It couldn't be easier: a chocolate cake with strawberries with your own hands. Chocolate cake with strawberries Cake with strawberries and chocolate

The most accurate and complete description: strawberry chocolate cake recipe with photos - from the best chefs in a large but informative article collected from all corners of the net and books.

  • Chocolate and strawberries are a great combination! Let's bake a summer chocolate cake with strawberries! The recipe is so simple, so spectacular and delicious. 🙂

    Once I already experimented on the topic of baking with strawberries and chocolate - I made a biscuit chocolate cake with this berry. However, I liked the new version more - it has a brighter taste and appearance.

    This cake combines and perfectly "friends" strawberries, cream and chocolate. Great company, isn't it?

    Strawberry Cake I made according to the recipe

    boiled chocolate cake

    You can also use this recipe, or

    homemade chocolate cake recipe

    - it will turn out just as tasty, and perhaps even tastier! Boiled water cake is taller, and homemade chocolate cake is fluffier and more tender.

    So, if we cook according to 1 recipe: mix flour, sugar, cocoa, soda, baking powder.
    Separately, beat the eggs, pour in the milk and butter.
    We combine both mixtures, dry and liquid, mix, pour in 1 cup of boiling water and knead the dough.

    We cover the detachable form of 24 cm with confectionery parchment, grease the bottom and sides with vegetable oil.

    Pour the dough into the mold.

    Bake the cake at 180-200C for 50-60 minutes, try with a wooden stick. When there is no dough left on it, and the cake has become high, it's ready!

    We take the cake out of the mold, let it cool, then cut it with a wide knife into 3 parts.

    We do impregnation. I usually soak with tea with lemon, or jam syrup, but now I thought that strawberry soak would go well with a strawberry cake. I took a few crushed berries, rubbed them through a colander and diluted them with cool boiled water. It turned out a fragrant strawberry juice, with which I soaked the cakes.

    No video

    Cooking cream. Butter cream with condensed milk and creamy custard without eggs are perfect for this cake, but the most delicious thing is just thick cream whipped with powdered sugar. Very gentle and pleasant to the taste, and harmoniously combined with strawberries!

    Whip the cream with powdered sugar for a short time, from half a minute to a minute, so that it thickens a little - because if you overdo it, you get butter 🙂

    We spread the bottom cake with cream, and put strawberry slices on top.

    We put the middle cake on top, also grease with cream and spread the strawberries. Cover with top crust.

    Drizzle the cake with chocolate icing. You can melt a chocolate bar with a couple of tablespoons of milk in a water bath. Or make cocoa frosting. This is how she prepares. Mix half a glass of sugar with a tablespoon of cocoa, stir with 3 tablespoons of milk and, stirring, bring to a boil over low heat. When the icing starts to foam, turn it off and let it cool down a little to make it thicker, just don't miss it, otherwise it will sugar and have to be heated again.

    While the icing on the cake has not frozen, decorate it with strawberry slices, if the watering has time to grab, then the decoration will not hold.

    We put the chocolate cake with strawberries in the refrigerator - slightly chilled, it becomes even tastier, cool buttercream is especially good.

    What a gorgeous summer cake!

    Juicy, sweet and ripe strawberries combined with delicate chocolate - what could be better? Probably one of the best desserts in the whole world. What happens when you combine strawberries and chocolate together in a cake? The result will be simply amazing, as every sweet tooth will be delighted. No one will be able to pass by the magical, tender, light and surprisingly delicious cake, cooked with love at home.

    Secrets and tricks of making a cake

    There are two types of chocolate cake with strawberries, namely with pastries and without. As for the preparation of the cake in the oven, it is advisable to make sand or biscuit cakes. You can put chocolate, cocoa powder in the dough. As for the cake without baking, they are made from finished products, namely purchased cakes, cookies, gingerbread. Chocolate strawberry cake, cooked without baking in the oven, may have a jelly structure, and the basis is dairy products. As a cream, components such as:

    • whipped cream;
    • custard;
    • condensed milk with butter and cocoa;
    • sour cream;
    • cheese mass;
    • yogurt;
    • fatty curd.

    It is important to note that all the ingredients are very well combined with each other, and the berry emphasizes the rich, exquisite chocolate flavor of the dessert. For cooking, you will need a high-quality recipe with a photo, some free time and fresh products.

    Interestingly, chocolate cake with strawberries is much longer and better preserved, because the strawberries do not fall apart. However, do not forget that such desserts quickly lose their attractiveness, as the berries still turn sour, let the juice out, so the delicacy loses its appetite and seductiveness. The solution to this problem has several tricky, practical options.

    Read also: Prague cake classic recipe step by step

    1. It is advisable to use greenhouse strawberries, because they have a high density. Despite the fact that it is not so sweet and fragrant, but it is able to keep its shape for a long time and look at the highest level.
    2. If you wish, you can fill the berries with a thin layer of jelly, which can fix them, which will prevent subsequent dehydration. Use the usual jelly, namely transparent or red.

    If you don’t know which cream to choose for making a chocolate cake, then you can resort to the classics, namely strawberries with cream. Oddly enough, but such a combination is the most successful, effective and contrasting. However, other dairy products should not be ignored: cottage cheese, sour cream, yogurt, the taste is just as good. To prepare a low-calorie, light cake, you can take a pasty diet cottage cheese!

    When a recipe with a photo involves the use of chocolate instead of cocoa powder, then it is advisable to melt it in a steam bath. In no case do not forget to stir it so that nothing burns. If you want, you can even melt it in the microwave. If you use cocoa powder in the recipe with a photo, be sure to sift it with a fine sieve. This manipulation will help to avoid the formation of lumps.

    No video

    As for the shelf life of the finished chocolate-strawberry dessert, it is not very long, because the berries are considered perishable products. That is why, use the proposed recipe with a photo to prepare a real confectionery masterpiece with your own hands. Believe me, such a cake will easily decorate any festive table or home tea party.

    chocolate cake recipe

    A delicious, rich, bright cake with a summer berry, covered with icing, will not leave absolutely anyone indifferent. To prepare a dessert, you will need a high-quality, step-by-step recipe with a photo.

    Dough Ingredients:

    • milk - about 140 milliliters;
    • butter - 55 grams;
    • chicken eggs - 3-4 pieces;
    • cocoa powder - 3 tablespoons;
    • sugar - 150 grams;
    • flour - 1.5 cups;
    • soda - 1 teaspoon without a slide.

    Cream Ingredients:

    • sugar - no more than 5 tablespoons;
    • fresh strawberries - 200 grams;
    • fat sour cream - about 200 milliliters.

    Glaze Ingredients:

    • cream - 120 milliliters;
    • chocolate (black or milk) - 120 grams.

    Features of making chocolate cake with strawberries:

    1. Prepare all the necessary ingredients according to the proposed recipe. First of all, it is worth mixing all the dry ingredients, namely cocoa powder, flour, sugar and soda.
    2. Pour milk into a saucepan, add a little butter and heat until it melts.
    3. Crack eggs into a bowl, add sugar and beat with a mixer until fluffy, voluminous. Then gradually introduce the dry part and stir.
    4. Then add warm milk, mix until you get a beautiful, homogeneous and smooth consistency without lumps. Divide the finished dough into 3 cakes, pour into a baking dish. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, bake each cake for twenty minutes, then cool.
    5. The next step is to prepare a delicious, tender, unusually light and airy buttercream. First of all, take care of the strawberries, you need to wash them, get rid of the tails, and then grind them in a blender.
    6. Beat sugar with sour cream, volume should form, as well as viscosity. Mix with strawberry puree, chill in the refrigerator for fifteen minutes.
    7. Next, you can prepare the glaze using the proposed recipe with a photo. Grind chocolate, mix with cream and heat, but in no case boil.
    8. Take a beautiful dish, put the first cake on it, generously brush with strawberry cream. Do this with all the cakes except the last one. It must be filled with icing, and decorate the top with fresh berries of juicy and sweet strawberries.

    Read also: Vegan Cream Cake Recipe

    As you can see, the proposed recipe with a photo is quite simple and original. It does not take too much time to prepare, and the result will please you with its amazing and delicate taste, chic appearance and insanely delicate aroma. Bon appetit everyone!

    Step-by-step recipes for delicious chocolate cakes with strawberries and creamy, sour cream, cheese cream

    2018-05-28 Marina Vykhodtseva

    In 100 grams of the finished dish


    Option 1: Classic Strawberry Chocolate Cake

    The recipe is not only a cake, but also a wonderful biscuit with the addition of chocolate. Cream of sour cream with powdered sugar. It’s just better not to use sand, as it dilutes the mass very much. We choose fresh and dry strawberries, since a lot of moisture comes out of frozen berries, the cake will simply flow.


    • 5 eggs;
    • 3 tablespoons of cocoa;
    • 60 g of chocolate;
    • 1 tsp baking powder;
    • 150 g of sugar;
    • 600 g sour cream;
    • 300 g strawberries;
    • 150 g flour;
    • 90 g powder.

    Step by Step Recipe for Classic Strawberry Cake

    We break the chocolate, put it in a water bath and slowly melt it. You shouldn't overheat it. Mix cocoa with flour and baking powder, sift.

    Whisk the eggs until foamy. If the mixer is weak, then it is better to divide separately into proteins and yolks. We begin to add sugar only when the mass becomes airy. Beat until dissolved and add chocolate flour. You don’t need to beat it with it, it’s better to completely remove the mixer. Stir with a spatula and add melted chocolate.

    For biscuits, it is better to use a detachable form. In this case, the optimal size is 21-23 cm. We cover the bottom, lay out the magnificent chocolate dough. Bake for 40 minutes at 170 degrees. We don't do it above. Then cool completely.

    The cream is the simplest: mix sour cream and powder, if desired, you can add cocoa to it, we get a denser mass. Strawberries need to be cut into slices. That is why it is important to use dense berries. We leave a few things for decoration.

    We cut the cooled chocolate biscuit into three cakes. This is easily done with a long knife. Lubricate all this cream alternately, lay the berries. Since sour cream is used, nothing else needs to be soaked, it will do just fine.

    Gently grease the top, cover the sides. We decorate the cake with fresh strawberries, and let it soak for at least four hours.

    You can make such a biscuit just with cocoa without adding chocolate, everything will also turn out great.

    Option 2: Quick Strawberry Chocolate Cake Recipe

    For such a cake, we simply take ready-made chocolate cakes. As a result, the whole process of preparing an amazing dessert will not take more than half an hour. The cream is made with condensed milk and cream, chocolate bar.


    • 3 chocolate cakes;
    • 250 g cream 33%;
    • 400 g strawberries;
    • 300 g of condensed milk;
    • 90 g of chocolate;
    • 0.5 cups of coffee.

    How to quickly make strawberry cake

    Whip the cream, brew and cool the coffee, you can use cocoa, be sure to add sugar, you can also vanilla. We add condensed milk to whipped cream to give the cream a pleasant taste.

    Chocolate can be added in two ways. Usually it is melted, cooled and poured into the total mass. But you can also just rub it finely and fall asleep. We choose the method that is acceptable for ourselves, but in any case, stir the cream well to get a uniform consistency.

    Cut the strawberries and proceed to the cake. Sprinkle one cake with coffee, but not much, grease with butter cream with chocolate, lay out the strawberries. Cover with the second layer and press lightly. We repeat. Coat the top with cream, sprinkle with grated chocolate if desired.

    Read also: Mole mink cake with bananas and cottage cheese recipe with photo

    You can make homemade chocolate sponge cake for such a cake. Moreover, it perfectly tolerates storage and even freezing.

    Option 3: Chocolate Cake with Boiled Strawberries

    Biscuit on boiling water (aka chocolate on boiling water) turns out to be completely different in taste, but also simple and easy to prepare. This is a wonderful base for chocolate strawberry cake. If everything is prepared correctly, the output will be a wonderful dessert at minimal cost.


    • flour - 2.5 cups;
    • 0.5 st. oils;
    • Two eggs;
    • 6 spoons of cocoa;
    • 300 g mascarpone;
    • 1 st. steep boiling water;
    • 300 g strawberries;
    • 1.5 tsp soda;
    • 1.5 tsp baking powder;
    • 350 ml cream;
    • 5 spoons of powder;
    • 50 g chocolate (for decoration);
    • a glass of milk;
    • 2 tbsp. Sahara.

    How to cook

    The dough for such a biscuit is done quickly, so we immediately turn on the oven and put the kettle on the stove. The oven is heated to 180 degrees. In a bowl, mix flour with cocoa and add soda with baking powder, nothing is required to extinguish separately. Also, do not use only soda or only baking powder.

    Mix eggs and sugar, pour milk. You can beat it with a whisk or generally knead the whole dough with a mixer, it will turn out quickly. Pour the milk mass to the dry ingredients, stir, add refined oil.

    We measure a glass of boiling water, pour it into the finished dough, mix and send it all into a mold. We bake a biscuit in boiling water until cooked. Cool and cut into slices, usually three cakes are made.

    The cream is simple but very tasty. We start with cream. Beat until foam, gradually lay the powder, and then the cream cheese. You don't need to beat him for a long time. We wash and dry the berries, cut the strawberries into two or three plates.

    Now we just assemble the cake. We layer each layer with cream and chopped berries. After applying the next cake, press it a little. Decorate with berries and chocolate.

    You can lubricate the biscuit in boiling water with other types of cream, use ice cream or butter with condensed milk, sour cream with sugar (powder) goes well with it.

    Option 4: No Bake Strawberry Chocolate Cake

    One of the easiest ways to make chocolate strawberry cake. At the heart of cookies, which can also be chocolate, as well as cottage cheese. It needs gelatin to harden. It is very important to dissolve it correctly so that everything works out.


    • 500 g of cottage cheese;
    • 300 g of strawberries (strawberries);
    • 300 g sour cream;
    • 50 g cocoa;
    • 150 g of sugar;
    • 150 g cookies;
    • 60 ml of water;
    • 20 g of gelatin;
    • 70 g butter.

    Step by step recipe

    Grind cookies, combine with melted butter. Mix and send to a detachable mold of small diameter in the region of twenty centimeters. Smooth out and put in the fridge to set.

    While mixing gelatin with water. We insist it for as long as indicated in the instructions.

    It is best to take a blender. Mix sour cream and cottage cheese, season with sugar and cocoa. Beat until fluffy and smooth cream. If you do not want to add such an amount of cocoa, then you can reduce it a little. Sometimes melted chocolate is added. As soon as the gelatin swells, dissolve it in a water bath and add to this mass, mix.

    We wash the strawberries, but you can take strawberries. Cut into quarters, transfer to chocolate curd. We stir. We take out the form with the base, pour the cream into it. Align. If some berries stick out, then lower them inside.

    Let the chocolate cake harden again. Then carefully remove the detachable ring and transfer the dessert to a flat plate. For decoration, you can use a few fresh strawberries.

    The number of ingredients is calculated on a small form of 20 cm. If the dishes are much larger, then simply increase the number of products. It is better not to make a low cake.

    Option 5: Strawberry Chocolate Cake (Quick)

    Another simple and fairly easy-to-prepare version of a berry cake made from chocolate cakes with strawberries. Sour cream is used for dough, we take any fat content. Consistency doesn't really matter either.


    • 3 art. l. cocoa;
    • a glass of sour cream;
    • 250 g strawberries;
    • bank of condensed milk;
    • a glass of sugar;
    • pack of butter;
    • 1.5 st. flour;
    • loosener bag.

    How to cook

    Read also: Quick condensed milk cake recipe with photo

    Beat eggs and sugar, add sour cream, stir, add cocoa with flour and one small bag of baking powder. It usually contains 10 grams. Pour the kneaded dough into the mold.

    Chocolate dough can be baked in a slow cooker, pour it into a bowl, cook for 50 minutes. Or we send it to the oven and cook at 180 degrees for about half an hour. Cool, divide into three thin cakes.

    Beat the softened butter, gradually adding condensed milk. You can use boiled milk. We cut the berries. Lubricate the cake, layer with chopped strawberries.

    You can bake such a cake not only on sour cream, but also on ordinary kefir or take yogurt, everything works out great with them too.


    • 300-400 strawberries
    • 200 g butter
    • 4 tablespoons cocoa powder
    • 3 medium oranges
    • 200 g fine sugar
    • 3 eggs
    • 200 g flour
    • 1 tsp baking powder
    • 200 ml heavy cream

    For decoration

    • 20 g fresh mint

    For chocolate topping

    • 100 g butter
    • 100 g dark chocolate (70% cocoa)
    • 100 g sugar


    Preheat oven to 180°C. For cakes on the bottom of a baking dish (diameter - about 20 cm), lay out the cut-to-size baking paper. Brush the edges with a little butter.

    Add 4 tbsp. l. boiling water in cocoa powder and mix until smooth. Grate the zest from 2 oranges. Beat sugar with softened butter, add cocoa mixture, eggs, flour, baking powder and orange zest, mix gently.

    Divide the resulting dough between the molds and bake in the oven for 20-25 minutes. To check the doneness of the cakes, stick a skewer in the middle of one layer and remove after 5 seconds. If after this the skewer remains clean, the cakes are ready. Cool the cakes for about 10 minutes, then remove from the molds, transfer to a wire rack and let them cool completely.

    Place all ingredients for the chocolate topping in a heatproof bowl. Place it in a saucepan of simmering water (water bath). Make sure the water is not boiling and the bottom of the bowl is not touching the water. Stir until the chocolate has melted.

    Grate the zest of 1 orange and squeeze out the juice. Whip the cream until fluffy and carefully fold in the orange juice and zest.

    Take out the pulp of the remaining oranges and divide into slices. Rinse the strawberries, cut off the stems and cut into small pieces. Leave some of the strawberries to decorate the cake.

    Lay one cake on a plate. Spread the orange cream evenly and drown the orange slices and part of the strawberries in it. Cover the top with the second cake layer and press lightly.

    Pour the chocolate topping over the cake and let it cool slightly. Garnish with the remaining strawberries and orange zest and mint.

    cooking time


    Difficulty of cooking

    A source

    Alexey Karpov

    If you notice an error or inaccuracy, please write to

    The combination of chocolate sponge cakes, cream and strawberries in the cake is considered the most successful choice. The delicate taste of such a dessert will please any sweet tooth. There are many recipes containing these ingredients. You should choose the right one according to the level of culinary skills, the availability of free time and personal taste preferences. Try the classic strawberry chocolate cake recipe. A simple dessert is within the power of every housewife, and it will be enjoyed by the household.

    Required Ingredients

    The dessert is prepared in 2 stages: cakes and cream are made separately. You can complete the steps at the same time to save time. For cakes you will need the following products:

    • flour - 480 g;
    • cocoa powder - 4 tbsp. l.;
    • milk - 200 ml;
    • sugar - 240 g;
    • chicken egg - 4 pcs.;
    • baking powder - 1 tsp;
    • butter - 280 g;
    • chocolate (any dark chocolate without additives is suitable) - 120 g.

    Cream Ingredients:

    • vanilla extract - 1 tsp;
    • cream - 500 ml;
    • vanillin - 5 g;
    • powdered sugar - 60 g;
    • strawberries - 300 g

    Strawberries are considered a natural aphrodisiac, and they also relieve headaches and whiten teeth.

    Step by step recipe

    Step 1. Put the oven to warm up to 180 degrees. At this time, put sugar, chocolate, butter, cocoa and milk in a saucepan. Bring the mixture to a boil, stirring constantly. Remove from heat after boiling. Allow to cool to room temperature so that the milk does not curdle. Whisk eggs into the mixture. Add sifted flour with baking powder. This should be done gradually so that lumps do not appear. Mix until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

    It is better to stir the mixture with a wooden spatula, and not with a whisk or mixer

    Step 2. Pour the resulting mixture into two molds with a diameter of 20 cm. Bake for 30 minutes. But you need to proceed from the power of a particular oven.

    You need to try to distribute the dough equally in each form.

    Step 3. While the cakes are baking, start preparing the buttercream. Take cold cream and start whipping it with a mixer, gradually adding powdered sugar with vanilla, until the cream holds its shape - until stable peaks.

    Whipping cream until creamy with a whisk or fork will not work - you need a mixer

    Step 4. Get the cakes. Let them cool down a bit. At this time, chop the strawberries. The size of the pieces can be chosen as desired.

    Strawberries must first be washed and peeled.

    Step 5. Cut off the top of one cake so that the cream does not drain from it. This blank will go to the bottom layer.

    The cut part can be crumbled and subsequently used to decorate the finished cake.

    Step 6. Take a cake with a cut top, put a thick layer of cream, put chopped berries on top.

    Do not try to lay the strawberries in an even layer - the berries will still press on top

    Step 7. Cover the berry layer with the second cake and repeat the previous step.

    You can use mint leaves as a decoration - they go well with strawberries.

    You can coat the top cake right up to the edges - even if the cream drains a little, the cake will still look beautiful

    Step 8. Chocolate strawberry cake is ready. It remains to let it brew for a couple of hours in the refrigerator, and you can serve it to guests.

    Cakes with open cakes are in fashion, so you can not cover the edges with cream

    For the preparation of the cake, use only high-quality products. It is better to choose domestic strawberries grown in natural conditions. It has a richer berry flavor. Cream is better to choose natural with a high percentage of fat. If possible, you should give preference to natural chocolate without the addition of soy.

    Other Strawberry Dessert Options

    A pudding-based cake can be made from ready mixes. Cakes and sides of the finished product are coated with icing, poured with ganache (an emulsion of chocolate and cream) and decorated with strawberries. Dessert is perfect for a big party.

    Watering the cake with ganache can also affect the berries

    In chocolate buttercream cake, strawberries are used only for decoration. The berry does not fit inside due to the fact that it can release a lot of juice, which can spoil the taste of the cakes.

    Berries can be lightly sprinkled with powder - it will seem that they are in the snow

    Cake with delicate butter cream can be sprinkled with chocolate chips. Openwork elements and strawberries are used for decoration. Dessert is suitable for special occasions.

    Openwork elements can be bought at a candy store or made independently.

    Biscuit cakes go well with creamy berry cream and strawberry pieces inside. The finished product is poured with icing and decorated with whole berries dipped in chocolate.

    You can make not one cake, but several portions, if a large-scale banquet is planned

    Shortbread chocolate cake with a convenient shape is suitable for home tea drinking. The dessert is decorated with whipped cream and strawberry slices. Easy to prepare.

    Filling the cake can be made from liquid chocolate

    Sponge cakes can be smeared with chocolate icing and add strawberries. Whole berries can decorate the top of the cake. It has a rich chocolate flavor.

    The cake recipe is identical to the classic one, only chocolate icing is used instead of butter cream. Even easier to cook

    Sand cake with custard cream and pieces of berries, covered with icing and strawberries.

    Coffee can be added to buttercream for a new flavor combination.

    Cake for a large family celebration with a base in the form of a biscuit with the most delicate creamy coffee layer and icing. The finished product is decorated with chocolate chips and whole berries. An elite version of a chocolate cake that you have to tinker with. The basis is the most delicate biscuit cakes with a creamy layer. The dessert is decorated with cream, sprinkles and strawberries drenched in icing.

    "Tails" of strawberries can not be removed - it will look even more beautiful

    Between two chocolate cakes there is an airy butter cream with the addition of large pieces of strawberries. The finished product is glazed and decorated with berries and mint leaves. Dessert just melts in your mouth.

    Chocolate Strawberry Cake is the perfect treat for family, friends and picky guests. Recipes for this delicacy can be easily modified depending on personal taste. Sometimes the simplest desserts look better: they are easy to prepare, they do not have an oversaturated taste, they have a classic flavor combination. Try to surprise your loved ones and cook this delicacy.

    Stunningly juicy cakes made from simple products, bright berry notes and just a sea of ​​​​chocolate - no one can resist!


    So, a step-by-step recipe for chocolate cake with strawberries:

    First, let's prepare the cream. Bring the cream to a boil (in the microwave or on the stove), break the chocolate into small pieces and send it to the cream.


    Mix thoroughly with a spatula or spoon until the chocolate is completely dissolved and refrigerate for at least 2 hours.


    In the meantime, mix flour, cocoa powder, soda and baking powder, then sift the mixture.


    Beat sugar with sunflower oil with a mixer for two minutes.


    Add eggs and beat for a couple of minutes until smooth.


    Add dry ingredients to the whipped mixture in parts (in two or three doses), pour in milk and boiling water and mix with a mixer at low speed until smooth.


    The finished dough should be glossy, thick, rich brown. And what a chocolate smell, mmm!


    You can bake the cakes in the oven, in which case we divide the dough into two parts and bake each part at 180 degrees for 50-60 minutes (until a dry toothpick is in the center of the cake).

    You can also bake in a slow cooker on the “baking” mode for 1.5 hours. Usually I baked in the oven, but this time I decided to bake in a slow cooker, and it's much more convenient: no need to divide the dough, use two forms, etc.


    The finished cake is very tall, beautiful and fragrant! Leave it to cool for about half an hour at room temperature, and then wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator for about an hour. The cake is very juicy and does not need additional impregnation, but it needs to cool thoroughly.


    For now, let's get on with the cream. Set aside four tablespoons in a separate plate, this will be our glaze.


    Beat the rest of the cream at high speed with a mixer until fluffy thick mass.


    Cut strawberries into random pieces. I cut small.


    We cut the cooled cake into three or four parts (if you had two cakes, cut each one in half accordingly). Put the top part down


    We divide the cream into approximately three equal parts and spread one part on the cake. Spread evenly and top with half of the chopped strawberries.


    From above we grease with a small amount of cream so that nothing goes around :)


    We cover with the second cake, do the same and cover with the last cake, which was at the very bottom, because. it is the most even.


    We cover the top and sides of the cake with most of the remaining cream and put it in the refrigerator for about half an hour so that it grabs.

    Calories: Not specified
    Cooking time: Not specified

    This is not just a chocolate cake with strawberries, this is a real masterpiece! Do you want to cook a delicious and uncomplicated cake, and at the same time decorate it beautifully, but don't know what to choose? I propose to make a chocolate cake with strawberries, which is easy to prepare and turns out very tasty. And my step-by-step recipe with photos will help you with this. Chocolate biscuit soaked in coffee with cognac, sour cream with strawberries and all this decorated with chocolate, what could be tastier? I suggest you cook this one too.


    Chicken eggs - 6 pieces,
    - sugar - 1 glass,
    - flour - 2/3 cup,
    - dough baking powder - 1 tsp,
    - cocoa - 1/3 cup,
    - salt - a pinch,

    Sour cream - 500 grams,
    - sour cream thickener - 1 pack,
    - powdered sugar - 100 grams,
    - strawberries - 300 grams,


    Insoluble coffee - 1 tbsp. (with slide)
    - water (boiling water) - 2/3 cup,
    - cognac - 2 tbsp.

    For decoration:

    - mint leaves,
    - edible pearls for decoration,
    - cream - 80 ml,
    - dark chocolate - 90 grams.

    Recipe with photo step by step:

    First you need to prepare the basis for the future cake, biscuit cake. Separate the whites from the yolks, pour the whites into a mixer bowl and add a pinch of salt. Beat until fluffy and airy foam is obtained, gradually increasing the speed of the mixer.

    Then add the granulated sugar in parts, beat until the sugar is almost completely dissolved.

    You will get a tightly whipped protein that will hold its shape even when the bowl is turned over.

    Pour the yolks into the whites and beat for another 2-3 minutes.

    Then add cocoa, flour and baking powder.

    Turn the mixer on to the lowest speed and beat until smooth. Do not beat for a long time, so as not to disturb the air structure of the dough itself.

    Now you need to prepare the baking dish itself. Cover the bottom of the detachable form with parchment and cut out the sides for the form from the same parchment. The sides are needed so that the dough rises evenly on all sides, and the “cap” in the middle does not rise. Also, in height, the cake can turn out to be higher than the form itself, in which the sides will help. Grease the sides of the mold with vegetable oil and stick the cut strips of parchment to them (as in the photo).

    Pour the airy biscuit chocolate dough into the mold and place in a hot oven for 40-50 minutes. Set the oven temperature to 180 degrees. Baking times may vary slightly depending on your oven.

    Check the readiness of the biscuit cake with a toothpick or wooden skewer. Then take it out of the oven and let it cool completely. After removing the detachable form and preferably for a day leave the cake to rest. If you do not have this time, you can immediately start preparing the cream and impregnation and form the cake itself.

    For cream, lightly beat sour cream with a mixer and, if desired, you can also add a thickener for sour cream, if you have it liquid. I used homemade sour cream and still added a thickener so that the cream keeps its shape and does not spread.

    Then add powdered sugar and mix well. While you can put the cream in the refrigerator.

    Now you can start preparing the cakes. Make markings with a toothpick around the cake in order to make it easier to cut it.

    And with the help of a serrated bread knife, divide it into three equal cakes.

    For impregnation, pour coffee with boiled water, let it cool to a warm state and add cognac. Impregnation for biscuit is ready. Using a pastry brush, soak each cake before applying the cream itself.

    Top with sour cream.

    And lay out the chopped strawberries, which are pre-washed and dried.

    And thus form the whole cake. Lubricate the top with sour cream and make the surface as smooth and even as possible. And put it in the fridge until the cream hardens.

    Now you can start decorating. You can decorate the cake as you wish. I'll tell you about my version of decoration. Wash strawberries and dry on paper towel.

    While the strawberries are drying, you can make the ganache. Heat the cream in the microwave until hot and break a bar of dark chocolate into a bowl. Stir until you get a glossy chocolate mass, according to the density of sour cream. Take a couple of tablespoons of ganache separately and add a little more hot cream to it to make a more liquid cream. Fill a disposable pastry bag with it and make a small hole.

    Then randomly squeeze liquid chocolate cream out of the pastry bag on top of the cake, forming a beautiful pattern.

    Then, using a silicone spatula, grease the sides of the cake well with chocolate, protruding slightly beyond the edges of the top cake. It is to the chocolate cream that strawberries will stick well, with which I will decorate the top of the cake.

    Bon Appetit!

    By "cake" is meant a round-shaped dessert made from several layers. They can be lubricated with jam and cream, soaked in syrup, alcohol, juice, sweet tea; layer with berries, fruits, nuts. And also decorate with icing, ganache, cream, marshmallow mastic, fudge, marzipan, coconut and chocolate chips, whipped cream.

    The first cake (Latin for "round bread") was baked when sugar appeared.

    Cakes are baked from shortbread, puff and biscuit dough with the addition of cocoa, chocolate, coffee. Cakes from them are called "chocolate". The most famous are: "Black Forest", "Brownie", "Prague", "Sacher", "Charodeka", "Pancho" and more.

    You can deviate a little from any recipe and add something of your own, for example, fruits or berries. So it turned out chocolate cake with strawberries, distinguished by a delicate aroma and exquisite taste.

    Secrets and tricks of making a cake

    Chocolate cake with strawberries, like any dish, has its own cooking secrets:

    1. Form for cooking. Silicone, which has appeared recently, can greatly change its geometry when heated, which will adversely affect baking. The most reliable is still a detachable metal form. And the good old “French skirt” has not gone away, in which the bottom of the form is covered with baking paper or parchment, and the sides are oiled and dusted with flour. Then there will be no problems with taking out the cake.
    2. Product dosage. Recipes for any chocolate cakes with strawberries must be followed strictly. This is especially true for cakes with strawberries and chocolate, because with an excess or lack of one or the other, the product can be cloying, sour, bitter, and so on.
    3. Creams for cakes. A wide variety of creams are used for both biscuit and sand cake. Their difference is only in the consistency: for a biscuit they are prepared more dense. If the cake will be with cream, whipped with powdered sugar and decorated with strawberries, then for a biscuit they need to be taken with a higher fat content. Sour cream-based spreads are well suited for shortcrust pastry.
    4. Oven. Each stove works differently and its sensors cannot be 100% trusted. For example, the temperature is set to 180 degrees, and the real heat in the oven is at 200. Therefore, if you smell the delicious smell of the finished dough, you need to slightly open the door and check the readiness with a dry wooden skewer. And in the future, bake products adjusted for the “kookies” of your oven.

    Young cooks may have some difficulty in leveling the cake and applying cream with decoration on the sides. For this, there are special spatula blades, thanks to the bends of which, the procedure is greatly simplified.

    Chocolate Cake Recipe Step by Step

    Chocolate cake with strawberries is not only an excellent dessert, it is able to cheer up and energize, for example, at the end of the working week or in bad weather. Chocolate, which is included in the ingredients for cakes, is a well-known antidepressant, recipes are always delicious with it.

    Dough Ingredients

    In the cake, chocolate and strawberries successfully set off each other's taste. Moreover, under-chocolate can be used not only for making glaze, but also added to the dough, and the berry, in addition to decoration, is used in layers. For chocolate cake with strawberries you need to take:

    • flour - 400 g (3 tbsp);
    • sugar - 1.5 tbsp.;
    • cocoa - 5 tbsp. l.;
    • eggs - 2 pcs.;
    • milk - 1 tbsp.;
    • boiling water - 1 tbsp.;
    • vegetable oil - (0.5 tbsp.).

    In addition, you will need one teaspoon of baking soda and baking powder.

    Before kneading the dough, you need to turn on the oven so that it heats up and reaches the desired temperature in time.

    Cream ingredients

    As a cream for strawberry cake with chocolate and strawberries, whipped heavy cream (2 tablespoons) with powdered sugar (4 tablespoons) will be used.

    An important point in the preparation of chocolate cake with cream and strawberries is good impregnation. For her, take 6-8 large strawberries and 0.5 tbsp. water.

    glaze ingredients

    To decorate desserts in general and chocolate cakes in particular, use the icing according to the recipe to choose from:

    • chocolate (100 g) + milk (3 tablespoons);
    • cocoa (1 tablespoon) + milk (3 tablespoons) + sugar (0.5 tablespoons).

    To decorate a cake with strawberries, you will need another 500 g of berries.

    Strawberry chocolate cake video

    Features of making chocolate cake with strawberries

    To prepare the strawberry, whipped cream and chocolate cake batter, follow these steps:

    1. Step 1. Mix sugar, cocoa, flour, baking powder and soda.
    2. Step 2 Separately, beat eggs with milk, add butter.
    3. Step 3 Combine both masses, mix, brew with a glass of boiling water and knead the dough.
    4. Step 4 Line the bottom of the mold with confectionery paper, grease the sides with oil, which can be pre-melted, and pour the dough.
    5. Step 5. Send to the oven, heated to 180 degrees.

    Homemade cake takes 50 minutes to prepare.

    When the cake is ready and cooled, it is cut into three parts and soaked in fragrant juice from pureed strawberries and water.

    You can use custard cream without eggs, butter with condensed milk or just whipped cream with powdered sugar. The latter are beaten until thickened for no more than a minute so that they do not turn into butter.

    The soaked parts of the cake (lower and middle) are smeared with cream, covered with strawberry slices, the top is poured over with glaze. If it is made of chocolate, then it is cooked in a water bath, in the case of cocoa, all the ingredients are brought to a boil and cooled slightly. They cover the top cake and sides with a still warm filling and immediately decorate with berries so that they freeze in the glaze. Then you get a very beautiful cake.

    You can also make a very delicate cake with cottage cheese filling:

    1. For him, a chocolate biscuit is baked according to the classic recipe and cut into two halves.
    2. Cottage cheese (350 g) is wiped, mixed with sour cream (300 g) whipped with sugar (300 g) and the mass is divided into two parts. Chopped strawberries (200 g) are added to one.
    3. Then spread the cream with berries on the bottom cake, cover with the top and refrigerate for 1 hour.
    4. Then they decorate the side surface and top of the cake with the remaining cream without berries and decorate with whole strawberries (several pieces).

    This option seems very light and airy due to the curd filling.

    In addition to hot cakes, there are recipes without baking, for example, from chocolate gingerbread:

    1. Gingerbread (500 g) cut into slices into 2 or 3 parts.
    2. Whip sour cream (250 g) with cocoa (3 des. L.), condensed milk (4 tablespoons) and sugar (100 g).
    3. Strawberries (200 g) cut into pieces.
    4. Line a deep bowl with cling film. At the bottom, alternately lay out a layer of gingerbread, cream, strawberries. Everyone repeats until the gingerbread runs out. The rest of the cream is spread on top.
    5. The cake is placed in the refrigerator for 3 hours. Take out, turn over on a dish, remove the film.
    6. Chocolate (125 g) is melted with butter (40 g) in a water bath and the cake is poured over the top.

    After 10 minutes, when the glaze hardens, you can start drinking tea.

    Another cookie recipe:

    1. Cookies (300 g) are crushed into crumbs, cocoa (2 tablespoons), melted butter (120 g) and condensed milk (4 tablespoons) are added, kneaded.
    2. Spread the mass on a flat wide plate lined with cling film, level it and put it in the refrigerator.
    3. Whip cream (200 g) with powdered sugar (4 tablespoons) until strong peaks appear. Strawberries (300 g) are washed and dried.
    4. The cooled chocolate mass is taken out of the refrigerator, turned over onto a dish, and the film is removed.
    5. Lubricate with whipped cream (thin layer), randomly lay out the berries and cover with a cloud of the remaining cream using a pastry bag with various nozzles.

    The final touch is chocolate chips on top.

    A very interesting recipe with strawberries and bananas on gelatin:

    1. Gelatin (40 g) is poured with water (150 ml) and left to swell.
    2. Sour cream (700 g) with sugar (1 tablespoon) is whipped, cocoa (2 tablespoons), melted chocolate (1 bar) and vanillin are added.
    3. Gelatin is heated until dissolved and added to the sour cream mass, knead.
    4. Peeled bananas (2 pcs.) Cut into any shape, strawberries (300 g) - into 2 or 4 parts.
    5. Bananas and berries are mixed with chocolate sour cream-gelatin mass, poured into a suitable form and allowed to harden for 4 hours in the refrigerator.

    Such an unusual cake without a flour base is very good as a summer dessert.

    There is one rule for all strawberry cakes. Since berries are a perishable product and do not store for a long time, desserts are best prepared at one time.

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