Moscow State University of Printing Arts. Loneliness according to L.A. Zhukhovitsky

1. Introductory constructions are called words, word combinations, and offers , expressing the speaker's attitude to what was said.

Introductory constructions give overall assessment messages, indicate the source and method of communication, connection with the context, the order of the components of the statement, etc.

The main meaning of introductory structures - the meaning of modal, emotional, expressive evaluativeness.

Introductory constructions are intonationally highlighted in the sentence. They are characterized by a special intonation of introductory - the intonation of on or off.

Introductory words and word combinations are highlighted (or separated) by commas.

For instance: Misha Alpatov, of course, could have hired horses(Prishv.); Someone, apparently, advised the girl to go with the kitten to the bird market (Sol.); I saw Natasha, it seems, on the third day of my hospital life (Disp.); The mere presence here of the Decembrists, scattered in exile throughout all the expanses of Western and Eastern Siberia, had such an impact on the public that, firstly, being scattered minds in many places, it became a public and, secondly, acquired goals, which in the end ends led to the opening of Tomsk University (Disp.); Someone, apparently, was passing along the street at that time (Rasp.) Not for the first time I left home, but these were trips that began and ended in Pskov and, perhaps, therefore, left a feeling of fleetingness (Kav.).

2. Introductory constructions:

2) express emotional appreciation: fortunately, surprisingly, unfortunately, unfortunately; for luck, for trouble; unfortunately; sinful deed, what good;

3) indicate the source of the message: according to legend, in my opinion, according to rumors; they say, I remember; by conviction, by words, by sight;

4) characterize the attitude towards the way of expressing thoughts: by expression, in one word, in other words; roughly speaking, so to speak, in a word, literally, in short;

5) emphasize the expressive nature of the statement: in truth, in fairness, to your liking, except for jokes; honestly speaking between us;

6) indicate the relationship between the parts of the statement: so, by the way, for example; finally; firstly, secondly, etc .; therefore, in general, in this way;

7) serve the purpose of attracting the attention of the interlocutor: you see (whether), you understand (whether), you will not believe; have mercy; Imagine; listen;

8) indicate a restriction or clarification of the statement: at least to one degree or another, at least even more so.

Are not introductory and, therefore, words and combinations of words are not distinguished by commas: maybe, as if, in addition, suddenly, after all, it is unlikely, after all, even, hardly, exclusively, namely, as if, as it were, just in the meantime, moreover, approximately, approximately, moreover, decisively, allegedly, by decree, by decision.

3. Introductory sentences, usually, have meanings close to the meanings of introductory words and word combinations in. They are distinguished by commas or as structurally more complex ones - dashes. The choice of punctuation marks depends on the degree of exclusion of the introductory structure from the main statement.

For instance: How sailors say, the wind was getting stronger(Ch.); She has, as the writers saya sigh of relief escaped (Bel.); On the other side, about a hundred paces from here, he knew it, the Austrian trenches approached the river itself (A. T.); Z to suspect Yakov Lukich of sabotage - now it seemed to him - it was ridiculous(Shol.); The prosecutor flies headlong into the library - can you imagine? - does not find a similar number or such date of May in the Senate decisions (Fed.).

4. By their grammatical correlation, introductory words and constructions can go back to different parts of speech and different grammatical forms:

nouns in various cases with and without prepositions:

no doubt, for joy, for happiness and etc.;

adjectives in short form, in various cases, in superlative degree:

right, guilty, the main thing, in general, the most important thing, the least;

pronouns in indirect cases with prepositions:

moreover, moreover, meanwhile;

adverbs in a positive or comparative degree:

indisputably, of course, probably shorter, or rather;

verbs in different forms indicative or imperative mood:

i wonder if you believe, it seemed, they say, imagine, have mercy;

infinitive or a combination with an infinitive:

to see, to know, to admit, it's funny to say;

combinations with gerunds :

to tell the truth, in short, to put it bluntly;

two-part sentences with subject - a personal pronoun and a predicate - a verb with the meaning of expression of will, speaking, thought, etc.:

as long as I can remember, I often think;

impersonal sentences :

she dreamed we all remember well;

indefinite personal offers .

they thought of him as they used to say about him.

5. If the introductory word or combination of words stands at the beginning of a separate turnover or at the end of it, then it is not separated from it by a punctuation mark, i.e. commas indicate the whole turnover.

For instance: One night must be out of mischief, the list was pasted over the facade of the City Council (Fad.). A girl, essentially a child, approached the bus. A fairly clear characterization is given, in particular the Decembrist Mikhail Spiridonov (Chiv.); The student returned the book to the library, probably without even reading it.

6. Introductory wordsand word combinations, being next to the compositional conjunctions, are separated or not separated from them by commas, depending on the context. If the union is included in the introductory construction, then the comma is not put after it; if the union connects the members of the sentence, and the introductory word is easily omitted (without violating the structure of the sentence), then a comma is placed after the union.

For instance: His grandfather is a dry and straight man, he was made hastily, but, apparently, both firmly and dexterously (M.G.); But, according to rumors, some part fought stubbornly near Kamensk(Fad.); And the fact that all these people were thus opposed to him, the fact that he was alone among these people and, as it were, stood over them, not only did not frighten and upset Semka, but on the contrary - this was the main interest of his life(Fad.); In the dark fog, fragmentary and incoherent visions began to appear, so incoherent and far from one another, as if they had flown to me from different people, and maybe not only from people (Schedule).

As a rule, combinations of words are used in the form of integral introductory structures a (u) means, a (u) hence, a (u) vice versa... However, if these constructions do not include a union in their composition, then they are separated from the union by a comma.

For instance: It was then that society will throw an army of artists to decorate everyday life - houses, clothes, utensils, the most ordinary things, everyday and no less than books that educate taste and therefore the aesthetic exactingness of workers in their own work and behavior (Leon.).

The introductory words after the conjunctions used in the connecting meaning are not separated by a comma.

For instance: Indeed, he soon left. By the way, the store was already closed. And perhaps he did the right thing.

7. Many of the introductory words and word combinations can be homonymous with proposal members or unions. These functional differences (they are reflected in punctuation) appear in context.

Different functions can be performed by words and word combinations however, by the way, finally, in the end, thus, indeed, it can be at least on one side, on the other side and etc.

For instance: Maybe Polina was also looking at the same post from the cockpit (Hall). - She walked very quietly, there was as much peace in her as there can be in true and living beauty (Hall.).

Let me make sure at least that you are good now(Leon.). - From time to time, pale zigzags of lightning cut to the ground. It was clear that for this day at least(L. T.).

Ivan Matveyevich was in no hurry and thus made a mistake (Leon.). - Thus, the image of the forest as a living creature is formed.(Leon.).

She must have gone to visit her mother (Shol.). - The schedule should be stable.

By the way, Vikhrov took the good news rather absent-mindedly. (Leon.). - Your arrival was welcome.

Ganan, however, was never too generous with praise.(Tendr.). - He returned to the hotel just as easily, carelessly. However, something has already changed (Boon.).

The word " but"As a union stands at the beginning of a sentence, between parts of a compound sentence or between homogeneous members offers.

For instance: There was something else that I wanted to understand. However, it escaped; It was raining, but it was necessary to go; He promised to return, but did not return.

In a sentence: However, opening the classroom door smelling of government paint, he made sure that everything was the same here (Fad.) - after the union is the adverbial turnover.

Introductory combinations " on the one hand on the other hand"Are highlighted (or separated) by commas.

For instance: . .. The general did not want to allow his division to cease to exist. On the other handhe knew he would do his duty to the end (Fad.). When the word is omitted, a dash is put on the side: On the one hand, the students' knowledge was deep, on the other, it turned out to be very one-sided.

Compare: We rode on a sled from the mountain, arranged in the courtyard of Khryapov, but blew strong wind, the children were called into the old man's rooms - and they sat with him on a warm couch - Vanya on one side, Lyuba on the other(M.G.); on the one hand, on the other -members of the proposal.

The word " finally"Is introductory if it summarizes any enumeration - explicit (first, second, and finally) or hidden (as a result of some events).

For instance: The child was completely tired in the evening: first, the lessons at school; secondly, an amateur group and, finally, evening reading; Here the fingers have already identified the object, and only the fear of a new deception forbids to escape from the chest of exultant joy. Here, finally, a golden leaf sparkles in my hand, and I want to quickly run to people as soon as possible, as soon as possible to announce to them the existence of miracles on earth(Sewn.).

Compare: Finally, as an adverbial member of the proposal: Finally, the leader appeared, along with Lisa (Ven.); Finally, the long-awaited holiday has come.

The word “ so»: It is used both as a circumstance of the course of action and as an introductory one in the meaning of" for example "

Compare: This is how he worked - he invented phrases on the fly, then wrote them down, then again invented (Paust.). - The members of the proposal are different. So, it can be circumstances, additions, definitions.

Always put. However, you should pay attention to the fact that often students and those who have long graduated from general education school have great difficulties with such punctuation. What exactly this is connected with, we will consider in this article.

General information

Almost everyone knows that the introductory word is separated by commas. However, only a few can define this part of the proposal.

So, introductory words are those that are not formally connected in any way with the members of the sentence. Moreover, they are not them, but only express their characteristics and attitude to the information being reported.

What parts of speech are they represented?

It is not enough to know where the comma is used to highlight the introductory words and where not. After all, in order to apply the rules of punctuation, you must find the same expression. This is not always an easy task. From a grammatical point of view, such words can be represented by pronouns and nouns (without prepositions and with prepositions), various verb forms (infinitives, personal forms, participles), as well as nominal phraseological units (sometimes verb) and adverbs.

What are the difficulties?

As you know, commas are always put in the introductory word. However, it should be noted that their determination is often very difficult. What exactly are they?

  • Among the introductory words and similar combinations, there are quite a few of those that are used in sentences only as introductory ones, and therefore, are always isolated. Let's give an example: if I may say so, in my opinion, firstly and so on. In most cases, exactly the same words can be used both as introductory words, and as members of a sentence (circumstances or predicates), and as service words, that is, particles or unions. To distinguish between them, you must read the entire sentence or paragraph. After all, introductory words appear only in context.
  • The second difficulty that most students face is that the punctuation of the introductory words depends on their environment.

What are introductory words for?

Commas in introductory words should be used only when they are in the sentence. But how can you tell them apart?

As a rule, introductory words are used in certain sentences for:

  • Indications of the degree of reliability of a fact or message (in fact, perhaps, of course, true, undoubtedly, it is known, perhaps, it is more accurate to say, in essence, apparently, naturally, really, etc.).
  • Indications of the degree of commonness of any information (as always, it happens, as usual, it happened, as usual, it happened, it happened).
  • Expressions of an emotional assessment of what is being talked about or reported (to amazement, a sinful deed, unfortunately, a well-known thing, to shame, as unfortunately, oddly enough, as luck would have it, unfortunately, unfortunately, unfortunately, unfortunately, fortunately, unfortunately, to joy, to surprise, in some way, a strange thing, etc.).

  • Indications to a particular source of the message (I think, I see, as I suppose, as you know, as they said, they say, as I remember, you know, remember, as I remember, as they say, as heard, as reported, in my opinion, etc.).
  • The way of expressing thoughts (generally speaking, or rather, as they say, is to blame, by the way, to put it bluntly, in other words, to put it mildly, in other words, it is better to say, in other words, to say in a word, as they say, frankly, whatever you say, in a word, whatever you like, in short, actually, etc.).
  • Indications of the expressive nature of this or that statement (there is nothing to say, to say without flattery, to tell the truth, if you tell the truth, do not be said at night, except for jokes, in truth, between us, frankly speaking, speaking between us, I assure you, truth be told, honestly, etc.).
  • Indications of the relationship between certain parts of the utterance (in any case, to top it all off, the main thing, in the end, first, comes out mainly at the same time, so, in general, it means, for example, etc.).
  • Calls to attention (please, believe (or) as you wish, see (or), understand (whether), listen (those), do not believe, imagine (those), have mercy (those), if you like, you can (imagine) , you understand, you will not believe, etc.).
  • Expressions of limitation or clarification of any statement (at least, without exaggeration, at least to one degree or another).

In what cases are commas not used?

Always use commas in the introductory word. However, it is rather difficult to identify them immediately. For example, there is a deep misconception that the following words are introductory: hardly, perhaps, in addition, as if, I suppose, literally, exactly, suddenly, hardly, after all, after all, in the end, meanwhile, it seems, exclusively, even, as if, as if (as if), to moreover, by decision (whose), just, allegedly, by decision (whose), approximately, almost, simply, approximately, decisively. But this is not the case. These expressions are not introductory, and therefore, they do not need to be separated by commas.

Introductory sentences

In addition to introductory words, whole introductory sentences are often used in the text. As a rule, they have a meaning that is very close to the meanings of introductory words or similar combinations. In any case, such sentences (depending on their location in the text) should be separated by commas (less often a dash).

Examples of tasks

To consolidate the material about introductory words and their isolation, teachers very often give their students practical task... As a rule, it is aimed at revealing whether the child has learned the topic or whether it is necessary to repeat it again.

So, let's give an example of one of these tasks:

You must carefully read the sentences below, which contain the numbering. Next, you need to write out all the numbers denoting commas in the introductory word.

  • The girl returned the textbook to the library (1) probably (2) even (3) without reading it.
  • The sky was covered with clouds. Soon (1) it will probably (2) rain.
  • He should receive an important and (1) (2) sad letter in the morning.
  • What (1) could be (2) more important than medicine against cancer?
  • Of course (1) she wanted to reward for years of work (3) above all (3) herself.

    Introductory words are words, word combinations, as well as sentences expressing the speaker's attitude to what is expressed. Introductory constructions give a general assessment of the message, indicate the source and method of the message, the connection with the context, the order of the components of the statement, etc. The main meaning of introductory constructions is the meaning of modal, emotional, expressive evaluativeness.

    Introductory constructions are intonationally highlighted in the sentence. They are characterized by a special intonation of introductory - the intonation of on or off.

    Introductory words and word combinations are highlighted (or separated) by commas: Misha Alpatov, of course, could have hired horses (Prishv.); Somebody, apparently, he advised the girl to go with the kitten to the bird market (Sol.); I saw Natasha, it seems, on the third day of my hospital life (Disp.); The mere presence here of the Decembrists, scattered in exile throughout all the expanses of Western and Eastern Siberia, had such an impact on the public that, firstly, being scattered minds in many places, it became a public and, secondly, acquired goals, which in the end ends led to the opening of Tomsk University (Disp.); Somebody, apparently he was walking down the street at that time (Disp.); It takes so much effort to stage a play of any value that in the eyes of the children it is not justified by anything. True, the participants themselves get some satisfaction. (Poppy.); This was not the first time I left home, but these were trips that began and ended in Pskov and, perhaps, therefore, left a feeling of fleetingness (Kav.); He queued up at passport control. So the first step (Bel.).

    Introductory words and word combinations:

      2) express emotional appreciation: fortunately, surprisingly, unfortunately, unfortunately; for luck, for trouble; unfortunately; sinful deed, what a good;

      3) indicate the source of the message: according to legend, in my opinion, according to rumors; they say, I remember; by conviction, by words, by sight;

      4) characterize the attitude towards the way of expressing thoughts: by expression, in one word, in other words; roughly speaking, so to speak, in a word, literally, in short;

      5) emphasize the expressive nature of the statement: in truth, in fairness, to your liking, except for jokes; honestly speaking between us;

      6) indicate the relationship between the parts of the utterance: so, by the way, for example; finally; Firstly Secondly etc.; therefore, in general, thus;

      7) serve the purpose of attracting the attention of the interlocutor: you see (whether), you understand (whether), you will not believe; have mercy; Imagine; listen;

      8) indicate a restriction or clarification of a statement: at least to one degree or another, at least the more.

    Note... They are not introductory and, therefore, words and word combinations are not separated by commas: perhaps, as if, in addition, suddenly, after all, hardly, after all, even, hardly, exclusively, precisely, as if, as it were, just, meanwhile, moreover, approximately, approximately, and, decisively, allegedly, by decree, by decision.

  1. Introductory sentences, as a rule, have meanings close to the meanings of introductory words and word combinations. They are distinguished by commas or as structurally more complex ones - dashes. The choice of punctuation marks depends on the degree of exclusion of the introductory construction from the main statement: An ugly, kind person, as he considered himself, you can, he believed, love as a friend (L. T.); How sailors say, the wind was getting stronger (Ch.); She has, as the writers saya sigh of relief escaped (Bel.); On the other side, about a hundred paces from here, he knew it, the Austrian trenches approached the river itself (A. T.); To suspect Yakov Lukich of sabotage - now it seemed to him - it was ridiculous (Shol.); The prosecutor flies headlong into the library - can you imagine? - does not find a similar number or such date of May in the Senate decisions (Fed.).

    If an introductory word or a combination of words is at the beginning of a separate turnover or at the end of it, then it is not separated from it by a punctuation mark, i.e. commas indicate the turnover as a whole; Wed: One night must be out of mischief, the list was pasted over the facade of the City Council (Fad.). - Probably, near the blackest cloud, tumbleweeds were flying, and how they must have been scared (Ch.); A girl, essentially a child, approached the bus. - After that, in fact, and ask about her [Aksinya] there was no need to have a relationship with Gregory (Shol.); A fairly clear characterization is given, in particular the Decembrist Mikhail Spiridonov (Chiv.); The student returned the book to the library, probably without even reading it... Wed also: At the porch of the cathedral, gray, frayed people pushed over the stones, apparently expecting something, and hummed like wasps of a ruined nest (MG) - an introductory word within a separate turnover.

    Parent words and word combinations, being next to the compositional unions, are separated or not separated from them by commas, depending on the context. If the union is included in the introductory construction, then the comma is not put after it; if the union connects the members of the sentence, and the introductory word is easily omitted (without violating the structure of the sentence), then the comma after the union is put: His grandfather is a dry and straight man, he was made hastily, but, apparently, both firmly and dexterously (M.G.); But, according to rumors, some part stubbornly fought near Kamensk (Fad.); And the fact that all these people were thus opposed to him, the fact that he was alone among these people and, as it were, stood over them, not only did not frighten and upset Semka, but on the contrary - this was the main interest of his life (Fad.); Well, if she still didn't recognize him, then she just forgot him. Maybe she never remembered (Bel.); In the dark fog, fragmentary and incoherent visions began to appear, so incoherent and far from one another, as if they had flown to me from different people, and maybe not only from people (Schedule).

    As a rule, combinations of words are used in the form of integral introductory structures a (u) means, a (u) hence, a (u) vice versa... However, if these constructions do not include a union in their composition, then they are separated from the union by a comma: It is then that society will throw an army of artists to decorate everyday life - dwellings, clothes, utensils, the most ordinary things, everyday and no less than books that educate the taste and, therefore, the aesthetic exactingness of workers in their own work and behavior. (Leon.).

    The introductory words after the unions used in the adjoining meaning are not separated by a comma: Indeed, he soon left; By the way, the store was already closed; And perhaps he did the right thing.

    Many of the introductory words and word combinations can be homonymous to sentence members or conjunctions. These functional differences (they are reflected in punctuation) appear in context.

    Different functions can be performed by words and combinations of words, however, by the way, finally, in the end, thus, indeed, it can be, at least on one side, on the other, etc .; Wed: Maybe Polina was also looking at the same post from the cockpit. (Hall.). - She walked very quietly, there was as much peace in her as there can be in true and living beauty. (Hall.); Let me make sure at least that you are good now (Leon.). - From time to time, pale zigzags of lightning cut to the ground. It was clear that for this day at least (L. T.); Ivan Matveyevich was in no hurry and thus made a mistake (Leon.). - Thus, the image of the forest as a living creature is formed. (Leon.); Thus, playing with ears for the boy has become something of a profitable profession. (Cat.). - By doing this, you will achieve best results; She must have gone to visit her mother (Shol.). - The schedule must be stable... Wed the introductory combination must be at the beginning of the pegged turnover: Someone knocked hard must be fist, into the wall (Paust.); Some stars, perhaps, know how sacred human grief is! (Boon.); What could be more important than a cancer drug? (Gran.); By the way, Vikhrov took the good news rather absent-mindedly. (Leon.). - Your arrival was welcome; Ganan, however, was never too generous with praise. (Tendr.). - He returned to the hotel just as easily, carelessly. However, something has already changed (Boon.).

    Word but as a union, it stands at the beginning of a sentence, between parts of a compound sentence or between homogeneous members of a sentence: There was something else that I wanted to understand. However, it escaped; It was raining, but it was necessary to go; He promised to return, but did not return... In a sentence However, having thrown open the classroom door that smelled of bureaucratic paint, he made sure that everything was the same here. (Fad.) - after the union is the adverbial turnover.

    Introductory combinations on the one hand on the other hand separated (or separated) by commas: ... The general did not want to allow his division to cease to exist. On the other handhe knew he would do his duty to the end (Fad.). If the word of the side is missing, a dash is put: On the one hand, the students' knowledge was deep, on the other, they turned out to be very one-sided... Wed: They rode on a sled from the mountain arranged in the courtyard of Khryapov, but a strong wind blew, the children were called into the old man's rooms, and they sat with him on a warm couch - Vanya on one side, Lyuba on the other (M.G.); on the one hand, on the other - members of the proposal.

    Word finally is introductory if it summarizes any enumeration - explicit ( firstly Secondly and finally) or hidden (as a result of some events): The child was completely tired in the evening: first, the lessons at school; secondly, an amateur group and, finally, evening reading; Here the fingers have already identified the object, and only the fear of a new deception forbids to escape from the chest of exultant joy. Here, finally, a golden leaf sparkles in my hand, and I want to quickly run to people as soon as possible, as soon as possible to declare to them the existence of miracles on earth (Sewn.).

    Wed Finally, as an adverbial member of the sentence: Finally, the leader appeared, along with Lisa (Ven.); The long-awaited holiday has finally arrived.

    Words also perform a dual function so: it is used both as a circumstance of the course of action and as an introductory one in the meaning of "for example"; Wed: So he worked - he invented phrases on the fly, then wrote them down, then again invented (Paust.). - Members of the proposal are different. So, it can be circumstances, additions, definitions.

    Plug-in constructions (words, word combinations, sentences) contain additional information, remarks, clarifications, explanations, amendments to the main statement. Plug-in constructions are less closely related to the sentence than introductory ones, and therefore abruptly drop out of its structure. Expressing additional messages, they require more significant emphasis in the composition of the sentence than introductory constructions, as a rule, containing an attitude to the expressed, its assessment. It is this semantic independence of inserted constructions that explains the need to use brackets and dashes to highlight them: Since 1851, Siberian ( then East Siberian) Department of the Geographical Society (Disp.); We were well fed, but the water - not drinking, but for washing - it was not enough (Kav.); Sometimes days sparkled better than summer ones - the whiteness of frozen snow at close range resisted the sun's fire - and the clean air shimmered sharply from the pungent cold and viscous heat (Plat.); Valeria - that was the name of the girl, from the longing for whom I fled from the village to Moscow, - listened to me, dreamily looking in front of her (Sol.).

    If there must be commas inside the insert construct, they are preserved: It turned out that in the villages closest to Gradov - not to mention the distant ones in the wooded side, - until now, in the spring on the new moon and at the first thunder, they swam in rivers and lakes (Plat.).

    The universal punctuation mark is parentheses: they mark an insert structure inside a sentence or at the end of it (at the beginning of a sentence, an insert, as an additional message, is not used): But he is still a Siberian, and the more he yearns for his lost qualities ( for example, you can refer to the heroes of books and films by Vasily Shukshin), the more they needed him for strength and reliability in life (Schedule).

    Highlighting with a dash is only possible in the middle of a sentence, since a dash-separated insert at the end of a sentence will be perceived as the second part complex sentence... In order for an insert to retain its "insertion" character, parentheses are required; Wed: Katya never knew the power of her beauty, innocently considered herself pretty, sometimes very pretty, she loved to be liked like a bird, shaking her feathers ( when on gray dew the pinkish sun begins to shine, rising between the trunks) (A. T.); (cf .: loved to like it, like a bird, shaking its feathers - when the pinkish sun begins to shine on the gray dew); She took off her kerchief, her curly ash hair was intercepted at the back of her head with a red satin ribbon ( issued at the artillery control warehouse) (A. T.); (cf .: ... her ashen hair was tied at the back of her head with a red satin ribbon - given out at the artillery control warehouse); Sitting in a cage, holding a duffel bag ( where, among other things, were Dasha's porcelain cat and dog), he recalled with affection the heated speeches spoken at the table (A. T.) (compare: holding a duffel bag at his side, where, among other things, were Dasha's porcelain cat and dog, he recalled ...).

    If there is already a dash inside the plug-in structure, then the general distinguishing mark only parentheses appear: Meanwhile, the forest that I recently passed ( what kind of forest there are - aspen bushes!), which until now merged with the blackness of the night, so that it could not even be suspected, began to appear vaguely, because behind him it turned yellow and glowed (Sol.).

    Note... When designing plug-in structures in the middle of a sentence, it is possible to use a comma and a dash as a single punctuation mark: On the table, - he made it himself, burned the pattern, varnished it, - in a plush frame there is a photograph of his deceased wife (Nab.). However, such a selection can be considered outdated: it is unusual for modern publications. This use of a dash with a comma should be distinguished from the combination of punctuation marks necessary for the context: From the past he retained the memory of carefree, good-natured women, cheerful with love, grateful to him for happiness, even if only for a very short time; and about such, - like his wife- who loved him without sincerity, with unnecessary conversations (Ch.). Wed other combination of signs: They called the names of husbands and brothers, - are they alive, are they healthy? - as if this soldier could know by names all the thousands of workers who fought on all fronts (A. T.).

    The insert construction can be made out as an independent sentence or as part of the text related to a paragraph. Such a construction is distinguished by parentheses, and the point that marks the end of the inserted sentence is placed before the closing parenthesis: ... So it will be more far-sighted ... ( Maslov's throat gurgled, although he speaks softly and even sluggishly..) Nothing has changed, Ekaterina Dmitrievna! .. Second: your night guest will leave now ... You want to ask - why do I insist on this? Here is my answer ... ( He put his hand into the side pocket of his greasy jacket with torn buttons, pulled out a flat parabellum and, holding it in his palm, showed Katya.) Then we will continue our previous relationship ... (A. T.); I have never eaten eggs tastier than these. ( Of course, it was Vitka who invented the egg oven. He always comes up with something, even though his ears stick out in different directions.) (Sol.).

    Brackets can mark entire paragraphs, and all internal characters of the inset are preserved, including the ending point placed before the closing parenthesis: Behind the birch copse there is one place that cannot be remembered without heart squeezing.

    (I think about all this, lying in the back of a truck. Late night. From the side of the Razdelnaya station, explosions are booming - there is bombing. When the explosions subside, a timid crackle of cicadas is heard - they are frightened by the explosions and so far crackle in an undertone. A tracer shell falls overhead. bluish star. I catch myself on the fact that I involuntarily follow her and listen: when will it explode? But the star does not explode, but silently extinguishes above the ground. How far is it from here to the familiar birch copse, to the solemn forests, to that place, where the heart always squeezes! There is now also night, but soundless, burning with the lights of the constellations, smelling not of gasoline fumes and powder gases - perhaps one should speak of "explosive" gases, but of deep water and juniper needles that have settled in forest lakes.)

    Behind a birch copse, the road rises steeply to a sandy cliff (Paust.).

    Note... If the insert is in parentheses, then the inner plug-in structures dashes are highlighted (see the previous example).

    Plug-in constructions can perform not only the function of an additional message, but also modal-evaluative functions (in this case, they approach the introductory constructions). However, their modal-evaluative meanings are not directly superimposed on the content of the main sentence, but are additional. Such insertions are marked with brackets: The seemingly insoluble knot that tied freedom to Rostov was resolved by this unexpected ( as it seemed to Nikolai), not caused by Sonya's letter (L. T.).

    Plug-in constructions can also perform a service function, for example, when making links to a citation source: In the relationship between man and animal, guilt, in our opinion, is always on man (Deri T. Nicky // New world... 1987. No. 5. S. 169).

Note... For punctuation marks before and after brackets, see Combination and sequence of punctuation marks.

(1) Who, to one degree or another, has not felt the oppression of loneliness? (2) It oppresses the soul, gives rise to a sad mood, anger, melancholy. (3) But once the great Repin admitted that the best hours of his life were the lonely hours in the workshop. (4) And perhaps the happiest accident of our culture is Pushkin's loneliness in Boldin.

(5) Inspiration, reflection, search - these are also names of loneliness! (6) And if we talk not about great and glorified people, but about mere mortals? (7) Every year, hundreds of thousands of people strive for the blue loneliness of the sea, the winter loneliness of the taiga, the white loneliness of mountain peaks or tundra. (8) It is known, finally, that any serious study takes time, that is, again, a fair amount of loneliness. (9) In a word, there are many situations when this human condition comes with a plus sign.

(10) But the most important thing, in my opinion, is the huge role that loneliness plays in the development of our personality. (11) Do we need an interlocutor when we admire the beautiful pictures of nature? (12) Sunrise over the sea horizon ... (13) Waves of ripe wheat, striking the eyes with a spray of heavy gold ... (14) The tops of forest fir trees, drawn against the background of a light September haze ... (15) Only those who truly understand nature, who can and loves to talk to her face to face.

(16) We take a book from the shelf. (17) We will go where we will remain with this book "without witnesses and companions." (18) And there we will read it alone. (19) And then, without witnesses, we will think over what we have read. (20) Isn't it because, by the way, literature remains the leading art, because we are always alone with a book, that almost the entire process of comprehending it takes place in creative, tense, thought-filled solitude?

(21) Loneliness is a school in which we learn endurance, wise, hard-won calmness, self-confidence. (22) Loneliness is the only house in which his own conscience talks to a person without hindrances and fuss. (23) In public, such a conversation is extremely rare. (24) Remember your favorite heroes. (25) So different, they were similar in one thing: Robinson was alone on his island, Don Quixote - in his madness, Hamlet - in his doubts, Faust - in his search, Prince Myshkin - in his kindness. (26) Accident? (27) Hardly ...

(28) Even the most colorful painting is painted on gray canvas. (29) The stronger the canvas, the more durable the painting. (30) At the heart of bright human personalities and destinies is almost always a dense layer of loneliness ...

(31) What conclusion can be drawn from the above? (32) Yes, at least one that you shouldn't look at loneliness tragically. (33) Since this particular life streak has found on you, use its plus sides to the fullest! (34) So that later, when the dark streak passes, you will be completely ready for a happy accident.

(According to L.A. Zhukhovitsky *)

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In this text, the author raises the problem of loneliness. He emphasizes that each of us experienced this feeling: “Who, to one degree or another, did not feel the oppression of loneliness”? However, L. Zhukovsky draws our attention to the fact that loneliness has not only bad sides: "In short, there are many situations when this human condition comes with a plus sign. He gives many examples when you just need to be alone:" Do we need a companion when we admire the beautiful pictures of nature? Sunrise over the sea horizon ... "

One cannot but agree with L. Zhukovsky. After all, when we remain alone with ourselves, we think about many things, about the correctness of our actions.

In the work "Matryona's Dvor" the children of the main character died in infancy, and she was left alone. She worked hard not for money, but for workdays (sticks). She helped sisters and neighbors with housework. I didn't take money for this. She took up her niece Kira. The difficult life did not embitter her. She is always friendly, ready to give her last.

In the work of D. Defoe "Robinson Crusoe" the main character Robinson Crusoe was left alone on the island, where he was awaited


  • 1 of 1 Q1 Formulating source code problems
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E.V. Paducheva, 2017

1 General information about turnover one or the other

Turnover one or the other actively participates in the expression of referential oppositions in the noun phrase. In frequency, it is comparable to some categories of pronouns; Wed any - 19324 entries in the Corps, one or the other - 14798 entries. So this turnover should be considered along with the usual pronouns.

Distribution turnover one or the other close to non-referential pronoun any and appears in contexts of removed assertiveness (see Non-referential pronouns and [Paducheva 2005]). However, in many contexts the turnover one or the other rather interchangeable with the pronoun some, in which the main use is referential, although the use in the meaning ‘some’, non-referential is also permissible (see Pronouns of uncertainty). See examples where one or the other interchangeable with some meaning ‘any’ and has a commitment to the context of the withdrawn assertiveness. The examples highlight the context that creates the withdrawn assertion.

(1) Taking and embodying in life this or that solution, we proceed from the available knowledge and the possibilities for their application. ["Information Technology" (2004)] \u003d some kind of solution; = any solution

(2) Staging one or another issues in philosophy is always preferable to answering the question. [IN. A. Uspensky. Wittgenstein and the Foundations of Mathematics (2002)]

(3) …three times a month gave detailed articles on one way or another questions. [YU. O. Dombrovsky. The monkey comes for his skull (1943-1958)]

(4) I also feel bad, sometimes I don’t know either, how to solve this or that problem. [AND. Kirillin. I won't take it with me (2012)]

(5) Firm periodically arrests this or that Russian state property abroad. ["Tomorrow" (2003)] \u003d some, distribution context: different in different cases

In the context of example (6) some source could be understood as a single source, but or (as part of a pegged turnover anonymous or known) prevents such an interpretation, so that the replacement one or another on some with a distribution value (i.e. many different sources):

In (7) replacement one or the other on some would remove plurality and therefore impossible:

(7) And suddenly something snapped inside and I no longer burned to appear in this or that place of a past life. [AND. Ilichevsky. Perce (2009)]

Pronoun that one easy to substantiate ( It was not a trial, but a trial). For one or the other substantivation is not normative:

(8) - We will all die sooner or later from one or another... From something [T. Solomatina. Sonina America (2010)]

In the same function as one or the other, sometimes the combination one or the other:

(9) But there are times when we read the Gospel, and before us one or the other the passage does not reach in any way. [Metropolitan Anthony (Bloom). About Christian life (1990)]

(10) It happens that a person commits one or the other as if an insignificant act - and suddenly sees its consequences. [Metropolitan Anthony (Bloom). About repentance (1995)]

2 Interchangeability with some and any

Main competitor of turnover one or the other - this, as mentioned above, is a pronoun some... Pronouns on something are localized in the classification of indefinite pronouns as specific indefinite. But they are used broadly, in the meaning of non-specific indefinite. Turnover one or the other can be replaced by a pronoun with - then in its function of unreferential indefinite. But replacement with any in examples (2) - (5) is undesirable.

In many contexts one or the other can be replaced with any (the context that creates the removed assertion is underlined):

(11) I thought, she will say this or that meaningless word. [AND. Hair. Real Estate (2000)] \u003d any

(12) In the end all received one or the other typhus in addition to what they were brought with. [D. Granin. Bison (1987)] \u003d any

(13) Then come back here, feed sides with one way or another herd. [AND. Boyashov. Muri's Way (2007)] \u003d c any

(14) In Morocco, it is convenient to find the main street: it is always named after one or another king. [M. Gigolashvili. Red Chill Tingitana: Notes on Morocco (2006)] \u003d any

(15) ... the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade is confident that one or the other rent-seeking mechanism soon will be accepted. ["Weekly Journal" (2003))] \u003d any

(16) Each work was rated, each the team was marked by this or that nominations. ["Folk Art" (2003)] \u003d any

(17) – If a dad likes one or the other kit, he says: "This is really la perla!" ["Brownie" (2002)] \u003d any

In (18), it is possible to replace one or the other on anybut not on some (which would remove plurality):

(18) Only sometimes, one or the other The idly staggering tower peeped in to the Skull - in order to once again be convinced of its complete madness. [AND. Boyashov. Tanker, or "White Tiger" (2008)] \u003d any

One or the other is fundamentally different in distribution from some the fact that it is impossible in a uniquely episodic (verdicative) context, which for some is basic. Wed:

(19) He decided some difficult problem - * He solved this or that difficult task.

One or the other is replaced by some in verdicative contexts only as a part of turns in one way or another, more-less, see examples (20) - (23).

(20) He appreciated Athanasius as the only person in Belozersk, more-less familiar with foreign speech. [E. Vodolazkin. Laurel (2012)]

Usually, in this case, there is a multiple object in the proposition, and different elements of the set have the predictable property to varying degrees:

(21) Because you all more-less are in the ass. [AND. Naumov. Harlem - Detroit (2007)] ( different people to varying degrees)

(22) In the military campaign against Yugoslavia more-less took part 14 NATO members... ["Aerospace Defense" (2004)]

(23) Both wrote from the book, both, in my opinion, more-less unflattering comments about their former guards. [B. Grishchenko. Outsider in the Kremlin (2004)]

In (24) in one way or another used in a non-verdictive context, but it is still replaceable only with to some extent and is not replaceable with to some extent. In one way or another and more-less Are stable combinations. Therefore, one cannot say * to some extent, *to some extent:

(24) Three "circles" of languages \u200b\u200bcan be distinguished, which necessary in this or that measure to own: [LiveJournal entry with comments (2004)] \u003d to some extent

The words all, each, sometimes, is always give rise to a distributive context: they are distributing sets. In the context of distribution one or the other can be replaced with some.

In (25), rather one or the other = a certain; but also every time his own; possible replacement for some and on any:

(25) Sometimes they were summoned to famous offices, asked to light one or the other an episode of a foreign trip - please cover it! .. [A. Azolsky. Lopushok (1998)]

In (26), distributivity arises due to the fact that the verb has multiple meanings.

(26) In the voice of grandfather Arseny requested Ustin give him one or the other instrument, but it turned out worse than Christopher. [E. Vodolazkin. Laurus (2012)] - distributiveness; \u003d some; = any

Turnover one or the other expresses distributiveness better than some... Thus, in (27) one cannot replace this or that on some, since oil companies are different, but with some it turns out that the oil company is one

(27) The entire Caspian Sea is divided into squares of private production this or that oil company. [AND. Ilichevsky. Perce (2009)]

In (28), it is possible to replace one or the other on somebut not on any:

(28) ... on what grounds can a challenge be made this or that jury candidate? ["Newspaper" (2003)]

In (29), it is rather appropriate not some, and a certain (which gives significance to the object being introduced into consideration, see Pronouns of Weak Definition); again, any inappropriate:

(29) Then I turned to my favorite topic: since when this or that can the principality be considered an integral part of the country? [M. Gigolashvili. Ferris wheel (2007)]

So, there are three possibilities:

1) Replacement is possible one or the other on some and on any - example (1).

2) Possible replacement for somebut not on any - examples (2) - (5), (28), (29) and in the composition of revolutions to some extent / degree.

3) Replacement for anybut not on some - example (15).

3 Non-interchangeability with some and any

There are, however, contexts where one or the other cannot be replaced by somenor on any... For instance:

(30) Sometimes, if you look closely, it became noticeable that he was completely sober, and on this or that company throws attentive glances, listening to conversations. [D. Rubin. White Dove of Cordoba (2008-2009)] \u003d ‘one way or the other’, impossible any, impossible some

Let's consider such examples in more detail.

1) Yes large group examples where one or the other expresses the certainty, the given of the object. It looks like this is the case when one or the other does not coincide in meaning with any of the indefinite pronouns of the Russian language, but has its own. Here it is possible to replace with words close to pronouns certain or the.

(31) First, it is necessary to determine what function should be performed in the state one or the other body, and then provide it with the necessary personnel and funds. ["Notes of the Fatherland" (2003)] \u003d certain

(32) The state was especially generous in the distribution of air in 1996 - a barrage of bills providing benefits fell upon the country one way or another categories. ["Time of MN" (2003)] \u003d certain; not any; not somehow

(33) Therefore, the number of those who, in a sociological survey, consider themselves to be this or that religious tradition - this is the "religious" resource of Russia. ["Weekly Journal" (2003)] \u003d to a certain; ≠ to some

(34) Citizens will be notified with which international organizations it works this or that department and what is its mailing address. [Izvestia (2003)] \u003d every given

(35) ... children often cannot even correctly read and translate a sentence, let alone explain why selected one or the other Possible answer. [School Practice Report (2003)] \u003d the, ≠ some

(36) The real elite sometimes traveled abroad, and the number and frequency of travel meant both the loyalty of a representative of this elite to the regime and the regime's favor to this or that person. [FROM. Esin. Marquis Astolphe de Custine. Perfume mail, or Russia in 2007. Arranged in Russian by Sergei Esin (2008)] \u003d this; ≠ to some

(37) ... do not retreat before the first failure, but show by your own example, as need to enroll in this or that situations. [AND. Lugovskaya. If a child is afraid to go to school (2002)] \u003d given, ≠ some; one or the other shows that the situations are different

(38) Sometimes not only the client or the agent cannot understand what lies behind this or that formulation, but also the author of this formulation. ["Exchange plus your home" (2002)] \u003d given, ≠ some

[show note]

The common property of this group of examples is the wide scope of the turnover one or the other, cf. in (31): It is important for this or that body what role it will play in the state... In examples where one or the other replaceable with some, narrow scope.

2) In (39), (40) one or the other you cannot replace it with anything - unless you can omit it: one or the other here is similar in function to the indefinite article.

(39) But he cannot help but look back when accepting one or the other decisions regarding high-ranking officials. ["Tomorrow" (2003)] ≠ some; ≠ certain

(40) - Cho-cho-cho-cho! - Bichiko mumbles passionately, waving one hand showing that the question of supplying ice this or that the point of sale is not decided by him, but in much higher spheres. [F. Iskander. Poor demagogue (1969)] ≠ some; = some

In (41) one or the other also cannot be replaced with anything:

(41) Studied as mortality depends one or the other organisms from the action of various doses of ionizing radiation. [D. Granin. Bison (1987)] ≠ some

3) Replacement is absolutely impossible one or the other on some in examples (42), (43), where one or the other acts in its literal meaning (i.e. union or expresses disjunction):

(42) Soon, when all the predators alternately flock to the trough, after they are full, they sit down to rest, while the new ones hunt, it will become clear to us, how in this area lives one or the other species. [AND. Ilichevsky. Pers (2009)] \u003d different

(43) If you place a steel ball on mica, preheating it in the flame of an alcohol lamp, the ball will not remain in one place, but will roll into this or that direction. [IN. Lukashik, E. Ivanova. Collection of problems in physics. 7-9 cl. (2003)] \u003d now in one, now in another; in different; ≠ in some

If the turnover is "broken", it can only have a literal meaning and cannot be replaced by some; so, in (44) in the first occurrence one can replace one or the other on some, but in the second it is impossible.

(44) Why this or that card lies therein envelope or otherwise, unclear; it seems that he just shoved them wherever he needed. [AND. Makushinsky. City in the Valley (2012)]

Another example of "torn" one or the other.

(45) To say that I can sensibly explain why Kolya called togo human or otherwise, it's hard for me. [IN. Sharov. The Resurrection of Lazarus (1997-2002)]

4) In (46) this or that means appropriate, although one or the other it doesn't matter - it's inspired by the context:

(46) The latter, by means of numerous sensors, analyzes the load and, depending on the situation, goes to this or that fuel and air supply program. ["Autopilot" (2002)]

5) In (47), in the context of negation, this or that matters ‘whatever’:

(47) After that, he opened his eyes, slowly sobering up, listening to his sobering, but not in a hurry to give him this or that assessment. [F. Iskander. The path from the Varangians to the Greeks (1990)]

In (48), (49) one or the other used illegally - I must say no, none:

(48) Nowadays one or the other the type of anesthesia is practically not used in isolation. ["100% health" (2002)]

(49) Don't preach one or the other abstract ideals. [T. Solomatina. Big dog, or "An eclectic pictorial Babylonian tale of the buried" (2009)]

6) In some examples one or the other replaceable with such and such... Wed using both expressions in a similar context in (50) and (51):

(50) But in the end, art has some kind of permanent value that does not change from the fact that you are in such and such you are testing time one or the other feelings. [G. A. Gazdanov. Evelina and her friends (1968)]

(51) Sometimes the multiplicity is such that one can reasonably assert: in such and such area cannot be placed this or that production. [Chemistry and Life (1970)]

4 Semantics of turnover one or the other: generalization

Thus, one or the other plays the role of a kind of joker, fulfilling the functions of all indefinite pronouns, including whatever, some, a certain and such and such, and besides, functions that no indefinite pronoun can perform. But more often than not one or the other synonymously some.

In all cases when for one or the other a replacement for some pronoun is selected, the feeling remains that the original sentence was better than the transformed one. Apparently because one or the other removes opposition different types uncertainty and leaves a freer, less semantically loaded version. So, replacing with some possible in (52), but at the cost of stylistic impoverishment of the phrase.

(52) Some people were paid huge sums of money for just one presence at this or that event. [AND. Slapovsky. 100 years later. Letters to the unborn son (2009)] (referring to the element of many different activities)

In (53) one or the other has a literal meaning, i.e. meaning directly arising from its inner form... And here one or the other cannot be replaced by somenor on certainnor on somenor on whatever:

(53) Almost all the astronomical works that I have published during this time originate in this or that the chapter of my first work ... [Knowledge is Power (2003)] \u003d ‘in one or the other or in the third…’; disjunction, and the set is specific-referential, defined

With such a wide range of contextually determined meanings, one can hardly think that the turnover this or that it will be possible to ascribe one general or initial meaning from which all these particular meanings would follow under the pressure of the context. Attribute to turnover this or that some particular meanings, like other pronouns, are also not possible, cf. difficulties with some and with any.

The indisputable fact remains that in the overwhelming majority of examples, a replacement is possible one or the other on some (or otherwise - one or the other means ‘some’). But one or the other introduces into consideration a set of DIFFERENT (from the point of view, important in this context) objects, see example (53), A some X, by itself, denotes one object, and for replacement to be possible, plurality must arise from context.

In a verdicative context one or the other permissible only as part of combinations in one way or another/ degree, see examples (20) - (23). Outside of these combinations one or the other looks strange in a verdicative context. Wed (54a), (55a), (56a) where the context is non-verdictive, and (54b), (55b), (56b), where verdicative.

(54) a. First, she<власть> gets rid of the need to become an owner one or another the body of the media and, accordingly, bear the burden of costs. ["Top Secret" (2003)] \u003d some not equal any

b. * Power became the owner one or another body of mass media.

(55) a. ... this includes all those who are in one way or another is engaged in entrepreneurial activity, with the exception of hired managers) ... [Otechestvennye zapiski (2003)] \u003d in some

b. ??? He is engaged in business activities in one way or another form.

(56) (\u003d 32) a. The state was especially generous in the distribution of air in 1996 - a wave of bills providing benefits fell upon the country one way or another categories. ["Time of MN" (2003)]

b. * This law provides for benefits one way or another categories.

5 Statistics

As the Corps data shows, the turnover one or the other stylistically not neutral. There is a noticeable difference in the frequency of turnover in different types of texts: the largest - in the Subcorpus of written scientific texts, the smallest - in the Subcorpus of oral non-public speech, see Table 1 (modern texts).

Table 1. Frequency of turnover one or the other in texts of different types (texts from 1950)

Turnover one or the other becomes used no earlier than the second half of the 19th century, and from that moment on, its frequency increases markedly, see Graph 1.

Graph 1. Frequency of turnover one or the other, ipm (main body)

Separate uses, however, are found in the Corps earlier, cf. incl. several examples of the middle of the 18th century, which do not show any semantic differences from modern ones. The first entry into the Corps - 1750 (Tatishchev).

(57) More and more, it seems to him that, perhaps, it was the reason, when from the nobility of each, according to his inclination this or that he praised the faith, in order to show everyone the truth of the difference more accurately, he judged through this to certify the embassy. [IN. N. Tatishchev. Russian history in seven volumes. Volume two (1750)]

After several examples from the 1750s - 1760s. (Tatishchev, Skovoroda, Catherine II) the next use in the Corps dates back to 1823 and up to the 2nd half. XIX century. examples are occasional.

The data given above are not related to the stylistic imbalance of the Corpus (i.e., with the fact that among the modern texts of the Corpus the percentage of scientific and journalistic ones is higher), as one might assume (or at least not reduced to it), but really reflect diachronic tendency, cf. a similar picture for the Subcorpus of Literary Texts in Table 2.

Table 2. Frequency of turnover one or the other in literary texts
N occurrences ipm
1851-1900 24 1,03032986
1901-1950 336 11,471293
1951-… 1202 20,05073

In literary texts turnover one or the other comes in later. The first entry - 1864 (Leskov), examples of the XIX century. are few in number and characteristic of specific authors (circulation was found only in 10 authors, that is, in 9% of the total number of authors of texts of the 2nd half of the 19th century). Further, throughout the XX century. the turnover frequency is growing markedly.

6 Appendix

The Appendix provides additional examples with turnover one or the other, interchangeable with some.

(58) - Generally all people one degree or another robbers. [IN. Gubarev. Three on the island (1950-1960)] \u003d to some extent; sustainable combination

(59) Climbing plants are also suitable for masking old stumps, dead trees, which can be removed by this or that reason is not possible. ["DIY Garden" (2003)] \u003d for some, ≠ for some

(60) Including one or the other objects in priority construction, the governor receives very important advantages. ["Soviet Russia" (2003)] \u003d some

(61) ... at each point there is a big boss, and he demands to connect with one or another division or part. [AND. Rybakov. Heavy Sand (1975-1977)] \u003d with some

(62) It has long been noted that when this or that the country, this or that people is experiencing a turning point in its history, mainly tragic, associated even with global changes, then theories and individual ideologists inevitably appear, speaking out with a refutation of the Slavic origin of their peoples. ["Vestnik RAN" (2003)] \u003d some

(63) Handicraft products were distributed throughout the territory of the Chernyakhov culture among its population whatever from belonging to this or that ethnos. ["Vestnik RAN" (2003)] \u003d to some, \u003d to a certain

(64) Do you want to live in it? - Why not? If you are young, healthy and not subject to one way or another reasons for conscription? [Izvestia (2002)] \u003d for some

(65) You can write a book called "The Machine of Transformation", in which you can tell about the artist's work, show how one or the other life impressions are transformed in the artist's consciousness into images of art. [YU. K. Olesha. Speech at the I All-Union Congress of Soviet Writers (1934)] \u003d some

(66) Practice, in fact, is not leading, but only explaining in pursuit of cause and effect one or the other events. [T. Solomatina. Nine Months, or "The Comedy of Women's Positions" (2010)] \u003d some

(67) Competitions are events that boiled down to the subjective choice of one of many one way or another featured. [AND. Slapovsky. 100 years later. Letters to the unborn son (2009)] \u003d for some, for some

(68) Under the existing approach, the determination of the amount of information is linked to the removal of uncertainty from the recipient of the message when deciding this or that tasks. ["Information Technology" (2004)] \u003d some

(69) …any feeling is this or that the degree of pain. [AND. Ilichevsky. From the book "Donkey's Jaw" (2008)] \u003d some

(70) Each man in this or that degree is proud. ["Case" (2002)] \u003d in some

(71) Above each detachment fluttered multi-colored bairaks (banners) with generic signs on the panels and bunchuk with ponytails, indicating belonging to one hundred or another... [M. B. Salimov. The Tale of the Last Khan (2010)] \u003d to some or to this

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