Classroom wishes at the prom. Congratulations to graduates

Wishes for the Last Call 2019 graduates in prose, beautiful, official, serious

The last bell is a very important day in the life of any student.

This very important day in the life of any schoolchild is approaching - The Last Bell. And no matter how hard or full of joy school years were, the last day at school is always filled with some special meaning, so it should remain in the memory of any graduate as the best and most solemn day of school life.

Our site has prepared kind and solemn parting words to dear school graduates in prose, a text from the class teacher, from teachers, wishes from parents for the last bell and prom.

Beautiful and solemn wishes for the last call

Solemn speech on the last call

Dear friends! Our dear graduates! This holiday is a bright and exciting event for all those present.

It is important for us, teachers, for whom each graduation is a milestone. After all, we have gone through so much together. Parting with you, we feel sadness, but at the same time pride for each of you.

This holiday is important for parents who for 11 years rejoiced at the success of their children, worried about them, supported them in their failures and who did a lot to make this evening truly festive.

And, of course, it is important for the heroes of this holiday. I say heroes, not culprits. After all, you have passed a very important stage on a long journey called "life."

A person makes his own way in life, even if he follows someone. You've been on the road for years, and your prom is like a crossroads. The meeting place, from where the new countdown will begin - the countdown of kilometers-days of independent adult life.

We, your teachers and parents, tried to help you make your own path, helped you in your search for knowledge, supported you in moments of difficult choices, and sometimes we laid down straws to soften the blows.

We are confident that the knowledge you acquired at school will be in demand. We hope that your thirst for knowledge, dedication and commitment to self-improvement will help you become successful people.

May the path you choose lead you to success. Of course, you can make breaks on the way, because you are tired, cry, because it is difficult. But success won't get any closer. Therefore - only forward! Don't go off the route!

And once you've achieved success, don't forget to share it with your loved ones. After all, success is multiplied by division. But all this is in the future, and today here, at the crossroads of our roads, it is a wonderful holiday - a graduation party. A holiday of friendship and loyalty, beauty and youth. Let this evening remain in the heart of everyone present as a kind and bright memory.


Beautiful words, parting words to school graduates in prose, wishes from the class teacher

Dear graduates! The day has come, which we both waited and feared at the same time. It is a solemn and a little sad day when the last bell will ring for you at our school. On the one hand, this is the moment of separation. On the other hand, it is the beginning of your journey into adulthood.

Remember how not long ago you, so small and curious, came to your first line. Funny white bows, huge bouquets, joyful smiles ... And now we have before us boys and girls with serious views, with their own plans for life.

Over the years, the school has become a second home for all of you. School is a small universe. Here you learned to be friends and love, be responsible, understand others.

You grew up and became a little smarter and wiser every day. Now you remember with a smile your first deuce, how you did not want to get up in the morning and teach lessons in the evening. Years will pass, some moments of school will be forgotten, but your memories of school will always be warm and full of love.

You are now at the very doors leading to adulthood. Nobody knows what is behind them. Of course, there will be joys with victories and disappointments with defeats. There will be life. A life whose beauty lies in solving complex problems. But, no matter how difficult it may be for you, I would like to wish each of you, first of all, to always remain human.

Remaining a person with a capital letter, you will definitely find your happiness, love, vocation. We believe that everything in life will work out for you, and all your cherished dreams will come true. Don't be afraid to live; let kindness, faith in yourself and spiritual strength help you constantly go forward.

Dear Guys! We are very proud that you studied here, at this school. You have become dear to us. We hope that you too have come to love this house and will miss it. And we will be very happy if at least sometimes you come back here for a short while to talk about how your life is going, about your plans and dreams. The school doors will always be open for you. Be happy!

Congratulations to graduates on the last call in prose in your own words

Dear graduates! On this day, you leave the walls of the school to enter another world, into adulthood, where you will have to show more responsibility and courage. We are glad that we were able to invest in you all our love and knowledge that we ourselves have. All this time you justified our hopes, now it's time for you to decide what you want to do and receive from this life. We believe in your endurance, strength and ambition. Thank you for these difficult, but interesting and fruitful years. ***

Dear graduates! It seems that only yesterday you came to school, you, first-graders, were barely visible because of the magnificent bouquets that you proudly and excitedly presented to future teachers! And today you are very big and we should be proud of your successes and achievements! We congratulate you on your graduation from school, wish each of you good luck in your exams, a special, happy fate! ***

Today, on the day of the Last Call, we are a little sad to part with you, dear students, but now you have an adult road ahead of you, and we can only praise you for your successes, to admit that we are proud that you grew up in such wonderful adults! And of course, we wish you to pass your exams with honor! ***

The last call ... This is a joyful day, a bright holiday, because today we congratulate you on your graduation from school, and at the same time - we are a little sorry to part with you, but of course we will not leave you for the second year! Dear Guys! We wish you a long, happy life! Let the exams not be a burden, but only highlight your brilliant knowledge! Let many interesting discoveries and victories lie ahead of you! ***

The last bell rings like a farewell melody to school. You are on the verge of adulthood. I wish that youth always rules in your life, that your love is bright and pure. I wish you great success, may there be fewer disappointments on your way. Stubbornly achieve your goal, never be sad or depressed, and then you will undoubtedly win in everything. Good health to you, all earthly blessings and excellent mood. May luck always accompany you. May the Lord bless you in all your endeavors. ***

Today you are saying goodbye to school times and from now on life itself will be your main teacher ... Of course, there will still be exams ahead and we are sure you will pass them brilliantly! Quite a little time will pass, and you will remember your school years with sweet nostalgia, but today, let's all remember our best moments! With great pleasure, on behalf of all teachers, I wish you always to be happy! ***

Dear Guys! There is so much ahead of you! Victories, fulfillment of desires, well-deserved success will come to you, you will learn a lot of new things and one day you will take your children to first grade ... Today, at the school holiday of the Last Call, I want to wish you good luck, good mood and inspiration for all your long, happy a life! ***

Today, together with the Last Call, we see off many boys and girls into adulthood, but we will remember each student and continue to respect, love and be proud of him! All of you, dear graduates, will have different fates, but may all of them be equally happy! ***

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The day of the Last Call has come! Today you are still schoolchildren, but very soon, having passed the exams with honor, you are adults, and together with congratulations, I wish you a happy future, a prosperous life, in which there is a place for seriousness and fun, love and devotion, fulfillment of desires and successful work! Keep the memories of school days in your heart and live easily! ***

May today's last call, dear graduates, remain in your memory as a symbol of the wonderful years spent at school. At the school where you learned to be friends, you found yourself and now, full of ambitions and desires, you are moving forward into a new life path. Let the sun shine on your way, and let the clouds disperse. Happy Holidays! ***

The last bell closes the student's time with a strong gate with a silver lock, and ahead is the long road of adulthood, and what it will be is up to you! Please accept my congratulations and wishes to always be people with pure thoughts, noble deeds and a happy destiny! ***

The highest award of the teacher is the success of the students, and today, at the celebration dedicated to the last bell, they are truly rich, because our students grew up smart, kind and strong, they have only good, happiness and long life ahead of them! And we can only wish you a good journey, good luck, loyal companions and good mood! ***

Dear graduates! Today we are parting with you, but, of course, we will not forget each other! We will have another exam ahead, and for some reason it seems to me that each of you will be doing just fine! We are sincerely glad that we helped you gain knowledge, and maybe even choose your own path! Remember that you are the masters of your Destiny, dispose of every day and every chance wisely, creating real happiness for yourself and your family with your own hands!

Parting wordsgraduates schools from the class teacher in prose

My beloved children! How quickly the years passed. It seems that just yesterday you were standing on this very spot, so small, so tiny, so helpless, like chicks making their first flight attempts .... Yesterday you were trembling, cautiously and furtively looking at me - a strict class teacher.

Yesterday you were anxiously standing near your parents, not knowing what to do next. It seems that so little time has passed, because it flew by, as if in one instant. The threshold of this school is still the same, but you have become different. You are not the same children, you are adults who have a new, but such an interesting life ahead of them.

You have completed only one round so far, in which your parents and teachers helped you - and I, your class teacher. Within these walls, you were given the necessary storehouse of knowledge, you learned to understand yourself and your inner world, to defend your point of view and fundamental beliefs.

This is the initial capital that is designed to become you a reliable support in the fight against future life's troubles and trials.

There are many new and interesting roads ahead, which you need to choose and pass on your own. Each of these paths will only lead to success when you really want to, having achieved the highest degree of skill in the business that you like.

I will not wish you an easy life without trials, simply because this does not happen. But let your first step be successful, because so much depends on it! May every day you live please you with fulfilled hopes and plans, positive emotions and such necessary achievements.

Whatever happens, confidently walk towards a clearly set goal - and then you will definitely succeed! Respect your parents, preserve their traditions and work for the glory of your native country, as great people, whom you first learned about from school textbooks, did.

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After all, you, my dears, - so young and carefree, so young and strong, so healthy and promising - you and only you are our hope, our future support. You are our present and our future, so do not be afraid to embody all your desires, all, even the most daring dreams, into a tangible reality!

Keep in yourself that naive child, whom you once came here for the first time, cherish in your memory the light carelessness of the unique school years.

Let only the present always surround you: sincere love and strong friendship. I will always remember the years spent with you. Good luck, my dears!

Parting words to school graduates from the class teacher

Our dear graduates! Many years have passed since the day you first crossed the school threshold. And here you are again standing on it, so that, like chicks from a nest, fly out of school, scatter in all directions in adult life.

Everyone will have their own, but you should know that here you will always be welcomed like family. Although, how else? Over the years, all of you have become dear to us, our girls and boys.

We have taught you a lot. Finally, we want to wish you not to retreat in front of obstacles, to boldly achieve your goals. So that they do not know despondency, they always enjoy life.

So that they don't forget their school friends and us, your teachers. Easy road to you, clear sky and wonderful future! ***

A class teacher is not a position, but a way of life and a state of mind! Choosing beautiful wishes for the last call to graduates, the class teacher first of all thinks not about the form, but about the deep semantic content of the lines. And this task is not easy.

In your speech, you can recall the years spent at school desks (you can't put the past away), but you can't forget about the future. A cool mother can wish the children an easy life path, fast career growth, speedy achievement of goals and overcoming all difficult obstacles. Beautiful wishes for the last call from the class teacher to graduates can be soulful prose or deep meaningful poetry. ***

The text of wishes to graduates from teachers and the director on the Last Call

Dear children! How quickly the years passed. Eleven years ago, you joined our school family. You announced yourself as new students who came to school with serious intentions. With a mixed feeling of fear and curiosity, they entered the classroom.

But 4 years passed quickly. You have transferred to high school. She met you with equations with many unknowns, which you diligently solved. It seems like yesterday you were standing here - confused fifth graders. You timidly looked at me - your new cool mom. Since then, multicolored asters have been leaning towards the school doorstep seven times, seven winter blizzards have rustled. During the training, the teachers became dear to you, they left an indelible mark on your hearts.

There was so much in our school life: lessons, competitions, holidays, evenings, educational hours. Of course, it was not without broken glass, paper planes in the classroom, painted diaries, and lost portfolios. All these are valuable drops of the big ocean of school life. Until recently, you were anxiously holding the hands of your parents. Today the threshold of our school is still the same, but you have become different. Curious children have turned into grown-up boys and girls, who have a new but interesting life ahead of them.

Today you are solemnly celebrating the completion of the first stage in your life. All this time you have been supported by your teachers, your parent and I, your class teacher. And today the doors to a big world with a lot of opportunities have opened before you. Together we conquered new heights in the land of knowledge, learned to understand ourselves and each other, to defend our point of view and principles. These are the knowledge and skills that will help you emerge victorious from difficult life trials. Believe in yourself. You are unique individuals who are bound to succeed. Be worthy of the respect of others and please me, the class teacher, with your achievements. Have a good trip!

Most recently, the last bell of 2019 died down, when the graduates heard the ringing of bells calling for a lesson for the last time, said goodbye to school teachers and everything that had been so dear for 11 years. Having passed the ZNO 2019, 11th grade students will leave the school. The milestone in this marathon always goes. Therefore, we consider it necessary to prepare congratulations at the graduation in school in verse and prose for graduates, class teachers and parents who always touch the strings of the soul on this already emotional day.


Well, perhaps one of the most important days in your life has come. High school graduation. So many paths have been trodden around the school and so many roads are opening into new life. I wish you always warmly remember your school years, school friends and, of course, teachers who gave you such an important impetus in life, investing the most valuable and necessary. I wish you to make the right choice and take the path that will help you master your favorite and necessary profession, help you bypass all the failures, obstacles and acquire the benefits that you are striving for now, because your future depends on this. Strive, dare, go only forward and never back down.

Today you are leaving your native school, and everything that awaits you in adulthood now depends only on yourself. Here you have been taught to be sincere, independent, responsible, responsive. They taught us to be friends, to defend our opinions, to love science, to take good care of knowledge, that is, they gave the basis for what it is impossible to become a real Human without a capital letter! We wish you not to lose all this, but to multiply, to cultivate the best qualities in yourself. We wish your dreams to come true. Good luck, luck, new achievements, happiness and success in your future life!

So the next stage in your life has ended. You are moving into a more responsible adult life. Therefore, we want to say parting words to you. Always follow your dream and do not give up, find happiness in life and do not miss it. Good luck and success on a difficult, but very interesting life path.

Graduation is a memorable event in everyone's life. Leaving the walls of an educational institution, we enter a new life. So let each of us be able to say with confidence today that his future will be bright and his plans grandiose. May everything that they wish us today come true, and the people who said warm words will not be forgotten.

On this important and wonderful holiday, we wish to realize everything that is conceived and dreams of. The responsible life of an adult is ahead. So let there be no adversity and obstacles on the way. Remember your teachers, do not forget how much they put into each effort and work!

Congratulations to graduates on graduation from school in 2019

Not only graduates are looking for good poems to congratulate each other and teachers on this sad holiday. Very often they are looking for congratulations from parents to graduates at the 2019 graduation. After all, congratulations from parents at the 11th grade sound like goodbye to childhood. The child, leaving the school, plunges into an adult and independent life. Graduation congratulations from parents sound like a parting word, like a guideline on what to rely on in life. Therefore, it is with great pleasure that we publish congratulations for the graduation party from the parents or congratulations to the children at the graduation party.

Farewell to school today
We are proud and happy for you.
We remember the years gone by
How we took you to the first grade.

We wish to create and learn,
Work, search, create:
Sometimes it's not scary to make a mistake
It's scary not to dream at all.

School years are over
Here is your graduation night.
We wish you, in any weather
So that you return home.

Accept from your parents
Congratulations from the heart.
For a long time you studied at school,
You could learn a lot.

And now a new one is ready
The stage of life you start.
All roads are in front of you.
It's up to you to choose.

We wish you success
In this choice of fate
May luck help you
The path worthy to go.

Well, school, your school
Will always be in memory.
Childhood and youth passed in her,
And there were friends around.

Kids grow up unnoticed
And they leave their home ...
We are magnificent on this day,
On the most important holiday - graduation -
We wish you happiness, freedom,
Find a calling, your way.
Go ahead, drive away adversity,
It's easy to step into the adult world!
Problems to snap like nuts
Though there will be a lot of things to do.
We believe in you. And we love dearly.
Let you guys be lucky!

So our children have grown up,
School is already behind
We, parents, congratulate everyone
After all, today is our graduation ceremony.

This is a day of worries and joys
This is the day of the end and the beginning
Handing certificates to children,
School has become a life start.

We wish you all success, good luck,
Let fate pick up speed
To make children the path of happiness
We went through life only forward.

Our dear, our dear children,
Scatter like birds, you are around the world,
Who wants to study, who wants to work,
Let none of you forget your relatives.

The path will be both smooth and thorny,
Let the heart be good, the conscience clear,
And you keep in hearts and souls and minds
Memory of parents and teachers.

Congratulations to teachers and class teacher for the 2019 prom

On such a touching day, how can one fail to say "thanks" to those who have worked for 11 years, passing on precious knowledge to their students. Congratulations to teachers at the graduation ceremony is a modest opportunity to thank from the bottom of the heart for wisdom, invaluable experience and everything that the teachers of schoolchildren fed on. To this end, we made a selection: congratulations to teachers for the graduation party, congratulations to the class teacher at the graduation, as well as congratulations for the graduation to teachers from parents.

How much they did for us
Do not convey everything in words.
We want to say at this hour:
Thank you for being with us!

Compared with mom's love
Which you awarded us.
Smiles, happiness, faith again.
And so that relatives are near!

Being a teacher is a calling.
You keep your patience!
May for all your efforts
Fate will reward generously!

And unlimited health,
Happiness to prosper
You can live only excellently,
Do not know troubles and sorrows.

Live in harmony, prosperity,
So that love envelops.
At work everything is fine
Disciples obedient to you!

Thank you for the kindness
Children, you are an example for them.
Let you live like in a fairy tale,
Without sorrow and loss.

Today memory turns back the clock -
Oh, how many joyful events there were!
For your invaluable work, we hasten to say
Thank you, our cool teacher!

Thank you for always pushing us
Forward, making you believe in strength,
We managed to unite our class by friendship
And they taught the unchanging truths.

Patriotism, honesty, goodness,
Love and mercy ... forever
To you, our teacher, we are in debt
For instilling humanity in us.

Health to you, success day after day
We wish the last one to the trill!
And know that we will not let you down,
That we remember, adore and miss!

You are the most precious teacher for us,
After all, we ran to you with our misfortune and happiness.
You rejoiced with us when there was success,
And they settled our differences.

It's the hardest thing for us to say goodbye to you,
After all, for so many years under your leadership
Our class learned friendship and work,
Patience, science, nobility.

We are grateful to you for your great work.
Rest assured that it was not in vain.
We wish you strength for many long years.
You are a classroom leader by vocation!

Thanks to all teachers
For condescension to our children!
For patience: noise and din
To transfer - health is necessary.

We walk around to work,
You are discovering talents.
All of a sudden we find
Diamonds in notebooks, in souls ...

And this is the meaning and joy of life.
May the May bell ring
But the moody continues,
A wonderful life lesson!

Congratulations to parents on the prom in 2019

In addition to beloved teachers, alumni at their holiday also want to express gratitude for sleepless nights, support, faith and unquestioning love to the most dear people. Therefore, parents cannot do without congratulations. Congratulations to parents for the prom will definitely become a "highlight" and turn the event into a sincere holiday. Write down congratulations to your parents for the 11th grade.

I will thank my parents
For everything that is in my life.
You taught me to appreciate
Welcome, participation and honor.
Be healthy, dear,
Your advice is always important to me.
I thank you for the warmth
There is no more dear than you in the world.

Our dear, good ones!
How can I thank you for everything?
In our time, unthinkably difficult,
It is very difficult to raise children.
We were sometimes so unbearable
We would like everything at once.
You gave all your strength to the end
To my daughters and sons.
Dear you are our parents!
Who else will love us?
You live a long, long time in the world,
Wisely, happily and well!

People who are in charge of the world
We kiss you many times!
Your little children
They love you very, very much!
From you, worthy and beautiful,
We are ready to take an example:
Son - like dad, will be strong
A daughter is a mistress, like a mother.
We will work ourselves
And achieve success
And at the same time, dad and mom
Never forget!

For moms and dads, which is the best in the world,
For those who love us with all their hearts,
The children say their "thank you":
Solid, teenagers, kids.
They are - alas! - grow up so quickly
They lose a thin thread with you,
And they leave far from home
And they promise to call every day ...
And so summer flies by in the summer.
You are looking forward to meeting them again and again.
Thank you parents for this:
For kindness, patience, love.
May the good angel not leave you,
A quiet light always shines in my soul
Let the children come to you more often
Giving care and love in return.

Dad and mom, how to repay
For everything that you have done?
How to measure, how to count,
How much love did you give?
You nurtured, you cherished
From evil, trouble and resentment.
You always did the best you could
How can I thank you?
You showed me a good example
Honesty and kindness.
Everywhere and everywhere, then and now
I remember my dear features.
You gave me so much warmth
That you can warm the whole world.
Your care and tenderness was
Only stronger with the passage of the years.
Neither moms nor dads have days off
No holidays, vacations.
You can always disturb your family,
And you will not hear evil words.
I will always be grateful
To you, dear ones, to bring.
Dad and Mom, I love you so much
May God always keep you.

We hope our congratulations at the graduation party will help you choose the most touching and hold your prom 2019 in the warmest atmosphere. Happy holiday!

Photo:, open sources on the web

The solemn school line dedicated to the Last Bell is traditionally held in the last days of May. On the site in front of the school, classes are lined up in orderly rows - from junior elementary to "newly minted" graduates, for whom this event will be held for the last time. Indeed, the pupils of the 9th and 11th grades today are happy and sad, because they will soon have to leave the walls of their native school forever and choose their own life path. Touching wishes for the Last Call to graduates are heard from the closest and dearest people - the class teacher, teachers, parents, classmates. With the help of words of wishes, you can cheer up graduates, giving them confidence in their abilities and the future. Our selection contains the best wishes in prose and poetry - such touching lines on the Last Bell will be remembered by graduates and everyone present for years to come.

Sincere wishes for the Last bell 2017 for 9th grade graduates in prose - from the director, parents, teachers

Many 9th grade pupils have made a choice in favor of further study in secondary specialized educational institutions or work, so at the Last Call they will have to say goodbye to their beloved school and teachers. What wishes to express to the ninth-graders graduates? First of all, good luck, luck, as well as successful overcoming of all life's difficulties. Starting their journey, Grade 9 graduates receive a lot of guidance from parents and school teachers - close people who are proud of their achievements and want only the best. An important part of the solemn line dedicated to the Last Call is the speech of the headmaster with sincere wishes for perseverance, patience and endurance. We have selected the most sincere wishes for 9th grade graduates in prose - such words can be included in any scenario of the Last Call.

Examples of sincere wishes in prose for the holiday of the Last Call for 9th grade graduates:

Dear graduates, I would like to congratulate you on the successful completion of another milestone in your life. I hope you have received the amount of knowledge you need, which will definitely come in handy in life. Let your further be as bright and unforgettable as the prom. Try to be more attentive to your choice of profession and do not forget your school friends and teachers. Go your own way, boldly looking ahead, and do not be afraid of difficulties!

For me, as a leader, it is a great honor to open the graduation party for our now former ninth graders. We are proud of you. You defended the honor of the school at subject Olympiads and sports competitions, creative contests. This prom night will always be in your memory. Today we are taking stock of your first achievements in life. No matter how your life turns out, know that the connecting thread has not broken. Great happiness to you, joy in new achievements, rise to the heights of eagle flight!

Our beloved children! Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts on your secondary education! Most of them coped with their task with dignity and successfully passed the exams, you are just great! Now everyone has a certificate, it contains only assessments of your knowledge - this is a ticket to a steamer, called to life. Even if not everyone got first class cabins, there will still be time to fix everything and achieve more! In the meantime, have fun and rejoice in youth, but do not forget about your parents. Good luck!

Wishes in prose and verse for the Last bell 2017 from the class teacher - graduates of grades 9 and 11

For graduates, the class teacher is not only a wise mentor, but also an older comrade and friend. Indeed, over the years of school life, children have grown up and learned a lot under the sensitive “guidance” of the class “mother”. And now the time has come to say goodbye to their pupils leaving the walls of their native school - on the holiday of the Last Bell, the class teacher experiences both a feeling of joy and sadness. The class teacher's wishes for graduates are filled with maternal pride, participation and excitement. So, we bring to your attention the best wishes for the Last bell in prose and verse - for graduates of grades 9 and 11 from your beloved class teacher.

A selection of wishes for the Last Call - poetry and prose from the class teacher:

So many feelings mixed in my soul at once

After all, my guys have graduation today!

I won't forget how I took you in fifth grade,

Over the years we have become one family!

Trips, holidays, concerts, KVNs -

There were many amazing minutes!

You guys will definitely remember them,

And may they always live in your hearts!

You have walked your thorny path to the heights of knowledge,

And I tried to be your friend!

And our pride is 2 successful medalists,

Our cheerful, friendly class has decorated the school!

It's not so easy to let me go today

You are the first issue, you are doubly dear to me!

I wish you to live with dignity, noble,

After all, humanity, conscience, honor are always valuable!

Strive for goals and love your family,

Don't forget school, class, teachers!

May life be full of achievements and discoveries,

Walk joyfully, confidently along it!

Your last bell rings today
Painfully familiar, carried away to childhood,
And, touching every corner of the soul,
He opens a new door for you!

You are my children, we have become like a family,
It's time for us to say goodbye, you are adults at all!
A new path awaits everyone,
But autumn will yearn for you!

You keep the memory of your school years,
May everyone find their own way in life,
Everything is in your hands from now on,
And new goals are already waiting at the doorstep!

Dear Guys! There is so much ahead of you! Victories, fulfillment of desires, well-deserved success will come to you, you will learn a lot of new things and one day you will take your children to first grade ... Today, at the school holiday of the Last Call, I want to wish you good luck, good mood and inspiration for all your long, happy a life!

Touching wishes for the Last Bell 2017 from parents in prose and poetry - to children and teachers

The last bell is the final part of a long-term “marathon” called “studying at school”. Indeed, only final exams are ahead, after which school life will remain only in the memories of children and parents. Of course, at the holiday of the Last Bell, everyone's attention is riveted on the graduates of the 9th and 11th grade - smart girls and boys who are on the verge of a new adult life. Congratulating young graduates on graduating from school, parents say words of encouragement and parting words, as well as wishes for good luck, the correct choice of profession, and success in further studies. Do not forget about school teachers - on behalf of your parents, dedicate a few good wishes in poetry and prose to teachers on behalf of your parents.

Texts of touching wishes for the holiday of the Last Call for children and teachers - poetry and prose from parents:

Dear teachers, of the most wonderful best school, for many years you have met your students - our children, taught, taught smart things, good deeds. It seemed that the school saga would never end. The day of farewell with breaks, lessons and calls came quite unexpectedly. We are happy and sad, a little scared to be left without your daily patronage. Please accept your parents' deepest bows, sincere gratitude for your teaching.

Dear teachers and graduates! Today is a joyful and solemn moment - today the last bell rings for you. This is a long-awaited event, because it is with the last bell that you, graduates, become adults, and you, teachers, can be proud of yourself, because you have graduated another generation of students. We from all parents congratulate you on this event and wish you to pass all the final exams perfectly and not let your teachers down.

Everything ends. This is the law of times.
And school time is coming to an end.
Last bell, farewell ring
Show you off from the school door.

We raised you, believed, tried -
Now is the time to be proud of you.
You have always remained children for us,
Although they were surprised at times.

Now we want to wish you success,
Always, in everything - let you be lucky.
A reward will come for school labors
And whatever you want will happen!

Wishes on the Last Call 2017 to classmates - in poetry and prose

Many classmates became real friends or good buddies during their school years. However, you have to part with the end of school, because from now on, each graduate has his own path in life. At the Last Call, classmates can wish the fulfillment of their cherished desires - to enter a university and graduate with honors, get a dream job, meet their love and create a strong family. May the sincere words of wishes in poetry and prose for classmates come true and become a kind and friendly parting word. And most importantly, wish your classmates to meet again - a few years later!

What can you wish for on the day of the Last Call by classmates - the best poems and prose:

School has come to an end
And a festive outfit suits you
You are growing up already,
So I want to tell you:
Let the study always be at five,
To take your diploma red
And in order to find a worthy profession,
Let luck always bode on the way!

Classmate, congratulations!
On the day of the last call
Peace, I wish you joy!
To make life easy
Let the good happen
Will never let you down
It's summer to join
In happiness, a warm round dance!

I wish you, my dears, that your school years remain in your memory a bright and kind spot, so that you will always remember with emotion and joy. I wish you to succeed in your future life as good specialists and "people". I wish the boys to become strong and courageous, responsible and good heads of families. Let the girls be kind and sweet, excellent mothers and hostesses. And may you succeed in this life!

What wishes to pick up for the Last Call? On our pages you will find texts of sincere wishes for graduates in verse and prose: from the class teacher, teachers, parents. It is better to say touching wishes to classmates for the holiday of the Last Call orally, putting the warmest friendly feelings into each word. We wish you all the best, dear graduates!

Warm and good wishes for the Last Bell are prepared by all guests of the festive event. Parents in prose express their admiration for their children, give them parting words. Teachers say goodbye to high school students and wish them to reach new heights. But the graduates themselves congratulate teachers, parents, and their classmates on completing their studies at school, lyceum, college. Touching poems will perfectly complement the atmosphere of the Last Call. Among the proposed examples of texts, videos, you can pick up beautiful pieces for the opening and ending of the holiday.

Touching wishes to graduates in prose for the Last Bell - with examples of texts

Not only parents, teachers, but also the administration and other employees of the school will be able to please the graduates at their holiday and simply give the children a great mood. They can say wishes to graduates at the Last Call as a "bonus" to the main program.

Examples of touching wishes in prose for graduates on the Last Bell

Beautiful wishes in prose, pronounced by the head teacher, director or your favorite cook from the dining room, will help to make a nice gift to graduates during the Last Call. You can find touching texts for children from the following examples:

School time is over! Over these years, you have all matured and from touching chicks turned into real birds, ready to fly, spreading their wings. There is a long interesting life ahead, and we wish everyone to find their own way. Let all the knowledge and skills that we got at school become a solid foundation for further achievements, the people who have been swamis all these years will remain in everyone's heart for a long time. Have a good trip!

Dear and dear our graduates! Congratulations on your graduation from school! We wish everyone smooth roads and a fair wind! May there be a lot of good in your life, may there always be love in your heart, friends who will support and help come along! May all your cherished dreams come true in the best way, willow with endurance, courage and patience, conquer all troubles and overcome all obstacles!

Now your graduation has arrived, I sincerely congratulate you. I would like to wish prudence and prudence for further adult life. Let life give you pleasant surprises, let your path be easy and sunny. I wish you happy, good days, good health, and even a bright lighthouse ahead that will help you make the right choice.

Beautiful wishes and parting words from the class teacher for the Last call - texts and video example

At the holiday of the Last Bell, it is the class teacher who should give good parting words to the youth. Children should also pick up beautiful wishes for the class teacher for the Last Call.

Poems with wishes and parting words to the Last Call from the class teacher

It will be much "nicer" to hear wishes in verse on the Last Call than official prose. Original works can be selected from the following examples:

Congratulations sound today

For you guys from the heart.

Today you are very big

You are graduates today.

We sincerely congratulate you,

We walked this path together.

Even though you say goodbye to school

You will remain children for us.

Do not forget your native school

And come in sometimes

To tell what you have become

And how are you doing.

You guys have a prom ball,

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts,

Did you come to grade 1 when

You were all kids!

Well, now it's a completely different matter

You have matured and you cannot find out

You walk through life firmly, boldly,

And the teachers are happy for you!

Do not forget your native school,

Visit us teachers more often,

Good luck on your chosen path!

Dear children, we say goodbye to you,

But we are not going to part forever,

We are waiting for you at school every time you need something,

Let the north and south wind carry you towards us!

May everything turn out cool and successful for you,

There will be life without fetters, honest and transparent,

Mountains of happiness and love on holidays and weekdays,

There will be a lot of success and warmth in life!

Video example of beautiful wishes from the class teacher on the Last Call

You can also wish the graduates happiness and success with a sincere speech, which the class teacher prepared independently. An example of such a speech will help you write a kind and touching text:

Good wishes from parents for the last call to all graduates - in beautiful verses

Lovely and sincere wishes for the Last Call from parents should be carefully selected: after all, it is very difficult to convey the whole gamut of feelings of mom and dad. Among the proposed texts, you can find many examples for congratulating graduates.

Wishes in verse from the parents of graduates to the Last Call

Small poems will perfectly help to congratulate the guys and wish them success in the future. Such works are easily remembered and easily recited at the holidays:

So you, children, have become adults.

A new world awaits you beyond the threshold.

But is it easy to find a calling there,

Without sowing a landmark along the way?

But I know that you can do anything.

The harsh winds will not frighten you away.

You are not afraid of problems and difficulties,

If there is a big dream in the heart.

Do not forget, please, about friendship,

Be together, even though you are all different.

I wish courage and honor.

Our beloved children, Happy Holidays!

Our beautiful daughters!

Our grown-up sons!

So you have reached the "point"

Your school bench.

Low bow to teachers!

He gave you a lot.

There is a lot of knowledge and wisdom,

At the cost of my gray hair.

And now the road is open for you

In adulthood ahead.

Now there are many choices

Take the right path!

Our dear kids.

Let everyone say that you are already adults.

We were leading you by the hand now,

As then, with briefcases and braids.

All eleven years have flown by

Childhood flew by unnoticed.

We want to congratulate you, many words,

But it aches in my soul and presses in my heart.

Tears in my eyes, because of the guys

Little and silly kids

Men grew up, and girls

All turned into ladies and princesses.

May your further path be bright

Let failures pass by

All obstacles will be low, which means

It will be easy to live in frost and heat.

To make your heart flutter

So that you do not forget how to dream.

So that parents do not forget

In order not to dare to lose childhood.

Cool wishes for classmates for the last call from graduates - texts of poems

Many graduates wish to congratulate their friends on graduation. To do this, they just need to choose cool wishes for the Last Call to classmates and read them out during the holiday.

Texts of cool wishes for classmates for the holiday of the Last Call

Such modern verses are perfect for the Last Call and will delight high school students:

At the prom, build up for the evening!

Congratulations to all classmates

The last bell and exams are over, which means that the only feature that separates graduates from adulthood is the graduation party. This grand event, regardless of whether it takes place in kindergarten, elementary school or in grade 11, is not complete without congratulations. How else? After all, a graduate is a proud title, which can only be carried by those who have overcome many difficulties on the way to knowledge. And of course, each of these lucky ones deserves the most sincere and beautiful congratulations from their relatives and friends. The original congratulations to graduates that you will find in our article are very versatile. They are perfect for grade 4 graduates and high school students.

Original congratulations to graduates in verse

You can congratulate on the graduation in different ways: a postcard, a song, kind words. But there is a variant of congratulations, which is always won at such an event - these are poems. Original poetic wishes are nice to hear and nice to pronounce. Their rhythm creates a special positive mood, and warm words warm young hearts. In addition, poetry manages to express much more thoughts and emotions than prose. In addition, you can always write down your congratulations in verse separately on a postcard and give it to the graduate for a long memory.

Tied with stacks of books

It smells amazingly in spring ...

And yesterday's "just boys"

Like princes at their prom

And yesterday's "just girls"

Overshadowed by the beauty of Hollywood.

This important bright date -

Adulthood is your first debut.

Congratulations! Full of hopes

This is a very exciting moment.

Every path is free to choose,

In life, everyone is always a student.

And today, under a festive whisper

You strive, stepping forward,

Unique gain experience

Outside the school gates.

Our life is undoubtedly a movement.

So go the road of luck!

Find simple solutions

As recently - for school tasks.

We wish you to reach the goals,

Do not give up, rushing after the dream.

Be happy everyone in life

And share your kindness!

School years, wonderful,

They flew by unnoticed.

You stand interesting,

And how much they matured.

All solemnly beautiful

All yesterday's school class.

You go a long way,

Remember school more than once.

Great happiness in your life,

And reach any heights.

Fly away from prom

To always go forward!

School will remain in the past

Say goodbye to her now.

You will remember your school years

You will visit more than once

Let the world open up

Hundreds of roads before you.

Your only path to choose

This is the tricky question.

May luck be with you

May success be with you

So that difficult tasks

I could crack like a nut.

Graduation is calling with lights

Colorful balloons.

Girls in beautiful dresses

Enchant everyone.

Guys are just a sight for sore eyes:

Tailcoat, and bow tie, and shoes -

Everything shines, everything is success.

Graduation happens only once ...

Congratulations graduate.

You are full of happiness today:

Life beckons dear.

Have fun, enjoy

With all the colors of the dawn

And dance until you drop

Catch the sparks of joy.

Let fate show you

On the path that will bring

Lots of happiness and good luck.

May you be lucky in everything.

Touching congratulations to graduates from parents in verse and prose

Probably the first ones who seek to present their congratulations to graduates are their parents. For a long time, mothers and fathers, along with their children, experienced all the joys and sorrows of the educational process. They certainly know firsthand about how hard fives were sometimes given and how many tears were shed because of poor grades. Therefore, at the graduation party, when it is customary to draw a certain line and take the first step towards a new life, parents always have something to say to graduates. And even if parental words may sound with a slight tremor, and they take their breath away from excitement, moms and dads are ready to publicly congratulate their children again and again. And it doesn't matter in poetry or prose, because the main thing is that these congratulations will be full of words of love and pride.

Children! We have a lot to tell you -

If a lump comes up to the throat;

Don't be ashamed to look you in the eye

And let God help you in everything!

May luck never leave you

And let you be better than us ...

You graduated from the eleventh grade,

But you will remain our children!

Children, how fast you are growing!

Yesterday we were still first graders.

Today you go to adult life

Saying goodbye to bows and school shirts.

Childhood is left somewhere behind

Let the memories warm your hearts.

May the expectation of the happiness of adulthood

You will brighten up the bitterness with the childhood of parting!

So the next stage in your life has ended. You are moving into a more responsible adult life. Therefore, we want to say parting words to you. Always follow your dream and do not retreat, find happiness in life and do not miss it. Good luck and success on a difficult, but very interesting life path.

School time is over! Over the years, you have all matured and turned from touching chicks into real birds, ready to fly, spreading their wings. There is a long and interesting life ahead, and we wish everyone to find their own way in it. May all the knowledge and skills that you received at school become a solid foundation for further achievements, and the people who have been with you all these years will remain in everyone's heart for a long time. Have a good trip!

Beautiful congratulations to graduates from the class teacher

Along with the parents, the class teacher worried about the successes and failures of the graduates for many years. It is difficult to call him an ordinary teacher, because in addition to the standard functions of a subject teacher, the class teacher also performs the duties of a “second mother”. These include care, praise, and help in resolving conflict situations. Unsurprisingly, the homeroom teacher has especially warm feelings for her "children." Therefore, at the graduation party, he really wants to congratulate his class and finally say a lot of kind and warm words.

For the last time I stand before you

How much I want to say.

I loved you over the years

And so I do not want to lose.

You and I have passed a hard way-

Resentment, tears and success

But we always remained friends

And for that I love you all.

Maybe I didn't have much time

I could not explain to you sensibly

But, believe me, I really wanted

Teach you to think and love.

As I remember that day today

How we first met.

You were so small

And they stood by their mothers.

The years passed very quickly

You have become completely different -

A series of problems awaits you

And another life, because we have matured.

Over the years, everything between us was:

Resentment, pain, victory, defeat.

I remember every happy moment

After all, I loved you as my family.

I wish you all plans of incarnation,

So that all your wishes come true!

And remember: wherever you go,

Try to make a decision with a conscience.

How quickly time flew by

More recently, mothers of you

With flowers timidly and timidly

They took me by the hand to the fifth grade.

Today I am not a stranger to you.

And giving you a part of the soul,

I accompany you with pain in my heart

To a big life, to an adult world.

And you send me telegrams

About and just like that.

I became your second mother,

And this, children, is not a trifle.

I will worry about you

And from the heart to worry

Now promise:

Call me and write more often.

Year after year passed little by little

It's time to leave.

And today on the big road

You will leave your home yard.

The path will not be easy, do you understand?

The path that you will take in life ...

And you will break a lot of wood,

And you will fill a lot of cones.

All will pass. Without looping deviously,

And breaking the edge of adversity,

Establish yourself worthily in this life

And believe in your meaning.

Heartfelt congratulations to graduates from teachers

For many years they were on different sides of the educational process, but they followed one common goal - knowledge. Despite the fact that there were misunderstandings and resentments between teachers and today's graduates, all of them no longer matter. And the prom is a great opportunity to leave all conflicts in the past and say goodbye to your students on a positive note. It is for this purpose that touching congratulations to graduates from teachers in poetry and prose serve. And these are not just nice wishes. These are the last wise instructions from teachers, from whose words everyone can take out something important for themselves.

Graduation is the last school ball

He gathered us under one roof!

Girls are prettier than brides

Guys are the best around.

Youth is like a blooming spring

Changes await you, novelty,

New friends, love, worries,

Hobbies and first job.

You have a choice, and it's big

Just do it always with a soul,

Move forward confidently

Reaching goals and heights!

Get out of school

Yesterday's friendly class.

May the joy from graduation

Doesn't leave you.

Everything goes right from the doorway

Study, institute.

May the road be bright

It will start somewhere here.

Cheerful ringing flock

School lets you out.

And happiness and success

I sincerely wish you.

Today you are leaving your native school, and everything that awaits you in adulthood now depends only on you. Here you have been taught to be sincere, independent, responsible, responsive. They taught me to be friends, to defend my opinion, to love science, to take good care of knowledge, that is, they gave the basis for what it is impossible to become a real Human without a capital letter! We wish you not to lose all this, but to multiply, cultivate the best qualities in yourself. We wish your dreams to come true. Good luck, luck, new achievements, happiness and success in your future life!

Graduates! You enter adulthood, leaving the walls of the school, and take the first serious steps on your way. We wish you strength and courage to accept this responsibility and avoid irreparable mistakes. Do not be afraid of difficulties and boldly make decisions using your mind and your own feelings. Let life be an exciting journey for you that will provide you with valuable lessons for the future.

Warm congratulations to graduates from classmates

It is important to say the last warm words to each other to the graduates themselves. Literally from tomorrow, they will already become former classmates and, most likely, will not get together for years. And on this solemn day, when the graduates see each other for the last time as a single class, I want to find warm words for everyone. Good wishes, promises not to lose touch, always remember about your schoolmates and help each other - that's what it is so important to say in your congratulations. Choose beautiful congratulations to graduates in verse or touching wishes in prose, and be sure to speak with them at your graduation party!

We part with the school

On a special day - at the prom.

Everything that we went through at school

Everything will stay with me.

We do not hide our feelings

Laughter through tears in my eyes.

We have been waiting for the cherished day

Often seen in dreams.

Lessons left behind

The last bell rang.

All roads are now open:

Be firm, confident, courageous in life.

The call is really the last

It sounded loud today

You step into the world of adventure

Ambitions, goals and beginnings.

Find your recognition in him,

And whatever is along the way

Always look for your calling

And always go to the end!

Our paths diverge today

But I know we will meet more than once.

We will remember each other for a long time,

After all, many things unite us.

At first we were completely strangers

But for each other we became a family.

We've been through a lot over the years

And this path was very difficult.

There are still a lot of us ahead.

I wish you, friends, to gain strength,

Don't be too hard on yourself

And so that your work brings you fruits.

School years stayed forever

In our memory now,

School years are given to a person

To open your door!

We wish everyone who taught us good luck

Happy days and kindness

We will solve any problems

So it's time to say goodbye!

We wish our native school to flourish,

She is the best in the world

We sincerely congratulate you on your prom,

Our dear friends!

There will be even more congratulations to graduates

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