Jam from raspberry for the winter. Raspberry jam for winter - the best recipes how to make raspberry jam

Raspberry jam is one of those that should be in every home. And most likely it should not even be, but there is! After all, everyone is trying to stock up for the winter with this useful product. Such delicacy we are not only treated from cold cold in winter, but also get a lot of useful substances and positive emotions with it. Well, who does not love him! Probably difficult to find such.

Do you know that raspberry contains a large number of natural salicylic acid. It also contains citric, apple, wine-acid. Therefore, this berry is considered the best natural antipyretic and anti-inflammatory agent.

And if we frozen, and we have the first signs of a cold, the first thing we do is drink hot tea with her. And carefully rose, it happens that the disease does not go further. From the drinking two cups of tea with this berry, there is simply no trace from poor well-being. Berry often helps. The main thing is not to forget to stock it for the winter! So that in the refrigerator always had a cherished jar!

Why in the refrigerator? To preserve all useful vitamins and trace elements as much as possible! The berry is either just a tick with sugar, or for better safety is prepared in the form of a "five-minute", and stored later in the refrigerator. With such methods, all useful substances are preserved in full.

And save it. These are vitamins A, C, E, the Vitamins complex. Vitamins also berries contains a large number of potassium, calcium. Iron, promoting the process of blood formation, copper, which is part of many antidepressants. And a number of other useful trace elements.

Therefore, the berry needs to be stock. It never happens a lot. In addition, it is easier for her simple. Prepare delicious fragrant delicacy from it - one pleasure!

I offer you 5 super fast, but from this, no less delicious, recipes for the preparation of raspberry jam "Five minutes", for the workpiece for the winter period. And also share the secrets and cooking features. To already certainly, your delicacy turned out to be the most delicious, and most useful!

We need:

  • malina -1.5 kg
  • sugar -1.5 kg


1. Walk out the berry. We remove the leaves. We carefully inspect. She loves all sorts of spiders bugs. Especially malinous beetles that lay the larvae in it.

There is a way, thanks to which bugs and their larvae are chosen from the berry. A salty solution is made, based on 1 liter of water 1 tbsp. Spoon salt. Berries are placed in a sieve, and the sieve will enhance into the solution. After 5-7 minutes, all animals pop up. Salted water merges and then beroda need to rinse well in two or three waters.

But you can just go through it. We have our own berries, so we turn it out and not mine.

2. If you have a bodie of purchased, we rinse it in cool water very carefully, so as not to remember. Then we remove the fruit. But not earlier, not to damage the berry ahead of time and not lose juice from it.

3. We put the berries in the colander, and let's keep the water, and the berries will slightly dry.

4. Lay the berries in the pelvis, or other dishes in which we will cook.

For the preparation of delicacy can not be used aluminum dishes. Juice that will be allocated from berries when interacting with aluminum loses its useful properties.

5. Melt the berry. Sugar sugar, mix. For mixing, it is better to use a wooden blade or plastic shovel. Give to stand 1 hour so that sugar dissolve a little.

6. Put on a very slow fire and interfere with it, wait until all sugar is completely dissolved completely. Then fire add and bring the syrup to a boil.

7. During cooking, a foam will appear that will need to be removed.

If the foam does not shoot, or shoot, but not completely, then the jam can quickly blame. And all the works will turn out the pump!

8. After starting the boil, let it get into just 5 minutes.

9. Decistent jam into ready-made sterilized banks and close the lid tightly. Banks I try to take small. To open and do not store it for a long time. Open delicacy, if a long time is stored in the refrigerator can score. And it is very sorry to pour it out.

10. Turn over, cover with a towel and leave until complete cooling.

11. Store ready-made jam better in the refrigerator.

Jam from whole berries

It turns out the billet for the winter from the whole berries. Berries fully retain their taste and beautiful color.

We need:

  • malina - 1.5 kg
  • sugar - 1.5 kg

It is clear that sugars take as much raspberry. Therefore, everyone can cook from the quantity desired for it, but preferably no more than 2 kg of sugar.


1. Berries to go through, rinse, give a track of water.

2. Pour in a pelvis or other container in which we will prepare half of the sugar.

3. Put all berries.

5. We leave for 5-6 hours. During this time, she will let juice and sugar partially dissolve.

6. We put on a slow fire, gently mix so as not to damage the berries. Watch that nothing has burned, especially before that condition until all sugar is dissolved.

7. When all sugar is dissolved, add a fire and bring the jam to boil. Do not forget to remove the foam throughout the process.

If it is prepared only on slow heat, it will lose its beautiful crimson color.

8. Cook for 5 minutes.

9. And immediately decompose into the sterilized banks and close the lids.

10. Store in the refrigerator.

Jam from whole berries - another way

We need:

  • malina -1.5 kg
  • sugar - 1.5 kg


1. We also go through my berries. We put in a colander and give a stance of water.

2. Pour half of the sugar in the pelvis in which we will prepare.

3. Put the berry from above.

4. From above, we smell the remaining sugar.

5. We leave for 5-6 hours so that they can enjoy juice and dissolved sugar.

6. We merge the resulting juice into another dishes. We put it on fire and bring to a boil.

7. After boiling, add raspberries and again bring to a boil.

8. Cook for 5 minutes.

9. Pour the contents to the sterilized banks and close the lids.

10. Close the blanket and withstand to complete cooling.

11. Store in the refrigerator.

Raspberry jam using water and sugar syrup

We need:

  • malina -1 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • water -1 Glass


1. Berries go through, rinse, fold on the colander and give a track of water.

2. In the pelvis for cooking pour water and sugar sugar. On slow fire to cook syrup. Do not forget to periodically stir, so that nothing has burned.

3. Carefully, so as not to damage the berries, pour them into syrup and also gently mix with the help of noise. You can simply twist the pelvis from the side to the side so that the berries are evenly covered with syrup.

4. Bring the syrup to a boil. With the advent of foam, carefully remove it.

5. Prepare berries with syrup can be 5 minutes, but for better safety - 10.

6. Ready jam pour into banks and leave up to complete cooling. Keep refrigerated.

Raspberry with sugar without cooking berries

The berry can be prepared for the winter and without cooking. To do this, it needs to be frozen with the help of a wooden pusher and fall asleep with sugar. Sugar takes a little more than with a hot method of workpiece. I usually be at a kilogram of berries take 1.5 kg. Sahara. But I met recipes where sugars are used and 2 kg. On a kilogram of berries.

Then leave raspberry with sugar at room temperature until the sugar is completely dissolved. Usually it takes about it approximately 24 hours. During this time, it should be intermitted periodically.

After that, lay out the contents in sterilized banks, but not to the end, leaving the top of a few space for the "sugar" pillow. Sugar sugar layer 1 cm, do not mix it and twist it with a lid. And even better cover with tight paper, and tie a ribbon.

Features of making raspberry jam

  • if you collected or acquired a dense not crushed berry, then it is better to prepare it entirely.
  • if the berry is crumpled or soft, it is better to abandon it. It is possible to overtake the berry through the sieve
  • many do not wash it. So you can do if it is your own or forest, and you know how and where she grew up. If you are preparing jam from the purchase of raspberries, then you need to wash it.
  • as noted above for cooking not used aluminum dishes
  • try to use with stirring and lays down the jam into the cans with a wooden or plastic spoon. Metal dishes are better not to use so that the berry does not oxidize
  • in these recipes everywhere, the proportions of berries and sugar are one to one. The amount of sugar can be reduced slightly, it is practiced. But I always adhere to these proportions.
  • do not try to cook at once more than 1.5-2 kg of jam, especially from whole berries so that they do not dismiss each other as their weight
  • the finished delicacy is laid out only in sterilized banks, it is desirable to sterilize them in advance, and let it be able to completely dry.
  • cover for cans should be with a smooth lacquered surface. Try not to use covers that used.
  • you can close the jar with the workpiece, as our grandmothers did. That is, just close with tight paper and tie a ribbon

  • the smaller the cooling time, the more beautiful and the original color
  • you can turn the banks after twisting, and you can not leave not inverted.
  • store the finished jam is better in the refrigerator, or in a cold basement, or in Khrushchev, the refrigerator

What to do if the jam looked or covered with mold

There are two ways, the first - throw out. The second is to try to save!

  • if you have prepared a berry in all the rules, and she still looked slightly, get it out of the cans and lay out back to the cooking dishes. Add to each liter of a cup of sugar and boil 10 minutes. Then decompose again into sterilized banks.
  • such banks need to be marked and use the contents for baking pies, for the preparation of compotes or hots.
  • if the mold appeared on the surface of the jam, then remove it, then remove the layer of jam 2 cm, and try to quickly eat it
  • or do it all the same and pour 2 cm sugar from above, make a "sugar pillow". Sugar do not need to mix

In this article, I tried to tell you about all available options for the preparation of berries by the method of "five-minute". And also paid special attention to the features and subtleties of preparation by opening small culinary secrets. Also, we looked at the troubles that can be involved with our jam. And we considered ways to solve them.

I think that now everyone can choose a recipe for themselves to taste, and without much difficulty welds the delicious and useful raspberry jam in 5 minutes.

Bon Appetit!

I think in every house they try to stock up for the winter with raspberry jam. It helps with colds in winter and contains a lot of useful substances.
Do you know that raspberries contain salicylic, lemon, apple and wine-acid. Therefore, it is used as an anti-inflammatory and antipyretic agent. In childhood, we often came raw and wet through the walk. Then mom disguised us in dry clothes and poured tea with raspberry jam. And then forced to wrap up a blanket and carefully penetrate. And often it happened that the disease was leaving, and without starting.

Malina is a whole storehouse of vitamins. It contains the vitamins of the group B, A, C, E. Also in it a lot of potassium trace elements, calcium, iron. Therefore, raspberry jam must be supposed. It does not happen much. In addition, it is easier to do it. And how do you learn from this article. There are many ways to prepare this wonderful workpiece, we will analyze the most delicious of them:

Before the preparation of jam, a berry should be sure to go away from leaves and bugs. In Railina, various bugs and spids are inhabited. There is a small secret, how to get rid of them. In 1 liter of water, we stir 1 tablespoon of salt. Berries put on a colander or sieve. The dishes are immersed in the salty solution for 5 minutes. And all our insects will be on the surface. After that, the raspberry need to rinse well. Let me lie 10 minutes in the colander to the glasses of excess water.

Malina Jam "Five minutes" (thick)

One of the most popular recipes. Due to the rapid cooking in the berries, many useful substances are preserved.

Ingredients and proportions:

  • Raspberry 1.5 kg
  • Sugar 1.5 kg

Sugar and berries take equal proportions. Therefore, the number of kilograms may vary at your discretion.

Step-by-step recipe for 5 minutes from raspberry:

1. The berry needs to go away from leaves and bugs. After that, the raspberries need to rinse in salted water as described above. Then rinse with ordinary water and leak on the colander. Let me lie 10 minutes in the colander to the glasses of excess water.

2. Now you need to choose dishes in which we will prepare our jam. In the form of the dishes should be not high and wide enough. The pelvis has such a form, so it is considered the best option, for cooking jam. The form for dishes chose. Now we will define it with its material. For cooking jam is best suited for copper, stainless steel and brass.

3. In the pelvis, we pour all raspberries. It must be intermitted with a pusher and fall asleep with sugar sand. We mix carefully our ingredients. We leave for a couple of hours our yummy so that sugar is dissolved.

4. And at this time we will deal with the sterilization of cans. There are many ways: over the ferry, in the oven, in the microwave, etc. I sterilize in the microwave. Banks must be clean. We pour water about 1.5 cm and send to the microwave for 3 minutes at a power of 800-900.

5. We put a container with future jam to the smallest fire. Constantly stirring and bring to a boil. When the jam is boiled, foam is formed on its surface. Gently remove it with a spoon. If this is not done, the jam can be spoiled soon. Let us get bored with our jam for 5 minutes.

6. Jam neatly packaged into our sterilized banks and tightly close the lid. Banks for any jam I use small. To do not store it for a long time when you open the jar. Now our banks must be turned over and give them to cool.

Jam five-minute from whole raspberry berries

Stunning jam can be cooked from whole raspberries. This berry does not have dense skin. Therefore, the berries remain whole, it is necessary to cook it in syrup, which is obtained from the juice of raspberry and sugar when it stands.

Ingredients and proportions:

  • Raspberry 1.5 kg
  • Sugar 1.5 kg

Step-by-step coating of raspberry jam with whole berries:

1. Clean the berries from the garbage (leaves, bugs, larvae). We rinse them with water, we fold on the colander.
2. In the dishes in which the jam will be cooked, we fall asleep half of the sugar sand.
3. All raspberries are sent to the pelvis.
4. The remaining sugar cover our raspberry.
5. Let's leave everything in the container for 5-6 hours. Let Malina give juice. I usually do it for the night. And in the morning I bring the work started to the end.
6. In the morning I begin to sterilize banks, and then proceed to the jam yourself.
7. We light the smallest fire and send the container on the stove. Very gently mix so as not to disturb the integrity of the berries.
8. We are waiting for sugar to dissolve, slightly add a fire. When the jam boils, cook another 5 minutes. Do not forget, carefully stirred and clean the foam with jam.
9. Spill ready-made jam on jars. Thoroughly closing them with a lid.

By the way, it is possible to use and fewer sugar, for example, in this video recipe:

Raspberry jam with whole berries (ordinary cooking)

Another very tasty recipe. Berries during cooking it remains integer. From this there is more benefits and taste.

When you prepare jam from whole berries, do not take a lot of kilograms at once. It will be enough 1.5-2 kilograms, and the berries can crush each other.

Ingredients and proportions:

  • Raspberry 1.5 kg
  • Sugar 1.5 kg

Products take in proportion 1: 1

Step-by-step recipe for making jams from raspberry:

1. In this recipe, it is better to take the best raspberry. That is, there must be clean, large, bought in the market for some grandmother or your own. Because in this recipe, we will not wash it.
2. In the container for the jam we will apply sugar and berries, while the products are not completed.
3. We need everything to be laid 5-6 hours. We do again all overnight. We clean the dishes with the future jam in the refrigerator.
4. Malina will give juice overnight. We need to merge and bring it to a boil. Leave it on slow fire for 10 minutes.
5. And we are still sterling our banks
6. Malina we send, boiled in the juice for about 20 minutes. It is not necessary to interfere with the berries in this recipe. Therefore, the fire is the smallest.
7. In dry and hot jars, we pour our jam. You can wrap, in something warm and allow to cool completely. I use an old cotton blanket. It is necessary in order to reduce the booster time of the jam. Then it will be very beautiful and natural in color.

Rasian jam with gelatin

This is a very interesting interpretation of raspberry jam. This recipe will have to your shower lovers or jams. Due to the fact that it turns out thick, it can be used as a filling for pies.


  • Raspberry 1 kg
  • Sugar 1.5 kg
  • Water 300 ml
  • Citric acid about 10 grams
  • Gelatin 5 gram

Step-by-step recipe for cooking jam with gelatin:

1. In this recipe we will start with gelatin. It needs to be diluted with warm water and give to swell. The package always writes instructions.
2. Sterilize our jars in any way convenient for you.
3. We take large and not crumpled berries. If the raspberry is clean, without dust, then you can not wash.
4. In the dishes gently mix berries and sugar sand. Next, pour our weight with water.
5. We send on the slab for half an hour. Cook on the smallest fire, prevent the jam to be burned. To do this, use a plastic or wooden spoon. Metal raspberries can oxidize.
6. We send gelatin and citric acid into the container. Preparing for another 15 minutes.
7. The finished product is expanding on jars. Store in a dark cooler place.

Raspberry with sugar without cooking

Cooking raspberries this way allows you to maintain all the original vitamins and trace elements that are in it. Indeed, in this recipe it is not exposed to heat treatment. But there is not a big minus of this method - sugar more than usual.

Ingredients and proportions:

  • Raspberry 1.5 kg
  • Sugar 3 kg

The amount of sugar is used 2 times more than raspberries.

Step-by-step preparation recipe:

1. Here is not only selected raspberries for this recipe, but also crumpled berries. And so the raspberry we clean and turn into porridge using a wooden brush.
2. Now add sugar sand to the container. Very neatly mix all. We need sugar all dissolved. In time it is 20-24 hours. Periodically, everything is mixed with a wooden spoon.
3. When sugar completely disperse in the total mass of the jam, you can go banks.
4. In dry hot banks, we lay the finished raspberry mass, but not to the very top. We leave the empty 1-1.5 cm and pour sugar sand. Tightly tighten with a lid. You can use tight paper and rope in an old way. Store in the refrigerator.

In this topic, I told ways and the subtleties of the preparation of raspberry jam. Shared with you some secrets. I hope you too will find for yourself the "perfect" recipe for raspberry jam. And you will delight yourself and our loved ones with this useful delicacy.

Malinic jam mine is one of the most favorite jerseys. I have already published an article about and there I mentioned various jams that I prepared before. Look, all this is very tasty.

Of course you know that raspberry jam is not only sweetness, but also a medicine. The best medicine is raspberry cooked fresh, without cooking. Or with minimal heat treatment. We mainly make raspberries without cooking. Well, 1-2 cans of course cook. With tea sometimes I want it so tasty.

How to cook raspberry jam. Step-by-step recipes for jams from raspberry

Here we will look at mostly jam, which is boiled little and is obtained very fragrant, tasty and helpful.


  1. Recipe with raspberry jam with sugar

We need:

Per 1 kg of raspberries - 1.5 kg of sugar.

If you take sugar 1.7 kg per 1 kg of berries, then you can store at room temperature. But we always keep the raspberry jam in a cool place.


Today we will prepare Malina without cooking or raspberry with sugar. This method makes it possible to save all vitamins. This is also a very simple and fast cooking way. Such jam in the refrigerator is stored.

1. Berries must be ripe and not damaged. Y on raspberry red and purple. My berries and give them to dry. For this, the berries can be carefully scattered into one layer on paper towels.

2. Fall asleep in the berries of sugar.

3. Everything is well mixed.

4. Pushing the raspberry plastic pushing, as well as the potato sweat. Well, stir sugar with raspberry. The dishes with the raspberry are closed with a lid and leave a mixture of sugar with raspberries for 4-5 hours, while sugar is dissolved. Periodically you need to mix raspberry.

5. Everything, jam is ready. Spill raspberry jam on sterilized banks.

6. Close the sterilized covers. We put it on storing in the refrigerator.

We have turned out the fragrant raspberry jam, although we did not cook it, but prepared in another way. But everyone calls it jam.

I do not believe that you were kept and immediately did not postpone in a vase to try.


Pleasant tea drinking!

  1. Rough rapid boat jam for winter


  • Malina - 5 kg.
  • Sugar - 5 kg.


1. Railing to clean from leaves and other garbage.

2. In large pelvis, with such quantities you need a pelvis, pour 1-1.5 kg of sugar to cover the bottom. On sugar lay out raspberries. On raspberry sugar, etc.

3. Thus, spend the whole berry.

4. With sugar with sugar, leave to estimate until the berry stops juice.

5. When the berry gave juice, put the pelvis on a strong fire.

6. When the raspberry boils, you need to remove the foam. Remove the foam carefully and of course immediately give the baby. I remember grandmother always gave me, and I always waited, well, when I call behind the foam.

7. I bring the berry to the boil and cook the jam is 15-20 minutes.

8. After 20 minutes, we pour a couple of spoons of jam on a plate, we spend the spoon in the middle, if the two sides of the jam do not connect, the jam is ready.

9. Raspberry boiling jam is ready. We showed how to cook a large amount of jam. But just, you can prepare 1-2 liter jars.

We break it on banks and put on the refrigerator.

Pleasant tea drinking!

  1. Malina frozen

In this recipe we will prepare a very interesting jelly. It is preparing quickly. Nothing sterilize. Use very convenient.

Jam works alive. Sugar is needed much less. This jam has one drawback, if you cook it a lot, then you need to have a lot of space in the freezer. Yes, we will have ice cream jam.

So, let's begin.

We need:

  • Malina - 1.2 kg.
  • Sugar - 600 g


1. Locked and washed with raspberry, we pour into a saucepan, in which we will cook jam and break the blender. As you already know, you can be suppressed with a brush. But better of course a blender.

2. Located to the smooth mass of the raspberry put on the stove, on a slow fire, without sugar. I bring raspberries to a boil, stirring all the time and cook another 10-12 minutes. We need to have a slightly fluid. As they say, the jam boils.

If you do not have a place where it was possible to freeze, and then keep jam, then you can cook it just too, only sugar take 1 kg. Raspberries - 1-1.2 kg. And spill hot jam into sterilized banks. But it is necessary to store such a jam in a cool place.

Well, or boil, as in recipes above.

3. While we talked to you, our jam boils and becomes fat.

4. Boiled 12 minutes and only now add sugar. Sugar can even add smaller if you want to make less sweet jam and if you just freeze jam.

5. Brought raspberry with sugar to a boil and gave another boil 2-3 minutes. Make that sugar dissolve.

6. As usual testing jam, pouring jam on a suturing and spending in the middle of a spoon. Two separated jam stripes themselves should not connect.

7. The jam was welded. Look, it turned out beautiful, homogeneous, very fragrant.

8. We give jam to completely cool and pour it on plastic jars, like cups for ice cream.

9. Well, if there are few places, you can pour jam into the cellophane package, and better in a double package. You can take special packages for freezing.

10. Such jam in jars is not freezed to a glass state. It becomes very dense, but freely takes a spoon.

Store this jam in the freezer. Very well goes with pancakes or just with tea. He has a taste and aroma of fresh berries.

I think that this raspberry jam - you will like it. Try. Very practical.

Pleasant tea drinking!

  1. Video - Raspberry jam without bones for the winter

  2. Video - how to quickly cook raspberry jam

Bon Appetit!

Malina berries jam has always been considered not a simple delicacy or addition to pie and sweet dishes. It is also a well-known folk remedy for the treatment of colds. There are many different ways to prepare a tasty and useful raspberry jam, but they all are simple and will require not many ingredients, the main of which are berries and sugar.

So that your jam is really tasty and fragrant, you will have to spend time on it - it's not very fast, but the result will surely please.

For any raspberry jam you will need fresh raw materials, ideally, freshly broken. Malina - a berry is very gentle and, lying, quickly gives juice and loses its properties.

For the simplest classic recipe you will need only sugar and raspberries in equal proportions, that is, you need a kilogram of sugar on a kilogram of berries.

  1. The berry needs to be well cleaned from the leaves, dirt, rinse and only then start cooking. Purchase the fruits into the pan, pumped into it half the sugar measure and retain dishes aside for 2 or 3 hours. During this time, the berry will give juice.
  2. Next, the saucepan needs to put on the stove and turn on the heating. As soon as the jam boils, remove it from the fire and leave it. It is better to give him a rest all night.
  3. The next morning the saucepan with jam need to put on fire again, let him boil and remove again from the stove. Then you should immediately pour the second half of the sugar, everything is well mixed up to dissolve the grains and pour jam on banks.

Confiture, prepared for this recipe, not only delicious, but also useful. Due to this method of thermal treatment, the maximum benefit of raspberry jam is preserved, as it is not exposed to long-term exposure to high temperatures. The short boiling is only needed for dissolving sugar and better preservation of jam in winter.

Quick recipe "Five minutes"

"Five-minute" call jam ... which is boiled only 5 minutes! This recipe is suitable for the preparation of dessert in the midst of the summer season, when in the country conditions I don't want to spend a lot of time at the slab. In addition, this recipe will allow you to maintain maximum benefits in berries.

For its execution, take:

  • kilogram of raspberry;
  • 0.5 kilograms of sugar.

If the raspberries you have more or less, in proportion to the desired amount of sugar sand.

Cooking jam is best in enameled dishes - a saucepan or pelvis.

  1. Pure berry pour into a saucepan in small layers, speaking sugar. Give the fruits to stand a couple of hours so that they give juice.
  2. Turn on a small heating on the stove and put a saucepan on it. The berry must heat slowly so that it flows as much as possible juice.
  3. Stirring, let the jam boil and cook for 5 minutes. Bear everything carefully not to crush the berries. In the process of cooking, foam will be formed, it needs to be removed, but you should not throw it away - try it is a separate delicacy.

Hot jam bully over sterilized cans, roll the lids and put the containers inverted, covers down. Wrap your sweet treasure with a blanket or blanket - it should cool gradually. When banks are completely cooled, remove them for storage in a cold place.

Male raspberry without cooking

An even simpler recipe for the workpiece of raspberries for the winter is just to pull it with sugar. This option is not quite jam, since the berries are not subjected to heat treatment, however, it is the most useful, since the fruits retain all vitamins.

In order for such jam without cooking well kept, it requires a preservative, that is, sugar. Therefore, in this recipe it should be 2 times more than berries. That is, 1 kilogram of raspberries take 2 kilograms of sugar sand.

First prepare berries. Some believe that the raspberry is not worthwhile, but others, on the contrary, carefully treat it before preparation.

If you want to make sure that the berries are clean, then follow such an algorithm:

  • Remove the leaves from it, remove the pickled, and then dissolve the salt in the water with a tablespoon.
  • In this solution, place berries and let them stand 10 minutes.
  • If insects were in the raspberry, they will pop up.
  • After that, in several waters, rinse the berries to wash off the salt, and begin to cook the jam.

And this process is very simple:

  1. Fall off the berry with sugar in the enameled dishes and put in the refrigerator for 3 hours.
  2. Next you need to grind raspberries and sugar. You can do this blender, but when contacting the berries with metal, it can oxidize. Therefore, we do the way our grandmothers and moms did, - inherit the berries with sugar wooden spoon.
  3. Banks need to be prepared - wash well and burn out in the oven or quiet. It remains to simply decompose in them the rubbish of the berry and on top to fall asleep on the sugar spoon with a smooth layer. This sugar "cover" protect jam from mold.

Such a berry is not rolled, the banks are closed by the drop-end covers and stored in the cold. This raspberry can not only eat as an independent dessert, but also to brew tea with it, and use it like a filling for pies. Also use such raspberry jam during pregnancy and the sedition of the cold for the prevention of ARVI and ARZ.

Jelly from the berries for the winter

In addition to the large number of vitamin C, there is also a lot of pectin in Mail. It is at the expense of it that will turn out to turn the jam in jelly.

For cooking take:

  • 1 kilogram of raspberry berries;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 200 ml of water;
  • 2 grams of citric acid.

Of course, without adding other gelasting agents, the dessert will not be so stable as traditional jelly, but it will still be very tasty and unusual.

  1. Wash and peeled berries Put in the pan and suppress the rolling or a special pestle. Use only wooden or plastic utensils and enameled dishes!
  2. Next, the rolling raspberries is diluted with water and put on the stove. Bring the mass to boil and boil 10 minutes at minimal heating. After 10 minutes, turn off the fire and give the fragrant composition to cool.
  3. Then the future jelly needs to get rid of the bones, for this it should be wiped through the sieve.
  4. After, the rubbed mass will need to be returned to the pan, add sugar and stirring, bring to a boil.
  5. Welcome jelly need 40 minutes on medium heat, constantly stirring it and removes foam. At the very end, it is necessary to add citric acid, all shred again and remove from the fire.

Jelly need to be poured over prepared banks, close them with covers and remove storage.

Raspberry jam with agar-agar

Agar-Agar is a special product similar to properties with gelatin, which is made from seaweed and widely used in a confectionery business.

For such jam, you will need:

  • 1 kilogram of raspberry;
  • 750 grams of sugar;
  • 1 lemon;
  • half a teaspoon of agar-agar powder.

For jam, agar-agar is useful in that it allows you to prepare a stable, thick jelly. It is easier to achieve the desired consistency with him than without tall agents, only on natural raspberry pectin.

  1. Put the berry with sugar in the dishes for cooking jam and suppress the berries.
  2. Put a saucepan on the stove, bring the mass to a boil, reduce the fire and cook the jam for a few minutes.
  3. After that, add lemon juice into the pan, agar-agar and hold the mass on the light of the minute so that the gelling agent split into the jam.

Hot composition bulk to banks and sunk. If you keep the jam in the fridge, let him cool first cool, and it can be sent to the cellar and hot.

Raspberry jam in a slow cooker

Due to the fact that the multicooker perfectly supports any temperature and in it products are burning not as fast as on the stove, cook jam in it is a pleasure. You can also add other ingredients to the raspberry, for example, a bit strawberry or rhubarb.

For raspberry jam with a rhome, take:

  • 300 grams of raspberries;
  • 1 kilogram of purified rhubarb;
  • 750 grams of sugar.

How to cook raspberry jam in a slow cooker:

  1. For starters, the rhubarb must be cut into pieces, fall asleep with sugar and leave so night so that he will give juice.
  2. The outflow juice should be merged into the multicooker's bowl, select the "cooking" or "quenching" mode and give juice to boil about 7 minutes.
  3. Next, it is necessary to shift the rhubarb and washed with raspberries, mix them with syrup and bring to a boil. Boil 5 minutes, stirring constantly.

After this time, the jam should be dense - this means that it is ready. Boil it to banks and tighten the covers.

To prepare such a jam, you will need a berry and sugar in proportion 1 to 1, as well as 200 ml of water for every kilogram of raspberry.

  1. Pour cold water into a saucepan, boil and pour sugar into it.
  2. Wooden blade mix the syrup so that sweet crystals are completely dissolved.
  3. Again let the syrup boil and pour the berries into it.
  4. Stir and again wait for the boil, and then boil the confiture 15 to 20 minutes.

To check whether the jam is ready, drop the drop to the plate. Ready thickens literally after a few seconds.

Passion to break into sterilized banks and roll the lids.

The benefits of raspberry jam for the body

We all know about the benefits of raspberry jam during a cold. Our moms and grandmothers did not work in vain, as soon as the first signs of this disease were noticed.

  • Due to the large concentration of vitamin C and the presence of phytoncides, Malina is beautifully struggling with microbes and accelerates the metabolism in the body.
  • By the way, phytoncides are also called a natural antibiotic and it is they give their fragrances to berries.
  • Also in the fight against temperature, substances are helping, which are close to acetylsalicylic acid in nature. They dilute blood and help to resist strokes.
  • In addition, raspberry jam is rich in ellagic acid, which prevents the division of cancer pilots and neutralizes carcinogens.
  • And in addition, as part of the raspberry jam, there are vitamins A, RR, group B and beta-carotene.

However, all these substances are stored only in properly cooked jam, and better in the minimum heat treatment. It is also worth remembering that this is a real sugar bomb - the caloric content of the raspberry jam is 273 kilocalories for each hundred grams. So, it is necessary to use it in moderate quantities.

Predated raspberry jam was considered the main folk agent with a cold and throat pain. Many mothers and grandmothers and today do not neglect this sweet medicine in the fight against various viral diseases and flu. A lot of useful substances are really contained in the ray of raspberry, and many vitamins are preserved even after cooking. During the disease, such a delicacy has an antipyretic effect on the body. And all due to the fact that in this beautiful and tasty berry contains chemicals of salicylates, which are the main component of aspirin and painful drugs. Our article presents the best recipes of jams from raspberry. Using them, you can easily cook such a sweet medicine for the winter.

Familiar since childhood Sweet delicacy will be very tasty and will be kept much longer if with his cooking the following tips:

  1. The first question that exciting owners decided to prepare this dessert for their family is how much sugar per 1 kg of raspberry for jam will need. It all depends on how long it is planned to be stored and whether it is to be thermal processing. If the jam is preparing a traditional way on the stove, it is enough to add sugar in a ratio of 1: 1. But you can put less, to taste. If the raspberries do not plan to cook, then 1,5-2.0 kg of sugar should be added per 1 kg of berries.
  2. In order for the jam to be spoiled during the storage and not covered with mold, the surface of the bank is recommended to sprinkle with sugar (there will be 50 g).
  3. If insects were found in the berries, get rid of them to help salt. For this, raspberries are lowered for several minutes into a special solution. To prepare it, you need to dissolve the teaspoon of salt in 1 liter of water. Immerse the berries into the solution, and then leak them on the colander and rinse under running water.

Five-minute jam from raspberry

This recipe is good because the berries in the cooking process are not falling apart, but remain integer. Such homemade raspberry jam is not only delicious, but also beautiful. The process of its preparation consists of several steps:

  1. Berries (1 kg) are moved and carefully washed if necessary. If the raspberry is clean and it does not contain insects, this stage can be skipped.
  2. Whole berries are covered with sugar (600 g or to taste).
  3. Before starting cooking, Malina should stand in sugar 5-6 hours. During this time, juice is highlighted from berries.
  4. For this recipe, the raspberry jam is preparing on slow fire exactly 5 minutes. During this time it will become more dense, but the berries will continue to remain integer. The foam appears on the surface should be removed. The finished delicacy is laid out of hot banks, rolled out with covers and wrapped in 6 hours.

For the next dessert, only two ingredients will also be needed. Such a ray of raspberry for the winter is preparing exclusively of ripe berries and sugar without adding pectin or gelatin, but it will turn out enough thick and very tasty.

A step-by-step recipe for sweet delicacy is as follows:

  1. Berries (1 kg) are flooded with cool water for 5 minutes, lean on the colander, are washed and shifted into enamelled or glassware.
  2. With the help of potatoes or plug, raspberries are mixed. Berries will cease to be integer, but it is not scary.
  3. From above, raspberries falls asleep with sugar (700-1000 g).
  4. In the pot of berries are left for 2 hours so that of them are enough for enough juice.
  5. Raspberry jam is cooked on slow fire in two approaches. First, you need to bring the contents of the pan to the boil, and then cook without a lid of 10 minutes, stirring constantly.
  6. After a complete cooling of the jam, it is sent to the stove for 10 minutes. Literally in front of the staff will be dense. Now it is laid out on banks and rush with covers.

Cooking without cooking

In the process of heat treatment, useful raspberry berries lose some of the vitamins. In particular, we are talking about vitamin C, which is destroyed during cooking. So that the raspberry jam is most useful as possible, it is not necessary to cook it. Just mix the berries with sugar and decompose them on sterile jars.

For the preparation of grinding from raspberry without cooking, the ingredients are taken in the 1: 2 ratio. This means that 1 kg of sugar should be taken on 500 g of berries. Further, raspberries with sugar is crushed with a wooden mortar or submersible blender. The finished jam is immediately unfolded by banks, leaving 1.5 cm to the edge. This space is filled with sugar, which performs the function of a preservative.

Black currant jam and raspberry

According to the next recipe, a full-fledged dessert can be prepared, in which the raspberry berries and black currant are perfectly combined to taste.

How to cook jam, tells the following step by step instruction:

  1. Pour 2 glasses of water in the pan and bring them to a boil.
  2. In boiling water, pour the berries of black currant (6 tbsp.) And raspberries (2 tbsp.).
  3. Pour 7 cups of sugar into a saucepan. Stir all the ingredients with each other.
  4. Bring the jam to a boil. Continue cooking it with constant stirring for 45 minutes. During this time, the jam should be in moderation thick. You can cook this same delicacy and in two stages. Then on the first day, it should be prepared for 15 minutes, then cool, and put on a slow fire for 20 minutes.
  5. Ready jam should be poured over sterilized banks and roll. Of this amount of ingredients, 4 500 ml cans are obtained.

Jam from raspberry berry without seeds

From such a delicacy will be difficult to refuse even to people who do not consider themselves sweet tooths. The raspberry jam prepared for the recipe below is amazingly gentle, and all because it does not have any bones. According to the consistency, it resembles jelly, but in the cooking it is not added to it, neither gelatin nor other thickeners.

Step-by-step cooking consists of the following steps:

  1. Pour pure berries (1.2 kg) and pour them with water (2 tbsp.).
  2. Cooking raspberries on a slight heat 20 minutes after boiling.
  3. A colander or a sieve is made of gauze folded in several layers.
  4. Little portions lay the cooked berries with syrup and gradually peat them, periodically pressing gauze.
  5. Returning raspberries to the pan, fall asleep with sugar (1.5 kg) and put on a small fire. Cooking jam 1 hour until it becomes sufficiently thick.
  6. Keep such a treat in sterile banks throughout the winter.

Jam recipe with gelatin

Such a delicacy will enjoy all lovers of jelly. In preparation on this recipe for the jam from raspberry, gelatin is used, which makes it thick on consistency and very tasty. Step-by-step cooking process looks like this:

  1. Raspberry moves from garbage and goes into a saucepan. It is advisable not to wash the berry in the water. The excess fluid in the jam is absolutely not needed.
  2. Raspberries falling asleep with sugar in proportion 1: 1. The berry is left for 2 hours at room temperature. During this time, she must let a lot of juice.
  3. Pan with jam goes on the stove. Its content is brought to a boil and boiled for 10 minutes.
  4. At this time, the powder gelatin (50 g per 1 kg of berries and sugar) is soaked in cold water. It will be enough to take 300 ml of liquid.
  5. In a bit cooled jam, swelling gelatin is added. The mass is thoroughly mixed and distributed to banks.

Fragrant Raspberry Strawberry Jam

These two summer berries are perfectly combined with each other not only in color, but also to taste. About how to cook jam from them, will tell the following step by step instruction:

  1. Raspberry berries (600 g) and strawberries (400 g) go through, wash and fold into a saucepan.
  2. Fall asleep with sugar (1000 g) and leave 20 minutes before the juice appears.
  3. Press with berries to put on the stove. Bring the ingredients to a boil and, constantly stirring them, cook the jam 30 minutes.
  4. Remove the saucepan from the stove. Cool jam slightly and roll it in banks. It is possible to store a delicacy at least 1 year in a dark and cool place.

No less delicious, rain and gooseberry jam is obtained. Prepare it also just like the previous strawberry-raspberry dessert.

Jam with oranges and raspberries

Delicious dessert with a spicy citrus note can be prepared according to the following recipe. The jam from the raspberry and oranges is preparing very simple:

  1. Berries (1.5 kg) move, wash and left for some time in colander so that the glasses are excess water.
  2. Oranges (3 pcs.) Cleanted from the peel and thin white film, cut into pieces and added to raspberries.
  3. Sugar (1.5 kg) is poured on top.
  4. The saucepan is put on a small fire. The ingredients are brought to a boil and cook in 3 stages of 10 minutes. Before each subsequent thermal processing, the jam cools around two hours. You can cool the contents of the pan longer, then the dessert will be more dense.
  5. While boiled jam, banks are sterilized in the oven for 20 minutes at a temperature of 100 °. Tin covers should be boiled in water.
  6. The finished jam is packaged by banks, covered with covers and rolled up with a cans.

An in the same way can be prepared with delicious jam with raspberries and lemon. Purified slices (without films and peel) are also cut into pieces and added to the pan to berries. Due to acid, the taste of raspberry jam is not so apparent.

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