How to prepare flour for tempura at home. Japanese kitchen

Tempel flour is used in the Japanese and Asian cuisine for the preparation of a temporary blister. Tempura cans designed for frying in fryer shrimps, vegetables and hot rolls. Crawn chisto on your taste by changing the amount of icy water.

It is easiest to buy a special tempry flour and on the packaging to carry a recommended recipe ... But far from everywhere such flour is on sale, not even in every supermarket of large cities. Therefore, in the list of ingredients, I bring the exemplary composition. Instead of some flour, you can also take a portion of starch.

The following spices can be added to the clarity from templar flour: a mixture of curry, sharp peppers, garlic powder.

Stir eggs with ice water. For the consistency of the klyar, like the dough for the pancakes, the water needs to approximately as much as the flour.

Add flour and, optionally, breakdown.

Stir the mass by hand for a fork or a wedge into a more or less homogeneous mass and a clarity is ready.
Add to it to taste or depending on the purpose of salt and spices.

Clar for use should be cold, sometimes the ice cubes are even placed in it. This is me that it is recommended to keep it in the refrigerator. Tempura is ready.

Successful experiments!

Tempura or Tampur is a category of Japanese dishes that are prepared from seafood and vegetables by frying in a special purple and frying in deep fryer.

In the country of the Rising Sun, these dishes are so popular that they are served at every turn - and in expensive restaurants, and in ordinary street eateries.

The main secret of cooking Tempura is a special calcine that is made on the basis of temporary flour. It includes wheat flour, rice flour, corn starch, egg white, baking powder and salt.

To prepare a klya, except tempted flour, very cold water and eggs are needed.

Collecting Clay Recipe:

  • In the deep dish, beat one egg, and add 100 ml of chilled water.
  • Gradually add 80g templar flour, stirring with a fork or a wedge. Do not worry if, when mixing, lumps appear. According to the Master of Cooking, lumps give the final dish airiness.

Fry pieces of products in a deep frying pan with butter. To catch the desired oil temperature, before frying it is worth dripping into a frying pan - if the dough drop boils, then you can fry a tempor. It is important not to remember the dish, otherwise all the taste will leave.

Roasting lasts long, turn over every piece only once, when one side becomes crisp.

Topics for cooking Temur:

  1. cooking the purple is necessary immediately before frying;
  2. products are needed only the freshest, it is necessary to cut them into pieces of this size so that in the finished form they freely fit into the mouth;
  3. during the preparation, a bowl with a klyar should be away from the plate;
  4. in the process of frying it is impossible to allow fried temperature jumps.

Tempura (or Tampur) is a special category of Japanese dishes. Gourmets are convinced that Tempura is the embodiment of the basic principles and features of the cookery of the country of the rising sun. The freshest products that are used to prepare tempura, unusual thermal processing, special technique is a real triumph of Japanese cuisine. The culinary was able to combine, it would seem that two mutually exclusive characteristics: products cooked in the batter and fried in deep fryer, nevertheless, retain their original taste and are not fat.

general characteristics

Curious fact: Although for most Tempur foreigners is a real quintessence of Japanese cuisine, in fact it is a dish - European origin.

Tempura recipe brought Portuguese missionaries to the country of the rising sun. This name comes from the Latin word "Tempora", meaning the word "time" in the plural. Missionaries from Portugal called so the post period - namely, the so-called Quatuor Anni Tempora, or "four years of year". These were the periods lasted for three days at the beginning of winter, spring, summer and autumn, during which Catholics should have fastned. Eating vegetables, as well as fish and other seafood. In order to diversify their taste, the inventive adherents of Catholicism fry them in the batter.

Over time, Tempur is ideally "fitted" to Japanese cuisine, adapting to local culinary traditions. To date, under this title, vegetables (or asparagus), fruits, fish, seafood (or), and rolls are known under this title.

The raisin of Tempura is a special calcine, which is prepared from three ingredients: ice and tempted flour. It is the last component that provides an unusual taste and aroma dishes, and also contributes to the formation of a crispy crust.

The composition of the flour of Tempura

Tempura Flour, also known as Tampur Flour or Tempore Flour, is very popular with the cooks of many Asian countries and is widely used for breading.

The basis of Tempur Flour is. It also includes potato starch, spices (pepper and dry) and.

The exact proportions of the ingredients by the manufacturers of the main component of the popular Japanese dishes are kept in strict secrecy. Therefore, to reproduce with absolute accuracy, the recipe for the darkness flour at home, no matter how regrettable, it is impossible.

Real gourmets acquire the basis for the preparation of Tempur Craw in specialized Japanese stores or supermarkets.

Those who, to the authenticity of Japanese cooking, are less precisely satisfied with an approximate surrogate based on a mixture of wheat and starch.

Chemical composition and calorie

The energy value of tempura flour is 334 kcal per 100 g of product. The composition of nutrients is as follows: 10.8 g, 1.3 g and 69.9 g.

Chemical composition: Vitamins (per 100 g of product)
0.2 mg
0.12 mg
0.05 mg
0.6 mg
0.03 mg
8 μg
0.47 mg

Vitamin E is one of the most powerful flour. It has a property to significantly slow down the process of cell aging. In addition, alpha-tocopherol increases the body's resistance to bacteria and viruses and effectively stimulates regeneration processes in tissues. Also, Vitamin E has a beneficial effect on the bloodstream, increasing the elasticity of the vessels and improving their tone.

Vitamin B1 is one of the main participants in carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism. In addition, it stimulates the work of the brain, increasing cognitive abilities and improving memory.

This substance also has a property to slow down the processes of aging and normalize heart rate.

Vitamin B2 is a biologically active substance that plays an important role in the normalization of blood formula. In particular, it helps the absorption of iron, contributing to the formation of red blood cells. In addition, this vitamin is responsible for the condition of the mucous membranes, preventing the development of inflammatory processes and accelerating the regeneration of tissues. Vitamin B2 is also needed in order to maintain visual acuity, both light and color.

Vitamin RR plays an important role in the redox processes that occur in the body. So, it contributes to cell division, tissue regeneration, participates in hemoglobin synthesis. In addition, his drawback can manifest itself with skin problems - the skin begins to peel, the rash appears on it, dermatitis may occur.

Vitamin B6 is one of the elements of the synthesis of nucleic acids, which slow down the aging process. It is also an effective anticonvulsant and helps prevent nervous disorders.

Vitamin B5 is responsible for the condition of the skin and hair, supporting them in excellent condition. In addition, it participates in the synthesis of a variety of hormones and the necessary proteins and contributes to the assimilation of other vitamins by the human body.

Tempura flour is an important source of potassium. This substance with the participation of sodium regulates the water balance in the cells of the body, and also normalizes the activities of the heart muscle. In addition, potassium prevents the appearance of edema and has antihistamine action, preventing the development of allergic reactions.

Phosphorus is an element responsible for the condition of the tooth and bone tissue. In addition, it participates in the synthesis of a number of enzymes, helps to absorb vitamins and supports the activity of the nervous system, for example, makes it possible to painlessly cope with emotional and mental overloads.

The sodium microelement is necessary for the production of gastric juice and activating the salivary gland. It also has a vasodilatory effect and helps maintain an acid-alkaline balance in the body.

Calcium is one of the cell components of the cells and their membranes, and also actively participates in the metabolic process. In addition, its disadvantage can manifest bones, deterioration of dental enamel, joints.

Zinc is a preventive tool against the development of diabetes, takes part in the formation of bones, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, it is endowed with the ability to improve tissue regeneration.

Finally, the manganese is one of the components that are responsible for maintaining the proper level in the blood, acting as a prophylactic drug against diabetes. He also effectively lowers the content of "bad" in the blood, preventing the appearance of atherosclerotic plaques, and participates in the process of lipid metabolism.

Harm and contraindications to use

There is a popular view that the purple on the basis of tempted flour is much more useful than the usual "European" and "American", which is prepared using ordinary wheat flour. Nevertheless, nutritionists are not so optimistic.

Shrimps in a beater from templar flour

In the container with very cold water, break the egg, mix thoroughly. There, add flour and immediately mix the dough. Under the consistency, the templar can be similar to the dough, which is commonly used for the preparation of pancakes.

Shrimps defrost, clean from the skins. Pickles are left - for them it will be very convenient to dull shrimps into the clarity.

In the pan, warm the oil. Holding for the tail, dip each shrimp in Clar, so that it turns out to be covered with them from all sides, and throw in the pan. Fry for two minutes on each side.

Pretty shrimps lay out on a paper napkin to glass extra oil.

Rolls in a pair of Tempura Flour

For the preparation of hot rolls in a beater of Tempura flour, you will need the following ingredients: 100 g for sushi, algae nori, 40 g of weakly salted, as much, egg, tablespoon, flour for tempura, cold water, 60 g of small breadcrumbs, oil for roasting , tablespoon of rice vinegar, salt to taste.

Rinse the rice under cold running water several times. Do it most carefully so that the water in the bowl eventually become perfectly clean, without extraneous impurities. In a small pan, pour out 200 g of water, satisfy. Bring to a boil, then pour rice, mix and cover the lid. Wash rice should for a quarter of an hour. After that, turn off the fire and give rice to strengthen for twenty minutes. Give the cereal to cool and add one tablespoon of rice vinegar, sugar and salt.

Nori leaf cut into two halves. From each can be prepared one roll.

At the mat for rolls, put the nori overall down the shiny side. Lay out the rice and distribute it on the surface of the leaf to a smooth layer. At the edges, it is necessary to leave an indent so that rolls can be tightly wrapped.

Turn the sheet. Now you can proceed to lays down the fillings: first place the necessary thin slices of fish, and then creamy cheese. Using the mat, wrap the roll and form it.

The next stage is the preparation of a beater based on tempted flour. Build a flour for tempura in a bowl, add an egg there and pour cold water. Mix so that lumps and bubbles are left in the mixture - it is in this "chip" tempura. Fait every roll in the clarity, then in breadcrumbs and lower the frying oil in the pan. Fry it is necessary literally a minute on each side.

Finished rolls lay out on a paper towel to absorb over oil. Then cut them on six or eight pieces and serve on the table.

I never really loved shrimp, but once decided to cook them for a holiday in Tempur, and you know, I liked it insanely!

For this I used Bread flour "Tempura" Sen Soy.

Price:120 rub

Weight: 150 gr


wheat flour, rice flour, corn starch, baking powder, seal, salt.

Energy value per 100 grams:

360 kcal / 1510 kj

Manufacturer: Vietnam


Tempura is a popular Japanese dish from products prepared in a grain and fried in deep fryer. The main thing in Tempurh is a calcaner, it is preparing from a special breading flour or breading, so it is formed a tender, crispy crust, and the products remain juicy and retain their taste.

The bread flour of Tempura "Sen Soy PREMIUM" is made according to a special recipe. Such a flour is difficult to prepare independently at home. A lightweight mixture of wheat and rice flour, starch and salt form aircraft, in which vegetables, fish, seafood and chicken turn into wonderful dishes with a mild taste and a delightful aroma.

Prepare Tempura very easy:

1) Pickles of royal shrimp collapse in breading flour

2) We divor the breading flour with water into the clarity, it should be thick, viscous and with lumps

i also assume the punishment, because it is not very salty

3) Surify each shrimp in Clar, so that it is good it covered

4) Fry in deep fryer until Golden Cork

IN total fry time for about 2 minutes. (I'm frying them not quite in deep frrot, as I just can't look at how foods float in oil.)

Products cooked in the batter maintain most of their vitamins, as they are protected from excessive exposure to high temperatures. In addition, there is no direct contact with oil with a roast, so the dishes in such breading are nutritious and useful. They are easily absorbed by the body and leave the feeling of satiety for a long time.

What happens:

What is the Tempura flour and how can it be done on your own? Chemical composition and nutritional value. Useful properties and harm in the ingredient for a beater, recipes of dishes and interesting facts about it.

Tempura flour is the ingredient for a klyar cooked according to special technology. The composition includes: flour of fine grinding of wheat of solid varieties, starch potato, rice flour, sea salt and several types of spices. More often, preference is given to dry garlic and black pepper. Used in national cuisine of East Asian countries (mainly in Japan) for the preparation of several groups of products - vegetables, fruits, rolls, acne and shrimp.

Features of the manufacture of darkness flour

To prepare a real Japanese dish, the ingredient for the klyar is best acquired in the store. A self-respecting Japanese cook will never tell anyone how to make a launching flour Tempura - every school has its own traditions.

If you can not get the desired product, the ingredient is mixed alone: \u200b\u200b1 part of potato starch, wheat, corn or rice flour, a little sea salt - so that the taste was slightly felt. Sometimes the ground pepper and dry garlic are spicked, but on the tip of the knife. There are no longer seasoning undesirable. However, it will not work as in Japanese restaurants, it will not work.

But if you want to prepare the tempful dough to prepare more gentle, increase the enveloping properties, then use the usual bakery baking powder. The dish cooked with a similar ingredient will be in taste almost the same as in Japan's restaurants. The main thing is to make a clarity correctly, observing national traditions and proportions indicated in the recipes.

Important! Thanks to the klyar with the pace of tempura, products acquire a special taste and save all useful properties. They become juicy and quickly absorbed.

The composition and calorie of the flour of tempura

The nutritional value of the ingredient for the klyar is high enough. We should think about the introduction of dishes made according to special technology, in your diet.

The caloric content of Tempura flour - 334 kcal per 100 g, of which:

  • Proteins - 10.8 g;
  • Fats - 1.3 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 69.9

Vitamins per 100 g:

  • Vitamin E, alpha-tocopherol - 0.2 mg;
  • Vitamin B1, thiamine - 0.12 mg;
  • Vitamin B2, riboflavin - 0.05 mg;
  • Vitamin RR, nicotinic acid - 0.6 mg;
  • Vitamin B6, pyridoxine - 0.03 mg;
  • Folates - 8 μg;
  • Vitamin B5, pantothenic acid - 0.47 mg.

Mineral substances in the composition of 100 g:

  • Sodium - 77 mg;
  • Potassium - 150 mg;
  • Calcium - 45 mg;
  • Magnesium - 11 mg;
  • Phosphorus - 100 mg;
  • Iron - 0.6 mg;
  • Zinc - 0.3 mg;
  • Copper - 0.08 mg;
  • Manganese - 0.44 mg.

These substances in the composition of the flour Tempura most. Also in it a small amount of Lutein + Zeaxanthin, Betaine, Cobalt, Molybdenum.

A feature of Japanese cuisine is multicomponential, and dishes made by skilled chefs - a standard of healthy food. Japanese Clar can use those who have forgotten the taste of fried foods because of individual contraindications.

Useful properties of tempura flour

Due to the complex composition, the product has a beneficial effect on the body, although he does not possess the therapeutic effect.

Tempur flour benefit:

  1. Slows down the offensive of age-related changes in the cellular level, stimulates the processes of regeneration in the epithelium, has anti-inflammatory properties.
  2. Improves the work of the brain, increases the concentration of attention.
  3. Normalizes cardiac rhythm.
  4. Increases the production of erythrocytes, speeds up the bloodstream, increasing the tone of the vascular walls.
  5. Warns the development of stomatitis and conjunctivitis.
  6. Stabilizes the work of the optic nerve, reduces cases of manifestation of chicken blindness.
  7. Stops the development of osteoporosis and caries, reduces the exacerbations of arthritis and rheumatism, improves the quality of teeth, hair and nails.
  8. Enhances the local immunity of the skin.
  9. Stimulates metabolism, lipid-protein metabolism, contributes to the assimilation of the vitamin and mineral complex from products that are used during the food intake.
  10. Normalizes the work of muscle and nervous tissue, suppresses convulsions, prevents the development of insomnia, helps to recover after physical and emotional overloads.
  11. Stimulates the production of digestive enzymes and bile salts.
  12. Helps hold fluid in the body.

The useful properties of tempura flour can be ranked and the fact that products in the grain, made of it, can be administered, albeit in a small amount, in the diet of patients with diabetes mellitus and atherosclerosis. Recommendation: Carefully analyze which products are frying so that the condition does not deteriorate.

Contraindications and harm of tempura flour

The absolute contraindication of cooking on this technology, with the addition of the ingredient for the klyar, is the individual intolerance to the components of the flour. Maching it yourself, the undesirable component can be eliminated.

People suffering from polyvalent allergies, it is better to completely refuse to completely from the store. To say exactly what is included in it, it is unknown - as already mentioned, manufacturers store professional secrets.

The damping of tempura with flour can bring people suffering from the diseases of the digestive tract - ulcerative disease, Crohn's disease, diverticulitis. But this warning concerns only regular use. Roasted increases the possibility of erosion and neoplasms.

Do not get acquainted with a new dish with chronic pancreatitis and dyskinesia of the biliary tract in the aggravation stage. If the volumes of the figure are far from perfect or a history of obesity, you will have to limit the use of a small piece.

Recipes Dishes with Tempura Flour

A feature of the preparation of the klyar is mixing. You need to do it so that the flour lumps are preserved and, necessarily, air bubbles. Storage is not allowed. If you plan to prepare for a large number of guests, the clarity is updated several times. It is impossible to lower the vegetables of different types in the same mixture.

It is considered a culinary crime if, after roasting seafood, the same Clarket is used to prepare vegetables, or vice versa.

Recipes with Tempura Flour:

  1. Shrimp. The number of the klya is designed for 0.5 kg of royal raw shrimps. Japanese chefs will never allow themselves to use frozen seafood, but in European conditions it is impossible to find fresh. Proper cleansing is carried out according to the following algorithm: shrimps are defrosting, separated heads, carefully pull the tail over the tail to remove the entire sheath. To facilitate the action, the paws are cut off first - if they are packed with a bag with caviar, and then a sharp knife is cut on the stomach. Deleting chitin, pull the dark esophagus with livelihoods. Purified shrimp is washed under running cold water. In the ice water, 1 cup, ride the egg and sprinkle the flour of tempura. The amount is determined on the eye - the dough consistency should be the same as for baking the foddes, that is, not very liquid. Stir back-up so that the maximum number of air bubbles can be in the grain. Heat the frying pan, pouring sunflower oil, so much so that shrimp drowned in it. Take each tail, immersed in the dough, and then transferred to the pan. Fry from two sides to 1.5-2 minutes. Finished shrimps are folded on a dense paper towel to remove excess oil.
  2. Vegetables with sauce. First produce sauces of two types. To make a "Romasko", put itze the oven (the regulator is set to 200 ° C. on a baking sheet generously smeared with refined sunflower oil, lay 4 whole tomatoes, half of the garlic head, without rigid peel, 2 Spanish sweet peppers (Nyorra variety), 1 piece Tarry black bread. 10 minutes baked, remove peppers and bread, and everything else is left in the oven for another 15 minutes. Clean vegetables, the bread is cut into pieces, everything is placed in a blender bowl and add 1/3 chili pod, 50 g of roasted almonds, 20 H Funduka, wine vinegar - 1 tbsp. l, a little salt. Everyone is mixed, pour half a glass of olive oil and re-include a blender. For the second tartar sauce, there are 2 bulbs with green feathers, snapped into the bowl of the blender, yolk Boiled eggs and pour a glass of mayonnaise. Both sauces are cleaned into the refrigerator and are engaged in vegetables. Clean 3 red bulbs and cut rings, 2 colored sweet peppers - cutting thick strips, zucchini and eggplant section Eating circles. Only after that, the ingredients are mixed for the beer - in 150 ml of the dark beer in advance in the freezer, 150 g of tempura are poured. Olive oil is heated in a deep thick-walled frying pan, the vegetables fall into it on the noise of 2 minutes. Washed with a paper towel and immediately lay out on the plates. Vegetables are served hot, and sauces are cold.
  3. Fish with flour for a pacar of Tempura made independently. White rice is washed and dried out per day before the planned cooking dishes. Then grind it on the coffee grinder. Mixed in proportions: wheat and rice flour, starch - 2: 1: 1. 500 g fillets of sea fish are cut by oblong portion pieces, onions - 2 pieces - rings. Papered paper towels in advance, to get rid of excess oil. To make a clarity, whipping 3 eggs protein from 1/4 tbsp. Chilled white wine and 100 g of ice water, suprate the self-made flour mixture, stirred. Heat the sunflower oil in the Kazan so that it boils, lower the fish pieces. When the ruddy crust appears, everyone is laying out on a paper towel. Mix the second portion of the klyar - now in it roasted vegetables. When roasting, it is necessary to ensure that the oil is impregnated with purple, and the vegetables have become only a little softer. The Japanese are not brought to readiness and fish, but for Europeans taste too unusual. While the oil flows, they make a salad quickly: a grated daikon is mixed with slicing of sea cabbage, a handful of boiled rice, vasaby and fuel soy sauce. Hot Tempor is served with a salad - this is a wonderful snack for sake.
  4. Rolls in Tempura Flour. Fig, 100 g, washed in cold water, boiled 15 minutes, it is possible to brew half an hour. Success in the Crap of 1 tbsp. l. Sugar, sea salt and pour the same amount of rice vinegar. Nori swollen, cut into 2 parts. Pour the mat to form rolls, put the nori up the matte face, lay out the smooth layer of Fig. 40 g of weak salmon salmon is cut with thin plates and placed on rice, sprinkled with crumbs of butter. Form roll. Along the same algorithm, one more. Heat the cauldron on fire, pouring sunflower oil and quickly mix the purple. Be whipped in ice water 1 egg, squeeze a little sea salt and flour. Tempuras need so much to make the dough for both foddes. Rolls are fried on both sides for a minute, holding with chopsticks. You can, after lowering in the punishment, to dip in breadcrumbs. In Japanese restaurants, the dish is called "American Rora".

The Japanese use Tempura Flour not only for the manufacture of a klyar. It prepares rice with wine sauce, it is added to buckwheat noodles.

Despite the fact that the cooking technology is considered to be Japanese, the first manufacturers of dishes were Portuguese Catholic missionaries. In unfamiliar conditions with products, unusual for European stomachs, to observe the post and keep cheerfulness was very difficult, and to increase the nutritional value, the portuguese began to fry vegetables in a grain.

The Japanese liked the way I liked the cooking, and they, improved the recipe for the base of the klyar, created a whole cult of "Tempura". There are the following theories of originality. From the Portuguese "Temple" - "Templo" or "Spice" - "Tempero", "Post" - "Quatro Temporas". The original Japanese name was "Nambi Riori", that is, "Kitchen Varvarov". And the modern name technology received 400 years ago, after improving.

It was the Japanese chefs that offered to mix flour from several ingredients, "expelled" from the composition of the yeast, introduced various spices. If the portuguese freshed in the batter only fish, the Japanese immersed seafood into it, vegetables and even fruits, experimentally determined the optimal cooking time, in which the useful properties of products were fully stored.

How to cook panels Tempura - Look at the video:

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