Myopia eyes what it is, types of correction and prevention, ICD code and examples of the photo. Congenital myopia is high: how to stop and cure? Myopia is a high degree code on the ICD

Myopia or myopia (code on the ICD-10 N52.1) is optical violation of vision, in which a person poorly distinguishes the objects at the far distance. In this violation, the image is not fixed on the retina, but in front of it, but the main reason for this is the increased length of the eyeball. Myopia is more often developing in adolescence, then special glasses or lenses are selected. Myopia is a variety of ametropia. Another reason for the anomaly can be reinforced fixation of the rays by the eye system, but this option is extremely rare.

A person with myopia excellently distinguishes the image at close range, but to see the items away, it is necessary to use lenses or glasses.

In addition to the main sign of the disease (poor vision, away), there are also accompanying symptoms of violations. A person sees items fuzzy, the world around the far distance seems blurry.

The main feature of myopia is a clear vision of objects near, but if a person sees a bad person, it's already about a different violation of vision. There are light and heavy myopia, in which the degree of distinction of objects is different. IN launched cases A person sees the objects well only "in front of the nose itself", and in order to read something, you have to bring a sheet of paper close to the eyes.

For easy degree Violations The person sees well next to the arranged objects and may assume that he is far away, but sees the image blurred.

There are malignant myopia (MKB-10 H44.2), but it is already considered in another key.

Myopia can be combined with astigmatism, then there are such symptoms:

  • split objects;
  • image distortion;
  • straight contours seem curved.

There are different degrees of myopia:

  • weak - up to 3 D (diopters);
  • average - from 3.2 to 6 d;
  • heavy - more than 6.2 D.

The first degree of myopia is characterized by lengthening the eyeball by 1.5 mm more than the norm. At the same time, a person nearly sees everything, and in the outline of the objects are lost and the picture becomes blurred. With the average degree of eye is 2-3 mm longer. In this case, the vessels and shell are significantly stretched, the retinal dystrophy is observed. A person distinguishes the items no further half a meter.

A high degree can achieve even 30 diopters, it is characterized by various eye changes. The bottom thinned, through the vascular shells and the retina can be seen.

Distinguish the following types of myopia:

  • congenital - a rare form when the diagnosis is already put in the first days of life, the reason is the intrauterine anomaly of the eyeball;
  • false - appears in the accommodation spa and disappears independently after the normalization of the ciliary muscle tone;
  • combination - It is found when the length of the eyeball and the refractive force of the rays is not increased, but their combination cannot determine the normal refraction;
  • complicated - myopia, combined with other anomalies of the eyes, which can lead to partial or complete loss of vision;
  • refractive - violation due to the strong refraction of the rays of the optical system of the eye;
  • axish - appears with an enlarged length of the eyeball and there is such a form more often than others;
  • progressive - It is characterized by a constant change in the length of the eyeball and stretching the rear eye.

Myopia may appear both from birth and at any age. The main reason is more often invisible for humans, and vision worsens gradually. When the ability is already lost normally, the person appeals to an ophthalmologist for choosing points or lenses.

Myopia is diagnosed with not only the correction of vision of optical instruments, but also a detailed survey of the eye system to identify possible concomitant diseases. This applies to the myopia of any extent and form. Often, this violation is accompanied by such anomalies as dystrophy, stretching the eye dna, retinal detachment.

The patient may require consultation and further assistance to a surgeon for laser correction of violation. With a high degree of disease, the retina dystrophy occurs, which leads to loss of vision. Each violation requires a separate approach to eliminate such consequences as blindness.

In myopia, the following techniques use:

  1. Photorefractive kerattectomy (FRK).
  2. Laser keratomiasis.
  3. Laser correction.

FRK - This is a relatively new vision correction technology. It is especially effective in myopia to 6 diopters. With severe, the result is not always predictable, but there is a possibility of re-interference.

Laser keratomilose - This is an operation on the correction of myopia, which is considered the most comfortable for the patient. After intervention, the patient no longer needs glasses and lenses. Laser keratomilosis allows you to correct vision in the range from -15 to +10 diopters.

Laser correction - This method does not correctly correct the myopia, as compensates for it. During the operation, an incision of the top layer of the cornea is made and the optical surface is changing, which in the future causes the image to focus on the retina, and not in front of it. The operation may have complications, including the destruction of the vitreous body. Before laser correction requires a detailed examination of the patient.

In some cases, it is required laser adagingAs in the case of a strong destruction and tile of the retina. This condition is especially dangerous for older people who can completely lose sight and become disabled. Fine treatment can lead to a sclera and hemorrhage, and in a serious case to detachment. The most difficult thing to cope with the launched myopia, which other violations of vision are accompanied.

According to statistics, every third person on Earth suffers from myopia. This pathology of the refraction of the eye is more often manifested as a decrease in visual acuity away. Poinovy \u200b\u200bpeople weakly seize remote objects, but they see the objects located close to the distance. In the world of medicine, myopia is called myopia. In the international classification of diseases (ICD-10), this disease was assigned code H 52.1.

Myopia (in the lane. From ancient Greek - "pike eyes") - this is a defect of view, in which the image is formed not on the retina, as it happens, and in front of it.

In myopia, a person considering remote objects, usually pursues, as a fuzzy image appears on the retina, the blurred image.

In ophthalmology, it is customary to classify myopia to the following types:

  • Congenital myopia. It is rare and due to the anomalies for the development of the eyeball in the fetus.
  • High myopia. This is a form of myopia, the degree of which exceeds 6.25 diopters.
  • Combination myopia. It is characterized by a small degree of myopia, at which the refractive power of the optical system of the eye and the length of its optical axis is not combined, which reduces the refraction of vision.
  • False myopia. It occurs with increasing the tone of the ciliary muscle and disappears when the spasm passes.
  • Transient myopia (option of false myopia). It may arise against the background of the main disease of the organism (for example, diabetes) or due to the reception of certain drugs.
  • Night myopia. Appears with a lack of light and disappears with increasing illumination.
  • Axial myopia. It occurs with a high length of the optical axis of the eye.
  • Complicated myopia. Accompanied by anatomical changes in the eyes, which over time lead to loss of vision.
  • Progressive myopia. It is characterized by a gradual increase in its degree due to the stretching of the rear eye.
  • Refractive (optical) myopia. Due to the excessive refraction of the optical system of the eye.

Experts allocate 3 degrees of myopia:

  1. weak (up to 3 diopters);
  2. average (from 3.25 to 6 diopters);
  3. high (Over 6 diopters).

Myopia is congenital or acquired. Congenital myopia is rare, but, as a rule, is complicated, that is, is accompanied by pathologies of eye development and weakness. Sometimes it can be corrected, but there are cases when innate myopia is not cured. Acquired myopia arises due to a number of reasons, it can progress, leading to further impairment of vision.

Myopia is considered progressive if the vision is declining annually on one and more diopters.

Also, myopia can be called:

  • accommodation spasm (at a young age);
  • keratoconus (change in the shape of the cornea);
  • shifting lens (during injury);
  • sclerosis lens (in old age).

Often the disease develops with the enhanced growth of the eyeball, so the progression of myopia is mainly observed among young children. In this case, the process stabilizes in about 18-20 years.

The development of myopia contributes to tense visual work at close range. This explains the frequent impairment of vision in children during the training period in primary schools. Excessive tension stimulates the development of false myopia in a child, and in the absence of timely treatment, the false form of the disease can go into the true one.

In recent years, due to the use of display equipment (computers, mobile phones, e-books, etc.), there is an increase in the number of patients with accementary spasm. Many ophthalmologists believe that the prolonged availability of spasms contributes to an increase in the size of the eyeball, which leads to myopization of the eye.

Physiological myopia does not always lead to a significant reduction in visual acuity. However, if the process does not stabilize and the eyeball will continue to grow, a myopic disease occurs.

Myopia can intensively progress from students (usually against the background of maximum vision loads), in parallel with the growth of their organism. Myopia is a high degree is a serious illness that leads to pathological changes in the vascular and mesh shells of the eye. It can lead to such complications as:

  • retinal disinsertion;
  • glaucoma;
  • full loss of vision.

The early beginning of myopia can signal the increased risk of developing a high degree. The first signs of myopia:

  • squinting;
  • low head slope;
  • the desire to sit down closer to the TV;
  • pain in the eyes (often occurs when working at close range);
  • headache.

It is extremely important to identify problems with vision in a timely manner. The child is desirable to check the visual acuity every year since the beginning of study at school. When detection, it is necessary to immediately begin treatment.

An ophthalmologist can diagnose myopia. Depending on the degree of complexity of the disease, the doctor may assign the following types of eye surveys:

  • visometry;
  • perimetry;
  • skiascopia;
  • refractometry;
  • ophthalmometry;
  • ophthalmoscopy;
  • echography.

Myopia a priori is not cured, but amenable to correction.

Today, ophthalmologists successfully apply 7 generally accepted methods for the correction of myopia:

  • glasses;
  • contact lenses;
  • laser vision correction;
  • refractive replacement of lens (lensctomy);
  • implantation of faky lenses;
  • radial keratotomy;
  • keratoplasty (cornea plastic).

Depending on the degree of the disease, a person may experience a permanent or temporary need for glasses (for example, when reading or needing to see the subject at a distance when viewing television programs or movies, when working at a computer or while driving a car). The strength of the glasses and contact lenses is denoted by a negative number. Modern surgery is able to reduce or completely eliminate the need for use with glasses or contact lenses. Most often, such operations are carried out using special lasers.

In recent years, innovative technology for the correction of myopia has appeared - photorefractive keratectomy (FRK), at which excimer lasers with a wavelength of 193 nm are used. The most good results this method gives a degree to 6.0 diopter in myopia. With higher degrees of myopia, it is recommended to apply the transfrk technique to eliminate the likelihood of regression of the disease.

Laser keratomyosis is a combined laser-surgical surgery for the correction of not only myopia, but also of hyperopia, as well as astigmatism. A similar operation is recognized today the highest-tech and most convenient for the patient, since it is painless and allows in a short time to return the highest possible vision without glasses and contact lenses. With the help of laser and surgical intervention, a high degree of myopia is possible (up to -13 DPTR).

Correction - does not mean full curable disease of the disease.

Correction only allows you to compensate for myopia using a laser by changing the profile of the top layer of the cornea. The laser beam, managed by a computer, makes an incision in the upper corneal layer and changes the optical surface of the cornea for a few seconds, forcing the image to focus accurately on the retina. Then the outbound flap returns to the place, allowing you to avoid damage to the top layer of the cornea. There have been cases of side effects, one of them is the destruction of the vitreous body. To minimize risks, a thorough examination must be carried out.

In case of untimely treatment or illiterate correction of myopia, the progression of the disease is possible, as well as the emergence of such complications as:

  • education stafil sclera (protrusion);
  • dystrophy;
  • metsky and vitreous hemorrhage;
  • retinal detachment.

Recently, there is a rapidly growing prevalence of myopia among young people in Asia (Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore), where 80-90% of schoolchildren are subject to the disease. In the US and European countries, indicators are significantly lower, but also high (20-50%). In Russia, more than 50% of secondary school graduates and gymnasiums are currently recorded cases of myopic refraction.

Thus, the prevention of the development of myopia today is of paramount importance.

This pathology leads to a decrease in vision in working age, which leads extremely negative consequences.

As the main prevention measure, an annual examination of the eye specialist is recommended to identify the early reducing and timely correction of myopia.

Atrophy of the optic nerve.

Do you need glasses to work at the computer read here.

Chronic will take away:

Myopia or myopia is a disease that is important to reveal at an early stage. Watch your vision, look after the child's behavior while reading or viewing an object at a remote distance to notice the disease on time and begin treatment. Do not run myopia, at the first signs of its signs immediately go to the ophthalmologist. Myopia will highly lead to complications and complete loss of vision. Remember this.

Myopia is called a disease, during which a person has a disintegration of visual acuity due to the lack of focusing rays on the retina. The standard Mopathic code on the ICD 10 consists of the following symbols: H52.1.

The disease is in the class of pathological processes of the eye and the section of disorders of the muscular layer, accommodation and refraction. Myopia is located in the category of diseases associated with incorrect operation of accommodation and refraction. In everyday life, this pathology is called myopia, which means the deterioration of the vision of distant items.

The following, close to myopia disease, are additionally encoded:

  • malignant myopia;
  • degenerative view of myopathy;
  • endoofthalmites, accompanied by a decrease in visual acuity.

Myopathy code contains the necessary information about etiological factors, pathogenesis, clinic, diagnosis and treatment of the pathological process. Thanks to the international classification of diseases, doctors at any point in the world will be able to properly diagnose and apply the optimal principles of therapy, which will be founded by individual treatment protocols.

The development of myopia is based on the wrong operation of the optical lens of the eye apparatus, which is why the image focuses before the retina, and not on it.

Thus, a person sees objects fuzzy. Such a problem may be congenital, more often due to anomalies of the intrauterine period or heredity. In the acquired myopathy, the main role is played by the depletion of the optical apparatus due to overvoltage of vision. These changes are not always reversible, therefore people with myopia recommended replacement correction Specially selected lenses.

Also, the disease may have a stationary course (visual acuity remains stable), progressive (there is a gradual deterioration in clarity), transient (characterized by secondary, temporary decrease in sharpness).

In medical protocols, three types of therapeutic measures are allocated for myopia:

  • Optical correction. The lenses or glasses are used, which are selected individually attending the patient, taking into account all the characteristics of the patient's body. As a rule, this therapy allows you to slow down the progression of pathology.
  • Training and exercises. Treatment is suitable for patients with a weak degree of pathology, which evolved due to the overvoltage of the eye apparatus, for example, due to computer work.
  • Surgery. It is applied in the launched situations when other techniques are powerless. Patients are replaced by lens or implanted special lenses.

In ICD 10, myopathy is characterized as a dangerous pathology (starting from the average severity), requiring certain restrictions in physical exertion.

Myopia or myopia is one of the most common diseases in ophthalmology. The disease is diagnosed both in children and in adults and is often transmitted by inheritance, hitting members of one family from generation to generation.

According to the international classification of disease, myopia has the following code: H52.1

The disease has several types of flow, develops rapidly or slowly (depending on the type of flow). Leads to severe complications and can cause full blindness.

If the disease is not treated, then it can bring to full blindness

The disease is associated with older people, elderly grandparents, but in fact, myopia is the illness of young, about 40-60% of school graduates suffer from it. And among children 6-7 years, the percentage of morbidity does not exceed 30-40%.

The disease is adjusted with glasses and lenses, they are recommended to wear on an ongoing basis or use from time to time (depending on the type of myopia). But such a correction is not a medicine from the disease, it helps only adjust the patient's condition, and not stop the progress of the disease.

Possible complications of myopia:

  1. Retinal disinsertion.
  2. Dystrophic changes of retinal vessels.
  3. A sharp decline in visual acuity.
  4. Digger detachment.

A long and noncompensated course of the disease leads to severe complications, to get rid of which even operational intervention will not help.

Myopia can be successfully combined with other diseases of the eyes, starting with astigmatism and ending with retinal pathologies.

In most cases, myopia progresses slowly, a number of factors may provoke its sharp development:

  • long-term load on organs of vision;
  • violation of blood flow to the brain;
  • prolonged stay at the computer (case in harmful radiation).

The cause of a person's profession, its addiction to computer games, work with mile objects, etc.

You can try to describe the world, the eyes of a person who has myopia. He sees a fuzzy, blurring picture. Her borders merge, which does not allow a person to accurately consider the image in detail.

This is due to the fact that the "picture" is not formed on the retina, as it should be, but before it, which leads to a violation of the perception of the image. It is less likely to diagnose a strong refraction of rays that come into contact without reaching the retina.

On video - Disease description:

Diagnose the disease will help the planned inspection from the ophthalmologist. It does not cause any difficulties, for this reason myopia is easily diagnosed in any cases.

Symptoms at myopia worried the following:

  1. Increased fatigue of organs of vision.
  2. Blur image, reducing visual acuity.
  3. The inability to see the image located away.
  4. The appearance of "flies" or glare before your eyes.

Initially, a person draws attention to the fact that he poorly sees items located from it at a certain distance. Near it sees clearly, can read the inscriptions, books, distinguishes the small size of the letter. But much depends on the degree of myopia. If it is high, then problems may occur when reading the inscriptions written in small fonts.

The first thing for what is worth paying attention is on the fast fatigue of the organs of view, while on the background of such a factor, it is noted: the appearance of pain or sharpening in the eyes, a decrease in visual acuity, the appearance of "flies" or glare before the eyes.

Signs can be disturbed on an ongoing basis or from time to time (as with false myopias), with visual loads, symptoms are enhanced, accompanied by headaches, dizziness, etc.

There is an extensive classification of myopia in ophthalmology, there is the degree of development of this disease. If we talk about them, it can be conditionally classified myopia as:

  • weak - with a decrease in vision of up to 3 diopters;
  • middle - with a decrease in visual acuity to 6.25 diopters;
  • high - with a decrease in visual acuity above 6.25 diopters.

In the early stages of the development of the disease, the correction is made with the help of glasses, at later stages, preference is given to contact lenses.

Myopia is classified by both types, it happens:

  1. Congenital - A rare species, diagnosed in a child in the first year of life and over time progresses, is dangerous with complications and rapid development related to the growth and development of the baby.
  2. False - It is characterized by the presence of temporal symptoms, the signs are manifested only under certain circumstances, after which they independently disappear, specific treatment does not require.
  3. Night - Another kind of myopia, the symptoms are worried only at night, with normal lighting a person sees well.
  4. Progressive- It is characterized by rapid development and most often leads to complications. With the unfavorable development of events or in the absence of adequate therapy, it may cause blindness.
  5. Degenerative myopia - eye disease, with dystrophic changes and a drop in visual acuity below 6 diopters. This type of disease most often leads to disability and severe complications.
  6. Refractive - due to excessive refracting force of the optical axis of the eye.
  7. Complicated - accompanied by anatomical changes in the structure of organs of view, which lead to a rapid decrease in visual acuity.
  8. Transit - A variety of false myopia, which is often diagnosed in people with systemic diseases (diabetes) can develop against the background of receiving certain drugs.

    Such a disease occurs in respect with other diseases

  9. Malignant - Differs in rapid progress, leads to complications and may cause full loss of vision.

The classification is very extensive, but this separation helps to differentiate the disease and competently choose the patient treatment.

There are several reasons for the occurrence, conventionally can be divided into 2 groups: congenital and acquired.

If we talk about congenital causes of the disease, then they are due to the hereditary factor. That is, as such a disease is not transmitted by inheritance, only a predisposition to it is transmitted.

But during the attitude of adverse factors, myopia can "declare" about themselves. If it is diagnosed in a child, then the likelihood is that the progress of the disease will have a direct connection with the growth of the baby and its development.

If we talk about the acquired causes of occurrence, they may include:

  • with systemic diseases;
  • with age-related changes;
  • with professional activities;

All this can be regarded as the cause of myopia. But this disease, often, occurs as a complication of another pathology, which is available in humans. It can be diabetes mellitus, heart disease or vessels, violation of blood flow to the brain, etc.

On video - causes of the disease:

This question is considered ambiguous, since it is nominally disabilities only to those people who have severe diseases leading to the impossibility of self-service fully.

There is an erroneous opinion that disability at myopia is given if it reaches a high degree, but it is not quite so.

Alternatively can count on receiving a pension.

  1. Patients with degenerative myopia.
  2. People with myopia, which led to complications in the form of dystrophic or degenerative changes of the retina.

With a high degree of myopia, its rapid progress is the likelihood of obtaining disability above. But it all depends on the specific case. The decision is made by the Commission, the general condition of the patient is estimated and its ability to perform self-service functions.

The Commission will also evaluate the effectiveness of the therapy, if the treatment does not bring the result for a long period of time, then the chances of obtaining disability is very high.

There are several treatment methods that are used in the presence of myopia to varying degrees. Therapy is carried out with the help of medicines, the possibility of surgical intervention and other methods for the correction of violations in the work of organs of vision are discussed.

Applies both as treatment of the main disease and as a method of prevention. It implies the use of any apparatus by which therapy will be carried out.

The greatest effectiveness of such treatment is different in children, it can be carried out using:

  • magnet;
  • laser;
  • electrophoresis;
  • vacuum simulators, etc.

Therapy acts as add-ons to drug treatment with the use of various drugs and vitamins. The procedure set is developed individually, based on the patient's condition.

As a rule, hardware treatment, successfully combined with eye gymnastics, for this reason, it is recommended to perform exercises for organs of vision, during such treatment.

On video - the process of treatment of myopia:

The greatest effectiveness is different in the presence of false myopia, the cause of which the spasm of the ciliary muscle is considered. This type of disease is treated with drops, they help to remove spasm, but during long-term use can lead to an increase in intraocular pressure.

List of drugs:

  1. TropicsD.

    In order to establish in the norm of eye pressure, this agent is most often used.

  2. Skopolamine.

In myopia, other medicines are used, we are talking about vitamins (for the overall strengthening of the body) and preparations that improve the permeability of tissues, they can be attributed to them:

  • Rutin;

    Integrated tool that should be applied by appointment of a doctor

  • Trental;
  • Sodium gluconate.

In the presence of the need, the doctor may write other medicines, each case is considered individually, therapy is complemented by the necessary drugs.

It implies surgical intervention, performed by various methods, is often combined with a crystal replacement or cornea transplantation.

So, the main varieties of surgical operations at myopia:

  1. FRK or photoforephractive keratectomy.
  2. Laser correction by Lasik.
  3. Radial keratotomy and keratoplasty.
  4. Refractive crystal replacement.

On Video - Description of the laser correction procedure according to the Lasik method:

Operational intervention is associated with certain risks, for this reason the operation is made only in the presence of testimony, in order to stop the progress of the disease. It is worth noting that children under 18 surgical interventions are rarely conducted, since their effectiveness is temporary, because the child's body is growing and developing.

Treatment of children is carried out with the help of various methods, the operation is excluded, it is carried out only in severe cases.

When conducting therapy in small patients is permissible:

  • use of devices;
  • application of medicines;
  • conducting vitamin therapy.

Often, the child's parents with myopia arises the question of whether the baby is engaged in physical culture and sports?

Limitations are superimposed only on those kids who have a high degree of myopia. The rest of the children, with an average and weak degree of myopia sports and physical education harm will not bring. According to scientists, children with myopia often have other diseases, compensate which (to a certain extent) will help sports.

The question of how a woman will give birth with a high degree of myopia remains open. There are a number of absolute contraindications in which the ophthalmologist recommends that the cesarean section can be attributed to any:

  1. Complications of myopia.
  2. Retinal detachment.
  3. A sharp decline in visual acuity during pregnancy.
  4. Full loss of vision by 1 eye.

If the disease during pregnancy is actively progressing, then preference is given to Cesarean section, it will help to avoid complications.

If the progress of the disease is not observed and the woman is diagnosed with the myopia of medium or weak, it can give birth independently, without operational assistance. But even in difficult cases, the decision is made jointly with an ophthalmologist, pregnant must rely on the recommendation of the doctor, but the choice will have to do it yourself.

On video - description of the disease during childbirth:

As part of preventive procedures, you can advise:

  • visit ophthalmologist 1 time in 6 months;
  • avoid severe visual loads;
  • do gymnastics;
  • take vitamins and prescribed drugs;
  • fully eat;
  • contain inpatient treatment in the presence of vision problems.

In the framework of prevention, it is recommended to monitor the state of the organs of vision, when characteristic symptoms appear to see the doctor. This will diagnose the disease at an early stage of development and compensate or adjust its current.

Myopia is common, well-studied, but often a dangerous disease that can lead to severe complications. For this reason, it is worth treating myopia, leading to her observation, it will help to avoid retinal detachment and dystrophic changes.

According to statistics, every third person on Earth suffers from myopia. This pathology of the refraction of the eye is more often manifested as a decrease in visual acuity away. Mostory people weakly see remote objects, but they see the objects located at close range. In the world of medicine, myopia is called myopia. In the international classification of diseases (ICD-10), this disease was assigned code H 52.1.

What it is?

In myopia, a person, considering remote objects, usually pursues, since a fuzzy, blurred image appears on.

Views of myopia

In ophthalmology, it is customary to classify myopia to the following types:

  • Congenital myopia. It is rare and due to the anomalies for the development of the eyeball in the fetus.
  • High myopia. This is a form of myopia, the degree of which exceeds 6.25 diopters.
  • Combination myopia. It is characterized by a small degree of myopia, at which the refractive power of the optical system of the eye and the length of its optical axis is not combined, which reduces the refraction of vision.
  • False myopia. It occurs with increasing the tone of the ciliary muscle and disappears when the spasm passes.
  • Transient myopia (option of false myopia). It may arise against the background of the main disease of the organism (for example, diabetes) or due to the reception of certain drugs.
  • Night myopia. Appears with a lack of light and disappears with increasing illumination.
  • Axial myopia. It occurs with a high length of the optical axis of the eye.
  • Complicated myopia. Accompanied by anatomical changes in the eyes, which over time lead to loss of vision.
  • Progressive myopia. It is characterized by a gradual increase in its degree due to the stretching of the rear eye.
  • Refractive (optical) myopia. Due to the excessive refraction of the optical system of the eye.

Degrees of myopia

Experts allocate 3 degrees of myopia:

  1. weak (up to 3 diopters);
  2. medium (from 3.25 to 6 diopters);
  3. high (over 6 diopters).

The reasons

Myopia is congenital or acquired. Congenital myopia is rare, but, as a rule, is complicated, that is, is accompanied by pathologies of eye development and weakness. Sometimes it can be corrected, but there are cases when innate myopia is not cured. Acquired myopia arises due to a number of reasons, it can progress, leading to further impairment of vision.

As sees a man in glasses and without in myopia

Myopia is considered progressive if the vision is declining annually on one and more diopters.

Also, myopia can be called:

  • accommodation spasm (at a young age);
  • keratoconus (change in the shape of the cornea);
  • shifting lens (during injury);
  • sclerosis lens (in old age).

Often the disease develops with the enhanced growth of the eyeball, so the progression of myopia is mainly observed with younger age. In this case, the process stabilizes in about 18-20 years.

The development of myopia contributes to tense visual work at close range. This explains the frequent impairment of vision in children during the training period in primary schools. Excessive tension stimulates the development of false myopia in a child, and in the absence of timely treatment, the false form of the disease can go into the true one.

In recent years, due to the use of display equipment (computers, mobile phones, e-books, etc.), there is an increase in the number of patients with accementary spasm. Many ophthalmologists believe that the prolonged availability of spasms contributes to an increase in the size of the eyeball, which leads to myopization of the eye.

What night lenses are better looking at.

Physiological myopia does not always lead to a significant decrease. However, if the process does not stabilize and the eyeball will continue to grow, a myopic disease occurs.

Myopia can intensively progress from students (usually against the background of maximum vision loads), in parallel with the growth of their organism. - This is a serious illness that leads to pathological changes in the vascular and mesh shells of the eye. It can lead to such complications as:

  • retinal disinsertion;
  • full loss of vision.

Symptoms and diagnostics

The early beginning of myopia can signal the increased risk of developing a high degree. The first signs of myopia:

  • squinting;
  • low head slope;
  • the desire to sit down closer to the TV;
  • pain in the eyes (often occurs when working at close range);
  • headache.

It is extremely important to identify problems with vision in a timely manner. The child is desirable to check the visual acuity every year since the beginning of study at school. When revealing a decline, it is necessary immediately.

An ophthalmologist can diagnose myopia. Depending on the degree of complexity of the disease, the doctor may assign the following types of eye surveys:

  • visometry;
  • perimetry;
  • skiascopia;
  • refractometry;
  • ophthalmometry;
  • ophthalmoscopy;
  • echography.


Myopia a priori is not cured, but amenable to correction.

Methods for correction of myopia

Today, ophthalmologists successfully apply 7 generally accepted methods for the correction of myopia:

  • glasses;
  • contact lenses;
  • laser vision correction;
  • refractive replacement of lens (lensctomy);
  • implantation of faky lenses;
  • radial keratotomy;
  • keratoplasty (cornea plastic).

Information about carnival lenses is below software.

Depending on the degree of the disease, a person may experience a permanent or temporary need for glasses (for example, when reading or needing to see the subject at a distance when viewing television programs or movies, when working at a computer or while driving a car). The strength of the glasses and contact lenses is denoted by a negative number. Modern surgery is able to reduce or completely eliminate the need for use with glasses or contact lenses. Most often, such operations are carried out using special lasers.

In recent years, innovative technology for the correction of myopia has appeared - photorefractive keratectomy (FRK), at which excimer lasers with a wavelength of 193 nm are used. The most good results this method gives a degree to 6.0 diopter in myopia. With higher degrees of myopia, it is recommended to apply the transfrk technique to eliminate the likelihood of regression of the disease.

And also read how to cure cataract without surgery.

Laser keratomyosis is a combined laser-surgical surgery for the correction of not only myopia, but also of hyperopia, as well as astigmatism. A similar operation is recognized today the highest-tech and most convenient for the patient, since it is painless and allows in a short time to return the highest possible vision without glasses and contact lenses. With the help of laser and surgical intervention, a high degree of myopia is possible (up to -13 DPTR).

How do myopia and hyperopia arise, read in

Correction - does not mean full curable disease of the disease.

Correction only allows you to compensate for myopia using a laser by changing the profile of the top layer of the cornea. The laser beam, managed by a computer, makes an incision in the upper corneal layer and changes the optical surface of the cornea for a few seconds, forcing the image to focus accurately on the retina. Then the outbound flap returns to the place, allowing you to avoid damage to the top layer of the cornea. There have been cases of side effects, one of them is the destruction of the vitreous body. To minimize risks, a thorough examination must be carried out.

Recently, there is a rapidly growing prevalence of myopia among young people in Asia (Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore), where 80-90% of schoolchildren are subject to the disease. In the US and European countries, indicators are significantly lower, but also high (20-50%). In Russia, more than 50% of secondary school graduates and gymnasiums are currently recorded cases of myopic refraction.

Thus, the prevention of the development of myopia today is of paramount importance.

This pathology leads to a decrease in vision in working age, which leads extremely negative consequences.

As the main prevention measure, an annual examination of the eye specialist is recommended to identify the early reducing and timely correction of myopia.



Myopia or myopia is a disease that is important to reveal at an early stage. Watch your vision, look after the child's behavior while reading or viewing an object at a remote distance to notice the disease on time and begin treatment. Do not run myopia, at the first signs of its signs immediately go to the ophthalmologist. Myopia will highly lead to complications and complete loss of vision. Remember this.

Some signs that at first glance seem unimportant can be or glaucoma. Therefore, when you or the child starts, do not slow down, consult a doctor.

What it is?

Myopi? I (in front. From ancient Greek - "Pick eyes") - This is an impact of view, in which the image is formed not on the retina of the eye, as is normal, but in front of it.

In myopia, a person considering remote objects, usually pursues, as a fuzzy image appears on the retina, the blurred image.

Views of myopia

  • Congenital myopia. It is rare and due to the anomalies for the development of the eyeball in the fetus.
  • High myopia. This is a form of myopia, the degree of which exceeds 6.25 diopters.
  • Combination myopia. It is characterized by a small degree of myopia, at which the refractive power of the optical system of the eye and the length of its optical axis is not combined, which reduces the refraction of vision.
  • False myopia. It occurs with increasing the tone of the ciliary muscle and disappears when the spasm passes.
  • Transient myopia (option of false myopia). It may arise against the background of the main disease of the organism (for example, diabetes) or due to the reception of certain drugs.
  • Night myopia. Appears with a lack of light and disappears with increasing illumination.
  • Axial myopia. It occurs with a high length of the optical axis of the eye.
  • Complicated myopia. Accompanied by anatomical changes in the eyes, which over time lead to loss of vision.
  • Progressive myopia. It is characterized by a gradual increase in its degree due to the stretching of the rear eye.
  • Refractive (optical) myopia. Due to the excessive refraction of the optical system of the eye.
  • Degrees of myopia

    The reasons

    Myopia is congenital or acquired. Congenital myopia is rare, but, as a rule, is complicated, that is, is accompanied by pathologies of eye development and weakness. Sometimes it can be corrected. But there are cases when innate myopia is not cured. Acquired myopia arises due to a number of reasons, it can progress, leading to further impairment of vision.

    Myopia is considered progressive if the vision is declining annually on one and more diopters.

    Also, myopia can be called:

  • accommodation spasm (at a young age);
  • keratoconus (change in the shape of the cornea);
  • shifting lens (during injury);
  • sclerosis lens (in old age).
  • Often the disease develops with the enhanced growth of the eyeball, so the progression of myopia is mainly observed among young children. In this case, the process stabilizes in about 18-20 years.

    The development of myopia contributes to tense visual work at close range. This explains the frequent impairment of vision in children during the training period in primary schools. Excessive tension stimulates the development of false myopia in a child, and in the absence of timely treatment, the false form of the disease can go into the true one.

    In recent years, due to the use of display equipment (computers, mobile phones, e-books, etc.), there is an increase in the number of patients with accementary spasm. Many ophthalmologists believe that the prolonged availability of spasms contributes to an increase in the size of the eyeball, which leads to myopization of the eye.

    Physiological myopia does not always lead to a significant reduction in visual acuity. However, if the process does not stabilize and the eyeball will continue to grow, a myopic disease occurs.

    Myopia can intensively progress from students (usually against the background of maximum vision loads), in parallel with the growth of their organism. Myopia is a high degree is a serious illness that leads to pathological changes in the vascular and mesh shells of the eye. It can lead to such complications as:

    Symptoms and diagnostics

    The early beginning of myopia can signal the increased risk of developing a high degree. The first signs of myopia:

  • squinting;
  • low head slope;
  • the desire to sit down closer to the TV;
  • pain in the eyes (often occurs when working at close range);
  • headache.
  • It is extremely important to identify problems with vision in a timely manner. The child is desirable to check the visual acuity every year since the beginning of study at school. When detection, it is necessary to immediately begin treatment.

    An ophthalmologist can diagnose myopia. Depending on the degree of complexity of the disease, the doctor may assign the following types of eye surveys:

  • visometry;
  • perimetry;
  • skiascopia;
  • refractometry;
  • ophthalmometry;
  • ophthalmoscopy;
  • echography.
  • Treatment

    Myopia a priori is not cured, but amenable to correction.

    Methods for correction of myopia

    Today, ophthalmologists successfully apply 7 generally accepted methods for the correction of myopia:

  • glasses;
  • contact lenses;
  • laser vision correction;
  • refractive replacement of lens (lensctomy);
  • implantation of faky lenses;
  • radial keratotomy;
  • keratoplasty (cornea plastic).
  • Depending on the degree of the disease, a person may experience a permanent or temporary need for glasses (for example, when reading or needing to see the subject at a distance when viewing television programs or movies, when working at a computer or while driving a car). The strength of the glasses and contact lenses is denoted by a negative number. Modern surgery is able to reduce or completely eliminate the need for use with glasses or contact lenses. Most often, such operations are carried out using special lasers.

    In recent years, innovative technology for the correction of myopia has appeared - photorefractive keratectomy (FRK), at which excimer lasers with a wavelength of 193 nm are used. The most good results this method gives a degree to 6.0 diopter in myopia. With higher degrees of myopia, it is recommended to apply the transfrk technique to eliminate the likelihood of regression of the disease.

    Laser keratomyosis is a combined laser-surgical surgery for the correction of not only myopia, but also of limblessness. as well as astigmatism. A similar operation is recognized today the highest-tech and most convenient for the patient, since it is painless and allows in a short time to return the highest possible vision without glasses and contact lenses. With the help of laser and surgical intervention, is the correction of a high degree of myopia (up to? 13 DPTR).

    Correction - does not mean full curable disease of the disease.

    Correction only allows you to compensate for myopia using a laser by changing the profile of the top layer of the cornea. The laser beam, managed by a computer, makes an incision in the upper corneal layer and changes the optical surface of the cornea for a few seconds, forcing the image to focus accurately on the retina. Then the outbound flap returns to the place, allowing you to avoid damage to the top layer of the cornea. There have been cases of side effects, one of them is the destruction of the vitreous body. To minimize risks, a thorough examination must be carried out.


    In case of untimely treatment or illiterate correction of myopia, the progression of the disease is possible, as well as the emergence of such complications as:

  • education stafil sclera (protrusion);
  • dystrophy;
  • metsky and vitreous hemorrhage;
  • retinal detachment.
  • Prevention

    Recently, there is a rapidly growing prevalence of myopia among young people in Asia (Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore), where 80-90% of schoolchildren are subject to the disease. In the US and European countries, indicators are significantly lower, but also high (20-50%). In Russia, more than 50% of secondary school graduates and gymnasiums are currently recorded cases of myopic refraction.

    Thus, the prevention of the development of myopia today is of paramount importance.

    This pathology leads to a decrease in vision in working age, which leads extremely negative consequences.

    As the main prevention measure, an annual examination of the eye specialist is recommended to identify the early reducing and timely correction of myopia.

    Do you need glasses to work at the computer read here.

    Myopia - Myopia - Code on the ICD

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    "How my sight fixed me. Day operation. / BUBR. Ru That I went to the operation, I do not regret, because I finally ceased to feel helpless

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    Age limits for laser correction And may differ from her official position. Decision on the feasibility and correction method

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    Laser vision correction in the clinics of St. Petersburg Omsk How much is a laser correction price for laser correction of vision. St. Petersburg,

    One Response To "How to restore vision in home So, all prepared. Feet on the width of the shoulders, Pomorgali, calmed down and started. To the window began. AND

    Improved vision without glasses using the Bates method (Bates If you do an exercise in front of a closed window, then there is nothing terrible. This allows

    One eye is a miniature other hyperborn causes and With such extremely high myopia, the eyes undergo significant changes. Other common

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    A unique method of restoring vision. All technique. In this position, we go lower and below, alternately carrying body weight with say this method

    Children's rims 2017-2016 in the online store brand Forbid the replacement of the ordinary balun on the balloon. Children's frames and sunscreen children's glasses

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    Astigmatism glasses How to wear and what better to choose? Kopaeva V.G. Eye diseases. Questioning of persons for long-term progressive glasses.

    Laser vision correction and pregnancy Echisz Unified State Information Sector in Health. Head of Government D.

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    Application of phototherapy for the correction of myopia in children Correspondent visual areas and eye centers in the brain barrel. After I passed on

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    Far album in children 4 years old where to consult This can not be avoided from it you can run away, but you can not hide. Sooner or late aging process

    Laser replacement, price correction prices with a laser, The angle between and the woven plane is increased. Service Price Mesotherapy of the convertible region p.

    Exercises for the eye Look at the largest table letter at close range. One part of the letter is visible black than

    Alcohol after laser correction - is it possible? Subcontuse and hypercorrection. Arises due to the removal of the tissue of the cornea in more or less

    Glasses for view - guidelines for the choice of news. Jean Reno putting them on, the executor of the role of Leonakler looks very solid and impressive. Often

    Return yourself vision. Lectures on natural I started lifting, he has a bubbler's hemorrhage in the right eye, a loss of vision, to the hospital, and

    Ways to restore vision. Who tried something .. Photo on both the operation itself and recovery actions can be found on site,

    Myopia - Myopia - Code on the ICD 10

    Protocol for medical care patients with myopia

    Signs and diagnostic criteria:

    Myopia - Myopia. In myopia, the patient sees well close and poorly in the distance, due to the ametropia and weak accommodation. Congenital myopia in the first year of life weakens and converts refraction, both eyes. In cases where there was high myopia regulating mechanisms not enough to bring refraction to the norm. At the age of 3-7 years, the aetropy is fixed, which leads to congenital myopia to the development of relative amblyopia. During this period, acquired myopia is developing - pseudomopia. Children who develop myopia at this time make up a prognostically unfavorable group - they have a very large degree of myopia. At the age of 7-18, myopia once appeared, tends to progression, especially in the first 4 years after the start. In the period of 18-45 years, most people, myopia remains constant, in some of them after 30 years it is slightly reduced, and in a small part - continues to increase, and the periods of progression ("jumps") are replaced by periods of stability. These "jumps" often lead to complications. The age of 45-60 years old - the presbyopia is developing, which Miops are experiencing much later, myopia can slightly decrease, and in some there comes a new wave of progression. The decompensation of myopia is accompanied by: reduced vision without correction, progression of myopia, asthenopic pains that diverging strabism.

    Second Level - Ophthalmologist Polyclinics

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      10 . ?52.1

      Myopia (myopia)

      Myopia (term according to the ICD-10, code H52.1; The name is more familiar to the usual person - myopia) - the condition at which the rays, an overly reflashic lens, focus before the retina.

      At the same time, vision vision is disturbed, and near (at a distance approx. 40 cm) it is usually not violated.

      Types and degrees

      Myopia can be congenital

      There are two types of myopia: refractive (related to excessive curvature lens and / or cornea) and axis (associated with an increase in the length of the eyeball). For flow, there is a progressive (more unfavorable) and stationary myopia. According to the strength of myopia distinguish degrees:

      • Weak (up to -3 diopters);
      • Middle (between -3 and -6 diopters);
      • High (more -6 dioptime).
      • Prerequisites

        A sharp strengthening of myopia can be associated with the reception of pylocarpine, sulfonamides, the development of diabetes mellitus and keratoconus, sclerosis of the kernel of the lens / displacement of its shock or the pressure of the sclera, after the operation over the retinal detachment.

        Myopia is false

        Accommodation spasm

        Accommodation spasm is a functional impairment of vision. It develops as a result of excessive loads on the visual apparatus, the weakness of the muscles of the neck and the back, insufficiency of vitamins and physical activity. Symptoms are manifested by violation of both distance and in short, headaches, eye fatigue.

        Pathology is due to the resistant stress of the ciliary muscle. This diagnosis is set after a study with an extended pupil. To cure a false myopia is easy: it is necessary to perform exercises aimed at relaxing eye muscles, apply drops that expand the pupil, pass the course of massage, mainly on the collar zone, and fill the lack of trace elements and vitamins. In the case of a long spasm, dystrophic disorders are possible.

        Correction of myopia

        For the correction of myopia, minus points are used (with scattering lenses) or contact lenses, while choosing the minimum refractive force to save the available reserve of accommodation.

        Selection of glasses for the correction of myopia is carried out in several stages:

    1. the first examination in the most natural conditions;
    2. survey at cyclopellegia (droplets are injected to the expansion of the pupil);
    3. the second examination in natural conditions with the subsequent prescription on the lenses;
    4. examination in finished glasses.

    When moving from glasses to contact lenses, the lenses strength decreases (because the distance to the lens is reduced, less dispersion is required).

    Timely vision correction is very important. According to ophthalmologists, when vision correction only, vision addresses 1.7 times faster, and with the complete absence of glasses - 2.6 times compared to those who have fully corrected (and for Dali, and for the challenge).

    Conservative treatment

    Laser stimulation of vision

    Additional treatment methods include such:

  • Ultrasound and infrared therapy. The effect of radiation waves on certain structures of the eye leads to improved blood flow and has a massaging effect on the muscles and fabric of the eyeball.
  • Laser stimulation. With the help of a constantly changing laser image, placed at a distance of about 10 cm from the eyes (its size, structures, colors and spatial characteristics), a peculiar training of the muscles of the eye and its receptor (photosensitive) department is performed.
  • Vacuum massage. Special glasses made according to the principle of mini-barocamers lead to a change in pressure (due to the occurrence of alternating vacuum) in the structures of the eye. This changes the blood pressure of the eyeballs of the eyeball, improves the movement of the fluid in the chambers of the eye.
  • Magnetotherapy. The changing magnetic field and the use of certain drugs in a complex with it can have a positive effect on the pathology of the eyes.
  • Electrostimulation. One of the varieties of auxiliary treatment in the development of secondary retinal pathology. The short intensity current is fed to the field of retina and optic nerve, thus improving the conductivity of nervous endings.
  • Surgical treatment

    The choice of the method of surgical treatment is strictly individual. Not only the degree of myopia, but also related diseases, the age of the patient, the state of pregnancy and breastfeeding in women are taken into account.

    Laser eye treatment

    Laser treatment. The essence of the method is that with the help of the laser beam, the unnecessary parts of the cornea are evaporated, its outer layers change its curvature, and when it becomes complied with the formation of a "natural" lens. Suitable for myopia in the range of up to 15 diopters. The parameters of the changes made are calculated individually. There are several methods of the method (Laska, Lasik, Epi-Lasik, etc.).

    Replacing a lens. Higher degrees of myopia (about 20 diopters) are preferably treated with this method. Usually, with such a degree of myopia, the lens or is not able to change its curvature at all, or too convex. Lensectomy (lexing) is a small operation of the operation through the micro-section. A crumbled led from ultrasound is removed, artificial is installed in its place.

    Installing facile lenses. If the crystal retains its properties and the strong degrees of myopia are observed (up to 25 diopters), use the installation of additional lenses in the eye chamber. Most often it is done behind the iris and in front of its own lens. The operation is also performed in a very short time with minimum cuts.

    Radial keratotomy. The method previously considered a breakthrough in ophthalmology. With the help of multiple non-separation cuts of the cornea, its curvature changes and optical power is improved. Today, the method is not the "gold standard" due to the development of side effects:

  • Postoperative inflammation;
  • Photophobia;
  • Rustling of vessels;
  • Reduction of visual acuity (the appearance of postoperative astigmatism or a change in the shape of the cornea);
  • Hesitation of visual acuity during the day;
  • Reduced twilight view;
  • So-called GLER-EFFECT (difficult recovery of vision after eyelashing and disruption of light scars in the zones of scars).
  • Plastic cornea. The donor fabric is installed instead of its own, while the necessary sphericality of the cornea obtained is selected.

    Alternative treatment


    Currently, a large number of devices and instruments for the treatment of myopia are developed, such as almetedix, ambocutor, special perforated glasses and many others. None of these methods of alternative treatment has a sufficient evidence base.

    volgograd is the place of work of Dr. Korkov, who defended the patent for the invention of a special methodology for the treatment of myopia. He believes that pathology in this case develops due to the violation of the blood supply to the special kernel in the brain responsible for the work of the lens, and therefore a complex of medical measures is aimed at correcting this (improvement of blood flow in vertebral arteries, strengthening the walls of the eyeball and muscles , moving).

    The people widely use infraces of cornflowers, orders, needles, calendulas, and the use of blueberries in food.


    Gymnastics for eyes at myopia

    If your job is related to the use of computer or instruments / tools located close to the distance from the eyes, every 40-45 minutes should do a special charge. Sit smoothly and lift the palm at the eye level. Persically look at the location of the palm connection for a few seconds, then transfer the view to the distant corner of the room, staying by a couple of moments. Then go back to the palms. Repeat 5-6 times.

    In addition to the ice muscles, you need to "warm up" and the Mimic muscles, and the muscles of the eyelids. So, the exercises are recommended, in which you should lift / lower your eyebrows, firmly lit and swallow your eyes wide, quickly blink and even cut a little. This will not only give a job usually weakly intense muscles, but also will strengthen the local blood flow.

    For a long time, there are computer programs that are capable of imitate the approximation / distance with the help of the video, thus relaxing and straining the muscles of the eye. It is clear that these exercises should not replace the real abilities of the eye.

    In the last century, the method of Bates, which quickly won popularity among Western, and in particular, American people-non-nurses. According to the assertions of the Creator, almost all eye diseases are associated with muscle tension. Exercises recorded in his methodology (Nr, Palming), contribute to their relaxation and training. Modern scientists consider these complexes potentially useful only in the case of strabismus and amblyopia, but some patients argue that they have achieved an improvement in vision and with other eye diseases. Perhaps this is due to psychosomatic states.

    Yoga at myopia

    Yoga for eyes

    Yoga is a very effective method of relaxation, work out attention, the development of flexibility. However, some asians who are held in a position with tilted down head should not be carried out by those who have large diopters: it may lead to negative consequences.

    A separate appearance of yoga therapy for the eyes is a trading. In addition to training the muscles of the eye you will learn focusing and relaxing. It is not worth practicing the trading to those who suffer in inflammatory diseases of the eyes, glaucoma, retinal detachment, neoplasms of the eye or brain.

    Each session consists of preparing and tracting itself. This complex is better to do before bedtime. First you need water room temperature. Bend a little forward (above the sink or basin), type in the hands of water and vigorously splash in widely open eyes 6-8 times. Then quickly blink for a minute. After such a peculiar massage, sit comfortably (on the chair or floor), perform the movements of the closed eyes: from side to side, top down, circular, holding back at the maximum point for a couple of seconds.

    Now you are ready for trading. To perform it, it will take a fixed object, followed by: it can be a circle / point on a sheet of paper, a figurine, a sign on the wall, a calm flame of a burning candle, the sunshine and so on, it all depends on your preference. It should be relaxed to watch the selected object without closing the eye until it is possible. At the end of the exercise, you can gently massage the eyeballs through the eyelids.

    Makeup at myopia

    Right makeup will help increase eyes in glasses for myopia

    This part of the article is devoted to women who suffer from myopia and use glasses every day. Lenses in glasses used in myopia do a little less. So, your eyes will seem under the glasses inexpressive. What to do? To start, do not despair. Points are the main focus of your appearance. In addition, that they should be correctly selected, it should be remembered that they are obliged to firmly "sit" on the nose, not to have distortions, nucleopuries should not be green.

    In general about makeup: Body and faded colors do not fit you categorically. Women's reviews argue that when using eyelids will be lost behind the lenses. To get rid of it, make-up should be performed in more bright colors, you can only use two main: the first less rich and the second - more, making bright accents with it. In addition, the prerequisite and maximum accuracy. No fuzzy lines and inexpected areas. The parts on which the shadow of the rim falls are needed to fire (use the consilete and / or light toner). Eyebrows should not stand out, and therefore their color may differ from the color of the glasses to the maximum on the tone-two.

    For a visual increase in the eye you need to use eyeliner. Her maximum should be on the outer part of the eye, and its width should be reduced the duck to the thin line, and it is not necessary to use pure black, you can also take any other color.

    Applying shadows, a darker tone on the fold of the century, and the most light - under the eyebrows: so the top eyelid will increase visually. Eyelashes must be carefully scrolled, the maximum is higher and below the pupil. Do not forget the white pencil for the mucous age. At the end, apply a pencil for lips and shine or lipstick of a non-timing.

    Myopia and pregnancy

    Pregnancy is another reason to be on a preventive admission from an ophthalmologist. It concerns this primarily of women with an already developed pathology of the eyes (more relevant for short-sized pregnant women), but also quite healthy future mothers should be a planned to visit the doctor at least twice during pregnancy: the first - for 10-14 weeks and the second - by 30- 32 weeks. At the same time, not only visual acuity is estimated, but also to a greater extent, the state of the retina.

    Various concomitant states (pressure drops, metabolic disorders, etc.) can lead to a mesh shell dystrophy, contribute to the appearance of breaks and, ultimately, detachment. In addition to these reasons, the influence of myopia on the retina is possible: due to changes in the shape of the eye, the mesh shell is stretched and micrographs can be formed.

    Although the degree of possible disorders in the retina and is not depending on the diopters of myopia (with a weak degree, heavy detachments are possible, and with a strong one - on the contrary), short-sighted pregnant women should be under the control of an ophthalmologist and attend it at least once a month. The eye disaster can happen suddenly, and it is necessary to be prepared, in particular, caesarean section can be shown instead of natural genera.

    Sometimes, the ophthalmologist may advise the peripheral laser coagulation for the prevention of breaks. Such an intervention will allow "to privar" the lagging parts of the retina to the wall of the eye and will not allow to develop further progression. This procedure can be carried out at any time up to 35 weeks.

    Myopia and children's age

    Myopia, as a rule, begins to develop in children of school age. In rare cases, its manifestations appear in preschoolers. Children and adolescents are widely (more often than in adults), the accompliament spasm is common - so-called. Myopia is false. Children's age is the time when it is important not to miss the pathological process, so an ophthalmologist is required for preventive inspections. Children's ophthalmologist should not only identify violations, but also to teach eye exercises and ways to control urgency at home.

    Physical education should be limited only for children with a high degree of myopia, they should be engaged in special leaf groups. Children with weak and medium degrees of myopia can take part in cyclic sports without a large load (with moderate), n-p, running and swimming. Prevention should be carried out both during school class and during the home use of a computer or TV.

  • The largest percentage of young people suffering from myopia is in Japan (almost 70%). For comparison, among Russian students, this figure is 2.5 times less (23-32%).
  • According to British scientists, among the peaceful people in glasses it is very rare to meet introverts. Usually these are open and cheerful people.
  • There is so-called. Einstein-Monroe test to determine myopia. In a somewhat muddy image, Einstein and Merilin Monroe are combined. If you have good eyesight, then sitting at a distance of 30 cm from the picture, you see Einstein, and when the screen is removed from the screen, the physicist is transformed into the actress. If you suffer myopia, I can see Merilin at close range.
  • With an increase in the length of the eyeball on 1 mm, the refractive strength increases on average for 3 diopters.
  • If the child jokes his eyes, do not need to scold him for it. Some scientists consider such a "charging" useful to prevent myopia.
  • There is a form of myopia, which is not associated with eye disease: this is so-called. Myopia marketing. By analogy with the pathology of the optical system of the eye (the inability to see at a high distance) in business, it denotes the inability to see further the limits of its own market, incl. The inability to detect your own competitors (the story claims that it introduced this concept t.ailtt from Garade).
  • Myopia is the most common ophthalmic problem in the world. Today, people's vision deteriorates as a result of the active use of gadgets, improper nutrition, an unhealthy lifestyle in general.

    Defects of view with the code H52.1 on the ICD 10, myopia or myopia is the loss of the ability to see well into the distance. Good vision near this is preserved.

    The disease is associated with the refraction anomaly, due to which the image is focused not on the retina, but in front of it. Myopia is one of the types of anteropy.

    The situation is complicated by the fact that at first, pathology can pass asymptomaticly, or a person does not give her due importance, writing off the impairment of vision for accumulated fatigue.

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    The main thing in the article

    Myopia: Code in ICD 10

    The ICB-10 myopia has code H52.1. The degenerative form of this disease is denoted by the code H44.2.

    A feature of congenital myopia is low visionary visual acuity. This is due to organic changes in the visual system and relative ambulopia caused by long-term projecting on the retina of fuzzy images of the objects of the surrounding world. Such amblyopia, as a rule, requires pleoptic therapy.

    Early acquired myopia occurs in children under the age of 7 years and is prone to rapid progression, which is evidence of an important role of the gloomy factor in its origin.

    It has a negative impact on the clinical course of pathology associated with the early admission of a child to visual work at the close distance.

    Much more often in a child diagnose myopia acquired during school studies.

    With the rapid progression of pathology or severe, myopia in adults and children, the surgical treatment is shown - sclerotherapy, which is designed to prevent further stretching sclera.

    After the patient achieved by the age of 18 years old, permissible to conduct laser correction.

    In the absence of progression and complications, myopia as a whole has a favorable forecast and is well corrected using glasses and lenses, in T, in the time as in myopia, a high degree (classification according to the ICD - H52.1), even in conditions of competent correction of visual acuity, often remains reduced.

    The least favorable option for viewing is the progressive myopia, leading to degenerative processes in the retina of the eye.

    Hygiene vision plays a very important role in the prevention of myopia and preservation of vision.

    It includes the following activities:

    • moderate and dosage loads on the visual apparatus;
    • the right organization of the workplace of the adult and the child;
    • prevention of destructive visual habits;
    • full night sleep;
    • balanced diet;
    • frequent walks in the fresh air;
    • physical activity;
    • regular survey at the ophthalmologist (1 time in 6 months).

    Protocol for medical care patients with myopia

    Signs and diagnostic criteria:

    Myopia - Myopia. In myopia, the patient sees well close and poorly in the distance, due to the ametropia and weak accommodation. Congenital myopia in the first year of life weakens and converts refraction, both eyes. In cases where there was high myopia regulating mechanisms not enough to bring refraction to the norm. At the age of 3-7 years, the aetropy is fixed, which leads to congenital myopia to the development of relative amblyopia. During this period, acquired myopia is developing - pseudomopia. Children who develop myopia at this time make up a prognostically unfavorable group - they have a very large degree of myopia. At the age of 7-18, myopia once appeared, tends to progression, especially in the first 4 years after the start. In the period of 18-45 years, most people, myopia remains constant, in some of them after 30 years it is slightly reduced, and in a small part - continues to increase, and the periods of progression ("jumps") are replaced by periods of stability. These "jumps" often lead to complications. The age of 45-60 years old - the presbyopia is developing, which Miops are experiencing much later, myopia can slightly decrease, and in some there comes a new wave of progression. The decompensation of myopia is accompanied by: reduced vision without correction, progression of myopia, asthenopic pains that diverging strabism.

    Second Level - Ophthalmologist Polyclinics

    Cataract - codes on the ICD-10

    Cataract - a disease characterized by varying degrees with persistent lumbness of matter and / or lens capsules, which are accompanied by a progressive decrease in human visual acuity.

    Classification of Cataract Varieties on the ICD-10

    H25 cataract is old.

    H25.0 cataract is an old initial.

    H25.1 cataract elder nuclear.

    H25.2 Cataract Elder Morganiev.

    H25.8 Cataracts are old old.

    H25.9 Cataract elder uncomfortable.

    H26 Other cataracts.

    H26.0 Cataract Children's, Youth and Prespenny.

    H26.1 Cataract traumatic.

    H26.2 Cataract complicated.

    H26.3 Cataract caused by drugs.

    H26.4 Cataract Secondary.

    H26.8 Other clarified cataracts.

    H26.9 Cataract is unspecified.

    H28 cataracts and other lesions of the lesure with diseases classified in other categories.

    H28.0 cataract diabetic.

    H28.1 Cataract, with other diseases of the endocrine system, metabolic disorders, nutrition disorders, which are classified in other categories.

    H28.2 Cataracts, with other diseases classified in other categories.

    The consolidated analysis of the world data on blindness shows that this disease is a particularly common cause of preventable blindness in economically developed and developing countries. According to WHO, today 20 million is registered in the world. Dopley due to cataracts and it is necessary to perform approximately 3 thousand. Extraction operations for every million people per year. In the Russian Federation, the prevalence of cataracts according to the criterion of treatment may be 1201.5 cases per 100 thousand surveyed population. This pathology of varying degrees of severity is detected in 60-90% of persons aged sixty years.

    Cataract patients are about a third of those hospitalized in specialized eye hospitals. Such patients account for up to 35-40% of all operations conducted by ophthalmologist surgeons. By the mid-90s, the number of cataract extraction operations per 1000 people in the population was: in the United States - 5.4; In the UK - 4.5. Available statistical data in Russia is very variable, which depends on the region. For example, in the Samara region, this indicator is 1.75.

    In the nosological profile of the primary disability due to eye diseases, the catrank faces occupy the 3rd place (18.9%) yielding only to patients with the effects of eye injury (22.8%) and patients with glaucoma (21.6%).

    At the same time, 95% of cases of cataract extraction are successful. This operation is generally considered one of the safest and more efficient, among the interventions on the eyeball.

    Clinical classification

    Due to the inability to find out the causes of the closets of the lens, the pathogenetic classification does not exist. Therefore, the cataracts are customary to classify the time of occurrence, localization and form of clouding, etiology of the disease.

    By the time of occurrence, all cataracts are divided into two groups:

    congenital (genetically determined) and acquired. As a rule, congenital cataracts do not progress, formerly or partial. At the acquired cataract, there is always a progressive course.

    According to the etiological basis, the acquired cataracts are divided into several groups:

  • age (senile);
  • traumatic (arising from contusion or penetrating eye injuries);
  • complicated (arising from a high degree of myopia, uveitis and other eye diseases);
  • radiation (radiation);
  • toxic (arising from Naftolanic acid, etc.);
  • caused by systemic diseases of the body (endocrine diseases, violations of metabolic processes).
  • Depending on the location of the clouds and according to their morphological attribute, pathology is divided as follows:

    • front polar cataract;
    • rear polar cataract;
    • spindle-shaped cataract;
    • layered or zonular cataract;
    • nuclear cataract;
    • cortical cataract;
    • rear cataract subcapsular (cup-shaped);
    • complete or total cataract.
    • According to the degree of maturity, all cataracts are divided into: initial, immature, mature, overripe.

      Hatter disease code on the ICD 10

      Shatter's disease refer to the state at which there is aseptic code for the international classification of MKB -10 diseases: Q75.1. Online version of the International Classification of Diseases of the 10th Review (ICD 10 Online) International Classification of Diseases of the 10th Review (ICD -10). I some XXII codes for special purposes. (U00- U89). International statistical classification of diseases and problems associated with CO and their content, class XIII, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, disease of the connective tissue, Hondropathy. [Localization code See above]. With a complete list of diseases by which you can get the liberation of the system - jade, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis.

      Moreover, the current generation of conscripts is not distinguished by strong health, so it is worth to suffer and pass a medical examination. The probability of obtaining a "white ticket" or long deferment always exists. "Schedule of Diseases" in the new edition.

      A list of diseases with which they do not take into the army is constantly updated by the country's military leadership. In 2014, a new edition began to act, which applies to the next 2015. Diseases related to category D are those in which the recruit is freed from the army completely and finally.

      The official document in which all diseases is indicated is called "Schedule of Diseases", which in it more than two thousand. With a complete list of diseases by which you can get a liberation or temporary delay, you can read below. - diseases of the musculoskeletal system - strong scoliosis, flatfoot 3 degrees and others; - Gastrointestinal diseases - all types of ulcers, polyps, etc.

      ; - heart disease; - neurological diseases - epilepsy, consequences of strong injuries, paralysis; - diseases of the urinary system - jade, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis; - tuberculosis; - endocrine diseases - diabetes, obesity; - pathology of the organs of vision; - insufficient physical development; - Enuresis; - Food allergy. Having found my disease in the "timetable", the conscript can determine whether he shines complete freedom from the fulfillment of "civil debt" or he can delay.

      Further, more detailed consideration of each item of the Schedule Schedule for Conscripts. So, below for subparagraphs, the diseases with which the recruitment will either be delayed to cure and re-examined, or will not be taken to the service in the army at all.

      This is already solved by the Medical Commission, depending on the severity of the disease. Infectious diseases.

      tuberculosis of respiratory organs and other systems;. Syphilis and other sexually transmitted infections; New formation. Malignant neoplasms;. Benign formations that interfere with the right functioning of organs. Diseases of blood and hematopoietic organs.

      all kinds of anemia;. violations of the structure of erythrocytes or hemoglobin;. Disorders of leukocyte platelet functions;.

      hemostasis disorders with increased bleeding;. Healthy capillar strokes;. Vascular pseudohemophilia;. and other diseases of blood and blood organs involving the immune mechanism. Diseases of the endocrine system, nutrition disorders and metabolic disorders. Eutheroid goiter;. Obesity 3 and 4 degrees;

      diabetes;. Thyroid diseases;. Diseases of the pituitary and adrenal glands; diseases of parachitoid and sex glands;. Food disorders;. hypovitaminosis;.

      body mass deficiency. Mental disorders. Disorders associated with sexual orientation;. Violations of psychological development;.

      reactive depression;. mental retardation;. Personality disorders. and other mental disorders due to injuries, brain tumors, encephalitis, meningitis, and so on. Diseases of the nervous system. multiple sclerosis;. injury and diseases of the head and spinal cord with impaired functions;.

      hereditary diseases of the central nervous system (cerebral palsy, Parkinson's disease, etc.); Traumatic arachnoiditis;. and other diseases associated with the damage to the nervous system. Eye disease.

      breath of a century among themselves or eyeball;. Current and twist of the eyelids;. Ulcerative blufarites;. Chronic conjunctivitis;.

      diseases of tear paths;. pronounced pathology of the age;.

      detachment and retinal rupture;. Atrophy of the optic nerve;. Tpetortoretinal abiotrophy;.

      squint in the absence of binocular vision;. Resistant Lagofalm;. The presence of a foreign body inside the eye.

      strong myopia or hyperopia;. And other eye diseases, as well as the outcomes of injury and burns sclera, cornea, iris, ciliary body, lens, vitreous body, horooids, retina, optic nerve.

      Ear disease. congenital absence of ear shell;. Bilateral micro;. chronic otitis;. Bilateral persistent perforation of the eardrum;.

      resistant decrease in hearing;. vestibular disorders. Diseases of the circulatory system. Cardiac insufficiency of 2,3,4 grade;. rheumatic heart lesions;. Congenital and acquired heart defects;.

      defect of the interpidential partition;. Prolapse of mitral or other heart valves;.

      myocardic cardiosclerosis;. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy;. Atrioventricular blockade of I degree;. Hypertensive disease with violations of the functions of "target organs";. Ischemic heart disease with impaired functions;. Atherosclerosis and thrombosis;.

      neurocirculatory asthenia;. Hemorrhoids with the loss of knots 2-3 stages. And other diseases of the circulatory system. Diseases of respiratory organs. Silver runny nose (ozane);.

      chronic purulent sinusites;. Resistant respiratory impairment with respiratory failure;. Congenital respiratory anomalies;. Mikoses of the lungs;. Sarcoidosis III degree;. Bronchial asthma of any steppe;. Damage to the larynx and trachea;.

      alveolar proteinosis;. Chronic diseases of the bronchopulmonary apparatus and pleura.

      Diseases of digestive, jaw and teeth. periodontitis, periodontal diseases;. Diseases of the oral mucosa, salivary glands and language;.

      aktinomycosis of the maxillofacial region;. The absence of 10 teeth and more on one jaw;. Defects of the upper or lower jaws with impaired functions;. Heavy forms of ulcerative enteritis and colitis;. Esophaid-bronchial fistula;. congenital anomalies of digestive organs;. ulcer of the stomach and duodenal estate;.

      cirrhosis of the liver;. Chronic hepatitis;. Chronic gastritis, pancreatitis and cholecystitis with frequent exacerbations;. Dyskinesia biliary tract;.

      hernia with violation of organ functions. Skin diseases. Chronic eczema;. Psoriasis, atopic dermatitis;. Bullous dermatitis;. Systemic red lupus;.

      common forms of allope or vitiligo;. chronic urticaria;. Photodermatitis;. ichthyosis, deprive; Ulcerative pyoderma. Multiple conglobal eels.

      and other recurrent skin diseases, depending on the severity. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Chronic rheumatoid and reactive arthritis;. Seronegative spondylitizers;. Psoriatic arthropathy;.

      system Vasculites;. Gigantaeer arteritis;. Nodular polyarteritis;.

      kawasaki disease;. Granulomatosis of Vegener;.

      microscopic polyangiite;. Eosinophilic angiit;. cryoglobulinemic vasculitis;. Bone defects with violation of functions;. Cymmel's disease;. Spondylolisthesis I - IV degree with pain syndrome;.

      scoliosis II and more degree; flatfoot III and IV degree;. Hand shortening for 2 centimeters and more; Shortening legs for 5 centimeters and more;. No limb. and other diseases and damage to bones, joints, cartilage, depending on the complexity of the course of the disease.

      With severe violations that interfere with the normal functioning of organs, the recruit is most likely to be reserved. Diseases of the urogenital system. Chronic kidney diseases;. chronic pyelonephritis;. urolithiasis disease;. Cystitis and urethritis with frequent exacerbations;.

      chronic glomerulonephritis;. Cleaning kidney, kidney amyloidosis and absence kidney;. Bilateral nephroptosis III stage;. Diseases of men's genital organs with impaired functions;. Chronic inflammatory diseases of female genital organs;. genital prolapse;. urinary incontinence;.

      ovarian menstrual disorders. and other diseases of the urogenital system that impede the normal service to serve in the army. List of additional diseases and states. Defects and deformations of the maxillofacial region;. Ankilose of the temporomandibular joints;. The effects of spinal fractures, bones of the body, upper and lower extremities;.

      internal injuries of internal organs of the chest cavity, abdominal cavity and pelvis;. Aneurysm Heart or aorta;.

      the effects of skin injuries and subcutaneous fiber (burns, frostbite, etc.);. radiation sickness;. Insufficient physical development (body weight is less than 45 kg, growth is less than 150 cm);

      violations of speech, stuttering;. Anomalies of various organs that cause violation of the functions of organs;.

      food allergies (on the products that will be given in the army). Several advice Conscript.

      If you are a "happy owner" of the ailment, which will not allow you to enjoy the construction service, take care of the documentary confirmation of the diagnosis in advance in the clinic at the place of residence. Collect all documents: a medical map, tests, x-rays, conclusions from hospitals and sanatoriums. All this should be submitted on medical examination in the military commissar. Little trick: Show only copies - the originals may not disappear in the deft hands of the military domestic medicines, it is almost impossible to restore them.

      And your disease can simply "not notice." This is advice from life.

      A lot of sick guys went to serve precisely because of the "loss" of medical documents. You do not want to return disabled person.

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