We can not get rid of lice. Appeared lice - what to do? Hardwoods are transmitted

This topic constantly worries the parents regardless of the season. And she always causes her shock: it seems to be followed by a child and suddenly, from where you do not take the child to appear in the hair. Where, why? And now there is another question: how to quickly get rid of lice and gnid? Quickly - because the child himself suffers from this, and there is simply no extra time for this unscheduled process of deliverance. However, not everything is so scary and deplorable. The problem is quite solved.

Rare parents for looking into the head of the child before sending it to kindergarten, and after the holidays, I hope my parents are also checked for pediculosis. Young children are always viewed in kindergarten. At least, this inspection should be done once a week. Yes, and at school, after each vacation, they examine children.

I also had to "fight" in my time twice with this whip. For the first time, the daughter brought from the pioneer camp (at that time there were such), although the child went there with a completely pure head. For the second time, the surprise brought granddaughter on vacation.

Then, where do you come from? I will share my observations not only as a parent, and as a medical worker, when I had to deal with a similar problem. And so I came to such conclusions.

The lice applies (overwhelm) only contact path, and the transmission paths are as follows:

  • When using common comb, hair rubber bands, hats or scarves;
  • With close contact - in the general bed or when contacting heads;
  • In the locker room at school or on sections through the upper clothes, which often hangs absolutely close to each other;
  • When bathing in a water branch, when many children are bathed at the same time (lice is not drowning in water);
  • In the train, when you have to sleep on underwear, which has not passed the appropriate processing;
  • In case of non-compliance with personal hygiene.

It is clear that these factors work when there is a child with pediculosis nearby.

How to find out that the child has lice

Parents should have suspicion of pediculosis if the child constantly scratches his head because of the bite of lice. Pay attention to traces from bites, they may appear in the form of characteristic small red dots on the head, in the neck area or over the ears.

The main sign will be the presence of insects and pending eggs - shorts on her hair. With a large number of niggles, the hair acquire a dull shade, look dirty. Who does not know how lice look like, nymphs and shorten, look at this photo.

How to bring lice at home

Quickly, for 1 day you can withdraw only lice. Of course, time and effort on it will still have to spend. And if the girl has long hair, here you have to tinker even longer.

With boys, especially with small, everything is simple. You can grind it very short or stick, if you agree. And at the same time, you can not use the means from lice, enough after the haircut washed your head, and the hair burn or pack tightly into the package and take out in the trash.

And with girls everything is much more complicated.

Especially it will be difficult to remove the GDID with long hair. Therefore, my advice to you: Cut your hair shorter, it is easier to make it easier for or pulling the nicky.

Be sure to conduct repeated processing in 5-7 days. There is still an intermediate stage of lice between adults and larvae (nydami). If the crides did not die during processing, the nymphs are hatched, which in a week will grow into adults. Such handlers are recommended to spend at least 3 times.

Since all insecticides are in kind of poisonous substances, with their use are possible burning, itching, redness of the scalp, and sometimes allergic reactions.

Remedies for the removal of lice and gid

The modern pharmaceutical market today offers us a large selection of insecticides in the form of ointments, sprays, shampoos. Here are the most popular and effective means.

Benzyl - benzoate. Used in the form of ointments or emulsion. Cheap (up to 100 rubles) and effective means. The drug rubs into the skin of the head and is distributed to the entire length of the hair, after which the head is covered with a plastic film or handkerchief, leave for 30 minutes. After this time, the head must be washed with soap or shampoo. Such a procedure must be made 2 more times.

It is impossible to use pregnant and nursing women and children up to 3 years old due to toxicity tools.

Degtyar soap. Also cheap (up to 50 rubles), an efficient and safe means that can be used to all categories of people. Apply a solid slicing or liquid soap, which is abundantly naked head, leave for a while, and then wash off. After washing, it is imperative to compose dead insects and shorts.

Of course, at once there is so not to withdraw, you will have to wash your head daily for 10-14 days until all insects are deployed. But there is a positive moment from the use of the Degtyar Soap: the hair will become healthy and shiny.

Chemern water - water-alcohol solution, poisonous, so it cannot be used for children up to 12 years old, pregnant and nursing women. It is inexpensive (up to 20 rubles). Insects and income die from the first time. The chemical water is applied to wet hair, tie a head with a handkerchief, after 30 minutes my head was washed with shampoo or soap.

Nittifor - cream (up to 300 rubles). Effective tool that can be used for children over 3 years old and pregnant women. The cream is applied to the hair and rubs into the skin of the head, leaves for 10-15 minutes, after which it is washed off with water. The procedure is repeated 2 more times with an interval of 7 days. It is necessary to make dead insects and GDIDs.

Medifox - Another not expensive means (up to 150 rubles). You can apply children over 2 years old. Available in the form of a gel or concentrate. The tool is applied to the skin of the head and hair along the entire length, the hair is covered on top and leave for 40 minutes. After that, we wash off with a shampoo warm water.

Pair Plus - Aerosol with an unpleasant smell, but convenient to use. It is enough to spray spray on the hair and wash it off after 10 minutes. The tool does not require reuse. You can apply children from 1 year old, pregnant and lactating women. Price up to 550 rubles.

Nix - Cream for 370 rubles. It can be used even to small kids after 6 months. (Although I do not know a single case of their practice, so that at that age there were lice in such baby). The cream is applied to the scalp and hair, leave for 10 minutes, then wash off. For the combing of dead insects in the kit there is a special comb.

The drug is contraindicated in acute dermatitis.

Shampoos: Parenchy, Pedeline, Siphax, anti-bit. Comfortable in use, with neutral smell, you can use children from 2 years. The tool is applied to wet hair, foams, left for 10-15 minutes, then washed off. Insects are combed.

More recently, many of the above-mentioned funds were not, therefore, they were poisoned by lice kerosene, lying soap, puffwinds of Pijmas, Cherems, wormwood, and even dichlorophos. But all these funds are not safe and poisonous. And now it is hardly someone will use, for example, kerosene.

I want to offer you a simpler and relatively safe method - hair painting with modern paints that can be found in any store. Of course, this method will suit older children and adults. Children can pick up paint tone identical to natural hair color. We tried this method on our granddaughter (I told about it at the beginning of the article).

The fact is that the composition of any means for hair coloring includes hydrogen peroxide, which has a strong oxidizing effect. When staining, hydrogen peroxide actively affects the lice, falling into the respiratory tract, it literally burns their inner tissues, from which they die. The GDID paint is also destructive effectively, but the outer protective shell remains intact, but the secret to which it is attached to the hair, it is destroyed that in the future it makes it easier for the combination of the GDID and even in a small amount they themselves hang out from the hair.

How to quickly get rid of the GDID

Having got rid of the lice, the hardest work is to be combeding the GDID. They tightly stick to the hair with a special secret, so when they are combeding, they will have to spend a lot of time. And most likely, here one day can not do.

Folk remedies for combing NMIDs acted as well as the above-described hydrogen peroxide, that is, they destroy the secret to which the nozzles are glued to the hair. For this purpose, you can apply

  • table 6-9% vinegar,
  • lemon juice,
  • cranberry juice.

To make it easier for combing, it is necessary to apply one of these hair on the hair, wait a few minutes, and then comb comb your hair towards the ends of the hair.

You can do differently. Mocked a small amount of cotton, cranberry juice or vinegar, rolling the rut on the comb and then make combing.

But the most faithful means - removal of the emerging with hair with hands. The process, of course, time-consuming, but more efficient than combing the ridge. Wash your hair with any sour solution, and you can do without it, cut your hair with a comb, and then with each hairs, pull the cuts towards the hair root before it is completed.


Such trouble can be avoided if you regularly examine your child. In the summer, inspect every week, in the winter at least once a month and with suspected the presence of lice in the head.

Instill with childhood child hygienic skills and advise

  • do not use other people's items and comb,
  • follow the cleanliness of your hair and clean your head regularly with soap or shampoo,
  • avoid contact with people who have pediculosis,
  • after bathing in the summer, dry hair in the reservoirs.

These advice on prevention of pediculosis is useful to follow and adults.

What to do? Often, such news becomes for parents thunder among the clear sky and in the first minute only helplessness causes the situation.

Pediculosis - the terrible dream of parents

Pediculose (infection with lshami), is for the parents of "terrible sleep", which is difficult to believe, especially if it comes to his own child. A fairly common disease is most often striking children of age category 4-12 years; Its peak often reaches in the late summer - early autumn, and the first signs of the disease sometimes can be detected in a few weeks from the moment of infection.

Therefore, in order to avoid infection with pediculosis, it is required to constantly monitor the condition of the child's hair.

Wrench and Nicky: Description

The child appeared lice. What to do? The loss is a small insect, up to 4 mm in length. Preferring a warm place, she lives behind the ears, as well as in the occipital and temporal areas. It is there that you can observe the places of breaks and traces of bites, while the insect itself is very mobile, to see quite problematic. It is easy to detect the eggs of the Vershi - the nits, which for the week the female can postpone about a few hundred.

Representing small transparent "beads", they are firmly attached to the hair, closer to their root parts. No particular harm is not delivered, until it turns into adult insects. The latter feed on the blood of a person, producing it by punishing the scalp. Moreover, the need for food in lice is very high, they need to be saturated for about three hours. Prices, detected by gray-blue trails, are subsequently beginning to get item. This is due to the presence of the enzyme enzyme, which she injected into the wound. Highly combed wounds threaten the appearance of a bacterial infection and, as a result, possible infection. If the mother has a child found Vershi - what to do in such a situation, what actions are required in the first place? The reason should be eliminated.

Causes of Pediculose infection

If the infection of the pediculose occurred, the parents were found in the child of the Wrench - what to do? It is not necessary to scold a child, because his guilt is not. The infected required to calm down, distract from fears and experiences, explaining that the lice is not dangerous, the hair does not fall out of them and no one dies from it. In order to avoid a new infection, it is necessary to spend an explanatory conversation with the child about the importance of applying preventive measures.

Methods of detection of pediculosis

It is possible to determine the presence of pediculosis by the appearance of itching in the field of bites. The child's concern is added to this phenomenon, the feeling of discomfort and misunderstanding of the reasons for it.

To identify lice, two methods of checking are used: on wet and dry hair. The most effective first. For inspection on the subject of pediculosis, it is recommended to apply air conditioning for the hair, in order to relieve the ridge sliding. Hair must be combed, then a dense comb or combing combing in different directions. The head needs to be performed at least a couple of times, checking the ridge every time after immersion in the champper.

It is necessary to carefully inspect the combed hair. Nice are noticeable in the root area and tightly hold on her hair. Separating them is very difficult; When crushing, a specific crash is heard.

Lice can also be detected when combing above a light lounge towel or paper sheet. Insects translucent, small, have six paws. Copies satuned by blood are characterized by brown-colored.

Previously, folk remedies were used in the fight against lies, the main component of which Kerosene was. Now, with the advent of modern drugs in pharmacies, the need for grandmother methods requiring long walking with a towel or a package on the head, disappeared. Now you can get rid of pediculosis at a time, and the processing of the head takes at a minimum of time. So, lice in a child. What to do?

Vice detected in a child. What to do? What to treat? In the struggle against lice, an aerosol "Step Plus" is effective. Spraying is made throughout the surface of the hair short-term presses; The head should not cover anything. Also during processing it is necessary to cover your mouth with a hand to the child, in order to avoid the risk of bronchospasm. After applying, it is necessary to wait 10 minutes, then wash off the drug with a conventional shampoo. Died insects need to make a dense comb. Reviews about this means Contradictory: Someone has helped someone, someone was forced to look for a more efficient means. The disadvantage of aerosol is the high cost.

Permetrine preparations against lice

"Medifox" - one of the effective funds

"Medifox" is one of the most popular and efficient drugs in the fight against lies. 1/3 Flacon Flowers It is necessary to dilute 200 ml of warm boiled water, abundantly apply the resulting composition on the affected skin, using a cotton swab. After 20 minutes after processing, the hair washed with a shampoo with flowing warm water. In the form of a gel "Medifox" is evenly applied to clean wet hair with thorough rubbing in the roots. The tool must be washed in 40 minutes. For one person, the gel consumption is 10-50 grams, depending on the degree of infection.

Phenothrin-based preparations

Preparations, which are based on phenothrine, have a neurotoxic effect on insects. On their basis, the shampoo "etaxh", destroying larvae and lice. The solution of "parasidosis" is sufficiently effective, which is required to be labeled in the roots of wet hair for 5 minutes, after which it was washed off with warm water with shampoo. After a day, this operation is repeated again. The result of side effects can be a rash, skin itching, edema, redness. If for some reason there is no desire or the ability to use medical medicines, but there are writers in a child - what to do?

Folk remedies for the treatment of pediculosis

Of the folk methods, the most popular tools of deliverance from lice were:

Concomitant measures in the fight against pediculosis

If the Child is found in the child - what to do at home? It is necessary to examine all family members for pediculosis, wash bedding, clothing, towels (washing temperature - not lower than 55 ° C). Then the wicked things are required to try and leave to lie 2 days. Such processing will not only kill insects, but also will deprive their food, without which they will not live for a long time. It is also required to process all the things that the child enjoyed: upper clothes, pillow, blanket, mattress. For things, the processing of which causes difficulties (carpets, upholstered furniture), special aerosols will be required.

Preventive methods

If the child is constantly lice - what to do? In addition to treating the above preparations and methods, a number of preventive measures are required, the main of which is personal hygiene. It is necessary to wash the child's head no less than 2 times a week, regularly change the baby's bedding and underwear, not allowing others to others and use other people's comb.

It is also required to conduct an educational conversation, explaining the whole danger of the disease in pediculosis. As a kind of protection, the tea tree and lavender oil can be used (Vershi does not tolerate their smell), which is for the ears of the child, on the neck and the occipital part. As prevention, such funds need to be applied and unreleased family members.

What is the danger of lice for a person and how to remove forever? Blood-suicide insects transfer serious diseases. First of all, TIF, although in the modern world it rarely happens. In addition, pests:

  • leave on the skin of the wound - through them in the blood can penetrate infection;
  • cause dermatological lesions- crusts, allergic reactions, bluish stains, in running cases - minecraft formations and piederma;
  • create uncomfortable sensations - man torments unbearable itching;
  • comprehensive social contacts -infected pediculosis is dangerous for others.

Principles of the removal and treatment of children and adults

Nicky - Eggs of lice, covered with a special secret, thanks to which they are firmly attached to the hair. Five to eight days from this "capsule" there is a larva, similar to an adult person, but smaller and incapable of reproduction.

Cardinal method: shaving naked

The essence of the procedure: Locks are swung from the head along with the shorters, because the lice can not live without hair. The method has a number of advantages:

  • does not damage the skin;
  • does not cause allergic reactions;
  • does not have contraindications;
  • for 1 day eliminates lice and GDID.

Shaving Naked with pediculosis is predominantly used in the treatment of men and children under three or five years old. Of the aesthetic considerations, a fair sex is rarely resorted to this method.

Combining uninvited guests and special comb

The procedure is a thorough screening of the hair with a special comb with frequent cloths. Judging by the reviews, the most qualitative combs are LiceGuard, Antiv, Nitfree. The effectiveness of applying the device is ensured by:

  1. Preparation of space. Located in a well-lit place. On a small table, spread a white towel, paper or a loaf, to which insects will fall.
  2. Combing hair. Squeeze the patient in such a way that it is convenient to put his head on the table. Combing the hair of the usual comb with rare teeth.
  3. Combination of GDID. Take into your hands a thin strand, play curls in the direction of the roots. Caught for the crest of insects and gnid smeared on the towel. Work so all hair.

Live lice are too fast so that you can remove them with a ridge. Therefore, combing is rarely used as an independent method, first it is recommended to apply special tools that kill insects.

5 Rules for using Comb

To make the procedure as efficient and secure, you need to adhere to five rules.

  1. Observe precautions. A person who performs the procedure should put on a plastic hat in order not to "pick up" lice.
  2. Moisturize hair. If the curls are dry, the ridge will be bad to slide.
  3. Use special compounds that facilitate the removal of the NCID. The hair is desirable to handle the means by corrosive the secret by which the nider is attached to the curl. This can be a vinegar solution: a tablespoon on a glass of water.
  4. Disinfection comb after use. To do this, the tool can be placed half an hour in the alcohol solution or boil within five minutes.
  5. Repeat a procedure with certain frequency.Repeat a day with weak infection, in difficult cases - every day. Combusting should not be discontinued when the symptoms of pediculosis will disappear. Switching is recommended to make every or two months.

To facilitate the procedure, you can use special preparations that are painted in lice and gnides in a bright color. Such means produces Nitfree.

Purchased funds from bloodsowing insects

Operating principle

As active components that ensure the effects of drugs are used:

The use of the latter is preferable, as they are safer for humans. As an alternative to drugs with dimethicone, folk lycari offered to use hair polish. It is recommended to treat the head with a whole bottle of funds, put on a polyethylene film or a cap, leave for the whole night, then rinse the hair with ordinary shampoo, make dead insects and nisses.

Review of drugs

Preparations from lice are produced in form:

  • shampoos;
  • lotions;
  • sprays;
  • creams;
  • liquids.

The table below shows the most popular and effective preparations designed to bring lice.

Table - existing substances of purchased funds from lice

Name of the drugExisting components
- "Nix" (shampoo);
- "Medifox" (concentrate and gel);
- "Nittifina" (Lotion);
- "Reed" (shampoo);
- "Veda-2" (shampoo)
"Hiha" (shampoo)- permethrin;
- acetic acid
"PLY-PLUS" (aerosol)- permethrin;
- Malation;
- Piperonyl Butoxida
"Pedilin" (gel, solution, emulsion)- Malation;
- Tetramethrin
"Spray Pax" (aerosol)- Pyrender;
- Piperonyl Butoxida
- Nyuda (spray);
- "Paranit" (spray)
Clearol (two-phase dimethicone)

Terms of application

Apply shampoo, lotion, cream or spray from lice and the GDID should be in accordance with the instructions. Most of the drugs are used equally, in four stages.

Use of funds, even with minimal toxicity, contraindicated:

  • pregnant and nursing women;
  • children under two or five years;
  • people with individual intolerance to the components of the means;
  • persons suffering from dermatological diseases;
  • patients with bronchial asthma and a tendency to allergic reactions.


For security reasons, when using funds from lice, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

The same drug should not be used more than one or two times: if the tool is inefficient, it needs to be replaced.

How to get rid of lice and gnid people

Most specialists note the small efficiency of folk remedies compared to modern purchased drugs. However, the use of such methods can be justified as an additional integrated therapy or for prevention.

Mint and pomegranate juice

  1. Pour two tablespoons of mint with a glass of fresh pomegranate juice.
  2. Put the composition for slow fire, boil ten minutes.
  3. Apply to curls and scalp. Instead of raccara as a means of pediculosis, you can use pure garnet, lemon or cranberry juice, juice of garlic or bow.
  4. After half an hour, wash the hair with ordinary shampoo, make combing.
  5. Repeat every five days before full deliverance from insects.

Chemeritsa and Bagulik

  1. Mount the leaves of the richness and the cheek root, mix products in equal shares.
  2. Raw materials diluted with melted swine fat, sticking to the ratio of 1: 3.
  3. Put the mass into the heated oven for 12 hours.
  4. The mixture cooled to a comfortable temperature to apply on the skin of the head and hair.
  5. After waiting ten minutes, wash the head with ordinary shampoo, combust the insects.
  6. Repeat every five days before the final cure.

You can use a pharmacy preparation - chemical water. The tool is applied to the skin and wet hair for half an hour, then washed off by the usual shampoo. Repeat a day, then in a week. However, even a small amount of drug in the digestive tract is fraught with strong poisoning.

Dudnik and Cherryukha

  1. Grind into the powder roots of the manner and cherry, connect the components in equal proportions.
  2. Mix raw materials with butter in a 1: 1 ratio.
  3. Apply on the skin and hair for half an hour, wrap the head with a plastic film, wear a scarf.
  4. Fit the composition with ordinary shampoo.
  5. Repeat daily for a week.


  1. Squeeze out of the handstound cranberries juice, mix with honey to make a consistency of thick paste.
  2. Apply on the skin and hair.
  3. After half an hour, wash your head with a conventional shampoo, make chosen.


  1. Dilute kerosene with vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:10.
  2. Apply a mixture on the skin, wrapped the head with wax paper or plastic film, insulate the handkerchief from above.
  3. Leave an armband at night.
  4. In the morning, rinse your head with a terrible or baby soap. Combine lice and gnid, shakes the crest of vinegar.

Currently, Kerosene is recommended to use mainly from lice and nnid in animals, and it is connected not only with a sharp smell of "medicines". The inept handling of the product can cause strong burns. The use of kerosene in the treatment of pediculosis in children is strictly prohibited.

Since the sewers and shorters die at a temperature of more than 50 ° C, the experienced Lekari recommend using an iron and hairdryer in the fight against insects. How effective is it?

Heating ironing

Features. You can only kill the gyde for hair, adults will not overcome the hot device. Therefore, this method is used only in combination with other methods.


  1. Heat iron.
  2. Separate a thin strand, go through it with the device from the roots to the ends, lingering for no more than one or two seconds.
  3. Combine the dead GDID special comb.

Treatment of a hairdryer


  1. Treat hair to the tool from lice.
  2. Sand the curls with a hairdryer.

Pediculse hair

It makes it possible that you can get rid of the lice if you paint your hair. As part of most paints for hair, hydrogen peroxide is contained, which corps insect chitin housing.

It is believed that after staining, approximately 85% of insects die. Therefore, several stainings are needed to get rid of pests. And you need to do it almost with each other, since the surviving pests are very quickly fruit. This treatment will take a lot of time, besides, after therapy, the health of the hair will be seriously undermined.

Prevention of re-infection

Knowing how to bring lice at home, you can completely get rid of them. However, it is important to prevent podiculose re-infection. It will help in this following five rules.

Effective pediculosis treatment at home may, however, before applying any means, it is better to consult with the doctor.

Reviews: "got rid of this nasty for one reception"

Oh, too, there was such a problem, the little sister was and infected from someone, and I was transmitted. As this nightmare I remember, I quickly got rid of me, I washed with 2 times with this shampoo, combed the comb special. And I also painted, bought pallet paint. And with my sister Mom tormented for a long time, the hair is long on the belt and thick, of course it is a pity, paint, too, a couple of weeks were output, one egg will miss, the whole head is choshet. We bought which super bold shampoo, then it was already cleaned and manually pulled out, and helped.

Mira, http://www.woman.ru/health/medley7/thread/4464333/

I do not fit in my head, as I could grab it. I had to go to the pharmacy secret, it was ashamed even somehow at all. At the pharmacy, I was advised by the combance of Anov, they said that they need to make each strand. And I did, the lice and the inclination were disappeared.

Julia, http://forum.ykt.ru/viewmsg.jsp?id\u003d15718161

So the class in the 2nd mother took Kerosene. A nightmare!!!

  1. Kerosene spoils her hair, then they are like slipping snot like a cow licked
  2. does not wash off for a long time.
  3. Terribly stinks
  4. Does not help!!!

Svetlaya, http://forumpinkpages.ru/index.php?showtopic\u003d2075&mode\u003d thhreaded&pid\u003d1233207.

Super means "pairs" in pharmacies is, it is true worth 700 rubles. I do not remember exactly. The daughter could not bring lice with nothing. They say they have been adapted to chemistry, and pairs on natural oils. Vershi from oils choking. Plus in packing specials. Metal calculation everything dedicates very quickly and the GDID too. They got rid of this nasty for one reception. Before that, nothing helped. All pharmacy chemical. Preparations tried and even their head painted paint on the advice of the girlfriend))

Anseno, http://forum.littleone.ru/showThread.php?t\u003d5598737&page\u003d13.

Anxious bell, which may indicate the presence of pediculosis, may become a permanent itching of the scalp (especially its occipital region).

The most accurate answer to the question is whether the lice in the hair can give a comb with frequent teeth and a regular sheet of white paper. You need to burn your head over the paper unfolded on the table, and with the help of a crest carefully, strand for strand, having hair hair.

What will remain on paper after the procedure must be carefully considered, preferably with a magnifying glass. So you can make sure in the absence or availability of lice.
It should also be carefully inspecting the hair for the presence of the GNID on them. Nicky is the eggs of lice who are attached to the hair with the help of a special adhesive of the secret, produced by them. It is impossible to shake the nozzles from the hair, as well as you can not remove them by conventional head wash.

What if the child fell ill with pediculose?

The question of how to bring lice in children is very often asked on the forums for parents. This interest in the problem is far from occasionally, because annually, especially in the period from the beginning of August to the end of September, there is a peak of infection with pediculose, as evidenced by physicians.

If the child was found in the Children, it is not necessary to blindly follow the advice given in various forums, as this or that means (for example, the well-known Kerosene) can cause allergies from a child, lead to damage to the skin and severe health effects. Do not experiment with folk remedies, many of which are far enough for children. They will not always help to help the child, but it's easy to harm enough. It is best to consult with a specialist who will help to choose the most efficient and at the same time a mild method for the treatment of a child.

Tip!Sometimes the most effective way to get rid of lice in children is a short haircut, because it is much easier to remove insects from the hair of a small length.

How to get rid of lice and nigge: traditional means

Kerosene from wedge

Some parents are trying to save a child from lice using an old grandmother's agent - kerosene. Experts are extremely recommended to try to treat kerosene pediculosis in children. This tool can not only cause a child from the child, but also lead to the burns of the scalp, because it is an oily liquid, washed off from the hair completely very difficult. At the same time, Kerosene is a flammable tool, and it should be used extremely carefully.


This is a fairly effective tool that has long proven as an effective and affordable, however, it is impossible to use it with a tendency to allergic reactions and, if there are heads of minecraft formations on the skin.

When using the benzylbenzoate, it is applied to the hair, distributing carefully along the entire length, wrapped with a towel head and after 30 minutes wash off with running water. After processing, hair must be dried and combed using a special comb.


Vinegar is a very effective means, and can be perfectly helped in the fight against pediculosis, besides, unlike kerosene, it is not a flammable substance. For the procedure, the procedure is required in equal proportions of 9% of the dining vinegar and water. The resulting solution to treat the hair, wrap and in an hour washed off with water. The combing of the GDID and the dead ear after such a procedure is extremely necessary.

Degtyar soap

This agent is particularly suitable for the treatment of pediculosis in children, as well as pregnant and nursing women, since it does not contain aggressive chemicals that can harm health. To use the tar soap to achieve the maximum result, it is necessary to repeatedly, since one head treatment is unlikely to lead to the desired effect.

Many rejoices the specific smell that is inherent in the tar soap, however, it is worth knowing that it quickly dishes and does not absorb hair. To progress, you can rinse the hair after washing herbic decoction or a solution of lemon juice.

Tip!Treatment from pediculosis follows all family members at the same time, even if only one of them is infected.

Modern means from pediculosis

In addition to traditional means of fighting pediculosis, there are many effective modern drugs that allow you to get rid of lice as soon as possible.

Modern funds are made based on:

  • permeterrin;
  • malation;
  • piperonylbutoxide;
  • dimticon.

Tip!It is worth remembering that none, even the most effective tool guarantees 100% getting rid of the lice of everything after one processing. That is why it is worth checking the hair for the presence of insects after a while after the procedure and repeat the processing again.

What to do after lice and income completely destroyed?

After the processing of lice was performed, and live insects and shorts in the hair are completely absent, it is not worth relaxing, it's time to take action that fully eliminate the re-infection of the pediculose.

After conducting these simple events, you can completely eliminate the risk that the insects survived after processing re-attack family members.

After reading this article to the end, you will learn how to completely get rid of lice and GDID at home for literally 1-2 days. Moreover, not a single insect and the income will remain in the hair even when different other means turned out to be ineffective.

Why is this happening?

"I have no strength just no, help! We have a lice with my daughter. For six months, everyone has already been tried - both Nude, and Pairrost, Fulmarken, and Kerosene Mazali. Nothing helps! Sometimes lice when combing, it seems, no, and a week later, it is not clear from where it is crawling. Itching incredible and bumps to blood already. But it is very sorry to cut the hair, it will be a catastrophe for us. I just don't know what to do ... I'm sorry for your daughter. "

Natalia, St. Petersburg

Why attempts to get rid of lice very often end with a complete failure?

It is no secret that when the lice is detected (or child), most people are in the first part of the pharmacy. There they buy some pediculicidal agent, use it and soothe it, believing that now you can forget about the lice.

The second problem is that practically no pharmaceutical remedy for lice does not kill the incomes - insecticides are simply not able to penetrate the dense protective shell of the inclination. And this means that after a while, after use, young larvae of lice will be hatched from GND.

"The lice picked up at school. When noticed, there were still few of them. We looked with the son on the Internet, bought pediculus, processed. There were no lice, but the nits remained. When you give them, they click, it means alive. Three times treated and combed carefully. And what do you think? The month passed, the head is not only full of living GDID, but also the lice is crawling. That's terrible!"

Almira, Samara

Despite the large number of accidents, many people, unfortunately, are still trying to bring in hazardous folk remedies - kerosene, acetic acid and even dichlorophos.

You ask, what can it be dangerous?

Look a video about how the mother accidentally set fire to her daughter, trying to bring to her in Cherosin:

And this is just one example. Many kids received chemical burns when they attempt to parents to bring them to the eyes of a diluted with acetic acid.

When using dichlorofos, the poison is simply absorbed into the blood through the wounds on the head and often leads to poisoning and severe allergic reactions, when in the literal sense of the word hair from the head falls out with shreds and washed off with water together with the remnants of dichlorofosted on them in the sink.

On a note

Combining lice and nnid frequent ridge in the hands of an inexperienced person also turns out to be ineffective, especially in the case of long hair. There are several reasons for this - incorrect combing and inability to make qualitatively for several hours. They missed several GDIDs - and in a month or another, the head will again be kiece in lies.

Someone may even seem incredible, but in fact, the problem with lies and ninomies is solved very simply.

Why to discover yourself for a multi-month fruitless struggle with lies, with an unknown result and risk to harm your health (or child health)? Why spend money for ineffective drugs every month?

On a note

Experts themselves come to your home and are guaranteed to get rid of lice and GND in just one procedure, and will also give valuable recommendations, how to avoid re-infection, so that you can never know the problems with your lice in the future.

How does this happen:

  • It is enough to call the operator, inform the address and convenient time and the date of the arrival of the specialist, and from now on, the professionals will be engaged in your problem;
  • The essence of the procedure is guaranteed to fully and safely remove from the hair of absolutely all lice and the GDID by combing on a special technology;
  • The specialist is usually coming on the day of the order or the next, if the order is executed in the evening;
  • No special preparation for the procedure is required - throw back the back of the chair and simply wait for the arrival of the professional;
  • In addition to the procedure, the specialist will give a leaflet, information from which will allow you not to infected with the lice again. In addition, a specialist will have a bug terminator for processing bedside and spray for lice.

After the procedure, your hair will be absolutely clean and free from lice and gnid! There will be no dry nd.

If the procedure was conducted for a child, the specialist will give you a certificate of the lack of lice and the GDID, with which the child will be able to go to the garden or school on the same day.

Why should it be confident in specialists?

You will receive a highly professional package of deliverance from lice and GNID with the departure of a specialist at home.

Key benefits:

  • Highly professional professionals with medical education;
  • Excellent experience - already thousands of people got rid of the lice and safely forgotten about this problem;
  • The safety of the procedure - when combing lice, chemical insecticidal drugs are not used, as a result of which the technology used is absolutely safe for health and is excellent even suitable for small children, inclined to strong allergic reactions;
  • The highest efficiency - after the procedure in the hair there will be no sewing and not a single shorten, and even dry nits are completely removed;
  • A certificate is issued about the lack of lice for a child - with her your child can go to kindergarten or school on the same day;
  • Operational work - a specialist arrives on the day of the order, that is, in the evening, your head will be absolutely free from lice and GDID. If the order is made in the evening, the specialist will come the next day;
  • Low price for services, especially if you compare with how much money, time, nerves and strength you can spend during the year on a unsuccessful war with lies;
  • Absolute privacy - do not fear that someone learns about your problem;
  • Warranty is provided - if during the warranty period you suddenly find in my hair at least one insect or one shorter, then the procedure will be carried out by a specialist for free (in practice it is practically never required).
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