How to cause contractions by people. How to cause contractions at home and when can I do? Terms and norms

The term of normal natural genera ranges from 38 to 42 weeks inclusive. If pregnancy lasts more than 42 weeks, then this is the exceeding the normal period of pregnancy. If the menstrual cycle of a woman before pregnancy was more than 28-30 days, the pregnancy will also last longer. In this case, it is called prolonged and does not require operational interventions.

How caused birth in the hospital

Relationship is an artificial calling of childbirth at different times of pregnancy. Relationship can be carried out only in the absence of contraindications for labor through natural generic paths. This is necessary to take into account and when trying to cause childbirth people at home.

Relationship is required in the following cases:

Transferred pregnancy.
Normal pregnancy can last up to 42 weeks, but the diagnosis of transferred pregnancy is raised not only on the basis of the period of pregnancy, but also by the state of the fetus.

Late beds.
In some situations, birth advantages are carried out at Late Gestosa (when progresses progresses, there is no effect on the therapy conducted, but childbirth is possible through natural generic paths). Birth "cause" because further prolongation of pregnancy can have an extremely negative impact on the mother's body.

Rhow conflict.
Relo-excitation can be carried out with a rhesus conflict if the antibody titer is constantly increasing, and the effect of treatment is insufficient. In this case, it is necessary to finish pregnancy in the interests of the fetus, the continuation of pregnancy can threaten his life and health.

In these cases, preparations containing prostaglandins are often used to prepare the cervix to childbirth. They contribute to the change in the structure of the tissues of the cervix, providing its maturation, and also has a certain relaxing effect on the ends, neck and lower segment of the uterus. In addition to the relaxation and opening of the cervix, an endogenous oxytocin is released under the action of prostaglandins, due to which the contractile activity of the uterus occurs.

The preparations of prostaglandins in the form of gel (prepared gel) were widespread. The gel is introduced into the cervical cervical channel and in the rear arch of the vagina. The condition is a whole fruit bubble, so with premature power of water, the method is not used. On average, the generic activity begins 9-10 hours after the administration of the gel (it depends on the mature maturity maturity). However, in some cases there is no effect, it may be necessary to reinstall the gel. The maximum is allowed three-time administration of the gel within 24 hours. If at the same time the desired effect is not achieved, the further introduction of the gel is useless.

Premature oral influence.
If, for three hours after the influence of accumulating water, generic activity does not develop, then relatives are being taken. In a long-term anhydrous period, the risk of infectious complications in mothers and the fetus increases dramatically, so it is necessary to cause contractions. The duration of anhydrous period is calculated from the beginning of the water treatment and before the birth of a child. A long anhydrous period for the fetus is considered more than 10 hours, for the mother - more than 12 hours. At the same time, antibiotics are prescribed for the prevention of infectious complications.

Pathological preparatory period.
A fairly common indication to induction of generic activity is the pathological preliminary (preparatory) period. Such a state is developing with long (for several days) pain at the bottom of the abdomen, accompanied by irregular and ineffective prenatal grip. This leads to the fatigue of a woman, begins to suffer the fruit. One way to cause normal generic activity is amniotomy, subject to the preparedness of the genital tract.

Premature detachment of a normally located placenta.
Theoretically, with a small detachment of amniotomy (opening the fruit bubble) can prevent further detachment and bleeding. In practice, with any degree of detachment, the placenta is carried out a cesarean operation with significant bleeding, an emergency operation of a caesarean section is necessary, the outcome of which is not always successful for the fetus.

How to generate birth is carried out

The most frequent method of receiving is amniotomy (opening the fruit bubble). The mechanism of action of amniotomy is not fully known. It is believed that after it, the production of prostaglandins (biological substances responsible for structural changes in the cervical and activation of generic activities) is activated. In addition, after opening the fruit bubble, irritation of the tissues of the generic paths of the predatory part increases and their reflex reducing occurs.

An indication for amniotomy after the start of the generic activity may be a flat fetal bubble (most often it happens at a low). Normally, there is about 200 ml of spindle water in front of the head, such a bubble puts pressure on the cervix, contributing to its disclosure. With a flat fuce bubble, a cone is not formed, which presses on the cervix, and the shells are tensioned on the head, delaying its further promotion. This may be the cause of the weakness of the generic activity. With amniotomy phones, it is also shown, since the separation of the uterus with a large amount of water can lead to a decrease in its contractile activity.

Amniotomy is carried out in the maternity branch in a vaginal study with a sterile tool similar to a sharp hook. An opening of a fruit bubble woman does not feel, the procedure is painless (unpleasant sensations can only be caused by the inspection itself). In this case, only those waters that are in front of the head are poured. The rest of the waters leak throughout the generic act. After that you need to lie down.

An important condition for amniotomy is the presence of "mature" (that is, a soft, ready for childbirth) cervix. The maturity of the cervix is \u200b\u200bdetermined by the doctor with a vaginal study. If the cervix is \u200b\u200b"immature", then it is necessary to prepare the cervix for childbirth.

After amniotomy for 2-3 hours, observation is carried out.

Only after that, if the bouts do not begin, proceed to the intravenous administration of drugs that activate generic activities.

After the start of the generic activity, if necessary, intravenous administration of oxytocin is allowed, but not earlier than 6 hours after the administration of the gel.

Contraindications for the use of the drug are: the presence of a scar on the uterus after the cesarean section or after other operations in the uterus, multiple pregnancy, expressed signs of a disorder of the state of the fetus, a narrow pelvis, the leakage of the accumulating waters, allergic to prostaglandins, asthma, an increased intraocular pressure.

After receiving the reception in the hospital more often than with the spontaneous development of generic activity, the weakness of generic activity arises. If, after receiving the attitudes, the power of the bouts are insufficient, then begin to artificially enhancing generic activities with medication drugs. Most often, for this, hydroxytocin preparations are used (an analogue of a natural oxytocin - a pituitary hormone, which affects the contractile activity of the uterus) or Enprompt (Prostaglandin E2). Most often the drug is introduced intravenously drip. This allows you to quickly reach the effect, with the help of the infusion speed, you can adjust the frequency and strength of the bumps. Instead of a needle in Vienna, a catheter is introduced - a soft thin plastic tube, so the woman does not need to lie motionlessly, afraid to move the hand to which the dropper is attached. She can change their position, get up, walking next to the rack for the dropper. Different women react differently to the same doses of the drug in different ways, so the rate of administration is selected individually, starting with 4-6 drops per minute (usually the introduction is made at a speed of 10-30 drops per minute).

When stimulating generic activity, careful control over the state of the fetus is needed. If possible, the palpitations of the fetus is registered continuously with the help of a special device of the cardiotaograph (fetal monitor). If there is no such possibility, the doctor regularly (no less often than every 20 minutes) listens to the fetal heartbeat with the help of an obstetric stethoscope.

Before calling childbirth:

Fucking the body to be rested and ready for childbirth.

In order for childbirth in time and proceeded normally, the psychological attitude of the woman is very important. Psychologists in schools for future parents and in the centers of parental culture are helping to prepare for childbirth.

In addition, it is important and physically prepare your body. This is helped by proper nutrition, vitamins, timely treatment of chronic diseases, correction of disorders during pregnancy.

There are several useful ways yourself. accelerate the onset of birth, provoke delivery, cause childbirth Without medication intervention in the maternity hospital, but it is pre-evaluated whether the pregnancy is pregnant and whether the term of pregnancy is delivered. The assessment is given by a doctor according to the results of the ultrasound and KTG.

How to cause childbirth at home

There are natural methods that help at the end of pregnancy accelerate the onset of childbirth. Natural methods are good for that the effect of them is observed only if the body is ready for childbirth.

The most common method is caused by childbirth - it sex. The sperm contains biologically active substances (prostaglandins) that affect the cervix and contribute to its maturation and preparation for childbirth. Often, generic activity is developing after intimate proximity (it can be seen even from many stories about childbirth on our forum).

There is contraindications to sex: the preview of the placenta, the low location of the placenta, the infection of the partner. Sex in no case should be too active so that the placenta detachment does not occur (in this case, the immediate operation of caesarean sections will be required). Sex is not recommended if you are not sure about the health of the partner or if before that during pregnancy you were prevented by a condom. Even innocuous at first glance, the microbes can penetrate the open neck of the uterus (especially if the mucous plug has already moved) and cause inflammation. Active sex and orgasm in some cases can cause a premature detachment of the placenta, which, without instant operational intervention, leads the fetal death.

Physical activity.

long walking, walking in stairs, general cleaning in the house, in particular floor washing, shopping, squats, can contribute to the occurrence of childbirth. Do not overdo it, again, threatens with a detachment of the placenta.

You should not load yourself with heavy exercises and lift gravity (it can lead to the placenta detachment), but long walks, swimming, belly dance, yoga during pregnancy is very useful, and among other things are peculiar prevention of pregnancy.

Active breast massage, especially the area of \u200b\u200bthe nipples. The massage of the nipples contributes to the allocation of the hormone of oxytocin - a powerful stimulator of the cutting of the uterus, which helps speed up the childbirth. Nipples need to massage gently and gently not to injure

Active intestinal cleaning With the help of the enema can also provoke cutouts.

Folk remedieshelping to speed up childbirth are based on beets, parsley dishes.

Aromatherapy (inhale roses or jasmine oils),

Making small doses of laxative - Castorca, etc. In the evening, after a light dinner, make an enema with a salt solution, approximately 1 tbsp. A spoon of salt on a liter of water, drink 50g castor oil (you can get a piece of ferrous salty bread or lemon). The tool can act within half an hour.

The use of several ways is most likely provoking the onset of generic activity in the near future. The deadline for the occurrence of birth can vary depending on the individual characteristics of the body of a pregnant woman.

The last weeks of pregnancy is a restless period for the future mother, because the day of meeting with the baby is getting closer. 38-42 Week of pregnancy - the most favorable period for the beginning of the generic activity and is considered a period of normal natural genera. The date of appearance on the light of the newborn depends on the individual characteristics of the pregnant woman, as well as from the length of its menstrual cycle. The longer the cycle, the longer the pregnancy lasts. If the kid "stopped" in her mother's tummy and does not want to appear on the time on time, the feminine begins to worry and worry about the well-being of his crumbs. How to cause contractions yourself and speed up childbirth?

According to obstetrician-gynecologists, a normal period of pregnancy is considered to be a normal period of pregnancy from 38 to 42 weeks. The baby that appeared on the light on this period is considered to be donated. After 42 weeks, doctors, as a rule, resort to drug stimulation, and pregnancy is considered to be overworthy. Doctors make a decision on stimulation of generic activities in the hospital. Many mammies are concerned that there are no fights, and think about whether it is possible to cause childbirth yourself, without medicines?

Future mothers on the inspection of the gynecologist often ask the question of how to quickly cause contractions, how to cause contractions for 38 weeks and at the same time do not harm the future baby. Doctors with understanding belong to the desire of a woman to give birth to. In the last months it becomes harder to walk, the baby sometimes shows great activity and does not allow to rest fully rest, pregnant feels tired of the talid expectation. But still, the flow of natural labor in the period laid by nature, the best solution to this issue. Sometimes you need to wait a bit and gain patience and soon the long-awaited baby will be born according to its biological clock. In case the woman does not want to wait and thinks how to cause contractions for 39, 40, 41 weeks of pregnancy independently, she needs, first of all, consult with a doctor. It will be necessary to make sure whether the fruit took the right position in the uterus, head down. In addition, the doctor will draw an assessment of the general well-being of a woman as well as:

  • appoint an additional survey of ultrasound;
  • establish whether there is no conflict of the blood factors of the mother and the fetus;
  • ensure whether there is no accumulation of the oily water without the occurrence of bouts or detachment of the placenta.

How can you cause contractions by medicines

To date, there are several ways to artificial stimulation of childbirth, which are provided by doctors. The actions of the physicians are aimed at stimulating the contractile ability of the uterus and the use of methods that affect the rapid disclosure of the cervix.

The appropriate stimulation of the battles is selected taking into account the peculiarities of pregnancy in the woman in labor. An obstetrician gynecologist can use a drug stimulation method with the introduction of oxytocin or prostaglandins, as well as to open the fetus bubble. With the introduction of drugs into the body of a woman, the doctor must make sure the cervical readiness for the generic activity and that pregnancy is dusted. For softening of the cervix, special drugs are used: mythuproston, dinoproston - tablets causing contractions. Also these drugs are used in the form of intravenous injections.

The disclosure of the uterus is possible mechanically. For the opening of the neck, special obstetric sticks are used, a foley catheter, a gel with hormone content is used. Soon, after drug or mechanical impact on the cervix, the fights and generic activity begin.

How to cause contractions at home

The question of how to cause contractions of the house is relevant for those women who have the date of the alleged childbirth has come, and the baby is still in no hurry to appear. Doctors recommend pregnant to fall into the hospital and resort to drug stimulation of generic activities. But most of the future mothers prefer to cause contractions naturally at home. Consider the most popular, affordable and safe ways to stimulate battles.

We cause contractions yourself with moderate physical activity

The physical activity of the future motley in the last weeks of pregnancy is one of the effective options to cause contractions recommended by doctors. The load should be moderate, without fanaticism. Future mommy will be useful to hiking in the fresh air, housekeeping, including washing floors squatting, as well as climbing sideways along the stairs. Perfectly stimulates yoga classes for pregnant women, easy charging with squats. Physical activity should enjoy and not be tedious. It is strictly recommended to raise heavy items so as not to provoke the placenta detachment.

Fight exercises

There are 5 simple physical exercises that will help speed up childbirth and help the baby properly fall in the uterus for better progress by the generic paths:

  1. Walking. This is the easiest way to speed up the scratch. In superstay walking, the pressure of the fetus on the cervix, which contributes to its expansion and softening. In addition, the outdoor walks improve blood circulation, the muscles are trained and toned.
  2. Lifting and descent on the steps. Refusal of movement on the elevator is an excellent way to stimulate childbirth. Raising or lowering the leg when moving to the next step, there is a slight pelvic. The baby takes the right position faster, and the cervix gradually expands and is preparing for the process of childbirth.
  3. Swimming. Hike to the pool in the last weeks of pregnancy - an effective way to cause contractions. It is very useful to swim by Brass. Finding in water is very useful to future mommies. Water helps to hold the body in water, removes tension from the legs and joints, allows you to fully relax.
  4. Squatting. Sitting squatting, you can speed up the contractions and help the baby go down the head down if he has not had time to take the right position.
  5. Sking. Small shaking pelvis - a pleasant way to accelerate childbirth.

Neat sex causes contractions

This way to quickly cause contractions will like the future dad, which will gladly agree to help. Poland contributes to spontaneous contraction of the uterus and will help provoke generic activities. In addition, the composition of the male ejaculate is contained by the prostaglandins - a biologically active substance, when the uterus is hit by the cervix, its softening occurs. Thus, the uterus is prepared for normal disclosure during childbirth. Moderate and neat sexual activity before childbirth is an excellent way of natural stimulation of bouts. However, there are contraindications for sex:

  • With a low placenta preview.
  • If there is sex infection with a partner.
  • If the pregnant woman has a discharge of the mucosa, protecting the fetus against infection penetration.

Easy Nipple Massage for Gift Stimulation

Gentle massation of nipples contribute to the reinforced production of oxytocin hormone in the body of the future mother, which participates in the process of preparing for childbirth.

Hot bath for stimulation of labor

The adoption of a hot bath with a temperature not above 38 degrees will help the body to relax, and the body will prepare for childbirth. However, this method should be taken care of caution. Too long water procedures in hot water can lead to an increase in blood pressure, provoke dizziness or weakness. The bath is recommended to take no more than 15 minutes.

Food causing food

The most effective and safe method to cause contractions is to eat food products containing fiber. The fiber helps the natural cleansing of the body and stimulates the uterus to childbirth. Therefore, before childbirth, future mothers should include more than greenery, seasonal vegetables and fruits in their diet. Fresh beets, dried fruits, prunes are especially useful from products. The last weeks of nursing crumbs - time to use light and useful food. It is observed that the stimulation of the fights contributes to chili pepper and tincture of raspberry leaves. Raspberry decoction contributes to the development of estrogen.

Using natural laxatives and cleansing enema

Emptying the intestines with the help of laxatives or enema is another popular way to accelerate generic activities. Intestinal cleaning contributes to the reduction and muscular activity of the intestinal walls. The uterus is located next to the intestines, therefore it is reduced with all the abdominal organs. Also, the cleansing of the intestine sometimes is necessary for future moms suffering from long constipation. Callery masses accumulated in the colon, put pressure on the uterus and interfere with the fetus to take the correct position in it.

Among the effective folk remedies from constipation capable of causing contractions is castor oil. It has a powerful laxative effect, perfectly empty intestines and leads to a reduction in the uterus. To clean the intestines, just one reception 50 g of the Caster, diluted with apple juice or fresh juice juice. It is not worth increasing the number of castor oil, since the increase in the dose can cause a strongest diarrhea, which can lead to the dehydration of the body of a woman.

All listed ways are able to accelerate generic activities and help a woman causing contractions without resorting to the help of medicine. If the period of pregnancy does not exceed 40 weeks, and the fights do not make itself felt, you should not worry and panic. Most likely, it has not yet come to appear on the light of a new life. If you decide to cause contractions without the help of drugs and rather to become a mom, be sure to consult on this issue with an obstetrician-gynecologist. You can start the stimulation of the fights only after the permission of the doctor to not harm the child.

Pregnancy can be called the most pleasant and happy period in the life of every fair sex. The closer the birth of the baby, the more woman begins to worry. Many future mothers are asked about how to cause contractions for 40 weeks. It is about this that will be discussed in this article. You will learn the most common ways to cause childbirth for 40 weeks of pregnancy, and also find out everything about the process of appearance of the fetus for light.

Birth at the 40th week of pregnancy

To begin with, it is worth saying that a normal pregnancy lasts about ten lunar months. This period is equal to forty weeks. However, in some cases, the deadline for the child's light can shift. Normal is considered to shift the date of delivery from the two weeks established for two weeks.

Also, the fruit may appear and much earlier or later. Already after seven months of staying in the womb, a child can survive in the modern world, however, the childbirth is considered premature. If the baby appeared after 42 weeks of tolerant, then we can talk about

The birth of a kid exactly in forty-week is considered an ideal and natural process. It is worth noting that childbirth on this period can occur in two ways: natural genera and by caesarean section.

With the natural appearance of the child, and childbirth (in 40 weeks of pregnancy) will be the following. A woman begins to feel the painful pain in the lower segment of the peritoneum, there is also a heaviness in the lower back. Many future mothers say that the beginning of the fights looks like pain during menstruation. Also, a woman can complain about nausea or even vomiting. All this is a sign

During natural genera, the fetus gradually falls into the pelvis. At the same time, the disclosure of the generic canal begins. At a certain point there are attempts, and the baby leaves the place of his stay. It is worth noting that the birth of 40 weeks is considered urgent and normal.

Birth at the 40th week of pregnancy can occur by cesarean section. Such an operation is performed under certain testimony. It is worth noting that most often doctors try to manipulate before the onset of the fortieth week to avoid the beginning of the natural generic process.

How to cause childbirth for 40 weeks of pregnancy?

Such a question is given those women who have already approaching the start of childbirth, but there are no harbingers. We also think about those ladies that have 40 weeks of pregnancy, how to cause contractions. There are several ways that can help start the generic process. Consider in detail how to cause childbirth at 40 pregnancy. However, do not try to apply these methods before the deadline.

First method: Sexual contact

If you have 40 week of pregnancy, how to call the fight tells this description. Scientists have proven that sperm specially affects the cervix. The prostaglandins contained in it soften and expand this tissue. Sex act without a condom will help maximize the cervix to the generic process. However, in this method of how to cause contractions for 40 weeks, there is one clause. You can not perform sexual intercourse without a condom in the event that you have already moved the plug. Otherwise, pathogenic microorganisms can get to the kid and harm him.

Also, sexual contact contributes to a strong reduction in the uterus. This phenomenon can cause the origin of the generic process.

Second way: stimulation of the mammary glands

You should not use this method if you have not yet started 40 weeks of pregnancy. How to cause contractions using influence on the chest? Everything is very simple!

Take a comfortable position and talk chest. With two fingers, squeeze and pull the nipple slightly. That is how the kid will be affected during feeding. Repeat several times this manipulation. Such an impact on the dairy glands will cause natural production of oxytocin hormone. It is produced by hypophies and contributes to the reduction of the critical organ. So, stimulating the chest, you can cause contractions.

Third way: Physical Load

How to cause childbirth at home and in the hospital? Many experts recommend starting an active movement. So, the future mothers need to walk on the stairs, squat, do gymnastics and move as much as possible.

To carry out this time with the benefit, do homemade. Swipe the general cleaning, wash the windows, floors, post the curtains. In this way, you can prepare a house for the arrival of a new resident in it and reduce the time of the baby's stay in the womb.

Remember that this method prohibits a strong physical activity. Do not lift heavy items and do not spend such cleaning alone. Strong overload may contribute to the discontinuation of the placenta. Such a phenomenon threatens serious complications.

Fourth way: intestinal stimulation

If you have 40 weeks of pregnancy, how to call the fight will tell your doctor. Many obstetrics and gynecologists recommend cleaning the intestines. Due to the enhancement of perilstatics, the cutting of the uterus can begin. In this case, the contractions will begin as natural as possible, without harm to the body.

When using this method, it is worth considering that the baby is still in your tummy. That is why laxatives should be chosen correctly. Doctors recommend not to take chemical compositions and tablets, and use the cleansing enema.

Fifth way: Applying grandmother's recipes

Vintage recipes intended to cause generic activities are very common. Many women enjoy these ways without a consultation with the doctor. However, you should not apply similar methods to forty weeks of pregnancy.

Create softening and smoothing the cervix will be able to blade from raspberry leaves. Many future mothers recommend to consume derivatives of this product with caution in the very possibility of miscarriage.

Also cause contractions will help the beet juice. It should be preferred to raw product. Also beet has a laxative effect on the body.

Many experienced women use the so-called generic cocktail. This drink is also called obstetric. To make it preparation you will need one cup of apricot juice, carbonated water, a pair of spoons of crushed almond nuts and 30 milliliters of castor oil. This mixture must be thoroughly beaten with a blender or mixer, after which a drink. Fights will not make themselves waiting in this case for a long time.

Sixth way: use of oils

Close the generic process you can bring special oils that can be bought at the pharmacy. However, before use, it is worth consulting a doctor. Otherwise, an allergic reaction may occur or the opposite effect of the drug.

Seventh way: medical stimulation

If all of the above methods do not help or simply do not fit what to do in this case? Contact your doctor, and it will offer you several medical methods, how to cause contractions. Pregnancy must necessarily be dumplings. Most often, doctors use the drug "Oxytocin". The future mother just put the dropper, the action of which is aimed at stimulating the uterus.

In most cases, this method always leads to a successful delivery. The dose of the drug directly depends on the parameters and the state of the health of the pregnant woman.

Eighth way: puncture of a fetal bubble

There is also another way that probably causes the fight and provokes generic activities. In this case, the impact on the body should be carried out with the attentive observation of the doctor in the walls

A pregnant woman is punctured by a fetal bubble that provokes an extension of the front oily water. Remember that after such manipulation, the child should appear no later than after 12 hours.

Little conclusion

Now you know how to cause contractions. Methods of calling Fights should always be selected individually to the doctor. Remember that it is impossible to stimulate if a cesarean section is appointed. Also, with a pelvic preview, it is forbidden to independently affect the childbearing organ and cause it to reduce it.

Before conducting such experiments, consult a specialist. Only in this case everything will go smoothly and without problems. Never apart do not use these methods. Easy to give birth and painless fights!

About how contractions cause, a woman usually begins to think to the very end of pregnancy - at 39-41 weeks. If, throughout the term, she worried about the risk of premature starting activities, now, at the finish itself, discomfort appears due to the fact that childbirth is in no hurry to begin. The last weeks of pregnancy every future mother are not easy - a heavy and large belly interferes to sleep and move, false contractions are tiring and nervous, and the feeling of fatigue hurries to the onset of the desired junction.

But pregnancy and childbirth are a unique process for each woman. Therefore, if the bouts do not begin on time, you do not need to panic. In the women's consultation, the future mother can offer to lie down in the maternity hospital if the term of pregnancy comes to an end. But many women refuse hospitalization and try to learn how to cause contractions at home. Some doctors do not welcome such solutions, others, on the contrary, offer Seld tips. In any case, you do not need to perceive the recommendations of the doctor with special fanaticism.

At the end of the 3 trimester, at the 40th week of pregnancy, it remains quite a bit before the child. At the same time, the account can no longer go for days, but on the clock.

At the 40th week of pregnancy, the fruit is fully formed, and the future mothers appear new discharge, and pain and pain are enhanced. Births begin with the lungs and, most importantly, regular bouts or the fattening of the oily water. Gradually, the fights begin to increase due to the disclosure of the cervix. If a woman has a high pain threshold, an anesthesiologist may intervene in the process of childbirth.

The fights are replaced by sweat - the active work of the muscles of the press and the diaphragm, due to which the fetus moves along the generic paths of the mother. On average, childbirth lasts 8-10 hours, someone is faster, someone longer - it all depends on the individual characteristics of a woman: its physical condition, age, the number of previous birth.

After birth, in the absence of problems, the child put on the stomach of the mother so that she was able to attach it to his chest for the first time. Then they are carried out to measure body parameters, health and hygienic testing. And in front of the mother is a new task - to give birth to the pilot. Following this, the woman is put in order to the midwife and leave rest and gain strength that will be needed to restore the body after childbirth and care.

Also, the birth at the 40th week can pass by Cesarean section, if the future mother will have indications for operational delivery. But usually the operation is carried out 2 weeks before the onset of the 40th week, if it was planned.

Ways to stimulate birth

If the pregnancy is donoshen, but the child feels satisfactory and the permissible date of his birth was not passed, the doctors will not rush the events. Additional stimulation of labor is dangerous incorrect flow. Baby is safe only if Mom and the child are ready for them. Usually resort to amniotomy - opening the fruit bubble, in this case, the generic activity begins immediately. This is the answer to the question how to cause contractions quickly by 41 weeks. This term is usually selected.

What else causes contractions in the hospital? To stimulate childbirth, the doctors adhere to the use of medicines - prostaglandins and oxytocin. But the contamination of oxytocin can be caused only on the condition that the pregnancy is donoshen. Otherwise, such manipulations will not be effective. If the cervix is \u200b\u200bnot ready for childbirth, they resort to drugs that reinstalling its ripening is dinoprost and Dinoproston. They are introduced into the body intravenously.

In the presence of time for ripening, they use a mifepristone, obstetric chopsticks from algae laminarium, folee catheter, gels with a prostaglandin content or simply mechanical path - the doctor with fingers gently stretches the neck, trying to free the lower part of the fetal bubble, usually begins shortly after that.

How to cause contractions at home?

Women think about how to cause contractions at home, whose period of pregnancy smoothly approached childbirth and they are already offered to fall into the hospital. But many of them do not want to resort to medication stimulation, so they are interested to know how quickly cause contractions naturally.


Perhaps the most efficient and successful method. The sexual intercourse causes a tide of blood to the women's organs, naturally stimulates the cervix to mobility, and men's cum contains components that help the walls of the uterus to relax. But it is impossible to use sex as a way to cause contractions on the 38 and 39 week of pregnancy, because it can still be prolonged, as well as in the preservation of the placenta, if the water has moved away or the future mother has an inflammatory process in the vagina.

Fast walking, lifting on foot on the stairs, general cleaning, work in the garden - all this can stimulate the beginning of the generic activity at home. But in all the most important measure and lack of fanaticism. Having asked how to cause contractions for 40 weeks, a woman should be remembered that the load should be on the body of portion, with resting on vacation, otherwise, pregnant can get the edema of the limbs, an increase in blood pressure, the placenta detachment, which is extremely dangerous for the fetus.

Reception of laxative

Help cause contamination can be laxatives and enema - that is, events aimed at cleansing the intestine. Among future mothers, the method is most common, which allows you to answer the question of how to cause contractions of the house: intake of castor oil. The intestinal walls of their contractile activities are encouraged to decline and all organs of the abdominal cavity, including the uterus. But castor oil, like other laxatives, is distinguished by an unpleasant side effect - diarrhea and frequent visits to the toilet.

Products rich in fiber, have a relaxing intestine and an incentive uterus action. If a few days before childbirth, start conspicing more than greenery, vegetables and fruits, then think about how to cause contractions for 40 weeks, do not have to. Most likely, childbirth will begin.


Vegetable estrogens stimulate the natural products of female sex hormones, due to which the pregnancy fits faster to the final stage. Phytoestrogens are contained in the leaves of raspberries, parsley and primrous evening in sufficient quantities to cause the contractile activity of the uterus. Therefore, the use of these funds at the beginning of pregnancy in large quantities is prohibited.

In this article:

When a woman is wearing a baby under the heart, she is immensely happy and wants to take him to his hands as quickly as possible, chat, press to his chest and fully experience themselves with her mother. When 40 weeks of pregnancy passes, and there is no fights, then the woman begins to wait for the appearance of the baby even with great impatience. The week passes and almost every pregnant is asked: "Why do not begin to begin, how to cause contractions?"

In fact, pregnancy and childbirth is an individual for every mummy, so it is not necessary to panic. Many women are advised to lie down in the maternity hospital to start stimulating the fighting by medical methods. Almost every wants to avoid this and wants to try to independently cause contractions.

Some doctors against such decisions and actions, others can give a good advice, as at home a pregnant woman can help themselves and cause contractions on their own. The main thing is not to abuse and do not extend the words and advice of a specialist-gynecologist.

But one rule should be felt and remembered if after 41 weeks of pregnancy or it is necessary to leak or moved water, and there is no fights, in no case can you independently try to cause childbirth - immediately call experts in the maternity hospital.

Homemade methods

The safest and even useful way for the whole body is the way of calling the battle is a fiber-enriched diet. Explain why. It's very simple: thanks to this menu, the intestinal peristalsis is enhanced, the pressure on the uterus is thus increasing, so the fights can begin soon. Such a diet includes greens (parsley, dill), vegetables (especially boiled beet) and fruit. This method will also help in the fight against frequent constipation that are tormented by pregnant women.

The physical activity is also one of the options yourself to cause contractions. Doctors can advise frequent walks in the fresh air, cleaning in the house: wash or enjoy the floor, rearrange from one place to another non-heavy items, transplant houseplants. But again, everything is a measure, you do not need to tire yourself so as not to cause the placenta detachment - it is very dangerous.

One of the methods at home to cause contractions is sexual intercourse. The fact is that when copulating in the uterus and the organs of a small pelvis, a huge tide of blood comes. Thus, the neck stimulation occurs. Another of the results of the appearance of bruises is the fact that men's sperm is enriched with prostaglandins that affect the early ripening of the uterus. In this case, if the uterus is already mature, then sex can help cause contractions.

However, this option is not safe. First, if the placenta is preceded, it may be dangerous for the entire process of childbirth. Secondly, considering that all the pregnancy you were observed, handed over tests and know exactly what is healthy, you need to be confident that your partner is currently healthy. Otherwise, it is possible to enter the infection to the genitals, which will pernicably affect the health of your newborn, since it is the genitals that the way of the appearance of your baby is on the light.

Some mammies can take a chance to take a hot bathroom to cause contractions. Again, it is not safe. It should be remembered that hot water has a property to expand the vessels, the consequence of what is a drop in pressure. Therefore, if you have hypotension at which the head can be spinning, weakness in the legs and the overall depletion of the body will appear, you cannot independently cause childbirth.

Is it worth accelerating the generation process?

If the term of your pregnancy does not exceed 40 weeks, and there is no bouts, you should not worry and call them - everything goes in accordance with the norms. Of course, if you set 41-43 weeks - it can cause experiences and fears.

Be sure to consult a doctor who watches you and consult with him whether it is possible to try to cause contractions, and if the answer is positive, ask for recommendations, what kind of way to do you and does not hurt the newborn.

Video about how to cause contractions

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