Balanopostitis treatment at home ointment. Important medical recommendations for the treatment of balanopostitis in men at home

They consider inflammation of the inner part of the extreme flesh of the penis. Often, this disease is a consequence of the balanitis - the inflammatory process in the head. The treatment of alert is a complex of drug drugs, as well as folk remedies that have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. However, for successful therapy requires preliminary consultation of the urologist, which will conduct diagnostics and prescribe the necessary funds.

The priority task in the occurrence of pain and redness of the foreskin is the appeal to the medical unit for help. After all, self-treatment is quite dangerous, it can lead to many complications, even to the amputation of the penis - at the most neglected case. The most effective treatment of balanopostitis at home is considered:

  • Compliance with personal hygiene rules.
  • The use of antibacterial creams, ointments.
  • Baths with antiseptics by the type of chamomile or furaciline.

Special attention in the treatment of the disease should be paid to the choice of ointments. The outcome of the disease depends on its quality, properties and components. List of the most appointed funds for Balanopostit:

  • Levomecol - refers to anti-inflammatory and antiseptic drugs, has antibacterial properties. However, its ability to penetrate the tissue leaves much to be desired, so apply ointment in the complex with others.
  • Lorinden-S.- It has a wound healing effect, it is used in erosive form of the Balanopostit.
  • Clotrimazole - Antifungal drug, kills pathogenic colonies, blocks growth and reproduction of microorganisms.
  • Locassal- Well established himself in the fight against an autoimmune disease, is also an antihistamine.

The method of use of ointments is simple enough: it is necessary to rub a bit of the prescribed drug directly into the affected area. No dressings should not be imposed on top, it leads to a greenhouse effect, and a wet and warm environment - favorable conditions for the spread of infection.

Opinion expert

Artem Sergeevich Rakov, a venereologist, experience more than 10 years

To speed up the process of recovery, you can take antiseptic baths: you will need to dissolve furaticiline or chlorhexidine with boiled water in clean dishes, according to the instructions. After that, you can make a binding with a bandage. Keep a few minutes.

Folk recipes

Wrappers for baths, compresses and rinsing of the penis are prepared from all sorts of herbs, plants and bark of trees. The main function of these ingredients is the removal of inflammation, the elimination of pain, edema and redness. These funds belong to the recipes of traditional medicine.

What do you think, if you retain the infusion of herbs for a long time, then it will become much more useful?


Chamomile infusion

It will take to brew 2 tbsp. l. Dry color of the pharmacy chamomile with one glass of boiling water. Next, cover the decoction with a lid, give it half an hour. After that, strain through the sieve and dip a piece of gauze cut into chamomile water, attach to the extreme flesh for 15-20 minutes. Per day It is worth conducting a procedure 3-4 times.


You need to pour a hundred grams of vegetable oil 10 g of raw materials, put in the sun and leave for 2 weeks. At the incident, it will be necessary to strain the infusion and lubricate them the affected areas.


Severe 1 tbsp. l. Leaf of plants in 0.5 liters of boiling water. Leave for 30 minutes, apply for washing, predetermined decoction.

Drug collection

It is necessary to take equal amounts (for example, 1 tbsp. L.) The following plants: plantain, Hypericum, turn and oak bark. After pouring herbs 200 ml of boiling water and put on a water bath for 15 minutes, strain, cool. Apply a gauze cut, moistened in the brand, on the penis for 10-20 minutes. The course of treatment is a week.


It is required to take 2 sheets of medium size, rinse thoroughly with hot water, cut spines and skin. Apply the pulp on the extreme flesh 2 times a day until complete recovery.


It is necessary to rinse the fresh, just a torn leaf of the plant, slightly repel it with a hammer and make appliques to the head. Hold 20 minutes, recommended 3-5 sessions per day.


It is desirable as much as possible to chop young bark, pour it with 250 ml of boiling water, put on fire and cook half an hour. After you give to stand for an hour, strain. A decoction of the wash that is made 2 times daily for 10 minutes

Willow with Lipoy

Pour three parts of the first ingredient cortex into the container and 2 parts of the second colors. Pour the liter of boiling water, to defend 15 minutes, after which you can invent the bandage into the decoction and put on the head almost completely drying.


Mix 20 g of leaves with 50 g of oak bark and 1 g of a bird's highlander, pour the liter of water and put to boil for 20 minutes. Turn off the plate, cover with a lid and leave until complete cooling. Stretch and make therapeutic baths for 25 minutes daily.


Mix 1 tbsp. l. The dry flowers of the main component with a worm of ordinary, the colors of cherry and marigolds, add a chalf tea and a chemistry of the field. Now you need to take 1 tbsp. l. raw materials and pour it 100 g of boiling water, after 5 minutes to cool down, strain. Make daily washes of penis after every trip to the toilet.


You can also watch a video where the doctor will tell you how to cure the balanopostitis by folk remedies.

The national treatment of the Balanopostitis is quite effective only under the condition of systematic use. It is necessary to take into account the individual intolerance to any of the indicated ingredients, because they can cause deterioration in the form of an allergic reaction. If the disease passed into a more complicated form, please contact the doctor without delay, otherwise it will be too late. But the most important thing is that it is worth remembered - these are methods of preventing the disease: compliance with intimate hygiene norms in a complex using a condom during Koitus.

In case of disease, Balanopostitis treatment should be aimed at eliminating primarily the etiological factor.

  • Primary Balanopostit It is often developing due to hygiene violations, therefore, first of all, it is necessary to think about hygienic events.
  • Secondary Balanopostit requires the treatment of the underlying disease. For example, syphilitic or gonorrheal requires specific antibacterial treatment. The forms of Balantostite are known in systemic and endocrine diseases. It is often developing balanopostitis with diabetes mellitus, it is treated difficult and long and depends on the compensation of the underlying disease.

With all the types of balanopostitis, treatment methods are divided into common, which act systemically, and local, which are directed directly to the head of the penis and extreme flesh.

  • To general treatment methods There is antibacterial therapy and the use of drugs to stimulate immunity.
  • To local drugs Pain ointments, creams, gels and solutions of antiseptics. Ointments and gels are different in composition, they can have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, antifungal and other actions.

In order to eliminate phimosis provoking the Balanopostitis, after the elimination of signs of inflammation is carried out.

  • What are the timing of treatment from Balantostit?
    In case of disease, Balanopostitis treatment continues until the very disappearance of symptoms and eliminate the cause. The treatment time depend on the form, the severity of the disease and the type of pathogen and in acute balanopostitis, on average, range from two to three weeks.
  • Tortured Balantostitis - What to do?
    First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to hygiene and carry out a full examination of the sexual partner in order to identify the cause. After that, for the appointment of the doctor, it will be necessary to undergo a course of treatment.
  • How to treat balanopostitu so to cure forever?
    To do this, apply all the recommendations of the doctor. If the balanopostitis moved into a chronic form, then it is difficult to cure it. Immunity to Balanopostitu is not produced. For the prevention of relapses and the re-illness, it is necessary to comply with the rules of hygiene and avoid random sexual bonds.
  • Detected Balantostitis - what doctor to contact?
    Specialists in the field of urology and venereology are involved in the treatment of balanopostitis.
  • What is the treatment of balanopostitis during diabetes mellitus?
    In diabetes, the treatment of balanopostitis should be primarily aimed at treating the main disease, which consists in the selection of antidiabetic drugs. It is combined with local and systemic antibacterial treatment.

The main list of antibiotics in tablets in Balanopostitis

Antibiotics with balanopostite are more often accepted in tablets, and prescribe them with regard to etiology. Since the balanitis and balanopostitis can be caused by any microorganisms, including intestinal stick, streptococci, staphylococci, neasery, as well as koch wand, clostridy and other microorganisms, both aerobic and anaerobic, then treatment first spend antibiotics with the widest range of action, And then corrected with sensitivity.

  • Reception of antibiotics inside is not carried out at light forms of balanopostitis. Systemic antibacterial therapy is connected either in severe cases, for example, with purulent form, or when sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Antibiotics are not used with fungal lesions, with allergies and with viral diseases.
  • Antibiotics from the group can be applied from drugs with a wide range of action on bacteria Levomycetin and Doxycycline.
  • Macrolids apply - Erythromycin, Eletinrin, Roxitromycin.
  • Hinolon derivatives are also used, for example Nalidixic acid or Neversman, nitrofuran derivatives ( Furagin) and derivatives of oxychinoline ( Nitroxoline).
  • With anaerobic infection, good results showed Azithromycin.
  • From sulfanimamides can be used Biseptol..
  • In the case of a specific infection, preparations of penicillin row, cephalosporins, for example Ciprolet..
  • In Candidal Balanopostitis, anti-grab drugs are used, such as Clotrimazole or Flukanozole..
  • In chlamydious and ureaplasma infection, use preparations from the Metronidazole group.

Medicine from Balantostite for system action can be taken not only in the form of tablets. The effective effects have preparations in the form of intramuscular injections and intravenous injections, which are carried out depending on the nature of the symptoms of the Balanopostitis and the severity of the state.

A course of antibacterial treatment must be both partner. For the period of treatment with antibiotics there are restrictions on the reception of alcohol.

Ointment from Balantostite Levomecol and its analogues

Local treatment with balanopostite is carried out using ointments. In case of disease, the Balanopostitis Ointment for treatment must be the cause of the disease.

  • With fungal diseases, creams and ointments are prescribed on the basis of antifungal drugs - this Clotrimazole, Mikonazole, Candid, Fluconazole. The combination of antifungal and hormonal drugs is contained in ointment. Pimafukort..
  • To suppress the autoimmune reaction, inflammation and with allergies, use ointments based on hormones, for example Oxycort or Locacteran, Lorindel, Lamizil, Dermozolon other.
  • Triederm is a combined drug consisting of antifungal agents, antibiotic Gentamicinaand hormone. It is used for allergies, eczema, neurodermatitis and dermatomycosis. Print Balanopostit Triderm It is shown as a local means in the presence of a mixed infection.

Mazi Levomecol from Balantostite

The combined drug levomexol has a wide range of actions. Assign levomecol under the balanopostite in the case of a proved nonspecific bacterial infection.

It consists of two components - antibacterial leftomycetin and stimulating the recovery of methyluracyl tissues. The joint use of these medicinal substances in Mazi Levomekol has a pronounced antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect.

Banocin ointment from Balanopostit

Banocin has strong antibacterial activity, which can also be used in the form of ointments. It consists of neomycine and bacitracycling, two strong antibiotics, together with a wide range of action. It can be used in sensitivity to microorganisms with limited and superficial inflammation.

Also actively use ointment of antiseptic and drying actions, for example with zinc oxide.

Given the different etiology of the disease, only with the help of a specialist you can choose the best ointment from the Balantostite. The use of ointments is carried out for a long time, it is applied to the affected area from two to three times a day.

Miramistin, chlorhexidine and other solutions in Balanopostit

Local treatment with balanopostite is also produced using solutions containing antiseptics. A man can spend these events independently at home.

Widespread recommended solutions of manganese, or potassium permanganate, you need to be taken with caution. This is due to the fact that the dissolution of crystals of mangartage in water is not completely completely, and chemical trauma of the skin or mucous membrane can occur, to which this solution is applied.

The solutions should be noted an aqueous solution Chlorophylliptwhich has an active antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. Apply washing Furacilin, ribanne, dioxidine.

In case of ulcers and erosions, you can catch them with an antiseptic preparation. Fuccinoma or castelany liquid. It acts on bacteria and fungi.

Proven effectiveness possesses Chlorhexidine With balanopostite. Its full name is chlorhexidine Bigluconat. It has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, applied in the form of baths, instillations or irrigation.

Similar action has the disease Balanopostit Miramistin. Both of these drugs have an antibacterial effect on a wide range of microorganisms, but they should be used with caution, as they can cause dry skin and mucosa.

How to use Miramistin with balanopostit?

The use of Mozymestina with balanopostite is desirable to appoint a doctor and under its control. Surface treatment is carried out after hygienic measures from one to several times a day.

From non-drug funds, folk techniques can be noted, for example, the use of decoction and infusions of antiseptic herbs, chamomiles, currant, sage, oak bark, and in some cases soda. Such funds, as a rule, are used in the light of the forms of the Balanopostitis, and before their use in an adult or child it is better to consult with the doctor.

Anaerobic balanopostitis, chronic, erosive and chlamydia: how to treat?

Some specific forms of balanopostitis have features in treatment. In case of disease, anaerobic balanopostitis treatment should include both systemic therapy and local events.

  • Antibiotics are used from a group of lincoosamides ( Lincomycin) and nitroimidazoles ( Metronidazole, Metrogyl, Tinidazole other). It is better to determine sensitivity and adjust the results of antibiotic therapy after obtaining results.
  • Use vitamin complexes and means that stimulate immunity.
  • A solution of manganese, hormone-containing creams, with the appearance of local ulcers or erosions, can be tightened with silver-based preparations.

In case of disease, erosive balanopostitis treatment requires the determination of the pathogen and the appointment primarily by etiotropic drugs.

  • A distinctive feature of the treatment of this form will be frequent washing, up to four times a day, solutions of antiseptics.
  • Can be applied Levomecolwhich has a wide antibacterial spectrum of action and promotes tissue regeneration.
  • Also used Fuccin, chlorophyllipte, fusion of silver preparations, eg Potargol.

If chlamydial balanopostitis is revealed, treatment should be carried out systemically, anti-prototozoic drugs, and locally with antiseptics and ointments.

  • Chlamydious balanopostitis It often gives complications in the form of urethritis and goes into a chronic form, so it should be treated as early as possible and clearly observing all the prescriptions of the doctor.
    In case of disease, chronic balanopostitis treatment should be aimed at improving immunity and eliminate the pathogen as local and shared means.
  • If a chronic Balanopostitu Promotes the presence of phimosis, then the operation is carried out.
  • In some cases, circumcision is carried out.


In all cases, Balantostite, which implies an infection, must be treated not only the ill, but also its partners who were unprotected by sexual intercourse.

Both in children, and in adults from Balantostite should be selected individually, taking into account sensitivity and pathogen or action on the etiotropic factor, after survey and under the control of the specialist.

After the disappearance of inflammation symptoms during the Balanopostitis, a repeated inspection is carried out and analyzes to confirm the cure from this disease. Transferred Balantostitis does not guarantee that it will not happen, especially in non-compliance with hygiene and phimosis for all ages and indiscriminate sexual relations in adults.

The price for the treatment of Balantostite develops from the consultation of the urologist, analyzes and the cost of drugs, and the most expensive analyzes and the definition of sensitivity to antibiotics will be the most expensive. Consultation of the urologist in different cities costs from 500 to 1500 rubles.

Balanopostitis is an inflammatory disease of the head and the extreme flesh of the penis. Let's talk about what it arises from what is dangerous whether this disease is transmitted during sexual contact. Let us discuss the main reasons for frequent development in the presence of a permanent sexual partner and the symptoms of this pathology.

  • Types of Blanopostita
  • Causes and symptoms in men
  • Balapenostitis in women
  • Treatment of Blanopostita
  • Balanopostitis in children
  • Treatment of the house
  • Reviews and treatment of Balantostite

Types of Blanopostita

In clinical practice, the classification on the etiological factor and the clinical course of the disease is most often applied. The main types, based on its reasons:

  • infectious;
  • noncommunicable.

Non-infectious forms are rare. They may have an allergic, radiation, autoimmune, traumatic origin.

Most inflammations of the head and extreme flesh are caused by microorganisms. According to the etiological factor, distinguish:

  • fungal - caused by fungi (basically it is candidiasis balanopostitis);
  • herpesy - viral, which is caused by sex herpes virus;
  • trichomonade - arises against the backdrop of trichomoniasis, caused by the simplest (Trichomonade Vagynis);
  • chlamydia - trusted by chlamydia trachomatis;
  • nonspecific - bacterial, which is caused by a conditional pathogenic microflora (staphylococci, streptococci, intestinal wand);
  • anaerobic is often associated with Gardnellular, can be caused by bacteroides Bacteroides Fragilis and Melaninogenicus, Fusobacterium.

Clinical flow allocate:

  • acute (most clinical cases);
  • chronic (usually associated with scarsing changes in extreme flesh and phimosis).

In turn, sharp balanopostitis can be:

  • catarial or simple - manifests painting in the field of pathological focus, edema and soreness;
  • purulent - accompanied by purulent inflammation;
  • purulent-ulceal - deep defects arise due to severe purulent inflammation;
  • gangrenoz - observes necrosis of fabrics in the head area and extreme flesh.

The easiest form of the disease is catarry, and the hardest is gangrenous. It requires surgical treatment and leaves no irreversible defects after itself.

Causes and symptoms in men

Often patients ask, from which the inflammatory process of the head and the foreskin of the penis.

As already mentioned, the main factor is infectious. Other reasons are rare.

Infectious balanopostitis occurs as a result:

  • unprotected sexual contact;
  • immunodeficiency states;
  • long-term antibiotic therapy (fungal balanopostitis);
  • insufficient genital hygiene;
  • obesity (sweating increases, the folds of the skin are formed, foci of infection occur, propagating from groin on the genitals);
  • foci of purulent inflammation near Genitals;
  • mechanical damage to the penis;
  • medical procedures and surgical operations (possibly in infection).

In men, symptoms can be different, depending on:

  • clinical form of the disease;
  • pathogen pathology.

Male balanopostitis makes it easier during the catarrhal form of inflammation.

In this case, it is observed:

  • head swelling and extreme flesh;
  • hyperemia (redness) of the skin and mucous membrane of the penis;
  • palcity, increasing during palpation (pain may be observed and at rest);
  • increase in inguinal lymph nodes.

Macrarization of the skin with the formation of erosions is possible.

Then the erosive form is diagnosed. This is the most favorable course of the disease. Even if erosion appears, the scars after them do not remain. Because the pathological process does not affect the deep layers of the skin.

For purulent form of the disease:

  • swelling is enhanced;
  • foci of purulent inflammation, which can break through;
  • there is severe pain;
  • may increase body temperature;
  • because of the edema, urination is often hampered.

On the site of the broken ulcers can form ulcers. Then the purulent-ulcer form of pathology is diagnosed. After the suffering disease, the scars may remain. They create aesthetic defect, can be a source of not only psychological, but also physical discomfort. The consequence of scar changes can be phimosis. This disease, in which it becomes impossible to expose the head of the extreme flesh. At the same time, favorable conditions for the development of microorganisms are created. The result often becomes chronic balanopostitis.

The problem is radically solved only by a surgical way. The most severe form is gangrenous.

It is characterized by purulent melting of tissues and can end the removal of the male organ. Such a form of pathology carries the risk of sepsis with the formation of foci of inflammation in the internal organs.

Do not allow the development of the disease. It is necessary to contact a specialist immediately after the appearance of the first symptoms of pathology.

If you do not know which doctor treats Balanopostitis, we will tell me: it is a venereologist or urologist. Turning to the doctor, you:

  • protect yourself from complications;
  • get adequate treatment and get rid of Balanopostitis 2-3 times faster than if they were treated independently;
  • diagnostics will pass (this may be specific balanopostitis, and he does not pass in itself);
  • you will not infect other people (the disappearance of symptoms does not mean that you are not contagious).

Before treating the disease, a man gives tests. This is required to determine the cause of pathology. It is then assigned targeted therapy. As long as the disease is treated, depends on the clinical form, the pathogen, the reaction of the body into medication.

Balapenostitis in women

Balanopostitis in women cannot develop.

The term itself means translated from Latin's inflammation of the head and the extreme flesh of the penis.

But women do not have this organ. Accordingly, they cannot develop symptoms.

A similar disease in women is called vulvit. It is characterized by an inflammatory process of external genital organs with frequent distribution to the vagina (vulvovaginitis).

Treatment of Blanopostita

Treatment may be different, depending on the etiology of the disease. Let us dwell on how to treat various inflammatory processes of infectious origin.

Fungal inflammation

A fungal infection may occur against the immunodeficiency. In addition, a man can get infected from his partner. In such medicines must be appointed not only to the patient, but also his woman. Treatment can be both local and common. It is usually not difficult to get rid of the candidomic form of the disease.

In 80% of cases, pathology is caused by a mushroom Candida Albikans. But in 20% of cases, these are other candids, and then the reaction to treatment may not be so bright.

Usually, with sporadic fungal inflammation to cure, it is enough 1 week to use local antimicotics. Most often, clotrimazole or miconazole in the form of a cream is used, 3 times a day. With the ineffectiveness of such treatment or in the case of severe fungal inflammation, drugs are shown inward.

The most comfortable tablets from the candidiasis are fluconazole. It is taken once in a dose of 150 mg. It is also possible to use itraconazole. It is prescribed for 3 days to 200 mg per day.


For the disease caused by trichomoniasis, nitroimidazoles are prescribed. Preparations are used:

  • ornidazole;
  • tinidazole.

Sometimes there is enough one-time reception of the drug in a high dose, as it is not difficult to cure trichomoniasis at the initial stage.

You can take the metronidazole in the amount of 2 g overnight. But if the infection has spread, a longer treatment will be required.

How much the inflammation of the penis head of trichomonaceous etiology is treated, depends on the limitation of infection, as well as from what bodies are amazed. The longest course of treatment is shown in the spread of infection on the prostate gland.

Antibiotics with balanopostite

The disease is most often treated with antibiotics. They are shown in the case of bacterial etiology of inflammation.

When catarrhal form, they can only be destined. You can also get along with alone baths with antiseptics. But with a purulent inflammatory process, the use of antibacterial drugs inside is mandatory.

The ideal solution is a tank of sowing with the definition of sensitivity to antibiotics. But it takes a few days. Therefore, drugs are often assigned empirically.

At the same time, the tank of sowing is either not carried out at all, or the doctor is waiting for its results, after which it may if necessary to change the antibiotic.

Preference is usually given erythromycin, doxycycline, ceftriaxone or other preparations of a wide range of action.

The course of treatment can last 1-2 weeks. Its duration depends on the reaction to treatment.

When attenuating clinical manifestations, antibiotic therapy is usually not canceled immediately, because it is fraught with a relapse, but used for another 2-3 days. With severe form of inflammatory process, drugs can be appointed intramuscularly or intravenously.

Usually parenteral forms apply the first 3 days. After that, go to tablets.

Viral form of the disease

Balanite can be viral. He often provokes herpes. In this case, bubbles appear on the head. They are filled with liquid.

This type of inflammation is often accompanied by severe symptoms.

Systemic manifestations are possible: an increase in body temperature, weakness, headache, chills. In the field of genital organs, a man feels a strong burning.

Genital herpes is treated with acyclovir or other drugs of this group. They are appointed for 1-2 weeks, depending on the severity of pathology.

What doctor treats the disease?

Some patients, noticing the inflammation of the head, do not even know what to seek the doctor. Options are not so much. There are only two specialists who you can show your penis without causing surprise.

The first is a urologist. He is engaged in the treatment of diseases of the urinary organs in men.

The second doctor, to which you can go, is a venereologist. The representative of this medical specialization is engaged in the treatment of infectious diseases of the reproductive bodies in men and women.

Whatever expert you choose, it is important to appeal for help as soon as possible to get timely treatment. Because infection of infectious origin can progress and accompanied by complications.

Balanopostitis in children

The boys always have phimosis. This is a physiological phenomenon - the newborn head of the penis does not open.

Phozo in itself does not represent danger over the years passes. But at the same time there is a risk that there will be a balanopostitis in a child.

Perhaps the development of paraffimose is the infringement of the head of the narrowed extreme flesh. In this case, symptoms appear:

  • penis head and skin swelling;
  • difficult urination;
  • strong pain.

With a late right, the first-flesh tissues are possible, and sometimes heads.

Children's cavalopostitis in the baby appears as a result of improper care. The skin is accumulated in the skin fold, which can be infected. Balanopostitis develops in children usually against the background of phimosis and paraffimose. With recurrent inflammatory processes, a fight of the head and extreme flesh is possible. As a result, phimosis physiological turns into pathological. Basic symptoms:

  • early urination;
  • fear of urination, as a result - an increase in the water bubble capacity with its subsequent aid;
  • itching and burning in the head area.

In children, Balanopostitis carries the risk of ascending infection - cystitis and pyelonephritis. In inconsistent cases, treatment of the disease in children is successful when using local antiseptics. But with severe repetitive inflammations, surgery is carried out. In such cases, the excision of the extreme flesh is shown. To prevent heavy inflammatory processes, you should provide high-quality care to the child. And in the event of paraffimose, to enter the penis head.

Treatment of the house

In case of balanopost, treatment at home is unacceptable. There are several reasons for this:

  • you do not know which pathogen caused pathology, accordingly, you cannot learn how to cure a disease of the house (various drugs are used in different pathogens);
  • at home, neither laboratory nor instrumental research methods are available;
  • incorrect treatment with a high probability will result in complications;
  • improper antibiotic therapy will cause the antibiotic resistance of the pathogenic flora (this means that the microorganism will produce resistance to drugs);
  • you cannot adequately assess the state of the inflamed penis and is not able to forecast the further development of the disease.

Therefore, it is worth highlighting in your tight chart 1-2 hours of time to go to the doctor. In the future, these time costs will pay off a hundredfold, if a visit to the clinic will protect you from complications.

If a specialist was confirmed by such a diagnosis as balantostitis in men Treatment at home is quite possible - with an uncomplicated course of the disease. The optimal scheme of therapeutic impact - baths, ointments, tablets will be determined by a doctor individually. The task of a man - to seek medical attention in a timely manner.

Of course, treatment of balanopostitis in men at home It was successful, he will need to revise his lifestyle and comply with the recommendation issued by a specialist.

So, necessarily need to adhere to the strictest personal hygiene, especially in the field of reproductive organs. Every day, the sexual member should be washed with a soap solution, which is prepared from heated water and hypoallergenic soap. Permissible in liquid form. All known antiseptic products such as potassium permanganate or furacilin crystals can be added to water.

A few more recommendations, how to treat Balantos at home:

  • accelerate the recovery of a full night rest - in a well-ventilated room, preferably at an orthopedic bed;
  • throughout the working day, there are short breaks - for 10-15 minutes to distract from routine work, perform several warm-up movements;
  • refuse to use strong tea, coffee beverages, and even more so by alcohol and tobacco products;
  • avoid stressful situations - they undermine the protective forces of the male organism, they are extremely negatively reflected in the functioning of the abodes of the small pelvis;
  • treatment of Balantostite at home It provides for a thorough correction of the ration - the predominance of easily digestible dishes, vegetables, as well as a variety of fruits.

Since the inflammatory process in the genital organ leads to dehydration of the body, the replenishment of the water supply is another indispensable condition for the successful anticipation of the disease. During the day it is recommended to use at least 1.5-2 liters of purified distilled water.

Mazi in therapy of Balantostite

In most cases, exposing such a diagnosis as balanopostitis, treatment at home Starts with local therapy. It is based on ointments with different pharmacological orientation - anti-inflammatory, antiseptic glucocorticoid, regenerating properties.

How to treat balanopostitis in men at homeWhat medications will quickly stop negative symptoms, the attending physician will solve individually. They take into account such factors as a diagnosed pathogen of the disease, the area of \u200b\u200bdamage to the tissues of the penis, as well as the age of the man and the tolerance of the pharmacy preparations.

The most effective ointments from the inflammatory process in the folds of the extreme flesh of the penis head are:

  1. The syntomic acid ointment - contains an antibacterial component, therefore it has the ability of local suppression of growth and reproduction of pathogens of microorganisms. Pharmacological activity is observed both in terms of gram-positive and gramnegative microflora. Ointment is enough to apply 2-3 times on the field of damage to the penis, after pre-thoroughly washing it.
  2. The ointment agent "Trieders" has proven perfectly. It contains not only the antibacterial component, but also hormonal, as well as antifungal. Therefore, inflammatory processes in the tissues of the penis are eliminated faster.
  3. If diagnosed balanopostitis at the childThe treatment at home may well be carried out with the help of ointment "Levomekol". Its components show activity against a variety of infectious agents. In addition, against the background of its use, the regeneration of damaged skin is significantly accelerated.

The optimal names of pharmacy ointments, the multiplicity of their application and the total duration of the medical course is better to clarify the doctor.

Antiseptic solutions

Medicate therapy of Balanitatreatment at home It necessarily provides for the use of antiseptic solutions. They allow you to eliminate a huge number of pathogoing microorganisms from the surface of the inflamed penis head, which has a beneficial effect on the course of the disease.

How to treat balanopostitis in men at home Using pharmacy solutions with antiseptic activity:

  • conduct hygienic measures in the groin area - using a soap solution;
  • drain genital organs with a soft disposable towel;
  • prepare antiseptic solution in the concentrations recommended by a doctor - for example, hydrogen peroxide, furaticiline or Miramistina;
  • washed the amazed sections of the penis by one of the above solutions;
  • allow you to dry naturally, if there is time on it;
  • according to the testimony, the healing ointment is appointed by a doctor;
  • wear clean underwear;
  • repeat the procedure at least two times a day.

Effective assistant B. balanopostitis therapy in childrentreatment at home, I have established a solution of fuccin. In addition to antiseptic, there are also antimicrobial properties. The affected sections of fabrics on the penis must be treated with a means of at least 3-4 times a day. However, many are saved to use the solution due to its bright color. It is not necessary to worry - the tool is completely eliminated from the surface of the skin in a few days after the end of treatment.

Systemic drugs

The form erosive balanopostita In the treatment at home involves the reception of systemic drugs. As a rule, these are medicines from various subgroups of antibiotics. By entering the bloodstream, they are delivered to the heart rate from the inside, along the way to suppress the activity of infectious pathogens.

Than to treat balanopostitis at home The specialist will decide after receiving information from diagnostic procedures. Thus, when identifying pathogenic microorganisms of gram-positive etiology, or gramnegative orientation, there will be enough pills from a penicillin or macrolid subgroup.

If the source of the formation of inflammatory foci in the penis served infections transmitted by the sexual way, then it will be more efficient to take preparations of two, and then three subgroups. All treatment schemes chosen by the doctor must necessarily comply with medical standards of therapy of such pathologies. In addition to tableted forms of medicines, the parenteral path of their introduction can be applied.

Candidal Balanopostitis in men At home will be treated not only by ointments with an anti-acidic effect, but also tablets with antifungal properties. The total duration of therapy depends on the diagnosed fungal colony.


If a man has a course of pathology in a light form, then how to cure balanopostitis in men at home Tell folk wisdom. Many plants have pronounced anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. Therefore, they are quite admissible to include in the complex treatment of penis diseases in men.

For example, the yarrow grass is actively fighting both streptococcal and enterococcal microflora. And to disinfect erosive defects on the penis head, the plantain has been perfectly proven. Especially if his leaflets are assembled directly in fresh form outside the city, in the country area, and are applied immediately.

Pretty strong antimicrobial properties have such herbs as calendula and sage, zetraria and eleutherococcus. Thanks to their timely use - in the early stages of the formation of inflammatory manifestations in the Penis region, it is possible to cope with Balanopostitis.

It has long been famous for its antiseptic effects of garlic. In order to suppress pathogenic bacteria on the fabrics of the penis, oil from the juice of garlic is quite successfully used. If there is no contraindications.

How to cure balanopostitis at home - With the help of various braveractions, infusions, lotions, telling the attending physician. Self-treatment is absolutely not permissible.

Healing decoctions

Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers knew how to treat Balanit in men at home. They successfully used various decoctions from healing plants. Cooked from fresh natural raw materials, they absorb all their best anti-inflammatory, as well as antiseptic properties. The only contraindication may be the intolerance to a man of any component of the popular recipe.

The most efficient and popular recipes:

  1. The beard of the Hypericum is inherent to have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. It is not difficult to cook the decoction - in 1 l of steep boiling water enough to pour 4 tbsp. Grass plants. Penis wash the finished means every morning and evening.
  2. The strongest natural remedy for the fight against any focus of inflammation on cover fabrics, known in the same centuries - oak bark. In the case when diagnosed baby Bird, Treatment at home is quick and safely can be carried out by a decoction of oak bark. A remedy is preparing similarly to the above recipe. To enhance the effect, it is permissible to add dry nettle, as well as lavender leaves - 1 parts of each ingredient.
  3. The most powerful recipe for the fight against any focus of the defeat on the penis head, provoked by infection, is recognized as a collection, which contains chamomile and rosemary, as well as nettle, eucalyptus and calendula. Their healing properties in aggregate allow the means in a short time to suppress inflammatory focus in the tissues, speed up regenerative processes, soften the tissues.

Any people's recipe found on the Internet on request - balanit, photo, men - Treatment at home through the photo, it is recommended to agree with the attending physician. Otherwise, individual intolerance of any ingredient only aggravate negative symptoms and lead to severe complications.

A few more ways to combat Banitis

The usual economic soap is a long-term remedy, designed to suppress the flow of inflammation in the coating tissues, including in the sexual term. To this end, a soap thick solution is prepared in advance - you can graze the soap lump on the fine grater and then dissolve the required amount in the hearts. White liquid is neatly distributed by the required sections of the penis. After drying, it is thoroughly washed off, and the organ itself is dried by a soft towel. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times per day.

Garlic Oil is not formed with powerful antiseptic properties. It actually has the ability to suppress the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms due to the presence of special substances - phytoncides. Garlic essence is combined with sunflower oil in equal volumes and as ointment is applied to the affected fabric of the penis. When regular use allows you to quickly achieve a positive reaction - eliminating balanita, provoked infectious or fungal flora.

The most simple and affordable, existing means of the means of definitely is the food soda. It is also inherent in the properties of suppressing the growth of fungal microorganisms. It is enough twice a day to rinse the folds of the penis head with soda weakly concentrated solution so that the colonies of fungi eliminate times and forever. The duration of the healing course is at least 10-14 days.

By itself, such pathology as balanopostit Maybe not to deliver a man of expressed concern. However, in the absence of timely treatment, it is capable of leading to various complications, for example, infertility and impotence. Therefore, the appeal for medical care should occur as soon as the slightest deviations in the state of the penis tissues were noted.

Balanopostitis - inflammatory disease that occurs very often. Under the inner leaflet of the extreme flesh, bacteria or fungi causing an inflammatory process are concentrated. External factors can run it: supercooling or overheating, mechanical damage to the penis head or extreme flesh, allergic reaction, improper power.

An infectious form of the disease is possible, most often venereal.

In this case, inflammation is caused by clusters of gonococci or chlamydia. Often, the Balanopostitis becomes the consequence of the operation, for example, to remove the groin hernia. Disease can take or.

Balanopostitis in men: treatment with drugs

To designate the correct treatment of balanopostitis in men with drugs, urologist conducts a number of analyzesdefining the exact nature of the disease. If you need antimicrobial drugs, the combination of antibacterial and immunostimulating agents will help to remove infections. On our site you can learn about treatment: and.

If the balanitis provoked by a venereal infection, the patient is prescribed antibiotic tablets from the Balantostite, after which the recovery rate follows. The program is developed individually, the dosage of each drug chooses a doctor.

It is impossible to interrupt treatment with drugs from Balanopostitis, otherwise the disease will go into the chronic phase, which is much more complicated.


Associated in the acute form of infectious or non-infectious balanopostitis, medications are particularly prescribed in a venereal infection, potent drugs quickly kill chlamydia and gonococci.

For treatment are used Macrolides, preparations of penicillin and tetracycline row, It is advisable not to combine them with each other.

Independent treatment of balanopostitis in men, pills are excluded, as each drug is focused on combating a certain type of infections. The wrong choice of medicine will make it difficult to recovery and contributes to the transition of the Balantostite from the acute form in chronic.

Among the most popular funds, an ointment, comprising an antibiotic chloramphenicol and an immunomodulator Methyluracyl.

The drug is easily transferred to weakened patients and has a quick effect.

The tool is suitable for the treatment of acute postcase, with chronic form, levomecol demonstrates less impressive results.

Exterior tools are complemented by tablets and capsules effectively operating on streptococci, staphylococci and other types of bacteria. Most often urologists prescribe Azitromycin, Doxycinline, Sukraq, Lefomecitin, Furagin.

Preparations suppress the vital activity of bacteria that have already fallen into the body, and also prevent relevant infection. The course is appointed individuallydepends on the causative agents of the disease and the state of the patient.

Antibiotics are undesirable to use with viral or fungal infections, after treatment with potent drugs, regenerative therapy is necessary.


After the course of antibiotics, immunostimulating drugs are often prescribed for the treatment of balanopostitis. Most effective interferons Alpha, Beta and Gamma. Preparations increase the protective forces of the body and prevent secondary infection. Means are taken inward, the course and dosage is calculated individually.

At the same time recommended reception of vitamin complexes. Six months after intensive treatment, the course of immunomodulators and vitamins can be repeated. Such prevention strengthens the body and prevents the inflammatory processes of other organs of the urogenital system.

Antifungal drugs

Under candidium balanopostitis, antimicosis preparations are needed in the form of tablets, ointments, creams. The same means will be needed after the treatment of acute postcase with antibiotics. Their task - fighting fungus Candidacausing reinforced selection of sieve, strong itching, burning, swelling.

Among the most popular drugs from Balanopostitis in men Mazi Clotrimazole, Economol, Natamycin, Isokonazole, Nystatin.

Preparations are applied directly to the head of the penis and under the extreme flesh 2-3 times a day.

Helps and treatment with solutions of medicinal herbs with antimicrobial, strengthening and soothing effect.

Full course of treatment lasts 10-14 days, if necessary, repeat it.

One of the effective drugs - Fluconazole. With balanoposti in men. The means enters the group of azoles and effectively affects the fungus by violating the synthesis of the membrane. These tablets in the balanopostitis in men do not cause resistance and can be applied even when other medicines are powerless.

Fluconazole is often prescribed with a chronic form of postpone, to cure much more difficult. Per week it is necessary to take one tablet in 150 mgThe treatment continues until complete recovery. With chronic post the process can take several months.

With sharp and chronic inflammations, a good effect is given by complex drugs with antifungal, antibacterial, anti-polocular effect.

This group refers McMiror. from Balantostite.

The drug is low-cell and is well tolerated by the body. At the same time, it affects competent negative and gram-positive organisms, including those that are resistant to other medicines.

The tool is quickly adsorbed and completely excreted from the body along with the urine, without having a harmful effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Produced in the form of tablets and ointments, can be used in the complex. Under the sharp form of Balantostitis per day, drink 3-6 tablets (600-1200 mg), the course of treatment lasts 7-14 days. Ointment is applied 1-2 times a day for affected areas.

A small amount of preparation can be entered into the urethra, as well as lubricate the area under the extreme flesh. A full course of treatment is 1 week, if necessary, you can repeat it.

When using antifungal agents it is important to comply with the correct diet..

The menu includes fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as low-fat dairy products, normalizing microflora status. Animal fats, sharp dishes, snobs, yeast bread, smoked, pickles and alcohol are excluded from the diet.

Balanopostitis requires comprehensive treatment under the doctor's careful control.. It is impossible to take drugs. Violation of the course or its interruption extends the recovery process and provokes unpleasant complications. The earlier the therapy started, the more chances to get rid of the disease forever and not get a relapse.

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