Olga Buzova what's new. Olga Buzova - biography, information, personal life

Olga Buzova is a rather ambiguous personality in Russian show business, but it was her brightness and dissimilarity that helped her achieve all that she now has.

Photo: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Okras

Its popularity began to grow since the appearance on TNT of the television project "House 2". Now Olya starred in serials, records albums, participates in shows and leads several of them. In addition, she is constantly involved in business and charity work. Most interesting Facts we will talk about it in this article.

Biography of Olga Buzova

She was born on 01/20/1986 in a family of real intellectuals. There was no shortage of money in the family, so the girl often received expensive gifts and travel.

2. First successes

I learned to walk and talk early. From the age of three she began to study English.

3. To school from 5 years old

From the age of five I went to school. It was rather difficult for the girl, but thanks to her perseverance and hard work, she coped with curriculum and managed to build normal relationships with classmates.

4. Dream of becoming an actress

As a teenager, she dreamed of an acting career. The parents were totally against it.

5. Education.

She received her first higher education in St. Petersburg state university, graduating with honors as a geographer. In 2016, it became known that the girl began to receive a second higher education in psychology.

6. Early career

In 2004, the future star came to the television project "House 2", where her dizzying career began.

Olga Buzova's career

7. Relations on the project "House 2"

On the TV project, the girl began a relationship with Roman Tretyakov, which lasted more than three years. The couple was considered the most romantic and strongest. After Roman left the project, arguing that he was tired of showing off his personal life. The man was waiting for Olga to follow him. Olga chose to stay on the project and pursue a career on a reality show.

8. The beginning of a leading career

In 2008, the star decided to permanently leave the project. The producers could not afford to lose Buzova, so they persuaded her to stay as a presenter, together with. In parallel, the girl was engaged in other successful projects on the TNT TV channel and on the radio.

9. Designer

The girl realized herself as a fashion designer and opened a chain of boutiques. Has released several clothing collections in conjunction with the C&C brand.

10. Borodin against Buzova

In 2018, the TNT channel launched a new show "Borodin vs. Buzova". The girls, together with experts, discuss a variety of events on the "House 2" project from different points of view and decide exactly who should leave the project.

Marry Buzova

11. New reality show

By analogy with the show "The Bachelor", the reality show "Marry Buzov" was launched on the TNT channel. In this project, the girl will try to find her soul mate. There will be 8 episodes in total, but it is possible that the show will be renewed for a second season.

Olga called this project the most insane act in her life.

The show not only advertised a lot before being shown on TV, but did it quite aggressively. So in the commercials there were many provocative remarks: “the last chance to get married”, “it's not normal when such beautiful girl two years no sex ”and others.

13. Fighting 15 men

In the fight for the heart of Buzova, 15 men will converge, but it is rather difficult to call them ordinary. These are mainly models, musicians, businessmen and participants in other projects on television.

14. Filming location

The filming of the show takes place in different cities of Italy, where the participants will find themselves next time it becomes a surprise for everyone.

15. Constant deception

Buzova admitted that from the very beginning of the project she faced the lies of the participants. Someone lied about their lack of bad habits, someone confessed their love, but started a relationship immediately after leaving the project.

Unlike the show "Bachelor", in this project the participants knew in advance that they would fight for the heart of Olga Buzova. At the same time, many did not come to her, but for PR. So some of the participants immediately began to use the name Buzova in social networks to promote your name.

16. Is it all scripted?

After the release of the 5th episode of the show, a real scandal erupted. One of the participants, Alexander Grinev, was dissatisfied with the editing of the series, considering that he was presented in the wrong "light". In a fit of anger, the man wrote stories on Instagram with a very ambiguous remark: “Guys from TNT, I really respect everything you do, your work. Despite the role that you provided me in this series. But the material in the 5th series is absolutely not ethically edited ... "

The entry was soon deleted, but it will now be difficult to refute the presence of a pre-written script.

17. "Am I worth 2 million rubles?"

In one of the episodes, a participant in the show was offered 2 million rubles in exchange for his refusal to fight for Buzova's heart. Evgeny Nazarov agreed to take the money and leave the show, which greatly offended Olga Buzova, who indignantly asked: "Am I worth 2 million rubles?"

Nazarov himself, who was presented in the show as a dollar millionaire, commented on his act with a lack of interest in him from Olga. He promised to spend the money on charity.

In the show, there really is an opportunity to take money and leave the project, with each release the amount of reward increases. In the very first issue, abandoning Buzova cost 100,000 rubles.

Personal life of Olga Buzova

18. Wedding with Tarasov

After breaking up with Roman Tretyakov, the girl began dating football player Dmitry Tarasov. The guy soon divorced his wife for a new romance with Olga. A year later, he made Buzova an offer. In 2012, a magnificent wedding took place.

19. Divorce from Tarasov

Four years later, the first rumors of an impending divorce appeared. Tarasov accused his wife of being too demanding and greedy. According to him, the TV personality constantly asked for expensive gifts and payment for all her trips and entertainment. A version of Tarasov's betrayal appeared in the media.

20. Reasons for divorce

According to another version, everyday life became the reason for the divorce. This became known when hackers hacked into Buzova's account and published messages that her own mother wrote to her. In SMS, the woman scolded Olya, accused that she did not strive for cleanliness and did not want to learn how to put the house in order for the sake of her beloved.

Interesting facts about Olga Buzova

21. Buzova and Borodin

It is known that Olya developed a friendship with Borodina. After the divorce of Buzova, the girls stopped appearing together at parties and social events, and colleagues in the shop say that there was a clear discord between the stars. The reason was the new girlfriend of Dmitry Tarasov, with whom Borodina introduced him shortly before the divorce. The version has not been officially confirmed, but it seems the most plausible in this situation.

22. Conflict with Borodina

In 2017, at the Muz-TV Prize, Ksenia personally allowed herself to voice a number of barbs against Buzova about her musical career, her voice and personal life, mentioning that Olya still has no children.

23. The beginning of the singer's career

After parting with her husband, the girl decided not to get depressed, but recorded her own album and shot several clips in which she touches on deeply personal topics and shares her experiences.

24. Leaving "House 2"

After the release of the album, Olya began to devote more time to music and decided to leave "House 2", than upset the audience. According to another version, the leaders of the channel decided to "ask" the star, as her behavior recently caused a violent reaction from the public.

Shortly before that, a video appeared on the social network, where Buzova, being in a strong alcoholic intoxication, says that she hates the participants of "House 2" and remained in the project for the sake of money. The video was quickly removed and cannot be verified.

Buzova's popularity on social networks is constantly growing. In this regard, advertising on its page has risen in price. Previously, an advertising post on a star's Instagram cost 100 thousand rubles. Now, according to some sources, this amount has grown to 400 thousand rubles. Considering that such posts appear two or three times a day, it is easy to conclude that the hype surrounding the divorce has brought a good profit.

26. Fake Instagram followers

Experts noted that the number of subscribers on the Instagram of the TV personality exceeds the Russian-speaking segment of this network, which indicates the cheating and buying of bots. It is calculated that the real number of people does not exceed two million, and the price of advertising in her account is unreasonably high.

27. Loboda

32. Conflict with Yegor Creed

But a little later, Olga began to swear at. After the finale of the show "The Bachelor", he noted that the girls had much more subscribers on social networks, but he was not at all sorry that the girls were promoting in his name. Buzova, in turn, noted that the girls "got promoted" due to the popular channel and the successful time of the show.

33. Role in the series “Chernobyl. Exclusion Zone".

In the popular series, she received the role of a news anchor on television. Recall that this series recreates an alternative reality in which the USSR did not disintegrate.

34. Unsuccessful anthem of "House 2"

In the summer of 2018, Buzova, together with the scandalous rapper AK-47, performed a song that was supposed to become the new anthem of the House 2 project. The song was criticized by fans of both artists.

Naturally, there is no talk of any official recognition of the anthem, but the performers are already filming a video for their song with the involvement of Russian pop stars and the most scandalous participants in the project.

Short facts

  • 35. Buzova's height is 180 centimeters, weight is about 56 kilograms.
  • 36. Olya constantly has to face criticism and frank condemnation from the public and the stars.
Olga Igorevna Buzova is a former participant, and now the host of the reality show "Dom-2", an actress who starred in the TV series "Poor People" and a number of other television projects, a writer, singer, fashion designer and business woman. Her Instagram is one of the most popular in the Russian segment.


Olya was born in Leningrad, in the family of the military Igor Dmitrievich and Irina Aleksandrovna Buzov. The girl very early learned to walk and speak, by the age of three, having already learned to read and write, she began to study English.

When Olya was five years old, her mother, who believed that her daughter was growing up as a child prodigy, sent her to school. At first, little Buzova was difficult among seven-year-old classmates, and some subjects were given with difficulty, but thanks to her perseverance and sociable character, the girl quickly became an excellent student and the soul of the company.

Buzova's parents were real intellectuals: most of the family budget was spent on education and travel, and once Olya, who dreamed of new outfits and jewelry, was presented with a piano for her birthday.

Olga Buzova earned her first money at the age of 13 - she worked as a counselor in a camp. Already at the age of 15, the girl got a job in a modeling agency. Later, Buzova shared that she spent the first 2 thousand rubles earned in the role of a model on red velvet jeans and proudly wore them around school.

Since childhood, the girl dreamed of an acting career, but her parents strictly said - "No". In 2002 Olga Buzova graduated from school # 631 with a silver medal and entered the Faculty of Geography of St. Petersburg State University.

House 2

Contrary to popular belief, Olga Buzova was not a participant in the reality show "Dom-2" from the very beginning - she came to the project about a week and a half after the start, on May 22, 2004. To participate in the project, the girl took an academic leave at the university (at the age of 24, the girl still received a red diploma from St. Petersburg State University).

The charming blonde, who had barely reached the age of majority, easily joined the team, received the sweet nickname "Buzenysh" and soon formed a couple with Roman Tretyakov. Their relationship lasted three years, the Buzov-Tretyakov tandem was recognized as the most romantic couple of the first season of "House-2", along with Alena Vodonaeva and Stepan Menshikov, Olga Nikolaeva and May Abrikosov.

During the eighth season of the show, which started in December 2006, Roman Tretyakov left the project, stating that he was "tired of the aquarium life." He settled in Moscow, thought about what to do after the project, and waited for Olga, but she was in no hurry to leave the lobby of "Dom". As a result, Buzova chose to continue her career as a reality TV star, and the relationship came to an end.

After Roman, the girl had a short relationship with Stas Karimov and Alessandro Materazzo. In 2007, wax copies of Olga Buzova and Roman Tretyakov, as the most popular pair of "House 2", settled in the Moscow Museum of Wax Figures.

In December 2008, Olga Buzova announced her intention to leave Dom-2. The producers did not want to lose the last of the "golden composition" of "House-2" and offered the girl to become the co-host of Ksenia Borodina and Ksenia Sobchak and provided her with the post of chief editor of the magazine "World of reality show. House 2"

Outside "House-2"

Despite her employment in "House-2", in parallel Olga Buzova has repeatedly participated in other TV projects. In 2005-2006, together with Roman Tretyakov, the girl hosted the talk show "Roman with Buzova" on the TNT channel. After him, radio "Popsa" invited the couple to conduct a program of the same name at a frequency of 102.5 every Saturday. Since 2007, Olya has run her own column in the "Morning on TNT" program called "Beware, stylists!", And also tried herself as a TV presenter of the bloody show "Black Mark".

The blonde took part in TNT entertainment projects more than once, for example, in the Robot Child program, Roman and Olya had to take care of a hyperrealistic interactive doll, in Attack of Clowns it was famously played by the host Yegor Nekrushev, and Alexei Kulichkov drove the girl around Moscow in the program "Taxi".

In 2010, Buzova became the heroine of the 4th episode of the 8th season of the entertainment show "The Battle of Psychics". Its participants were required to tell about her fate by a strand of hair of the presenter. One psychic, Galina Bagirova, felt that the mistress of the curl had recently moved from St. Petersburg to Moscow, worked on television and wrote books, adding that her childhood passed under the harsh dictates of her mother. After talking with the clairvoyant, the girl burst into tears, admitting that all the fortuneteller's words are similar to the truth.

In 2011, the girl came to Larisa Guzeeva's studio to try her luck with the main matchmaker of Channel One. Three contenders fought for the girl's heart: a banker, an oligarch and a DJ.

"Let's get married" with Olga Buzova

In 2012, Olga Buzova, together with dancer Andrei Karpov, demonstrated flexibility and grace in the seventh season of the Dancing with the Stars project, but left it hysterically, deciding that the jury of the competition was too biased towards the participants.

"Dancing with the Stars", performance by Olga Buzova and Andrey Karpov


In 2006, the first test of Olga Buzova's pen was published - a book entitled “A novel with Buzova. History itself beautiful love". Olga's co-author was Roman Tretyakov, and the Book Business magazine recognized the book as the Best Project 2006.

In 2007 there was a sequel - "Romance with Buzova. Love online ", as well as a new work by Buzova" It's in the hairpin. Tips for a stylish blonde ”, on the pages of which she shared her little secrets of success.

In 2016, the TV presenter presented a new book "The Price of Happiness" - about the happiness of family life. Each page of the edition was perfumed with the favorite scent of Buzova. True, the publication looked more like a colorful album than a book - on each spread, readers were waiting for vivid photographs of their idol.

Movie roles

In August 2008, Olga Buzova made her film debut, playing herself in one of the episodes of the series "Univer", finding herself on the same set with Andrei Gaidulyan and Vitaly Gogunsky.

In 2010, Olga Buzova made her debut on the stage with the main role in the play "Honeymoon", in which, in addition to the leading reality show, Anastasia Stotskaya and Tamara Tsatsanashvili took part - the trio talked about the eternal theme of the relationship between men and women. In the same year, Olga Buzova came to replace Maria Kozhevnikova in the play "Gorgeous Wedding".

In 2015, the girl starred in the film "The Bartender", playing the role of the girl Vika and working with Ivan Okhlobystin and Yulia Parshuta.

In 2016, Olga Buzova, while continuing to be the host of "House-2", took part in the filming of a new series from TNT "Poor People". The girl plays herself - according to the plot, the character of Dmitry Lysenkov works as Olga's “ghost writer”. In the same year, the TV presenter starred in Ara Hovhannisyan's comedy "Take a hit, baby!" together with Mikhail Porechenkov and Igor Vernik, as well as in Kirill Pletnev's film "Burn!"

In 2017, the singer starred in the sequel to the popular series "Chernobyl. Exclusion Zone ”with Sergey Romanovich and Konstantin Davydov. The action of this multi-part fantastic saga takes place in a parallel reality, where the USSR did not disintegrate - as a result, Olga Buzova does not host "Dom-2", but news on the First Educational Channel TNT.

At the beginning of 2018, Buzova became the heroine of the new comedy show "Prozharka", hosted by stand-up comedian Ilya Sobolev. As part of the project, participants in popular entertainment programs (Open Microphone, Comedy Battle, etc.) had to bombard a specific person with jokes. Almost all of the participants joked about Buzova's relationship with her ex-husband Dmitry Tarasov and his level of playing football.


Since 2013 Olga Buzova and her sister Anna Buzova have been the owners of the Bijoux jewelry brand and the Bijoux Room chain of stores. "A girl must be able to 2 things - to be fabulous and stylish", - stated the concept of the company.

In parallel, Olga Buzova became a creative partner of the C&C fashion brand and released clothing collections under the C&C by Olga Buzova label, but in the summer of 2014 the stores had to be sold due to a decrease in profits.

Personal life of Olga Buzova

After Olga Buzova lost her status as a member of "House-2", dozens of hidden cameras stopped covering her personal life, which, however, was only in her favor. When in 2011 rumors spread in the media that Lokomotiv footballer Dmitry Tarasov was divorcing his wife Oksana because of a "new girl", no one suspected that Olga Buzova had become a contender for the athlete's heart. However, the first confirmation soon appeared: the paparazzi often saw the couple in the city, and Dmitry and Olga did not seem to hide their feelings from others.

Later, Olga admitted that at the time of their acquaintance (Olga and Dmitry first met in one of the Moscow restaurants) Dmitry was married, but even the child with Oksana did not save their marriage. However, according to the football player, the gap has long been on the agenda.

Just two months after meeting, Dmitry realized that he wanted to create a real family with Olga. The marriage proposal took place during a joint vacation in Dubai, and the wedding of Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov took place on June 26, 2012; the magnificent celebration was attended only by the closest people of the newlyweds - only 70 people. Among them were Olga's colleagues from Dom-2, Dmitry's first coach Alexei Mitrofanov, and media personalities, for example, the girl's old friend Andrey Malakhov and Comedy Club residents Gavr Gordeev and Oleg Vereshchagin.

Olga took her husband's surname, but continued to conduct business under the old name, which by that time had already become a kind of brand. After the wedding, Olga Buzova got the nickname "Russian Victoria Beckham", but this did not upset the girl - she tried to devote all her free time to creating home comfort and a strong family.

Unfortunately, even this beautiful fairy tale was destined to end. In November 2016, messages appeared on the Web about the rupture of Tarasov and Buzova. At first, Olga's subscribers noticed that cute joint photos disappeared from her instagram, as well as from her husband's social networks. Then the injured footballer thanked his mother for the support in difficult times, ignoring the efforts of his wife, who had previously been inseparable with him in such situations.

Official comments from the former lovers soon followed. Dmitry cynically responded to the question of parting with Olga: "Olga loves to comment on everything, so let her comment." Colleagues Buzova on "House-2" said that Olga is crying all the time and breaks down on the workers on the set. Tarasov's neighbors claimed that they had seen him more than once together with the 24-year-old silver winner of the Miss Russia 2014 beauty pageant Anastasia Kostenko, and even a couple of months before Dmitry's scandalous statement. So, the media named constant betrayal on the part of Tarasov as the most probable reason for the breakup of the star pair. After a difficult break with Dmitry Tarasov, Buzova decided to radically change her image and parted with a light hair color.

In November 2017, a member of "House-2" Roman Gritsenko confessed his feelings for Olga Buzova. Rumors about their relationship had spread a few months before, after their first meeting in the Seychelles, where one of the reality TV sets is located. Later, a video appeared on the web with Roman and Olga kissing. But it was too early to talk about the birth of a new couple - according to Gritsenko, he had not yet fully convinced Olga of the sincerity of his feelings. Later, rumors about the novel subsided altogether.

Buzova kissing Roman Gritsenko

Some fans of the diva are sure that her feelings for her ex-husband have not yet cooled down - how else to explain the constant "injections" towards him? For example, on the wedding day of Tarasov and Kostenko (January 9, 2018) Olga posted a photo in a negligee on Instagram. In her hands she held Dostoevsky's The Idiot, a work “about the unfortunate merchant Parfena and the kept woman Nastasya” (no need to explain who she meant).

In the summer of 2019, Olga Buzova had fun at a wedding with friends in the company of Timofey Mayorov, her former lover, whom she broke up with in 2009. The young man admitted that he could not build personal happiness, since he compares each new girl to Olga.

At the same time, the affair with Buzova was attributed to 23-year-old hockey player Denis Zernov. However, he stated that he did not even know the singer personally.

From time to time, hints of a new relationship appear on Olga's instagram, but the singer does not comment on the presence of a permanent man in her life.

Olga Buzova - singer

In November 2016, shortly after parting with Tarasov, Buzova suddenly began to sing - her single "To the Sound of Kisses" topped the Russian iTunes chart in a matter of days. Although many music experts were critical of the vocal abilities of the TV personality, the composition "Getting Used", released two months later, repeated the success of the first song.

Olga Buzova - I'm getting used to

Soon the listeners were presented with the compositions "Few halves", "People did not believe". Olga also sang a duet with Nastya Kudri ("We will be hot"). Then the girl appeared in the video "Great, great" by the group "Degrees".

In the fall of 2018, Buzova released her debut album "Take Me", which included 14 songs.

Marry Buzova

By the beginning of 2018, Buzova, in her own opinion, had become the most famous woman brand in Russia and trendsetter No. 1. In addition to a successful musical career, a number of business projects (including the BuzFood restaurant and the BuzCoin cryptocurrency), regular appearances on TV shows and YouTube channels of popular bloggers, the artist decided to create her own TV show. The format of the show "The Bachelor" was taken as a basis, where more than a dozen applicants are fighting for the heart of one person (in the Russian adaptation these were always celebrities like Yegor Creed or Alexei Vorobyov). At the same time, the creators of the program refused to compare with "The Bachelor", emphasizing that the reality "Marry Buzov" is an original project.

The first release was released on August 26, 2018 and chained millions of viewers to the screens. Even those who were cool about the singer's personality and work expressed interest in the program. Olga and 15 candidates for groom - they were all different ages and occupation - went to Italy. Each issue the participants demonstrated masculine qualities - strength, dexterity, intelligence, caring. In parallel, the participants arranged unforgettable dates for Olga. Some of the participants gradually dropped out, others left on their own: they were offered a choice - to continue to fight for Olga's heart or to take money (the amount increased with each release) and leave. On October 8 the finalist was determined - it was the cheese maker Denis Lebedev.

However, the relationship with the young man did not work out. The media quickly found out all the ins and outs about him. It turned out that Denis ruined his ex-wife - scored loans for her and her relatives, and then filed for divorce and divided the property in court, leaving the woman with debts. “Unfortunately, I didn't know and didn't see that he was like that. Then I believed him, ”Olga was saddened. Although, probably, this story from the very beginning was an elaborate PR campaign.


The name of Olga Buzova often appears in the news feed in connection with another scandal. As a rule, we are talking about the singer's excessive emotionality or about her careless statements.

For example, a video from her Instagram made a lot of noise, in which Olga in a golden bikini licks a plate and then compares herself to a resident of besieged Leningrad. This was the reason for the flash mob "#OlyaI am sorry". The incident forced the girl to apologize on the air of the 60 minutes program. Olga said that she did not want to offend anyone, that her grandparents themselves survived the blockade, and in the video she was joking exclusively at herself.

Olga often publishes advertisements on her instagram. And that's putting it mildly - by and large, advertising is most her publications. But the indignation of subscribers was caused by her clearly ordered posts before the elections of the mayor of Moscow in 2018 and before the elections of the governor of St. Petersburg in 2019. It's funny, but in March 2018, the party of Moscow veterans, either as a joke or in earnest, intended to nominate Olga as a candidate for the post of mayor capital Cities.


In 2018, Forbes attributed to Olga Buzova an annual income of $ 3.9 million.

In August 2019, Forbes disclosed the estimated income of Olga Buzova. According to the publication, Buzova takes about a million rubles for one advertising post on Instagram. Olga's monthly salary as the host of "House-2" is about 500 thousand. She also has a Buzzfood restaurant chain and a jewelry boutique that she owns with her sister Anna. An invitation to Olga as the host of the event will cost about 1.5 million rubles, and the cost of a 40-minute performance is estimated at 850 thousand rubles.

Olga Buzova now

Olga continues to combine her singing career with work at Dom-2 and many other business projects. Buzova's Instagram is one of the most popular in Russia. Only in September 2019, her number of subscribers was beaten by Khabib Nurmagomedov's Instagram.

Many are sure that the image of a naive fool is carefully cultivated by Olga, but in reality she is not at all as stupid as she seems. Buzova fits perfectly into the trend of the so-called "new sincerity": she is not afraid to be funny and natural. Just her appearance on the Comment Out show paired with Fedor Smolov.

Comment Out: Olga Buzova and Fedor Smolov

“I cannot transgress myself and offend people, even if this is a show,” Olga believes. Therefore, in almost all tasks, she chose not a comment, but a punishment. In particular, she had to dress up in a cockroach costume and run away on all fours from the sneaker with which she was beaten in the butt. After this release, many changed their opinion of Olga for the better.

In June 2019 Olga presented a new video "Voditsa". This song, according to Olga, "cancels the fashion for divorce."

Olga Buzova - Voditsa

In August 2019, a new clip of Olga Buzova "Liker" was posted on YouTube. In the video, she appeared in the form of a deceived girl who decided to take revenge on the unfaithful (played by blogger David Manukyan) in the good old way - with a frying pan.

Olga Buzova - Liker

Life turned out to be personal correspondence, which could get on the Internet as a result of a hacker attack on the TV presenter's phone.

"Questions without answers" seven million fans and " tears are not from the wind " Olga Buzovoy, who vows to be strong no matter what. Together with the resounding success associated with the release of the first solo track, the TV presenter, who has been building love in front of millions of viewers for 12 years, has overtaken a collapse in her personal life. Photos of a family idyll, along with the hashtags #MyMy #Tarabuziki, which have set the teeth on edge, can now be folded into an album of unfulfilled hopes and thrown into the archive of a popular TV set, and the carefully created image of an ideal couple can be considered an "instagram fake". However, Internet witnesses of Olga Tarasova's fragile happiness - namely, such a surname has been recorded in the TV presenter's passport for 4 years now - that the wedding of Tara Buzikov might not have taken place, if not for the persistent character of the then future bride. Barely free from the bonds of marriage with his first wife Oksana Tarasova, the 25-year-old footballer convinced his blond muse of the advantages of an open relationship. However, a far-sighted 26-year-old graduate of the TV set put an ultimatum in front of her beloved: she will give birth to him a child only in a legally registered marriage. Tarasov, dreaming of a large family, accepted the call of the lady of his heart with only one condition. The day before the wedding, Buzov and Tarasov entered into a prenuptial agreement, according to which, in the event of a divorce, the girl has no right to claim the football player's property. Today it is neither more nor less - three Mercedes cars, three land plots 42 acres, a cottage of 800 square meters, an apartment of 52 square meters. Experience made Tarasov take such prudent measures: after parting with his first wife, Dmitry left Oksana and his daughter a two-room apartment in Moscow.

The fact that the promised replenishment in the Tarasov family never happened, according to friends of the now broken family, may have become the main reason why Dima invited Olya to live separately, renting her an apartment in the center of Moscow. Everyone in the same inner circle recalls that the football player more than once sent his wife, accompanied by his mother, for examinations, the results of which revealed that Olga Buzova had no problems with childbirth.

Despite her passion for publicity, Olya Buzova preferred to keep all this and much more secret. But the crazy popularity, only increased with the divorce, played a cruel joke on the girl. Having gained access to the phone's data, anonymous users, who may have hacked the TV presenter's iCloud, posted personal correspondence, intimate photos and videos on the Network in a folder called " Olga Buzova. The price of misfortune. "Life turned out to be a link to incriminating materials.

On the audio recordings extracted from the WhatsApp correspondence, a girl with a voice that painfully resembles the voice familiar to TNT viewers, and resembles something characteristic of Olga Buzova intonation, convinces the interlocutor, who is probably dealing with her work issues, to take as many orders as possible for advertising on Instagram, explaining this by the fact that he needs to earn money now.

"In Russia, everything is fine with me, I need Europe, so that they start to recognize me there, so that my banners can be in European stores!"

Business correspondence very soon gives way to the cry of the broadcaster's soul. Turning to a man named Anton, and this is the name of Olga Buzova's permanent assistant and PR director, the girl asks him for support and advice, tells that she has lost her self-confidence and swears what the world is about a man named Tarasov.

"Anton, Anton, Anton, he is scum, this is not a man. Look at this scum. You can, like a man, explain to me what he f ** k doing. Record a voice for me. Please. Write down at least something, your thoughts In the response audio message, probably recorded by the same Anton Bogoslavsky, Olga Buzova's press secretary, she receives much-needed words of support.

"He is injured, not in the national team, not in the team. Well, yes, with a contract, but we have already discussed this, it can be canceled. And part of this contract is your one hundred percent merit. The locomotive fans love and respect you. I started This is a message saying that you are oh ***, he is now completely losing everything. After a while he will understand this. You are Olga Buzova. You are a common noun. You are the most fucking chick. "

However, after the fiery messages overflowing with obscene language, the girl calms down and mentions some correspondence with "his mother", reproaching herself for being rude, caused by jealousy.

"In vain, yes, I wrote to his mother, of course? I understand now. Tell me, I shouldn't have written to her? Well ***, I'm a woman. I can't help writing to her, realizing that she knew that he was * *** another woman. " Olga Tarasova

Among the correspondences posted by anonymous users, you can indeed find screenshots of messages addressed to the subscriber signed as "Olga Tarasova". The sender sends a photo of Anastasia Kostenko, the same "Vice-Miss Russia - 2014" with whom the novel is attributed to Dmitry Tarasov, accompanying the image with the words: "Inhumans. Animals. God is your judge. You are all. Mom."

As stated in the audio message published above, about an hour later, the sender of angry texts to Olga Tarasova receives a message from a person recorded as "Husband": "Don't you dare touch my mother. If you don't have your own brains, don't touch her."

Mommy Watsap

Among the numerous screenshots from WhatsApp, you can also find messages sent from the number recorded as "Mommy Whatsapp". In frank correspondence, the sender tries to convince "Olyushka" to save the marriage. She reproaches herself that she did not accustom her daughters to comfort, brought them up sloppy and tries to impute that an unsettled life can cause tensions in the family.

However, replacing wise instructions for pragmatic advice, the woman is interested in the fate of the car, suggests following the example of Yulia Baranovskaya - to create her own show if Dima takes the car and does not rent an apartment for at least a year.

Along with messages in which there were family showdowns and worries, in the motherials, posted by "well-wishers", you can find photographs and shocking videos of a personal nature,and which the girl, like two drops of water similar to Olga Buzova, demonstrates her intimate parts of the body - either putting on a T-shirt, then lifting her dress, showing her genitals to the camera. In the provocative video - a brown-haired woman with bracelets and a pendant, like a TV presenter, and in a coral-purple dress - exactly the same Buzova sported on the anniversary of her friends. That very holiday, on which Olga's soul almost cried out from the stage: "If my memory serves me, and recently it is not only my memory that has changed me."It is noteworthy that in another video, Olga Buzova, who promotes natural beauty, boasts not only erotic stockings, but also shares her plans: she is going to enlarge her lips and cheekbones.

Olga Igorevna Buzova. She was born on January 20, 1986 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). Russian TV presenter, radio host, model, actress and singer.

She became widely known as a participant, and then the host of the television project "Dom-2" on the TNT channel. Since December 2008, Chief Editor of the World of Reality Show. House 2"...

Father - Igor Dmitrievich Buzov.

Mother - Irina Alexandrovna.

She grew up sociable and sociable, in high school she worked as a counselor in children's summer camps. From the age of 15 she worked in a modeling agency.

She studied well. She graduated from school with a silver medal. She entered the St. Petersburg University at the Faculty of Geoecology and Geography.

In 2004 she got on the TV show "Dom-2".

She spent four years on the project as a participant, according to the results of the audience vote, she was recognized as the best participant in the entire history of the television project.

In "Dom-2" she met with Roman Tretyakov.

Olga Buzova and Roman Tretyakov

In 2007, wax figures of the most popular members of "House-2" Olga Buzova and Roman Tretyakov appeared in the Moscow Wax Museum.

For four years of her life in "House-2" as a participant Olga Buzova wrote two books "Romance with Buzova" and “It's about the hairpin. Stylish blonde tips ".

In 2007, together with Roman Tretyakov, Buzova released the book “Romance with Buzova. Love online ".

After parting with Tretyakov, whom Buzova, according to Roman, abandoned due to the fact that he was not able to provide her with a luxurious life, she had a relationship with Stas Karimov.

And after breaking up with Karimov, Olga Buzova started an incomprehensible romance with Alessandro Materazzo.

Materazzo himself later stated that the relationship was staged. In addition, he made it clear that Buzova is the mistress of Alexei Mikhailovsky (the producer of the project).

Here's what he told Materazzo "Express Gazeta" in his scandalous interview about Olga Buzova:

- Sasha, our readers are interested in how your relations with the show participants are developing today?

There are almost no adequate people left in the "House". With people like Buzova, what to talk about? She is the "six" of the project producer Alexei Mikhailovsky. He does whatever he pleases with her. Can grab any place in public. And nothing. Maybe he sleeps with her, who knows. I wouldn't be surprised if this is the case. Such rumors have been circulating for a long time. Buzova is ready for anything and with anyone. If only the money was paid.

- You seem to have been once connected by good feelings?

- We had a purely game relationship. The producers, of course, wanted something serious to arise between us. Mikhailovsky set up every day: "Alex, it's time to move on to action! Get Buzova to say yes to the camera, and a salary of five thousand dollars is guaranteed!" I had to look after her. For fun, of course.

- Courtship led to anything?

- Once I took her to a nightclub. Buzova drank a lot there, softened. Let's go to my house. Olga went to take a shower, I went to the kitchen. Then I go to the bathroom. I saw that she was no longer there, and extremely unsympathetic black panties were hanging on the dryer. Buzova, after all, dresses at flea markets. I go to the bedroom. And there Olya lies ready. Completely naked. Lord, I don't think I need such happiness. Who would have seen her pimply body - tin! And I went to sleep in another room. It always seemed to me that Buzova was madly in love with me. But Mikhailovsky kept pumping her up all the time: “Materazzo doesn’t love you. He only needs“ grandmothers. ”Olga herself screamed about it in fury. She even wanted to leave the project. Although the producers were promoting her as soon as possible. Mikhailovsky never hid his relationship with Buzova : "She is mine and only mine!" ... "I almost called Olga my own thing. But when she was made the host, all the participants were outraged. She cannot connect two words.

During her stay on the Dom-2 project, Olga participated in several media projects as a host.

In 2005-2006, Olga, together with Roman Tretyakov, hosted the youth talk show “Roman s Buzova” on the TNT channel. Radio Popsa invited them to conduct their own talk show every Saturday on the radio with the same name - "Roman with Buzova".

On May 31, 2007, on the World Day of Blondes, Lyubov Voropaeva, producer of the Golden Person Award, presented the award to Olga Buzova as the most stylish and brightest blonde in the country.

Since September 2007, she has become the host of her own column "Beware, stylists!" in the program "Morning on TNT".

Olga Buzova also acted as the host of a TV show in the computer game "Black Mark".

Since December 2008, she has been the host of the reality show Dom-2 and editor-in-chief of the World of Reality Show. House 2".

In 2007 Olga was the host of the 7th International Beauty Contest "Miss Russian Radio 2007".

Olga Buzova about love

Olga Buzova has taken part in the filming of other TNT programs, such as Cosmopolitan. Video version ”,“ Attack of the clowns ”,“ Child-robot ”,“ Taxi ”,“ Battle of psychics ”. Repeatedly became a guest of television programs of other television channels - First television, MUZ-TV, MTV, NTV and others.

In August 2008, Olga Buzova made her debut as an actress in the TV series "Univer" on TNT in the role of Internet acquaintance Eduard "Kuzi" Kuzmin.

Since November 2008, Olga began her solo activities, touring Russia and neighboring countries. Her songs are featured in the album "House Stars 2. Laws of Love".

As part of the popularization of the volunteer movement in 2009, Olga was the host and participant of the special campaign staff "Train of Youth" under the auspices of the Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy of the Russian Federation.

At the end of 2009, Olga entered the top three TV presenters in the country.

In September 2010, the first theatrical debut took place. Olga Buzova replaced the actress Maria Kozhevnikova in the theatrical production "Gorgeous Wedding".

In October 2010 she was the host of 3 issues of “Cosmopolitan. Video version "on TNT together with Dmitry Olenin.

Olga Buzova has released several clothing collections together with the C&C brand.

Since 2011, Olga also began an active musical career. The singer's first single was the song Don't Forget, performed by a duet with rapper T-killah. Besides singing, Olga is also involved in DJing.

In 2012 she took part in the show "Dancing with the Stars", the partner was Andrey Karpov.

Has released several collections of clothing together with the C&C brand.

In 2016, Olga Buzova's perfumed book entitled "The Price of Happiness" was published.

In the same 2016, she tried herself as a singer, recording the song "To the Sound of Kisses." At the beginning of 2017, the single "I'm getting used to" was released.

In November 2017, it became known that Olga Buzova would host the Babiy Riot program on Channel One. Elena Abitaeva also became its co-hosts. The daily news talk show "Babi Revolt" is a woman's view of everything that happens in the world.

In 2018 at the Second Music Prize "ZHARA Music Awards" she received an award in the category "You are just a Cosmo".

On April 4, 2018, Olga Buzova announced the launch of her own cryptocurrency Buzcoin, which she and her team created on the Buzar platform.

In June 2018, Olga opened her own restaurant BUZ.Food at the address: Moscow, Tsvetnoy Boulevard, 2. On September 2, 2018, Olga opened a second restaurant in Moscow. Karen Melkonyan is her partner in the restaurant business.

In July 2018, Olga Buzova took sixth place in the Forbes rating of "50 stars of show business and sports".

Personal life of Olga Buzova:

Wedding of Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov

In the fall of 2016, it became known about the crisis in the couple's relationship. At first, they stopped posting joint pictures on social networks and appearing in public, then Dmitry Tarasov began to allow himself harsh statements about Olga (for example, he called her an "alcoholic"). Also Buzova and Tarasov began to live separately. Thus, it became clear that the couple was on the verge of breaking up. As Olga Buzova made it clear,.

On November 29, 2016, Olga Buzova filed an application for divorce at the Meshchansky registry office in Moscow. became known after hackers hacked the personal correspondence of the TV presenter.

Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov

On August 26, 2018, the show started on TNT TV channel "Marry Buzova", in which Olga tried to find herself a groom. In the final, she selected a cheese maker from Suzdal, Denis Lebedev. However, immediately after the completion of the project, they ended their relationship.

In 2019, Olga Buzova, paired with a showman, decided to find their other halves in a romantic reality show on TNT. “How far can a friendship go on the brink? In the new TNT project, two mega-stars - Olga Buzova and Timur Batrutdinov - will be looking for the one with whom they can finally start a family. Timur Batrutdinov is the most enviable bachelor of the TNT channel, who has not yet managed to find his love. Olga Buzova is the number 1 girl in Russia who is waiting for someone who can come and take her down the aisle. They have known each other for a long time, which means they can help each other to establish personal life in the new show of the TNT TV channel, ”the channel's announcement said.

Olga and Timur helped each other to select candidates for bride and groom. The organizers of the show promised that if Buzova and Batrutdinov did not find a mate in the project, they would get married.

Filmography of Olga Buzova:

2008 - Univer - cameo
2011 - Elena from polypropylene - cameo
2012 - Zaitsev + 1 - cameo, friend of Oli Sautkina
2015 - Bartender - Vika
2016 - Take a hit, baby - classmate of Sveta Bogatyreva
2016 - Poor People - cameo
2017 - - news announcer
2017 - - cameo
2018 - Zomboyaschik - cameo

Dubbing by Olga Buzova:

2015 - Fashion Thing (After the Ball) - Kate

Discography of Olga Buzova:

2017 - To the sounds of kisses
2018 - Take me

Singles by Olga Buzova:

2017 - "I'm getting used to"
2017 - "People did not believe"
2017 - "Few halves"
2017 - Hit Parade
2017 - "Wrong"
2017 - "WI-FI"
2018 - "Take Me"
2018 - "Music too"
2018 - "Champion"
2018 - "Take Me"
2018 - "Dance to Buzova"
2019 - "Egoist"
2019 - "Very good"
2019 - "Voditsa"

Olga Buzova's video clips:

2011 - "Don't Forget" (with T-killah)
2017 - "I'm getting used to"
2017 - "People did not believe"
2017 - "We will be hot" (together with Nastya Kudri)
2017 - "Few halves"
2017 - Hit Parade
2017 - "Wrong"
2018 - "WI-FI"
2018 - "Take Me"
2018 - "Music too"
2018 - "Champion"
2018 - "Take Me"
2018 - "Dance to Buzova"
2019 - "Egoist"
2019 - "Very good"
2019 - "Voditsa"

Olga Buzova about her height 179 cm:

"My height is really high - 179 cm. By the way. This is another problem of the complexes of many girls who are born tall, then begin to feel embarrassed and slouch. You should always walk with your shoulders straightened, because tall girls are wonderful."

Olga Buzova about her first size breasts:

"Yes, small. But natural. It seems to me that natural breasts are always more beautiful than silicone ones ... I have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. I don't understand women who pump their breasts or lips. I believe that silicone can only be used if you are not very comfortable. to live, something interferes. Why am I going to spoil what is given to me by nature ?! My upper lip is not very big, but I really like it! I am like a fish. There is some zest in this .. . "

The popular TV presenter and former participant of the most famous and beloved by the people reality show "Dom-2" Olga Buzova in life outside the camera lenses is not so demanding in terms of living conditions. Her own apartment in Moscow is very different from the luxurious apartments in which the members of "House-2" live.

Buzova bought the apartment immediately after changing her status from a project participant to his co-host. Her home is very modest for such a popular and glamorous girl.

Buzova's apartment has two rooms. In the bedroom, a huge bed littered with soft toys so beloved by the famous blonde will immediately catch your eye. The second room is a living room that Olya needs to meet with friends.

By the way, Olya herself tried not to spread much about her apartment. For example, during a competition for a project in which the main prize was an apartment, Buzova and her husband also announced their participation in it along with the participants in the show "Dom-2". In response to the indignation of other “residents” of the “House”, Olga cited the lack of personal housing in Moscow as the main argument.

The main thing that upset the girl was the lack of a separate dressing room in the apartment where you can store all your outfits.

Into family life - with new housing!

After the wedding with Dmitry Tarasov, the couple in a two-room apartment became cramped, so Buzova and Tarasov rented an apartment in the very center of Moscow.

Soon a grandiose event took place in the family's married life: Dmitry and Olga acquired a luxurious mansion!

The family lived in a rented apartment and was engaged in home improvement. So to speak, it was a nest.

The house of Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov was located not far from the Moscow Ring Road, where the quiet and cozy village "Nightingale Grove" is located. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe mansion is 850 square meters. It has as many as four floors - the star couple had a place to turn around.

Olga Buzova admitted that she was incredibly happy with the acquisition, she talked about this on her page on social networks, and also shared photos of her new home with fans.

More about the house

Olga invented the entire interior of the house herself - the girl has a taste. She wanted to bring into the home the personality that would make them family. For example, on one wall was a monogram with the spouses' intertwined initials. In general, the couple planned to place a small cinema in the house, a sauna with a pool and gym to keep fit.

The completion of the renovation work was scheduled for the end of 2016, when the family planned to celebrate a housewarming.
Here's their home on video:

The couple also planned to build a small house next to their mansions, in which a maid and a gardener would live.

By the way, the apartment in Moscow, in which the star couple first lived, was also equipped with the active participation of the TV presenter - Olga herself came up with its design. The further fate of this housing was unknown, the spouses did not know whether they would sell or rent it.

Abrupt changes in life

In 2016, Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov divorced. Fans of the blonde were outraged by the fact that the footballer literally kicked his ex-wife out of the house without leaving her a dime.

After the divorce, Olga Buzova moved to a rented apartment on the 20th floor of a multi-storey building in the center of the capital. The girl did not initiate anyone into her far-reaching plans and plunged into work.

Olga's career gradually went up. Today Buzova is not only a TV presenter, but also a popular actress and singer.

Success and hard work

During the time after the divorce, she wrote two books and starred in several films, and since 2017 she is also a singer. Buzova has more than 10 million subscribers on Instagram. The girl does not hide the fact that she achieved everything that she has in her life on her own, without anyone's help.

Olga Igorevna Buzova is a self-sufficient and purposeful person. To achieve her goals, she is ready to work 24 hours a day. In fact, this is what happens. The singer and TV presenter has a very busy schedule. Olga, like no one else, understands that money can only be earned through hard work.

The girl gets up at exactly seven. Then she will have her hair styling, make-up and preparation of the stage image - in half an hour she should be at the cinema complex of the capital. After intense filming, the girl goes to the site of the show "Borodin vs. Buzova". By four o'clock again filming, now on the TV channel "Russia-1". The show is filmed until late. Olga manages to return home only after 10 pm.

After a busy day, the girl is greeted by her pets. Together with Buzova, the Yorkshire Terrier Eva and the Spitz Chelsea live in a rented apartment. In the absence of the mistress of the dogs, the house assistant Sonia walks.

At home Olga does not stay long. In the morning, she flies off on tour to another city. The girl is light on her feet. At night she packs her bags, in the morning she is taken to the airport by her personal driver. On the plane, the girl manages to get some sleep.

Mom's apartment

In 2018, news leaked to the media that Olga had bought an apartment in St. Petersburg. Luxury apartments of 100 sq. m were purchased by the singer and TV presenter as a gift to her mother, Irina Aleksandrovna Buzova. The apartment has a spacious living room and kitchen - the dream of any housewife. In total, the apartment has three rooms overlooking the Moika River. From here, Nevsky Prospekt is just a stone's throw away. The newly made hostess did not have to deal with the arrangement of the situation. The apartment was luxuriously renovated, paid for by the star daughter.

By the way, the apartment with an excellent renovation and design furnishings cost Buzova 16 million rubles.

Plans for the future

Until recently, Olga Buzova remained in the status of a tenant. The apartment in Moscow does not belong to her. The girl has been renting a house for many years.

Olga recently admitted in an interview that she plans to purchase a luxury apartment in the capital. Most likely, the property will be purchased using mortgage funds.

It should be admitted that the income of the popular singer and TV presenter in 2018 amounted to no less than $ 4 million, which in terms of rubles will be 257 million rubles. The amount is huge, having it, it is quite possible to buy a decent apartment in Moscow.

House in Spain

In addition to real estate in Moscow, the singer has long dreamed of buying a house in Spain, on the Mediterranean coast. According to the TV presenter herself, the climate of this country is very suitable for her. Buzova travels a lot between tours. The girl often spends weekends in Spain, especially the sunny resort town of Marbella. In her interview to reporters, Olga admits that she intends to move her mother abroad in the future. But for this you need to buy overseas property.

For 2019, Buzova made a tight tour schedule. She plans to further develop her solo career. Plans for Spain became an excellent incentive for the girl to work.

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