Lining from threads what is indicating. Magic black thread

Many of us came across such a phenomenon as a lining, but by virtue of ignorance did not pay special attention to it. Then bad events began to occur in life and unfavorable changes, but we often didn't even guess where the roots grow from
What is a lining actually - The lining is the assessed outsiders who discovered by you in the house or in the yard.
The lining can be any: from the subject of the kitchenware (spoon, fork) to the hair, coal, bones. If you have detected damage from your home, you need to immediately be carefully seen around and inside the apartment in search of the Poklad.

The lining is a charged malicious energy that could throw a person who wants to harm. The lining may be the most different:
Pupa, needle, sac with salt, chicken feathers, bones. Knots tied with a strip of white fabric, bent "box" of a native cross, rye grains.
A qualitatively manufactured lining is sacrificing that you can look at it and not see.
Therefore, to find a lining (an outsider that you do not belong to) You can draw a small plan of the yard and at home. Spread it into small squares and carefully examine the square per square. But do not forget to celebrate all the places that viewed. Pay attention to any suspicious object, the origin of which cannot be explained.
Find a lining is a big luck for suffering from damage. After all, destroying the magic subject, you can instantly get rid of malicious witchcraft. And by this you seriously beat by the one who made it.
It should also be noted that it is not always secretly charged somewhere under the bed or a carpet. - The lining can be handed together with some kind of gift, souvenir. Therefore, be careful, taking something from a person in which you are not sure. Do not take presents from people who potentially wanting you troubles and misfortunes.

In addition, such things can be general, that is, not for a specific person. Sometimes the sublores are left straight on the street, waiting for someone to cross through them or took.
So make transfers to valuable things decoration, money, etc.
What are the submissions and that they carry

Almost any thing can be gaining magically. Most often for the subheading uses stitching and cutting items. Finding in the house it is not clear where the needle, scissors or a nail, it is worth alert. These items are aimed at breaking the relationship, the emergence of family problems; They are enclosed in the walls, doors, bandage and leave in the corners or under the furniture.

Often a hazardous subject can be a hairpin, sometimes comb. Such a type of submissions are more often aimed at breaking sleep and are usually used for attack on a woman, but they can also make harm to health or family as a whole to embroider a married couple. As a rule, such an object is false under the bed or under the mattress

Grain crops and debris at the threshold The most probably spread a lining from grain. For example, wheat, sunflower seeds, buckwheat attracts a quarrel between close people. Seeds or grains associated with each other feathers or leaves If you find something strange outside the door, do not take it in your hands and do not put into the house.
And so the lining in the form of garbage under the door (grain crops are funny with garbage, salt, etc. can throw under the door, to the garden, put into the house and hide in a secluded place or sew such grain in the pillow is usually done on disease, failures In business and poverty, "like birds beolate the grains, so that you have been stuck your good, happiness, wealth, etc.)

Polklad money flooded with something with garbage, salt Doing to spoil your business, take good luck and financial opportunities usually throw coins of small nominal nominal to tears and poor

Lining in the pillow Pen's lining, seven, grain. If feathers, sketchs, painted feathers, feathers, pulled with meat, rags with crowns, various grains (oats, wheat, corn, watermelon, zucchini seeds) Rods, etc., all this needs to be destroyed correctly.

C. that would destroy the lining from the pillows, it is not necessary to burn the entire pillow you need:
The discovered lining must be wrapped in paper or cotton fabric, and then wash your hands thoroughly. If the full moon has not come, remove the bundle in such a place where no one will come into contact with it.
At the occurrence of full moon in the evening, closer to midnight, find the place where paths or tracks intersect. It is necessary to be baptized with the words: "Lord, bless." Then to ignite the fire and in the burning flame throw a bundle with found objects.
Once the contents of the convolution will light up, it must be said: "Leave, evil, where it came from. Back to you no road. " Then read the prayer "Father our" three times. Wait until all the contents of the convolution flashes completely. As soon as you make sure that everything burned down, right foot (for a man) or left (for a woman) scatter ash on all four sides and, without looking around, go home. Returning home, take a pillow in which malicious items were found, and go out to her street or post it through a window or balcony. You need to hit it three times and say: "How dust comes out of the pillow, so everything is evil, come out of the pillow." Turn over the pillow and hit it again three times and repeat the same words. Then we again turn the pillow and say: "I will return back to the ground, so you, evil, come back where it came from." Turn over the pillow on the other side and repeat the previous words. Then go to the house, put a pillow on the bed, sprinkle it with holy water and cross it three times. Turn the pillow and do the same. As soon as all this is fulfilled, wash your hands, moisten them with holy water and drink three chips of holy water. Now the action of evil and harm is destroyed.

Egg or shell lining. Eggs always attracted the attention of witches. Egg is a symbol of life. There are many black and magical influences on a person with its use. Sometimes there are people who throw conspiracted eggs. There are eggs that the witch sucks, and then spits with spells, and throwing the shell under his sacrifice under the threshold.
If it was found under the threshold or in the courtyard, an egg or a shell, or in no case cannot take them with their hands. All this must be collected on the scoop, take out on the street, divorce the fire and burn, reading the prayer "God will resurrect." Come home, it is necessary to clean the threshold and at home inside with a candle and holy water, reading any prayer from damage.

Slot through ropes and nodules There are plates in the form of threads, often with nodules. Nature Magic Multidisciplinary, but the lining from the threads is done on illness and infertility .. sometimes near the house or in the house you can find a rope with nodules. It can be loops or loops with nodules. Than knots are intricate, the sophisticated damage. Rope with nodules at the crossroads This is a kind of discharge of your ailments to a random sacrifice. Try not to adopt this kind of rope.

Nodule magic is a special kind of damage, in which the witch deprives a person of some abilities or paralyzes any parts of the body. This kind of damage is very strong. For removal, you need to turn to the sign. But first neutralize a malicious lining.
If ropes are detected with nodes, you need to destroy them as soon as possible. But before piercing each knot with a knife with the words: "The name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit is destroyed, enemy of power." Trigger the rope three times and repeat it with each node. Then everyone burns, uttering our prayer "Father", and the ashes to bury and over this place to read the "Live in Help" prayer.

Damage through blood. If blood drops are found on the threshold of the house, then be careful. You need to try to find a blood source. If it is not found, then it is necessary to clean this place. It must be careful. It can be a drop of blood killed ritual animal. The sorcerer or witch is selected by the animal soul in order to harm. Blood must be washed with water with a rag. Above this place is three times to carry a burning candle with the prayer "Our Father". Then sprinkle with holy water. When water dries, rubbed the places to rub the bulb. The cloth, which was washed off blood, need to burn out on the street.

Salt actively used in a subclass on quarrels and diseases; Salt is often mixed with a much more dangerous lining - the earth. The land can take from the cemetery - and then the lining will be aimed at bringing a person to the grave, accelerate his death.
It is easier to fight when the lining is simply left on the threshold - it is necessary to negotiate it correctly. But there are such magical experimenters that rub the threshold and the door of gravestone with a certain spell to make the meaning of the fact that now this place is for the dead and those living people who live here must go to another world

Land pad under the doorThe land brought from the cemetery carries the most destructive energy and such damage always makes to death or the land taken from the cemetery - aim to reduce the man in the grave, speed up his death.

It is easier to fight when the lining is simply left on the threshold - it is necessary to negotiate it correctly. But there are such magical experimenters that rub the threshold and the door of gravestone with a certain spell to make the meaning of the fact that now this place is for the dead and those living people who live here should go to another world bad if you enter such a conspiracy Earth.

Also, the land from the cemeteries throw into a house in pots with flowers or under the furniture "until you lie here until all living in this house will not be taken dead," no one can live in such a house all the lives will go to the world. - How to separate "torn" flowers from normal? It is necessary to water all plants in your house with water, consecrated on the feast of baptism during the week. If, as a result of these manipulations, some plants will disappear, it means that the "dead" earth had in the respective pots. These pots, together with their content, need to be taken out of the house, split on the garbage and go home silently, without turning around.
Dead earth with a conspiracy in the house or even simple brought by someone "caring" with the graveyard one of the most strong spanking As a rule, it is very difficult to separate and it works on all living in the house if the land is hidden somewhere in the house (it makes itself felt that the animals do not live in the house and people are constantly sick, dry, etc.)

Pulling on scandals Often they make with needles, threads, dolls, flashed black thread with energies of graveyard, dog and feline wool, pin
Probably this is the most extensive topic as you can build people, bring quarrels in the family, scandals, slots.
Where the most different materials are used.
The coil with thirteen needles is buried under the rival house, pinches in gifts in clothes, put into the house and tingle into upholstered furniture as well as needles with threads with nodes
Cooking porridge with 5 grains and refer to different shores, raw with salt, feed and sing men on scandals
Women are capable of a lot to get what they want.
And the clever and calculating woman using magic will do everything so no one will notice
With the scandals and swearings you can arrange not only between lovers and spouses as well as between business partners, shareholders, employees, between their sisters, between neighbors, etc.

Damage on the doll and summing up I want to mention and about the dolls of voodoo, volts created by the likeness of a person carrying his biomaterial (often nails, hair, or the thing that belongs to the victim)
Such dolls are made as in order to harm so with the aim of Walking or cure to transfer their disease on the doll.
Here I want to give an example of the doll to harm creating a volt that he would well work the magician must have a biomaterial of the victim of Volt for several days falls into the photo of the victim or it is attached to the doll for greater impact on the victim
On such a doll, you can carry out any work on illnesses or death if you pierce the needles by the needles by performing the special ritual with black magic make their places and on the diseases of the stipulated Master when working
If the doll is done on death, then she usually bursts in Gulgarian (Tobish is a man) on it spend a full funeral as a dead person for a half year alive healthy person It will start to hurt, wither, lose strength and as a rule dies.

How to neutralize the lining The main thing is that you must remember in the process of neutralizing a negative object - it is impossible to touch the sublock with bare hands. To get rid of it, put on gloves, take a package, paper and eat all the "ingredients" there, to then take away from the home and destroy. In addition, the package and paper should be eliminated, and that is, everything you used in the fight against the lining. If you found a strange subject not in the house itself, but near the door or near the threshold) - never put it inside the housing.

The best way to destroy the lining is to burn it at the crossroads of the roads or in the forest at the same time go to the side away from burning items and do not breathe smoke. You can read ours "Father". If the lining does not burn, take it in flammable liquid, gloves, scoop, broom, clothes in which you were, it is necessary to neutralize under running water.
If magical attacks continue periodically, the energy body of a person can become vulnerable due to fear and excitement about this. In this situation, it is important not to panic and comply with calm, while at the same time engaged in the magic protection of the dwelling.

Having finished the ritual, go home, in no way looking around and without anyone on the way.

Often, after the sublayer is made, the magnet pulls to your threshold as a magnet. Therefore, pay attention to those who will visit you in the days coming after the destroyer.

After you have neutralized the lining, you should clean myself, close people and the house (at least - with water), build protection.

But remember that the submissions can be very dangerous, and if you are not sure about your abilities, it is better to contact the MAG for disposal, purification and protection against possible future attacks.

In ancient times, people believed that the lords on the palm creates the Lord himself, so if they solve them, the soul will cease to be a mystery, and all his secret thoughts will open, so many troubles will be able to prevent.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you soon.

Magic black thread

Nodes of various shapes and sizes, on ribbons, belts, ropes - they surround any person all their life, although we usually do not even think about such trifles. Every weave contains a certain magic charge, negative or positive. Magic threads may be very powerful: the correct green or yellow knot can make it easier for pain, red and blue color will be suitable for solving love problems, and black is used to guide damage.

In evil or good?

Having found in her bag or somewhere in the corner, under the threshold of the confused lump of black threads, it should be molded. It is in this way that, through the nodules, damage can be invisible. In such a situation, it is necessary to neatly twist the lining on the scoop and immediately destroy. How? Burn, pull into the toilet, throw in the river or go away from roads and human housing.

Black threads in magic are used for different purposes. With their help, for example, you can "tie" a good way, destroy relationships, deprive success in affairs. But far from always, the magic implies some inscruts. The nodules are treated from drunkenness, force pathological lgs to tell the truth, protect the house or other people from hostile effects.

Casual danger

Sometimes a person can cause serious harm to others, including the closest, without quite this not wanting. A simple example. A woman who recently survived a heavy divorce or learned about the treason of her beloved, trying to forget with knitting. By chance in the hands, she comes across a black thread motility. The loop follows the loop, and the anger and insulsion of the craftsmen are attracted by its product.

The woman finished the job, tied up the knot - and secured the whole negative, locked it forever in socks, scarf or sweater. The person who will now be put on the grief connected in the mountain is doomed to illnesses and failures - this is how the magic of black threads works. That is why experts insist: to take for knitting, macrame weaving, any other needlework, which uses threads (ribbons, ropes) of black, can only be in a good mood.

Even for ordinary sewing or repairing things there is a similar rule. Ideally, you should have a separate needle for black threads, after leaving it in the coil every time and without using for other purposes. Periodically, it should be cleaned all these little things from the negative. You can do it on a sunny day, setting threads and needles on a white saucer and putting them on the windowsill. At the same time it is necessary to ask the luminaire to burn all evil.

So implies damage to the threads strong yes packing

The damage to the thread according to the degree of damage is different. It happens such that the troubles are satisfied, the dirtiffs, life spoils, and there is also the one that it brings incurable diseases, and there it is how it will work out.

Packing damage

This nasty spanking on the thread helps to send terrible misfortune to the enemy, sorrowfully break it.

Need for this thread harsh. It is taken and folded in several goals. Then, from one end, the knot knit, all the threads covering all the threads (so all the unfortunate one person is prescribed), and from the other - the knife is cut to split the fibers. Over the bunch of reading:

The grandma is old, then the soylnia looked, the thread of ETU woven, yes, it was cracked from the strand, yes in the thread it was twisted, and strand it is not a simple, and straight is the harsh, bad every way it is full, yes, it is filled, knowledgeable word Saying, then all the courage will create, yes, if she is pointing, he will spit, everyone will take it away, and every step will be done, and the curve is deployed, and the strand of those will be wrapped, and the loop will turn off, and then the grandmother is painting. Amen!

Then, on each thread-tail, a strong knot knacks. How much will it - so many troubles and find your enemy. Nodes create - tell me:

I will buy a knot, yes, I'll break for (the name of the enemy). Amen!

Refrigerated transit should be thrown into the door of the enemy. Naturally, imperceptible. After that person, it is impossible to see three days, and then all the black backs will return to you.

The enemy is cursing, illness will find

The damage to the thread can have more terrible consequences for the object. But it's not so easy to do so. Need a thread cotton. That which the shadow of the enemy was measured. The length of the thread should clearly coincide with the shade of the object. You will still need to get candles that in the church on a prayerball on the rest of the soul of the newflower stood.

The thread turns over several times yes in the wick twisted. A twist in wax from those memorial candles is turned around. It turns out a candle that ties the enemy with its shadow side to the world is otherworld.

You need to put this wax into the church. There will go silently and without looking back. Be sure to comply with a number of rules.

If anyone is trying to speak with you on the way - silent. If you really doomut, tell me:

Kuda-where! On the Black Ponds of the Languch, I'd rather feed my curious.

If the cat is Ali Dog will be born - remove the scarf, let them out on livestock. Evil on them will be raised, and will run away with them.

If the cat will overcome, you need to spit on the right side and moderate:

Cat is empty the road, and the road is true to me with a slave of Sotanin. To be!

You will come to the temple - burn the candle and put it there, where they pray for the dead. Make home and come back. Also silently, also without turning around.

Threads Pocoistitsky

There is also a damage to the black threads cemetery. She is easy, and hard at the same time.

A new coil of threads of cotton black is taken. She is carried on the cemetery, hide there, on the grave thesis of the enemy. You are taken after a few days, but all the buttons are on a native one of the object they are transplanted. The dead shames that the enemy would be sculpting for them to slowly tighten your enemy.

But if the object will notice this, will be able to get rid of the attack itself. And he will help him in this big black ant that was caught in the forest. The victim needs to go to the cemetery, but to find the grave there, that on the right hand of the third from the entrance it will be. There the ant needs to be released and pronounce three times:

Ant, ant! In the forest running away,
my damage take
there she is lying under the ravine,
under corporate
under moss
behind the swamp
where people do not go
where wolves do not roam.
Here you are for this fee - three pennies.
Pick up the damage, and I give my health.

There are 3 five-fifth coins on the sputter. Their crosses leave yes. Wrap and talk along the way home can not.

Knowing the types of lined and their meaning you will always stay one step ahead of the enemies. In addition, with the help of a sublade you can make a spell, protect the housing and attract money.

In the article:

Types of lined and their meaning

As a rule, to detect a lining near the door, in the car or somewhere else - not to good. Things do not appear just like that, they are left with certain goals. And if a person who has applied to magic is not close to relatives, most likely, nothing good to expect anything good.

With the help of them usually suggest. Depending on the material, the value of the subclass changes:

  1. Aluminum things are on the fallout of teeth and dental diseases.
  2. Dry or moldy bread - damage "Empty table", for need and poverty.
  3. Bottles, empty or with alcohol, - on alcoholism.
  4. Dead birds or bats - sadness, death or illness.
  5. Mint newspapers - on the scandals in the family.
  6. Rusty nails are many options, from small problems to death.
  7. Clay - or disease.
  8. The nest is the destruction of a family living in the house.
  9. Rotary meat, fat, mushrooms, birch branches, worms - on severe illness.
  10. Pear - for disability.
  11. Small coins - on poverty.
  12. Castle - to prison.
  13. Crosses, broken hours - to death.
  14. Garbage - to quarrels.
  15. Dry toad or frog - to exhaust or obesity, it happens a sign of the attitude or damage to death.
  16. Small berries - on tears.
  17. Apples - take youth and years of life.

In addition, such witchcraft is used for prikovotov, as well as craftsman On the family of a loved one in order to marry him on himself or at least get rid of the rival. There are also protective padswhich make themselves for themselves or their relatives, cash and many others.

In fact, all these rituals are rituals using one or several items, which are then placed closer to the witchcraft object. True, such rites for gaining something positive are rarely called sublocks. Usually under this concept they mean love spells and damage.

Where can I throw a lining? Almost anywhere! But no one should have it, and this does not depend on the goal of witchcraft. Protection for the house may lose force if strangers will be seen. Victims of damage after finding strange items at home or can take action, and you will have to suffer from reverse impact. True, many do not pay attention to the items on the threshold and calmly step over them, and this is necessary for you. The lining in the pillow is another good idea. The pillow can be gone, because it is not always possible to get to the enemy's pillows.

Love lining - Powerful news agency rite

Love lining is good because it will constantly be not far from the object of your passion, respectively, the exposure time will be impressive. This guarantees good results in creating a love spell. Such rituals are held closer to midnight, only during the growing moon.

In order to burn a red candle. Of course, you need to be concerned about finding a secluded place in advance - no one should witness your rite or a hindrance for him. Put on the table or other surface of a photo of a person where it is captured alone.

The photo needs to put a thing that will become a lining. It is thrown into the house or a person's car, the lining must be near the attitude object as long as possible. You can present a thing as a gift. Choose things for losages depending on the preferences and character of the person who make a spell. He does not like cleaning? Take a fan from a candy that will not cause suspicion if it is found under the sofa. Collects figurines? Give him a spoken souvenir.

Let's go back to the ritual. After you have posted a suitable thing in the photo, you need to concentrate on who is sweet to your heart. Call its image, imagine your joint future, its actions with respect to you. When you are ready, look at the candle flame and tell the conspiracy:

As I loved you, the feelings were shared with you, so you fall in love with me, fate with my life to connect. May it be so.

Now it is advisable to do visualization. Just look at the candle flame and dream about your narrowed. When finished, take the conspiracted thing to him. This rite can be made as once, and repeat once a month if you are tuned seriously. He will definitely affect if you attach efforts to this.

How to make a lining to death

The easiest way to create a subflade to the death of the enemy is speed \u200b\u200bon needles. The spanking on the needles is considerably popular because of the simple technique of fulfillment, and the item itself is small and unobtiable. You can make a lot with a needle - to throw under the door, stick into the jamb, leave under carpet or furniture. If you are in the house of the victim, you can try to leave the needles under the wallpaper, so they will be much harder to find them.

So, take a new Gypsy needle. If there are no such in stock, buy it without trading and not taking the delivery. Put it on a sheet of paper and tell:

The name and power of Asmodeus Warrior-Destroyel! I let this arrow in the heart of the mula / go (name), but she will fly faster than lightning, but she will hit the thunder of heavenly, and she will hit her / his / him /, but crushes and trust the death of Lyuyu. Sold my tight bully, stronger storms. Do not separate anyone! Skat!

The needle wrap in paper so that it is not visible and make a lining. Cushions from paper are often trying to deploy, even if a person finds your liner, most likely, he will touch him with his hands. It is impossible to do this, so a person takes all the negative energy invested in the subject.

Such rites are made on a decreasing moon. If you make damage to a man, do it on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. For information in the grave of women, choose the time on Wednesday, Friday or Saturday. On Sunday, it was not accepted in black magic.

How to make a failure

If you have a detractor, you won't want death, you can punish it in another way - to bring failures. They will pursue a person literally in all spheres of his life - relations with the second half, work, hobbies and others.

In order to make a lining on failure, a black wax candle and a pin or needle will be required. A rite is carried out on a decreasing moon. It is necessary to drip in an eyelary eye or wax pins with such words:

Both the ostele of the needle and the elder arrow of the spirit of evil directed by my hand. As this wax lipnets to the gland, and my words and the affairs of the Spirit evil liput to this needle. May it be so!

Conspiracy is repeated three times. The needle or pin refers as close as possible to the enemy - under the door, in the house, in personal items. Waxing from it Do not delete, you can wrap the lining into a package or a piece of paper - this is how the likelihood will appear that the person will turn it out and touches his hands to the spoken item.

How to make a lining to the enemy - damage to the cards

Pulling on maps They are considered one of the strongest. Most often, there are such gypsies, but you can also try, they work independently of nationality. Are you interested in how to make a lining enemy? It's not hard. First buy a deck of 36 cards. If this does not work, take the one in which 52 cards, but too much will have to leave at the crossroads or burn, as if there were never.

After you get rid of extra cards or buy a suitable deck, come back home. Take the peak ace from the deck, put the rest of the card aside. On the ace tell this:

He was kum and a wool, but became a damn brother. What possessed, then lost, sinking my fingers. There is no one, the slave (name) is either in fire, no life, but one free salt. Crow the ace, I close the key. The key in the sea was carried out and threw out. Amen.

The card must be broken in half, along. Take one half to the cemetery and jump out the second to throw into the house of the enemy so as not to come soon. Three days later, the remaining 35 cards that were stored before that in your home are burned outdoors with these words:

I don't spend in the word of God, and the demonic whispers is black and email yes everything is empty to go to the slave of God (name) and live with him before his died. Amen.

The victim of such a rite is pursued by a wide variety of trouble, her life will change for the worse, a few days after the appearance of the subpark.

Lining for money - what is the damage

The damage is able to touch on all spheres of human life, and its material side is not an exception. Perhaps you want an enemy of ruin? The lining for money is able to literally take away the latter. It is difficult to make it, but the result may exceed all your expectations.

In order to bring damage to poverty, go to the cemetery and look for a grave with the same name as the victim. When you find, take thirteen minor coins and lay out them with a circle. Now read thirteen times a plot:

Like the delayer, money is not needed, so and (name) was not needed all my life. Through the circle of money from (name) will run away, no matter how much you wanted, I could not resist. Money, from (name) Go and do not go to his hands, to death to be in poverty. As a beggar goes with the nodule, it and he is in a poverty all his life and to start. As I said, let it be so.

Prepare a rag or a package that will collect coins in a bag. If you collect them with bare hands, negative energy will stick to you and damage to your poverty will be yours. Set a bundle or package to the side. Leave the treat to the dead man, which lies in the selected grave. Cutting with coins Take thirteen knots on it and then take it closer to the hatred object, the easiest way to the threshold.


Cash lining - A good way to get a certain amount of money for any purpose. But there are conditions - the goal should have great importance, And finding money in another way there is no possibility.

It will take natural white thread, any needle, a red handkerchief made of natural fabric, wax candle and rope. During the day you need to wait for sunny weather. Sit down near the window and single stitches flash the handkerchief around the perimeter. This is read by such a plot:

The thread is a strong faithful expensive to the chests of Oaks in Koi, there are some kind of silver da Zlata, and they wait for me. The right thing, the right thing, the decent thing I ask, (name), you, the white God you are. Do not leave me, but guides and fit. There will be me the road with a red kumachy. Amen. Amen. Amen.

The lining through the ropes and nodules .. There are sublinks in the form of threads, often with nodules. Nature Magic Multidisciplinary, but the lining from the threads is done on illness and infertility .. sometimes near the house or in the house you can find a rope with nodules. It can be loops or loops with nodules. Than knots are intricate, the sophisticated damage. Rope with nodules at the crossroads This is a kind of discharge of your ailments to a random sacrifice. Try not to adopt this kind of rope.

Nodule magic is a special kind of damage, in which the witch deprives a person of some abilities or paralyzes any parts of the body. This kind of damage is very strong. For removal, you need to turn to the sign. But first neutralize a malicious lining.
If ropes are detected with nodes, you need to destroy them as soon as possible. But before piercing each knot with a knife with the words: "The name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit is destroyed, enemy of power." Trigger the rope three times and repeat it with each node. Then everyone burns, uttering our prayer "Father", and the ashes to bury and over this place to read the "Live in Help" prayer.
How to neutralize the main thing that you must remember in the process of neutralizing the negative object - it is impossible to touch the sublock with bare hands. To get rid of it, put on gloves, take a package, paper and eat all the "ingredients" there, to then take away from the home and destroy. In addition, the package and paper should be eliminated, and that is, everything you used in the fight against the lining. If you found a strange subject not in the house itself, but near the door or near the threshold) - never put it inside the housing.

The best way to destroy the lining is to burn it at the crossroads of the roads or in the forest at the same time go to the side away from burning items and do not breathe smoke. You can read ours "Father". If the lining does not burn, take it in flammable liquid, gloves, scoop, broom, clothes in which you were, it is necessary to neutralize under running water.
If magical attacks continue periodically, the energy body of a person can become vulnerable due to fear and excitement about this. In this situation, it is important not to panic and comply with calm, while at the same time engaged in the magic protection of the dwelling.

Having finished the ritual, go home, in no way looking around and without anyone on the way.

Often, after the sublayer is made, the magnet pulls to your threshold as a magnet. Therefore, pay attention to those who will visit you in the days coming after the destroyer.

After you have neutralized the lining, you should clean myself, close people and the house (at least - with water), build protection.

But remember that the submissions can be very dangerous, and if you are not sure about your abilities, it is better to contact the MAG for disposal, purification and protection against possible future attacks.

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