Candles for wives from ureaplasma. Candles in the treatment of ureaplasma for women - an overview of the most effective

Genferon Candles at the Ureaplasma Doctor are prescribed quite often. Their main active substance is Interferon. Such suppositories can be used for vaginal or rectal administration. Reviews about this drug are usually very good.

The effect and efficiency of the geniton

Ureaplasmosis is a dangerous inflammatory process proceeding directly in the urogenital tract. It appears as a result of active vital activity of such a bacterium as ureaplasm. This disease in women occurs approximately 2 times more often than in men. Sometimes ureoplasmosis proceeds without explicit symptoms, so patients can not notice it for a long time.

A large amount of ureaplasm in the body usually occurs due to a decrease in the patient's immunity, therefore, a part of the course of treatment should be drugs that can rid a person from immunodeficiency. Nowadays, a lot of immunomodulatory drugs have been developed, but it is the best result that the probability of developing side effects is small, and there are very few contraindications.

Genferon is a tool that supports the immune system, preventing the breeding of viruses. It contains interferon is a protein that produces a human body. It protects the body from major infections. Genferon quickly facilitates pathological manifestations.

The drug affects both locally and on the whole body as a whole. Anesthesia is considered the main local effect. It matters for patients who are diagnosed with such a launched form of the disease, which, when urination, a person is experiencing severe pain. The system action is that Candles Genferon have a noticeable influence on the human body:

  • antibacterial;
  • antiviral;
  • immunomodulatory.

The good effectiveness of these candles doctors explain that with vaginal or rectal introduction, the bioavailability of substances necessary for a patient reaches 80%. In addition, an important role is played by the fact that the foci of the candle infection, Genferon affects directly, locally, so recovery occurs significantly faster.

Features of the use of candles

  1. Entering candles are recommended at the same time every day, deviations are not allowed for more than 30 minutes.
  2. If the disease has become chronic, then the duration of treatment can reach up to 3 months.
  3. In such a situation, the geniferon Light should be used, but not more than 3 pcs. in Week.

When choosing a course of treatment from ureaplasma, the dosage is selected individually, because the doctor takes into account all the peculiarities of a particular patient and decides how to take it drugs.

Most often, Genferon is part of the medical course, since some other substances are also needed for victory over ureoplasmism. Usually, this medicine is combined with a wide range of action with antibiotics: Genferon enhances their impact and blocks negative consequences.

Candles before administration you need to slightly moisten in warm boiled water. Hands must be previously disinfected. After administration of the drug, it is advisable to lie 10-15 minutes.

Restrictions and side effects

The medicine boldly prescribe gynecologists for pregnant women, it can be applied from 13 weeks and almost to the birth. Genferon may be registered by the future mother for prevention, if a woman is unpleasant sensations or pain in the lower abdomen. Usually, the use of these candles during pregnancy does not cause any side effects.

Genferon may cause a slight rise in temperature at the beginning of the course of treatment. This is not dangerous. A minor allergic reaction may occur in rare cases if the patient does not tolerate any component of the drug. Then itching there, where the candles were introduced. Extremely rare manifestations of allergies consider:

  • headache;
  • chills;
  • abundant sweating;
  • reducing appetite;
  • artralgia.

But with the cessation of treatment, the usual state is restored in 72 hours. Antimmune diseases are considered contraindications to the use of Genferon and age up to 7 years.

It is necessary that the treatment of sexual partner by Genferon occurs simultaneously, otherwise there will be no strong result.

Genferon from ureaplasmosis is very effective. He got high assessment and doctors, and patients.

Ureaplasmosis is an inflammatory disease of the genitourinary system. NEWS is diagnosed both in men and women, however, the latter are more often infected. The causative agent of the disease is the microscopic organism of ureaplasm. This bacterium penetrates the human body is usually sexually, but there are other infection paths. Most often, the disease proceeds without visible signs. Reveal infection with laboratory storage units. However, the presence of a bacterium does not always testify about infection, because this microorganism in small quantities is part of the natural microflora of the vagina. From ureaplasma you can cure, applying candles for women.

Briefly about ureaplasmosis

Ureaplasmosis is an inflammatory disease of the genitourinary system, whose causative agent is considered ureaplasm. This microorganism in a small amount is in the natural microflora of the vagina. Under the influence of certain factors of ureaplasm, it begins to reproduce actively. Not having DNA and cell membranes, bacteria is striking the cells of the intestinal epithelium, urinary organs and respiratory tract forming the inflammation zone. For the treatment of ureaplasma in women most often doctors prescribe vaginal candles.

Methods of infection

The main methods of infection with ureaplasm are considered:

  1. Sex Path. Infection occurs through sexual contact with the carrier of the microbes. Bacteria penetrates directly into the organs of the urogenital system and the disease develops quite quickly.
  2. Household method. Infection occurs when combined bed linen, towels, hygiene items.
  3. Intrauterine. The fruit is infected during the period of intrauterine development from an infected mother.
  4. Baby infection during childbirth.

If bacterium penetrated the body with a healthy immune system, the infection may not happen.

Causes of disease and risk factors

The risk group includes:

  • teenagers who started early intimate life;
  • patients suffering from dysbacteriosis;
  • pregnant women;
  • people who have suffered a surgical operation;
  • patients aged from 14 to 30 years.

The main causes of uncontrolled reproduction of ureaplasma are considered:

  1. Weakened immune system.
  2. The presence of chronic diseases.
  3. Permanent stress and long-term stay in uneven voltage.
  4. Supercooling.
  5. The presence of venereal diseases.
  6. Long effect of radioactive radiation.
  7. Failure to follow the rules of personal hygiene.
  8. Long antibiotic therapy or reception of hormonal drugs.

Ureaplasmosis is dangerous by its consequences, and during pregnancy presents a real threat to the fetus.

Manifestations of illness

The first disease symptoms become noticeable in 2-3 weeks after infection. The disease proceeds without specific manifestations, therefore laboratory studies are used to diagnose, helping to identify the pathogen.

The main signs of ureaplasmosis are considered:

  • rapid urination for urination;
  • burning, cutting and pain during urination;
  • menstrual cycle failures;
  • discomfort with sexual intercourse;
  • minor mucous vaginal discharge with a greenish or yellowish tinge with an unpleasant odor;
  • cutting pains at the bottom of the abdomen. Painful sensations are usually not intense, however, cause discomfort and may be long. Such pains indicate the defeat of the uterus bacterium and its appendages.

There is a slight increase in temperature with the progression of ailment. In the oral-genital penetration of the bacterium, a person arises in sore throat and raid on the almonds. The disease proceeds with signs similar to the angina.

However, often ureaplasmosis proceeds without characteristic manifestations and diagnosed in women by chance with a planned examination of the gynecologist.

To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor appoints:

  • PCR diagnostics, allowing to detect fragments of bacteria in a smear;
  • microbiological storing smear.

When a microorganism is detected by a woman, its sexual partner must pass.

Possible complications

The main complications of ureaplasmosis in the launched forms are considered:

  • cystitis;
  • inflammation of the uterus and its appendages;
  • adhesive processes in the organs of a small pelvis;
  • pyelonephritis.

This disease requires immediate integrated treatment. Folk remedies in the fight against infection are not effective. Candles have proven well when ureaplasma.

Treatment of ureaplasmosis in women

The main drugs for cure from ureaplasma are antibiotics:

  1. Macrolids: Clasid, Erythromycin, Sumamed, Rulid.
  2. Lincoosamida: Clindamycin, Dalacine Ilcomycin.
  3. Tetracyclida: Doxycycline and Tetracycline.

These drugs are characterized by high activity against microorganism and allow in a short time to cure from the ailment. This bacterium is insensitive to cephalosporins and penicillins. Effectively combine the length of cure from ureaplasma antibiotic therapy with vaginal candles.

Suppositories at ureaplasm are characterized by subsequent advantages:

  • rapid effect;
  • lack of negative impact on the organs of the digestive system;
  • the provision of comprehensive impact: therapeutic and painkillers;
  • effectiveness in chronic occurrence;
  • easy to use at home.

In addition, candles for ureaplasmosis do not have a devastating effect on the microflora of the vagina. They easily dissolve and remove inflammation in a woman. Each candle is individually packaged therefore the risk of attachment of pathogenic substances is reduced. During the treatment period, it is recommended to use disposable gaskets, since the reasons of the drug will be distinguished from the vagina.

Suppositories are used before bedtime, so that the drug can destroy all microorganisms per night.

Before the procedure should be filled with water with soap. Before manipulation, a woman should lie on his back and bend in his knees. Candles are introduced deep into the vagina. While treatment is undergoing, it is necessary to abandon sex contacts to avoid secondary infection.

The list of drugs used for ureaplazmosis therapy is very large. The doctor, given the severity and features of the body, can individually select an effective tool.

Suppositories with antibacterial effect

Some vaginal candles contain an antibiotic.

Basic candles with antibacterial influence:

  1. Torzhin. Excellent medication, destroying viruses and fungi, appointed with dysbcteriosis provoked by the thrush. And the agent can also be used for prophylaxis. The duration of therapy on average is 1-2 weeks. Truzhinan is contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy. Caution is prescribed to patients prone to allergies to candle components. Possible side effects: burning, rash on the skin in the application zone.
  2. Hexicon D.. It is considered one of the frequently used drugs for the treatment of ureshlasmosis. The main active substance is chlorhexidine. Effective hexicone at ureaplasma, herpes, chlamydia, vaginal dysbacteriosis. It is allowed to apply pregnant and during breastfeeding. The duration of treatment on average is 10 days. The medicine is contraindicated to people with individual intolerance to the components. Side effects such as itching and allergies are extremely rare.

The main purpose of using these drugs is to destroy pathogenic bacteria.

Antimicrobial candles

The effectiveness of these funds is slightly lower than that of antibacterial drugs. For this reason, they are not prescribed for the treatment of ureaplasmosis in the launched forms.

Common antimicrobial suppositories are indicated in the table.




The effect of the medicine is directed to the destruction of microbes and the recovery of microflora. Contraindications include: Children's age up to 12 years, increased sensitivity to iodine, thyroid disease and chronic kidney pathologies. Betadine is appointed with caution for the treatment of pregnant women. The duration of therapy depends on the severity of the illness and is usually 1-2 weeks. Side phenomena include dermatitis, itching, redness. Prolonged use of suppositories can cause anaphylactic shock, hyperthyroidism, disturbed by the work of the kidneys, blood circulation pathology

This preparation includes interferon. Genferon is effective at ureaplasm. The tool facilitates the symptoms of the ailment, removes discomfort when urinating, as well as pain in the stomach. Candles are allowed to apply for the treatment of women in late pregnancy. Assign in integrated therapy with antibiotics. This drug increases their performance and reduces negative consequences. The duration of therapy is 5 days. In addition, Genferon is an immunomodulatory agent. It supports immunity and prevents microbial reproduction. Contraindicated patients with increased sensitivity to components, autoimmune pathologies, in the first trimester of pregnancy and children, younger 7 years of age. Possible side effects: a feeling of burning and skin rash. Less likely an increased sweating, arthralgia, headache, chills, lowering appetite or Malgy


Apply in prophylactic purposes during abortions, operations or intimate contacts. Candles remove itching, soreness and fighting bacteria. The duration of therapy is 12 days. Do not prescribe for the treatment of pregnant women on the first trimester, during the lactation period and in the individual intolerance to the existing components. The appearance of itching, allergic eczema or irritation

Clion D.

The drug is effective to combat trichomonas, candidiasis and ureaplasm. The duration of therapy is 10 days. It is not prescribed to people with the pathologies of the liver, affected by the nervous system, during leukopenia, in the early period of pregnancy, during the period of breastfeeding, with allergies to components and children under 12 years. Caution is prescribed to women with diabetes and with impaired blood circulation. Possible side reactions include: pain, burning and itching, abundant vaginal discharge. Sometimes there is a headache, allergies, numbness of limbs, impaired digestion, jaundice, leukopenia. All phenomena disappear at the end of the medication

Since antibiotic therapy is able to worsen the work of the woman's immune system to restore natural microflora and reducing re-infection, the doctor prescribes immunostimulants in the form of candles. Such tools are able to reduce the negative impact of the medications used, eliminate burning, soreness and dryness. Do not prescribe this group of medicines for women during breastfeeding and in the presence of autoimmune diseases.

The most common representative of immunostimulants is visifered. The tool is easily transferred and does not cause side effects. Candles contain antioxidants in its composition and are characterized by anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect. The only contraindication to the appointment is the increased sensitivity to the components of the drug components. Side reactions in the form of itching and rashes arise very rarely. The duration of treatment is 5 days. Course treatment can be repeated if necessary.

Only an experienced doctor is able to calculate an effective scheme for the fight against the bacterium, given the characteristics of the body. For complete cure from such an unpleasant disease, as ureaplasmosis, both sexual partners must pass the therapeutic course.

In the treatment of the disease is used a complex approach. Reception and immunostimulating drugs are combined with local treatment. The effectiveness of therapy is reduced in the absence of one of the elements listed above.

Candles are able to stop inflammatory processes, intensify the production of immunoglobulins and stop the growth of bacteria cells.

Due to this, when they are used, the recovery effect is observed, which contributes to the regeneration of the affected cell membranes.

IMPORTANT! Candles can be used only as one of the elements of complex therapy, and not as an independent therapeutic agent.

Antimicrobial suppositories

In such funds, the level of efficiency is not as high as antibiotics.

The use of them with a large number of bacteria and the strong development of the disease is unreasonable.

Most often, antimicrobial candles are prescribed in the form of additional treatment and only in rare cases as the main one, for example, if the disease is detected at an early stage.

Do not forget that the exact diagnosis can be delivered only by results.

1. Betadine

The famous means is Betadine. The effect of the drug is aimed at restoring microflora and getting rid of many microorganisms.

Betadine cannot be used to eliminate ureaplasmosis in girls up to 12 years, with supersensitivity to iodine, the availability of thyroid diseases, as well as people suffering from chronic kidney pathologies.

With caution suppositories use pregnant women. It is possible to use Betadine candles only in the first trimester. The duration of therapy depends on the pattern of the disease, and can be from 7 to 12 days.

The side effect of the drug is red, dermatitis, the feeling of itching at the site of application. Heavy consequences can manifest themselves with long use in the form of anaphylactic shock, hyperthyroidism, disorders of the kidneys, blood building disorders;

2. Genferon

An effective drug to get rid of ureaplasmosis is considered geniferon containing interferon. This protein is produced by the body and protects against infectious pathogens. Interferon candles are used with various inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract, both in women and men.

Genferon is effective against ureaplasma, successfully facilitates manifestations of pathology, cutting and burning in urinary, pain symptoms in the abdomen. The drug is allowed in late pregnancy.

Most often, the medicine is combined with antibiotics: Genferon contributes to their effectiveness and reduces negative consequences.

The duration of therapy is 5 days.

Genferon is not only an antiviral, but also an immunomodulatory agent that supports the immune system that prevents breeding viruses, which allows it to be used in mixed infections.

Contraindications to the use of Genferon is individual sensitivity to components, autoimmune diseases, pregnancy in 1 trimester, age up to 7 years. After applying the candles, negative consequences may arise in the form of burning, rash on the skin.

Extremely rare phenomena are headache, excessive sweating, decline in appetite, Malgy, Chills, Arthralgia;

3. Hexicon

Hexicone - antiviral drug eliminating pathogenic bacteria. Reduces inflammatory processes, and also contributes to improving immunity. With regular use, there is a decrease in painful sensations, a burning sensation.

In addition, the remedy has antiseptic properties, and can eliminate ureaplasma, not much worse than the microflora. Hexicon for treatment of ureaplasma can be used during pregnancy and lactation on the recommendation of the attending physician.

The drug is used in 1 candle 2 times a day for 7-10 days. Restrictions on the use is supersensitiveness to components. From side effects, it is possible to note itching and burning after the introduction of the suppository. Such states pass when canceling therapy and reuse;

4. Polizinaks

Polizinaks - Candles used as preventing infection in operational interventions, abortions or intimate contacts. The drug reduces the symptoms of the disease, painful symptoms, itching, eliminates bacteria.

The course of treatment is 12 days. It is forbidden to use the tool at the beginning of pregnancy, as well as in the individual intolerance to the active substances. In 2 and 3 trimesters of the cutting of the candle, it is recommended to apply under the control of a specialist. Also do not use suppositories during lactation.

In this case, it is necessary to stop breastfeeding. The side effects after the use of polyzinaks occur in the form of irritation and itching of the mucous membranes, as well as allergic eczema;

5. Clion D.

If ureaplasm is accompanied by other infections - trichomonas or candidiasis, vaginal pills clion d can be used with antifungal effect on pathogenic microorganisms.

Tablets are wetted with water and placed in the vagina for the night. These candles are used as an auxiliary therapy, or in case of illness at the beginning of its development. The recommended treatment duration is 10 days.

Clion D has a number of contraindications: liver disease, damage to the nervous system, leukopenia, the initial stages of the baby tooling, the lactation period, children's age less than 12 years, the tendency to allergic reactions to the active substances. With caution, apply the drug with diabetes mellitus, as well as circulatory disorders.

Candles can provoke negative consequences: dryness, pain and burning in the vagina, intense itching genitalia, abundant selection. In some cases, disruption of digestion may occur, headache, numbness of limbs, leukopenia, allergic manifestations, jaundice. Such states are trained independently after the end of therapy.

Immunomodulatory candles

The use of antibiotic means is damage to the immunity of a woman. Actively progressive causes not only unpleasant symptoms, but also a decrease in the natural forces of the body.

The widely known drug Viferon is an excellent immunomodulator, produced in the form of suppositories, is easily transferred to patients without provoking side effects. Viferon contains antioxidants that have anti-inflammatory effects and fabric regeneration.

Vaginal candles with interferon are prescribed with many inflammatory diseases in men and women who affect the urinary system. Negative geniferon acts on ureaplasma bacteria and. The drug reduces the basic symptoms of the disease: itching, burning in urination, pain at the bottom of the abdomen. It can be used during pregnancy, but only in the safest trimesters - the second and third. Genferon is often prescribed for complex treatment in combination with antibiotics at ureaplasm, as it increases their effectiveness and reduces side effects.

Many fine sex representatives can be worn and transmit ureaplasms that are concentrated in the bacterial vaginal environment. As soon as the microbe is ensured by the environment favorable for reproduction, the person shows the first signs of the disease. The causative agent can be one of the factors: sexual connection with the carrier, the use of other hygiene attributes (not proven, but permissible), pregnancy.

The following factors have a favorable influence to activate the illness:

  • entry into intimate relationships at an early age;
  • age from 14 to 30 years;
  • long-term drug intake;
  • equilibrium disorder in microflora;
  • pregnancy period;
  • radioactive irradiation.

Ureaplasmosis is manifested by a torment and painful sensations during the emptying of the bladder, the inflammatory process on the inner shell of the organs of the sexual system, pain in a small pelvis, as well as abundant discharge from the vagina. Ureaplasmosis is able to progress and cause an increase in body temperature and general weakness.

If you do not start treatment in time, the disease causes complications, namely:

  • small pelvic spikes;
  • the inflammation of the bladder with a predominant lesion of the mucous membrane (cystitis);
  • pathological processes of an inflammatory nature in the uterus and appendages;
  • nonspecific inflammatory disease of the kidney of bacterial etiology (pyelonephritis);
  • articular diseases.

Methods Treatment

The traditional treatment of ureaplasmosis is to accept antibiotics, the list of which is large enough. They adversely affect the bacterium, gradually destroying it. The best solution to the problem is a complex therapy. The scheme is as follows: antimicrobial agents, drugs with a regulating effect on the immune system, the use of candles with active substances.

For the treatment of ureaplasma in women who carry the fetus, doctors prescribe gentle antibiotics. Therapy is carried out in the hospital under the strict observation of doctors, as ureaplasmosis is significantly threatened with the life of the fetus. Preparations are prescribed on the third trimester of pregnancy.

Candles from ureaplasmosis are distinguished by a number of benefits:

  • quickly eliminate the problem;
  • do not have a negative impact on the operation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • lead to the positive dynamics of the disease and possess an anesthetics effect;
  • do not differ in difficulty in applied at home;
  • effectively affect the ailment even in chronic form.

Candles have a property to gently dissolve in the muscle body of the sexual system of women, quickly remove inflammation and eliminate the uncomfortable sensations. Each suppository has an individual packaging, which eliminates the possibility of pathogenic bacteria and other dangerous agents.

Important! The use of candles from ureaplasma for women involves simultaneous use of pads, because the particles of the suppository can be stained underwear.

Experts recommend entering candles for night sleep. During this period, all components will begin to affect the vital activity of conditionally pathogenic bacteria that concentrated on mucous membranes. Before the session, it is advisable to thoroughly flush the walls of the vagina with warm running water using hygienic agents. Suppository is administered to the maximum possible depth of the vagina. More convenient to do it in a lying position, bent both legs in the knees.

By passing a course of treatment, it is forbidden to enter into a sexual relationship, otherwise the risk of recurrence, reinforced pain and irritation arises.

Review of effective vaginal candles

Candles for treatment of ureaplasma can act as a universal antibacterial agent or include one active ingredient. Treat ureaplasmosis can be a narrow-controlled drug or a wide range of action. The choice always depends on the complexity of the course of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient.

Read also on the topic

What the disease causes ureaplasm

Suppositories based on antibiotics

Almost all candles are based on antibiotic substances. They effectively eliminate pathogenic microorganisms. Consider the most popular antibiotic candles from ureaplasmosis:

This is no longer the first article about this ailment on our website. Today we will tell about such a kind of honey. Means against women like candles (suppositories). We will try to consider the most popular drugs in detail. If you did not read previous our articles dedicated to this submission, here's a brief description.

  • there is no hard negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract, as from antibiotics in tablets;
  • no need to be treated in the hospital, really to do everything yourself and comfortably;
  • there are no bad consequences for other organs;
  • perfectly combined with other drugs and allow you to get rid of the symptoms of the disease and get rid of malicious bacteria.

What method of treating ureaplasmosis do you prefer?


Examples of drugs

The definition of specific drugs is necessarily associated with the personal characteristics of the organism and the stages of the development of the alend. Therefore, for therapy may be discharged both drugs and widespread.

Mix three types of candles:

  • with antibiotics;
  • immunomodulating;
  • antimicrobials.

Suppositories with antibiotics

  • Terezhin. These candles can save the patient not only from bacteria, but also from fungi. Therefore, they are prescribed to regenerate microflora vagina. They are used for therapy of various kinds of infections.

Quite often, they are written out by women who are planning to conceive, in order to get rid of possible negative consequences for the kid. They are also prescribed after abortion and any other surgical interventions. The therapeutic course is usually fourteen days. It costs from 361 to 447 rubles.

It is forbidden to receive this honey. Tools for personal intolerance of its components and during the first trimester of pregnancy.

If we talk about later pregnancy, then consultation with a specialist is required.

Side effects are manifested by burning in the vagina, rashes on the skin, irritation, etc.

When using candles, we are advised to wear daily gaskets, because it is possible that the particles of the suppository are stained underwear.

  • Hexicon D. It is one of the most popular funds in this area, which has a wide range of action. Its composition has an antiseptic chlorhexidine.

This drug showed itself very well not only with the treatment of ureaplasmosis in women, but including at herpes, chlamydia and other infections. In addition, this honey. The remedy normalizes the microflora of the vagina. It is worth the drug from 58 to 291 rubles.

It is impossible to use candles during breastfeeding period and during pregnancy. Ten days for treatment. Use one candle 1 time per day.

There were practically no serious negative consequences.

Antimicrobial candles

Since the percentage of efficiency at the antiseptic type of suppositories is slightly lower than those of which we wrote above, the doctors do not write them to women with launched ailment or at the moments of complications.

  • Betadine - The best drug from this category. They do not rectally apply, therefore, it is created only for a beautiful floor. "Ingredients", which are part of these suppositories restores the microflora and kills pathogenic and abnormal bacteria.

It is forbidden to take to girls under the twelve years, as well as patients with illness of the thyroid and chronic kidney or liver anomalies. Plus contraindicated reception of this honey. Means people with intolerance to iodine. It costs from 160 to 801 rubles.

Opinion expert

Luwanova Arina Viktorovna, specializes in female venereological diseases

Pregnant women Betadine is discharged with great caution and only on the first 14 weeks of time. The term of therapy depends on how much symptoms are shown, but it is often not more than two weeks.

Speaking of adverse reactions, you can distinguish redness, itching, small inflammation in the field of application. With prolonged use, anaphylactic shock is possible.

  • Clion-D. It is assigned to patients who, in addition to ureaplasm, identified the presence of other bacteria, for example, trichomonas or vaginal candidiasis is observed.

This is honey. The means is suitable for the treatment of illness at an early stage or as an additional preparation. The candle is lowered into purified or boiled water and inserted into the vagina lying on the back so deep as possible. It is better to do it before bedtime. It costs from 65 to 390 rubles.

The term of treatment does not exceed ten days.

There is a fairly large list of contraindications to this tool:

  • reduced levels of leukocytes in blood;
  • defeat vessels and nervous system;
  • 1st trimester of pregnancy;
  • diseases associated with kidneys;
  • breastfeeding time;
  • it is prohibited to children under 12 years old.

Diabetics is honey. The remedy is appointed under the strict control of doctors.

The consequences of the reception can be dry in vagina, strong migraines, light numbness in limbs, pain and itching in the crotch area, jaundice skin color and decreased leukocyte levels. All this will be held at the end of the preparation of the drug without the help of doctors.

  • Genferon. Interferon enters its composition, it helps to get rid of ureaplasmosis. Produced by the organism protein, allows you to protect against the development of illness.

Dr. Suppositories are prescribed for the treatment of inflamed small pelvis organs. This is honey. The tool reduces pain and burning syndrome when urination. Often, Genferon enters complex treatment with antibiotics, it reduces their negative impact on the body, and also enhances their effectiveness. It costs from 545 to 751 rubles.

Course cure is five to seven days.

The reception of Genferon people with autoimmune diseases, preschool children, in the first trimester of pregnancy, and people with personal intolerance to the components of the components. Among the adverse reactions can be:

  • strong headaches;
  • chills;
  • loss of appetite.
  • Hexicon It is considered an antiviral drug that copes well with pathogenic microorganisms. Enhances immunity, relieves inflammation and pain.

In the period of tooling the fetus and breastfeeding this honey. The means is prescribed with caution, many doctors do not advise to take this drug. Suppositories are applied 2 times / day. The term of therapy is one week. It costs from 58 to 291 rubles.

Side reactions include irritation, itching and the feeling of heat in the vagina. When the doctor cancels the drug all negative effects pass.

Immunomodulatory candles

We all know how to strongly affect antibiotics on the human body in a negative plan. With ureaplasmosis, in addition to direct symptoms, which we talked about in previous articles also weakens the overall protection of the body. In order to increase the level of protection and enhance immunka and there are immunomodulatory suppositories. They also strongly reduce the risks of the return of the ailment, subject to the observance of hygiene and all the necessary protective procedures.

The most famous and effective drug in this plan is Viferon. He has excellent immunomodulatory characteristics.

The body takes it very well and when taking this honey. The funds were not detected by any adverse reactions of the body. Perhaps the only contraindication to the reception of Viferon is the individual intolerance to the drug components. It costs from 265 to 920 rubles.

The therapeutic course is seven days. If symptomatics does not pass, the term of treatment is extended by a doctor.

You can also watch a video where you will be told when Terezhin is prescribed and how to apply the drug during pregnancy.

We hope that our article will help you a little better oriented in the existing honey. Means. However, you do not need to choose yourself a candle for treating ureaplasmosis. Still, the doctor can better appreciate your condition and choose the best preparation for you.

In order to achieve the best effect, therapy is recommended to go through with your sexual partner.

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