Classification of the heroes of the grief from the mind. Characteristics of the heroes "Mount from Wit"

One of the main features of the comedy "Mount from the mind" A.S. Griboedov is the presence of two conflicts in the play, which are closely related to each other. One of them is love, another public. This determines the arrangement of the heroes of the comedy "Mount from the mind." The love line is represented by Chatsky, Sofia and silent. The public line is expressed by the confrontation of the conservative nobility, the main expressant of the ideas of which is Magovousov, and progressive views on the structure of society that Chatsky preachs. Mr. Solvelin also belongs to the Famiss Company, Sofia Beloved. Love and public conflicts are united by Chatsky, the main character of "grief from the mind."

Alexander Andreevich Chatsky Returned from abroad and immediately went to the Famusov House, where he was once brought up and where it was not three years old. Chatsky dreams to see with his beloved Sofia, the daughter of Famusov. But Sophia meets him extremely restrained, because she is in love with Molchalin. The hero does not understand the reasons for cooling the girl to it. He begins to ask her for her own, her father. And in verbal battles between these heroes, serious contradictions on the issues of morality, culture, enlightenment, the Company of the Company are manifested.

Famuses In the comedy represents the "age of the past". The main feature of the worldview of the conservative nobility is that it does not want any changes, because changes threaten their well-being. In the noble society, which Satyra Griboyedov is directed, only ranks and money are appreciated. And the migrauses are no exception. He proudly responds to his uncle, Maxim Petroviche, who knew how to "sympathize" and therefore "before everyone knew." The only thing that truly cares faith is the opinion of society about him.

From the face of the "century of the past" stands also Molchanin. His main advantages "moderation and accuracy". He is a worthy successor of the views of the Moscow Higher Society. He knows how to hear, seeks to start and maintain useful dating. Even his connection with Sofia is nothing more than hearing in front of her father.

Chatsky is sharply opposed to these heroes. He is alien to their views on the structure of society. Chatsky - owner of an active, creative mind. He wants to serve "the case, not to persons," because he highly appreciates the freedom of personality, honor and dignity. Chatsky is the only hero of the comedy, representing the "century century". He expresses the ideas of the author himself - the ideas of morality and enlightenment, which conservative nobles are not ready to perceive.

When characterizing the heroes "grief from the mind" the most difficult to interpret the image Sofia Famusova.

It cannot be attributed to the "century current", "nor to the century of last". Unlike his father and from Molchalin Sofya is not afraid of the opinions of society. She says to silence, when he asks her to annoy it and not to show his feelings in public. She is engaged in music, reads books that Famuses considers excess and even harmful. But Sophia and not on the side of the Chatsky, since its accusatory monologues threaten not only the comfortable life of the nobles, but also her personal happiness. That is why Sophia allows a rumor that Chatsky Crazy, and society so actively spreads this gossip.

The list of actors "grief from the mind" is not limited to the main characters. For understanding of the issues, the secondary characters "grief from the mind" are also important. For example, it is impossible to imagine the development of love intrigue in a comedy without servants Lisawhich helps Sofye and silence to keep their dates in secret. Also, the image of Lisa participates in a more complete disclosure of other characters "Griboedov". She has a sign of attention to Molchanin, and the reader immediately becomes clear that he has no feelings for Sofye.

Colonel Scalozub Also participates in the development of the love line. He is ashamed in the fiance of Sofye, because he has money. It is a pity that there is no mind at all. But it helps in a satirical key to portray the army.

Special semantic load carry extratent characters. They do not participate in the actions of the comedy, but they say other heroes about them, which makes it possible to more fully imagine the morals of the noble society of that time. The most famous extratent character is Maxim Petrovich, Uncle Famusovwho fell separately several times at the reception at the Empress to hang it and earn respect for the court.

It should be noted that all images of the heroes of the comedy acquire a deeper sound than it was made before the appearance of the play "Mount from Wit". There are neither absolute rags, nor heroes without flaws. Griboedov refuses the traditional division of characters on bad and good. So the Mizhsov is a caring father for his daughter, and Chatsky in some moments show excessive hotness and unceremonia.

The characters created by Griboedov do not lose their relevance and now. After all, the problem of changing the old looks new is always treasurely. At all times, people who carry society are living progressive ideas, and those who refuse to perceive new, protecting their obsolete views.

This article describes the main actors of the Comedy Griboyedov. The description of the heroes and their characters will be useful to students of grade 9 in the preparation of the report or essay on the topic "The main characters of the Comedy" Mount from Wit ".

Test on the work

One of the main features of the comedy "Mount from the mind" A.S. Griboedov is the presence of two conflicts in the play, which are closely related to each other. One of them is love, another public. This determines the arrangement of the heroes of the comedy "Mount from the mind." The love line is represented by Chatsky, Sofia and silent. The public line is expressed by the confrontation of the conservative nobility, the main expressant of the ideas of which is Magovousov, and progressive views on the structure of society that Chatsky preachs. Mr. Solvelin also belongs to the Famiss Company, Sofia Beloved. Love and public conflicts are united by Chatsky, the main character of "grief from the mind."

Alexander Andreevich Chatsky Returned from abroad and immediately went to the Famusov House, where he was once brought up and where it was not three years old. Chatsky dreams to see with his beloved Sofia, the daughter of Famusov. But Sophia meets him extremely restrained, because she is in love with Molchalin. The hero does not understand the reasons for cooling the girl to it. He begins to ask her for her own, her father. And in verbal battles between these heroes, serious contradictions on the issues of morality, culture, enlightenment, the Company of the Company are manifested.

Famuses In the comedy represents the "age of the past". The main feature of the worldview of the conservative nobility is that it does not want any changes, because changes threaten their well-being. In the noble society, which Satyra Griboyedov is directed, only ranks and money are appreciated. And the migrauses are no exception. He proudly responds to his uncle, Maxim Petroviche, who knew how to "sympathize" and therefore "before everyone knew." The only thing that truly cares faith is the opinion of society about him.

From the face of the "century of the past" stands also Molchanin. His main advantages "moderation and accuracy". He is a worthy successor of the views of the Moscow Higher Society. He knows how to hear, seeks to start and maintain useful dating. Even his connection with Sofia is nothing more than hearing in front of her father.

Chatsky is sharply opposed to these heroes. He is alien to their views on the structure of society. Chatsky - owner of an active, creative mind. He wants to serve "the case, not to persons," because he highly appreciates the freedom of personality, honor and dignity. Chatsky is the only hero of the comedy, representing the "century century". He expresses the ideas of the author himself - the ideas of morality and enlightenment, which conservative nobles are not ready to perceive.

When characterizing the heroes "grief from the mind" the most difficult to interpret the image Sofia Famusova.

It cannot be attributed to the "century current", "nor to the century of last". Unlike his father and from Molchalin Sofya is not afraid of the opinions of society. She says to silence, when he asks her to annoy it and not to show his feelings in public. She is engaged in music, reads books that Famuses considers excess and even harmful. But Sophia and not on the side of the Chatsky, since its accusatory monologues threaten not only the comfortable life of the nobles, but also her personal happiness. That is why Sophia allows a rumor that Chatsky Crazy, and society so actively spreads this gossip.

The list of actors "grief from the mind" is not limited to the main characters. For understanding of the issues, the secondary characters "grief from the mind" are also important. For example, it is impossible to imagine the development of love intrigue in a comedy without servants Lisawhich helps Sofye and silence to keep their dates in secret. Also, the image of Lisa participates in a more complete disclosure of other characters "Griboedov". She has a sign of attention to Molchanin, and the reader immediately becomes clear that he has no feelings for Sofye.

Colonel Scalozub Also participates in the development of the love line. He is ashamed in the fiance of Sofye, because he has money. It is a pity that there is no mind at all. But it helps in a satirical key to portray the army.

Special semantic load carry extratent characters. They do not participate in the actions of the comedy, but they say other heroes about them, which makes it possible to more fully imagine the morals of the noble society of that time. The most famous extratent character is Maxim Petrovich, Uncle Famusovwho fell separately several times at the reception at the Empress to hang it and earn respect for the court.

It should be noted that all images of the heroes of the comedy acquire a deeper sound than it was made before the appearance of the play "Mount from Wit". There are neither absolute rags, nor heroes without flaws. Griboedov refuses the traditional division of characters on bad and good. So the Mizhsov is a caring father for his daughter, and Chatsky in some moments show excessive hotness and unceremonia.

The characters created by Griboedov do not lose their relevance and now. After all, the problem of changing the old looks new is always treasurely. At all times, people who carry society are living progressive ideas, and those who refuse to perceive new, protecting their obsolete views.

This article describes the main actors of the Comedy Griboyedov. The description of the heroes and their characters will be useful to students of grade 9 in the preparation of the report or essay on the topic "The main characters of the Comedy" Mount from Wit ".

Test on the work

Alexander Griboedov - an outstanding playwright of the first half of the nineteenth century, which discussed below the work of which entered the classics of Russian literature. He served Griboedov in the diplomatic part, but remained in history as the author of a brilliant masterpiece - the comedy "grief from the mind", the characteristic of the heroes of which is studied within the framework of the school program. All the events of the play occur in Moscow for one day, in the house Paul Afanasyevich Famusov.

The characteristic of the heroes of "grief from the mind" - comedies in verses and in four actions - can be carried out according to a specific plan. The list of actors with the explanations of the author is given, as a rule, at the beginning of the plays.

What plan is the characteristic of the heroes of "grief from the mind"? First, it is necessary to tell about the social position of the hero, secondly, about the features of his character, thirdly, about the system of views and values.

Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov is a born nobleman and a landowner who occupies a high official post. Character is arrogant, domineering. With subordinates and servants, he is rude and strict, but flattering and servingly conquered with those who are above his rank and rank. Pharmuses are welcoming and the bomber owner, in his house often receive guests. A caring father loves her daughter, wants to wonder her wondered. Pavel Afanasyevich does not accept any changes in society, the oppression of progress. The customs and the lifestyle of the old Moscow nobles consider the ideal.

What is the characteristic of the heroes of "grief from the mind" can do without the description of the main female image? The daughter of Famusov received traditional noble education: they were preparing in the bride from infancy. Thanks to the living um, strong character and healthy instincts, it works well in humans, judging by the exact and acknowledgment of the father's guests. Sofia is not only mocked, but also avenge: it does not forgive the Chatskomus of a contemptuous attitude towards the silence in love. It is she who let the non-residentanes, which grows into a huge gossip about Alexander's madness.

But she herself can not avoid a personal tragedy. The reason was the fact that Sofia Famousov takes a miserable lesset and silent hero. The lady, who read the novels, brought no seniority, modesty and chivalry for his silence.

Molchalin fully justifies his speaking surname. He comes from Tver, not a nobleman, but builds big plans, because Chin of Astrase and the home secretary service does not consider career peak. Thanks to hypocrisy and ability to serve, this friend's "sofa dogs" "on tiptoe" hopes to highly climb the career ladder. Sofia's love gives suddenly "wonderful" hope for a successful and favorable marriage that did not take place. He will continue to be thoughted, but be careful.

What is the characteristic of the heroes of "grief from the mind" without the main acting person? Without Chatsky Alexander Andreevich? He is a young non-warman. The fact that Chatsky was in a hurry to Sofia, returning after a three-year absence, says that he considered the Famous loved ones: grew in their house after the death of his father. Sofia initially gives him flattering characteristics, noting a sharp mind and eloquence. But the unreacted criticism of the morals and the lifestyle of the Moscow nobility is unpleasant to her.

Apparently, Alexandra had the opportunity to compare and rethink much, so he so negatively responds to the existence of slavery and the absence of freedom in the country. Chatsky is a carrier of a new worldview, inherent in a few in modern Russia in contemporary.

Sofia was not glad to be a passionate feeling that Chapsky experienced to her. She herself said that "reluctantly" brought him crazy. It seems that this thought has become an impetus for her stupid happiness, throwing a ferventious Chatsky in the abyss of "Million Torzania" and forced to be disappointed and leave Moscow.

The comedy was written in 1823, but every generation of readers, schoolchildren and critics, making a description of the heroes, "grief from the mind" considers through the prism of the modern realities. And it seems that the characters created by Griboedov will never lose their relevance.

This is a satire on the society of aristocrats published in 1825. It is opposed to two fundamentally different positions on the nobility: liberal and conservative. Famuses - a typical nobleman who perceives itself as a representative of the highest estate; State official. The second side represents Chatsky - a new type of nobleman, aimed at more humanistic views, obtaining an excellent level of education, and not to satisfy the egoistic needs and exploitation of someone else's work.

In contact with

Characters "Woe from Wit"

We will imagine a brief description of the heroes of Griboyedov's comedy in the table:

Famusovskoe Society Chatsky, Alexander Andreevich
  • Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov - a hereditary landowner, occupies a high position of the official. Revered and famous man in the Moscow nobility. Depending on public opinion.
  • Volnodumen, not looking around for someone else's opinion. Condemns the serfs adopted in the noble society. Brought up in the house of Famusov
  • Sophia Pavlovna Famusova - daughter Paul. Educated, insightful, witty, can be mocking and changeless.
  • The mind of Chatsky is a complex combination of non-acceptance of someone else's position and active zeal to impose
  • Alexey Stepanovich Molchanin - Secretary of Famusov, has views of Sophia. He is helpful, wants to build a good career and for the sake of this is ready to hypocrite.
  • With neglect refers to the class of officials. Does not respect those who appreciate only their career
  • Sergey Sergeevich Skalozub, Colonel - a typical officer who does not care anymore nothing but a military career. Not interested in enlightenment and education
  • Patriot, but left military service, as it believes that the nobles should not say anything
  • Zagoretsky, Anton Antonovich - Scandalist, gossip, avid card.
  • And other heroes.
  • Pravdvube, condemns the pretense

A little more detailed descriptions of the heroes of the comedy "Mount from the mind" with speech characteristics, consider further.

Woe from Wit: Brief description of the main characters


Coloring main characterwho quit a challenge to society, which prefers Magazov. At the same time, he was brought up in this family, as Parents of Chatsky died, but were friends with Pavel Afanasyevich. Alexander Andreevich received a good education, traveled and became a member of the English cloud of the nobles. Returned to the native fenats, as I was in love with Sophia, Famusov, but was disappointed with the businesses of the local secular society and Paul Afanasyevich in particular.

Eloquent, attracts attention. With sofia, it is similar to their level of education and wit, but only if he seeks not to humiliate a person, but only to show that the truth about himself, then Sonya simply emphasizes his superiority over others. If first it seems to Alexander open to everything new, lively and sensual, like him, then he learns the true state of affairs and is brutally disappointed.

Chatsky - opposition to each of the heroes described in the Comedy Griboyedov. He is independent, impatient to human nonsense and therefore goes to an open conflict with the characters surrounding Famousov, in each of which Alexander sees flaws and exposes them.

Chatsky looks:

  1. About military service and officials: "Of the young people, there is an enemy of quest, // without requiring neither places nor enhanced in Chin, // In science, he injects the mind, having learned knowledge; // or in his soul, God himself will excite the heat // to the arts creative, high and beautiful ... "(Griboedov).
  2. Towards the movement of the nobility forward, stands for its development and exemption from previous plants for the ownership of serfs, hypocrisy in relation to each other.
  3. Calls for a patriotic relation to his nation, and not to follow France's fashion, Germany. Does not approve of aspirations to copy Western traditions, too worship all foreign.
  4. He emphasizes that a person needs to be assessed not for its origin and belonging to a certain kind, but only for his own actions, qualities, ideas.

Pavel Famusov

Contracted hero. Pretty movable for his age, sticking to the maid and, in principle, not particularly delicate with the servants, but his relatives and acquaintances are respectable. For Sofia seeks a profitable party. Conservative and terrmin. I know how to flatter the right people, adjust, but in everyday life.

Famousov's views, features:

Characteristics of Famusov on the quotations "Mount from Wit":

Sofya Famusov

She's 17, she is noble blood, comprehensively developed and good giving enviable bride. Sona likes Molchanin, until Chatsky arrives. She knows how to dance, loves music.

Sophia is frank, but at the same time naive. Molchanin uses her feelings to herself for her purpose, but she believes him, not a Chatcoma, who is sincere with her to the end. The Famousov is simultaneously perceived as a romantic nature, creative, laughing at the vices of the noble society, but is a sample of immorality (her Secret connection with silence), the narrowness of thinking and limited interests. Sonya - Gardeing and Egoist, does not notice flaws.

Famusova - Girl windyunstable in choosing the groom. What confirms the quotation characteristic of Sophia:

... I am very windy, perhaps, I did, / and I know, and I wonder; But where changed? ..

Father Sony poures oil into the fire when she convinces her daughter to think with its categories when choosing a husband:

... who is poor, you're not a couple ...


Cold, impassive manwhich is only interested in a career. Pedantic, seeks to teach Chatsky, send to the "Right Way". With Sofia, it is found from personal gain, he himself hardly capable of deep feelings.

  • Silent (on which he points out and his talking surname): "Not rich in words," "After all, they love wordless."
  • Gives one-room replies, constantly thinking about what to say depending on the situation and man who turned to him.
  • Occasioned material well-being and achieving high status.
  • Restrained and moderate in everything.
  • Absolutely without a position regarding morality, love, civil debt, honor.

Colonel Scalozub

Potential fiancePosted by the Famine for Sony. Secured officer, but a rather limited person in the interests and views. Hard, follows with definite rules in life, does not allow any deviations from the planned one. Leads a rampant lifestyle, dreams only about promoting in service. Honestly and regularly performs his military debt, has awards, and in society supports trendy trends in clothing. However, it opposes the development of education, does not recognize books.

Characteristics of secondary characters

In the comedy "Mount from the mind" many heroes, briefly lit and the remaining minor.

So, we got acquainted with the characters of the Comedy "Mount Mind" Griboyedov. The author invested in each of them a few flaws, showed his attitude towards the former nobility, serfdom. The product contains farcial situations, but at the same time it is filled with the depth and sharpness of the experiences of the main characters.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work of the "grief from the mind" is an illustration of a meanness, ignorance and operability in front of the ranks and traditions, opposed new ideas, genuine culture, freedom and mind. The main character of Chatsky spoke at the play by a representative of the very democratically tuned society of young people who threw an open challenge to conservatives and serfs. All these subtleties that raged in socio-political life, Griboedov managed to reflect on the example of a classic comedy love triangle. It is noteworthy that the bulk of the work described by the Creator occurs throughout one day, and the characters themselves themselves are displayed very brightly.

Many contemporaries of the writer honored his manuscript sincere praise and ratified before the king for permission to publish a comedy.

History writing comedy

The idea of \u200b\u200bwriting a comedy "Woe from Wit" visited Griboedov during his stay in St. Petersburg. In 1816, he returned to the city from abroad and was at one of the secular receptions. A deep inner perturbation has caused a lot of Russian people to a foreign, after he noticed that the city knows in front of one of the passage guests. The writer did not restrain himself and showed his negative attitude. In the meantime, one of the invited who did not divide his beliefs parried that Muscoyedov was crazy.

The events of that evening were based on a comedy, and Griboedov himself became the prototype of the chief hero of Chatsky. Work on the work of the writer began in 1821. He worked on a comedy in Tiflis, where he served under General Yermolov, and in Moscow.

In 1823, work on the play was completed, and the writer began to read it in Moscow literary circles, passing enthusiastic reviews. The comedy successfully dismissed in the form of lists among the reading population, but for the first time it was published only in 1833, after the Minister of Uvarov to the king. The writer itself by that time alive was no longer.

Analysis of the work

Main plot comedy

The events described in the comedy occur at the beginning of the XIX century, in the house of the Metropolitan official of Famusov. His young daughter Sophia is in love with the secretary of Famusov, Molchalin. He is a man is calculating, not rich, occupying small chin.

Knowing about the passions of Sofia, he meets with it by calculation. One day in the house of Famusov, a young noralian Chazki is coming - a family friend who has not been in Russia for three years. The purpose of his return is the marriage to Sofye, to which he has feelings. Sophia herself hides his love in Molchalin from the main character of the comedy.

Father sofya man of old gender and views. He turns to the ranks and believes that young must please in all superiors, do not show their opinions and serve the earliest selflessly. Chatsky, as opposed to him, a witty young man with a sense of pride and good education. Such views he condemns, considers stupid, hypocritical and empty. Greater disputes arise between Famusov and Chatsky.

On the day of arrival of Chatsky in the House of Famusov gather invited guests. During the evening, Sophia dismisses his rumor, as if Chatsky went crazy. Guests, also not dividing his views, actively pick up this thought and unanimously recognize the hero of the crazy.

Once on the evening of the White Voronene, Chatsky is going to leave the Famine House. Waiting for the carriage, he hears, as the secretary of Famusov is recognized in his senses of the maid of the Lord. It hears this and Sophia, which immediately drives out of the house of Molchalin.

The omission of the love scene ends with the disappointment of Chatsky in Sofa and a secular society. The hero forever leaves Moscow.

Heroes of Comedy "Mount from Wit"

This is the main character of Comedy Griboyedov. He is an offacious nobleman, whose possession is 300 - 400 shower. Chatsky early remained orply, and since his father was a close friend of Famusov, since childhood he was brought up with Sofia in the Famus House. Later he became bored with them, and at first he settled separately, and after and left to go to the world at all.

Since childhood, Chatsky and Sofia were friends, but he experienced not only friendly feelings.

The main character in Griboyedov's comedy is not stupid, witty, eloquent. Lover of ridicule over stupid, Chatsky was a liberal who does not want to fake before the bosses and to serve the highest ranks. That is why he did not serve in the army and was not a government official that for the era of the time and his pedigree - a rarity.

Famusov - a man aged with gray in temples, nobleman. For their age, he is very cheerful and fresh. Pavel Afanasyevich Widovets, from his children is the only Sophia, 17 years old.

The official consists in public service, it is rich, but at the same time windy. Pharmuses are without constraints to their own maids. His character is explosive, restless. Pavel Afanasyevich Obsvgly, but with the necessary people, he knows how to take proper politeness. An example of this is his communication with a colonel, for whom Famusov wishes to marry a daughter. For his purpose, he is ready for everything. Submission, Ralespace in front of the ranks and low-planness for it is characteristic. He also values \u200b\u200bthe opinion of society about himself and his family. Read the official does not like and education does not consider something very important.

Sofya - daughter of a rich official. Cute and educated in the best rules of the Moscow nobility. Left early without a mother, but being in the care of the governess Madame Rosier, she reads French books, dancing and plays the piano. Sophia girl is a non-permanent, windy and easily fond of young men. At the same time, she is trusting and very naive.

In the course of the play, it is clear that she does not notice the fact that Molchanin does not love her and is with her next because of its own benefits. Father calls her sink and shamelessness, Sophia itself considers himself smart and not a cowardly young lady.

Secretary of Famusov, who lives in their house - this is idle young man from a very poor family. His noble title of Molchanin received only in the course of service, which in those days was considered permissible. For this, Pharmuses occasionally calls him rootless.

The surname of the hero, as it is impossible, corresponds to its character and temperament. He does not like to talk. Solvelin is a limited and very stupid man. He behaves modestly and quietly, honors the ranks and tries to please everyone who is in his surroundings. Does it exclusively from the benefit.

Alexey Stepanovich never expresses his opinion, due to which the surrounding people consider it a completely cute young man. In fact, it is a sneaky, unprincipled and cowardly. At the end of the comedy, it becomes clear that Molchanlin is in love with the servant Lisa. Having admitted to her in this, he receives a portion of the righteous anger from Sofia, but a characteristic licority for him, he allows him to stay in the service at her father and on.

Scalozub is a secondary hero of the comedy, he is a misinterpretative colonel who wants to become a general.

Pavel Afanasyevich belongs to the scalosis to the category of enviable Moscow grooms. In the opinion of Famusov, a rich officer who has a weight and status in society - a good party for his daughter. Sofier himself did not like her soul. In the work, the image of the scalose is collected in separate phrases. To the speech of Chatsky, Sergey Sergeevich joins the discarding reasoning. They give out its ignorance and uneducation.

The servant Liza

Lisanka is the usual maid in the Magazovsky House, but at the same time it takes a fairly high place among other literary characters, and there are quite many different episodes and descriptions. The author describes in detail what Lisa does and what and how she says. She makes confessing in his feelings of other heroes of the play, provokes them to certain actions, pushes to various solutions, important for their lives.

Mr. Reetales appears in the fourth action of the work. This is a secondary, but a bright character of the comedy, invited to the ball to the Famusov on the occasion of his daughter Sophia. His image is characterized by a person who chooses an easy way in life.


Anton Antonovich Zagoretsky - Svetsky Kutil without ranks and honors, however, who can, and loving to be invited to all acceptors. Due to his gift - to be pleasing "to the yard".

Hurrying to visit the center of events, "as if" from the side, the secondary hero A.S. Griboedova, Anton Antonovich, his own person, turns out to be invited to the evening in the house of Fastaway. From the very first seconds, the action with his person becomes clear - Zagoretsky is the same "frame".

Madame Hlesov is also one of the secondary characters of the comedy, but its role is very colorful. This is a woman already old years. She is from the family 65. She has a dog-Spitz and a black-skinned maid - Arapka. Hersest is aware of the last gossip of the yard and willingly share its own stories from life, in which the work is easily talking about other characters.

Quotes from comedy

"And who are the judges?"Chatsky

« Would be happy to serve nauseous» Chatsky

"It is not necessary for a different sample when the father's example in the eyes"Famuses

"Yes, a smart person can not be not a plut"

Composition and plot lines of comedy

When writing a comedy "grief from the mind" of Griboedov used the admission characteristic of this genre. Here we can see the classic plot, where two men apply for one girl's hand. Their images are also classic: one modest and respectful, the second is educated, proud and confident in its own superiority. True, in the play of Griboedov a little differently put emphasis in the character of heroes, making it cute for the society, it was Molkolly, and not Chatsky.

During several chapters, the play is a background description of life in the Famine House and only in the seventh phenomenon begins the prisoner of the love plot. A sufficiently detailed long description during the play narrates only about one day. Long development of events is not described here.

Each of the images described by Griboedov, multifaceted. Even the silellin is interesting, to which, already at the reader, there is an unpleasant attitude, but it does not cause an explicit disgust. It is interesting for him to observe in various episodes.

Scene lines in comedy two. These are conflicts: love and social.

In the play, despite the capture of fundamental structures, there are certain deviations for building the plot, and it is clearly traced that the comedy was written at the junction of three literary eras at once: prosperous romanticism, emerging realism and dying classicism.

The comedy of Griboedov "Woe from Wit" received its popularity not only for the use of classic methods for building the plot in non-standard framework for them, there were explicit changes in society, which then only originated and allowed their first sprouts.

It is interesting about the work also because it is straightened from all other works written by Griboedov.

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