cult out of money, but it is imperative to love, cherish and cherish them! Treat recalculating your capital in chests, safes or pockets as meditation - relax, surrender to the magic of coins and bills, dream on what you would like to spend them, where to invest, use your hands. At the moments of such a person's communication with money, there is a tremendous recharge of the material channel, and in gratitude he will allow you to further increase your fortune.
  2. In no case should you express disdain for money, flaunt, they say, "I am a silversmith and money does not mean anything to me!" The egregor will certainly punish such a fool and his money will be abandoned. Self-programming phrase "I will never have money!" and others like her also contribute to impoverishment. On the contrary, at least once a day you need to imagine yourself inside a red or golden ball as rich, happy, "purring" like a cat, counting money. Or sit down, close your eyes and imagine how a stream of money is pouring on you, you collect it bill to bill, fold, fold, fold ...
  3. In no case should you underestimate your needs. “I would only have a little money, a little bit, to pay off my debts, or buy a room in a dormitory…” - with such an attitude, it makes no sense to open a money channel. A completely different principle works here: “if you want a Zhiguli, ask for a Mercedes”. Higher powers will “cut down” the gift for any of our faults, so there is no need to do it yourself.
  4. Egregor will not help you if you start giving money to just anyone. By distributing them to idlers and drunkards who will use a handout for another bottle or trinket, we prevent them from working off their karmic debts, for which higher powers will not fail to punish us.
  5. Do not lend large amounts of money. People who often lend money have material problems in 98 percent of cases. However, if there is a commercial interest, for example, money is given at interest, such problems do not arise.

How to get along with egregor

Every psychic has his own way of attracting money. Natalya Bobina prefers not to impose her will on a person - that is, not to program in what way he will receive money, but gives it to the higher powers. They themselves decide in what form to help a person - whether he will receive an inheritance, find a treasure, win the lottery, find a high-paying job, a rich sponsor.

Having cleared and restored the energy field, the psychic sets up an energy program "protection" and connects you to the money channel. Then each one is given individual settings and recommendations for feeding the channel. From this moment the magic begins. For example, with the help of banknotes charged by a specialist, a person creates a home "bank", which he must feed every day, tossing there at least a ruble, but with a certain ritual.

Plus, you need to constantly have a money talisman with you, which fully works only after high-quality cleaning of its owner's biofield. It often happens that people come and, refusing to cleanse and connect egregor, ask to make such a talisman for them - so that they can be in the top ten at once. In such cases, talismans work very weakly, spending the main effort on eliminating negative programs.

Usually, it takes some time for the "circuit" to work. A quick influx of money happens only to those who have not had negative karmic programs. These are people with a normally functioning money channel, but lazy, stuck at a certain level of well-being, and do not want to lift a finger in order to improve the quality of life. Such lazy people need a good kick in the direction of prosperity, and in a good scenario, they can become millionaires. But for people with a weakened egregor, the recharge is slower, the result can be expected for a month, or even a year. And all the same, they will not have full prosperity and fabulous wealth - a psychic can correct fate, make so that a person can feed himself and his family, but he will never become a Rothschild!

In any case, having started cooperation with your own money channel, three or four times a year you need to come to the “prevention” of the channel in order to restore its purity and check its protection. Whatever they say to you, keep in mind: protection "for life" or for a long time for a person who does not live in the desert, but among people cannot be established.

Do so

  1. Money must never be counted in the kitchen, on the doorstep or outside the apartment.
  2. Money cannot be counted by putting it on your knees.
  3. There are bad places for money in apartments and offices. Out of ten apartments this is found in one, and the presence of a "bad" place can only be determined by a psychic. (These zones have nothing to do with geopathogenic points). So, in such places, in no case should you store or count money! If there is a cash register, a safe or a box with money - "write - it's gone", you can forget about material well-being!
  4. When paying and giving money, one must mentally say: "I give money, I leave mine." Otherwise, along with the money, you can give your luck too.
  5. When receiving money from other people, you cannot take it from hand to hand - let them put it in first, and only then you will take it.
  6. If you use plastic cards, you should definitely have a charged banknote or mascot coin with you, so that there is no break with the money egregor.
  7. To make the money arrive, put coins on the windowsill on the full moon. Do not forget to remove them on the waning moon.
  8. It is good to have a red silk pouch in the fridge filled with coins so that money is not transferred in the house.
  9. Always keep the toilet lid closed to prevent money from leaking out. For their protection, it is not superfluous to put plugs in bathtubs and sinks when not in use.
  10. Money should work. The more you spend on yourself, the sooner and larger they come back.
  11. To attract money, sew a small green or gold pouch, put peony seeds in there and carry in your pocket or purse. Reinforced version - put a coin, wheat grains, pine nuts, juniper fruits and a magnet in a golden bag. Carry in your bag.
  12. To attract money into the house, you can independently perform a ritual aimed at increasing well-being. To do this, you need to take a five-ruble coin or a bill of 50 rubles and wrap it with green yarn to make a ball of 5-7 centimeters. The ball must be strengthened so that it does not unwind and drip 3 drops of eucalyptus or bergamot oil on it. A ball is hung by the end of a thread above the front door of the apartment, and everyone who comes to your house will try to bring money or gifts with them.
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