There is a child conception. How is the process of fertilization in humans

Fertilization of the egg - an amazing process, which is studied by the specialists of the whole world for many years. We know all the stages that pass sex cells before and after the cherished meeting. At the time of fertilization from parental cells, something new, connecting genetic information from mother and father, is formed. This microscopic unique cell is destined to become a full-fledged person.

The success of fertilization depends on the set of factors. This process is preceded by hundreds of other, no less important. The conception will not happen if the process of maturation and movement of the genital cells is disturbed: spermatozoa and eggs.

Promotion of spermatozoa to the egg

From the moment of ejaculation to the meeting of the genital cells passes from 3 to 6 hours. Spermatozoa is constantly moving, moving towards the place of contact with the egg. The female organism is designed so that genital cells of men meet on this path a lot of obstacles conceived by nature as a protective mechanism. Thus, weak sperm, which are potentially dangerous and are not suitable for the formation of a new life.

During one sexual act in the vagina, up to 300 million sperm, but only one reaches the goal. Millions of male genital cells die on the way to the egg and directly next to it. Most cells almost immediately come out with sperm after ejaculation. A huge amount of spermatozoa dies in the vagina and cervical mucus of the cervix. A certain amount of spermatozoa is stuck in the folds of the cervix, however, they become a reserve in case the first group of cells does not reach.

It is noteworthy that these stuck spermatozoa cause pregnancy to ovulation. Everyone knows that fertilization becomes possible only after ovulation, but the chances of getting pregnant are on any day of the cycle. When the sexual intercourse is carried out until the exit of the egg, these stuck spermatozoa wait for ovulation and continue the path to the genital cell. Spermatozoa can remain "alive" to 7 days, so the risk becomes preserved before and after ovulation.

Since spermatozoa is not familiar with the immune system of a woman, it takes them for foreign elements and destroys. With excessive activity of the immunity, women can talk about immunological incompatibility, which may cause infertility at the pair.

Survatozoa immunity survived after attack moves to the uterine tubes. Contact with low-alkaline mucus of the cervical canal provokes an increase in sperm activity, they begin to advance faster. Muscular cuts help spermatozoa moving inside the uterus. One piece falls into the Fallopiev pipe, and the other in the royal, where the egg is located. In the spermatozoic tube must withstand the current fluid, and some cells are delayed with mucous membranes.

At this stage, reactions provoking calibration (ripening) spermatozoa are launched in the upper parts of the path. For this, certain biochemical substances are responsible. Due to the cappodisution of the membrane head, sperm changes, there is preparation for penetration into an egg. Spermatozoa becomes hyperactive.

Ripening and promotion of egg

Regardless of the length of the cycle in a particular woman, ovulation occurs 14 days before menstruation. With a standard cycle, a duration of 27-28 days, the output of the egg from the follicle falls on the middle. It is noteworthy that the length of the cycle in different women is different and can reach 45 or more days. For this reason, experts recommend to count the day of ovulation focusing on the estimated beginning of menstruation. From this date you need to count two weeks.

Feedness of fertilization:

  1. 14 days before menstruation, the egg cell comes out of the follicle. Ovulation happens. During this period, the risk of becoming pregnant is most large.
  2. Within 12-24 hours after ovulation, the sperm can fertilize the egg. This period is called the fertility window. A day after the ovulation, the egg dealers dies, but this time can decline depending on many factors.
  3. If sexual intercourse occurred after the exit of the follicle eggs, only 1-2 hours is required for fertilization. During this time, the spermatozoa overcomes 17-20 cm from the vagina to the uterine pipes, given all obstacles.
  4. If the exhaustion occurred before ovulation, fertilization is possible during the week. It is noteworthy that spermatozoa with Y-chromosome is faster, but live 1-2 days, and cells with X-chromosome are slow, but can resist the negative impact of the environment during the week. In this fact, many methods of conception of a child of a certain gender are founded.

Ovulation - a small explosion of the follicle. The egg and the liquid in which the oocyte ripened is falling into the abdominal cavity. The "fringe" of phallopy pipes includes a semicircular epithelium, which unidirectively promotes an egg to exit from the ovary. These cilia are activated under the influence of estrogen - hormones isolated by ovaries after ovulation.

During this period, the egg cell is surrounded by cumulus cells that form a radiant crown. This crown contains follicular cells and is a secondary membrane of an egg. It becomes an obstacle for a spermatozoa with direct fertilization.

How is the combination of sex cells

Merge Games

Direct fertilization occurs in the uterine tube, closer to the ovary. This stage of the path reaches dozens of sperms from hundreds of millions: the strongest, hardy and active spermatozoa. It fertilizes the eggs only one, and the rest helps him penetrate the cells and die.

The most active penetrate through the radiant crown and are attached to the receptors on the outer-shiny - the shell of the egg. Sperms are distinguished by proteolytic enzymes dissolving a protein shell. It loosens the protective layer of the egg, so that one sperm can penetrate inside.

The outer shell protects the inner membrane. Sperm, which was the first to achieve this membrane, attached to it, and sex cells merge in minutes. "Absorption" sperm eggs starts a chain of reactions that cause changes in its shell. Other spermatozoa no longer can attach, additionally, the egg cell extracts substances to repuls them. Slide with the first spermatozoa, the egg cell becomes impenetrable for others.

Elder spermatozoa penetrated the egg, in the body of a woman, mechanisms are launched with other systems about fertilization. The work of the organs is rebuilt in such a way as to maintain the vital activity of the embryo. Since the body can begin to take a fertilized egg for foreign education, immunity weakens and cannot cause rejection of the fetus.

Formation of a new genome

In the spermatozoide, genetic information is packed tight. It begins to open only inside the egg, there is a pronucleus - the predecessor of the zygota kernel. In prorteus, the genetic material is rebuilt, forming 23 chromosomes. It is noteworthy that the genetic material from the mother finishes to form only in the process of fertilization.

Microtubules bring together two pronucleus. Chromosomes are combined, a unique genetic code is formed. It contains information about hundreds of characteristics that the future person will have: from the color of the eye to the character traits. These characteristics are largely dependent on hereditary information transmitted from generation to generation, but also created unique "blocks".

Fertilization of eggs for stages

  1. Sperm "attack" on the egg cell. They beat her tails to cause her rotation.
  2. Spermatozoa penetrates inside the egg.
  3. Merging by the father's and maternal chromosomes, the formation of a new genetic program. After that, the fertilized egg is called the zygote.
  4. 30 hours after fertilization begins the crushing of the zygota. New cells are called blastomers.
  5. In the first day after the zygote, it is divided into two, then divided into four blastomeres.
  6. On the third day, blastomers are becoming eight.
  7. The fourth day marks the separation of zygotes for sixteen cells. From that time, the embryo is called Morula.
  8. Crushing continues, but liquid is formed inside the morula. Forming - the last stage of the development of the embryo before the transition to the uterus and implantation.
  9. At this stage, the process of fertilization is completed, but the full pregnancy has not yet come. Further the zygota moves along phallopy tubes in the uterus, implanted and starts to develop up to delivery.

After the transition of the fetal egg, the division process ends in the uterus, its introduction to the endometrium begins. The place of attachment of the embryo determines the position of the child in the stomach: when implantation on the rear wall in women, the belly is small, and when implanting the front - more.

The introduction of the embryo in the endometrium launches a plurality of biochemical processes, so a woman may experience nausea during this period, the temperature rises and headaches occur. A specific feature of implantation - bleeding, indicating damage to the walls of the uterus.

How does pregnancy begins

The first week after fertilization of the zygote is in phallopyan pipes. On the seventh day, it begins to fall into the uterus and looks like a place to attach. A healthy woman at this stage is thickened by the endometrium of the uterus, so the zygota is easily fixed without a significant risk of rejection. The insufficiency of endometrial thickness often becomes the cause of female infertility.

During the period of movement from phallopy pipes in the uterus, the egg cell takes nutrients from a yellow body, so the lifestyle of the future mother does not play an important role at this stage. However, after attaching the zygotics to the endometry, the situation changes: the pregnant woman should reconsider the lifestyle and nutrition, because now the development of the fetus is entirely depends on its behavior. It is important to maintain a normal spiritual and physical condition.

The zygota fell into the endometrium, implantation begins. This process takes about 40 hours: cells are divided, their introduction to the mucous membrane and subsequent growth occurs. Blood vessels are actively forming, which will turn into a placenta in the future. The embryonic nodule begins to form the body, and the surface cells are those parts that are needed for the development of the fetus (rally vocabulary bubble, placenta, cord). Completion of implantation marks the beginning of a pregnancy period, that is, to enter the child.

Amnion or an octopling bubble - a bag with colorless octoped waters. They are needed to protect the fragile fruit from the pressure of the walls of the uterus, jumps of temperature, noise and shocks from the outside. In addition, the accumulating water supports metabolism.

The placenta is a unique organ. It provides the fruit with everything necessary for growth, development and livelihoods. At a certain stage of the placenta, performs the functions of light, kidneys and digestion, and also forms hormones and other elements necessary for the full development of the child. It transports fresh maternal blood into the cord vein and derives the products of metabolism from the arteries of the fetus. The placenta is a kind of filter that protects the fetus from malicious microorganisms and substances. Pupovina connects the fruit and placenta. Blood flows around the vessels inside it.

3 stages of pregnancy

Pregnancy is divided into three stages: the formation of the body and organs to maintain the life support of the fetus, setting the body systems, preparation for birth. Despite the fact that pregnancy lasts 9 months, in medicine this period is counted on weeks. From the origin to the emergence of a new life, approximately 40 weeks passes, which is equal to 10 moon months (at the rate of 28 days of the cycle). Therefore, pregnancy calendar consists of 10 months. Track changes occurring in the body of a pregnant woman, easier for this calendar. Pregnant knows exactly what week she needs to take tests and pass the ultrasound.

How to increase the chances of successful conception

The most favorable period for conception is two days after ovulation. However, if you take into account the viability of spermatozoa for 5 days, active sex sessions need to start 3-4 days before ovulation. Spermatozoa will already "wait" an egg in the abdominal cavity and uterine pipes.

You can accurately determine the day of ovulation in basal temperature, but it is necessary to rely on such a calendar after 6 months of regular measurements. In laboratory conditions, determine ovulation can in the urine and saliva.

If the menstrual cycle of a woman is standard 28 days, for successful conception you need to have sex at 10-18 days of the cycle (preferably every other day when the first day of the cycle is the day of menstruation). Do not treat conception too pedantically, in this matter the main pleasure and relaxation.

Despite the fact that frequent ejaculation reduce the volume of seed fluid, regular sex is a pledge of good mobility of spermatozoa. Therefore, for successful fertilization, it is enough to have sex every other day. Daily Socias guarantee the conception by 25%, while one sexual intercourse per week reduces chances up to 10%.

A woman is able to increase the likelihood of conception, if immediately after sex passes on the side or raise the pelvis. However, it is necessary to take into account the features of the structure of the uterus: when the bend is better to lie on the stomach, leaning out a little, and with a time-shaped form to raise a pelvis. The main thing is that the sperm does not flow out of the vagina. After sexual intercourse, it is impossible to use the means of hygiene and dry, as it can change the pH of the vagina and affect spermatozoa.

If the partners experience difficulties with conception, you can contact the clinic and with the help of diagnostic equipment accurately track the ripening of the follicle and the exit time of the egg. For these purposes, harmless and painless ultrasound diagnosis is suitable.

It should be understood that the fertilization of the egg is not yet pregnancy. We can only talk about successful conception after the embryo reaches the uterus and deepen into the endometrium. From the fertilization of the egg to pregnancy passes a week. This time is necessary in order for the mechanisms that are not allowed to be implanted with a zygote with an incorrect set of chromosomes. This is possible, but most often the "broken" zygotes die before or immediately after implantation. They come out with menstrual discharges, so the woman does not even realize what processes occurred in its body. Lost pregnancy such phenomena are usually not called.

fertilization - Penetration of the sperm in the egg

division egg cell after fertilization and movement of it on phallopy tubes

In order to come ovulationThe immature egg (follicle) in one of the ovaries matures under the influence of the follicular-stimulating hormone, which is highlighted by the pituitary. As the follicle ripens, a lutenese hormone is produced. Under its influence, the follicle bursts, freeing the egg. This is an ovulation, which is usually happening in the middle of each normal menstrual cycle. After ovulation, the egg flow comes into one of the phallopy pipes, and from there in the uterus. Usually, the egg cell is capable of fertilization for twelve hours. If fertilization does not occur during this time, it dies and is output during menses Together with menstrual discharge.

To conceive, the spermatozoa should already be in phallopy pipes at timeWhen the egg is capable of fertilization. Sperm, being in the genital woman after ejaculation, usually does not die for another 48-72 hours. Thus, about four days Monthly, the most favorable for conception.

So that the conception occurred, the spermatozoa should penetrate through the shells of the egg. A large amount of spermatozoa is involved in dissolving the outer shell, but only one can connect with the egg. The egg cell and spermatozoa are combined into one cell (zygota), which is divided into two, then four, and so on. Each nucleus cell contains chromosomes of mother and father, which form an individual genetic code of the child.

After conception A developing embryo passes through Fallopiev pipes in the uterus. Cells continue to share and form a ball called Morula. About four days later, the liquid accumulates in the center of Morula and cavity is created. This structure is called blastocyst. A few days later, the blastocyse formed protrusions, called the chorion navy. They penetrate the wall of the uterus and are fixed in it. This process is called implantation. Implantation occurs in about twenty days after the last menses. In it time after conceptionfirst signspregnancy usually absent.

When planning conception, it is necessary to take into account that:

    For one menstrual cycle, a woman can mature several eggs.

Ovulation may occur not in the middle of the cycle. In young girls and in violation menstrual The ovarian cycles often work irregularly, and therefore ovulation can occur earlier or later. Ovulation time may depend on the emotional-mental state of a woman who affects the hormonal balance.

Various diseases affect the ability of a woman to conceive and the possibility of implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterus.

Recently very common asymptomatic flow of gynecological diseases, including sexually transmitted tumors. Even pathological allocations from the vagina With such diseases are not always there. Without analyzes It is difficult to distinguish them from normal discharge. With hidden the flow of female diseases stomach ache, bleeding, menstrual disorders and other symptoms. Therefore, each woman at least twice a year is necessary preventive examination of the gynecologist.

Conception - first stage pregnancy. Sometimes in order for conception to be quickly needed. To choose favorable daysbetter according to calendar Conception. Male sex cells are able to maintain their activity in the body of a woman a few days. If there is no ovulation during this period, then the conception will not happen, and they will die. Most favorable time to conceive children - this is day ovulation.

Since the life expectancy of the egg cell is about 12 hours, sexual intercourse in days beforeovulation is more preferable for baby conceptionthan after ovulationSince spermatozoa is required about a day in order to get into the uterine tube. Determine dayovulation and calculate favorable days for conception can be graphing of basal temperature, but this method is complicated and inaccurate. You can also in the middle of the menstrual cycle to independently do tests on ovulation and consult a gynecologist who is using analysis expanded, Ultrasound, analyzes for hormones, will determine the day of ovulation with an accuracy of 1-2 days. Some women feel subjectively ovulation - feel pain in the bottom of the abdomen, swelling and soreness of the mammary glands, nausea, mark the allocation of ovulatory viscous abundant mucus from the sex paths on the day of ovulation. Sometimes there are allocations during ovulation blood. Ovulation from different women can occur in different days. Therefore, after determining the days of ovulation for three menstrual cycles, a woman can make an individual calendar Conception.

Calendar of conception during ovulation in the middle of the menstrual cycle

Poses for conception

It is recommended for 3-5 days before ovulation to refrain from the sexual relationship for the maturation of spermatozoa. To conceive, it is better if the woman will lie on the back on the intercourse. After its end, you can put the pillow under the buttocks and raise your legs. This pose Need to save some time. In this case, the cervix will be immersed in the cum in the rear edge of the vagina. Also facilitate the penetration of spermatozoa to the cervical canal and conception Knee-elbowel helps pose During or after sexual intercourse. Most young women who have recently living sexual life are not tested by orgasm during sexual intercourse. The presence of orgasm does not affect the conception.

Days before and after conception

IN days before conception child and after conceptionIt should be excluded by taking alcohol with spouses, as alcohol has a damaging effect on women's and men's sexes. It is necessary to avoid other harmful factors - smoking, drugs of household chemicals, X-ray examination, drugs. If the spouses are not healthy, it is better to postpone conception before recovery. In the case of prolonged reception of drugs and chronic diseases, you need to consult a doctor about their possible impact on conceptionand pregnancy.

Day after conceptionbefore delayed monthly, the first signspregnancy usually absent.

Best time to conceive a child

The biggest plus when conceptionat any timethe year is the very fact of pregnancy, especially if it is long-awaited.

Conception in the summer

When conceiving in the summer, the first trimester pregnancy It falls for the summer-autumn, childbirth - for the spring months. To the advantages of this time, good natural vitaminization of the body belongs to conceive, the possibility of spending more time in the fresh air, a favorable epidemiological situation in the OSZ in the first trimester of pregnancy. But the birth and formation of lactation occur in the very hypovitamin season of the year, it is necessary to ensure sufficient intake of the necessary nutrients into the female organism.

Conception in autumn

The first trimester of pregnancy falls on autumn-winter, childbirth - on the summer months. At the same time, good natural vitaminization of the body of a woman during the period of conception, before childbirth and during the formation of lactation.

But the first trimester falls on the epidemiologically unfavorable season - flu flashes, ORZ. In the first trimester, fruit is especially vulnerable to infectious effects. This must be considered when the woman's inclination to colds.

Part of the last trimester of pregnancy will flow under hot summer. It must be taken into account women who do not bear heat and need a lot of liquid. The heat complicates the struggle with late toxicosis of pregnancy, worsens the well-being of the future mother, it is difficult to maintain drinking mode at high temperatures.

Winter conception

The first trimester of pregnancy falls on the winter spring, childbirth - for autumn. Plus, conception at this time is good natural vitaminization in the last trimension of pregnancy, during childbirth and in the period of lactation.

But the first trimester of pregnancy falls on the peak of epidemic disadvantage in the Flu and Orza Plan. And at this time, as mentioned earlier, the embryo is most sensitive to infection.

Conception in spring

The first trimester of pregnancy falls on the spring-summer, childbirth - for the winter. The minuses include the peak of hypovitaminization of parental organisms at the time of conception and early periods of pregnancy, unfavorable epidemic situation in the ORZ and influenza plan at conception in the first half of spring.

Baby conception - boy or girl.

It is believed that compliance with some rules before conceptionguarantees conception of a childcertain floor. Statistics do not confirm the effectiveness of any of the "folk" methods of the child planning, positive results, subject to these rules, random.

All the "folk" methods of the child planning methods have not have no scientific justification, but with strong faith in them may be effective. Regarding the observance of the described diets should be particularly careful, since none of them is a full-fledged nutrient composition, which may adversely affect the health of the mother and the child.

Folk Methods of conception of a boy or girl

To conceive a boy It is necessary in the even one years of life to plan conception for odd months or in odd years - to even. It is believed that having sex is necessary at night, when a month is in the sky, not a complete moon, and there is no precipitation. In the bedroom should be cool, the fortochka should be open, you should lie on your head north, under the pillow it is necessary to put some "male" attribute - a toy gun, typewriter. There are more chances to conceive a boy from those couples where the husband shows great sexual activity than the wife. During the intercourse, a man should reach orgasm earlier than a woman, and after sex the future parents are not recommended for a long time. Before the sexual act, her husband should be washed with cold water, which will increase the activity of spermatozoa. Prior to an important night at least three weeks, a woman should eat meat and fish products, potatoes, mushrooms, drink tea, coffee, forgetting about milk and dairy products, as well as about bread and egg yolks. All dishes need to salt.

To conceive the girl The year and the month of the start of pregnancy can be even and odd. The day should be rainy, the moon phase is a full moon. Sex in these cases should be engaged in the evening, in a room painted in pink tones, lying on your south head, and under the pillow put a pink ribbon. The fortage must be closed, and the air in the room is flavored. Girls are guaranteed to couples where the wife exhibits a great sexual activity than her husband. In conception, the girl helps compliance with dairy diet, fish, bread, carrots, cucumbers, greens are allowed, limited to the consumption of dried fruits, meat, and gashed water, salt and spices are excluded. The future father of the girl should warm the genitals with warm linen to reduce the activity of male genital cells.

One of the frequently discussed methods of the child planning methods has the homicate name "on blood renewal". It is believed that men have blood updated every 4, and in women - every 3 years. If a person had some kind of operation or blood loss during his life, then the countdown begins not from the day of birth, but from the date of this bloodsture. Thus, the age or time from the last blood loss is divided into men by 4, and in women - on 3 (with a reverse-negative blood of the mother, the Mother still has 3 - men in the denominator will be 3, and in women - 4). Who has a rest (at mom or dad), he has more "young", severe blood, therefore, the child will be the same sex. The method did not receive any scientific justification.

Conception of a boy or girl from a scientific point of view

According to statistics on 100 girls, 106 boys are born on average. Male embryos are formed even more, but male embryos, as well as the boys of the first year of life, are dying more often. Dangerous games, men's professions, war, bad habits, often lead to the death of adult men. To the reproductive age, the ratio of floors becomes approximately 1 to 1.

Sex cells of men and women contain on one sexual chromosome and on 22 somatic (non-treatable) - in a sperm and egg cell contains 23 chromosomes. When merging the sperm and eggs in the process of fertilization, an individual genotype of a girl (46 xx) or a boy (46 xy) is formed. The floor is determined by the combination of two sex chromosomes: Girls have a combination of XX, and in boys xy. In a woman, all eggs contain one x-chromosome (there are no other genital chromosomes in the female organism). Sperm's spermatozoa is two types: with X-chromosome and with Y-chromosome. If the egg fertilizes the X-sperm - the girl is born, if Y is a boy. Thus, the floor of the child depends on the male genital cell! Therefore, the claims to his wife about the sex born the child from the side of the Pope are completely unfounded. For the same reason, all the methods of child planning are unreasonable, relevant to the future mother. A woman can convey to her child only x-chromosoma, and the second chromosome - x or y, from which will depend, the boy or girl will be born, gives the father of the child.

Some gender planning methods of the child have scientifically based facts. They are difficult to apply women with an irregular cycle, in which the determination of the exact day of ovulation is difficult. In healthy women with a regular menstrual cycle, the date of ovulation can also shift.

    Planning the floor of the child by ovulation date.

To increase the likelihood boy conception, it is necessary that the sexual act accounted for ovulation time. The method is based on the differences between the X and Y-spermatozoa. X-chromosome is significantly larger in size and y-chromosome. X-spermatozoa is slow, but viable. The fertilization of the egg cell spermatozooma is possible after its exit from the ovary - after ovulation. If the sexual act was a few days before ovulation, then the likelihood increases conception of the girl, Because, most likely, in the sex paths of women, only hardy x-spermatozoa, which will get the honorary mission of fertilization. If the future parents manage to refrain from sex for at least a week before the day of ovulation, and the sexual intercourse will occur on the day of ovulation, then the likelihood of the boy's conception increases as an extremely mobile Y-spermatozoa reached egg cells, ahead of the X-sperm. For 2-3 days before ovulation, the medium in the vagina is more sour, which contributes to the rapid death of y-spermatozoa. During ovulation, the pH of the medium is somewhat observed, which contributes to the survival of y-spermatozoa.

    The dependence of the sex of the child from the sexual activity of parents.

With frequent sexual acts (daily or every other day), boys are more often born because there is a higher probability of fertilization by fast y-spermatozoa. With low sexual activity, the likelihood of the birth of a girl is increasing, X-spermatozoa is preserved viable to ovulation in the genital paths of a woman (up to 5 days after sexual intercourse).

    Practical advice.

A woman is necessary for several menstrual cycles to determine the time of ovulation according to the graphics of basal temperature, the test for ovulation, or with the help of a daily ultrasound - approximately from the 10th day of the menstrual cycle until the ovarian exit from the ovary. With ultrasound, the ripening (dominant) follicle containing an egg cell is clearly seen. It disappears after ovulation, and in its place a yellow body is formed. Some women are subjectively feeling ovulation, for example, feel pain in the bottom of the abdomen, nausea, mark the selection of ovulatory mucus from the genital paths on the day of ovulation - such a mucus is viscous, quite abundant. When planning conception of the daughter, sexual intercourse should be 2-3 days before the calculated duty of ovulation, if you wish to conceive my son, it is necessary to refrain from sex at least 2-3 days before ovulation, and the sexual intercourse should occur during ovulation.

    Separation of sperm at x and y with special procedures.

Sperm cells are separated by laser technology. After completing one of these procedures, the egg fertilization of the egg in the test tube is selected spermatozal, obtaining the embryo of the desired floor and the introduction of it into the uterine cavity (extracorporeal fertilization).

Even this scientifically substantiated method of the child planning does not give a hundred percent warranty. Possible genetic changes have not been studied to the end when the procedures for artificial sorting spermatozooids are applied. In the future, perhaps the separation of spermatozoa will help solve the problem of preventing hereditary diseases associated with the floor.

One hundred percent guarantee does not give any of the methods of child planning. The appearance in the family of a healthy child of any gender, a boy or a girl is a happy event.

Artificial insemination

Intrauterine insemination A sperm of her husband or donor is made in the establishment of immunological incompatibility of the married couple or with a decrease in the fertilizing ability of her husband's sperm. In a pregnant day of the menstrual cycle, a pre-treated cum is introduced into the Menstrual Cycle Makeup. The effectiveness of intrauterine insemination in the treatment of infertility is large enough. The procedure is advisable to repeat over 4 cycles.

Extracorporal fertilization Outside the uterus, followed by the transfer of embryos in the mother of the mother (ECO) is carried out with the resistant obstruction of the uterine pipes. Those stages of the development of an egg and embryo, which normally pass in the uterine tube in the first 2-3 days after fertilization, with eco occur in artificial conditions - "in the test tube". The ECO method consists of several stages:

    Diagnosis of form and reasons of infertility

appointment of a woman of drugs stimulating the growth of several follicles in an egg cell - induction of supervision

assessment of ovarian response to the use of induction using ultrasound and hormonal studies

determining the point where the puncture of follicles should be made using ultrasound studies and determination of hormone concentrations

puncture of follicles, extraction of eggs from them, place them in a special environment

receipt and preparation of sperm

combination of egg and spermatozoa insemination of eggs in a test tube and placing them in an incubator for 24-42 hours

transfer of embryos from test tubes to the mother's uterus

appointment of drugs supporting implantation and development of embryos in the uterus

diagnosis of pregnancy

maintain pregnancy and childbirth

ECO effectiveness currently averages 30%. This is a high percentage, given that the probability of conception in healthy men and women in one menstrual cycle about 30%. Due to the high efficiency of Eco today, this method is used by almost all forms of infertility. With eco, the preimplantation diagnosis of hereditary diseases is possible. The frequency of genetic diseases in children born with the help of Eco does not exceed those in children conceived by the usual way.

Surrogacy. Output from a woman fertilize her husband's sperm. The resulting embryo is transferred to the uterus of another woman, the so-called surrogate or biological mother. A surrogate mother puts off the child and after childbirth gives his mistress of egg cells - a genetic mother.

Clinical signs of pregnancy begins to appear after 3-4 weeks of to wear. The process of fertilization of the egg is painted by day and for each period is characterized by their symptoms.

How is fertilization?

Fertilization is a complex process consisting of several stages. Among them are distinguished:

  • definition of ovulation, to increase the chance of successful fertilization;
  • spermatozoa in the fall of female genital organs;
  • fusion of genital heights with the formation of zygota;
  • moving a fertilized egg from the uterine pipe to the uterine cavity;
  • attachment and introduction of the embryo into the thickness of the endometrium.

The time for which fertilization should occur is determined by the life cycle of Games. The egg cell is capable of making sperm for 12-24 hours. Cumsions can be in the body in an active condition for 7 days. Therefore, the definition of the ovulation period is important for successful fertilization.

What day after ovulation comes pregnancy?

The deadlines for pregnancy are determined by the period of life of the egg and spermatozoa, as well as the time of sexual intercourse.

If he accounted for the day of the release of oocytes from follicles, the pregnancy should come in a week. In the event that the spermatozoa fell into a female organism a few days before ovulation, the fertilization will occur 3-4 days after the exit of the egg.


The most favorable time for fertilization is an ovulation day. The eggboard retains its viability within 12-24 hours, spermatozoa - about a week.

Male sex cells can penetrate the body a few days before ovulation and maintain their ability to fertilize. Therefore, a favorable period is considered a week before the release of a mature oocyte and a day after.

The term of fertilization of egg cell

The period of fertilization of the egg is determined by the period of its viability. After the coming out of the ripe oocyte from the follicle, the floor cell retains the ability to fertilize for 12-24 hours. During this time, the spermatozoa should penetrate the egg. If this does not happen, the oocyte completes its life cycle. The next concession will come in a month.

Symptoms of fertilization

In order to determine the presence of pregnancy, it is necessary to pass the blood test on the HCG 14 days after fertilization. In addition, there are symptoms, the presence of which may indicate a successful conception.


The first signs of fertilization can be associated with dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract. This is expressed by the following symptoms:

  • feeling of nausea;
  • periodic vomiting;
  • overflow and bloating;
  • violation of taste sensations.

These symptoms are characteristic of the period when the embryo is implanted into the uterine cavity.


Pregnancy is accompanied by a change in hormonal background. This can provoke a weakening of the body's protective functions. With a reduced immunite, an infection attachment chance increases. Most often, the urinary system with the development of cystitis is suffering.

Change basal temperature

High figures of basal temperature throughout the second half of the menstrual cycle may indicate pregnancy.

Changes in the level of hCG

A reliable sign of a successful fertilization of the egg after ovulation is to increase the level of hCG in the blood. This analysis is carried out 2 weeks after conception. A sharp increase in concentration indicates the occurrence of pregnancy.

Chest pain

Against the background of pregnancy, a change in hormonal background occurs. This is reflected in the state of the mammary glands. Successful fertilization leads to an increase in the size and appearance of breast sensitivity. These symptoms are characteristic to start menstruation. However, against the background of pregnancy, they acquire a more pronounced and long course.

Psychological changes

Emotional lability is a characteristic sign of pregnancy. A woman becomes plaxive, irritable, anxious. A frequent mood change is explained by the hormonal restructuring of the body.

Bloody issues

In this case, it is due to implanting bleeding, which occurs after the successful embryo embryo into the wall of the uterus. Isolations have a scargoing character. Often perceived as the beginning of menstruation. If there are pronounced bleeding, which continues for a long time, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Owl of belly

High gas formation and bloating often appear on the first weeks of pregnancy. Usually they pass to the end of the menstrual cycle. In some cases, the intolerance of some products or smells arises. The emergence of new food habits.

Spasms in stomach

The appearance of pulling pain at thenime of the abdomen and periodic spasms is characteristic of pregnancy. Normally, the symptoms pass a few days later. If an amplification of pain syndrome occurs, then you should consult a doctor.


Hormonal imbalance is the cause of many changes taking place in the body of a pregnant woman. It leads to the emergence of fatigue, drowsiness, fast fatigue.

Enhanced symptoms of PMS

Often the first symptoms of pregnancy are similar to the manifestations of PMS. If clinical signs acquire a pronounced and long time, this may indicate the pathological attachment of the fetus. In this case, visiting the attending physician is mandatory.

Stomach ache

For the first weeks of pregnancy, stretching periodic pains at the bottom of the abdomen are characteristic. In some cases, pain syndrome can spread to the zone area.

Reducing the immune protection of the body

In order for the body of the woman did not perceive the embryo, as a foreign body, there is a decrease in the protective functions of the body. This allows the germin to successfully attach and implement in the endometrium.

Menstruation delay

The most characteristic feature of the coming pregnancy. If menstruation did not come on time, the chance of successful fertilization increases. You can finally confirm pregnancy with the help of blood test to the level of hCG.

Nausea and vomiting

Dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, hormonal changes in the body provoke the appearance of nausea. The joining of vomiting is also a characteristic sign of pregnancy.

Signs of conception in the first week

The first week is accompanied by the final attachment of the embryo to the edge wall. The first symptoms after conception can be:

  • bleeding from genitals;
  • pulling periodic pain at the bottom of the abdomen;

Options indicate the successful embryo implementation in the endometrium of the uterus. They pass on their own after a few days. If pain syndrome and bleeding are saved for a long time, you need to consult a doctor.

Signs of fertilization of eggs in the second week

The second week of pregnancy is characterized by an active fission of the embryo. It increases in size. Clinical symptoms appear on the 12th week of tooling.

These include:

  1. Changing taste habits.
  2. Transparent separation from genitals. They do not smell and colors.

Symptoms of conception in the fertilization of the egg at the third and fourth week after fertilization

The third and fourth week of pregnancy is accompanied by a pronounced symptomatic picture. During this period, the embryo was successfully implanted in the uterus wall and starts active growth.

The main manifestations of pregnancy are considered:

  • emotional lability;
  • an increase in the size and appearance of the diseases of the mammary glands;
  • drowsiness;
  • fatigue;
  • bloating;
  • violation of the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • change libido.

Signs of conception by day

The first two weeks after fertilization are characterized by active changes in the body. The embryo is a big way from attaching to the endometry before the formation of internal organs. Consider the main symptoms of the successful fertilization of the eggs by day.

First day

Sperm passes the path through Fallopiev pipe to the egg cell. After that, there is a merger hames with the formation of zygota. This period is not accompanied by any clinical symptoms.

The third day

It is characterized by the preparedness of the body to implantation of the embryo, which is accompanied by hormonal changes. In this regard, there is a feeling of nausea, fatigue, headache, impaired appetite.

Fourth day

After the sex cells merged with the formation of the zygota, it moves into the uterine cavity. During this period, discomfort in the abdomen, a feeling of overcrowding, increased gas formation can appear.

The fifth day

For the fifth day, the embryo is implanted into the wall of the uterus. The process takes several days. If the embryo remains in the surface of the uterine pipe, then an ectopic pregnancy is developing. This is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, the appearance of chills, sweating, skin pallor.

Sixth day

If pregnancy has a 6-day pregnancy, the basal temperature increases. Woman feels discomfort at the bottom of the belly. Symptoms are similar to manifestations of menstruation.

Seventh day

The embryo implantation may be accompanied by the appearance of bleeding from genitals. They have a meager character and pass on their own.

Eighth day

Hormonal imbalance leads to the emergence of pronounced fatigue, drowsiness, fast fatigue, headaches and dizziness.

Ninth day

This period is characterized by the presence of a minor number of bloody discharge and signs of hormonal restructuring.

Tenth day

With the normal course of pregnancy, the process of embryo implantation is completed for 10 days. This can be confirmed by blood test on a gonadotropic hormone.

Eleventh day

As a rule, the symptoms of PMS appear for 11 days of the menstrual cycle. These include emotional lability, headache, the sensitivity of the mammary glands and the increase in their size. If these signs are absent, then most likely the pregnancy is developing successfully.

Twelfth day

Dyspex symptoms are joined by clinical features. These include vomiting, increased sensitivity to smells, feeling of nausea, changing taste habits.

Thirteenth day

Hormonal changes lead to the appearance of pronounced changes in lactic glands. They increase in size, become painful when palpation. In some cases, minor discharge from nipples are allowed.

Sixteenth day

This period is characterized by the bookmark of the nervous and bone fetus system.

After how many days after conception, the real symptoms of pregnancy appear?

The first real signs of pregnancy appear after the embryo is implanted in the endometrium of the uterus. Prior to that, all the symptoms are subjective.

The first days after fertilization are not accompanied by specific clinical manifestations.

The severity of symptoms will be intensified as the embryo grows. Specialists note that on the 5-6 week of having a woman can determine pregnancy for the relevant symptoms without a test.

How fertilization occurs

Since the fusion of the genital cells before the formation of the embryo, a sufficient amount of time passes. Experts allocate several steps of fertilization.

Moment of fertilization

After completing the sexual intercourse, a sufficient amount of spermatozoa falls into the body. Not all of them fall into the uterus. Many are delayed by cervical mucus of the cervix.

  1. Sperm, which passed the barrier, penetrate the field of phallopy pipes. There they expect an egg, ready for fertilization.
  2. Thanks to a special secret, which is contained in the female genital paths, there is a weakening of the acrosomal membrane. This allows spermatozoa to penetrate the egg.
  3. In order to destroy the protective shell of the oocyte, sperm is distinguished by the enzyme hyaluronidase.
  4. After all barriers are destroyed, the merger of Games occurs.

Formation of zygotes and further division

The process of fertilization takes some time. After the spermatozoic falls inside the egg, its active division occurs. When the oocyte reaches the necessary size, the zygote is formed. It contains the genetic material obtained from both parents. The floor of the future child is determined by a chromosomal set of spermatozoa. If it contains only x-chromosome, there will be a girl. If there is a Y-chromosome, a boy will appear on the light. The zygota moves from the uterine pipe into the uterine cavity for further attachment to the endometry. Throughout the movement, the fertilized egg continues division. The final stage of this process is Blastocyst.

Blastuly implantation

The task of Blastuly is the production of hCG, which contributes to the successful introduction of the embryo into the thickness of the endometrium. At the moment when Blastuly is ready to attach to the wall of the uterus, it develops to the state of the fetal egg. After implantation, the embryo begins to eat substances coming from the blood flow of the mother. As the time of pregnancy increases, the placenta is developing. She begins to produce a large number of hCG. A few days after implantation, the first clinical symptoms of pregnancy appear.

Pregnancy test

Specialists recommend performing a pregnancy test 14 days after fertilization. This time is enough so that the amount of HCG increases in the body. In order for testing the most productive, it must be done three times. If the test is carried out too early, there is a risk of obtaining a false negative result. This will cause psycho-emotional tension, which will negatively affect the state of the female organism. Negative result when conducting a pregnancy test may occur in the following cases:

  • the embryo failed to attach to the endometry;
  • reception of hormonal drugs that can distort the test data;
  • braified test.

The most reliable analysis confirming the pregnancy is considered to be a blood test for determining the level of HCG 2 weeks after fertilization.

Indirect symptoms

This group of pregnancy signs belongs to the number of subjective. They do not always testify to successful conception. To indirect symptoms include:

  • decline in appetite;
  • changing taste habits;
  • nausea and periodic vomiting;
  • increased sensitivity to various smells;
  • emotional lability;
  • weakness, increased fatigue;
  • drowsiness;
  • frequent urges for urination;
  • the appearance of painful sensations and an increase in the size of the mammary glands;
  • increase in the size of the abdomen;
  • the appearance of pigmentation in the area of \u200b\u200bnipples.

The above symptoms may appear in the premenstrual period or during ovulation. A reliable sign of pregnancy is a blood test for hCG.

and make a lot of effort to penetrate her. Only after that the conception can be considered perfect.

    The process of fertilization

    Pregnancy occursas a result of conception, i.e. To increase the probability of pregnancy, sexual proximity must be made a few days before or in the first 12-24 hours after it. This is due to short temporary frameworks.

    ON A NOTE! After ejaculation, the ledges are quickly moving. Already after 1-2 hours, they may be in the fallopian tubes, where the merging with. If it has not yet happened, then waiting in the hour. They can maintain the ability to fertilize for 5-7 days.

    When is pregnancy?

    Pregnancy takes its beginning from the moment of conception, but it will be fully considered only after the embryo successfully passes all the stages of division and securely secure On the mucous membrane of the uterus. Implantation, as a rule, begins 6-7 days after fertilization and lasts about 3 days.

    After the introduction of the embryo starts produce hormone hgchIn the blood, it can be detected earlier than in the urine. Therefore, pregnancy tests experts recommend only after 14 days from the moment of conception.

    REFERENCE! According to statistics, about 80% of all the conceptions are not completed with full pregnancies.

    For successful development of pregnancy The following conditions must be observed:

    • Good indicators.
    • Patency of phallopy pipes.
    • Fullness of genetic material.

    Many women begin to guess their position even before it becomes obvious. They have a change in appetite and taste addies. Apathy and drowsiness appears. Sometimes these features can be confused with the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.

    In certain situations, the uterus tone may occur. It is characterized music cutsDelivering a woman inconvenience. Some women marked the feeling of "fullness" of the abdomen. Pregnancy can be felt at the intuitive level.

    ON A NOTE!To confirm an interesting position before the onset of the delay, you can hand over blood for the definition of hormone hCG. His increase will indicate a successful conception.

    Actions after conception

    First month of pregnancy
    It is extremely important. It is he who determines how the child will develop in the future.

    At the initial stage of pregnancy, a woman will secure himself from possible problems. During this period is not recommended raise gravity. This may cause abortion.

    Experts advise insure themselves from the emergence of stressful situations. All life support systems are inextricably linked with each other. Under the influence of stress, intensive cuts in the uterus occur capable of preventing the full attachment of the fetal egg.

    Even at the stage of preparation for conception, a woman must take care of the replenishment of the deficit . These include folic acid, magnesium, calcium, iodine, iron, etc.

    REFERENCE! There are special complexes for young mammies and women planning pregnancy. They contain the desired amount of beneficial substances.

    A variety of variety of factors may affect the process of fertilization. That is why attempts to conceive a child are not always successful. Contact the specialist follows only after the year of unsuccessful attempts to conceive. Only in this case can I raise the question of treatment of infertility.

When you think about the process of conception, do not cease to be wisdom and the perfection of nature! The complex mechanism of the compound of two cells, which gives birth to the world of a new person, is a truly miracle. And for many couples experiencing difficulties with conception, this is a miracle doubly. Let's talk about this process today and consider how it happens and what to do those who are experiencing problems with conception.

Preparation for conception

Registration truths that should first be prepared to be morally and physically, it is impossible to ignore in no case. Therefore, first, the future parents need to check the state of health, eliminate if they are, "malfunctions" in the work of the body. A hike to genetics will be especially useful to exclude a variety of diseases that can be inherited to the baby.

Some couples also go to a consultation to a psychologist.

Not least need to do its physical health: to do sports, quit smoking and drinking (even drinking a little bit!), Walking a lot, rest and get positive emotions.

A woman needs to follow their ovulation, because it is in. There are many ways to determine its presence, but, unfortunately, none of them gives one hundred percent accuracy. One of the most simple (in terms of infringement, because you do not need to run into the pharmacy or to the doctor) the calendar and monitoring the cervical mucus. As a rule, an increase in mucus into the most noticeable.

How is the conception?

Have you heard such a word as fertility? This term is called the ability to reproduce offspring. In other words, the ability to conceive. In order for this to become a reality, the follicle must grow in the ovary, after the breaking of which the egg cell should be released, which is fertilized by the shortest papin spermatozoa. Spermotozoids do a huge path, penetrating first in the uterus, and then in the fallopian tubes. When merging the male and female genital cells, zygotes occurs. But the zygote, fertilized egg, falls into the uterine cavity only on 7-8 days, and until then, is in "free swimming". Already in the urchinat, the embryo "hatches" from the shell and is introduced into the wall of the uterus to gain and start developing. During this period, its size is no more than 1.5 mm.

Medical literature describes that the conception process includes:

  • fertilization (that is, the merger of male sperm and female eggs);
  • development of the embryo to the moment of implantation (crushing of cells from one to two, and then in geometric progression);
  • directly the process (that is, the introduction and attachment to the mucous membrane of the uterus).

On average, the process of conception takes two weeks. It is through such a period of time a woman and begins to feel the first signs of pregnancy. But many (due to the fact that signs are still insignificant) simply do not give them importance, but realize that they are pregnant, after 4-6 weeks, when the symptoms become very obvious.

When is the conception?

Scientists have established that sperm moves in the body of a woman at a speed of 3 millimeters per minute. And the path that they have to overcome their goal is on average 15 centimeters. If a woman has already had an ovulation, and the egg cell is only waiting for a good moment, then sexual intercourse is likely to end with conception. And it will be needed for this no more than an hour.

But two or three days - a reasonable time to accomplish the miracle, since small spermatozoa is very alive. They have long retain their vitality and can wait when the egg will be ready to take one of them. There is also information that conception, no matter how strange it sounds, maybe even a week after unprotected sexual intercourse. This, of course, rare cases, but in life it happens anything.

Sage for conception

If you are used to resorting to the so-called grandmother's recipes, you can use the following. In order for the conception to occur as soon as possible, they advise drinking infusion from Sage. Its composition contains substances similar to estrogens - female sex hormones. But it is they who take an active part in the conception of the child and in the formation of an egg. Moreover, the substances contained in substances contribute to an increase in the reflex of the cervix, which also contributes to conception.

Yoga for conception

Some couples that have problems with conception resort to different methods capable of increasing the chances of a miracle. One of these is yoga. It is good because it does not have contraindications and benefits not only the physical, but also mental health of future mothers and dads. During classes, muscle tone increases, the body becomes more plastic, breathing improves and, therefore, blood circulation. All these are important conditions for pregnancy. Moreover, the endurance of the body is trained, and the nervous system becomes more resistant to stress, the mood is improved, a positive attitude appears on a prosperous outcome. What can be said that sex becomes better and interesting, and the chances of a quick conception increase at times.

How much sex is needed to conceive?

Believe me, you do not need to have sex every day, wanting to conceive the baby. Doctors argue that in this case both partners are very tired of such a "marathon". In most cases, this method, if a couple suits everything, it will work. But believe me, enough and one sexual intercourse every two or three days. But it is better not to work for wear. Moreover, if the amount of sperm in a man is not sufficient.

If you follow ovulation, you can "distribute" sexual acts in such a way that the large number of their number coincided with the days when it should happen.

There is also another method when the pair does not have sex for a long period (every two or three weeks), but produces an act at the time of the alleged ovulation. Then the chances of getting pregnant significantly increase.

Especially for Olga Rizak

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