Is it possible to cause contractions at home. How to provoke childbirth yourself? How to cause childbirth and can it be done? Castor and other laxatives

Probably, every future motley is very much waiting for the appearance of his baby to the light. Of course, I would like this to happen exactly at the designated period, so that 40 weeks already be in the birth home and give birth to crumb. From our article you will learn what to do if 40 week of pregnancy, and there is no fights.

It is believed that the baby should be born from 38 to 40 week of pregnancy. During this period, it is considered to be dodged and ready for the emergence of the world. However, sometimes it happens that there are no harbingers on this period. I already want to seek your crumb as soon as possible, because 9 months the mother's body experienced strong loads and greater restructuring.

No kits

So 40 weeks come, you are on the finish line and are fully prepared for the birth of your long-awaited child. Each mom during this period is very closely related to any changes and is waiting for the fight or at least the harbingers.

If you feel that the baby seems to be sat down and began to move less, and you also dropped your stomach, then wait that the contractions will begin. If at the same time you will depart water, then immediately collect things and go into the family house, after a few hours you will begin to give birth.

How to cause childbirth

If you have 40 weeks of pregnancy and you do not know how to cause childbirth, you should contact your gynecologist observing you. He will conduct all the necessary surveys, let's see you on the gynecological chair, do ultrasound, doppleraraphia and ktg, to find out whether the baby gets enough power and there is no placenta detachment. Only the doctor an obstetrician gynecologist in the hospital can qualifying to the question of how to provoke childbirth at 40 weeks. Most likely he will make a bubble puncture, and then after a few hours you will definitely begin to give birth.

If, after the bubble puncture, the fighting does not begin for 30-40 minutes, it is necessary to make a caesarean section.

How to cause contractions

If you do not know how to cause contractions to 40 weeks, you can start with a conversation with your baby. In general, it is necessary to talk with your crumb to start from the very moment you learned that pregnant. Tell him that everyone loves him very much and are waiting for a speedy appearance. Contact the family house, you may already be put on the prenatal compartment, and before this pass inspection from a gynecologist's doctor. If you go home, that is, several ways to cause contractions for 40 weeks of pregnancy:

  • take an active sex life with her husband, because the cutting of the uterus during orgasm can speed up the process of the appearance of bruses. Also, male sperm has a beneficial effect on the cervix, smoothes it and prepares to disclosure;
  • special vegetable candles can be put on the basis of herbs that can accelerate generic activities;
  • take care of physical activity, you can raise moderately heavy things, packages or five-liter canter with water. Make the slopes often, you can wash the mirrors and windows, also to outweigh tulle or curtains. Many gynecologists advise to engage in general cleaning at home and washing floors, since the fights are most often fastened faster. You can also try to pee, keeping the back of the chair or some kind of support;
  • various hot procedures can accelerate the process of attacking. Go to a bath or sauna and sit there for 10-20 minutes, but you should follow your arterial pressure and it is better to go to a bath with my husband or someone, it will be able to help you if a head suddenly hesides. If it is not possible to warm up in the bath, then type the bath with the root water and lie in it;
  • another ways are the use of folk remedies. You can drink castor oil, it contributes to the cleansing of the intestine, and this also sometimes accelerates the starting process. Either make the enema.

How to speed up the birth

If the bouts have already begun, you immediately collect things go to the family house. You can call an ambulance, but you can get by taxi. The main thing to go to the state of half a liter or lying, safer, if you arrive the ambulance from you will take off myself. It happens that the fights go in all, but there are no uterus. Experienced gynecology obstetricists know how to speed up the birth at 40 weeks. Most often, a dropper is made with octivocin, which speeds up the process of generic activity and contributes to a faster disclosure of the uterus.

If the water has moved away, but there are no shorts for a long time or the fight continues for several hours in a row, but there is no disclosure, the cesarean cross section should be made to not harm the baby.

Probably most of the women know how faster to give birth to 40 weeks, but if you have paired childbirth and a husband wants to attend the appearance of crumbs on the light, then feel free to ask him to help you survive the moment of battles. You can ask him to make your back massage and the waist, can also jump on a special gymnastic ball, and the husband will keep you hands. It is known that hot water treatments contribute to the acceleration of labor, so you can safely go into the shower, and stand up under moderately hot water. The main thing about everyone to consult with an obstetrician-gynecologist and always put him in fame, if you suddenly feel something wrong. Remember that only doctors can help in some emergency situations and help to give birth without complications of a healthy baby.

How to cause a faster childbirth - this question begins to disturb the woman if the period of gestation exceeds 38-39 weeks, and the estimated period of childbirth has long passed. Even a healthy woman is better to consult with her doctor before using "home" funds, since innocuous, at first glance, actions can lead to conjugations of generic activities.

Modern medical literature does not indicate, at what date is caused by childbirth, as the time interval is individual. First of all, the body's body should be ready for generic activity psychologically and physically. There is a change in the hormonal background, the shape of the cervix changes, in breast glands begins the development of a colostrum. It is important that the process of stimulating generic activity takes place after these changes, and not preceded them. Otherwise, you can achieve only complicated births that will lead to damage to the mother and the future child.

The decision-making, on what date is caused by childbirth, remains behind the attending physician, and not for the future mother.

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There are several dozen domestic ways how to speed up childbirth. Some are based on the knowledge of the physiology of a pregnant woman and the peculiarities of labor activities, others are transmitted as a personal experience with senior experienced women. Tips in style, how to cause at home, do not have a scientific justification, therefore it is impossible to be confident in their effectiveness.

Search for advice, how to cause childbirth at home, you can only a woman whose pregnancy flows without complications. If there was a threat of spontaneous interrupt of pregnancy, chronic somatic pathology (diabetes mellitus, heart disease and vessels), placenta abnormalities, late hundreds, then from experiments on their health and the future child it is better to refuse. Tips, how to cause childbirth for 40 weeks of pregnancy and larger gestation, such patients are contraindicated.

Physical activity is always useful for pregnant, as the speed of blood flow is enhanced, the blood supply to the muscles of the lower half of the body improves.

Active homework, walking on the stairs, riding a phytball - all this contributes to the influx of blood to the legs and the organs of the small pelvis, reduces the spasm of smooth muscles. Thus, the intensive blood supply to the uterus and the smooth start of the generic activity is stimulated. It is important not to get involved in excessive loads - it is still better to abandon weight lifting.

Hiking will be useful

Finding in a vertical position contributes to the fact that the head of the fetus presses on the lower segment of the uterus and causes a gradual opening of the neck. Long-term slow walks in the fresh air - a safe option, how to cause childbirth at the 38 week of pregnancy.

- A pleasant and useful option, how to cause contractions. Surrily and non-aggressive sexual pleasure contributes to the influx of blood to the crotch area. Stroking the chest glands contributes to the production of oxytocin, which stimulates the contractile movements of the mother-in-law muscles. In men's sperm, it contains prostaglandin E, which contributes to shortening and softening the cervix.

Regular carbon massage is another safe way how to independently cause childbirth. Stroking, light plugging, circular movements with a warm shower - all this also stimulates the production of oxytocin. Some women use a more intense stimulation option - use the breastsos.

Various homeopathic agents, aromatic oils are doubtful in their effectiveness, therefore, they can have a positive effect on the process of accelerating births only with complex effects. Perhaps these means help women calm down, reduce stressful state on the eve of childbirth, which causes the beginning of a generic activity.

How to contribute to fights at the later weeks of pregnancy?

Council, how to cause childbirth for 41 weeks of pregnancy, should be safe. If the calculations are correct, then it is possible about transferred pregnancy. Retreats can be dangerous on this gestation period for both women and for a future child.

The main task for a woman is to relax as much as possible. Stress causes the spasm of smooth muscles, including uterus, reduces blood flow to internal organs. All this does not contribute to the preparation of the cervix and the beginning of the generic activity. To remove stress, the future mom can be done as follows:

  • take a warm shower;
  • , then a warm bath with aromatic oils is fully allowed;
  • to engage in painstaking work, which will make focus and distract from annoying thoughts, not even a heavy homework;
  • talk to my mother or girlfriend, discuss all the details of the upcoming birth - it contributes to the formation of the generic dominant;
  • to refer to the child mentally or loud - a psychogenic factor will work.

Preparation of things and decisions for the newborn also help tune in to the right wave.

How do it in the hospital?

The answer to the question of how childbirth in the maternity hospital can be obtained from their doctor that the woman is morally ready for possible interventions. Special medicines and medical manipulations will not be needed to be not all, but if necessary, the future mother will be worried about less.

Tablets causing generic activities

What pills cause childbirth, knows the obstetrician-gynecologist, which is pregnancy and women's childbirth. He also decides on the need for their application. The main acting substance of this pharmacological group is prostaglandins. Among their numerous biological effects is to stimulate the cutting muscles cuts and the expansion of the cervix.

Tablets causing childbirth in the hospital is most often Mizoprostol or Dinoproston. They do not affect the synthesis of colostrum and milk, do not change the hormonal background and the balance of the coagulation and antislesting system.

It is important to understand that parenting pills are applied at different times of gestation for interrupting unwanted pregnancy or medical testimony. It is categorically unacceptable to use them yourself, such an intervention is allowed only in the maternity hospital and in strict medical testimony.

What time is shown?

It is important not only to look for ways to cause generic activity, but at what time it is to do. There is no universal temporary gap, except for standard pregnancy terms (37-42 weeks). It is estimated by the state of the placenta and the fetus, the somatic pathology of the woman is taken into account, the risk of developing complications.

The time of stimulation is selected individually, but most often such a need for a large period of gestation (40 weeks and more) occurs. If the woman's body is not prepared, for example, the cervix has not yet become wide and short, stimulation is postponed or carried out within a few days.

An obstetrician gynecologist will surely tell about the methods of stimulating generic activity, if there is a need for this. Medical interventions are used to accelerate generic activities:

  • injection of oxytocin, which stimulates the reduction of the mother-in-law muscles;
  • the introduction of prostaglandins (tablets or gel inside the cervix).

In some cases, a combination of several techniques is applied if there are no contraindications. The decision takes a patient, but an obstetrician gynecologist.


  1. Methods, how to cause childbirth at the 39 week of pregnancy or at later terms, are divided into "homemade" and medical. First include physical exertion, sex sessions, stimulation of nipples, homeopathic agents. Their effectiveness is not proven, but it does not reduce their popularity.
  2. Medical products are special pills, amniotomy, oxytocin injections. All these methods apply only on strict medical testimony and only an obstetrician-gynecologist.
  3. There are no specific timing for the need to stimulate generic activity, not only the term of gestation, but also the state of a woman and the future child is taken into account.

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The last weeks of pregnancy is a restless period for the future mother, because the day of meeting with the baby is getting closer. 38-42 Week of pregnancy - the most favorable period for the beginning of the generic activity and is considered a period of normal natural genera. The date of appearance on the light of the newborn depends on the individual characteristics of the pregnant woman, as well as from the length of its menstrual cycle. The longer the cycle, the longer the pregnancy lasts. If the kid "stopped" in her mother's tummy and does not want to appear on the time on time, the feminine begins to worry and worry about the well-being of his crumbs. How to cause contractions yourself and speed up childbirth?

According to obstetrician-gynecologists, a normal period of pregnancy is considered to be a normal period of pregnancy from 38 to 42 weeks. The baby that appeared on the light on this period is considered to be donated. After 42 weeks, doctors, as a rule, resort to drug stimulation, and pregnancy is considered to be overworthy. Doctors make a decision on stimulation of generic activities in the hospital. Many mammies are concerned that there are no fights, and think about whether it is possible to cause childbirth yourself, without medicines?

Future mothers on the inspection of the gynecologist often ask the question of how to quickly cause contractions, how to cause contractions for 38 weeks and at the same time do not harm the future baby. Doctors with understanding belong to the desire of a woman to give birth to. In the last months it becomes harder to walk, the baby sometimes shows great activity and does not allow to rest fully rest, pregnant feels tired of the talid expectation. But still, the flow of natural labor in the period laid by nature, the best solution to this issue. Sometimes you need to wait a bit and gain patience and soon the long-awaited baby will be born according to its biological clock. In case the woman does not want to wait and thinks how to cause contractions for 39, 40, 41 weeks of pregnancy independently, she needs, first of all, consult with a doctor. It will be necessary to make sure whether the fruit took the right position in the uterus, head down. In addition, the doctor will draw an assessment of the general well-being of a woman as well as:

  • appoint an additional survey of ultrasound;
  • establish whether there is no conflict of the blood factors of the mother and the fetus;
  • ensure whether there is no accumulation of the oily water without the occurrence of bouts or detachment of the placenta.

How can you cause contractions by medicines

To date, there are several ways to artificial stimulation of childbirth, which are provided by doctors. The actions of the physicians are aimed at stimulating the contractile ability of the uterus and the use of methods that affect the rapid disclosure of the cervix.

The appropriate stimulation of the battles is selected taking into account the peculiarities of pregnancy in the woman in labor. An obstetrician gynecologist can use a drug stimulation method with the introduction of oxytocin or prostaglandins, as well as to open the fetus bubble. With the introduction of drugs into the body of a woman, the doctor must make sure the cervical readiness for the generic activity and that pregnancy is dusted. For softening of the cervix, special drugs are used: mythuproston, dinoproston - tablets causing contractions. Also these drugs are used in the form of intravenous injections.

The disclosure of the uterus is possible mechanically. For the opening of the neck, special obstetric sticks are used, a foley catheter, a gel with hormone content is used. Soon, after drug or mechanical impact on the cervix, the fights and generic activity begin.

How to cause contractions at home

The question of how to cause contractions of the house is relevant for those women who have the date of the alleged childbirth has come, and the baby is still in no hurry to appear. Doctors recommend pregnant to fall into the hospital and resort to drug stimulation of generic activities. But most of the future mothers prefer to cause contractions naturally at home. Consider the most popular, affordable and safe ways to stimulate battles.

We cause contractions yourself with moderate physical activity

The physical activity of the future motley in the last weeks of pregnancy is one of the effective options to cause contractions recommended by doctors. The load should be moderate, without fanaticism. Future mommy will be useful to hiking in the fresh air, housekeeping, including washing floors squatting, as well as climbing sideways along the stairs. Perfectly stimulates yoga classes for pregnant women, easy charging with squats. Physical activity should enjoy and not be tedious. It is strictly recommended to raise heavy items so as not to provoke the placenta detachment.

Fight exercises

There are 5 simple physical exercises that will help speed up childbirth and help the baby properly fall in the uterus for better progress by the generic paths:

  1. Walking. This is the easiest way to speed up the scratch. In superstay walking, the pressure of the fetus on the cervix, which contributes to its expansion and softening. In addition, the outdoor walks improve blood circulation, the muscles are trained and toned.
  2. Lifting and descent on the steps. Refusal of movement on the elevator is an excellent way to stimulate childbirth. Raising or lowering the leg when moving to the next step, there is a slight pelvic. The baby takes the right position faster, and the cervix gradually expands and is preparing for the process of childbirth.
  3. Swimming. Hike to the pool in the last weeks of pregnancy - an effective way to cause contractions. It is very useful to swim by Brass. Finding in water is very useful to future mommies. Water helps to hold the body in water, removes tension from the legs and joints, allows you to fully relax.
  4. Squatting. Sitting squatting, you can speed up the contractions and help the baby go down the head down if he has not had time to take the right position.
  5. Sking. Small shaking pelvis - a pleasant way to accelerate childbirth.

Neat sex causes contractions

This way to quickly cause contractions will like the future dad, which will gladly agree to help. Poland contributes to spontaneous contraction of the uterus and will help provoke generic activities. In addition, the composition of the male ejaculate is contained by the prostaglandins - a biologically active substance, when the uterus is hit by the cervix, its softening occurs. Thus, the uterus is prepared for normal disclosure during childbirth. Moderate and neat sexual activity before childbirth is an excellent way of natural stimulation of bouts. However, there are contraindications for sex:

  • With a low placenta preview.
  • If there is sex infection with a partner.
  • If the pregnant woman has a discharge of the mucosa, protecting the fetus against infection penetration.

Easy Nipple Massage for Gift Stimulation

Gentle massation of nipples contribute to the reinforced production of oxytocin hormone in the body of the future mother, which participates in the process of preparing for childbirth.

Hot bath for stimulation of labor

The adoption of a hot bath with a temperature not above 38 degrees will help the body to relax, and the body will prepare for childbirth. However, this method should be taken care of caution. Too long water procedures in hot water can lead to an increase in blood pressure, provoke dizziness or weakness. The bath is recommended to take no more than 15 minutes.

Food causing food

The most effective and safe method to cause contractions is to eat food products containing fiber. The fiber helps the natural cleansing of the body and stimulates the uterus to childbirth. Therefore, before childbirth, future mothers should include more than greenery, seasonal vegetables and fruits in their diet. Fresh beets, dried fruits, prunes are especially useful from products. The last weeks of nursing crumbs - time to use light and useful food. It is observed that the stimulation of the fights contributes to chili pepper and tincture of raspberry leaves. Raspberry decoction contributes to the development of estrogen.

Using natural laxatives and cleansing enema

Emptying the intestines with the help of laxatives or enema is another popular way to accelerate generic activities. Intestinal cleaning contributes to the reduction and muscular activity of the intestinal walls. The uterus is located next to the intestines, therefore it is reduced with all the abdominal organs. Also, the cleansing of the intestine sometimes is necessary for future moms suffering from long constipation. Callery masses accumulated in the colon, put pressure on the uterus and interfere with the fetus to take the correct position in it.

Among the effective folk remedies from constipation capable of causing contractions is castor oil. It has a powerful laxative effect, perfectly empty intestines and leads to a reduction in the uterus. To clean the intestines, just one reception 50 g of the Caster, diluted with apple juice or fresh juice juice. It is not worth increasing the number of castor oil, since the increase in the dose can cause a strongest diarrhea, which can lead to the dehydration of the body of a woman.

All listed ways are able to accelerate generic activities and help a woman causing contractions without resorting to the help of medicine. If the period of pregnancy does not exceed 40 weeks, and the fights do not make itself felt, you should not worry and panic. Most likely, it has not yet come to appear on the light of a new life. If you decide to cause contractions without the help of drugs and rather to become a mom, be sure to consult on this issue with an obstetrician-gynecologist. You can start the stimulation of the fights only after the permission of the doctor to not harm the child.

38 weeks of pregnancy occurred. Now you can say with confidence that everything went successfully, the baby fully completed its intrauterine development and is ready to be born. All organs and systems are formed, the only change that continues to occur is the accumulation of subcutaneous fat. But this process will occur after the birth of a child. If pregnancy is delayed, many women begin to be interested in the question of how to provoke childbirth. However, doctors call no hurry, nature knows better, especially since the period from 38 to 42 weeks is considered the most favorable for birth. Already starting from 43 weeks, a pregnancy gynecologist can offer artificial stimulation. However, the topic of our article is "How to provoke childbirth yourself, at home, without harm to the baby and own health."

The first rule - you need to visit the doctor

The desire to give birth as soon as possible and logical. The woman is tired, the baby has become hard enough, his activity gives mom sometimes painful sensations, and so I want to try on lace caps and booties. However, safety is primarily! Therefore, before provoking childbirth, it is necessary to make sure that the child managed to turn over and take the position of the head down, which contributes to the light and rapid passage of the generic channel. That is why you need to go to the gynecologist and ask him about the position of your baby. If he has already taken his position head down, this is a good sign, but this is not the only criterion that needs to be considered.

Additional examination and self-analysis of the state

Before thinking how to provoke a childbirth, you need to make sure that this will not entail the deterioration of your condition. If during pregnancy you were disturbed by high pressure, there are a disease of the kidneys and swelling, then any interference during pregnancy is contraindicated. Even if you passed all the pregnancy in one breath, you should carefully follow your condition and not use any of the methods below, if there is no one next to anyone who could have timely help if your well-being worsens. The absolute contraindication is the reserves-conflict of the mother and the child, the premature detachment of the placenta, the influence of the accumulating waters.

The best is the natural delivery

This rule applies to all cases. Women often ask questions to doctors about how to provoke births of 38 weeks, to which the answer is not to rush and wait a bit. It is possible that tomorrow you will be waiting for a wonderful event, so let the kid himself will appear on the light, obeying the biological clock. However, if you do not wait at all at all, you can speed up the occurrence of childbirth a little. To do this, it is recommended to increase physical exertion. No wonder there used to be a sign: "I cook the nest, so the chick will appear." A woman for 9 months had to cook the house to the meeting of the baby, and on earlier deadline it was forbidden. Cosmetic repair and general cleaning occupied several weeks, after which the guide with a sense of accomplishment went to the hospital. In fact, physical activity stimulates generic activities.

How to provoke a birth of 38 weeks modern woman? Enough to make regular long walks, climb the stairs on foot, swimming in the pool. The most important thing is to properly dispense the load. Thusing gravity and overvoltage can cause the placenta detachment.

Intimate proximity

Not in vain, this method is most often transmitted from one woman to another. Indeed, if we talk about how to provoke childbirth in 39 weeks, the best way is sex. At the same time, it is light and enjoyable. Such an effect is achieved due to the physiological reduction of the cervix during orgasm, which entails the beginning of the generic activity, so right from the marriage lodge you can go to the maternity hospital. But this is not all: if you and your spouse are completely confident in each other, it is undesirable to use a condom.

This tool applies only in cases if there is no risk of infection with various infections. Remember that in the later dates, especially if the mucous plug has already moved, the risk of penetration of pathogens to the fruit is very large. This is one of the most pleasant ways from the series: "How to provoke the beginning of the birth." With all this, men's sperm greatly prepares the uterus towards childbirth. It contains in large quantities special substances - prostaglandins. They perfectly contribute to the ripening and significant softening of the female cervix. Do not forget that the man at the time of intimate proximity should be the most tender, attentive and caring, because excessive activity can provoke the placenta detachment.

We stimulate the production of oxytocin

If the pregnancy continues, since the previous methods did not give effect, then the future mother is already very interested in how to provoke the childbirth for 40 weeks. Let's go deep into physiology: all the processes flowing in our body are tied to hormones. Which one is responsible for the generic activity, the disclosure of the cervix and contractions? It is called oxytocin, and it is his dropper that a woman in a hospital is introduced into the vein in the hospital if the doctors decide to stimulate childbirth.

However, the body is able to produce it and independently, which is most often happening. If the baby was very delayed and the question arose how to provoke the childbirth for 40 weeks, then start doing the daily massage of the nipples. First, it helps to prepare breasts to feed, and secondly, stimulates the production of oxytocin and cutting the uterus. If you perform a light massage of nipples daily, starting from 35-36 weeks, then a great chance to give birth to a healthy baby at 38 week.


The herbalists have long been wondering how to provoke childbirth at home. At the same time, the accumulated experience allows you to perform this fairly effectively, but it must be remembered that even the safest weeds with improper use may result in detachment of the placenta or bleeding, so it is desirable to apply them only in the most extreme case. At the same time, be sure to consult your doctor who is pregnant.

The most secure way from a series of how to provoke premature birth is to eat dishes containing a large amount of fresh beets and parsley. At the same time, focus on your condition: if you feel nauseous or an allergic reaction appeared, then cancel these products. From the safest herbs you can call the shepherd bag, barbaris, nettle. Since provoking the birth of a house when using these herbs, it is possible to successfully sufficiently, it is undesirable to use them before 38 weeks. Another means is a weak infusion of raspberry leaves. Doctors do not confirm the effectiveness of this tool, but this does not reduce its popularity. Judging by the reviews of women, many gave birth at 38 week, using this drink instead of tea. Although it is quite possible that their biological clock was configured.


There is another way as you can provoke a childbirth. This is recommended to eat some products. These are pineapples that contain Bromelin. He initiates and facilitates childbirth. In addition, it is recommended to use sharp spices, Mexican dishes or foods, seasoned with chili pepper. Stimulates the birth of a black laccant, as it will not be possible to provoke the delivery of products with the help of products, it should be added to food, starting from 37 weeks. It stimulates intestinal spasms, which, in turn, cause uterine cuts. It also works and garlic, so in the absence of contraindications, be sure to eat a sharp vegetable.

In order to avoid constipation and in the later stiments to stimulate generic activities, it is recommended to eat more products containing fiber. The last weeks of pregnancy is the time when it is necessary to stop using heavy food, it is necessary to give preference to fermented fermented products, vegetables and fruits. They will help to normalize the activity of the intestine prunes and dried fruits.

Castor and other laxatives

We continue the conversation about how you can provoke childbirth. One of the popular methods is the use of laxatives, but be sure to consult a doctor, not all of them are harmless and can be used by a pregnant woman. What effect is the basis of the use of these drugs and folk remedies? The fact is that the emptying of the intestine is always accompanied by active muscular activities, in other words, abbreviations. Since the uterus is located very close, muscle cuts are transferred to it. But this is not all. The fact is that constipation is a frequent problem of pregnant women. Because of them, the accumulation of cartwesters in the intestines. When, under the influence of laxatives, it empties, the child's head can fall below. The pressure of the head on the bottom of the uterus stimulates the beginning of childbirth.

From all medicines, pregnant women recommend using Castor. This method is quite controversial from the point of view of modern medicine, but he has been practiced for a long time with many gynecologists. We are talking about taking castor oil inside. This is a fairly powerful laxative, which leads to intensive cleaning of the entire intestine. In turn, this entails the beginning of the cuts of the uterus, its disclosure and actually childbirth. For one reception, only 50 g of the Caster, which can be diluted with fresh orange or apple juice. It is very likely that immediately after taking the Caster will begin long-awaited contractions, so if you are looking for a way to provoke a generation of 40 weeks, you can try this tool.

However, it should be very careful. Castor is a very strong laxative, with an uncontrolled admission, it causes a strongest diarrhea that can lead to the dehydration of the body of a woman. Ahead of childbirth, which means you need to gain strength. The body exhausted by heavy diarrhea will not cope with such a load.

Causes of incentives

If you drop off banal excuses like fatigue and desires more likely to donate with the newborn, there are reasons when encouraging of generic activity is indeed reasonable. This is an increased intraocular pressure, the leakage of spindlewater waters and allergies to the prostaglandins. In addition, doctors recommend to carry out stimulation if there are scars on the uterus or the pelvis itself is very narrow. To do this, there is a special "propiid gel", which is introduced into the cervix, but this can only be done in the event that the octopling bubble is integer. In addition, if you have more than 40 weeks of pregnancy or more than 38 in the case of multiple, doctors will begin to look for a method of stimulating bouts using special drugs. Without proper survey, the use of them is too dangerous, so you must consult with your doctor.

Let's summarize

As you can see, there are a lot of ways to speed up the meeting with the baby. But think about whether it is necessary? If the pregnancy is good and there is no threat to the life and health of the child, he born to 42 weeks, he will feel great. At the same time, Mom will have an overweight month to care well and gain strength in front of future motherhood. After all, with the advent of crumbs to the light, your nightly calm sleep will come to your night. Despite the growing severity, you can always find our advantages in this. After all, the next time you feel the beat of the heart inside you will have no soon, enjoy this condition to the end.

If doctors have some doubts, they will definitely be the first to offer you an adequate way to stimulate childbirth, and it will be precisely safe for you and baby. There are already such events in the maternity hospital, where qualified specialists are ready to take birth at any time. Today, in the arsenal of physicians, there is a whole set of ways to stimulate them - this is a puncture of an oxipal bubble, the introduction of oxytocin, peeling the accumulative shells. Each of them has its pros and cons, testimony and contraindications. These methods are strictly individual, and their action is manifested within a few hours. That is why it is necessary to use them only under the supervision of doctors. So be careful - do not apply the harm to yourself and your child!

It passed, and the birth do not begin, there is no batch. A woman begins to worry about what something is wrong with her, worry about health. But, first of all, you need to figure out whether it is worth a hurry, because the preliminary date of childbirth (DA) does not mean that it is that day should begin. So, let's try to figure out how to cause contractions at home, in the maternity hospital and when there is a need for this.

Is it worth accelerating childbirth?

Pregnant pregnant woman remembers the estimated date. But, as a rule, it can already give birth to a woman already from 38 weeks to 42. During this period, childbirth is considered normal and domestic. Is it worth interfering during pregnancy and childbirth, if a woman feels well? To really make sure that you need to go through research. So, after 38 weeks every 7 days to assess the state of the fetus, KTG is prescribed. Additionally, it may be.

Home Methods Calling Fights

Usually women for 40-41 weeks frightened with artificial stimulation, want childbirth themselves. And then the methods of "stimulation" come to the rescue at home.

We will get acquainted with their views:

  1. Walking.This is a natural and safe way of attacking. Walking is useful for pregnant women on any period, and in the third trimester still help the physical exertion to stimulate the beginning of the generic process.
  2. Sex.The fact is that there are prostaglandins in sperm - substances that are injected by a woman with drugs to stimulate childbirth. Orgasm causes a contraction of the uterus, developing into contractions. Based on this, sex with orgasm is a "natural" method, accelerating the attack of bruses.
  3. Physical exercise.You can wash the floors without a mop, make up cleaning or other household chores that require exercise. But do not overdo it!
  4. Warm bath.This is also a way of exercise, only passive. It is necessary to use it with caution. In no case does not suit women with high arterial pressure.
  5. Fiber-rich. If you are afraid of the above methods of stimulation of kits at home, then start hard to eat products saturated with fiber. These are cereal, vegetables and fruits. Thus, you increase the intestinal peristalsis, the pressure on the uterus and get a chance to give birth earlier.
  6. Aromatherapy.In some cases, odors can also stimulate generic activities. So, for example, to promote the occurrence of bouts can aromolampa with essential oil roses or jasmine. It is necessary to take into account the increased sensitivity to the oils, and possible intolerance.

Drug incentive stimulation

If you are fully relying on medicine, trust your doctor and do not want to experiment with the stimulation of the fights themselves, you will be stimulated in the maternity hospital.

How do you cause childbirth doctors? There is a "assortment" of methods for the occurrence of battles and the start of generic activity. They are used in obstetrics, taking into account the individual characteristics of the woman and the state of pregnancy at the time of arrival in the hospital. Doctors prescribe injections or tablets, open the fetal shell, oxytocin is introduced. And it is also possible to introduce prostaglandins, which we have already remembered. Each method has its advantages and contraindications in application.

The most important thing for a pregnant woman is remembered that none of her "colleagues" remained pregnant until the end of life. Each child, and yours, including, will definitely be on the light, will be a consolation, joy for parents. And while you feel okay yourself, try not to panic about the lack of contractions. Peace, positive attitude and smile must be your companions in the last days of pregnancy. And then everything will be fine with you!

Especially for Elena Thochec

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