Impulsive shopping. Impulse Goods - Encyclopedia of Economics

It's no secret that the key to the success of any store or supermarket is a properly selected assortment of goods. The whole variety of goods, from the main one, for which the buyer comes to the store, to the secondary one - the one that was not the main purpose of the purchase, should, as it were, complement each other. A variety of sweets and chocolates, chips and squids for beer, key chains and small toys designed in the form of kinder surprises, etc. are considered to be goods that are bought impulsively. The correct selection of the assortment of goods that is bought unintentionally cannot be underestimated, because the share of impulse purchases can reach 50% of the total number of sales.


According to statistics, about 65% of decisions a person makes under the influence of indirect reasons that are not directly related to logic. One of these decisions is the spontaneous acquisition of a thing. In this process, desire clearly dominates the mind and all the good and bad qualities of the product are not realized. The bulk of impulse buying occurs for the following reasons:

  • under the influence of sensations generated by the appearance of the product itself (for example, I saw beer in the window - I remembered the feeling of slight relaxation, so I bought it in order to feel it again),
  • under the influence of associations built by advertising (for example, I saw chips on the counter - I remembered the cheerful feeling that appeared while watching the advertisement - I bought it to find out the same in reality),
  • under the influence of a short-term desire to use (smelled the smell of freshly baked bread - I really wanted to try it).

Most often, impulse purchases are made in supermarkets, hypermarkets and others that have departments of daily demand goods. Products that are positioned as goods of impulse, demand must have some features:

  • she must have an attractive appearance,
  • should be as accessible as possible,
  • have compact overall dimensions,
  • recall any pleasant sensations.

human weaknesses

Conventionally, goods can be divided into two unequal parts. The first includes those that are precisely the subject of impulse purchases for a particular store, such as, for example, books and magazines, for which they are unlikely to come to the supermarket. The second group includes targeted products, the number of sales of which, if properly placed on the trading floor, can be significantly increased. Most food products, especially confectionery, as well as cigarettes, alcohol, condoms, household chemicals, candles, napkins, tablecloths, inexpensive household goods, etc. can be considered as impulse purchases. Along with them, goods with small dimensions and a small price can be bought impulsively, which can tempt the buyer with their bright and attractive packaging or some interesting features. So, recently, in one of the supermarket chains, mini-staplers with a catchy color were sold out, which were placed on the shelves near the cash desks.


The first thing that catches the eye of the buyer is the quality of the packaging and the way the product is displayed. It is the location of the goods in the window and the attractive eye-catching appearance of the packaging that should attract the attention of a potential buyer, thereby provoking him to buy. But it doesn’t always work out that way, sometimes a buyer who reacts to bright packaging, on the contrary, refuses to buy. In order to increase impulsive demand in an attractive design, they use:

  • colors that evoke an association with comfort and a pleasant process of "consumption": brownish, beige, dark green with a brown tint - for all types of goods.
  • pastel colors that evoke associations with infantilism and create the illusion of a "toy world": pink, light purple, lemon - for daily consumption goods (for example, fermented milk products).

It must be remembered that each type of product must correspond to a certain color design. So green and brown shades increase the sales of wines and spirits, and vice versa, reduce the level of sales of computers and office equipment. Cool tones such as blues, grays and greens increase the frequency of impulse purchases in the fresh-frozen department (in this case, it creates a feeling of cleanliness and freshness), but lower, in general, sales of the product group.


Another important factor that affects the number of such sales is the dependence on the relative position of the goods in the windows. After all, goods used together (for example, blades and razors) or the joint use of which improves their properties (for example, fish and beer, washcloths and soap, etc.) can significantly increase the level of sales of goods in this category. In one of the hypermarkets, thus, the annual turnover of additional accessories for household audio-video equipment (headphones, adapters, cords and extension cords) was sold out within a month.

Types of calculation

The next, third factor is the use of the capabilities of commercial equipment and different options for displaying goods. Arriving at the store and examining the windows, the buyer intuitively tries on the goods to his person. He unconsciously imagines and remembers the sensations that he associates with the selected product. So, for example, when buying an ordinary pen, the buyer picks it up, tries to feel the convenience of being in the palm of his hand; choosing a sausage, he represents its taste; when trying on clothes, he tries to feel the further comfort of wearing. At the same time, a quality product familiar to the buyer diverges much faster. This is due to the fact that the buyer knows the positive emotions from the possession or use of goods of this particular brand or type. So, for example, the same chips or crackers are associated with a pleasant pastime, evoke memories of a pleasant rest and relaxation, so by laying out this type of product in bulk, you can significantly increase the number of sales.

Two factors influence the increase in the number of impulsive purchases:

  1. The layout of the goods in accordance with the options for its use (see above).
  2. The layout of the product in accordance with those pleasant or not very sensations that it awakens.

Product layout type

Feelings evoked



Prosperity, festivity

Wines, juices, dishes, items for table decoration.


Quality and reliability


The rarest value of the goods

Jewelry, luxury stationery, wines, tableware.

Single horizontal

Increased product value.

Alcohol. Household appliances, equipment.


Decrease in value and price.

Inexpensive goods. Common household appliances. Food.

Rest. Relaxation.

Beer. Chips and crackers. Confectionery. Bath and shower products.

An auxiliary potential for attracting interest to a possible object of impulsive purchase is the placement of goods at the beginning of a row with goods or on end racks. The use of end racks with the layout of goods for which the price is reduced or with an attractive appearance can increase both sales directly from the racks and, in general, increase the turnover of goods in the showcase next to which such a rack is located.

Statistics show that single people make the largest number of impulsive purchases, families with children and married couples are in a secondary place.

At present, according to expert research, every fourth resident in the United States is single, while in the Russian Federation such indicators are still significantly lower, but still they are being pulled up to the level in America. Based on these data, one can predict an increase in the number of impulsive purchases in stores and supermarkets, and, accordingly, pay more attention to them than is customary.

From the article you will learn:

What are impulse goods?

How to stimulate impulse demand?

Who makes impulsive purchases?

In addition to the necessary goods that are part of the traditional shopping basket, in any store there are a large number of "sweets" that do not bring any benefit to the body, but beckon with bright packaging and rich taste. A variety of sweets, chocolate bars, crackers, chips and other harmful pleasures constantly catch our eye. As a result, when a visitor approaches the checkout, the hand itself reaches for the rack to snatch the most appetizing one from the abundance of sweets.

These products are called impulse goods, because often the buyer does not plan to take them, but still takes them out of the store, obeying some internal impulse. Since stores are interested in increasing sales, they actively stimulate this impulse.

What are impulse goods?

Impulse goods- These are, as a rule, inexpensive mass products available to a wide segment of buyers. They are not included in the basic consumer basket, they are purchased after the main purchases, for example, for change (chocolate bars, chewing gum, nuts, etc.).

For impulse goods, there are several rules that make them attractive to the client:

  • they bring pleasure;
  • have attractive packaging;
  • packaged in small packs and imply divisibility;

According to statistics, the highest percentage of impulse purchases are made in self-service stores. There are effective methods by which you can stimulate the sale of such products.

How to stimulate impulse demand?

impulse demand largely depends on how the goods are located on the trading floor. When visiting supermarkets, you may have noticed that at the checkout there is a stand with various small sweets and snacks. This is no coincidence. The buyer comes to the checkout with a basket already filled, that is, he has already put all the basic products in it, and now he can make an impulsive purchase that was not included in his plans. The system of placing shelves and racks on the trading floor, which allows you to "direct" the buyer to goods of impulse demand, is called the "golden triangle" in merchandising.

Stimulate the sale of impulse products
rum is possible with the help of the correct calculation. Pallet placement works well when products are placed separately from the showcase in a specially made bright branded box.

Products in the manufacturer's packaging, stacked or pyramided outside the display case, also give the impression of being accessible, and the buyer is more likely to approach them. The arrangement of the product in bulk creates an impression of abundance, is associated with relaxation and rest, such a layout is suitable for chips, sweets, etc.

It is also worth paying attention to companion products, which are sometimes bought together. Salty snacks are often placed on the beer display, cheese displays are served with wine bottles, a condiment stand is located near the meat department, and body washcloths are hung next to the shower gels.

Avoid placing impulse goods in the so-called "dead" zones, which include the far corners of the trading floor, the beginning and end of the rack shelf, as well as its lower left corner, narrow aisles.

Who makes impulsive purchases?

Statistics show that the first place in impulsive purchases is occupied by single people. In second place are married couples, and only in third place are families with children. Each of these target audiences has its own needs, so they need to be taken into account when zoning and displaying products to stimulate sales.

Most often it is any small things, related products. But it happens otherwise. Let's say you hang up a special offer, from which it follows that the purchase of a product is very profitable. The person was not going to buy a new TV, but when he sees a 75% discount, he lights up with the idea of ​​​​purchasing, forgets about everything and runs to the cashier.

Goods of target demand, as we have already said, are located as far as possible from the cash register so that a person goes far behind them. Along the way, goods of both target and impulsive demand are located. There is a chance that a person will capture them along the way.

And closer to the checkout and in the most important passageways there are already goods of impulsive demand - accessories, small things, related products. Their man at the same time (since he arrived and spent his time) on the way back to the checkout can grab.

So, there are three categories of goods that we have arranged as follows: the furthest away are goods of targeted demand, for which people come specifically. If someone comes for a refrigerator, and it will be located right at the entrance, the person will come up, choose and immediately go to the checkout, without reaching the rest of your goods. But you need the customer to stay in the store as long as possible and purchase as many goods as possible.

Slightly closer are goods that have both target and impulsive demand. And the third group - goods of impulsive demand, which a person acquires, succumbing to emotions - they are in checkout area. Here, a person willy-nilly stops for quite a long time. As he walks around the room, his eyes linger on each new shelf (with the exception of the targeted goods for which he came) for a moment or two. But in the checkout area, the buyer spends at least a minute, and in the case of a queue, even longer. And while a person is in this zone, he should be given the opportunity to acquire as much as possible. Here it makes sense to have a bunch of small things from the most popular goods of impulsive demand.

How to understand which goods will be optimal in the checkout area? Review past purchases. See what your customers bought the most along with other large items, and you can also factor in seasonality. For example, if it is autumn, then lay out autumn gloves, if winter - winter.

Of course, if you have a department store, you can put various relevant little things in the checkout area - batteries, flashlights, and so on.

Profit should also be taken into account: place goods with the highest margin in the checkout area. If the margin is 50% for batteries and only 20% for condoms, then you should prefer batteries - this way you will get a big profit.

The checkout area is a source of additional and very decent income. It often makes 20-25% of the profit - not due to the size of sales, but due to high margins.

Main route. Upon entering the trading floor, the client should immediately get to the main route. The passage along it should be wider and more obvious than additional passages between the rows. That is, there are also non-main passages, but they are narrow so that a person intuitively understands which route is the main one.

Along the way, so-called islands. What it is? The main route should be interrupted by inserts of interesting goods. You have probably seen this in supermarkets like IKEA: from time to time large boxes with small things or some beautiful unusual goods appear on the way.

What are islands for? First, to slow down the flow of customers. A person who comes to the mall or supermarket for something specific and at first goes on autopilot, not paying attention to anything. And the purpose of the islands is to slow down the speed of its movement so that a person stops, starts looking around, finds something interesting.

Secondly, if a person walks more than twenty to twenty-five meters along a straight corridor, it is very tiring for him. He gets bored, and you shouldn't let that happen in your store. He should not just buy your product - he should be interested! And interest is created when there is no monotony. That's what islands are for.

Another caveat to consider is that the main route should be laid counterclockwise so that buyers go to the right when they go inside - and then counterclockwise. This is done because most people are right-handed and are more comfortable walking to the right.

The main purpose of the route is to lengthen the path of customers through your store. Accordingly, it is better to make a route not just, say, in a square, but like a maze. As in the IKEA store - there the path is very, very non-trivial.

The next important point is control of perception and flow rate. How can you direct the flow of customers to the right place?

Let's say we have a department located very far away, and we want people to get into it more often. You can direct the flow of buyers using a tool such as backlighting. If you put a beautiful product in a conspicuous place from afar and highlight it brightly, people will go to it just out of interest.

The beauty of the route. This seems optional - why would a route be beautiful if people came to shop? But everything is not so simple. For a long time, people perceive the shopping center not just as a place to purchase the necessary goods, but also as a means of entertainment.

And the more unusual and beautiful the route in your store, the more customers will like to come to you again and again. For them, visiting your store will also be an attractive pastime.

Convenience of the route. This should be especially taken care of if the store is located on several levels. It is necessary that no area is left out of the route.

In addition, it is worth making sure that it is convenient for the client to follow the main route, so that nothing interferes with this. Let's say somewhere a storefront protrudes strongly, which interferes with the normal passage of a cart, or a traffic jam occurs when two people go in opposite directions.

Identification of difficult places in the hall and work with them. If there are areas in the store that customers are reluctant to go to (most often these are some kind of corners and additional premises), you need to lure customers there. Additional signs and signs will perfectly cope with this task. In addition, you can add visually appealing products that will direct the flow so that buyers follow in the right direction, if only out of curiosity.

Expensive goods. In the department with such goods should be a lot of free space. We need a calm atmosphere, without any noise, sparkling and flickering. Space is required so that people do not crowd, because a person makes a decision to buy an expensive product not impulsively, but very thoughtfully. And he should have a place to stand to think, weigh, estimate, so that in the end the scales lean towards the purchase.

Let's talk about product layout logic. A good way is to use names like "Homemade", "All for Moms" and so on, so that customers can immediately understand where which goods are located.

It is also important to allocate zones in the trading floor according to the logic of the buyer. What does it mean? It often happens that in the store the goods are not located in the way that is convenient and desirable for customers, but in the way that is convenient for logisticians. It is easier for them to deliver the goods in a certain sequence. It is not right. You must dance not from your own convenience, but from the convenience of your customers.

In this matter, you should pay attention to what customers most often buy this product with. Let's say if they come to the plumbing department, then you need to place tiles nearby, even if it's not very convenient for you. And it often happens that it is easier to take the tiles and put them at one end of the hall, and the toilets at the opposite. But then the client, instead of choosing, say, a bath, and immediately picking up tiles for it, has to go through the entire store. And many will not do this simply because it is so inconvenient.

Basic principles: the desired product, for which the client came, should be located farthest. But unnecessary, additional products (impulsive goods) should be conspicuous, lie in the most prominent places.

And do not forget that people should be interested in your store, because otherwise all these tricks will be of little use. People don't like boredom, which means you have to keep them interested.

It also makes sense, if you have a fairly large hall, to make a map of the store and hang it in prominent places. Then customers can find everything they need. In large stores, this is always a problem - you will never find what you really need.

A good example is the IKEA store. It has everything we talked about. The long route is made very, very winding so that the buyer comes, say, to buy a towel (he saw an advertisement that it costs only 99 rubles), took a cart and went in search of it, and eventually went to the checkout with a huge cart stuffed to the top , and thought: “But I forgot the towel ...”.

Your task is to create a route according to the same principle. Make it sinuous and keep the client from getting bored. It makes people turn, stop. If the path is long and straight, a person quickly runs through it, and that's it. You want him to walk slowly, slowly, looking at all the goods.

So, we talked about the layout of the trading floor and the location of the goods. Be sure to use the described chips, at least some of them. Implement them in your store. In this matter, there are a huge number of nuances that can greatly increase sales in your trading floor. These nuances depend on the characteristics of specific goods, premises and much more. If you are interested, please contact us for advice, we will definitely help you.

Client Needs Script

In most cases, this script is needed by the cashier. It should be used at the moment when the buyer places an order and pays for the selected goods (see template 8).

The script looks like this: there is a dialogue between the buyer and the cashier about the purchase. And the cashier can say this phrase: “Great choice! It is very important for us to know why our customers buy this or that product. Can you tell me why you chose this chainsaw? Do you have an event?"

With this question, the cashier determines the true need. In our case, a person purchased a product as a gift. For example, the client answers this question: “Yes, you can say so - it’s my mother-in-law’s birthday. You have to be surprised."

Accordingly, after that the cashier can invite the client to fill out the questionnaire, substantiating this with some action.

Let's say this is a questionnaire for receiving a card with a 15% discount. Additional motivation is also added: “The next time you buy something from us, you will already have a good discount. And you will not need to think about where and how to choose a product.

What is it for? In essence, you determine the needs of your customers: what products they come to you for, why, in what period of time, what is their motivation.

This approach is actively used in children's goods stores. Cashiers are interested in young mothers and fathers, whether the child was born, how old he is, and so on. The buyer answers questions, after which he is offered to fill out a questionnaire and receive a discount. Then the cashier notes in the report that such and such a client has purchased and when exactly his child is due to be born (say, in a month).

A month later, a store employee can call the client and congratulate him on the birth of a child. It will be very nice, especially in our time, when most stores do not stand out with service. In fact, 99% of stores don't do these things at all.

And if you do this - call your customers and congratulate them on some event or remind them of something (it all depends on the specific situation), then you will stand out from your competitors.

Template 8. Client Needs Script

(Dialogue about buying a product.)

- Great choice! It is very important for us to know why our customers buy this or that product. Can you tell me if you have an event?

- You can say so - mother-in-law's birthday. You have to surprise.

- Understand. Have a good day! By the way, we have a promotion going on right now. You can fill out a short questionnaire, it will take just three minutes. After that, you will receive a loyalty card with a 15% discount and next time you will not think where and what gift to choose.

- OK, thank you! With pleasure!

Customer Needs Identification Report

The situation should be as follows. The customer has made a purchase. The cashier carried out his order and, using the script described earlier, determined the need. It should be included in this report.

What does it contain? This is a fairly simple form that can have a free look. It all depends on the specifics of your work. The cashier enters the last name, first name of the client in the report, writes the name of the purchased product, the date of purchase and makes special notes. For example, it indicates that in a month the customer should have a baby (in the case of a children's store).

Then the cashier indicates the date when this customer was entered into the database. And puts the date of the touch, to see when to call back the customer.

Please try this system. It has already been worked out and is successfully used in several stores. Implement and follow the results!

Template 9. Customer Needs Identification Report

Sales managers motivation

In this chapter, we will talk about motivation in the sales department. We will discuss various payment systems (financial motivation), we will analyze in detail a very effective way - a motivational board, the use of which significantly improves the efficiency of managers.

Let's talk about how to motivate managers to knock out debts from your debtors, if this issue is relevant for you. Let's figure out what percentage of payment is optimal for sales managers. In addition, we will discuss a number of ways of non-material motivation. Although most people believe that the most effective motivation is material, this is not always the case. Financial motivation is important, of course, but it is not the only one.

Basic payment system

Without a basic system of payment, the sales department functions poorly, but its existence is not enough for its successful motivation. Why use a motivation system at all? What is it for? The customer's decision to buy your product is 60-70% dependent on the manager - on how well he sells. That is why your employees should strive to sell well.

Motivation is the motivation to act by meeting the needs of people. The needs are different, so the motivation will be different. Let's talk about financial motivation first.

The first one is fixed payment. You appoint a salary. A person must come and work for this salary. Key disadvantage: any lack of motivation in people to do something. For a fixed payment, you buy a person, part of his time, and you can demand the performance of some standard functions for this. For some categories of your employees, this may be suitable - for example, for an accountant, a loader, and so on.

In the sales department, a fixed salary will not motivate managers to make as many sales as possible, will not inspire them to work actively. There is no sense from such a scheme in the trading department.

But some part of the payment must be fixed. This is very important - but not for the manager to have an airbag. Negative motivation is much more important: there should be such a part of the payment that you can deprive the manager if he messes up.

For example, if an employee does not arrive on time (this is the case if you set only a flexible payment system - a percentage of sales or profits). The employee says: “Why should I be on time when I am paid for the result?” The fixed part is needed in order to require some mandatory things. This is a tool for controlling and influencing your salespeople.

Next - percentage of sales. The most popular scheme is when you pay, for example, 1, 3, 5% of sales.

Another option - percentage of profit. If you put only a percentage of sales, and salespeople can influence the price (give a discount), they will not care at all about your profit. They will offer discounts and gifts left and right.

You can say: "Let them give, as long as they make sales." This is not quite the right position. Especially if your margin is not very high. Let's say you have a profit of 20 rubles from 100 rubles, and then your salesperson gave someone a 5% discount. It seems that 5% is not that much, but it is 5 rubles that are deducted from your profit. It was 20 - it became 15. The manager thereby reduced your profit by 25%. Therefore, if possible, it is necessary to tie the remuneration of sellers to a percentage of the profit.

The next option is a percentage of sales and a percentage of profits. The manager receives part of the remuneration as a percentage of profits, and part as a percentage of sales. This is necessary in companies that have a large assortment, and some product has a high margin.

Suppose a company sells both its own products and those of others. Own products have a high margin (say, 50%), others have 20%. Sellers, since they receive a percentage of the profits, turn all their attention to goods of their own production.

It often happens that you need to support sales of other products (in order to remain the official representative of the company or for some other reason). You cannot maintain a narrow range of products with high margins, you need to sell the entire range. And then, in order to motivate salespeople, a double scheme is chosen: a percentage of sales and a percentage of profits.

In addition, it makes sense that the reward depends on the plan. Let's say your manager has a target of 2 million in sales. You introduce the following payment scheme for his inhuman labor. If the plan is 100% completed, the manager receives 3% of the sales volume. If the plan is completed by 125%, then from everything that is completed in excess of the plan, he receives 4%. If sales go over 2.5 million, then your employee gets 5%.

Why is this needed? Let's say the salesperson gets 3% all the time. If there is very little time left before the end of the month, he has a thought: “I did a good job as it is. I'd better rest." If there is a growing percentage, the manager understands that now he has 2 million 200 thousand sales, and there are still four days left. If you poke around a little, then in the end you can earn much more.

In this case, 4% of 500 thousand will be 20 thousand. If in the first case the salesperson receives 60 thousand for the whole month, then here it is 30% more.

In your company, you yourself need to understand what the plan should be, what percentage should be assigned, so that this motivates the manager to try to do more.

Sometimes we do this with clients. If the plan for 2 million is fulfilled - 3%, then the percentage increases sharply - up to 4% (not only for what is sold in excess of the plan, but for all goods sold in a month). If more than 2.5 million, then from all goods sold - 5%. The manager understands that if he reaches the bar of 2.5 million, he will receive as much as 5% of all sales made.

Imagine that the sales volume is 2 million 400 thousand. The manager receives at a rate of 4% - this is 96 thousand rubles. Not bad. Let's imagine that he will tighten up and in the remaining two days before the end of the month he will sell another 100 thousand, that is, he will jump the bar of 2.5 million. As a result, he will receive 125 thousand (30 thousand more, and he does not have to try so much). Such schemes work very well.

Our sales manager receives a percentage of personal sales. And you should definitely do so. The head of the department must be a real bison, must show by his example that he knows how to sell and sells a lot. Also, the head receives a percentage of the work of the department, from what his subordinates earn. For example, 30-50% of all remuneration that his employees will receive.

Now let's talk about fines. They are necessary - negative motivation must be present. The most common options:

1.Penalties for not following the plan(The salesperson's reward is reduced in proportion to the plan not fulfilled. If his plan is not fulfilled by 10%, the reward is reduced by 10%).

2. Penalties for incorrect performance of regulated actions(for example, for not completing customer questionnaires and reports). It works best like this: if the salesperson hasn't filled out any report, they don't get rewarded for the whole day. In this case, employees very quickly learn not to forget about reports.

3.Penalties for violation of discipline(for example, for being late).

60% of the purchase decision depends on the seller, so it is very important to motivate managers. Fixed pay does not work at all, but it is necessary for your employees to meet certain requirements.

Motivational board

Surely you have noticed that very often sales managers begin to get bored at the workplace. There seem to be clients, current affairs are going on as usual, social networks are opening safely, and everything seems to be as it should.

An employee of the sales department can be in a similar state until the reporting period (well, if it is once a week). And sometimes even before the salary, because finally the long-awaited moment of calculating interest has come.

To defuse this calm atmosphere and add a spirit of competition we propose to introduce such a tool as a motivational board (Fig. 3).

What is she like?

It can be a sheet of drawing paper (AO format) or an office board. You need to hang the board on the wall next to the sellers (never put it in front of the buyers!).

Then you draw five lines on it. One is for the total for the month, the other four are for the results of each week.

Suppose your sales plan is 2 million rubles. This means that every week you need to sell goods for 500 thousand rubles. It is logical to assume that every day you should sell for 100 thousand rubles. This will be the norm for the department.

Now, to add a spirit of competition and excitement, we are starting to color-code each manager's daily performance. After a certain time, employees see who is really working, and who is just shifting papers. And those who lag behind have to make a decision: either start working seriously, or leave.

And to add a little zest to the whole thing, we introduce BNATS (Big brazen ambitious goal) . Let's say it is 2 million 300 thousand rubles. If we divide this amount by days, then in order to achieve the BNAC, it is necessary to sell daily not for 100 thousand rubles, but for 115 thousand, which is quite realistic.

Achieving the goal, employees begin to control each other, help and assist in working with various clients.

We remember how in the sales department of our client on the last day of the month there was a shortage of 10 thousand rubles to the BNAC. As a result, the picture was as follows: the head of the department, standing on a chair, urged managers to become more active and do everything possible and impossible, but earn this amount to receive a general reward. He monitored every call and made recommendations for every contact. And in the end, the managers jointly sold for this amount and got the long-awaited result.

As a result, I would like to say that excellent employees are not those who do everything they are told, but those who do an order of magnitude more, moreover, correctly and on time. So motivate your salespeople to do more than what is required of them.

Motivational board

Rice. 3. Motivational board

Working with receivables

In this chapter, we will look at the motivation scheme for the sales force, which helps reduce accounts receivable. This material is relevant for those who work not only on prepaid, but also with deferred payment. For example, when a customer pays 30% upon receipt of an order, and must pay the remaining 70% within three months.

There is a problem that is familiar to everyone who works this way. There are clients who do not pay on time.

Why are we talking about this now, in the chapter on motivation? Because competently motivated sales managers will actively knock out debts from unscrupulous debtors.

Usually, managers, in addition to the percentage of prepayment, also receive interest from subsequent orders that come from their customers. In order for salespeople to be interested in playing on your side, something like the following is done.

Sales remuneration consists of several components: 3% of the prepayment; 2% of each payment that came on time; 1% of the payment that came with a delay of up to ten days. If payment is delayed by more than ten days, the manager is subject to a fine of 0.1% of the payment amount for each day of delay, but in the amount of not more than 3% (so that the maximum that he lost coincides with what he could earn with favorable conditions).

Why does this scheme work so well? She forces the manager to follow the trade until the latest payment is received. An employee starts calling, collecting debts, because his income directly depends on how customers pay. This scheme incentivizes selling as much upfront as possible, as it maximizes commissions.

Penalties also force your managers to go through with the deal. There are situations when a deal is concluded, a payment is made, and then problems begin. The manager thinks that it is better to find a second client and make money on it than to try to get money out of the first one.

To prevent this from happening, introduce fines, and then the manager will have to push the client to the end so as not to lose what he has already earned.

We witnessed how in one of the companies the manager called the debtor and said something like this: “If you don’t pay the bill within three days, they won’t give me a bonus. And I have already planned a vacation for this award - I even bought tickets. I have nothing to go. Plus, I also have a pregnant wife ... Go, somehow agree with your general director so that you pay us everything on time, otherwise it will be completely bad for me. And it works.

If employees are interested in the return of debts, they are able to improve the situation in your company by significantly increasing the receipt of payments from debtors.

This scheme has another important advantage. She helps to build a scheme of payment for the work of a manager for a trial period. In the first month, the manager receives only 3% of the prepayment. The next earns 3% of the payment of new orders plus 2% of the payment of orders from last month. In the third month, a new 3% is accumulated, plus 2% from the past and 2% from the year before.

In the first month, the employee receives a little, in the second - a little more, and after three or four months (if he works well) he reaches a normal salary level. It is very comfortable. There is no need to invent anything, everything happens automatically.

We hope this scheme will help you better manage your work with your debtors and receive money from them on time.

What percentage should sales managers receive?

Starting businessmen often face the following problem: what percentage to assign? We recommend doing the following. Consider several options. Create a table in Excel, where the sales volume will be indicated (see Table 30). If you already have some statistics, great. If not, then estimate roughly how much your manager can sell. Moreover, divide this figure by one and a half, or even by two, because it will really be worse than you expect (especially at first).

Take the sales volume for the last four months: 1 million rubles, 1 million 300 thousand, 1 million 500 thousand, 1 million 480 thousand. You can link to profit if that makes sense. Next, calculate the remuneration of the sales manager.

Be sure to put some fixed part. Let's say 10 thousand rubles. Consider reward options. If 2%, how much does he get in total? The flexible part in March will be 20 thousand rubles, in total he will receive 30 thousand rubles. Then look at what a person is oriented towards and how adequate it is to the market. If you see that this is not enough for the market, put 2.5%. Then the manager will receive 47,500. Not enough? Put 3%.

It is worth increasing the percentage of remuneration. Do not increase the fixed part, never raise the salary at its expense. This is very demotivating for people. After all, they actually get this part just for sitting on a chair.

Proceeding from this, strive for the person to receive more or less adequate money. You can try different amounts. You expect your employee to make from 1 million per month in terms of sales. If this is the minimum, then you need to pay him the minimum wage for these figures. If he does the minimum, he will get 30,000. With this money he will somehow live, but it will not be enough for him.

You can set the next reward more flexible, that is, if the volume is 1 million 300 thousand, then the percentage grows. It becomes already 2.5%, and in this case the manager will receive much more. If he sells goods for 1 million 500 thousand, then his percentage becomes 3%.

The final salary grows, which motivates the manager. It is very beneficial for you - provided that it will not be very easy for the employee. If he always jumps the bar of 1 million 500 thousand, this means that the plan should have been increased a long time ago.

Thus, you can calculate what percentage of remuneration to deliver to your salespeople. Make a spreadsheet in Excel and experiment with different numbers.

Table 27 Sales Manager Compensation Calculation

Non-material motivation

Although the sales force is primarily motivated by material factors, there are others that need to be used. Below you will find a lot of different options. If you like a technique, try implementing it. Let's look at the main ways to motivate employees who usually work well.

The first option of non-material motivation - communication with employees.

When you start informal communication (asking about how things are, how are the children, how is the family), employees feel that they are not strangers to you. At the same time, one must keep a distance and avoid familiarity. You show that you are interested in them, and for you they are not just cogs in the mechanism, but people.

Interesting job is a great way to motivate. Help your employees find what they are interested in, offer to participate in new projects, connect to more complex tasks. If a manager sells the same thing all the time, but you see that he wants more (or he talks about it himself), and you have new projects (for example, setting up a sales scheme in a promising direction), you can connect him there.

Interest in work is a great motivator to do this work well. If the activity is boring, your employees will not work properly, no matter how much you interest them financially. Finances motivate for a very short time: a person will work normally for two or three months, then they will stop.

Interest in work is also important because many people, especially in sales, are not able to do the same thing for a long time - they get tired of monotony. We need some splashes, shake-ups, something new. Of course, there are people who are just made for routine work. They are happy to do bookkeeping or other similar activities.

The following is a very simple and quite interesting way of motivation - troubleshooting. These may be technical problems (computer slows down), communication problems. By saving your employees from such troubles that interfere with their work, you motivate them to do better work.

When people see that you are doing something for them, they really appreciate it.

Loyalty is another way to motivate.

You show people that you are loyal to them, but you only do this if you have good results. You praise them and show support. Here we are not talking about love, which does not depend on any circumstances, but about loyalty, which must be earned. As long as there are results, there is loyalty. There is no result - loyalty immediately disappears. Employees need to see this.

The next very powerful way for many salespeople to motivate is confidence.

For example, involvement in strategic decision-making, in the development of the company's strategy. You call a person and say: “I see that you are doing a really good job, and you care about what we do. And I would like you to attend the directors' meeting too. Your voice is important. We want to hear what you think about this."

Or you can leave the best employee in charge when the head of the department is absent (this works especially well in small firms).

A person sees that he is trusted. For some people, this can inspire. You may think that your employees don't care. But all people are different, and everyone is motivated by something different. We offer you different options, something is sure to work.

Opportunity for career growth- great motivation.

People are very fond of the pyramidal model of society. They are used to it. Take, for example, the army. A person goes to study at a military school, comes out as a lieutenant. Then he serves and receives the rank of senior lieutenant, captain, major. Goes to the academy if he wants to grow further. Can get the rank of lieutenant colonel, colonel. Then, if you're lucky, he will break into the generals. The career ladder that he is able to climb is clearly visible.

It makes sense for you to build a similar model for your salespeople. Show them a bright future and how they can grow. He came as an intern, then - assistant sales manager, sales manager, senior manager, lead manager and so on. Let there be several positions in the sales department, and the achievement brings some advantages. Let's say the percentage goes up. Perhaps not much, but the employee will still be pleased.

You must make it clear that the career ladder goes in two directions - both up and down. If someone has grown to be a senior manager, this does not mean that he is forever senior. He is the senior while fulfilling the required volume of sales. This is a prerequisite. There may be other conditions: certificates, training, something else. But the main thing for the manager is the volume of sales.

The next strong motivation is confession. People really miss him. The easiest option is to thank people more often. Such a simple thing costs nothing, but it motivates many people well.

To motivate employees, you can use a variety of chips:

♦ dinners with superiors - this is relevant when there is a distance between you and subordinates rarely see you;

♦ board of honor - a photo of the best sales manager for the month is posted with the appropriate inscription in a conspicuous place;

♦ chair best seller.

We once used this method. In the sales department, everyone sat on standard chairs, and there was one super chair - leather, soft, comfortable. Every month it went to the best seller: for a month he sat on it, and then lost it. This motivated me to achieve high results.

The following trick works even more effectively: the best salesperson receives a beautiful car for a month.

Once in a client's company, we introduced this feature, and the fight for the first place was very active. Every manager wanted to drive a red sports car for free for a whole month, paying only for gasoline.

You can come up with something similar.

Additional holidays also very good motivation. You can either extend the vacation for a few days, or give an additional extraordinary vacation for a week (moreover, paid).

Company sponsored training is a great way to motivate. In our company, for example, we always pay employees half the cost of training in certain work-related courses.

There are many schemes of non-material motivations. They work very well and can greatly increase the return on your sales force. Use different options. Test. Implement different methods. Gradually you will find what will be most effective.

Bonus payment scheme

Most companies from the segment of small and medium-sized businesses build sales as follows:

♦ Yes main product, which brings the main profit, is the same locomotive that drags the rest of the sale. This is the product that your customers are most interested in.

♦ Items for additional purchases- these are various items or options that can improve the product, make it easier to use, and so on.

♦ Status goods, which, as you might logically assume, are not sold often, but at the same time set you apart from the competition and add a certain status to your company.

And therefore, if we are talking about the motivation of managers to sell not only the main product, then it is necessary to reward differently for different categories of goods. If the manager sells the main product, then this is one percent, if the goods are for additional purchases, then it is completely different, and if the status goods, then we will talk about various bonuses and rewards.

It is important to include both tangible and intangible rewards (we talked about intangible motivation in the last section). Now let's talk in more detail about the motivation for selling each type of product.

Main product or service

For the sale of the main product, most companies use a standard payment scheme: sales managers are rewarded with either a percentage of profits or a percentage of sales. This is a fairly common option.

It is important here to know what the markup is for the products you are selling. This will determine whether you pay a percentage of profits or pay a fee on total sales.

The next reward option is for overfulfillment of the plan. You inform managers that if they exceed the plan by any amount or by the volume of products sold, they will receive an additional bonus. Here it can be as a fixed amount (if we say


  • Impulse Products

    IMPULSE PURCHASING GOODS - goods purchased when an unexpected need arises.

    Sometimes impulse purchase goods, goods for emergencies are singled out separately. These goods are acquired without any preliminary planning and searches. They are usually sold in many places, and therefore consumers do not need to specifically look for them. For example, entertainment magazines are often posted next to the cash register, because otherwise the consumer might not even think about purchasing them. Emergency items are bought when there is an urgent need for them, for example, a cape during a downpour, disposable shoe covers for visiting medical institutions. Sellers of such goods organize their distribution in such a way as not to miss the opportunity to sell when the consumer needs them.

    Impulse goods are goods that are available for purchase in many places and are purchased without prior planning and searching based on a sudden desire.

    ADVANTAGES OF LOCATION INSIDE A SHOPPING CENTER . Now let's move on to the relative advantages of locating a store in a mall. The best places here are more expensive, so merchants have to carefully weigh the pros and cons. If the mall has a supermarket, the most expensive places will be located next to it. Therefore, shops selling alcoholic beverages and flowers - impulse purchase goods - should be placed here. However, a shoe shop (which no one just goes into) can be located somewhere on the periphery, since consumers who need this kind of service will find it on their own.

    The franchise owners were the so-called KTP - stores, the range of which consisted of confectionery and tobacco products, as well as periodicals. Abel considered the choice of this retail chain to be optimal, since KTP goods were impulse purchases, while products were bought either for special occasions or to satisfy one's own desires.

    Skillfully composed advertising never remains without result. It is estimated that almost 40% of all purchases in US self-service stores are so-called impulse purchases. This means that a person very often purchases goods in a store, which he had not planned to buy a minute before. What is the reason for these sudden purchases The answer to this question lies in the study of the psychology of buyers. Research of this kind is called "research of motives". The purpose of these studies is to reveal the psychology of the mass buyer, to understand the hidden motives that govern his behavior. Motivation acts as the basis for the expediency of buying a product. Buyers rate individual products based on what need they can satisfy. Consequently, shopping motives can be considered only in the aspect of the social and everyday content of the life of modern people, their family and personal environment, social circle, intellect, hobbies, participation in the social and industrial life of the team. Without taking into account these prerequisites, it is impossible to talk about a specific social and subject environment in which a person's personality is formed.

    Regardless of the product purchase cycle, which can be years or decades, in almost all markets there are seasonal fluctuations and the distribution of purchases (visits to service points) within a week with a shift to Friday and weekends (even during seasonal upswings), and for impulse goods demand - the beginning and end of the working week. Accordingly, in order to form customer preferences, regardless of the product group, the advertiser needs to receive the maximum advertising coverage in each specific week, i.e. the main time horizon of media planning is one week (for goods of impulse demand - one day).

    Thanks to such research, it is known that the target product, the purchase of which is planned in advance, is located mainly in specialized sections and additional points of sale. Impulse goods are laid out on specialized mobile racks near the cash register in horizontal and vertical blocks.

    Impulse buying goods. Impulse buying items are products whose purchases are not planned in advance. In department stores, this is cosmetics and perfumes, in supermarkets - magazines and much more. They are almost always placed at the front of the store, where they are always visible and attract customers from the street. Sandy Williams, for example, did not plan to buy cosmetics until she saw the corresponding display. TARGET DEMAND SECTIONS Children's clothing, high-end specialty goods and furniture, as well as services such as beauty salons, loan offices, and photo printing are typically located in the back of the store, in the corners and on the upper floors. Buying expensive goods requires focus and thought. Sandy would probably be confused if they were sold in busy places. In addition, buyers who decide to purchase any of the above will find the relevant departments wherever they are. They are called target demand departments, since the demand for the goods and services presented in them arises before the buyer comes to the store. Placing them in the best places is impractical.

    Advertising is a more effective promotional tool for products that are often purchased, for example, for consumer goods. Sellers of specialty or thoughtful products can use advertising to create consumer awareness, but it usually needs to be supplemented with an element of personal selling to show buyers the product's advantage over competitors' products. Advertising also suits products that have hidden benefits (such as the absence of phosphates in Tide laundry detergent). Advertising helps communicate highly emotional motives to consumers (for example, the US Army Be What You Can be ad slogan or AT T Reach out and someone will answer). Also, advertising helps to differentiate the product, to make it different from competitors' products. In addition to advertising, powerful sales promotion efforts are aimed at consumers. These latter are particularly effective for impulse buying products, which are most often thought of directly at the point of purchase. For example, many magazine titles need advertising contact with the consumer on the counter in front of the cash register of a supermarket or pharmacy. There, while waiting for their turn to be served, shoppers are most inclined to leaf through magazines. . Today's automata have gone far from their predecessors, embodying the achievements of space and computer technology in their design. They can accept coins or banknotes and give change. Vending machines began to sell a wide variety of goods, including impulse purchase FMCG (cigarettes, soft drinks, sweets, newspapers, cold and hot drinks) and other products (cosmetics, paperback books, phonograph records, film, T-shirts , insurance policies, shoe polish and even fishing bait).

    L For goods with a purchase cycle of one week or more - a single presentation of advertising during the week for each representative of the target audience. For goods of impulse demand - a single presentation of advertising during the day.

    The pretest methods described above are laboratory experiments or desk top studies. The only way to really test advertising materials is to conduct a test advertising campaign. During its implementation, a city is selected in which it is possible to provide isolated advertising pressure in the necessary types of media, an advertising campaign is carried out and the dynamics of sales in this city is analyzed (by the share of sales in the product group) and / or compared with the level of sales in the control city. The duration of the test advertising campaign must be at least 2 purchase cycles for this product or 1.5 months for impulse goods (some publications indicate that an annual test campaign is necessary to obtain an accurate forecast, but this is only advisable for a completely new product).

    For odd and non-round prices, the right gimlet rule applies. Such prices are inefficient for goods, the purchase of which requires some thought. When buying a car, it doesn't really matter whether the buyer has to pay Rs 995 or Rs 18,000 for it. Therefore, it is inappropriate for merchants interested in creating the image of a prestigious trading establishment to split prices for goods. For example, Tiffany's never advertises diamond rings for 6999. Odd and non-round prices are best suited for impulse goods, especially in cheap shops and on sale4.

    In contrast to this model, the low involvement model reverses the order of responses to think-do-feel, believing that the consumer learns about the product, tries it, and then forms his own opinion. This occurs when the differences between products are small and little thought is needed. It is also called impulse buying. The third variety is

    Impulsive purchases of goods take up to 35% of your budget. The modern woman loves to shop. Each of us, at least once, but left the store with goods that we did not plan to buy. There is a pattern, with the growth of people's incomes, there is no more free money. Men often accuse women of squandering, they ask in surprise: “Where is the money?”.

    Shopping, shopping is a kind of remedy for depression, or an opportunity to dispel your bad mood. That's what women think.

    Financial advisors know that you can find free money in any budget if you do an analysis of expenses. Often such decisions are made on emotions, feelings, qualities characteristic of women. Therefore, we can say that emotions make a woman commit impulsive purchases of goods.

    That is - I came, I saw, I wanted, I bought. As a result - money is slipping through your fingers. Let's figure out who controls our desires and how to stop this process - " money leaking through your fingers.

    Managers of impulsive purchases of goods

    Marketers carefully study the psychology of consumers, they know what and on which shelf to put, how to build routes for moving around the hall, redirect the flow in the direction they need. Businesses, commodity producers, invest a lot of money in all kinds of studies and research, hiring consultants and psychologists, designers and artists. And all in order to encourage us to buy more.

    And what you believe impulsive purchase of goods, in fact the consistent implementation of marketers' programs. It starts long before you leave the house and enter the supermarket. Marketers literally take root in the subconscious of a person. Carefully study all his preferences. And of course, they especially love women!

    It can be recalled that such a persecuted policy of purchases did not exist before, say, in the days of the USSR. And it's not just a shortage of goods. In general, the trading system was built differently, it is enough to remember that the seller and the buyer were not always people of the same “team”. On the contrary, they were adversaries. No wonder there was a counter between them.

    The barriers were removed, the counter was liquidated. Opened the way to a wide range. Now you can touch, hold in your hands, take a closer look at the goods, touch the packaging, of course, you don’t want to put it back on the shelf at all.

    For a period this increased demand and gave a good boost to trade. After a while, it became insufficient, more expensive and less noticeable methods appeared.

    For example, long-legged consultants, product tastings. You have added more flavor. I doubt that you would buy a bottle of wine if you didn't give it a try, and even provided the opportunity to do it at a super bargain price.

    Promotional prices and super offers have become a kind of drivers for your psyche. It doesn’t matter that a “stale appendage” is attached to the kit for this product, when you receive it, you perceive it as a free or gift item.

    It is worth noting that the “best marketer” in the store will be your own child. If you go there with him, the likelihood of purchases increases dramatically. What a small child asks for does not matter. From chewing gum to a new toy, however, the instrument of its influence on you will also be different.

    A woman is an irrational creature, as we see, she is led by the tricks of marketers, the environment and buys again and again. She does not realize that her choice is actually controlled by others.

    Marketers are tapping into its triggers, the triggers that make them make impulse purchases that create the effect of money draining. Children press on weak strings, raising a storm of emotions.

    And unsatisfied emotions are already making you look for a way out in purchases. As a result, as women say: money slips through your fingers" or " money flows like water". If you are familiar with this condition, read what to do so as not to buy impulsively. But, let's find out who else is provocateurs of spontaneous purchases.

    Provocateurs of impulsive purchases of goods

    • Have you ever wondered why it smells so delicious in expensive boutiques?
    • And why do beautiful and not always quiet, but on the contrary, loud sounds of music sound there?
    • And why can't you take a shorter route, to the much-needed department of bread?
    • Why are the items listed in this order?
    • Where do all sorts of legends about the miraculous properties of certain goods come from?

    The most "fish places" in the store are located near the cash register. And there are so many trinkets that you wonder how they all fit on this patch. Chocolates, candy bars, batteries, snacks, lots of little things.

    It is clear that it is possible to justify trade by concern for the buyer. Suddenly you forgot to buy something from this, and then you are reminded: “Do not leave empty-handed!”. And you don't leave!

    And how much money is invested in the design and manufacture of packaging! No wonder they say that "they meet by clothes." Goods are also perceived by packaging. Bright, shiny, gilded packaging arouses our curiosity and activates pleasant memories associated with the holidays.

    But, not only design is invested. A lot of money goes to encourage medical staff. Not so long ago I heard a story about how the legend of the usefulness of orange juice was created. Plantation owners suffered enormous losses during the Great Depression. And then they decided to involve medicine and with its help to convey to the masses the wonders of orange juice. Although it has long been known that in terms of the content of vitamin C, a simple wild rose is not inferior to an orange fruit. But, here the fashion for juice has taken root in the masses more willingly and has become an American lifestyle.

    Should we blame the trade? Or maybe ask yourself? For example, you know that it is better to go to the store with a shopping list than without one. You also know that it is better not to go to the grocery store when you are hungry. Take not a trolley, but a basket, so as not to be overloaded with purchases. To know, then you know, but are you doing it?

    Maybe you just don't admit to yourself that you enjoy spending money and shopping. Women are pleased that marketers manage them, forming consumer qualities and exciting motives - you can afford it! Marketers and women themselves know - they like to buy!

    True, a counter question arises here: “Why then do women not like to sell?” After all, now there is no barrier between the seller and the buyer. Sales and purchases have become a single process. The only difference is that in one case - the money leaves you, and in the other - the money comes to you. In one process - money is attracted to you, and in another - money is flowing from you. Although this is a topic for a separate post. Now we are interested

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