A piece of a chewing tooth has broken off. What to do if a small piece of a tooth breaks off

If a piece of tooth breaks off, many patients thinkwhat to do you don't need anything untilproblem will not cause serious discomfort. This opinion is incorrect, immediately when a defect appears, you need to visit a dentist. Chipped enamel often appears against the background of chronic disorders that also require correction.

How do teeth break off?

It will be obvious only if a large element of the cutter is lost orfang. If the injuries are minimal, it is difficult to see the problem with the naked eye, one can only understand about it by the accompanying symptoms.

The following signs indicate that a tooth has come off:

  • increased sensitivity;
  • painful sensations;
  • swelling and bleeding of the gums.

Symptoms can be expressed in varying degrees, depending on the magnitude of the problem. Painful sensations may appear in rarecases , with excessive irritation, and can be intense and constant if a large piece of a tooth breaks off. There are three type of destruction:

  • crack;
  • chipped enamel;
  • chipped dentine.

If the tooth just starts to break off, a crack appears in the enamel, the so-called incomplete chip, the person does not feel discomfort. Chipping of the enamel can occasionally cause pain with hot or cold drinks. Only when the next layer, dentin, is affected, when hot or strongly acidic food is chewed, the damage will make itself felt. A molar or incisor may split completely, and a small fragment may be lost. If a piece of a tooth breaks off and the pulp is exposed, what can not be done is to try to solve the problem on your own: complete removal of the molar is necessary, it is rarely possible to restore the crown.

Causes of pathology

With a question why teeth break off, many face. Most of all, parents are worried if the illness overtakes the kids. Often loss parts canines and molars brings aesthetic discomfort, much more dangerous when the cleavage area injures the surrounding tissue.

The reasons why broke away a piece or completelysplit tooth, several:

  • dental pathologies and abnormalities;
  • trauma;
  • lack of calcium and other beneficial elements;
  • reduced level of immunity;
  • imbalance of hormones.

Some scientists believe one of the reasons for the frequentchipping off decreased acidity of the oral cavity.

When a tooth breaks off at the sides of the gum, malocclusion or caries is more common. Tbreak or break the tip of the incisor can when trying to gnaw a hard object or untie a knot with your teeth

What to do?

In a situation when the canine or chewing tooth breaks off, infirst of all, the doctor comes to the rescue ... But before going to him, you need to take care of following some rules. First, what to do if a piece of tooth breaks off, is to rinse the mouth. For cleansing, ordinary boiled water of an acceptable temperature is suitable.

  1. If there is bleeding, apply a cotton swab to the place where the tooth broke off.
  2. Use anti-inflammatory dental ointments or creams.
  3. Apply cold to the damaged area.
  4. Take pain relievers.

If a tooth that has broken off does not bother you, you need to get an appointment with the dentist to make sure that inflammatory process and other pathologies. The question of the need to visit the dentist disappears,if a piece of the front tooth broke off - toosmotic defect can destroy promising plans, therefore it is necessaryrecovery the affected areawhat to do will have to be done in several stages.

Dentist involvement in treatment

Dentistry offers a whole range of services to correct the current situation.What will the dentist do if a tooth breaks off? depends on the type and scale of the problem.

Cracked a tooth, if the damage is minor, can be restored, that is, masked, restoring its structure and shape. Restoration includes the following complementary methods:

  • veneers;
  • tabs.

The first most popular correction method is veneers, the second most effective is the use of special inlays. In difficult cases, if a large piece of a tooth breaks off, prosthetics are used.

In Moscow and other large cities it is possible to restore the damaged dental structure within one working day.

Extension of a tooth fragment

Restore The dentist will use a special material capable of hardening in the shortest possible time under the influence of a photopolymer lamp. The method is suitable in a situation when it is too early to install the crown, that is, a small piece of the tooth has broken off.

Recovery goes like this:

  1. The shade of the material is selected, it should be as close as possible to the color of the remaining area.
  2. Material is applied layer by layer, shape is restored with tools.
  3. Small inaccuracies of the new fragment are sanded, the surface should be smooth.

The procedure rarely takes more than 3 hours.


Veneers are suitable if cracks, pieces have formedchip did not start. Thin pads made of ceramic or composite are placed on the damaged area, thereby slightly correcting the color and lost shape. Veneers will be effective when wrong bite.

For the correct installation of the plates, it is necessary to visit the dentist several times, it is necessary not only to prepare the dentition by grinding to the onlays, but also to make them according to the impression.


Veneers and extensions are relevant for incisors and canines, for chewing painters invisible to the eye, special tabs are suitable. These are the same seals, but installed in a different way. In the dentist's office, a kind of filler is produced from the impression, later it is installed on the tooth from which the fragment broke off. The only condition for setting the tab is that the lost fragment is less than 50%.

If a large piece of tooth breaks off, crowns will help

Metal-ceramic or zirconium crowns are suitable in the event that a significant piece of the tooth has broken off, or it has split completely. Ideal for damaged incisors and canines. The artificial part made in the laboratory is fixed in oral cavity to the pin or to the root, if it has not been lost. Crowns can be made from different materials that differ in price and quality.

If a piece of a tooth breaks off, you should not worry, you should seek help from specialists as soon as possible. Inaction in this matter may not be beneficial to the person, since the development of concomitant pathologies of the oral cavity is possible.

The main signs of chipping are pain and a sharp increase in tooth sensitivity (hyperesthesia). If the enamel is damaged, a reaction to hot and cold occurs. When a nerve is exposed after a cleavage or the pulp chamber suffers, pulpitis develops. Remember that if part of a tooth is broken off, the pain cannot be overcome by rinsing with herbal decoctions or taking medication. You should contact your dentist as soon as possible.

Causes of teeth chips

To pick up correct treatment, the dentist needs to determine why the tooth was chipped. What factors cause such damage?

  • Household injuries;
  • Decreased acidity in the mouth;
  • Remineralization of tooth enamel;
  • Bite disorders;
  • Dental pathologies that have not been cured earlier;
  • Bad habits;
  • Hormonal imbalance.

Chips are considered traumatic if the dentition has been damaged during a blow or fall. But in everyday life, dental tissues are much more often destroyed due to bad dental habits (biting nails, stationery, etc.) and performing actions for which teeth are not intended at all (opening bottles with teeth, loosening knots, etc.).

If you combine very hot and cold foods with food, this also contributes to the destruction of the enamel. Increased content carbohydrates in the diet helps to reduce acidity in the oral cavity, alcohol and tobacco also negatively affect the condition of the teeth.

The health of the dentition largely depends on how rationally you eat. If your food lacks vitamins and microelements, then the strength of the enamel decreases, and chips can occur much more often. Compliance with the Principles healthy eating, and undergoing regular check-ups with the dentist.

Chipped teeth can also occur when hormonal imbalance occurs. This happens if a patient is diagnosed with diabetes, dysfunction thyroid gland and other endocrine pathologies. Women need to be especially attentive to the condition of their teeth during pregnancy.

Various malocclusions that have not been corrected in time can also cause injury to dental tissues. This can happen while chewing or while sleeping if you have bruxism (teeth grinding at night). The second danger of this disease is the abrasion of the enamel due to irregular movements of the jaw at night, which also increases the risk of chips.

If the bite is wrong, the part of the tooth located next to the gums can also be damaged. If you have a chipped piece of enamel adjacent to the gum, it could be caused by caries in the cervical region of the tooth.

In each of the above cases, you should visit your dentist as soon as possible. He will not only restore the injured tooth, but, having established the cause of the incident, will prescribe additional treatment if necessary.

What to do if part of a tooth breaks off?

Soon after the injury, visit dental clinic... To completely restore damaged tissue and prevent the situation from aggravating, you need to act quickly. If a similar disaster happened to a person nearby, he may need to medical assistance.

First aid

In case of chipped teeth, specialized medical care is required, but in the first minutes after the injury, you can take a number of measures yourself. Rinse your mouth with warm water (use boiled water) to remove food and enamel particles from it. If the gums are damaged and bleeding occurs, apply a sterile bandage to the wound. To reduce pain and swelling, you can cool the tissue surrounding the injured area with ice or a tissue soaked in cold water... If the pain is causing significant discomfort, take an analgesic (a group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).

Dental center therapy

To restore the healthy appearance of teeth, dentists use various restoration methods. If there is a slight chipping of the enamel, composite materials are used, which harden when exposed to light. From the same materials, the doctor creates a dental inlay, which is then attached to the surface of the tooth with glue, if dentin was damaged during the chipping.

Dental inlays are microprostheses, so a pre-made impression is required to create them. But in some clinics, you can make a composite inlay in less than a day. Due to this, the time spent on treatment is significantly reduced, and the patient stops experiencing pain much faster. This is especially important if there is an injury to the front teeth, and it is also necessary to restore the aesthetic appearance dentition.

Veneers are special microprostheses made of various materials (most often ceramics), which help to quickly and efficiently correct chipped front teeth from their outer side. Minor chipped molars are repaired with filling, and sharp edges of the cleavage line are smoothed out by grinding.

If the pulp is injured, the doctor performs an intervention called depulpation. It helps to avoid inflammation and relieves pain. In such a situation, the tooth is restored using a pin. This device reduces the pressure on the injured tooth and prevents its further destruction.

Chipped molars

The method of restoration of molars with chips is chosen by the dentist on an individual basis and depends on the location and degree of injury. Chips on the inside of the molars are eliminated by installing fillings, and on the outside, damage is restored using composite materials. It is very convenient to correct decayed posterior teeth by installing metal-ceramic crowns. This material is very durable and can withstand significant loads when chewing food.

Chipped front teeth

If the front tooth is chipped, patients also suffer from psychological discomfort. If the frontal part of the dentition is touched, people may have difficulty smiling and talking with others, over time, speech distortions and impaired facial expressions may occur. Therefore, when a tooth is chipped, it is very important to visit the dentist on time.

If the enamel and dentin are damaged during the cleavage of the front tooth, a filling is placed and the sharp edges of the cleavage line are ground. When the pulp chamber is injured, the doctor depulsifies and then fills the tooth (sometimes a pin is inserted). In some clinical situations, the use of microprostheses (veneers and lumineers) or composite dental inlays is required.

Chipped enamel

Enamel is one of the hardest tissues in our body, but despite this, it requires constant and careful care. It is important to monitor its safety, and remember the factors that contribute to its destruction. Cracks in the enamel can occur due to excessive consumption of carbohydrates, excessive enthusiasm for solid foods, lack of personal hygiene and bad habits. If the dentin is not damaged after the formation of a chip or crack, people are in no hurry to see a dentist due to the almost complete absence of symptoms. Minimal discomfort in the oral cavity is also a reason to visit a doctor, so you can avoid many negative consequences and prevent the destruction of dental tissues.

Chipped dentine

Dentin is the part of the dental tissue located under the enamel that protects the nerve and pulp chamber. In terms of hardness, it is somewhat inferior to enamel. If a tooth is chipped medium, destruction of dentin is possible, due to which it penetrates into the pulp chamber into the pathological process. When dentin is touched during a tooth chip, the sensitivity of the damaged tooth (hyperesthesia) increases sharply when using hot, cold, sour, etc.

Chipping that exposed the pulp

If the pulp chamber is damaged, severe pain occurs that is difficult to relieve with pain medications. It is recommended that you visit your dentist as soon as possible. The doctor removes the pulp, clears all the canals, removes the nerve, and then proceeds to restore the injured tooth. We invite you to visit our dentistry! We provide dental services near the metro stations Krasnye Vorota, Baumanskaya, Tretyakovskaya, as well as Novokuznetsk.

Almost everyone has experienced tooth damage during their life, from small cracks to extensive carious lesions. One of the most common problems is a chipped tooth, when some part of it suddenly breaks off from it. Moreover, it does not have to be large. Many do not pay attention to minor injuries, considering them an annoying misunderstanding that does not require dental intervention. However, even such a seemingly trifle is capable of delivering a lot of trouble from aesthetics violation and psychological discomfort to further tooth decay.

Tooth damage

Chipped tooth: symptoms

Chipped tooth: causes of damage

What to do if your teeth are damaged?

Is it dangerous to damage tooth enamel?

It is widely believed that a chipped tooth enamel itself will not cause any inconvenience, except perhaps for a violation of aesthetics and mental comfort. However, the loss of even a small piece can cause further destruction of the tooth, up to and including damage to its deep layers and nerve endings.

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Practicing doctors

Many people have faced a situation where a piece of a tooth suddenly broke off. It is important to know how to provide first aid, so as not to aggravate the situation, and what to expect from a trip to the dentist. In this we will figure it out now.

Causes and types of chips

A similar problem occurs for various reasons, we suggest considering the most common options:

  1. Most often, the nuisance is associated with various injuries, for example, it can be an accidental blow against any object;
  2. The tooth can also break off due to mechanical damage while eating solid food. For example, trauma from a stone of fruit, nuts, etc.;
  3. All the fault can be caries, as this disease makes the enamel weak and it is often damaged;
  4. The presence of an old crack, crumbling or filling leads to a chip;
  5. Decreased protective functions of the body, for example, due to the transfer of a serious illness or insufficient intake of vitamins and minerals. The damage is caused by diseases of the internal organs;
  6. The reason, which especially concerns pregnant women, is the lack of calcium in the body.

There are several types of chips and the most dangerous option is considered when the wall of the front or rear tooth, namely the enamel, is damaged. Such a problem not only has an unaesthetic appearance, but can also lead to tooth decay in the future. The next type is dentitis chip, that is, a hard layer that is located above the pulp.

In some situations, such a defect may not even cause pain... In the event that a large piece breaks off, then a build-up is to be done or a crown will be placed. The most problematic and dangerous type of cleavage is when the nerve endings are exposed. In this case, it is felt strong pain and it is worth going to the doctor as soon as possible.

A piece of a tooth has broken off: what to do first?

The first thing to do is to set aside panic, because if everything is done correctly, then the situation can be corrected in a short period of time and without much effort. Try to put a piece of a broken back or front tooth back in place by clenching your jaw tightly. This will allow you not to aggravate the situation before going to the doctor.

In the event that pain appears, a cold compress can be applied. Do not use peroxide, alcohol, or aggressive paste. It is important to clean the tooth and rinse your mouth with saline at least twice a day.

If you do nothing and do not go to the doctor, then the situation may worsen, and this will lead to complications. For example, an infection can enter the pulp, increase sensitivity, develop a cyst, etc.

If a tooth breaks off - what will the dentist do?

Modern dentistry allows you to cope with various problems that interfere with the beauty of a smile. Specialists not only do everything possible to restore the functioning of the tooth, but also restore the visual appeal of the smile.

The doctor's actions are directly related to the type of problem:

  1. If only a piece of enamel has broken off, and the nerve is not damaged, then you only have to put a filling and the problem will be solved;
  2. In the event that the pulp of the tooth has been opened, then it must be removed first and only the doctor will fill the hole with the canal. In some serious cases, a pin may be used, which will hold the filling much better;
  3. When a piece breaks off with serious destruction of the crown, then, in addition to filling, the specialist makes orthopedic restoration of the crown part, for which a microprosthesis is used;
  4. If a piece of the front tooth fell off and it scratches the tongue, then the doctor can use thin onlays - veneers. They are matched to the color of the enamel and look like a natural bone surface. If the restoration process does not help, then the dentist cleans the canal and installs the implant tab. Lumineers, which are attached to the top layer of enamel, are analogous to the previous version, but they can be removed. To install, you will have to visit the dentist two times;
  5. If the chip is front tooth small, then doctors do composite restoration. The filling paste is visually similar to a reflective filling, but at the same time it is much stronger, which allows it to withstand heavy loads. After the first procedure, the problem will be fixed. The process of restoring a tooth is very similar to filling a caries. First, the dentist cleanses the chip area using a drill, and then applies polymer and treats it with an ultraviolet lamp. After that, a transparent composition that imitates enamel is distributed. The disadvantages of this procedure include the fact that when chewing dense food, a piece can break off again. In addition, after a while, the built-up fabric loses its shine and begins to stand out.

Please note that if treatment is not carried out on time, the situation may worsen. Moreover, such a problem can provoke the development of diseases of the stomach, heart, liver, kidneys and other systems and organs.

Preventive measures

To avoid problems, it is necessary to follow some care rules:

  1. Maintain the health of your teeth and visit your dentist regularly for examinations and necessary treatment;
  2. To strengthen the enamel, you must eat foods that contain calcium. For prevention, it will not be superfluous to take a vitamin-mineral complex;
  3. Start and finish every day with brushing and use a fluoride-containing paste best. It is also recommended to use dental floss;
  4. Limit your intake of sweets and soda. Have a negative effect on the condition of the enamel and bad habitssuch as smoking.

Now you know what to do if a piece of a tooth falls off. Use these recommendations and if a problem occurs, see your doctor. Don't forget about prevention, as the problem is better prevented than cured.

The materials posted on this page are for informational purposes and are intended for educational purposes. Site visitors should not use them as medical advice. The determination of the diagnosis and the choice of the method of treatment remain the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician.

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And even if the chip is small, repairing it can cost a pretty penny. Our review will help you take action in time, save the tooth and save on treatment.

  1. A crack in the enamel. On chewing teeth, under the influence of constant stress, it can expand. To understand how critical the situation is, see your dentist.
  2. Chipped enamel. Sometimes the "mineral cap" becomes thinner ahead of time, and a piece of enamel breaks off. Outwardly, it is invisible, but dentin becomes vulnerable to bacteria.
  3. Deep cleavage affecting dentin and pulp. The most serious injury requiring an early prosthetics.

Types of dental chips

Chipped teeth restoration options

When enamel cracks are usually not resorted to drastic measures... Doctors advise to strengthen teeth using preventive procedures: remineralization and fluoridation. At home, you cannot use anything other than toothpaste with fluoride and mineral additives. Accordingly, the effectiveness of such prevention is low.

Dentists use concentrated varnishes and gels. They fill the mouthguard and put it on the teeth. In one step, the enamel receives powerful support, therefore it becomes less sensitive and stronger.

If the area of \u200b\u200bdamage is large, they resort to filling or prosthetics. Carious cavities, if any, are cleaned out, the root canals are sealed, and a light-cured filling is placed. After treatment, it is almost impossible to distinguish a restored tooth from a healthy one.

How front teeth are restored

In addition to building, special ceramic onlays are used - veneers. They are fixed to the front wall. To mask wide cracks, improve the color of the enamel, lumineers are installed - ultra-thin overlays.

If a large piece is lost, a crown is placed. The most commonly used porcelain-coated cermets or zirconia. Prosthetics are not performed in one go. First, an impression is made, then a preliminary model is made from it. After fitting, it is adjusted and fixed completely.

If a tooth breaks off at the gum

It is advisable to use a pin or tab. Technically, these two devices are identical, but there are also fundamental differences.

The post is a thin pointed rod that is embedded in the root and serves as a kind of skeleton for modeling the crown.

  • Pros - tooth restoration in 1 visit.
  • Cons - the lack of a chemical bond between the root and the coronal part, an increase in the load on the bone, as a result of which, over time, an inflammatory process may begin in the gum.

The tab is a monolithic structure that combines the stump and the shaft.

  • The advantages of the technique are a reliable and durable connection. Due to the larger area of \u200b\u200bthe inlay, the chewing load of bone tissues is not felt, and further destruction of dentin stops. When proper care will stand for 5-10 years.
  • Cons - it is impossible to restore a tooth in one visit. Both the inlay and the new crown are made in the laboratory, so the final result is achieved in 2-3 sessions.

A baby tooth is broken: how to proceed

Children are much more likely to have dental problems than adults. Love for sweets, falling from slides, hitting with a ball are the main reasons leading to the appearance of chips on baby teeth.

If this happens, don't panic! The child should not have fear of the dentist, otherwise the treatment will be difficult.

Perform the following procedures:

  • soothe the baby, rinse and rinse the mouth with running water;
  • if you notice damage to the lips or cheeks, disinfect the wounds;
  • show your child to a doctor within 1-2 days.

The pediatric dentist will take a picture: you need to make sure that the injury has not affected bone tissue gums. If caries is detected, the usual procedures for such cases are performed. Milk incisors are "canned" with a special gel. Further treatment is possible only after complete healing of the injured tissues.

Broken tooth with filling

Often, a tooth breaks and falls out along with the filling. This is a very common problem as pulp crowns become extremely fragile. The lost part is restored using an inlay or a pin. If caries has penetrated the roots, the tooth is removed and prosthetics are resorted to.

To restore chewing teeth, they try to use the most durable, chemically stable materials, for example, zirconium dioxide, gold alloy. Wisdom teeth are usually not "repaired" but removed. An exception can be made if the patient has to install a bridge, which no longer has anything to fix.

Cost of work and materials

Experienced dentists agree that the ability to restore chipped teeth largely depends on the professionalism and skill of the doctor. Existing technologies make it possible to restore and achieve excellent aesthetics, even with a serious loss of the native "material".

Not the last place is played by the budget on which the patient counts. The cost of the service ranges from 3,000 to 15,000 rubles, depending on the equipment used and the complexity of the problem. Repair using alloys made of precious and high-tech metals - gold, titanium, zirconium dioxide - is estimated even more expensive: from 7,000 to 20,000 for the restoration of 1 unit.

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