Boring uterus if you want to get pregnant. What will the boring uterus help? Boring uterus, red brush and sage

One of the most complex problems of some families is infertility. And when various drug methods were tested, and there is no result, you have to turn to alternative treatment methods. Boring uterus for conception is one of the most popular funds. It is recommended not only folk healers, but also widely used qualified doctors in complex therapy. What caused interest in the boric uterus, what exactly is the properties of this grass, how to drink a boring uterus to get pregnant? Consider everything in detail.

Boring uterus or ortilia is the most valuable grass that has a lot of useful substances. They are contained in stems, flowers and leaves, so all parts of the plant on therapeutic purposes are used.

If the chemical composition of Ortlia is disassembled in more detail, it can be said with confidence that the boring uterus helps to get pregnant thanks to such components:

  1. Core vitamins, kumarins, acids, resins, trace elements. Such a set of substances helps to restore the immune system, to stop inflammatory processes not only in the genital, but also other organs of the female and male organism.
  2. The Arbunin has an antiseptic effect, so the scan of the champs and the use of inner tinctures helps to quickly cope with the pathogenic microflora, which causes complexity in conception.
  3. Flavonoids. Ortilia has a large concentration of these substances, they affect the immune system.
  4. The hydroquinone has an antioxidant effect, the neoplasms are absorbed, the menstrual cycle is restored ,. Thanks to this, the boring uterus helps with conception.
  5. Natural phytoestrogens and phytoprogesterons normalize the hormonal background, the functioning of ovaries and uterine pipes, and these are the most frequent problems when infertility, which eliminates the boring uterus.

All beneficial effects makes it not only to solve the problem of lack of conception with long-term efforts of a couple, but in general, improving the health of both partners.

The use of boroval uterus in women

You can get rid of the problem of infertility in women with the help of ortilia, but only with strict observance of certain rules of behavior, hygiene, the accuracy of the recipes prepared by infusions and decoctions. How to take a boring uterus when planning pregnancy in your case, tells the attending physician. But before you must and independently explore the general rules and the impact of this healing grass, so as not to harm yourself.

General rules

They are quite a bit, but to start learning the effect of grass costs exactly from this:

  1. The obligatory stage in the course of treatment of the Borovaya umbilical umbrella is the delivery of tests for hormones. The procedure must be repeated with a frequency of 2-3 months.
  2. It is unacceptable to the appointment of decoctions and tinctures, if there are ailments specified in the contraindications.
  3. Compliance with the rules for applying a boroval uterus for conception in women with the phases of the menstrual cycle.
  4. In the case of the presence of inflammatory processes in the body, it is necessary to use contraceptive means to complete recovery.
  5. It is impossible to carry out therapy with the inclusion of infusions from this plant during menstrual bleeding.

The duration of one course of therapy with any of the means on the basis of ortilia does not last more than 3 months.

Application of pharmacy

Ortilia is on sale in pharmacies in various forms - dry herbal collection, set of tea bags, drops, tablets based on grass extract. Each of the means is attached to the instruction, how to properly take a boring uterus for conception. Usually indicate the proportions for dilution with water, dosage in pieces for tableted drugs, the number of receptions per day and the duration of the general course of therapy. These rules are mandatory for execution.

Additional useful effect

With proper assignment, the boring uterus helps to get pregnant, for the treatment of other diseases and pathological conditions. In particular:

  • removes vessels of vessels;
  • stabilizes general well-being;
  • eliminates bleeding;
  • facilitates the symptoms of Klimaks;
  • strikes the process of restoring tissues in the erosion of the cervix, adnexite, endometritis, ovarian cystosis;
  • as a component of complex therapy, reduces tumors in lactic glands and polyps in the uterus.

Treatment of infertility Borovoy Make Men

Not always the problem of infertility arises from a couple because of a woman. Men can also be a "source" if they change the qualitative or quantitative composition of sperm, inflammatory processes in the organs of the small pelvis are observed. Boring uterus when infertility for men is just as effective as for women.

Decractions and infusions of this plant have a beneficial diuretic, antiseptic effect, preventing the aging of the body, improve the state, increase the potency. And due to this, the qualitative composition of sperm is restored, as well as the speed of movement of spermatozoa.

Recipes with Borovy Make

The use of ortilia is suitable in various forms. Therefore, it is easy to choose a more convenient option for you. We offer to familiarize yourself with several most popular recipes so that the boring uterus helped in treating infertility.

Alcoholic tincture for women

  1. Prepare glass tank and pour 50 g of dry grass into it.
  2. Fill 0.5 liters of medical alcohol, divorced to concentration of 40% or vodka.
  3. Tightly close the lid and put in a dark cool place.
  4. Once every 2-3 days carefully scold the jar.

The duration of insteading is 3 weeks. Upon completion, resolute the resulting concentrate, store in a cool place. The course is 20-30 drops three times a day. Apply can both men and women.

Water tincture

She is preparing like this:

  1. 2 tbsp. l. Dry herbs fill with hot water with a temperature of no more than 80 s in a volume of 300 ml.
  2. Weganize a mixture of 10 minutes in a water bath.
  3. Insist about 3-4 hours.

Take such a decoction of Ortlia when infertility inside 1 tbsp. l. up to 5 times a day. A less concentrated solution can be prepared if the proportion of the dry plant is twice. In this case, it is necessary to use 100 ml 3 times a day.

Vaginal Tampon Solution

  1. 1 tbsp. The finely chopped grass fill 0.5 liter of vegetable oil.
  2. Insist 1 month, putting a container in a cold dark place.

For use, it is necessary to mix the tampon in the mixture, insert it into the vagina for 30-60 minutes. It is advisable to spend this time in a state of a relaxing holiday without active physical activity.

Infusion for scripture

  1. Mix 1 tbsp. Hot water with 2 tbsp. l. fine chopped dry grass of Ortlia.
  2. Cover the loose lid and leave for 2-3 hours.

Dragged up to 2 times a day, using freshly found, warm solution.

Men's solution

  1. Mix ⅓ part of a glass of warm water with 5 ml of a boroval uterus.
  2. Take such a portion 3 times a day before meals.

The course of therapy ends when 450 ml of the hood of the boroval uterus is used.

Contraindications for application

Despite all its useful properties and the miraculous effect in the treatment of infertility, it is extremely recommended to use a Borovoy Makeup in the following cases:

  • 1 phase of the menstrual cycle, if the estrogen level is reduced;
  • analyzes for clarification of a hormonal background are not submitted;
  • the presence of monthly bleeding;
  • the use of hormonal contraceptives as pregnancy prevention;
  • and the presence of progressive oncological diseases.

You can not try to find an answer, how to take a boring uterus during pregnancy. It is unacceptable, since with self-treatment, hormonal failures and bleeding can occur.

Side effect from the plant

If no contraindications have been identified, the specialist picked up a suitable way and dosage for the treatment of infertility by the Borovy Make, and you plan to start it soon, be prepared for the fact that some side effects may appear.

Their symptoms:

  • feeling of discomfort in the busty bodies;
  • changing the nature of the menstrual bleeding and duration of the cycle: delays, earlier bleeding are possible, the consistency and volume of discharge changes;
  • in the first days of reception of tinctures and solutions, hidden infections have been occurring and acquired;
  • there are sharp jumps of basal temperature;
  • ovulation shift;
  • feeling of weakness, nausea and other signs of poisoning, especially with independent increase in dosage;
  • minor allergic manifestations.

Herbs that take in a complex with a boron uterus

Boring uterus is far from the only vegetable agent, which perfectly helps for the treatment of infertility. Most often it is used in the complex with. For example, they are perfectly combined with orienting the healing herbs as.

Randomly heard the conversation of two women about the treatment of infertility with Orthybecue. "I wonder what it is?" - I thought and went to the Internet, as soon as I returned home. And I learned the following - Officially, this is a boring uterus for conception, many people write this therapeutic grass, most often precisely for the purpose of treating infertility.

Boring uterus (She is a hunger salt, borovinka, boring grass) is a unique plant that is famous for its useful properties.

It is applied for medical purposes such a grass for a long time. Most often ortille Single Broke is used precisely for the health of the female body, but it does not mean at all that this plant is not acceptable for male representatives.

It is strange that before I didn't hear anything about this grass, because it is quite popular among women. But I plunged me in a shock of a slightly different - boring uterus is also recommended for men to treat the same infertility (in addition to the treatment of other diseases).

2. For which Borovinka is appointed

Boring grass is appointed to women for the treatment of genital diseases, among them:

  • violation of ovarian work;
  • a failure of the menstrual cycle;
  • violation of ovulation;
  • inflammatory process of genital organs;
  • violation of the hormonal background;
  • strong PMS;
  • and other diseases.

3. Where to break the boron uterus

Purchase this tool will not be difficult, quite often the boring uterus is available on sale in pharmacies (exactly the same as chamomile, dill and other herbs). Please note that the release of this drug varies - this may be therapeutic grass in the cardboard package (I will speak about it further) or drops.

Another way to buy this tool through the Internet. There are quite a lot of sites that are aimed at selling medicines and rare herbs.

4. How to drink Borovy herb

Immediately I want to make a reservation that the borovinka can be both drinking and producing a douching. In different cases, insist the therapeutic grass is necessary according to recommendations.

4.1. Method number 1. Alcohol tincture

In order to make an alcohol tincture, it is necessary to brew a boring uterus in the following proportions: 15 g (2 tbsp.) Therapeutic grass on ½ liter of alcohol. For this tincture to benefit, it is kept for two weeks in an inaccessible place for the sun. Only after a half months will the time will come when you should start drinking tincture.

In this case, it is necessary to use an orcupy one: strictly 15 minutes before eating three times a day. Recommended dosage - 25 drops. Usually the course lasts at least a month.

4.2. Method number 2. Ordinary decoction

To conceive the Borovoy Makeup brewing as ordinary herbal tea. But it is also important to comply with the recommended proportions: up to 15 g of therapeutic plant for every 150 ml of water. Unlike the first way, insist this decoction you need only a quarter of an hour, after which it can be started to use it.

Principle Next: Drink This decoction is necessary at least three times per day. Dosage - 1 tablespoon.

This is how it is proposed to brew the decoction in the instructions for the use of a boroval uterus.

4.3. Method number 3. Drying

In order to prepare water for douching, you need to brew a boring uterus in the following proportions: 15-25 g of dry grass by 0.2 liters of boiling water. This brand is labeled for three hours. Before applying, it is important to strain the waters through the gauze. After that, to carry out the appropriate procedure.

4.4. Method number 4. Tincture of the borovat and red brush

Red brush - Another healing plant. It is added to the solution with the orchange of one-sided to enhance the action of the process.

For the preparation of tincture, it is necessary to mix 25 grams of each type of therapeutic grass and pour it with an alcohol solution (40 degrees). The proportions observe the following: 50 grams of herbs by 0.5 liters of alcohol solution. But you need to withstand such a tincture of at least two weeks, depending on the recommendations of the attending physician. The dosage is appointed by a specialist.

5. What time is it better to drink

Depending on the level of estrogen, this drug is accepted in different ways:

  1. At the normal level of estrogen Boring uterus is applicable from the first day following the last day of menstruation (finish the reception is important with the beginning of a new cycle);
  2. At low estrogen Boring uterus is applicable only in the second half of the menstrual cycle;
  3. During menstruation Reception of the boroval uterus is unacceptable, since this decoction can provoke bleeding (and entail other consequences).

6. Contraindications for the use of borovy

Like any medicines, the Borovoy uterus needs to be used carefully. It is important to familiarize yourself with the contraindications to use.

What is noteworthy, only a few contraindications are in the instructions - individual intolerance, pregnancy (if in the first trimeter this grass is able to help the fetus to force, then in the subsequent it can become a provocateur spontaneous miscarriage) and the lactation period. However, this is not a complete list.

This plant should not be taken in the following cases:

  • if allergy is installed on the components;
  • you have a bad blood clotting;
  • if there is a predisposition to bleeding;
  • there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • if you are taking hormonal agents for this period.

7. Consequences after receiving Ortlia one-sided

During the reception of this drug, some side effects may arise, among them:

  • strong headaches;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • dizziness;
  • violation of ovulation;
  • trailing failure;
  • other.

Therefore, it is imperative to start receiving a boroval uterus only by appointing a doctor. It is not necessary to engage in self-medication, because this drug is discharged only after receiving the results of the tests.

8. Reviews


I take the Borovy Makeup for more than two months. I drink a decoction: in a mug of 1 tbsp. l. Herbs and fill with boiled water 80%. As long as the desired results did not receive: I want a second child. I already think to make a little break and try to put another course: tincture on alcohol. But I started drinking after the approval of my gynecologist. She said that the boring uterus does not give any guarantees, but specifically in my case will not harm.


I did not help this decoction. Although he drank it, too, for the appointment of a doctor and courses. But my friend helped, my grandmother advised her to put the course (at the girlfriend obstruction of the uterine pipes). Doctors at all offered to remove "all unnecessary." Imagine? And she dug the course for three months and became pregnant. To how lucky.


Curved different feedback and decided to try too. Passed the course - and nothing. Neither bad nor good. I will not help anything (I was cut down the course of expensive drugs, was at surveys). More precisely, I thought so. Girls! I am pregnant!

Read more about the use of the boroval uterus, you can see in this video:

Dear readers, because they are not just saying that in the fight all the methods are good, right? I wish every woman to feel my mother - it's incredible! I will say goodbye to you. Subscribe to blog updates, because I say goodbye to a while. Bye Bye!

Boring uterus helps with many gynecological problems. In particular, it is taken to treat infertility. This medicinal plant affects the endocrine system. The means of it are strengthened by immunity, ensure the passability of the uterus pipes, improve the quality of sperm and improve the work of the ovaries. Grass can be bought at the pharmacy or cook at home. But along with the benefit there are contraindications.

Plant properties and chemical composition

Ortlia Single-Bad - so in science they call the Borovoy Makeup. It helps those who want to have a child, but not able to conceive gynecological reasons. In most cases, infertility is developing due to hormonal disorders.

Treatment of Orilia Single Burst leads a female reproductive system in order. The plant has a number of following effects:

  • absorbing;
  • antitumor;
  • diuretic;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • local.

This medicinal plant has a rich chemical composition. It contains:

  1. 1. Phytohormones - phytoestrogen and phytoprogesterone. Male and female hormones, acting comprehensively, give the uterus of Borovoy therapeutic force. With a deficiency of phytoprogesterone in the body of a woman, changes occur. For a week or ten days before the menstrual cycle, pain in lactic glands are felt, monthly accompanied by pain at the bottom of the abdomen, the mood changes dramatically. In pregnant women there is a threat of miscarriage or a woman suffers from infertility, since she has no progesterone. Phytoestrogens regulate the childbearing processes in the body, leading in order a hormonal balance. They cope with such unpleasant manifestations of Klimaks, like tides, sweating, insomnia, nervousness. Phitogormons are responsible for cardiovascular activities, normalization of blood pressure, warning of the development of ischemia, normalization of the work of the central nervous system, prevention of the development of neoplasms, strengthening immunity, the rejuvenation of the body and treatment of infertility that has developed on the basis of a violation of the hormone regulation system.
  2. 2. Arbutin. It has a diuretic, moisturizing effect. Easily copes with inflammatory processes.
  3. 3. Hydroquinone. This is an antioxidant, characterized by bactericidal and diuretic effect. Due to toxicity, it does not make an independent drug.
  4. 4. Quamarins. They affect blood clotting, used as an antiseptic, astringent and diuretic.
  5. 5. Vitamin C. It improves the activity of the central nervous system, contributes to the assimilation of the iron by the body, stimulates the work of the glands of the endocrine system, controls the process of formation of erythrocytes, normalizing their composition.
  6. 6. Resins. Have a bactericidal and disinfecting effect.
  7. 7. Saponins. They dilute the secret of the vagina, which is important when dealing with infertility.
  8. 8. Organic acids. Lemon and wine acid contained in the plant are antioxidants. They are responsible for increasing immunity and lead the activities of the endocrine system.
  9. 9. Flavonoids. They are low toxic and have an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect.
  10. 10. Microelements. These include titanium, zinc, copper and manganese, which are part of the boring uterus juice. Increase the body resistance of diseases, provide normal operation of the sexual system of women.
  11. 11. Tubil elements. They have bacteriostatic, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory effect.

Reception inside the drug helps strengthen the fetus on the wall of the uterus, eliminates discomfort with toxicosis, reducing its intensity.

Application in medicine

The effectiveness of the plant during pregnancy planning is proved. Taking funds with the content of Ortlia one-sided, you can cure infertility, since the tool affects the critical function of men and women.

The composition contributes to the increase in the functional activity of the uterus and ovaries, providing hormonal stability. The drugs make it possible to increase sexual attraction and eliminate inflammation in chronic foci of infection, as a result of which the cycle of menstruation is normalized, the beneficial effect on the restoration of the patency of the uterine pipes is normal. In men stimulates the mobility of spermatozoa, increases the volume of sperm while maintaining its quality.

Boring uterus is used in the treatment of gynecological diseases caused by primary or secondary infertility. These pathologies include:

  • impairment of the menstrual cycle;
  • development of neoplasms in breast tissues;
  • erosion of the uterine neck;
  • endometriosis;
  • myoma uterus;
  • the appearance of cysts on the ovaries;
  • adnexitis.

Before the start of treatment, tests for hormones are given. If their presence is found in small quantity, then you must consult a doctor. In some cases, the reception of the drug is contraindicated.

The treatment is carried out in the second phase after ovulation, regardless of the level of genital hormones of women. Pressure under the observance of this condition. After the treatment, the patency of uterine pipes will improve, local immunity decreases. As a result of this process, the spermatozoa is freely moving through the tubes. The fertilized egg is securely fixed on the wall of the uterus.

Folk remedies in the treatment of infertility

For the preparation of the means use flowers, leaves and stem Ortlia one-sided. The fees are produced from June to August, and at the end of August they collect stems, since in them in this period, biologically active substances are maximally concentrated.

You should not combine an ortho-sides with other drugs during menstruation, as this can lead to bleeding.

In addition to the reception of infusions and decoction inside, they also use scriptures. Here are some recipes for making funds that will help get pregnant:

  1. 1. Two tablespoons of crushed grass and half-liter vodka or medical alcohol are needed. Pullen the raw materials with alcohol-containing drink, clean in a dark place, closing tightly with a lid. Focus on infusion and remove into the refrigerator, overflowing into dark dishes. Usually use a glass bottle, which is hermetically closed. The day take three times in fifteen minutes before the meal of twenty-five drops. Infusion for conception begins to take on the fourth-fifth days of the monthly cycle. If menstruation goes abundantly, then you need to begin treatment after seed days after their start. This scheme justifies yourself if the hormonal background of women is restored.
  2. 2. A tablespoon of herbal powder poured one and a half cups of steep boiling water, then dishes with the contents put for minutes to fifteen minutes. After the remedy cools, you can take it no more than four times a day across the tablespoon half an hour before meals.
  3. 3. The means for douching is prepared from two tablespoons of grass and 200 milliliters of water boiled. Leave the mixture for three to four hours, after which they are passed through the gauze. You can not use too hot or too cold fluid for washing the vagina.

The decoctions are stored for a long time, so they are prepared every day, and the alcohol tinctures do not spoil quickly. They can be saved for a couple of months. Improper storage poorly affects the quality of folk preparations.

Possible side effects

Ortilia primarily affects the human endocrine system. At the beginning of the reception, there may be violations of the monthly cycle, which are characterized by early start or their delay. It is also possible to increase or decrease the volume of blood discharge. A shift of the deadline of ovulation may be observed, but after a couple of cycles, the problem disappears. Reception of the boroval uterus leads to the exacerbation of chronic gynecological diseases.

Also when receiving funds there is a common weakness, nausea, migraine. Allergic is dangerous to the components of the received drug. Arrives heartburn, bloating, belching. The medicinal grass contains toxic substances, as a result of their accumulation in the body, inxication of the liver appears.

In the presence of the above states, the reception of the means or reduce the dosage.

After the adverse reactions to the components of phytotherapy are held, the treatment renew, consulted with a gynecologist.


Be sure to become familiar with the contraindications before the start of treatment. You should not neglect them. Contraindications for the use of boroval uterus for conception are:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the boroval uterus;
  • gastritis;
  • lactation;
  • pregnancy;
  • blood blood clotting;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • the beginning of the menstruation cycle.

In order for the treatment to be effective, some conditions must observe. Useful recommendations:

  1. 1. Infusions on alcohol do not use as monotherapy. They should be taken in combination with some phyt considerations. Perfectly combines a boring uterus with a red brush, sage.
  2. 2. Cannot be taken without a break, as the body needs rest.
  3. 3. It is properly to store herbal fees, since damaged raw materials will bring harm instead of benefit. If it is impossible to ensure the correct storage of medicinal herbs, it is recommended to buy it in a pharmacy, as it is sold in different forms. It is convenient to cook brazers from bags, but at the same time you need to strictly follow the instructions for use.
  4. 4. Does not be combined with clover, licorice and blizzard, so it is not worth the orchard to mix with these fees.

Currently, infertility has become an urgent problem for very many married couples. According to statistics, five percent of the population of the country of reproductive age cannot have children.

However, one hundred percent is really impossible only if the woman does not have uterus or appendages. But if these organs are, you can talk only to get pregnant to one degree or another.

To solve this problem, women are looking for a variety of ways, addressing both traditional and non-traditional treatment methods. One of the wonderful funds in folk medicine is a boring uterus for conception. Reviews of many happy women talk for themselves. The article describes in detail the properties, use, indications, contraindications and side effects of this medicinal plant, the history of real people who have tested treatment with them.


Ortilia or Ramishi has one-sided, it is also a boring uterus, there are also other names. Boring grass, winter core, boring, hunger salt, wintering, boko-beam, brush, forest pear - so differently called this medicinal plant.

It is a long-term grass, stealing stems on the ground. Its leaves have an oblong egg-shaped form, and inflorescences - tassels with small flowers, from which fruits appear - boxes with seeds.

Boring uterus is found in mixed, deciduous and coniferous forests. It is rather unpretentious, and therefore it is easily growing in a variety of conditions - from a swampy to mountainous terrain. Distributed in Eurasia and North America. In addition to Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, it grows in Japan, China and Mongolia. But the most borovy uterus is suitable for the climate of Siberia. It is in these coniferous forests that the greatest thickets of herbs are found.


It contains a whole set of healing natural substances. These are organic acids, bitterness, glycosides, different resinous substances. From the vitamins, the plant includes iron, zinc, manganese, vitamin C, a bit of copper and titanium. The terrific effect of the boring uterus is achieved due to flavonoids, arbutin, tanning substances, iridoids, quinones and others. Many gynecological diseases are cured due to the presence of phytoestrogen.

The plant has a characteristic saturated fragrance for it, a little resembling the smell of fish. This similarity is explained by the high concentration of iridoids, which are also contained in fish scales. The dry grass no longer has this smell, and her infusions acquire a pleasant color, taste and fragrance.


Boring uterus, according to healers, is able to heal from many diseases.

Traditionally, it is used in urinary dysfunctions. On the one hand, a diuretic effect is achieved, and on the other hand, inflammation is removed and disinfection occurs. In addition to the bladder, it perfectly restores the kidney functions.

Boric uterus successfully cured cystitis, pyelonephritis and other inflammation. It is used in the treatment of a hemorrhoid, digestive system, can stop bleeding and much more. But the boring uterus has proven most of all. Reviews of this are known not only from women who took the medicinal plant, but also from many gynecologists. It is noticed that misers, fibromes, spikes and other diseases are easily overcome using this grass. It is able to fight erosions, cervices of the cervix, obstruction of uterine pipes and other illnesses.

The greatest popularity, nevertheless, the plant acquired precisely in the treatment of infertility. Hence her folk title - Boring uterus. To conceive, it is successful for conception, as it establishes the proper work of the ovaries and the uterus, thereby increasing the reproductive function.

It is also shown in the scales of ovaries and even their polycystic, has an antiseptic effect with vaginite, colpit and thrush.

Through the hormonal background also has a boring uterus for conception. Its use gradually establishes the work of the endocrine system. The menstrual cycle is regulated, the soreness and abundance of bleeding is eliminated, ovulation is adjusted, the manifestations of the premenstrual syndrome are decreased. This is due to the content of the most important phytogormons for women's health - phytoprogesterone and phytoestrogen. For example, due to the lack of progesterone, miscarriages may occur, pain during menstruation and problems with conception. Phitogormons normalize the balance of the hormone hormones and improve blood circulation in a small pelvis, which ultimately, in addition to promoting conception and favorable tooling, increases libido.

The plant is useful and during the occurrence of Clemaks. It reduces the "tides" and struggling with its accompanying depressive states.

It is used as an antitumor agent in a complex with other drugs.

The positive action of the plant on the cardiovascular system and normalization of blood pressure is observed. Healers also recommend it with diabetes and with stomach ulcers.

Despite the fact that this medicinal plant is considered women's grass, both men are consumed, thanks to the ability to cope with the "male" diseases, such as prostatitis, prostate adenoma, infections and others. And when infertility, it is advisable to take it to both partners.

List of female diseases that are treated by the borovy uterus, the following:

  • ovarian cystosis;
  • myoma or fibroma uterus with strong bleeding;
  • adnexitis;
  • endometritis;
  • cervical erosion;
  • infantilism of the uterus;
  • toxicosis;
  • polyps on the uterus;
  • fibroenoma, mastopathy;
  • pyelonephritis, cystitis.

But most of all this grass, as already mentioned, is famous for its ability to get rid of infertility.

Side effects

As can be seen, a lot of positive properties has a boring uterus for conception. Reviews of its use, however, there are also negative. Some women not only do not be pregnant, but also receive complications of already available diseases. The fact is that not everyone recommended a boring uterus for conception. Contraindications for its application are, for example, poor blood clotting and hormone reception. In addition, you need to accurately comply with dosages that experts advise, as well as to be observed during the doctor's treatment.

Sometimes the plant can cause a dispensation and allergies, and in some cases, intoxication and poisoning of the liver, which manifests not immediately, but after some time.

For example:

  • arbutin is a glycoside, which is characterized by diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties, but at the same time it can become a strong carcinogen;
  • hydroquinone is an antioxidant, but very toxic;
  • kumarins are substances that fight cancer, but they are also able to reduce blood clotting, causing uterine bleeding.

That is why the boring uterus should not be applied to conception. How to take it, should prompt the attending gynecologist. If it is strictly followed by these recommendations, then the chances that the long-awaited pregnancy will come significantly increase.

Sage: Properties

This medicinal plant has long been widely used in traditional medicine. He originated in the Mediterranean and gradually spread throughout the planet. Already in ancient Greece and Rome knew about his healing properties. Hippocrates called this medicinal plant "Sacred Grass" and especially recommended it in medicine.

His tart fragrance is impossible to confuse with any other. He is very loved in folk medicine. In inflorescences and leaves there is up to half a percent of essential oil with linalol, aromatic resins, acetic and formic acid, pinen, flavonids and tanning substances. Seeds contain almost twenty percent of protein and up to thirty percent of oily oil, and the roots are Kumarin.

Sage has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and well-fastener properties. It is used to treat the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver, different infections, bronchitis, angina, gingivitis, vapotitis, polyarthritis, radiculitis, even diabetes, ulcers, wounds, burns, boils and many other things.

Naturally, its medicinal properties also apply to the treatment of gynecological diseases.

Sage and Borish Matter: To conceive how to take?

If a woman has a reduced level of estradiol, it is not recommended to take a boring uterus, as it will decrease even more by extending the cycle. But if desired, it is possible to transfer this consequence, because the medicinal action of grass will not disappear. In any case, in such situations, a sage and boring uterus is recommended for conception.

How to take them? Usually sage drink to ovulation, from the beginning of the cycle, as it increases the level of female hormone, and the Borovoy Makeup is after, together with the progestogencies. It helps to prepare the body to pregnancy, increasing the patency of the pipes and lowering the immunity there in order for the organism of the spermatozoa not rejected as alien bodies. This will contribute to the fact that the egg cell is rather fertilized and secured in the uterus.

Ways to use plants

Boring uterus for conception (instruction, how to accept it) is applied in the following ways.

In cases where pregnancy does not occur more than twelve months of regular sexual life, it is worth thinking about popular treatment methods. Boring uterus increases feminine fertility, thus contributing to the conception and tooling the child. Before that, you must pass tests to the definition of a hormonal background. It should be known that with a reduced level of estrogen in the second half of the cycle, a boring uterus should be used for conception. Feedback, how to take with normal content in the body, from women (and the specialists confirm this) indicate the resolution of its use from the first day after menstruation and before the next one. During menstruation, as well as when receiving hormonal drugs, it is not accepted.

A decoction or tincture is prepared from medicinal herbs.

For the brave, a tablespoon of plants is taken on two hundred milliliters of hot water. The mixture is prepared in a water bath for five to ten minutes, then it insists three to four hours and in the end focusing. Accepted on a spoon, four or five times a day Boring uterus for conception. How to take, also described in detail on the packaging. There are offered different options depending on raw materials, grinding, which can be varied. Therefore, the dosage of different products may also differ.

The tincture is prepared as follows: fifty grams of grass is divorced with 500 milliliters of 40-degree alcohol. It should prepare in a dark place for three weeks. Before use, the tincture is filtered.

If a pregnancy occurs during the treatment of grass, you do not need to throw it right away. It is best to gradually cut down the dosage, bringing the reception in the end no.

There is another way how the boring uterus is applied. You can drink tea from collecting herbs, where in addition to this plant is contained sage, yarrow, nettle and elderberry. Such preventive tea drinking can be conducted by courses for two or three weeks to maintain the level of hormones and good immunity, which gives the boring uterus to conceive.

Until the recently recently, Ortlia Single Brook (scientific name of grass Boring uterus, motherboard, etc.) was not considered a medicinal plant, and it was impossible to buy it in an ordinary pharmacy (only in specialized phyto stores).

Today, drugs based on this grass are recognized as a dietary supplement (biologically active additive to food) and produced in the form of granules, crushed dried raw materials, filter bags for brewing tea and in the form of tablets. But even the tablets with the orchanged medicine are not, and therefore, it is not intended for treatment (and not for conception, as feedback they write), but for preventive and generalifying purposes. Let's read the official instructions, as well as what the boring uterus is talking about the plants to conceive the reviews of the patients.

In contact with


Those who believe in the healing capabilities of the plant believe that the boring uterus helps for conception, and how to take it - they are looking for instructions for use. It says that the BD is designed for:

  • maintaining the functions of the urogenital system;
  • improvement of the urinary function;
  • receiving a soft diuretic effect.

This is the grass of a boring uterus in nature

All this together indirectly reduces the risk of violations of cyclic processes (monthly registers) in women. Therefore, women are asked how to drink a boring uterus to get pregnant.

Neither in the instructions for use, nor in other serious descriptions of this BD, there are no reviews or information on the use of boroval uterus. Allegedly focus on instructions provided by official annotation to the use of ortilia, and not for reviews on forums.

The possibility of application when planning pregnancy

When used, not only their healing qualities should be taken into account, feedback on application, but also contraindications. For Ortlia, there are several circumstances in which the use of grass is prohibited - pregnancy, breastfeeding, increased susceptibility to the plant. Women in reviews are also called periods of monthly regulatory and obstruction of uterine pipes.

In this sense, such a question is important as the use of the grass boring uterus.

  1. When a woman takes a motherboard, and does not protect against pregnancy, she should have a break for something about 14 days before the start of the menstrual cycle stop accepting.
  2. If you need to drink a monthly course of the motherboard (according to reviews it is such a course that the result should be obtained), then at all times the reception should ensure reliable protection against pregnancy by non-member means.

No special way to use the Borovoy Make the instruction for use for conception does not offer.

Instructions for use for conception

How to take to get pregnant?

One of these questions is how to drink the Borovy Makeup to get pregnant. Since we are not dealing with a medicine, but with a biologically active additive or natural raw material from the plant itself, then it follows it as written in the instructions for Badi.

  1. In the recommendations for use, it is written that a tablespoon of dry raw materials (or 2 two-graded filter packets) should be poured in 200 ml of boiling water and withstand over 15 minutes.
  2. After that, the infusion must be pouring into another container through a gauze or a siter (the filter package you just need to squeeze).
  3. The prepared portion should be drunk during the day in the process of eating food, separating on 2-4 receptions (100 or 50 ml, respectively).
  4. The duration of the reception of the Bada is 30 days. Treatment courses can be repeated, after taking a break from 2 weeks to six months (you should consult with your doctor).

Once again, we emphasize that in the official instructions for the biodevice, the boring uterus is not referred to in terms of how to take to get pregnant. Science is silent about how to drink a Borovoy Makeup for conception, since no special research was conducted in this direction. And it was not done because no plant was recognized as able to influence the process to ensure the occurrence of pregnancy. So conclusions need to be done based on common sense, and not on dubious reviews.

How much do you need to drink to get pregnant?

Given the positive influence of Ortlia on the urinary system as a whole and the urinary function in particular, it is possible to conclude that the periodic reception of the drugs of the motherboard will help a woman get rid of some problems in this area and, as a result, create favorable conditions for conception. Perhaps writing feedback about the Borovoy Makeup for conception faced precisely with such a plant effect. But no more. So whether the boring uterus helps become pregnant?

The usual appearance of phytotherapy is about 30 days, and it can be repeated periodically. It means that a woman can drink an orphan exchange rate for 1 month, provided that during the reception it will be protected from pregnancy (only not hormonal drugs!) And be sure to observe the doctor.

Does it help with infertility?

Another common question associated with therapeutic properties of the motherboard is how the boring uterus is used when infertility. About this, official instructions for the use of grass also silent. To evaluate the hope associated with the reception of the boring uterus for conception, consider the main causes of infertility in women:

  • the obstruction of phallopy pipes (pipe infertility) causes the spikes that arose as a result of frequent abortion, gynecological operations, severe births or injuries, inflammatory processes in the sexual system (such diseases are often mentioned in responses);
  • pathologies of the hormonal system (endocrine infertility) when the process of ripening eggs is broken;
  • infertility associated with gynecological diseases - endometriosis, cervical dysplasia, cervicitis, sexual infections (also frequent "guests" reviews);
  • "Stressful infertility" arises against the background of systematic stress, negative emotions and anxiety;
  • immunological - the most poorly studied form of infertility, when spermatozoa is destroyed by antispermal antibodies, pathologically formed in cervical mucus;
  • idiopathic species - infertility having an unclear, unexplained origin, to determine which modern medicine is not able, it is almost a quarter of all encountered types of infertility and a frequent subject of complaints in reviews;
  • absolute infertility has a genetic origin associated with rude anomalies for the development of female genital organs (syndrome of digesia gonad, agolesia, hyperadegenesis, terner syndrome, etc.).

Some of the listed problems with difficulty are treatable, and some are not at all treated, so conception becomes possible only due to modern reproductive technologies. Attempts to use an ortholation from infertility is justified except that in the case of urinary inflammation, as a result of which secondary infertility arises. But this can only be an additional measure for conception, but not the main one, according to feedback.

Review reviews

After analyzing more than a hundred reviews of women, trying to use the Borovoy Makeup to conceive, it can be noted that in most cases women treated this grass as their last hope. That is, before its use, it was treated for several years from infertility, they passed a lot of diagnostic and other procedures, and even went to the operating table. And when their hands went down from all the women suffered from women, someone recommended them to treat the Orilia.

The grass was bought immediately, immediately proceeded to treatment and - for 2-3 months they found the coveted 2 strips on the test test indicator. Absolutely all women are confident that this is the result of maternity treatment. And no one had the idea that many years of treatment with medicines could also give the result, simply did not wait. It suggests a very ambiguous concern - according to the reviews of Ortlia contributed to the occurrence of conception. But scientific evidence of such wonderful conceptions was not fixed. Therefore, neither recommend nor discharge from the reception of the boring uterus for conception (although there is no point in the reception of women - for).

Those who want to check the effectiveness of grass on themselves can do it, but be sure to get acquainted with the official instructions for use and consulting with the doctor. It is also worth paying attention to the reviews of several women who, against the background of the admission of Ortlia, the pregnancy was torn in different terms.

Although most reviews do not give this circumstance.

Useful video

Boring uterus - a helper at conception and in the treatment of infertility. Before the beginning of the medical course, a woman trying to become pregnant must be examined by the gynecologist, passing all the necessary analyzes:


  1. Official medicine does not use an orphanage one-sided from infertility.
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