What glasses lenses are better to choose. What lenses for glasses is better to choose? The complexity of lenses can be

When choosing glasses for vision correction not only women, but men make a choice based on the shape of the rim, its decor and value. And the decisive moment is usually how much glasses are suitable for oval face. At the same time, everyone somehow forget that the main thing in this useful accessory is not at all design, but spectacle lenses. We prefer their selection to trust an ophthalmologist, and do not go into details: what they are made to what type are also related, etc. But this is rooted incorrectly, as you know what glasses you buy is very important.

We select high-quality lenses

How to choose lenses? First of all, decide on the material of the manufacture, they can be traditional - glass, or more modern - from plastic. The latter should not scare you, this is an unusual plastic, from which bottles are made under the gas meter, and a special polymer. It is several times easier glass, and in its optical characteristics it is not inferior to him. To understand what the right lenses are better to choose for points, it is worth weighing everything and against each material.

The benefits of polymers can be attributed to:

What plastic lenses are better to choose? The most popular -From react plates, they can be of any shape and shades, and are suitable for high diopters. For sensitive eyes, an ideal solution will be lenses from polycarbonate, they absorb 100% ultraviolet rays, in addition, they are the most durable. And the last type of TiveX material will appeal to its low weight and excellent optical properties, but not suitable for diopters over 1.53.

Classic glass

Despite the numerous advantages of plastic optics, the glass did not leave the market, and many people still give preference to glass lenses for glasses.

Let's consider the main advantages:

  1. High refractive index. This factor allows you to produce glasses with more subtle
    Glasses. Polymers with the same diopters will thicker;
  2. Wear resistance of the surface. According to this indicator, the glass wins in a cheap plastic lenses that are not treated with a protective coating. Glass harder to scratch;
  3. Protection against infrared radiation. This is a significant point, since the effect of IR rays can lead to damage to the lens of the eye and loss of vision.

In order for the glasses to be served as long as possible, acquire only certified glass in optics salons, specialized pharmacies or ophthalmologic clinics. Beware of excessively advantageous offers and cheap polymer lenses. Try not to buy ready-made glasses, and order their manufacture. Observing these simple rules, you can be confident in quality.

Proper form of spectacle glasses

How and what form to choose lenses for glasses? It is mistaken to think that the thickness of the glass and their bending depends only on the parameters of view. Of course, the recommendations of the ophthalmologist should listen to and if he prescribed you glasses with lenses of a certain form, it is better to follow the recipe.

If, in addition to the optical force and interpatrum distances, other characteristics are not specified, you can choose the right form:

Useful coatings

Asking how to choose high-quality lenses for vision, pay attention to the glass that has passed additional processing. Similar glass sometimes just find and let them stand just more expensive, you will be left only in the plus.

When buying points, we first choose a beautiful, emphasizing our face of the rim. But glasses are primarily optics for the correction of our vision, and not a fashion accessory to give any image. If you purchase glasses, paying attention to their characteristics, then you can earn vision problems. Therefore, the choice of lenses for points should be approached responsibly. This article will help you from which you will learn about what lenses for glasses are like choosing lenses, as well as find many useful tips here.

Where to start a choice

The choice of lenses for glasses should always begin with a visit to the ophthalmologist. Only a specialist can write a recipe for glasses.

Before that, he must check the visual sharpness to determine which optical characteristics of the lenses (diopter, the distance between pupils) are suitable in this case.

For people wearing glasses have long been before changing the glasses to new, you should also go to an ophthalmologist. It is necessary to make sure that the vision remains at the same level, and if it fell, the doctor will write a new recipe.

After the doctor picked up the appropriate optical force for the lenses, it is necessary to go to optics where specialists operating there will select the correct frame for lenses.
In optics there are many a wide variety of types of frames. You can choose for a very long time, until some rim likes. It should be remembered that it should be not only beautiful and emphasized the face or eyes, but also be comfortable and not to deliver discomfort. Handing glasses can be adjusted at your discretion to be comfortable.

Lenses type selection is one of the main stages. There are plastic I. glass lenses, lenses with anti-reflective coating, darkened and others.

When choosing a lenses for points, four main steps should be observed:

  1. Consultation with an ophthalmologist.
  2. Visiting optics.
  3. Selection of rims.
  4. Choosing a lenses.

About the rules of wearing contact lenses can be found in this.

Choice of rim

Right is needed in order to fix the lenses. It should provide a convenient location of the lenses so that you can comfortably look through the glasses. The best arrangement of the frame is considered such that provides the passage of the middle line of the openings through the central points of the pupils, or a little lower.

The main components of the rim are the frameworks and towers. The first provide a solid fastening of lenses, and the second are responsible for the position of the glasses. Two light opening of the rims are connected by the bridge.

In order for the frame well well, it can be supplemented with special nose-absorbers that provide a more sustainable fastening of points. They are made of soft material, such as silicone.
Parts of the rim are attached to each other with hinges. If the hinges are made of high-quality material, the rim will be well held, and serves quite a long time.

If there is allergies, it is better to choose habits with silicone tips. They will also protect their heads from squeezing, if the arms are tight.

Types of frames:

  • Bezing rims. In such rims, light openings are completely concluded in the rim. The riming rims are made of metal, plastic or combination of these two materials.

  • . Most often, the rim is located on the top of the openings. So that the lenses are well held in the frame, it is complemented by a line of nylon. The material of the manufacture of semi-coded rim is similar to the rod.
  • Bearing rims or. In this case, the lenses are attached to the screws. Such a frame should be chosen by those who want to make glasses as closely as possible on their face.

In order for the rim beautifully looked on the face and did not emphasize any drawbacks, such individual features should be taken into account as: the type of person, color, preferences in the wardrobe.

  • For people with an oval face, almost all the rims will be suitable. To reduce a little face, you should pay attention to the rims that will be a little wider face. If you want to hide a long nose, then you can choose large rims with a wide carrier, while having towers should be lowered.
  • Frames are suitable with clear straight and pointed lines. To narrow the face, it is better to choose a rim of rectangular shape, and the towers must have a high landing.
  • People with a triangular face form should choose oval or. Well, if there is some focus on the bottom frame, it will make the chin less sharp.
  • Hide the shortcomings of a rectangular face will allow the frame of the oval form. The absence of rims will make the facial features softer.
  • People with the face in the form of a trapezium are advised to pay attention to the frame of "cat's eye" or frame with wide towers.

Types of lenses

There are two types of lenses for glasses - these are glass and polycarbonate. Each of these species have their advantages and disadvantages. Next, consider these aspects more.

Glass lenses


  1. Durability. Glass provides a high degree of stability.
  2. Do not mutse over time.
  3. Do not allow ultraviolet radiation to harm the eyes, because they do not give it to penetrate themselves.
  4. Ability to change bandwidth when changing lighting.
  5. Can be supplemented with various coatings (from glare, polarization, and so on). It all depends on the need and working conditions.
  6. High refractive index.

Polycarbonate lenses


  1. Ease. Polycarbonate is easier glass almost twice.
  2. Do not be fighting, so safe in wearing. The risk of injury is minimal.
  3. It is allowed to stain in any shade. Polycarbonate is easily processed.
  4. Such lenses are well suited to people with astigmatism.


  1. Easy to scratch or apply mechanical damage. But high-quality polycarbonate allows this to avoid.

Color lenses

Colored lenses allow you to make glasses more fashionable and unusual. Most often precisely polycarbonate lenses are stained because they are easily amenable to this procedure. Coloring lenses for points can be evenly distributed over the surface or have a smooth transition from dark to light. The second option is a gradient color that is performed either using several shades of one color or with completely different colors.

Colored lenses are a kind of color therapy. A certain color affects our well-being and mood.

  • Warm shades raise the mood, warmed with their warmth. And cold shades are beyond.
  • Red color is suitable for active, cheerful people. He will raise the mood and give the vigor of the Spirit. But the red lenses will not suit people with increased nervous excitation and aggression.
  • Yellow lenses choose people creative, confident in themselves. This color will not suit people with increased anxiety.
  • Orange color is beyond and has a positive effect on the body as a whole.

  • Pink lenses for glasses visually make a face younger. Pink has a soothing effect. The lenses of this color make it possible to remove the eye tension.
  • Brown lenses will suit serious, calm people. This color gives a feeling of comfort and comfort.
  • Blue color has a soothing effect. It also stimulates the work of the brain. Blue suits people suffering overvoltage.
  • Blue lenses choose creative people, as well as those who want to feel ease of freedom.
  • Purple lenses prefer mysterious people. But it is worth remembering that this color will not suit people who are depressed.
  • Green color has a beneficial effect on the eyes. He calms and gives his eyes to rest.

With reviews O. contact lenses Night wearing can be found.

What you need to know when choosing a lenses for glasses

Optical indicators

Optical indicators include diopter and intercentrose distance. These indicators are determined by an ophthalmologist, after he holds all the necessary research to determine visual acuity.

It is necessary that the optical indicators are complied with, otherwise there will be no benefit from the glasses. To do this, order glasses in good optics.

Refractiveness coefficient

The main indicator to pay attention to when choosing a class of lenses for points is the refractive factor.

If the lenses have a small refractive factor, then they will be a little harder and will slightly narrow the face and eyes in the lenses area. The high coefficient allows you to choose a more elegant frame.

The higher the refractive index indicator, the thinner of the lens and its curved.

Glass lenses are produced with a refractive index from 1.5 to 1.9, and polycarbonate - from 1.5 to 1.7. Low-infectious lenses have a coefficient of 1.5, and high-index - more than 1.6.


Lenses for glasses are made of plastic (polycarbonate) and glass. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages. Here is the choice of individual. The main thing is to remember that the refractive index of glass is higher than that of polycarbonate. Polycarbonate is easier to scratch, but it has good impact resistance.

Antireflex lens coating

Such a lens coating makes it possible to improve its optical properties due to the special technology. Antireflex coating makes a lens for ten percent more transparent.

This makes the lens more comfortable, and the eyes are protected from fatigue with high load.

Another advantage of this coverage - good vision In the dark.

  • It is better to choose safe and unbreakable. Therefore, the polycarbonate is better to choose a polycarbonate as a material for the lenses.
  • People who are much time behind the wheel of the car should choose colored lenses for glasses. Green or brown lenses will strengthen the contrast, and yellow Protects from bright light headlights or lanterns.
  • Anti-reflective lenses are indispensable for those who work in front of the chambers or is photographed.
  • For those who work all day at a computer, it is recommended to choose lenses that will reduce eye load. Such points can be worn even with normal visual sharpness. They will keep eye health.

Computer glasses

Points for a computer will protect their eyes from a long stay in front of the monitor.

Such points have a special spraying on lenses, which eliminates the negative effects of electromagnetic radiation. This allows you to maintain visual sharpness when viewing a bright monitor and its permanent flicker.

The main criterion for choosing points for a computer is a generation. To work with text documents, you should choose glasses that increase the contrast and reduce the difference in halftone. To work with graphics, it is recommended to use lenses that will enhance the color gear. For simple long-term stay in front of the monitor, glasses with an anti-glare surface are suitable.

Usually in optics you can find glasses with universal lenses. Therefore, to find glasses for a specific work, you will have to search.

Before you purchase glasses for a computer, you need to visit an ophthalmologist. It recommends the required glasses. In optics or pharmacy, there must be certificates for glasses designed to work at the computer.
The cost of such glasses should not be low. Cheap glasses can harm eye health.
In the event that after wearing glasses for a computer, fatigue and eye tension is felt, it means that the glasses are not suitable for you or they are low-quality. When using such glasses should not be discomfort, itching and voltage.
For which they apply, that they treat - all this will learn when you follow the link.

Multifocal daily replacement lenses:

You have not yet decided on the replacement of glasses on the lenses, then read how to choose them correctly, and why they are useful.



The choice of lenses for glasses is a pretty difficult thing. But if you come to it responsibly, you can easily cope with this task. Before running in optics for glasses, you should visit an ophthalmologist, which will write down the right recipe for the glasses. Only a doctor will tell you what type and material lenses choose. The careful attitude towards the eyes and adherence to all the advice of the specialist will make vision of good and forget about different eye problems.

To date, a fairly popular phenomenon is to wear ordinary and.

Faced with the need to acquire glasses, the question of which lenses for glasses may prefer glass or plastic, is inevitable? Here the choice depends on the set of factors. Consider all these nuances in more detail.

Plastic lenses: for and against

For a long time it was believed that glasses with plastic lenses lose glass in terms of optical properties and a number of other indicators. Another decade ago plastic really did not go in comparison with glass and had only one advantage of low weight. Today the situation is radically changed. Polymer materials for optics are improved every year and have many advantages. We note the main ones:

  • Optical characteristics The most important criterion on the basis of which points are selected. Lenses (glass or plastic) in this regard are absolutely equal.
  • Ease. Plastic on average weighs two times less than glass. But for those who spend in glasses most The day is a significant difference. Easy, makes wearing glasses more comfortable.
  • Traumatic security. Plastic reduces risk of wound with fragments, since it is resistant to cracking.
  • Aesthetic appearance. Plastic lenses in contrast to glass can be painted in complex combinations of shades with many color transitions than the designers and manufacturers are actively used, offering not just high-quality, but also original lenses.

Thus, the question of which lenses are the best, has long lost the relevance. But many still confuse that plastic is more susceptible to mechanical damage. The glasses are easily and quite quickly scratching, turbid, etc. So it was before. Today, manufacturers necessarily use strengthening protective coatings that give to polymer lenses to scratch resistance. Thanks to this, you can no longer worry about how to polish the plastic lens. The rules for caring for plastic and glass are almost identical.

The decisive argument in favor of plastic is a diagnosed astigmatism of vision. At the same time, the defect is needed lenses with diopterity of double curvature. The production of such a glass lenses is a very time-consuming and expensive process, so here we can talk about the advantage of plastic optics.

Glass lenses: what are they good?

So, we already understood that if we are talking about modern lenses From plastic, they do not differ in high quality from glass. But why then the high-strength plastic has not supplanted a fragile glass from the shelves of optics stores? Are there any circumstances that make glass lenses are more preferred?

Choose glasses with glass lenses standing with people with high degree Myopia, that is, a big minus from -10.0 DPTR. In such cases, glass gives an advantage in aesthetic plan, and ophthalmologists most often recommended to buy glass glasses. Since glass has a higher refractive index in comparison with plastic and lenses of the same diopters in the glass will be thinner than in plastic.

In addition, mineral glasses (glass lenses) have greater mechanical strength. Mineral lenses are able to withstand large mechanical loads, not counting of course drums. This is another reason, due to which glass lenses have a smaller thickness in the thinnest point than plastic lenses.

At the same time, in many countries of the West, for example in the US, the optical glass is already practically not used. Glass glasses are discharged in exceptional medical cases, since mineral lenses are simply not able to undergo a mandatory test for cracks. It is worth paying particular attention to this fact if you do not pick up glasses, and the child. Active games, ordinary children's scattering create a high risk of injury. So buyers choosing an accessory for children and a questioned question better glasses, Glass or plastic, it is worth staying on the latter.

Separately, it is worth saying about glass sunglasses. Optical glass in itself has a property to delay ultraviolet, but thanks to photochromic impurities that change the optical bandwidth depending on the brightness of the lighting, you can combine correction and sunglasses Glass in this case is the most appropriate choice.

Let's sum up: What glasses is better glass or plastic?

So, technical progress practically leveled a qualitative difference between two materials. Optical characteristics and strength of glass and plastic are almost identical. Therefore, choosing plastic lenses or glass, it is worth listening to the recommendations of experts. They have experience and well imagine how ready-made glasses with lenses that have the optical properties you need.

Otherwise, the main criteria for choosing points, this is not the material from which they are made, but optical indicators, the refractive index of the lens, antireflex and protective coating. Points with suitable indicators, after the examination, you will help you choose a selection specialist.

Despite the enormous amount of advertising promising the finest, lungs, durable, etc. Lenses "Premium" class, remember that the universal lens suitable absolutely does not exist. Choosing plastic glasses or glass, rely on your sensations.

What are speaking lenses? What materials are they manufactured from? What do you need to know by choosing a lenses in optics for your future glasses?


There is a misconception among people, which is the main thing about the glasses is a frame. Of course, it depends on her much - your comfort and image, for example. But the quality of your vision is determined by speaking lenses. Only from lenses depends, if you will see this world as beautiful as it is.

The world of optics does not stand still. Constantly developing, today he can offer "points" such comfort and excellent vision, which 20 years ago it was difficult to even imagine. In order not to be confused from the variety of proposals and to know exactly what it is necessary, you need to be aware of which there are spectacled lenses and what they differ from each other.

Tags glasses lenses for glasses Coatings lenses

Classification of glasses lenses

Spent lenses are classified by:

  • material (mineral / inorganic and polymer / organic)
  • number of optical zones (Afocal, single-focal, bifocal, trifocal, progressive)
  • opportunities for correction of impact defects (stigma, astigmatic)
  • refractive index (standard, sophisticated, super-thin, ultra-thin)
  • the form of refractive surfaces (spherical, aspherical, lenticular)
  • the effect on the intensity and properties of the light flux (light, colored, with spectral coatings, photochromic, polarization).

An ordinary person, not a specialist, in order to choose the glasses, just some of the parameters of this list are enough, which we will tell below.

What made sponsored lenses from

In connection with high levels and the tempo of life, there are increased requirements for speaking lenses today. This is explained by the presence of many materials used in spectacular optics on the optical market. However, any of the materials should:

  • be transparent
  • be uniform in their composition
  • have certain optical characteristics
  • have certain properties (density, hardness, chemical stability)
  • have high quality (not to have, for example, bubbles and extraneous inclusions).

In general, on the material of the manufacture, all spectacled lenses are divided into 2 types:

  • organic
  • mineral.

Mineral Or inorganic are called lenses made of inorganic glass. Initially, the glass was the source material for creating speaking lenses, and it has several advantages:

  • durability
  • hardness
  • resistance to scratches, thermal and chemical impacts.

However, glass has substantial disadvantages:

  • big weight
  • excessive thickness with certain parameters
  • minimum impact resistance.

In addition, due to the peculiarity of manufacturing (cooking) of optical glass, there may be serious defects in it, which can affect the quality of view.

In the mid-50s of the 20th century, synthetic materials came to replace the glass. Organic Lenses are made from polymers using various additives. After the invention of the first optical CR-39 polymer in the production of glasses, a real revolution occurred. Speed \u200b\u200blenses Steel:

  • lighter
  • more durable
  • susceptible to coatings, staining and experiments with design.

Modern high-tech developments of polymer lenses, combined with special coatings, give almost limitless opportunities to ensure the highest quality of human vision in glasses.

Types of points of spectacle lenses

  • Reinforcing coating

Polymeric lenses are more susceptible to form scratches than glass. The strengthening coating increases the abrasive resistance of the lens, i.e. Makes it less susceptible to friction with soft objects, for example, sponges or napkins when wiping, and also increases resistance to scratches and damage when contact with acute and / or solid objects. Thanks to this coating, the service life of points is significantly increased.

  • Enlightening (antireflex) coating

When reflecting the light flux from the lens surface, various secondary images may occur: own eyes or items. They are captured by the eye and reduce the contrast of the image, and also distort the visual perception of objects: it is especially strongly manifested when driving a car by wet road and in the dark.

In addition, as a result of reflection of the light stream, glare arise. They are not captured by the eye of a person wearing glasses, however interfere with others to see his eyes. This is a big drawback from aesthetic point of view.

The enlightening coating of spectacled lenses neutralizes all these factors: increases the clarity of the image, reduces the number of interfering glare and improves the aesthetic type of person in glasses.

  • Water-repellent (hydrophobic) coating

If you look under the microscope on the lens surface, you can see that it is not perfectly smooth: there are microscopic peaks and failures in which liquid drops are delayed. The hydrophobic coating is the finest silicone film that fills the smallest irregularities and aligns the surface, due to which the drops of the liquid are easily rolled from the lenses. In addition, the drop is not blown on such a film, but rolls up, reducing the area of \u200b\u200bthe contact of water with the surface of the lens. Thus, glasses are less dirty and remain clean longer, it becomes easier to care for them.

Another advantage of the water-repellent coating, which will be appreciated by people living in a cold climate: with sharp drops of temperatures (for example, when in winter you come from the street to the room) such lenses are much faster and easier to be cleaned of condensate.

  • Antistatic coating

Some materials, such as silk, nylon and human skin when contact with the surface of spectacled lenses, can form an electric charge that attracts dust particles from the environment. The multiple process of removal of dust from the lens leads to the appearance of scratches and, accordingly, a decrease in the life of the points of the glasses. A special coating prevents the formation of a static electricity charge and attracting dust to spectacle lenses.

  • Multifunctional coating

The coating that simultaneously: protects the spectacle lens from scratches and mechanical damage, gives it water and dirt-repulsive properties, reduces the reflection of light from its surface and blocks electromagnetic radiation, is called multifunctional. It provides high quality vision in almost any situation.

  • Mirror coating

Mirror coating is trend today: it completely changes appearance Points, making eyes indistinguishable behind their glasses. This coating is applied in various shades on the front of the glasses of lenses and performs exclusively aesthetic function.

Progressive glasses lenses

In the past 20 years, progressive glasses lenses have been widely distributed. Their design provides for different optical power in different parts of the lens, which allows a person to comfortably and clearly see and near, and in the distance, and on average distances. Such lenses open up completely different quality of life for people with age (after 40 years) changes. No longer need to have two or even more points: for reading and watching TV, for example. In addition, the design of the progressive lens eliminates discomfort when translating a view from the subject, close to the one, to the one in the distance: the eyes are not strained at the same time.

By purchasing glasses with progressive lenses, it must be remembered that this is a qualitatively new level of lenses, and, as any complex device, they need to learn how to use.

Types of progressive lenses

There are universal and special progressive lenses. Universal are designed to work at all distances (from 40 cm to infinity) and can be both standard, in which the parameters of the average consumer and individual, manufactured by the specific parameters of a particular person are used. Special or office lenses provide high-quality vision at a limited distance: from 40 cm to 4.5 m. Points with such lenses are adapted to both working with a monitor (at a further distance) and smartphone and / or documents (nearby), thereby Helping the most reduced eye fatigue during the working day.

Progressive lenses can be both mineral and polymeric, both transparent and tinted, with or without coatings, as well as photochromic. More about photochromic lenses-chameleons can be found in another article of our blog on the link :.

How to pick up lenses for glasses

To determine which glasses you need, you need to know how often you are going to use them and for what purposes (when driving a car, to work at a computer, for reading, all day or only during working hours). From this will depend on what kind of lenses should be chosen, and what coatings should be on them.

In addition, it is necessary to have a recipe for future glasses to choose a rim: Not each frame can be combined with the spoken lenses you need. There may be limitations in choosing a material from which lenses are made, or for the lenses you need, it is necessary to provide certain sizes of the rim rim. The thickness and weight of the lenses can also be an obstacle to the manufacture of glasses in the rim you like.

In the salons of Optics "CHALKARIK" work professional doctors who will test you with eyesight will discharge the necessary recipe, in case of its absence, and will help you choose glasses for excellent vision.

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